#not the literal covenant siblings but pretty much the same
penelopecruzcoded · 9 months
and i still want to write my take on the covenant siblings, they refuse to leave me and live inside me.
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hysteriaww · 4 months
Hi ! It's going to sound weird but....
How do you think Kai would have influenced Luke's personality if Luke actually won during the merge ?
I know Kai was stronger, but let's say Luke wins.
He was already pretty strong since he was able to break Liv out of the spell she was trying to do. He was stronger than his sister. He would have won if they were to do the merge. I don't exactly remember how powerful he was but I suppose he was fairly quite good with magic.
And magical powers aside, he has quite a strong personality. He's fed up with the Mystic Falls gang bullshit. He was not even that scared of Kai. I mean, he knew his brother was a freaking threat, but he did not hesitate to go on his own and do the merge with Kai. Even when Kai didn't want to do it Luke was like "Hey bitch, you scared I could win ?"
I don't think Luke really thought he could win or maybe he did, anyway he just wanted it to end. He wanted to project his sisters.
So, with Kai's personality inside of him, what would he be like ? I think that guy would at least find a way to end that Gemini tradition crap about the merge, and the lives of the whole coven linked to the leader.
Apart from that I don't know.
That would not be as fun as seeing Kai struggle with new emotions 🤣 but I want to see Luke being even more badass you know.
Yup, really long question sorry not sorry. X)
This is a very interesting question! Tho I have wondered what Jo would be like if she merged w Kai & won, I've never wondered about Luke until now... I think it could be a very compelling arc for him & the gemini coven. Here's what I think would happen! (I wrote a whole ass mini-fanfic in my answer lmfao):
Fresh after the merge: Luke would initially act & feel almost exactly like same old Luke, except maybe he'd rightfully be a bit more grim, traumatized and world-weary after defeating Kai. Liv & Jo would be concerned but he'd tell them not to worry bc he just needs some time to recover & leading the coven rn is more important than his mental health anyway (aka the FIRST Red Flag). Liv & Jo would disagree but let it go for now to avoid stressing him out.
First few months as leader: I think Luke's first order of business would be to undo the damage Joshua did as a terrible coven leader. That might mean overturning fucked up coven laws, etc. but Joshua doesn't like this, so he gets his supporters in the coven to back him & veto Luke's changes. Meanwhile, Luke's own coven support is growing bc I do believe he'd be a MUCH better leader than Joshua, so old man's resentment grows more. Eventually, it reaches a point where Luke feels boxed in like he can't make any real GOOD change bc of Joshua's puppets & THAT is when... the whispers of Kai's voice begin to awaken in Luke's mind. Uh-oh...
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Conflict resolution 101: The part of Luke that's in control tries to be diplomatic about getting rid of Joshua's supporters but it just. doesn't. work. The assholes are FLUENT in gemini bureaucracy bc they've been around longer so they outmaneuver Luke constantly. That's when Kai begins suggesting some... less diplomatic solutions, including the idea that Joshua's supporters wouldn't be such a problem if JOSHUA was gone. Luke spends a long time rejecting this & literally warring with himself, so Liv & Jo are like "dude are u ok" and in a moment of weakness he admits his idea about taking joshua out. They're shocked, but after a sec, they're like "wait this is the same man who tried to off his own kids more than once. Uk what? yes lets do it." And suddenly all 3 (ahem, 4) Parker kids are plotting to put dad in a magical coma (hmm does that sound familiar? I wonder which sibling's idea this was...) so he can't influence his supporters anymore. And the siblings succeed! Joshua's out! but it becomes their lil secret, hidden from the coven...
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A Good Ol' Frame Job: Lo and behold, Joshua's supporters still stay loyal to the man in a coma instead of Luke! Liv & Jo are like "it's fine luke, dad isn't gonna wake up so eventually they'll have no choice but to listen to you" but KAI isn't convinced... and neither is Luke. Diplomacy didn't work, sleeping beauty-ing joshua didn't work, so now he needs to play dirty. He doesn't jump to violence or anything - he simply frames a few of them for crimes they didn't commit. Snakey, but simple. Only problem is... Luke can't recall if this idea was his own, or Kai's...... bc they're both equally likely to have thought of it. Kai's influence is growing... So when Jo & Liv come to him like "wow crazy how those supporters got revealed as criminals right? That worked out conveniently," Luke goes w the safest option & says "haaa yea what a coincidence! no idea how that happened" ......and now he's lying to his sisters (Big Red Flag #2)
Calm before the storm: Now that joshua's remaining supporters (who haven't been framed) are very few, Luke doesn't face much resistance anymore & he actually succeeds at reforming a lot of fucked up gemini practices & making positive change. Maybe he even succeeds at eliminating the merge altogether! Luke's flying high, believing he's a true protector of the geminis & the best leader and savior (which, to be fair, he rly is better than the shitty leaders before him)! Kai's influence here is very sneaky bc some of Luke's old sense of humor comes back to him, with some new hints of cockiness that weren't there before. Luke's golden boy charm & Kai's cockiness creates the perfect politician cocktail & liv and jo appreciate the good he's done for geminis but also lowkey resent the big-headed self-important persona he's growing.
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But THEN there's trouble in paradise: joshua's leftover supporters find a piece of evidence that proves Luke framed the others & they threaten Luke w it, deducing that he also had smthg to do w Joshua's coma. They order him to step down but he can't do that. Not now, when he's finally *this* close to changing the coven for good! These pricks will wake joshua & bring the old laws back! No, he can't let that happen, he can't let it- ....Luke snaps. He blacks out, then wakes up in horror to realize he violently killed. them. all. He panics, calling Jo & Liv for help BUT to cover his ass, he lies & says he had to kill them bc they found out about "all 3 of them" cursing Joshua... while choosing not to mention how they also discovered his frame jobs. Liv & Jo are horrified yet they help him cover this up bc he's falsely led them to believe their asses are also on the line for cursing joshua... but then Jo notices some of them were killed in very "Kai" ways (bled to death from their spleens getting cut out, etc.) & Liv finds the piece of evidence they had that links Luke to the frame jobs...... the 2 of them realize Luke is not in control anymore.
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The Climax: Liv & Jo confront Luke, asking him to step down but warning him that they'll MAKE him if he doesn't agree. He doesn't agree. A fight ensues & Luke is pretty OP despite the 2 v. 1. Luke gets *this* close to killing them (while Kai cheers him on), but then says SIKE and kills JOSHUA's comatose body instead, shocking everyone. Jo, Liv AND Kai are like "wha- why?!" & Luke the politician diabolically reveals that he can't bring himself to kill them - but he can frame them for Joshua's death & turn the coven against them.... OR he can frame the dead supporters for Joshua's death & save his sisters, IF Liv & Jo stay loyal to his cause. At this ultimatum, Jo & Liv finally give up, saying they'd rather get framed or killed than let him rule the coven like this. The Kai in Luke gets triggered by their abandonment bc he's a gOoD LEADER can't u SEE?! Kai's increased presence & Luke's increased lack of control make his SIPHONING manifest for the first time & he unintentionally starts siphoning the sisters. And Luke gets triggered by them trying to overthrow him bc he's the OnLy one who can PROTECT the coven!! Just like he protected Jo & Liv from Kai!! At this point the sisters' resentment RLY comes out like "WE DIDNT ASK YOU TO!! YOU chose to merge to protect us WITHOUT ASKING what WE wanted!! U literally knocked out Jo when she was ABOUT to merge! You protected us bc that's what U wanted, not US. And now the coven doesn't need to be protected BY you anymore, it needs to be protected FROM you!!" Like a bucket of ice water, Luke realizes he's siphoning his sisters rn. He has become Kai. They're right. He is not in control anymore. He steps away & realizes the whole coven itself is broken. The best way to save it is to take the ruling family nonsense out of it & free everyone. He agrees to step down & Jo & Liv help him break the coven link altogether and they free the coven! For a moment, it seems like Kai is going to stop them, but then even the Kai in his mind realizes the coven fucked him over his whole life & he'd much rather see it gone. So all 4 kids unite in Sibling Solidarity and liberate the coven!
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Epilogue: Luke gets therapy & that means Kai begrudgingly gets it too bc he's stuck in luke's head. They both start healing & finding a medium ground of how to share space in luke's head. Kai even uses Luke to apologize to Liv & Jo for his own crimes. I'd like to think he'd even get Luke to go to Bonnie and apologize on his behalf & maybe help her out whenever he can, tho i don't think it would be sexual, bc in canon the merge didn't change kai's sexuality so i doubt it would change luke's. But yea I think bonnie would still at least have a new ally in luke thanks to the Kai in him xD
THE END lol I hope my impromptu mini-fanfic here answered your question ahaahaha thank you for asking!!!
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sprintingfox · 5 months
Who, of your Mikaelson sisters/relatives, would you say is the best fighter? Additionally, is the most dangerous and are they one in the same or two different ones?
Hands down, Vivalda. I cannot in good faith say anyone else lmao.
Fighter: ok, while Eisa and Hilda were mostly with Esther learning magic (which I guess there is some fighting aspect to, but not enough in the sense they were learning it), Vivalda was working HARDDD to impress Mikael. This girl from the age of 5 had such a temper and such energy and such interest in weapons that she could kill people already. The others would've felt a degree of remorse but Vivalda cared about being strong. If all these girls (including Amaris and Ingrid I guess ish) existed in the same universe, Mikael would still be proudest of Vivalda's skill. There is no competition whatsoever fighting wise with Amaris and Ingrid— they are dead. Hilda can fight but she never sired anyone and to Vivalda that inherently makes her weak. Hilda also didn't really train people or practice much, she was more interested in magic and following Kol around the world (arguably, Vivalda did that a lot too) but in a real fight to the death, Vivalda is way more experienced, way more intuitive, way more mentally stable, and Hilda is not going to last very long. Vivalda would find more difficulty with Eisa since Eisa did create and train the Strix alongside Elijah, but even then, Vivalda spent years pruning her sireline and assessing them at every step (teaching them more carefully than any of her siblings, including Eisa), preventing threats to the family, and learning to design and build weapons. If Vivalda was bored, she went to kill people for no reason. I mean, Vivalda went to try and hunt Mikael down. Eisa might've trained the Strix often but she was also on the side busy with Aya and she never would have attempted to go after Mikael cause honestly one slur from Mikael and Eisa isn't really seeing clearly anymore and will make a mistake in battle. Vivalda doesn't falter. Vivalda doesn't show mercy to anyone. Eisa and Hilda each were softened by people and Vivalda thinks that's dumb. Yes, technically Eisa removed both Papa Tunde's blade and the dagger because of her mental strength but the dagger I made more of a circumstantial lucky-ness thing. Vivalda took Tunde's blade out a lot faster than anyone, except for maybe Mikael (and that's only because I never really quantified how long it took her, but that was quick) and in general has been letting herself be beaten to get used to everything life throws at her. She went absolutely insane on training while her sisters were trying to find love. Weapons wise, not a competition either. They all know how to sword fight and stuff but that's Vivalda's genuine thing, that's like part of her brand name. Vivalda carried one sword always for the longest time and then two for a fat minute after that. She's designed stuff that's gone on to impact the world in ways not even Eisa managed when running the Strix. Vivalda covers her bases and is not going to leave herself open to an attack. The only ones who could beat Vivalda in a fight would be like Mikael and Klaus, Mikael 'cause well he's Mikael, he's beat almost everyone and Vivalda still sort of has her daddy issues alive and well, but Klaus also 'cause he's a hybrid and has a degree of greater strength with his bite that Vivalda can't compete with for long.
Dangerous: I feel like I also wanna say Vivalda for this but lemme think it out as I write. Eisa does technically have a lot of the Strix pretty devoted to her and she also got the Strix Coven on speed dial. Hilda knows witches everywhere in a similar manner but woopies— Hilda has no sireline to defend her if anything. She has no real associates to call upon, while Eisa has a horde of lieutenants looking to gain favor with her not only cause of her being a literal vampire s3x symbol but also in general she's so deeply admired for her personality that it's hard to compete with that. Ingrid, if given a chance, obviously can kill all of them by like subduing them then using white oak if she has it, but her own mind is her enemy and that won't do her well. Vivalda technically has the Strix + Klaus's sireline behind her along with her own sireline (if we consider such a situation arising after she's with Lucien and Tristan, if that even happens in this universe cause again Hilda might still be with Tristan) and she has her own (Antonella + a shitton of others that are all insanely good at what they do). Ok, so maybe Eisa has more 'followers' and/or more members of her sireline alive, but Vivalda is sooooo careful about who she keeps in her sireline. She only lets the strongest survive into vampire adulthood, and she assesses them constantly. And again, she put a lot more care into molding them into the people they are. She saw potential in Antonella, a random young orphan girl in Tuscany, and from that built an entire lineage of vampires with strong minds, creativity, passion, drive, ideas for the future, and overall a drive to fight and succeed that her sister didn't really manage. Like, even if Eisa's sireline has like, ten thousand vampires and Vivalda's has a thousand, those thousand of hers are almost all on the older side + they are ridiculously good fighters that she hand-molded then encouraged to keep learning about their limits. Vivalda is a rule-breaker and limit-tester and her sirelings are the same sort of people. Their influence is widespread because they are also so involved in society and are not permitted to survive as sociopaths the way Eisa would allow hers to do. Also, Eisa's sirelings are allowed to be driven by lust whereas Vivalda teaches hers to know like, time and place, and never have their emotions used against them. She makes her sirelings better versions of themselves through careful crafting while Eisa more or less just expects people to make something of themselves. She does kill people from her sireline but not to the extent Vivalda does. And again, Eisa is just kinda doing her own thing most times whereas Vivalda is actively hunting down anyone who so much as breathes one shit-talking phrase against the Mikaelsons. Vivalda is the danger and stops any problems from coming their way while Eisa was probably lounging around cause she was bored. Eisa may be the one with the formal list but Vivalda is the one that's sure to come for you if you do something she doesn't like. Eisa will add someone to the list if they do more extreme things but Vivalda will kill you if you say you hate Klaus playfully at a bar on a Tuesday night.
This was so fun to think about lol I liked this prompt so much! Vivalda is my little ball of craziness and efficiency.
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drabbles-of-writing · 3 years
Coming Home
third owl fight attack! This one’s prompt was “Hunter and Luz being siblings”, and I kinda ran with it
Summary: Saying that Hunter was worried for Luz would be an overstatement. He wasn't worried, he was just...vaguely curious. He knew that she'd take some time in the human realm, to be with her mother, but...well, it'd been almost two weeks, and nobody had heard a single thing from her. So, really, breaking and entering was an entirely reasonable reaction.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Now, Hunter knew, on some level, that Luz would be in the human realm for a while.
To be fair, he hadn’t had much time to think about it, what with  everything  going on. There was the Grimwalker revelation, which was also a kind-of clone revelation, and Luz offering an outstretched hand, and sitting on the ground in the human realm with the portal flickering and pulsing angrily, the dust settling as he held his uncles broken mask in his hands--
He’d been more than a little preoccupied, to say the least.
And Luz had gone through the portal the second it had all finally calmed, when there was nothing left to fight, with goodbyes he couldn’t remember. He wasn’t sure exactly when, everything had gone pretty numb by that point.
He just knew that after the first two days, when he was finally dragged out of his miserable wallowing in ditches by a very exasperated palisman and Owl Lady, Luz wasn’t there.
The others noticed her absence and the slight hole she left, he knew they did, but they never really commented on it. What with Bonesborough falling apart in a literal and metaphorical sense, everyone was kinda busy trying to patch all of it up. Like dealing with that one demon who kept talking about ancient magic, who was apparently the small rat demon's dad. And making sure Kikimora stopped escaping prison for five minutes. And dealing with the other Coven Heads. And apparently there was some people  mad  that the old wild witch ways were coming back--
Nobody really had the  time  to wonder about Luz off in the human realm, seeing her mother again.
And for the first week, he  didn’t  worry. He had an existential crisis and bothersome witches to avoid like the plague. His days were spent distracting himself by making everyone's lives miserable, since they kept insisting on holding him captive in the Owl House instead of letting him decompose in the woods for some reason. And honestly, Luz knew  way  too many people, because he’d stopped bothering to keep track of everyone by the fourth hour of being in that house. 
After he realized trying to run for it or annoying everyone into kicking him out wouldn’t work, he mostly hid in the dark corners where nobody would see him for hours at a time. Used to be for days, but apparently the Owl Lady was just as nocturnal as him, and they’d run into each other early in the morning when trying to grab a snack.
He had Rascal for company, at least. Say what you will about the little guy, but he was as loyal as he was stubborn.
But, after the first week, Hunter was starting to  really  notice a severe lack of annoying humans running around.
Apparently, so was the others, because he was noticing a few of them beginning to get a little antsy. He would’ve brushed it off, but he could hear a distinct influx of mutterings that sounded like ‘Luz’ and ‘portal’ and ‘human realm’ from his hiding places, when they thought no one else was around.
It was almost halfway through the second week before he knew it, and that was  far  too long for Luz to be away without so much as a note. 
And she was  probably  fine, he reasoned. But Luz being away without even a call was suspicious enough,  two  was downright concerning.
By then, Hunter was somewhat starting to recognize the faces that filtered in and out of the Owl House, and he began to plan. 
Somehow, he managed to wait until he saw a girl with familiar purple hair step in through the doorway, speaking words he didn’t bother to listen to as she sat on the couch he was hiding under. 
Rascal had, of course, chosen to perch himself on the head of a chair across the room, where barely anyone would care to notice him.
She was talking to some small illusionist he saw earlier (he may recognize faces, but names were a whole other matter. He’d never had to memorize names unless they were important to Belos, and if they weren’t, they were irrelevant. He should probably work on remembering their names), something about buildings and repairs or something, it wasn’t his problem. When the illusionist stepped away, off towards the kitchen to grab something, Hunter decided to poke his head out from underneath the couch.
“So what's the word on-- ow!”  He yelped, jerking back under the couch when he got a foot kicked into his nose.
“Titan,  don’t  do  that, you prick!” Amity snapped, inching a little further to the left as Hunter peeked out only one eye from under the couch this time, giving his best spiteful glare. “Why are you even  down  there?”
“Because nobody bothers me,” Hunter growled, holding his nose as he began to wiggle out. “Everyone’s so  clingy  in this house, it’s maddening.”
“Do you actually mean clingy, or are you referring to basic kindness?” Amity raised a brow, narrowing her eyes as he stood and brushed himself off from the dust bunnies that gathered under the couch.
“Irrelevant. Why hasn’t the human returned yet?” He demanded, leaning against the arm of the couch as Amity sat at the other end, giving a reasonable distance between them.
“Luz?” Amity blinked, clearly taken aback by the question.
“Yes, is there another, different human that you have to bring up every five minutes I should know about?” Hunter snapped, and got a curled lip and bared teeth from Amity in response.
“What, getting bored of the rest of us?” Amity snarked, crossing her arms. 
“Don’t flatter yourself, barely any of you were entertaining to begin with.” Hunter huffed. “Now do you know why the human is avoiding us or not?”
“Avoiding?” Amity frowned. “Luz’s not  avoiding  us, she’s just visiting her mom.”
“With radio silence for almost two weeks,” Hunter said, doing his best to stamp down his impatience. 
He  really  would have rathered asking the Owl Lady about this, but he’d learned from the last time he tried that she’d twist any conversation regarding Luz to be about him, so the next logical best bet would have to be her incessant, chattery, girlfriend. Titan, Luz had the weirdest tastes.
“She’s been away from her mom for four months.” Amity said, rolling her eyes like this was some concept he wasn't understanding. “She’s not gonna see her for a day and then come right back.”
“But still!” Hunter threw his hands in the air, ignoring Rascal’s minorly concerned chirp from across the room. “You think someone like  Luz  would go without contact for almost  two weeks?  She would’ve at least popped in to say hello, or go on some ramble about what’s going on in the human realm. She’d feel guilty about leaving you guys to repair everything on your own by the second hour.”
“It’s just...taking her a minute,” Amity said, and that was the first small crack in her resolve he saw. Had she not seen him at his lowest the first time they spoke, he would’ve been proud of the fact he could chip away at her far easier than she could at him. “Luz wouldn’t avoid anyone out of the  blue,  that’s not like her.”
And he  knew  she was right on that, as infuriating it was to admit it. Luz wouldn’t  abandon  people, she’d be more likely to keel over on the spot from spontaneously growing a bile sac. And perhaps a part of him  was  being a little over dramatic, but there was just this little twist in his chest that curled tighter when he considered going back to hiding in empty rooms and letting everything continue on,  waiting  to see if anything would change rather than  making  it change.
“Besides,” Amity continued. “As Luz’s girlfriend, I think that I would  know  if--”
“Oh  Titan,  just  forget it.”  Hunter groaned, tugging on his ears as he stepped away from the couch. “Whatever, you’re useless about this, anyway. If  you  don’t know when she’s coming back, and the  Owl Lady  doesn’t know, then nobody will.”
Amity stayed silent for a moment as Hunter stormed off towards the doorway that led to the staircase, Rascal flying off his perch to land on his shoulder with soft, almost melodic chirrups.
He contemplated if he could steal something from one of the spare rooms up there. Everyone was fluctuating between them the last few days, but they often left their stuff in there for him to take. It was fun watching them get so riled up about their missing junk.
“We,” Amity started, and Hunter paused in the doorway, one ear pricked. “We were planning on going into the human realm,” She admitted, voice quiet. “If we didn’t hear anything from Luz by the end of this week.”
Hunter turned around then, noting Amity had one hand bunched up on her leg, fisting the hem of her shirt and rubbing her fingers between it in a nervous tick. She avoided his gaze, and he saw, for just the briefest of moments, the uncertainty spilling off of her, possibly having been doing so for far longer than when he’d noticed the same signs from everyone else.
“Well,” He said, and she looked up at him then, and the vulnerability was gone in a snap, replaced by a curious, slightly accusatory, expression. It unnerved him how familiar it looked. “By all means, don’t go telling  me  about your super secret rescue missions, not like  I’d  want to join.” He muttered.
“Count it a blessing that I told you at all,” Amity hissed, ears flicking back. “Maybe if you promise to be nice, we’ll let you come along.” She taunted.
“Maybe if you people hadn’t  kidnapped  me, I wouldn’t be causing so many  problems.”  Hunter growled back through gritted teeth, breaking eye contact for only a moment when Rascal lightly bit and tugged on his ear, trying to urge him away.
“Like you need an excuse--”
“Uh, am-am I interrupting?”
The two turned their heads, realizing that the small illusionist, he’d figure out the kids name later, was standing in the living room again, a box of juice in his hands as his eyes flicked between them.
“No, Golden Boy was just leaving.” Amity waved him off, leaning back against the couch.
“You weren’t even clever with that one, Blight.” Hunter sneered, rolling his eyes as he turned to leave.
“Call me that again and I’m ripping your teeth out.” Hunter threatened, pointing a finger at her as he backed out of the room.
“No name,” Amity amended, sticking her tongue out at him.
“You are on  thin ice.”
That night, Hunter was opening the window in Luz’s old room.
His escape attempts had never really worked before, the weird tube demon in the front door took his job of keeping him contained  very  seriously. Everyone else just liked watching the show and tapping in when needed.
However, he  also  knew, from the mutterings that Luz had told him in those few snatches of time in the days that they had talked before everything went wrong (or right, depending on who you asked), that she’d snuck out through her window  multiple  times without the demon realizing. Apparently she had bribed him once or twice, and now he barely reacted to the sound of her window opening, sort of like a reflex.
He’d meant to use it for his next escape attempt, just to see if it’d work for him, to run for the hills if it worked, but desperate times called for desperate measures. He’d be  damned  if they left him out of nabbing Luz from the human realm.
So Hunter tugged his cloak tighter across his shoulders, despite it being torn in many places, he had yet to rid it completely, and slowly opened Luz’s window.
He waited, tense, Rascal just as silent from within his hood. When there wasn’t the sound of a piercing voice after a few seconds, he cautiously poked his head out.
Either the bird really  had  grown to have no reaction to Luz’s window opening, or he was just as tired as everyone else. Or off eating bugs, that was plausible.
He slowly edged out, only having a moment to peer down at the ground below until he swung out of the window, hands gripping the windowsill as he edged himself down.
He hung in the air for a moment before releasing the windowsill, dropping to the ground below in a crouch. The perks of the Emperor’s Coven were few and far between, but hey, living there had made him an  expert  at being quiet.
He darted around the Owl House, crouching so as to avoid being seen through the first-floor windows, because there was always  someone  awake, no matter the hour. The portal to the human realm had been moved not too far away, but far enough that it couldn’t be, you know, automatically seen by anyone approaching the building.
He spared one last glance towards the house before he booked it off towards the woods, already mentally cursing himself for wearing a  white cloak  in the middle of the night. Why did he think that was a good idea,  why  did he think that was a good idea--
He made it to the cover of trees, somehow, without anyone sounding the alarm. He ducked behind a tree, catching his breath for a moment as he waited for shouting to arise.
Upon realizing he was in the clear, he pumped a fist in the air with a soft  “yes!”  and got an encouraging whistle from Rascal, who he gave a quick scratch on the head to.
He then hurried a bit further into the trees, soon faced with branches, vines, and bushes all stretched out across the beginning of a slope before him.
He reached out, grabbing one of the vines and yanking it aside, revealing the structure of the portal to the human realm, its soft humming mostly muffled by everything covering it. He ran his hand down the exterior of it for a second before pushing more vines aside, allowing a small enough space for him to crawl through.
He’d been to the human realm before, technically. Belos’s wrath had only just begun to reach into the human realm before he had managed to be stopped, and Hunter had a few moments out there, feeling the grass and seeing the trees. They really  were  green, and he couldn’t help but see it all and know with certainty that there was no magic within any of it. Hollow. It was a feeling he was familiar with.
But this time was different, and he inhaled for a moment before giving Rascal what he hoped was his best determined look.
“Alright,” He said. “Let’s see what’s been keeping her.”
He spent about half an hour in the woods of the human realm until he managed to find Luz’s house.
She’d never really said  where  she lived, just that it was the closest house to the forest. Nothing about directions, so he spent his time wandering about trying to find a house that wasn’t falling apart.
Rascal gave up and eventually flew off at some point, returning about five minutes later, chittering loudly and pulling on his hood. Hunter knew better to argue, and had followed until he came across a house that actually looked  lived  in, as opposed to the one he’d appeared in.
“If you led me to a random person's house, I  will  throw you into the sea.” Hunter warned, only getting a cheery whistle in return as he walked around the house.
He eventually found a window on the first floor, and pushing on it, was delighted to find that it was unlocked. He opened it, hoisting himself inside as Rascal darted in.
He realized the window was right over a kitchen sink, and lightly stepped a foot onto the counter beside it. He slowly swung himself inside, not even bothering to shut the window behind him as he dropped to the floor. He might need that escape route later.
Rascal was off exploring without a second thought, so he allowed himself to stalk throughout the kitchen, eyes flickering over photos and magnets stuck to the fridge. He saw ones that looked like letters, colors, and even saw a photo of a woman and a young, crazy-looking child.
He peeked around corners as he darted through the house, cracking open doors before continuing through hallways. One of the doors he opened  looked  like a bedroom, but he saw something with a scaly tail poking out, so he let that room be. The human realm was bound to have its own oddities.
The other bedroom he saw did have a person sleeping in it, but she didn’t look like Luz, much too old, so he quietly shut that door again and tried a different one.
He opened the last one, at the end of the hallway, already preparing to snap back that Rascal had brought him to the  wrong house,  when he took in the bedroom.
He only needed to see it for half a second to see the immediate resemblance to the mess that was Luz’s room in the Owl House. He slipped inside, leaving the door open just a crack in case Rascal showed up.
He crouched, eyeing the posters along the walls, shelves full of random junk, books strewn across the room. The figure sleeping in the bed was practically twisted backwards, blankets already halfway on the floor. He approached it, slowly standing up as he loomed over them, searching their face.
“Oh thank the Titan,” Hunter breathed, stepping back as he pressed a hand to his chest. That was Luz, for sure.
She stirred, slightly, hand twitching as she mumbled incoherently in her sleep. At least she wasn’t actually kidnapped or something, he reasoned.
“Hey, human,” He said, a little louder, but enough that he hoped the others down the hallway wouldn’t hear, shoving at her shoulder. “Wakey wakey.”
Luz mumbled in her sleep again, one eye barely cracking open before she turned over and tried to bury further under her covers.
Hunter grabbed her leg poking out from the blankets and yanked her off.
Luz’s yelp was cut off as he smothered the blankets over her, pausing as she fumbled around trying to get it off, ears pricked as he waited to see if anyone had heard.
“I’m  awake,  Vee, I’m  awake--”  Luz pulled the blanket off her head, her glare almost immediately replaced with shock.
“Hey,” Hunter grinned, flashing fangs. “Miss me?”
“Hunter?”  Luz exclaimed, before immediately covering her mouth with her hands, eyes darting towards her door like she expected someone to be there.
“Oh don’t sound  so  surprised.” Hunter scoffed, rolling his eyes. “You oughta step up your game if you think you can escape me in another dimension.”
“What are you  doing  here?” Luz whisper-yelled, scrambling to her feet as she looked wildly around her room. “Did-did the  others  come?” She asked, giving him such a scared look he was a little put off by it.
“No? I mean, they  will  be, I just got ahead of the curve.” Hunter shrugged off her odd reactions. “Made sure I got to you before they did, didn’t feel like being left behind on the ‘let’s drag Luz back kicking and screaming’ plan.”
“Oh no, oh no,” Luz shook her head, one hand on her head as she began to pace. “Are-are the others  looking  for me?”
“Will be by the end of this week,” Hunter said, watching her curiously. “Why? This a bad time or something?”
“Yes! Yes, this is a  terrible  time!” Luz exclaimed, barely managing to keep her voice down as she whirled towards him.
“Did you get grounded?” Hunter narrowed his eyes. “Because if so, let me just say, I know about fifteen different ways to lessen the extent of the grounding, and twice as many ways to sneak out, this place isn’t even all that fortified--”
“No! Well, I mean, I kind of am,” Luz winced. “But that’s not--you can’t--you need to  go.”  Luz said, gesturing back towards the door. “You can’t be here.”
“Do you need a body disposed of? Because I also know a lot of ways to--”
“I’m touched, but no.” Luz gave him a withering look. “Don’t even wanna know why you know that. You have to  leave.”  She insisted, beginning to shove him towards the door.
“Aw, but I came all this way to see you,” Hunter whined in a dramatic tease, slowly leaning back, therefore putting more strain on Luz as she tried to push him out. “You don’t want to see me?”
“Believe me, I’m  very  happy to see you’re okay,” Luz assured through gritted teeth, offering the smallest of smiles. “And I’ll bother you later. But now is  not the time.”
Rascal took that moment to poke in through the crack in the doorway, landing on a shelf and eyeing the two with what felt like judgement. Hunter promptly dropped all his weight on Luz, nearly crushing her. 
“Damn,” He whistled when Luz’s knees refused to buckle. “You got some muscle hiding under those skinny bones?”
“That, and you weigh as much as a half-filled sack of lumpy potatoes.” Luz muttered, already pushing back up to her full height as she took Hunter with her.
“You’re  impossible.”  Hunter huffed, standing back up onto his feet and snickering as Luz stumbled with the lack of weight. “Seriously, what’s the hold up? Are you getting bored with us already?”
“No,  first of all, I’d never do that.” Luz pointed a finger at him. “And I’m offended you thought I ever would be.”
“It’s a reasonable assumption.”
“It’s not. And second of all,  I’m  serious, you  cannot be here.”  Luz stressed, grabbing his shoulders, a movement that instinctively caused him to flinch, just the tiniest bit. “If my  mom  sees you here, she’s going to  freak--”
“Luz?” A groggy voice called, and Luz stiffened so quickly with such  terror  crossing her face that Hunter tensed as well. “Creí haber escuchado algo, are you--?”
Hunter saw the door to Luz’s room open, and immediately threw an arm out in front of Luz, giving a quick whistle that Rascal had learned to recognize by now. In a flash, he was holding his staff in his other hand, Luz pushed behind him as he pointed his staff towards the figure in the doorway, ears pressed back and fangs bared in a low, warning growl.
The person froze, eyes going wide, one hand still clutching the door handle.
He recognized it as the older woman he saw in one of the bedrooms, hair still mussied from sleep, the glasses on her face smudged from someone having grabbed them clumsily. The sleep had vanished from her eyes the moment she saw him, a faintly glowing staff pointed only a foot away from her.
“Hunter, Hunter, no, stop!” Luz was quick to grab Hunter’s arm after barely a second of tense silence, shoving the staff down. “She’s my mom, she’s safe!”
Hunter paused at that. Granted, his experience with biological family (as biological as Belos could be) wasn’t the best, but he had heard a few stories, here and there, about Luz’s mom. And Luz would go into a Slitherbeast den for anyone who asked nicely, but hey, he still thought that if someone was willing to fight  Emperor Belos  for them, they had to be something special.
“Oh, sorry.” He said, all hostility evaporating as he drew his staff back, holding it at his side. “Reflexes.”
“Luz,” The woman said, slowly, and Hunter was so instantly reminded of when the adults dealing with him were trying so hard to not lose their shit that he halfway raised his arm to shield Luz again. “Por qué hay un chico extraño en tu habitación?”
“Puedo explicarlo!” Luz was quick to exclaim, clutching Hunter’s arm, and he looked blankly between them. He’d heard of other languages in the Isles before, often ones spoken by demons, but this was a new one on him.
“Oh estoy segura de que lo harás!” The woman snapped back, hands on her hips now, not bothering to keep her voice low. 
“What’s she saying?” Hunter whispered to Luz, eyes still darting between the two. “Is this a ‘we’re about to start fighting’ situation or a ‘you’re grounded for life’ situation?”
“No te puedo creer.” Luz's mom grumbled, pinching the bridge of her nose.
“Okay, so, uh,” Luz clasped her hands together. “I promise, mami, this is  not  what it looks like.”
“What does it look like?” Hunter blinked, giving Luz a concerned expression now. “It doesn't look like I’m a robber, right? Because this place has nothing  near  worth stealing.”
“Please stop talking,” Luz hissed out of the corner of her mouth, never taking her eyes off her mother. “Mami, this is, uh,” She faltered for a moment. “This is Hunter.”
Her mother cracked open an eye from where she was rubbing the bridge of her nose, sending such a seething glare that both kids shuttered. 
“You know what,” Hunter said, letting Rascal transform out of a staff and back into his usual self, letting the bird land on his shoulder as he clapped his hands together. “I can see that you're busy, so I think I’ll just be--why is she staring at me like that?”
The woman was staring at him now, well, Rascal, eyes locked on the cardinal on his shoulder like it had suddenly grown five heads. He flicked an ear in confusion, turning to Luz to ask what her mom’s problem was, only to see Luz immediately face-palm.
“Estoy atascado con un idiota,” Luz mumbled under her breath, and Hunter could pretty easily guess what the last word had meant, and bristled at it.
“Okay,  so, Hunter,” Luz kept her hands pressed together, using them both to point towards him. “Thank you for the visit, really, but I think we’re done here.”
“We,”  Luz’s mom finally managed to speak, and Luz cringed with a sheepish smile. “Are going to have a  talk.”  She growled, though it lacked any of the reverberating sounds an actual growl would have. He always wondered how humans ever got the last  hit  of their point across without growls or clicks or hisses. He realized now that tone had a  lot  to do with it.
“And that includes  you,  young man.” The woman added, turning her glare towards Hunter, and he wouldn’t be ashamed to admit he wilted a bit under it. She could’ve disintegrated Kikimora on the spot with a look like that.
“Yes, ma’am.” Hunter ducked his head, and ignored the quiet snickers from Luz that she quickly tried to smother.
The woman stepped to the side, allowing the two of them to shuffle out of the room. Luz went out first, giving Hunter an expression that was somehow both  ‘sorry’  and  ‘I told you so’  and  boy  did he want to punch it.
Hunter hurried out after her, one hand cupped over Rascal protectively, unable to fight back the urge to hide him from everyone and everything new, that he’d be broken in half the second anyone got close.
As he passed her, he knew she was staring at him with a far sharper gaze than she had Luz. He glanced out the corner of his eye, and she was staring at his ears, at Rascal, and just as he stepped into the hallway, her eyes narrowed in on the scar along the side of his face.
He’d had people stare at his scars before, it wasn’t new. Scars weren’t uncommon in the Boiling Isles, but ones as big and prominent as his were generally expected of witches far older than him, far more known for their battles and their victories.
He growled in the back of his throat, briefly twitching his lip to flash a fang. It was near-instinctive at this point, a quiet reminder of who he was, of who shadowed over him, and that it was impolite to stare, to mind your own business.
Luz’s mom jerked back at it, a far stronger reaction than the ones he was used to getting. He was used to a quick aversion of the eyes, hurrying to turn their heads the other way, a simple glance to elsewhere in the room. She stared at him with even more apprehension and worry than before, like she was confronted with a wild animal in her home.
His ears pressed down and he hurried off down the hallway, almost stepping on Luz’s heels from how close he walked behind her.
He noticed an eye peeking out of a room up ahead, and Luz gave a weak, almost teasing, salute to whoever was inside. He saw a flash of scales and what might've been a pitying look until they slipped out of view.
Luz stood off to the side as she exited the hallway, and Hunter stood next to her. He gave her a questioning look, one she nearly missed from how much she was staring at her feet. He nudged her shoulder, gaining her attention, and Luz gave a weak, nervous smile.
Alright, so he was  definitely  missing something here with his woman.
“Kitchen table,” Luz’s mom said, pointing, and the two obeyed. Hunter had no real reason to, he knew this. She was human, he could just leave, and she wouldn’t be able to stop him. But she was important to Luz, clearly, and he knew, tragically, that he’d feel guilty if he left Luz alone.
Luz sat in one of the chairs at the round table, and Hunter took the one next to her. Her mother eyed them for a moment before taking the one across from them.
“Can I just say, that I did  not  invite Hunter here--”
“Oh, so  that’s  how it's gonna be?” Hunter whirled his head to her. “Throwing  me  under the bus? Sorry I wanted to  check in.”
“I am telling it  as the truth.”  Luz insisted, glaring at him. “Would you rather I tell her that I purposefully invited you here at,” She turned towards the wall, squinting at a clock hanging there. “Two twenty-three? Why did you come here so  late?”  She demanded.
“Technically, it’s early.” Hunter corrected. 
“I’m actually going to punch your teeth out.”
Rascal cheeped from his shoulder, and Hunter nodded sagely like he had said something. Rascal  could  talk to him, of course, in words that only he could hear, but he often didn’t. And the best part was that he could never prove to anyone that Rascal wasn’t shit-talking them.
“Enough,  both of you  . ” Luz’s mother said firmly, hands placed on the table that had them both straightening to attention. “Luz,” She turned to her daughter, rubbing her temple with one hand as she gestured with the other towards Hunter. “Explain him, please.”
“Like, life story, or why he’s here, or what he is, or--”
“Just  please  tell me he’s not from where I think he’s from.”
“Oh,” Luz glanced between Hunter and her mother, gears turning in her head. “He’s...not?”
“Dios ayúdame,” Her mother groaned.
“You told me to say he wasn’t! Actually,” Luz frowned as she turned to Hunter.  “Do  you count as someone from the demon realm, biologically? I don’t know how that whole, er, Grimwalker thing worked, like are you a direct clone, or--”
“I’m gonna stop you right there, because I’ve been avoiding dealing with that whole situation for the past two weeks, and I’m not about to start now.” Hunter raised a hand to cut her off.
“You…” Luz narrowed her eyes at him. “You need a therapist, dude.”
“You’re the fifth person to say that in the last week.”
“Why,”  Luz’s mother cut in again, silencing their conversation. “Is there a  demon boy  in my house?”
“I’m a witch,” Hunter corrected.
“Don’t you count as, like,  half  a--”
“What did I  just  say, Luz?”
“Right,” Luz snapped her mouth shut. “Uh, so, I’m assuming he broke in--”
Hunter groaned, gripping his head in his hands as he slouched over the table. Rascal chittered gently as he hopped off his shoulder and onto the table, nudging his arm.
“--but he wasn’t going to cause any trouble!” Luz added quickly, seeing her mothers expression continue to sour. “He just-he wanted to make sure I was alright.”
The woman eyed the two of them for a moment, and Hunter refused to look up and meet her gaze.
“Hunter, is it?” The woman said slowly, cautious, suspicious, but not accusatory. 
“Yes, ma’am.” Hunter sighed, relenting to lift his head, messy hair hanging in his face.
“How old are you, exactly?”
“Sixteen, ma’am.” He mumbled, resting his cheek in his hand.
“And…” She hesitated for a moment.  “How  old is that in witch years…?”
“...sixteen?” Hunter gave her a perplexed look.
“They age the same as us.” Luz assured, and her mother seemed to relax just a bit.
“Gracias a Dios por eso,” Her mother mumbled. “Alright, and how did you get in?”
“Window,” He tilted his head off towards the one in question, still open over the sink.
“Of course,” The woman muttered under her breath. “The  one  time I didn’t lock it. Okay, now what is  that?”  She gestured towards Rascal on his shoulder, and he raised his hand to let the palisman hop onto his hand.
“My palisman,” He said, settling the bird down on the table, but keeping him a far enough distance from Luz’s mom that she wouldn’t be able to grab him. “I call him Rascal. Which reminds me,” He nudged Luz’s shoulder. “Where do you keep those seeds you have for your palisman? She keeps screaming at everyone and the Owl Lady doesn’t know how to make her shut up.”
“Is she okay?” Luz straightened.
“Yeah, little jays fine, she’s just being a pain in the ass.” Hunter grimaced.
“Watch your language, young man.” Luz’s mom leveled a finger at him, and he eyed it for a moment. “Now what do you mean ‘Luz’s pailsman?’ What in the  world  is a palisman?”
“Oh, uh, nothing! Nothing important, really. Just, like, staff things.” Luz said quickly, and Hunter and Rascal shared a look. Luz loved her palisman, as bratty as she was. And he knew from experience that Luz didn’t think of palismans as ‘nothing important.’
He drew a hand around Rascal and scooted him a little closer towards himself.
“Okay, okay,” Luz’s mother inhaled a steadying breath, as though to keep her cool. “And you are breaking into my house, early in the morning, to see my daughter.”
“Really just to make sure she didn’t, like, get kidnapped on the way up here.” Hunter shrugged. “Everyone's worried about her, so I took one for the team, and all that.”
“Everyone?” Her mother frowned.
“Her...friends?” Hunter gave Luz a sideways look, and she avoided his gaze.
“Mija, you have friends in the  demon realm?”  Luz’s mom balked, with the tone of someone who didn’t quite believe it, who almost felt as though they were being tricked.
“I told you a bit about them…” Luz mumbled, shifting uncomfortably.
“You,” Her mother chuckled, shaking her head, the first sign of anything lighter than what they’d had so far. “You really can’t help but be friendly to everyone, huh?” 
“It’s how she got stuck with me, it’s a real problem.” Hunter said, and got an elbow jabbed into him for his troubles, wheezing as he clutched his side. 
“Well, you certainly are an...interesting acquaintance,” Her mother said slowly, eyeing him, and he barely resisted the urge to briefly flash sharpened teeth when her gaze lingered on the scar across his face again. “And you showed up, by breaking in...just to check in on Luz?”
“Yeah?” Hunter managed to cough out, cracking open an eye to give the woman a confused look compared to her suspicious, searching one. “Why else?”
“...alright.” She said, and her gaze went back to her daughter. “I wasn’t aware that there would be... situations  where the demon realm followed you  back.”
“Neither did I, really.” Luz was quick to assure, hands raised.  “Hunter  of all people being worried about me is the most confusing and touching thing that’s happened so far.”
“I was not  worried.”  Hunter whirled to her. “I only came here because everyone  else  was, and they were going to leave me out of the rescue party.”
“Rescue party?” Luz’s mother startled, and he should really learn her name.
“Aha, he doesn't mean that.” Luz waved her hands quickly. 
“I do?” Hunter narrowed his eyes. “The others were planning on busting out of the portal to come find you by the end of this week. I didn’t want to be left out, so I broke in ahead of time.”
“There are demons coming  here?”  The woman exclaimed, jumping to her feet.
“Pretty sure the little rat dog is the only demon coming along.” Hunter corrected. “The others are witches.”
“You  know  his name is King.” Luz grumbled.
“Yeah, but it's way more fun to call him a rat.”
“Luz, cariño, are we going to have  more  witches breaking in?” Her mother stressed, stepping away from the table and already beginning to pace.
“Not-not when Hunter gets back to them!” Luz said, also standing. “He can tell them to hold off, that I’m fine, and all that.”
“And deal with them getting all pissy I broke out?” Hunter demanded, scooping Rascal up in his hands as he, too, stood.  “Hell  no, either they hear from me with you there, or I don’t tell them shit.”
“Watch it,” Luz’s mother warned him again, this time only giving a quick glare. “And Luz is  not  going back there.”
“Then you have two to twenty witches, plus one demon, knocking on your door.” Hunter shrugged. “What’s the big deal?”
“Luz, what did you get  into  while you were in the demon realm?” Her mother groaned, rubbing her temples.
“I mean, you didn’t ask a  lot... ” Luz tried, hovering about two feet from her mom.
“You have two to  twenty  magical demon people ready to break into our home to make sure you’re okay,” Her mother said, turning towards her daughter. “You didn’t...you didn’t tell me you had  friends  there.”
“I feel like I just said this,” Hunter squinted. “I told you Luz has friends in the Boiling Isles, isn’t that expected? She makes friends with  everyone.”
Luz rubbed her arm and looked down at the ground, and her mother’s mouth twitched downwards for a brief moment. He felt like he was missing something.
“Are all of your friends like him?” Her mother said after a moment, gesturing with a hand off towards Hunter.
“I resent what that implies,” Hunter huffed, ears pressed down as he tucked Rascal between his neck and cloak.
“I mean, personality wise? No, he’s the biggest brat of them all.” Luz assured, and Hunter visibly took offence. “Well, Matt was  also  a brat, but he’s a friend of a friend, and I think he’s calmer now.”
“They  are  annoying, though.” Hunter piped up, and prided on barely reacting under Luz’s seething glare.
“Well they can’t come  here,  your first friend has already caused enough trouble.” Her mother said firmly, and Hunter rolled his eyes at that.
“Please, breaking and entering is tame for me.” Hunter scoffed, and got an even more worried, and possibly judging, look from the woman.
“You're not helping.” Luz whispered, immediately turning back to her mother. “I’m sure we can figure this whole thing out. I can probably get Hunter to tell them to calm them down without me having to go back, Rascal can bully him into it, he likes me.”
“That’s a  low blow,  human!” Hunter hissed, a low, drawn-out sound that had the woman tensing and Luz only rolling her eyes. “I do so much for you, and  this  is the thanks I get?” He ignored Rascal’s gleeful chitters that sounded suspiciously like laughter.
“We’re  even  on that front and you  know it.” 
“This is  serious,  Luz.” Her mother said, and Luz’s mouth clicked shut. “Christ,” She sighed. “Why didn’t you tell me you’d made  friends  in the demon realm?”
“You didn’t ask…?” Luz said slowly.
“I don’t see what the big deal is,” Hunter said, leaning against the island counter. “I drag Luz back, she hangs for a day or two to calm everyone down, and she comes right back to have quality family time, or whatever you guys call it, until you’re all finished.”
“Absolutely not,” Her mother said instantly. “Luz will not go anywhere  near  that portal.”
“It’s not gonna blow up, it’s stable.” Hunter raised a brow, not noticing Luz freezing up. 
“Luz is  not  going back to that demon realm,” She insisted, and he was sure she would be growling if she could. “Listen, could you please just tell the other witches to stay back? I don’t want any trouble from that realm coming through here.”
“Ouch,” Hunter said dryly, twitching an ear as he crossed his arms. “Why’s this got you in a tizzy? I came here to bring back Luz anyway, why is this an issue?”
Luz and her mother met eyes for a brief second, and Hunter knew then he was missing something, because it felt like a conversation passed between their eyes and Luz ducked her head again, ashamed.
“Luz,” Her mother spoke in soft tones, though she was rubbing at her face. “You didn’t tell your  friends--”
“I was going to--”
“Luz, honey, you can’t  omit details  from people--”
“I know, I swear I was just busy trying to see you--”
Hunter set Rascal down on the island counter and gestured towards him. The palisman fluffed his wings before proceeding to peck incessantly on the counter, making a loud clinking noise. It got both humans mingling words to come to a stop as they both turned towards him.
“Hi, sorry to interrupt, but I’m still here.” Hunter said, scratching his bird's head to get him to cease once he had their full attention. “What am I missing?” He asked, pointing between the two.
“I apologize Luz hadn’t informed you earlier,” Her mother started, and Luz gripped her arms and looked away from them both, shoulders hunched. “But she won’t be going back to the demon realm.”
He stared. He blinked once, twice. He could see Rascal staring too, just barely in his line of sight.
“Come again?”
“Luz had been trapped there for so long,” Her mother went on. “And-and she was surrounded by  demons  and rain that scalded skin and-and Vee told me of Emperor’s and experiments,” 
Hunter flinched at that, ears pressing flat as he turned his head to the side.
“It’s clearly not a safe place,” She continued, and her eyes dropped to his notched ear. “And...there’s much to catch up on, to talk about.” She said, in a polite tone that told him not to press that particular matter. “Surely, you can explain this to them?”
Hunter stayed silent for a moment, aware of Luz peeking at him with guilt across her features. He didn’t meet it, he knew he’d get more riled up if he did.
“Yeah, so,” Hunter said calmly, clasping his hands together. “That’s  not  happening.” 
“Excuse me?” Her mother reeled back a bit.
“Listen, Miss...what are your last names again?” He asked Luz, though he still didn’t let himself fully look at her.
“Noceda,” She said, sounding confused now.
“Ms. Noceda,” He continued. “I can speak from personal experience when I tell you that the Emperor and any experiments he had are  far  beyond gone,” He said, bitterness dripping from his words. “And I--  we  have your daughter to thank for that.”
Her mother startled for a moment, opening her mouth to speak, but he plowed on.
“Half the things that made the Isles dangerous, including the very reason your daughter was late coming home, are either burnt to a crisp or in the ground.” He said, holding her gaze. “And I can tell you this, with one hundred percent sincerity, that if I go back and tell Luz’s friends that she won’t ever be coming back, you’ll have witches and demons in numbers nearing the thirties knocking on your front door.” 
“Is that a threat?” The woman managed to get out first. 
“With all due respect, Ms. Noceda, it’s a promise.” 
“Thank you,  Hunter.” Luz was suddenly at his side, seizing his arm in a grip that felt like he was losing circulation. “That’s  enough,”  She said, giving him a warning look. “I think she gets the message.”
“Luz, what in the world is he talking about?” Her mother asked, eyes back to her child.
“It-it’s a long story, but he’s right about the Emperor!” Luz added quickly. “He’s...he’s gone, and-and I don’t think he’s coming back.”
“He won’t.” Hunter said, and left it at that.
“Luz, cariño, I’m sure we could work something out with your friends.” Her mother assured. “I’m glad a man like Vee had described is gone, but I’m sure they would understand.”
“That her mom won’t let her come back?” Hunter scoffed, and Luz tugged forcefully on his arm.
“Hunter,”  She hissed, and he looked at her then, and saw the fear practically  radiating  off her. He wondered if it was something she’d picked up from Amity or vice versa, to be brimming with emotions, but leaving them largely unnoticed until someone actually  focused.
“Look, I…” Luz hesitated for a moment. “I  promised  that I’d stay with her…” She mumbled, and the last piece clicked in his mind.
Luz had promised she’d stay, to a likely terrified mother, and Luz was never one to skimp out on promises. She either kept them or agonized over trying. And it’d make sense why she wouldn’t want to tell anyone, she promised she’d  leave forever,  and no plans or compromises from the residents of the Owl House could sate a mother worried for her daughter. 
Also made sense why she wanted him to leave. Her mom did  not  seem to like the place, and him being there had to be somewhat breaking the little ‘promise’ of interacting with someone from the demon realm at all.
“Oh,” He said, instead of all that, ears pricking slightly. 
“I’m sorry to have it all sprung on you without warning,” He heard her mother saying, though he wasn’t looking at her much in that moment, but she sounded genuine. “But the demon realm doesn’t necessarily seem to be...the  safest  of places.”
“It’s not,” Hunter confirmed, slowly straightening to face the woman again. “But hey,” He shrugged, feeling Luz letting up her grip on his arm. “It’s home.”
Her eyes dropped to his scar again, just for a moment, and he didn’t bother to hide his eye roll this time.
“Trust me, I’m an outlier in how deadly the place  actually  is.” He muttered. “These,” He gestured broadly to his face, not quite feeling the satisfaction he assumed he’d feel when he saw her wince. “Were caused by something  outside  the Boiling Isles, something that never should have been there in the first place. He’s gone now.” He rumbled a growl. “We made sure of it.”
She looked apologetic, and he’d give her that. But she shook her head with a sigh all the same.
“I’m sorry, truly, but Luz and I agreed, it’s not safe. I’m glad she could make friends there, I really am,” She said, and he wondered what kind of friends Luz had had in the past, because she said the word ‘friends’ like it could have five different meanings. “But it’s not safe for her.”
“And?” Hunter threw a hand out in a broad gesture. “It was never completely safe, no place is. You gonna look me in the eyes and tell me Luz would never sneak back out? I’m giving her another week at best.”
“Look, I’m  really  just trying to wrap this whole complication up,” Hunter sighed unsympathetically, aware of Rascal chirping and head-butting his arm. “Unfortunately, I  know  you, and I know you’d rather wallow in a chasm for eternity than never go back to the Isles. And as entertaining as watching a whole drama unfold would be when your mom would eventually find out, I  really  don't want to deal with that headache.” He grumbled.
Luz looked to her mother then, and her mother looked back. Luz’s hand was still clutched in his sleeve, watching her mother worriedly as she met her confused gaze.
“Luz?” Her mother said slowly, and Luz fiddled with Hunter’s sleeve.
“Mami, I...look, I didn’t...my friends, they...I don’t…”
“Hi, sorry, can-can I butt-in?”
The three whirled around, Hunter automatically putting an arm in front of Luz and taking a step back at the sight.
A basilisk lay in the doorway to the kitchen, tail curled somewhere out of sight. It was a young one, about the size of Luz. That’d work, he’d taken on bigger before, not like he had any magic for a basilisk to steal--
“Vee,” Luz’s mother breathed. “What are you doing up?”
And of  course  she was someone they knew. Amazing, wonderful, he loved being out of the loop that there was a  basilisk  casually within the house, that wasn’t unnerving at all.
“You guys aren’t very quiet,” The basilisk--Vee--shrugged as she slithered in, and Hunter took another step back, his arm in front of Luz causing her to be pushed back as well. “Hey there, uh, new guy.” She offered a small, shy wave to Hunter, and he eyed her before hesitantly returning it.
“Vee, I think you should go back to bed, we were discussing--”
“I know, I heard.” Vee brushed off Luz’s mom. “I actually have an idea for, y’know, this predicament. No offence, but I can't really sleep with you guys arguing.” She said, the wringing of her clawed hands the only sign she was nervous, stopping only when she was between them, with Luz and Hunter on one side, Ms. Noceda on the other.
“Should I be worried about this?” Hunter whispered to Luz.
“Nah, she’s cool.” Luz whispered back.
“What if, and hear me out...we all sleep on this,” Vee said, palms pressed together. “We think it over during the night, and when it's actually  light  out, we talk about Luz wanting to go back to the Isles and the rules that would have to be put in place. And also nobody breaks in.” She tacked on quickly.
“So you  do  want to go back?” Luz’s mother turned to her, and he saw the hurt and shock in her eyes.
“I…” Luz looked like she had a ‘no,’ at the back of her throat, and he truly did believe she would’ve said all her mom wanted to say. But he nudged her side, and she looked up at him, and clearly he was doing  something  with his face, because the empty assurances died out.
“Y-yeah, I do.” She mumbled, looking back to her mom. “I...really,  really  want to see them again, back in their realm.”
And he avoided looking at Ms. Noceda’s face, because the shock and pain increased significantly.
“Well, I, for one,” He said, ducking around Luz. “Agree with the lizard's plan. Sleep on it, talk in the morning with Ms. Noceda, yadda yadda, all that fun stuff.”
“Camila is fine,” The woman murmured, sounding a little dazed.
“Lizard?”  Vee hissed, tongue flickering out as she narrowed her eyes on him.
“Right, sorry, snake fits better.” Hunter said before he could stop himself.
“You have permission to beat him up.” Luz said casually, ignoring Hunter’s indignant shout of “traitor!”
“I, yes, yes,” Luz’s mother--Camila--sighed, stepping back and bracing herself against the kitchen counter. “Tonight has been...a hectic one. It’s far too late to be talking about things like this.”
“Does this mean I can go?” Hunter asked, pointing with his thumb behind him. “Preferably without alerting everyone that I snuck out?”
“I don’t know  how  you got past Hooty,” Luz sighed, tilting her head and beginning to walk towards the front door with a quick, affirming glance with her mother that both had barely managed to make, Hunter immediately following.
“I escaped through your window.” Hunter said simply, and he noted Camila looking up slightly at that, until Vee approached her, murmuring in soft words he knew better than to try and eavesdrop on.
“Of course you did,” Luz grumbled, opening the front door and practically shoving Hunter outside. 
“Alright, alright, I get it, I’m leaving--”
Luz stepped out onto the front porch with him, leaving the front door open just a crack, enough so that she could be seen through it, and in turn could see Camila and Vee talking back by the kitchen.
“Am I going to get a personal lecture?” Hunter asked cautiously, crossing his arms as his ears flicked down. “Look, in my defense, you didn’t exactly explain a lot of things to  me--”
Luz lunged, and he stepped back and raised his hands defensively. Instead of a mean left hook he was expecting, he got arms wrapped around his sides, squeezing the air out of him.
Hunter wheezed, and would’ve doubled over if Luz wasn’t in the way. She didn’t let up on her hug, and after a moment of trying to get his thoughts in order, he slowly drew his arms around Luz, chin tucked against her head pressed into his chest.
“I’m glad you're okay,” Luz muffled into his shirt, and Hunter may have clung on a little tighter, aware of Rascal watching this all from his shoulder.
“Feel like you said this already.” He managed to get out.
“I know, I just wanted you to know I meant it.”
And if Hunter tilted his head down to press his face into Luz’s hair then, she didn’t say anything.
“Good to see you still kickin’, too.” He mumbled. 
“Miss me?” Luz teased, throwing his words back at him as she pulled her head back slightly, and Hunter quickly did the same to look down at her.
“Hardly,” He huffed, clearing his throat to hide how it cracked halfway through. “I just didn’t want everyone leaving me out of all the fun.”
“Uh huh,” Luz raised a brow. “So you just  happened  to drop by to make sure I was alright on the one night you  actually  managed to escape the Owl House without being caught?”
Luz laughed, and Hunter sputtered over his words. He growled and pushed her back and off him, knowing his face was flushing as he turned away and crossed his arms. Luz’s laughter didn’t stop at that, and Rascal sounded like he was laughing, too.
His ears drooped down and he half-heartedly bared teeth, in what may have been an attempt to hide a smile.
“You’re such a massive pain, you know that?” He growled. 
“I do,” Luz grinned, laughter calming down to giggles. “I learned from the best.”
“That, you did. That Owl Lady couldn’t be more overbearing if she tried.” Hunter muttered.
“She’s got a bit of an empty nest syndrome, you get used to it.” Luz lightly nudged his shoulder. “It’s her way of welcoming you to the family.”
And he didn’t even have the time to process  that  whole sentence, because Rascal was fluttering onto Luz’s shoulder, cheeping as Luz raised a hand to scratch at his head.
“Make sure they know not to worry too much, okay?” She continued, looking up at him. “I’ll try and sort this out.”
“Does that mean you’re coming back soon?” Hunter paused, tilting his head. And maybe there was a tone of hopefulness in his tone, maybe.
Luz hesitated for a moment, frowning slightly in thought. She looked back towards the front door, though he couldn’t see if Camila or Vee were anywhere near it, what with the angle being off and Luz blocking most of it. He wondered if they could hear their conversation.
“I think so,” She said, quieter this time as she turned back to him with a small smile. “I... hope  so.”
“So do I, they’ll be insufferable without you.” Hunter teased. “Have fun thinking up how to explain to them your apparent promise.”
“Don’t remind me,” Luz groaned, throwing her head back. “Look, it was a panicked situation, and I didn’t want her any more scared than she--”
“Save it,” Hunter said, not unkindly, raising a hand to silence her. “I’ve made worse spur-of-the-moment decisions. Contrary to popular belief, I know you well enough that you’d never stay away for long. You have a habit of being a people-pleaser.”
Luz relaxed, and raised her hand to let Rascal hop onto it. She offered him back to Hunter, and he took the bird into his hands.
“Still, I’m sorry.” She said, wringing her hands together. “For all of this.”
“If all goes well, you’ll get to tell them that yourself.” He said, and attempted a smile.
“Hopefully,” Luz said, glancing back towards the door. “So, that means you’re willing to tell them what happened?” She asked, a pleading note to her voice.
“As in, I tell them that I broke out of the Owl House in the middle of the night, escaped to the human realm, found you when I  knew  they were going to do the same thing, and then came back to the demon realm  without  you, just to tell them you’ll  probably  be back soon, but I don’t know when?” Hunter said, ears lowering more and more as he spoke, raising a brow.
“...yes?” Luz tried, hands clasped behind her back as she looked up at him with wide, puppy-dog eyes.
“...I don’t know  why  I put up with you.” Hunter groaned, relenting as his shoulders slumped, letting Rascal fly up onto his shoulder.
“Because you care about me,” Luz teased in a singsong tone, her relief immediate.
“Unfortunately,” He muttered unthinkingly, before the words processed in his head. He tensed right after, eyes locked on the wall behind Luz.
She looked surprised for about half a second before she practically  lit up,  beaming excitedly at him.
“Anyway,”  He said quickly, voice higher than normal,  knowing  he was flushed up to his ears. “I should be off before your mom gets even more pissed at me.” He said, sharply turning on his heel.
Rascal was most definitely laughing at him now, and he pulled up his hood before shoving the bird into it, silencing him. He leapt down the stairs leading up to the porch, instead of walking down them like a normal person.
“Well, in her defense, you  did  break in.” Luz reminded, though there was a certain giddiness to her tone as she watched him leave.
“Like you  haven’t  done it!” Hunter scoffed behind him, beginning to hurry back towards the forest, head ducked low.
“Yes, but we don’t need to  tell  her that!” Luz hissed, voice notably quieter as she fearfully glanced back. 
“No promises!” He called back, a grin forming as he picked up the pace. “Call it compensation for throwing me to the wolves!”
“Wh--Hunter!” Luz squawked indignantly.
He turned on his heel for just a moment, giving Luz a mocking salute before ducking between the trees of the forest, cackling as Luz’s calls of “don’t you  dare!”  faded behind him.
“Alright, Rascal, prepare yourself.” He said, hearing his palisman chitter from within his hood, with a hint of annoyance to it. “We’ve got a lot of explaining to do.”
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jar-of-ectoplasm · 3 years
Reverse Demon Slayer AU
a/n: a demon slayer au my friend and i were talking abt a bunch last week and i wanted to share it with you guys :))
like literally the au is just the demon slayers are the demons and the demons are the demon slayers it's prob been done before but still here it is besties (the hashiras turn into the 12 kizuki, the trainers are like the ex-kizuki members [like kyogai])
Genre/Warnings: Demon shit, body horror, just kinda creepy stuff cause the demons in Demon Slayer look busted most of the time, mentions of blood, gore, mentions of violence/death, religious stuff (gyomei)
~Giyuu Tomioka~
-Stays in the forest near a lake
-His voice echoes, kinda like how a siren's would. Since his voice is very calming and can go pretty far out, it lures a lot of people into his lake
-Blood Demon Art: Can create "reflections" of the demon slayers he's fighting out of the water in his lake. Every hit they land on Giyuu's version of them just goes straight through it since it's made of water but it's able to actually hurt the slayer (basically giyuu just makes little water minion to do his bidding)
-Would be very attached to the demon who turned him (which is Urokodaki) and would be absolutely livid if anyone managed to kill him
-After your encounter with an ex-kizuki member, you started hearing a strange voice echoing through the forest in front of you. Mistaking the man's calls as cries for help, you venture further into the forest not knowing you were walking into your death.
~Shinobu Kocho~
-Her eyes look just like a fly's, but instead of red they're purple
-Has pincers on the sides of her face
-Blood Demon Art: Can spit acid up to 5 feet (like an assassin bug) and if she manages to bite you, she can inject venom into your bloodstream with her freak ass bug tongue (like an ant)
~Sanemi Shinazugawa~
-The top half of his outfit would be tied around his waist (like how Susamaru had hers)
-The scars on his body would become mouths, and each mouth also has a voice so whenever Sanemi speaks it's like there are several voices speaking at the same time
-Blood Demon Art: Can literally take the their from a person's lungs and suffocate them. A demon slayer can't use their breathing technique if they can't breathe, right?
-Doesn't wash the blood off his clothes and he keeps the swords of the slayers he kills as trophies
~Tengen Uzui~
-Each dot on his face tattoo would become more eyes
-His three wives would change every so often because they're kidnapped female demon slayers
-Blood Demon Art: If he gets even the tiniest cut anywhere on his body, he'll be able to emit an incredibly high pitched sound to disorient his opponent
~Muichiro Tokito~
-Blood Demon Art: Creates a mist that, when inhaled, fogs the person's memory; making them forget what they were doing completely so he can easily attack them
-Honestly, he thinks killing the Hashiras Muzan sends after him is a chore, so he usually stays in the Infinite Fortress
-When he does go out though, he doesn't stay in one place for too long so he can avoid the demon slayers as much as possible. He doesn't want to waste energy on killing low level children
~Obanai Iguro~
-Pretty much a naga, the bottom half of his body is a serpent's tail
-Can unhinge his jaw to take some big ass fucking bites out of people
-His eyes can look in two different directions at the same time, making it hard for slayers to land a good hit on him
~Mitsuri Kanroji~
-Main territory is the red light district, she lures men into her little place and eats them
-Blood Demon Art: Similar to how Tamayo can force someone to tell the truth using her demon art, Mitsuri is able to attract people to her. No one wants to hurt the person they're attracted to, so it would make it easy for her to kill them.
-The prettiest demon Hashira by far, pretty much everyone else looks like some horrible grotesque creature
-She always tries to keep the clothes of the men she kills clean so she can give them to the girls in her house. Even if they are human, she still cares for them greatly
-Is the cleanest demon Hashira as well. She doesn't like making a mess of her room just to clean it up right after
-Mitsuri also likes to try different recipes with the men she eats. Having them raw just isn't as fun as cooking them herself
~Kyojuro Rengoku~
-Blood Demon Art: Similar to Esidisi from JJBA, he can make his blood boil. When the slayer manages to get a hit on him, his blood would splash on them and burn through anything it touched. The temperature of his blood is on par with lava
-Looks the most human out of pretty much all the demons, but something just seems very off about him
-When you're fighting him, he's stone faced until he gets bored of you. His smile just looks way too big for his face, and the amount of teeth in his mouth are far beyond what it should be
-Doesn't have eyelids so he literally never blinks
~Gyomei Himejima~
-Would be dressed as a traditional Buddhist priest/monk
-He kills demon slayers to "help them atone for their sins"
-Main method of killing would be using his rosary to choke them out, sometimes since he doesn't really know his own strength their heads pop off
-He cries blood instead of tears
-Blood Demon Art: Can make his blood as hard as diamond so the demon slayer would be unable to cut him on the first try, so he would be able to take advantage of their shock and kill them
~Tanjiro Kamado~
-Blood Demon Art: Just the same as Nezuko's, since they're siblings and all that
-He had come from a family of demon slayers, and after getting turned into one himself they all tried to kill him (except for Nezuko)
-Wears a muzzle only when Nezuko is around other demon slayers. They have to keep up a charade, but it's so hard to control himself sometimes and that's when the muzzle really helps
-His favorite part of the body is the heart. When he was human, everyone always saw him as kind and innocent but when he was turned he was seen as the complete opposite. He hopes that consuming the hearts of other people will return his old kind-hearted personality
~Nezuko Kamado~
-Nezuko followed in her parent's footsteps by joining the demon slayer corps, but instead of trying to find a cure for her brother she gets information and passes it to Tanjiro and the demon Hashiras.
-Nezuko ended up taking Tanjiro away from the bloody ruins of their home, and on their way down the mountain they ran into Giyuu who instructed them to go to Urokodaki so Tanjiro would be safe
-Has killed demon slayers who have seen her interacting with the demon Hashiras. She has to keep her record clean to climb the ranks and to help Tanjiro at the same time
~Zenitsu Agatsuma~
-Would lure people into a trap by guilt tripping them into being alone with him
-"Could you please help me? I lost my gramps, but I can't see him anywhere. Will you help me find him?" and then they'd get bodied
-Always avoids killing innocent people or new demon slayers. He feels so bad for taking their lives away from them, but sometimes he just can't help it
-He'll style the female demon slayers hair after he kills them so they can be just as pretty as they were in life when they get to Heaven
~Inosuke Hashibira~
-The boar mask would become his actual head
-Instead of duel wielding swords, they would be some big ass fangs that he swings around to impale demon slayers
-Inosuke fights dirty. He'll snap his jaws at you and laugh hysterically when he manages to take a chunk out of your arm
-Actively seeks out demon slayers to kill. He never kills regular people because they don't put up a good enough fight for him
-Eats every part of the body, including the bones
~Misc Characters~
-Kanae was a spider-esque demon and cocooned people in her webs to feed a young Shinobu and Kanao until she was killed
-Kanao was human-turned-demon by the sisters
-Urokodaki is an ex-kizuki member and all of his trainees are now the demons in the Final Selection
-the Fox Children, led by Urokodaki, are merciless to any wannabe slayer that comes into their forest looking to make it out alive. Most of the demon slayers that make it out are nearly dead or had ran straight through, not even trying to get a kill
-the Fox Children wear the masks because their faces are incredibly fox-like (think like, mid transition animorphs cover)
-Nobody knows what Urokodaki's face looks like, but based on his mask that's for the best
~General Stuff~
-In this au, the demons actually stick together and the demon slayers work alone which makes the Hashira Kizuki way fucking scarier than they already were
-And because these demons work together, they're all going to hold grudges against certain demon slayers
-When Kanae was killed, the demon Hashira went apeshit, especially Gyomei. Pairing his strength and horrible blinding rage at the fact his coven lost a very important member, every slayer he kills within the first year of Kanae's death die in horrible ways.
-Imagine following the directions your dove gave you to an old, overgrown sanctuary secluded in the mountains. The moonlight does little to illuminate your surroundings, but one thing you do see is the mangled body of your fellow demon slayer hanging from a tree. The only thing keeping them together is their spinal cord, and the impossibly large hand holding their head to a branch.
-The Hashiras are all extremely savage and violent, rarely ever sparing a human life. (sometimes Shinobu or Kanao might feel bad and spare a small child or elderly person, but other than that nobody is safe)
-Crows would service the demons, and doves would service the demon slayers. Everyone is always wary around crows because nobody knows whether that particular one belongs to a demon or not
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panlight · 3 years
hi, since I watched the movies and read the books I wonder about the dynamic between Alec and Jane, i would like to know your opinion about them and their relationship, the question surges because I have searched fanfics about them but the mayority of them are about a sexual relation between the twins, thing that I found creepy.
Sorry for my bad english
From my perspective they're utterly devoted to each other, but they are siblings, and also like 12, so nothing sexual/romantic between them. There's enough questionable content in the books that you don't need to read something like actual sibling incest into it, especially when they are literal children and frozen that way. And I don't really see anything in canon that suggests it. I mean if we're being honest it's the Cullen/Hale siblings that have were incest-y things going on.
(As an aside, this is why I don't understand people who want to count Bella as "one of Esme/Carlisle's" children. Beloved daughter-in-law? Great! Like a daughter? Lovely! Actually saying 'we have six children?' Whyyyy. It's already weird that Em/Rose and Alice/Jasper [although I'm not personally totally sold on Jasper] are MARRIED while considering the same couple to be their parents. Bella married in! These people are in-laws that she loves like family! That's normal! You don't have to make it weird! Charlie and Renee [and Phil!] are still alive! Maybe in 100 years it would make sense for her to see C/Es as her parents but doing it now just makes her marriage to Edward as weird as the other couples when it doesn't have to be!)
But I've definitely seen that in the fandom, too. I've also seen people trying to thread a needle of their bond is being LIKE mates but without the sexual/romantic component, kind of like how imprinting can theoretically be platonic, it's just this one person who is your center of gravity, and they sort of apply this to Jane and Alec in a sibling sense. It's the intensity and devotion of a mate bond but it's a sibling bond instead. But that's a fine line to tread there before it does get creepy.
For me, I think they are devoted to each other probably equally, but Jane is more devoted to Aro/The Volturi than Alec is. I see her as more intense, more driven, more mature (in as much as a 12-year-old brain can be mature) and Alec is the more laidback and chill. He wants Jane's approval more than he wants Aro's, whereas for Jane being in Aro's favorite is Super Important. She wants to be the Teacher's Pet, basically, but since she's not in a school setting this is the closest thing. It's that same sort of drive. Alec's more friendly with the other guards than Jane is, because he doesn't have the same sense of competition with them for Aro's favor that she does. But if Jane is like "we're not talking to Felix today," Alec would like shrug his shoulders and be like, "okay," and roll with it. She's the leader of the two if they have one.
I also don't think they are inherently evil. Their powers, as humans, seemed pretty neutral: bad things would happen to people who were mean to them, but GOOD things happened to people who were kind to them, and it didn't seem like they had conscious control over this, either, it just kind of . . . happened. Their experience in the flames shaped their gifts, with Jane wanting to inflict the pain she was feeling on those who had hurt her, and Alec just wanting to numb himself to it. They've been influence by their time with the Volturi, but they might have turned out differently is they had been turned/raised by another coven.
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chemicaldd · 3 years
─ hello! well uhhh..... [🥲] I wanted to talk about my TOH headcanons and shit, for like how I write and how Y/n and Ares are placed in the AU plus; i've implimented a new magic kind so Y/n can be overpow-/j.
─ so, down below is headcanons and stuff for each TOH character, prns, sexuality, gender, k'now? i'll start with the minors then move onto the adults. I'll also add their ages, and their race. OKAY ENOUGH EXPLAINING.
warnings. swearing, because i literally love light heartidly swearing and slandering my favourite characters<3
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in the boiling isles, magic roams free. Witches and Demons live together on the corpse of a titan, who's magic seeped into how they live.
magic is used in runes, and need to be sharpened for a Witch to become strong. But, there is an ancient way, to enhance magic, but it is very dangerous and could cause said witch or person using the magic basically combusts. Only few witches can use the magic, but must use it sparingly.
you enhance a rune, by adding a larger one on top of it. Though, it usually only will cause explosions, it sometimes will work but it depends on how controlled the witches magic is.
female, she/her (doesn't mind any prns, neo-included.) ─ bisexual ─ 15, human
"THATS GAY!" / She doesn't actually have a preference, though she is all in for lgbtqia+ rep. So, she always likes to meet other lqbt people.
she's dating Amity by the time she meets Ares, she probably met Y/n after she got into Hexside, they stumbled upon Y/n helping a kid and thought they where cool so she talked to them.
her and Ares get along pretty well, since Ares is willing to help Luz with magic, since Ares does a lot of training on their own.
female, she/they ─ lesbian, asexual ─ 15, witch
"mmmmmm, yes, women." / would probably listen to old timey songs, its her kinda music. / She gets really shy and nervous whenever she has to tell people she's ace. / She probably writes and draws as a hobby.
absolutely loves it when Luz calls her, their amazing girlfriend. Similar to Luz, she met Ares around the same time Luz did. Y/n was in Hexide when the two met.
she didn't like Y/n at first, but came to liking Y/n's help at the library since the two both like children. Amity & Ares act like siblings, she personally likes to think of Ares of their older sibling.
HUNTER ? [the golden guard].
trans ; male, he/him(pronouns don't matter to him vry much) ─ aromantic, asexual ─ 16, witch
"oh fuck, oh will of the titan, please, bitch, please, don't." / MR POEM WRITER??? / genuinely doesn't know what romance is lmao. / fucking swears 24/7 when he's not in the golden guard persona.
him and Ares are best friends lol, Y/n and him met due to Ares. He was the one to get Ares to peruse becoming a guard. THESE TWOS SLEEP SCHEDULE WHERE??
Y/N L/N.
genderfluid, they/them (all/any prns) ─ pansexual ─ 16, half human, half witch
"lol, yeah, no." / the most chill teenager you'd ever see / works half time as a healer / they go to Hexside.
they represent you, so you can add whatever you want abt them, i'll be willing to change them. though in my inhitial Au, Y/n is quite chill and plans to be in the healing coven. Though, they're not the best due to being half human.
nonbinary, they/them ─ aromanticflux, asexualflux ─ 16, witch
"HA BITCH! SUCK IT!" / most chaotic one out of the three / junior palace guard / they personally dont like belos, but are willing to follow him.
its canon, they're platonically married to hunter & Y/n/lh. [fight me/j]. Literally can either be super chill, or super chaotic. They like to joke around so others will smile, they really like positivity[finding negative people triggering]. they represent the creator(person writing this).
female, she/her ─ questioning ─ 14, witch
"i'mgoingtopunchyou." / super,super calm / her and Y/n where best friends before Y/n started hanging out with the others. / still close with Y/n, Luz and Gus.
she works super hard to get into the plant coven, though she still has a few problems with Hunter and Ares and is super protective of Y/n because she sees them as her older sibling.
male, he/him ─ bisexual ─ 13, witch
"no, no, not gay enough." / probably makes a lot of gay jokes / he likes to make illusions of himself and other people when he's trying to think of situations. / might have slight dyslexia, but its just my head-canon.
him and Ares wold probably just be a comedic duo, Y/n and him wouldn't talk very much, though the two get along. He doesn't work super hard but he's getting there.
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female, she/her ─ bisexual??? ─ age who? witch
"HA, SUCK IT!" / chaotic!! / she always ends up trying to use magic, but would fail and be confused asf
she probably would get along with Ares the best, these two would cause so much chaos omg. Y/n and Luz are her kids, can't change my mind [😌].
female, she/her ─ straight??? ─ probably like 49 idk, witch
"Eda what did I say about taking my-" / mostly chill / has a terrible time reading people / WILL NOT BREAK PROMISES AT ALL
she dislikes Ares and Hunter, and Ares will absolutely make fun of and mock Lilith. she probably spends the most time with hooty.
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─ no, i will not be doing king, hooty, belos or kikimora.
─ king is my favourite but is a goddamn demon, i will not explain hooty because no, hes my favourite comedy character. ....belos and kikimora are self-explainitory.
─ give me more toh characters to do and i'll make a part two, these are just mainly the characters that are going to be writen in my stories.
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umbrixunversed · 3 years
Owl House theory because I! Am! Hyperfixating!
Also I haven't technically finished season one because that requires time to Sit Down and Focus so I just have been absorbing information via Tumblr and fanfics so... Dubious understanding of canon details.
I'd use a read more but I'm on mobile and can't figure out how to do that so if you don't care or are avoiding spoilers I suggest you start scrolling.
Belos is the son of Philip, possibly out of multiple. Mom probably a Clawthorne ancestor bc Belos also seems to like using bird motifs considering all the wing imagery + the Coven mook masks are all very much birds and birds are Clawthorne things.
This is why Belos has knowledge of a lot of things, but doesn't seem to have quite the *same* knowledge that one might expect if he was Philip. It's second hand or taught. Not lived. Personal. There's gaps.
Also two theories on how he got cursed, both mirroring Eda and Lilith in different ways.
Belos doesn't have/had very little natural magic but his sibling *did*. He got cursed bc his sibling, pissed that despite them having magic, Belos seemed to be their Dad's favorite, and felt the need to one-up him somehow.
( He might have been the favorite. Or he might have just spent more time with him because neither could use magic. They were both odd ducks in the boiling isles, and weirdos have to stick together, right? )
Anyway, sibling tries to take on the power of the Titan itself. This goes… Poorly. Belos does something, possibly the same spell Eda and Lilith used-- an old family spell, which is why Eda and Lilith knew it!-- and ends up cursed himself. Maybe Philip and Mom dies in the fiasco, which is part of why Belos is against wild magic? But sibling survives, maybe becomes the Collector later, seeking more power but dissatisfied with most results after the Titan? Might have children beforehand, or maybe there's another sibling, or maybe our current Clawthornes are descended from an aunt or uncle, and technically unrelated to Belos. Shrug.
Theory 2 is:
Philip's family was down and out, and upon discovery of the boiling isles, Philip brought back some things that he could to help them out. Maybe there was a sickness going around and he used potions to help cure it? And then witch trials happened. And there's the Wittenbanes. Very much using actual literal witchcraft. Philip escapes with a sibling ( I like brother bc then terrible uncles get to be a theme ) maybe, but everyone else is dead. Sibling now hates witches and magic. Sibling extra hates that Philip has settled down here with these horrible things that killed their family. Sibling does something Very, Very Dumb. Sibling turns themselves into a curse, potent either due to the intent or possibly they tried to pull from the Titan and became a two-fold curse, with Philip being the first victim. The possession curse thing just… Tears through him. Soon enough he's dying and tries to send his family away but Belos just *refuses* to leave his Dad and tries to care for him despite his wishes. Which leads to the sibling getting a hold of him. He tries to fight, tries to find a way to extend his life to keep it from tearing through more people, but this just ends with what we see now: Someone much less Belos and much more the curse, cruel and cunning, patient after so long being held back… And much better at wheedling people into destructive behaviour.
Originally thought there'd have to be direct descendants bc Hunter but Grimwalker theory makes that obsolete. Maybe still is and Grimwalker book is a red herring. Who knows. Anyway. If Hunter is a Grimwalker I think he might be a clone of Philip. He just looks like a witch bc all those magic ingredients had an Effect.
Lil' Rascal was Philip's palisman, and it got it's scar from Belos waaaaay back when when he tried to munch it bc Titan hUNGER. Also headcanon that Palismans normally have a bit of a witches magic ( Is this Canon or did I read this in a fanfic? I don't know. ) But bc Philip was human a 'lil bit of soul will suffice :) So lil' Rascal is also kind of low-key Philip.
Also Belos either cut his ears to blend in or he was born with odd tiny crumpled mangled ears bc half-breeds are… Quirky. ( Esp bc not even any of the humans we see I think have quite the same way of drawing the inside of the ear there? Like Luz doesn't have that little round bit. )
Also Belo's plan is very much the Titans/the uncle's… And it's trying to kill off the witches. If it's the Titan it does NOT like them for… some reason. Maybe sapping what magic it has left? Or maybe sibling/uncle just really pissed it off with their stunt and these fuckers just gotta go wholesale now. Either way it's trying to get to the human realm bc 1) Humans and "witches" historically Do Not Mix. ( Hello, witch trials! ) 2) Magic seems to be in the realm of the boiling isles, not just the Titan, so removing from there might substantially weaken them eventually. Sure, they have bile sacks, but how much you want to bet that bile is produced as a by-product from everything they eat and maybe even breathe? How long will that last outside the isles? Especially if they have to defend themselves against our warmongering asses. It will NOT be pretty. Whatever's actually left of Belos is pretty much coo coo for cocoa puffs after so long. There might not even be much left, or if there is he's mostly stuck inside his own head. Might not even be aware of what's going on! ANGST!
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prinxlyart · 4 years
I will say, I am hungry again and I have a few ask for your Willumity/Vinira headcannons. HOWEVER to be fair to you. This time I will restrain myself and simply ask for you to share any headcanons you want to share as of now!
You can ALWAYS ask for more Willumity.
But!! Since you’ve given me free reign to just play in this sandbox, that’s exactly what I’m gonna do
We all agree that Luz is hella ADHD. This girl will talk for HOURS about the shit she likes. If something grabs her attention, she wants to know everything about it. She doesn’t like being told to do things, but she loves being asked to do things. For example: if someone tells her she needs to do a thing her brain will immediately click into the “No” position and will refuse to budge. If someone asks her to do something, her brain clicks to “help? I can help? I can help with a thing for this person? Yes! I’ll help this person with this task because it will make them happy! Yes! I can help!” This is why acts of service resonate so strongly with her.
I don’t know what mental diversity looks like on the Boiling Isles considering how just. Horror-based everything is? But I’m 100% on that autistic Amity train. She has to do things a Certain Way or she’ll teeter on the edge of a meltdown. She refuses to touch/eat certain textures. She usually doesn’t know what the appropriate response/reaction is to a given conversation, especially with her socialite friends, which is why she just remains a cool mask of indifference. She’ll inspect every detail of anything that’s handed to her. She’s incredibly smart, but doesn’t always know how to convey what she knows and understands into words other people can understand. The only people allowed in her personal space are her siblings. Eventually that also stems to Luz and Willow, maybe more as she grows more comfortable with herself? But usually anyone getting in her space is overwhelming and alarming. Defo has a hard time regulating/processing her emotions.
I need to make an entire post dedicated to Augustus Porter because my boy deserves it, but I’ll toss some random things here. He has a signed poster from the head of the Illusionist Coven framed on his bedroom wall. He and his dad have bi-weekly after-dinner standup comedy sessions with each other (Perry has kept a secret journal of all of Gus’s best jokes he’s done over the years that he reads whenever he needs a pick-me-up).
Perry and Eda knew each other in school in passing. Their social circles overlapped but they were never hanging out in the same groups. When Gus is very little (like, maybe 3 or 4?), Perry takes him to the market to just wander around and they find Eda’s Human Collectibles Stand. She and Perry catch up, he introduces her to his son, and Eda (ever the saleswoman) pulls out some shiny human thing that Gus is immediately taken with. In between her and Perry catching up, Gus asks her a million questions about the thing he’s been given and then even more questions about other stuff at her stand. She actually finds it really fun to show off her human shit to someone so enthralled by it. She makes some stuff up here and there just to mess with him, but he’s too young to realize it’s a joke or not true, and takes everything at face value. We all know Eda likes to get a little theatrical with her sales pitches; she does the Salesperson act with everything Gus asks her about. She lets Gus take a couple items home just because he was such a riot and Perry insists he pay for something, but Eda just waves them off and tells him that this is just an investment in a lifelong customer. She had no idea how right she was because Gus defo became obsessed with human culture from that point on. He also picked up on Eda’s super theatrical sales pitches (because he thought it was funny and because he thought that’s just how you’re supposed to show human stuff to people) and began showing off his own “human collectibles museum” to his dad with the same theatrical voice. Perry plays along with this too (as a news anchor he’s got a great announcer voice) and ta-da! That’s how we get the boy we all know and love today. It’s 100% Eda’s fault, but Perry definitely encouraged it because it made his son so happy. That’s also why Gus doesn’t seem especially perturbed at meeting Eda for the first time in ep 3. Or for interjecting his new Human Knowledge in the moment she was patting Luz’s head. He’s used to having conversations with her about human junk whenever she has her stand up. Eda’s secretly relieved that one of Luz’s new friends is actually someone she kinda knows. It’s Perry’s kid, and Perry’s a good guy. His little squirt seems to be growing up to be pretty good too.
Eda scoffs at “nerdy” shit as if she hasn’t owned the Clawthorne Braincell her entire life. “She worked twice as hard” “-that just made me work harder than you!”. Eda’s extremely smart and extremely talented. She likely created the secret room of shortcuts entirely on her own. She probably studied in the school library constantly, but under the guise of causing mischief. And like. She probably did both. She was a potions track kid so she probably knew all the best ways to make stink bombs that she could leave hidden in the shelves. She hated school because she was so limited and stifled; she only wanted to learn magic and was told no at every turn. So when she learned magic on her own, yknow, without the guidance of a teacher, there’s bound to be some major fuck ups. Once she’s fine-tuned her mistakes though, she absolutely turns them into pranks. You say I’m not allowed to study multiple tracks, bumpikins?? Well how’s THIS!!! How’s THAT for focus??? (Half of her pranks were also just her showing off and desperately hoping to prove that she could learn any type of magic and couldn’t be constrained to just the one. Bump recognized this of course, but he had strict guidelines to follow and no Luz Noceda to call him out for it.)
Camila treasures her daughter more than life itself. I personally refuse to headcanon anything to do with her extended family or why she’s a single parent (too many variables and options that could be addressed in the show), but I do know that she loves Luz more than anything. It’s exhausting being a single mom, working as a nurse, and trying to be there for her ADHD daughter when the rest of the world doesn’t seem to want her. It hurts her so much to see her baby, the light of her life, her Luz, be brushed aside and written off as “the weirdo”, or bullied, or even outright hated by some people just because she’s a little different. She’s had to have some words with the school staff for how they treat her on occasion. Did you see that Principal’s death glare in the first ep?? He hates her. Camila’s there not just because she’s Luz’s parent, but also to act as a barrier between the principal and Luz. She would move Heaven and Earth for Luz, but it can be a lot when you’re the only adult around. I truly believe she wanted Luz to go to that camp to learn how to be friends with kids that didn’t already know her or her quirks. Even she sounded unsure of what they would do at that camp, but she had full faith that this would be Luz’s opportunity to make friends with other kids that could teach her to like....more mainstream stuff. So she could learn how to mimic their (hopefully, toned down) behaviors. She just wants her baby to be accepted by others.
This next one’s a doozy so hold on to your butts
Lilith is technically smart. And I mean that in a literal sense - she can read and understand the fundamentals of magic, the concepts and execution of complex spells, recite entire chapters of Boiling Isles history, you name it. Many adults in her youth called her gifted because of it. All she actually did was absorb the information and regurgitate it when asked. She thrived on the praise she received. What made her different from her sister is that she never wanted anything more than to do as she was told. Her biggest goal? Her dream job? Was to just be given orders by the Emperor. I’m sure there’s all sorts of flowery propaganda surrounding that, advertising how incredible it is to be in the Emperor’s Coven, what an honor it is to work alongside the witch that can speak to the Titan. But it’s literally just. Taking orders. And knowing you’re somehow better than everyone else because you’ve been selected to be among the elite. She never strived for anything more; she never wanted to do anything else but enforce the Emperor’s will because that was “the highest honor” a witch could have. As a result (or in conjunction rather) she lacks literally any amount of foresight. There’s only one braincell in the Clawthorne Family and her sister has it because this dumbass doesn’t think about anyone but herself. Instead of talking with Eda about what they should do when they were told there was only one spot left in the Emperor’s Coven, she walked away. Only thinking of how she could secure her victory. She didn’t ask Eda how she felt about the situation, she didn’t let Eda speak her mind about what her own desires were; Eda made it clear enough that she just wanted to be by Lilith’s side, she didn’t care what that meant. She just wanted to be with her big sister. Eda tried to reach out to her to discuss their cirumstances, but Lilith just walked away like the broody, self-centered teenager that she was and resolved to cheat her way to victory. When Eda knew this was her dream. Why would she think Eda would take away her dream???? She could’ve asked Eda to throw the duel? She could’ve asked her to fake the match? Or even fake sick? Or just not even shown up! If she didn’t show up it could’ve counted as a forfeit and Lilith would’ve earned the spot by default! But no, she had to ruin her sister’s entire life in an act of cowardice and dishonor because she’s so full of herself and didn’t read the fine print. She loves her sister, of course she does, but she’s so self-absorbed that she’s never seen Eda for who she actually is and wasted both of their lives as a result. And this is all just analysis of her character and that flashback, this isn’t even headcanons. I think if she has any amount of respect for her sister (she doesn’t), her redemption will have to go far far beyond an apology and taking on half the curse. When I say Lilith is a dumbass, this is specifically what I mean. She doesn’t think about how her actions will affect those around her. She was the Head of the Emperor’s Coven, literally one of the most powerful positions she could possibly be in on the Boiling Isles and still sacrificed Amity’s dignity and years of hard work just so she could be ensured that she could one-up her sister. She did this in front of everyone in attendance of that Witches Duel. She risked Amity’s credibility as a witch, as a Blight, and as a person just to fuel her own ego. It’s no wonder Amity was so upset; the witch she’s been idolizing her whole life didn’t think she had what it took to best a human that couldn’t do magic in a witches duel. That can fuck up your self esteem something fierce. And Lilith hardly seemed to give a shit!!!! She didn’t care that she just trashed Amity’s reputation in front of dozens of spectators!!!! I’m v bitter about Lilith as a character in case you couldn’t tell.
If I had to throw a headcanon in, I’ll toss one in that sterling and I have discussed: Lilith literally doesn’t know how to live her life as an independent adult. Sure, she knows how to like. Make herself some easy dinners? But that’s literally only because she used to make herself and Eda dinners when they were kids. Beyond that, she has no fucking idea. She can do the basic household chores any teenager knows how to do, but she’s lived in the Emperor’s Castle with the rest of the Coven since she joined. It’s kind of like living in a college dorm; food and a room is provided, there’s maybe a laundry service, she’s never had to pay taxes in her life (not that Eda does, but yknow). The only things she buys for herself (if she doesn’t make it herself) is her hair dye and books. When she first moves in to the Owl House, she has no idea how the household chores are done. She’s on House Cleaning Duty Eternally and the first......I’ll say year. Eda will wake her up by banging pots and pans over her head once every month and scream-singing about how it’s House Cleaning Day, pull out her lawn chairs and some lemonade, and she and Luz (and sometimes King) will just sit back and relax and watch the show that is Lilith trying to clean Hooty. Hooty does not like to cooperate with her (partially because Lilith is a special friend and partially because he knows how much joy it brings Eda and Luz to watch her struggle).
Oof I could go on but this is already one hell of a post huh? Sorry (not really) for dragging Lilith so hard; not a joke, tumblr made me split hers up into two bullet points because it couldn’t comprehend my ranting for so long in one bullet point. I do love sharing these with y’all though, they’re so much fun and I’m so glad you guys like my rambling. <3333
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sepublic · 4 years
Amity’s ‘role’ in Luz’s fantasy
          So recently I had an epiphany thanks to @lost-gatesofhell, about Luz and her initial interest in Amity. I have to wonder if at first, Luz was partially interested in befriending Amity because it’d be like Azura befriending HER rival... In the sense that she’s trying to live out her fantasies, without considering that Amity is her own person and not a ‘prize’ to be won. I hate to compare Luz like this... but it could’ve been like how Warden Wrath was drawn to the ‘allure’, the IDEA of Eda as someone who was ‘hard to get’, a prize to be won... Of course in Luz’s case, she’s a lot less patronizing and objectifying of Amity, as seen when she respects the girl’s boundaries as soon as they’re set.
         Still, there’s this idea that while Luz is working on it, she hasn’t totally overcome her penchant for applying fantasy to real life and projecting her little adventures over what’s actually happening, for the sake of living them out... Obviously she learned her lesson in Episode 2, but like anyone else she’s not perfect and still liable to making the same mistakes from time to time, even if they’re a lot less frequent. Particularly, Luz learned not to expect the Boiling Isles to specifically cater to her fantasies, and to recognize situations for what they actually were. If Luz wanted a ‘magical destiny’ or adventure or anything like that, she’d have to work for it to happen, as Eda suggested.
         Of course, while Luz learned not to be entitled nor to expect life to just hand over her fantasies to her, there’s still this expectation and willingness to use Amity to fulfill that enemies to lovers friends trope, under the idea that at least Luz is ‘working’ for it. Luz knew then that things wouldn’t automatically be how she wanted them to be, and that she had to recognize this; But she’s still willing to make them fit her idealized fantasy regardless... Again tying back to what Eda said about having to ‘make your own destiny’, but there’s also the issue of boundaries and limits to be set, especially when actual people are involved.
        Sometimes, you just can’t live out your fantasy, period… Nor can you expect reality to change into it, even if you DO put in the work to alter it accordingly. Even if it is possible, is it ethical and worth the effort to steamroll over the autonomy of others, and see them only as tropes and roles to fulfill in your story? Not as people with their own stories? Maybe it’s pointless to try to make up for this by occasionally ‘fulfilling your part’ in another person’s story, because nobody should have to deal with that sort of expectation at all, period! Even if it’s consensual on behalf of both parties, it’s still pretty sus... And it ties into the ideas of the Coven System, of Witches having to fulfill a certain role, be it as the Bard, or the Oracle, or the Illusionist... That you have to stick to a particular trope, that there’s no mixing parts or being creative with this!
       Everybody has to be quickly and readily defined by a specific role they can neatly fit into, as ordained by Belos; There’s no room for growing beyond that, save for special people like those who fit into the Emperor’s Coven, the kind who are worthy of being ‘main characters’ in a sense, and thus allowed to be fleshed-out and ‘unique’! Everybody else, though- They’re a side-character, an NPC. It’s like those jokes of friend groups consisting of ‘the smart one’, the ‘funny one’, ‘the jock’, etc., but taken to a dark and far too literal extreme. There’s no room for someone to be the funny one AND a jock, that guy’s already a jock, don’t encroach on other people’s roles, you’ll get distracted from the specific function you have to fulfill!
        (There isn’t anything wrong with doing this in writing of course, especially since one is handling fictional characters and not real people; But from an in-universe perspective, these characters ARE actual people to one another. After all, in real life one wouldn’t define someone as JUST a chef, they also have other aspects and interests to their life that aren’t solely related to food! It’s like the revelation that teachers have lives outside of school, or how that person you know on the internet probably has a job unrelated to whatever interest they’re talking about. People aren’t JUST the jobs they do, and it’s unreasonable to expect them to dedicate their entire existence to fulfilling that role. People should have breaks and be allowed to pursue different interests, maybe even leave their ‘job’ if it’s no longer for them. So YES Karen, this person’s job IS to help customers, but that doesn’t mean their entire worth and meaning as a person solely revolves around this, nor should this person be expected to help customers 24/7 when their shift has already ended anyway.)
          But back to the subject... Luckily, Luz’s issue with molding reality into her fantasy is confronted and further resolved by Wing it like Witches. And even if Luz was projecting her stories onto Amity a bit in order to live out a ‘rivals to friends’ fantasy... It’s worth noting that Luz was also legit interested in Amity as a friend, too! Not to mention Luz is VERY concerned about earning Amity’s approval in Adventures in the Elements... Maybe part of Luz’s motive is not wanting to mess up with an ‘elusive’ friendship, or that’s what Luz tells herself... But more than likely, it’s indicative of a crush that Luz isn’t aware of. Sadly, this girl hasn’t had enough social interaction to differentiate between plantonic friendship desires and being romantically attracted to an actual peer VS a fictional character!
         Which is yet another reason why I love Lost in Language, it’s that Luz was interested in the idea of befriending Amity, of a rival turned friend, rather than just Amity herself... And maybe Amity overheard this when Luz mentioned “First I befriend the siblings, then Amity!” and that contributed to her tomato face of anger- Having the painful barriers she’d erected as a trauma response and the loneliness that came from that being trivialized isn’t great. Amity didn’t appreciate being objectified like that, solely for the emotional barriers she’d set up for a reason. It’s one thing to want to be Amity’s friend the way Boscha and others did- But is Luz really interested in Amity, or just in the idea of her? Is this love conditional on Amity’s social status, which Amity is told is both inherent to her as a Blight, and yet something she has to constantly earn and maintain? Especially the idea of ‘winning’ Amity, that’d be particularly patronizing… But very quickly, Luz remembers that Amity is her own separate individual, who doesn’t exist to fulfill her fantasies.
        Luz appreciates Amity as she really is (perhaps not coincidentally after getting insight into the girl’s true personality through her diary entries), which leads to Luz working to protect Amity’s boundaries by keeping her diary from Emira and Edric! There’s the idea of getting to know and appreciate Amity for who she really is, and Luz working to let the girl embrace that part of herself both internally and externally as well... Which again ties back into the idea of projecting the idea/image of fantasies onto someone/something, VS accepting what/who they actually are, and thus appreciating them even more as a result!
         Amity, of course, realizes that Luz is genuine and actually wants to know about the person she really is... And she’s baffled. While she was no doubt offended by Luz possibly seeing her more as a trope to fulfill than an actual person, it probably wouldn’t have been anything new to Amity; The idea of others seeing her as a means to an end, given how her own parents and Lilith did the same! Disappointing, but not surprising...
        But now it IS surprising, because Luz wants to know about Amity- And she’s not used to good things in life, alas? And how to respond? She’s well familiar with the process of rejecting people, but when it comes to accepting someone- What does she do then? And this plays into Amity’s insecurities and confusion about Luz and how she feels, not wanting to lose a friend, not wanting to hurt them, not wanting to ruin things if Luz wants her only as a friend... Not sure if Luz really means it or not because she’s still insecure, and OF COURSE the idea of a crush, and wondering what Luz could see in someone like her?!
        Amity at least better understood Luz’s motives back when she assumed it was just to fulfill her Azura fantasies, because Amity was familiar with those and her own desire for them. But now that Luz has given up on that... Why does she continue to be so interested in Amity, of all people? And even if Luz was still living out her fantasies, what more could Amity accomplish anyway, now that she’s a friend to Luz; Why does Luz continue to express interest in Amity, and be willing to do so much for the girl? Luz already got her Rivals-to-Friends trope in Amity, but she continues to hang out with the girl of her own volition and unconditionally help her; And Amity is possibly freaking out on what Luz’s motives are, even though she at least knows the girl isn’t a bully and means well!
        Mostly, I think Amity KNOWS that Luz is interested in being a genuine friend... But she’s still overwhelmed by the idea of someone being romantically interested in her, or at least more interested in Amity as a friend compared to others; Because the girl underestimates her own worth too much, she doesn’t see herself as worth getting to know if she doesn’t specifically accomplish a purpose! Odalia and Alador conditioned Amity to evaluate others based on their usefulness, or else be useful to others... So Amity is wondering what about her is so specifically appealing to Luz, especially when Luz has disregarded all of Amity’s other traits that make her ‘worthwhile’, such as her intelligence, social status, knowledge on magic, etc. The only thing left about Amity, to appreciate... Are the things that define her as individual, not as a Blight or a Top Student! And it’s unimaginable, or at least surreal to the girl, for Luz to be interested in that...
       Amity only knows friendship in terms of being ‘useful’ to someone else... Emira and Edric were genuinely interested in Amity as a person, but she’s probably dismissed this as a given since they’re family members, not to mention Ed and Em have admittedly done their part in making Amity doubt how much she means to them. So what does Amity do, when Luz expects nothing of her? No doubt Amity feels like she’s a ‘parasite’, that she’s leeching off of Luz’s good nature and not giving back enough... Maybe she’ll feel like she has compensate for their friendship and justify it, only for Luz to make it clear to Amity that just being with the girl, and seeing her be happy, is all she’ll ever need! And it’ll amaze Amity, and mean so much to her, to realize that she’s inherently worthwhile, and that she doesn’t need to ‘prove’ herself to others in order to be lovable...
         TL;DR Luz was initially trying to live out a ‘rivals to friends’ story, but learned not to objectify Amity like this... And when confronted with a growing crush on the Blight girl, Luz possibly assumed she was just relapsing into old habits. But inevitably, Luz is becoming more and more aware of how much she just genuinely likes Amity as a person, no strings attached, that the girl is irreplaceable to her. And when Amity recognizes that there’s no big secret to why she means so much to Luz, other than just being herself, that Luz’s love isn’t dependent on superficial traits that could easily be replicated by someone else, that Amity is irreplaceable to Luz... It’ll do wonders for her crippled self-esteem, as she learns that she doesn’t need to impress people in order to be loved. Amity, as she already is, without having to make any efforts to improve herself, is already worth loving both in the platonic and romantic sense!
      As for Luz, well- She didn’t get the fantasy she expected... But she still got to live out a different one. Amity really IS this girl’s fantasy, and this time, I mean it in the best way possible!
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nyxshadowhawk · 3 years
An Analysis of The Ninth Gate
I finally got around to watching The Ninth Gate after it was recommended on Occultism with a Side of Salt. Seriously, why did it take me so long to watch this film? This is pretty much everything I like! It’s a film from 1999 (incidentally, the same year as Eyes Wide Shut) starring Johnny Depp as an expert on rare books called Dean Corso. It’s based loosely on a novel by Arturo Pérez-Reverte called The Club Dumas, and was directed by Roman Polanski (who’s the man behind Tanz der Vampire, but who is extremely problematic and we do not stan). Corso is employed by a rich book collector named Boris Balkan to authenticate his copy of a grimoire called The Nine Gates of the Kingdom of Shadows, which may be the coolest title for a grimoire ever. The book is supposedly designed to summon the Devil himself, and was copied from another mysterious book that the Devil was said to have written. Corso compares the grimoire with the two other existing copies to find out which one is the real one, but there are mysterious deaths and other unsettling events around the book, and he has a mysterious girl helping him.
The film is very spooky and has a wonderful Dark Academia aesthetic. What’s most interesting to me about it is, although it isn’t authentically occult, it feels very authentic. The grimoire is clearly modeled after real ones. The engravings in the book also could easily be mistaken for real ones if I didn’t know better. I think that the pentagram on the cover is a little too on-the-nose, especially since pentagrams weren’t associated with Satanism until relatively recently — I think the Sigil of Lucifer would be a better fit, since it’s reasonably well-known (for example, the Mother Superior of the Satanic Nuns in Good Omens wears one instead of a cross) and it comes from a real grimoire. That’s me being very nitpicky, though. Although this film follows some tropes of Hollywood Satanism, its portrayal of that is still more realistic than normal. Real-life occult ritual groups are more like book clubs or potlucks, but the actual ritual part can in fact look something like the one in the film. (Sure, it wouldn’t be in a mansion with cool-ass gargoyles, but this is certainly more realistic than Eyes Wide Shut.)
This film feels authentically occult becuase a lot of real occultism is pouring over old books and analyzing symbolic images. I do a lot of that! Right now, I’m reading a dictionary of alchemical symbolism. I hope to eventually be able to look at all the weird images in alchemical manuscripts and make some sense of them. This film is basically about doing exactly that. I noticed the tarot symbolism in the engravings immediately, and I felt a little like I was trying to decipher them right alongside Corso. It reminded me of solving Nox Arcana puzzles, and that just makes me incredibly happy. The approach this film takes is also realistic — (slight spoilers) it could have gone the classic Hollywood route of summoning Satan to destroy the world and all that, but it doesn’t. Instead, the end goal is more abstract and spiritual, much more in-line with occultists’ actual goals in real life. Just as in alchemy, the goal is not to make gold or live forever, but to experience spiritual transcendence, and this is encoded in alchemists’ notes and artwork.
So, I want to try my hand at deciphering the engravings’ secrets, and test my own knowledge of occult symbolism in the process. Everything that follows involves major spoilers, so I will dispense with the exposition and assume that you have already seen the film.
I’ve seen it argued on YouTube that the engravings represent actual events in the film, and some of them seem to. Bernie is murdered and hung upside down, the collapsing scaffolding is the “danger from above” arrow, Corso is hit in the back of the head in one of the film’s most chilling scenes, and the Girl (who is implied to be Lucifer) ends up… well… “riding” him in front of the burning castle. But come on, that is way too easy. For one thing, the related events don’t seem to occur in any specific sequence, either the engravings’ numbered sequence or Balkan’s rearranged sequence. It would make sense if Corso would have to experience every engraving and “pass through each gate” — that happens a lot in films like this one, where an eerily coincidental series of events plays out just as in the book/prophecy/whatnot. But that doesn’t really happen, or if it does, it’s not obvious enough for the only interpretation of the engravings to be literal. What impresses me the most about The Ninth Gate is that it goes for that more figurative, spiritual dimension. That is really what makes it feel realistically occult.
The real solution to the engravings seems to be spiritual growth or enlightenment, which is the goal of most occultists. Balkan sort of understands this, which is why he disdains Telfer and her coven being edgy and playing dress up instead of really making an effort to understand Lucifer’s secrets. And yet, Balkan also fails, because he is after power, not enlightenment. It seems as though both of them misunderstand Lucifer, believing him to be the kind of Lucifer that you usually see in these movies. (That would fit in well with his name and his role in the Eden story, if you interpret it that way.) If we assume that the Girl is Lucifer, then she is more benevolent an influence than anything else. Hell, Corso doesn’t even suffer any “temptation” consequences from having sex with her. Corso wins in the end because he actually puts in the effort, and the Girl helps guide him toward enlightenment. Maybe Lucifer is a good force in this film’s world. Lucifer’s own versions of the engravings seem to emphasize that s/he is genuinely invested in helping his/her followers towards enlightenment.
When Balkan assembles the engravings in the proper order, this is his interpretation of the riddle:
To travel in silence, by a long and circuitous route, to brave the arrows of misfortune, and fear neither noose nor fire, to play the greatest of all games and win, foregoing no expense, is to mock the vicissitudes of fate and gain at last the key that will unlock the Ninth Gate.
First, I want to say that this riddle reminds me a lot of the Emerald Tablet. It’s similarly cryptic, and I only sort of have it figured out. I love that something like that is real and authentically ancient. Anyway, moving on. I’ll go through the engravings in the order that Balkan puts them in (as opposed to their numbered order), and see if I can make sense of them.
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The first engraving shows a knight traveling towards a castle. In the AT version of the engraving, the castle has four towers, while in LCF’s version, it has three. Balkan’s interpretation is “To travel in silence,” while the caption is “Silence is golden.” That immediately reminds me of the common occult maxim, “To Know, to Will, to Dare, to Keep Silent.” I’ve never been much of a fan of keeping silent, which is why I post things like this on the internet, but in general occultists tend to be secretive folk. According to this article, another translation of the caption is “Only one who has battled according to the rules will prevail.” I’m not sure whose rules are being referred to here. Lucifer’s, maybe?
This is one of the only engravings in which there is no obvious tarot symbolism. There are four Knights in tarot, one for each suit — wands, swords, cups, and pentacles — but this knight doesn’t have a symbol of any of the suits or anything that could suggest that. The difference is in the castle towers — three in LCF’s, four in AT’s. In traditional numerology, three is a number symbolizing perfection and creation, as in the Holy Trinity, while four is the number of the solid and material and unlucky. (Source: Richard Cavendish, The Black Arts). Sets of three are especially common in fairy tales and mythology — three siblings, three tasks, three encounters, three magical objects, three questions, three trials or tests, repeating an action three times with the third time being different or conclusive, etc. Lucifer’s castle at the end also has three sets of towers. The most obvious interpretation of this is that your destination will be either material gain (AT) or spiritual advancement (LCF).
In the tarot, the threes represent the completion of the first stage of a venture — the Three of Wands represents a successful enterprise, the Three of Cups represents celebration and fulfillment, and the Three of Pentacles represents recognition for your achievements. All of them have something to do with attainment except for the Three of Swords, which represents loss, heartbreak, betrayal, etc. The fours aren’t bad, representing stability and structure — the Four of Wands is joyful and peaceful, the Four of Swords takes time to rest and recoup, the Four of Cups is bored and listless, and the Four of Pentacles receives material abundance. All of them are a bit more grounded and material, so I think it makes the most sense to interpret the difference in this engraving as being the spiritual three vs. the material four, and leave it at that.
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The fourth engraving, which is second in Balkan’s sequence, is of a jester standing at the entrance to a labyrinth. In LCF’s version the labyrinth’s exit is open, while in AT’s it is bricked up. Balkan interprets this as meaning “by long and circuitous route,” while the caption reads “Fate is not the same for all.” that seems fairly straightforward — Balkan and Corso have different fates. Corso is able to find his way out of the Labyrinth, but Balkan’s exit is bricked up. This is because he never properly experienced the journey the way Corso did, he just wanted the payoff and tried to take shortcuts.
The Labyrinth is a very old symbol, and it carries the dual symbolism of a death trap in which there is a Minotaur, and a path to spiritual enlightenment. It can represent the Underworld or the darkness of the subconscious mind, with the Minotaur being your Shadow. Either you are trapped in the Labyrinth and eaten by the monster, or you find your way back out into the light having gained some self-awareness. The jester is probably meant to represent 0 The Fool, who, in the Tarot, is the naive adventurer who sets out on a spiritual journey over the threshold and into the realm of the subconscious and symbolic — i.e. the Labyrinth. As for the dice in the foreground, this seems to reinforce the caption’s point about fate. But dice, like tarot cards, can be used as both a game and a divination tool — it is the assumption of the diviner that random chance is always meaningful. And indeed, the visible faces on each die add up to 6 — 666.
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The third engraving depicts a traveler walking towards a bridge. In the clouds above him, there’s a Cupid-like figure with an arrow pointing down at him. Balkan’s interpretation is “to brave the arrows of misfortune,” and the caption is “The lost word keeps the secret.” AT’s version is pictured here; in LCF’s version, there are two arrows, the other one pointing upwards in the quiver.
This traveller looks much more like the traditional Tarot depiction of 0 The Fool than the jester. The Fool is happy-go-lucky and doesn’t notice the danger he might be walking into. TV Tropes describes The Fool trope as referring to a person who, despite having no idea what they’re doing, doesn’t come to any harm because of their luck and innocence. So, the traveler will probably not be hit by the arrow, the same way Corso avoids the collapsing scaffolding. The two arrows in the LCF version seem to reinforce the idea of there being two possible outcomes. The arrow pointing up and the other one pointing down could also reference the famous occult maxim, “As above, so below,” adding another spiritual dimension to it. Balkan’s interpretation of the engraving reminded me a lot of a certain famous soliloquy: “To be or not to be, that is the question: / Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer / The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, / Or to take arms against a sea of troubles / And by opposing end them.” In this scene, Hamlet is considering whether or not to take his own life. But when applied to this engraving, these lines seem to once again suggest the two possible outcomes — you can suffer and die, or move on towards your goal.
And then there’s the caption. “The lost word keeps the secret.” Well, it’s pretty obvious what that refers to — the ninth engraving, replaced with a forgery that changes the meaning of the entire thing. The missing engraving contains the secret. But that caption seems completely irrelevant to this engraving, except that the face of the archer doesn’t look remotely like a baby’s, as putti usually do — it looks like an old man’s, specifically, the Ceniza brothers’, who removed and replaced the missing engraving.
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The sixth engraving, fourth in Balkan’s sequence, depicts a man hanging upside-down by his ankle, and an arm with a flaming sword reaching out of a castle tower. Balkan’s interpretation of this is “and fear neither noose nor fire,” which proves he knows fuck all about tarot. No wonder he got the riddle wrong. This one is so blindingly obvious. The man isn’t hanging by his neck, he’s hanging by his foot. He’s the Hanged Man.
XII The Hanged Man is a strange and disturbing card at first glance, but it has become one of my favorites. The Hanged Man is almost never depicted hanging by his neck; he hangs by his foot, and has a serene expression, indicating that he wants to be there. He represents going through a period of tribulation, suffering, surrender, or introspection in order to obtain wisdom, enlightenment, self-awareness, and insight. He goes through a metamorphosis, just like the caterpillar that hangs upside-down in its chrysalis to become a butterfly. He’s a Christlike figure, evidenced by the halo around his head in the Rider-Waite deck, and the fact that he willingly suffers for a higher purpose. He even wears the same colors as Jesus in Da Vinci’s The Last Supper in the Rider-Waite deck, although I’m not sure if that’s on purpose or not.
The caption to the engraving is “I am enriched by death,” which is a million times more meaningful than Balkan’s interpretation. If you’re an occultist, that line is probably self-explanatory. Pretty much everything mystical involves that theme of (symbolically) dying and being resurrected. The alchemical process has three stages — nigredo, which is death, albedo, which is the ascension of the soul, and rubedo, which is returning to life in a “purified” body as a more spiritual being. The Hero’s Journey follows this same pattern — the hero entering the Underworld or the Labyrinth and facing trials that allow them to spiritually ascend and achieve apotheosis (or something close to it). It’s everywhere in books, movies, and video games. It is the initiation ritual. Most occultists figuratively go through it in one way or another. And in tarot, XII The Hanged Man is at the rough midpoint of the Fool’s journey through the Major Arcana, and immediately followed by XIII Death. “I am enriched by death.” You cannot be reborn as a new and better version of yourself without first having died.
The difference between AT’s and LCF’s engravings is that AT’s has the Hanged Man hanging by his right foot, while LCF’s has him hanging by his left foot. I don’t think this changes the meaning of the engraving too much. In Rider-Waite, the Hanged Man hangs by his right foot, but in the Tarot de Marseille, which is older, he hangs by the left foot. The only significance to this that I can see is that the Latin word for “left” is sinistram, and the word “sinister” has its current meaning because left was considered Satanic. Left-handed people were discriminated against for this reason, until as late as the mid-20th century. In occultism, the “Left-Hand Path” is an approach to magic that involves rejecting tradition and dogma and generally being edgy. I think that the right-hand and left-hand paths are a false dichotomy (you use both your hands, don’t you?), but anything Satanic is considered part of the Left-Hand Path. Jung associated left with the unconscious, so we’re back to the Labyrinth.
I don’t have much to say about the flaming sword. It could be foreshadowing Balkan’s death (more on that later), or it could represent the flaming sword of the angel of Eden (i.e. guarding spiritual knowledge).
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The seventh engraving, fifth in Balkan’s sequence, is of a king and a peasant playing a chess game. Two dogs are fighting in the background, and the moon can be seen through the window. In AT’s version, the board is black, and in LCF’s, the board is white. Balkan interprets it as “to play the greatest of all games,” and the caption is “The disciple surpasses the master.”
The tarot symbolism that I see here is that of XVIII The Moon, which has dogs baying at it in the Rider-Waite deck. The Moon represents the subconscious, imagination, and dreams, but also nightmares, madness, and illusion. The illusion here is probably still the missing engraving being replaced by the forgery. The themes of the subconscious get reinforced. Underneath the Moon, a black dog and a white dog fight each other, almost seeming to create a yin/yang shape. This brings the dark and the light into balance, the same way the Moon spends equal times dark and bright as it goes through its phases. The game is chess, which is played with black and white pieces, and the board is either black or white. The game seems to be a draw, making the peasant and the king equals, just as the dogs are unable to defeat each other. So, this engraving is all about reconciling dualities.
There’s another layer to this. God is the “King of Kings,” so this could demonstrate a human becoming God’s equal. This is basically the goal of occultism — to become like God, in some form. Left-Hand Path’ers in particular seem to like the idea of becoming gods themselves, or even “surpassing” God. Since the book was created by Lucifer, this could tie in to Lucifer’s desire to become God’s equal that got him cast out of Heaven (but I’m not the biggest fan of that story, so I won’t go any further with that). To the occultist, man is God, just as God can become a man — as above, so below. That’s also a form of reconciling the duality of human and divine.
The caption, “The disciple surpasses the master,” probably refers to this, but it could also refer to Corso surpassing Balkan and succeeding where Balkan failed. Any good teacher wants their students to have learned so well that they surpass them. God (or Lucifer) intends for his disciples to surpass him, but Balkan tries (and fails) to prevent Corso from surpassing him.
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The fifth engraving, which is sixth in Balkan’s sequence, depicts a man counting coins while Death stands behind him with a pitchfork and hourglass. Balkan’s interpretation is “and win, foregoing no expense,” while the caption reads “In vain.” Balkan is an idiot. Exactly like the man in the engraving, he is focused entirely on the money and completely misses the literal shadow of Death standing behind him. How does one overlook the significance of that? There’s a big difference between “I won the game so now I get money” and “in vain”! Of course, this means that Balkan is too focused on material pursuits and misses that he is about to die. In AT’s version, the sand is at the top of the hourglass, while in LCF’s version, it is at the bottom — the man has run out of time. The expression “you can’t take it with you” comes to mind. Money and material goods don’t ultimately matter compared to spiritual growth. “In vain.”
In tarot, XIII Death almost never represents physical death. Instead, it represents change, usually a change for the better. Death is about letting go of old things so that new things can come, stepping through a threshold into another life or state of being. This can be difficult or emotionally painful, but it is necessary and ultimately beneficial. If The Hanged Man is the chrysalis, then Death is the emerging butterfly (the Greek word psyche means both “soul” and “butterfly,” because butterflies represent the souls of the dead). Once again, Death is a required step towards spiritual advancement. And if you refuse to acknowledge this, it isn’t going to go well for you.
The checkerboard floor probably continues to reinforce the theme of duality. As for the pitchfork, maybe the reason Death has a peasant’s pitchfork instead of a scythe is because pitchforks are associated with Satan, or it could be a representation of peasants taking revenge on rich people. Or it could be a reference to American Gothic. I think it’s the first one.
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The eighth engraving, which is seventh in Balkan’s sequence, depicts a praying man about to be bludgeoned by a knight with a mace, with the Wheel of Fortune in the background. Balkan’s interpretation is “to mock the vicissitudes of fate” and the caption says “Virtue is defeated.”
The Wheel of Fortune is a medieval motif that shows how fortune is apparently random. Some get to be kings, others are serfs, and your fortunes can turn at any moment. Just when you think everything is great, someone hits you on the back of the head. In tarot, X The Wheel of Fortune means exactly what you would expect it to — a twist of fate, a change of fortune. Whether it’s for better or for worse depends on the context and the cards around it. Life is full of ups and downs, so enjoy what you’ve got while you have it, etc. Sometimes when it shows up, it can mean that you should trust in fate.
But that’s the background. What to make of the foreground? Honestly, this is the most disturbing engraving to me, especially with the accompanying scene where Corso gets hit in the head. By whom? It’s probably Telfer’s lackey, because the knight in the engraving kind of looks like him. And if the caption is “Virtue is defeated,” the praying man hasn’t been defeated yet. The knight is about to hit him, not already standing over his body. It could be an example of “bad things happen to good people” — being virtuous won’t stop you from suffering. Since Corso is the one who gets hit in the back of the head, maybe that indicates that he’s the most virtuous character (which is saying a lot, since he’s not exactly an upstanding person). In LCF’s version of the engraving, the knight has a halo — does that mean that defeating Virtue is a good thing? I guess that would make sense if the artist is Satan? Or does it mean the knight is protecting the praying man? I don’t know. I genuinely am not sure how to interpret this one. What I do know is that Balkan is still an idiot. Nothing about this suggests mocking fate. If anything, this is an example of succumbing to it.
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The second engraving, eighth in Balkan’s sequence, shows an old man with a dog, holding two keys in his hand. In AT’s version, the keys are in his right hand, and in LCF’s, they are in his left hand. Balkan’s interpretation is “gain at last the key,” and the caption is “Open that which is closed.”
This is another obvious tarot image. This is clearly The Hermit with his lantern. IX The Hermit represents withdrawing into solitude for contemplation and meditation, to gain spiritual wisdom and awareness. Like the Hanged Man, he indicates a need to be passive in the service of introspection. He’s the archetypical guru on a mountain, and he holds the keys to enlightenment. Keys represent access to information, and the ability to pass between worlds. “Open that which is closed” is pretty obvious — unlock the gates, receive spiritual insight. LCF’s version having the keys be in the left hand just reinforces everything I said about left earlier.
Also, that Hebrew symbol next to him is the one for the number nine. That suggests that the Hermit is right in front of the Ninth Gate. In numerology, nine is a magical number, being three times three. It represents completeness, spiritual achievement, and initiation. So, that’s self-explanatory. In tarot, tens are the ultimate state of completion, so the nines are the penultimate step — the Nine of Wands gives you the strength and willpower to overcome obstacles, the Nine of Cups represents success and contentment, and the Nine of Pentacles represents celebrating an accomplishment. (Once again, the Swords are the outlier, representing fear and despair.) Nines in general are good, the perfection of three multiplied by itself. (The Hermit is also the ninth card of the Major Arcana, if you noticed.)
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And finally, we come to the ninth and final engraving (that Roman numeral should read “IX”). This depicts a woman who looks suspiciously like the Girl reading a book, ostensibly The Nine Gates of the Kingdom of Shadows, and riding a dragon with seven goatlike heads. There is a castle in the background, and the castle is a real place. There are three versions of the engraving — this one, which is signed by AT and has the castle as-is, a forged LCF engraving that shows the castle in flames, and the real one. Balkan’s interpretation is “that will unlock the Ninth Gate,” and the caption is “Now I know that from Darkness comes Light.”
The woman is apparently an image of the “Whore of Babylon” from Revelations, who rides a seven-headed dragon. I’m not really sure what she’s supposed to represent, beyond being generally Satanic. Of course, Crowley recasted her as a sex goddess. The seven heads of her dragon are significant — seven is the number of secrets, mysteries, magic, introspection, and searching for inner truth, which have been running themes this whole time. It also signifies creation, completeness, and rest, since God created the world in seven days. In tarot, the sevens present a new challenge after the perfection of the sixes — the Seven of Wands brings new obstacles that require determination to overcome; the Seven of Cups represents imagination, dreams, and illusions, so back to The Moon again (and the illusion of the forgery); the Seven of Swords also represents deception or a con artist (like the Ceniza twins, or maybe Balkan); and the Seven of Pentacles represents a threshold or a new opportunity, and reflecting on one’s achievements. That all aligns scarily well with the situation here.
The critical illusion is that the “LCF” engraving with the burning castle is a forgery. So, Balkan sets himself on fire for no reason other than egomania. This image is similar to XVI The Tower in Tarot. The Tower is one of the scariest cards to get. If Death is a difficult but beneficial change, The Tower is a dramatic turn for the worse, complete destruction and devastation. It is struck by lightning and destroyed, going up in flames. I drew this card shortly before the pandemic hit. That was The Tower — destruction, upheaval, devastation, but with the promise of rebuilding. I also had to deal with a lot of emotional turmoil because of an unrelated thing that happened around the same time, and it shook me to my core. So, obviously the forged engraving leads to Balkan’s destruction.
The true ninth LCF engraving shows the sun shining from behind one of the castle’s towers:
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Replacing The Tower with The Sun is a drastic difference. If The Tower is one of the worst cards to get, XIX The Sun is one of the best. The Sun is a good omen in every capacity. It represents everything that these engravings have been working towards — spiritual growth, fulfillment, success, enlightenment, revelation of secrets, good fortune, etc. It fits right in with Lucifer’s status as the Light Bringer, and it is the solution. (The true engraving is also very reminiscent of The Star, which directly follows The Tower, and represents hope and the light at the end of the tunnel. I drew it recently, signifying the end of my emotional turmoil.) The jagged rocks at the bottom of the castle in the other two versions are missing here, and the castle is more accessible, with a visible path. The woman gestures directly to it.
The rest of the scene is much more shadowed in the true version, which fits right in with the caption: “Now I know that from Darkness comes Light.” I, in my obsession with Shadow work, interpret this as confronting the dark parts of oneself and bringing them out into the light to become a whole person, and to grow spiritually. This goes back to the Labyrinth, needing to enter the dark Underworld or the realm of the subconscious in order to gain spiritual wisdom and finally achieve enlightenment. Everything in the engravings seems to point back to that — needing a period of introspection, reconciling of duality, obtaining safe passage through the various trials until you see The Sun, which is followed by Judgement (resurrection) and The World (fulfillment). The Nine Gates of the Kingdom of Shadows are like the seven gates of the Underworld that Inanna must pass through (and that eight-pointed star is a symbol of Inanna). Corso passes through the Ninth Gate, out of the Kingdom of Shadows and into the light.
Balkan’s interpretation is clearly off. So, let’s rearrange the engravings back into their intended order:
Silence is golden. Open that which is closed. The lost word keeps the secret. Fate is not the same for all. In vain. I am enriched by death. The disciple surpasses the master. Virtue lies defeated. Now I know that from darkness comes Light.
If you, who seek after secrets, wish to unlock the gates to wisdom and enlightenment, be wary of potential dangers and missing pieces. You can either suffer and die, or move towards your goal. You will either find a way out of the Labyrinth or find that your path is blocked. Do not pursue material gains, and miss the shadow of Death hanging over you. Face Death, and you will be enriched by it, gaining spiritual insight that will allow you to surpass your superiors and become God’s equal. After a final challenge, test of virtue or twist of fortune, you will emerge from the darkness and into the light.
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Am I reading way too deep into a spooky movie? Maybe, but come on! How could I resist? Do any of you have interpretations of your own?
11 notes · View notes
spcncershybrid · 4 years
Past Pleasures
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Request: Ohh I'm anxious for misunderstanding part 2! It's sooo good 💚 idk if you're taking requests (sorry if you're not) but i thought it'd be pretty cool if reader works at the bau and is someone from kai parker's past (a childhood friend/crush/whatever) and when the team's called for help in mystic falls, kai's the unsub.. thanks in advance and, again, sorry if you're not taking requests! Take care :)
(Summary: Never in a million years did you think your ex boyfriend would be on the BAU’s radar.)
(A/N: I'm altering the Prison World storyline from TVD for this imagine! Also I’m altering Kai’s storyline to fit this. Lastly some stuff in this story involving the hospital may be inaccurate. Also sorry this took so long to post. I hope you still enjoy it!)
REQUEST ARE OPEN (+ Harry Potter has been added to the list recently!)
“Hotch I’m going to be a bit late this traffic is a pain in the-” I start before I get cut off. “Y/L/N take all the time you need just make sure you get here in one piece.” Hotch’s stern voice says. “Yes sir I will be speeding there right now. Not literally Hotch.” I say before hanging up the phone. I steadily drive over to work and park my car. I enter the building and head up to the unit area. “Hey Y/N/N.” I hear Penelope’s happy voice greet me as I step out of the elevator. “Hey Pen.” I say smiling as I swing open the doors of the bullpen. I head over to my desk and sit down. “Ah don’t get too comfortable my BAU baby. We have a case.” Penelope says strolling past me and up the stairs.I haven’t had coffee yet.I follow her into the room. “Here I heard your commute was very long.” Emily says, handing me a cup of coffee. “Oh what did I do to be blessed with Emily freaking Prentiss.” I say smiling as I take a sip. “Here you go babes.” Penelope says handing us our files. “Okay Mystic Falls Virginia just outside our room. Multiple bodies were sent to the hospital all banged and bloody.” Penelope says shivering at her words.I look at the file pictures and these seem vaguely familiar.“So why are we being called in?” Derek asks. “Because they all identified that it was the same man.” Penelope says.Great it’s serial.“They all said it was a blue eyed, dark brown haired guy.” Penelope says. Oh shit Kai. “Do you have a name yet?” I ask Penelope. “No but, like major but a similar thing was done by a guy named Malachai Parker.” Penelope says shivering slightly. “So why haven’t they caught him yet?” JJ asks, confused. “No one has been able to find him.”  I look down to the floor remembering the prison world escape. 
“Kai you and I both know she won’t get us both out.” I say snuggling up to him. “Babe have a little faith.” He says kissing the top of my head. “Kai what if we don’t get out?” I ask sadly, remembering my life outside of this world. “We’ve dealt with each other for this long and plus we can kill our way to the top. I’ll consider sharing my coven with you.” He says smiling at me. I smile back at him. “As fun as the killing game sounds Kai I don’t want to hurt people. I want to do what I planned before I got in here.” I say fiddling with my fingers. “The FBI thing?” Kai asks quirking an eyebrow. “Yeah Kai I would’ve been perfect for that.” I sigh sadly. “If you became an agent would you put me away?” Kai asks, grabbing my hands. “I don’t think I can run a coven on my own.” I say smiling up at him. “Good now let’s find our ticket out.” He says clapping his hands together.
“Y/N?” I hear Spencer whisper beside me catching my attention. “Hmm?” I ask looking up at him. “We’re headed to the jet now.” He says shyly, handing me my go bag. “Thanks Spence.” I say smiling as I stand up. We head towards the elevator elaborating on ideas for the case and catching Kai. We step onto the jet and take our seats. “Okay so his M.O is very bloody.” Emily says twisting her pen between her fingers. “He could be sadistic.” JJ suggests turning a page to look at crime scene photos. “Or he can be a sociopath. Or at least showing the signs.” I say as I shrug leaning back. “Why do you think that?” Rossi asks. “It was just a suggestion Rossi I honestly have no clue on how to approach this case.” I say closing the file and stare out the window.
Kai and I enter the back seat of a taxi. “We‘re free baby.” I say laughing giving him a kiss on the cheek. “Where are you guys off to?” The driver asks. “Mystic Falls.” Kai says quickly. “Why are headed back to that trashy town Kai.” I say rolling my eyes. “Old friends.” He says grabbing my chin so I turn to face him. “What kind?” I say smiling at him. “Family kind.” He says placing his hands over my shoulder. “Why are we going to visit your family? They have caused you nothing but trouble. For fucks sake Kai they treated you like shit.” I say shifting to look at his face. “Relax it isn't going to be a fun reunion.” Kai says shrugging. I sigh lightly this most likely won’t end good.
“Tell us baby girl.” Derek says as he puts Penelope on speaker. “Okay so this Malachai guy has a rough history. He was born in 1972 in Portland Oregon. He has multiple siblings which he, oh my gosh, murdered. He has a twin sister named Josette Laughlin and two younger siblings Lucas and Olivia Parker who are still alive.” Penelope says. “Is that all Penelope?” Hotch asks walking over to the phone. “Actually no this is weird. Malachai went off the grid in 1994, like disappeared. Then he reappeared in 2012.” She says, sounding confused. “Isn’t your hometown Portland Oregon?” JJ whispers beside me. “Sadly.” I say. “There’s been a series of bodies that are injured in the local hospital. Malachai was also admitted there but he isn’t seen on the cameras. They suspect he’s still in the hospital. ” The sheriff says quickly entering and exiting the room. We all scramble and put on our vests. Half of us enter one van and the rest in another as we speed off into the hospital.
We enter the hospital with our guns drawn low. “Reid, Y/L/N, Prentiss take the upper area of the hospital. The rest follow me.” Hotch instructs. We all nod in unison and head up the stairs with our weapons still out. We make it to the floor with the victims and the lights go out. “What the hell.” I hear Emily say. “Welcome to Mystic Falls’ Hospital BAU agents. I am Kai Parker, nice to be acquainted with you guys seeing as my ex-girlfriend is on your team. Hello Y/N.” Kai’s voice booms through the hospital speakers. I groan internally at his words so much for being lowkey. I turn on the flashlight on my gun and look around. Great Emily and Spencer are nowhere to be seen. I surprisingly make my way down the steps and head towards the speaker room. No ones in here. “Of course you're the first to be here.” I hear Kai say from behind me. “Don’t make this difficult Kai.” I say turning to him. “Or what you’ll arrest me. Last time I checked you hurt people too. Before this whole FBI thing that is.” Kai says, stepping towards me. “Actually that’ll be kind of hot so I won’t oppose it happening.” He says, smirking at me. I lay my hand out to start inflicting pain on him. “Immobilis.” He says halting my movements. I freeze completely and stare at him as he walks around me.
“You still look the same. You even still have that scar from when we escaped the prison world.” Kai says as he drags a finger onto my cheek outlining the scar. “Does your team even know about me? Do they know you could’ve found me so easily with your magic?” He asks, gripping my arm. He siphons some magic from me causing pain but I can’t scream out. He lets go of me and drops the spell. “Motus.” I say immediately sending him flying out the room. He groans and gets up off the floor. He speeds over to me and grabs me by the neck pinning me to the wall. He grips my neck tightly as I gasp for air. “I won’t kill you because well we dated and you're hot.” He says dropping me. I fall to my knees holding my throat. “Malachai Parker. Put your hands in the air.” Emily says as she appears behind Kai. Kai smirks to me and puts his hands up. “Remember your house in the prison world. I hope you remember what I told you.” Kai says to me. “I love you and always win.” I say looking at him confused. “Ad somnum.” He says, turning to Emily making her drop to the floor. He turns back to me and grabs me by the chin. “I always win baby.” He says kissing me before speeding out of the room. The lights on the floor immediately go back on as he runs away and Emily stands up rubbing her head. “Where did he go?” Emily asked, looking around. “He’s gone.” I sigh sadly. “Guys!” We hear Spencer exclaim. Emily and I scramble out the room towards his voice with our guns drawn. “Oh my gosh.” Emily gasps as we see Kai holding Spencer up by the neck. I place my hand forwards and feel the gust of wind moving around me from the vents. I focus my energy on Kai and think of pain. Kai immediately drops to the floor, dropping Spencer in the process. I step closer to Kai as Emily grabs Spencer moving him to the side. I twist my fingers making the pain intensify as Kai screams out in agony. 
I drop my hand and Kai stands up glaring at me. “Mittite.” I say flinging him into the wall. He stays pinned tightly into the wall and I twist my hand snapping his neck. His body drops to the ground lifeless. “Cuff him and put him in the car before he wakes up.” I say to Spencer who nods back at me.
We head back to the station and Kai gets put into one of the cells. “Make sure you call Bonnie and Damon quickly. Kai is dangerous.” I say quietly to Sheriff Forbes who nods in understanding. I nod over to her and walk off to the room where we all set up. “Where is everyone?” I ask, noticing only Spencer in the room. “Back at the hotel.” He says holding his bag tightly. “Oh um well I’ll be right back.” I say opening the door. “Hey Y/N would you maybe want to go out sometime?” I hear Spencer says. I turn to him blushing profusely and nod not trusting my mouth to say actual words. He smiles widely as I exit the room. I walk over to Kai’s spelled  cell and look at him tilting my head to the side. “Goodbye Kai. I hope you enjoy the new and improved prison world you'll most likely be sent to.” I say waving him off. I head back to the set up room and grab my bag. I lace my hands with Spencer and we walk out of the station.
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colourful-void · 4 years
Amity is the Weakest Witch; A theory on magic ability
I was rewatching some episode of the owl house, and I had a thought.
I’ve seen people talk about how powerful Willow is and how much we see her do once she gets moved to the plant coven track. And thats 100% true, Willow is fantastic, but as I kept watching, I noticed, so was Gus. He’s just as impressive as Willow, if not more than. Which made Amity look pretty weak by comparison. That got me thinking, which lead to this theory.
I think that Amity is weaker than the other main kids, and possibly ever other Witch we’ve seen at Hexside, based solely on innate magical ability.
In this post I’ll go over examples of Amity being weaker, what being weaker really means, why that may be, and what this could mean for the story in terms of plot and parallels! 
This one’s gonna be long so under the cut it goes. (tldr at the end!)
First off, let’s talk about Magical Ability.
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As Eda explains, all witches have a sack of bile attached to their heart which lets them do magic. My assumption is that by having a larger sack of bile, a witch would have ‘more magic’ than someone with a small sack.
In comparison, let’s say it’s musical talent. If someone is born with perfect pitch and good rhythm, and other things like that, then you can assume they’d be better at music then someone who doesn’t have perfect pitch, and whose rhythm is a bit off. However, if someone trains and works hard for a long time they could become better at music than the person who was born with talent, based on merit of technical skill and dedication.
It’s a common concept, that hard work and dedication are more valuable than talent people are born with.
In the world of the owl house, I believe magic works the same way!
So what’s my proof that Amity is any less magical than the others? She is top student, after all (then again, post that episode the badge literally never comes up again, but for the sake of argument, let’s say she’s still top student)
Let’s compare some magic, according to what each character has done in their respective tracks!
Starting with Gus, some of the most impressive magic he’s done!
- Created an illusion with free will   - Created three unique illusions of him and his friends - Created fifteen illusions of himself while running
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That can’t be easy, Gus is really impressive with his magic!
Willow too, is very impressive! Despite being a late bloomer and being teased, she’s done a lot of great magic.
- Creating vines that took over the entire school - Making plants that look like people - and a bunch of other examples (especially in Wing it Like Witches, not to mention all of Hooty’s Moving Hassle)
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Willow is really powerful, but powerful at plant magic. She can’t do abominations well at all. Keep that in mind as I move on to Amity.
Compared to what we’ve seen Gus and Willow do, Amity is kind of... underwhelming.
Amity’s top accomplishments include:
- Making an abomination that can follow instructions (twirling, carrying her, high fives) - That but bigger. - thats pretty much it.
While Abominations have their uses, in general they aren’t that impressive, or versatile. While it’s hard to compare different magic, when directly pitted against  each other, Gus and Willow have more going for them.
If Gus, Willow, and Amity all got into a fight, Willow would probably win. In episode 3, Willow and Amity do ‘fight’ with Amity’s abominations (around 3-5 iirc) against Willows vines (huge, wrapping around the entire school, able to move and carry people independently of the other vines) and it’s clear who the victor is. 
While it’s less clear who would win in a fight between Gus and Amity, (Gus’s illusions don’t seem to be tangible, meaning that a fight depends more on the circumstances (planning, trickery, etc) than pure magic.
When comparing Amity and Gus’s magic, the similarities are easy to see. They both create humanoids (however Amity is limited to only monsters while Gus can make projections and objects) that can fulfil tasks. However when we compare their differences, I think Gus comes out on top.
Gus’s Illusions: - free will and thought - can create several unique illusions at once - can form words, witches and humans, and more - can be defeated by being touched
Amity’s abominations: - follow instructions  - can create a few at once - all look the same - can only create monsters - stronger than illusions
While abominations are better weapons, I’d say that illusions are more technical and creative, and have more effort in them.
So compared to the other witch kids, Amity is the weakest in terms of pure magic ability.
Now you might be saying ‘hey that’s not fair! Amity can do more than just abominations’ and you’re right! But there’s a few things to note.
a) we see amity using a training wand to create fire spells, and we can assume this isnt something new she just got. why would she get a wand to learn something new she wasn’t going to need. by need I mean,
b) witches are locked into a single coven, so they can only perform one type of magic. since amity is in the abomination track, unless she manages to get into the emperors coven (which considering current episodes, seems like a scam and impossible) she will eventually be sticking doing only abomination magic.
so the earlier point still stands, at least for the sake of argument.
Sub topic: what does it mean to be weak?
In the context, Amity seems to have less powerful magic then the other witch kids. Despite that, she’s a hard worker (hence being top student) and trains her magic ability to be better than the other students. When I refer to amity as weak, I mean that I believe she was born with less magic than the other students, and is working overtime to become more powerful.
I also have a theory that amity’s brown hair is tied into her having less magic, hence the dying of it and the symbolism in her drawings.
For those who don’t know, in every drawing Amity’s done of herself, her roots aren’t showing. If the green is symbolism of magic abilty (since the colour is associated with Azura, who can be seen as representing magic) then it’s telling that Amity’s ideal versions of herself include being naturally green haired, or in symbolism terms, naturally talented with magic.
moving on the the next part of this analysis: why is amity weak?
My guess is that Amity was just born with less magic. Maybe a smaller bile sack, or something like that. There’s also a possibly that Amity was cursed when she was really young (like sleeping beauty, just been born and got cursed young) by someone, further adding to the parallels between her and Eda.
I’d love to hear other people’s theories as to why Amity isn’t as magical as other characters, since theres a lot of reasons it could be.
How Does Amity Being Weak Affect the Story?
a few reasons!
first off, if Amity has less innate magic then the other witches, than Luz has no innate magic, which further gives the characters something in common and pulls them together
second, if amity’s parents care so much about their reputations as Blight’s then having a ‘weak’ child would be disgraceful, hence why Amity is seemingly pushed harder than her slacker siblings. 
third, it explains a lot of amity’s behaviour. When amity and Luz make up in covention, Luz wins amity over by explaining that she’s working hard to be a witch. for someone that’s worked her entire life to get where she is, that would be the first time that Amity truly understood Luz, for a moment. it also lends a lot more weight to her line ‘Humans have no magical abilty, but I doubt that’ll stop you’
So what’s the point? (tldr)
Amity is likely weaker than the other witches for some reason, either by being cursed or born that why. Her magic is less impressive by comparison to Gus and Willow’s magic. This explains Amity’s commitment to hard work, and also brings her closer to Luz.
If you have any thoughts lemme know, this got a bit ramble and I have no clue if it even makes sense, but thank you for reading it all!
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agent-washingtub343 · 4 years
Halo Reach: A Brief Guide
Inspired by @a-daks​
Halo Reach can be rough, especially since its mechanics differ from other Halo games. So I’m here to help you all out. 
Why is my advice something you should listen to? I began my Halo journey by watching my siblings play; and when I was 6, I started playing and haven’t put down the controller since. I’ve played through all of the games so many times that I’ve lost track, so I’m here to impart some Halo wisdom.
Some general housekeeping as we get started:
Protip before playing: Beautify your Spartan, and revel in seeing yourself interact with the badass group known as Noble Team. Your customization will appear in every cutscene. Make yourself proud.
Mission difficulty: There are four difficulties in every Halo game. These never change.
Easy - I’d recommend this to new players, or people who struggle with first person shooters. Enemies are a lot easier to eliminate as you adapt to the game style.
Normal - Mild difficulty. Provides a worthy challenge for newer players who have learned the ropes.
Heroic - The experienced gamer’s challenge. Most Halo players will run Heroic as it’s a nice mix of difficulty without being mind-boggling annoying.
Legendary - The best difficulty. To quote my favorite description, “This is suicide”. Not for the faint of heart, and can be difficult even for the most experienced Halo player...unless you know how to speedrun, that is. 
Rule #1 of this game: Never ever let the A.I. drive the vehicles. I realize going on a joyride free from directional responsibility sounds enticing, but the A.I. can and will get you killed. They slow down right in front of combatants, or they drive off cliffs. Side note: Never let Kat drive.
Cover: Cover is your best friend if you struggle with aiming and taking down combatants quickly. As a newer player, this can be a game changer as not many realize how useful it can be.
There will be a mission in Halo Reach where you’re flying a ship - thankfully you can’t accidentally eject. If you’re under a lot of fire, tricks are your friend. Experiment with button combinations at the start to find out what works best.
Types of enemies:
Sangheili, also known as Elites: The N00b combo can be excellent when facing off against Elites. This combo includes a plasma pistol, and another weapon such as a pistol, DMR, or any other precision single-shot type weapon. The key is to charge up the plasma pistol, let a burst hit the Elite, then follow up with a headshot with the precision weapon. Fair warning: These boys like to slide, skip, and jump to the side. Keep in mind that added mobility, especially when you don’t have that same advantage. Also stay out of range if they’re wielding an Energy Sword - that’s a one hit kill.
Mgalekgolo, also known as Hunters: Shotguns, Sniper rifles, and any other weapon will come in handy. If you’re afraid of getting clobbered, longer range weapons are the way to go. If you use a shotgun, or favor melee like me, you’ll want to get good at jumping to the side when the hunter charges you, or tries to clock you. Aim for the back - it’s a bigger area. The neck is a smaller hitbox, but it’s still possible. On the other hand, if you have a Rocket Launcher, you can hit the hunter anywhere and it will die. Remember, this isn’t Halo CE, so the hunters move pretty slow.
Unggoy, also known as Grunts: Turn on The Grunt Birthday Party skull and listen to the joyful cheers of children as you headshot them. Headshots are always your friend. Avoid the rocket grunts though, and take them out from a distance because they will point blank you with a Fuel Rod Cannon.
Kig-Yar, also known as Jackals: Watch for snipers. We in the Halo community crack many a joke about the Jackals on Legendary, but sometimes people underestimate them in lower difficulties. Take them out with weapons or punches. Like Grunts, these guys aren’t that bad.
Yanme’e, also known as Buggers or Drones: These guys like to fly, but any precision/long range weapon will handle them easily. They’re annoying in swarms on higher difficulties.
Jiralhanae, also known as Brutes: Tougher than most. These bois can and will go ape shit...Literally. Keep your distance on higher difficulties because they’ll take down your shields and health in one go. If you shoot off their helmet, they will tend to full savage and start snarling and rushing at you (especially in Halo 2). They carry Gravity Hammers, which you’ll be lucky to survive if they point blank swing it into your face. Distance is your friend.
Vehicles: Most Covenant vehicles can be disabled by charging up a plasma pistol, firing the charged shot at them, then boarding to destroy them, or shooting at them, or throwing grenades. Pick your preference.
Abilities: There are different armor abilities that can be used.
Sprint is pretty simple, but unfortunately it has a stamina limit, which makes speed running difficult
Jet packs are typically slow to lift you in the air, so make sure to jump beforehand.
Armor Lock is useful when you’re about to be splattered by a ghost or hunter, or have several enemies shooting at you.
Drop Shield is also wonderful when you’re under fire from multiple directions, and allows you to pop in and out of the bubble to shoot at enemies. It will break when it’s under too much stress.
Active Camouflage provides you invisibility for a short duration. Useful for all your stealthy ninja needs.
Hologram - against experienced PvP players, it generally won’t fool them. Fortunately, Covenant A.I. aren’t that smart. Deploy to draw fire, then come around from the other side for best use.
Evade - I’ve never seen this one in Campaign, but it shows up in PvP game modes. Allows you to dodge away from fire and grenades.
Welcome to Reach, Spartans
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mello-the-jello · 3 years
Filler In Stuff PT. 2 : The Owl House
Follow up for my post yesterday, now it's Owl House time! For The Owl House, I think what defines filler is a little bit different. I'd say The Owl House is much more plot-centric than Amphibia, and without knowing the crew's intent behind some of the episodes, we can't really know what is the actual filler. So uh, instead of talking about the nature of filler itself, I'll just talk about the episodes I see a lot of people in the TOH fandom call filler and I'll just say why I think you shouldn't skip those episodes/why they're important to the overall narrative to be positive and stuff
So you can take this even less seriously than my last post
Also I'm not gonna discuss the quality of those episodes, just what I think they add to the show
First we have Once Upon A Swap. Even though we saw a bit of Eda and Lilith's relationship in Covention, I think this episode builds on that, especially with the whole getting her to join the Emporers Coven thing. While I don't like body swap episodes, I think having Luz in Eda's body for the whole interaction where Lilith revealed the joining coven stuff was a neat decision because it certainly left me in the same position Luz was in. It was like "Uh what? Was I supposed to know this-" kinda thing
Now Something Ventured, Someone Framed. This episode is basically a character introduction for Gus, a more in-depth one at least. So I think that's pretty important, especially since the dude is in both the season 1 and season 2 intro. Plus you wont have a freaking clue who Matt is if you didn't watch the episode and Through The Looking Glass Ruins would be really confusing
Sense and Insensitivity time - King and Luz interactions are always nice but the highlight of this episode is the Clawthorne sisters for sure. Same with Once Upon A Swap, it delves more into their relationship and makes them feel like actual siblings imo
Ok Really Small Problems - I had a problem thinking of something for this one, but I've got it. So Gus has his litlle comforting moment with King during Enchanting Grom Fright. Without this episode, it wouldn't have made much sense for them to interact since they weren't friends, BOOM
that took way too long to think off though
also. Willow and Gus are always a win in my eyes
Even though Wing It Like Witches is episodic, I've never seen anyone call it filler so I'm not including it
Same with all the season 2 episodes
I don't think any episode after that has been called filler, if I'm wrong tell me and I'll add more to this ig
FINAL THOUGHTS: Why on Earth are people calling Knock, Knock, Knockin' On Hooty's Door filler when 1. It hasn't come out yet 2. It could be a Hooty backstory episode and that's literally [figuratively] the most interesting thing ever
That's all, thanks for reading this n stuff
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Number 20 for the recent ask game.
Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
Alright so I'll do MMBM
And we'll start with the call backs.
Chapter 1 had this line: She never wanted this. But it was everything she dreamed of, wasn’t it? A chance to work alongside the most powerful witch on the Boiling Isles was right there. All she had to do was take it.   
Chapter 3 ended with this one: Sure, life hadn’t worked out like she thought it would, and while flying with her sister to sell human trash wasn’t where she thought she would be, at least, she was living her dream by working alongside the most powerful witch in the Boiling Isles.
Put side by side it was an easy call back to the first chapter. I always intend for Lilith's dream to stay the same, but shift the focus on who the most powerful witch was to her.
Chapter 1 had this: “Lily?” Eda whispered into the dark room. She could feel something heavy rest on her chest and the tightness of her throat when she realized Lilith wasn’t here. 
What if it got her too? 
(For those who don't remember this scene, this was when Eda ran into Lilith’s room because she was scared to sleep. The "It" Eda is referring to is the dark shadow she sees in the void.)
Chapter 2 mirrored it with this: They [Lilith’s eyes] were black, which easily reminded Eda of the void and the figure that came with the void. It had gotten Lilith too. 
This not only served as a "Lilith is her own worst enemy" moment but also as a call back to Eda’s fear of her sister being hurt by the shadow figure.
Adding a read more cuz this ask is already hella long lol.
One thing I loved writing was the contrast of Lilith’s reactions regarding the first transformation for Eda and herself. Just how she changed from having a fear of losing Eda to being so willing to go.
From Lilith's pov: She wasn’t sure how many hours had passed and fear began to settle in that she may have lost her sister for good.
From Eda’s pov: You're about to run off. About to leave me. You came to say goodbye.
(And quick side note: when Eda transformed into the Owl, the coven members attacked her first. When Lilith turned into the Raven, she attacked the coven first.)
So as for development, I loved being able to work with tearing apart the sibling relationship that they have only to end up rebuilding it. As for individual character development:
Lilith: It was so much fun. I know I caused a lot of pain, but being able to have the guilt eat away, have her fix things asap, just working with this concept of "what if" was definitely one of my favorite things to do. I started her off right where it’s the big "oh, shit, what have I done" moment and the entire chapter is spent with her feeling guilty and when she starts closing off and eventually leads to her confessing to the curse and accepting the idea she is a monster. Chapter 2 was pretty much building up to her self-destruction. There's a lot of self-loathing and guilt and a scene where she has to draw a line of "how far is too far". And I loved writing her in that chapter just because she gets more of a negative development than positive which plays the whole monster concept in a different way. The entire thing for her wasn't so she could fix it, it was so she could accept it and make peace with it and move forward to become a better person. I did end up developing her more positive and healthier mindset in chapter 3 where she's older than the events in chapter 1. Because she's learned from her mistakes. She's accepted responsibility, she's forgiven herself, and is able to grow.
Eda: God. Eda was actually harder to write than Lilith mainly because I'm not writing her as like the infamous Owl Lady. I'm writing an Eda who is a literal child. I think the hardest thing to do was to bring out the younger sister side that looks up to Lilith and sees the world through innocent eyes. Her development in chapter 1 was more about shattering the golden light she saw Lilith in. It was about destroying her innocent view of the world. She's a child who in the span of an entire chapter goes from, traumatic incident, to fear of sleeping, to wanting to find a way to cure the curse and hide it, to finding out her sister cursed her. And getting to work with resentment and anger in chapter 2 was one of my favorite things to do. Because it's about the bitterness of her suddenly having to grow up and demanding independence from Lilith, but the bitterness ends up leading her to embrace the curse and the independence comes back to bite her when Lilith does try to leave her life. In a way this was a sorta "be careful what you wish for". But this entire chapter for Eda was demonstrating how she was able to adapt. How she managed to come to terms with the curse. Where she stands with her sister. And chapter 3 showed how she sorta became the Owl Lady.
Now I think the best scene that demonstrates my favorite development is the scene at the end of chapter 2 where the two of them are talking in Lilith’s room and they just sit there and talk it out.
Like Lilith said this in the beginning of chapter 2 when Eda asks her about the curse: "I wanted to beat you."
I purposely worded it like that so Lilith could be seen as the villain, and so she could see herself as the monster.
Now here it is when they talk in Lilith’s room: "I only meant to curse you so it would take your powers away for a day. So I could beat you ."
The extra information doesn't have Lilith putting herself in a bad light. It's more as a way to explain the mistake.
So a hint for a future scene: “You cut the curse in half. Which means like umm...a pizza. If we cut a pizza in half, each person gets a slice, but they aren’t tied together even if they are the same thing.”
Anyways. Thank you for the ask!
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