tentacleterrorized · 4 days
TT: Oh, what I would give to have a vampire girlfriend providing reading light with her rump.
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tentacleterrorized · 4 days
TT: You may be happy to hear, Oscar is fine and still a force of chaos.
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tentacleterrorized · 4 days
TT: How have you all been doing? It has been some time since I updated about myself, but it has also been some time since I've been made aware of what is going on in everyone else's lives. I have largely been just running through my daily routine.
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tentacleterrorized · 4 days
TT: Oh my, once again, it has been some time since I last checked up on here.
TT: Life has certainly slowed down for me.
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tentacleterrorized · 23 days
TT: Shaking my rump at the ghosts haunting me.
TT: I would consider dating a ghost.
TT: Maybe even a vampire.
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tentacleterrorized · 23 days
TT: Oscar is still a source of comfortable chaos in my life.
TT: While writing that last post, he was digging his claws into my back as though I was meant for climbing.
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tentacleterrorized · 23 days
TT: While cleaning around my ship, I found the remnants of old, long gone Dersites. It has been so long that I forgot this was a war ship. I wonder if the luck I have had over the years could be contributed to their spirits haunting these halls. Does anyone know the phone number for Ghost Busters?
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tentacleterrorized · 23 days
TT: I am slowly beginning to become at peace with my life. Slowly but surely, the bad urges have been exiting my psyche. It has been a long time since I last considered violence. The Horrorterrors seem to have forgotten all about me. All in all, life is good.
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tentacleterrorized · 29 days
TT: In an effort to raise my always dwindling self esteem, I am going to be treating myself to some outfits that serve no functional use outside of making me look good. Thankfully, I have actual money. I don't need to resort to stealing and making people hate me more than they already do.
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tentacleterrorized · 1 month
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tentacleterrorized · 1 month
The first rule of Fight Club is you have to kiss
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tentacleterrorized · 1 month
TT: It can be hard to believe now that at one point I was trapped in a universe destroying video game and was at one point the servant to space fairing demon octopi. Being just a short Burger King employee isn't the worst thing in the world.
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tentacleterrorized · 1 month
TT: I have been quiet as of late. It has occurred to me that perhaps I have finally hit normalcy. I know it is scary, but it seems I am finally adjusted enough to hit the point of just working and sleeping until I am no more.
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tentacleterrorized · 1 month
TT: My name is my name. Nobody can take that from me.
TT: Regardless, I know the issue isn't my name. It's me. I doubt anything I could have said would have made a difference based on how they looked at me.
TT: If you want to teach, by all means, I will listen.
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TT: I didn't get much further past. "Good evening. My name is Rosebud. I'm sorry to disturb you, but..."
TT: Then I noticed their glare. I think it was the mention of my name.
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tentacleterrorized · 1 month
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TT: I didn't get much further past. "Good evening. My name is Rosebud. I'm sorry to disturb you, but..."
TT: Then I noticed their glare. I think it was the mention of my name.
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tentacleterrorized · 1 month
TT: I have been living healthy for so long now I forgot there is a decent size of the population who finds me creepy.
TT: I saw a pretty woman and decided to talk to them and see if I could eventually lead to flirting. It never got close. They looked at me like I was a puddle left by their dog. I was worried they'd pepper spray me. There was disgust and hatred in their eyes.
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tentacleterrorized · 1 month
TT: It has been some time since I last updated you all on my wellbeing.
TT: Oscar is a brat and keeps swiping food from me.
TT: If you squint very hard and look at me through your peripheral, I may have developed a muscle.
TT: I found a shiny nickel.
TT: Overall, life is well.
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