#not to mention my confusion at the use of she/her
flowering-thought · 2 days
It called to me please why does my brain do this to me?? I thought I wouldn't start series out of nowhere, but my brain won't let me go. It's like I have no choice but to THINK
Anyways I decided only tf 141 for this, writing many characters in one series under one roof can be a lot to think about and when I originally thought about this it was only them I was originally thinking about. I hope you all enjoy!! Maybe I'll do another character or multiple if compelled enough or if this lil series is enjoyed lots!
AFAB reader and reader is described as feminine and chubby/plus sized.
Yandere themes, obsessive behavior, stalking, mentions of drugging, threats, isolation, dubcon/noncon mentioned
Obsessive Delusion
(Poly 141 × Reader)
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Price didn't know exactly when it started. It was a simple passing fancy and yet to him and his boys, it became something they could hardly control.
They met her in a pub one day in a small town, and a big smile stretched on her face. They didn't actually approach the lass, but how could they look away? She was outgoing, laughing up a storm with a small group of girls, her high heels making her taller than the rest and her little dress almost riding up and revealing her panties.
Gaz licked his lips at the sight, raising his pint of beer up to his lips, each of the boys watching closely until one of the girls the lass was with came into view, slightly shorter than your friend, only in light heels and a cute blouse and skirt. You were being careful as you pulled down her dress, gently warning her to be careful.
All the lass did was laugh off your concern, her arm slipping over your shoulder, "Don't worry (Y/n)!! It's just a lil' slip no one will mind hm?".
Your face pulled into an expression of worry but the only thing that the boys could focus on was your friends' carefree and outgoing nature, her words affecting them as Ghost moved his hand to cover his growing erection.
Soap couldn't even make fun of him cause he wasn't any better, his mouth nearly drooling since he saw her dress riding up in the first place.
All of the boys managed to pull their eyes away when Price gave them a knowing grin, a small plot forming in their minds.
Before leaving the pub, you kept an arm around your friend who was now completely drunk, her eyes lidded and her form slightly disheveled. You were careful with her, using a hand to keep her upright, only walking a couple of blocks down to a small complex, your feet stopping at the door, and being careful as you pulled out your friends' keys.
Once the door was open you shook her a bit, "Becka, we're at your place hun, help me get you out of that dress." You said, your friends' form just giving you a light laugh as she stumbled down the hall of the flat without your help, your form quickly following her before the door clicked shut behind you.
Had you not been so distracted, you might have seen a couple of men behind you, spread out in case any of you got suspicious but with you taking such good care of your friend they now knew as Becka.
They couldn't help but smile as they took note of the small building complex and left for the night.
That's what started their series of outings. Gaz would be the one taking photos, a camera he once brought on base now held tightly in his hands with the subject of his camera's eye being that pretty lass Becka.
Ghost would often accompany him, finding that he enjoyed seeing her safe and sound. But what they noticed early on was that you were often at her side.
It's not that you called her out everywhere. Rather, it was the opposite.
You often came to make sure she got home safely as if you weren't there to get her home she would end up getting confused. Once Becka called you in the middle of an alleyway in near tears cause she didn't know where she was and she had one too many cocktails.
They noticed that you'd always come, and while they were irritated that they could never get the lass alone, they were grateful that you kept her safe and always took care of her till you were sure she'd be okay.
Soap was the one who brought up the idea of leaving gifts, always wanting to send her a hangover meal or tonic. The first time they did, she actually ended up eating it, her window always open and clear, showing how she eagerly ate the meal and smiled, only glancing at the note that was last in the bag before throwing it out.
She did that with many of the notes, only keeping the ones she found interesting and always accepting whatever was in the bag left on her doorstep.
You once warned her that it wasn't a good idea to accept random things from a stranger but she just laughed and said it was cute how you worried.
They never felt the need to enter her flat, the window blinds were never closed and the only thing they couldn't see through the windows from their vantage point was her bathroom. and with how often she got naked why couldn't they just sit back and enjoy the view?
Price was the one getting their home ready, the guest room on the second floor of the home they had all bought together. They bought it once they all retired, the money they all had saved up going into repairs and making their house a home.
So they bought a nice mattress for the guest bedroom, a simple bedframe to prevent anyone from going underneath. The closet was filled up with simple clothing and spares the boys didn't wear much. And a small bathroom with only a sink and toilet connected to the guest bedroom.
They would fill it with more things once they had their precious thing with them.
There was only one thing that each of the boys were hesitant about. You.
You took care of Becka so well and the both of you were so close they just couldn't imagine what would happen if Becka was without you. So after much debate and concerns spilled at the table they decided to bring you too. A buy one get one free deal that they didn't exactly want but Price just reassured everyone with, "If we threaten the little friend then Becka would likely listen better no?". To that, everyone agreed.
It's why the guest bathroom had two fresh toothbrushes and there were a couple more pillows added to the bed in the guest room. Locks and other safety features were installed on the windows and doors and security cameras were added outside and on the property.
They owned a bit of land for what they thought would be future projects. Soap wanted to have a shed for tools and such but also wanted to get one of those rideable grassmowers. It was Ghost who shook his head at that silly notion, knowing Soap would just wreak havoc and definitely mess up the yard.
Gaz has actually put a swing set in the back one day when all the boys were out and on the first day Soap somehow break the seat of the swing in half which led to Gaz making him fix it.
Price just likes the thought of having land to do what he pleased with. He wondered to himself if maybe when Becka got comfortable with them, she had any dreams of what she wanted her house to look like. He and the boys wouldn't mind building her whatever she wanted.
He sat in his recliner in the den, the football game playing mindlessly in the background with a can of beer in his hand. His head leaned back with his body, leaning against the chair in deep thought.
Surely everything would be okay. Becka might cry a little and get upset, but he was sure that after some time and with your help she would adjust.
It will be okay.
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One night, they drove into town, memorizing how you and Becka would always go out on a Friday night. And low and behold there Becka was, ordering another drink and one for you as well, much to your dismay.
It wasn't hard to slip something into the freshly made drinks, the bartender was occupied with Gaz ordering a drink while Price slipped it in.
And within the hour they watched both of you get real tired. Somehow you managed to hold out the most, feeling odd as you realized Becka was exhausted much like you were.
You were careful as you led Becka outside, leaning on each other carefully. You noticed a bench on the street and sat down next to her. Unfortunately, Becka was already dozing off which had you worried. She wasn't the type to get drunk this quickly and one cocktail wasn't enough to get you feeling so drowsy.
You chewed on the inside of your cheek for a moment before deciding to bite the bullet and call a cab or an Uber, yawning as you pulled your phone out. But before you could even unlock the device a hand pulled it out of yours, your eyes widening as much as they could before a small pinch on your neck made you black out.
Waking up on an unusual bed was not on your list of Friday night activities. The room was dimly lit and you felt a presence next to you, noticing the form of your friend sleeping peacefully next to you.
Your heart began to race, your limbs heavy from whatever was in your drink that caused you to become so drowsy.
The moment you sat up you heard the sound of someone sitting up and opening a door, looking up to see a large form peeking out the doorway into what you could only assume to be a hallway, "Hey! The friend is up!" the rough voice shouted, a couple of footsteps could be heard coming your way.
You panicked as you turned to Becka, putting your hands on her shoulders to gently shake her. You started tearing up as you lifted a hand to her cheek to gently tap it. You didn't want to hit her to wake her, what if she didn't wake up cause you hit her too hard?
Before you knew it, all four men had entered the room, when you realized they were all staring, you put your back to the bedframe.
A man with a mohawk and a small grin on his lips, a simple tank top showing off his huge arms. A man near his height with dark curly hair neatly cut, his hands hidden in his pockets. A very tall and big man, scars littering his features making him strikingly handsome yet his eyes stared at you coldly. And a slightly older-looking man with a neatly trimmed beard, his eyes seemingly soft but you could see a calculating look behind them.
You kept your back to the headboard, still keeping your palm on one of Beckas' shoulders, fear striking you.
Before you could utter a single word Becka started to stir, her other hand walking your hand away, an annoyed grumble leaving her lips, "(Y/n)? Why are you in my bed?" She asked, her eyes still closed as she tried to sit up.
You were scared silent, your lips opening only to let out nothing, your heart beating so loud and fast that it felt like a drum in your chest.
When she opened her eyes she let out a screech, her hands quickly going to your shoulders as she pushed you forward a bit, pulling her knees close so she could attempt to hide behind you.
At that sight, Ghost couldn't help but let out a chuckle.
Price stood at the end of the bed with a soft smile on his face, but you could only stay still out of fear as your friend decided to raise her voice, "Where am I?? Who are you??" She asked in a demanding tone and her brows furrowed.
Price just smiled and stood still, "Let's just say that from now on you're in your new home love. I'm John, and me and my boys here took quite an interest in you Becka." He stated.
You couldn't hear a thing as Becka and the man in front of you talked, her loud voice right behind your ear, and yet the only thing you could hear was the loud sound of your heartbeat and muffled yells with a calmer voice. No matter how hard you tried to focus on the words, you just couldn't get past the sound of your heartbeat.
No one had even realized you weren't there mentally as Ghost reached for Beckas' arm, her grip on you tightening. They had to forcefully pull her away.
You were suddenly pulled out of it when you realized Becka was actually getting dragged out of the room, scrambling to get up from the bed, "Wait!! Where are you taking her!?" You asked frantically, your eyes nearly watering as she was taken out of the door.
Price just gave you a wry smile as he stood at the door frame, "Since she's decided to say some very harsh things, we thought we'd teach her a lesson in manners." He stated, closing and locking the door.
You sat there in the guest room waiting for a very long time for Becka to return.
You didn't realize that your best friend would be the one to torment you more than your abductors from that moment on.
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Learning to live with the boys was simple for you but not so much for Becka.
Living with the boys lets you have a pretty simple routine. While you had free range of the house except for their rooms, you didn't interact with them much. Breakfast was usually made by Simon or Price.
Becka often skipped breakfast and would berate you if you ate breakfast without her, so often you spent breakfast in your shared room. You'd usually help brush her hair while she complained about everything. You always stayed silent when she talked about escape or managing to stab one of the boys.
The last time she tried to stab one of them you could hear the screams she let out of the closet for hours. The tense silence in the den was hell that day.
But after breakfast, you did the laundry. The amount of clothes that would get ruined by juice or tea or whatever liquid Becka could get her hands on would grow a lot so you'd try your best. You would even arrange piles by whose clothes they were.
You just did menial tasks before prepping lunch, and then the time between lunch and dinner was time you got to yourself. That's when you'd find some forgotten corner of the house and read a book, dreaming about being far far away.
During the day Becka would be handed off between the boys. John would try to spend time with her on the couch usually, attempting to make her mood change with an interesting show but if he even tried to cuddle with her or have her in his lap she'd immediately start insulting him which never helped her case, often resulting in a spanking.
One time, after a spanking, she refused to open her mouth at all to talk to anyone. During that time you made a small joke, "It's okay Becka probably just got reminded of all the times she got spanked for getting in trouble as a kid.". That usually got a small chuckle from the boys, making them cheer up from Beckas' sour mood.
When with Simon he often made her spend time with him in his room, away from prying eyes. But often that ended with Simon's arms being filled with scratch marks and light bruises on Becka's wrists. He often ended up dragging her out of his room and putting her back in the guest room.
Simon was often annoyed and pissed off after their interactions. You'd usually pull out disinfectant and make him a cuppa for when he comes down afterward.
Johnny was the one who tried to do physical things with Becka, being careful as he let her in the yard and pushed her on the swing or showed her some tomatoes he grew. You were there though when Becka lashed out and shoved the tomatoes onto the ground, cussing at him only for Simon to see and drag her inside.
You saw how upset Johnny was at that moment and ended up using the tomatoes for dinner that night. When you told him they were tasty and made the pasta sauce super good, he seemed to cheer right back up. Fortunately, Becka wasn't at dinner that night. They actually kept her locked in her room as punishment.
Kyle tried to do small activities with her. He'd pull out coloring books or puzzles or even buy nail supplies and other beauty stuff to try and get her interested. Occasionally Becka would oblige, but mostly it ended up with broken things and a very upset Kyle.
And when Kyle got upset, that meant that everyone in the house had to deal with his bad mood. He was silent but annoyed and needy. You didn't know how to help much other than clean the mess Becka made, and sometimes you'd try to fix the things she broke if you could. Once when he brought little ceramic things to paint with her she smashed it. Once you found the glue, you fixed it and then returned it to him That luckily stopped his bad mood.
But while they all had lost their patience with Becka many times due to her harsh words and temper tantrums, you undoubtedly took the brunt of it.
Whenever she started yelling you'd do your best to calm her down, the boys always got too frustrated with her behavior, especially when threats of punishment wouldn't work.
When in the privacy of your room she would bring up escape plans only for you to be the rational one, explaining how you two still didn't know where you were. How the exits all have locks on them and how the boys were keen on all of their movements. You even explained how they had to be trained in some sort of field because there was just something about them.
And every time she'd get upset, leaving bruises on your stomach or arms that you'd end up covering with the long sleeves you'd wear around the house.
You couldn't even count how many times you'd refuse to give her a knife. Always so angry and violent. She had never hit you, always just having rude things to say about your appearance or how you acted before you two were abducted. But now she had gotten even worse.
Every day all you wanted to do was cry but you always ended up keeping it inside and trying your best to not get in anyone's way.
You didn't want their attention. You couldn't imagine being on the end of their punishments nor how much sex they all have. The amount of marks Becka would end up having on nights she was forced to spend with the boys was insane.
Some nights she came back angry but others when you assume she got the upper hand she came back with a grin on her face.
She rarely talked to you about much anymore, just always complaining and always upset. And how she would blame you for many things going wrong if she got punished.
You weren't quite sure how much more of this you could take.
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It was another emotionally and physically draining day for the retired 141.
Becka had once again attempted to stab someone, luckily Simon reacted quickly and prevented himself from getting hurt.
They were all sat in the den, a binder of photos out when you came out to them with a tray of tea and some snacks. They had trouble putting Becka in the closet they used for isolation, and you did not like the tense feeling in the house, so you brewed some tea to calm your nerves.
It was actually Simon who noticed you first, taking the tea and mumbling along small "thank you". It was followed by Johnny hoarding the snacks you brought and Kyle who fought with him over it. John also took some tea with a small tired smile pointed at you.
At the sight of Kyle and Johnny fighting over snacks, you couldn't help but let out a little laugh. The sight of your abductors fighting over snacks when the coffee table was filled with creepy pictures of your friend strewn about felt odd but the situation was crazy enough to make you laugh.
Upon realizing all eyes were on you, you immediately shut up, fear filling you as you quickly took the tray and put it in the kitchen, quickly scurrying away to find someplace where you felt safe enough to hide away till night came.
They hadn't realized it, but it was the first time the boys heard you laugh. In the months of time passing since you came here with Becka, they had never heard you laugh.
You were always so skittish sometimes they completely forgot they took you too. You weren't their main focus but they always tanked you for chores or tasks you did for them. They thanked you when you managed to calm down Becka and when you were kind to them.
And when they gazed upon the photos Kyle took, they couldn't help but wonder what your real smile looked like. You were in many of the photos despite the clear focus of them being Becka. Yet in each one, you never had a real smile on your face. They all looked strained and wry.
As they looked through the photos they had, they truly didn't have one of you where you seemed truly happy. And that led to multiple days where they wouldn't bug Becka, their attention shifting from trying to make her happy, to observing your movements and habits.
They noticed right at the beginning that you did everything you could to keep your distance. You would make small talk but not much else. Their sudden interest in talking to you seemingly made you anxious.
And you often were hiding away during your free time. They noticed that you would hide in the bathroom when no one was using it or would go to the study and get comfy on the floor with a book in hand. Sometimes, you would even hide in the coat closet much to their confusion.
They noticed that you really enjoyed most meals, often a satisfied or happy smile reached your lips when you thought no one was looking, or even sneaking a bit more food onto your plate. They also watched as you hummed while cooking, occasionally mumbling along some lyrics they couldn't make out.
You also hummed when you did the dishes after dinner, swaying to whatever song played in your head mindlessly.
You had all these small, cute habits that they truly never noticed before, and now that they were seeing them, they wanted more.
How could they have ever been obsessed with that mess of a woman? The deluded version they had of her in their heads had finally cracked, and when they looked at you, they couldn't help but feel guilty that they hadn't noticed you sooner.
As the days passed you noticed their sudden change. How Simon would come into the kitchen while you were in it, asking if he could help. Every time you tried to decline he would push his way into prepping whatever needed to be chopped up or even just stirring a pot while you grabbed an extra ingredient. It was very hard to forget Simon was there. He always pressed up against you, his body close, or his attempts at "squeezing" by you just to move you with his hands on your hips. It was starting to make you anxious each time you heard someone approach you while you cooked.
John would tell you to come sit with him on the couch, a football game playing on the TV and he'd ask you questions about your life or things you liked to watch. Each time you'd get confused and ask what it has to do with Becka. And just the mention of her name was enough to make him frown, a sigh leaving his lips. Didn't help that he tried to sit close to you. You'd stay still out of fear that he might do something you didn't like if you moved at all.
Kyle would be the one to start buying you things he thought you'd like as a guessing game to himself. First, it was a soft blanket with some sort of cute character on it. He told you it was for the couch so you had something to yourself. Kyle would make excuses to get you things, whether it was new books or activities he thought you might enjoy. And you thanked him each time, but he'd observe you closely to see whether you actually liked it or not. He knew you would accept anything even if you didn't like it out of fear. So the next day when that thing you didn't like disappeared from the house you'd try to ignore it, too afraid to ask what happened to it.
Johnny though? He'd find you when you went into a hiding spot and accompany you. No matter how well you thought you disappeared in the house he would always find you. When he did he'd start rambling about things he liked to do and how he wanted you to join him in certain activities. He even brought you outside into the yard and set up a blanket on the grass so you could read. His poor excuse of, "Well, bein' outside is good for ya!". But each time he dragged you out of your spot he could see how afraid you were. Each time he tried to ignore it in hopes that you'd get used to his sudden change.
And you weren't the only one who noticed their change in behavior. Becka has become far more irritable as things weren't catering to her much anymore.
And each night that passed they boys noticed you had started to avoid her like the plague.
They told themselves they wouldn't need cameras inside, but they were curious. You and Becka were so obviously different. They were now second-guessing your relationship with her.
So they took the opportunity to install a hidden camera when you both were taken to have a shower and such downstairs since your bathroom connected to your room only had a toilet and sink.
The boys weren't bugging you nearly as much due to them installing it. It was only Becka in the room until nightfall, her form either pacing in the room or on the bed taking a nap. And when they bid you goodnight and let you into the room they quickly gathered around the computer in the study and watched the feed from your room.
They noticed that you went straight to the headboard, your back straight against it much like that night that you first woke up in that bed. You were watching Becka pace in front of the bed.
They noticed you looked terrified as she started talking once again about escaping. You kept silent until she started yelling at you, wincing when she turned to face you, "Please Becka!! If you would at least pretend to be nice then maybe the plans you come up with would work. But they are always so wound up because of you that there's no chance they wouldn't notice." You warned, your voice pleading with her to listen to you for once.
But that only seemed to upset her more.
"Ha! And you're so much better huh?? Acting like a docile little slut to get on their good side hm?" She berated, your mouth opening to defend yourself only to have her start yelling, "If you weren't always hiding like a coward we could have taken them out by now!! If you weren't so fucking scared like a little sensitive bitch then I wouldn't have to deal with them!! It's all your fault and you just keep ruining everything!" She screamed, tears filling your eyes as you looked down in shame.
But your tears weren't enough for her to forgive you. The sight of her dragging you out of bed by your shirt, the fabric tearing and showing the bruises she had left previously, her hand raised as you tried to defend yourself against her. She left a harsh slap on your cheek for the first time, and your eyes widened in shock.
The boys immediately took action, getting up and rushing up the stairs.
They could hear you behind the locked door, pleading with her to stop, to let you go, that you couldn't take it anymore, it only seemed to anger her more, her legs straddling your torso as her hands reached your neck.
The only thing you let out were choked sobs of, "I'm sorry." over and over. When they finally managed to open the heavily secured door they saw it.
The sight of you crying heavily, choked apologies leaving your lips as you held her wrists. You had a look of sorrow in your eyes as your own former best friend choked you with the intent to kill you, acceptance slowly dawning on you.
It was Kyle who dragged her off you, anger filling him as Becka kicked at the man. Johnny had to intervene and hold her back, pressing her to the wall with Kyle. His grip on her was so tight she started to cry.
But he couldn't hear her, none of the boys could.
The moment you could breathe again you started backing away to the wall, all the tears you never let out in the months of being trapped there escaping as you finally broke down.
You sobbed and cried, rocking back and forth as you hugged yourself. John and Simon tried to approach but you were terrified of them approaching. You gave them the same terrified look you gave Becka and that hurt them even more.
They knew you couldn't accept them at that moment, not when you thought they'd hurt you just like she did. They could already see the bruises forming on your neck, your cheek red, and the bruises that littered your body underneath those long sleeves you hid yourself behind.
It hurt more than they expected, the sight of you terrified and hurt. And when Becka started screaming threats and insults their anger multiplied.
John grabbed Becka by her hair, dragging her through the doorframe kicking and screaming. But unlike the first time they dragged her out of that room, they were not going to be gentle.
They dragged her outside to the tool shed that Johhny and Simon had built and chained her to a post. They closed the door the moment she was chained and went back inside.
The moment they even got near the stairs they could hear your sobs from the open door of your room. It seemed as though you wouldn't stop anytime soon.
As much as they wanted to comfort you, as much as they wanted to hold you and whisper reassurances, they didn't deserve to.
They looked at each other with a clear understanding, that the approach they'd have with you would be heavily dependent on making you comfortable with them. They had to fix it even if it took time for you to accept them.
They made the mistake of having a deluded obsession with the wrong person, and they would do anything to fix their mistake.
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omg james trying to get remus and reader to be together and setting them up would be hilarious
Part of my potter!reader x remus secret relationship au 0.7k wc
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The last thing Remus had been expecting when he was reading his book in the common room were those specific words tumbling out of James's mouth. "I think she's an absolutely lovely person." He had replied to James's inquiry, trying not to be suspicious. After what Sirius had told him about James speculating between him and James's precious sister, he had learned not to trot so close to the edge. Now, instead of sneaking off with you when everyone was free, stealing kisses from each other in a hidden corner of the library, you resorted to be more daring when James had quidditch practice, attention stowed away to his beloved sport. If anything, you and Remus did share a free period no one else had, locking yourselves in a dorm for the hour.
The only thing Sirius had forgotten to mention was that Lily had convinced James that whilst you and Remus weren't dating, it would be an amazing idea to set up his most respectful friend with his sister. So that's exactly what the teenager was up to. "Lovely enough to go on a date with?" Remus froze, feeling the energy in the room drop. Unfortunately for him, he missed the most crucial part of James's sentence: his suggestive tone. "Well, I mean, I suppose - well what do you mean by that?"
"Remus, there's no one I trust more at Hogwarts to be dating my sister. So I was wondering if you'd like to go out with her." All the blood that had drained from Remus's face moments before suddenly came rushing back, feeling his face flush too quickly for his liking. "Oh, well I suppose I would." Remus sighed at James's happy hum, turning subtly to look at Sirius, sitting on a lonely armchair, a wide grin on his face. The boy raised his eyebrows twice at Remus suggestively, who only now realised that he'd probably known about this the entire time. Remus picked his book up again, beginning to scroll through the pages to find where he'd left off, thinking he had to tell you about this conversation later.
A slump in the couch next to him had him abandoning his book once more, looking up to see you sitting next to him. "Hey y/n!" James started up again cheerfully, unusually ignoring Lily as she walked by to speak to Sirius. "By any chance are you free this Saturday?" You hummed thoughtfully, eyebrows furrowing slightly. "That depends on if anyone wants to go to Hogsmeade with me since Lily wasn't up for it." Remus almost saw the lightbulb appear above James's head, a sentence line forming in his mouth. "Oh Remus would love to come with you! Wouldn't he?"
If you were confused before, you definitely are now, turning towards your boyfriend with a "Huh?" Behind him, Sirius began giggling, poking at Lily's side to avert her attention to you. "What's this about?" You questioned, watching as a small smile made its way onto Remus's face. "I think your brother's trying to set us up." He said confidently, biting his lip to hold in his laugh. "Oh! Well, you know what, I'd love for you to come with me then." Shit. Your lack of hesitation had most definitely given you away now, you thought. The lot of you went silent, and you turned around to catch your brother's facial expression just as he said "Lily said I wasn't missing anything before but I'm not so sure about that now."
You winced at the tone, eyes on James as he stood up, sassily putting his hands on his hips. "James the truth is..." Remus started, glancing between the two Potters, "I already asked y/n out like two days ago. And she already said yes." James's eyebrows shot up in shock, a small "Oh" escaping his lips, arms falling slack on either side of his body. "Oh that's fine then." You slumped back into the couch in relief, the lie luckily escaping James's realm of realisation, one of your hands snaking between your and Remus's body to hold his hand.
"Wait you were going to tell me though right?"
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thir10th · 3 days
Soft Strands and Sweet Interruptions - October writing challenge day 2
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summary: Emily is trying to tell you about her day, but you get distracted tw: a tiny mention to typical show violence at the beginning, no smut, this is so sweet it's literally just tooth rotting fluff a/n: i think i forgot to mention this, but i will be posting on alternate days, so instead of a fic a day, it’s going to be a fic every two days. Here’s the second one!! Happy 3rd of October! 💘
"I'm telling you" Emily stops mid-sentence to swallow a big bite of her spicy noodles before finishing her point "they don't even take it seriously anymore"
The containers lay empty all scattered over the coffee table, you sit with your legs crisscrossed on the couch in front of your girlfriend. After a whole day of work. she called you asking if you could come around, and only five minutes later you were at her door with takeout from her favorite chinese place, and asking what's wrong.
After the third spring roll and some noodles, her rambling had gotten lighter, and she was feeling better already.
"mh- and don't even get me started on today's training!" she says rolling her eyes and taking another bite"
"this young generations of agents think they can just shoot at whatever they want without consequences! They ignore my guiding, It’s like everything I said went in one ear and out the other.”
You nod, letting her vent "Mmhmm, sounds like a classic Prentiss-the-new-agents-trainer day.”
"Oh no! this is temporary, as soon as Morgan's arm is better, they're all his." She scoffs "I've been doing this- what? years? I remember i used to listen to my supervisory agent when i was training"
“I don’t even know how you deal with it.” you try comforting her, resting your hand on her lap, watching her and smiling softly.
Emily throws up her hands, hair falling into her face “I honestly don’t know either. By the end of the day, I just wanted to—” her words trail off as she looks down, clearly still worked up, but before she can continue, you gently reach over and tuck her hair behind her ear, taking her by surprise.
Truth is- you've always loved Emily's hair, more than you care to admit, always glowing, the dark almost black strands always falling over her face now that she's letting her bangs grow out.
She blinks, her expression softening in confusion "What are you doing?"
"Distracting you" you say, smiling as you continue to run your fingers through her hair, gently brushing it back.
Her voice softens as she looks at you “Well, it’s working.” she scoffs in surprise and a bit embarrassed.
Your fingers linger in her hair, and you lean in closer, your thumb brushing her cheek “Good.” You close the distance and kiss her softly, feeling her relax into you.
Emily sighs against your lips, clearly surprised but smiling “Wow, you’ve got great timing.”
You giggle softly, pulling back just a little “I have my moments.”
She grabs your face so softly with her hand, her thumb caressing your cheek. Still smiling, her rant forgotten, she rests her forehead against yours “You’re a very good distraction, you know that?”
You whisper, running your fingers through her hair again “I’ll keep that in mind for the next time you’re this worked up.”
You peck her lips one more time, fast and sweet "it's not worth it my love, they'll learn when they learn, it's not your responsibility, and i don't like to see you so affected by it" you touch her nose with yours, the childish gesture makes her laugh
"and i'll keep distracting you if it means you'll relax this frown a bit" you touch the spot between her eyebrows, and she giggles.
She chuckles softly, eyes closing as she leans into you “I might just start ranting more often if this is the reward.”
You smile, still threading your fingers through her soft, dark hair. “I wouldn’t complain.” Your voice is gentle as you tilt your head, watching the way her expression has softened, the tension from the day finally melting away.
Emily hums, her eyes drifting shut, clearly savoring the feeling of your touch. “You know,” she murmurs, her voice quieter now, “you’re really good at this.”
“At what?” you ask, laughing softly.
“Calming me down. Just being here.” She opens her eyes again, her gaze full of warmth as she looks at you. “I don’t know what I’d do without you sometimes.”
You brush a few more strands of hair away from her face, your fingertips lingering against her skin. “You’d be fine,” you tease, though your heart flutters at her words. “But I’m happy to help, especially when it means I get to play with your hair. You know how much I love it.”
Emily smirks, but there’s a softness in her eyes that tells you how much she appreciates it. “You and my hair, huh? Guess I should let you mess with it more often.”
You grin, pressing another quick kiss to her lips. “I’m holding you to that.”
She laughs before she leans in again, pressing her lips to yours in a slower, sweeter kiss this time. When she pulls back, she tucks her head into the crook of your neck, wrapping her arms around you.
“Thanks for always knowing how to make things better,” she whispers. You feel so grateful to be her safety net, that she feels safe enough with you that she will share this things with you, letting her armor down every once in a while, so she doesn't have to carry it all herself.
You hold her close, your hand still gently running through her hair. “Always,” you promise, feeling her relax completely in your arms.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
There you go! I wanted to start slow for day 2, lmk what you think! Remember any kind of feedback is greatly appreciated
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topguncortez · 3 days
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Trust Issues - B. Bradshaw
main masterlist || whumptober masterlist || previous day
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prompt: "You got away with the crime while the knife's in my back"
synopsis: Bradley is forced to go to the annual TopGun ball, but will he be able to put past demons aside, or will he be forced to deal with what he has done
warnings: mentions of character death, mentions of sabotaging a plane, guilt, betrayal, cursing
word count: 1.8k
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Bradley hated these things. He loved his job as an aviator. He loved flying at supersonic speed and doing the damn near impossible. However, he hated the glitz and glamor side of being the best of the best. He hated getting dressed up in his puffy whites and shining his shoes and making sure his ribbon rack and golds were in perfect alignment. He hated having to go rub elbows and smile and act like everything was fine. 
He used to be able to get through these things, but that’s when he had her, by his side. Ever since the accident, she had distanced herself as far away from the Dagger Squad as she possibly could. She had been found not at fault for what had happened, the committee board summing it up to an accident. But no one had seen it as that, especially not the members of the Dagger Squad. If it were up to some of them, her head would be on a spike in the middle of this decked out ballroom. 
Bradley mindlessly swirled the brown liquid around in his glass tumbler. He had only agreed to come to this ball because of the free booze, and Natasha basically dragged him by the balls to show up. 
“It’s in honor of Bob,” Phoenix had said, giving him those big brown eyes he could never say no to. They had always been close, but ever since the accident they had gotten closer. Call it survivor’s guilt or whatever, but Bradley felt even more protective over Natasha. 
“She’s got some balls,” Jake muttered, pulling Bradley out of his bored daze. Confusion danced on Bradley’s face as Jake nodded his head over towards an all too familiar face. Across the room, dressed in a black satin dress instead of her uniform, Y/N stood amongst a group of officers. 
Bradley’s brown eyes drank her in. She looked better than the last time he had seen her. The bags under her eyes looked less noticeable, her smile brighter, but still not reaching her eyes like it used to. To anyone else in this room, she looked like her old self, but Bradley knew that she would never be her old self. 
“Damn right,” Phoenix scoffed, taking a sip of her drink, “She fucks up and gets someone killed and then waltzes back in here like nothing fucking happened.” 
The same pang of guilt hit Bradley right in the chest. He would never say it out loud, he would never admit to what had happened that day or in the following moments. To him, and her, it was better if none of them said anything. However, it was moments like this where Bradley hated their arrangement. 
“Being ostracized by the whole aviator community isn’t punishment enough?” Bradley asked, with a simple shrug of his shoulders. 
Phoenix whipped her head around so quick, Bradley was worried she gave herself whiplash, “Are you fucking kidding me, Bradshaw?” Bradley shrugged again, “My fucking wingman is dead because of her!” 
Bradley winced at her words, as Phoenix slammed her glass back on the table and walked off into the crowd. It had been months since Bob’s death, but the reminder of the loss hadn’t faded one bit. Natasha took it the hardest out of everyone, she blamed herself even though it wasn’t her up in the sky flying that day. At the last minute, Y/N had booted Natasha out of the drivers’ seat, claiming she needed more sky hours and her plane was down. Natasha, unknowingly agreed to let her take charge, and Bob, the ever faithful wingman, agreed to be her backseater. 
It kept Natasha awake at night, wondering what would’ve happened if she never let Y/N fly the plane. If she could’ve saved Bob. If there was something she could’ve done differently that Y/N didn’t do. To Natasha, all the what if’s were worse than having to deliver the notification to his parents. 
“Nix,” Bradley tried calling towards her, but it was too late. He dropped his head in defeat and looked over at Jake, whose green eyes bore into his, “She made a mistake that any of us could’ve made.” 
“Yeah,” Jake shrugged, “But we didn’t. And we haven’t. She knew better.” 
“She was found not at fault,” Bradley argued. 
“She had no business getting into Phoenix’s plane like she did.” 
“She needed more flight hours, you were there when she was at the defense board. It was an accident.” 
Jake lifted his hands in surrender, “Fine. Whatever, she wasn’t at fault for the accident, but she still made a stupid mistake and it got someone killed. Pardon me, if some of us aren’t going to welcome her back with open arms.” 
Bradley clenched his jaw, working his back teeth against one another as Jake walked off towards Natasha. 
As the night went on, Bradley found himself hiding in the back of the room, close to the bar. If someone came up to him and talked to him, he was cordial, but he wasn’t going out of his way to make conversation. All he wanted to do was go home and drink himself to sleep like he had done most nights since the accident. It was one of the only ways he could assure himself that he would get a peaceful eight hours of sleep. 
“If everyone could find their seats, we are going to begin the awards part of the night,” Cyclone said as he stood on stage, looking just as uncomfortable as everyone else did here. Bradley was starting to believe that not a single person in the military liked coming to their annual battalion balls except for their dependas. 
Bradley sat down at the table, sandwiched in between Jake and Natasha, right across from Fanboy, Payback and Coyote. It almost felt complete, but the empty chair with a single red rose and a pair of glasses in front of it was a sore reminder of who was missing. Bradley felt the familiar burning sensation in his eyes as he looked back at the stage towards Cyclone. 
“First, I want to thank everyone for attending tonight,” Cyclone started, “Tonight is a night for recognition of the accomplishments of the battalion and to recognize those who we have lost.” 
Bradley’s heart started beating rapidly in his chest, his hands tingling, and his throat constricting his air flow. Was he having a panic attack? He couldn’t even remember the last time he had one, probably when he was a child before his mother died. 
“Earlier this year, we lost a bright, smart, weapons systems officer in a training accident.” 
Bradley sucked in a breath as he looked over towards the empty chair. The scent of burning jet fuel filled his nose, making him feel nauseated. The tingling in his hands got worse to the point where it was painful. His vision was getting blurry as he tried to focus on anything to get his mind off the fact he couldn’t breathe. 
“Robert Floyd, callsign Bob, was a member of the legendary Dagger Squad.” 
Bradley stood up, all eyes in the room snapping towards him. He felt like he was drowning on dryland, his throat dry, his eyes burning with unshed tears, his lungs aching for air. He took one glance at the empty chair, before making a break for the closest exit. 
The moment he stepped outside, the fresh air slammed into him like a brick wall. His brain tells his lungs to take a deep breath of the crisp night air rolling off the ocean. He leaned back against the exit door, his head tilted up towards the sky. Bradley closed his eyes, slowly breathing in and out, trying to make his heart return to a regular rhythm. 
“Panic attack?” A voice sounded out towards him. Bradley opened his eyes, looking towards the direction of the voice. Y/N sat on the ledge of the balcony, a cigarette in her hand as she looked towards him. 
Bradley nodded his head, “Yeah,” He cleared his throat, “Haven’t had one in years.” 
“Welcome to the club,” She stubbed out her cigarette. Y/N stood up, fixing her dress and grabbing the black clutch in front of her, “I’ll leave you alone to panic.” 
“Why aren’t you in uniform?” Bradley asked. It had been a question on his mind since he first saw her. She was probably one of the only people he knew who loved putting on the dress uniform. She loved ironing it, and shining her medals, and getting all dressed to impress. 
Y/N let out a depreciative laugh, “You didn’t hear?” 
Bradley shook his head, “Mav said you were coming back, desk duty.”
Y/N scoffed, “Yeah, that’s what they said. But I have been officially ‘relieved of my duties’”, She said in air quotes, “A nice way of saying they’re kicking me out. I’m supposed to get an accommodation award but I told Cyclone to blow me.” Bradley chuckled, knowing those were probably the exact words she said to their commander, “Like hell I’m getting on that stage. The squad probably has some snipers ready to take me out.” 
Bradley licked his lips as he walked towards her, “You know that’s not true. Everyone is just. . . healing still. You should’ve accepted the award.” 
“Bold words from you,” Y/N scoffed, “Don’t worry, Commander Bradshaw, none of this is coming back on you.” She patted Bradley’s chest as she walked by him, “Congrats on the promotion, by the way. Taking out the competition really helped.” 
Bradley grabbed her wrist before she could walk off, “It was an accident. You know that.”
“Was it?” She tilted her head, “You got away with the crime while the knife is in my back.” 
“I didn’t ask you to get into the plane that day.” 
“No, you didn’t ask for me to get in that plane. But what was I supposed to do? Let Nat get up there unknowingly? Go run to Cyclone and be all, ‘Hey Sir, I saw Bradshaw fuck with the gasket cover on Nat’s plane and that’s what lead to the tailspin and to the failed ejection?” Y/N asked, Bradley’s grip on his wrist tightened, “It would’ve ruined your career and you know that. But instead I took the fall, like a fucking idiot. I was stupid enough to believe that maybe, just maybe, you cared about something other than your career and would come to tell the truth.” 
“Y/N, I would have if-” 
“You realize Bob is dead-” 
“I know!” Bradley shouted, causing Y/N to visibly jump back. Bradley huffed out a frustrated sigh, letting go of her wrist, and running his hand through his hair, “I know, okay. I know Bob is dead because of me. I just. . . how do I make this right? How do I repay you for this?” 
“You don’t,” Y/N whispered, “You keep your mouth shut and keep going on about your business. The guilt of blood on your hands will kill you soon enough.”
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taglist: @damrlova @shanimallina87 @phoenix1388 @desert-fern @mygyn @cherrycola27 @sio-ina-bottle @seitmai @topgun-imagines @bradleybeachbabe @xoxabs88xox @atarmychick007 @happypopcornprincess @sophiaslastbraincell @bradswolfe @fandom-princess-forevermore @thedroneranger @angelbabyange @lovelywiseprincess @diorrfairy @krismdavis @eternallyvenus @pono-pura-vida @dakotakazansky @starberryhorse @daggersquadphantom @gspenc @poppyalice2001 @els-marvelvsp @nyx2021 @t0kyoreveng3rs @frazie99 @spencvrr @kmc1989 @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @toobouquet @malindacath @badasspizzalover @sagittarius-flowerchild @hardballoonlove @harrysgothicbitch @grxnde-dwt @hookslove1592 @senawashere @bradshawsprincess
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svt-luna · 1 day
ᡴꪫ ⋆ GAME CATERERS X SVT ࣪ ! ˓ ౨ৎ ࣪˖ ─── episode 2-2.
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Game Caterers x SEVENTEEN
synopsis: Episode 2-2! We officially begin the next segment— the music quiz with chaotic team groupings, team names, and competitive music quizzes for the competitive members.
surprise!! double post for this very special day!! in honor of Jeonghan’s birthday today, I finished this chapter for you, my lovelies! I hope you guys enjoy it! until the next one! all the love 🤍💛💚
╰౨ৎ fan reactions ╰ ౨ৎ game caterers masterlist
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[added captions are in brackets] ᡣ𐭩
bold dialogues are spoken in english ᡣ𐭩
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After a refreshing break, the members of SEVENTEEN slowly trickled back onto the set, now subtly different from the previous round. The bright lights illuminated the space, highlighting pairs of chairs spread evenly across the room, each with a small table placed neatly in front. The casual energy from earlier seemed to linger in the air, but now there was an unspoken anticipation.
[SEVENTEEN is waiting again after the 'Super' Store]
Luna and Jeonghan strolled back together, a comfortable ease between them as they made their way to the chairs. Their steps were unhurried, but there was a spark of playfulness in Luna’s eyes. Without warning, she skipped ahead of him, her light steps carrying her straight to the chair beside Jun.
[Bunny hop, hop, hop!]
Flashing a grin over her shoulder, she dropped into the seat and leaned back, clearly satisfied with her choice. Jeonghan, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips, sauntered toward the chair separated from Luna’s but still positioned right next to hers. He settled down, casting a glance in her direction, the unspoken connection between them palpable even as they sat apart.
Jun glanced between Luna and Jeonghan, his brows raised in curiosity. "Is this a team game? One desk per team?" he asked, his voice thoughtful.
Jeonghan shrugged nonchalantly, leaning back into his chair. "I don't know," he replied casually, glancing at Luna.
Luna smirked and turned to Jun, "Are we a team then?" Her playful tone made Jun chuckle as he shrugged again, clearly just as clueless.
"I love it," Mingyu chimed in with a grin as he sat down nearby.
"This is so much fun," Dokyeom added enthusiastically, settling into the seat beside Jeonghan.
Jeonghan combed his fingers through his hair and nodded, joining in, "I know, it's fun." His laid-back demeanor added to the lightheartedness filling the room.
“I love it too" Luna exclaimed, leaning forward in her seat, the excitement evident in her voice.
"I'm having so much fun here." Seungkwan joined in as he seated next to Mingyu.
As the group exchanged their sentiments, Seungkwan suddenly turned toward PD Na, who sat nearby overseeing the setup for the next game. "You should call us again," Seungkwan called out, his tone eager.
"What?" PD Na replied, looking slightly confused, not catching what Seungkwan had said.
Jeonghan leaned forward, repeating with a laugh, "Give us a call again," which earned more laughter from the crew, including PD Na, who was amused by their antics.
[That was the best compliment ever]
"I want to be funnier," Mingyu confessed with a grin, shifting in his seat.
"We should try harder," Dokyeom agreed, leaning toward Mingyu as if to conspire.
One of the writers, clearly entertained by their banter, chimed in, "How can it be funnier than Omega-3?"
The mention of Jeonghan’s earlier answer during the quiz segment sparked immediate laughter. Luna, sitting on her phone while her hair stylist adjusted a few strands, giggled, remembering Jeonghan's hilarious ‘Omega-3’ answer from earlier. "No one can top that," she said with a wide smile as her stylist finished up.
PD Na, sensing the lighthearted mood, looked at them and asked teasingly, "Does that make you more jealous than the prizes?"
"I want to be funny," Mingyu repeated, pouting slightly.
"I'm jealous when someone's funny," Dokyeom added, his face scrunching up in exaggerated frustration.
PD Na mimicked Seungkwan’s earlier reaction, "Seungkwan was like, 'Oh, I should’ve got that.'"
[What a bummer]
Seungkwan could only laugh at the impersonation, while Wonwoo, ever calm and composed, chimed in, "I have to say, I was jealous." His deadpan delivery earned nods and more chuckles from the crew.
[They're jealous of people who are funny]
SEVENTEEN's break was nearing its end, and the set was slowly returning to life. Each member was doing their own thing— some sitting quietly, some talking to each other, while others scrolled through their phones.
Luna, however, was fully focused on Jun’s phone, which he had handed over so she could play a game.
[Pre-game game]
Both of their eyes were glued to the screen, fingers tapping in sync as they whispered in excitement. Their hair stylists stood by, fixing their hair or adding small touches to their makeup as they continued the game.
“Wait, wait! Go left!” Luna whispered urgently to herself, her hand swiping across the screen.
Jun leaned closer, trying not to laugh as their stylist added some hairspray to his hair. "You have to tap faster, Jiyeonie”
“I’m tapping! I’m tapping!” Luna’s eyes widened as she tried to clear the level, her concentration unwavering.
[They are not fighting]
The two were so focused that they barely noticed the rest of the room.
From their right side, Mingyu, Seungkwan, Dokyeom, and Jeonghan were passing the time by singing lines from their song 'Super.' Their voices melded together in a playful harmony, each taking turns with their individual parts, filling the air with soft but familiar melodies.
Luna managed to clear the level, her face lighting up in victory. “We did it!” she whispered to Jun, flashing a triumphant grin.
“Nice!” Jun smiled back, equally pleased with their success.
In the midst of the relaxed atmosphere, the voice of a staff member suddenly echoed through the room. "Audio director, did you raise the volume?" she asked, her voice carrying across the set.
"Yes," came the reply from the audio director, confirming the sound adjustments.
Before anyone could process what was happening, the opening beats of the BSS sub-unit’s song, 'Just Do It', blared through the speakers, startling the members from their casual conversations and games.
[Suddenly playing 'Just do it' by BSS]
Immediately, Hoshi, Seungkwan, and Dokyeom— the trio behind the song— sprung into action, instinctively singing along in their seats.
[Automatic response]
[For some reason, they just start singing]
As the song’s energy hit the room, several members started to join in. Jeonghan and Mingyu bopped along to the rhythm, while Luna, still seated, began singing the lyrics softly to herself, her body swaying with the beat. A couple of members even started to do the dance moves, half-committed but grinning as they moved in sync.
Then, as the chorus approached, a collective understanding seemed to wash over the room. Without needing to say a word, all fourteen members suddenly stood up from their seats, moving to the center in perfect unison to dance to the chorus.
“All of a sudden? But I just fixed my hair,” Seungkwan said, still confused, as he took his place at the front next to Hoshi and Dokyeom. “Just do it!” he called out with a grin, and at once, the members snapped into perfect synchronization for the chorus choreography.
[How scary]
The sight of all fourteen members dancing in unison brought laughter from PD Na, who was clearly enjoying the chaos unfolding in front of him. "Good job," he said, amused.
Seungkwan, ever the showman, took the opportunity to engage an invisible audience, as if they were back on stage. “Are you ready to have fun?” he shouted, mimicking their concert hype routine, his voice full of energy.
"What are you doing?" PD Na asked, laughing in confusion.
Dokyeom joined in, keeping the playful atmosphere alive. “Send lots of love to The Game Caterers: SEVENTEEN Special!” he called out, playing along with the mock concert vibe.
[No matter what we play, they dance, sing and speak automatically]
Just as the chorus ended, and everyone was catching their breath, PD Na pulled out a whistle from seemingly nowhere and blew it loudly, startling the members once more. “Two people!” he exclaimed over the noise.
Instantly, the members understood the next game— they needed to pair off. Chaos erupted as everyone scrambled to find a partner. Some ran across the room, while others grabbed whoever was closest.
Luna, who was nearest to Joshua, instinctively grabbed his arm, pulling him into a tight hug as they partnered up, just like the rest of the members who hurried to find a match. The pairs stood together, laughing and a bit breathless, still surprised by the sudden instructions.
“The person next to you is your partner,” PD Na announced with a grin.
There was an immediate chorus of responses from the members. Some hummed in approval, pleased with their pairing, while others groaned in playful reluctance, clearly unsure of their chances in the upcoming game. A mix of excitement and apprehension rippled through the group.
Luna and Joshua exchanged a glance before chuckling at their sudden fate as partners. They high-fived each other, and Joshua smiled, “Nice.”
“I think it's a music quiz. I’m not that confident,” Luna admitted, her brow furrowed slightly in concern.
Joshua gently pulled her toward their seats, positioned between Woozi and S.Coups’ team on one side and Dokyeom and Jun’s team on the other. “Don’t worry, I’m not good at it either,” Joshua reassured her, his easygoing tone making her giggle as they took their spots.
One by one, each pair started to settle into their designated seats. Seungkwan and Hoshi, who were still hyped from their spontaneous dance earlier, plopped into their chairs with grins. Mingyu and Jeonghan sat down next to each other, while Dino and Wonwoo silently found their seats, their quiet but confident energy contrasting with the others. Vernon and Minghao, always laid-back, took their seats in sync, effortlessly cool. Meanwhile, Woozi and S.Coups, ever the reliable duo, exchanged a few words before settling in. On the other side of Luna and Joshua, Dokyeom and Jun were still buzzing from their earlier excitement, whispering to each other as they sat down.
Once all the members settled into their seats, PD Na leaned forward with a curious look and asked, “Were you attracted to your partner by instinct?”
A few chuckles spread through the room as the members nodded in response, clearly reflecting on the hasty pairings. “Yes,” they answered in unison, playful smiles lingering on their faces.
“I said it out of nowhere,” PD Na recalled, earning more nods from the group, everyone in agreement about the abrupt nature of the instruction.
“You’re going to play a game as a team now,” PD Na announced, and the room immediately erupted in cheers and clapping. The energy was palpable, with every pair anticipating what was coming next.
“I’m sure you’re sitting with the person you have chemistry with,” PD Na teased, and the members, still buzzing from their spontaneous bonding, nodded eagerly. But then, PD Na's tone shifted slightly. “But… you may have something you don’t like about your partner. Let’s talk about one flaw of your partner.”
[Let's talk about each other's flaws]
The room fell into playful groans and laughter, knowing they were about to enter dangerous territory. PD Na gave them a few minutes to discuss privately with their partner, and almost immediately, whispered conversations broke out between the pairs.
Luna turned to Joshua with a grin. “Your flaws? You have none,” she said confidently, reaching up to smooth out a stray piece of his hair, her touch gentle as she adjusted it in place.
Joshua couldn't help but smile, flattered by her words. “You don’t either,” he replied, the sincerity clear in his voice.
But Luna, never one to let a moment go to waste, leaned in closer with a mischievous glint in her eyes. “Your flaw is… you never age,” she teased, her smile growing as she met his gaze.
Joshua laughed at her playful jab, but before he could respond, she raised an eyebrow, daring him to come up with something better. “Your flaw is…” Joshua trailed off, glancing at her as if trying to seriously figure it out, his lips curving into a grin. “There really is none… that’s annoying. That’s the flaw.”
Luna burst out laughing at his cheeky comment and gave him a light nudge on the arm, shaking her head. “You can go harsher than that,” she challenged, still grinning, her eyes sparkling with humor.
Their laughter mixed with the sounds of the other teams discussing, each pair deep in their own conversation about flaws that weren't really flaws at all.
As soon as the time for brainstorming ended, PD Na called for attention, and the room quieted down. “Let’s start introducing the flaws,” he said with an eager smile, ready to hear what the teams had come up with.
The first pair to go was Mingyu and Jeonghan, both looking slightly amused by the eyes on them.
“Did you team up again?” S.Coups asked, his voice filled with playful disbelief. He shook his head, clearly amazed by the coincidence.
“You're meant to be,” Dokyeom chimed in with a grin. “I can't believe they teamed up again.”
[Mingyu and Jeonghan are always together]
Mingyu and Jeonghan exchanged a quick glance, trying to keep a straight face.
[What does Mingyu think Jeonghan's flaw is?]
Finally, Mingyu started the discussion, unable to hold back his laughter. “You need to stop burping,” he said, directing the comment to Jeonghan.
Laughter erupted throughout the room, the sudden bluntness of it catching everyone off guard.
[The unexpected biological flaw]
Jeonghan, in his usual relaxed way, simply nodded, lazily acknowledging it with a small shrug.
[The unexpected flaw of the good-looking face]
“It’s going to take a long time to talk about it,” Mingyu continued, shaking his head. “I'll just say he needs to stop burping.”
PD Na, chuckling along with the rest of the room, nodded in agreement.
[What does Jeonghan think Mingyu's flaw is?]
Jeonghan took a moment to think before coming up with his own response. “Don't fart after taking protein,” he said to Mingyu, causing the room to explode in laughter. The joke hit even harder than the first, especially with the way Jeonghan said it so nonchalantly. PD Na and the rest of the crew couldn’t stop laughing, their amusement echoing around the room.
“That’s an amazing start,” Luna said, chuckling at the ridiculous yet hilarious exchange.
“You had to say it,” Dokyeom added, nodding in approval as if Jeonghan’s comment had sealed the deal.
“They’re about physiology,” Seungkwan pointed out, wiping away tears from laughing.
“They’re perfect,” Minghao added with a grin, pointing at Mingyu and Jeonghan. “One comes from up, the other comes from down.”
[Fart] [Burp]
That sparked another round of laughter, especially from Mingyu, who decided to lean into the joke. “Can you play ‘Up&Down’ by EXID?” he asked, his tone completely deadpan, which only made the room laugh even harder.
[Giving up]
“I don’t care about the show anymore. I give up now,” Mingyu added, still keeping the deadpan expression, throwing his hands in mock surrender.
“‘Up&Down,’” Minghao repeated through giggles, and as if on cue, Vernon started singing the chorus of the song quietly to himself, making the atmosphere even more lighthearted and fun.
[We don't know how to wrap this up]
As the laughter died down from Mingyu and Jeonghan’s playful exchange, PD Na turned his attention to Vernon and Minghao. “Alright, next up, Vernon and The8,” he announced, giving the pair a nod to start.
[Next is Vernon and The8]
Vernon glanced at Minghao, an amused smile on his face as he reached over to gently tug at one of Minghao’s dangling earrings.
“The8,” Vernon began, trying to keep a straight face. “I don’t like your earrings.”
[The8's flaw: ugly earrings]
The unusual “flaw” caught everyone off guard, and laughter erupted around the room. Even Minghao looked surprised, his hand instinctively reaching up to touch the earrings Vernon had pointed out.
“You’re disrespecting him right in his face,” Wonwoo chuckled from his seat, shaking his head in disbelief.
Minghao, still grinning, turned his attention fully toward Vernon. He scanned him up and down in silence, as though seriously considering what flaw to pick. The room held its breath for a moment, everyone waiting for his response.
“He’s looking for flaws,” Wonwoo pointed out again, gesturing toward Minghao.
After a brief pause, Minghao finally spoke, his voice calm and matter-of-fact. “There’s nothing,” he said, immediately making Vernon shy. The rest of the members burst into an exaggerated chorus of “Ooohh,” leaning into the moment.
“That’s his flaw,” Minghao added with a small smile, a hint of teasing in his tone.
“Cute,” Luna mumbled under her breath, just loud enough for Joshua to hear, who chuckled softly beside her.
Vernon, laughing along, tried to play it cool. “My flaw is that I have no flaw,” he joked, still slightly bashful from the attention.
“That’s perfect,” Jeonghan chimed in with a laugh, fully enjoying the banter.
“There’s nothing to talk about,” Minghao said, shaking his head, still amused by the whole situation.
Vernon chuckled, glancing back at Minghao. “Sorry about the earrings,” he offered, his grin widening.
Minghao smiled back, nodding his head with a lighthearted response, “Good job,” acknowledging the playful exchange as the rest of the group continued to giggle at their dynamic.
As the laughter died down, PD Na turned his attention to the next team. "Woozi," he said, his tone encouraging, "what do you think S.Coups' flaw is?"
Woozi paused for a second, his eyes drifting toward S.Coups, who waited with a playful smirk. "There isn't much," Woozi started, making S.Coups raise an eyebrow. But then Woozi continued, “But how can you get Park Bo Gum wrong?”
[Refer to SEVENTEEN Special Clip 1-3]
The reminder of S.Coups’ mistake from the earlier game sent everyone into another fit of laughter. Even S.Coups dropped his head down, sheepishly grinning at the memory.
“You were disappointed that he doesn’t know the name?” PD Na asked, clarifying Woozi’s point as the chuckles continued around the room. Woozi nodded, a small smirk tugging at the corner of his lips.
S.Coups, still laughing at himself, took a moment to collect his thoughts. Then PD Na turned to him, “S.Coups, what do you think his flaw is?”
S.Coups looked at Woozi, eyes softening. Without missing a beat, he responded, “There’s none. I’m always grateful. I love him so much.”
The room filled with a warm, appreciative atmosphere as Woozi’s face lit up with a smile, his laugh light and sincere. “Oh, thank you,” he replied, slightly flustered by the sudden display of affection from S.Coups.
[They sound old]
“Alright, moving on,” PD Na said, his tone playful as they moved on to the next team, Seungkwan and Hoshi. “Seungkwan, what do you think Hoshi’s flaw is?”
Without hesitation, Seungkwan jumped in. “You exaggerate when you mimic me.”
This drew a series of chuckles from the group. Hoshi nodded in agreement, his expression slightly guilty but amused.
[Don't exaggerate when you mimic me]
“So he goes overboard?” PD Na asked, clarifying Seungkwan’s point with a raised eyebrow. Seungkwan nodded again, more emphatically this time.
Turning to Hoshi, PD Na said, “Hoshi, anything you want to say about Seungkwan?”
Hoshi stood up, his actions drawing an immediate laugh from PD Na and the writers nearby.
[Going overboard]
"Oh no, he stood up," Luna giggled, sensing Hoshi’s dramatic flair about to take center stage.
Hoshi, now at the front of the table, began, “Seungkwan goes overboard to be funny.”
"He does," The entire room nodded in unison, agreeing with Hoshi’s assessment, with several murmurs of acknowledgment echoing through the space.
[Everyone agrees]
"Because I’m worried about the show," Seungkwan defended himself, nodding, but the grin on his face betrayed how much he was enjoying the back-and-forth.
As the focus shifted to the next pair, PD Na turned his gaze toward Wonwoo and Dino. The room fell into a comfortable silence, waiting to see what Dino had to say.
[What does Dino think Wonwoo's flaw is?]
Dino looked at Wonwoo thoughtfully before speaking, "Wonwoo… You need to speak."
The statement immediately drew chuckles around the table, Wonwoo smiling shyly at the mention of his introverted nature.
Dino continued, shaking his head with a playful grin, "He never talks."
PD Na, grinning, leaned forward as if the revelation suddenly clicked. “Oh,” he said with exaggerated understanding, making the group laugh again.
Now it was Wonwoo’s turn, and he seemed to take a second to gather his thoughts, his expression as calm and introspective as ever.
[A chance to talk]
After a brief pause, he turned to Dino and, in his typical understated tone, said, "I get that he's healthy because he's young, but he needs to drink less."
Dino’s reaction was priceless— his eyes widened in disbelief, clearly taken aback by the unexpected observation. The room burst into laughter at Dino’s dramatic reaction.
[Falsely charged]
From her seat, Luna couldn't help but nod along, her voice cutting through the noise, "He's right."
Her playful but firm agreement sent another wave of laughter through the group, with everyone knowing how much Luna disapproved of her members’ excessive drinking habits.
Wonwoo's shy smile widened as he noticed the support. Amid the laughter, S.Coups leaned toward Wonwoo and jokingly added, “Tell him to stop wearing sleeveless t-shirts.”
Dino, trying to defend himself, protested with a slightly exasperated tone, “I don't drink that much. I don't drink as much as you think.”
The room erupted again, this time with Seungkwan, Woozi, and Jeonghan chuckling while PD Na nodded in amusement.
“He’s worried as your friend,” Jeonghan chimed in from the other table, still laughing. “The youngest is always the healthiest,” Jeonghan added, his words punctuated by the light-hearted tone everyone carried.
"His liver is healthy," S.Coups followed up with mock sincerity, sending another ripple of laughter through the room.
"The youngest is a drunkard and a shaver," Woozi said, chuckling, making even Dino laugh at himself.
“We only say what’s true,” Seungkwan added with a wide grin.
“SEVENTEEN doesn’t lie,” Jeonghan said, turning toward PD Na as if to emphasize his point, his playful tone drawing even more laughter from the room.
As it moved on to Jun and Dokyeom's turn, the atmosphere in the room was buzzing with curiosity. Jun took a moment to gather his thoughts before looking at Dokyeom and saying, “Sometimes Dokyeom practices singing out of nowhere.”
The members instantly erupted in laughter, understanding exactly what Jun meant. Dokyeom’s habit of bursting into song without warning was no secret to anyone.
Jun continued, gesturing with his hands as if reenacting the moment, “He suddenly goes…” Jun let out a scream-like imitation of one of Dokyeom’s powerful high notes, which only made Dokyeom laugh even harder, throwing his head back.
“Sometimes he sings out of nowhere. That scares me big time,” Jun explained with wide eyes, clearly exaggerating his reaction for comedic effect.
PD Na, remembering his own experiences, nodded, chuckling as he chimed in, “I heard a few songs too.” His words were met with more laughter as everyone could imagine Dokyeom’s voice echoing unexpectedly.
“All of a sudden, while he’s walking,” PD Na added, his tone half-surprised as if just realizing the randomness of it all.
[As loud as an emergency alert message]
Jun nodded vigorously, taking advantage of the moment. “I can’t complain because he’s practicing. But I’ll take this chance to…” He trailed off, pretending to offer some criticism.
Before Jun could finish, Dokyeom, still laughing, held up his hands in surrender. “Okay, I’ll try to keep quiet.”
Jun immediately shook his head, “No, tell me instead,” he replied playfully, sending everyone into giggles.
“‘I’m going to sing now,’” PD Na provided an example.
Dokyeom, clearly in on the joke, grinned and said, “I’m going to sing now,” mimicking the formal announcement.
“That’s right,” Jun nodded, satisfied with the playful arrangement they’d come to.
[Emergency alert message: DK's going to start singing soon]
From her seat, Luna chuckled and, in an amused tone, added, “I mean, if I had Dokyeomie's voice, I wouldn’t shut up either.” Her playful remark drew laughter from Joshua and Dokyeom, who couldn’t resist smiling at the compliment as Luna winked his way.
[Bunny doesn't mind DK's singing]
After the laughter died down, PD Na turned to Dokyeom and said, “You can talk about Jun.”
Dokyeom paused for a moment before speaking, “Jun is kind and innocent. He’s all nice, but he’s kind of short-tempered. He loses his temper quite easily. He should try not to get angry so easily.”
The members, who had witnessed Jun’s short fuse in certain situations, voiced their agreement almost immediately.
“Angry Jun,” Woozi muttered, nodding, which prompted Vernon to repeat it with a grin, “Angry Jun.”
Curious, PD Na leaned in, intrigued. “What made him lose his temper recently?” he asked.
Dokyeom thought for a second, then said, “When we were practicing choreography…” His words immediately drew laughter from Joshua, who clearly knew where the story was heading. “When we were practicing, we’re like, ‘Isn’t that #5?’” Mimicking Jun with an exaggerated seriousness, Dokyeom suddenly said in a stern voice, “‘Never.’”
[Mimicking Jun]
The imitation was spot on, and everyone burst out laughing, especially Joshua, who could barely contain himself.
“That’s what he does,” Dokyeom said, grinning widely as the room continued to roar with laughter.
PD Na, whose cheeks looked like it was going to tear open from laughing so much, clapped his hands. “You’re so good at mimicking him.”
From across the table, Minghao playfully warned, “Dokyeom, you’re dead now,” which made Dokyeom chuckle nervously, glancing at Jun beside him.
Joshua, grinning, pointed at Jun, who was sitting silently but smiling through the entire exchange. “He’s already angry.”
“He’s getting there,” Seungkwan quipped, pointing as well, sending another wave of laughter around the room.
“Jun’s angry,” Vernon added, nodding with mock seriousness, as Jun continued to laugh along, taking the teasing in stride
[That's his look before losing his temper]
As it finally came down to the last pair, Luna and Joshua, the room fell silent with anticipation, knowing this was going to be an entertaining exchange.
PD Na, grinning, leaned forward. “Luna, what do you think Joshua's flaw is?” he asked, setting the stage.
Luna turned toward Joshua, who sat beside her, the two sharing a brief look before Luna spoke. “Honestly, Shua has no flaws…” she trailed off, her tone sounding genuine, but the playful glint in her eyes said otherwise.
Joshua, already sensing the joke that was about to land, braced himself with a smile. Luna gave him a knowing look, one that seemed to say, Here it comes— just as they had planned earlier. “But, there’s one,” Luna deadpanned, her voice turning serious as she continued, “He thinks no one looks as young as he does.”
[The best baby face ever]
The room exploded with laughter at the sharp contrast in tone. Joshua could only laugh along, while PD Na and the writers chuckled, amused by how easily Luna delivered the playful jab. The members, who knew all too well about Joshua’s confidence in his youthful appearance, agreed instantly.
“Yes, that’s true,” Seungkwan chimed in, nodding.
“Really?” S.Coups added with a grin, turning toward Joshua as if surprised by this revelation.
PD Na, still chuckling, turned to Luna, “Is he annoying?” he asked as if confirming her statement.
Without missing a beat, Joshua nodded and said, “I’m annoying.”
Luna, clearly enjoying herself, continued, “And he knows he’s handsome. He keeps talking about it.”
[Stop showing off]
The group burst into more laughter, especially since Luna’s teasing tone made it clear she was only joking. Joshua, still laughing, couldn't deny the truth behind her playful words.
“Do you really think you look young?” S.Coups asked, now fully engaged in the banter.
Joshua, trying to defend himself, replied, “Among us.”
“Among us?” S.Coups repeated, raising an eyebrow in mock surprise. “You think you look young among us?”
The tension built as Luna, laughing but ready to jump into the fray, interjected as she pointed at herself, “Among all of us? Isn’t it me?”
Joshua, sticking to his point, quickly clarified, “Among people born in 1995.”
At this, Jeonghan, sitting quietly across from them, couldn’t hold back any longer. “I look the youngest among people born in 1995,” he spat out, almost incredulous at Joshua’s statement.
The room broke into laughter again, the dynamic between the two quickly escalating into a playful spat.
Joshua whipped around to face Jeonghan, his expression shocked. “What?”
“I look the youngest,” S.Coups retorted, jumping into the fray and pointing to himself confidently.
[A fight occurs]
Now, the three ‘95-liners— Joshua, Jeonghan, and S.Coups— looked at each other in shock, each convinced that they were the youngest-looking.
[They're all serious]
PD Na could only laugh, pointing at the trio as they sat frozen in their disbelief. Meanwhile, Dino, the actual youngest, sat quietly to the side, looking over the entire situation with an air of exasperation as if wondering how they could argue over something so trivial.
[Dino is used to this]
Woozi, observing the scene unfold, chuckled and commented dryly, “They’re all alike.”
“Without your makeup, you all have bags under your eyes,” Seungkwan added, his voice dripping with sarcasm, which only deepened the laughter in the room.
At this, Joshua turned to Seungkwan, eyes narrowing in playful retaliation. “Ya! People think you’re the leader, Seungkwan,” he said, pointing at him.
S.Coups, laughing, joined in. “People think you’re the oldest,” he added, piling onto the playful accusations.
All the while, Luna sat back in her seat, chuckling to herself, clearly shocked at how far the banter had spiraled from her simple comment.
“No one thinks you’re the youngest,” Joshua finished, his tone light but teasing.
Seungkwan, always quick on his feet, stood up suddenly, grabbing the edge of the table in front of him and lifting it as if to use it as a shield.
The members howled in laughter as he swung the table around, pretending to aim it at Joshua and S.Coups. Joshua raised his hands in defense, laughing even harder. Meanwhile, Jeonghan remained silent, watching the chaos unfold with a calm smile, seemingly amused but determined to stay out of the fray.
“Stay out of this,” Joshua playfully told him, still laughing.
Hoshi, who was sitting close by, turned to PD Na and nodded. “People think Seungkwan is the oldest,” he said, joining in on the teasing.
Seungkwan, slowly putting the table back down, nodded along, grinning as he played along. “Right. That’s true.”
[Seungkwan is the second youngest]
“That’s true, though,” Minghao agreed from across the room, causing more laughter to ripple through the group.
Mingyu, still chuckling, glanced around and asked, “Really? Doesn’t Seungkwan look young?”
Jeonghan, never one to miss an opportunity for a quick remark, shook his head. “No.”
Seungkwan, attempting to defend himself, waved a hand dramatically. “People later realize that I’m cute, but if they don’t know me…”
He barely got the words out before Dino, sitting quietly up until now, cut him off with a firm, “No,” sending another wave of laughter through the room as everyone agreed.
[The real youngest finds it absurd]
Determined not to give up, Seungkwan stood up again and, with a mock-serious expression, looked around the room. “Is there any CARAT here?” he called out, pointing to the empty space beside him as if searching for a fan to back him up.
Silence met his question.
“There’s none,” Seungkwan pouted dramatically, his expression exaggerated as he sat back down, making the group laugh even harder.
[No personal comments on set]
As the laughter from Seungkwan’s playful antics subsided, PD Na smiled, sensing that the energy in the room was still high. He glanced toward Joshua, signaling for the next round. "Alright, finally, Joshua, what do you think Luna’s flaw is?" he asked with a teasing grin, knowing this would be just as entertaining.
[What does Joshua think of Luna?]
Without missing a beat, Joshua, who had been waiting for this moment, immediately said, “Jiyeonie…she’s annoying too.”
His words were delivered with such deadpan precision that the entire room burst into laughter, Luna included. She threw her head back, clapping her hands in pure amusement as her laughter filled the space, the suddenness of his comment catching everyone off guard.
[They are both annoying]
PD Na, chuckling at Joshua’s quick response, raised an eyebrow. “What about her is annoying?”
Joshua turned to Luna, giving her a knowing look, as if they had discussed this moment before. There was a playful sparkle in his eyes, the kind that hinted at affection wrapped in humor.
He began to explain, his tone light but sincere, “Jiyeonie is perfect at everything.”
Luna, catching onto the impending compliment, glanced at him with curiosity while the others leaned in to hear what he had to say.
“She’s beautiful inside and out. She’s talented, she can sing, dance, rap…” Joshua listed, his voice softening slightly, as if recounting all the things he admired about her.
The members nodded along, acknowledging the truth in his words.
[They agree]
“She has good luck,” he continued, his tone growing a little more playful as he stacked compliments upon compliments. Joshua paused, and then with a smirk, delivered the final blow: “It’s annoying.”
[He's strange]
The room exploded into laughter again, louder this time, as the members clutched their sides, finding his reasoning both absurd and hilarious. Luna, already overcome with laughter, clung to Joshua’s arm as she tried not to fall off her chair, gripping him tightly to steady herself as her legs weakened from laughing too much.
“Sometimes she would be minding her own business,” Joshua continued with a playful shrug, still keeping his tone as if he was making a very serious confession, “and I look at her, and in the back of my head, I’m like, ‘she’s annoying.’”
This time, Luna was nearly doubled over, her laughter uncontrollable as she leaned into Joshua, barely able to catch her breath. The members couldn’t help but join in, their own laughter filling the room, while Joshua simply smiled, clearly proud of his comedic timing.
PD Na, chuckling as well, nodded in amusement. “She’s annoying because of that,” he said, clarifying the absurd logic, while trying to catch his breath.
Joshua nodded seriously, as if confirming a fact. “Exactly.”
It took Luna a moment to calm herself down. She wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, still giggling under her breath. Once she finally composed herself, she looked at Joshua with a fond smile, her voice still light with amusement. “Thank you,” she said, playfully acknowledging his “compliment”.
Joshua chuckled softly in response, the banter between them easy and affectionate, the kind that only close friends shared.
As the room’s laughter began to settle, PD Na smiled knowingly and addressed the group. “The things you just said— you could say that because you're friends. But for you to keep that in mind and fix it, that will be your slogans for the quiz.”
A collective “Ahh” of realization rippled through the members as the meaning sank in. The flaws they had just jokingly mentioned were going to become their slogans for the entire quiz.
Jeonghan scoffed out a laugh, a mix of amusement and disbelief. “That’s my slogan?” he said, half to himself as if still wrapping his head around it.
Mingyu, sitting nearby, let out a sigh as he too came to terms with the situation. “We were only trying to be funny,” he said, shaking his head with a hint of playful regret.
It dawned on him that their slogan might end up being “Fart and Burp,” which made the room chuckle again at the absurdity.
[Flaw: fart & burp]
Luna, having enjoyed the playful atmosphere, turned to Joshua with a smile, the humor of the situation not lost on her. “Ours isn’t that bad,” she said lightly, her eyes sparkling with amusement.
Joshua, always calm and composed, nodded in agreement. “I know, right?” he replied, sharing in her relief as they both realized they had managed to avoid the more embarrassing slogans.
Meanwhile, S.Coups, sitting with Woozi, grinned mischievously as he leaned toward his partner. “Let’s go with ‘Park Bo Gum’,” he joked, referencing the actor with a laugh.
Woozi, catching onto the joke, chuckled along. “Park Bo Gum,” he agreed, shaking his head.
PD Na, catching the banter between S.Coups and Woozi, raised his voice with a smile. “In case you decide it on your own, we chose it for you.”
At that moment, a couple of staff members appeared, stepping forward with name plaques for each team. These were folded pieces of paper with the teams' slogans written on them. As they placed the plaques on each team's table, the members eagerly reached for their signs.
Luna and Joshua picked up theirs, glancing down at the slogan they had unknowingly created. The two began chuckling at each other as they read it. The mix of humor and disbelief was clear on their faces.
“What is this?” Luna said between giggles, nudging Joshua lightly. “Doesn’t this make us sound so full of ourselves?”
Joshua, still holding the paper, gave a soft laugh. “No, it’s okay. It’s not that bad,” he said, reassuring her, though his grin suggested that he also found it a bit ridiculous.
Around the room, the members’ reactions were mixed. Some of them loved how funny and stupid their slogans were, clearly enjoying the lightheartedness. Others, like Jeonghan, Mingyu, and S.coups, were playfully whining and complaining, asking PD Na if they could change their slogans.
PD Na, of course, refused with a cheeky grin, only making the situation funnier. The playful complaints and reactions continued as the atmosphere remained full of laughter, with everyone leaning into the absurdity of the situation, preparing themselves for whatever quiz was coming next.
As soon as the laughter from their slogan reveals had subsided, it was time to test out their team slogans.
[Let's try your slogans]
First up were Seungkwan and Hoshi, sitting near the front of the set. With enthusiasm, the two tested their slogan brimming with energy. “Go Overboard For Show!” they shouted in unison, clearly embodying the spirit of their slogan.
PD Na chuckled, nodding approvingly. “Good job,” he praised, before moving his gaze to the next table. “Next… 1, 2, 3.”
Mingyu and Jeonghan, knowing what was coming, stifled a scoff before saying their slogan together, “Burp And Fart.” The entire room erupted into laughter, the absurdity of their slogan too much to contain.
Even PD Na couldn’t help but laugh. “Nice,” he said between chuckles, quickly composing himself before gesturing toward the next team. “1, 2, 3,” PD Na counted down for Dino and Wonwoo, who sat straight in their seats.
“Drink Less And Talk More,” they chimed, their tones calm but clearly amused by their ridiculous motto.
PD Na, still amused, gave them a nod. “Good,” he said before glancing over at Vernon and Minghao’s table. “Alright… 1, 2, 3.”
“I Don’t Like Your Earrings,” Vernon and Minghao deadpanned, eliciting a fresh wave of laughter from everyone, especially PD Na, who found their flat delivery the funniest of all.
“But I like them,” Minghao shyly added, his hand instinctively touching his earrings with a proud smile.
Jun, sitting at the end of the line, leaned forward with a playful grin. “Their slogan is so short,” he pointed out, only adding to the light-hearted teasing.
“Aren’t they cool?” Minghao responded, still touching his earrings with a hint of uncertainty.
Luna nodded at him with a smirk. “It’s the coolest, so cool, Hao,” she said, her voice laced with amusement, drawing a grin from the quiet idol.
PD Na then turned to the next team, S.Coups and Woozi. “1, 2, 3.”
S.Coups and Woozi took a deep breath before reciting their overly elaborate slogan, “I Don’t Know Who Park Bo Gum Is, But I Love Him And Cherish Him.”
The room burst into laughter yet again, S.Coups cringing at the overly dramatic line.
[He hates it]
“Their slogan is the worst one,” Luna commented between giggles, clearly enjoying the humor of it all.
PD Na moved on to the next team, now standing in front of Luna and Joshua’s table. He grinned as he counted down, “1, 2, 3.”
“We Are Too Perfect, It’s Annoying,” Luna and Joshua said in perfect sync, their voices full of mock arrogance, which sent the room into another wave of laughter.
The final team, DK and Jun, prepared themselves as PD Na gave the signal. “1, 2, 3.”
“I Get Worked Up And Lose My Temper Easily,” they said, prompting more snickers from the rest of the members.
As the slogans were finally revealed, the room continued to buzz with laughter and banter. Mingyu, shaking his head as if he couldn’t believe what had just happened, pointed at their team slogan and groaned. “Isn’t this worse?” he asked, half-laughing, half-complaining.
[Extremely stimulating]
“That’s something everyone does,” Dino chimed in, his tone a mix of logic and humor.
“The whole nation burps,” Seungkwan added in mock defense, his arms crossed as if presenting a valid point.
[He brings the whole nation into it]
“But it’s embarrassing,” Jeonghan said, shaking his head slightly with a small chuckle.
“It’s humiliating,” Mingyu followed, his voice teasing but still genuinely flustered. He laughed, his large frame shaking with the sound. “I feel like we’re still doing it.”
PD Na, amused by their antics, raised an eyebrow with a playful grin. “This will remain on YouTube forever,” he teased, making everyone laugh even harder.
Mingyu, not missing a beat, grinned mischievously as he leaned back in his chair. “I’m going to show my son later,” he joked, sending the group into yet another fit of laughter.
[That will create a distance between him and his son]
[They're going to play a game with these slogans]
The room was buzzing with anticipation as PD Na cleared his throat, grinning in that familiar, mischievous way that always meant something fun— and chaotic— was about to happen.
“Alright,” he announced. “It's time to reveal what game we’ll be playing.” He paused for effect before finally saying, “It's a music quiz.”
Immediately, the room exploded with excitement. The members clapped, voices overlapping as they reacted with gleeful energy.
“I love it!” Seungkwan exclaimed, dapping up with Hoshi who was equally as thrilled.
Jun, sitting a few seats down, gave a knowing nod. “This is what Seungkwan’s good at.”
Woozi chimed in, leaning back on his chair. “Seungkwan’s good at this,” he echoed, his calm demeanor not masking the playfulness in his tone.
[The member of Korea Music Copyright Association doesn't feel confident]
Luna chuckled, her head lowering slightly as she muttered to Joshua, “I’m terrible at this.”
Joshua, hearing her, chuckled too, shaking his head. “I am too,” he confessed, making Luna laugh even more at the mutual understanding of their inevitable failure.
[They are confident of their looks only]
“This is great!” Seungkwan nearly sang, his voice rising as he spoke, which Hoshi immediately mimicked, matching Seungkwan’s tone and enthusiasm, making everyone laugh again.
[The best players teamed up]
PD Na raised a hand, signaling for the members to settle down as he continued, now explaining the rules. “When I play the song, say your slogan. The first person is going to say the singer, and the next person has to say the title. Both people must get it right to win a point.”
The members listened attentively, some nodding here and there as they absorbed the instructions.
[For more details,they'll figure it out while playing]
PD Na wasn’t done. He leaned in, his voice dropping conspiratorially. “What matters the most,” he said slowly, “is the prize.”
That got everyone’s attention.
Both Jeonghan and Luna physically perked up in their seats, their curiosity now piqued. In perfect unison, they chorused, “Is there a prize?”
The two glanced at each other with matching smirks, clearly amused by their synchronized excitement. Luna leaned forward, catching Jeonghan’s gaze from across the room. He winked at her in reply, and she chuckled, shaking her head.
“What is it?” Minghao asked, voicing the curiosity that had taken over the room. His expression was intrigued, eager to know what the stakes were. “You’re spending a lot of money,” he added, his voice teasing but also genuinely curious.
Seungkwan, not missing a beat, grinned and gestured toward Hoshi, who was sitting beside him. “I get to play with a lucky boy today,” he said, referring to Hoshi, who had won both a Dyson hair dryer and a Korean beef set earlier in the previous game.
“I have Omega-3,” Mingyu pointed at Jeonghan with a laugh, alluding to Jeonghan's earlier answer in the previous quiz.
“I’m expecting something huge,” Seungkwan added, his excitement building as they all eagerly waited for PD Na to finally reveal what the prize would be.
[Here's the prize]
PD Na smiled, letting the suspense hang for just a moment longer before finally revealing, “It’s worth $1,000. For example, if you want something… we will pay for it.”
A wave of pleased reactions rippled through the room. The idea of a grand prize worth that much immediately captured everyone’s interest.
“For example,” PD Na continued, “two Dyson hair dryers. Then you can have one each.”
The members nodded, impressed by the prize's flexibility, but PD Na wasn’t done yet. “Or,” he added with a sly smile, “if it’s a mental wish, like something we can grant.”
[Producer Na's host coupon] [Or anything else we could grant]
With that, he handed out a piece of paper to each team, letting them know that they could write their prize of choice on it. The excitement in the room was palpable as the members huddled in their respective teams, whispering and muttering among themselves as they tried to come up with their wishes.
[Each team writes the prize they want and submit it]
[We'll give them a chance to pick one after mixing with 60 duds]
[Draw chances] [1st place, 5 times] [2nd place, 3 times] [3rd place, 1 time]
On the left side of the set, three teams began conspiring with each other. Woozi and S.Coups were the first to exchange glances and start scribbling something down, which caught Luna’s attention. She took a quick peek at their written wish and burst out laughing, trying to cover her mouth to keep it quiet.
“What?” Joshua whispered, leaning toward her curiously.
Luna, still chuckling, whispered something into Joshua’s ear, making him grin. Before they knew it, Dokyeom and Jun, who were seated nearby, had noticed the laughter and leaned in to join the conversation, their curiosity piqued by the sudden excitement.
Whatever the three teams were planning, it was clearly something mischievous, as they were all buzzing with excitement when they finally finished writing their wishes. Nobody else knew what had them so giddy, but it was clear that they were up to something.
Once all the teams had finished writing their wishes, they folded their papers and placed them into a small pouch filled with sixty duds.
PD Na reminded them, “If you pick someone else’s wish, you get to take it too.”
The members nodded in understanding, letting out a collective “oooh” in chorus, clearly intrigued by the added layer of fun.
“And the bonus prize,” PD Na announced, his voice rising with enthusiasm, “MHP: Most Hip Players.”
[The prize for most enthusiastic players]
This caused an even bigger stir among the members, their excitement peaking at the mention of a special bonus.
“You’ll get two chances,” PD Na added, watching as the members’ competitive spirits ignited.
Joshua nudged Luna playfully and said with a grin, “Jiyeon-ah, this is it.”
“Alright,” Luna chuckled, nodding in agreement.
[They aim for MHP]
“That’s our only hope,” Dokyeom murmured to Jun, clearly focused on the MHP title now.
“Can you win MHP?” Minghao asked Vernon, his expression filled with determination.
“Let’s do it,” Vernon replied, equally serious.
[They all want MHP more than 1st place]
Once the members heard about the bonus prize, they lost all sense of reality. The atmosphere shifted as whispers and hurried conversations filled the room. Everyone had their eyes on the special title now, scheming and strategizing in hushed tones.
[They're thinking about being funny when they have to solve the quiz]
[This is who SEVENTEEN is]
PD Na noticed the sudden surge of energy, chuckling as he watched the chaos unfold before him.
[We miscalculated the probability]
[This would bring a tremendous result]
[Their wish will be revealed after the game]
The air in the studio was thick with anticipation as the members of SEVENTEEN sat at the edge of their seats, eyes fixed on PD Na. Each one of them was ready, muscles tensed as if they were waiting for the starting signal of a race. The weight of the potential prize— and the glory of winning— hung heavily in the air.
[Music Quiz begins]
PD Na held up his hand, a sly grin on his face as he gestured toward the speakers. The tension built for a brief moment longer. And then, the faint sound of a song began to play— just the riser of the music, barely distinguishable.
[Here's Question #1]
For a second, everyone froze. Their ears perked, heads tilted slightly, straining to hear what song was coming up. The silence before the storm. Then, in a flash— almost too fast for the others to react— Seungkwan and Hoshi were already on their feet, hands shooting up in perfect sync as they screamed their slogan, "Go Overboard For Show!"
[As soon as the music plays]
Their voices rang out in unison, clear and loud, cutting through the silence. The room erupted in gasps, and the rest of the members could only watch in awe as the duo had beaten them to the punch, claiming the first chance to answer.
PD Na pointed at them, grinning. “Go Overboard For Show,” he said, “what’s your answer?”
Hoshi spoke first, his voice brimming with confidence. “SHINee,” he declared, his tone leaving no room for doubt.
Without missing a beat, Seungkwan followed up with, “‘Sherlock,’” his voice triumphant as the answer left his lips.
PD Na smiled, nodding. “You got it.”
In an instant, the familiar chorus of SHINee's 'Sherlock' burst through the speakers. Without hesitating for even a second, Seungkwan and Hoshi exchanged a glance, grinning like they had just won the lottery, before they bolted toward the front of the room.
As if possessed by pure adrenaline, they started dancing, moving through the iconic choreography with precise, practiced ease. Their feet shuffled across the floor, arms swaying to the beat, while their voices echoed as they sang along to the chorus.
[Full of adrenaline]
The rest of the members watched, amused yet unsurprised by the duo’s exuberant display. It was as if this level of excitement had become routine with Seungkwan and Hoshi.
PD Na sat back, arms folded, a chuckle escaping his lips as he witnessed the lively performance unfold before him. There was something endearing about how they threw themselves into the song, as though they were back on stage performing for a stadium full of fans.
[Singing with passion]
By the time the chorus ended, Seungkwan and Hoshi struck a final pose, arms extended and chests puffed out dramatically as they finished their impromptu performance.
[The ending pose]
The room erupted into applause, a mixture of cheers and laughter filling the air. Both of them were out of breath, their faces flushed from the exertion, but their eyes sparkled with satisfaction.
“They’re trying to win MHP too,” PD Na remarked with a chuckle, watching as the two performers made their way back to their seats.
[Going overboard]
“They were good,” Wonwoo commented, nodding with genuine appreciation for their effort.
Vernon added, “It’s not easy to beat them.”
Seungkwan, still panting from his earlier display, pointed a finger playfully at the rest of the group. “How dare you challenge me for a music quiz?” he declared, though the smirk on his face betrayed his playful teasing.
PD Na chuckled, “You danced till you pant. You got 1 point.”
Seungkwan dramatically wiped an imaginary bead of sweat from his forehead. “I worked so hard, but it’s only 1 point,” he sighed with exaggerated exhaustion, making the rest of the members burst into laughter. “Still, thank you,” Seungkwan added, his tone mock-solemn, which only caused more giggles to ripple through the room.
PD Na sat up front, a slight smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he watched the energy simmering among the members. “Here’s the next question,” he announced, his voice clear and steady.
On cue, the intro of a familiar song began playing through the speakers, causing a ripple of recognition among the group. It was a sound that at least all of them recognized, and the reaction was immediate— chaotic, even.
[It's a mess]
Five out of the seven teams shot to their feet, shouting their slogans in unison, their voices overlapping in a cacophony of noise. Laughter echoed around the room as the teams scrambled, each one determined to be the first to claim the answer. It was a mess— arms flailing, chairs squeaking, slogans filling the air as they all fought for the spotlight.
But in the middle of the frenzy, the fastest to react was Mingyu and Jeonghan. Their team slogan, much shorter and quicker to yell, cut through the chaos first. “Burp And Fart!” Mingyu yelled, his voice carrying above the others.
[Fart was faster by a split second]
There was a brief moment of stunned silence as the absurdity of the slogan sunk in. PD Na chuckled, raising his hand to acknowledge their speed. “You have to admit that ‘Burp And Fart’ was fast,” he said, giving credit where it was due.
Mingyu, eager to seize the opportunity, raised his hand, ready to say the artist’s name. His confidence radiated off of him as he prepared to answer. But before the words could leave his mouth, Jeonghan beat him to it. “TWICE,” Jeonghan declared, his tone confident and sure.
A chain of reactions immediately followed. There were gasps, yells, wide eyes, and some stifled laughter. Most of the members knew right away that Jeonghan had made a mistake, and Mingyu's face was a picture of shock. His eyes snapped to Jeonghan, disbelief etched into his expression.
“No, it’s not,” Luna chuckled softly from her seat, clearly amused by Jeonghan’s bold but incorrect answer. She raised her hand, prepared to shout her team’s slogan, but before she could, another voice rang out.
[It's not TWICE]
“I Get Worked Up And Lose My Temper Easily!” Dokyeom yelled, practically leaping out of his chair.
[Hyenas never miss the chance]
PD Na nodded, signaling for Dokyeom to give his answer. “Who’s the singer?” he asked.
“STAYC,” Dokyeom answered confidently, and a beat later, Jun followed up, “'ASAP.'”
“You got it,” PD Na confirmed with a grin. Immediately, the chorus of STAYC’s ‘ASAP’ began to play, filling the room with the upbeat, catchy tune.
At once, most of the members, except for Mingyu, Jeonghan, S.Coups, Woozi, and Luna, leaped from their seats and rushed to the front. They began dancing to the song, their movements enthusiastic and playful as they mimicked the choreography with varying degrees of accuracy.
[People aiming for MHP barge in]
The sight of SEVENTEEN, one of the most skilled performance groups, dancing to a girl group song brought waves of laughter through the room.
Luna, though staying seated, couldn’t resist moving along. Her shoulders swayed and her head bobbed to the beat as she grinned, enjoying the show from her spot. She even mimicked some of the hand gestures, laughing as she watched her fellow members execute the choreo with varying levels of precision and commitment.
PD Na, also amused, watched from up front, grinning broadly at the chaotic yet endearing scene unfolding in front of him.
[He loves his job]
The members danced with wild abandon, some more committed than others, while PD Na’s chuckles mixed with the melody.
Luna, still seated, couldn’t contain her amusement as she continued to watch, occasionally throwing in a little dance move from her seat. Her eyes sparkled as she saw the members letting loose and having fun.
When the song’s chorus ended, the dancers made their way back to their seats, still out of breath but beaming with satisfaction. The air was filled with post-performance energy, the room buzzing with excitement and laughter.
“Good job,” Luna said, turning to Joshua with a smile.
Joshua, still catching his breath from the unexpected performance, grinned back at her. “Thanks.”
Nearby, Dokyeom turned to Jun, his face lit up with excitement. “We got the answer. This is great!” he said, the pride in his voice evident. Jun gave a satisfied nod, a small grin tugging at his lips as they both settled back into their seats, ready for the next round.
As the members settled back into their seats, catching their breath after the chaotic dance, PD Na turned his attention to Jeonghan, a playful grin on his face. “What did you say earlier?” he asked, chuckling lightly, clearly referencing Jeonghan's earlier mistake.
Completely unfazed, Jeonghan leaned back in his chair and shrugged, his expression cool as ever. “We said TWICE,” he answered, as if it were the most natural thing in the world.
“I see why you said that,” Hoshi chimed in, noticing the similarities between the artists' sounds. He leaned forward, his face lit with amusement.
Mingyu, on the other hand, was still pouting, his arms crossed as he pointed accusingly at Jeonghan. “He should’ve stayed quiet,” he muttered, his tone playful but clearly teasing his teammate for the mix-up.
Jeonghan, noticing Mingyu’s sulking, turned toward Hoshi, his eyes narrowing mischievously. “What’s this one?” he asked, his hands moving in the familiar choreography that had caused his confusion earlier.
Hoshi immediately recognized the dance. “‘TT,’” he answered, his voice confident.
Seungkwan, always quick to pick up on details, leaned forward with a knowing look. “Because it’s the same producer,” he added, offering a possible reason for Jeonghan’s mix-up.
[It makes sense]
Despite the teasing, Mingyu’s pout remained, his expression still exaggeratedly wounded.
Jeonghan, quick to catch on, rolled his eyes at his younger teammate. “Sometimes I get confused, you fucking punk,” he said with his whole chest before suddenly poking Mingyu on the head with the pen he’d been fiddling with in his hand.
The unexpected cursing caused a ripple of laughter from the members while the action earned a shocked chuckle from Mingyu, his eyes wide with surprise at Jeonghan’s nonchalant attitude.
[It's okay. They're SEVENTEEN]
From across the room, Luna sat with her chin resting in her hand, watching the playful back-and-forth with a soft smile. Her gaze was warm as if she were watching her favorite movie unfold in front of her. She chuckled quietly to herself, thoroughly entertained by the banter between the two.
[Bunny no. 1 is having a blast]
Still laughing softly, Seungkwan asked, “Were you confused for real?” His tone was light, clearly enjoying the exchange.
Jeonghan, still chuckling, shook his head. “No, I had no idea,” he admitted, patting and affectionately rubbing the spot on Mingyu’s head where he’d poked him, trying to soothe the mock wound.
Mingyu, now recovering from his playful scolding, quickly explained, “We made a rule. I said I’d say the singer, so he could say the title.” His voice was animated, and he mimicked Jeonghan’s earlier moment of confusion with dramatic flair. “Then he was like, ‘TWICE.’”
Jeonghan laughed again, this time shaking his head in disbelief. “I didn’t hear that rule,” he claimed, still grinning from ear to ear. His casual demeanor made everyone laugh even harder, as it was clear Jeonghan was hardly concerned with the mistake.
“They’re perfect,” Wonwoo remarked, his voice low but full of amusement as he watched the duo.
Mingyu, now on his feet and ready to move on from the mix-up, turned to Jeonghan, determination in his eyes. “Do it right. Let’s win this,” he said firmly, though the playful tone in his voice remained.
“I’ll stay quiet,” Jeonghan promised, though the grin on his face suggested that staying quiet wasn’t something he was particularly good at.
The room filled with more laughter as the members shifted in their seats, the light-hearted moment helping to keep the mood playful as they prepared for the next question.
“Are you ready?” PD Na asked, a teasing glint in his eyes as he scanned the members. Before anyone could even think to respond, an older-sounding intro to a song started playing through the speakers, its melody both nostalgic and unfamiliar.
“Hurry up. Say it,” Jeonghan whispered to Mingyu, his voice mockingly urgent, clearly poking fun at his teammate.
Another beat passed, and suddenly, two teams shot up, hands raised as their slogans rang out across the room.
“Go Overboard For Show!” Hoshi yelled first, his voice booming as he raised his hand, eyes locked in determination.
“I Don’t Know Who Park Bo Gum Is, But I Love Him And Cherish Him!” S.Coups followed a millisecond later, his slogan loud and filled with energy.
PD Na chuckled as he acknowledged the faster group. “‘Overboard’ was faster,” he said, pointing at Hoshi and Seungkwan’s team, causing the others to groan in playful disappointment. “1, 2, 3,” PD Na counted down, gesturing for them to answer.
“(G)I-DLE,” Hoshi said confidently, his face glowing with anticipation.
“Wrong,” PD Na immediately responded, crushing Hoshi’s hopes as Seungkwan groaned loudly.
“Burp And Fart!” Jeonghan raised his hand suddenly, cutting through the noise with his usual confident flair.
[Jeonghan never holds back]
Luna, who had been watching the chaos unfold, immediately started laughing, recognizing Jeonghan’s usual antics. She could tell he was up to something.
Jeonghan, rather than giving an answer, turned to Mingyu, his expression overly serious. “Mingyu, you said you’d go first,” he said with mock urgency, calling out Mingyu’s earlier claim that he would be the one to answer first, fully knowing that Mingyu had no idea what the answer was.
Mingyu, caught off guard, could only chuckle in disbelief, shaking his head. “What’s wrong with him?” he asked, his voice filled with exasperation but laced with humor as the rest of the members erupted into laughter.
Luna, who was watching this unfold, couldn’t contain herself. She burst into loud, cackling laughter, her head dropping onto the table as she shook with amusement.
The song intro continued playing, the melody filling the room as the members strained to make sense of it. The confusion was palpable as they exchanged glances, waiting for something recognizable. Luna voiced what was on everyone’s mind. “What is that?” she asked, her eyebrows furrowed as she tried to place the unfamiliar sound.
[Going over the melody]
“I have a feeling the sound will change,” Seungkwan said thoughtfully, his face showing focus. And as if on cue, the beat shifted, surprising everyone and causing a ripple of excitement and even more confusion.
[Even the K-pop professor doesn't know]
“What’s that?” Jun exclaimed, his eyes widening at the unexpected change in tempo.
[It's a familiar melody]
“It sounds like Cool’s song,” S.Coups suggested, tilting his head in thought. He seemed half sure, yet the room was filled with uncertainty.
“How come we don’t know?” Seungkwan added, sounding both amused and exasperated by how elusive the song was.
“Is this an idol song?” Dokyeom asked, a mix of curiosity and frustration lining his voice.
Luna, more perceptive, tried to reason with them, “It’s probably an older song.” Her guess seemed reasonable, especially given how much the tune didn’t match the newer, trendy hits they usually heard.
The beat started to speed up, and the lively rhythm quickly filled the air. Some members started bobbing their heads up and down, following the tempo, while still trying to recognize the song. A few seemed to catch onto the melody but couldn’t quite place it.
For a few seconds, they just listened. The intro continued teasing them, dancing on the edge of familiarity but not quite crossing into recognition—until Dino suddenly stood up, surprising everyone. “Drink Less and Talk More!” he yelled their slogan with an air of confidence. Wonwoo stood up next to him, far quieter but no less determined.
PD Na acknowledged their attempt with a nod. “Drink Less and Talk More,” he repeated.
“Zaza,” Wonwoo said the artist’s name, eyes narrowing as he tried to be sure.
“‘Inside the Bus,’” Dino quickly followed up with the song title.
“No,” PD Na said, shooting them down, and both Dino and Wonwoo sat back down, shaking their heads as the others laughed.
[It's a completely different song]
The song continued playing, growing more familiar to some and just as confusing to the others. Half the members looked frustrated as if the answer was just out of reach, while the rest looked utterly clueless, lost in the unfamiliar melody.
[They're in an unfavorable situation]
“People who know must be frustrated,” Seungkwan said, glancing around the room, his voice tinged with a hint of defeat.
“How come I don’t know this song?” S.Coups muttered to himself, clearly baffled.
PD Na was watching the chaos with amused eyes when he caught sight of Minghao craning his head toward their staff, clearly looking for clues.
Chuckling, he called him out. “The8, what are you looking at? What’s there?” His voice carried light amusement as the members turned their attention to Minghao, who was now trying to act innocent.
[Cheating straight up]
“I have no idea,” Minghao responded, his voice cool and nonchalant, though everyone knew he was up to something.
“The song is almost over,” Luna said with a sigh, clearly on the verge of giving up on this round. Her tone carried the same resigned frustration the others felt.
[The 1st verse is nearly over]
“We have no idea,” Minghao echoed, his words summing up the group’s collective bewilderment.
PD Na glanced around the room with a playful grin. “You all have a chance,” he said, encouraging the members as they remained perplexed by the song’s difficulty.
Without missing a beat, Jeonghan raised his hand, his tone casual but determined. “Can I try? Burp and Fart!” he called out his team’s quirky slogan, causing a few giggles to ripple through the room. PD Na pointed at him, giving him the floor.
[Burp raises his hand]
“Cool,” Jeonghan said confidently, standing up, naming the artist before Mingyu followed suit, standing up beside him and guessing, “‘Fate.’”
“You got it,” PD Na confirmed, and Jeonghan clapped nonchalantly, as though it was no big deal. Mingyu, on the other hand, was thrilled. He grabbed Jeonghan and dragged him to the front as the song’s chorus began to play.
[They got up to celebrate]
“What are we doing?” Jeonghan asked, letting himself be pulled along with little resistance. They linked their hands in a dramatic, over-the-top gesture and began to dance, a messy combination of jitterbug, waltz, and salsa. Their steps were comically uncoordinated, sending waves of laughter through the room.
“Yes, we’re meant to be,” Mingyu declared, continuing to twirl Jeonghan around, who barely moved and only lazily followed his lead, adding to the absurdity of the dance.
“Yeah, it’s great,” Jeonghan said, nodding in mock enthusiasm as Mingyu kept the energy high.
From their seats, Seungkwan yelled, “Burp and fart, please!” teasing the duo who had now taken their choreography to even more ridiculous heights.
[We'll stop here for their reputation]
Finally, after the chorus ended, Jeonghan and Mingyu slowly walked back to their seats, laughter filling the room.
“I guessed, but it was still right,” Mingyu said, breathless but satisfied as he glanced at Jeonghan.
Jeonghan gave him a small nod of approval, still calm and composed as if the whole spectacle hadn’t happened.
[Team Burp And Fart got lucky]
“Next,” PD Na said, as a new song immediately began playing, its intro familiar to at least half of the group.
[Here is the next question]
Before anyone else could react, Luna stood up confidently, raising her hand with a triumphant declaration, “We’re Too Perfect, It’s Annoying!” Her quick movement surprised Joshua, who sat next to her, clearly unsure of the answer, his eyes widening in shock as he realized they had to answer together.
[Shocked deer]
“Yes, your answer?” PD Na acknowledged their team by pointing at them.
Luna barely glanced at Joshua, sensing his hesitation, before confidently announcing, “SUNMI” The members nodded, some clearly recognizing the song, but the real trick came right after.
Luna, with her back suddenly turned toward PD Na, slyly faced Joshua and mouthed the answer, “‘Gashina’,” while performing the song’s iconic finger-gun hand movement, signaling the choreo that would give it away. Joshua caught on quickly, chuckling at her not-so-secret tactics.
[What are they doing?]
The members noticed but said nothing, instead laughing quietly at Luna’s subtle cheating, particularly Jeonghan, whose smirk had grown into a proud, delighted grin. He always appreciated clever tricks like this.
Joshua, now filled with newfound confidence, stood up straight and said, “‘Gashina’.”
“You got it,” PD Na confirmed, unaware of Luna’s discreet coaching. As the song’s chorus filled the room, Luna and Joshua exchanged a quick celebration.
“Nice,” Luna said in english, high-fiving Joshua, who responded with, “Let’s go.”
Seungkwan, from his seat, tilted his head and scoffed with a laugh. “She’s shameless, really,” he teased, watching the two head to the front for their victory dance.
As the chorus of Sunmi’s ‘Gashina’ played, Luna took her position in the center, exuding confidence, while Joshua stayed a few steps behind, clearly reluctant to dance. “Come here,” Luna called, waiting for the iconic drop in the beat.
“I don’t know the dance!” Joshua laughed but cheered her on from a distance.
The second the beat hit, Luna’s demeanor completely shifted. Her body moved fluidly to the music, her sharp yet graceful movements perfectly matching the song’s energy.
[Scary shift]
She nailed the signature choreo — the finger-gun gesture aimed directly ahead, followed by the sharp turn and strut that Sunmi made famous. The members cheered loudly from the back, fully absorbed in Luna’s performance.
When the chorus ended, Luna gave a small bow, grinning as the members clapped and whistled in approval. She headed back to her seat, a satisfied look on her face.
As she crossed paths with Joshua, she pouted playfully, “Ya! You left me.”
Joshua chuckled, wrapping his arm around her shoulder as they made their way back. “No, I was there. You did well.” They both sat back down, still sharing the buzz of excitement from their win.
[What's the next question?]
The next round began, and all the members sat in anticipation, waiting for the song to play. As the intro of the new song echoed through the room, Dino’s hand shot up almost instantly, cutting through the initial few beats. “Drink Less And Talk More!” he shouted their team slogan with a burst of excitement. His sudden reaction caused everyone to turn toward him, their faces full of confusion.
PD Na acknowledged them, pointing to Dino’s team. “Drink Less And Talk More,”
“SEVENTEEN,” Dino confidently said, as if the artist was obvious.
At this, the rest of SEVENTEEN looked at each other, their confusion deepening. Was it really one of their songs?
[It's SEVENTEEN's song?]
“‘CLAP,’” Wonwoo stood up and declared the title with a surety that baffled the rest of the members even more.
PD Na, smiling knowingly, confirmed, “You got it.”
[It was 'CLAP'?]
Cheers erupted from Dino and Wonwoo, but the rest of the group remained frozen in place, looking at each other as though they had all missed some crucial detail.
“It’s ‘CLAP’?” Jun asked in disbelief, his voice echoing the collective confusion.
“How was that ‘CLAP’?” Luna asked, her brows furrowed as she tried to connect the intro they had heard to the familiar SEVENTEEN track.
“‘CLAP’?” Dokyeom repeated, looking equally lost.
“Why is it ‘CLAP’?” Jun asked again, glancing around as though someone else could provide the answer.
S.Coups and Joshua both suddenly straightened up, their eyes lighting up with realization. “It’s in the beginning of the music video,” they chorused, their voices overlapping in understanding.
Vernon groaned and stood up, pointing dramatically at PD Na. “Oh, the music… the music video,” he whined, realizing that the intro had been the sound effect used at the start of the ‘CLAP’ music video, not the main song itself.
The realization dawned on the rest of the group just as Dino and Wonwoo continued dancing to their own song.
[Despite the chaos they continue celebrating]
The chorus of ‘CLAP’ filled the room, and while the two danced excitedly in front, some of the other members started doing the choreography from their seats, unable to resist joining in despite their lingering confusion.
When the song ended, Dino and Wonwoo made their way back to their seats, satisfied with their win, grinning at the members who were still recovering from the surprise.
As soon as Dino and Wonwoo settled back into their seats, PD Na addressed them with a playful smile, “Congratulations to Drink Less And Talk More. The rest of you, what happened?”
Vernon was the first to jump in, pointing accusingly at PD Na, “That was the music video version!”
Woozi, shaking his finger thoughtfully, nodded in agreement. “That’s not the original music,” he reasoned, his tone carrying just a hint of disbelief.
Dino, still buzzing with the excitement of their win, elaborated, “In the music video, Woozi is standing in front of a store.”
“Right,” Vernon and Luna echoed, nodding along as they finally made sense of the confusion.
Vernon, still baffled by the trickery, repeated, “It’s the music video version.” He was clearly not over it yet, but his grin gave away his amusement.
PD Na shrugged, unfazed. “Someone still got it.”
Vernon chuckled in reluctant acceptance. “You’re right.”
At that, Jun raised his hand apologetically, his voide deep as he chukled, “Sorry. It’s our fault. Sorry.”
The room broke into laughter, the light-heartedness quickly spreading as PD Na turned to Woozi, who produced the song. “Woozi, what happened?”
Woozi chuckled before responding. “Since someone still got it, I can’t argue. If no one got it, I can try to argue. But since you got it, I have nothing to say,” he joked, eliciting even more laughter.
Hoshi leaned over to Seungkwan, muttering under his breath, “I thought it was (G)I-DLE.”
“We filmed the music video a long time ago,” Woozi explained, shaking his head as if recalling the time that had passed since then.
Minghao chimed in, looking at Dino with playful admiration. “Dino monitors music videos often. No wonder you were good at it.”
Seungkwan, never one to miss a chance to tease, leaned forward and declared with exaggerated seriousness, “Now that you all had a chance, we won’t cut you any slack anymore.”
His comment made Luna point at him and chuckle. Seungkwan’s playful competitiveness was always a source of amusement for her.
PD Na, watching the banter unfold, informed them with a knowing smile, “We got the music from everywhere.”
[There will be all kinds of songs]
The group nodded in understanding, now fully aware that they couldn’t rely on just the original versions of the songs anymore.
[Next song]
As they waited for the next song to play, the atmosphere buzzed with anticipation.
[As soon as it plays]
Then, a very familiar tune began to fill the room, immediately prompting all the teams, except S.Coups and Woozi, to spring to their feet. Hands shot into the air, slogans echoed in unison, but it was Seungkwan and Hoshi who were quickest.
“Go Overboard For Show!” Hoshi shouted triumphantly, earning an acknowledgment from PD Na, who pointed at them, waiting for their answer.
[Hoshi was accurate and fast]
“NewJeans,” Hoshi announced confidently, naming the artist.
“‘Hype Boy,’” Seungkwan added, already walking to the front with Hoshi before PD Na could even confirm, “You got it.”
As soon as they reached the center, the chorus started playing, and the two immediately began dancing in perfect sync, effortlessly hitting each move with the same energetic precision. The lively beat had an infectious effect— Minghao started dancing in his seat, and Vernon and Dino soon joined Hoshi and Seungkwan up front, effortlessly blending into the choreography.
[It's fun to play together]
Meanwhile, the rest of the group watched, with some dancing and singing along in their seats.
“How do they know everything?” S.Coups muttered, watching them with a mix of awe and amusement.
“I know,” Joshua agreed, equally impressed.
Jun, not to be outdone, added, “How are they good at it? They’re good.”
At the same time, without even trying, Luna and Dokyeom harmonized softly to the lyrics, “‘You know, I hype you, boy’,” their voices blending perfectly in unison.
PD Na, watching the scene with a grin, commented aloud, “You’re good. Why is that team so good?”
When the song ended, the group cheered, applauding Seungkwan and Hoshi as they made their way back to their seats.
Dino, still buzzing from the excitement, turned to PD Na with an expectant grin, “Do I get MHP?”
[They're ahead of everything]
“What?” PD Na asked, raising an eyebrow.
Before Dino could repeat himself, Jeonghan, ever the calm one, chimed in lazily, “It’ll be announced at the end.”
Dino nodded in understanding, though he looked eager for the results.
With a playful tone, PD Na then looked over at Jeonghan and Mingyu and teased, “Team ‘Burp And Fart’, you’re not likely to win MHP.”
Considering the fact that Jeonghan and Mingyu had been sitting out for most of the game, his comment was met with laughter from the group.
Jeonghan and Mingyu, however, only nodded in agreement. Jeonghan, ever laid-back, responded casually, “It’s okay. We’ll do our best to answer it.”
Mingyu, more serious, added with determination, “We’ll focus on the question.”
As the room fell silent, everyone waited for the next song. The moment the first beat dropped, Seungkwan was already on his feet, shouting their team slogan: “Go Overboard For Show!” The rest of the members could only gape in amazement at how fast he was.
[Seungkwan is dominant]
Hoshi stood up slowly next to him, struggling to recall the song’s title. “Gosh, wait,” Hoshi muttered under his breath, still trying to piece it together.
PD Na acknowledged them by pointing in their direction, and Seungkwan quickly blurted out the title to help his teammate, “‘Full Moon’!”
That was all Hoshi needed. “SUNMI!” Hoshi yelled, his face lighting up with recognition.
Just as Seungkwan was sprinting to the front, confident in their victory, PD Na’s voice rang out: “Wrong.”
Seungkwan collapsed dramatically onto the ground, completely shocked, and instantly, there was a loud chorus of yells from all the teams, trying to steal the answer. Both Luna and Joshua were among the first to raise their hands, but in their haste, they both forgot their team slogan, which made everyone laugh.
[Serious about stealing]
Vernon, however, shouted from the back, “I Don’t Like Your Earrings!” catching everyone off guard. PD Na turned to acknowledge their team.
“SUNMI,” Vernon confidently said, naming the artist. Minghao, picking up from there, added the correct title, “‘Full Moon.’”
Meanwhile, Dokyeom was leaning over to explain to a confused Jun why Hoshi and Seungkwan got it wrong. “You have to say the singer first,” Dokyeom said, giving Jun a knowing look.
“Aigo, that was a waste,” Luna muttered, shaking her head sympathetically at Hoshi and Seungkwan’s mistake.
PD Na nodded, smiling at Vernon and Minghao. “You got it.”
Realization dawned on Hoshi as he turned to Seungkwan. “Oh, I have to say the singer first,” he muttered, still processing their blunder.
The song began to play, and Vernon and Minghao danced to the few steps they knew, looping the same moves over and over again, causing the entire group to erupt in laughter.
[They repeat what they know]
“That’s all I know,” Vernon admitted with a shy smile, his usual confidence melting into humility.
“They’re so cute,” Luna commented, watching with a fond grin as the two shyly continued dancing.
As Minghao and Vernon made their way back to their seats, Seungkwan suddenly dashed up to the front and sang a quick part of the song, making everyone laugh even harder. “‘Perfect weather can’t get no better,’” he sang, dramatically bowing before retreating back to his seat.
[Leaving quickly]
“Did you go out there just to do that?” Hoshi asked Seungkwan with a chuckle.
Once everyone settled back down, Seungkwan, still curious, turned to PD Na. “Is it always the singer’s name first?” he asked.
PD Na nodded. “Yes, then you’re more likely to get it wrong. You might accidentally give away a hint with the title.”
“How did you know it was ‘Full Moon’?” Hoshi asked Seungkwan, still amazed by his teammate’s quick thinking.
Seungkwan simply shrugged, flashing a confident smile. “I know everything.”
[He answers all questions in less than a second]
“It’s impossible to beat Seungkwan in this game,” Mingyu said, shaking his head in disbelief.
[Next question]
The room was filled with anticipation as the next song prepared to play. Just as the riser barely touched the air, Seungkwan leaped to his feet once more, quickly followed by a bewildered Hoshi.
“Go Overboard For Show!” Seungkwan yelled with his usual energy. The other members could only watch in disbelief.
[He got it right away]
“This isn’t fair,” Mingyu muttered, shaking his head in resignation.
“He’s monopolizing,” Woozi added, half-amused, half-astonished.
“I didn’t even realize it played,” Luna said, her brows furrowed in confusion.
“How do you know?” Dokyeom and Jun chimed in unison, staring at Seungkwan as if he had some magical insight.
Seungkwan gave Hoshi a nudge, whispering, “You go first.”
“Who is it?” PD Na counted down, “1, 2, 3.”
“TOMORROW X TOGETHER!” Seungkwan blurted out the artist’s name, his arm wrapped around Hoshi in encouragement, hoping he’d get the title right.
“‘Run For You’? Is it?” Hoshi said hesitantly, clearly unsure, his confusion spreading across the room.
A wave of laughter broke out. “Run for who? Who’s you?” Seungkwan teased Hoshi, trying to contain his own laughter.
Vernon shot up to steal the chance, “I Don’t Like Your Earrings!”
“TXT,” Minghao said confidently, followed by Vernon who guessed the title, “‘Run To Me.’”
“Wrong!” PD Na said with a chuckle.
[The answer is 'Run Away']
Mingyu quickly raised his hand, jumping in. “Burp And Fart!” he shouted, the room filling with amusement.
“TXT,” Jeonghan said the artist’s name before Mingyu followed up with another guess, “‘Running For You.’”
“Wrong,” PD Na replied again.
[They have no clue]
“Sorry, TXT,” Mingyu apologized, laughing as the absurdity of it all sank in.
At this point, everyone was shouting out random guesses, trying their luck. Dino and Wonwoo were next, springing to their feet.
“Drink Less And Talk More!” Dino declared as PD Na turned to them.
“TXT,” Wonwoo said calmly.
“‘Running To You,’” Dino guessed.
“Wrong!” PD Na replied yet again.
It was chaos now, as S.Coups raised his hand with a determined look. “I Don’t Know Who Park Bo Gum Is, But I Love Him And Cherish Him,” he said their team slogan.
“TXT,” Woozi said, and then pointed to S.Coups for the title.
“‘Run… To You’?” S.Coups guessed.
“Wrong!” PD Na said, shaking his head.
Luna raised her hand, calling out her team slogan to try next. “We’re Too Perfect, It’s Annoying!”
“TXT,” Joshua said the artist’s name.
“‘Running With You,’” Luna guessed, hoping they were close this time.
“Wrong!” PD Na said once more, making Luna sigh in frustration. “What is happening?” she deadpanned, turning to Joshua, who could only chuckle in response.
[They are tired of running]
Dokyeom and Jun were the last ones who hadn’t tried yet.
[If they get it wrong,everyone gets a chance again]
“TXT,” Jun said, preparing to throw his hat in the ring.
“‘I Will Be Running For You,’” Dokyeom added with cautious optimism.
“You’re close!” PD Na said, making everyone sit up a little straighter.
Seungkwan, still determined, stood up and yelled their slogan again, “Go Overboard For Show!”
“TXT,” Seungkwan announced once more, and Hoshi finally, with newfound certainty, said, “‘Run Away’!”
[Perfect answer]
“You got it!” PD Na confirmed, and the room erupted in cheers.
Seungkwan and Hoshi made their way to the front, where they broke into the choreography for ‘Run Away’, the other members watching in amusement. Seungkwan took the lead with confidence, effortlessly dancing and singing along to the key movements of the choreography.
Hoshi, however, was a little more spontaneous— making things up as he went, copying Seungkwan’s steps on the fly while improvising in his usual comedic style.
[Free dance]
Vernon, watching from his seat, couldn’t help but laugh, pointing at Hoshi as he commented, “He doesn’t know.” The other members chuckled along, entertained by Hoshi’s attempts to keep up with Seungkwan.
Seungkwan, though, was in full control of the performance, his moves sharp and perfectly timed with the music, while Hoshi followed along, creating a hilarious contrast. The sight of the two dancing in sync— yet slightly off— had everyone grinning and clapping.
[No matter what Seungkwan does, he can copy it on the spot]
As the song ended, Seungkwan dramatically scooped Hoshi up, carrying him away as they both laughed and headed back to their seats. The room filled with cheers and applause, their teammates playfully shouting their names in encouragement.
[Next song]
As soon as the next song’s intro filled the area, Seungkwan shot up to his feet, shouting their team’s slogan, “Go Overboard For Show!” Hoshi hesitantly stood up next to him, looking petrified because he clearly didn’t recognize the tune.
The other members gaped at Seungkwan, stunned by his quick reflexes.
“What are you?” Jeonghan asked Seungkwan in disbelief.
[K-pop professor]
Luna giggled, pointing at Hoshi who stood frozen. “Hoshi doesn’t know.”
Seungkwan clapped his hands together once, his face tense as he physically struggled to remember the answer. “It’s that song… Jeonghan… Jiyeonie noona…” he muttered, his brain visibly working overtime as he pointed at Luna, drawing confused laughter from the group.
Both Luna and Jeonghan raised their eyebrows, confused by Seungkwan’s mention of their names. Luna leaned back, arms crossed.
[They are just as confused]
“What was it again?” Seungkwan asked her, still trying to guess the answer.
[Shamelessly asks her for the answer]
“How should I know? I didn’t hear it well, and even if I did, why would I tell you?” Luna shot back, making the whole group erupt in laughter.
Realizing he was stuck, Seungkwan chuckled and grabbed Hoshi’s arm, dragging him back to their seats in defeat.
[Gives up]
The song played again, and this time, Luna and Jeonghan both visibly lit up, saying “Ah” at the same time as the familiar tune clicked. The other members exchanged looks, starting to recognize the melody, but since it was in English, they hesitated on how to answer.
“Ah,” Luna smiled, raising her hand and calling out their team slogan, “We’re Too Perfect, It’s Annoying.”
PD Na pointed at her, acknowledging their team’s turn. Luna turned to Joshua, leaning closer to whisper, “Do you know the answer?”
Joshua nodded confidently, raising his hand to indicate he’d go first. “Ellie Goulding,” he said with certainty.
“‘Love Me Like You Do,’” Luna answered, her British accent adding flair to the title.
A few members playfully mimicked Joshua’s LA accent and Luna’s British one, as PD Na said, “You got it!”
Seungkwan groaned, “I knew the song, but I wasn’t sure of the title. Noona covered it before,” he whined.
Luna had indeed covered ‘Love Me Like You Do’ nearly two years ago, and it had become one of the most beloved videos among her fans. Her rendition was hauntingly beautiful, showcasing her powerful voice and emotional depth, and it was a favorite amongst their fanbase.
Joshua reached out, taking Luna’s hand to pull her up to the center. “There’s no dance to this,” she protested with a lighthearted chuckle.
“It’s okay,” Joshua reassured her as he twirled her around playfully.
When the chorus played, the members all sang loudly, but in a teasing, over-the-top way, making everyone laugh.
[The most excited they have ever been]
Seungkwan, Hoshi, and Dokyeom suddenly stood up and began dancing playfully right in front of Jeonghan, their faces filled with mischievous smiles as they dragged him to join them.
Luna, still dancing with Joshua, didn’t notice at first.
Joshua had a teasing glint in his eyes as he looked over Luna’s shoulder. With a playful spin, he turned her around to face Jeonghan, who had been pulled up front.
Unseen by the cameras, Luna shot a warning look at Seungkwan, Hoshi, Joshua, and Dokyeom, silently telling them not to be too obvious.
Unbeknownst to the world, after Luna had covered the song, Jeonghan had half-jokingly, half-seriously told the members that this should be their wedding song— a detail that only made this moment more comical for those in the know.
The song ended with the sound of applause, and Luna and Joshua headed back to their seats. As she sat down, Luna felt eyes on her and looked up, locking gazes with Jeonghan from across the room. His eyes were focused, soft, with a silent understanding passing between them. It was as if they were having an entire conversation without saying a word.
After a moment, Jeonghan winked at her, causing Luna to blush slightly before she quickly looked away, her heart racing.
[The next question is for the world that only remembers 1st place]
“Let’s start,” PD Na said, signaling the beginning of the next round. The members settled back into their seats, waiting for the next song to play. As soon as a beat echoed through the room, Seungkwan and Hoshi sprang to their feet. At this point, the rest of the members weren’t even surprised.
[Overwhelming speed]
“Go Overboard For Show!” Seungkwan shouted with determination, while Hoshi clutched his head, clearly in pain trying to recall the song. The energy shifted, the others watching as the two fought to piece together the answer.
“1, 2, 3,” PD Na counted down, adding to the tension.
“I’ll say it. Wait,” Hoshi muttered, his brows furrowed as he seemed to dig deep into his memory, everyone waiting in suspense.
Finally, there was a beat of silence before Hoshi blurted, “BoA.”
Without missing a beat, Seungkwan followed, “’NO.1’!”
PD Na blinked, his expression confused. “Wrong.”
The two stood there, dumbfounded, shocked that they might’ve gotten it wrong. But PD Na quickly shook his head, realization dawning on his face. “I mean, you got it.” He chuckled, and the rest of the members joined in, laughing at the slight slip-up.
Seungkwan and Hoshi moved up front, ready to perform the dance. As they grabbed each other’s hands, they started spinning around dramatically, clearly enjoying their victory.
“We did this before,” S.Coups said from his seat, referring to the time they had covered this iconic BoA dance as a group.
“Didn’t we do this dance?” Wonwoo added, a hint of nostalgia in his voice.
[You totally did]
The chorus kicked in, but both Seungkwan and Hoshi visibly hesitated, their movements buffering as they tried to recall the choreography. They began doing random dance moves in unison, clearly lost.
[He barely remembers it]
“That’s ‘Candy’!” S.Coups pointed out, recognizing the choreography from an entirely different song.
Seungkwan, realizing they were floundering, suddenly started doing BLACKPINK’s ‘DDU-DU DDU-DU’ gun dance instead, causing an uproar of laughter as Hoshi, always quick on his feet, followed suit.
“‘Hit you with that DDU-DU DDU-DU,’” Seungkwan sang, throwing himself into the new routine, which only made everyone laugh harder.
[HYBE artist brings SM and YG together]
“He’s good at that,” Luna chuckled, watching them fondly from her seat, her eyes shining with amusement.
Seungkwan and Hoshi, realizing they’d lost all hope of remembering the original dance, gave up entirely. Instead, they started following the jib camera, performing as if they were shooting a dramatic music video, serenading the camera with exaggerated expressions.
[Seungkwan and Hoshi love the jimmy jib]
As the song ended, everyone clapped enthusiastically for the two, and the room filled with the sound of applause and cheers.
“Good job,” Minghao said with a grin as the two made their way back to their seats, both out of breath.
“We performed this song, but I can’t remember,” Seungkwan confessed, panting as he sat down.
Luna chuckled softly. “Your dance was better,” she teased.
Hoshi leaned toward Seungkwan, still catching his breath. “I almost got confused with S.E.S. I wasn’t sure if it was S.E.S. or BoA.”
The two shared a look, realizing how close they’d been to getting it wrong but also reveling in their playful performance as they rejoined the rest of the group.
As the next round began, the room fell into a quiet anticipation. The group listened intently, awaiting the song that would determine the next winners.
[A special question for Woozi]
Suddenly, a couple of familiar drum beats filled the air, and chaos erupted. Almost all the teams, except for S.Coups and Woozi, shot up from their seats. Dino and Wonwoo were the first to raise their hands and shout their slogan, though their voices got lost in the overlapping chorus of yells as the members all tried to shout over one another. Woozi remained seated, completely confused as he observed the spectacle unfolding around him.
In the middle of the commotion, Luna quickly raised her hand. In unison with Joshua, she shouted, “Me!” while Joshua yelled his own name, “Joshua!” Both of them got so caught up in the excitement that they completely forgot their slogan.
“Drink Less and Talk More!” Dino yelled, his voice the clearest and fastest as he stood up alongside Wonwoo, who quietly followed suit.
Luna chuckled when she realized their mistake, grabbing the name tag paper from the table and playfully smacking Joshua with it. “Ya! We forgot the slogan,” she said, still laughing, as Joshua joined in, chuckling at their blunder.
“Team Drink Less and Talk More was faster,” PD Na confirmed with a nod.
“SEVENTEEN,” Dino said, confidently giving their own group name.
“‘FML,’” Wonwoo followed, delivering the title of their own song with equal confidence.
Mingyu, unsure of himself, stood up and said, “Burp and Fart,” as if expecting it to be wrong.
“No? It is,” Dino said, a bit confused but reassured by the reaction around him.
“You got it,” PD Na confirmed with a smile, giving Dino the win.
“Oh, you got it.” Mingyu said, shocked at Dino’s correct answer.
[The double title song of SEVENTEEN's 10th mini album]
Dino and Wonwoo celebrated, heading up to the front as Woozi threw his head back in defeat, realizing that he was the only one who didn’t recognize their own song— especially a song he had produced himself.
Both Dino and Wonwoo started vibing to the song in front, the music filling the air. Since the song had no official choreography, the members were shocked at the sight.
“This isn’t even out yet,” Vernon said, eyebrows raised in disbelief.
“This song has no choreography,” Joshua pointed out, looking amused.
Dino, however, was completely in his element. He walked around with a sort of drunken swagger, while Wonwoo awkwardly paused to watch as Dino laid down dramatically on the ground, making the whole group laugh.
[He lied down]
Vernon stood up, making his way over to Dino, and gently pulled down Dino’s shirt, which had risen up during his dramatic flop to the floor.
Seungkwan, never one to miss an opportunity, walked up front and started acting like he and Dino were in a skit, playing along with Dino’s antics. He knelt beside Dino, patting his leg. “Sir, I called the chauffeur service. You should go home,” Seungkwan said in a concerned voice, making everyone burst into laughter.
“Just a bit more,” Dino played along, slurring his words like he was actually drunk.
“You can’t lie down here,” Seungkwan continued, keeping the act going.
“Just one more bottle,” Dino said again, playing the role to perfection.
“I already called the chauffeur service,” Seungkwan sighed, pulling him up and getting more laughs from the group.
“Let me just get the razor,” Dino joked as he allowed himself to be pulled to his feet.
“I’ll get you the razor,” Seungkwan responded, still in character.
“Okay,” Dino said, and they walked away, continuing the act.
“I already ordered it. I ordered six blades,” Seungkwan added, patting Dino on the back, keeping the joke going until the whole group was laughing uncontrollably.
“That goes perfectly with the song,” Dokyeom said, clapping his hands in amusement at the skit they had just performed.
PD Na, still laughing himself, turned to Woozi, who was chuckling in disbelief at his own failure. “Woozi,” PD Na said, drawing everyone’s attention to him.
“Woozi had no idea,” S.Coups added, teasing his fellow member.
“I’m in vain,” Woozi sighed, shaking his head.
“Because I have a lot of old-school samples, I thought it was something else,” Woozi explained, trying to defend himself. “I knew I was wrong. I was like, ‘Oh, right.’”
[Losing his mind]
Seungkwan and Luna, who had been watching the entire exchange, spoke in unison. “It hasn’t been released yet,” they said, sympathizing with Woozi’s confusion.
“I never expected it,” Vernon agreed, nodding along.
“I never saw it coming because it’s not released yet,” Woozi said again, shaking his hand in disbelief.
“And this has no choreography,” Wonwoo reminded everyone with a small smile.
“We haven’t practiced the choreography yet,” Vernon added, backing him up.
Woozi repeated once more, “This isn’t released yet. I never saw it coming.”
“He has an excuse for everything,” S.Coups teased, making the room erupt in laughter again.
“Stop. You talk too much. Too many excuses,” Seungkwan deadpanned, playfully shutting Woozi down, causing the whole group, including Woozi, to laugh even harder. Woozi threw his head back, laughing in defeat, realizing there was no escaping the teasing that day.
“Next question,” PD Na announced, his voice cutting through the lingering laughter.
[12th question]
The music for the next round began, and within just a few beats, chaos broke out. Every member shot up from their seats, hands in the air, shouting their slogans, eager to claim the answer.
[They all raise their hands quickly]
But Vernon and Minghao were the fastest.
“I Don’t Like Your Earrings!” Vernon called out, the speed of his response leaving everyone else in the dust.
“I Don’t Like Your Earrings,” PD Na acknowledged with a nod.
“G-DRAGON and Taeyang,” Minghao said confidently.
“‘Good Boy,’” Vernon finished the answer with the song title.
“You got it,” PD Na confirmed, allowing the duo to take the stage for the performance.
Minghao and Vernon moved to the front, preparing for the dance. “That was so easy,” Woozi whined from his seat, his expression one of playful regret.
“You might as well do your best,” Seungkwan urged them, referring to the iconic choreography they were about to perform.
“This is what we should’ve gotten,” Woozi groaned, feeling the sting of missing out on such a well-known song.
The familiar opening lines played, and the energy in the room shifted. As the lyrics ‘Put your hands in the air’ echoed through the speakers, everyone in the room followed suit, raising their hands in perfect sync with the words.
“‘How y’all feeling out there?’” Hoshi growled dramatically, mimicking the ad-libs, drawing laughter from the group.
“We even know the ad-libs,” Seungkwan commented, sounding impressed at their collective enthusiasm.
As the song progressed, Vernon and Minghao bounced along to the beat, getting ready for the iconic chorus dance. The rest of the members were already singing along, hyping up the two performers at the front. Some of the members, bopping in their seats, were already on their feet, fully immersed in the song.
As the chorus neared, Vernon and Minghao spun around, their movements hyping up the rest of the group. They danced with ease, executing the iconic choreo to perfection. Behind them, a few of the other members followed along, mimicking the moves, while the rest sang along, doing ad-libs and enjoying the moment.
When the beat dropped and the chorus hit, the room was filled with energy. Minghao and Vernon performed the dance flawlessly, while the rest cheered, some joining in with the choreography. The atmosphere was electric, as everyone got caught up in the nostalgic excitement of the song.
As the song ended, the members clapped and cheered, their applause loud and enthusiastic as Vernon and Minghao returned to their seats, looking pleased.
“They were great,” Dokyeom commented, still clapping.
“That was cool,” PD Na added, clearly impressed by their performance.
“I should’ve gotten that one,” Woozi lamented again, shaking his head.
“I underestimated Team Earrings,” PD Na teased, turning to Woozi and S.Coups’ team. “I thought you’d barely get any, but you’re doing better than I expected— whereas Woozi got nothing.”
“This is never easy,” Woozi said, throwing his hands up in exasperation.
“This isn’t easy,” Mingyu agreed from across the table, giving Woozi some backup.
“It’s okay,” S.Coups chimed in, offering a reassuring nod to his teammate.
“Okay, next question,” PD Na announced as the group prepared for the upcoming challenge. They waited expectantly for the next song to start, but instead of a melody, a doorbell sound echoed through the room.
“Mommy’s here,” Jeonghan teased, his usual playful tone making everyone chuckle.
“Who is it?” Minghao followed, leaning into the bit.
“Delivery,” Jun chimed in, not missing a beat.
“You can leave it at the door,” Seungkwan quipped, playing along as well, causing laughter to ripple across the room.
Suddenly, Dokyeom’s voice echoed as he confidently shouted, “I Get Worked Up And Lose My Temper Easily!” He stood, hands raised in triumph, clearly thinking he had nailed it.
PD Na pointed at him, waiting for his answer.
“Halli Galli?” Dokyeom guessed, looking hopeful. His answer caused the entire room to erupt into laughter.
“Wrong,” PD Na said, shaking his head.
Luna, laughing, added, “That’s a board game!”
[It is a board game]
“Isn’t it right?” Dokyeom laughed along, realizing his mistake.
“Wrong,” PD Na confirmed again, adding to the hilarity as the group continued laughing.
[They're lost]
They quieted down, listening more intently as the music played on. S.Coups stood up, raising his hand and saying their team’s slogan: “I Don’t Know Who Park Bo Gum Is, But I Love Him And Cherish Him.”
PD Na nodded at him, waiting for his answer.
“Sobangcha,” S.Coups guessed.
“Wrong,” PD Na said, and S.Coups groaned, “That’s not it,” as he sat back down, shaking his head.
The song kept playing, the tension in the room thickening. Some of the members seemed familiar with the tune but couldn’t quite place the title. Mingyu, in particular, was whining as he sat forward, the answer clearly on the tip of his tongue. Meanwhile, others like Wonwoo, Woozi, and S.Coups were thinking hard, brows furrowed in concentration.
[They've been doing this for a while]
Luna and Joshua, however, leaned back in their seats, both looking completely lost. “I have no idea,” Luna admitted, turning to Joshua.
“Me too,” Joshua chuckled, sharing her confusion.
“Let’s try to win the MHP at least,” Luna suggested, a grin forming as she teased him. “You have a high chance of winning it,” she said, making Joshua nod as he focused on the next strategy.
The song continued, and suddenly, Vernon stood up with his slogan ready, “I Don’t Like Your Earrings!” he shouted.
[Vernon raised his hand first]
Minghao, who had no clue, was startled by Vernon’s sudden movement, his face full of surprise.
[He's lost]
PD Na laughed, pointing at a shocked Minghao, “The8 doesn’t know why he’s up.”
The room erupted in laughter once again.
“Vernon, you have to say it first— 1, 2, 3,” PD Na counted down, waiting for the answer.
Vernon paused, looking at a clueless Minghao, then gestured toward Dino and Wonwoo’s team with a sheepish smile. “Can I make a concession?” he asked, making the group laugh harder.
“Are you making a concession?” Wonwoo stood up, chuckling as he crossed his arms.
Realizing he had no hope, Vernon gave up and grabbed Minghao’s hand to sit back down, shaking his head in defeat.
[They were nice enough to make a concession]
“Team Drink Less and Talk More?” PD Na offered, turning to Dino and Wonwoo’s team.
Dino sat frozen, clearly paralyzed by indecision, while Wonwoo managed to say the artist’s name, “Shim Soo Bong?”
“Wrong,” PD Na said.
Jeonghan, still seated, raised his hand and recited their slogan confidently, “Burp and Fart.”
[Burp was waiting for his chance]
PD Na acknowledged them, nodding.
“Yun Soo Il,” Jeonghan said, grinning slightly.
PD Na then counted down for Mingyu, “1, 2, 3.”
“‘Apartment,’” Mingyu said, the answer finally clicking into place.
“You got it!” PD Na confirmed, causing the members to gasp in disbelief. Mingyu and Jeonghan celebrated immediately, high-fiving with big smiles on their faces.
“How did you know?” Mingyu asked, turning to Jeonghan with curiosity.
“My dad’s favorite singer,” Jeonghan replied, as casual as ever.
[You're also a good son]
The song played again, and this time, a handful of the members went up to the front to freestyle dance to the old tune. Vernon, Minghao, Wonwoo— who was pulled up by Dino— Dokyeom, Seungkwan, Hoshi, and Jun all jumped up, eager to join the fun.
[There are always people who do this on 'National Singing Contest']
The rest of the members, including Mingyu, Jeonghan, Woozi, S.Coups, and Luna, sat back down, content to watch the others perform. Luna, however, gave Joshua a little nudge, pushing him forward to go dance.
“Go, go,” she urged, laughing as Joshua reluctantly joined the group.
[Under pressure]
As the members danced, most of them played up the comedic aspect, especially Joshua, who started mimicking a well-known meme. His exaggerated movements caused the members to burst out laughing, several pointing at him as they realized the similarities.
[Drunken Disney princes]
“Good job! Good job, Shua!” Luna cheered him on, her laughter contagious as she clapped for him.
Once the song ended, the members slowly returned to their seats, still chuckling and catching their breath. Luna continued clapping for Joshua as he plopped down next to her.
[Joshua won]
“Joshua, that was cool,” Seungkwan said, still smiling at his friend’s antics.
“We’ll give up on MHP,” Mingyu declared, shaking his head, a grin tugging at his lips.
Jeonghan nodded in agreement, both of them still relishing their small victory from earlier.
[We're out of energy]
As the lively atmosphere settled, the room buzzed with the afterglow of laughter and excitement. PD Na’s voice broke through the hum, preparing them for the next question. The members, some leaning forward eagerly while others relaxed back in their seats, prepared themselves for what was to come next.
The game wasn’t over yet, and the friendly competition had only just begun.
[To be continued in Clip 3-1]
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80rosequartz08 · 1 day
While Helluva Boss's songs are full of stupid, contradictory, and plain wrong lines, it's this one that really gets me...
TW/CW: S/A, Abuse
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Because...it's just not true?
If it were about Blitz, I guess it could work? Blitz is basically selling his pride, dignity, and life to Stolas in order to get the book to the living world. It would be disgusting and cruel, talking about a victim like this and saying he "sold his life" to the person who's abusing him, but in a way, it would be tragically accurate.
But it's used against Stolas...? Why?
Stolas did everything but "sell his life". Before this line, Ozzie talks about how Stolas "had a smoking wife, a daughter too". But he still does? And even if Stolas "lost" Octavia and Stella like Ozzie said, he clearly doesn't care.
During Loo Loo Land Stolas neglects his daughter, not giving a damn whether she's happy, just using the day as an excuse of sexually harass Blitz. He only comes to realize his wrongs when Octavia literally runs away to cry about how she feels like her father doesn't love her. He makes a half-assed apology that Octavia has to accept, and all is well! Except it's not, because in Season 2, this happens AGAIN.
Octavia once again runs from her home and her father, this time because he was too busy getting a hate boner while arguing with Stella to give a shit about spending time with his daughter. He doesn't even apologize this time! Loona comes up to Octavia and gabs to her about how she should give her father a pass because he's just a poor, rich, abuser who doesn't know any better and is "trying his best".
Even more confusing, why should Stolas care about "losing" Stella? He hates her, she hates him. They can't stand each other and want to be rid of one another as quick as possible, so shouldn't Stolas "losing" Stella be the best thing that's ever happened him?
Not to mention, Stella acted abusively towards Stolas. Whether you agree with that choice for her character, she still yells at and throws things at Stolas. What would he "lose" from cutting off an abuser like her? If anything, he would thrive even more than he does if he didn't have Stella breathing down his neck like she does. Besides, if he divorces her, he keeps most of the important stuff (money, power, etc.) so even if he did "care" for her he's still well off without her.
And that leads to my biggest point: even if he loses Stella and Octavia, HE DID NOT "SELL HIS LIFE". NOT. EVEN. CLOSE.
He's still rich and powerful, plus he has powerful friends/connections. He can still have whoever he wants. He can still command others through either manipulation, force, or magic. He can still abuse those he deems lower than him.
Stolas can do whatever he wants. Stolas didn't sell his life for shit.
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rightpastnowhere · 2 days
TLOVM season 3 episode 3 thoughts from someone who's slowly losing her mind
PART ONE: campaign vex and perc'ahlia VS tlovm vex and perc'ahlia
(yeah. yeah it's part one. i have so many thoughts gang)
okay. so. i feel like i've made it clear how much i ADORE the perc'ahlia relationship timeline in campaign 1. and it remains to this day one of my absolute favorites, and i was very afraid of it being changed in tlovm. BUT. i'm actually kind of fucking obsessed with these changes.
because, really, campaign!vex and tlovm!vex are two entirely separate characters. they're still the same vex at their core, but the changes to the narrative in tlovm have changed the show version of vex in ways that i think are perfectly suited to the "i'm going to turn this into a fling even though we're both fooling ourselves" plotline. tlovm!vex seems overall more committed to the facade she puts out. she's a bit colder in the beginning, and has slowly thawed over the past two seasons, but not in the same way campaign!vex has by this point in the c1 plot, and like. on the one hand, it might just be a personality shift for the adaptation! something to make more clear-cut character archetypes. on the other hand, i keep remembering that vox machina haven't been a party for as long in tlovm. she's still questioning whether or not to stay with the party in season one. she doesn't have as strong of a foundation with these people, less trust and less comfort. she's got so many more walls built up.
and that, of course, includes her relationship with percy. campaign!perc'ahlia, in my eyes, is a friends to lovers slowburn. it's been mentioned that they hit it off well from the beginning, and while they both were attracted to each other to some degree, they both dismissed it as a bad idea and moved on. over the year of in-game time they spent together (maybe more? i get confused with the timeline) before we even see them on screen, they build up a steady and solid friendship. one filled with flirting and teasing, but still a friendship. and it's clear that they both value this connection they have, especially in the briarwood arc, with the mask and all of that loveliness. and sure, some of that could be read as romantic, but it's love all the same. vex loved percy before she was in love with him, and that dynamic is one she's terrified to lose! "wouldn't it be so awkward, though?" she says, as if she's already decided that all that confessing would do would be adding tension, that there's no chance of reciprocity.
in tlovm, though? it's barely been any time at all. she's fallen in love with percy in the same time it's taken to really be his friend, to find that she can trust him and rely on him. the weight of their history isn't nearly as bulky, here. sure, she won't dare risk any revelations of her feelings or any attempts at a serious relationship, but sex doesn't have to mean anything. if it makes things awkward then, well, they're still settling into their dynamic as friends anyway - things can be shuffled around and fall into different places. there's nothing solid yet to risk, if that makes sense. they're still building a foundation, she can build around the cracks.
and another significant point of divergence: syldor. i have a lot of thoughts on the feywild arc and the changes made, but i'm going to disregard all of that now because they're, same as vex, basically different characters. to put it simply: tlovm!syldor is harsh and gives bad attention, whereas campaign!syldor is neglectful and doesn't give enough attention. as a result, we see that tlovm!vex seeks out good attention, whereas campaign!vex avoids getting close enough to anyone for them to pull the rug out from underneath her. tlovm!vex initiates a fling, a dynamic of gratification and positive attention without emotional weight, because actually being in a relationship can result in that trust being used against you. she trusted in her father, and he used being her father as a way to beat her down. campaign!vex doesn't even try to initiate anything, because she fears the silence, the lack of reciprocity and care, the fear of being turned down. she tried to build a connection with her father, and was met with silence and quiet disapproval and barely even a second glance. i don't know if this makes any sense, and i'm bad at words, but these feel like different fears of rejection to me? and yet they're both fears of rejection, something that is at the core of vex's actions and personality in both adaptations.
two different stories of a person driven by fear, and i love them for their differences!! they both feel more fitting for their versions of canon!!! and both make me insane!!!!!!!!
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swimmpantyz · 12 hours
NOT ME. (pt 2)
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gojo satoru x reader
summary: Being Satoru's classmate was difficult. Being Satoru's friend... worse. You were no one replacement. He knew that, but you still filled a place he thought no one would ever fill.
content: hurt & comfort, slow burn, teenager gojo satoru, swearing, slice of life, mention of deaths, both of you are immature, & +
trope: friends to lovers
short chapter! - no proofread
<<previous part
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"Are you still mad at him?" Shoko casually asked. You two were in the school garden. She was lazily leaning on a banch.
There was no need to ask who she was referring to... How did she know about your last fight from a few days ago? only gods know.
With work, the days you two could talk calmly were counted. Her schedule was tight as a bow-string.
You shrugged and she sighed, rolling her eyes at your nonchalance.
"I know you wanna tell me." She said, fingers pinching your ribs, making you squeal in silence.
"Maybe." You mumbled, looking away. "I don't know, this never happened to me before..." Shoko hummed at your words. Meaning: I don't know how to feel.
"Do you think he's crying on his room right now?" You rolled your eyes at her sarcastic comment. As if.
"You're making it sound as if we had a break up." She let out a small 'pff', hand covering her mouth as she chuckled. Your eyebrows slightly frowned almost by their own as you let out a 'ew'.
"What now? you want me to go on and check on him?" Even though you said it matching her sarcasm, her next dismissive words weren't light play anymore, and for some reason, it made your smile falt.
"Well, if you didn't, who would?" ...
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You haven't visited Satoru's dormitory since last month.
Even though he probably knew you were standing outside, you knocked at his door either way.
It wasn't Shoko's words the ones that made you approach him... Of course not...
"Satoru... you in?" There wasn't any feeling of impatience, yet your feet softly kicked the floor on their own as you waited for an answer for a good amount of seconds.
"Nah." He finally answered, his voice sounding muffled by something as he loudly spoke.
"... Come on, big boy, open the door." You knocked the door again by the rythm of a song. He let out an annoyed whine from the other side.
"... What?" The door opened abruptly. He was right in front of you, standing with his head down. There wasn't any glasses resting on his nose, showing off his light blue eyes that locked with yours.
"Shoko left for work." You said with a more easy-going smile. He may have thought you were making fun of him as he let out a small 'tsk', crossing his arms and looking away.
"So you came because you need a replacement? I ain't doing all that." He hastly said, biting his inner cheek with raised eyebrows. "Not my fault you don't have any other friends." As if he was the one to talk...
He was getting deffensive, using something like that just to mock you.
"Don't be stupid. You could never fill the space she has in my heart-" Maybe teasing him right now wasn't the best choice as he closed the door shut in your face.
Satoru not being in the mood to tease? damn.
You let out an incredulous laugh. Stepping back and leaving the place.
If you stayed a few seconds longer, you could have seen him opening the door again, looking side to side frowning in confusion at your lack of chasing.
But his expression lasted shortly as you jumped on his opened window, landing on his bed on a sitting position. He could see your eyebrows softly clenching, matching your intense eyes and small smile.
"Come on, don't be a baby." He hizzed comically as he sat next to you.
"What's up with your mood swings?" His hands rested on his bed behind his back, his face dropping to a side as he looked at you.
"I'm bipolar." He hummed as if it was a fact he already knew.
"Oh really?" His shoulders shrugged as he sarcastically asked.
"Hey, I was just kidding... Probably..." The last word was nothing but a small mumble.
"I thought you'd never speak to me again." He said with less playfulness. "Your words, not mine." There was a cube's rubik on his bedside table. He stretched his arms, grabbing it.
You eyes flickered by the thought of how you erupted that day.
"Satoru." The seriousness in your voice made his hand stop on it's tracks.
"... Yeah?" ...
"People change." He let out a soft huf at your words, eyes closing as he started to solve the cube.
"Aha." He agreed. You were definitely not going to bring the topic of your fight again, or at least, not first.
Part of you felt slightly bad for not letting him explain himself after the last time.
His messages on your phone are still delivered.
You treated your friendship as if he wasn't enough of a friend to care if you started to ignore each other.
But time gave you the conclusion that, in fact, you appreciated his company. Just as much as you needed it.
Maybe time gave him the same conclusion.
"... I don't know what happened to me... You should be the last person I take it all out on." He finally spoke.
For someone who's definitely not used to talk about feelings like this, he was doing surprisingly well.
And actually, of course you were going to be the one getting all his shit since you were the only one to hang with him.
"I guess... I guess you were the only one I had to talk to... about this feeling that it's... I don't know. I thought that once I got it out of my system, I'd be the same as always, but I didn't even get a single bit lighter instead..." He messed with his hair as he dropped down to his bed, a conflicted expression on his face, his white eyebrows frowning deeply. "It just got worse." He then covered his eyes with a hand.
"Worse how?" The way he was laying there, venting, made you feel like a psychologist.
"Shit- don't you dare to laugh, okay?" With half confusion - half curiosity, you doubtfully nodded. "... I couldn't stop thinking about you." A deep silence came after that sentence.
"..." You just stared at him with a surprised poker face.
"... I changed my mind, just laugh it off." He turned around, his back facing you. You laid down next to him, supporting you head on your hand while staring at the back of his head.
"I'm not that cinical." He slowly turned around to the other side, facing you again. His eyes rolled at your more light humored comment before closing them and taking a deep breath.
"I think I feel a bit better now... It's almost like I took something out of my chest." You nodded at his words, looking away while inmersed in your own thoughts.
He didn't say sorry, he didn't say how he cared about your friendship... At least he did recognize he was a piece of shit. But that was all.
And you didn't say you missed him too, that he was also the only one next to you every day... At least you tried to make things better between you two. But was it really working?
You didn't even mention it, just dismissed it, even though it kept tingling in your head, hoping to forget about a seemingly silly thing.
"That's good." He nodded in silence, probably thinking too. Just as he was about to speak again, you interrupted him, changing the topic: "Do you want to go and get some ice cream?" He bit his lower lip for a second, and without giving more of a thought, he jumped off of his bed in one movement.
"My treat." He agreed, with a more easy smile on his face, going back as when he was just before the fight you had.
Yet, there were still things unresolved between you two... But school was almost near the end to care about it right now.
It was just as if you were still thinking about this friendship just as school friends and nothing deeper than that... Was he even a good friend to keep seeing each other even after you graduate?
But for Satoru, you were the only one left walking by his side.
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if I ain't happy, nobody ain't happy, heheheh😋
tgl: @dekusdante @anobsessedwoman
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devflamme · 3 days
yadda yadda yadda agathario, curses, and dead sons
agatha all along spoilers under the cut 🫵
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- these screenshots right here reminded me of mrs fletcher and now i cant be normal about it. why was this segment so... horny. ANYWAY back to depression
- also, one thing. what the fuck does switzerland have to do with them. did they go to switzerland together before? is it a joke i didnt understand?
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- agatha crying wasnt on my episode 4 bingo. like. FOR REAL. the way she screamed "don't" at lilia, snapped at jen because she couldnt remember what to use to heal teen and just begged rio to not take him from her. btw, this bitch is Death 100%
- "oh no shes blackheart!" "shes mephisto!" dude. did u see the same episode i did??? she talked about agatha killing the whole coven so that she could have the bodies, was just waiting for teen to die of a hemorrhage so that she could get him, talked about a job she did not want to do, mentioned that she was impatient and wanted to cause damage to the coven... death. 100%.
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- the way agatha stayed by his side all the time... she only left because teen asked about her son – that was probably when it clicked for her: he is not nick, or, she got hurt by the mention of nick after having him on her mind all the time because of teen. agatha just feels confused.
"you don't have to know someone's name to know who they are."
- the way she talked so softly with him and even joked about his curious tone of voice. she is really attached to him, and i just know that when he is revealed to be wanda's son, her heart is going to break into pieces. again.
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- agatha needed this hug so badly. they both needed. they are both supposed to hate each other. agatha runs away from rio like the plague – but after such an emotional trial and the effect of having rio near her, remembering her of their past together, she just needed it. she needed the affection she knew that rio would give her.
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- rio gave her the affection she longed for, but also broke her heart again with a single sentence.
"the boy is not yours."
- agatha just wants two things in her life. power and her son back. and it fucking breaks me because... she lost her son because of power. she lost the thing she ALLEGEDLY traded her son for (the darkhold), and the same thing is now destroyed. every single copy. she lost her power. she lost everything, and now she's going through the hell she made her past coven members go through. agatha harkness you are so fucked up.
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- jen was a midwife. i know that agatha's story is very popular in between witches, but maybe she knew agatha because she helped her during pregnancy? how the fuck did she got pregnant? was it magic? is rio the father? i wanna a dna test.
- dont know if this makes sense but i found interesting that the burn scars from the curse are always on the characters' shoulders. shoulders are where you carry your responsibilities and burdens – the curse is a burden to alice, thats why it affects her shoulders.
- the mention about the man who bound jen's powers really stuck out to me, about him breaking the doctor's oath, also known as hypocrates' oath (btw im translating the name from portuguese to english, it's probably not the same she said on the show)
- "do no harm / primum non nocere" even though the first thing the man did to jennifer was harm her and bound her powers.
anyway i fucking love this show and its characters so bad. please talk with me about it!! would love to chat a little :)
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cheynovak · 2 days
Characters: Soldier boy x Y/N Female character     
Summary: Y/N, a young personal assistant to Soldier Boy (Ben) and Crimson Countess, is caught in a whirlwind of events that shatter her sense of stability. After accidentally witnessing an intimate moment between Ben, Crimson, and another woman, she’s left shaken and unsure how to process it. The following day, Crimson casually invites her to join them, which only adds to Y/N's confusion.
Warnings: 18+ smut, fight, spice,
English is not my first language 
*This story is my own original story, please do not copy my work, reblog/comments/likes are appreciated* 
part 4/?
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Ben had been back from Herogasm for a few days, but everything felt different. He hadn’t mentioned the event, and the silence stretched between us like a chasm, leaving me feeling increasingly isolated. I tried to shake off the irritation that simmered inside me, but it was hard to ignore.
I was at the front desk talking to Suzy when Kevin walked in—just what I needed. The air turned tense, and I could feel my heart rate spike. He wanted to talk, but I flat-out refused. “I’m not going home,” I stated, my tone sharper than intended.
Kevin stepped closer, determination etched on his face. “You need to come home,” he insisted, his voice low and demanding.
I laughed, a bitter sound that echoed in the lobby. “Home? With you? No thanks.”
He glanced down at my clothes, the ones that Ben or someone at vought had gifted—stylish, flattering, everything Kevin never understood. “So, you’re with another man? Thats fast!” His tone shifted, dripping with disdain. “A man buys you things, and now you’re his cheap whore.” He gripped my arm.
I felt my blood boil at his words, but before I could retort, Ben appeared, a powerful figure cutting through the tension like a knife. “You again... Let her go,” he commanded, voice low and dangerous, like a predator ready to pounce.
Kevin turned to face Ben, a smirk dancing on his lips. “Ah, so you sucked him off and now he’s buying you shit, is that it? Those late nights, Y/N weren't just for work, were they? And you blame me for looking elsewhere? If you’d been home more, you’d be taking care of your husband instead of fucking your boss like a cheap whore!”
Ben’s fury flared, his eyes darkening with rage. “What did you call her?” he growled, his tone deadly.
I stepped forward, desperate to defuse the situation. “Ben, wait!” I shouted, feeling the heat of the moment escalate. Kevin’s words had struck a nerve, but I didn’t want Ben to resort to violence, no matter how much Kevin deserved it.
“Just—don’t,” I urged, placing a hand on Ben's arm. The tension crackled around us, and I could see the internal struggle within him, the need to protect me battling against the urge to unleash his anger on Kevin.
Kevin scoffed, undeterred by my plea. “You think you’re better than me because you’re with him? Newsflash: he’s just another guy trying to fill you up. And when the thrill fades, what will you have?” His voice dripped with scorn, trying to claw his way back into my head.
Ben’s eyes narrowed, the muscles in his jaw clenching. “She deserves better than you, you piece of shit,” he shot back, his voice firm and unwavering.
I looked between the two of them, feeling the weight of their animosity. “This isn’t helping anyone!” I pleaded, but the men were locked in their own battle of wills, and my words barely registered.
Kevin took a step forward, invading my space. “You’re making a mistake, Y/N. You think this is real? You think he’s going to stick around when things get tough? He’s just using you, like every other man in your future. You’ll be back to me, you’ll see.”
His words stung, but I shook my head, determination rising within me. “I’m not going back to you, Kevin. I don’t want that life anymore.”
“Then you’re just a fool,” he sneered, looking at me as if I were a stranger.
“Maybe, but at least I’m not living a lie,” I shot back, my voice stronger now. “You don’t get to judge me. You lost that right the moment you decided to cheated."
Ben stepped closer, a protective presence beside me, his voice low and threatening. “Back off, buddy.”
Kevin’s face twisted in anger, and for a moment, I thought he might lash out. But instead, he took a deep breath, a smirk creeping back onto his face. “Fine. Enjoy your little fling. But remember, when he’s gone and you’re left with nothing, don’t come crawling back to me.”
With that, Kevin turned on his heel and stormed out, leaving the air thick with tension and unresolved emotions. I let out a shaky breath, feeling both relieved and exhausted.
Ben’s gaze softened as he looked at me, concern etched on his features. “You okay?”
I nodded slowly, but the sting of Kevin’s words lingered. “I am now,” I replied, though I couldn’t shake the feeling that this wasn’t over yet.
Ben followed me into my office, the door clicking shut behind us with a finality that sent a shiver down my spine. “What do you want, Ben?” I asked, bracing myself for the conversation I knew was coming.
He stepped closer, the tension crackling in the air. “I know why you’ve been avoiding me.”
“I’m not,” I replied, but my voice lacked conviction.
He closed the distance between us, roughly turning me to face him. His hand gripped my chin, tilting my head up to meet his intense gaze. “Don’t lie, sweetheart.”
“Well, I haven’t seen you around either,” I shot back, trying to maintain my composure.
A smirk tugged at his lips, the corner of his mouth lifting in that infuriatingly charming way. “You’re jealous.”
I ripped his hand away from my face and turned my back to him, trying to regain some semblance of control. “I’m not. I just don’t like you smelling like sex when you crawl into bed next to me.”
“Okay, not jealous” he said, his voice low and teasing. “Prove it.”
Before I could react, his hand moved to my breast, fingers brushing over me in a way that sent a rush of heat through my body. His lips found my neck, trailing soft kisses that made it hard to think straight. “I want you… now,” he murmured against my skin, the words igniting something deep within me.
It was too much, and it got the best of me. My body responded instinctively, heart racing as desire washed over me. I could feel the walls of my resolve crumbling as I turned to face him again, the air thick with unspoken tension and longing.
“Ben…” I started, but the protest died in my throat as he captured my lips with his, and everything else faded away.
He pushed me flat against my desk, the cool surface contrasting sharply with the heat radiating from my body. I felt his hands moving my legs, the intimacy of the position making my heart race even faster.
His fingers teased along the curve of my thigh, slowly moving higher, exploring with a deliberate slowness that drove me wild. I gasped as his lips trailed along my back, kissing a path that sent shivers down my spine. Every touch was electric, igniting a fire within me that I couldn’t ignore.
“Ben,” I breathed, the name escaping my lips like a plea. I was ready for more, ready to let go of everything else and embrace this moment.
He leaned in closer, his breath warm against my skin. “You want this,” he murmured, his voice low and intoxicating. The way he spoke made it feel like he knew exactly how much I craved him.
With a sudden movement, he pressed his body against mine, his weight pinning me down just enough to heighten the thrill. I felt his fingers dance teasingly, a tantalizing promise of what was to come. “Tell me how badly you want it,” he whispered, his lips brushing against my ear, sending a rush of heat through me.
“I want you,” I gasped, the urgency in my voice clear. “I want you now.”
That seemed to be all the encouragement he needed.
He knelt down behind me, his lips brushing against my thighs as he took his time exploring, teasing. I gasped as he pressed a soft kiss to my skin, the sensation sending waves of anticipation coursing through me.
Then, he surged forward, his tongue swirling against me, igniting every nerve ending. I moaned, the sound escaping my lips unbidden, the pleasure overwhelming. His hands gripped my hips, anchoring me in place as he worked his magic, sending shockwaves of desire through my entire body.
“Ben,” I gasped, my voice breathless as I pushed back against him, craving more of the delicious sensations he was creating. The way he moved, so confident and skilled, made me forget everything else.
He responded with a low growl, the sound reverberating through me, driving me further into the depths of my desire. “You taste so good,” he murmured against my skin, and I could feel him smile against me, savoring every moment.
I felt the heat pooling inside me, the urgency building as I lost myself in the rhythm of his movements. I was ready, ready for him to take me to that next level, to show me just how good this could feel. “Please,” I urged, breathless and desperate. “I need you.”
He seemed eager to please me, his desire palpable as he positioned himself behind me. The moment he entered me, he was hard, rough, and fast, each thrust igniting a fire deep within. I gasped, my body responding instinctively to the intensity of his movements.
His hand covered my mouth, muffling the sounds that threatened to escape. “Don’t hold back,” he whispered in my ear, his voice a low growl. “I want to hear you.”
Every thrust was a perfect mix of urgency and need, pushing me closer to the edge. I could feel him filling me completely, and with each movement, the world outside faded into oblivion. All that mattered was him, our bodies entwined in this heated dance of passion.
“Let go,” he urged softly, his breath hot against my ear. “Just feel.”
I surrendered to the pleasure, losing myself in the moment as I let go of all my inhibitions. His pace quickened, driving me wild as I felt every sensation amplify, drowning in the whirlwind of ecstasy.
After my first orgasm, I kneeled before him like he had taught me, my body still trembling from the intensity of it all. He finished quickly, groaning as his hands gripped my hair. Once it was over, he leaned down, brushing a kiss across my forehead, and promised with a smirk, “I’ll swing by tonight.”
I felt a strange sense of relief, like things were slipping back to normal, as if I could handle this arrangement. The tension of the last few days had vanished, leaving me feeling somewhat content. I showered, got dressed, and prepared for the evening, expecting Ben to keep his word.
But when night fell, and I was in the penthouse alone, I heard voices from outside—his voice. Ben was flirting, his deep, smooth tone unmistakable. My stomach twisted, jealousy surging like a wave I couldn’t contain. My mind raced, my blood boiling as I recognized the unmistakable lilt in his voice that he used when he was charming someone. He wasn’t just talking, he was seducing her.
I flung the door open without thinking, my emotions taking control. There he was, leaning against the doorway with the maid giggling, all too eager. When he saw me, Ben’s eyes flickered with amusement as if he was expecting me to react. He straightened up and dismissed the maid with a casual wave, his focus entirely on me now.
“You jealous, sweetheart?” he teased, stepping closer, his presence overwhelming as always.
My lips parted to speak, to call him out on it, but before I could, his hand was on my waist, pulling me to him. His touch sent a jolt through me, my anger dissipating as his thumb brushed over my lower lip.
“Ben…” I whispered, my voice faltering as I tried to hang on to my frustration, but the second his lips touched mine, it was like my thoughts dissolved.
He kissed me with that same intensity he always did—commanding, fierce, and impossible to resist. Every flick of his tongue, every press of his body against mine, made me forget what I was angry about. My jealousy melted away under the weight of his desire, and I found myself surrendering once again, wrapped up in the heat of his touch.
Whatever plans I had to confront him were gone the second he had me in his arms.
Ben seemed to be in an exceptionally good mood that night. The second we were inside, his hands were on me, pulling me close as his lips crashed against mine. There was something different in the way he touched me, an urgency, a hunger I hadn’t seen before. He pushed me down onto the bed with a predatory glint in his eyes, like he couldn’t wait another second.
Without a word, he knelt between my legs and buried his face there, his mouth working with a ravenous intensity. He devoured me like a man starved, his tongue and lips sending shockwaves of pleasure through my body. I gasped, my back arching off the bed as I clutched the sheets, his name escaping my lips in broken breaths.
He didn't stop. He didn't even slow down. The first orgasm hit me fast and hard, leaving me breathless and trembling, but Ben didn’t seem satisfied yet. His grip tightened on my thighs, pulling me closer as he continued to feast on me, driving me higher and higher until the second wave crashed over me, leaving me dizzy with pleasure.
I could barely think by the time the third one hit, my body shaking under his relentless attention. It was overwhelming, but I didn’t want him to stop. My mind was a haze of need, and the more he gave, the more I craved.
“More,” I gasped, barely recognizing my own voice, raw with desperation.
He pulled back, his lips glistening, eyes dark with lust as he stared down at me. “More?” he echoed, a dangerous smile playing on his lips.
Before I could answer, he stood up, pulling off his clothes with the same kind of urgency, but he didn’t touch himself. Instead, he climbed back over me, pressing his body against mine, the heat of his skin searing into me as he positioned himself.
"Careful what you ask for, sweetheart," he whispered darkly, his voice low and gravelly. His fingers dug into my hips as he pushed into me, hard and rough, exactly the way I needed it. Each thrust was powerful, overwhelming, pushing me past the limits of pleasure. I gasped, meeting him with everything I had, feeling every inch of him as he took control.
The intensity of it, the way he moved, left me trembling and breathless, but still, I begged for more.
And Ben, with that dangerous smile, gave it to me.
Ben’s grip tightened on my hips as he thrust harder, deeper, his pace relentless. "You're mine," he growled through clenched teeth, his breath hot against my neck. "Only mine. Kevin was a fool not to fuck you the way you deserve."
His words sank into me, each possessive claim igniting something deep inside. My mind was a blur of sensation, his voice pushing me closer to the edge with every thrust. I couldn’t think, couldn’t breathe—all I could do was feel. And everything he said, the way he claimed me, made me want him even more.
"You belong to me now," he growled, his voice rough, dark. "No one else. Just me."
I moaned, my body trembling beneath him, the pleasure overwhelming. His hands dug into my skin, and with every movement, every word, he marked me as his own. I didn’t care about Kevin anymore. Not in that moment. Ben owned me, and I craved it.
I needed it.
His rhythm grew faster, more intense, and I could feel him getting close. "You're mine," he repeated, the possessiveness in his voice sending me spiraling into another orgasm, my body arching against him as I shattered beneath him.
Ben wasn’t far behind, his pace becoming erratic as he followed me over the edge, but it was different this time—quicker than usual, like he couldn’t hold back. His growl of satisfaction filled the air as he buried himself deep inside me, shuddering as he came, gripping me tightly as if he never wanted to let go.
For a moment, the world was still. His body was heavy on mine, both of us panting, spent from the intensity of it all. He kissed my neck, slower now, the fire dimming, but the weight of his words still lingered in the air.
“You’re mine,” he whispered one last time, softer, almost tender now. And for some reason, it sounded like a promise.
My mind swirled, still reeling from the intensity of his touch and the weight of his words. “You’re mine,” echoed in my head, over and over, like an endless loop. The way he claimed me, the possessiveness in his voice—it had ignited something inside me, something I hadn’t realized was there.
But as the moments passed, and the adrenaline started to fade, the doubts crept in. I thought about Herogasm, about the things he had done there. The whispers I had heard. The threesomes with Crimson Countess. Was I really his? Or was I just another in a long line of women he claimed in the heat of the moment, only to forget the next day?
The room suddenly felt too quiet, the space between us too heavy. I was still lying beneath him, his body pressed against mine, but I felt distant, like I wasn’t really there. My insecurities gnawed at me, clawing their way to the surface.
What did I mean to him, really? Could I even trust anything he said? Or was this just another game, another conquest to pass the time until he got bored?
I didn’t say anything. I couldn’t. The questions were too loud in my head, drowning out everything else. I felt my body stiffen slightly beneath his, but I stayed silent.
Very, very quiet.
Ben noticed, of course. He always noticed. His arms, which had been holding me so possessively moments ago, loosened slightly as he shifted his weight, looking down at me with a raised eyebrow.
"You okay?" he asked, his voice low but not without a hint of curiosity.
I nodded, but it wasn’t convincing. Not even to myself.
He watched me for a second longer, his gaze searching, but I kept my face neutral, not wanting to give anything away. I didn’t want to ask about Herogasm. I didn’t want to know. But the jealousy, the insecurity, was there, lingering, and no matter how hard I tried to push it down, it was suffocating.
I turned my head slightly, biting my lip, trying to focus on anything but the storm brewing inside me.
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angelflms · 6 hours
here's some of the moments during my rewatch of deadpool & wolverine that were gold for my dad (an x-men/blade/ryan reynolds fan)'s first viewing:
- bye bye dance (dk if he knew that wasn't ryan dancing)
- the happy hogan chauffeur joke
- dopinder's airpods "joke?" "story?"
- yukio like.. pursed her lips up at one point? and my dad thought it was funny so he mimicked her
- he also just loved the wade/yukio moments
- the different code words for cocaine al and wade used (also the delivery of ryan saying "motherfucker" got him for some reason)
- the pegging/hookers joke
- seeing the different wolverines
- THE THOR JOKE (every mention got him)
- "get my country's name out your fucking mouth"
- "haha! not the will smith reference."
- me: *didn't even clock the reference my first time watching the movie*
- the captain america/johnny storm misdirect
- johnny falls
- every hit is followed by my dad being like "ohh. oh. oh. OHHHHH!! damn."
- "i'm marvel jesus. mj if you nasty."
- my dude started CACKLING at that
- idk if my dad remembers all of the xmen series because he didn't recognize toad that much. he did recognize sabertooth tho.
- sees antman skeleton lair
- "yooooo that's dope though!!"
- every drunken logan scene was a blast for him
- his disgusted reaction to nicepool's hair
- his equally disgusted reaction to mary puppins (he liked her tho)
- his even more disgusted reaction wade making out basically with mary puppins (+ immediately sung lady in red tho)
- the honda odyssey scene (idk if he understood the implications. mind y'all he was half asleep)
- "coexist?" he said
- that was his only reaction
- "is that carmen electra" - my dad seeing elektra for the first time (he did see the movie years ago)
- i think he missed the daredevil joke because he was busy laughing at another one
- "ohhhh blade!!!!"
- "you need to watch blade" "I'M WORKING ON IT DAD!!"
- laughed at the "i don't like you." "you never did." joke (blade: trinity is his favorite blade movie for those who don't know or ya know, couldn't tell)
- "ohhhh gambit!"
- "is that...IS THAT REALLY CHANNING TATUM???" (all of the flashbacks of us arguing about channing being gambit coming to the forefront of his mind)
- still isn't sold on it. thinks he's too buff. love the buttery nuts line he said tho
- sees laura
- me giving him a refresher on who that is
- dad: "ohhhh, she's older now!!!"
- laura and wade saying "let's fucking go"
- my dad "hey, did they just copy what logan said earlier?"
- campfire scene
- "you got the wrong guy."
- "you were always the wrong guy"
- dad laughs "yeah dad, you suck."
- dad enjoying wesley snipes as blade
- "there's only one blade"
- "deadpool looks at the camera (referencing blade's reboot coming soon-ish)"
- me and dad "technically he's right."
- dad: "well they're still working on the movie"
- me: "yeah but they went through five directors already"
- dad: "you right. you right."
- blade: *gets stabbed once*
- dad: "ohhhh"
- me: "it was one stab... he's fine."
- me: *forgot why laura had her backpack on* "she could just take the backpack off"
- dad: "she just like you" (after getting home from class i tend to leave it on)
- me: "heyyy"
- dad: "sings the dora "backpack" theme song
- cassandra making a sling ring portal and giving the boys a five second chance to go back to their world
- dad: "you know what would be fuc-messed up? if she closed the portal and they just died."
- "ngl i thought that's what they were gonna do."
- cassandra nova touching people
- me: "imagine having some chick's dirty long fingers inside your head and nose"
- my dad "THAT'S WHAT I'M SAYING!"
- laughed at kidpool's wolverine's dick line
- confused at the beheaded zombie wade wilson
- *lightskinned stare fourth wall break* "the proposal"
- "what the fuck was that? bitch, is that what you think i do?"
- dad: LAUGHS (i think he just likes when ryan cusses. he laughed every time he did. but also my dad just really loves ryan reynolds. they have the same humor. tbh the delivery was really good though)
- laughs at nicepools death (i don't blame him)
- logan: *puts on mask*
- dad: "oh he's going old school"
- paradox explaining matter and anti-matter going through someone's body
- my dad, the science fanatic "yup. you gonna explode."
- me: "i know scene just got you excited because they speaking your language."
- "it did."
- madonna's like a prayer plays
- my dad, a madonna fanatic, immediately starts singing
- "he's risen baby girl."
- dad: laughs
- me: sings along to iris
- "put your greasy tits away you preening slut"
- dad: laughs HARDER
- mary puppins comes back
- dad: "ofc"
- mid credits tribute to fox
- "is this the last one?"
- "no it's a tribute to fox. remember disney bought it. wade explained it in the movie."
- *sees little dafne*
- "she was so little!"
before y'all say anything. no he didn't seen the end credit scene but he did enjoy the whole movie though!!!
this is all the reactions i can remember. i remember him also cackling reall hard at a joke but i don't remember what it was at all to save my life (i think it was when wade said "the gays understood" when they were talking about the multiverse. he also clocked the scoutmaster kevin joke and went like "ohhhhhh damn."
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noisydelusionlove · 2 days
The Feral Medic
Chapter 12
Pairings: Poly141xOriginal Character
Warnings: Military inaccuracies, medical inaccuracies, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics
A/N: I’ll be putting up a poll tonight for pairings for the story to finish out on (i.e if I should focus on bringing Price into the dynamic or stick more with Johnny/Ghost)
Aurora sighs as she stares at Ghost lying on Johnny’s bed. He’s still passed out, but his features and scent have returned to normal. She had patched up Johnny’s scratch as well as the scratches on her arms caused by Ghost’s claws when he grabbed her. “I think it should just be me and Johnny in here when he wakes up. His vitals are stable, but he may wake up confused and agitated.” She says as Kyle and John nod at her before leaving. She takes a seat in Johnny’s desk chair as Johnny sits on the bed next to Ghost watching him with concerned eyes.
“Thank you, Lass. The other medics always sedated him and I think it always makes it worse for him.” Johnny says honestly as Aurora nods. “He will be a little groggy when he wakes up, but other than that he will be fine.” She says as she smiles at Johnny. About twenty minutes later Ghost begins to groan and his eyes slowly open in confusion. He looks at Johnny curiously as Johnny and Aurora’s scents hit his nose. “I’m not in medical?” He asks in a quiet voice as Johnny shakes his head. “She had you brought to my room, thought it would be easier on you,” Johnny says with a smile as Ghost sits up and looks at Aurora.
“If you feel fine I’ll head back to the rec room and give you guys some space.” She says as Ghost nods. Aurora gets up and heads back to the rec room to find Kyle sitting on the couch with her mountain of blankets. “Still want a movie marathon? If one Beta is enough of course.” He says shyly as Aurora smiles and sits on the couch with him. Halfway through the movie Johnny comes in and sits on Aurora’s other side. The three of them share some popcorn as they watch the movie. When they start the next one Aurora moves so she’s leaning against Kyle with her legs in Johnny’s lap.
Johnny begins lightly rubbing her legs and feet causing her to look at him curiously. He seems to be focused on the movie so she allows it as she enjoys the junk food and movie marathon with her two Betas. When the movie ends Kyle sits up and pulls his phone out. “Probably going to order pizza since I don't think any of us want to go to the mess after the day we’ve had. We always order a lot so we can have it for lunch and dinner.” Kyle says, letting out a laugh as Aurora’s eyes light up slightly.
“I’ll order more than usual since your calorie packing for your heat.” He says with a laugh as Aurora nuzzles up to him, her affectionate Omega coming out this close to her heat. “Thank you so much.” she smiles as he laughs and places an arm around her.
The trio continues to watch movies until the pizza arrives. Kyle sends a text to Ghost and John and they come into the rec to grab their own before heading back to their offices, always working on paperwork. “So, how is your heat going to go?” Johnny asks, causing Aurora to raise an eyebrow at him. “What do you mean?” she says as she takes a bite of pizza. “Like are you going to solo it in your room alone? Are you going to bring in an Alpha, are you going to use one of our Alphas or a certain Delta?” Johnny says as he wiggles his eyebrows at the last bit causing Aurora to laugh.
” I normally just solo it honestly. I lock myself in my room until the three days have passed.” she says honestly as Johnny nods. “Well, whenever you do go into heat Ghost will probably go into rut. I’m assuming the protocol will be the same for you as it is for his and Price’s ruts.” Kyle says as Johnny nods. Aurora looks at them curiously at the mention of a protocol. “Protocol?” She asks and Kyle nods. “Our building goes on lockdown. The five of us will stay inside, and food will be delivered from the mess for every meal, but we all stay inside, no one in, no one out until whoever is in heat or rut is cleared. It’s just a safety precaution.” He says as Aurora nods.
”Cooped up for days, I mean I know I have to be but I'm sorry all of you have to be too.” she sighs as Kyle bumps her shoulder. “It’s fine, you’ll be safe, that's what matters.” He says as she nods. “You know, any of us would be happy to help you through it if you asked. We may need to go over that before you go into heat because I don’t want you to ask for help when you’re out of it and you come to and get upset with us.” Kyle says as Aurora nods, staring down at her pizza for a moment. “I don’t know. I guess I just have always seen Omegas who have an Alpha be turned away from their career. I love my career. I don't want to become some Alpha’s stay-at-home wifey with a litter of pups. I still want to be me.” she sighs as she leans back and the two men nod.
”I can promise you no one here wants to take your career from you. You’re the first medic we've had that we want to stay, and not just because you’re an Omega. Maybe take the next few days and think about it, try to spend some time with all of us one-on-one, and see how you feel.” Kyle says and Aurora nods, thinking that that sounds like a good idea. The rest of the day the trio binge horror movies and eat mountains of junk food until it’s late and the boys are exhausted. They bid Aurora goodnight and head off to their rooms.
Around 2 AM Aurora sighs as she begins to get restless. The fact that in a few days, time she will be locked in the building is causing her to bristle and feel trapped. She heads to her room and throws on a pair of leggings, a sweatshirt, and her Converse before walking quietly outside to the wooded area. She steps outside silently and walks a few feet staring up at the black sky with a sigh.
After a moment the smell of cigarette smoke hits her nose and she turns to see Ghost leaning against the building. Aurora raises an eyebrow at the fact that he’s fully dressed in black jeans, a black t-shirt, a black jacket, and boots. She notices that in his other hand is a helmet, a bike helmet. “Feeling okay Little One?” Ghost calls out as Aurora sighs. “Feeling a little stir crazy I guess.” She says as she looks back up at the sky. Ghost snuffs his cigarette out before walking towards her. She glances at him and points to the helmet. “Just get back, or on your way out?” She asks and he smiles, his eyes crinkling at the edges under the mask. “Heading out.” He says and he watches as Aurora balances on the balls of her feet. “Want to join me?” He asks, chuckling as her eyes light up excitedly. “Please?” she says quietly as he nods. “I’ll go grab Johnny’s helmet and meet you in the parking lot.” He says and turns to leave. He doesn’t miss the way her scent sweetens with excitement as he chuckles watching her practically run around the building to wait for him.
Not long after she arrives Ghost exits the door with another helmet in his hand. He leads her to the sleek black bike parked in the parking lot and smiles as she hums excitedly. “Here you go.” He says as he lifts the helmet to gently put it over her head. He steps closer as he adjusts it, making sure it's on her head right before smiling and shutting the visor over her eyes. He places his helmet on and climbs onto his back, patting the seat behind him. Aurora excitedly climbs behind him, her arms naturally wrapping around him as he starts the bike.
He lets out a chuckle as he hears her practically purring with excitement as it comes to life beneath them. Once he feels like she’s stable he begins to pull out of the parking lot away from the the building. They head out of the main area on the base, towards the more mountain-filled area, the area mostly used for training. The roads are of course empty as they zoom along. Aurora sighs as she enjoys the feeling. After a while of driving they arrive at an overlook and Ghost stops the bike. He climbs off before helping Aurora off and removing her helmet.
Aurora stares off the overlook and smiles. “It's beautiful.” She says and Ghost hums in approval. “Like to come up here and think sometimes.” He says and Aurora nods. “You ever brought Johnny here?” She asks and Ghost chuckles. “We do more than thinking when I bring Johnny up here.” He says and Aurora blushes slightly as she turns back to stare out at the lights across the base. “Can I ask something?” Aurora says and Ghost hums his approval as he stares at her, taking her in as she stares out at the lights. “Have you ever helped an Omega through a heat before?”She says quietly. She doesn't miss the light growl Ghost releases at her question. “I have, why do you want to know Little Omega?” Ghost says as Aurora glances back at him. “just wondering.” She says quietly.
Ghost slowly walks up behind her, his hands gently grasping her hips to pull her back against him as he chuckles. “Thinking about asking me to help?” He murmurs as he leans down to talk next to her ear, his proximity causing a shiver to go down her spine. “After you let me scent you while I was in my Alpha state today I can’t get your scent out of my head. The image of you submitting, bearing your neck to me like a sweet little Omega.” Ghost practically purrs into her ear. Aurora’s scent begins to sweeten, her arousal evident at his words. “If I did help you through your heat I wouldn’t be alone. Johnny would be there of course. I’d love to see his Alpha side come out with you.” He growls causing Aurora to whimper slightly. “Gaz could join in too, I know how attached you’ve become to him. If you’re up for it maybe even Price. I’m sure three Alphas would satisfy your Omega.” Ghost chuckles as Aurora bites her lip to stifle a whine at the images he's conjured up.
”I won’t touch you without your full consent though. So you’ll have to make that decision before your heat takes over.” Ghost says as he moves away slightly. Aurora replays Kyle's words from earlier as she turns to look up at him. “If I ask you to kiss me would you?” She says quietly causing Ghost to cock his head wondering if he heard her right. When he realizes she’s serious he nods as he moves closer. “Ask me.” He says as he stares down at her. Aurora looks up at him as she nervously bites her lip. “Kiss me,” she says quietly. The moment the words leave her mouth Ghost is yanking his mask up to his nose to crash his lips onto hers.
She lets out a small whimper at the force of the kiss, as if a dam that was holding him back has finally been allowed to open. He gently wraps his hands around her legs, pulling her up so her legs are wrapped around his waist for a better position. She gasps into his mouth, forgetting about his strength. He takes the opportunity to sneak his tongue into her mouth as the kiss continues, both of them releasing small whines and groans. After a moment Ghost pulls away and leans his forehead against hers as they both try to catch their breath.
His lips tilt up in a smirk as he gently sits her down on her feet. She goes to say something but a small yawn comes out causing him to laugh as he turns her towards the bike. “Let's get you home Little One.” He says quietly as he fixes his mask and puts her helmet back on before carrying them back to the barracks. He removes his black jacket and sits it on the couch. They both stare at each other a moment before he motions for her to go to bed. He heads down the hall to his room. Once his door is shut Aurora stares at the jacket, his scent wafting off of it. With a glance down the hall, she snags the jacket and tiptoes to her room. That night she sleeps under her mountain of blankets clutching the jacket that smells like Ghost, not that she would ever admit it if asked.
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raccoonsface · 15 hours
A Drabble..?
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Somebody on my other account @raccoonface said they wanted to see more of this Drabble I did like a couple months ago so here…. I TRIED MY BEST OKAY!
1.5k+ Words
Y/ns Pov
I'm getting ready for a photoshoot for Vogue. Ever since I was little I always dreamt about how it looks like behind the camera at a photoshoot and now I can finally see it.
I'm deciding on wearing something casual or something fancy, I chose casual of course because I would look stupid as a photographer looking fancy.
I head to my car to drive to the photoshoot place which isn't too far from the apartment I'm staying at it's only about a half an hour drive there.
The place has a grey tone for the outside I can see while I park my vehicle heading to the front door, and knocking a couple of times, nobody answered so I turned around to go on my phone to check if I'm in the wrong place.
When I do I hear the door open so I spin my heel and-
... I now have a milkshake all over me
"Oh my god.. I am so sorry!"
I looked down at me worried about the stain the. I looked up and I saw the prettiest girl I've ever seen in my entire life and she was trying to clean up the mess on my shirt then she looked up at me with a confused face
"Oh- sorry uhm it's really no big deal I can go find another shirt" Find another shirt wow dumbass nice talking
"I'm so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going then I dropped a milkshake on you let me pay you back for the shirt."
I was in awe staring at her but I realized she was handing me money and I couldn't let a pretty girl pay for my shirt
"Oh no please take your money back I don't need it this was only like fifteen bucks I'll be fine"
"Are you sure..? It looks really messed up plus you just got here and you're gonna have to spend the rest of the day in a drenched shirt"
"Oh yeah I'll be fine I'll just go use the washing machine"
Now she probably thinks you're a weirdo because there aren't any washing machines in the building
"Okay... well I'm gonna go now"
She points to the garage
She started to walk away but then I realized that she never told me her name
"I never got your name!"
"It's Jenna! What's yours?!"
"Nice to meet you Y/n!"
She laughed after she said that and I'm pretty sure I had just heard an angel and I realized how stupid I was for not replying to her
"Oh..um Nice to meet you too Jenna!"
I heard her laugh again and it was the most angelic sound I had ever heard. I couldn't get enough of it. I had no doubt it would be replaying in my mind.
Switch of POV
You walked into the set area for the photo shoot, and everyone was looking at you weirdly because of the stain on your shirt but you just shrug it off and go to your area.
You’re busy playing with the camera for the photo shoot when Enrique, the stylist for the actress you’re photo shooting, walks in and holds out a shirt for you to take.
“Jenna told me she spilt her milkshake on your shirt, so here,” he says handing you the shirt, it was a white button up.
“Oh, um thank you,” you say while awkwardly taking the shirt from his hands, and getting up from your spot.
“I-…I’m gonna go switch my shirt then come back.. but uhm let me know when..?” You say not knowing who you’re photo shooting for,
“..Jenna, you’re taking photos of Jenna,” He says a little surprised you didn’t know Jenna was the one you’re photo shooting
“Oh… huh,” you say remembering that she was the one who spilt the milkshake all over you,
“Yeah, well uhm I guess just let me know when she’s ready after I change this shirt,” you point to your shirt while mentioning it speaking to Enrique
“Yeah I can do that,” Enrique responds as you grab the shirt from where you were sitting and run off to the bathroom to change it,
After you close and lock the bathroom door, you turn around and take off your shirt, examining the stain before picking up the new shirt and unbuttoning it to put it on
“Jeez, this shirt has a lot of buttons,” you murmur to yourself before putting it on and buttoning it up a little more than halfway, being stylish.. or whatever
You look in the mirror touching your look up before deciding it’s fine, so you turn around and leave the bathroom, going towards the camera again.
You sit down and grab the camera turning it back on and play with the settings,
“Hey!” Someone says to you, you look up and see Jenna in an incredible outfit,
“Hi,” you respond softly looking back down at the camera and playing with it some more
“Looks like you got the new shirt,” she says looking down at your outfit
“Oh- uhm yeah, thanks for that,” you say genuinely
“Thanks for the shirt? Or for spilling a milkshake all over the other one?” She says sarcastically, you widen your eyes realizing how bad your words sounded
“Oh-uh I didn’t mean it like that I just wanted to thank-“ You rapidly try to recover from the mistake you made
“It’s fine,” Jenna calmly says, putting a hand on your shoulder, “I am ready to shoot some photos though,” you nod in response to her statement
“Alright, can you stand in front of that white background for me? I need to finish some adjustments for the camera, and I kinda need you to be here for that,” you ramble slightly, telling her way more than she needs to hear
She nods and walks over to the white background, “oh uhm you can sit on the stool if you’d like to, I don’t want you to stand for too long,”
she sits down on the chair, looking directly into the camera lens as you finish the adjustments on the camera.
“Alrighty, we can start now,” you say as you look around to the modeling agent, Jenna’s modeling agent, as she comes up and whispers something into Jenna’s ear and Jenna nods
Jenna starts posing and you start clicking the camera, without the light on because that’s just annoying, She poses for what seems like hours to her then you guys finally finish.
“Okay! We’re all done,” you say putting the camera down, and clasping your hands together.
You pick up the camera once more and look over the hundred photos you’ve taken as Jenna comes over to check out the photos
“Look,” you say showing Jenna the photo of her, “wow,” she says admiring the skills of the newly taken photograph.
“You’re an amazing photographer,” she says making you blush, “oh uh thanks, you’re a great model, and you’re an amazing actress,”
“Thanks,” Jenna responds before sitting down next to you, “anyways.. what got you into photography?” Jenna asks curiously
“Oh that’s an unexpected question,” She laughs at your shocked state, “uhm I guess it’s kinda always been something I loved,” you answer
“I’ve always had a drive for photography, capturing the beauty of a moment in a single click,” you add on, Jenna’s looking at you in awe
“That’s beautiful..” Jenna says “thank you,” you respond “I should really get going,” Jenna says while getting up
“Oh alright, I guess I’ll see you at some other point in time..?” I say looking at Jenna, “depends on how good those photos of yours turn out,” Jenna responds
You chuckle at her response, getting up yourself. You put the camera in your bag, and put it on.
“I have one last question,” Jenna says to you curiously “yeah?” You ask encouraging her to ask it
“Could I get your number?” Jenna asks, for a moment it’s like time is frozen for you, but then you remember that you have to answer her, “oh uhm yeah of course,”
Jenna gives you her phone, unlocked. “Alright, there it is,” you say as you finish putting the number in and giving it to her, “yeah, thank you,” she says to you
“No problem, any time,” you say shrugging your shoulders, “I actually have to go now though.. so bye, I’ll text you,” Jenna says before racing off
“Yeah that would be nice,” You basically say to yourself as she leaves the room. “Holy shit! Jenna just asked me for my number,” you say realizing the reality of the moment.
“AGGHGHFGGGGGGGGH!!” You scream fangirling over Jenna
You hear your phone ding
Unknown contact
Hey, it’s Jenna.
“…” you stay silent for a moment
I really feel like I’m becoming a more frequent writer *knock on wood*… let’s hope I didn’t just jinx myself
Hope you’re ha(d,v)/(e)/ing a nice day
So confusing ^
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bredslut · 2 days
If you were mine I'd take you out on a dinner date after work. You wouldn't get to wear a maternity dress though, you could wear sweatpants and a bra instead so you'd have more room to grow and to show off what a cow you've become. I'd take you to either your favorite restaurant or a buffet and stuff you to the brim until your belly button popped and you needed me to help you up from your seat. People would then stare at your enormous belly jutting out tight as a drum, confused by the sight that they were seeing. Is she fat? Is she pregnant? No pregnant woman could eat THAT much could she? I think I just saw a kick. He'll never fit her back in the car. After waddling into the house, we'd make incredible love bumping against your bump. On the bed with your legs wrapped around me, in the shower close together with water trickling down us, it wouldn't matter. Eating out your big fat pregnant belly, kissing you on the lips while I played with your soft bouncy sensitive udders, you clenching me fiercely and orgasming harder than when you first conceived the triplets you're carrying. (Did I mention it was multiples?) No more daydreaming at work, no more trying to reach under your bump to masturbate, just us. You'd be so pregnant that you'd never see your feet again. Ana the baby factory ready for another order. To close the evening we'd probably do some other fun things together. Maybe you could pee on a pregnancy test nude as a reminder of what a baby factory you are. You'd never have a negative test again, constantly pregnant with multiples kicking and squirming in your womb. Speaking of which, we could lay down and spend intimate time with the belly watching the fetal kicks come by underneath your cow fat. It would be like watching ocean waves roll past drifting us to sleep as a real ocean of amniotic fluid swirled and churned around with life forming inside of you. This is all just fictional fun of course, love to hear your honest thoughts. How has 31 weeks been? Aches and pains or pretty smooth? Keep growing bigger for me you sexy cow.
Ugh I can't imagine truly stuffing myself or being stuffed at this point. My belly fills up so fast these days! I would definitely be huffing and puffing leaving the restaurant.
31 weeks has been alright, my hips have been aching a lot more again and baby is fighting to get out every night when I lay down to rest. But I'm happy to keep growing and growing, doing my job as a baby factory!
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holylulusworld · 4 hours
Serve your soldier (2)
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Summary: The world order changed.
Pairing: Soldier Boy x fem!Reader
Warnings: angst, mentions of character’s death, mentions of enslavement, implied past dub-con, dystopian world, kind of master/servant relationship, power imbalance possessiveness, jealous Homelander, cockwarming, violence
Kink: Collars
Catch up here: Serve your Soldier
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Grunts, moans, and screams fill your ears. You hide your face in Soldier Boy’s neck, wishing you could just hide from the world.
“Hmm…feels so good being inside your wet little pussy,” he whispers in your ear. “No other hole made me feel like you do. I love fucking you, kitten.”
You wrinkle your nose at his crass words. You’re only a set of holes to him, you knew that already. But knowing hearing the words leaves his lips hit differently.
“I wasn't done talking to you!” Homelander just doesn’t get it. He plops down on the sofa next to your master, dipping his head to shamelessly stare at your stretched-out hole. “She’s got two more holes. Let me show her how a man fucks.”
“My orgy, my rules. If you don’t want to follow the rules, you can fuck off. If not, look for another hole to fill. She’s mine, and mine alone.”
“What if I split your skull?” Soldier Boy snorts at Homelander’s words. “She can find solace in my arms then, and I’ll stretch her holes so good she’ll forget about you.”
You whimper in your master’s neck. His cock twitches inside your cunt, and you fear, he’ll agree to letting Homelander touch you or worse.
“FUCK OFF!” Soldier Boy growls loud enough to make the room fall silent. Everyone stopped moving for a second to stare at their master. “She’s wearing a collar for a reason.”
Homelander scoffs. “That little ugly thing?” He grabs the collar around your neck, making you choke for a moment before he rips it off your neck. The little silver heart flies across the room, and you cry at the loss of it. Your safety, your protection is gone.
“Now she can be used by anyone,” Homelander chuckles darkly. “Let me be the first. Maybe we can share her from now on.” He hungrily stares at you. You’re shaking in fear, desperately clinging to your master.
“Do you honestly believe I’ll share my kitten with you? You’re nothing but walking STDs, you son of a bitch!” Soldier Boy growls at his opponent before he whispers something in your ear. You immediately get off his lap and kneel next to his feet.
Soldier Boy rises from his seat to size Homelander up. He hums and looks the supe up and down. “Ah, let’s start with her mouth then,” the blonde smirks when you shake your head. “A stubborn little bitch you are. Don’t believe you can get mouthy with me.”
“I said, enough!” Soldier Boy rams his fist into Homelander’s chest, sending the supe flying. He ends up breaking through a wall. “Homelander is banned from our herogasm for a lifetime. He broke the rules.
Everyone stares at you kneeling next to your master. They murmur something before going back to their orgy. No one cares about what happened. Neither would they have cared if Homelander hurt or killed you.
“Come, we will leave now. I lost my interest in this show.” Your master holds out his hand, smirking when you try to take it. He grabs you by your waist and throws you over his shoulder, laughing as his eyes land on Homelander lick some woman’s cunt.
Soldier Boy walks out of the room, and toward his penthouse at the Tower. He whistles a tune while you hang over his shoulder, scared and confused about what happened.
No supe ever hurt another supe for a mere human. They fight all the time, not to defend their pets. Cause that’s what humans are to them, nothing else—a toy or a pet to play with until they get bored.
You sniffle silently as he unlocks his home. He steps inside and slams the door shut behind him. “No crying,” he warns when he puts you back on your feet. Soldier Boy inspects your neck. You hiss but try to hide, Homelander bruised your neck. “He hurt you.”
Dropping your gaze, you nod. His fingertips carefully graze the bruises as if he wanted to memorize them. “I’m going to kill him if he ever even looks your way.”
“Why?” You meekly ask.
He huffs. “Because I say so, and he touched you. No one touches you.” Soldier Boy dips his head to press kisses to the bruises. “You’re mine, and I protect what’s mine. I’ll get you a new collar. Maybe one in your favorite color.”
“I don’t have a favorite color,” you murmur. All your life you got trained to serve the supes. Finding out which color you like was forbidden, just like everything else.
“Well, maybe we should find out which color you like then,” he whispers against your skin. “I’ll take you out for lunch, and we can look for a new collar.”
“What? I—” Speechless, you look at Soldier Boy. He must be joking, because you’re not allowed to leave the tower. It would be best if you stayed at his place like a good pet.
“New rules,” he cups your face, smirking. “I’ll show everyone my pretty kitten.” Soldier Boy presses a soft kiss to your lips. “Now, let’s wash that bastard off your body, and later, I’ll make you forget he tried to touch you…”
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yuwuta · 5 months
yuuta exhibits such previously abandoned, recently adopted dog behavior. incredibly anxious all the time, even though nobody’s out to get him or leave him behind. waits for you to return home or from school or from work excitedly, just to see you when you walk through the door. follows you around senselessly, hovering in your space just for the sake of companionship. initiates affection in prodding ways—starts off next to you, then a hand on your thigh, then deems it safe to lay all the way down, then slowly pushes his head into your lap. gets up whenever you need to get up, and resumes his position as soon as you’re ready. brings you gifts as a sign that he’s thinking of you, and maybe because he likes the affection it brings out in you, maybe because he likes the gentle affirming touches of a hand in his hair or a pinch to his cheek. rests his head on your stomach or his chin on your shoulder when he’s sleepy, stays there, immobile, and will not move unless absolutely necessary. sometimes he gets surprised when he hears you calling for him, there’s a moment of disbelief as he thinks “me? really? you need me?” but it’s very quickly overshadowed by this compulsive need to show up, to please, to do anything for you, which is why he always answers when you call. he doesn’t realize that he has puppygod eyes, especially when he’s excited or confused, but he does and it’s incredible endearing. very reluctant to share your space or attention after a while, considers that to be sacred and he won’t risk being let go or lost again, so as a safety precaution, he keeps himself right by you, waits for you always. 
#atp i need to shut and write the omega verse fics that consistency plague my mind#but while im here time for my obligatory megumi mention bc i mentioned dogs teehee#yes megumi attack dog hes megumi grumbly yes megumi bark bark bite bite BUT BUT BUTTTT#megumi is also used to like... hm........ taming? having? caring for? people in his life and also literal (divine) dogs#so for him yes he bites and barks#but he also... he gets confused if YOU dont follow him around like a puppy bc everyone else in his life has so why not you?#gojo's always been the annoying yapping pomeranian chewing on his arm even if he didn't ask#always in megumi's space even tho he didn't ask but he learned to deal with it#won't admit it but knows that too much attention is better than having someone who couldn't give a shit about you#yuuji is the golden in everybody's life and megumi is no exception#unmovable unshakeable and incredibly addictive even if he doesn't mean to be#and very very attached to the people he cares about so yeah yuuji is loud and annoying but he's also loyal and megumi respects that so fine#nobara is like... she decided she liked megumi and was upset about it so she bit his ankle and he tried to kick her off but she has too muc#pride to get shaken off by someone as scrawny as megumi and somewhere along the way megumi became impressed that she was still there even i#it hurt a bit and she was a little rough it's not like he was worse so fine whatever she can stay too#so if you like... if you dont hover around megumi if you dont pry if you dont prod then he has to be the dog smh#now he's gotta bite for your attention and nudge you and how annoying. he's gonna keep doing it tho. as long as he has to#or until you learn to fall in line and accept your leash too whichever comes first n e way.... anyway.............#somebody's pampered omega always gets what he wants megumi complex is showing......#this was about yuuta right? ok i'll put his tags now....#juju#jujutsu kaisen smut#jjk x reader#jjk smut#jjk fluff#jujutsu kaisen x reader#yuuta okkotsu x reader#yuta okkotsu x reader
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