#bracken twink
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franzkafkagf · 9 months ago
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this is what i mean when i say i want you to match my freak
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bietrofastimoff23 · 9 months ago
i was not joking when I said that for me the tragedy of Aeron and Davos is more convincing than the tragedy of rhaenicent in two seasons. in a minute of screen time, they made me get into their story (and they also have more personality than some minor characters). also they remained faithful to their houses and brought the matter to an end without delay. i can't help but respect that.
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scarareg · 9 months ago
This is the face of a man who is about to cry when his situationship hints they are going to war with each other, for real this time
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spider-stark · 9 months ago
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Aeron Bracken x Blackwood!Reader
Summary - You go sneaking through Bracken territory for some time alone with Aeron.
Warnings - mentions of blood, mentions of fighting, no real plot, hurt/comfort, subtle rivals-to-lovers, aeron grabbing boobies lmao, maybe some grammar errors idk
Word Count - 1.6k
// masterlist // send me your thoughts // comments & reblogs appreciated! //
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As the sun dips below the horizon, the beginnings of dusk paint the land around you in dim, muted hues. The forest buzzes with life—crickets chirp and frogs croak, rodents scurry through the undergrowth as birds-of-prey call out overhead. 
Unlike the nocturnal creatures around you, you take great care to stay quiet, fearing that if you don’t, the very soil beneath your boots might finally recognize you as an intruder. 
So you keep every footfall careful and deliberate; avoiding sticks and leaves in favor of plush, noiseless grass. Even your breaths are calculated, soft as the spring breeze rustling the leaves overhead. 
After all, you’re playing a dangerous game venturing this far from home. To be several miles from the vastness of Blackwood Vale, traipsing on the wrong side of the boundary stones, no less… You were gambling with your life—fair game for any Bracken man wishing to bloody their sword with Blackwood blood. As the daughter of Lord Samwell Blackwood, you would make a fine prize, too. 
But you had grown comfortable in these woods the past several months. Familiar, too—learning which paths were best avoided and which clearings were most often used for hunting or goofing-off. You learned to remain invisible, weaving through the trees like a wraith—invisible, unseen and unheard, as you drift towards your usual meeting spot. 
Well—mostly invisible, you suppose. 
You’re less than a few feet from your spot—a glistening creek branching off from the Red Fork, several miles off any main trail—when a twig snaps! behind you. 
Your spine turns to steel, every muscle locking up as alarm bells roar in your mind. A second too late, you reach for the dagger at your thigh. Trembling fingers hardly graze the hilt before an arm wraps itself around your waist, tugging you backwards into a crushing embrace. 
A single finger jabs at your chest, just off-center between your breasts, pressing through the thin fabric of your tunic. 
Just above your heart, you realize as it hammers against your ribs. 
“Got you.” Aeron’s voice quells your nerves, warmth tickling your skin as he nuzzles his face into the side of your neck. “If I were anyone else,” he murmurs, “you would be dead right now.” 
He taps his finger against your chest—once, then twice—to emphasize his point. As much as it annoys you, you know that he’s right. Anyone else and they wouldn’t have hesitated to send a blade tearing through your chest. 
You won’t admit it, though. 
“You scared me,” you grumble instead, trying to sound annoyed with him. It’s a hopeless objective—it’s too hard to be upset with him when his lips brush over your still-racing pulse, kissing up your neck. 
“Did I?” Aeron asks, playing coy. “Strange. I thought you Blackwoods claimed to be fearless.” 
Teeth graze against your earlobe, nibbling lightly. You bite your lip, twisting around in his hold so that you’re face-to-face. “And I thought Brackens were all insipid creatures,” you tease him. “So I suppose we both deviate from the norm of our Houses, don’t we?” 
Aeron laughs—a sound so sweet it makes your teeth ache. “I suppose so.” 
He pulls you closer, hands falling low on your hips. In all your life, you’ve never met someone so warm before—the sheer closeness of your bodies like standing too close to the edge of a fire. It sets your every nerve ablaze, desire coiling in your belly like a fiery serpent. 
He presses his forehead to yours and, for a moment, you assume he’s going to kiss you. 
Instead, your breaths only mingle in the space between you, his lips barely grazing yours as he whispers, “Still—I need you to be more careful. Especially here.” 
That one word is like a bucket of water, dousing the flames lapping at your skin. Desire swiftly turns to nausea at the realization that, even in the arms of your beloved, you were still unwelcome in this part of the Riverlands. Still an intruder. 
You step back, Aeron’s hands falling from your hips. “As if you’re one to lecture me about being careful.” 
Neatly-groomed brows knit together as he watches you turn your back, abandoning him in favor of the gurgling creek. Confusion laces his words as he hurries after you. “What is that supposed to mean?” 
“That Benji has a big mouth.” You sit in your usual spot by the creek's edge, your legs stretched out in front of you. You look up at Aeron with a raised brow. “Did you truly think he wouldn’t tell me about you insulting him this morning?” 
“He was trespassing on Bracken land,” Aeron argues. 
You give him a flat look that screams: As if you’re one to talk. 
Aeron had snuck onto Blackwood land more times than you could count—with far more nefarious intentions than Benji. If your brother ever found out about all the times Aeron had snuck into your bedchambers at Raventree… 
“Well he also called me a spineless dolt,” Aeron grumbles. His lips, naturally flushed and oh-so-kissable, turn to a sullen pout. “What was I supposed to do? Just stand there and take it?” 
You fight the urge to scream Yes! at the top of your lungs. 
Instead, you draw in a breath. “You know better than to get into it with him, Aeron. You said it yourself: Blackwoods are fearless—especially Benji.” 
He shakes his head, strands of sandy-colored hair brushing his shoulders. “Feckless is more like it.” 
“Tread lightly, Bracken.” You bristle, shooting him a look of warning. “He’s still my brother.” 
He doesn’t apologize—and you don’t expect him to. After all, both of you know that there’s some truth to his words. 
Benji has always been… difficult. 
Quick to anger and slow to forgive, he was one of many reasons why you kept your feelings for Aeron hidden. 
Your father could be persuaded to accept such a betrothal, you think. After all, it was common—if a bit futile—for Blackwoods and Brackens to wed in the name of peace. At the very least, for the sake of your happiness, he would consider it. 
But Benji… 
“I know I cannot expect you to just let him walk all over you,” you tell Aeron, a bit softer now. “But you know how Benji is.” You turn to the water by your feet. It ebbs and churns, bubbling as it laps at the stones lining the edge. “How detached he gets.” 
It petrifies you, sometimes. How, in a fight, Benji becomes someone else entirely. Should he ever decide to do more than simply taunt Aeron, you know without doubt which of them would survive such a fight. 
“If the two of you ever… If Benji hurts you–” 
Tears sting the back of your throat, the heavy words clinging to your tongue like molasses. You don’t want to think about that—but you can’t stop, either. Silver lines your eyes, tears threatening to spill over as Aeron drops to the ground beside you. 
Without hesitation, he tells you, “You’re right.” Soft, uncalloused hands gently cup your face, urging you to look at him. He brushes a thumb along the apple of your cheek. “I was careless—to think only of my pride instead of what it might do to you if your brother…” Aeron pauses, thinking. “If he went too far. For you, I’ll take better care to hold my tongue around him.” 
Your voice is quiet, hardly perceptible over the gurgling water, when you say, “Do you promise?” 
A childish thing to ask, perhaps. 
Yet Aeron obliges without question. 
“I swear it on the Gods.” 
Slowly, relief begins to untangle the knot in your stomach. 
“But,” Aeron’s lips quirk into a small, teasing smile, “only if you swear to be more cautious when coming here. It seems you’ve gotten far too comfortable wandering through Bracken territory.” A bit more solemn, he adds, “You should walk with your dagger out, at the ready, just in case—at least while you’re still a Blackwood.” 
A wrinkle forms between your brow. “While I’m still a Blackwood?” You ask, amusement dancing in your tone as you echo his earlier words, “What is that supposed to mean?” 
“That you won’t be a Blackwood forever—eventually, your father will have to marry you off,” Aeron drones, his hands falling from your face to your waist. “Such is the natural order of things.” 
You try not to giggle as he starts pawing at you, pulling you onto his lap, your thighs caging his hips. “True—but I had no idea you spent so much time thinking of my future.” 
Aeron’s hands dip lower, moving from your waist to slip beneath the hem of your tunic. “I’m always thinking of you.” 
“Have you any particular House in mind, then?” Brushing a lock of sandy hair from his face, you jest, “I can pass your suggestions along to my father.” 
Fingertips trace along your ribcage, inching higher and higher. His palms graze your breasts and suddenly breathing becomes a difficult task—the warmth of his touch reigniting the familiar spark in your belly. 
“Well—” he leans in close, smooth lips hovering over yours—“I’m quite partial to how you might look in gold.” 
“Careful,” you warn—though it's interrupted by a hiss as he toys with your nipples, rolling and pinching, grinning at your reaction. “That almost sounds like a proposal, Bracken.” 
Aeron nearly moans into your mouth as your thighs tense, rolling your hips against his, his voice gruff as he asks, “And would that be such a horrible thing?” 
He doesn’t wait for your answer. Doesn’t want it, maybe. 
Instead, he catches your lips with his. You melt into it—his touch, his taste. His tongue glides against yours, your fingers tangling in his hair and—for a moment—you let everything else fall away, your fears and worries fading into insignificance.  
No, you think. That wouldn’t be horrible at all.
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a/n - so I actually ended up not liking this at all once I got about halfway through editing---honestly, something about the ending just is not vibing for me and there really just isn't any true plot here lol. but, with that being said, I had already written it so I decided to go ahead and post it because there needs to be more aeron/amos bracken content in the world. and yes, I did totally just use the name aeron because I like it more than the name amos lmao.
anyways, hope you got some sort of enjoyment out of this! time for me to go write more benji fics🫡
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beautifulsweetschaos · 9 months ago
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Episode 3 was titled ‘The Burning Mill’, yet we never got any battle scenes and they erased Bloody Ben for this new character ‘Davos Blackwood’ 🤦🏻‍♀️ why make up a new character when there is already a perfect character written in the source material???? Smh 🤦🏻‍♀️😤
But asides from that, Rip Bracken Twink 😔
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robynator · 9 months ago
fully believe aeron and davos fucked at least once. and if not that, then they at the very least made out violently in the field by the bracken-blackwood border. it happened. you cannot convince me otherwise.
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jelloholic · 7 months ago
He's so outrageously beautiful, I understand you Davos
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stelliumh3arts · 8 months ago
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Gotta love the greens on reddit , once again.
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stabbythespaceroomba · 9 months ago
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Sorry tonymarias for butchering your post with nerd shit
Anyway it’s meme time
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thebenjiblackwoodexpress · 9 months ago
Hello fellow Brokeback Windmill acolytes, Victoria here jumping in to let you know that Part 6 of The Blackwood Knight and part 5 of Jump then Fall will be up later today. I have a new Aemond series planned so will be starting to incorporate some other characters on this blog. It's going to be called Devil's Snare I think and it will be about Aemond and a servant girl in the Red Keep.
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Cheeky BTS Ryan pic Elizabeth found. She was deceased after seeing it so I had to post instead 🤭
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androgynouswizardbanana · 9 months ago
Do you think they explored each other’s bodies
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franzkafkagf · 9 months ago
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they couldve matched each others freak in another timeline 💔
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bietrofastimoff23 · 9 months ago
what u mean, there's still no one fics with these two? then what was this gay tragedy of Romeo and Juliet for?
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scarareg · 9 months ago
There are some romantic movies leads who wish they had half the chemistry Davos and Aeron have in their two minutes of screen time
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fadingstudentbananacookie · 9 months ago
Why is this—
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Giving the same energy as this?
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alicekali · 8 months ago
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