#not the greatest writer
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venture4treasure · 10 months ago
“And if you leave me. Rest assured, it would kill me.”
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Words: 1881
Premise: Yandere!Venture kills someone and you catch them. You respond in an atypical way. 
Warnings: Minor character death, Blood, Unhealthy relationship, Irresponsible use of prescription medication, Mental breakdown, Obsession 
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“Venture~”, your voice sing-songs from outside your shared home. 
Venture freezes at the sound of your voice, you weren’t supposed to be back home tonight. They glance at the blood drying on the floor, mind racing on how to keep you from seeing it. 
You’re too quick to open the door, ecstatic about getting out of work early despite your scheduled overnight shift. The sight in front of you makes you freeze. Your kitchen floor has splatters of blood and streaks from where you can only assume a corpse was dragged. Your mind immediately jumps to the worst and you tighten your grip around the handle of the door.
“Venture?” You call out hesitantly, “if this is a joke, it’s sick and I mean that in a bad way”, you add when there’s no answer. 
After several beats of silence, you pull out your phone, prepare to leave and call the police. Your attempt is interrupted when the door is forcefully torn from your grip and slammed shut behind you. You feel yourself shoved against the door. You shut your eyes and duck your head from the impact. Your hands are pinned above you and your phone is pulled away. 
You anticipate something, anything to happen to you, but when nothing happens. You hesitantly open your eyes and look up. And you don’t know what feels worse, opening your door to a crime scene or seeing who the perpetrator is. 
“Sloan…” you manage to choke out. 
So many questions race in your mind – why did you, who did you… But the desperation and fright in their eyes sobers you. In your forced rationality, you observe that their hand is warm on your wrists, their grip means no harm. 
You cut them off by pushing them away, they stumble a couple of steps back, looking at you with wide eyes. 
“Don’t say anything. We’re cleaning this up. Right now. Go get some hydrogen peroxide and gloves. And change into something you can throw away,” you force the words out, “do not say anything that makes me any more complicit”. 
Venture is stunned at your reaction. They’re slow to follow your instructions, prompting you to ask more, “no bleach, that’ll only make things messier. We’ll refloor all of this tomorrow anyway. Do you have animal blood?”  
They shake their head, and you shoo them off to get what you told them to as you step around the kitchen to assess what needs to be done. You’re careful to avoid making the mess worse by tracking any more blood around. The mess is bad, it is a lot of blood, and it makes you think someone must've bled out. Part of you wonders if any of it is Venture’s, you hope not. You shake yourself, you don’t want to dwell on the thoughts of why it’s so bad. Your only task at hand is to clean it up, you remind yourself. 
After double-checking you won’t trail any mess around the house, you take your own advice and go to get changed into some clothes you won’t miss. You also force yourself to take two extra pills for your anxiety – double your prescription – to keep yourself grounded. 
You meet Venture in the kitchen again and help set up several trash bags. You instruct them to help you soak up the bulk of the blood in towels and throw it away. When it’s done, you show them how to clean up the rest of the blood and explain to them how hydrogen peroxide will destroy the traceable genetic material. You try to explain everything you can if only to fill the silence and to keep your mind busy. When the reality sets in a little more, you feel sick talking – you were quite literally talking about how to get away with murder. You put on a playlist to help with the silence instead.
Venture doesn’t say anything when you talk. And definitely doesn’t say anything when you stop. They’ve never seen you act like this, they never would have thought this would be a possible outcome. They’re scared anything they say will make you react poorly, so they choose to maintain the current equilibrium you’ve set. 
Eventually, when everything looks clean and normal you finally give the okay to take a break. 
“You should shower and sleep,” you say, going through the motions of brewing some instant coffee. You wanted the caffeine and you probably weren’t going to sleep anyway. 
“I promise I’m not planning to do anything while you sleep. But you’re going to help me with moving flooring tomorrow and you’re going to need the rest,” you insist, tapping your hand on their shoulder. 
Your contact makes them startle. They want to hold you and tell you how much they love you. They want to explain how this was for you. They were only doing what was best for you. They wanted to tell you how they knew you’d never see it that way and that’s why you were never meant to see them do this. But instead, they swallow the bitter reality and do as you say. If you were willing to help them this much, then they should keep their complaints to themselves. 
You note that Venture is resting on the couch in the living room, and for a moment it does cross your mind that if you wanted to call for help, now would be the time. Any other time, Venture easily overpowers you. But it’s also the first time calling the authorities has crossed your mind since you came home. The idea makes you nervous and you turn your phone face down on the counter as if to reject the possibility of doing that. You finish your coffee and start another pot of water before heading up to shower and change. 
You spend the rest of the night until morning, re-scrubbing the floor and cleaning anything you can. You know that you don’t have to at this point, you’re fairly confident you got everything done the first time around, but you needed to do something to stave off the looming anxiety. Your body aches from being on the floor and cleaning so much, but you just take an ibuprofen and ignore it. 
Venture, thankfully, wakes by themselves and saves you the mental distress of figuring out how to approach them. They follow you around for a bit like a lost puppy and it makes it really hard for you to not embrace them – but you know if you do, you’ll break and you can’t afford that. 
The drive to and back from the store is relatively uneventful. You explained the plan, and Venture did as told. The whole time you could feel them look at you for some reaction, but you ignored it. 
The two of you spent the rest of the day tearing up the floor and replacing it. It was mostly Venture and you helped where you could, you didn’t have the strength to match theirs on a good day, much less when you’ve pulled an all-nighter and barely eaten anything. 
The project is done by late afternoon. You were hoping to finish by noon, but at least it’s over now – and you probably didn’t contribute too much anyway. 
You take a long shower and pick something comfortable to wear. When you are done, you call out for Venture to do the same. Who, like everything else you’ve said these past two days, follows.
You collapse on the couch, and the give of the cushions is a relief your aching body needs. The thought of taking some more ibuprofen crosses your mind, but the idea that you’d have to get up deters you greatly. 
Venture eventually finishes their shower and slowly creeps into the living room as if to not scare you. They settle on the carpeted floor some distance in front of you. They’re looking at you the whole time, there’s a desperate desire in their eyes. Both of you can feel how fragile the atmosphere is. If you had any energy left to spare, you’d notice how uncomfortable it was that your constantly chattering partner had been silent for almost a whole day, not a single joke shared. Instead, you take note of how their usually fluffy hair is soaking wet, and barely dry. 
To your body’s protest, you force yourself off the couch to close the distance. You pull your towel off your shoulders and drape it over Venture’s head. You use it to dry their hair, gently patting their hair and running your hand through clumps you’re afraid will tangle. Venture lets you do this, all but melting into your touch. Their breaths are slow and relaxed for the first time since you got home. You take more time and care than needed to dry their hair, but the action just felt so domestic and right. And you couldn’t let the feeling go.
When you’re done, you take your time folding the towel neatly, taking care to not maintain eye contact with Venture. They stare at you with a sadness that you know would break your heart if you acknowledged it. 
“Let me explain-”
“Sloan,” they flinch at their real name being used and the sternness of your voice, “I have done so much for you, please do not repay me by saddling me with information that makes me any more guilty than I already am”. 
Your head is still dipped in a way where you won’t meet their eyes, you wring your hands together anxiously, unsure what to say. 
Venture saves you from the silence, “okay,” they pause, “do you want anything? Tea or food… dessert?” And darkly, they consider their options of drugging you and getting you away from here. Maybe to some place where they could do everything best for you. 
You shake your head. 
“Do you hate me?” Venture’s voice cracks at the end, they’re not ready for the possibility of being rejected.
“No- never,” you exclaim in shock, looking up at them for the first time, “I trust your judgment. I trust you. Because I love you”. You confess, stomping down the part of your brain that tries to add ‘a little too much’.
Venture lets out a breath they were holding and almost collapses in relief. Thank god. You still love them. It’s okay, everything is fine as long as you are theirs. 
“Do you need some space,” Venture tentatively offers, they don’t really want to leave, but they want to do something right by you. 
“No,” you choke out, “no, please don’t leave”.
You reach out to wrap your arms around their neck and pull yourself against them, they hesitantly return the embrace, holding you tighter when you don't react negatively to their touch. 
“I think my meds are wearing off,” you’re breathing hard, “it’s all too much to think about. And everything hurts”.
Venture comfortingly traces shapes on your back, letting you cry into their neck as sobs wrack your form and you dig your nails into their back to anchor yourself.
“Don’t go, don’t go, please don’t leave me alone,” you beg.
Venture leans their head against you and pulls you into their lap to hold you closer. 
“I’ll never leave you, mi vida”. 
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Author’s Note: I saw some yandere Venture art and fics here. It inspired me to write about Venture killing someone because of their significant other – be it out of jealousy, possessiveness, or defense. 
This probably doesn’t fall under the typical yandere type stories, but I still consider it yandere because I think in the end, Venture doesn’t regret killing for you, they regret getting caught by you. 
For it’s worth, Venture probably orders you your favourite takeout and drink when you start to wake up so you can have something nice to eat since you haven’t eaten in over a day. 
I don’t think I’ll mention this always, but it should be obvious that both the reader and Venture here are not sound of mind. 
Quote is from Oleander by Mother Mother. Oleander is a toxic plant, it is sometimes used to symbolize desire, destiny, everlasting love, and caution.
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adobe-outdesign · 2 years ago
Muppet fact of the day: One of the Muppet show's pilot episodes was called "The Muppet Show: Sex and Violence", but the Muppets are owned by Disney now and Disney really doesn't like the word "sex" so they insist on just calling it "the Muppet Show Pilot"
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anyway reblog this forbidden image of Jim Henson in front of the Sex and Violence title card to make Disney mad
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fioblah · 3 days ago
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cut out for greed
tip jar
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weirdo-from-bonesborough · 3 months ago
The batgirls are beautiful because there is something deeply wrong with each of them that manifests as a terrifying intensity and stubbornness
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cosmiccrushes · 2 months ago
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when you find out rookanis made ao3 top 100 fastest-growing ships
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here's the link to the stats if you wanna check it out
And you can find me here while I'm at it 💞 🐦‍⬛😈
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robynator · 8 months ago
fully believe aeron and davos fucked at least once. and if not that, then they at the very least made out violently in the field by the bracken-blackwood border. it happened. you cannot convince me otherwise.
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snaileer · 1 year ago
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A writers haunted past.
I’m literally having this issue with a fic right now🥲
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utilitycaster · 4 months ago
this may seem needlessly finicky but I do actually believe it's important: calling Verin a himbo is just one of many examples where like, one of the cast says something off the cuff and it's not exactly the right word or it is highly contextual, and that is fine because no one is perfect especially in improv, but then it gets repeated ad infinitum within the fandom when it never really fit in the first place. We have Verin's stats and he's decently more intelligent than average with a 13 (smarter than most of Bells Hells for one; as smart as Pike); it's just he's the guy with a bachelor's degree with good grades followed by military service in a family where everyone has two PhDs - Matt said "himbo of the family" the way in a family where most people are exceptionally tall you'd call the 5'11" child the short one. In Call of the Netherdeep he appears as thoughtful and competent and promoted to a difficult position at a very young age, and in the campaign his appearance is simultaneously as a leader of troops in a dangerous mission, and someone who cares enough about poetry from a completely foreign and distant culture to have tried to learn more about it. I'm sorry, but if you're using the word "himbo" I don't think you're processing a thing about the character yourself; you're just the latest repetition in a game of telephone that's been going on since mid-2021.
And that's not deeply bad on the surface, and I'm using Verin not because he is the character most wronged by this sort of thing but because he's recent and it's really clear where the word came from and that it's not a good assessment, but something I happen to have a decent knack for is pattern recognition in language. I usually find it really easy to pick up on when someone's plagiarized because of the language and pattern shifts. I tend to remember urls and out of place words well. So I do tend to notice when everyone suddenly starts using a single turn of phrase and I tend to flag it. Sometimes that's not bad; sometimes it means everyone came to a similar conclusion and that's the best way to express that conclusion. But like, when Taliesin called the Yios episode a gas-leak episode and the entire fandom started parroting it? The line "bone-dry takes"? The fact that a lot of ship defenses I see were phrased precisely as "I have eyes"? without actually talking about the ship itself? the fact that I've seen a spike in the use of the term "ontologically evil" including in myself and not all uses are actually correct? And extending this beyond strictly language but consider any headcanon with minimal textual support that catches like wildfire (sidebar: remember how we make, or made fun of the SPREAD THIS LIKE WILDFIRE tendency on Tumblr a decade ago? same concept of repetition of a specific turn of phrase without internalizing) all sort of ping this.
And it's fine, truly, to come to fandom and turn off your brain. I know this will sound sarcastic from me, and that's because I don't personally agree, but I do strongly agree that you can do what you want in fandom and you don't have to listen to my opinions so in the end, yeah, it's fine because I am not the arbiter of "fine". But I think critical thought is a vital exercise and I think precision with language is part of it and so if you find yourself using the same exact words and thoughts as everyone else, that should, ideally, trigger a process of "but are these the right words? what do I see when I see this character and how would I describe them? do I agree with this assessment?" Fandom is an interesting and easier microcosm than reality in which to start doing that.
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danishprince · 2 years ago
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kieran culkin post-finale interview with variety
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syrospit · 7 days ago
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Its my beautiful wife’s birthday today so thought I’d crank out something before his special day ends
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ethan-elliott · 2 days ago
things that are everything to me in the latest trilogy vid:
- Tom breaking character so much during Letters which is so valid because wtf (/aff)
- also keeping up with the colour coding in the subtitles for each individual word in Letters?? like that must have been so much work but it looks stunning
- them not being over “today embarks on change” and putting it in Flurry
- AJ just walking away when Tom starts singing in Freeze Tag
- “are you also using the A…T…M?” “uhh currently no because you’re taking too fucking long” wrong time to take a drink because I nearly spat it out
- okay but servants carrying your heart for you actually is an insane sci fi concept I love that and would read/watch the heck out of it
- serious deja vu moment with Luke and Tom doing pottery (or…well…whatever was happening this time XD) and Luke singing Unchained Melody???
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thequeenwechoose · 8 months ago
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House of the Dragon 2x02
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lauunart · 10 months ago
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Hello Estate Developer fandom, I am trying to get a zine going and need artists writers and any speck of talent to unite for this amazing manwha/novel, if any of this interests u and want to participate DM me, I'm also trying to reach out to ppl but pleaseeee i need this zine to happen‼️
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threewordusername · 4 months ago
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the last confession.
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aioliravioli-69 · 8 months ago
aight, so uh.... I haven't posted art in a while and I'm sorry💀
I will be doing this months challenge, I'll just have to see when
In the meantime, have some old sickfic sketches of an AU I never finished
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I'm begging you to excuse the hands
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Originally, Buddy travels to Chase house after Ex Libris finds his location but underestimates the climate of wherever Chase lives. After not being appropriately dressed for a bunch of rainstorms he ends up getting horribly sick and passing out on Chase's lawn, right before he arrives at the house.
The next morning Prunella finds him and non-chalantly tells Chase that there's a stranger in his garden.
Naturally, Chase if conflicted and runs to get Deacon and right after telling Deacon off for wanting to get Buddy inside to take care of him(he's TOTALLY not projecting) they carry the unconscious goth into the house and lay him down on the couch until he wakes up.
There are some more things I want to draw for this
(Buddy cries after eating good soup; Buddy takes a hot bubble bath for the first time in his life -> it's a luxury for him, as Ex Lirbis only had cold rain water ig lmaoo💀💀)
But I'll see lol
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adobe-outdesign · 2 years ago
I think one element modern-day Muppet productions are missing is explosions. if you don't have stuff just blowing up for literally no reason at least once per scene then really what are you doing
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