#not to vent on main
skys-archive · 3 months
Kind of a vent about asexuality and sorta aromanticism ahead so if you don't want to see that feel free to keep scrolling :)
Are you a sex positive asexual or did you subconsciously pressure yourself into sexual activities and convince yourself you enjoyed it because you're scared you'll be unlovable if you can't give at least some sexual things?
(this is not to invalidate sex positive asexuals at all, this is just my personal experience and confusion over my asexuality. Sex positive asexuals are valid af and I love you 🫶🏼💜🤍🩶🖤)
And this is a genuine question not like sarcasm where I know the answer. I'm so confused. I don't know if I'm sex positive like I thought, I haven't been with the person I'm usually mildly sexual with and I've found myself being extremely sex repulsed for a few months now. But am I just aceflux and in a play where it's really low? I don't know. I don't know what I am. But I'm genuinely scared of being sex repulsed. I've pushed this part of my identity to the side for so many years and now that I'm trying to face it, I just don't know. I'm scared of not having the relationships I want because of being sex repulsed. I'm also aro spec and that's something I'm really confused about that but I know I want some kind of relationships. I don't know if it's romantic or soft rom or queer platonic, but regardless I'm scared of it being impossible to find that kind of relationship while being sex repulsed.
I'm not an aroace that doesn't want close intimate relationships so the idea that I might be sex and romance repulsed as well as craving these deep intomiate connections with people is so scary. What if I never find anyone the way I want to? What if the people I do have don't want me if this is true?
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crvstybowlofcereal · 6 months
been looking back and going "haha yeah that was a rough year" for the past like... 8 years?
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apple-os · 10 months
man i suck at not sucking
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ericacherrys-blog · 4 months
Ready to submit? I’ve got the keys to your chastity🔐 how long do you think you’d last being cum💦 denied?
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softspiderling · 6 months
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will never get over this picture. everyone just vibing and he’s over here posing like😭😭😭 why are you touching your titty like that sir? slutty
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pussysidon · 2 months
Living with a disability, especially a progressive or dynamic one is so fucking stressful. I don't know whether I'll be able to do things I can do now in a couple of years or even a couple of months. Maybe today I'm up and dancing but tomorrow I can barely leave my bed. I'm already grieving the things I know I won't be able to do in the future and it's so, so so so hard. The worst part is that there's nothing you can do but try to enjoy life right now and hope you can keep doing what you love
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bluewolfangel01 · 2 months
Mc: 😠
Demons: 😥
Luke: ... What's going on?
Solomon: Mc is upset at the brothers, Diavolo, and Barbatos because they "didn't come home."
Mc: Correction, I'm upset at the brothers, Diavolo, and Barbatos, EXPECT for Lucifer. Cause at least he comes home to me!!!
Lucifer: *standing with a smug look on his face*
Demons: But Mc 🥺
Mc: *turns back to them* I don't want to hear it. If yall don't want to come home that's fine, guess I'll just only ask for Lucifer from now on.
Demons: BUT MC!!! 😢
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kuuttituutti · 3 months
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makes you think
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chiliger · 1 year
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You know he’s gonna get away with it.
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myxomycota · 6 months
makes me sad how many people accuse my slime mold posts of being AI even though i list the species and link to the photographer/source like sometimes beauty is real guys. sometimes its real.
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vodid · 2 months
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zero's pressure
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skys-archive · 8 months
"I realize how hard on you this must seem but trust me when I say
it's far far worse for me"
~ "Trying" by cavetown
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NGL I have STRONG opinions about digital releases omitting the letters to the editor section of older comics. I feel like the letters are a part of comic history and should be aggressively preserved.
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trashiiplant · 10 months
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bro is going through it
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tanzdoesthings · 3 months
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yayy off string ink being strange as usual
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drorey · 7 months
It took me a while to come around but genuinely I love the amount of roleplay blogs thats been popping up in the jrwi tag, very funny.
Like. Fucking. The gay bitches from the suckening are playing 5d chess when it comes to pinning. Edyn tidestrider is venting on the main tag. Deacon got kidnapped like a week ago. I think timothy rand is having an existental crisis.
Someone made a horny post and the character it was about responded saying dont drag my name into this. I once uploaded art of old man earl and drey ferin just rebloged it saying smash.
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