#fell in love with him when i was like 10 and it did permanent damage
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syrospit · 7 days ago
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Its my beautiful wife’s birthday today so thought I’d crank out something before his special day ends
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crystalmaiden77real · 8 days ago
Every Plot Hole in Archie Sonic not by Flynn or Penders up to issue 65
Plot hole just being used as a general term to mean any time the writing is forced.
Bolded ones are ones I’m frustrated with and when it’s italicized, it means that it makes the whole story or a chunk of it very forced.
1: Sonic Miniseries Issue 0 “Don’t Cry for Me, Mobius!” by Mike Gallagher: Sonic stops in front of a Caterkiller and talks with his back turned to it instead of immediately destroying it.
2: WHY did Eggman just stay there and have his Buzzbomber do a countdown instead of trying to attack Sonic with the ball and chain right AWAY?! Sonic was just STANDING STILL in front of him instead of just doing a Spin Attack! Why didn’t he just Spin Attack or spindash his Eggmobile instead of thinking he NEEDED to rely on a Ring?! Sure was lucky for Sonic that Eggman waited for a countdown to hurt him to be dramatic!
3: Sonic reveals that he can use Rings to grant wishes, and says that when he jumps through it, Robotnik’s Eggmobile will hit itself with its own wrecking ball. Rings granting wishes, and rising and falling in the well, isn’t necessarily a plot hole because they’re MAGICAL. But the real problem is, and this is a plot hole in EVERY single issue; if Rings can grant any wish you want, why wasn’t every major villain wished away by them and with that all of the damage they caused? This Rings-grant-wishes thing is one of the worst concepts in the comic because, while it isn’t necessarily forced on its own as Rings are magical after all, what IS forced is the idea that none of them were used to defeat evil permanently, then, making the whole comic forced. So it becomes the first of one of those plot holes you have to ignore for the sake of the comic as a whole, along with Robotnik not finding Knothole or simply destroying the Great Forest at midnight if he can’t find it.
4: Sally is probably the one person among her friends who sort of cares about Antoine, but she doesn’t tell her friends not to bury him up to the head in the dirt. Why would Rotor, Tails and Sally be such bullies to Antoine? Why would Antoine let himself get buried in the dirt, how long did that take? I CAN UNDERSTAND Sonic bullying Antoine, but not Sally and the others, they’re nice people. 4.
5: “Oh No–Robo! No Mo’ Mobo!”: Someone orders 200 chili dogs. How do they have enough ingredients to make 200 chili dogs?
6: How was Sonic not spilling the 200 chili dogs when he was running with the wheelbarrow in front of him? They should’ve toppled onto the ground or Sonic should’ve crashed into something from them blocking his vision.
7: Robotnik’s love of pollution is stupid. It works on a meta level, nature vs technology, but you’d think a genius would know better than to poison his own oxygen supply.
8: Why isn’t Sonic surprised to see a clearly metallic robot chicken as his customer and hating him? Shouldn’t he react to this?
9: Sonic meets Princess Sally and somehow doesn’t recognize a world-famous royal figure. The princess of the kingdom he grew up in.
10: Not only does he not recognize her, but he accuses her of telling fairy-tales, like he thinks she’s lying. 6 forced concepts for Sonic Miniseries Issue 0.
11: Sonic Miniseries Issue 1 “Run, Sally, Run!” by Mike Gallagher: Sally is having a bitch moment by not telling her friends what her plan against Robotnik is. Instead, she just tells Sonic and Tails to leave her alone and storms off. Sally should’ve known better than to not tell all of her friends that she was planning against Robotnik to get a cure for the roboticization cure. Besides, it was still a risky plan, her shoes’ wiring could’ve malfunctioned or fell off to not get a cure. Is she so used to people blindly obeying her orders as princess to not go to save their friend? I guess so!1.
12: “Something Fishy”: Why did the ROBOT fish not kill Sonic right away instead of wasting time waiting for him to drown?
13: Why didn’t Sonic immediately spindash out of the net instead of waiting for so long?
14: Why was Sonic able to talk underwater?
15: Good thing Sonic had told Rotor and Tails to go meet him at the dock ahead of time FOR NO REASON because otherwise, they wouldn’t have gone to the dock and decided to save him.
16: Why did Sonic even jump into polluted water in the first place? 5 for Sonic Miniseries Issue 1.
17: Sonic Miniseries Issue 2 “A Crowning Achievement” by Mike Gallagher: If Sally had the Freedom Emeralds crown all along, one, why didn’t she wear it earlier to use it against Robotnik,
18: And two, if that crown’s so great, why did her father get put in the Zone of Silence by Robotnik?
19: Antoine being in charge of a group of soldiers as if he’s that great. What has he done to earn leadership?
20: Sonic comes to the paranoid conclusion that rather than one of the guards being incompetent or traitorous, he just assumes that one of the guardsmen was a robot that looks organic.
21: Sonic creates fire by running, with shoes that are specifically designed not to make that happen.
22: And why does the robot Hamlin change into being purple?
23: Sally arbitrarily makes Antoine go with Sonic to recover the Freedom Emeralds as if he’s going to be useful at all. He is, but how’d she think that?
24: Sonic should’ve just spindashed into the robot fish.
25: How did the robot fish not notice them running away in a blue and yellow blur to run into the wall?
26: Why did they even have a waterproof marker with them to make that picture?
27: Why would Sonic and Tails go fishing when they’re nature lovers and wouldn’t wanna mistreat fish like that? 11 contrivances for Sonic Miniseries Issue 2.
28: Sonic Miniseries Issue 3 “Sonic Flashback!” by Mike Gallagher: Uncle Chuck in the what-if scenario wants Robotnik and Sonic to be good friends, but he’s somehow oblivious to Robotnik’s true nature despite being a genius. That’s why he has him over at his house at times. Every time we see Robotnik in the past and people don’t know he’s evil, it’s always forced when we see him with black and red eyes, because at the very least, everyone would’ve been creeped out and distrustful of someone who intentionally makes their eyes look menacing. But this problem started out here. Granted, it’s a dream what-if scenario, but it doesn’t make Uncle Chuck siding with Robotnik and not believing Sonic about his evilness ANY LESS FRUSTRATING.
29: Why would Robotnik’s robot apologize for Robotnik causing Chuck to crash into something? Why would he make his robot inclined to do that? That’s what gets Eggman in trouble?!
30: Why does Chuck the GENIUS simply tell Robotnik to go to his room instead of calling the cops for not caring that he got him hurt stealing the brakes on his tractor? 3.
31: “Why Ask Spy?”: Why would Sally and Rotor make Sonic think Rotor’s been roboticized as a PRANK?!
32: Sally and Sonic make Tails think Sonic was roboticized and running after Sally. This would be pretty traumatizing for Tails! And they just do that as a prank! They should just tell Tails to stay inside the base to make sure he wouldn’t mention the secret that Sonic’s in a disguise outside the base.
33: Tails recovers from the sight of Sonic “ roboticized “ really easily just because Sally appealed to his ego calling him a hero. And then he starts advertising stories about himself saving Sally instead of being upset about what he thinks happened to Sonic. It makes him look like a selfish arrogant asshole who doesn’t care about Sonic that much at all.
34: Tails looks like an idiot for not getting suspicious when Sonic lies that he’s not programmed to deal with TWO live creatures and runs away.
35: Sonic lies that he fell into a robot-maker “ disguised as a robot-maker. “ This is such a blatant lie that it makes everyone involved look like an idiot.
36: Sally shows no concern at all for Antoine getting a bear trap hurting his foot. She smiles at that!
37: Why didn’t Chuck attack Sonic in his roboticized state with no free will? And yet Muttski does. 7.
38: Issue 1 “Meet Me at the Corner of Hedgehog & Vine!” by Gallagher: Robotnik’s over-the-top hatred of plants is never explained. Maybe he went on a really bad hiking trip and got poison ivy poisoning, but we don’t know. And how is it that he’s the boss and yet the Krudzu is news to him? Does he have robots that are allowed to make his evil inventions for him? It’s more creative, but it’s surprising, I’d expect Robotnik to make that robot plant, HE’S the GENIUS. Why would he trust others to do this?
39: How can Robotnik beat up a Swatbot so effortlessly, knocking it into the metal floor? He doesn’t have super strength, does he? If he has super strength, he should’ve used it against Sonic and thrown stuff at him.
40: How does Antoine not hear his friends loudly calling his name and go outside to start the plot instead?
41: Rotor looks serious and worried as he says that he thought Antoine was tying himself up in vines to make a radical fashion statement, when his friends had to carry him inside because his arms were tied up. That just makes him look like an idiot for the sake of a joke.
42: Why would Antoine admit to his friends that he feels dizzy and WEAK and confused, instead of trying to avoid looking weak when he already has a coward reputation.
43: Why is Tails excited about someone bringing in a bucket of cuttings of plants?
44: Robotnik is scared by himself because sometimes he’s so evil he even scares himself.
45: How did the Krudzu still talk and insult them even after being short-circuited with water? 8.
46: “You Bet My Life!”: Tails says, “ Why should I call him Tails? “ in response to Antoine saying, “ Call him, Tails! “ He heard the conversation before this where his friends wanted Sonic. Tails isn’t supposed to be THAT stupid. No one could be.
47: Why would the Swatbot let Sonic in, instead of Sonic just spindashing right through it? Why does the Swatbot even think the main hero of the world would pay him anything? Why would he ask for a bribe? How did he forget who he was?
48: Why DID the heroes tell Sonic to go to Casino Night when Robotnik was making his big speech? Sonic didn’t have rope, and it wasn’t an assassination mission.
49: Sonic shouldn’t be able to get motion sickness, so he shouldn’t have motion sickness from being thrown around in a pinball.
50: The only reason “ someone winning 50 cents at the casino “ happened was to let Sonic get a chance to escape. Eggman’s casinos wouldn’t be programmed to give out money.
51: Second, why would anyone go to a casino by Robotnik if he punishes anyone who wins at it ONCE? Who would even go to the casino, Robians? Swatbots? 6.
52: Issue 2 “Triple Trouble!” by Mike Gallagher: If the Crabmeat robot has done nothing but fail Robotnik, OFFSCREEN, why wasn’t he scrapped the first time? If he’s talking about Crabmeats in general, he should’ve scrapped ALL of them.
53: Robotnik takes being called “ fat “ in various ways by his robots as not an insult but an honorable title, when those titles are too silly (“ your blubberness. “ Which is always stupid.
54: Why the hell did Robotnik program Scratch and Grounder to be able to argue with and turn against each other? Their constant bickering led to their undoing. 3.
55: “Vertigo A´ Go-Go!”: How do Al and Cal get enough to eat or drink or go to the bathroom in a dimension that’s just weird colors with no objects? How are they alive, who were their parents? They shouldn’t logically exist in an uninhabitable world.
56: Why does Sonic try to ask Al and Cal to join the Freedom Fighters? He says they could really use them, but why? Al and Cal did nothing but mess with him! They’re dicks who don’t bother to explain their uninhabitable dimension. 2.
57: “Foiled Again!”: Sally and Rotor dickishly slap Sonic with foil surprising him to get an image of his face on a page for comic books, when they could’ve just asked to put it against his face. It’s uncharacteristic of them.
58: The worst part is, Rotor plans to do it over 70,000 more times. He should know Sonic wouldn’t let him. 2.
59: “Two-Timer!”: There was a wall that was damaged by a Burrobot invasion. Wouldn’t that Burrobot have found Knothole and INSTANTLY reported the location of it to Robotnik? 1.
60: Issue 3 “The Bomb Bugs Me!” by Mike Gallagher: Why are Rotor and Sally worried because Sonic’s coming to their base at incredible speed?
61: How did Robotnik already have tons of Rotor costumes for himself?
62: How did Rotor have tons of Robotnik costumes and think it was necessary?
63: How did Robotnik and Rotor have so many different disguises and wear them all at once without passing out from heat exhaustion
64: or looking significantly bigger from more mass on them? 5.
65: “Rabbot Deployment!”: It’s weird that Sally says Sonic’s “never “ obedient.
66: Sonic and Rotor just sat there behind the bushes and watched Bunnie get put in the roboticizer. It’s OOC for Sonic to sit there and wait, when he could easily spindash through all the Swatbots right away.
67: Why does Sonic think Bunnie’s hurt when she shows no sign of injury?
68: It’s confusing how overly chipper Bunnie is at being turned into a cyborg after waking up. In a world where being roboticized is seen as the worst possible thing, Bunnie shouldn’t be immediately happy and eager to become a Freedom Fighter.
69: If Bunnie always admired Sally, she should’ve recognized her on sight.
70: Sonic should’ve created the tornado AROUND the giant Burrobot, not beside it. Instead he was an idiot forcing it to shoot him so Bunnie would flip it. Why make Sonic look like an idiot to make Bunnie look good?
71: How did Bunnie know Sally had a crush on Sonic IMMEDIATELY? She just met her seconds ago and didn’t see Sally say two words to Sonic. 7.
72: Issue 4 “The Lizard of Odd!” by Mike Gallagher: Why did the robots use the extra-large container for the small animal?
73: Why would the Salamander’s growth break it free of Robotnik’s control?
74: And why would it be evil if it’s no longer under his control?
75: Tails sees Sonic spindash into the dinosaur’s mouth and assumes he’s just watching a movie. 5.
76: “Badniks Bazaar”: Why would robots audition for a villain-against-Sonic role? Wouldn’t Eggman just have them made and send them against Sonic? Why the extra step? And this is the entire foundation of the story. 1.
77: “Hare Styling”: Bunnie gives Sally frizzy hair with electricity and she LIKES it. Both do, Bunnie thinks she did a good job! 1.
78: “Tails’ Little Tale”: Tails tries to take down Robotnik by himself without any rope or duct tape to restrain him and no inclination to murder him, so what does he even hope to accomplish? He’s just running up to the base with no plan?
79: How did Tails mistake a shadow of Eggman painted on the wall for the real deal and run into it? THAT’S why he needed saving so fast. 2.
80: Issue 5 “Olympic Trials and Errors” by Angelo: Why are the Freedom Fighters competing in the Olympics when they know it’s a trap? 1.
81: “Chomp on This, Chump!”: Why would Rotor ever think it’s safe to open a can with a skull and crossbones and it says “ danger do not open? “ He has an Idiot Ball moment
82: and so does Robotnik for making that can look that way.
83: Since Robotnik only gets hate mail delivered to him, and he’s an evil dictator, who rules over only mindless robots, who couldn’t choose to send him anything, he should’ve just been suspicious of getting Rotor’s package and never opened it at all. 3.
84: Issue 6 “The Spin Doctor” by Mike Gallagher: Sonic bounces off the lava like Mario in Mario 64. They shouldn’t have even written him falling into it then, and we aren’t told he had rings. Also, he can apparently run over lava as well. 1.
85: “Sonic’s Christmas Carol!” by Angelo: The story’s all a dream by Sonic. But its writing is contrived regardless. If Robotnik was regularly pulling stunts like driving a vehicle into a Christmas tree in his first Christmas with Chuck and Sonic, then, why did it take that long for everyone to decide to arrest him?
86: Why was Robotnik able to send a bomb to Knothole’s base as a Christmas present when he didn’t know where the base even was, let alone where Knothole was, and if he did he would’ve destroyed it? But the story’s all a dream anyways, so that’s why.
87: Robotnik briefly considers giving up his evil ways because the future looks terrible to HIM, someone who loves pollution. That would never happen. Even in a DREAM. Sonic would never have that amount of faith in him.
88: Why did it take decades for the delivered bomb to reach Robotnik in the future and end the dream?
89: And how can the story be SONIC’S dream when it was all from ROBOTNIK’S perspective? 5.
90: Issue 7 “Uncle Chuck’s Treasure!” by Angelo: How was a map leading to Sonic’s bronzed baby shoes, hidden in the ceiling of the Knothole base? Uncle Chuck was roboticized before he could’ve possibly known about this base. So why was this map there? There was no reason the map should’ve been hidden there in particular.
91: Rotor mistakes a treasure map for “ connect the dots, “ making him look as dumb as Big the Cat just for the sake of a joke.
92: I’m supposed to believe briefly that since Robotnik took over the planet, money has no value. This is blatantly contradicted by every other issue, even issues before it like Sonic saying about making comic books that there’s gotta be a better way to earn a living. But the money has no value thing is used as an excuse for why Rotor, Sally and Tails don’t see the value in finding the treasure of a treasure map. And this wasn’t even necessary for the plot at all because Sonic convinces them to go look for it.
93: How hasn’t Robotnik taken down all of the trees of Mobius Natural Park? The trees leading UP TO that place shouldn’t still be standing.
94: The big problem with Robotnik hating nature for so long is that, why wasn’t all of the forests destroyed? All of the world’s trees should’ve been destroyed by now including the Great Forest’s trees and killed the world.
95: Sally is the only Freedom Fighter who feels tired from the pollution of the national park and needs to lie down, and even then, she seems to recover from it enough to run away from it really fast.
96: Sonic is somehow able to imitate Robotnik’s voice well enough to convince the Swatbots to put Rotor down and walk into a tar pit. You know, there was no reason for this to even happen because Sonic should’ve just destroyed the Swatbots with his spindash. It’s not like Sonic has a Chaos Emerald to justify him magically getting a perfect imitation of Robotnik’s voice? Also, Rotor was the one with the Robotnik imitation skill, which he showed in the issue where he was disguising himself as Robotnik. So Rotor should’ve done the voice imitation.
97: Why did Uncle Chuck hide Sonic’s bronzed baby shoes in a TREASURE CHEST buried in the national park?! Instead of putting the shoes in his actual house if he cares about it?! 8.
98: “The Shadow Nose!”: With no explanation for how, Sonic can box his shadow and make his shadow lie on the floor knocked out. 1.
99: “Sorceress in Distress”: Why would Antoine ever dress up like a devil for Halloween when he wants to look heroic?
100: Sally insists arbitrarily on leaving the base ALONE to find a stick for her staff. She’s acting totally irrationally to be independent, when that’s in contradiction with her cautious nature. She ignores Antoine’s warning that Swatbots will find her.
101: Instead of recognizing Sally and planning to roboticize her, Robotnik creepily falls in love with Sally in her witch costume when she’s one a kid and two a Mobian and three not even in a costume that covers up her face. I guess he didn’t recognize Sally because he thinks all squirrel Mobians look alike.
102: Robotnik somehow thinks she’d want Venus fly traps
103: which he already had on hand in a bouquet
104: and motor oil chocolates as gifts.
105: Eating motor oil chocolates doesn’t kill him
106: and he likes them somehow.
107: If he says yuck at the idea of a love poem, he wouldn’t make one.
108: Sonic turns invisible. Without a Chaos Emerald, but with his speed alone. He barely ever goes invisible, so it’s just a Deus ex MACHINA. If he can do that, why didn’t he take down Robotnik a long time ago? Sneak into his base, destroy everything with invisibility and tie him up? Same goes for Espio! Sonic didn’t even need to do that when he could’ve just saved Sally at super speed just fine.
109: Sally’s an ungrateful bitch and hits him in the head leaving him dazed, for saving her without permission. She should’ve known she needed his help and been nicer. Also, how the fuck did Sally know the invisible Sonic was Sonic? Well, okay, I guess he went invisible around her before. But that’s never explained. 11.
110: Issue 8 “Bot’s All Folks!” by Mike Gallagher: Where did Crabmeat even GET a Sonic comic book?
111: And why did the Crabmeat want to get Sonic comics?
112: One of Robotnik’s rules is “ no reading “ period, even though robots should sometimes need to read to follow orders. And they would need to read to read that rule. And he didn’t specify “ no reading fiction, “ and he should really specify for robots.
113: Somehow the robots thought Robotnik wanted a Steve Urkel robot and not a Wolverine robot. 4.
114: “A Little Sonic Goes a Long Way” by Gallagher: It doesn’t make any sense that it would be a long time since Tails heard a guitar just because music was banned because the heroes live in a hidden village that can get access to all the paper it wants, for example, so there’s no reason the people of Knothole wouldn’t have made their own musical instruments, when they’re clearly cutting down trees to get paper already.
115: Robotnik banning music is confusing, no matter how spiteful he is, because I’m pretty sure he’d at least allow music that glorifies himself. Hating all music is psychologically impossible, our brains are programmed to love it. What, did he have a really harsh music teacher growing up? Did he suck at playing music, did his parents play the radio or CDs way too loud in the car?
116: Robotnik heard ONE note, from all the way in Robotropolis when Sonic was playing the guitar on a hill.
117: Why would Snively even think Robotnik was singing when he should remember Robotnik hates music?
118: WHY didn’t Robotnik destroy the concert hall if he banned music?
119: Why would the shrinking effect on the heroes be temporary?
120: Why would Snively sing and play music in front of Robotnik right after he JUST SAID he banned music? Wouldn’t he know that would be risky? That was just there for a really stupid joke.
121: Also, why didn’t Robotnik actually punish Snively for that? 8.
122: Issue 9 “Tooth or Consequences!” by Gallagher: There’s no way Robotnik would think any robot was too cruel for him, even a dentist robot. 1.
123: Issue 9 “What’s the Point?” by Angelo: Why did any of the Freedom Fighters not realize that there was a tracking device collar on one of their “ pets? “ At least Sally’s rejecting the turkey makes sense since maybe the tracking device was inside of it.
124: Why didn’t Tails realize the beaver was a robot since it clearly had robot black and white eyes?
125: Why was a turkey in the tree anyways, or running wild at all?
126: The turkey who was just established to have an injured wing now starts flying to save the day. This is very contrived writing, and it’s not established that turkeys can magically heal way faster than normal animals. 4.
127: Issue 10 ” Revenge of the Nerbs ” by Angelo: If Rotor thinks that disconnecting the wrong electrical cable could trigger a landmine on him, that was uncharacteristically stupid of him to disconnect it himself. He should’ve done what bomb defusers do and send in a robot or some kind of automatic machine with scissors. Then the machine would’ve been captured by the force field instead, but then THAT thing would’ve been captured by the Nerbs and we wouldn’t have a story.
128: Another reason we shouldn’t have had much of a story is that an isolated underground society shouldn’t know the same language as the heroes. So all that obnoxious dialogue by the Nerbs shouldn’t have been able to be exchanged with the heroes at all.
129: Why did Sonic ever want to explore the Mobius SEWERS as a kid? Wouldn’t it smell? And yet that’s how he knows his way around.
130: Also, there’s no way Robotnik only has a bath once a year because there would be dire consequences for him and everyone would comment on it. Maybe he just showers. 4.
131: “Twan With the Wind”: The Freedom Fighter Fact Finder is such an overly convenient device for the villains. Wouldn’t it just find out about all the heroes’ plans and where Knothole is, if it can tell Robotnik that they’re having their annual picnic?
132: Bunnie says to Antoine, “ BAG it, sugah! “ because his hot air balloon was popped again. That’s OOC, and bitchy. 2.
133: Issue 12 “A Timely Arrival!” by Mike Gallagher: Sonic doesn’t hear Robotnik clearly say “ a time machine. “ And Robotnik being able to make a time machine so easily makes no sense. At the very least, I think this was retconned subtly; since the Xorda part of history proves that the Mobians didn’t exist 40,000 years ago, he actually made an interdimensional teleporter and Sonic simply ended up meeting an alternate Sonic instead, explaining how there were cavemen FFs that were all coincidentally identical to his own friends. Like in a parallel zone.
This would explain why Robotnik had an interdimensional teleporter in 44, the time machine proves he could make that kind of device, and Robotnik would never admit that he had actually screwed up and made a device that traveled through space but not time. If he could make a time machine, he should’ve erased the heroes from existence. He didn’t, because it wasn’t. But if he didn’t even try to do that with it right away, which is contrived by itself, I guess that explains how he didn’t figure out it wasn’t really a time machine and instead just a portal maker, and if he did figure it out, he didn’t admit it wasn’t because he’d be admitting he screwed up.
And why didn’t the Freedom Fighters use the time machine to prevent Robotnik from going to power? That was dumb. Maybe, again, it WASN’T a time machine, just a transporter, and Rotor researched the machine to find out how to build his globepost portal to the Special Zone. Also, why would Robotnik waste time, robots and resources on having Swatbots tell the news? All it does is let the heroes find out about his plans easier. Actually maybe it’s to lure the heroes into a trap to be killed? It’s implied that he does this all the time since no one says this channel is new.
134: Why would a hostile pterodactyl know Sonic’s language let alone be able to talk at all,
135: bother to tell him he’s in prehistoric Mobius,
136: and even know it’s prehistoric Mobius when he spent his whole life there and knows nothing about the future? Having the dinosaurs and pterodactyls talk was pointless to the story and was just confusing.
137: How does the dinosaur know that dinosaurs will become extinct?
138: Why would the Crabmeat care that Robotnik broke the rules against being happy when he’s the rule-maker to begin with?
139: It’s so unlikely and illogical that not only would all the Freedom Fighters look similar to their ancestors, but their ancestors would’ve all been living in Knothole base together as friends. That’s too much of a coincidence. So they must be parallel counterparts instead. How’d they all meet and become friends in cavemen times where all the species would presumably be in separate tribes? Did Robotnik separate them from their parents by taking over Caveman Mobotropolis, so they’re Freedom Fighters? The problem is, what kind of so-called “ Freedom Fighters “ would hide in an underground cave from the outside world forever?
140: If they were refusing to leave the cave, how were they staying alive with no going outside to get food or water? What kind of cavemen, especially Freedom Fighters, would stay inside all day? Sonic didn’t need to have to tell these idiots to go outside and plant the Great Forest. 8.
141: “Bold-Headed Eagle” by Angelo: If Robotnik has a “ life forms detecting “ radar that detects lifeforms even in the far-off mountains, how has he not found Knothole already?
142: Sonic fails to understand that hiding is the smartest thing for Cyril the Eagle to do.
143: Why did it take so long for Cyril to find the other eagle Mobians when they were all living on the same mountain the whole time, when they would’ve had to search for food regularly?
144: Cyril was just established to be bad at flying but then he saves Sonic because he somehow got his flying capability back. 4.
145:“The Lynx is a Jinx” by Gallagher: Sonic somehow knows the cycle of bad luck for Larry against the heroes is “ broken “ and turns out to be right as Larry wins tons of chess games against Rotor. That’s still bad luck against the Freedom Fighters, just in a more minor “ Rotor loses “ sense.
146: Seriously how did Larry’s bad luck just now stop seriously affecting the Freedom Fighters? 2.
147: Issue 13 “Space in yo’ Face!” by Angelo: Why was Sonic making a statue of Antoine? He doesn’t respect him.
148: How would a mass roboticizer set your TV set to only tune in to infomercials? I guess I could believe Robotnik could program that extra feature to be spiteful but that’d take extra time and resources, and has nothing to do with anything, and it just feels like it’s forced for the sake of a joke. More importantly, why did the Freedom Fighters even think to exit a spaceship on a moon that they were lucky they even could breathe on, and had no way of knowing it had any air at all? They should’ve left in spacesuits at the very least. Good thing they did leave the spaceship or else they’d be killed when it was kicked by the mecha, and we wouldn’t have a story or a series anymore. 2.
149: Issue 14 “Tails’ Taste of Power!” by Angelo: What’s with this new creepy obsession with Tails of usurping Sonic as the leader? It’s OOC and evil of Tails to want that when he’s stupid at this point. The real Tails, I’d say he should be his leader and would applaud him for having that kind of spine. This Tails has no reason to think he deserves to be the leader.
150: Also, apparently Sonic’s the leader of the Freedom Fighters, not Sally!
151: Tails is supposed to be smart from the Smart Fruit, so why did he do such a boneheaded thing of trying to “ subdue “ Robotnik without any duct tape or rope to restrain him and no plan to kill him? What was he even expecting to accomplish? And we’ll never know because the fruit’s effects wore off and he forgot what his plan was somehow.
152: Yeah, how DID Tails forget his plan? Dumber or not, that wouldn’t give you amnesia. 4.
153: Issue 15 “Rockin’ the ‘Bot!” by Angelo: Sonic’s gonna run into raindrops! How could running fast making him immune to getting wet? He’s not microscopic! There’d be a raindrop at every elevation at any given time.
154: Sonic denies the fact that he’s a magical being to a magic frog. He doesn’t think he’s magical.
155: Sonic doesn’t believe in magic frogs in a fantasy universe.
156: Sonic doesn’t believe the gems are magic even though they literally just appear out of the sky above him and fall on his head. This all really angered me. He’s not THAT STUPID.
157: Why would Sonic think sneezing was one of the powers of the stones?
158: Sally is way too quick to assume Sonic’s abandoning her and her friends to the claw mech!
159: Sonic catches the cockroach mech with the stone of strength to save the Freedom Fighters from being crushed by it, but this is the second time he’s used the stone of strength, you’d think he’d have used it up by now. I guess the stones were feeling generous. 7.
160: “Animal Magnetism”: Why the hell did Snively need to tell Robotnik who Bunnie was when you’d think Snively would remember her forever after that girl power episode? This story must have taken place before it, then. What’s the point of having two people being on the look-out for Robotnik’s robots to guard a picnic, when they’re BOTH looking in the same direction, and are sitting right beside each other? Isn’t Sally supposed to be a tactical genius? Well at least this is her not being perfect, but that’s silly of her.
161: If Robotropolis was attacked by a giant magnet, wouldn’t all the Robians be brought here and the Fall of Robotropolis happen? That magic magnet should’ve had dire consequences for Robotnik, I could’ve easily believed that to be what caused it to fall over an earthquake when Robotnik should’ve done earthquake-proofing. 2.
162: In your Face “The Mirror Zone“ by Patrick Spaz: Why did Zonic, if that was the one responsible, create a portal to the reverse Mirror Zone in the first place when the only thing that served was letting Eggman lead a Swatbot inside it and leave a taunting message to Sonic there? 1.
163: In Your Face “Tails’ Tallest Tale” by Scott Shaw: WHY would Tails ever not fly, even a little bit off the ground, JUST BECAUSE there’s a lot of leaves above him? There’s NO REASON he should’ve fallen into the water from that frog surprising him because he should’ve just been flying over the water!
164: There’s no way Tails wouldn’t have noticed the audience getting up and going to look out the window when he was telling that story! He didn’t go blind and deaf while he was telling it!
165: Tails grabs and holds onto the arms of the mecha, while letting his body rotate instead. He spins around. Robotnik says he can’t focus on him long enough to grab him. Just looking at him spinning around magically makes him dizzy! Just as dizzy as he would be if he himself was spinning around. Yeah that’s not confusing.
166: And because Robotnik’s dizzy, he can’t operate the controls that are right in front of him and the mecha itself falls over somehow. This feels WAY too convenient just for the sake of making fun of Robotnik. Why would Eggman have put any buttons in the mecha’s control panel that would achieve THIS RESULT if he pressed them? 4.
167: Issue 20 “That’s the Spirit” by Angelo; Sally’s somehow scared that if the Swatbots see them, they’ll fail, even though she should know Sonic can just spindash through all of them in seconds,
168: and somehow the Swatbots don’t HEAR THEM.
169: Robotnik can create anti-matter machines now, with no magic. Maybe the magic was a Chaos Emerald offscreen. What’s worse, Nicole has an antimatter sensor programmed into her! Just in case! Why?! Rotor would never think to do this.
170: Why didn’t Sonic spindash instead of walking and tripping on the wire?
171: I’d expect Rotor as WELL as Tails to go into denial about Sonic “ dying “ in an explosion. It feels forced that it’s only Tails who’s Genre Savvy enough to know Sonic has to have survived.
172: Why did Sonic take a while, like a couple of seconds, to even notice that he had become intangible and invisible? Why wasn’t he questioning that he survived the explosion of the building?
173: How did Snively get to be the first one to jump out of the airship, when the last time we saw him, Robotnik had pushed him to the floor? 7.
174: Issue 23 “Ivo Robotnik, Freedom Fighter!” by Angelo; Why do Sonic’s friends think he’s dancing when he looks scared?
175: How has Sonic not gathered all the medicinal berries by now with his super speed?
176: Rotor doesn’t hear that Robotnik has a portable roboticizer and is looking for him because he’s focused on finding ants. This is another Big the Cat moment for him. He’s not deaf or stupid.
177: First off, how did Robotnik have a book with him, a Robotnik Guidebook,
178: and two, how did he get the book out when he’s being held in a giant fist from the middle of the chest down,
179: and three, the book is too tiny for the alien to read, so Robotnik’s being an idiot.
180: And fourth, he expects the alien to pay for the book. So very dumb of him.
181: Somehow the alien’s species is trained to live alone in space rather than being interdependent. Yeah because they never need doctors or engineers, right. No man is an island, what if you get hurt? You’d need others to reproduce and keep yourself from going insane from loneliness.
182: If the alien wants to observe species, can’t he just use cameras that fly? How psychopathic is he to put people who can talk to him in an ant farm instead of just observing them with cameras? The story of Rotor trying to feel the morality of an ant farm feel really ham-strung because a sentient species collecting another sentient species for an ant farm versus someone having pets, isn’t comparable.
183: Tails says to Robotnik that he looks like five slaves, not one. It’s out of character for Tails to tease someone for the way they look when he looks very different himself.
184: Why hasn’t Robotnik tried to kill the Freedom Fighters yet?
185: How does Robotnik already know the randomly introduced Freedom Fighter motto? The Freedom Fighter Fact Finder is the same one that didn’t find Knothole, so no it wouldn’t tell him that either.
186: The alien should’ve been able to hear what the heroes were saying, including them saying Robotnik’s not one of them, because he’s right in front of them.
187: Why is Tails sleeping on top of a tree branch? He’s just risking falling off in his sleep and hurting himself.
188: The ants aren’t dead by the time Rotor reaches him since he hasn’t been feeding them in days.
189: How will Robotnik have the materials to build a vehicle to escape the tank when it’s a replica of the Great Forest?
190: The alien wears metal clothes. How uncomfortable and heavy would clothes with metal sleeves be to wear?
191: There’s a button to send an alien into space, which shouldn’t be able to work when the spaceship is currently in space.
192: Why is the alien bothering to ask for help when he has every reason to think ALL of the heroes would want to kill him when one of them almost sucked him into space?
193: Very arbitrary that the alien decided to bring the heroes home and had a Heel Face Turn because they saved him. 20.
194:“The Vol-Ant’-Teer” by Angelo: I hate that for no reason Antoine was acting like he wasn’t noticing the Swatbots and stuff clearly talking loudly behind him about following him.
195: That combined with Antoine constantly narrating to himself out loud in Robotropolis and it made him look like a complete idiot. 2.
196: Issue 25 “Go Ahead… Mecha my Day!” by Mike Gallagher: Why couldn’t Sonic have just taken his shoe off and been able to walk around just fine while Rotor was attaching a camera to it? Why does Sonic have to stay still?
197: Sonic is just learning now what the device being mounted on his sneaker is.
198: Why is Sally only just now explaining why they’re putting a camera on Sonic’s shoe instead of having explained it already? It’s for showing what’s on the other end of a zone portal.
199: Since Sally thinks the new zone portal could be highly disruptive, why does she think it must be explored instead of wanting to keep her friends away from it?
200: How can Robotnik get letters to Sonic when that should tell him where Knothole is? The letters should have Knothole stamps and he should only be able to find the letters in Knothole itself. But somehow he is luring Sonic with stolen fan letters, and met Amy through those letters.
201: Why is the badnik complaining that Robotnik tampering with the mail is a federal offense? He’s his boss.
202: Robotnik doesn’t know where Knothole is, but he can still send a message to the Freedom Fighters about how he kidnapped Amy.
203: Why in the world are the Freedom Fighters like Sally yelling at Sonic in a council for wanting to save Amy exploring the portal? First Sally was adamant on exploring the portal, and now she’s refusing to let Sonic do it and Antoine is calling Sonic out of order.
204: Tails decides to swoop down LOW to avoid being seen rather than swooping HIGH, which forces the concept of him being kidnapped as an extra redundant hostage with Amy. Was this really necessary?
205: Robotnik’s being stupid by not roboticizing Tails and instead using him as redundant extra bait with Amy.
206: Amy cries acting like she has no faith that Sonic’s gonna win the race. She thinks he’ll lose a race.
207: Why is the energy field of the new zone interfering with Sonic’s foot camera?
208: Snively dressing like Robotnik felt like nothing but a hollow reference to the games, it made no sense in-universe for him to do. Robotnik could’ve just as well have had a robot be there or have Sonic know it was Snively, and it wouldn’t have guaranteed that he’d know Robotnik’s plan. 13.
209: Issue 26 “Way, Way Past Cool!” by Angelo; They make Antoine look like a brainless idiot saying that the blizzard is only a brief summer shower, which feels totally Out of Character.
210: Antoine is a braindead idiot again by saying in a panic that Sonic’s turned blue from hypothermia when no, he’s just regular blue.
211: Nicole magically knows where the nearest cave is for the heroes. But has she ever been here before? Good thing this world has functioning Internet and Wi-Fi so Nicole can connect to it and find out where to go. Not.
212: Why didn’t Sally ask her that earlier?
213: For some reason rather than creating heat with his speed, Sonic says he’s got to defrost first.
214: How did they know Robotnik’s sensors couldn’t penetrate the walls of this cave and know where to find it?
215: How in the world would Sonic being cold, having snow around, prevent him from running?! This is especially nonsensical since Fleetway Sonic doesn’t have this problem, he creates heat by running to melt ice no problem.
216: Why’d one of the Arctic Freedom Fighters say to the heroes “ it seems we’re ALL outcasts “?
217: Why isn’t Robotnik affected by the cold? Snively is!
218: The whole reason Robotnik made his weather machine was so that detecting living beings from their heat would be easier because it’s cold. But there’s no indication that he found people and roboticized them because of this, and he should’ve found Knothole with this, but instead they forgot the whole reason he did the plan in the first place ignoring that consequence. 11.
219: Issue 28 “Growing Pains! – Part 1 of 2” by Gallagher: Tails runs away from home. Sure, it’s planned to be temporary, but he should be smart enough to know why that’s such a bad idea, not be a complete idiot.
220: Robotnik thought to put a camera in this tree for no reason which is the only reason he saw Tails running away in his Sea Fox and planned against him with a Fiona robot.
221: Why did Robotnik think to make a robot infiltrator of Fiona in particular? What is the point of that? Sure, she was in the slave camp, but so were other people, and his plan with her was actually to have an infiltrator infiltrate the resistance group, it originally wasn’t to waste her on Tails when that wouldn’t be as useful, though I guess the plan was to use her for the other plan after she’d win against him. 3.
222: Sonic Triple Trouble “Tttriple Tttrouble!!!” by Mike Gallagher: Bounty Hunters R Us is an overly contrived convenient way of Robotnik getting in contact with Fang. Why would it exist, in a world run by Robotnik where he’d roboticize everyone?
223: Good thing Rotor installed a power reading device in the Sea Fox as he was making it for some reason, when it was never meant to be sailed out to sea anyways, because that’s how the heroes discovered the emerald half that created a new zone and went to it.
224: When an emerald half passes in front of the sun, Knuckles assumes it was a meteor that was green, not just assuming it was a Chaos Emerald.
225: Robotnik shouldn’t have put a mute button on his phone wrist-watch of Fang.
226: If all Fang had to do was shoot Sonic with a neural disruptor, what was the point of hiring him, a living being, to go after Sonic instead of Robotnik hiring a robot instead?
227: Why did the Ancient Walker point a pointed stick at Knux and make him scared?
228: How does an Ancient Walker know what a magnet is to be able to use it as an image to talk to him?
229: Sonic didn’t drown even though he was unconscious when he was knocked into the water.
230: A spindash magically gets aimed up and gets Sonic out of the water.
231: Knuckles jumps to the conclusion that Sonic’s behind this (with Fang). Sonic jumped out of the water!
232: Sonic immediately goes to fight Knuckles after Knuckles knocked out Fang, saving his life. It’s a really sudden and contrived fight that’s OOC as both of them are just as hotheaded and violent as each other.
233: When Knuckles turns his hands into buzzsaws, rather than Sonic being terrified of buzzsaws potentially cutting into his skin, he just taunts him.
234: When Knuckles hits Sonic with his buzzsaw hand, it doesn’t cut him at all. That could be explained as Rings, but Knuckles didn’t have any way of knowing he’d have those, so even him attacking Sonic like that was forced because it’d be uncharacteristic of him to use what’d normally be lethal force like that against Sonic.
235: Knux and Sonic are so in sync with their thoughts that they both decided to do the same desperate convoluted thing to prevent the explosion without explaining their plan to each other verbally.
236: Where was Fang planning on spending the money again? Knothole wouldn’t let him in. If he’s planning to go to the place where Fiona lived for so long to avoid being roboticized for so long, how does he know that’s a safe place and wouldn’t it be way too far away? Is he FROM there? Must be so, he’s not from Knothole. What value to this outlaw could money possibly have? He could just threaten people with his guns, why pay them? It would’ve made more sense if Fang was just trying to discourage Robotnik from roboticizing him or his family. 15.
237: Issue 29 “Steel-Belted Sally” by Angelo: So all the dragons have been roboticized EXCEPT Dulcy. The dragons should’ve all taken down Robotropolis in an army, so the fact that they’ve been haphazardly retconned as all being roboticized too proves that they didn’t think it through or plan it as being the case from the start that they existed.
238: Why did Robotnik make a portable deroboticizer? It should’ve been Rotor making it by reverse-engineering it from a portable roboticizer. This thing only exists so they can force the concept of the plot of the heroes turning Sally into a robot to fight Robotnik, because otherwise they never would’ve done this cool logical plan because they wouldn’t be able to bring her back to normal. If Rotor made it, we would’ve had no reason to not see him make more of them and deroboticize everyone, as he should’ve done eventually to actually earn that happening for the heroes in a major victory, which is why this had to be the case instead. And how could a portable deroboticizer even work? Why would a beam, with no magic in it, work? It MUST use Chaos Emerald shards.
239: I guess Rotor’s gizmo is coated in a special coating that keeps it from blowing up the roboticizer with its metal? How would THAT work?That should’ve been explained. Sally only said that the roboticizer blows up if the subject inside is already a robot, but Flynn has it later on that even cyborgs could get destroyed by a roboticizer. It would’ve blown up on Sally while she was being transformed. Granted it’d create a TINY explosion and that’d be easily repairable, but we don’t even get that. It just falls out magically undamaged and scannable.
240: It’s a miracle that Sally and Sonic immediately know that Bunnie’s plan to turn one of them into a robot is a plan to have them keep their free will with a device of Rotor’s as a robot. How would they know that right away? Sally’s the paranoid one, not Antoine, she should’ve freaked out even more than him.
241: It seems really Out of Character that Sally would agree to a risky plan to get herself turned into a robot, even with something that’ll let her keep her free will. Anyone else would’ve done it, but still Sally’d say no, as Issue 39 shows.
242: Now all of a sudden there’s a Swatbot that rather than simply talking like all the other ones, only says, “ this is a recording, “ after saying what he does.
243: The free will chip fell out from behind Sally’s ear when she was put in the roboticizer. Rotor would’ve made the device able to work when in her mouth or pierced her ear and had it as an earring. Instead, it was in a place that was easy for Robotnik to find.
244: Why did Robotnik take offense to being told that he’s trusting and innocent as a shark, when he’s knowingly evil and proud of it?
245: Why was Metal Sally able to resist Eggman’s control by slowing herself down? 10.
246: Issue 29 “Growing Pains! – Part 2 of 2” by Gallagher: The idea that a robot infiltrator wouldn’t be waterproof is again bullshit. So a Deus ex Machina rusts her, which comes out of nowhere.
247: Tails thinks he can make Robotnik repair Fake Fiona, all to force him not to get her repaired by Rotor because he thinks she’ll be saved. The writers completely forget about her and it’s forever a dangling plot thread because we never see the fake Fiona again. 2.
248: Tails Miniseries Issue 1 “Southern Crossover! Part I” by Gallagher: Tails is happily talking as if he’s abandoning his friends because he’s growing up. That seems OOC, no matter how resentful he is of their infantile treatment.
249: Why the hell would the invisibility cloak of the blimp be so that when you see the blimp from directly below, you can see it? If he’s capable of making a cloaking device, he’d also be capable of making one without that convenient weakness.
250: Tails apparently didn’t destroy Octobot with missiles, letting Octobot live on to inconvenience him in a Diabolus ex Machina.
251: How is Crocbot able to plot against Robotnik? Shouldn’t he not have free will? The idea that he’s able to plot against him at all is completely ridiculous. I thought the whole reason he had a robot sub-boss was so that this wouldn’t happen. Why didn’t he put a Robian in charge instead?
252: Since the Forty Fathom Freedom Fighters have been fighting Octobot for all this time, why hadn’t they destroyed him before this issue happened? Because they do amazing overpowering him here. 5.
253: Tails Miniseries Issue 2 “Southern Crossover! Part 2” by Gallagher: Athair being in Downunda feels very forced, he should be somewhere else. In retrospect, why wasn’t he with the wandering tribe? He wouldn’t leave it to go see his dying mother but he’ll leave it to tell Tails a prophecy FAR in advance when that’ll turn out to be pointless!
254: How did the sea creature speak understandably underwater? 2.
255: Tails Miniseries Issue 3 “Southern Crossover! Part 3” by Gallagher: Why was Tails scared of Athair from thinking he was Knuckles?
256: Why did Tails ever think the elderly Athair WAS Knuckles? He’s in Downunda, not on Angel Island.
257: Why would Athair lie to Tails that the Ancient Walkers were statues and they weren’t speaking through him at all?
258: Why did Athair leave so quickly without explanation when Barby the Koala showed up? It was rude to Tails.
259: The hippie sings about peace when Crocbot is attacking, which is really stupid of him to do.
260: Why would the explosion of the Boomerang create an image of Athair’s head? Athair isn’t here. He left Tails a while ago. 6.
261: Super Sonic vs Hyper Knuckles “Clash of the Titans”: Knux gets a wild conspiracy theory that Robotropolis isn’t radioactive because of toxins but because of the Lake of Rings’ radiation. It wouldn’t have nuclear radiation from magic Rings. I hope that’s not the only reason he decided to go there and start his part of the plot because that’s forced.
262: Why would Sonic waste time standing in front of Knuckles reading out what Sally wanted him to right after he hit Knuckles? He wanted to rush into a fight, and he ran out the door of his base with no indication he was holding that thing. It was just an Idiot Ball excuse for him to get hit by Knuckles. Since when is Sonic so obedient to Sally? He doesn’t even try to read all of it. So he wouldn’t try at all.
263: Why’d Knux call Sally Princess Sally Acorn if she had been his childhood friend for years? They were childhood friends, so he wouldn’t be referring to her in a formal way like this.
264: Why did Sally tell Sonic to go after Knuckles in that magical zone? Shouldn’t she have known they’d just start fighting there? They were fighting before!
265: I’m expected to believe Sonic wasn’t about to bring up that Sally was friends with Knuckles when he questioned that before and instead was asking about chili dogs.
266: How did Mighty hear about Sonic and Knux’s fight when they were alone together in a different zone entirely? 6.
267: Issue 30 “The Return of Uncle Chuck” by Angelo; Shouldn’t Robotnik know why Snively’s running a test of a test?
268: Why would Robotnik decide to do it himself if he disagrees with Snively doing this?
269: HOW did Robotnik get warped away to the Void?! He wasn’t in the tube, Chuck was! All he did was press a button, why did that warp him away and trap him?! How could someone unintentionally program the machine to make that mistake?
270: Uncle Chuck regaining his free will is extremely forced and so confusing that I forgot how it happened once. He was teleported with the tech that sent the king to the Zone of Silence. The fact that Chuck’s rescue is so contrived and stupid and confusing, is really an anticlimactic and underwhelming way of saving him. They couldn’t think of a way to save him that was epic since it by nature should’ve been quick and easy, just have Sonic pick him up and run away with him and put him in a deroboticizer or reprogram him with Rotor.
271: Nicole is used as an omniscient psychic god because she magically knows that the most likely result of Snively taking over the world, would be the world’s destruction. She doesn’t know him that well.
272: How did Snively get the “ same uniform “ as Robotnik to fit him perfectly?
273: Why does Snively think teleporting away a forest will prove he’s not a sicko? And why didn’t Snively aim at the Great Forest as a whole and thus Knothole instead of hitting some random trees?! I guess he couldn’t warp away THAT much at once.
274: Sonic distracting Snively to slow down his airship hinges on the idea that biting two chili dogs at once can cause a loud CHOMP sound. It would’ve worked better if he was eating chips. Or he could’ve yelled at him suddenly, or said something really confusing, like “ Robotnik wears dresses, “ making him laugh.
275: Why would Robotnik follow through his end of the bargain after he agreed to not harm Snively and the heroes?
276: They don’t even bother to explain why Sonic escaped the Void. I guess Robotnik was feeling very generous that day. 11.
277: “Who Keeps Stealing my Chaos Emeralds?!”by Paul Castiglia; Why would Robotnik send Coconuts to protect his remaining Emeralds on his island base instead of sending a much more powerful robot? 1.
278: Issue 31 “Tundra Road – Part One” by Gallagher: Why hasn’t Robotnik polluted the North Pole yet? How can it be the last pristine place, especially since it’s just snow? Wouldn’t he have had both the poles completely melt by now by accident from global warming?
279: Why would Sally ever let Rotor leave to save his family by himself with no protection at all? Why wouldn’t she send Bunnie with him as a bodyguard? The brilliant tactician, everyone!
280: The idea that Rotor’s walrus herd was brainwashed not by nanobots, cybernetics or roboticization, but because a neuron bomb went off above them. How’d that brainwash them instead of killing them?! It could’ve been so much simpler.
281: Rotor gets knocked out and then falls underwater, and somehow doesn’t immediately get water in his lungs and drown before he could be saved. 4.
282: Issue 32 “Blast from the Past” by Angelo: Sonic only just now told Bunnie about his pet Muttski.
283: For some reason, when Sonic causes the heating ray to speed up its process, the caveman is fine when it’s unfrozen instead of dying from being reheated too fast. It’s really glaring because Rotor was clearly going to make a heating ray that would take a long time to carefully thaw him, so they seemed to be aware of the rules of reality, but then they’re ignored.
284: Why is Sonic opposed to helping and reviving the caveman? He’s supposed to be reckless, but he psychically knows the caveman will cause trouble
285: while Bunnie and Rotor didn’t somehow. Rotor’s a genius. Chuck also should’ve known better and prevented this.
286: Sonic gets dizzy so that he’ll need rescuing by Mobie. But the spindash never does that to him! Also, good thing the caveman believes Sonic about this robot dog being his beloved dog when Muttski was trying to attack him earlier. Well, this is a world with a cyborg in it, maybe he thought anything was possible at that point.
287: No way Muttski’s paw would break off that easily, a robot would be better built than that. And that’s not funny, Muttski should’ve been freaking out. Why did they laugh at it?
288: Robotnik doesn’t know about the Mobian Jungle that the caveman was put in. You’d think he’d know about every part of the world due to satellites and geographers. But somehow, he never gets found by Robotnik and roboticized. 7.
289: Issue 32 “Tundra Road – Part Two” by Gallagher: The French guy thinks the Arctic Freedom Fighters can’t help Rotor because they live far away even though they’re right there in the Arctic.
290: The polar bear Augustus grabs Rotor threateningly for asking for help.
291: Rotor had an electronic tracker with him for no reason, that lets him track his herd so it doesn’t die of exposure on the ice floe. Good thing it was waterproof to not stop working when he fell in the water! So did he use that to find the herd later and make sure they would be taken care of while they were still brainwashed? They logically should’ve starved since they weren’t robots. 3.
292: Issue 33 “Let’s Get Small!” by Gallagher: Why would the Freedom Fighters ever be stupid enough to buy from a fast food restaurant called McRobo’s, which would obviously be from Robotnik? The entire foundation of the story is forced. Wouldn’t it be a restaurant that’d be new and unfamiliar, and obviously outside of Knothole or else Robotnik would’ve discovered where it is? Shouldn’t they have gone for a Knothole restaurant instead? Robotnik shouldn’t have been able to get at their food supply in the first place since he doesn’t know where Knothole is, and if he could, he would’ve poisoned it more lethally rather than putting sickness nanobots in it. It’s very OOC for Sally to have fallen for this. The whole of Knothole was deserted, implying that all the villagers were poisoned by this McRobos, which is also really silly. We even see a civilian next to the Freedom Fighters who is poisoned.
293: If Eggman could make a virus against the heroes, why didn’t he make a virus powerful enough to kill them really quickly, instead of a virus so lame that Sonic could save the heroes from it just by inspiring their ” auntie bodies ” to fight back when they thought it was hopeless? Why didn’t he make it a terminal disease like the plague at that point? If the answer is that then winning would be too easy, SO was THIS! Also why was he fine with doing this to them when he wouldn’t be able to see his victory, like he could by accessing the memory banks of a robot that’d defeat them?
294: The antibodies are sentient people that look like normal Mobians, which is DUMB.
295: How can the antibodies call each other on cell phones and call antibodies from other people?
296: The fire from the nanobots somehow doesn’t kill the people whose bodies have the fire in them. 5.
297: Issue 34 “To ‘Bot or Not to ‘Bot!” by Angelo; The deroboticization process by Rotor DOESN’T WORK on Chuck and Muttski no matter what, which is extremely stupid and arbitrary. It’s only from meta logic.
298: I’m expected to believe Robians don’t get tired. You can only leave a computer on for so long.
299: Why is Snively surprised and startled by the sight of Robotnik leading an army of Combots? Shouldn’t he be used to him by now?
300: Dulcy forgets that the Combots are invincible and only remembers that they’re invisible, which makes the heroes think they’d have a fighting chance because she says that to them.
301: WHY did Robotnik not roboticize Sonic?! He had him captured! That was the perfect chance! Why waste the opportunity by tying him to the front of a tank?! He should roboticize him and then do that, if he wants to so badly! That’s a huge idiot moment for him.
302: How did Chuck train Muttski to pretend to be against Sonic? He couldn’t give him food because he’s a robot. I guess he was reprogrammed, to both be okay with not eating treats anymore as a robot, and reprogrammed later to know to pretend to be against Sonic.
303: It sure was convenient that Dulcy happened to be right next to Robotnik and Snively’s window to overhear their plan with the Combots. 7.
304: Issue 35 “Rings of Truth!” by Gallagher: For some reason something super special happens when Sonic collects his one billionth Ring, getting him to the Ancient Walkers as its result, instead of giving him a super form.
305: Why did Robotnik keep track of every Ring Sonic got,
306: how could he possibly know how many Rings he collected,
307: and how did he already know ahead of time that his one billionth Ring would cause something special to happen to him?
308: Why DO the Ancient Walkers live in another dimension when they come from Mobius? It’s implied by Mogul that they’ve lived here long before Robotnik, so that’s not it.
309: Why are the Ancient Walkers messing with Sonic instead of being straightforward with him? Why are they being cryptic and making him figure stuff out?
310: These Ancient Walkers knowing English from another dimension raises the question of why the other Ancient Walkers didn’t know English and these ones do.
311: Why did the billionth Ring lift Sonic really high and grow to save him from an emerald sea, and so on, and so forth? Shouldn’t it be just like every other Ring? That’s dumb. It takes high temperatures to keep gemstones liquid, so why would Sonic putting his hand in the emerald sea bring out harmless solid emeralds instead of burning him horribly? Shouldn’t he die from the convection alone? So it’s not a real sea, it’s not liquid after all.
312: How in the world do you spend that long living on Mobius without knowing that Emeralds and Rings are related to each other? Later on it’s explained that Nate created Rings using Emerald power.
313: Good thing Rings are familiar with the human’s infinity symbol to form it as a hint, somehow, without sentience.
314: WHY would Robotnik have a dashboard alarm made to detect when Sonic will come back from the Ancient Walker dimension after getting his one billionth ring? Maybe it’s just a Sonic detector in general using his DNA. But that’s the only time we see it being used, making it look overly convenient for Robotnik and fitted for this exact situation. The BIG PROBLEM is that the alarm goes off BEFORE Sonic shows up from out of the portal. So if it detects his DNA, why is it able to detect Sonic when Sonic’s not even in the dimension yet? Also why didn’t it track him down to Knothole? I guess it only works at close-range.
315: Why would Sonic’s one billionth Ring creating a protective aura around him be considered special when all Rings do that? That has to be why a lot of the Sonic characters survive lethal slapstick and don’t get hurt as much as they would. 12.
316: Issue 37 ” The Day Robotropolis Fell “ by Angelo: Nicole quantifies their chances of surviving leaving the quaking Robotropolis. How?
317: Sure is convenient there was a hole in the falling tower for Sonic to jump through for no reason. 2.
318: Issue 38 “The Rise of Robotropolis… The Fall of Sonic!” by Kent Taylor: Sonic is humming his theme song from a cartoon, which is dumb meta logic since that song doesn’t exist in his universe, unless it does. Anyways, why doesn’t Sonic just use the Ring he has to WISH HIS SPEED BACK when he loses it?
319: Antoine was dropped onto a robot from a high height and somehow that doesn’t injure him.
320: It’s annoyingly inconsistent that THIS time, an explosion near someone knocks them out, and it’s Sonic of all people?
321: Why would Sonic ever lose his super speed just because lightning struck a robot near him? That’s very dumb. And that’s the entire premise of the story, so the whole story never should’ve happened. He was holding a Ring at the time, which by definition should’ve made him invulnerable to the attack.
322: No matter how stressed out Sonic is deep down from losing his super speed, him insulting Dylan that he’s no cousin of his, and calling him Porky, RIGHT AFTER HE SAVED HIS LIFE, came completely out of nowhere. He’s just unnecessarily awful to him after he saved his life, just like Hamlin to Geoffrey.
323: Robotropolis was rebuilt way too quickly. Why call the previous story the Fall of it, then? 6.
324: Issue 39 “Rage against the Machine” by Gallagher: Sonic should NEVER want to become a robot, ever, not even temporarily for a plan.
325: Sonic also never should’ve gone into the weights room to blow off steam because he NEVER showed any indication of doing that regularly earlier. Sonic is not the type to lift weights. And this is the entire premise of the story, since him going there is just an excuse for Fang to drop a dumbbell on him.
326: Since when is SALLY the one who has the most faith in Sonic to be loyal and not go behind her back? She CONSTANTLY shows paranoia of Sonic! She thought he’d ditch her when she was trapped in the claw of a giant mecha, and when she was in a simulation! Is she trying too hard to compensate for it by pretending she has faith in him now? I guess so. The real plot hole is, why would Sally even call it disloyalty when it’s Sonic trying to help them with a misguided plan?!
I bet Robotnik has the same approach where he punishes robots for trying to help him just because they’re doing something he tells them not to do. (IDW Eggman literally has the same approach when Starline brought the Zeti to his Faceship to control the zombots. He should’ve instantly known he was just trying to help him control them because they’re technomages, not called Starline a traitor just for acting independently, with a risky plan to help him.)
If Sonic WAS disloyal, he’d inconvenience the heroes, but instead he doesn’t even beat up Antoine. What if Sally got addicted to drugs, would she call it disloyal and betrayal for Sonic taking her to rehab when she doesn’t order him to? This is one of the two things that makes the heroes’ heartless treatment of Sonic a horrible OOC moment for almost all of them, because it’s just stupid.
327: The entire premise of the story and thus Issue 40 once again is stupid because you’d think the heroes would assume that since Sonic’s attacking them, he must have not had the neuro-overrider on, so why in the world would they ever think he was betraying them? It was just a bad coincidence. It’s not like the heroes think those things don’t work, because that wasn’t said to Sonic when his plan was turned down, he was talking as if they did work. No matter what, they should care more about their friend and have the selfish “ he did something I said not to, “ be the LAST THING on their minds. They all just act like Sonic betrayed them right away the very instant they see him roboticized, which is disgusting. Plus if there ARE neuro-overriders, since the Combots were introduced, there’s no reason EVERYONE shouldn’t be wearing them just in case. Rotor should’ve made as many of them as possible. So Sonic would have one, not that it’d have mattered.
328: Why the HELL would Robotnik not roboticize Fang?! Why ever waste a perfectly good robot slave? This would’ve been great satisfying karma for Fang, making him a robot, too.
329: Nicole the magic wand psychically knows that Mecha Sonic is Sonic and not a new robot Sonic like Metal Sonic, even though there should be no trace of Sonic’s DNA in him because he’s oil and metal with no DNA in him. It would’ve been much less depressing if the heroes never knew it was actually Sonic to begin with. The entire depressingness as a whole could’ve been easily avoided. THANKS, Nicole, thanks a lot, you big mouth! So yet another reason the whole story arc should’ve gone differently.
330: Why didn’t Knuckles inquire into Tails saying he met Athair? I know he’s excited to fight Mecha Sonic, but come on, that’d distract him.
331: More importantly, if Sally’s so okay with roboticizing her friends for a last resort, then why didn’t she agree to Sonic’s plan?! She has a safer roboticizer with her, so they should’ve carried out the plan of Sonic’s with THAT and there would be no risk because Robotnik wouldn’t be there with brain-burner tech to stop the plan! So another reason the whole story arc never should’ve happened. If it’s called Operation Last Resort, why aren’t they just accepting because of the idea that Sonic did this plan as a last resort? 8.
332: “Mecha Madness” by Gallagher: (remember, it has the same forced concepts as last issue of the heroes being OOC instead of worried for Sonic and thinking he’s a traitor and not brainwashed, so with that:) When Knuckles wakes up from the daze, he attacks Rotor because he’s fat. But he’s not seeing him as Robotnik.
333: It’s forced that Antoine and Rotor get all panicky and teary when Knuckles goes into the roboticizer. They know they can deroboticize him!
334: The roboticized Sonic resists and hesitates at following Robotnik’s orders to destroy his former allies, and send the location of Knothole, which makes zero sense, because Robotnik had upgraded his roboticizer in the anti-free will department and if he was able to resist at all, it’d prove he has free will, which he clearly doesn’t.
335: Robotnik should be given a much shorter life by the remaining nuclear fallout after leaving the nuclear shelter. He wouldn’t last a day after just having a radioactive capsule at home for a night. He should know that, not fearlessly leave and survive until issue 50.
336: How the hell would Knuckles know that Robotnik started using inferior foreign parts to make roboticizers?
337: And how would Knuckles know about his brain-burn roboticizer?!
338: It’s illogical that Sonic would blame himself and want to die when he should know he didn’t have proper free will and it wasn’t his fault Fang knocked him out and Eggman roboticized him.
339: Why does Sonic have a headache after being returned to normal, when if it was because he retained damage from earlier, he’d look a LOT MORE HURT? Why would Nicole save his data from when he had a headache?
340: Nicole apparently has the data, so she can be plugged into Mecha Sonic since he has a hole to do that. So now Nicole’s a deroboticizer, at least for Sonic because of the Ring in him.
341: SINCE WHEN can Nicole’s handheld form JUMP out of Rotor’s HAND?! HOW?! Rotor should’ve just agreed right away instead. If he thinks the required energy would, whatever, then why’d he say that if he’ll be wrong?!
342: If even Knuckles knows about brain-burn through system, they should’ve, so they should’ve told Sonic about it in the beginning of issue 39 to fully convince themselves that he wouldn’t do that since the chips wouldn’t work.
343: Friends don’t send their friends to prison for trying to help them! Plus, they should know they’re doomed without Sonic, and be so relieved that he’s back to normal that they’d forgive him. 12.
344: Mecha Madness “Don’t Let the Island Hit you on the way Down” by Kent Taylor: Mogul is the former ruler of Mobius, born centuries before most modern races. So why isn’t he ruling Mobius right now? He’s a powerful wizard! He must have outlived the original people who were somehow powerful enough to dethrone him, so why didn’t he take back the world, why didn’t he keep Robotnik from rising to power? This is very forced. Not angering, but still, Mogul should’ve come from a separate dimension, that was destroyed or whatever better explanation made it so he had to flee here, and the emeralds there were more powerful to make him immortal.
345: Why is he immortal? Plenty use emeralds and aren’t immortal, and I don’t see why the emerald being in his chest should make a difference instead of just damaging/destroying a vital organ. The emerald’s just a little closer to him than it is when someone holds it. It doesn’t make them immortal from holding it, or, did it and we just didn’t know?
346: Why would ONE more emerald from the Floating Island increase his power a thousand-fold to let him take over the world? 3.
347: Mecha Madness “Eel of Fortune” by Gallagher: Why the hell is Octobot afraid of the Eel mafia guy instead of trying to roboticize him? He should’ve grabbed the Eel Capone with his eight tentacles. The whole plot is nonsensical because of that alone. 1.
348: Issue 40 “Court Martial” by Gallagher: What has Antoine done lately to deserve being given a coronation and promoted? After he’ll tackle Geoffrey, he’ll go literally over a hundred issues without any badass moments of usefulness.
349: Why is Sonic being given chili dogs in prison, even if stale ones? And yet Sally says no one deserves special treatment. But that has to be why he’s getting these, illegally.
350: It’s extremely forced that Bunnie dismisses Sonic saving her life with, “ That’s old news, sugah! “ the most ungrateful assholey thing she could ever say to that.
351: Bunnie also wants to murder Sonic with a hedgehog hunter if he tries to run. You’d expect better from the bland nice girl! It’s not even like she was stuck in the hospital with horrible injuries because of Mecha Sonic’s shock. She got up after it.
352: Antoine is an extremely harsh prosecutor and it’s to the point of him scaring his own friends, even making a little girl cry. This is OOC even for someone who was bullied by Sonic. He’s very harsh to BUNNIE, Amy and Tails! Maybe this has been building up in him for years since Sonic bullied him for his entire life and always got away with it. Still doesn’t explain why he’s yelling at friends who didn’t bully him.
353: More importantly, why is Antoine the prosecutor? He’s not a lawyer, first of all. So this would not be legal.
354: And second, Antoine has a very vested interest in getting Sonic in jail, so making such a biased person the prosecutor shouldn’t be legal! This is the kind of hateful behavior that would even get a member of the JURY kicked out for bias. He personally knows Sonic!
355: How would Sonic know it was Fang who got him roboticized? Sure, the cell next to him was empty, but that could’ve been a coincidence. If Antoine wasn’t familiar enough with who is in every cell and where everyone is in the prison to even notice that, WHY would Sonic know that that’s Fang’s cell? He wouldn’t have seen when Fang was put in it. Fang knocked him out with a barbell very shortly after leaving prison. How would he know who exactly to blame and where to go? It’s a Deus ex Machina.
356: Sonic turns his hands into buzzsaws to shred his cuffs out of complete nowhere. Well, then, I guess that’s how Scourge gets rid of HIS handcuffs. Fine, he’s a magical blue hedgehog. More importantly, why IS there a badnik hobo jungle instead of Robotnik getting all the obsolete robots of his scrapped for spare parts? Why would the badniks decide to go there and disobey Robotnik’s desire for that?
357: How would the badniks know where Fang is? They aren’t friends.
358: How can Fang have an account with a PIN number in a world like this when he’s a fugitive? Governments can freeze bank accounts.
359: It feels very Deus ex Machina that Sonic wakes up in Fang’s vehicle and punches him. The last two times he was knocked out, he took way longer to wake up.
360: Why the hell would Fang’s vehicle have a self-destruct mechanism in it?
361: Somehow Sonic was able to pop out the windscreen of Rotor’s wrist monitor
362: and use it as a GAS MASK filter. How?!
363: Why did they bother making him wear the wrist monitor if he’s able to take it off?
364: How would Sonic instantly forgive his friends for that betrayal, including Antoine, and turn down a public apology?! If he was a good audience surrogate and thus main character, he would still be sore with them and have trust issues with them and be especially bitter towards Antoine for scheming against him, but no, everything’s happy and kiddy after Sonic was put in prison. 17.
365: Sonic’s Quest Issue 1 “The Death Egg Saga Book One – Scrambled” by Gallagher: Why and how was Sonic up at the crack of dawn if he wasn’t part of the mission with Geoffrey and Sally?
366: How could the doctor stabilize the king in a crystallized delirious condition like this? This is something he should have no experience with.
367: Wouldn’t deodorant cover up Geoffrey’s stench? So how could he smell all the time?
368: Somehow the air of Mobius is adversely affecting the king and making him crystallized even though the air of the Zone of Silence has to be the same or the heroes would’ve had trouble breathing or commented on the air being different. Why would NORMAL air affect him adversely and not the magic air of the Zone of Silence? To this day, I still don’t understand why the king was crystallized and delirious after leaving the Zone of Silence. If that was a spell of Ixis in the event he leaves the zone, he should’ve had a spell instead to just warp him back to him in the event he leaves the zone, then.
369: If the special billionth ring’s power is tied to Sonic and loyal to him, why was it able to affect the king at all, let alone temporarily snap him out of it?
370: Rings shouldn’t help the king at all if an Emerald will just make him more crystallized as Emeralds and Rings have something in common. They shouldn’t think to go look for Rings. They’re just weaker Emeralds.
371: Why didn’t Sonic wish on the Ring that the king would recover? He was already doing that in his thoughts but that only temporarily woke him up somehow.
372: Tails and Sonic should’ve assumed the evil plan was by Robotnik right away.
373: Sonic, why would you ever leave Tails alone ANYWHERE? Every single time you’ve leave him behind, he gets in trouble! Granted, Sonic is supposed to be reckless. But it’s still a giant Idiot Ball to get them separated. 9.
374: Sonic’s Quest Issue 2 “The Death Egg Saga Book Two – Poached” by Gallagher: How IS Tails able to operate a Swatbot like a puppet and fit in the entirety of it like it’s a HOLLOW suit? Wouldn’t it have wires in it? Wouldn’t people notice that Tails’ Swatbot disguise has a cracked head? Like Robotnik. Maybe he did and figured he tripped and fell or bumped into something. And he didn’t care enough to mention it.
375: Sonic magically keeps himself hovering in the air with the Super Peel-Out so he can punch the roboticized Carl Condor. That’s dumb, but fine, he’s magical anyways. More importantly, why were the giant Burrobots close together when they were seen going in separate directions on Angel Island to search it better earlier?
376: If the Emerald has infinite power, why is it that it can’t distribute enough power in every single part of the island for all of it to stay above the ocean?
377: Why haven’t the rest of the civilians on Angel Island fallen off the island when it was tilting, when we saw the Chaotix almost falling off it? 4.
378: Sonic’s Quest Issue 3 ‘The Death Egg Saga Book Three – Over Easy” by Gallagher: How did Tails rig the Death Egg to explode when he doesn’t know what any of its buttons do and isn’t smart yet?
379: The detonation of the Death Egg is felt all over Mobius. Wouldn’t that have severely harmful effects on the place closest to it, then? It doesn’t.
380: Robotnik landing on Snively from a fall smooshes him against his rear and he’s stuck there for a long time, and somehow that doesn’t kill him, from either the impact right away or the effects of having to stay there not being able to get himself water or go to the washroom the whole time. Rule of Funny. 3.
381: Issue 42 “In Every Kingdom There Must Exist A Little Chaos!” by Kent Taylor: Sonic just leaves Angel Island instead of getting the spare emeralds from Knuckles to save King Acorn. That feels like a major OOC moment for him, he wouldn’t just give up. He was fighting him when they were both Super earlier.
382: More importantly, when did Sonic learn that Knuckles had a spare Emerald so he could go fight him for it later? When did Eggman tell him that?
383: If the Crown of Acorns was so powerful, and the king had it on, why did the king not defeat all the robots and Robotnik with it? Also if it can’t do that, why did Tails misread the royal document as the hall of Jimbo? Stupid joke.
384: Sleuth is derailed to be a pure evil traitor for power by Robotnik. Why would ANYONE trust Robotnik to hold up his end of the bargain? Robotnik doesn’t need him as he is with free will, so why would a Mobian support someone who roboticizes? The betrayal comes out of nowhere to prove Sally right about her inexplicable paranoia about him. This used to be a character smart enough to think he should make it so that his coded messages on a wall really are just graffiti, just in case, by making actual graffiti near them, so his only trait before this was being smart, but only an idiot or someone just ignorant would trust Robotnik.
385: More importantly, Sleuth expects us to believe that Eggman STILL DOESN’T KNOW where the LAKE OF RINGS IS even though Combots clearly discovered it in 38 and lived to capture the Freedom Fighters afterwards, and made it back to Eggman. But somehow he still didn’t know where it was. So he needed to betray Sally by following her here.
386: Sonic generates tornadoes by spinning his hands in a tiny circle downwards at his side from the air, and this bullshit power is never used again. At least it’s still aerokinetic, but still. All of his bullshit powers could be totally justified if he had a bunch of Rings or an Emerald to enhance his natural abilities. But he’s a magical hedgehog. More importantly, why did Knuckles once find the Kingdom of Acorn beautiful when he’s never been to it before when it WAS beautiful? He talks like he knows firsthand how it was.
387: Good thing the crystallization that accelerated reversed itself after the emerald wasn’t being drained anymore.
388: Apparently Rings can grant knowledge, giving Sonic a vision that the Sword of Acorns has a magical link to the crown that will lead them to it. Why didn’t the Ring also TELL HIM where the Sword WAS?! Couldn’t the royal document have told them all that? 8.
389: Sonic Live “ The Substitute Freedom Fighters “ by Rich Koslowski: Why is it that I’m expected to believe Sonic’s friends got kidnapped in a fight so easily? Bunnie was there, and she’s not totally useless and incompetent. 1.
390: Issue 45 “Guerilla Thriller” by Angelo: Why would Rotor know about rare berries? It’s not like he’s a berryologist, he’s an engineer! How does this fall into his line of interest? That wasn’t even necessary, they could’ve found out about what the berries do from Sonic falling asleep anyways. Anyways, since people can have two interests, here’s the real forced thing; for some reason the gorilla warriors agree to letting Sonic leave to find them weapons in exchange for their freedom. If they’re already skeptical of him, shouldn’t they not let him out of their sight?
391: Supposedly the gorillas used to be gentle and timid. They’re jungle warriors, they have to hunt! If they were ever gentle and timid, they wouldn’t have had the heart to kill animals to survive to this point!
392: How could Snively expect to be promoted? He’s already second-in-command!
393: The whole premise/foundation of the story is that Sonic and Rotor are being treated like slaves by the jungle people. That always felt forced, shouldn’t they KNOW that if the most competent heroes were captured by them, Robotnik would run free and ruin the jungle? How can the heroes be useful to them if they’re chained to trees? 4.
394: Sonic Blast “Sonic Blast” by Gallagher: Why would Sally think she needs to keep her friendship with Knuckles earlier a secret to PROTECT THE PLANET? Would it explode?
395: How did Sally get to Sonic before Rotor and Tails in the submarine did? How fast IS she? No shortcut is faster than a submarine!
396: Since WHEN does water from water shooters deroboticize Flickies, let alone anything?! Sonic threw water from the ocean at some and that worked! It must be infused with Emerald power from offscreen. But then the heroes would’ve used water OR Emeralds to deroboticize EVERYONE. How did they not think of that? They were lucky they ever saw one portable derobotizer. They lost it before they could analyze it, and they wouldn’t get another one. If they did, it’d only have enough juice for one person, so they couldn’t put that energy in THAT MUCH WATER. They’d only be able to deroboticize one Flicky and even that’d be lucky. We don’t see the heroes proceed to use water guns against Robians in general after this either, for some reason. Why is this rule for only Flickies?
397: Good thing they brought water shooters, when those water shooters can’t hurt anything, so why would they ever put them in the submarine?
398: Robotnik shocks Sonic with his nose, and conveniently, Sonic snaps out of it instantly and immediately is able to jump into the Flicky Ring with Robotnik. Worst shock ever!
399: How did Robotnik have all those bosses on hand for Sonic? He just got to the island, alone. He didn’t expect Sonic. Did Sonic stand there and politely wait for Robotnik to finish making every mecha against him? Well, he does love a challenge, so maybe he did. But he’s impatient! He’d be insanely bored by all that waiting! But fine. The real question is, why was the giant stone Flicky sleeping SITTING UP? That’s not comfortable. Also, I don’t see how Sonic’s atoms vibrating fast enough would let him go intangible to free himself from the cape! Just call it magic! Why pretend it’s scientific? Well, he is a magic hedgehog. And later we find out he’s a fan of The Flash, and that’s where he got this idea. 8.
400: Sonic Blast “Bugged Bunnie” by Angelo: Why would the mole eat the tracking device?
401: If Eggman could just build a tracking device and stick it on someone to find Knothole, why didn’t he do it already and find it? 2.
402: Issue 50 “The Big Goodbye” (by Gallagher p 4-9 starting with Jules and Chuck saving Robotnik and the last page is where Tails and Rotor get stopped in escaping by fake king; Karl Bollers for pages 10 to 15 which start with Robotnik and Crocbot talking, shows Hershey against Drago and big fight, and end with Robotnik saying only he can exist, Kent Taylor for pg 16-21 which ends a page before Robotnik’s disappearance, Penders in the Robotnik backstory beginning three pages and exposition confusing ending): Why has no one noticed or commented on the disappearance of Antoine and Bunnie? 1.
403: by Karl Bollers: Somehow Bunnie’s collar had been gotten off and she had thrown it without it exploding. If someone can just take the collar off, why did anyone bother with such a pathetic collar? I don’t understand Bunnie and Antoine’s escape at all. At least it gets explained as Barba doing it later. But how do the Downunda Freedom Fighters expect to take out Crocbot and his crew with no special powers or weapons? How overconfident. 1.
404: by Kent Taylor: Robotnik made a video diary for nobody for no reason and this idiotic mistake by a dictator only happened so Antoine could find out about the Ultimate Annihilator.
405: Sonic thinks that if he modulates the “ frequency “ of his speed while running, he can create after-images of himself to mess with any opponent. First off, he wouldn’t say modulate.
406: Also speed has no frequency. And he could create those simply by going fast enough, no modulation involved, so why say that?
407: How’d Robotnik know about Antoine’s attempt to stop the Ultimate Annihilator? There was no indication that he was anywhere near a, ” plot convenience monitor, ” we saw him saying this in a room without one in it.
408: How did an announcement happen telling Robotnik exactly what happened to inconvenience the Ultimate Annihilator? How could Robotnik predict that this would happen?
409: For no reason Sonic feels like he’s been put through the wringer and collapses. He doesn’t tire that easily, all he did was fight with Robotnik directly for a bit. 6.
410: Issue 51 “Reality Bytes” by Bollers: Why does Sonic think “ first my best friends BETRAY me, “ and, “ betrayed by my best friends,” when they couldn’t help being roboticized in that dream? And he didn’t think this way in issue 40.
411: Bunnie’s eyes changing colors isn’t what tips Sonic off that she’s a robot.
412: Why does the Bunnie robot even know about Chuck’s holographic projection?
413: If Sonic couldn’t even lift the Ring, why was he able to give it to the robot Bunnie as a straitjacket?
414: Sonic somehow figures out what the Chuck hologram’s gibberish is.
415: How was Chuck able to say Sonic’s name in the message when the rest of it was gibberish?
416: Sonic going into denial about the whole situation saying that it doesn’t feel real, magically wakes him up from the simulation. You’d think Snively would’ve made waking up from it impossible. Snively shouldn’t have made a dream with the assumption that Sonic would give up because he should know that wouldn’t happen. He should’ve just programmed it so Sonic would always stay in the dream regardless of whether he figured out it wasn’t real.
417: How was Sonic’s award booby-trapped to give Sonic a bad dream when Snively couldn’t possibly get to the award? Knothole’s in a temporal zone that can only be accessed through the Great Oak Slide stump. Snively might not even know it still exists. 8.
418: Issue 52 “The Discovery Zone” by Tom Rolston: Somehow Sonic’s never been to this part of the forest before, in ALL the years he’s lived there with sonic speed. He would’ve explored all of the forest for fun years ago.
419: How is it that the dance hall is the one place where Eggman’s all-seeing eyes can’t see anything so that Sally would tell Sonic the plan here?
420: A very pervasive problem with the story is that despite Sonic being suddenly sucked into another dimension, he acts as if he belongs in there and isn’t confused at all, not recognizing Sally when he sees Ms. Acorn and knowing all about the world. Is this not Sonic? But it’s said that Sonic DID fall into the other dimension in the next story. It’s not explained what this detective Sonic IS.
421: Ms. Acorn doesn’t tell Sonic that Nicole’s a computer of hers, for no reason,
422: so how does she expect him to find her? That’s a huge oversight on her part, and she’s not an idiot. She’s a clever seductress.
423: Why does Sonic not immediately figure that the black liquid is oil?
424: Chuck magically can track four robots despite not having put a tracking device in any of them, being really distant from them and all.
425: Eggman has a control range in the city, when he should logically be ruling the ENTIRE city, or at least the majority of it, if he can gain control of any of it.
426: How could he think any info about the plans to all of Eggman’s research facilities would destroy him if it got out?
427: How did Sonic not immediately recognize Ms. Acorn as the princess? She’d be famous. 10.
428: “First Contact” by Bollers: “ As I’m sure you all know.. “ Sally says this, but still recaps. And Sally not only recaps Robotnik’s defeat, but she also recaps the Mecha Madness story arc. Why would she waste all that time telling them about this in the communication instead of INSTANTLY cutting to the point, warning them to stay away from zone portals?
429: When Sally’s communications with all the other Freedom Fighters across the world are interrupted for no reason,
430: she doesn’t immediately try to start up the call again.
431: Why the hell didn’t she go to Robotropolis to see the damage done to their former capital, as soon as POSSIBLE, rather than saying she’ll go there tomorrow morning? She’s no procrastinator slacker! She wanted this her whole life! This forces the concept of issue 51 even happening at all. 4.
432: Issue 53 “Sounds Of Silence” by Bollers: Eggman’s old laboratory is a separate building from his main base. Wouldn’t it be inconvenient having to constantly go back and forth between two buildings? It’s like the base for Team Galactic.
433: What pressure should Sally be feeling when it’s the king ruling the kingdom instead of her? He’s the one giving her the orders. Plus, she’s been in charge of Knothole, a whole village, for the whole comic until the king showed up. How many Robians were deroboticized and brought to Knothole before this? She didn’t feel extra pressure from having to rule over them! Or did she?
434: Why is Geoffrey wearing a brown cloak with a necklace all of a sudden?
435: And why is nobody questioning, him on it? “ What are you WEARING? “
436: It’s Sonic and not Sally the cautious one who isn’t sure that sending the probe into the zone is a safe idea.
437: After Sonic asks this, there’s somehow two explosions near them that interrupts Geoffrey from asking what’s the matter with it, even though Ixis is FAR away.
438: Ixis doesn’t immediately try to hit Sonic with lightning again right after he speaks out of turn for the second time. Sonic even gets to say a whole bunch of stuff after that.
439: Sally asks “ How is that possible? “ about a wand turning objects into crystal. It’s a WAND! How do you THINK?
440: I don’t understand why the probe would release Fake Ixis, and Uma and Kodos. What, did they grab onto it and get carried out of the portal?! Wouldn’t they weigh the little thing down too much? The probe went into the zone, but it wasn’t on the way OUT of it, it wouldn’t lead them to a portal out of there because that wasn’t its flight path. It had no reason to go back through the portal when it was sending camera footage to Rotor without needing to be outside of the Zone of Silence. And nobody would sabotage the probe to make this happen, and even if they did want to, they wouldn’t know how. Remember, Geoffrey was never intended to be on Ixis’ side the whole time. That’s why when his arrow missed Kodos, he thought, ” Blast it! ” when his success would anger Ixis into being done with him, and telling everyone he was his student.
441: Why would Ixis let the king keep his status as a king if he was his leader (remember, the king was treated like a king by his frog subjects)?
442: Somehow Sonic knows that Ixis’ wand only affects inanimate objects. Then, how did he crystallize Kodos, Uma and Max successfully USING said wand? This is supposed to be why he knew to destroy the wand and that would get rid of Fake Ixis. He should’ve just assumed Ixis had bad aim and that’s why he kept missing with his lightning. 11.
443: Issue 54 “Running to Stand Still” by Bollers: They’re seriously having Tails not know what sarcastic means? He’s spending all his time with Chuck doing an experiment, and yet he’s not a genius yet.
444: Somehow Chuck doesn’t know what’s ” eating at ” Sonic! How is he assuming that Sonic got over keeping his parents a secret from him?! Sonic asked him earlier, ” How could you keep this from me? ” Normally he’s surprisingly smart! It’s like he feels like keeping his parents a secret from him and being called out on it by Sonic was just another Tuesday for him, so he didn’t find it memorable somehow.
445: If the king’s the one in charge, how is Sally making an order to have a policeman at every street corner to protect the Robians from mobs? ” The king ” hates Robians. She has to be going behind his back here, but he would find out. Apparently she’s willing to risk that. And the Egg-Robos are looking for Ixis to be their new master. Huh? How? They never met Ixis and neither did Snively. Did he tell them through that thumb thing he was lucky to have just in case?
446: How are all the prisoners in the Devil’s Gulag still wearing their old clothes instead of being in prison uniforms, forever unable to get their clothes back? 5.
447: Issue 55 “Monkey Madness” by Frank Strom: When Sonic finds the Egg-Robos, he stops and hides instead of instantly destroying them with his spindash.
448: The Eggbots must have inexplicably terrible hearing to not hear Sonic’s conversation right behind them.
449: Nicole uses her bullshit powers to unlock Khan from the crypt she never saw anything like before on the same hour she saw it.
450: How did Khan not only know that he was in the crypt for 10 years,
451: but also survive the whole time? He’s not in a stasis tube, so how’d he get nourishment and water,
452: Shouldn’t he be insane by now from years of solitary confinement?
453: Sally immediately gets worried, thinking she made a mistake saving Khan, when all she learned was that Khan was locked away by Robotnik since he couldn’t control him. Just because he’s a cyborg, like her friend, she doesn’t trust him at all. She’s forced to be right in her paranoid assumption because Khan acts evil afterwards. This new writer really likes her, this is a Creator’s Pet Moment for her.
454: The Ring randomly decides to float up to Khan’s head and land on it to make him more powerful.
455: Khan wants wrath on the world, not just Eggman, and talks like an evil villain.
456: Why didn’t Khan get infatuated with Sally the minute she freed him if he fell for her at first sight the SECOND time he saw her?
457: Antoine acts like this is all Sonic’s fault for trying to oppose a villain threatening Mobius, rather than Sally and Nicole’s fault for releasing him. Creator’s Pet moment for Sally there.
458: Even though Sonic easily defeats an Egg-Robo slamming it into a tree, he still backs away at the edge of a cliff from a bunch of Egg-Robos and acts like he needs saving, all to give Khan an excuse to be the one to save him. 12.
459: Issue 55 “Rise of the Robians” by Bollers: Good thing Chuck happened to have flash grenades on hand for no reason. Apparently he’s so prepared he ALWAYS has them when he’d think he’d no longer need them without Robotnik.
460: The Robians are called losers and puppets for once being brainwashed by Robotnik and that’s their excuse for not trusting them when they clearly DID get their free will back. I don’t believe the mob would be THAT rude to them for being brainwashed by Robotnik. It wasn’t their fault.
461: I thought King Max wasn’t able to walk from being crystallized. Now he can walk around just fine. 3.
462: Issue 56 “Immortality Is Forever – Life Is Finite” by Kent Taylor: It’s convenient that Athair knew that the heroes would be sent to this specific place so that he knows where to go and what to do to help them against Mogul, who he also knows about now. I guess he got told this by the psychic Ancient Walkers, but that’s never explained. More importantly, for no reason the genius Mogul dismisses all the other heroes as useless to him, even Bunnie the cyborg. He’d have won if he used them all.
463: Mogul should stop using magic against the heroes here if all they’re doing is absorbing his power to get stronger from it. He’s supposed to be a genius, but he’s an idiot in his biggest moment.
464: Why didn’t Mogul brainwash Sonic, Tails and Knuckles like he had originally planned instead of trying to kill them when they came back?!
465: Why did that emerald shatter right next to Mogul just to fuse with him and make him immortal in the first place?
466: How did Tails have a Chaos Syphon to use against Mogul?! That’s some Deus ex Machina! No one here nor the Walkers can make that.
467: I’m not sure how Locke and Sabre are still able to watch Mogul through a camera even at this point. The sky looks different, so it looks like they’re in another dimension entirely. But I guess it really is Angel Island still. More importantly, Locke and Sabre talk as if Mogul’s power – from tons of Emeralds and millennia of experience with chaos energy – is nothing compared to the complete mastery of ONE Chaos Emerald. What? They talk as if Dimitri and Mogul haven’t become masters of magic, even though Mogul is very old and Dimitri even created a mountain with his power. 6.
468: Sonic Super Special Issue 4 “Return of the King “ by Bollers: Why would Chuck think that Sonic and the other heroes told the king to dismantle every Robian? This is the same guy that believed Sonic’s innocence in Issue 47’s arc.
469: Why does Chuck hesitate for even a second to believe Sonic?
470: How did Ixis know about Sonic’s trust issues with Chuck when he was impersonating Sonic? Why would anyone tell the king about Sonic’s trust issues with Chuck so he’d know? Chuck and his family wouldn’t tell anyone about that and nor would Tails. Then Ixis jumps off a cliff, rather than bothering to FIGHT SONIC with his ELEMENTAL POWERS, even though he does try to do that in Issue 224, but that’s because the Council of Acorns was there so he knew he could get them to tell Sonic to stop fighting anyways.
471: Why would the king assume that he’s permanently crystallized? There’s magical stuff all over the place and technology. 4.
472: Issue 57 “Back To Basics” by Bollers: Even though Robotnik made the Recap Machine to show the future, it somehow does the exact opposite and shows the past.
473: I’m not sure why Sally thought the recap machine was dangerous to use, since she didn’t explain herself at all. Robotnik made it with the assumption only he would use it, so it wasn’t a trap for Sonic, and if it was going to blow up later after being used it would’ve already blown up, so she has to be under the assumption that somehow he never got the chance to use it enough. That’s an unlikely assumption.
474: There’s no way the heroes would all put up with their entire lives being recapped by a machine without stopping the recap early out of boredom.
475: Sonic shouldn’t be the only one reminiscing. It makes it look awkward and stilted because he’s just talking without interacting with his friends. So I assume they’re bored.
476: Sonic says that the worst day of his life was when he lost his super speed and NOT when he was court-martialed after being roboticized.
477: He even snickers talking about that time making a pun.
478: There’s no way Sonic would correctly predict that the machine would explode when it catches up to present day with its recap just because it became weird, when he thought it was safe. Maybe his Rings would’ve protected him anyways because he’s survived an exploding Combot before. So this wouldn’t have made the ensuing arc impossible. Either way he still would’ve taken it off his head and put it down away from him because it stopped recapping the past for him. Maybe it wouldn’t have hurt him anyways. 7.
479: Issue 59 “Opposites Detract” by Gallagher: Al and Cal are so powerful and yet Sonic and Tails survived the blast, just being dazed. I guess they had Rings. But Rings are visible in Archie and we don’t see them with any, although it was stated Sonic’s billionth Ring was in his aura and that protected his consciousness and it couldn’t be seen, so Rings can be invisibly in auras. Sonic did survive a Combot exploding right beside him without injury. Anyways, the Ultimate Annihilator, which they know about by name for some reason,
480: decimated their zone back to a sub-atomic level, despite being from another zone when all it was established to do to other zones was weaken the barriers between zones.
481: and yet their zone came back
482: along with them,
483: with Al and Cal as single-celled organisms.
484: WHY were Al and Cal transformed into giant powerful robots?
485: Why did Al and Cal start warring with each other? Why would they ever blame each other for the zone’s destruction if they know the Ultimate Annihilator did it?
486: Tails snaps out of the brainwashing remembering that Sonic is supposed to be his friend just when Sonic’s trying to kill him,
487: and Sonic, just because he’s told they’re friends, is magically cured of the brainwashing and they go back to normal. Al and Cal’s brainwashing would be way more powerful than that.
488: If their friendship was strong enough to break past the brainwashing, how were they ever brainwashed against each other in the first place?
489: Why does Tails think that Al and Cal have to be friends to keep physical laws in this zone, that supposedly NEVER had laws of physics? 11.
490: Issue 60 “Arsenal of the Iron King” by Frank Strom: Why aren’t they flying the biplane that they found last time? Why’d they go on with their journey without it, with no direction in their Ixis chasing?
491: The Iron King not destroying the Fen Fan for no reason is the whole reason the heroes were able to win against him and the queen instead of having to retreat, because they were able to find it in his arsenal.
492: The Iron Queen is idealistic enough to assume Sonic and Tails are going to help her for no reason, which makes no sense of her with her tragic backstory.
493: The Iron Queen doesn’t even notice that it was Tails who broke her wand and freed Khan from her control, not Sonic. Tails did it in front of her.
494: Khan tags along to the Iron King’s fortress anyways despite being cautious about it from being brainwashed before.
495: Sonic doesn’t immediately search the whole arsenal at the speed of sound to find the Fan instantly.
496: Mere wind puts out the fire of the eternally blazing volcano, when it’s not a fire extinguisher, so the fire should be spread by that wind.
497: The Iron Queen just leaves instead of brainwashing Khan again with her innate powers.
498: Somehow Khan learned about the prophecy of the fan BEFORE learning about the prophecy about HIMSELF. 9.
499: Issue 61 “Outback Gut Check” by Gallagher: Sonic calls his enemies flat-tailed freaks. That was such bad dialogue that I wondered if this was a fake Sonic.
500: It gets explained why Bill the Platypus was made to stop the destruction of the Downunda prison camp, but how did he convince an army of non-brainwashed platypuses to do that?
501: Tails somehow figures out he has to spin his tails to propel a boat
502: from Sonic saying the nonsensical, “ you prop while I buzz the perimeter. “
503: Sonic out of nowhere can form a protective shield of water by spindashing on the water, telekinetically moving the water, without a Chaos Emerald. Wouldn’t he be so fast that he’d quickly go away from the raft? But he doesn’t.
504: Bill doubts the existence of the Bunyip when he saw Crocbot already damaged by it and talking about it by name. 6.
505: Issue 61 “Total Turbulence” by Bollers: Despite a cloud shaped like Ixis, Sonic doesn’t instantly realize who he is and thinks that it’s natural turbulence. 1.
506: Issue 62 “Icon” by Bollers: Jack says once “ Sonic “ beat Robotnik, the Sandblasters were inspired to make the same move and it worked! First off, Snively was the one who beat Robotnik. Sonic just fought with Robotnik pointlessly and then he vanished. I guess everyone spread the fake news that Sonic killed Robotnik, but there’s no way Sonic would be okay with one, the hollow lie about his accomplishment, and two, news being spread that he’s a murderer.
507: Sonic creates a sand tornado when he’s just standing there, and floating in it. Fine, he’s a magic hedgehog.
508: Tails talks as if the Robians aren’t acting like they’re under someone’s control when they are being evil.
509: Sonic’s stunned instead of smiling and happy at seeing a giant statue of himself. He’s supposed to have an ego! Gallagher Sonic from the oldest issues would’ve loved this.
510: The criminals assume Snively was the one who freed everyone from their cells, when all he did was drop a nail file, which he could have done much earlier,
511: and yet they don’t ask what took him so long. If he had rigged a nail file to do that, he shouldn’t have still had that, or had the tools and resources to make it able to do that. They should know that. I assumed it was Snively at first too, though, so this makes sense. 6.
512: Issue 63 “Icon II – Cult Of Personality” by Bollers: Despite the criminals all hating Snively and Drago even laughing at him, they make Snively their leader.Snively was the assistant to Robotnik the most hated man on the planet. Their lives were just as inconvenienced by Robotnik as everyone else, why would they not beat him up? It’s a prison break, it’s every man for himself! Why would they think that Snively was the smartest person in the room and therefore the best leader when Snively was stupid enough to think that Robotnik would be a good boss?
513: Despite Jack ordering his thugs not to hurt Sonic, saying, ” DON’T HURT HIM! ” some of them go after Sonic with sharp weapons.
514: Someone among the criminals is able to fly an airship to escape the prison with no pilot training. 3.
515: Sonic Super Special Issue 5 “When You and I Were Young, Sally” by Gallagher: Rotor conveniently has a Sextant (a thing that triangulates based on the locations of stars), which lets them somehow find out where Tails landed. How does he have it NOW? I guess he bought it somewhere even in Ruled by Robotnik time. But why does he have it with him right now? They only planned on playing just outside Rosie’s, not going on an adventure far away.
516: If Rotor had the idea to make Nicole that early on, why didn’t he make her long before she showed up in the stable time loop?
517: Rotor should’ve realized a future Rotor had made Nicole since who else but HIM had the idea for a handheld computer named Nicole? Meeting Nicole would’ve reminded him he said this line in the story.
518: Why is the grass around the Great Oak Stump unstable so the heroes can fall into the cave below?
519: How was the grass still there then on such bad ground?
520: Rotor thinks that Boomer’s Bombers is a good name for a heroic group of friends.
521: Nobody tells Rotor why his name for that group sucked.
522: Sonic says that the name Freedom Fighters is too extreme and not Rotor’s name. Plus, he already heard the name Freedom Fighters, the original Freedom Fighters! Not that you could tell.
523: Tails should be used to Antoine’s accent by now and know he won’t give it up, not say, “ Not Fightairs, Fighters! “ If he talks like this because he’s too young to be that polite, he would’ve told Rotor why his idea of a name for their group wasn’t heroic-sounding. 9.
524: Sonic Super Special Issue 5 “Stop… Sonic Time!” by Tom Rolston: Rotor got nothing but C’s and D’s at school. Obviously he’s supposed to be smart, as he’s a fast learner, AND he’s not lazy either if he could invent stuff at a young age which would take hard work to memorize.
525: If Merlin is around to give Sonic a gift for Tails in Robotropolis, why didn’t he stick around to raise Tails that whole time, or at least visit him?! He’s able to want to give him a gift, he doesn’t assume he’s too poorly behaved to deserve it.
526: Crabmeat doesn’t snitch on Snively saying Robotnik’s only the boss “ for now. “ But he felt shocked at Robotnik breaking his own rule earlier.
527: Snively is acting treacherous back then when he was only treacherous after Sonic’s Quest after he spent days trapped on Robotnik’s back.
528: How did Snively get frozen in time? The machine of time freezing was already destroyed and he was far away from it.
529: Sonic didn’t notice the kids he was telling the story to fell asleep until the last minute.
530: And it’s weird that they even fell asleep at all. SONIC was telling them a story! 7.
531: Sonic Super Special Issue 5 “Total Re-Genesis” by Bollers: Nicole somehow was using a satellite camera to record the heroes’ mission, but it’d be from so far above them that there’s no way she’d be able to show them what they were doing, as the video footage would just be a video of dots attacking other dots.
532: And everyone should’ve known that and not bothered. 2.
533: Issue 64 “The Naugus Trilogy: In Search Of… – Part One” by Bollers: When the biplane flew into the cold air, the Ring that let it fly choked out. Huh? Some magic Ring.
534: The avalanche should’ve crushed everyone involved, logically. Rings don’t protect you from crushing. 2.
535: Issue 65 “The Naugus Trilogy: The Fellow Of The Rings… – Part Two” by Bollers: How’d Ixis get into a castle that was enchanted against mages? The castle should’ve worked so that it would detect Ixis and his magic in the fire, and keep him out regardless.
536: How would the castle’s mystic wards even know which mage is evil and should be kept out? Sonic and Tails have magic powers too. They should not be here.
537: When the explosion happened in the past, only Nate was arrested, even though Robotnik was his assistant, and Nate’s defense lawyer should’ve made that fact clear. Robotnik should’ve been held at least equally responsible for the Ring disaster and been banished from Overland earlier and not met Chuck and been brought to the king to be hired.
538: The Rings are a 5th element of nature? How? They were created by a person! Other ones only exist because of the Ancient Walkers also making them.
539: Nate can make Rings. Why were any of the Rings we saw before him where they were?
540: Kodos and Nate were the only survivors of the skirmish, somehow. Nate can’t fight, how’d he survive it? If Kodos hated him so much, why didn’t he kill him HIMSELF and blame the Overlanders? He’d know he’d be believed.
541: How the hell did the Overlanders not know where the Acorn Kingdom was? You can’t hide a kingdom! Megaopolis is advanced, it’d have satellites, cameras, helicopters! It’s later revealed that the Overlanders left the planet in spaceships, and yet they couldn’t find the Acorn Kingdom?
542: Why didn’t Nate decide to live in Knothole’s base instead after he discovered it?
543: Instead of simply hiding better his Ring-Forge, he dropped it into the Lake of Rings.
544: Good thing it turned out to be waterproof! He had no reason to waterproof it.
545: The Days of Fury, which were formerly established to only be about crazy weather and lava, also decide to mutate people to make Eddy, which has nothing to do with weather and lava. (It can’t be the gene bombs because that wasn’t established yet and that was a very long time ago, so that’d be implying Eddy was like a thousand years old, and so was the giant squid cyborg.)
546: WHY did Nate make millions of Rings in his castle?! That’s just a stupid excuse for Ixis to come here and everyone to meet Nate. He got rid of the Ring Forge, why did he make another one if he have no intention of using Rings or letting others use them? 12.
547: Issue 66 “The Naugus Trilogy: The Fellow Of The Rings A Friend In Deed” by Bollers: Nate refuses to let Sonic and Tails use the Rings even though he could do good with them, like help stop Ixis.
548: Nate thinks being a hero never works. Really, so giving Mobotropolis technology didn’t work?
549: Again, the mystic wards keep mages out, so it should’ve detected Ixis’ magic and kept him out regardless of whether he possessed the wall or not.
550: Why does Ixis have to write arcane symbols for his magic? That’s arbitrary of HIS magic and no other Sonic character needs to do this to use THEIR powers.
551: How did Ixis “ accidentally “ create a portal to the Zone of Silence to discover it in order to do that in this story? He did that on purpose when we see him go in there in the Tales of the Great War, so he must have done it by accident once before that point offscreen.
552: Ixis shouldn’t have been able to transform anything into crystal from the inside out, as he’s about elemental magic. He doesn’t have power over the chemicals making them up to transform their cellular structures. Covering them with crystals, sure, but transforming them to control them?
553: Nate wishes Ixis away with a single Ring. Then why did only he think of that? Why did the fight happen?
554: If Ixis is more powerful in the Zone of Silence, why didn’t he rip another hole in reality and warp right back to Nate?
555: An avalanche sends Sonic, Tails and Nate on a friendly little ride rather than crushing them. 9.
556: “And Then There Was One”: If the Order of Ixis weren’t real friends and were constantly bickering and conspired selfishly, how did they stay friends this long instead of becoming enemies a long time ago?
557: Ixis flew into the sun and yet he still has an organic body afterwards, albeit a new one with no wings.
558: When Ixis shows up to King Acorn with an evil smirk, they somehow trusted him to be their royal wizard instead of just lying that they’ll hire him and then sending someone to knife him in his sleep at 2 AM. A normal bodyguard would do just as well as Ixis! Them trusting him explains why they don’t look scared of him, just surprised.
559: I guess he was so powerful that they couldn’t say no, but they had Merlin around already, right? Did he lose to Ixis and survive somehow? 4.
0 notes
honeysuckleharringtons · 2 years ago
"Bones" ~ S. Harrington
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Summary: Steve has to make Reader a makeshift splint, kissing ensues, their secret relationship ends up being not so secret. y'all know the drill 🤪
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Henderson!Reader (no use of Y/N, no use of pronouns but they are referred to as Dustin's sister)
Word Count: 1,582
Content Warning: explicit language, Y/N and Steve do be injured, mentions of the Russians, sexual references and humor, a short make out scene, lmk if i missed anything!
Genre: Fluff? Hurt/Comfort? idrk
Extra Notes: none that i can think of!
Based On the Prompt: "911, What's Your Emergency?" - makeshift splint (from 2022 Whumptober Prompts)
Originally Written: 10/02/2022
Beta Read By: @writer-in-theory
honeysuckleharringtons main masterlist can be found here!
honeysuckleharringtons whumptober masterlist can be found here!
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"Now, this is gonna sting a little," Steve warned in a whisper.
I winced as the cold water hit my wound, taking shallow breaths as I attempted to not pass out from the pain.
"I'm sorry, baby," he whispered, leaning over and kissing my forehead. "Gotta make sure it gets clean, though."
I groaned as he patted my skin dry, leaning back against the bathroom mirror. "Fucking hell," were the only words I managed to say.
Steve stayed silent too, focusing on the task at hand. I noticed the way his tongue slightly shot out between his lips as he concentrated on fitting the cardboard perfectly around my newly sprained wrist.
My hand moved to his head, lightly playing with his now extremely messy ringlets. "Thank you," I said softly, my lips pressing into a thin smile.
"Of course," he replied casually, most of his focus now being placed on cutting off the excess gauze. Thank God for the first-aid kit Robin kept in the Scoops' break room. "I can't believe those damn Russians tried to break these pretty little hands of yours."
"Steve," I scolded sarcastically, "now is not the time to be horny."
This was the first time I'd ever made him laugh so hard he snorted. "Well, I hate to tell you this, but if you're in the room there's like a 95% chance I'm gonna be horny," he joked back.
I rolled my eyes, a chuckle threatening to fall from my lips.
My eyes wandered to my new "accessory," making me nearly wince again as I remembered I'd have to do that all over again if, or when, we finally got a chance to visit the emergency room.
Steve's hand moved to the back of his neck, awkwardly scratching there. "Sorry it looks bad. I know it's not the prettiest splint in the world. I kinda had to work with what I could find," he apologized. "I hope the boss doesn't kill me for using the box our delivery of sprinkles came in yesterday."
A soft expression came over my face as I watched the bashful boy in front of me. My stomach did a loop-de-loop every time we found ourselves alone like this. Just the two of us; no Robin, no kids, and specifically no Dustin, considering how hard it was sometimes to hide this relationship from my younger brother.
"Whatcha thinkin' about?" he asked, his hand moving to play with my hair.
"Nothing," I answered. "Just thinking about how nice it is to finally be alone with you."
His mouth formed into a smirk, his eyebrows raising. "It is nice, isn't it?" he replied, a hint of suggestion in his words.
"Even if you do look like shit right now," I pointed out.
His mouth fell agape in disbelief. "You take that back!"
My lips scrunched teasingly. "It's true, though. I thought you looked bad last year after your tussle with Billy. I think the Russians might've permanently damaged those previously beautiful brown eyes of yours."
He playfully shoved my undamaged arm, his offended expression now being overtaken by a bubbly smile. "Bitch," he laughed, his hands landing on either side of my legs.
"Asshole," I giggled as his lips brushed against mine.
I loved all of Steve's kisses, but the playful and giddy ones were always my favorites. The feeling of his lips tangling with mine as we attempted to stop ourselves from laughing, his chuckles rumbling lightly against my mouth.
His breaths were warm against my face as he attempted to deepen the kiss, his tongue brushing against my lips for probably less than a second, but still long enough for me to notice.
I attempted to say his name in a scolding manner, but it sounded more like a moan as it fell from my mouth. My hand flew up to his neck, originally going there to pull him away from me, but quickly getting distracted by the curls on his neck.
Eventually, the words "What the fuck?" broke us from our sensual trance.
I felt like my eyes would bug out of my head as I processed the voice who said it. I wracked my brain in an attempt to find words, some way to explain myself, something to make this look way worse than it already did.
What did I land on? "Uuuuuuuhh."
Steve stayed facing me, the expression on his face reading, "Maybe if we don't address it, he'll go away."
My face contorted into an expression that replied, "I highly doubt it, but here's hoping."
After an awkward moment of silence and the three of us avoiding eye contact, he spoke again. "Really, Steve? My sister?"
Steve held his hands up in surrender, finally turning to face Dustin. "Hey, it was a two-person effort!"
A thwack! could be heard as the back of my hand slapped across his chest.
Dustin continued to stare at the two of us in disbelief, like he was searching for his own words. His arms folded tightly in front of his chest as he looked at the floor, still wracking his mind for a verbal response.
Just then, the door slammed open, revealing Erica and Robin, who quickly picked up on what was happening.
"Holy shit," Robin muttered, her mouth falling agape. "You finally did it, dingus."
Steve threw the extra roll of gauze at her head, perfectly hitting her forehead. "Can it, Buckley."
"I'm confused," Erica spoke up. "Was this supposed to be a secret?"
Dustin turned to face the girl, an offended look coming over him. "You knew?!"
"It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that these two are clearly doing things behind your back," she sassed, her arms crossing over her chest.
"No one is doing anything behind anyone's back!" I defended, knowing what she was implying.
Dustin turned to face me, his eyebrows raised. "Then what do you call making out in the mall bathroom?!"
My eyes fell away from him, watching as my feet swung awkwardly. "I, uh… I guess that would be considered doing things behind your back…" my voice trailed off.
The room stayed silent for a couple beats, no one wanting to be the first to speak back up. Awkward eye contact was occasionally exchanged, almost as a way of saying, "No, you go first."
Eventually, Dustin exhaled, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Erica, cover your ears."
"What?! I'm ten, I can-"
"Cover your damn ears!"
I was surprised her eyes didn't roll into the back of their sockets as she stuck her fingers in her ears, mockingly sticking her tongue out at Dustin.
His face turned to one of exasperation as he said, "Just as long as you two aren't boning when I'm in the house." He then followed that up with, "Better yet, just don't bone at our house at all."
I hid my face in Steve’s shoulder to hide my embarrassment, remembering my experience of losing my virginity (thank God Dustin had been away at camp when it happened). "Gross, dude," I said, being slightly muffled by the fabric of Steve's uniform.
"I don't know, bones are kinda fun and interesting," Steve added. "You know, I wanted to be an archeologist when I was little."
I shoved him away, somewhere between seriously and playfully. "You are not helping here."
He pouted, the sadness in his eyes seeming almost believable. "You're really gonna deprive little Stevie of his childhood dream?"
My eyes rolled almost as much as Erica's had earlier. "I may have a broken arm but I can still fuck up the other side of your face."
He chuckled, leaning forward and leaving a kiss on my forehead out of sheer habit.
"Blegh!" Dutin nearly heaved. I didn't even know he made that sound, to be honest. "Just… hurry up in here."
And with that, he exited the bathroom with Erica following behind him, Robin at the back of their line.
"Have fun, lover boy!" she teased, the door shutting tightly behind her.
Steve giggled as I lay my head across his chest in both embarrassment and relief that they'd finally left the room.
"Seriously, why is the population of Hawkins like thirty-two people at best and why are they all in our friend group?" I commented, wrapping my good arm around his midsection, pulling him closer.
He let out a chuckle, kissing my hairline. "Maybe we need new friends. Ones that aren't concerned with the locations we bone in."
I leaned back, rolling my eyes once more. "OK, if I hear the word 'bone' one more time today, I will chop whoever says it into a million pieces and feed their bones to that stray dog that lives down the street from the Wheelers."
Steve's face turned bright red, like he would've never expected me to say something like that. "Little extreme, don't you think, babe?"
I let out an amused huff, my eyes fluttering up to look at his. "Your eye looks terrible, Stevie."
"Eh," he said, "at least I don't have any broken bones."
His face turned bright red as he processed his sentence. "Oh, shit. That didn't count, did it?"
My face turned to one of mischief, my mouth scrunching. He knew what that look meant.
"Shit, shit, shit!" he repeated, running toward the door.
I hopped up from the counter, a toothy smile forming on my face. My fingers wriggled as I ran toward him, warning him of his punishment. "I'll get you, Harrington!"
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-> Taglist: @dungeons-are-too-cold @ducky-is-dead-inside
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zoeykallus · 2 years ago
Echo – There For You 23 – Ups And Downs
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Warnings: Angst/Hurt/Fluff
Tech has trouble accepting the loss of his hearing in one ear. Echo is totally nervous about the possible content of Crosshair's letter. He tries to be patient and mature about it.
What Happened Before:
There For You 1 - I'll Stay With you
2. Just You And Me
3. Under Cherry Blossoms
4. I Can’t Lose Her
5. The Scent Of Memories
6. A Little More Time
7. Heat In A Cold Night
8. Traditions
9. Revelations
10. Sweet And Painful
11. Tears In The Dark
12. Guilt
13. Everybody Needs Somebody
14. A Real Embrace
15. Veterans
16. Hidden Things
17. Delirium
18. Help Is On The Way
19. With A Bang
20. Permanent Damage
21. Until Some Day
22. No Things Left Unsaid
23. Ups And Downs
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After Tech's stomach slowly settled and he stopped vomiting and rinsed out his mouth, you stepped a little closer.
"Tech, how are you feeling?" you asked cautiously.
He blinked. Looked at you. Shook his head with a furrowed brow and grabbed his forehead.
"How you feeling?" repeated Echo for you.
Tech looked critical and said, "My ear. There's something wrong with my ear."
Azi hovered in front of his nose and explained, "Your ear was unrecoverably damaged in the explosion. However, the rest has healed well and no further scarring or damage remains"
"My ear will remain like this?" asked Tech with a stunned look.
When Azi wants to continue his examination, Tech pushes him away.
"As if I needed any more physical deficits" he grumbled angrily, trying to get up.
Tech lost his balance and almost fell down if Echo hadn't caught him.
Azi explained, "As I'm sure you know, the sense of balance is related to the inner ear. It will take you a while to get used to the new circumstances. Besides, you've been in the Baccta Tank for a long time, it will take time for your strength to return."
Tech sighed. You could see on his face how shitty he felt, not just physically. He put on his fresh Blacks with Echo's help and then sat on the cot in the infirmary for quite a while without saying a word, his shoulders drooping. He did not respond to your encouragement. On the contrary, he sent you away and wanted to be left alone for a while.
"We'll be in our room if you need anything," Echo said with a pat on the shoulder before you left the infirmary.
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"Poor Tech," you said with a worried sigh as Echo and you arrived in your bedroom.
Echo nodded.
"It's going to take him a while to get used to the change, but he'll be fine. Tech is sensitive but also a lot stronger than you think sometimes"
"He doesn't have to go through this alone either" you added "We're all here for him".
Echo mumbled, "Except Crosshair. Tech and him fought a lot, but it will still hit him that he left without saying goodbye"
"In his letter he asked me to take care of Tech with you".
Echo listened up, he looked at you tentatively, scratched the back of his neck and asked, "What else did the letter say?"
You smiled at him, realizing that while Echo wants to be unobtrusive, curiosity was driving him crazy and the possible contents of the letter were also making him a little uneasy.
You said honestly, "It's not a love letter, if that's what you were thinking".
Echo suppressed a relieved sigh.
"I see. What is it then?"
You shrugged your shoulders searching for the right words and finally answered, "It's more of a confession coupled with an apology"
Echo cleared his throat.
"Confession? You mean regarding his feelings for you?"
You nodded.
"And the apology? What was that about?"
"Do you want to read the letter?"
Echo hesitated for a moment. He still doesn't want to impose, he wants to be mature and considerate about the matter. But it's hard for him.
"If you'd be willing to show it to me, I certainly wouldn't be averse to it," he finally admitted.
You reached into the drawer in your nightstand and pulled out the envelope with the letter.
"Crosshair even mentioned in the letter that I could show it to you if I wanted to share the contents with someone. But I'm not supposed to talk to anyone else about the contents."
Echo looked up from the letter in your hand in surprise.
"He said it was okay if I read it?"
"Something like that, yes"
You finally handed him the envelope. Echo took it carefully, but instead of opening it, he just stood there indecisively for quite a while. He wasn't sure if it was the right thing to do to actually read the letter. But he was so damn curious and admittedly a bit unsettled.
Echo finally opened the envelope. Slowly, he pulled the letter out of it. He took another deep breath and finally began to read, pacing up and down the room as he did so. Every now and then he would give an exclamation or comment.
"Wow!" "Okay this is intense" "Oh" "Unexpected...."
In between, you could always hear sighs and deep breaths. Finally he put the letter back in the envelope and handed it back to you.
"This is a very open, emotional letter, by Crosshair's standards anyway. I didn't expect it to be. I also knew he had a crush on you, but I had no idea of this intensity."
Echo took a deep breath and watched you put the letter back in the nightstand.
"I was more than surprised too" you admit "Crosshair hasn't spoken as many words to me as are in this letter since I've known him".
He laughed softly.
"Yeah, he's never been a talkative guy"
"All the more surprising the long letter"
For a little moment there was silence. After a while you asked, "And do you feel better now? I mean now after you read the letter?"
Echo shrugged his shoulders.
"A little bit, I guess. He was trying to do the right thing, or what he thought was the right thing, out of consideration for us. There' s not very much more to this letter, really."
With a small smile you asked, "Were you really worried it might be a love letter?"
He made a vague hand gesture.
"Well, the more irrationally insecure part of me imagined that in the letter he was asking you to run away with him and that he would be wait for you somewhere. Well, my vivid imagination did him an injustice."
You said softly with a smirk, "Even if that had really been in the letter, I wouldn't have just run away. You won't get rid of me that easily"
Echo gently took your chin between his fingers, pressing a long, gentle kiss to your lips before saying, "That's good to know, Cyare"
There was a knock at the door.
"Come in!" you called out.
Tech opened the door and came staggering in. He looked at you meekly, then said, "I didn't want to be alone after all"
Echo smirked.
"It's okay, come on in"
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
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princesswithabraidedcrown · 3 years ago
The streaming session of the KinnPorsche world tour I was participating in kinda fell off the rails during the English version of Why Don’t You Stay, which was very sad. Hopefully it turns out okay for the rest of it tomorrow.
My thoughts in no particular order:
Dang, Slot Machine is awesome and I should go look them up. (We amazed a random discord member who randomly wandered into the stream about Mile having previously been just a filthy wealthy dude that played the guitar)
Oh my goodness, Jeff!!! Said multiple times, by multiple people.
The VegasPete scene was chef’s kiss. Gonna wax dance show critic here but Bible has some amazing physicality and charisma. Like I’m pretty darn ace and I still can tell that he’s hot and does amazing work as Vegas. I’m in the middle of episode 10, so I haven’t fallen headlong for Pete/Build yet…but it’ll probably happen.
So highly amused that Barcode made up for the clothing deficit amongst everyone else singlehandedly. Pretty sure I missed the main brouhaha about the song he performed to, but nobody mentioned it was a cover of a Blackpink song! I love Blackpink!!!
The chat punched the air when Tay slapped Time. It’s possible to do polyamory ethically. Whatever Time’s deal is…isn’t it. On a sidenote: more Tay centric fics please.
I was highly amused that the mom got a sarong for her little thing with Chay/Barcode. The subtitles were on a horrendous delay, so I don’t actually know what all went on, but it’s cute that she was momming him.
As for the KimChay…I don’t quite see how that ending was horrible? Slightly more open ended than it could have been. But the flipside of forgetting the bad times is remembering the good ones. Obviously there were some good times or else Chay would not have been devastated by Kim’s betrayal. And…then there were technical difficulties and we had to stop the stream in the middle of Jeff’s performance. So that was lame. But Jeff did a good job before technology decided to pitch a hissy fit.
I concur with the person that said they hoped Jeff had gotten cleared to sing by a doctor. I’ve only listened to a few of his live performances and I could tell his range was a little rough. Don’t let them force you back into singing before your vocal cords have healed!!! That’d be awful if you permanently damaged them.
Anyway. Looking forward to the final half and all the Magic Mike bits.
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galaxyedging · 2 years ago
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When the West Was Wild
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9
Silva x OFC (no description, a last name is given in later chapters)
Word count: 3.5k
Story summary: A women making her own way in the lawless West has her quiet night interrupted by a stranger in need. While helping him she finds a few unmet needs of her own.
Chapter Summary: When things come to a head, decisions are made that will change both of their lives.
Warnings: Violence, mild swearing, injury, talk of homophobia, angst, smut.
Early winter was surprisingly mild. Snow fell in light dustings. The cabin was sturdy enough to keep the howling wind from cutting through her. Thanks to Thomas and Silva there was more than enough wood to keep the fire going. Thanks to Silva, she never felt a chill. Even when the snow suddenly fell in thick blankets around them. His heat cocooned her for most of the day, he was always close by, continuing his learning at her writing desk, with her perched on his lap or simply pressed into her while she did the most mundane things.
At night she drift off with him wrapped around her. The room still warm from the efforts of their lovemaking. As with all things Silva was a quick study. He spent hours mapping her body. Learning what made her moan or sigh for him.
Since Silva had mentioned his first love, she hadn't been bold enough to ask about any others, too afraid of any pain it could bring her. As she lay in his arms, after he had pleasured her with his mouth, she felt invincible.
"Silva?" She asked into his chest. He hummed in response. "How many woman have you...? Before me."
"One in my youth, before I knew there were other options."
"The other one?"
"A lady I took a liking to about 10 years ago, I paid for her company for the weekend." His cheeks tinged pink at the admission. She didn't flinch, at least his transaction was honest. Unlike the men who bought women in more subtle ways.
"How did you come to know about your other options?" The questions just rolled off her tongue now.
"I was working as a ranch hand. There was a man, well, he wasn't much more than a boy, only a year older than me. When I was around him, there was just something in the air between us. I tried to ignore it until he kissed me in the barn one night. I knew it was wrong but it just felt right."
"Hey, who says it wrong? Those God-fearing folk who think they are qualified to speak for the Lord? Listen to them long enough and they'd have you thinking everything was a sin. I don't see how love or anything that comes before or with it could be a sin." She couldn't see the look of adoration that settled on his face. Silva haven't felt this at ease since he was with Jake. His cast his mind back to being with him, to being seen and understood for the first time. To the time he gave his heart fully and openly before he knew how badly it could be damaged if you weren't careful with it. For twenty five years he'd carried the scars of the love that was permanently etched into his heart. Now that there was a new love there, he expected the scars to be covered over. Instead the love settled into the unmarred parts of his heart and emphasised the scars. Her loving gestures echoed Jake's. Her love didn't service to dull the memory of Jake's love, it refreshed it. No matter how much he sort to bury himself in her love, in her warm wet heat, the ache of what once was and what could have been was always present just under the surface. It took practically the whole winter for him to buried those feelings deeper and lay them to rest. It was a odd time for him. He felt as if he were betraying both of them by loving them as the same time.
Spring rolled in surprisingly quickly. The weather practically became mild over night. The snow thawed so suddenly that the ground became sodden. The high ground of the hills behind them took the heaviest of the snowfall leading to a landslide. Thankfully, it stopped at the edge of Thomas's land. The ground piled up saving any damage. The water however did not halt, it ran through his land like a river. Taking the forgot remnants of the deposed of body with it. It tumbled down the slope at the end of Thomas's land right down behind the cabin Silva was currently calling home. Even as far as the trail next to it. To be spotted by a terrified Jack after Annabelle had made a fuss about passing by. The boy had ridden full speed back to town straight to the Sheriff's office.
Oblivious to this, Silva sat in the barn finishing up some woodwork he had been doing. He hoped, once they could travel, to sell his wares, to help earn his keep around the house. Their home. It was still strange to him. Having a home. With a woman no less.
All his life he'd been more attracted to men. Sure, he had been attracted to the odd woman, he found pleasure in their form but he never thought when he fell in love again it would be with a woman. It wasn't as if it wasn't a possibility, his heart was so closed, the chances of him falling for any gender were the same, slim. He just didn't see it coming, life was strange, he supposed. Thinking of her tugged at his heart, he felt the pull of her. Tidying his tools away, he crossed to the cabin, stopping when a patch of newly bloomed flowers caught his eye. There were only a few, beautiful and thriving in a harsh environment, just like his love. Gathering them, he heading inside, she sat near the fire.
"Look what I found." He held blooms out to her. "They persisted in growing into something beautiful in the harshest of times and places. Just like you, My Wildflower." He pressed a kiss to her head.
"Flattery will get you everywhere." She tilled her lips up to meet his. She still melted into him, every time. Cradling her head he brought her closed until she stood to meet him. The kiss quickly grew, passion licking at them like the flames of the fire behind them. Silva couldn't wait to take her to their bed. Gathering her skirts in his hands he held them about her waist. To his delight, she was bare underneath.
"I was waiting for you." She whispered into the shell of his ear. Her words and the ghost of her breath in his ear made his cock twitch. He didn't think at his age that he would spend some much time dealing with a throbbing erection. It had him feeling like a young man again. Like the times he and Jake would find somewhere to hold up for the day, taking their pleasure from each other, spilling over one another, only to be hard again in no time.
Holding her up against the wall, he kissed her neck, his knees almost buckled as she clenched around him as he sank his cock into her. As her mouth opened in a moan he sealed his over it, capturing every sound he drew from her. Mine. Mine. Mine. His hips rhythmically pounded her into the wooden wall. No words were needed, he knew exactly how to bring her to her climax. After she curled into him in ecstasy, he let her drop down to the ground, continuing further, she drop down to her knees. Eagerly, she took his length in her mouth, tasting the salt of him beneath the tang of her release. Before Silva she had never taken a man in her mouth. Fortunately, he was a good teacher, being on both the giving and receiving end. With his tutelage she had become at ease with taking an impressive amount of his even more impressive length in her mouth. Her hand stroked what her mouth couldn't take until he until he came down her throat. Sated her pulled her into his side on the couch. The two of them indulged in an afternoon nap, blissfully wrapped up in each other's arms and company, completely unaware of what was going on in the town a short ride away.
Sheriff Rockwood had already sent out word to several nearby towns and even the city to see if anyone knew anything about their town's newest resident. No word had come back from New York on Raymond Becker, if there even was such a man. That didn't mean anything, New York was a big city. He considered reaching out to the Ahlborn family, deciding it better not to upset the powerful media boss and be drawn into big city drama. No, he could deal with this man on his own. He just need one slip up, one reason to take him into custody, he'd find out everything he needed to know. He was a patient man, it wore a little thin when he heard of a man possibly matching his mysterious Mr Becker's description. A deviant that killed at least two men in his escape, Silva Lezana. The day Jack came crashing into his office, ranting about remains, remains found on the land of the man in question, Sheriff Rockwood was left in no doubt that the the two men were on and the same.
"Silva Lezana! Come out. I see any weapons on you, I'll shoot you were you stand." Sheriff Rockwood hollered while slamming his fist against their cabin door.
Panic struck them at the mention of Silva's real name. Silva ushered her from the couch to the hiding place where he had hid last time.
"No." She brushed him off. Holding her shotgun behind the door, she opened it a crack to address the Sheriff. "Sheriff Rockwood what's going on? Who are you looking for?"
"I believe you know exactly who I'm looking for. The man you've been harbouring here." The Sheriff shoved his way in, raising his gun in Silva's direction as soon as he lay eyes on him. Silva didn't have a weapon on him. His were in the bedroom, next the one she kept in her apron. Being in their peaceful like bubble had made him soft. The only gun in the room, besides the Sheriff's, was held behind her back. It was ready in her hand if she needed it. Silva wondered if she would actually use it if the time came. As fierce and tough as she was, she was still a good woman. When it came down to it that deep seated goodness might give her pause in ending a man's life when even the briefest of pauses could cost him his.
"Harbouring? I don't understand." Feigning ignorance she stepped between the two men.
"You mean to tell me you don't know that this man is wanted?" Rockwood scoffed edging closer.
"This is Raymond. My husband told me tales about him. He worked for his family for decades. He arrived the day after my husband left, he told me my husband sent him."
Rockwood glanced at her momentarily before returning his gaze over her shoulder at Silva. "HE told you? Mrs Ahlborn, have you ever met this Raymond before the day he turned up here?"
'That's it, put the pieces together.' She thought. "Well, no." She laughed incredulously. "Are you trying to tell me this man is lying? That he isn't Raymond?!"
Stepping towards the older man she looked at Silva skeptically.
"For your safety you should stand behind me." The law man guided her behind him, right where she wanted to be. Pressing the shotgun to the base of his skull she spoke calmly and carefully. "Put the gun down. Slowly. I won't hesitate to pull the trigger if I had to."
"Easy. Do you really want to get yourself in trouble with the law for this miscreant?" Rockwood asked through gritted teeth.
"Lower the gun." She nudged him with her own gun for emphasis.
Slowly, he brought the gun out to the side. Bending forward slight her lowered his arm down. Just as he was about to place it on the counter top he snatched it back up again, squeezing off a shot that hit Silva in the shoulder. As Silva stumbled back, she instinctively moved toward him, allowing the Sheriff to step to the side before grabbing her arm and pulling her into his arms. He knocked the shot gun out of her hands as he tried to restrain her. Kicking her feet wildly, she landed a blow to his weak knee, sending him to his knees.
"You bitch!" He snarled.
She got in a few good punches until he pulled out a knife from his boot. Pain ripped up her arm when he slashed her forearm with it. Squealing in pain she moved out of his reach. Unsteadily the injured Sheriff tried to stand, only to be knocked back by a strong kick to his chest delivered by Silva. Taking advantage of the man being down Silva advanced on him, only to be stopped by a shot gun pressed against his chest. Rockwood had retrieved it, when he had been knocked sprawling on the floor. Silva's eyes widened as the man growled at him. The trigger was pulled and...nothing.
"Goddamn it." The Sheriff tossed the gun to the ground before launching himself at Silva. He dug his thumb into Silva's wound, the pain giving him the upper hand. As Silva recoiled Rockwood began to choke him. Silva struggled against him until his vision darkened around the edge. A single shot rang out and Silva gulped down lungfulls of air. His head was foggy as he slid down the wall at his back. Looking up he saw his Wildflower standing in front of him holding the shotgun. Confusion crossed his face.
"I only load one barrel. The first one is for threatenin'. The second one is for shootin'." She explained.
"Wait, so that was loaded when you pulled it on me?" He croaked out.
"Yeah. I guess we both lied that day."
With that they were both laughing. Silva had nearly been killed. There was a dead body on the floor. She was a murderer but they were laughing. It spilled out uncontrollably, until it didn't then the room was filled with a heavy silence.
"We can't cover this up." Her hands began to shake. "We need to run."
"No. I need to run. They have no reason to chase you."
"But I..." her lips moved but she couldn't voice what she did.
"No. I killed him. You did nothing. I lied to you. Seduced you. Convinced you to harbour me. This was all me. You have no reason to run."
"I have one. You." The kiss she gave him was desperate. As if she could pour all her frustration at the situation into it to make him feel it too. To make him feel everything she felt for him, that life on the run would be preferable to a life without him in it.
"Gather your things, quickly. His deputies might be on their way." Changing quickly, she moved on to packing her essentials, which really wasn't much, the only thing she needed was Silva. She didn't need to pack any trinkets to remind her of loved ones, no photographs. She packet some clothes and all the cash she had. Silva was just as quick getting ready. For a moment, they stood in silence. Hands held and foreheads pressed together, their breathing slowed together. A last moment together in the place they fell in love, cut short by the sound of hoovers approaching.
"Quick. Out the back." Silva flung open the window. "Run for the horse. I'll be right behind you. I'll try and slow them down." He checked his ammo.
"What?! No, we're going together."
"We need to buy time."
Huffing in annoyance at him, she grabbed an oil lamp from her desk and hurled it at the front door. It exploded on impacted raining fire across the floor. "Let's go!" She hissed.
"Yes Ma'am." He nodded before slipping out of the window behind her. Startled shouts let them know where the men were as the ran to the horses. Thankfully the horses were calmed and accustomed to them enough that they were able to saddle them quickly. Even with the only illumination coming from the moon. The house was in darkness with Thomas and Mary being away with family. Her heart broke at the thought of not seeing them again. No, she would, she would make sure of it.
Taking off into the night the horse ran at full speed. They managed to gain a good lead before their pursuers came after them. The horses continued flat out until they protested. Seeking covered in a patch of thick trees, they allowed their mounts to rest while they planned their next move. Adrenaline courses through her, she paced until Silva held her face in his hands. "You have to go to New York. You'll be safe there."
"You mean we have to go."
"I can't go with you. It's not safe. People will ask questions."
"Then we'll think of something else."
"If you don't go it will be suspicious. They're expecting you."
"I don't care. We'll just keep running."
"No, I won't let you do that for me. You go, we'll give it some time. If we don't hear anything, I'll come to you."
"They have plans for me for the next year. I will go alone on one condition." She looked him in the eyes as he stared back expectantly. "You go find Jake."
Silva's jaw dropped.
"I know you still love him." Silva began to protest. She hushed him. "That's okay. Just...go see him. If we are still meant to be, we meet in New York in exactly one year. If not just...just send word that you are safe."
Silva was dumb struck by her request. The sound of hoovers approaching spoke for him. After helping her back on her mount, Silva climbed onto his. "Grand Central Depot. A year from today. Go. Be safe." She urged him.
"Wildflower." He muttered, tears ran down his cheeks as he leaned over to kiss her deeply.
The sound of galloping drew closer.
"Go. Now." Her voice broke with as sob as they jerked the reins in opposite directions, fleeing as fast as their horses would carry them.
A year to the day she stood at spot where they arranged to meet, so many days and so many adventures ago. Fear gripped at her heart, with each passing face that wasn't his, it crawled up her throat, threatening to choke her. Too lost in searching the crowd she didn't even notice the small boy, the Shoeshine she passed on the way in, until he stood right in front of her.
"I have to give you this." He handed her an envelope before disappearing into the crowd.
The writing on the envelope was unmistakable, she had helped shape it, Silva's. Tears stung her eyes as her heart slowly broke, the fear in her chest giving way to grief. With shaking hands she pulled out the letter.
My Dearest Wildflower,
I know you said to send word but I feel like this is the cowards way out. Maybe it's for the best, I don't think I could stand to say goodbye.
When I said I loved you I meant it. You are the best woman I have ever know. My choosing Jake has nothing to do me not loving you. I can't put it into words, that is more your skill. I know you'll understand it more than I do.
You saved my life, gave me a new lease on it. I owe you everything. I wish you all the happiness life can hold for you.
Jake helped me with some of the spellings. He wants to thank you for sending me to him. It was a great gift to both of us. I read your articles so I know you are doing well but I hope that you are cared for.
If you ever need anything we would both be there for you.
Love, now and always, Silva.
Tags @kirsteng42 @babydarkstar @prolix-yuy @thegreenkid @hquinzelle @fangirl-316 @gracie7209 @jedifarmerr @doommommy @scorpio-marionette @sturkillerbase @harriedandharassed @aynsleywalker @mswarriorbabe80 @quica-quica-quica @rise-my-angel @adancedivasmom
Her knees felt like they might buckle, as she read the words. Tears began to well in her eyes. Looking around, she checked to see if anyone had noticed. That's when she saw him. Silva, stood on the other platform. His jeans and plaid shirt traded in for a black trousers, a white dress shirt, a deep red velvet waist coat and a black tailed coat. A black bowler hat completed his outfit. He looked dashing. Even from this far and with tears in her eyes she could see the anguished look on his face. Straightening her back, she put on her brightest smile, she hugged the letter to her chest before giving him a simple nod. Gripping the rim of his hat her returned it, before walking out of her life.
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acourtofsnakes · 4 years ago
Tracinya - Rogue, Chapter 23 | The Mandalorian x Force Sensitive! Reader
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Summary: Nothing will stop you from rescuing Din. Anyone who stands in your way is merely an obstacle to be removed. But will you be merciful... or listen to that dark call? 
Warnings: Injury detail, blood, guns(of the space variety), knives, fighting, swearing, death, watch me make things up about the Force again. 
Word Count: 13k+ (I got carried away?)
AN: Well. This ended up a lot longer than I expected it to be. I got rather carried away it seems  ((oh well)) Also, I have checked this ((twice)) but its over 13k words and there is going to be something I missed. 
1: Solus | 2: Arir | 3: Tor | 4: Gaa'tayl ^ | 5: Kyr’am | 6: Cabur ^ | 7: Ret'urcye Mhi | 8: Haran | 9. E’tad | 10: Tome * | 11: Aliit Ori'shya Tal'din * | 12: Mar’eyce**^ | 13: Kov’nyn | 14: Ne’tra ^ | 15: Or’dinii | 16: Dar | 17: Haalur | 18: Mesh’la** | 19: Talyc ^^ | 20: Jorhaa'ir ^^ | 21: Hibirar | 22: Jetii’kad | 23: Tracinya | 
Rogue| The Mandalorian x Force Sensitive! Reader (f) Taglist: @snipskixandbeskar @weirdowithnobeardo @the-bottom-of-the-abyss​ @kenoobiwan @sarahjkl82-blog @boomtownboy @goldielocks2004 @seninjakitey @what-iwish-you-knew @queenofthefaceless @rosiefridayrogersunday @greeneyedblondie44 @itsnottilly @welcometothepedroverse @xgoldenjenny @mamacitapascal @heyitsjaybird @amyk-37 @greatcircle79
Permanent Taglist: @greeneyedblondie44 @mamacitapascal @mypedrom @undiscovered-misunderstood @kaylee-krystal
Mando’a Translation: Tracinya - Flame
There was no part of his body that wasn’t screaming in pain. 
His right leg was broken, possibly in two places, and his left ankle was fractured. 
He had taken the fall on his right side, meaning the impact had dislocated his shoulder and shattered his collarbone, resulted in searing agony whenever he moved his head. 
Not only that, but every breath felt like glass and fire, a pain he was familiar enough with to know he also had at least three broken ribs. 
Of course, there were bruises – his entire body was probably littered with purple and black smudges – and cuts. 
Din didn’t remember hitting the floor. Only remembered saying goodbye and then… nothing. He supposed he should be grateful, because from the state his body was in, the feeling of impact would have been horrendous, his body crushed under the very armour that was made to keep him safe. 
He’d been convinced that was it, the lights were turned off and the Maker would come to greet him. 
And yet, after an indeterminable amount of darkness… there was suddenly light. 
Harsh, blinding light and hands moving over his body, checking for injury and – 
They were going to remove his armour. 
The thought and realisation sent shockwaves of terror through him, and despite the agony that had threatened to suck him under, survival instinct kicked in and he lashed out. Taking down anyone who came near him, the medics, the guards, Troopers – anyone who threatened to touch his armour. He was like a caged animal, defending his last dying breath even as his head spun and his knees gave way. 
He fought for consciousness, long enough to see a pair of immaculate boots walk in, the edge of a long, ebony cloak embroidered with gold.
Through the roaring in his head, he heard a silken voice ordering everyone to stand down, that if anyone removed the amour, they would be removed of their head. 
And then he had been sucked back into a fitful abyss 
Din wasn’t sure how long ago that had been.
The room – cell – they had put him in contained no windows, no clocks, nothing to give him indication to what time it was. Only a few artificial lights placed on each wall – which he was grateful for, because the dim lighting was a minimal balm to his pulsating head. 
Only a thin cot for him to sleep on, pushed into the corner of the room and a tiny area in the corner where he could relieve himself. The ceiling rose far above him, giving the impression of being at the bottom of a very small, very dark pit. 
There was no regular pattern to when they pushed a tray of food and water through a tiny hatch in the door either, so he couldn’t even use that. 
Not that he could have concentrated anyway, with the agony waging war on his body. 
He’d had countless injuries before and danced the line of death so many times he was surprised he kept getting away with it. 
And yet this… this was bad. 
His vision kept fading in and out, blurriness making his sight hazy before it cleared again, but not without leaving fuzzy auras that floated in his peripheral. 
Concussion too then… a bad one. 
He just prayed there was no permanent damage. 
He could still talk, though his voice was hoarse and ragged when he whispered to himself the names of his loved ones – he could still remember them, thankfully.  
The ability to move remained intact – though heavily compromised. He could only manage tiny movements, embarrassingly slow as he tried not to move his neck or shoulder… or head… or back. 
An escape probably wasn’t going to be possible for a while. 
Din sighed, laying in an awkward position on his cot, one that gave the least pain. 
Again, his thoughts returned to his haven. 
You were going to kill him when he got out. 
Either for being a hypocrite, or for the worry he was causing you. 
The worry, no… the heart-wrenching terror he had heard in your voice mere moments before he fell. That cruel fear of the consequences as you laid into him, tried to keep that anger contained but he knew you too well. Knew that this would be tearing you to pieces.
He had felt the exact same way when you were taken – when she died. 
You were a rather dysfunctional pair, weren’t you. 
That thought had him chuckling – and then groaning as the small movement sent shockwaves from his broken ribs. 
Maker, he was battered. 
He didn’t even know how it had all gone so wrong. 
One minute he was flitting through the sky, dodging blaster fire and the next there was a loud pop and smoke began billowing from his back, from the jet pack. 
A very carefully aimed shot, with precision and intent – not to blow him up by shooting at the fuel lines… but perfectly lined up to knock out the thrusters and sent him tumbling to Earth. 
There was only one person he knew that could make a shot like that. 
Someone he should have foreseen, if he was honest with himself. 
Looking back, the townspeople letting slip the information about the base… that had clearly been a trap. 
A false trail to lead them right to the doorstep of the very people trying to chase them down. 
Din hadn’t just led himself to his death… but his friends too. He had no idea where they were, if they’d escaped – if they were even alive. 
He was disgusted with himself, the way he had so easily and thoughtlessly allowed his friends to be brought to such danger. He should have just gone in alone but… he hadn’t been thinking straight. 
When he’d heard that there was a whole base dedicated to finding his sweetheart… a whole legion of Stormtroopers trained, and no doubt given weapons specifically made to defend and attack Force users, he’d lost it. 
How could he walk away knowing all of that? Knowing they were going to come after you?
He couldn’t. He didn’t.
And now look where he was. 
Movement outside his door suddenly broke him from his reverie, a shadow moving past the gap in the food hatch. 
Something beeped outside the cell, multiple locks sliding and scraping through the door and then it was pushed open. 
Din blinked against the sudden harsh light flooding his cell, his helmet damaged so his visor didn’t adjust to the brightness the way it should have done. 
As his eyes cleared, he saw a figure lean and tall, wearing a long cloak – with golden embroidery. 
Oh, joy.
Anger sizzled through his reluctant body as Haran prowled into his cell, filling the small room with that unearthly presence. The shadows of the room seemed to cling to him, perhaps recognising that their master had arrived. 
Din grunted, ignoring the screaming agony that flooded his senses as he dragged his body to sit up, leaning heavily against where the two walls joined near his bed. If this was his end, he didn’t want to be laying down. 
If it was a friendly little chat… well, he could at least give himself a better position to punch the bastard in that overly pretty face. 
Haran stopped in the centre of the room, lifting gloved hands to his hood and he pushed it back.
He looked the same as always. 
Sharp cheekbones accentuated his face, which was neither old nor young – timeless, for no one knew how long this man had truly been alive.
Amber eyes that dominated his appearance, simmering like molten gold and only highlighting the fact that he wasn’t quite human. 
 The twin scars across his mouth and eye did nothing to mar the beauty of him – and Din supposed that was all part of the act. A beautiful face, a silken voice and a laugh that could bring entire villages to their knees to worship this fallen dark prince.
Before he slaughtered them all. 
Din hated him. 
Those golden eyes simmered with amusement as he beheld Din, as if knowing the thoughts going through the Mandalorian’s head… which he probably did. 
He cocked his head, a smile lifting his full lips, “Well, fancy seeing you so soon, Lori.” 
Din growled, his hands tightening into fists and he wished his blazing glaze would melt through his beskar helmet and sear straight into those lion’s eyes. 
That damn lovers laugh rippled through the tiny room, setting Din’s teeth on edge, “Oh, Mando, no need to be so defensive. You had to know what would happen when you decided to infiltrate a base dedicated to hunting your little Jedi.” 
“You won’t find her.” Din spat the words, wishing his body wasn’t so battered, wishing his had his strength so he could tear this creature apart. 
Haran’s smile widened, revealing a set of pearly white teeth, his scar tugging ever so slightly at the corner of his mouth – a predators grin, “That’s not entirely true, considering I found her so easily last time. But I won’t need to find her.” He examined his cloak, brushing a speck of invisible dust from it. 
Dread coiled in Din’s gut, “She doesn’t know where I am. She won’t be able to find me, so you can’t lure her here like a piece of bait. She’s smarter than that.” With every word, he had the sinking feeling that he was saying exactly what the King of Shadows and Death expected him to. 
“You see, I would believe you, if not for one tiny little detail.” Now Haran inspected his gloves, tugging the buckles that tightened them around his wrists, a picture of cool, arrogant confidence. 
It was an effort for Din to keep his voice steady, “And what is that?” 
Please no, please…
Haran looked up at him again, a dark curl falling over his forehead, “I hacked into your comms system, right as you hit the deck. You really should get some better tech, Mando.” He clasped his hands behind his back, “I sent a distress signal to your pretty Jedi, telling her your exact coordinates and even how to get in.” 
Din simply made a noise of horror, knowing that nothing in the world would stop you from finding him. You were stubborn, headstrong and determined… all combined with a fierce desire to save the ones you loved. 
He just prayed Ahsoka would make you see sense. You would be smart about this… right?
Haran shrugged lightly, “I don’t think even Tano will be able to hold her back.” 
Sick bastard, reading his thoughts. 
“I guess we’ll see who’s right soon enough, won’t we?” With that, he turned, walking back to the door, where he knocked twice. 
The beep and locks sounded again, and Haran looked over his shoulder at Din, who was still struck dumb with dread, “Why, I bet she’s already on her way right now.” He laughed low, and then he was gone with a sweep of his cloak.
You were beside yourself with panic and terror in the first few hours after the call cut off. 
Your scream had woken Ahsoka and the kids, who made it to your tree in time to see you half fall from the branches, stumbling around looking for something, anything to help. 
You could barely hear Ahsoka calling your name, until she grabbed you, forcing you to look at her and calm down. You’d told her what happened, before yanking out her grasp and running to the camp. 
Nothing was computing in your brain, nothing except a primal instinct to go and save Din right now. 
Again, you hadn’t heard her calling your name, mumbling over and over that you needed to go, you needed to get out of here, Din needed you. 
Except there was just one problem…
“Slow down. How are we going to get off of the planet? We don’t have a ship…” Ahsoka spoke calmly, but firmly. She was watching you tear through the camp, emotions a wreck and noting you were moments away from a panic attack. 
You had turned to her, clutching your belongings in your arms, your breathing coming in sharp pants, “Then - then we’ll just… Um...” Casting your eyes about helplessly, you had felt your throat close up, your heart race and your palms start sweating. 
A sob had been about to break from your lips but then – you both heard it. 
The tell-tale sound of a twig breaking, of hushed voices. 
The pair of you whipped your heads in unison, toward the sound and your panic attack vanished, being replaced with the cool ice of battle. The things in your arms had been placed on the floor and then Ahsoka’s voice had been in your head, “You go left, I’ll go right. We’ll meet in the middle.” 
You nodded, reaching for your blade but then Ahsoka had held out a hand to stop you, instead… holding out one of her sabers. 
Yes, you’d trained with it but… now she was letting you use it for real, in actual combat? 
Lifting your eyes to hers, she had seen what you were thinking and simply smiled encouragingly. 
That said enough, so you curled your fingers around it and then the pair of you had separated, footsteps lighter than air as you both forged a protective Force field around the kids. 
Moving through the trees, marking the intruders... it had all soothed you, soothed the ache and terror in your chest for the time being. 
Your power let you know they were close, and you hovered in the darkness for a moment, watching the two cloaked figures and sensing Ahsoka opposite you. Something flowed through the air, like a confirmation and you activated the lightsaber, springing from your hiding space with a burst of glowing late. 
“Wait!!! Wait, it’s us!!!” The two cloaked figures turned around, dropping their hoods so their faces would be revealed in the glow from both your sabers. 
Cara, and another man you didn’t recognise – bald, with a numerous harness and straps that no doubt held weapons under his cloak. 
You made a nose, lowering the saber, “Cara?! I thought… I thought you were with Lori – what are you doing here?” Despite the situation, the anonymous nickname for him came out instantly – protecting his identify even here. 
Cara looked from you to Tano, who was still standing in a somewhat defensive position with her saber held out. “We were… We’d split up to take down more of the Troopers. Mando took to the sky to draw fire so we could sweep through them. When we saw him get taken down, we had a choice. Either get captured ourselves, or go and get help.” 
You blinked, a frown forming on your face, “Hang on, let me get this right.” Something stirred in your chest, something smouldering, “You saw Din get taken down, saw him fall from the sky, into the clutches of Stormtroopers who are no doubt reporting to Moff Gideon… and you ran away?” The last two words come out in an incredulous tone, your face showing confusion as you looked between Cara and the other man. 
He raised his hands, shaking his head, “Hey, I wouldn’t go as far as to call it running away. We didn’t know he’d contacted you; we didn’t know how anyone would find us. If we got captured too, there was no way we could get out. Only Boba and Fennec knew where we were, they wouldn’t have been enough.”
Ahsoka raised her eyebrows, stepping closer – never lowering her lightsaber, “So, he’s there alone? Or wherever else they’ve taken him?” 
The man blinked as he looked at her, “Do you mind lowering that thing, lady? I don’t see how we’re the enemies here.”
You snarled at him, mimicking Ahsoka in the closer advance, “I’m not calling you enemies, I’m stunned that you just abandoned him there!!”
Cara held out a hand, trying to diffuse the situation, “Mayfeld, shut up.” She looked at you, “Look, Mando isn’t incapable of taking care of himself. He’s been in situations like this before, he’ll be fine.” 
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing, your head spinning, “He’ll be fine?! He could be anywhere, Cara! Who knows where they’ve dragged him, what they’re doing to him! I’m not doubting for a second that he’s been captured before – but not by an army of Troopers, alone, after falling hundreds of feet from the fucking sky! How about I push you out of the open air in a metal tomb and you tell me if you’re up to fighting your way out of an Imperial army.” 
Mayfeld squared up to you, tensions running high, “You know, you might want to be a little more understanding. I’m sure if the situation was reversed, Mando would have - ”
Suddenly, you had pulled free your knife and it was held to his throat, “If you dare say he would have done the same, I’ll cut your throat.” You didn’t care that these were Din’s friends. Didn’t care that they were obviously here to help. 
You were furious, feeling helpless and well… you had never been the greatest at controlling your temper.  
Ahsoka disabled her lightsaber, running forward and gently pushing you all apart. You felt a phantom brush over your skin and realised she had weaved threads of the Force between everyone, “Hey, hey, let’s all just take a moment to breathe, okay? We’re all worried and wound up… Yelling at each other isn’t going to solve anything.” 
Mayfeld muttered something you didn’t hear, though you did hear the thump as Cara elbowed him in the ribs. “Enough.” 
You powered down the saber and dropped your head into your hands. 
The world had flipped on its head, completely and utterly shifted and turned into something unrecognisable. Maybe this wasn’t really happening, maybe you were having some kind of fever dream. 
You sighed long and deep, rubbing at your eyes before looking at Mayfeld and Cara, “I’m sorry, for what I said. You did the right thing… We wouldn’t know anything if you hadn’t come back.” You shifted your gaze solely to Mayfeld now, “And I’m sorry for holding a knife to your throat.” 
To your surprise, he just chuckled, shaking his head, “Don’t worry. I’ve had worse from your Mandalorian, this was nothing.” He held out a hand, “Migs Mayfeld.” 
You found yourself smiling back, sliding your hand into his and shaking it as you told him your name. 
Cara looked around, “As much as I’m glad we’re not threatening to kill each other anymore, does anyone want to tell me how we’re going to find Mando?”
As if by coincidence, the comms device on your wrist started to emit a high-pitched beep. 
All four of you jumped, then looked at the device which had begun to flash red. 
You held it up between you all, and the screen lit up, displaying a string of co-ordinates with that same persistent beep. 
It dawned on you instantly, “It’s a distress signal. Lori sent us the co-ordinates of where he is.” 
Cara was eyeing it thoughtfully, “Do we want to ask why that suddenly came up, just as I asked where he was? And what if he isn’t there by the time we get there?” 
You were already moving back toward the camp to gather your things, “I don’t care. I don’t care if it’s a trap, or if he’s a whole parsec over. It’s the best thing we have, so we’re using it. Get your things.”
That had been a couple of nights ago. You were now travelling on Boba Fett’s ship, a tight squeeze but you didn’t care. Nothing else mattered apart from finding Din. 
Boba Fett was an interesting man. He was a clone of the infamous Jango Fett, the Mandalorian of whom you’d grown up hearing about. His armour was older, less sleek than Din’s but still as ruggedly beautiful and had belonged to Jango himself. He was shadowed by another woman, Fennec Shand – an assassin of whom you’d also heard of on your ‘travels’. 
He was a straightforward, direct man, greeting you and praising you on the stories he had heard – then asking how everything was going to go ahead. Straight to business. 
Two hours later, a plan had already been created.
The distress signal coordinates you had given Boba would take you to the general area you needed to be. Then, once you located the Cruiser, Boba would get you as close as he could, slipping into a disused landing bay. 
He would remain with the ship and kids, waiting to get out – and to lead a distraction if it came to it. 
The rest of you would infiltrate the Cruiser, splitting up to cover more ground and find Din – Cara and Fennec in one pair, you, Mayfeld and Ahsoka in the other. 
You sat a little way away from the others – as far as you could in the ship, letting the sound of their planning wash over you. They were determined the best way to get in and out without being seen, whether it was best to go in all guns blazing – literally – or try and be as discreet as possible with minimal causalities. 
You were glad you had excused yourself… because that dark assassin within you was stirring, sensing the oncoming fight – readying a thirst for blood. 
Sure, some of the Troopers may have had no choice… but they certainly hadn’t done anything to change their fate. They still chosen to continue following Gideon and Haran – for you knew now it was him that shot down Din, but you had kept that nugget of information to yourself, only telling Ahsoka. 
The others didn’t need the added stress of knowing a terrifying legend had truly come to life. 
If they wanted to try and preserve life – fine. You certainly didn’t have to agree with them. You didn’t answer rot anyone but yourself. 
And you supposed that mindset should worry you, making you concerned that you were slipping back to that cold killer but… you didn’t care. If you had to become her to save Din and get everyone out safely… so be it. You would deal with the consequences later. 
Ahsoka crossed your field of vision, and then came to sit down opposite you, her back against the wall and her legs stretched out next to yours. She said nothing, merely watching you with an unreadable expression for a few moments. 
You sighed, “If you’ve come to tell me not to go where my thoughts are leading me-“
She shook her head, cutting you off gently, “I’m not going to tell you what you should and shouldn’t do. I’m just going to ask you… Are you prepared for the consequences of what you do, either way? If you choose to go down the path of tearing down anyone in your way… How will you feel afterward?” 
How would you feel afterward?
“I don’t know how I would feel… I know what it’s like to be pushed into a life but… There’s always a choice at some point. However small…” You looked up at her, truly valuing her opinions and advice – she was already a trusted friend, one you could speak your mind to. 
Of course, you had Din. But to have something sperate from him… it felt good. Healthy. You both had your separate friendships away from each other… for moments like this perhaps. 
“I can’t think of anything but saving him. And it’s easy to sit here and ask myself what I’ll do, before we’re even there… but when I’m in there, when I’m walking through that Cruiser to find him...” You shrugged slightly, “I don’t know what I’ll do. And I might not have the time to make that decision when I’m there.”
Ahsoka nodded slowly, listening to what you have to say, “Then whatever happens… We’ll deal with it afterward. Whatever you choose to do... I believe you are strong enough to take it. And if not… then we’ll deal with that too.” 
Gratitude warmed the cold feeling in your chest, spreading through you and you looked at her with new appreciation, “Thank you…” Those two words were heartfelt, all the emotion and thankfulness pumped into there. “For this, helping me… and for everything you’ve done.”
She inclined her head slightly, bumping her foot against your thigh, “You needn’t thank me… It’s been an honour, to help you and train you. After everything that’s happened in my life, the mistrust I had for those I once believed in… I never thought I could get over that hole. But you’ve shown me that it’s not all the way I believed. Things are changing… I’m learning that now. So… thank you.” 
You were about to answer, but Boba’s deep, gravelly voice came from the cockpit, “Time to gear up guys. We’re about to hit the same co-ordinates from the distress signal.” 
Moff Gideon walked over to the young man who had just called for him, seating in front of a holo-screen like the others dotted about the room, “Yes? What is it?” 
The man brought up a radar screen, a pulsing red dot just coming into the edge of it, “They’re getting closer. They followed the Hunter’s trap.” 
Gideon smiled slowly, watching that little red dot slowly creep closer to the centre of the radar, toward his Cruiser, “Excellent. Tell the troops to be ready. Just because we want them here, doesn’t mean we’ll make this easy for them.”
Boba Fett’s ship glided through the atmosphere, all of you peering out of the windows for any sign, any hint as to where Din might be. 
You’d been in the general location for about twenty-five minutes, travelling right to the edge of each grid square on Fett’s radar. 
“I think… we might have missed him.” Cara spoke the words that you had all been reluctant to acknowledge, her voice quiet. 
You shook your head fiercely, moving to the other side of the ship, “No. You’re wrong. He’s here. I know he is. I just… know.”  
Grogu cooed from behind you, his ears floppy like they had been since you lost contact with Din.
You turned to look at him, heart breaking at the utter sadness in his glossy eyes, “Oh, Gu… I know.” You scooped him up, cradling the little body to your chest and you pressed a kiss between his ears, “We’ll find him… I promise you; we’ll find him.” You pressed your face to his little head, whispering, “Even if we have to do it on our own.” 
His little arms reached up to your shoulders, and you took a few moments just to hug him, giving him comfort but also receiving it in return. 
You felt his hands tugging at your collar and wondered if he was trying to reach for your hair… but then he grasped something and pulled – your necklace. 
The mythosaur necklace that Din had given you. 
You looked down at him, watching as he cradled the symbol in his tiny little hands, gurgling at it but for once, you weren’t sure what he was saying. It itched at you, like you could almost understand him. 
It turns out, Ahsoka did. She gasped a little, looking at Grogu suddenly and blinking in surprise, “Oh, you’re right. I can’t believe I didn’t even think of that…” She looked at you with wide eyes, “You can find him.”
You blinked at her, raising an eyebrow, “What do you mean?” You felt Grogu’s eyes on you too, and he tugged gently at the mythosaur charm, “The necklace?”
Ahsoka nodded, “Kind of… You have such a strong connection with him, such intense care for each other that if you use your power… you might be able to sense him, where he is.” She walked closer, “It’s hard to explain… it’s an old Jedi trick. They used to use it to track others or find people in hiding. It’s difficult to do, and not all Jedi could do it but… You know him. Better than any of us.” She took Grogu from you gently, “Close your eyes and focus your mind the way we practiced.”
You nodded, not questioning it. There was no time. 
You shut your eyes, following the breathing exercises she had taught you and dropping everything away from your mind. The ship, the murmuring of the others – the panic. 
All of it fell away until you felt the power flowing through your blood, felt it brush up against every living thing in your vicinity. 
Ahsoka’s voice slipped through your mind, “Now, think of him. The memories, the way he makes you feel, the happiness you feel with him. Think about what makes him your Mandalorian.”
Your power flowed through you, out of you, wrapping around the ship and you were already deep in your mind by the time it started shifting the direction you were facing. 
What makes him your Mandalorian…
You let that question move through you, thinking of his touch, his voice… the way he softened the harsh edges of your mind and eased your chest.
The way you had truly come alive after meeting him, how you saw the galaxy as you had before – something beautiful and wild and begging to be explored. 
You breathed in and out slowly, musing on the way you felt you had also brought light to Din’s life. Not just from the way he told you... but the way he seemed to have mellowed even more since first knowing you. 
He laughed more, let himself go a little… His moments of uptight, rigid restraint had melted into something far softer and… goofier. 
Ahsoka’s gentle praise whispered through the thoughts and memories, encouraging you. For however long, you didn’t know. 
And then you felt it. 
Your power brushed over something… someone. 
His essence, his soul, burning like a bright star in your longest night. A sense of comfort, fierce loyalty and determination, all encased in a glittering shell of honour. 
Your eyes snapped up, the ship slowing to a stop and then – there it was. 
Moff Gideon’s cruiser. 
And speeding toward you… about thirty Stormtroopers, ready to attack. 
Mayfeld grinned from behind you as Duru leapt from the control panel, “Time to make an entrance.” 
When Din got out of here, he was going to tear Haran into little pieces. 
He would help you tear him into little pieces. 
You had probably more rights than anyone to do so, but he had some things that the cocky shit needed to pay for. 
Hey, maybe you could tag team. 
Din kept thinking of creative ways to take Haran apart, to see if he was as strong inside as the power he oozed on the outside. It would be a fascinating project. 
Maybe when you cut him open, he would be a hollow shell, or maybe there would be some kind of malevolent demon inside him. 
He supposed these thoughts were rather twisted and dark, and that Haran had undoubtedly been through some awful things in his life… but so had you, and you were worlds apart from each other. 
Besides, it was all he could do. Think of Haran’s death and try to avoid thinking of the alternative thing that was screaming at him like a siren. 
That you may very well be on your way to rescuing him. 
Din could tell himself for hours that you wouldn’t heed it, that you’d know it was a trap but… it just wasn’t you. 
You were one of the smartest people he knew, but if anyone you loved was in danger, caution tended to get thrown out the window. 
Sometimes, you were both more alike than you realised. 
Din sighed, curling his fingers into fists and then releasing them again. A few hours ago – or maybe days? – he’d lost feeling in his arm. He couldn’t pop the dislocated shoulder back into place without removing his armour, so it was stuck there, swollen and pressing against the beskar. It had started with pins and needles, and then a cold feeling like ice in his veins. 
It made him feel unsteady, lopsided – though that may have been the broken right leg and twisted left ankle. 
Not only that, but every movement of his head made his stomach roil dangerously, and his breathing seemed to be coming laboured… more like sharp pants rather than deep breaths. 
You were never going to let him live this down. 
He huffed again, but the faintest smile rose to his lips as he imagined you both somewhere safe. 
You’d wait long enough for Din to be suitably healed before tearing into him… and no doubt it would creep up for months afterwards. He could almost hear the cocky tone as you bickered about something and you’d whip that out, “Oh, well, I suppose I could always go an attack an Imp base and get shot of the sky. Stars above, can you imagine doing that? What fun.” 
The thought made him chuckle, just a bit even though it irritated his ribs again. 
Of course, that soft sound seemed like a siren call and seconds later, the door to his cell swung open and the King of Shadows and Death appeared – more like King of Arrogance and a limited wardrobe. 
Didn’t he have anything else to wear besides that cloak?
Or was Din just jealous? His own cape was a bit tattered, and he’d always envied the way you wore your own hooded cloak, blending into the darkness and sweeping around corners like some kind of phantom. 
Maker, his concussion must be getting worse. 
Pushing that thought from his spiralling mind, Din tilted his head back to look up at Haran, “Are you lonely? Is that why you keep coming to see me?” He tilted his head, ignoring the feeling like boulders crashing against the inside of his skull and the bits of light dancing across his vision, “Or are you looking for a bit of nightly entertainment? Because I have to say, I’m hardly in the shape to do so.” 
His tongue felt so heavy his mouth. 
Haran rolled those unsettling eyes as the door closed behind him and he walked over, leaning against the wall opposite, “Yes, Mando. My days are just so meaningless without your shiny head to light the way.” He put a gloved hand to his chest, gasping, “Why, if we weren’t on an Imperial Cruiser, I might just drop to one knee and beg for your hand in marriage, right now.” 
Din turned his head away, breathing shallow as his stomach flipped again, “What do you want? If you hadn’t noticed, I’m a rather busy man.”
Haran chose to ignore him, snapping his fingers together and pulling a face like he just remembered something, “Oh, wait. I can’t marry you, can I?” He looked up at Mando, golden eyes burning through the side of his helmet, “Because you already have plans to do that to someone else, don’t you? 
Din willed himself not to rise to the challenge, not to take the bait. He instead tried counting his breaths, focusing on anything but Haran’s silken words. 
They flowed like water around the small cell, almost irresistible, “Does she know? Does your little princess know that you’ve been carrying that ring around for months now?” He crossed one ankle over the other, “I have to admit, it is a stunner. How much did you have to save for a rock like that?” 
Anger hissed through him, but Din closed his eyes. 
Many jobs. He had saved the credits from… more jobs than he could remember. 
He would bring home most of the credits but would siphon off just a little from the top to add it to the tiny stash he had going. He knew he wouldn’t be able to get a ring with a huge stone like others he’d seen but… he had a feeling that you would love it regardless – at least he hoped. The ring had sat nestled in an inner pocket of his tight underlayer of clothing for a while now, and he could still feel it’s hard press into his skin. Thankfully it hadn’t been crushed in the fall. 
It was new to him. Not just the fact he had reached this point in his life, but the fact he was looking for an engagement ring. 
Mandalorian’s traditionally gave weapons instead but… you weren’t a Mandalorian. And the pair of you… this was different. And he wanted to do it right. 
You had taken on board so much of his traditions and rules… he wanted to do this for you. Do something in a way that you would be familiar with. 
Of course, there was one other major thing that was different – 
“Have you even revealed your face? How do you know she’ll want to marry you? I mean, she loves you now but… What if you take off your helmet and she can’t stand you?” Haran examined his gloves, his words low and almost childlike but that was the point. 
Din gritted his teeth, keeping his body loose – as much as it could be with the pain – “Seriously, are you here for a reason?”
Suddenly, an explosion rocked the entire ship. 
It echoed down the hall, but Din could calculate it was far away, deep in the belly of the cruiser so most likely a cargo hold. 
Red lights began flashing outside of his cell, the sound of many thumping footsteps racing past. 
No… no-
Haran’s eyes unfocused and a cold, dark power brushed against Din. Even through the armour, he could feel it. The way it leeched the warmth from him, swallowed what little light was in the room. It had a pull to it, like the silken caress of his voice given life. 
Din shuddered, but Haran hadn’t noticed, instead feeling for something… someone…
His pupils dilated, black swallowing the gold and then he grinned, a cruel, delighted grin and his eyes came back into focus. He stood up, laughing, “Oh, Mando. I’m afraid your luck has run out. Your precious princess has just made her entrance.”
Bile rose up in Din’s throat and he shook his head, “No, you’re lying.” 
Din knew he wasn’t. Knew it because he felt you. Every cell in his body was crying out to leave the room, to be reunited with you. Hell, he could almost smell your achingly familiar scent. 
Haran advanced on him, crouching down and he took off his gloves, revealing a pair of slender hands – absolutely mauled with twisted, marbled scars. 
Din couldn’t stop staring at them, at the evidence of some awful injury – fire, by the looks of it, “What are you doing?” He couldn’t move away, the pain too great and the room spinning. Horror flooded his senses – horror and relief. 
He felt sick at the relief, because the last thing he wanted was you near any of these people, but at the same time… you were coming to rescue him. 
He wasn’t going to die in here – 
That power brushed against him again, slipping through the cracks in his armour and seeking out the injuries as Haran said softly, “The game is beginning.” 
So, your idea to enter the ship discreetly… maybe hadn’t gone entirely to plan. 
In all honesty though, it wasn’t your fault that you’d been attacked. 
And it wasn’t your fault that the only evasive maneuverer that they wouldn’t be expecting was to lead them on a wild goose chase around the ship and then…. Crash into the cargo hold. 
Okay, so Boba had been going for a gentle landing, but the situation had required some fast thinking and strategy and so… there you were. 
Maybe it hadn’t been what you’d decided upon but… you had to admit, the explosion provided excellent cover for your teams to slip in. 
Amongst the chaos, you weaved around the edges of the cargo ship and you were through into a service passageway, watching Cara and Fennec disappear down a hallway opposite. 
The cruiser was like a maze. 
You had no idea how long you had been navigating the halls, but you knew it was long enough. 
Already, you had encountered a few Troopers, but they were silenced before they could raise the alarm – and stuffed into nearby rooms so they would be delayed when they awoke. 
Mayfeld kept pace easily with you and Ahsoka, as you sent out waves of power to sweep the area, “They most likely have him in the cells. But if they know we’re coming… They would have moved him. 
Somewhere more central, where we have no choice but to be in the open and vulnerable to attack. So, we should head toward the front of the ship, maybe.” He kept his voice hushed and his blaster aimed. 
Ahsoka peered over her shoulder at him, raising her eyebrows, “Tell me again where you came from?” She had her other saber in her hand, held in her trademark grip as she moved like a shadow. 
Mayfeld chuckled low, “Impressed?” 
Ahsoka rolled her eyes, looking ahead again, “Please, don’t flatter yourself.” She shook her head, pausing and raising a hand for you all to stop too. 
You pushed your power around the corner as well, combining with hers and you felt it. 
A cluster of Stormtroopers gathered near a service room. They were standing between you and the next hallway and would need to be removed. 
Focusing, you did a rough tally, “Nine of them. All armed.” You worked it through in your mind. You could take them – but there was still enough time for them to raise the alarm. Especially if they were near service rooms, they’d be able to signal to others and you would soon be ambushed. 
Even without power, Mayfeld appeared to have done the same, “We need to draw them away, get them somewhere quiet.” He looked back the way you came, then to the right where there was a dead end. 
Ahsoka sighed, shaking her head, “How? Any noise will alert the others. We need to - ” She broke off, having just seen what you were doing. “Where are you going?” 
You had moved away from the safety of the wall, drawing the hood of your cloak up over your face. “You and Mayfeld get ahead, see if you can find a map or something in one of those rooms.” 
Something dark thrummed in your blood, your palms itching with an intense need to… to make someone hurt. 
Mayfeld rose an eyebrow, facing you as he kept his back against the wall, “Are you crazy? They want you as much as you want Mando! You can’t just walk out there like a party gift.” 
A party gift that’ll explode in their faces. 
Stars above, the very thought almost made you laugh with an unnaturally shadowed delight. 
You indeed chuckled, rolling your eyes, “Exactly. What Stormtrooper grunt would pass up the opportunity to deliver Moff Gideon the very thing he’s doing all of this for? They’ll take me straight to him or throw me somewhere to wait. Either way, it gets them away from you.” 
Ahsoka was watching you, her eyebrows furrowed slightly. She didn’t agree with this anymore than Mayfield, but she too knew there was no other way. “Okay.” She ignored Mayfeld’s noise of protest, “Be careful. Try not to draw too much attention if you can help it. We’ll find anything we can and if you’re not back out here, then circle back to find you.” She was still watching you with that strange look – like she could sense something off. 
You gave her a playful salute before pulling out another knife from your boot, rolling your shoulders and strutting around the corner. 
Instantly, the group of Troopers turned around, guns raising as they beheld your cloaked appearance, and the shining lightsaber in your hand, “Hey! Stand down!” 
You dropped the hood, grinning wickedly as you purred, “Hello, boys.” 
You moved like a flame, tearing through the group of Stormtroopers and spreading your embers of death, ready to turn into a blaze. 
The whir of the lightsaber was the conductor of your dance, providing a beat as your separated limb from limb. The deadly energy whipped through the air, severing one of the Troopers hands from his wrist and he went down screaming, clutching at the stub at the end of his arm which was smouldering. You didn’t hesitate, whirling and flinging a sharp, deadly knife from your hand. 
There was a muffled, wet noise impact as it lodged itself in his throat, buried in the gap between the chest plates and helmet. 
You didn’t know if Ahsoka and Mayfield were close, if they’d found a map – you didn’t care. 
These men, these followers were standing between you and Din. Maybe they had been forced into it, but as you had said before. They made the choice to stay. 
A yell sounded from behind you and a sharp blow to the middle of your back had you stumbling, the air knocked from your lungs. 
You sucked in a sharp breath but before you could turn, the back of a blaster smashed your skull and you tumbled to the floor, fighting through the wave of nausea and the stars in your vision. The lightsaber was flung from your grip, skittering across the floor. 
A somewhat altered voice hissed against your ears, a knee pressing to your spine, “You think you can waltz in here and take us all down? I don’t care what the boss says.” The muzzle of his blaster now jammed against the back of your skull, forcing your forehead to press against the icy, metallic floor and you bit your lip with the impact, “You are vermin. A monster. People like you shouldn’t exist.” 
The dark creature within you snarled, and you spread your fingers of your free hand, the other caught up underneath you, “Didn’t your boss tell you?” 
You heard him cock his head, “Tell me, what?” He dug his blaster in harder, right against the base of your skull. 
A wicked grin spread your lips, causing them to split further but quite frankly, you didn’t care. The pain only aided in the focus, the hot blood nothing as it ran down your chin, “Watch the hands.” You lifted it from the floor, wrapping the Force around his throat and you gave him only a second to realise what was happening, before curling your hand into a fist and crushing his windpipe. 
He choked, hands flying up to his throat but then he was instantly gone, slumping forward over you in a heavy tangle of limbs. 
You groaned, shifting his body off of you, “Get off of me.” You muttered it uselessly, scrambling up and you scooped up the lightsaber, before turning to survey the hallway. 
Footsteps resounded from both ends of the hallway, and you lowered into a battle stance, adrenaline still humming through your veins and numbing everything else, everything but the fight and the goal – Din.  Along with the cool ice of battle… something heavy and alluring whispered to you, as black as night and hungry for more death. 
White armour burst into your left peripheral and you whirled toward it, flinging a hand forward and then back. 
The Stormtrooper was dragged off his feet, again trapped with the invisible pressure around his throat as he ground to a halt, legs swinging forward with the remaining force of him flying at you. 
He snarled, scrambling at his throat, “You can’t do this. You won’t beat him, no matter what you believe.” 
You rolled your eyes, letting your head fall back with a groan, “When they make you, do they implant some kind of need for all the dramatic bullshit? Honestly, whoever the first one of you was, he must have been an incredible bore.” 
The Trooper thrashed about uselessly, his weapon falling to the floor and you sensed the glare through the black visor, “At least we have hearts. And maybe we’re all the same, but we’re more human than you are.” 
Ah, back to this, yet again. 
Always back to this. 
Your smile was angelic, your appearance anything but. 
Long cloak hanging from your shoulders, battle suit fitted and black as coal. Your boots were stained red, the blood looking like ink on the dark leather. 
As for your face, you sported a wicked bruise to your cheekbone, a long cut across your forehead and with the blood dripping down your chin, the wild fury in your eyes… You probably looked every bit the monster they said you were. 
And you couldn’t care. 
“You think I haven’t heard this one before? How I have no humanity, no soul… I’m an abomination that shouldn’t deserve to live, blah blah blah.” You shook your head, something deadly and shadowed twisting through your blood, humming in dark delight at what you were doing, the devastation you were feeding it. 
There was a name for it. 
You knew what it was, the siren call to step over the line that you were only too pleased to answer. 
You’d deal with that later.
The Stormtrooper choked as you tightened the hold on him, obviously about to speak but then his head jerked, focusing over your shoulder. 
The other footsteps – a pair. One heavy, one light and nimble. 
Mayfeld, and Ahsoka. 
You didn’t bother turning around as you heard them skid to a stop, Mayfeld sucking in a breath at the sight around you. 
The fallen bodies of the Troopers, broken about and still smouldering, the blood coating the walls and the floor, the edge of your cloak trailing in it. The stench of death and the smell of molten plastic. 
Mayfeld whistled low, “Fucking hell…” 
You ignored them, focused on your prey, tightening that leash bit by bit. 
It was like the very air around you was alive, more frantic than normal. Your power flared, tasting the death in the atmosphere, slipping through the ship like a poison and marking where each target was. Every single obstacle between you and your love. 
You could feel their living souls, see them in your mind like glowing stars in the sky. You knew that if you went for them, you could close your eyes and still take them down as quickly and skilfully as if your eyes were open. 
Is this how Haran was so good at killing? So skilled at finding people? 
Without the distraction of sight and sound, you needn’t worry about the expressions on people’s faces, the noises they made as they died. 
With your eyes shut, using this glittering map in your mind… they were merely lights to snuff out. 
“If you follow this path… No one will be able to help you. You will have to make the choice whether to stay on it, or to fight your way out.” Ahsoka’s voice was a soft breeze in the night of your mind, softly lit in the same white as her sabers, of which one you held in your hand. 
A symbol of strength… which you had used to destroy lives. 
Your eyes opened slowly, gazing up at the Stormtrooper ahead of you. 
A choice. 
Seconds ticked by, seconds you knew were slipping away on the clock of Din’s life as you made up your mind. 
The Trooper fell to the bloody floor and your voice was demanding, no room for argument, “Take us to your little master. I except he’ll be waiting.”
Booted footsteps rang out on the cold metal hallways. 
The King of Shadows and Death could move like a whisper on the wind, as if the air itself parted around him and kept him silent. 
But this time, he wanted to be heard. 
He wanted the Mandalorian to know that his hope had been in vain. 
He merely looked at the guards standing either side of the door and they nodded, one scanning the chip that would trigger the heavy locks in the door. 
It swung open and Haran crossed the threshold, gazing down at the broken Mandalorian, slumped on his cot. He grinned, cocking his head, “Time’s up, Mando. Your saviour has come to rescue you from the enemy walls. Looks like you don’t know her as well as you thought.” 
The Mandalorian growled, dried blood like rust on his beskar, “If you think you’ll walk out of this unharmed, you obviously don’t know her like you think you do.” 
The last time Haran came to see him, he had healed his injuries just enough that Mando wasn’t permanently dancing the line between being awake and being unconscious. He did nothing to remove the pain, or the severity of them, but he had prevented infection. He’d also healed his legs to the point where he could walk – barely. 
What good was a knight who fell before the Queen could finish the game? 
Haran walked over to him, hauling him to his feet. The Mandalorian was the same height as him, so he gauged he was looking right into Mando’s eyes when he whispered, “I think I know her a lot better than you think. I can tell you that she would not have come here peacefully. And she would not have let go the people that stood in her path.” 
Mando shook his head, trying to pull away from him but he was unsteady on his feet, the blood rushing from his head, “No. You’re wrong. She won’t listen to that call, to the... Dark Side or whatever it is. She’s walked that line before, and she’ll make the right decision again.” 
Haran chuckled low, half dragging the beskar-clad knight out of the door, “Oh, I don’t doubt that she’ll make the right decision. But whether or not it’s right depends on which side you’re standing on.” 
The Mandalorian groaned, hating that he couldn’t pull away from Haran, hated the weakness of his body, the unsteady, lurching footsteps of his still fractured legs and the armour that weighed down on his broken bones. “Why are you doing this? Why are you so obsessed with corrupting her? You’ve been living your sick little life for… however long it is now. Surely there’s some other person to terrorize?” 
Haran scoffed, rolling his amber eyes, “You really need to get it through that thick skull of yours – I’m not corrupting her. I’m merely bringing back someone she’s tried to bury.” He looked over at Mando, raising his eyebrows, “Has she told you? About the time she had no code of honour, of mercy?”
The man beside him snarled, his leg giving way for a moment as agony rippled up his hip, his bones screaming, “What the fuck are you talking about now?” 
It was easy to hold him up, despite the weight of his beskar and they walked down the imposing hallways, three Stormtroopers flanking them – whether it was to stop Mando trying something, or stop Haran having his fun, he didn’t know. Or care. 
“There was a time, little hunter, where your precious princess slaughtered anyone who dared stand in her way. She was broken, hungry for vengeance and only to eager to have her fill.”
Mando was quiet for a moment, the heavy scuff-drag of his boots the only sound to be heard – one he probably hated as he moved nearly as silently as Haran did. 
Something like triumph flickered over Haran’s face at his silence, “You truly didn’t know? Oh dear… There’s a lot she hasn’t told you, Lori. Things I’ve seen in her head that I doubt even she remembers she did.” He guided them around toward the corner, to where it would all come to a head. 
And to where his power was tugging him, whispering to him of the state the next hallway had been left in. 
The Mandalorian pushed away from him, summoning some kind of inner reserve of strength. He stopped, the guards pausing behind him and shifting their weapons as a warning. He looked at Haran, the harsh lighting bouncing off his beskar, revealing nothing of the man beneath and Haran wondered if he had revealed his face yet. 
“You seem to think telling me these things will bother me or make me look at her differently. Whatever she’s done, whatever terrible things she’s committed… it doesn’t change the fact that I love her.” He stepped forward, ignoring the guards as they moved too, “I’ll tell you something, Shadow man. There is a light that burns within her, a fire that could rival the very stars up there.” He pointed to the ceiling, “And no ounce of darkness, be it her own past or your own twisted powers, will ever snuff it out.” 
He moved that finger to jab Haran’s chest. “You tried to dump her at the bottom of a lake, and she came out burning brighter than before. So carry on, tell me all these horror stories to try and scare me away.” He shrugged, the rough baritone of his voice steady, ringing with loyalty and truth – and threat, “All you’re doing is making me love her even more.” 
Golden eyes flicked between the visor, assessing. Plotting. 
Then Haran smiled, a sinister, deadly smile as he inclined his head, “I don’t doubt for a second everything you said is true.” He brought his hands together behind his back, resuming the walk and he used his power to push the Mandalorian along. “I believe that you’re willing to throw down the gauntlet to protect her honour every single time someone threatens it. But I wonder… All you’ve heard is stories.” 
He walked around the corner and stopped yet again, his dark power dragging Mando to his side. “What will you do when faced with the truth first-hand?” 
The hallway was carnage. 
A bloody battlefield. 
Multiple bodies littered the stark floors, bright red blood sprayed all along the walls – even the ceiling. The once white armour of the Troopers was stained with the stuff, their bodies bent at unnatural angles, as if a strong power had taken hold of their limbs and yanked them in all the wrong directions until bones shattered and muscles tore. 
The Mandalorian looked upon the scene, the blood coating the tips of his boots. 
A dismembered hand lay just a few feet away and the severed wrist, the tendons hanging out of it... all singed. As if cleaved from the body by something white-hot and burning. 
A lightsaber. 
Which would explain why the hard shell-like armour of the fallen Troopers were marked with black holes and marks, the stench of melting plastic mingling with the reek of burnt bodies and blood. 
This was the work of someone with deadly skill, usually so precise… pushed to the edge, to this. 
Oh, it wasn’t mindless, not by any means. 
It was clearly thought out… maybe even savoured. 
Haran breathed in the smell like he was standing in a field of flowers, “Well. I have to say, I’m impressed. This looks like something I’d leave behind.” He walked through the mess of shredded bodies, a phantom wind lifting the edge of his cloak so it didn’t drag in the blood, “These poor soldiers never had the chance.” He crouched down, pushing the helmet of one Trooper – resulting in the head rolling a few inches away from his body. 
He looked at the Mandalorian, raising an eyebrow as the fluorescent lighting brought out his scars, “Still singing her praises?” 
The Mandalorian was silent, hands clenched at his sides but then he moved, not away from the scene, but toward it. 
Through it. 
Through the blood and flesh until he was standing right in front of Haran, feet splashing to a stop in the scarlet river, “Always.”
Moff Gideon was waiting for you as you were escorted into a large, open chamber.
He stood there, hands clasped behind his back, with a young girl at his side – presumably his second in command.  There was a sick expression of glee on his face, dark eyes glittering with what he presumed was triumph. 
Next to him, stood Haran, clad in black as always, with that embroidered cloak holding – 
Oh, the sight of your Mandalorian threatened to bring you to your knees as you were stopped a few metres away. 
You couldn’t see his body – obviously – but you knew simply from the way he held himself, that he was terrible injured. 
He seemed to be bearing his weight to one side, slumped over even as he stood, and you could hear is laboured breathing from here. 
Oh Din, what happened to you…
You had to admit, a small part of you wondered if there would be anything left of him when you arrived. Not from the possibility of torture, but simply from that terrible fall. 
The thought of tumbling all that way down to the ground, encased in a rock-solid metal shell… You couldn’t even fathom it. 
And yet, there Din was, still alive after something that should have killed him. 
Clearly, the Maker had plans for him. 
Gideon cleared his throat, watching the Trooper grunt retreat to the edge of the room, “Well, well. After all my time spent hunting you… Here you are.” He cocked his head, “I thought you’d be taller.” 
You rolled your eyes, sighing, “Oh stars above, please tell me this isn’t another villain speech. I hate those.” 
Haran’s lips twitched perhaps remembering this exact same conversation from his bunker. 
You flickered your eyes to him, before looking back at Moff Gideon, who was looking at you with… a rather bored expression already. 
“I was told you were insolent and arrogant, and I can see my sources were correct. They were also correct about how to summon you here.” 
He looked over at Haran, “Though it took many years for someone’s ideas to actually bear fruit. Well done.” 
Haran bristled slightly, as if taking praise from a mere human man irritated him. 
You supposed it did. 
Gideon was nothing compared to Haran, power or not.  
“Well, I would hate to disappoint you, of course.” You shot him a sweet smile, venom in your eyes, “If you wouldn’t mind, do you think you could tell me what it is you want before I take my Mandalorian here and leave this dump.” You held up your comms watch, “I have a party in Coruscant I’m due to be at and it won’t look very good if I’m late.” 
You thought you may have heard muffled chuckles from the line of Stormtroopers assembled behind him, but you paid it no heed. 
Gideon bared his teeth at you, eyes blazing, and he brought a hand in front of him to point at Din, “Do you not realise, we have your precious bounty hunter captive? Do you not realise who is holding him?” 
You looked over at Haran, shrugging lightly, “A guy who has interesting taste in fashion?” 
Did Gideon not know about the bunker or the lake? Had Haran neglected to tell him you’d met before?
Haran revealed nothing in his expression, but there was something in his eyes… something ancient… some of betrayal? Of lies? 
Moff Gideon snarled at you, “Insolent creature. You are here because we allowed you to be. In fact, the only reason that happened, is because of the failures of the people I sent after you. Had they done their job, you would have been broken long ago. That disgusting affliction of yours burnt out of you.” 
Heat licked down your spine, and the atmosphere in the room shifted as the three Force wielders within it straightened at is words, the ugly discrimination in his words. 
Dangerous game to play, Gideon. 
You kept your breathing even, feeling the shadows prowl beneath your skin, teeth and claws still dripping with blood from the hallways, wanting more, “Have you ever wondered why you’re stuck here, chasing down women and babies?” You took a step forward, anger and pride for yourself, for Ahsoka, every Force Sensitive person both dead and alive making your voice carry strong over the empty air – even pride for Haran, in some way.  
Gideon rose an eyebrow, “Do tell.” 
“You’re stuck in the past. You believe that people like us,” You motioned to yourself, “You believe we are abominations. Freaks of nature. The Force is nature. It’s the very thing that binds us all together. There is no fear in it, no monstrosity. I don’t know why it’s so hard for you people to understand.” 
The Officer sighed, shaking his head and moving a step closer as well, “Oh, I understand that. I wasn’t referring to the others in this room. I was referring to you. You, my dear, have been sick and twisted from the very moment you were born.” 
Din pulled against Haran’s grip, growling in anger, “I’d advise you to stop speaking.” 
Haran yanked him hard, “Stay quiet.” He spat the words at Din, but you didn’t fail to notice the murderous look he shot Gideon over Din’s head, his golden eyes livid. 
A shaking had taken over your hands, so you clenched them tighter around your weapons, years of abuse playing in your mind. 
But you pushed back against it, for you were stronger now. Stronger because of it, not in spite of it. 
Gideon continued, looking upon you in disgust but there was a sick fascination here too, “You have been marked for death long before you showed your powers. You think it was coincidence that the hunter was stalking you in your miserable little village? She was there on orders.” He looked over you, “A child responsible for the deaths of her parents. You might as well have pushed the blade in your mothers flesh yourself.” 
A roaring took over your head, filling your ears with the sounds of screaming, the stench of blood and the way the light sapped from your life as your parents died. 
But… the world was different now. 
It was bright again. 
Because of Din, your friends… That’s why you were here. 
You glared at Gideon, wanting so desperately to tear out his throat with your power, your hands, or even your teeth – but now wasn’t the time. You shook your head, “You don’t win this time, Gideon. I’m afraid your sad little life will be ruled by chasing me for just a little longer.” With that, you flung your hands wide, making your power explode through the room with a battering impact. 
You felt another wave at the same time as yours, fuelling it – Ahsoka’s. 
You only just managed to keep it free from Din, though Haran had thrown up a hand milliseconds before you, as if sensing what you were going to do – and evidently creating a shield. 
Gideon and the Troopers weren’t quite so lucky. 
The Force flung him through the air, causing his head to smash harshly against a metal beam and he crumpled to the ground, limp. 
Haran spun to look at him, and it occurred to you – he should have protected him too. He was working for Gideon. Or… at least pretending to be. 
Who was really calling the shots here?
No time for that now. 
You used Haran’s distraction to throw yourself at him, activating the lightsaber and unleashing yourself on him with a strangled cry of rage. 
He startled, just a few seconds too late and he pushed Din at you in an attempt to slow you down. 
Just as you planned. 
You were never really going to engage in battle with him, had never intended to attack him. 
But you knew he would use Din as a shield, thinking you were too blidned in your rage – but you proved him wrong. 
Din careened into you, stumbling against your body and you both nearly tumbled to the floor, but then Cara was there, helping you support his body as he wrapped an arm around you, “You came…” His voice was hoarse, weak with pain and exhaustion. 
The relief and love in his voice nearly brought you to the ground, “Of course I came for you, Din. I will always come for you.” You gave him a watery smile, walking toward the others, keeping one eye behind you as Haran watched. 
Why wasn’t he moving… Why wasn’t he attacking?
“I saw what you did.” Haran’s silken voice called out from behind you, making you pause in your retreat. “I know you feel it. The call to the Dark Side. And I know that you answered it.” 
That would be why. 
You slowed to a stop, forcing Din and Cara to slow too. “How do you know I answered it?” You looked straight ahead, still not turning around. 
Haran sounded as though he took a step forward, “I felt it. I felt it when you allowed the Dark to show you how to get here. You saw the lives as glowing lights, a map to saving your Mandalorian. And the mess you left in that hallway…” He trailed off meaningfully, “You needn’t fear it, darling. It’s not evil. It’s merely… a different perspective.” His voice had melted into the same one that had coaxed you into swallowing the poison, into stepping off the edge. 
Here you were, yet again. Only you weren’t standing on the precipice of a raging torrent… You were standing on the edge of the Dark Side. 
And his words had instantly awoken it, set it pining for a life to be unleashed, untamed. 
Slowly, you turned around, cringing when Din’s broken feet tumbled over each other too, so you slowly let go “A different perspective…?” You cocked your head, voice starting to sound unsure as his seductive baritone filtered through your mind, weaving around it. 
He smiled, that gorgeous, disarming smile that instantly made you lock focus on him, “Yes. Others may tell you that the dark side is evil… But it isn’t. It’s simply using that power in a different way. Using it to get the things that you deserve.”
You swallowed, feet hanging over that metaphorical edge, “You – You promise? I can’t go back to that place. I can’t be a… monster again.” Your voice trembled over the word; eyes locked on his amber ones. 
Din shook his head fiercely from your left, fighting against Cara’s hold as she pulled him away, but he was too weak, “No. Sweetheart, no. Stop listening to him, please… He’s lying to you. You don’t need this. You don’t need that darkness, princess. You’re so good, so strong… please don’t do this.” 
And then you made a decision. 
You ignored Din.
And walked toward Haran. 
Stepping off of that edge. 
Haran extended a gloved hand to you, “That’s it, darling. That’s it… Coming here doesn’t make you a monster, it just means you are claiming your birth right. This is where you belong.” 
As you reached his presence, a feeling wrapped over you, muffling Din’s voice, the sounds of the others around you. You slid your hand through his, gasping a little as you felt your shadowy beast respond to his own, felt them twine around each other, greet each other. 
“I don’t…” Uncertainty still clouded your expression, and you lingered a little, worrying you were making a fatal mistake. 
He saw this, gently drawing you closer and into the circle of his arms, “No one will die. Your Mandalorian, your friends… We will help them leave safely and then… Then we can begin.” He guided your head to his neck. 
Din’s voice, though muffled, was desperate, clawing at you, “No! Cyar'ika, you can’t. Please, I’m begging you. You don’t need to go to him, you don’t need to do this. I love you. I love you for who you are, for every single thing. I’m not afraid of you, of any single part of you.” He sobbed. 
Din sobbed, reaching for you, “Please don’t leave me alone.” 
You were glad your head was pressed to Haran’s neck, because the backs of your eyes burned, shame and guilt threatening to choke you. 
You had to do this. 
You had to do it now before you shattered completely.
You were quiet, and then just… went pliant in his arms. You raised your own to his back, winding around his lean frame and lifted your face from Haran’s neck, nuzzling your nose along his neck, “I believe you.”  
“NO!!” Din fell to his knees beside Cara, shaking his head in disbelief. “Sweetheart, please don’t do this. Please-” The way his voice broke tore through your heart, and you nearly backed out right then and there. 
But you didn’t because Din… He didn’t understand. He didn’t understand why you had to do this… 
Haran’s arms tightened around you, one coming up to cradle the back of your head, “Good girl. I always knew you would see the light.” A deliberate, ironic choice of words form the King of Shadows and Death.
Din’s sobs speared though you, each devasted noise threatening the tears building in your own throat. 
Raising on tiptoe slightly, you ran a hand down his back, the other splaying wide, ready. 
You brushed your lips along the smooth line of his skin, breathing in the smell of wind and midnight, “There’s just… There’s one little thing…” 
Haran nodded, his cheek resting against your hair, “Anything. Anything you want, it’s yours.” 
His words muffled the soft sound of an object flying into your hand as you let out a breath against the shell of his ear, whispering, “I will never be your Queen.” 
The sound of a lightsaber activating, not through air… but through flesh. 
Haran’s choke of surprise – and agony. 
You held his sagging body to yours, snarling, “That’s for the lake, you twisted asshole.” You stepped back, letting him fall to his knees, yanking free the lightsaber and savouring the gritted howl of agony as you tore back through more flesh and tendon. 
Those amber eyes of his blazed like molten gold, deadly and furious, “You don’t know the mistake you’re making. You’re throwing away your life with these fools.” 
You bared your teeth at him, raising the saber threateningly to his throat, letting it make the faintest contact, “Come after me again, and I will end you. I don’t care if you’re hundreds of yours old, or the King of Death or whatever else you call yourself. I’m not afraid of you. And I will destroy you before you can do the same to anyone else.” 
With that, you quickly turned, bolting toward your family and friends, “Now!!” 
Ahsoka flung her hands wide at the same time as you, creating a wide bubble of Force energy that blew through the space. 
Every Stormtrooper in the area was knocked flat on their back, instantly out like lights as you threw your arm around Din’s shoulders, trying to get him up as he stared at you. 
“What… I don’t…” His voice was bewildered, dazed with pain and he was heavy in your arms. 
You whimpered just slightly, desperation and anxiety creeping forward, the edge of battle slowly fading, “I’ll explain everything later, we have to go now, Lori. Please.” 
Mayfeld was suddenly there, supporting his other side and then you were all running for the cargo hold, leaving the destruction behind you. 
Even as you ran, Cara and Fennec scouting ahead, Ahsoka behind you aiding with the energy bubble and Mayfeld helping you carry Din… You couldn’t quite figure out how you had pulled this off. 
You’d done it. 
Haran watched her leave, supporting the Mandalorian and hurrying away with her friends, her power combined with Tano’s to create an impenetrable shield around them all. 
Well… He would have gotten through with half a thought – perhaps a whole one – but any of the other fools in this place wouldn’t stand a chance. 
Many footsteps rushed into the room and then he felt hands on him, pushing away his own, trying to get to his wound. 
He looked down, saw a medic with their pack open by his side, flitting and fiddling. 
“Leave it.” His silken voice was hard ice, enough of a bite there to inform the medic what would happen if they didn’t leave. 
Despite the medics healing instincts, they knew the tone well, and moments later the kit was packed up and Haran was already turning away from the retreating figure. 
She had grown stronger far quicker than even he had expected. He knew it was within her, but he had thought the trauma ran deeper, its claws embedded into her very soul and creating a barrier every time she would try to tap into the power. 
Tano must have taught her how to master her fear, or how to get past it.
Useful, it saved him a job… but also irritating. If she was already harnessing that trauma, it would mean he could no longer use that aspect. 
Haran walked the path she had taken, out to the cargo load, the harsh wind roaring across the space as the tech’s struggled to gain control of the ship again, to remove whatever bug the girl and her friends had slipped in. 
No matter. It didn’t upturn his plans… just meant he had to work with a new angle. 
And fortunately, he had one, courtesy of the would-be Queen herself.
Haran had come across the bodies in the hallway on his way in here, saw the way they were dumped on the ground with their limbs at unnatural angles, their armour shattered from the inside out. 
And if the still smoking scorch marks all over their bodies weren’t indication enough, a sweep of his power had revealed massive internal devastation. 
Haran stood with a gloved hand pressed to the bleeding wound as he watched the steadily shrinking shape of a ship. A mere thought had the hole stitching back together as he extended his fingers out slowly. 
No one on the clean side of the Force would wreak havoc like that of the hallway, regardless of their love having been kidnapped and beaten. 
And that meant simply one thing. And one thing only.
She was being called to the Dark Side. 
And she’d heeded that call. 
Maybe only temporary, but the Dark Side was like Haran himself. Once you let it in, once you got that first taste… it never truly left. She could deny it all she wanted, trick him with it, think it was merely a reaction from the stress of saving the Mandalorian, but it had already rooted within her. 
He could feel it. 
Haran tipped his head back and laughed, his ebony curls dancing across his forehead as the wind tugged and pushed at his tall, lean frame. A lone pillar of darkness, hovering at the edge of the world. 
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sorryimananti-romantic · 4 years ago
Mist | Choi San | Chapter 4
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Pairing: Choi San x OC (Seohyun)
Genre: supernatural (ghost), romance, high school
Trigger Warnings: paranormal, death mentions, violence
Words: 6.6k
Disclaimer: I do not own anything except my original character and the story. I do not own any gifs or pictures used.
Full story on Wattpad (don’t spoil here if you read there too)
chapter directory
Seohyun was waiting for Jiwoo for quite a while now, sitting on the desk in her room, doodling in her notebook. She sighed as she shut it, a bit frustrated. It was not like Jiwoo to leave her hanging.
Seohyun considered going out; it was highly likely that Jiwoo was at their usual spot- the park near the school, her home, or the accident site. It was about 10 pm. Wasn't that late, was it? She got up, but stopped.
Maybe Jiwoo needed space.
It was probably this, but Seohyun couldn't help fearing that she had just moved on. If she'd gotten her memories back, that could mean that she was a whole different person now. She might not be the Jiwoo she knew anymore.
Seohyun fell on her bed, staring at the wall, and suddenly felt goosebumps.
"Took you long enough," Seohyun said, not bothering to look at Jiwoo, who had just entered the room.
"Don't tell me you were waiting for me," Jiwoo smirked.
"Oh, why would I?" Seohyun smirked back, and made space for Jiwoo, who sat on the bed with her. "So?"
"So, my dear friend," Jiwoo began, clearly excited to tell her her life story.
And she did. She was Ahn Jiwoo, daughter to two loving parents and a sister to a 16 year old brother. She'd had a pretty normal life; her father was a finance manager and her mother a housewife, and she had a lot of friends during her school years too. The rumours about her father being some sort of criminal were wrong; she had to face those rumours in her life too. They had her confused with another Jiwoo in her class.
"So we were a group of four friends; 2 boys and 2 girls. I was kind of a rebel in my last few months of life, because I just found life boring. I wanted an adventure. Something new. I wanted to travel too. So I was suggesting to my friends that we should do something. They were all busy in their own ways, and I didn't understand. I kept bugging them. So when we were in that restaurant, we had an argument. I knew it was my fault. I stormed off, and I was just about to go back when I got hit by a car."
"Oh... so then you went to the hospital, and they found out you lost your memories?"
"Right," she said, "But I was already in a critical condition. Brain damage led me to death."
"Ah..." Seohyun stared at her. Jiwoo's eyes were sad as she told her this, but she looked content. "So the reason you stayed..."
"The reason I stayed was not one, but two. I wanted to make sure my friends didn't blame themselves and my parents had moved on. And I spent the whole day making sure that was the case."
"And the other reason?"
"I want an adventure," she said and smiled brightly.
"Ugh, you ghosts! You stay for the most stupid reasons!" Seohyun mocked and dramatically threw her head in her hands, which made Jiwoo hit her with a pillow until she was laughing.
"That's my last wish, Seohyun. You think you could do that for me? Go on an adventure with me?"
"Haven't you had enough of adventure though? I mean, living with me is an adventure in itself-"
"I already talked to San," Jiwoo said, catching her attention. "He actually thought it was a nice idea. So we're going on an adventure this week. He said he'll make it a surprise for me."
"Hey, hey, that's not fair? You didn't even ask me!"
"I didn't have to," Jiwoo flipped her red hair.
"I don't know why I ever agreed to this," Seohyun sighed, handing her bag to Wooyoung who put it with the other few bags.
"Stop being a boomer and get in," Wooyoung said, and Seohyun did, muttering how she should have never suggested this.
"Should've thought before you planned all of it," Jongho snickered and Seohyun shot a glare.
"Everybody's in?" Hongjoong asked and they looked at each other, shouting a yes. Hongjoong gave a thumbs up and took the front seat of the van after shutting the door.
Everyone, including Jiwoo, who couldn't stop smiling, were seated. Seohyun had asked her mom to lend her a van that could fit 10 people, and though her mom had raised her brows in question, she had agreed when Seohyun said it was a trip with friends. She had just been surprised she had friends that were not ghosts, so without further questions (quite conveniently) she agreed, on the condition that the driver would be someone from the company.
She did raise a question when she found out that she was the only girl in the whole group, and there were only 9 people. Seohyun finally told her she was doing a favour for a ghost who had saved her life, and her mother made her promise she'd tell her the story someday.
They were going to Muchangpo Beach. They decided they'd see the sunset there. It was close to Seoul and the only place they could afford to travel and have an 'adventure'. They'd have a fun time, the boys promised, saying everything was fun when they were together.
Jiwoo was sitting between San and Wooyoung, and the three of them were chatting. Seohyun smiled when she saw that San was her voice; he'd say whatever she had to say.
She herself was in the middle row with Seonghwa and Yeosang by her sides. The two of them were also half bent backwards, listening to whatever the three of them were talking about. Seohyun had plugged her earphones in but she wasn't playing any music yet. She just listened to them talk.
"Tell us something about Seohyun," Wooyoung asked, giggling. Seohyun smiled inwardly.
"Well, Seohyun," Jiwoo thought, "she's quite rude, isn't she?"
"She's quite rude, isn't she?" San did his job, and the five of them laughed.
"She's not that rude,~" Seonghwa casted a glance at her, sighing in relief when he thought she couldn't hear him. Seohyun bit her cheek from the inside to stop smiling.
"She's scared of crows, of all thing," Jiwoo revealed, and the boys laughed a little. "She'll never show it, but when more than three crows are around, she runs for her life."
"Ah, I haven't ever noticed," Yeosang said, rubbing his chin, "she can hide it really well."
"Tell us some ghost story," Wooyoung asked. He was clearly enjoying this.
"I have a good one!" Jiwoo exclaimed and everyone seemed to scoot closer. "There was once a boy about her age who had the most stupid reason to not move on."
San almost stopped as he narrowed his eyes at Jiwoo and she assured him it was not Joon Hyuk. So San told the boys, and asked them to guess.
"He wanted an adventure too?" Yeosang laughed.
Jiwoo pouted, but said it could fall in that category, but it was a different sort of adventure. She told them to let their imagination run wild.
As San told the boys, Seohyun decided this was her cue to interrupt. "We are NOT going to talk about that!"
Wooyoung screamed a little in surprise. "Weren't you listening to music?!"
Jiwoo was just laughing and Seohyun bared her teeth at her, making everyone laugh and wonder just what sort of adventure did the boy want. After a hundred pleads from the boys, Seohyun finally told them that it didn't actually happen; she just threatened the ghost in unimaginable ways, making him move on without his desire.
"I think I have an idea of what happened," Yeosang thought, amusement in his eyes, "But I am too afraid to voice it out."
"I think you got it then," Seohyun nodded in approval and Yeosang gaped at her.
"You got it tough, friend," he said, patting her shoulder to comfort her. San and Wooyoung were pouting very loudly, and Seonghwa just stared at Yeosang and Seohyun as understanding passed between them.
"You both are so weird," Seonghwa finally said.
"If I tell you, Seonghwa, you'll drown in shame. Better protect your ears and your pure mind," Seohyun grinned.
San and Wooyoung exchanged glances, frowning, but they shook their head. It couldn't be that bad. Could it?
Seohyun plugged her earphones again, deciding she'd take a nap and actually played music this time.
"We're here!"
Seonghwa shook her awake, and Seohyun slowly opened her eyes, her hand going in front of her eyes as she blocked the sunlight. She took off her earphones and the sound of waves hit her, making her smile. She adjusted her green dress that reached below her knees, and put her hat on.
She saw that Jiwoo was already out, running along the beach, and San was watching her with a smile on his face. He turned back, meeting eyes with Seohyun, who suddenly felt out of breath.
San was handsome- painfully handsome. And the plain white shirt he wore didn't help. His hair was flying due to the breeze and he ran a hand through them, cocking his head to the side as he watched her.
The sun making his skin glow didn't help either.
Seohyun cleared her throat and joined him, and they both watched Jiwoo, in her jeans and green T shirt that she had died in- her permanent outfit, running as freely as she could, her red hair flowing behind her, her laugh ringing in the air.
"I didn't know she'd be that happy to see the beach. Hasn't she been here before?" Seohyun asked.
"I think she has. She knew the way. And I'm almost suspicious she's doing this just to annoy you," San answered.
As if on cue, Jiwoo stopped, doing a weird dance, then started twerking-
"And that's our cue to look away," Seohyun grabbed San, now laughing, by his arm and went to join the others. "They didn't have to come. They can't see her."
"We figured out a way to enjoy with her even if we can't see her," San smirked.
And that was how, a few moments later, they all were assembled in a circle playing cards.
"Why do I think San and Seohyun are cheating on us with Jiwoo?" Yunho looked at them suspiciously.
"How do you think the cards are in the air?" Seohyun asked, and Yunho grinned. She had a point. To anyone who could not see Jiwoo, it would look like a bunch of cards were in the air.
"I WON!" Jiwoo smacked the final card and jumped in the air. Seohyun gaped at her.
"You cheated!" She shouted.
"I was sitting with you the whole time, don't give me that shit," Jiwoo smirked.
San told them that she had, indeed, won without cheating and everybody groaned. Mingi dragged the food basket and him and Jongho started spreading the food.
"Can she really not eat?" Jongho asked.
"I'm afraid not," Seohyun answered.
"Isn't it rude to eat in front of a ghost?" Jiwoo put her hands on her hip and Seohyun popped a cherry in her mouth, saying, "It is."
San scoffed. Jiwoo kicked Seohyun's leg lightly and said she was going to walk. The rest of them started to eat.
"I heard the sunset here is very pretty," Seonghwa said.
"I've been here before," Mingi took a bite of his sandwich, "It really is the prettiest."
After eating a little, Seohyun looked in the distance where Jiwoo was standing near the shore, the waves flowing near her. Jiwoo looked back and started walking towards them, then stopped halfway and gestured at them to come.
"She's calling us," San said, and they all got up, joining Jiwoo.
"I want to play in the water," Jiwoo said.
"What's stopping you?" Seohyun asked.
"With you all, you dumbass," Jiwoo laughed and took her hand, leading her to the shore.
"Hey, hey, easy there," Seohyun laughed and let out a little yelp as the waves hit her bare feet. "The water is so cold!"
Jiwoo bent down and sprayed the water on Seohyun, smirking.
"Oh no, you did not!" Seohyun bent down and sprayed back before she could run. And so started a battle of getting each other wet. They all forgot all their worries for a while, running around in the waves, laughing as loudly as they could, laughing even louder when one of them got Jiwoo. By the time it got darker, they were all quite wet.
Yunho and Yeosang ran back to get towels for everyone, throwing them one each, and wondering if Jiwoo should have a towel. Seohyun said there was no need, but Jiwoo snatched hers once she was done.
"The sunset's here, guys," Yeosang said.
They all stood silently, side by side, watching the sky change to brilliant shades of candy, the sun reflecting on the sea. It was breathtakingly beautiful. At some point, Jiwoo crossed her hand with Seohyun's, and she turned to look at her face. Her red hair shone brightly and her eyes were wet.
"I want it to be the last thing that I see before I go," Jiwoo almost whispered. Seohyun's heart sank in her knees. It was really happening.
Jiwoo looked at San and smiled widely, San smiled back and waved at her. Jiwoo asked him to tell everyone that she was thanking them for doing so much for her. They all assured her it was nothing, and said they were gonna miss her.
San looked at Seohyun, nodding and urged the others to come with him. Only Jiwoo and Seohyun remained now, facing the sunset.
"It's really happening," Jiwoo finally said. A cry of pain escaped Seohyun's mouth. She couldn't take it anymore. Jiwoo rubbed her hand comfortingly, making her face herself. "You've given me an adventure. The time I spent with you, that was enough. Today was for you, Seohyun."
"Are you serious?" Seohyun asked.
Jiwoo nodded. "I told everyone it was for me, but no. It was for you. A gift for helping me out so much. For being a friend. A little sister that I always wanted."
Seohyun smiled sadly, "I'm gonna miss you so, so much. I got used to you, I shouldn't have."
"I know," Jiwoo smiled, kissing her forehead and wrapping her in a hug. Seohyun closed her eyes and inhaled. "Don't cry on me right now, Seohyun."
Seohyun laughed a little. "I'm trying not to, you're making it harder by reminding me!" She opened her eyes and saw the boys, watching them from a distance.
"I hope you'll open your heart more, Seohyun. That's my last wish. You had a tough life, but you have so many people, dead and alive, who love you. I hope you remember that, always."
"Unnie..." A tear escaped Seohyun.
Jiwoo watched the sunset, Seohyun in her arms, and it was perfect.
She closed her eyes.
Seohyun felt it, felt her presence fade away. She was no longer hugging Jiwoo. She stood for a few seconds before finally collapsing on the sand and she shuddered as tears began to flow. She put her face in her hands and cried her heart out.
The boys approached her, sitting around her, rubbing her back, telling her that it was okay. She just cried and cried, and she knew she was letting go of Joon Hyuk along with Jiwoo too. The proper goodbye that she had so badly wanted, she finally got it.
San put her arms around her and brought her closer, caressing her hair. After a few minutes, she was out of tears. She let her hair cover her face as she rested her head on San's shoulder, trying to normalize her breath.
Jongho handed her a water bottle. She managed a smile and took a few sips, rubbing her eyes. The boys looked at each other. They weren't sure what they should do next.
"God damn me if I ever befriend a ghost again," Seohyun said and finally laughed, making everyone else laugh along.
"Are you okay?" Hongjoong asked.
"Yes, I am, actually," she said, wiping her eyes again. "I'm done crying for a while now." Her eyes went to San, who understood and smiled.
"Alright, let's get some dinner."
The driver had dropped Seohyun home now, and was on the way to drop the rest of them. As Seohyun entered her home, it felt strange. She felt utterly alone now that she knew Jiwoo wasn't gonna be back ever.
She tried to recall the time, only a few months ago, when she hadn't met Jiwoo yet. What did she even do in her spare time? She could not remember.
Seohyun went in her room and changed into her PJs first. After she combed her hair and scrolled a bit, she got up to turn off the light and saw something lying on her desk.
It was a painting. Of Jiwoo and her, cheek to cheek, smiling, the black cat in their arms. Seohyun gasped a little and examined it. It was really well drawn. Who made it?
She turned the page and saw something written on the back of it:
I remember now that I loved painting. Since we don't have any photos, I captured us in this painting. Now you have a photo!
Love always, Jiwoo unnie ^^
Seohyun laughed a little as she read how she had addressed herself. "I guess you really liked being called unnie," she thought out loud.
She set the painting on her bookshelf. After being content with its position, she turned off the light, and slept surprisingly peacefully throughout the night.
"I swear to god if you don't make fun of me when I do something stupid, I'm never gonna talk to you all again."
"Well, that's new," Yeosang commented, "You're begging for it now."
"Better that then you all being like this!" Seohyun let out a frustrated sigh.
The boys were being ridiculously sensitive with Seohyun, and she was feeling absolutely uncomfortable. She hadn't noticed it the first two days, but then she noticed in the little things; how they'd always offer her food before eating themselves, how they'd always accompany her, etc. She had enough of the special treatment.
"You're acting like someone died," Seohyun said.
"Back at it with the dead jokes are you?" San shook his head.
"Technically, Jiwoo was dead," Jongho remarked.
"So did she die twice then?" Mingi wondered.
"Oh please," Seohyun sighed again, "I just want you all to act like we used to. No more special treatment. Please, this makes it worse. I'm already at terms with Jiwoo going. It was bound to happen."
"Alright, alright," Seonghwa said and shushed her. "We didn't know what else we could do. Back to normal, okay?"
"Thank you," Seohyun truly meant it. "Also, I think I'm ready to share my drums." The boys hooted except one.
"Are you angry?" Mingi asked. Seohyun immediately turned to San, who was suddenly interested in Wooyoung's fingernails.
"Now I am," Seohyun muttered, and San smiled without meeting her eyes. The teacher came and interrupted their session, so they went back to studying.
After school was over, the boys decided to go to their warehouse, while Seohyun asked if anyone would help her bring the drums. San volunteered and they walked to her home, the black cat in San's hand.
As they walked, talking about how it looked like the cat missed Jiwoo, San stopped in his tracks. "I think you have a guest."
Seohyun looked ahead and saw a middle aged man dressed like a doctor. He was a ghost. Seohyun shared a look with San and went ahead.
"How can I help you?" Seohyun asked. The ghost got startled when he saw that San could see him too.
Jiwoo had once explained that to ghosts, Seohyun shined a little brighter than the rest of the humans, which was how they knew. Seohyun had just thought she was crazy but now she realized, now that she was with San, that it must be true.
Or maybe Jiwoo hadn't been joking that one time when she said there was a banner on top of her head and every ghost could see it, only Seohyun couldn't.
"I was told you'd help me," the doctor said. Seohyun nodded and he continued. "I made a mistake. I operated on a patient and it went wrong. It was my fault. The patient lost his vision. They were going to sue me, but when I tried to settle it, we had an argument. They gave up on suing me, saying I wasn't even worth the trouble.
"It was a few days later. I went into a slump and started drinking a lot. I was on the roof of the hospital and it wasn't my intention, but I slipped. That's how I died."
"I'm sorry to hear that," Seohyun said, "How can I help you move on then?"
"I want to let the patient know that I truly am sorry, and I want to let my family, just my family know that it wasn't a suicide. I wouldn't leave them behind on purpose."
"But... isn't it easier for your family this way? Than knowing that you are now a ghost? That it wasn't an accident?"
"I think," San began, "that he's right. It's more easier for them if they know he didn't commit suicide. They'd feel really bad if they think he left them on purpose. No one wants that from the people they love."
The doctor smiled thankfully at San. "I'll take you to the patient first," he said and asked if he should teleport the two of them.
"Do you want to come? You don't have to," Seohyun said.
San stroked the cat's head. "I want to."
"I don't know if it's safe for San to teleport. So we'll take the mundane route. Lead the way, sir."
"It's quite a distance. I hope you have money for taxi," the doctor said.
On the way to the patient's house, they had a nice chat with the doctor. He told them about his life, back when he was famous for being a good surgeon. He had never made a mistake and he had always held pride in that. But with this particular patient, he took a risk he knew he shouldn't have.
He told them he had a 10 year old daughter and he wanted her to become a doctor too. He wanted her to know that it was good to save people, and she shouldn't be afraid to take risks but also be careful at the same time and know her limits.
Seohyun was actually touched by the whole thing. It was good to have ghosts like these once in a while; nice, well-mannered ghosts.
They reached the patient's house. It was in a posh area; the patient himself must be rich. The house looked more like a mansion from the outside. Upon ringing the doorbell, a woman appeared, who the doctor told them was his wife. She seemed to be past 50s.
"We're relatives of Dr. Lee, the one who operated on your husband. We're here to discuss things about the case."
The woman passed them a skeptical look, "The doctor passed away, didn't he? We gave up on the case altogether. What do you want now?"
"We just want to talk to Mr. Cho. It's important. Please."
The woman let them in, guided them to the chairs in the garden and said she'd bring her husband. San and her sat down, admiring the lush gardens. The doctor paced worriedly.
"It will be alright. I have a way with words," Seohyun assured the doctor.
The husband and wife arrived; San and Seohyun got up and greeted them respectfully. "I am Seohyun, Dr. Lee's distant relative. This is San, my cousin."
"Have a seat," he said and they all settled down, including the wife. Seohyun sighed and decided she'd get to the point.
"Dr. Lee made a mistake. You must know that," Seohyun said. The wife looked at her husband worriedly.
"So he says," Mr. Cho said, staring in the distance.
"He wants to apologize, sincerely. I'll get to the point. He's here right now. I can see ghosts, the dead who have not moved on. He had unfinished business here, because he wanted to sincerely apologize. He won't be able to move on until he hears your forgiveness."
"Is this a prank?" Mrs. Cho asked, but Mr. Cho shushed her.
"I hope you can prove he's here," Mr. Cho said.
"Dr. Lee told you about some ginseng plant right before you went under anesthesia. No one was there when he told you, right?"
"That's true," Mr. Cho smiled. His wife began to complain but he raised a hand. "That's interesting. My father had a friend. He could see ghosts too. Are you the Mediator?"
San and Seohyun looked at each other in surprise. "That's what they call me, yes."
Mr. Cho laughed a little. "I used to not believe my father and that friend of his for the longest time, until I saw something and couldn't believe my eyes. That's why I believe you too, girl. You're doing a good job."
"Thank you," Seohyun said.
"So Dr. Lee is here? I can speak directly to him?"
"Yes sir."
"Alright. Dr. Lee, it was your fault, I know. But I truly forgive you. There are things we cannot avoid. We call it fate or destiny. What's bound to happen, fortune or misfortune, happens and you cannot avoid it. That's what I believe. I want you to move on, without the burden of my accident holding you back. You didn't do it on purpose, and that is enough for me."
Tears escaped Mrs. Cho's eyes and she wiped them. Seohyun muttered to San, 'wise man', and they watched Dr. Lee's eyes shine with tears to as he said his apology and thanks. Seohyun conveyed the message.
They were offered tea, but Seohyun told them they had to get home. The man offered to help Seohyun out if she ever had trouble with this Mediator job. She accepted, saying she would pay a visit someday.
The three of them left the house, standing in the street and reflecting on what had happened.
"That went rather smoothly," Seohyun commented.
"I know!" San widened his eyes at her.
"Thank you, Seohyun. It really does feel like a burden off my shoulder."
"No problem, we should move now. What's the next job?"
"I don't think I can see them like this," the doctor said. "I love my daughter and my wife very much. Seeing them would want me to stay. Do you think I can write a letter to my wife? You can give it to her tomorrow."
"Will your wife believe that it was really written by you?"
"We had a secret code between us; we created it. If I mention it in the letter, she'll have to believe it. And she'll recognize my handwriting too."
San and Seohyun decided that was convenient, and Seohyun handed the doctor a pen and paper. He wrote a short one, muttering something about how the less he wrote the better it would be. Then he folded it and handed it to Seohyun.
"I trust you. You'll give the letter tomorrow, right? I wrote the address on the other page."
"I will deliver it personally."
"Thank you," the doctor smiled. "Do you think I'll be able to watch over my daughter?"
"Maybe you will," Seohyun said.
"Guardian angel," San added, making the doctor smile as he disappeared. He had moved on.
"Well," Seohyun said, "That was quick. I love it when ghosts are wise enough to actually know how to handle their mess."
San scoffed. "Let's go."
Grabbing some coffee from a café they passed by, they took a taxi to Seohyun's home. Seohyun insisted that they should eat before they packed the drums and go to the warehouse. San helped her set the table. She had made pasta last night, which she reheated, and had some chocolates for dessert.
"Does your mom ever come home?" San asked as he nibbled on the chocolate.
Seohyun yawned. San reflected. They both were tired and sleepy now. "She has an apartment near her office so she only comes once a week here."
San yawned again and Seohyun laughed. "Should I let you nap?"
San smiled lazily. "Let's just pack the drums while you're still angry. I don't want you to change your mind."
Seohyun threw the wrapper at him and he caught it before it hit his face, throwing it right back. She dodged it. "Come on, let's dismantle it."
It took them ten minutes to dismantle and pack the drums. But it was already night time, and the boys had locked the warehouse and gone home when San asked them.
"Well, I'll call them here tomorrow. They should take it if they want it so much."
"Good idea." San said, yawning again.
"I think if I let you go home now, you're gonna fall asleep in the middle of the road. Take a power nap, San."
"Oh no, I shouldn't. I'll just go," he said and walked past her, only to be grabbed by the arms and led to a room despite him insisting he was not THAT sleepy.
San entered the room and immediately knew it was Seohyun's. The potted plants, the books, the mess. And the painting.
"So that's the painting, eh," he said, walking towards it and looking at the detail, absolutely wowed by it.
"How do you know? I don't think I mentioned," Seohyun narrowed her eyes.
"Jiwoo told me she left a gift for you," he smiled. Seohyun went to stand with him, looking at the painting with him.
"She's really good," she said.
San looked down at her. She felt so small; he was about a head taller than her. He turned towards her, his hand going to play with her hair. "You're really okay, right?"
"I am, San," Seohyun assured him. "I do feel lonely when I'm home, but you guys make up for it everyday."
San nodded. He was still playing with her hair. Seohyun suddenly flushed; they were standing quite close to each other. San noticed her looking at him, her light brown eyes shining.
He seemed to be searching her eyes for something. And Seohyun wasn't sure what it was, but she felt her heart pumping louder every second. She was, oh god, she was so attracted to him. He made her feel so many things just by looking at her.
"What are you looking at?" Seohyun asked- almost whispered.
"You," San said, bringing his hand to cup her face, surprised when she leaned in to his touch and closed her eyes. It made him melt. He brought her in for a hug and she gladly wrapped her arms around his waist, his small waist. She could hear his heart beat just as loudly. San rested his face on her head, rocking them back and forth. He didn't want to let go, he wanted to stay like this as long as he could.
Seohyun sighed. All she could think about was how he felt. Her mind was truly blank.
San finally broke apart a little, Seohyun's arms still around his waist. He was staring at her, his hands cupping her face, putting stray hair behind her ears. Seohyun wanted to do the same to him, but at the same time she didn't want to let go of him.
"Seohyun, Seohyun," he whispered, loving the sound of her name on his lips. She bit her lip. It seemed like they just stared at each other for the longest time, afraid to say anything, until Seohyun smiled at the situation.
San kissed her forehead first, a light peck. When she didn't move away, he tilted her face a bit upwards to kiss her cheekbone, then her cheek, leaving butterfly kisses, making her tremble all over. She clenched his shirt tighter, out of breath already. Their noses brushed and she loved the feeling of it, his breath warm on her. And when their lips brushed, San finally kissed her properly.
And Seohyun's mind went blank.
San's hand went behind her neck and Seohyun finally left his waist, only to cup his face herself as she guided him along. They tasted chocolate on each other. Seohyun was deepening the kiss, she just couldn't get enough. San mirrored her movements, following along, making her bend backwards until her back hit the desk and her hand went to rest on it for support.
San broke apart to catch his breath. His eyes were glazed, and so were Seohyun's. He put his hand on Seohyun's, the one that was on the desk, and with a sultry look and half a smile, he kissed her again, so passionately that it made Seohyun curve back and back until San was half on top of her.
When they broke apart, finally short of breath, Seohyun smirked. "I thought you were sleepy."
"I still am," he said, resting her forehead against her and smiling, eyes shut.
Seohyun lead him to her bed, making him sit. She bit her lip and smirked as she positioned herself on San's lap. San held her by her waist and let her kiss him; on his cheeks, like he had done, a peck on his nose which made him laugh, and finally a kiss to the lips.
"God, the way you make me feel, Choi San!" She sighed dramatically.
"And how do I make you feel?" He questioned. Seohyun shook her head. "I'll tell you later. Now we sleep."
San set his alarm for a power nap and with Seohyun in her arms, they both slept peacefully. When the alarm did go off, Seohyun didn't budge. With a kiss on her forehead, he left the house.
"There's something wrong with Seohyun," Yeosang announced and everyone turned to look at him.
"There's more?" Wooyoung asked sarcastically and Seohyun glared at him, turning to look at Yeosang, asking him what he meant by that.
"I don't know," Yeosang threw his hands in the air, clearly frustrated, "She keeps smiling to herself. It's creepy."
Seohyun and San shared a look and San, despite his struggle not to, burst out laughing. Seohyun pursed her lips, trying not to smile but failed.
"See?" Yeosang pointed at her, "Has she ever smiled like this?"
Wooyoung was looking at San and Seohyun. "You both.... Is there a secret I don't know about!?"
"I don't have secrets anymore..." Seohyun lied shamelessly, shrugging. San put his hands in the air and said, "I only laughed because of what Yeosang said."
"No, you're looking at each other with the most disgusting look in your eyes," Yeosang observed, "Don't tell me you two..."
"Ah, no, that cannot have happened!" Hongjoong waved him off as Seonghwa gasped.
"How could you even suggest such a thing?" Seonghwa shook his head, clearly disappointed in Yeosang.
"No, I didn't even say anything yet..." Yeosang looked at Seohyun to apologize but she smirked at him, making his eyes go wide.
"I am RIGHT! Something happened between these two, she smirked at me!"
Seohyun immediately put her poker face and looked at Mingi and Jongho, who were right in front of her, with the most innocent look in her eyes. "Did you see me smirk?"
Mingi and Jongho shook their heads. Yeosang shot Seohyun a glare. "I know I'm right. If this turns out to be true..."
"Stop being so dramatic," San said, shushing Yeosang, and got up to drink water.
They were all in the warehouse, having just left school, and were currently relaxing and drinking juice, chatting with each other. Yeosang had noticed Seohyun smiling more than usual, which made him think something happened. It didn't help that San and Seohyun couldn't stop exchanging glances.
Seohyun had brought the drum set with Yunho before coming to the warehouse. Seohyun motioned to Mingi and they got up, leaving the rest behind.
"Have you ever played drums before? Like, actual drums?"
"Yeah," Mingi answered, "A friend of mine had them."
"Alright, you should learn how to arrange them."
So Seohyun taught Mingi all about the components of a drum set, their various uses and how to dismantle them and put them back. Mingi listened carefully, and Seohyun smiled inwardly at how happy he looked. It made her feel guilty that she delayed it so much.
When they were done, they stood back to have a look.
"A much needed upgrade," Mingi smiled, ruffling Seohyun's hair, "Thanks."
"This drum set is my baby, okay? Use it well."
"Yes ma'am," Mingi saluted and Seohyun pointed at the drums. "Have a go."
Mingi sat on the stool, testing the weight of the drum sticks in his hand. He tested the sounds then, and played a little, freestyling, laughing as he did. The others had come to watch him, cheering and hyping him up.
"Not bad," Seohyun said when he finished, "Just go with your heart. Don't think."
"Your turn," Mingi handed her the drum sticks and she almost panicked.
"I think I'm good," she hesitated but someone pushed her forward. It was Yunho.
"I didn't go through all that trouble of coming to your house and carrying the drums to not see you play," he shook his head.
"Alright. Just a second," Seohyun said, tying her hair in a ponytail. "There you go."
Everyone hooted, clearly excited. This was the first time she was going to actually play in front of them, save for the time she had played the violin for San. San smiled at her as if he was thinking the same thing. Seohyun inhaled, testing the drums, and began.
She realized she really did enjoy playing the drums; there was just something about drums where you could express freely, and loudly, as if you wanted everyone to hear it. And it made her smile like crazy, put her brain on pause for a while and play with her heart.
She played like crazy, and when she was done, everyone was in awe.
"You're actually very good!" Hongjoong said, finally clapping. Seohyun bowed her head and got up. "I didn't expect this."
"It's like she was a different person," Jongho was looking at her with wonder.
"Teacher! you're my teacher from today," Mingi declared, and Seohyun scoffed at him.
"You don't need a teacher, teach yourself. I know you can."
"Nooo~" he wailed, "I would love you as a teacher!"
Seohyun just waved him off, going to San and smiling embarrassingly at him. He pinched her cheeks and she pouted, the two of them forgetting for a moment that everyone was still watching her.
"You two... there is something different!" Jongho laughed in disbelief. San and Seohyun started laughing. Yeosang just shook hands with Jongho, thanking him for finally noticing.
"They're not even bothering to deny it, guys," Yunho grinned.
"San is mine!" Wooyoung shouted dramatically, coming to hug San, sticking his tongue out at Seohyun. Seohyun glared at him, baring her teeth at him, and snatched San from him. Wooyoung gasped, and suddenly the two of them were in a battle, both pulling at San by his arms, who was laughing painfully, shouting for help.
"He's not even choosing!" Seohyun laughed, and winked at Wooyoung as she said, "Let's ditch him."
Wooyoung pushed San away, rather forcefully, who fell in Yeosang's arms. He put his arm in Seohyun and she flipped her hair as they walked away from him.
"No one loves me," San buried his nose in Yeosang's neck, pouting. Yeosang sighed, patting his head.
"You're right," Yeosang said, "Absolutely right."
"Hey..." San moaned like a little kid.
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justcourttee · 4 years ago
Love, Right?
This was an ask from AO3, but I loved it so much and wanted to post it here too.
vasiliassuns asked: aaaaa!! i love all these one shots so much:)! would it be any trouble to ask for the waynes (minus alfred, he knows all) being in paris to research ladybug and accidentally see marinette transform before watching her whoop ass? (i know theres a lot of fics with this in the damianette tag, but aa!! such a good trope,,,and your writing is awesome.) its totally cool if not! i also wanna add that im super excited for the next chapter:) seriously tho your writing is awesome and i adore it
If you had told Damian Al Ghul Wayne that he would discover the love of his life in a shotty alleyway in Paris, France, he would’ve laughed in your face.
Yet there he was, his heart racing a million times a minute as he watched her swing into action sending the akumatized person sailing with a solid kick to their chest.
‘Flawless Execution, I couldn’t have done it better myself.’
Damian ignored the crowds pushing against him trying to take cover in the nearest shelter. He knew that by now his family would’ve seen his transmission from the camera contacts that Barbara had provided them before leaving Gotham. They would also be racing toward the battle hoping to catch a glimpse of how these victims communicated with the notorious Hawkmoth.
He turned the corner colliding into three other rushing bodies.
They all fell to the ground with a groan, each holding their own heads with equal scowls directed at the others. Damian was the first to find his feet as he crossed her arms, glaring down on his mess of brothers. Three voices filled the alleyway simultaneously, all as panicked at the other.
“Damian was that the coffee goddess-”
“Damian was that the flying angel from the acrobat gym-”
“Damian was that your girlfriend-”
Everyone silenced as their gazes shifted to where Jason stood. He only shrugged his shoulders in response, that familiar smirk pulling at his lips.
“She’s not my girlfriend Todd.” Damian tried to say it with the straightest face he could manage but he could do nothing to hide the red that had crept up his cheeks.
“Well, whatever she is doesn’t matter. What does matter is that the flying angel is Ladybug! That information would’ve been helpful earlier. We were already hanging out in civilian form, I mean, we could’ve been having our top-secret meetings without the masks!”
“Dick, some of us care about our secret identities unlike you.”
Dick pouted as Tim elbowed his side.
“All I’m saying is that if she can trust me to catch her 40 feet above the ground, then she should be able to trust me with her secret identity.”
“It’s not like she knows our identity’s Richard.” Damian narrowed his eyes at the older boy essentially silencing his continuous whining. “Besides, she probably didn’t want to harm us. If we showed care for her superheroine side, then Hawkmoth could try to attack us to get to her.”
Jason flailed his hand around mocking Damian’s speech behind his head earning a giggle from the others. Damian’s whole face flushed red as he tried to count backward from 10 to avoid killing Jason.
A blur of red landed in front of him, her slightly flushed face staring above them, as determined as ever.
“I’ve never seen anything so beautiful.”
Her eyes darted down to meet his, a slightly surprised look crossing her face.
“Gentlemen, please return to the shelter. It’s not safe right now.”
The boys stared at each other, calculating their best chances of regrouping if they split now. She swung off before she heard their answer shielding them from the oncoming blow. Damian wanted to rush to her side and help her back to her feet but it wasn’t the right moment.
As they made their way back toward the shelter, Damian’s mind was racing a million times a minute.
The quiet girl with a load of sass who helped him study French couldn’t be the bold superheroine who fought crime on a daily basis right? It seemed illogical.
Yet the more he thought about it, the more he could see it. The way she stood up in class to Chloe and Lila whenever they attacked him, the way she could maneuver around every situation within mere seconds of seeing how it would play out, the way those same blue eyes would shine with determination when she knew she was the smartest one in the room and was only being challenged to prove it.
“I’m so stupid.”
“Wait, can you say that again? I wanna make it my ringtone.”
Damian stuck his foot out as he skidded to a stop taking joy in seeing Todd tumble to the ground, a satisfying rip coming from his new leather jacket.
“Ah, c’mon man, it was just a joke!”
A small scream of terror caught their attention. A girl stood in the middle of the cobblestone, clinging to a stuffed bear, the Akuma looming over her as if ready to strike. Damian knew he couldn’t make it quick enough, but damn if he wasn’t going to try.
The Akuma's hand came down before he had even moved an inch, a sickening smack turning Damian’s stomach. As the dust cleared, Damian raced forward, intent on beheading any man who dared to lay hands on a child so small, but the Akuma was nowhere in sight.
The only thing that was left was a breathless Ladybug, dropped to her knees in front of the small girl, a white butterfly fluttering into the sky.
Her head perked up at the sound of Damian’s voice as he fell beside her, checking her over for any injuries.
“I’m fine Damian, please, check on the girl.”
As if Damian needed any more confirmation that Ladybug was Marinette. Here she was not even denying that she knew him in that cute stammering manner she did. With a small nod, he turned to check over the girl, making sure the Akuma hadn’t bruised her.
Beside him, Ladybug stumbled to her feet throwing her Miraculous Cure into the air. Instantly, Damian noticed all the damage disappearing under the blinding lights as if the battle had never happened in the first place. He wanted to ask her how the magic behind it worked, but the sound of a shout cut him off.
“Oi! Get back here you little brat! I’m not done teaching you a lesson for eating my food!”
Instantly the girl in his arms became smaller. Ladybug noticed it as well as her eyes hardened, almost daring the man to take a step forward.
“Sir, I’m going to have to ask you to stop right there. You were just a victim of Hawkmoth’s powers and need to be checked over by Chat Noir.”
The blonde hero nodded warily as if ready to attack from behind if things went south.
“I ain’t doing any of that. This child right here is mine and needs to be taught a lesson one way or another.”
Ladybug glanced behind her at the small girl’s silent tears as she clung to Damian’s arms as if they were her lifeline.
“You will be doing no such thing. In fact, by the end of today, she will no longer be your child. I suggest you leave now sir, I wouldn’t want things to get ugly.”
The man had the audacity to laugh. It fueled the rage inside Damian, but he refused to let go of the girl. He feared that if he did, she would run.
“What are you gonna do? You superheroes can’t touch me if I’m not akumatized.”
In a flash, he lunged forward. Ladybug wasn’t even fazed as she sidestepped him, pushing his head down into the cobblestone below. It was only one blow, but he was out cold, a small split on his forehead.
Damian couldn’t help the way his jaw hung.
“Medic, he’s going to need stitches. Sir,” Damian shook the shock from his face as he met her eyes. “This child seems to have taken a liking to you, would you mind taking her to the police station for me? Tell them I will be there soon to make my report and check on her.”
Damian nodded, unable to find his voice as those intimidating eyes stared down into his.
“And one more thing, I’ll be checking in with you later as well. It seems we have much to talk about little bird.”
Damian’s entire face flushed red as she swung off with her partner, his eyes never leaving her figure until she was out of sight. The sound of pounding feet on the pavement brought him back to reality as his brother’s skidded in front of him, their faces as impressed as his.
“Hey Damian, this is your fair warning. If you don’t date her, I might.”
“Me three.”
Damian stumbled over his denial as he watched his brother’s burst into laughter. Dick gathered the young girl from his arms, cooing at her until she was calm once more, allowing him to finally stand.
“You all are not worthy of her, only I am.”
Jason crossed his arms mocking Damian’s half pout as he and Tim shared another laugh at the murderous look in his eyes. He could care less what these imbeciles thought, the only thing that mattered was what she did.
And he couldn’t wait to find out.
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notchesandbullets · 4 years ago
Gifts From the Heart (Soft!Ojiro x Wolf!Reader)
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Art credit: Pixiv ID 4177162
Requested by anon: Saw the word Ojiro, came running. Can I request fluffy, wholesome Ojiro x Fem!Reader where Ojiro makes the reader a gift?
A/N: This is a chapter from my unpublished Ojiro x reader book that will be uploaded all at once very soon xD. Stay tuned!! there needs to be more ojiro content out there, this boy is so underrated
[anon, i got so carried away the full fanfic is at 50k words and its climbing im so sorry it took me so long to post what you requested, it spurred on my creativity and now i have a fanfic sitting in my docs waiting to be shown to the world lol]
✨Edit: this is part 10 of Ojiro’s fanfic series titled “Saving Her”. Masterlist for it found here!! ✨
Words: 3.8k
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It was a lazy Sunday and everyone was lounging around the Heights Alliance dormitory. Aoyama was sitting at one of the tables with Midoriya, Iida and Uraraka, serving hors d’oeuvres.
It made a great accompaniment to Yaoyorozu’s herbal tea. 
Ojiro gathered what he would need in order to make you your gift. It was almost done, but it was missing a few key finishing touches.
Throughout the time you had spent with them, he had found himself growing more and more attached to you and given your past, he wanted to show you just how much you were welcome here.
Alright, maybe it was a little bit more than that. Maybe it was more along the lines of wanting to confess to you badly, but if he went in with that idea, he was sure he would get rejected. Not to mention, he lacked the courage.
He had roped in the assistance of Yaoyorozu and Hagakure. They were the only ones who knew of his feelings and his plan for your gift, but they roped in the rest of the girls to keep you distracted while he put his plan into motion.
He had been surprised when Hagakure suggested it to him, since he wasn’t able to get you anything from that day at the mall when you all went. You didn’t want anything but what once was bewildering gave him an idea for your next present.
He was the only one who hadn’t gotten you anything, desperately wanting it to be perfect before he gave it to you. 
His lack of creativity was soon solved by one simple thing as his eyes fell on what you had discarded on his bed the day before.
While you were distracted by the girls upstairs, he got to work. Pushing up his sleeves alongside Sato and Koda, he started to prepare what he needed.
Meanwhile, you were having a blast.
Yaoyorozu was teaching you how to braid your own hair so it wouldn’t get in the way and so that your fluffy ears would be shown off and not hidden. You and Asui were talking about the upcoming week where they were going to get trained for the provisional licensing exam. Since you were so new, you wouldn’t be able to take it at the same time as everyone else but that didn’t deter you.
If anything, you were even more pumped to catch up to them.
Things had been rough. You had narrowly escaped a bad situation only for Ojiro to save you. Since then, things had started to snowball one after another, but in the best way possible. Aizawa had arranged a temporary agreement with Principal Nezu concerning your enrollment into UA which also enabled you to stay at the dorms. 
But what once was supposed to be temporary solidified into a permanent situation as Aizawa adopted you and now you were hoping that they would let you stay.
Overtime, you had grown close to all of them. The paperwork had all been filled out but you were nervous if they would all really be okay with letting you join their ranks. You just had to ask your fellow classmates if they would accept you. 
Orjio had been particularly nice to you, taking you under his wing and letting you explore your new surroundings with a safety net that he provided.
You gulped. Just thinking about him made your heart flutter and tail wag. 
“Oooo, Y/N’s thinking about him again.” Ashido teased, sidling over to you from her closet to where you were sitting on the floor by the window. 
“Huh?” You blinked, your fluffy ears twitching. “Who?”
Uraraka swatted your arm playfully, mischief gleaming in her eyes. “Oh come on!! You don’t expect us to fall for that again after all this time!! Who do you take us for?!”
You flushed, gaze dropping into your lap where your hands were folded neatly. “I-I don’t know what you’re talking about…”
Trailing off with a nervous mumble, you fiddled with your tail as Yaoyorozu shot you an empathetic smile. 
“It’s alright, Y/N-chan,” She reassured kindly. “You don’t have to talk about it if it makes you uncomfortable.”
“But Yao-Momo!!” Ashido pouted. “She was about to admit her feelings for him!!”
“No I wasn’t!!” You protested, then clapped a hand over your mouth but it was too late.
The damage had been done.
Squeals burst out all around you and you had the sudden urge to take refuge in your room, no longer wanting to be a part of this humiliating conversation. 
“How long?!” Ashido shrieked in your ear, tugging on your arm, wanting to know the exact time it started.
“I don’t know!!” You cried out, burying your face in your hands, utterly embarrassed.
Uraraka and Hagakure let out a gasp at your indirect confession but squealed excitedly as realization finally hit them.
“You guys would be so cute together!!” Hagakure gushed.
Uraraka’s eyes crinkled up joyously. “Aww!! I can already picture them out on their first date!!”
“Guys, give her space to breathe.” Jirou said, rolling her eyes at her overexcited friends as she freed you from their grasp.
Yaoyorozu seconded that, even though she was equally as excited as her friends at this new information. 
“I didn’t know you had feelings for Ojiro-san.” She lightly teased with a soft smile on her face, patting your back like an older sister would.
“I don’t!!” You denied but winced at the collective glare that was thrown your way. “... Maybe…”
Ashido sprang up to her feet. “She’s totally crushing on him!!”
You grabbed onto her arm to prevent her from leaving the room, finding Ojiro and outing your secret. “No I’m not!!”
“Are too!!”
“Am not!!”
“ARE TOO!!!!!”
The both of you fell back on top of the bed, bouncing a couple of times on the mattress as the other girls forced the two of you to sit down. 
Even Asui seemed on board. 
“I think you would be able to make him very happy, kero.” She relayed, a finger resting on her chin. “He already thinks very highly of you.”
You couldn’t help but blush at that, wiggling around uncomfortably as your heartbeat echoed loudly in your ears. 
Hagakure shoved your shoulder and you nearly toppled over, not expecting her to do that.
“Y/N!!” She chastised, wagging a finger at you. “You can’t be serious!! Haven’t you noticed it?!”
You were lost. “Noticed what??”
“Oh dear.” Yaoyorozu commented, gazing at you sympathetically.
“Someone tell her or else I’m going to explode!!!” Ashido shouted, throwing her hands up in the air.
You opened your mouth to ask just what was going on when the door suddenly opened and everybody fell silent. 
Todoroki didn’t do or say anything. He simply inclined his head to the side and the girls who were so docile for a few seconds burst into action. 
You weren’t sure exactly what happened but within the next minute, you were being shoved outside and hastily instructed to go downstairs in exactly five minutes while they all raced out, Ashido dragging a reluctant Todoroki along with them.
Since you left your phone back in Ojiro’s room and you didn’t want to be rude and barge in just to get it, you stayed outside in the hallway, counting the seconds that passed until five minutes had passed.
You lagged behind, not really sure what to expect. They had never acted like this around you before. 
Maybe Aizawa had told them of your permanent stay at Heights Alliance and they were all against it. 
But that didn’t make much sense since they went to such lengths to be so friendly and open with. 
Shaking your head to clear the muddled thoughts, you continued on down the staircase until you reached the first floor.
When you arrived, it was dark. All the lights were turned off, which was strange because you vividly recalled Iida saying something about how important it was to keep the lights on 24/7 so that none of the students tripped or anything. 
Mostly for your benefit since you tended to trip over air.
Claws sliding out, you narrowed your eyes, baring your canines threatening as you scanned for any signs of movement. 
Putting into the play the training Aizawa had taught you, you crouched low to the ground, slinking along the abandoned corridor. 
Adrenaline pumping through your veins, you crept around the corner, coming to halt just before the common room. 
Here goes nothing. 
You stepped out.
Then, several things happened at once. 
You were blinded as the lights suddenly flashed on and you shrieked, jumping on the nearest person out of instinct. 
“What the fuck, dumbass!!!” Bakugou raged as he caught you when you tunneled into him. 
You squeaked frightfully, backpedaling until you were a sufficient distance away from the group of twenty now standing in front of you, clearly seeing them for the first time.
“I told you she would get scared!!” Jirou chastised, smacking the sheepish-looking pikachu on the head.
“I’m sorry, I thought it would be fine!!” Kaminari argued back, gripping his head in pain. “Ow!! That hurts!!”
“Serves you right!!” She snapped back.
You retracted your claws, reverting back to the adorable wolf that they all knew and loved now that you realized there wasn’t any threat. Your ears perked up and your lips curled into a smile of disbelief.
Beaming happily as Ashido smothered you in a hug, you blinked back tears as your eyes fell on the banner that said, “Welcome Home!!!”, in bright lettering above the entire class of 1-A.
You couldn’t believe your eyes. “You guys did all of this for me?”
Uraraka gestured to the pile of presents behind Shoji and Tokoyami. 
“It was Ojiro-kun’s idea for the presents and Hagakure’s for a party.” She told you cheekily, pointing to the embarrassed boy hiding behind the counter to make himself appear smaller. “We just all pitched in to help.”
“You didn’t have to do all of this for me…” You said softly, in awe and vastly overwhelmed.
“You’re staying with us from now on.” Todoroki quipped plainly from the back row. “This was in order.”
Hagakure rushed over to you. “Do you like it?! Are you surprised?!”
You nodded and squeezed her tightly, thanking her before making your way over to Ojiro, who had yet to acknowledge you. At least, with words. 
He couldn’t tear his gaze away from you, completely under your spell as you padded over to him. 
Blushing, you tucked a lock of hair behind your ear, then cursed yourself for doing something so embarrassing in front of your long-time crush. 
“Mashirao?” You said curiously, noticing his arms were hidden behind his back.
Man, he was never going to get tired of hearing your sweet voice saying his name in such an intimate way.
Winding his tail around your waist, he tugged you closer until you fell into his chest. You shivered as you felt one of his arms snake around you, as if shielding you from the people who were crowding around you.
Your face burned and you were thankful it was hidden from all of your classmates as they ‘awwed’ at the two of you. Vaguely, you heard someone slyly note how cute the two of you were and you swore, feeling more self-conscious than ever. 
You didn’t get a chance to wiggle out of his hold to smack Ashido on the head for her comment since Ojiro decided to give you what was behind his back.
It was a small, carefully wrapped gift box, not impressive on the outside by any means, but your eyes sparkled and your heart skipped a beat. 
Seeing the expression on your face, his shoulders shook with laughter. Your eyes were shining in excitement at seeing his present as opposed to all the other ones that were much larger than his. 
He strangely felt touched by it. 
You placed it on the kitchen island, running your fingers over the velvet bow and pretty gift wrap. You almost didn’t want to ruin it. 
“Oh come on,” Ashido squealed in frustration the longer you prolonged it and everyone else crowded around you. “Open it already!!”
You shot her a playful glare, taking your time despite the many groans that sounded around you as you carefully unwrapped the neatly decorated box. By the time you finally finished taking off all the wrapping paper, everyone, even Bakugou, was leaning forward in anticipation. 
Taking off the lid so that it covered whatever was in the box from their prying eyes, even though there were several loud protests, your eyes widened as you saw what was nestled inside several layers of crinkled paper.
Reaching in eagerly, you pulled it out and held it up. 
It was a lion plushie. A beautifully crafted, complete with whiskers and a fluffy mane, stuffed lion. And you already adored it. 
There were some disappointed complaints that his present didn’t live up to the hype they were expected to believe, but Ojiro didn’t hear them, only having eyes for you. As they started to disperse throughout the living room, you couldn’t tear your gaze from the cute lion.
“I seem to recall someone getting ahold of the giraffe in my room.” Ojiro teased with a knowing smile. “You seemed to like to have something to hold onto at night, so I figured another stuffed animal couldn’t hurt, right?”
Your ears swiveled happily as you heard him say that and you couldn’t refrain from bouncing in place, tail swishing behind you. 
“It was so long ago, I would’ve thought you had forgotten by now.” You beamed, smiling from ear to ear as you tested out its squishiness. “Where in the world did you get this?! It’s so plushy!!”
When he didn’t answer you right away, you paused your shower of adoration over the beloved lion, tilting your head curiously at Ojiro, who was now bright red and mumbling something under his breath.
“Huh?” You squeaked, unsure if you really heard him right.
His throat bobbed as he swallowed, grinning at you sheepishly. “Well, it’s just— The stores didn’t really have any lions that looked cute enough when I took my sister to the mall and that’s when she suggested making one for you.”
Your jaw dropped to the floor.
“I remember you saying that you liked lions because… well, you said they reminded you of me so I really wanted to get you a lion.” Ojiro continued, not noticing your reaction, too caught up in his rambling. 
You had told him one night after playing with his tail to calm you down after you had a nightmare and he hadn’t forgotten it since.
“Holly-chan helped me sew it, I got the materials from Aizawa-sensei and Shoji helped me attach the tail and the mane and everything else.” He told you, pointing out all of the features that were carefully crafted together with the utmost love.
Your heart skipped a beat.
He hesitated, now picking up on the fact that you had yet to say anything. “Is… Do you like it?”
You would’ve punched him for his obliviousness if it weren’t for the fact that you didn’t want to let your lion go in order to do so. “Are you kidding?! I love it!!”
Ojiro’s chest deflated as he released a breath he didn’t know he had been holding in, scratching the back of his neck. “Oh, thank All Might.”
“You could’ve done this in private, you know.” You lightly teased, brushing your fingers over the soft material in awe. “I’m sure it would’ve been less stressful for you.”
He made it for you. You’ve never had anyone buy anything for you for the longest time, let alone make something for you with their own two hands. The time and energy it must’ve taken, not to mention the thought he put into it. 
That was it. You were going to explode with happiness.
“I was going to.” He said, shooting a look over your shoulder at a satisfied Shoji and a smug Tokoyami gazing at you from the sidelines while everyone else wrecked havoc on the common floor. “But everybody kind of wanted to see what it was. And your reaction.”
You giggled, hugging it tightly to your chest. “Thank you, I love it, Mashirao.”
He kissed your forehead, murmuring, “I’m really glad you do, Y/N.”
Your heart skipped a beat and you bit your lip to stop your smile from getting too wide. It was too much. You felt like you were going to burst.
“Y/N?” Ojiro asked worriedly, cupping your chin and furrowed his eyebrows. “Your face is all red.”
“Dummy!!” You pouted, pushing him away and clutching the lion plushie tighter. “It’s your fault, you know!!”
He chuckled, patting your head. Your lashes fluttered shut at the stimulation, throaty growl emitting in approval at the affectionate gesture. 
Ojiro’s gaze softened, brimming with love. He couldn’t believe how far you came from being that shy, wary girl back then.
You raised the stuffed animal up, tapping it on its nose. “Your name will be Koko!!”
Squeezing it tightly to your chest, you rocked back and forth on your heels, gazing at it with adoring eyes when you held it up. 
Ojiro’s heart melted at seeing you so happy. 
Your other friends insisted that you open their gifts next, nearly dragging you over the table. Everyone had given you something, even Bakugou. 
You objected to their generosity, protesting that they spent too much on you already the first time around but it was like all of them went deaf and ignored your objections, shoving box after box in your hands. 
Sato had made sure to have enough food on hand for moments exactly like these, when everybody got swept up in the energy of it all and were literally bouncing off the walls. 
Somehow, somewhere, Aizawa was found and dragged out of his cave to join his students in the party. But he mostly was out of the way, watching from afar as you were handed gift after gift.
Aoyama had gotten ahold of a painted tea set that looked very fragile and it was paired with Yaoyorozu’s jasmine tea she had gifted you. 
It took a couple of turns for you to realize that they had collaborated when giving you things. 
Sato’s cookbook filled with a couple of his own added recipes he knew you loved went with the polished pots and pans Shoji gave you. Tokoyami and Asui’s were combined into a patterned quilt that everyone had pitched in to help with. 
The two tickets you got for the autumn festival stumped you but that mystery was soon cleared up when Todoroki gave you what looked to be an extremely expensive, embroidered kimono.
“When you two finally go on a date.” He said monotonously, pointing a finger at Midoriya and Jirou. “They said that you two will have to confess first, though.”
Your jaw dropped and you and Ojiro both turned opposite ways, unable to look each other in the eye in case that claim wasn’t true.
You had to physically push Ashido and Hagakure away when they made kissing sounds at you, embarrassed beyond belief.
Ojiro had to fight to keep Shoji at bay but his friend was much stronger than him and the tailed teenager ended up losing his balance and careened into you.
You yelped as your face ended up right in front of his, a millimeter away. Breath catching in your throat, your heart stopped and he audibly gulped at your proximity.
Neither one of you moved. 
It wasn’t until you shakily held up the tickets Kirishima had given you did he blink.
“Would…” You swallowed hard, gathering your courage. “Would you like to go with me?”
Ojiro didn’t even think of saying no. 
A huge smile broke out on your face as he said yes and you covered your face with your hands as Uraraka and Ashido squealed, instantly hiding into Ojiro’s chest out of instinct.
He didn’t mind but the heat that was creeping up his neck turned into a full-fledged blush as he hugged you, keeping you close even after Shoji and Tokoyami sent him a pointed glance.
Mouthing for them to mind their own business, he held you until you collected yourself enough to face them. Even then, he kept you seated on his lap, running his fingers through your fluffy tail as you opened the rest of your gifts. 
He knew you were going to cry by the end of the night, most likely when the two of you were alone, but he couldn’t help but agree with everything that his classmates had thought of for you.
You had been without love for so long that when you saw it, you didn’t know what to do. He would take every opportunity to show you how much you meant to him and how precious your life was.
After hours of playing video games, eating Sato’s delicious cooking and getting caught up in Kaminari’s schemes as he tried to push you and Ojiro together not-so-discreetly before Jirou bonked him on the head, you were so tired you felt like you could fall asleep standing up. 
Aizawa had left a while ago, once Bakugou destroyed the TV remote, lacking the energy to deal with his students outside of the classroom. 
You had run up to him, begging cutely for a hug and he hesitated but didn’t refuse you. 
Everyone except for Ojiro’s jaws dropped as you called him dad so nonchalantly but they were even more shocked when Aizawa simply ruffled your hair and told you not to stay up too late. 
You had made your way back into Ojiro’s arms as soon as the older man left his student to their craziness, and you tumbled onto an empty sofa with him cushioning your fall.
He smiled at you fondly, eyes softening as he swept the hair away from your eyes, his heart stopping as you nuzzled into his chest. 
“Princess…” He murmured, tucking a lock behind your ear, as he had seen you do earlier. “Are you happy?”
A smile curled against his neck. 
“Mmhm…” You hummed happily. “Thank you, Mashirao.”
For the rest of the night, you didn’t let go of the stuffed lion he gave you once, eventually falling asleep on the couch with your new present tucked safely in your arms. 
He wrapped his arms around your waist, squeezing you once as he used his tail to pull a blanket over the both of you. 
“Anything for you, Y/N.”
Taglist: @katsukis-sad-angel​
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petri808 · 4 years ago
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Chapter 2 Inukag angst
The surgery lasted for five nerve wracking hours, all the while the distress in the group building. They were kept semi-up-to-date by a nurse that the surgeons were struggling to control the bleeding in Kagome’s brain. When it was finally over, the primary surgeon brought the family into a separate room where he showed them scans to help in explaining the situation. It was the first time they learned the air bags had not deployed, and even though Kagome was wearing her seat belt, her head is believed to have struck the steering wheel, and the driver’s side window as she was jostled.
“We went in and repaired as many of the damaged blood vessels as we could, but as you can see here in this CT scan, there was some anoxia, erm, loss of oxygen to the cells, and the damage had reached the hippocampus. If you picture being shaken with a lot of force, the brain was essentially whiplashed. The good news is, the internal injuries are not as severe as it could have been and are localized to only one side, but the bad news is where the injured areas are.”
“Why is that?” Inuyasha questioned.
“The hippocampus is an important part of the brain for regulating the limbic system... when Ms. Higurashi wakes up, chances are high that she’ll develop what’s called retrograde amnesia. If her body heals well enough, it will only be temporary, which I believe will be the case. However, there is also the small chance her memory loss could become permanent.”
“Wait, so Kagome won’t remember anything?!” Panic-laced with Inuyasha's tone.
“Not exactly, and again, the memory system is very complex. We don’t know all the answers. But generally, people will remember long term memories, such as their childhood. She just may not remember the last few years of her life.”
“And if it’s temporary? When would her memories come back?” Mrs. Higurashi questioned.
“Generally, if her healing goes well, most recover in about 6-9 months with therapy.”
“Oh... no...” Inuyasha crumpled and fell to his knees, hands flying up to cradle his head in the realization— Kagome may not remember him, and along with her last words of hatred and tears as the only thing he had to hold on to... “No, no, no, t-this can’t be happening.” His heart started beating wildly in his chest and a sharp imagined pain dug into his temple as tears poured down his cheeks. “Kagome...” he whimpered. Inuyasha would do anything in to change what had happened. She didn’t deserve any of this!
Mrs. Higurashi too, kneeled beside the inconsolable man and hugged him. “We just have to hold out hope, Inuyasha, this is just temporary. I’m sure it’ll all work out, Kagome’s strong, so have faith in her.”
“I’m very sorry I don’t have better news,” the doctor apologized and gestured to the nurse who’d just arrived. “They’re moving her to intensive care now. The nurse will take you to the room.”
“Thank you, doctor.” Mrs. higurashi then turned her attention to Inuyasha. “Can you stand up dear? We should follow the nurse.”
He nodded quietly and staggered to his feet despite all the strength having left his body. Inuyasha always had an appreciation for Mrs. Higurashi, but it was in this moment he understood just how strong she truly was. Kagome’s mother survived losing her husband to an accident when the kids were little and now her own daughter was unconscious in a hospital. Yet here she was holding it together and comforting the man who’d played a role in it. Inuyasha allowed her to guide him by the hand like the scared child he’d become. She was for all purposes like a second mother to him, and he was grateful to have her in his life.
But the second they crossed the threshold of the sterile room, what little strength Inuyasha didn’t have left, dissolved at the sight of Kagome surrounded by the machines keeping her alive. He stared silently as the nurse explained further. A medically induced coma... breathing and feeding tube, catheter, blood transfusions... left distal wrist fracture, broken rib, punctured lung and chest contusions, cracked left eye socket... his mind zoned away from the woman’s static words, instead affixed to the visual’s confronting the group. The love of his life as if asleep, but with all those wires, and tubes, beeping machines, and face bandaged showing only a small portion of her right side was a real life horror movie scene. His eyes tracked the peaks and valleys of the heart monitor or piston-motion of the breathing apparatus beside the bed as of it tracked not Kagome’s vitals but his own life and the one, he had with her. Yes, there’s always the hope she’ll heal and bounce right back. Her mom was right, Kagome was strong, and Inuyasha loved that about her, but... humans are still such fragile creatures.
Inuyasha walked over to the side of the bed and gazed down through glassy eyes. “I already bought a ring...” he mumbled through the tears, “was just waiting for the perfect time to pop the question. I should’ve just... listened to her...” Inuyasha collapsed beside the bed with his head hung low and ears so flattened they were barely visible through his white hair. “I can’t even imagine not having her at my side.”
Miroku stepped forward and placed a hand on his friends shoulder. “Why don’t you let us take you home for now? There’s nothing you can do, and I’m sure Kagome would say you should get some rest.”
“I’ll stay tonight,” Mrs Higurashi added. “You should listen to your friend and get some rest.”
Inuyasha was just too exhausted to argue. He hugged Mrs. Higurashi and told her he’d be back the next day. Then he handed Miroku his car keys, while Sango would follow in their car. Frankly, he didn’t think he would be getting any sleep, but they were right. It wouldn’t do Kagome any good if he didn’t take care of himself too. The car ride was silent for the first half of the journey, but eventually Miroku started asking him more about what really triggered the fight. Inuyasha had already explained the reason earlier, so it was annoying to be grilled all over it again.
“But do you understand now?” Miroku pushed his friend. “Do you truly, and I mean truly understand why she was angry? Even I’ve seen your ex being rude to Kagome and you didn’t say anything about it.”
“Yeah,” Inuyasha growled back. “I get it. I was being a dick this whole time. But I can’t go back and change it now, so what’s the point of torturing me about it?!”
“Because you can still fix this moving forward. Look, I’m just trying to help you here, so cut the attitude. None of us are perfect—.”
“I’ll say, you womanizer,” Inuyasha rumbled under his breath.
“Exactly, but I changed once I met Sango, did I not, because that’s what you do when you love them. So, do you know what you need to do?”
“Yeah...” the hanyo sighed and slumped in the seat. “I gotta cut Kikyo off, just tell her we can’t be friends anymore.”
Miroku quirked an eyebrow based on the lackluster tone in Inuyasha’s voice. “Do you really mean it, cause it sure as hell don’t sound like it.”
“Look, man I’m fucking tired! I’ve got a lot on my mind! But I fucking mean it, okay?! If I have to choose between Kagome and Kikyo, I pick Kagome!”
Miroku parked the car and turned to his friend. “I’m glad to hear that. Now just follow through and don’t let Kikyo pull you back in.”
“You make her sound like a sorcerer or something.”
“The way she’s had you wrapped around her finger, it wouldn’t surprise me.”
The three friends bid each other good night leaving Inuyasha alone again in the empty house, and as he expected, he didn’t really sleep at all that night at home. He couldn’t even bear to sleep in the empty bed because it was a constant reminder of Kagome’s absence. How was he supposed to endure months of this, and that’s if the doctors predictions are correct? So, as he curled up on the couch, just staring out into the dark room, Inuyasha did the only thing he could do. Think. Without Kagome to elaborate, it fell onto his shoulders to fully come to grips with what triggered this event. Inuyasha meant what he’d said to Miroku about his choice, but it was a small lie about understanding her anger. He could grasp her frustration, but not the degree to which she’d snapped. Was it really that bad, and if so, how did he not realize it sooner? Needless to say, his haunted dreams that night left him stricken and tired come morning.
The house just felt so much colder without Kagome there, as if all the warmth and vitality left with her on that stormy, dreary night. Even after the first night, Inuyasha couldn’t bear to sleep in their bed all alone and stuck with the couch instead. Nothing made him feel better, despite the efforts of his friends and family who supported him as much as they could. Each day that passed by became a hollow routine. Go to work during the day, spend his evening at Kagome’s side, and home again to an empty house. He would sit there holding her hand, praying for just the smallest change that never came all the while nothing but his thoughts and the beeping machines to remind him he was alive. Because the longer this went on for, each time he’d look at her, it brought the opposite feeling of life. It was all in his head, but that’s what he felt like, dead inside, with the source of his soul lying in the bed in front of him.
Inuyasha never believed in the gods, but he prayed with all his heart they’ll hear his pleas. He squeezed Kagome’s lifeless hand. “She deserves to live, please, I’ll do anything,” his voice cracked, “anything to bring her back to us...”
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fforsythiaaa · 5 years ago
Sweater Weather Tarot
Y’all, never have I ever created fan art or anything... and I still haven’t. Because I can’t draw. But after @lumosinlove mentioned a Sweater Weather tarot deck, I had to cross over this amazing story (which you should 100% read immediately) with my only other creative talent -- reading tarot.
Click through for the Major Arcana as Sweater Weather. (Please, please, someone make my dreams come true and illustrate these.)
spoilers abound, read the fic first!!! 0 - The Fool - James The start of the tarot encourages us to think about the hopeful, confident feelings we have at the beginning of a journey. James is overly excited about welcoming Sirius to the team, about Lily’s pregnancy, then later about Coops and O’Knutzy. He’s a tad oblivious - the main caution that the fool gives us -  but we all wish we had his optimism.
1 - The Magician - Dumo The magician is the one who sees all, knows all, and makes shit happen. Can you think of anyone who better represents creative problem-solving, using intuition to guide actions, charisma, power, benevolence? Daddy Pascal all the way.
2 - The High Priestess - Natalie Even though she’s a relatively minor character, it’s clear to everyone that Natalie knows exactly who she is and she acts like it. She’s a bad-ass who knows what she wants and gets it. That’s the high priestess - balancing our internal and external drives, goals, and motivations.
3 - The Empress - Lily I know, I know, put the pregnant lady on the card featuring.... a pregnant lady? The empress encourages us to embrace our compassion, empathy, and healing powers; she tells us to bring new things into the world, whether that’s literally small people or creative projects or new relationships. She’s so supportive of Loops, James, and Sirius that she deserves this (my favorite card!)
4 - The Emperor - The League Is is cheating to put a kind of abstract body here? The emperor represents the structures in our life that give us rules and regulations. Sometimes, that’s a good thing - we can all use a little routine and structure for stability. Sometimes it can feel oppressive. The League is responsible for bringing all our favorite characters together, but its power makes them feel scared of breaking the rules.
5 - The Hierophant - Minnie A hierophant is a religious leader; in the tarot, he taps into The Rules and uses them to provide guidance on the journey. Minnie, as Sirius’s agent, knows how to guide him along that traditional path as a star hockey player without too much damage to who he is inside. She’s going to work within the system to give the press some Brothers Black drama to distract other news, but she’s proud as hell when he snaps back at nosy reporters. She’s the best.
6 - The Lovers - Coops What did you expect??? In the Tarot, this card isn’t just about romantic relationships with others - it’s also about our relationship to ourselves. Sirius and Remus are both healing and building their relationships with their own identities throughout the course of their careers and lives in SW. Their growth together and individually is what makes them perfect for this card.
7 - The Chariot - Finn This card represents action, action, action - even if you’re not sure which direction that action is headed in. Finn dates June, kisses Leo, runs after Logan, shares their relationship with team... all of this to keep himself moving forward. Maybe it’s not a linear path, but he’s sure as hell skating running down it.
8 - Justice - the Blizzard Honestly I think this card is such a perfect pairing with the High Priestess. Justice asks us to think broadly about what is fair, to ourselves and to others. At Remus’s during All-Stars, Kasey sums up perfectly how Sirius's reaction wasn’t fair to anyone involved -- it’s a moment that really hit home for me what a stand-up guy he is! 
9 - the Hermit - 36 Missed Calls It’s good to take time out to retreat and evaluate yourself, your life, your next steps. The hermit isn’t a “bad” card, by any means. But we can’t hide forever, and we have to choose when our self-reflection is going do the most good, for ourselves and for the ones around us.
10 - Wheel of Fortune - O’Knutzy The wheel reminds us that sometimes it’s best to go with the flow and trust that the right opportunities will present themselves at the right times. Sometimes you just gotta wait 8 years for your missing piece to show up, okay? I’m not crying. 
11 - Strength - Sirius TW: coming out, being outed, abuse (mentions, not graphic) This card always gets me because the Waite-Smith illustration reminds us that strength doesn’t always look like we would assume. Sometimes it’s just surviving, just making it another day, even if you’re not doing the most “courageous” thing. It’s hard to not be out, it’s hard to come out, it’s hard to be outed. And it’s hard to experience abuse and hard to have abuse in your past. Sirius knows a thing or two about strength, okay, plus this card has a lion on it, so there you go.
12 - the Hanged Man - Leo Where the hermit retreats to do his self-reflection and thinking, the hanged man takes his time to reflect out in the open. His upside-down position represents considering that what’s expected of you might not serve you. The most observant guy on the team could teach us a thing or two about stepping back to step up.
13 - Death - Regulus Listen. LISTEN. Death is a great card to pull in the Tarot. It signifies the end of an old chapter and the beginning of a new one. When Regulus and Sirius cut off their mother and Reg agrees to come back to Gryffindor, he ends that chapter of the Black brothers’ lives, allowing a new one to start.
14 - Temperance - Arthur I’m 100% basing this on the snippet that Haz shared where Arthur tells everyone not to bring their relationship drama onto the ice. He’s clearly so happy, but there’s also a game to play and a cup to win. Balance, boys, everything in balance.
15 - the Devil - Paparazzi & Press Sure, we’re mad at the paps and want to characterize them as negatively as possible, but truthfully they’re more complicated. The paparazzi and the press represent the temptation of caring about what others think... it’s fine to care a little bit, but when you care to the point of sacrificing yourself and your own growth, you’ve given into a dangerous temptation. 
16 - the Tower - Greyback, Walburga, and The Photo When everything falls apart in a spectacular mess, that’s the tower for ya. Greyback, Sirius’s mom, and the photo are the ones that set off the chain of obstacles that Sirius and Remus overcome in SW. Of course in hindsight we’re glad the tower fell so that we can build up a better one, but wow, did it have to suck so much? Like the death card, the tower also paves the way for new beginnings, but we can grieve the way it happened. 
17 - the Star - Remus You thought it would be Sirius, didn’t you? Well the star is a “dreams come true” card, and Remus knows something about that. Even when his hockey career was ended before it began, he pivoted and created a new dream to go by; his dreams of love may have taken a back-burner, but now they’re coming truuuue <3 thanks for letting me be so corny
18 - the Moon - Logan The phases of the moon remind us that nothing is permanent. Even if there’s some mystery about what’s going to come next, our worries aren’t going to prevent the sun from rising. Logan was perhaps a little reticent to move from his “ignoring feelings” phase into “yay love amazing relationship” phase. He hid a little bit from himself and from Finn. But it’s all going to be great!
19 - the Sun - Julian & Adele We look to the sun for happiness, confidence, inspiring happiness in others -- the next generation is certainly a source of that. Hazelnuts love Julian and Adele because they represent how amazing life can be for our favorite Lions.
20 - Judgement - Hazel @lumosinlove She’s engineering the whole show. Us Hazelnuts can only wait with bated breath for her to bless us with the next chapters of Sweater Weather and Coast to Coast! 21 - the World - the Cup *knocks on wood* *throws salt over left shoulder* This card is the end of the journey in the Major Arcana and it’s achieving our goals - growth, love, stability, creativity, new knowledge, whatever your heart needs or desires. It’s not just about winning a championship for our characters.... it’s about living a complex and fulfilled life, with love, hockey, self-confidence, family, friends, and maybe a Cup, too. *knocks on wood again*
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princesswithabraidedcrown · 2 years ago
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I posted 4,343 times in 2022
48 posts created (1%)
4,295 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 330 of my posts in 2022
#for future reference - 17 posts
#the blogger rambles - 16 posts
#the blogger watches - 15 posts
#kinnporsche - 14 posts
#about the blogger - 9 posts
#kinnporsche the series - 8 posts
#the untamed - 6 posts
#anyway - 6 posts
#jeff satur - 5 posts
#wow - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 133 characters
#anyway my mom’s thing makes me twitchy because i mostly just try to remember to eat enough in a day and don’t fuss about the contents
My Top Posts in 2022:
The streaming session of the KinnPorsche world tour I was participating in kinda fell off the rails during the English version of Why Don’t You Stay, which was very sad. Hopefully it turns out okay for the rest of it tomorrow.
My thoughts in no particular order:
Dang, Slot Machine is awesome and I should go look them up. (We amazed a random discord member who randomly wandered into the stream about Mile having previously been just a filthy wealthy dude that played the guitar)
Oh my goodness, Jeff!!! Said multiple times, by multiple people.
The VegasPete scene was chef’s kiss. Gonna wax dance show critic here but Bible has some amazing physicality and charisma. Like I’m pretty darn ace and I still can tell that he’s hot and does amazing work as Vegas. I’m in the middle of episode 10, so I haven’t fallen headlong for Pete/Build yet…but it’ll probably happen.
So highly amused that Barcode made up for the clothing deficit amongst everyone else singlehandedly. Pretty sure I missed the main brouhaha about the song he performed to, but nobody mentioned it was a cover of a Blackpink song! I love Blackpink!!!
The chat punched the air when Tay slapped Time. It’s possible to do polyamory ethically. Whatever Time’s deal is…isn’t it. On a sidenote: more Tay centric fics please.
I was highly amused that the mom got a sarong for her little thing with Chay/Barcode. The subtitles were on a horrendous delay, so I don’t actually know what all went on, but it’s cute that she was momming him.
As for the KimChay…I don’t quite see how that ending was horrible? Slightly more open ended than it could have been. But the flipside of forgetting the bad times is remembering the good ones. Obviously there were some good times or else Chay would not have been devastated by Kim’s betrayal. And…then there were technical difficulties and we had to stop the stream in the middle of Jeff’s performance. So that was lame. But Jeff did a good job before technology decided to pitch a hissy fit.
I concur with the person that said they hoped Jeff had gotten cleared to sing by a doctor. I’ve only listened to a few of his live performances and I could tell his range was a little rough. Don’t let them force you back into singing before your vocal cords have healed!!! That’d be awful if you permanently damaged them.
Anyway. Looking forward to the final half and all the Magic Mike bits.
14 notes - Posted July 31, 2022
I’d like to give Jackson Wang and whoever else is on his creative team congrats for having an excellent track record on music videos. I just watched the one for Cruel and my gosh that was neat. I like the through line of vapory lifeforce from Blow. That was cool.
My writing fingers might be slightly inspired…so who knows what’ll come.
17 notes - Posted August 5, 2022
Finished the second half of KPWT!!!! Once again in no particular order.
Would it have killed them to fix the subtitles before releasing the rerun tickets??? Like seriously, I thought youtube subs could be iffy, but these were…special. They could have held off on letting people do the rerun viewings long enough for them to fix the timing and the quality. Yeah, live subtitling is super labor intensive…but afterwards…you get to pause and rewind to make sure you’ve got it correctly.
Anyway. The Minor family thing was entertaining. I would probably strain something in my back if I had to do flips in the air. It’d be fun…but yeah…I’m not nearly as athletic as Bible.
Build playing the saxophone amused me to no end.
I’m excited for the MileApo flick and hopefully they plunk it on iqiyi or something so I can support BOC with my watching.
I’m very impressed at how many parents were there…because if mine were at such an event…I’d change my name and move to the Southern hemisphere.
I must give JJ’s arms and shoulders an honorable mention because he has obviously worked hard on them. I certainly would not want to get tackled by him.
I snickered when I saw how tall the heels on Jeff’s boots were during the final…clubbing moment…or whatever we are calling it. Finale of some sort. Anyway…Jeff is tiny and Barcode is definitely taller than him and I am delighted. I say this as if Jeff isn’t possibly taller than me by a couple inches. Crap. I’m gonna have to look that up. Anyway, Jeff is all the gender in a pint sized package. Except for where he’s still probably above average height.
Ahem. Lovely experience, would watch again if they fixed the subtitles.
22 notes - Posted August 1, 2022
Oh dear lord, if the infantilization of Apo that’s going on on twitter by some people also has a side of ableism…I will riot.
I haven’t exactly watched a lot of interviews with him but the ones I have watched screamed possible adhd. He could just be very energetic. But if he does have adhd…infantilizing the grown man is doubly aggravating.
Anyway, glad I don’t go searching for stuff on twitter.
24 notes - Posted August 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I wish I remembered who wrote the fic with Kinn comparing his accent in English to Vegas’ and lamenting the fact that nobody was gonna send a second son to an international school and that’s why there’s a difference. Because it lives in my brain rent free and I wish I’d made a note of the fic.
26 notes - Posted July 25, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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worstloki · 5 years ago
thor 3 rewrite where:
- when Thor gets to Asgard Loki drops the illusion because Thor obviously sees through the illusion for once and is trying to go in for a hug. Thor laughs about the play and asks if Loki was even trying to hide the past 2 years before asking how and why he didn't tell him he was alive and then he asks where Odin is and Loki says he’s safe on earth and they go. no threatening with the hammer because what even was that--
- Loki doesn't step out of Strange’s circle because he’s curious about it
- The first thing Thor does when he gets to Bleeker street is demand Loki back. Loki nabs a few of the sanctum’s books while Strange talks to Thor. “You cant just take those” “why not” “well for starters you attacked New York 3 years ago” “I sincerely apologise for that, as I was truly not acting as myself” “...ooookay” “I can take the books now, right?”. Strange sighs and gives up because its not like he can take them out of a pocket dimension. but loki promises to return them.
- thor and loki find odin in the alleyway and odin actually apologises to loki (think: that deleted alley scene)
- their secret older sister? yeah that's Angela and the portal she comes out of is just a rift to the 10th realm which odin sealed her away in
- Angela was odin’s firstborn and he didn't want any husband of hers to take the throne so he would dump her in the 10th realm to “train” with the violent Angels so she wouldn't get the chance to develop relationships with people but especially with any men who might inherit asgard if she married before odin produced a male heir.
- Angela didn't appreciate being locked away in a vault another realm until Odin had use of her and so she tried to run away with the love of her life Sera, a Valkyrie.
- when Odin sent the Valkyrie to retrieve her she refused to give up her freedom to be the weapon of war she was raised to be and killed them. Sera jumping in front of one of her blades (and saving Valkyrie’s/Brunhild’s life) was her trying to prevent Angela from killing them because she knew Angela would live to regret killing the only group of friends she had and because the Valkyrie were both her and Angela's shield sisters, and she would be continuing the violence she was seeking to escape. 
- When Angela’s blade struck her love she fell to her knees and surrendered to Odin who then dumped her heartbroken in the 10th dimension before using the odinforce to seal that realm off from all the others. (he didn't seal it permanently in case he ever had need of her again, because he thought she’d just cool off eventually, like the fool he is)
- a thousand and something years later the Angels want revenge from Odin/Asgard for blocking off their realm and Angela blames Odin for Sera’s death and wants to take back everything that’s his - by claiming the realms for herself rather than leaving them with the unworthiest and worst person; Odin. (If the Asgardians and their army hadn't opposed her it would’ve been enough for her. But they did. And Angela is extremely angry and still grieving Sera and wants to tear everything Odin has down because she blames him for taking everything she had from her.)
- Loki asks if the reason Valkyrie doesn't want to help the Revengers is because of the 10th realm (because when Loki goes to talk to Thor in the circle-prison they put the idea of the Revengers together--). She is suspicious and attacks and asks what he knows about the 10th realm and they exchange information, but its mostly Loki giving her information and trying to recruit her. Instead of knocking him out she gets a blade to his neck and he smiles (#callbacktothor2 #lokiwouldLOVEtolosetoavalkyrie). She gets up and as she walks away he says the least she could do is tell how they took Angela down the last time. Valkyrie flashbacks and we get those iconic shots of the fight along with one where Angela falls to her knees in grief. “We didn't.”.
- Valkyrie finds Thor and Bruce (and Thor respects his decision not to go green and Hulk out just for the record. he still invites him along and says he’ll use the Bifrost to drop Bruce off on earth after he defeats/speaks to his sister.) and takes them to her room but not because she’s joining their team just because its a good thing to do. They reach her room and Loki is just casually hanging out there. because loki has been on the planet for 2 weeks and deserves at least one friend, marvel
- Heimdall recounts the tale of Angela’s past to the hidden Asgardians and that's how the audience finds out about her past and how she was covered up. 
- Valkyrie is convinced to join them because Thor insists that even if their chances of winning are near zero they’re got to try because that's the honourable thing to do. Loki makes a joke about how ‘The Mighty Thor, Lord of Thunder’ just wants to avenge Odin, because it wouldn't be fair to forget those who have died and pretend the issue doesn't exist and Valkyrie sighs and says “I guess the name fits, you’re getting revenge, he’s getting revenge, I might as well too” and that's why she joins - to avenge, and to honour those who died (it mirrors the same reason Angela’s fighting)
- After that, to lighten the mood: ”one could even say you’re getting... ra-avenge? eh, Mighty Thor? Valiant Valkyrie? Not you Bruce. I told you ‘Revengers’ was the right name” “...” “perhaps now isn't the time for wordplay” “brother that is still an atrocious pun and you should never be allowed to name anything ever again” “hey that's not fair I name things perfectly fine” “sleipnir” “I’m still proud of that one” “throg” “that one was mother’s idea” “laeveteinn” “no. no. no-” *thor tells the story about that time they were 8 and loki named a knife ‘damage twig’) 
- loki doesn't do some flimsy betrayal, but when everyone is boarding the ship he stays behind, saying “I guess Sakaar suits me”. He then gets the revolution going and helps overthrow the government.
- the chase scene still happens, and the reason they can do interrealm travel is because with the 10th realm’s barrier weak all the realm barriers are weaker making jumping around through random portals work (that's why they landed on sakaar when thrown out of the Bifrost instead of being stranded in space). We’re not applying earth science logic to how magic tornado wormholes on a trash planet work thank you. 
- Thor vs Angela and naturally Thor is losing when Loki shows up and then Thor unlocks his lightning powers 
- Loki tries to reason with Angela at some point, using actual information he’s put together on her, and arguing that acting violently to enforce peace is what she’s against AND what she’s doing.
- Angela freezes upon seeing Valkyrie and avoids her the entire fight. Valkyrie is irritated by the fact that she’s clearly not hurting her on purpose. But on the upside its a one-sided fight when its Angela vs Valkyrie so Valkyrie gets some hits in, even if its only because Angela is letting her.
- Angela flees and leaves them fighting the Angels at some point, going into the weapons vault and placing Surtur's crown onto the eternal flame. If she’s going down she’s taking whatever is left of Odin with her.
- when she gets back to the bridge to continue fighting Valkyrie pins her to the ground (benefits of not having the opponent try and hurt you) while Thor and Loki combine their magical strength to put Angela in the 10th realm and lock her there. Loki apologises to Angela as this is done. he knows what its like to feel like a relic/weapon being used but cant let her destroy everything and kill even more people. 
- When that's done Thor turns to see Surtur huge and burning Asgard. 
- Thor understands that while he can choose to fight Surtur off and get everyone re-established on asgard that they would have to rebuild and that would take time so they leave instead. In time they will return, and when Surtur’s destiny of burning asgard to the ground is over they’ll try and resettle but for now the planet’s surface is burnt away. He puts the people over the place. 
- Back on the ship Thor is officially getting the mantle of king by being asked the coronation questions. Instead of the usual “I swear” he looks at his brother and says “only if i have my brother by my side” and Loki and Thor actually get to hug and maybe there are even tears. Then Loki and Thor get to co-rule for the 10 minutes they have before thanos shows up
#I don't even think it'd be called Thor:Ragnarok since it... isn't...?#sure loki destroyed asgard and hela was there but the movie messed up comic and myth versions of ragnarok#in THIS version Hela is still around but she's the ruler of Helheim and the dead obviously#Odin already had a secret older firstborn daughter that the MCU could've used and I don't know why they didnt#Angela was... right there??#I guess I just didn't like how Hela as a character was butchered#she was given... no motive...? no reason to attack...?#odin suddenly has a 3rd child no one remembers that was locked away in a mysterious space prison...???#in the comics thor and loki combine their strength to access the 10th realm so in THIS version they use their strength to do that too#by locking her back there but also showing that they didn't want to it leaves the character's future role open-ended#like if they had said Odin had kept Hela in Helheim at least it would make sense if in the future they went there to visit and she was there#now we have no idea is Helheim is even a thing in the MCU and whether Hela is there of just Death or what#ThisPostIsLongerThanMyLifeSpan#TPILTMLS#aldrif was right there and someone decided that hela should be their secret older sister smh#OH! perhaps Loki's death in infinity war was just him escaping to acquire help from the Angels#he would turn up there as a woman and ask what it'll take for their help#now that Angela killed Odin and destroyed Asgard (loki assures her its ruin) she isn't thinking unclearly in angry#Loki could offer her Sera in return for any assistance they give!! he could go to Hela and make a deal where Sera is brought back to life#we don't even need to see the deal being made#the Angels could've just showed up whenever and when Thor asks Angela could just say that Loki asked them for help#Loki didn't even have to show up in the final fight for that to work
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haloud · 4 years ago
michael guerin loves alex manes
So there’s been a narrative within the fandom ever since the s1 hiatus that Michael hasn’t been shown to love Alex like Alex loves him, that Michael never does anything for Alex, that Michael never makes himself available. I couldn’t disagree more. So here’s a list from season 1.
Has a picture of them together and keeps it in a special box along with pictures of his family and has for 10 years
Kisses him at the reunion (after asking if Alex wants him to leave and giving him a chance to say no to the kiss.)
Gives him massive puppy eyes across a crowded bar after Isobel asks him if there’s anyone he would sacrifice everything for, which Alex sees, acknowledges with a lingering glance, then deliberately looks away.
“For me, nothing’s changed” “I never look away, not really”
Kisses him again
Literally everything about their scene in bed in 1x03, from the way he says “you stayed” to the way his mouth opens under Alex’s thumb to the reverent way he touches his leg
Wants his sister to know he and Alex are together but honors Alex’s refusal even though he’s hurt by it
Says he’d hate Max for sending Alex away in a direct comparison to Max’s fury at him and Isobel sending Liz away (aka saying he loves Alex the same way Max loves Liz)
At prom, he breaks up Alex’s fight with Kyle and, eyes only for Alex, tenderly asks if he’s okay
Opens up to Alex about how music makes him feel—the only person Michael ever seems to open up to about this part of himself
Kisses him in the UFO Emporium
“[I’ve never done this] with anyone I’ve liked as much as I like you”
Bodily defends Alex from a hammer-wielding Jesse and ends up permanently (or whatever -_-) injured from it
Tries to approach Alex in the bar in 1x09 after Alex hasn’t spoken to him for almost two months with no explanation. Tries a second time to talk to him/get him to open up until Alex shuts him down.
He says yes when Alex says Michael loved him for a long time
“We just connected like something—” “Cosmic.”
Opens up to Alex about his profoundly abusive childhood. Alex is the first person Michael is shown to trust with this part of himself in present day.
As soon as knowing about aliens doesn’t send Alex running screaming, Michael shows him his lab and everything he’s been working on even though an episode ago he was telling Liz not to touch it with Isobel’s life on the line.
“If anyone’s going to destroy me, it might as well be you.”
“Alex was the first person to make me feel like there was a place for me here.”
Loves Alex so much he leaves the mother he’s been searching for his entire life instead of staying to die beside her because Alex wouldn’t leave him otherwise.
“I love him, I probably always will.” <- the only time either of them has used love in the present tense about the other
So yeah, that’s a substantial but probably not comprehensive list of the ways Michael loves Alex and expresses it. Michael is not always nice; he’s mean when he gets defensive, and he gets defensive a lot. But throughout season 1 he also regularly puts himself out there for Alex while still respecting his space whenever Alex asks for it (which happens at least three times that I can think of—after the reunion, until Alex comes to him at the end of 1x02; after the drive in all the way until 1x09; and after the bar in 1x09 until, again, Alex changes his mind).
I’d also like to address a specific criticism I’ve seen about Michael’s feelings for Alex. No, Michael doesn’t bring up Alex to other people; but Alex specifically says he doesn’t want Isobel to know about them in 1x03 and never expresses a change of heart with regards to that. Michael talking about his relationship with Alex would be against his wishes and, frankly, really out of line and a denial of Alex’s agency. He’s not perfectly gracious about it, but it’s something that hurts him. He wants their relationship to be known, and Alex doesn’t until much, much later. As for Michael not defending Alex verbally…at what point does Alex require that verbal defense? No one ever talks bad about Alex to Michael! The only times Michael is there when Alex is under attack are at prom—and Michael intervenes—and in the shed—and Michael throws himself at Jesse screaming “don’t touch him.” Asking that Michael give the same verbal defense of Alex as Alex does for him is such a false equivalency, because their circumstances aren’t the same. It’s like saying “well if Alex really loved Michael he would tell someone that he’d hate them if they made Michael leave him.”
In season 2, Michael is pushing everyone away. He feels poisoned by hope, and explicitly, Alex represents hope in better things to Michael. Michael absolutely pushes Alex away in season 2. He’s not particularly kind about it. Especially in 2x02. But in 2x01 when he says that he doesn’t think they’re good for each other, he includes his own fault in that--he admits that he thinks he hasn’t been good for Alex either. And furthermore, the thing he says that people hate? “All our years of this, I’ve never said no to you. You come and you go and I go where you put me. This is me saying no.” Is also Michael admitting his own fault. It’s not an entirely accurate statement--we know of one instance and I think we can safely infer others where Michael said no with his actions if not his words--but it is him acknowledging that his own passivity in their relationship was half the problem and him setting a boundary to break that cycle. 
I think most malex fans were dissatisfied in various ways by season 2, and I think that inconsistencies and skewed priorities in the writing damaged the arcs and characterizations of just about every character, michael and alex very much included. But I think it’s disingenuous not to accept that the show wants us to believe, and therefore will proceed with this dynamic at the base, that both michael and alex contributed equally to the ways their relationship fell apart and hurt the other. With both of them having such a long history of trauma, with both of them having so few examples of healthy relationships to draw on in their lives, it’s not surprising things went like they did.
We end the season on can we both stop keeping score. I think fandom should take a hint from that. This list isn’t meant to be Michael’s scorecard, but merely a refutation of the idea that Michael’s love for Alex is an informed attribute. The idea that Michael hasn’t been shown to love Alex so deeply that it’s a part of who he is…that the foundation hasn’t been laid…it isn’t supported by canon. He loves him a lot. He loves him to distraction, to the point of agony, to the point of peace. Even after everything in season 2, he drops everything and makes a bomb that he thinks could wipe out his species to save Alex. Michael Guerin loves Alex Manes.
But that doesn’t mean that you as a fan have to keep shipping them. Even if they’re what got you into the show. Even if you think they’re going to be endgame. Even if you think they’re the only way you’re going to get eyes on your fanwork. If you hate half the ship, I encourage you to find a ship that makes you happier instead of subjecting yourself to a character you can’t stand. Also, if you’re going to write vent fic about how insufferable you find a certain character and how much you want them to Pay for their Crimes, it’s polite to tag it thusly.
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kryptsune · 4 years ago
Souly Damned Saturdays!~
🌼Hello everyone! I am excited to share the next SD Saturday! Today is going to be how the Infernal Realm is set up and a profile on one of my favorite boys, Val. This is going to be a huge one! Let’s get into it! If you have any questions please ask away! There is so much to this world and it’s characters that I don’t want to overwhelm people. *again stunning chibi of my boy Val by @little-noko​ >////< I love it so much*
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~Prince Profile:~
True Name: Valruth Alias Names: Valentine (Val) Nicknames/Titles: The Bloodstained Beast Soul Flower Type: Rose in half bloom          Color Type: Ruby with burnt petals Infernal Hierarchy: 2nd Prince of Lust Age Order: 5th Oldest Familiar Form: White Maine Coon/ (Hellcat) True Form Appearance Description:          ~Skeletal in appearance           ~Prominent fangs (spiked teeth in true form)           ~Ruby pointed tongue          ~Black horns that are reminiscent of the stereotypical devil           ~Skeletal claws          ~Clawed feet          ~Spaded bone tail with charcoal gradient          ~Golden Fang          ~Bone damage (cuts) on forearm, ribs, spine, shoulder blade          ~Bone and black feather wings (mix)
  Human Form Physical description:          ~Hair color: White/ cool platinum         ~Hair style: slicked back (before modern and reminiscent of the 1920′s)         ~Eye color: Ruby/ reddish brown         ~Skin tone: Pale         ~Contract symbol mark placement: his left shoulder blade         ~Height: 5′9 
Special Abilities or Powers: 
        ~Mind reading         ~Can pull out deepest desire         ~Dream walking         ~Mental suggestion         ~Levitation         ~Teleportation         ~Fire element         ~Veritas (forces those under his influence to tell the truth)         ~Lust touch         ~Blood vitality/ power         ~Servitude         ~Calming/ paralysis touch
(more below the cut!)
~SD Q AND A (These are all questions from you! Specifically those in my server):~
1. What is vals usual duties as a prince of hell? Does he have hobbies he enjoys doing? Does he even like humans if so what does he like about them? 🔥Val has less duties as Costello because even though he is a prince he is not the head of that Kingdom. Though to be fair Costello doesn't really mind doing the work it keeps his mind occupied. Mainly it's Val's job to deal with Coven direction/communication. I mean he has hobbies but uh... those are not appropriate to mention. Remember Val's cardinal sin is lust X'D He does enjoy music so he will spend time learning different musical styles or instruments. All in all he is pretty laid back and enjoys a good time. He’s a party boy, but he will be serious if needed.   Costello's position allows Val to be kind of a hedonist. His other job is based in contracts. Most Princes don't directly deal with humans unless circumstances allow due to their past history. It's his job to essentially make sure that quotas are being met. Let's just say he prefers the Mortal Realm because he loves messing with mortals.
2. Does Val prefer like manipulating people or playing pranks more? 🔥 He enjoys manipulating people.
3. How does it feel for Val to take another's life? What did it feel like the first time?
🔥 When he first Fell he struggled with the duality of his Clelestial/Infernal blood. It's the concept of the first life he took was hard on him but the moment he looks at the blood he essentially breaks. After that he gains the nickname of Beast because he revels in the kills. Eventually, he earns the "title" of the Bloodstained Beast which is where Beast comes from. 
4. Is Val overall sure of himself or does he struggle with loads of insecurities?
🔥He is sure of himself outwardly but alone not so much. Like I said before the majority of the brothers struggle with what they used to be and what they have become. His father's influence pushed his mind to justify the horrible things he has done. When Darrius is locked away the brothers have to come to terms with the monsters they have become. 
5. Does Val ever suffer from depression?
🔥I wouldn't call it depression. It is not that severe. It is more like self doubt or regret. 
6. What does it mean to be "alive" for Val?
🔥Unlike Infernals born in that realm, the brothers still have their Celestial souls but they are badly corrupted. Being alive for him is feeling the emotions that he used to when he was a Celestial. Think of their corruption as losing a sense of self. Most think that his "highs" come from drinking, pleasure, and the usual sinful fair but that’s not entirely true.
7. Does Val struggle with who he is?
🔥It depends on what part of the timeline. In the beginning he struggles a lot until he snaps but then doesn't care at all as if his original soul has gone numb. Over the centuries he does begin to mellow out and eventually when he meets Eve he changes his tune. Even before their meeting he is far more self conscious. 
8. Do Val’s emotions of himself ever reflect on others or does he keep them tightly wound?
🔥He keeps his emotions tightly wound unless he is with someone he trusts and by god is it hard to gain any of these boys trust. They were betrayed by their father and their other family... so they have major abandonment and trust issues. 
9.  Has there ever been a time where Val considered "love" over "lust"?
🔥Yes! In fact that is what he used to be. He was a Celestial of love and affection. It is one of the reasons that I made his alias name Valentine. Eve is the love of his life and he treats her as such.
10. If the brothers get their hands on souls what do they do with them? Will each prince treat souls differently from one another?
🔥Soul wise they can consume souls for their power, which they are already ungodly powerful already. The only caveat to that is that it corrupts their souls further. Sometimes those souls end up tormenting them for a while before they fade away. Each one has a different effect depending on the soul itself not so much the one who consumes it. 
11. What happens to changelings that die? Do they become infernal beasts/imps? or does something else happen?
🔥They essentially meet a permanent end, however, I should mention that they kind of get recycled in a way? Think of it as giving the energy back to the realm. It strengthens it. There are various artifacts and runes of great power strewn throughout the realm that are powered by dead Infernal life forces.
~The Infernal Realm Info~
General Structure:
The Infernal Realm is divided into an odd configuration that would imply something along the lines of Dante’s Inferno but the rings do not consecutively branch out. In the center the Infernal Palace in the capital city of Eden rests surrounded by the homes and residences of the Infernal elite. The ring outside those gates consists of five kingdoms; Lust (being the largest of the five), Pride, Greed, Envy, and Wrath. 
The outer most ring consists of the other 2 kingdoms; Sloth and Gluttony. Lastly the outer “walls” or ring is a wasteland for lost souls that neither belong in Heaven or Hell. This is what most would consider to be Purgatory but that would be factually incorrect. The gateway to purgatory is hidden within this land's monochrome and misty forests. There are also rumors that a gateway to the other realms also lies in these woods safely guarded by Infernal Beasts with loyalty to their King. There is in fact a portal to the mortal realm in each kingdom and heavily guarded by whoever each Prince sees fit. In the beginning of their banishment the Princes began to build on the outskirts of the realm working their way inward this causes an influence on the architectural influences. The further out the kingdom the the more ancient. SO each Kingdom is influenced by a specific period in time. This also coincides with the technology seen in the kingdom. The exception are the Prince’s castles. An example of this is Gin’s Kingdom of Sloth. His kingdom is heavily ancient Egyptian based but he is obsessed with the mortal realm so he still has technology but you can only find it in his “castle”. You wouldn’t see that kind of tech outside those walls. In addition each kingdom is divided by a dangerous wasteland in order to deter souls from trying to escape kingdoms. 
The only means of travel is a railway that travels from kingdom to kingdom. The tracks move and shift (kind of like the stairs in Harry Potter) to the destination that is required. One needs a ticket otherwise you can’t get on the railway and this is generally used by Imps or the occasional changeling if they are given permission to do so. 
Darrius’ Prison (The Wasted Hollow): Darrius is locked in a very specific prison stuck in between the Infernal and the Mortal Realm. It's a cushy small cage that can only be opened by the power of the 12 Princes. There is not a living soul in it except for him. This place dampens his abilities but they all cannot be contained. He has imparted his influence in multiple ways by reaching out to mortals and demons alike. Under his instruction they have created different cults. They are currently clandestine under the New Order and the New Mortal Realm.  
Note: If it was possible to get an aerial view of the entire Infernal Realm it would look very similar to a contract symbol or in essence a seal. This is due to the railway system that connects the kingdoms together. It’s a relatively new future as the millennia have progressed but the formation of these lines is in fact in the shape of a pentagram. 
~The Kingdoms (7)~
Lust (Inner Ring)- The kingdom that used to be ruled by the current King of the Realm. The hierarchy works that each kingdom rules over a certain sin committed by those punished. The closer that they are to The Capital the richer and more prosperous. It’s era of influence is the Roaring 20′s and that can be seen in it’s more art deco styled architecture and fashion sense. The lust kingdom is ruled by Costello who is the crown prince and following that is Val. He is a prince as well but uncrowned to one of the major kingdoms (he could honestly care less).The kingdom of lust revels in opulence and is known for its material wealth and the demons here tend to be debaucherous and are known for their slave/pet dealings. In this kingdom they tend to be overly needy causing them to sate their desires with damned souls or each-other.  It is well known that nothing can really saite these demons appetites for pleasure. They do as they will but continue to follow under the rules set forth by the King. The demons of this kingdom however tend to get away with more considering their kingdoms standing. Lust also does not just account for physical pleasure but lust for things such as wealth or power are prime examples. It is rumored that the two brothers appear to be opposites in their handling of the sin. Costello being more about possession and passion while Beast is more the stereotypical lust. Out of all the kingdoms this one seems to be the “best” one to be sentenced to especially if you find yourself at the feet of its rulers. The humans here are usually taken care of quite nicely though it is also rumored that some of those souls in question do not belong in Hell at all.   Appearance wise the Lust kingdoms Castle is paved with marble and gold. It is near spotless excluding wealth and grandeur. The massive walls that hide the Castle from view are covered in thick lush green vines and flowers. They have lace like porticos that spill a strange liquid from snake-like mouths. It is said that a human that even consumes a drop of it will be subject to their demon masters will for eternity. A strong manipulative love potion in essence. The Palace gardens are almost as if they were taken from the Garden of Eden itself which is entirely possible. The further away from the epicenter of the city becomes less ostentatious though not dilapidated by any means. Many of the Infernal elite live in this kingdom commonly. 
Pride (Inner Ring)- The kingdom of Pride is ruled by Carthus and Dusk which resides in the inner ring. As such it too exudes opulence at its center. The Kingdom supplies and trains those for the Capitals personal guard as well as the demons that are considered soldiers. This is also the Kingdom of the tainted. Those that are not quite demon but also not quite human. A long time ago when demons walked among the humans in the first mortal realm they wrecked havoc. The Princes of Pride manipulated humanity so much so that they began to turn them away from their old religions so that they would worship them instead. 
In turn the two brothers (along with the Princes of the Kingdom of Greed) toyed with human souls creating Infernal half breeds. What humanity calls vampires, werewolves, and so forth. The humans began to decline at rapid numbers since those of half Infernal blood easily hunted the weak. Now they span the wasteland of Purgatory sometimes finding themselves in the Infernal or Mortal Realms.   
Humans of high status on earth are also subjected to the same kind of torment they put on others in the worst way possible. Dictators, murderers and the like in this kingdom. It is a series of mind altering and psychologically torturing pathways and darkness. The only ones that are able to navigate this kingdom are those born from it’s depths or the Princes themselves as Dusk is the one that devised this horrifying MC Esher maze. It is influenced by the Late Victorian and Edwardian period. This kingdom’s seasons and magically produced light source can vary but the majority of the time the skies resemble twilight fading into darkness as you get further away from the castle. 
Wrath (Inner Ring)- The Kingdom of Wrath is the kingdom of War and bloodlust ruled by Sokan and Azrin. This is the kingdom known as The Cell unlike the kingdom of Lust, Wrath only shows off it’s splendor near it’s castle and some of the surrounding areas. It is mostly utilized as a giant torture pit. This is where souls are sent as punishment of the most severe crimes and tortured mercilessly sometimes torn to shreds only to be revived. 
Their leader is a ruthless warden of sorts making sure that everyone obeys the laws both set forth for demon or soul. Demons sentenced to exile are also detained here in this confusing catacomb prison. It is filled with deadly traps and pitfalls to prevent escape as well. The human souls usually sentenced here were the warriors that committed atrocities without a second glance at the innocent. Those that killed children in the name of the king is an example of this. 
The Cell is also where souls are twisted beyond recognition and where most new demons are made. In this world demons are made not born and those corrupted souls become the new generation. It could take years. It could take centuries but being thrown into The Cell is a sure fire sentence into Infernal rebirth.
There are two rulers of this kingdom and as such two types of punishments. While Boss rules over the Pit, Azrin is his little torture aficionado. Those sentenced are usually the type of killers that were mentally undone. Ones that took a sick twisted pleasure in their artistry. Those are usually brought from the outside. Their ruler, Azrin, is what one might call… unhinged at best. They are known for their experimentation attempting to twist mortal souls into whatever is desired... following in the footsteps of his older brothers. 
Greed (Inner Ring)- The kingdom of Greed is unlike any other kingdom as it houses an insurmountable number of souls within it (even if they don’t last long). It’s influence is the High Gothic Period, just think Dracula’s castle and forest. The ruler of Greed, Crimson, is a ruthless warlord with an unusual thirst for blood and not in the war hungry way. It’s second Prince, Grimm, enjoys torturing souls himself and will generally set up elaborate hunts to that end. 
It’s alternate title is that of the Kingdom of Blood. Those unfortunate souls forced to end up in such a horrible kingdom will find themselves subject to experimentation or unwinable hunts. Crimson was the one that started all of this half breed creation along with Carthus and Dusk. Though there were many creatures that came about through this experimentation Crimson and Grimm are specifically tied to two infernal blooded hybrids. The two brothers are most likely where the vampire and werewolf mythology stem from.   
Both brothers continue to play with their human “toys” as they did so long ago. They enjoy the thrill of hunting down those sentenced and revel in their success. Crimson prefers the opulence and riches that his sin provides while Grimm is more down to earth. It may account for his more bestial nature as he has a similar animalistic inclination like that of his youngest brother Ouro.  
Envy (Inner Ring)- This is the kingdom that trains and outsources spies as well as assassins. Demonic hitmen used to gain political power among their respective kingdoms. They are known for their thieves mostly stealing from their neighboring kingdom of greed, specifically souls.  Envy is known as the shadow kingdom usually housing those souls of the occult and black magic. Those that tried to obtain the unobtainable through magical or demonic means like that of Hedge Witches. 
Sanneth does not take kindly to this as these souls are tortured for all eternity forced to relive and conjure their own worst fears or transgressions. A never ending nightmare would be an apt description. Like his younger brother Dusk, Sanneth does not embrace his sin as much as the others. His abilities reflect his more Celestial blood but alas he is a Prince and therefore a kingdom he must rule. 
Sanneth also happens to be the twin brother of Carthus and the two are constantly at odds. He believes that they can conduct their “duty” without fulling turning into monsters while Carthus revels in his corruption. The 4th eldest prince’s envy could stem from his desire to return to how he once was. The castle rests in a season of eternal Spring influenced by the Japanese Edo period.
Gluttony (Outer Ring)- Those that are placed into this kingdom as punishment are subjected to torture of starvation and thirst. The princes castle is surrounded by a never ending desert with no hope for food or drink. Souls are forced to starve wandering this desert for the rest of eternity. The demons banished into this place feast on mortal corpses that fall, tearing them to pieces like scavengers. 
When the sun sets these mortals end up back where they started in one piece having to endure the same torture over and over. Ouro the ruler of his kingdom does not do much in the way of duty. He tends to delegate his jobs to other lower level demons. If a mortal manages to cross the desert the torture is with standing. Any food will turn to ash in their mouths and any water will burn the throat. It is an endless never quenchable thirst and hunger. It’s influence is that of Mesoamerica such as the ancient Maya and Aztec civilizations.  Sloth (Outer Ring)- Sloth is the final kingdom before the Outer Ring. It is “ruled” by Prince Gin though no one could actually tell you what it takes to maintain the kingdom as he tends to delegate everything to his Dukes. 
The souls here are never allowed to rest, forced to work the land for food production. Which is hilarious because food does literally nothing for demons. Ok hilarious in a cruel sick way. The Infernal Princes do like to have their feasts and lavish parties but that food is very different. In essence mortals are forced into a constant state of fatigue. Never able to drink, eat, or most of all sleep.
Gin tends to be selectively lazy but he has a fascination with the modern mortal world and tends to spend a lot of his time acquiring items from there. The poor boy has insomnia so he rarely sleeps since he is so enthralled with his game systems. He is very much a pop culture nerd at times and if you can get on his good side you will find that is probably one of the softer of the Princes. He likes a good time, oh and junk food... lots of junk food. The influence for this kingdom is ancient Egyptian as alluded to earlier since both of the Outer Ring Kingdoms are surrounded by a seemingly never ending stretch of desert. 
(That’s it for this week! I hope that gives you all kind of an idea how the Infernal realm works. This is jus the basics and if people are more interested in this I will go into more detail. That is what the ask box is for!)  << PREV  | FIRST |  NEXT >>
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