#not sure which version looks better so here's both!
meaniezucchini · 2 days
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that broken doll face trend but make it rose quartz
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nyc3 · 2 days
hello I recently and after going through it I would like to ask some questions if that’s ok of course and sorry if you perhaps got one of theses questions before
1.what is your general opinion on Shigaraki cause I’m curious as a shiggy fan and just curious in general what other people who don’t like him as much or just in general don’t like him think of him
2. How would you write/rewrite shigaraki just in general or if nine was the main villian and Shigaraki was like a secondary villian and or maybe him joining up with nine
3. What do you think would have happened if nine found tenko
sorry if this ask comes off as annoying or rude I’m just general curious hope you having a good/night
It's ok, I would try to answer the question the best I can as english isn't my first lenguage so sorry if you find errors here and there. So let's go:
1_ This may sound strange as my constant comments and critiques about Shigaraki may make look like I hate him, but isn't really the case.
I think is more he's a frustrating character to me because while on paper his concept is fine, I feel his presence ends up being detrimental to the quality of the story because the mangaka didn't know how kept Shigaraki relevant and his solution was artificially increase his status sacrificing other more interesting characters with potential just to elevate Shigaraki, especially Nine and Overhaul.
2_ Honestly I never thought on an in deep rewrite of Shigaraki overall character.
But If I have to say something he did works as a early antagonist considering the initial states of MHA and while I'm not fan of having a singular main villain (because in my ideal story multiple major villains should fight for the power) I think Shigaraki and Nine surely can coexist in the same story. They can even influence each other in fact.
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After all an important part of Shigaraki as a character is how he develops a sense camaraderie and tries to became a better leader (even if there's a lot of problems with the execution if that idea in canon).
But Nine already had those qualities since the beginning, he's a good leader who always cared about his teamates and tried his best to protect them. He was a hero for them basically.
So why not make Nine a figure which inspires Shigaraki rather than his rival and Tomura attemps to became a better version of himself while looking what makes Nine a beloved leader, while at the same it time creates a contrast with AFO who was the only prominent figure on his life before.
It would also be funny if AFO didn't see coming how his two attempts of "successors" would became closer allies rather than rivals and join forces, eventually opposing him. Nine would never follow AFO selfish ideals, and he probably will fight to free Shigaraki from his control.
3_ This one is interesting, because I don't think Nine and Shigaraki have a big age difference in the first place.
Despite Nine got a more adult vibe he probably is at best middle 20s, which would make him 4-5 years older than Shigaraki in terms of canon age.
So in a scenario where Nine found Tenko after what happened to his family that day they both will still be kids.
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But despite Nine seem to only care about people with stronger quirks and you can think "why he would care about a random kid in the streets?" I actually think Nine has this unconsious instict to protect others in a vulnerable situation regardless of their actual power. After all how he could guess people like Slice and Mummy were strong but he helped them anyway?
That being said I think Nine would do exactly the same for Tenko if he found him that day, extending a hand to him (metaphorically at least lol) and both would escape together while trying to survive on the cruel world of the streets as two orphans without any place to go.
Think about it as Nine being the big bro who tries to protect Tenko the best he can, because he knows Tenko can be a really strong person and both could take on the world someday. Of course Nine won't try to fuel Tenko's trauma unlike AFO, perhaps he will attempt to heal him and Tenko will recover a bit of his own selfless and sweet self with time.
While they grown together as a found family they eventually will meet Chimera, Slice and Mummy like Nine did in canon.
Idk how their lives should continue from there, but pretty sure all them will still fight for create the ideal world Nine always wanted for all of them.
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So that's it, I tried my best to answer each question but probably I could've added a lot more but didn't want to make this too long either.
Perhaps one day I will do more post with ideas about how I would like the story to be. It's very fun write about Nine and Shigaraki actually.
Thank you for ask and read!
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xannador · 2 days
Thank you!
A big thank you to everyone who got a copy of Mostly (h)Armless! I think that for an obscure little fancomic it did really well! About 30 copies have gone where none can ever take them away again. I've also finally received my own version and I am happy about the quality.
I've now unpublished it but turns out you can never entirely take a book off the store once published. You can't edit it to be something else either. (which is what I had hoped to do, I have a bunch of unpublished original comics lying around). So it's just kinda going to sit there for all eternity, unavailable for sale. I sincerely hope it won't give me problems later on.
Anyway, if anyone is curious about one day printing their own comics, here are a few things I have noticed that I will definitely remember for my future printing endeavors:
Most glow and blending effects like Lighten, Color dodge, Hard Light, Linear dodge (add), etc don't look that nice in print despite looking awesome in digital.
Make your line art thick enough.
soft shading looks bad, cell shading looks good. (But it's better to fully fill shapes with a contrasting color rather than doing fancy lighting.)
Consider shading in black rather than color. (optional)
Details and soft lines are usually lost and a waste of time (Mostly in case of a colored book. Black and white may be different)
Keep panels spaced far enough apart.
Draw big panels. Small panels aren't as nice to look at and the eyes are naturally drawn to the larger panels.
Gradients don't look very nice either. Unless they have a light color.
Vintage comic textures and effects actually looks nicer in print than digital (which surprised me).
In dark scenes, rim lights are essential to make the character pop out. M(h)A would've looked like ass if I hadn't added those.
Stay away from the borders of your page, especially the left and right ones. Not just for the text but for the drawings too.
Keep track of which side of your page will be closest to the spine, keep a distance from that side especially. Because your book will be folded and part of the page will be hidden (the thicker your book, the more will be lost).
fancy panel compositions are cooler in digital...
contrast contrast contrast...
Don't be afraid to use pure black a lot.
Don't be afraid to use white a lot.
The 3D shake effect is also not that cool on print. But looks gorgeous on digital.
To myself… keep the font size consistent…
If text is outside a text bubble, it should have a high contrast stroke
Text should always be high contrast in general.
Motion blur is really cool in digital but not so much on print.
Keep black silhouettes black, avoid adding any kind of subtle glow or texture.
Text bubbles can have color but they should be light (again high contrast) watch out for saturated green or blue or red. Test in greyscale. Contrast should be more than 70%.
Line art should not be colored. Keep it black for print.
Hard borders are better than soft borders. On everything.
white panel borders are better than black panel borders.
But white borders with a black stroke are probably the best (cause more contrast).
Again light colors are better than dark colors. To do dark scenes it might be better to just use black and contrast with a lighter color.
Line art perfection is not that interesting, especially in regards to hard surface shapes like robots. (Might be personal taste though. I enjoyed looking at robots with messier line art more than those where I did perfect brush strokes.)
Beware dark blue and purple...
Compositions and colors of both the left and right page should always fit together. I think I did that pretty well here at least.
If possible make your total amount of comic pages devisable by 4. (so 24 pages total, or 28, or 96, you get the idea) not including the cover and back. Or else add a little extra drawing to fill the remaining pages.
I think that's about everything I can see based on my own print. I'm sure that a fair few of the things that I found looking worse in print than digital could be resolved by just being... better at converting your files. There's the whole CMYK color mode thing but in my personal experience that has been such a pain to work with, and each time my prints looked worse attempting to convert the file rather than had I just left it in RBG and let the printer do the guessing work for me.
So if you're like me and you're hopeless at this technical mumbo jumbo printing stuff, I think just avoiding the things I mentioned while drawing should get you well under way to having a nice print. The most important thing to remember is that digital and physical media are two entirely different beasts and if you are interested in getting your comics printed it's easier to adapt your workflow to that from the start rather than going back and altering. A lot of the mistakes I made here are rookie ones and I should have known better. But it's very easy to get lost in the process once you've started. I hope to improve my next print significantly. Once I can make RBG look good, I might try CMYK again.... Maybe. Potentially. No.
Hope these tips can be of service to somebody. They'll be a useful archive for myself in any case. If anyone wants me to elaborate more on a specific point, I'm happy to explain.
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tobiasdrake · 2 days
Digimon Adventure 01x51 - Hell's Jester, Piemon / The Crest of Friendship
Previously on Digimon Adventure: Jou decided he needs to forge his own path by following in Yamato's footsteps. Meanwhile LadyDevimon made everybody extremely uncomfortable as part of Piemon's master plan to squick the Chosen Children into leaving his front door.
Now, with LadyDevimon's death, Piemon has come out to attend to what remains of the assault team in person.
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We open on Jou searching for Yamato, while Yamato's harmonica music paradoxically plays in the background.
Narrator: Around this time, Jou, with harmonica in hand, was searching for Yamato. Gomamon: JOU, LOOK!!!
Gomamon draws Jou's attention to an abandoned swan boat.
Gomamon: IT'S YAMATO'S BOAT!!! He must be around here! Jou: But we don't know how long it's been here. We aren't even certain that Yamato was the one who used it. Gomamon: That's fine! We're sure to find him. By now, Yamato probably also thinks that it's about time he rejoined us anyway.
Jou examines Yamato's harmonica.
Jou: You're right. It was my idea to go look for Yamato. I can't be having second thoughts now! Gomamon: Yeah, exactly! You've become a lot more manly lately. Jou: What's that supposed to mean? (playful, pokes Gomamon) Are you saying I wasn't manly enough before?
Jou and Gomamon both break into laughter. Gomamon seems very pleased by Jou's decision to forge his own path, but he was also satisfied when they were still with Mimi's nakama. So it seems like Gomamon's just happy regardless of what Jou chooses.
As with Gabumon, it's most important to Gomamon that Jou be the one to make the choice for himself.
The dub opens by implying that Joe and Gomamon have been searching for a while now.
Joe: We've looked everywhere, Gomamon, but we still can't find Matt. Gomamon: Maybe your harmonica playing has been keeping him in hiding. Joe: (sarcastic) Mm. Everybody's a critic. Gomamon: Hey, Joe! LOOK OVER THERE!!! Joe: What is it? (Swan Boat) Gomamon: It's Matt's boat! He must be close by! Joe: But we have no idea of when he left it, or if he was using it at all! Come on, we'd better keep looking. Gomamon: Don't be such a downer; This is our first clue in a long time and I want to see a little Get Up and Go-mamon!" (Joe inspects the harmonica) Joe: I guess I'm still pessimistic 'cause when we found Matt's harmonica, it led us nowhere. But you're right. He could be nearby. Gomamon: Now, that's the spirit, Joe! You've become a real man lately! Joe: Oh, I get it now. (playful, pokes Gomamon) So you're saying that I wasn't a real man before, huh? Gomamon: (laughing uncontrollably) Joe: Are you man enough not to laugh when I tickle you?
This is really good. The bits about their search fudge the events a bit. They followed the harmonica music to Elecmon, who told them about the swan boat. Then they crossed the lake to pursue the swan boat, and now they've found the swan boat. This has been a pretty straightforward tracking mission so far.
The dub seems to imply that, after crossing the lake, they found nothing and had to wander aimlessly for a long time. But now they've stumbled back onto the trail by chance. This is a much messier version of events.
However, the playful banter between the two is a top-notch and entirely faithful adaptation of the original dialogue. Dub Gomamon also implies that Joe's been (badly) trying to play Matt's harmonica in the time since we last saw him, which is a funny mental image.
Meanwhile, outside Piemon's observatory, WarGreymon is on the offensive.
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Calling Dramon Killer as an attack, WarGreymon volleys rapid-fire stabs at Piemon but struggles to land any of them. Piemon darts and weaves too easily through his attacks.
WarGreymon finally manages a solid hit when he surprises Piemon with a kick, knocking him back into the roots of a large tree. But Piemon picks himself up, seemingly no worse for wear.
Taichi: GOT HIM!!! Piemon: Muhahahahaha! Do Chosen Children truly rely on such childish tricks? Taichi: (surprised) What!? Piemon: My expectations have been dashed. I thought you'd be tougher than this. Koushiro: WarGreymon's attacks aren't having any effect at all! Hikari: (worried) Onii-chan, are we okay? Taichi: (determined) We're fine.
This fight is going badly. They landed a hit, but didn't seem to do any damage and had their successful hit written off as 子供騙し kodomodamashi, a composite of 子供 kodomo meaning "child" and 騙しdamasi which means "deception".
Kodomodamashi is a transparent, juvenile trick that only a child would think is clever.
Of course, what it says about Piemon that he fell for a kodomodamashi goes unremarked upon due to how intimidating he is right now.
In the dub, WarGreymon calls Dramon Killer as "Mega Claw". Probably to avoid the K word, even though they already solved that problem in the past by calling them "Dramon Destroyers".
Tai: I think we won! Piedmon: Hahahahahahahaha! Thank you for the sparring match, WarGreymon. Now I'm ready for the main event. Tai: Oh, no! Piedmon: Once upon a time, there were these DigiDestined. And then Piedmon destroyed them all. The end. Izzy: No offense to your storytelling skills, but I'd like it better if your ending were different. WarGreymon: IT WILL BE!!! Kari: We can't win unless we're all together! Tai: (worried) Where are they!?
This scene is very different. Piedmon isn't so dismissive of the children's abilities here; He simply blusters menacingly, including a callback to the Dark Masters' debut when he told the kids a twisted faerie tale of their own impending deaths.
Kari and Tai here use their lines to remind the audience that we're trying to buy time for reinforcements to arrive. It also makes a stronger transition into the next scene, as we find Sora and Takeru searching for the others.
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Angemon seems to have reverted to Patamon between episodes, as the three of them are all riding Birdramon's talons. Sora uses her Digivice's radar function to try and scan for the others.
Sora: The Digivice still isn't reacting to anything. Patamon: The powers of darkness must be too strong. Sora: (thinking) How are we supposed to find them in this vast Digimon World? Takeru: ...Sora-san? Sora: What? Takeru: Will we find Onii-chan? And all of the others? Sora: ... Takeru: Sora-san? Sora: We'll find them, no matter what. (starting to freak out) If we can't then we're all.... Takeru: Sora-san! Sora: Ah! Takeru: ...are you okay? Sora: (polite laugh) Sorry about that. I'm fine! We'll find them.
Despite the fact that Sora is clearly only pretending to be okay while the stress eats her alive from within, Takeru accepts that answer with a smile. He's eight.
Sora: (thinking) I have to bring everyone back, or else we won't be able to defeat Piemon. This world... We won't be able to stop it from being destroyed.
Despite her attempt to keep Takeru from fretting over it, the stakes coupled with the seeming impossibility of her task are weighing heavily on Sora's mind.
In the dub:
Sora: The Digivice isn't responding at all. Patamon: I hope we find them soon; I'm getting airsick. Sora: (thinking) We'll never find them all. The Digital World is too big. They could be anywhere. T.K.: Hey, Sora? Sora: What? T.K.: We'll be able to find Matt and the others, right? Sora: (thinking) Should I tell him the truth? T.K.: Well, Sora? Sora: The only thing I can say, T.K., is.... (crying noises) T.K.: ...are you alright? You're not crying, are you? Sora: Just something in my eye! Don't worry! We'll find them, T.K! (T.K. smiles) Sora: (thinking) We'll find the others because we have to! Unless we fight as a team, we'll never defeat Piedmon! We can't let him destroy the Digital World!
Pretty straight adaptation.
They cut Sora's implication that Piemon is going to kill them all, replacing it with Sora breaking down into non-verbal sobbing.
Cutting back to the fight, WarGreymon attempts to land his Brave Tornado. It's gone two for two on Ultimate opponent kills so it's a good choice.
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It does not go well. Continuing to fight circles around him, Piemon hurdles the attack with a jolly flip. Emerging from the ensuing dust cloud with scuff marks all over his armor, WarGreymon looks like he did more damage to himself with that attack than to Piemon.
Tailmon: He's strong! Hikari: Onii-chan-- Taichi: Everyone, stay back! Hikari: But why, Onii-chan!? Taichi: Wait until Yamato and the others get here! You just fought LadyDevimon; You need time to recover your stamina!
Taichi is still thinking ahead. Focusing on the next fight and not this one, even though the next fight is technically a part of this one. Banking not on winning this fight, but on WarGreymon holding the line until they can hit Piemon all at once.
The dub calls Brave Tornado as Terra Force.
Gatomon: He's tough. Kari: We should all fight. Tai: Everyone stay where you are! Kari: But Tai! Why not!? Tai: The Digimon are still too tired from our fight with LadyDevimon. We have to wait until we're at full strength, when Matt and the others rejoin us.
Another faithful adaptation. Kari does manage to spell out what she wants to do, where Taichi cuts off Hikari and leaves it implied. But what she wants is clearly the same in both versions.
From there, we finally go check in with Yamato and see what he's up to. He is in a hole.
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Narrator: After Yamato separated from Taichi's group and became a solitary child, he tried to put his thoughts in order. Before he knew what was happening, he found himself lost, wandering through a dark cave. Gabumon: Yamato.... I have a bad feeling about this cave. Let's hurry up and find a way out. Yamato: Yeah. You're right.
Yamato agrees verbally with Gabumon, but he doesn't hurry up. Instead, he loses himself in memories, flashing back on Takeru announcing that he rescued himself from Pinocchimon's mansion.
(Flashback) Takeru: I was able to protect myself all on my own this time! (End Flashback) Yamato: (stops walking) I.... Gabumon: Huh? What is it, Yamato? Yamato: I kept saying that Takeru needed me. The truth is, I was the one that needed him. Convincing myself that Takeru needed me is how I found my place. But.... (Flashback) Hikari: That's incredible! Taichi: That's awesome, Takeru! Congrats! Mimi: We were so worried about you! Jou: You sure have grown up, without any of us realizing. (End Flashback) Yamato: Takeru has everyone supporting him. And Taichi acted more like a real big brother than I ever did.
Yamato doesn't answer. Silently, he starts walking deeper into the dark cave.
The dub takes its first commercial break following the previous scene, then we come back to Matt. They don't have the narrator to poetically set up Matt's metaphorical-made-literal surroundings, so Gabumon has to do the job. He plays the spooky cave for nervous laughs.
Gabumon: Matt? Matt: Yeah, Gabumon? Gabumon: Maybe we've been traveling in this direction a little too long. This cave is starting to give me the creeps. Let's hurry up and get out of here! I'm still not sure what you mean by 'trying to find yourself' but I'd appreciate it if you didn't look in here! Matt: Sure. Whatever.
The dub's flashback is only slightly altered; T.K. says "I told you I'd be back" instead of "I told you I could do it." But it's by far the most consistent a dub flashback has been yet.
(Flashback) T.K.: See, everybody? I told you I'd be back! I can take care of myself just fine! (End Flashback) Matt: I've been living a lie. Gabumon: You're not a real blond!? Matt: (heavy sigh) I kept saying T.K. needed me but, really, I was the one that needed him. Gabumon: What do you mean? Matt: I used to think that my one purpose in life was to protect my little brother. But then.... (Flashback) Kari: You're the man! Tai: Nice going, T.K.! Great job, buddy! Mimi: We were so worried about you! Joe: Boy, for a little kid, that was a pretty big escape! (End Flashback) Matt: He didn't need me to protect him anymore. And Tai was much better at acting like a big brother than I ever was....
Tonally inappropriate blond quip aside, this is still a pretty straight adaptation.
Gabumon's not about to let that last remark from Yamato go unquestioned.
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Gabumon: What are you talking about? You are Takeru's older brother, Yamato! Yamato: I don't deserve to be Takeru's big brother. I just used Takeru so that I could feel secure in my place as his brother. I needed to believe that Takeru had no one else but me.
As Yamato speaks, a tendril of concentrated darkness moves through the cave behind him. Yamato, unnoticing, sits down in the cave and pulls his knees to his chest.
Yamato: That's why I got so mad at Taichi. I felt like he was trying to take Takeru away from me. Taichi is decisive and has strong leadership. Most of all, he treats Takeru like a man. Gabumon: Now what's brought this on, Yamato? There are so many great qualities that are unique to you too! Yamato: I always thought of Taichi as tactless and dim-witted, but I just couldn't see. Gabumon: Yamato....
This is the discussion they were trying to have back with Jureimon. This time, Jureimon isn't here to direct Yamato's anxieties. But Yamato's been thinking about this long enough for his anxieties to become self-sustaining.
He's still wandering the forest of lost souls.
In the dub:
Gabumon: But you don't have to act. You are T.K.'s brother! Tai isn't! Matt: That's just the point. I don't act like a brother at all. And even though it made me feel good to think that I was the only one there for him, in reality, all the kids were. Gabumon: Let's talk about this outside. There's something strange about this place.... Matt: That's why Tai made me so mad! I thought he was trying to take T.K. away from me! (Matt sighs and sits by the wall) Matt: Tai might be real bossy and hard-headed sometimes but he never treated T.K. like a child, which is how I've always treated him. But I'm the one who's childish. Gabumon: Matt, stop putting yourself down! Sure, you have some teenage angst, but you've been a great brother to T.K.! Matt: I used to think Tai never thought about anyone but himself, but that actually describes me a lot better. Ugh.... Gabumon: Oh, Matt....
"You have some teenage angst", Gabumon? I'll take "Lines that remind you that these children were written by thirty-year-olds".
(Matt isn't even a teenager!)
Gabumon gets an extra line so he can say, "Can we have this conversation in a less spooky and thematically resonant place?" Which is a valid interjection.
Suddenly, Gabumon notices the swirling darkness around them.
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Gabumon: (gasp) Yamato! Something's wrong with this place!
The darkness of the cave surrounds and engulfs Yamato. He doesn't even seem to notice as it pours into him; His eyes glazing over with darkness.
Yamato: There's no hope for me. I can't go back and rejoin the others' nakama. Gabumon: STOP THAT!!! (scolding) Without you, Yamato... If the eight of you don't come together then this world is doomed! Yamato: They don't need me. It wouldn't matter if I was there or not. Gabumon: YAMATO, GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF!!! Yamato: Forget it. Just leave me alone. Gabumon: HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT!?!? Yamato: ... Gabumon: (tearing up) Yamato....
Gabumon's saying correct things but it doesn't matter when the other person is not in a mindset to be told. Yamato's depression is spiraling, and he's dissociating. He's not really here in this conversation, and eventually he stops responding entirely.
This is intercut with imagery of Yamato sinking into a vast, bottomless ocean of darkness.
In the dub:
Gabumon: (gasp) OH, MATT!!! I THINK YOU'D BETTER TAKE A LOOK AT THIS!!! Matt: Whatever. I'm no good. I can never go back to being their friend. Gabumon: You have to! Don't you understand that if the eight of you don't get back together, the Digital World will be destroyed forever! Matt: They don't need me. And besides, seven is a luckier number than eight. Gabumon: HEY, MATT, SNAP OUT OF IT!!! Matt: Just go away. I want to be alone. Gabumon: Come to your senses! Matt: ... Gabumon: (tearing up) Matt, listen....
Super inappropriate time for a quip, dub team. Again, this is pretty straightforward in its translation, apart from the futile attempts to inject levity.
At this point, Yamato shuts down entirely. He's as still as the grave, and trying to break through with reason has failed. Only one option left: Resort to violence.
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Gabumon bites down on Yamato's leg hard enough to break him out of his dissociation. Yamato gets up suddenly, backhanding Gabumon off of him.
As Yamato stands up, there's a single-frame animation error where he and his darkness aura briefly separate. As a mistake, Yamato physically goes back to his previous frame instead of into the next frame of his standing up animation, then teleports to a standing position in the frame after. Meanwhile his aura continues on into the next frame and then the one after like it was supposed to.
The aura goes 2-3-4-5 while Yamato goes 2-3-2-5.
This implies that Yamato and the aura are being animated separately, which I find fascinating. How did this mistake happen, I wonder?
Gabumon: There is only one Yamato in this world! Am I wrong!? So then why do you keep comparing yourself to Taichi!? Obviously you and Taichi are different! You're Takeru's big brother, aren't you? It makes no sense to say Taichi's a better brother than you are! Yamato: ...Gabumon...? Gabumon: Besides.... What would I do if you were gone!? I spent so long in this world waiting for you, and you alone! Yamato: Gabumon.... Gabumon: Do you truly want to be alone, Yamato? Because if so, then I'll leave this place by myself. But only if that's what you really want.
Gabumon's teethmarks in Yamato's leg do wonders for getting him to pay attention and engage with what Gabumon is saying. This time, he seems to actually be listening and processing Gabumon's words.
In the dub:
Matt: OW!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!? ARE YOU CRAZY!?!? Gabumon: Don't you understand, Matt!? You've got to quit comparing yourself to Tai! You're not him! It's like ice cream; He's vanilla and you're rocky road. But only one of you is T.K.'s real brother and it's not him! No matter how much he impresses T.K., Tai will never be able to break the bond that you two brothers share! Matt: Gabumon.... Gabumon: And besides, don't you think it would break my heart if you weren't here? After all, I didn't wait my entire life for you to arrive just so you can wallow in self-pity! Matt: Huh? Gabumon.... Gabumon: But Matt, if you really want to be left alone, then I'll respect your wishes and disappear. But only if that's what you really want me to do.
Accusing people of wallowing in self-pity is rarely a convincing argument against continuing to wallow in self-pity, Gabumon. In fact, that's a great way to kill an intervention by getting them defensive.
This was a little thing that's slowly been compounding but I don't like Gabumon's tone of voice in the dub. In the original, he's pouring his heart out and sounds on the verge of breaking down in tears. Which makes sense since he's actively crying.
The dub voice sounds aggressive and accusatory. There's not as much empathy for Matt here as there is for Yamato.
Also, they're still desperately trying to insert quips to keep this light, and they are failing miserably. This is still a dark and serious conversation even with Gabumon and Matt making tonally-inappropriate jokes here and there.
Faced with Gabumon's emotional earnestness, Yamato clenches his fist and answers.
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Yamato: No. When I said I wanted to be alone... that was a lie. I was putting on a front. Since I was young, I've been pushing people away like that. But the truth is....
Yamato flashes back on his parents' divorce. The camera closes in on his face, as he watches Natsuko take Takeru away.
Yamato: Really, I'm lonely. I told myself no one would ever see me cry. If I had to be alone, then I was going to be a great man who can do anything by myself. But... what I wanted to do was cry. Gabumon: Yamato.... Yamato: (crying) I hate being alone.
Gabumon pulls Yamato into a hug.
Gabumon: I'm here for you! You can depend on me the way I depend on you. If you do that, then we can persevere (ganbaru) through anything!
Finally, Yamato unpacks the effects that his divorce trauma has had on him. Like Gabumon said back at the Jureimon encounter, Yamato is still, deep down, an empathetic young boy who wants to be loved and accepted by others. We've seen it multiple times throughout the series. He's always been driven by his empathy, even if he couldn't acknowledge it.
But he closes up and becomes defensive when his nerves are exposed. His fear of abandonment motivates him to push people away and try to act like a lone wolf. Even though he's really, truly not one, and never has been.
If anything, by his behavior, he's always been Team Mom, constantly looking out for the welfare of the group as a whole. Because that is his truth, buried beneath the lie he's been trying to convince himself to believe.
In the dub:
Matt: No, I don't really want to be left alone. Sorry, I never meant to hurt you. I've never let anyone get close to me before. Not since my family split up. (Brief divorce flashback) Matt: Ever since then, I've been alone. I figured if my family didn't want me, then I would just keep to myself and never tell anyone what I was feeling. And I swore I would never let anyone see me cry. But really, all I wanted to do was cry. Gabumon: Then cry. Matt: (crying) I hate being alone. (Gabumon pulls Matt into a hug) Gabumon: I'm here for you, Matt! I used to be lonely too! I wandered around the Digital World without any friends at all! And then, after I met you, I'd never be lonely again!
Yamato says that his lone wolf behavior is a deliberate ruse. That his behavior is fake. He pretends (poorly) to be a self-made island of a man who doesn't need anything or anyone, as a defense mechanism. But really, his behavior only isolates him further and makes him irate and miserable.
He is a very unhappy social butterfly, because he denies himself connection and pours all of his need for human contact onto Takeru. Who, as previously noted, slips through his armor because he can lie further and tell himself that he doesn't need anything but Takeru needs him.
Matt touches on that, but only goes as far as to say that he keeps people at arm's length. He explains that he closed himself off because "my family didn't want me", which is an obviously untrue childish exaggeration. Especially since we've met his family and we know how they feel about him.
Yamato describes himself as 一人 hitori, alone, as a result of the divorce, but doesn't cast blame for it. His story is focused on what happened in his head due to the divorce. He never implies that his parents hurt him intentionally.
Which makes it seem like this whole thing came from Matt just... misunderstanding the cause of his parents' divorce and thinking they broke up because of him. Yamato needs therapy. Matt needs a hug from his mom.
Then Dub Gabumon starts bald-faced lying about his background. Gabumon has never been alone. From the day he hatched, he's had a social network around him. He's thinking of Gatomon. He stole her backstory in order to pretend he could relate. The bastard.
Credit for letting Matt cry in the dub, though. Past episodes have taken a strong anti-boys crying stance, so that was a pleasant surprise to see.
Inspired and touched by Gabumon's words, Yamato responds.
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Yamato: (smiling) You're right. Gabumon, because you were with me, I was able to make it this far. Even in the depths of this dark cave, you're still here, chasing after me. I don't have to be alone. Gabumon: Yamato! Yamato: I have the nakama too. And Takeru, Dad, and Mom.
Yamato flashes back again. This time, rather than the divorce, he sees the reunion with his parents and Takeru shortly after VenomVamdemon's defeat.
Yamato: (thinking) I'm sure I'll look much happier next time. Dad! Mom!
In the dub:
Matt: I know what you mean. Me too. After all, you're the main reason I came to the Digital World in the first place. And here I am, lost in this dark, strange cave, and you're still right by my side. That's the sign of a true friend. Gabumon: Aw, shucks. Matt: I guess I have friends. And that includes T.K. and my Mom and Dad! (Brief flashback) Matt: (thinking) Now I realize I was never really alone. People like me. They really, really like me!
Matt says "you're the main reason I came here" like that was a choice he made.
As a finisher, "People really like me" feels like a much weaker closing argument than "I'll look much happier next time my family sees me" in my opinion, but that may just be personal taste. This isn't incorrect; I just don't like it as much.
As Yamato self-actualizes, the darkness is purged from him and rises into the cave, swirling overhead. At last, Yamato sees it for himself.
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Gabumon: Yamato, look! Yamato: What is that? Gabumon: It was coiling around you this whole time! Didn't you notice? Yamato: Not at all. Gabumon: I think it was trying to get inside your heart, Yamato. Yamato: It's black. ...I understand. These are the black feelings that I was experiencing just now. But you're wrong. Gabumon: About what? Yamato: That thing wasn't trying to get inside of me. It pulled out the darkness I already had inside. I think I've been carrying that darkness deep in my heart all this time. Gabumon: I see. Yamato: My isolation is what drew this darkness into me. But everything is different now!
Adding onto the thematically resonant nature of this hyperbolic place, the dark swirly-swirl is itself the manifestation of Yamato's feelings.
(I believe he has found the part of the Digital World that came from Silent Hill's data.)
In the dub:
Gabumon: Matt, look! Matt: What is it!? Gabumon: It's been around you this whole time! You mean you haven't noticed it until now? Matt: Not at all. Gabumon: It was weird. The more you talked about being alone, the bigger that thing got. Matt: It's pitch-black. ...that's exactly the feeling I had in my heart just a minute ago. I know what it is! Gabumon: Please tell me. Matt: It's the darkness that I've been carrying around with me this whole time. The darkness that's been buried in my heart. Oh, Gabumon, now it's ready to swallow me up whole! Gabumon: Like Jonah and the whale? Yamato: I have a feeling that if I didn't recognize it just now, it would have taken over my whole life. But I'm not gonna let that happen!
(spit take)
Okay so we can't use the word "holy" but referencing specific Bible passages is fine.
Then again, there was that one time Sora's mom yelled "Christ", but I'm still convinced that was an ad-lib no one caught.
Man, threading the needle of acceptable Christian references under 90's cartoon censorship is hard.
In any case, this is pretty solid. My one note is that they again removed the discussion of Yamato's feelings of isolation. Matt says this is the darkness he carries but does not go into detail about where that darkness came from, what it means for him personally. Instead, he treats it like an external threat trying to destroy him.
Which is. Y'know. The opposite of what this scene is meant to convey about Yamato's internalized darkness. That's his little trauma ball up there. Let's whack it with a stick! A stick made of love.
(Not you, Sora, this is not your time yet. Yamato has to learn to love himself first.)
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Yamato: After all, I'm not alone anymore! Gabumon: That's right! Yamato: Thank you, Gabumon. Gabumon: Yamato! I've always, always wanted to thank you, ever since we met!
Yamato hugs Gabumon, and as they embrace, the swirling mass of Yamato's darkness disintegrates into pixels.
(God, I hope that thing isn't going to reincarnate into a Digitama. ...oh, wait, the Village of Beginnings is... Aww, I made myself sad. Piemon's darkness domain sucks! I hate it here!)
Yamato: You've been by my side, and I never realized. I've always had you! Gabumon: (happiness noises) Yamato: (stands up and grips Gabumon's claws) You might have to put up with a lot from me from now on, but I'm counting on you. Gabumon: I can handle that. Yamato: And I'm not going to complain anymore. Gabumon: It's fine! You can complain to me all you want. Haha! Yamato: Alright, then. I'll whisper my complaints to you very softly.
Gabumon and Yamato share a laugh. As they do, the cave around them distorts and fizzles out of existence. It was never real to begin with.
In the dub:
Matt: It can't hurt me because I'm not alone anymore. Gabumon: That's the spirit! Matt: I want to thank you, Gabumon. Gabumon: Don't mention it. That's what friends are for. Besides, I should be thanking you! You're the best friend a Digimon ever had. (Matt hugs Gabumon) Matt: Let's make a promise that we'll always be there for each other, no matter what happens. Gabumon and Matt, friends for life. Gabumon: (happiness noises) Matt: (stands up and grips Gabumon's claws) What do you say? Do we have a deal? A handshake makes it official. Gabumon: Will a pawshake do? Matt: And I promise not to complain anymore either. Gabumon: Don't start that again. If you're upset about something, you should get it off your chest. Matt: Alright, if you insist. I'll still complain once in a while, but only to you!
I appreciate Dub Gabumon calling Matt out for the "no complaining" thing. No, Yamato, suppressing your feelings and refusing to communicate what's going on with you is not the correct takeaway from this. Try again! Use your words! XD
The dub's take on the cave scene has been touch and go but I like this part. And yes, you are permitted a quip here. Now is the proper time for tension-killing gags.
As the cave fizzles out of existence, Yamato and Gabumon unpack what that was just now.
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Gabumon: The both of us were just inside this huge cave of darkness.... Yamato: We've been lost for a very long time.... Jou: HEEEEEEEEEEY!!! YAMATOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
Due to a lack of pronoun, it's unclear if Yamato is saying "We've been lost" as in they were in the cave for a long time or "I've been lost" as a reference to the psychological cage he'd imprisoned his mind in for years. This ambiguity may be deliberate, as both are appropriate context for this scene.
The abrupt sound of Jou screaming for them brings Yamato back to the present.
Yamato: (surprised) Jou!
Jou sprints up to Yamato, then stops and gasps for breath. Once he's caught his breath, he starts laughing and whips around to face Gomamon.
Jou: Ahahahahaha! I told you we'd find him! Gomamon: I never said we wouldn't. Yamato: (amused) What's all this, now? Jou: While we were walking here, I told myself everything would be fine as long as I believe in my path! Yamato: I see. Jou: Oh! Here.
Jou offers Yamato's harmonica to him.
Jou: This is your harmonica, isn't it?
Yamato takes it, closing his hand around it and closing his eyes for a moment. Basking in sentimentality. Then he opens his eyes again.
Yamato: Thank you.
Mission complete! I hope this helps Jou feel better about himself.
As Gabumon and Matt unpack the cave experience, the dub doesn't quite capture the poetry of the original.
Gabumon: Uh, correct me if I'm wrong on this one, Matt, but weren't we just in a big, dark cave a minute ago? Matt: That's right, and we were completely lost! Joe: HEY!!! MATT!!! OVER HERE!!! Matt: It's Joe! (Joe runs up, then stops to catch his breath) Joe: Hahahahaha! Who's the man now? I told you I'd find him! Gomamon: I never doubted you for a single minute, Joe! Matt: What's going on? Joe: I said to myself, "Joe," I said, "Just follow your own path and sooner or later you'll run into Matt!" I'm just glad it happened before I retired! Matt: I see! Joe: Oh! That's right. I forgot. Here. It's your harmonica, isn't it? (Joe gives Matt his harmonica) Matt: Thanks, Joe.
Joe's a little dub Joe about it but the whole exchange between him and Matt is nonetheless pretty accurate.
From here, we cut back to the fight with Piemon.
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Piemon fires off his Trump Sword, throwing four swords at WarGreymon two-by-two. WarGreymon deflects the first pair with his Dramon Killer gauntlets, but the second pair slice past his exposed legs.
Then, moving of their own volition, the four swords fly up into the air to rejoin each other and come back around for another go. This time, all four swords slice past WarGreymon unblocked, carving him up.
Koushiro: WarGreymon is.... Hikari: (covers her eyes) No! I can't watch! Taichi: Shit!
Further attacks from the persistent projectiles bring WarGreymon to his knees. With WarGreymon struggling to even stand back up, the swords return to Piemon. Two by two, he catches and re-sheaths them on his back.
(Piemon vs. King Bradley, go!)
Tentomon: (distraught) Koushiro-han, put me in! Taichi: DON'T!!! Koushiro: (uncertain) Taichi-san!? Taichi: (thinking) Yamato, hurry!
Taichi's still holding the others in reserve for when the real battle begins, but he's running out of time and the others are beginning to question his decision.
The dub keeps the name Trump Sword for Piedmon's attack.
Izzy: WarGreymon's exhausted! Kari: (covers her eyes) I can't watch anymore! Tai: Stay tough! (WarGreymon continues to get slaughtered out there) Tentomon: Please, Izzy, let me help WarGreymon! Tai: No! Izzy: WarGreymon needs help! Tai: (thinking) Come on, Matt, where are you!?
Subtle change in that Izzy directly argues back at Tai. It's minor and makes sense for the dub's more assertive take on the character. Otherwise, mostly identical.
Cut to Sora and Takeru searching for the others.
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Takeru: Ah! What's that?
Takeru points out Yamato's discarded swan boat.
Sora: Let's go take a look.
The Birdramon Express comes in low for a landing, and we go to commercial.
Can I just say that this swan boat is the unsung MVP of Digimon Adventure? Between this and the PicoDevimon sub-arc, it's put in so much overtime work to keep these children together despite their repeated insistence on splitting up.
In the dub:
T.K.: Look down there! Sora: That's Matt's boat! T.K.: But... where's Matt?
XD Sora, you weren't even there for the "Matt must have used the swan boat" conversation.
Hell, when they split up to reunite the team, it was Tai and Joe that took the boat across the lake! Matt stayed on land! You know this! You were stalking them!
Matt used the boat one time and suddenly everybody knows it as Matt's Boat forever. I hope this haunts him for life. I hope when they're forty years old, they're having a team reunion in the park and someone sees a swan boat on the lake and goes, "Matt, someone's stealing your boat!"
I mean. It is Matt's boat this time around.
But other people have used it too! That could be Mimi's boat! You don't know! XD
(Mimi, of course, having escaped being reunited by the boat this time around. Last time it was Koushiro who slipped the boat's notice. The boat does its best but there are many children and it can only do so much to gather them.)
Coming back from commercial, Sora and Takeru set foot on land.
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Takeru: Onii-chan is nowhere to be found. Sora: (thinking, distraught) WHY!?!? At this rate, Taichi and the others.... (focused, determined) I'll find them. I promised! I have to find everyone and bring them back!
As if in response to her thoughts, a black void appears beneath Sora's feet. Darkness swirls, climbing up her legs. Takeru notices quickly
(There are benefits to being short.)
Takeru: Sora-san! Some black thing is crawling up your legs! Sora: Eh!?
Before she can react, a black void opens up beneath Sora, which then materializes into a deep, dark hole. Sora plunges into it.
Sora: (scream) Piyomon: SORA!!!
They don't emerge. Takeru stands at the edge, calling down into it.
Takeru: Sora-san!? SORA-SAAAAAAN!!!
(Did the boat know this would happen? Perhaps it is more nefarious than we realized. It did bring Yamato to Digitamamon's diner, after all....)
The dub lets Sora begin the conversation.
Sora: I hope he's not hurt somewhere. T.K.: We'll never find him. What are we going to do? Sora: (thinking) T.K.'s right. Maybe we should go back and help the others fight? (focused, determined) No. Tai asked me to find the others and that's what I'm going to do. I won't let him down! (Darkness appears and starts snaking up Sora's legs) T.K.: SORA, WATCH OUT!!! THERE'S SOME BLACK THING COMING OUT OF THE GROUND!!! Sora: Whuh? (Void becomes a hole and Sora falls in) Sora: (screams) Biyomon: (also screams, diving in) T.K.: Sora! SORAAAAAAAAA!!!
You get the impression that Sora's worried in the dub, but she's not quite at the "knife's edge of sanity" point that her Japanese counterpart is hanging out at.
Original Sora is hanging on by a thread, something that's apparent in both this and her previous scene. The stakes are so high but her task is seemingly impossible, and she's cracking under the pressure of those two conflicting realities.
In fact, this is the second time in as many scenes that she's had to suppress intrusive thoughts about Piemon killing them all. It's no wonder the darkness entity or whatever it is has taken an interest in her now.
Whether or not Sora can hear Takeru crying out for her, somebody does hear. Yamato and Jou come running.
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Yamato: TAKERUUUUUUUUU!!! Takeru: (gasp) Onii-chan! Yamato: Takeru!
Yamato's first order of business is to hug his brother.
Takeru: Where were you!? I was so worried! Yamato: I'm sorry. I won't leave you like that again. I promise. Takeru: Huh? Onii-chan, you look a little different. Yamato: Don't worry about that, Takeru. What are you doing here, anyway?
Suddenly, Takeru remembers the current crisis. He points at the hole.
Takeru: Sora-san fell down there! Jou: (runs to the edge) EHHHH!?!? Sora-kun did!?
The boys peer down into the ominous unknown.
Takeru can be forgiven for being so excited to see Yamato again that he completely forgot Sora plummeted to her possible death two seconds ago. It's his brother, y'all.
In the dub:
Matt: T.K.!!! T.K.: Hey, that sounds like Matt! Matt: It sure does! (The brothers hug) T.K.: Oh, Matt, where have you been!? I was so worried about you! Matt: Sorry, T.K. I needed time to get my head straight, but I won't leave you again. I promise you. T.K.: Gee, Matt, you look different. Did you cut your hair or something? Matt: Nah, I just haven't been using as much gel. Where is everybody? T.K.: Some black thing pulled Sora down into that hole! Matt: Huh!? Joe: (runs to the edge) What!? Is she alright!?
I'm not sure the dub really understood the meaning behind Yamato "looking different", so they made a quip out of it. This is connected to Yamato saying that he'll look happier the next time his family sees him. Takeru's commenting on the visible change in Yamato's disposition.
Without that context, the quip's a bit of a non-sequitur, but it can be explained easily enough by T.K. having not seen Matt in a while.
I love the "That sounds like Matt!" "It sure does!" exchange. That's cute. ^_^
Gathering at the edge of the pit, the boys peer down into it. It looks eerily familiar to two of them.
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Gabumon: Yamato, this.... Yamato: Yeah. This is the same cave we were trapped in earlier. Takeru: What is it? Jou: Whatever it is, we have to save her!
The boys climb down slowly into the black hole of darkness.
Jou: I have a bad feeling about this. Takeru: It's scary.... Yamato: It's okay! Don't be scared, Takeru. Your fear will agitate the darkness. Takeru: Oh! Got it!
Descending into the cave, a rock under Jou's foot gives way and he falls onto his butt.
Jou: UWAAGH!!! Oww..... Yamato: Are you okay? Jou: Yeah, the bottom wasn't too far down. I wasn't sure where I was falling to.
Once that's settled, Yamato directs the group's attention to the spooky cave.
Yamato: This is it. Jou: Where's Sora-kun? Takeru: It's so dark, I can't see. Patamon: I hear voices that way!
Everyone turns to look at the tunnel behind them.
Jou: (firmly) We'll start there.
Okay, I don't know about you guys but if someone said to me, "Your fear will agitate the darkness," that would be some scary shit that would absolutely not help me control my fear better. I was terrified of the scary hole and I am now pissing myself in the scary hole, thank you.
In the dub:
Gabumon: Hey, Matt, does this remind you of anything? Matt: Yeah! It looks just like that cave we were trapped in before. The same black thing must have gotten Sora! T.K.: You've seen it!? Joe: Come on, guys! We've gotta help her! (The boys start climbing down) Joe: I don't have a good feeling about this. T.K.: It's scary! Matt: Whatever you do, don't be afraid, okay, guys? I've realized that it's your fear that feeds the darkness. T.K.: That's easy for you to say! (Joe slips and falls) Joe: Wha--OW! Ugh.... Matt: Are you alright, Joe!? Joe: Yeah. Fortunately, I landed on the one part of my body that has a built-in airbag. (They face the cave) Matt: Very funny. Joe: Where's Sora? T.K.: We need a clue. Patamon: Listen! I think I hear something coming from over there! (Everyone turns to look) Joe: I'd call that a clue.
This is really good. I appreciate that T.K. calls Matt out for how scary that line was rather than just nodding and going, "Ah, gotcha."
They also manage to slip a well-placed quip in after Joe's fall. It's already a brief moment of levity so the quip fits in perfectly, and it doesn't replace any vital dialogue.
Following the voices, it doesn't take the group long to find Sora and Piyomon.
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Piyomon: Sora! Sora, what's wrong with you? SORA, LISTEN TO ME!!! Gomamon: That's Piyomon's voice! Jou: Sora-kun must be with her!
The boys sprint down the tunnel until they find Sora and Piyomon. Sora's in the same position Yamato was in earlier: Sitting by the cave wall with her legs pulled up to her chest, covered in a black aura.
Piyomon: Sora! SORAAAAA!!! Takeru: SORA-SAAAAAAAN!!! Piyomon: Guys!
The boys surround Sora. Yamato tries to appeal to her.
Yamato: Sora, what's wrong? Get up.
After this incredibly convincing and thorough argument fails to budge Sora, Yamato tries violence.
(To be fair, it worked when Gabumon did it.)
He grabs Sora's arm and physically tries to pull her out of her sitting position.
Yamato: She won't budge. Jou: I'll help.
Jou grabs Sora's other arm and together they pull as hard as they can, thoroughly humiliating themselves as the black aura refuses to let go.
Jou: What the hell!? Did gravity change all of a sudden!?
Well, that was embarrassing. Great job, team.
In the dub:
Biyomon: Sora! Sora, talk to me! Please tell me what's wrong! Gomamon: That's Biyomon's voice! Joe: Which means Sora can't be far behind! (The boys start running) Biyomon: Sora! Sora! T.K.: Hang on, Biyomon! We're coming! Biyomon: Over here! (The boys surround Sora) Matt: Sora, what's the matter with you? Get up! (Matt pulls) Matt: She's stuck. Joe: Let me help. Matt: On three. One, two, three! (No dice) Joe: Once, it took four of us to get my grandmother off a toilet like that.
Gross. Can we go back to complaining about gravity?
Fine place for a quip, though. I just. Don't like the quip. <.<
After picking Sora up and carting her away like luggage has failed, we're back to talking.
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Takeru: Sora-san is saying something. Jou: Huh? Sora: Have to keep looking for Mimi-chan... and Jou-senpai and Yamato-kun.... (crying) I have to save Taichi.... If I can't stop it, our world will end.... Piyomon: She hasn't answered me at all. She just keeps muttering the same thing over and over!
Jou kneels down and tries shaking Sora.
Jou: Yamato and I are right here! Look at me!
This seems to work. Sora looks up and sees Jou's face, though her eyes are glazed over with darkness just like Yamato's were before.
Sora: (deadpan as if in a trance) Senpai... Thank goodness.... And Yamato-kun too... Yamato: Don't worry, everything is fine. Sora: No, it's not. I can't go on like this. I'm supposed to be strong. I have to save Taichi... or the world.... Jou: Sora-kun, you're putting too much responsibility on yourself! Yamato: Sora! Your negative thoughts are turning into negative energy. The darkness in your heart is generating this cave! Jou: Wait, what!? Is that why you told Takeru not to be scared!? Yamato: This dark cave is a reflection of your dark feelings! Sora! You have to throw those feelings away! THROW THEM OUT!!!
Once again, Piemon's realm of darkness is an asshole. This is the worst stripe on Spiral Mountain. It's just concentrated death and despair.
In the dub:
T.K.: Hey, listen! Sora's saying something! Sora: I have to find Mimi... and Joe and Matt... I have to help Tai or the world will be destroyed! There's no place like home... There's no place like home.... Biyomon: She won't talk to me anymore. All she does is keep mumbling the same thing over and over again. Joe: Sora! Matt and I are right here! Look at me! Focus! Sora: Joe! You're really here... I can't believe it... and Matt's with you too! Matt: Just relax. Everything's going to be okay now. Sora: I'm afraid not. I haven't been trying hard enough. I have to get to Tai right away and help him fight because, if I don't, the world will be completely destroyed. Joe: Sora, come on! You can't be responsible for saving the world! Matt: You have to realize how strong your negative feelings are! They produce a powerful destructive energy! Sora, it's the darkness in your heart that has created the cave in the first place; Don't you get it!? Joe: Really, Matt? Is that true? Is that why you told T.K. not to be scared? Matt: Sora, listen to me. There's only one way to make this cave disappear. You've got to reach deep into your heart and erase all the negative feelings!
They start out by turning a portion of this sequence into an out-of-nowhere Wizard of Oz spoof, so that's a bad start.
The heightened aggression of the dub rears its head again. "Don't you get it!?" is a very unhelpful thing to say to someone who's having a panic attack.
From here, we zoom in on Sora's darkness-infused eye and enter her mind space. Sora floats in a black void, curled up just like she is in reality.
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Sora: These feelings... What does that mean? Yamato: We're not doing this out of obligation, but because we want to do this. If you don't want to, then you don't have to. But I think it's because we wanted to do this that we made it this far. Sora: If I don't want to do it, then I don't have to.... Yamato: That's right! If you don't want to do it, then don't! Sora: That's... You're wrong! We have to do it!
Well, that was a bust. Yamato's putting in his best effort but Sora simply isn't receptive to the logic, "I mean you don't really have to save the world if you don't want to. It's fine to let your friends die and the world be destroyed. You think about what you really want."
If the stakes weren't so goddamn high, this might be a solid argument from Yamato. But as it is, it falls on deaf ears for predictable reasons.
In the dub:
Sora: I don't know if I can.... What should I do? Matt: You'll have to find the answer to that question on your own. Sora, this isn't the kind of thing you do just because you have to. If you're going to do it, then it has to be because you want to. Sora: You mean that I don't have to do it if I don't want to? Matt: Right. It will only work if you want to do it. Sora: I'm confused. How will I know what the right thing to do is?
Uh, point of order, she does not have to find the answer on her own. The whole point of this conversation is to help her find the answer. Matt didn't solve it himself when it was his turn either; Gabumon bit him in the leg to make him pay the fuck attention and then scolded him for three minutes!
Sora finds Matt's argument in the dub confusing and so do I. As opposed to original Sora finding Yamato's argument unconvincing, as did I.
Alright, senpai, you want to take a crack at this? Maybe Yamato doesn't feel the crushing weight of billions of lives on his shoulders, but Sora needs advice from someone who does.
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Jou: Sora-kun! We're lost in a labyrinth and no one can help us, that may be true. But it's because we're the only ones capable of doing something about it that we're even here! Sora: We can do something about it.... Jou: Doesn't that thought fill you with courage? Sora: (excited) We can do something about it! Here and now!
That breaks through Sora's despair spiral. Inside her mind space, Jou and Yamato descend, each taking one of Sora's hands to pull her out. Back in physical space, the dark glaze vanishes from her eyes.
Sora: We can do it! That's right! Isn't that right? Yamato: And we're here for you. Takeru: Sora-san! Sora: (nods) Mhm! Piyomon: SORA!!!! (hug) Sora: Piyomon! Piyomon: Thank goodness, you're back to normal!
Awww. Yamato was trying to make it this a big philosophical thing about obligations and individual motivation. But really, all Sora needed was a pep talk from senpai. Legit, sometimes all it takes to change someone's entire day is to just tell them they're valid.
In the dub:
Joe: When this whole thing started, do you think we had any idea what the right thing to do was? Of course not! But that didn't stop us, did it? Maybe we're here for a reason. Maybe we're the only ones who can do it! Sora: We're the only ones who can make a difference.... Joe: It's working, Matt! I think we're finally getting through to her! Sora: (excited) We're the only ones... That's why we're here! (Sora wakes up) Sora: I get it now! You were right, Matt. How did you know? Matt: I kinda went through the same thing myself. T.K.: Welcome back! Sora: (nods, giggles) Biyomon: Sora! (hug) Sora: Biyomon! Biyomon: I'm so happy that you're the old Sora and not the new Sora!
With Sora's injection of positivity, the spooky despair cave once again fizzles out of existence.
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Jou: It disappeared! Yamato: Because the darkness in Sora's heart disappeared. Sora: That was inside my heart...? Takeru: Hey! Taichi-san is waiting for us! Jou: Right! Yamato: To Taichi.... Let's go! Sora: YEAH!!!
It's not the full team of reinforcements that Sora was tasked with collecting. Mimi and her growing nakama are still out there. But she's got Yamato and Jou, and that will have to be enough.
In the dub:
Joe: The cave's gone! Matt: When the darkness from Sora's heart disappeared, so did the cave. Sora: I feel so relieved. T.K.: Boy, wait 'til Tai hears about this! Joe: Let's find him. Matt: Tai's waiting for us right now! Let's go! Sora: Right!
Minor difference: In the original, it's Takeru who reminds everyone on purpose that we need to hurry back to Taichi. In the dub, he casually mentions Tai and that's what gives Joe and Matt the idea that we need to go back.
This is part of the general trend of the dub trying to preserve T.K.'s innocence and childishness, which was particularly noticeable in the Puppetmon arc. But at this point, Takeru is as much a child soldier as the rest of them.
Cutting back to the fight.
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Piemon fires the confusingly named Toy Wonderness at Taichi. Not even at WarGreymon; He attacks Taichi directly with a shockwave of compressed air.
WarGreymon jumps in the way and tries to block the shockwave, but enough force still gets through to throw Taichi a good ten or twenty feet.
Hikari: ONII-CHAN!!! Koushiro: Taichi-san!
Koushiro tries to run to Taichi, but Taichi calls out to him.
Taichi: KOUSHIRO, STAY BACK!!! You take care of Hikari.
Piemon hits him with another shot from Toy Wonderness. Again, WarGreymon blocks as much of it as he can, including a chunky bit; A large rock was lifted up by this shockwave, but it slams into WarGreymon's gauntlets and doesn't make it to Taichi. The wave, however, picks Taichi up off the ground and tosses him again.
WarGreymon crumples to one knee, doing his best to protect Taichi but running out of steam.
Koushiro: Taichi-san! I know protecting Hikari-san is the most important thing, but if this keeps up then you'll.... Tentomon: He's so stubborn! Taichi: (pained) It's fine. I can be stubborn or whatever. Just let me do this myself! I'll figure something out! Koushiro: No! That doesn't make any sense! Taichi: This is okay.... Koushiro: Taichi-san, do you really plan on doing this whole thing by yourself!? Taichi: Yes! What's wrong with that? Koushiro: You can't... Why!? Why won't you LET ME FIGHT WITH YOU!?!?
We rarely see Koushiro lose his cool. His politeness and civility is one of his most notable characteristics. So it's a big deal when he breaks down and starts screaming at Taichi.
The dub reuses the name Trump Sword for Toy Wonderness.
Kari: GET UP, TAI!!! Izzy: Hey, Tai! Tai: IZZY, STOP!!! You stay there! Protect Kari! (Second blast) Izzy: Tai, look. I know it's important for me to stay here and protect Kari, but in the meantime, who's going to protect you!? Tentomon: He tends to be a bit stubborn, doesn't he? Tai: (clearly barely holding on) Don't worry about me! I'm fine! I've got him right where I want him... He's exhausted.... Izzy: But I can help you! Tai: I'm fine! Izzy: That's funny. General Custer said the exact same thing at Little Big Horn. Tai: Thanks for the history lesson. Izzy: Alright then, just one thing. How come every time I ask, you NEVER LET ME JOIN IN THE FIGHT!?!?
I assume Izzy means this fight because Tai's let him join in plenty of other fights. In any case, his generally rude and dismissive demeanor means this moment of him snapping doesn't hit as hard as it does for Koushiro.
As with the darkness cave, they are trying very hard to soften things up with some quips.
Tai doing the half-conscious "I got him right where I want him!" bit and Izzy comparing him to a dead general keeps things silly and fun. This serves not to draw attention away from the fact that Piedmon is actively beating him to death as we speak, as the gags are still in service to the scene, but to make it feel less dire.
Unfortunately, Piemon's done with this. He lets off one more attack: Ending Snipe.
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Clasping his hands together to make a finger gun, Piemon shoots off a bolt of energy. His shot shatters WarGreymon's armor and finally puts him down.
(So much for indestructible Chrome Digizoid. Everything has its limits.)
Hikari: WarGreymon! Taichi: War...! G-Greymo...on....
The last of Taichi's strength finally gives out. He collapses into the dirt.
Koushiro: TAICHI-SAN!!! Piemon: So, who wants to go next?
The dub renames Ending Snipe to Clown Trick, but at least they don't call this one Trump Sword too.
Kari: WarGreymon's been hit! Tai: No! WarGreymon... ugh.... (Tai collapses) Izzy: GET UP!!! Piedmon: Right, now who shall be next?
Suddenly, a voice rings out.
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Yamato: TAICHIIIIIIIIII!!! Taichi: (weakly) ...Yamato...?
Taichi opens his eyes to see Garurumon and Birdramon on their way in, ferrying the missing Chosen Children except Mimi.
Yamato: TAICHI!!! Sora: TAICHI!!! Piemon: Some late arrivals. No matter; The result will be the same either way.
Piemon hangs out and does nothing while Yama runs to Taichi's side. He picks up Taichi and holds him.
Taichi: (weakly) You made it... I waited all this time for you.... Yamato: Taichi.... Taichi: I truly believed you'd come... I was certain of it.... Yamato: (tearing up) Thank you for believing in me. But I'm sorry I was so late. Taichi, you're my true friend! I won't let your friendship be in vain!
An interesting note is that Yamato doesn't use nakama here but instead goes for tomodachi. Nakama means we're working together towards the same goal. We're a team. Colleagues. Coworkers. Squadmates. And we will get to know each other and build social bonds as we move towards the same goal. That's normal.
Since Digitamamon's restaurant and up until the Jureimon incident, Yamato had become comfortable with being nakama with these people. But tomodachi, true and genuine friendship outside of the nakama's purpose? That was a bit further than he was willing to go.
But he doesn't just use tomodachi; He modifies it with honto as an adjective, which means "real, true, genuine, sincere" to show that he means it.
In the dub, we go to our last commercial after Tai passes out. Then we return to Tai passing out again to remind us where we left off.
Tai: WarGreymon... I'm coming.... Ugh... (passes out) Matt: TAI!!! WHERE ARE YOU!?!? Tai: ...huh... Matt!? Matt: Hold on, buddy! We're coming! Sora: Tai, it's us! We're almost there! Piedmon: Once upon a time, there were DigiDestined. Now they're just sitting ducks, waiting for me to take target practice. (Matt picks up Tai and cradles him) Matt: Tai! Tai: Matt... you made it... I can't believe you're here.... Matt: Yeah, I made it, Tai. Hang in there, buddy. Tai: I never doubted you for a second, Matt... I know it didn't always seem that way.... Matt: Thank you, Tai. For believing in me. I'm just sorry I was so late. Tai, you have to know how much our friendship has always meant to me! And I swear, nothing will ever come between us again.
Piedmon's new line, once again playing on the Storybook Time thing from his first episode, is off. It's an odd thing to have a character say when he's just going to stand nearby and let the dramatic reunion unfold.
Unless he's being literal, and meant he was going to pop back into the observatory to brush up on his skills at the shooting range before coming back to this. Which, you know what, maybe he did.
Not sure why Tai leads with "I can't believe you're here" when the point of the scene is that he had an unshakable faith that Matt would show up, even to the point of letting himself nearly be killed over it.
Still, Matt's big speech is the focal point of this sequence, and it comes through pretty well in the dub.
They can't just have him say "You're my friend" because they've been using friend as a translation for nakama, so the distinction between it and tomodachi wouldn't carry over. So instead, he uses their friendship as a whole and pours out his feelings over how important it's always been, confessing what we now know he's been suppressing since the beginning of their journey.
This is an effective and powerful sidestepping of the linguistic hurdle present in this scene.
Yamato's declaration suddenly causes his Crest to activate.
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Garurumon approaches WarGreymon's body and gives his head a nuzzle. Rainbow magic pours out of his Friendship nuzzle and suddenly WarGreymon is back on his feet and good as new.
Taichi: This is.... Piemon: What the...? Garurumon: Yamato's Crest of Friendship gave me the power to bring WarGreymon back to life. WarGreymon: Thank you, Garurumon! Now I can fight again!
Sure, that might as well happen.
Given that WarGreymon hadn't disintegrated, I imagine he means this more in a "WarGreymon was on the verge of death" sort of way than a "I literally have resurrection magic now" sort of way. Like how a defibrillator brings someone back to life, but not in the same sense that necromancy does.
I would make a joke about how the Crest of Friendship also gave Garurumon the power to heal WarGreymon's armor, but they're DIgimon. The armor is technically a part of WarGreymon's body, because he's a wire-model frame with a texture skin over it. So, actually, yeah, it does make sense that it works that way.
Similarly, as goofy as this moment is, it does kinda make sense within the established rules. The Partner Digimon are powered by the energy from their associated Chosen Child. So, basically, Yamato's outpouring of Friendship made his Crest glow super-bright, and then Garurumon used his body to channel that energy from the Crest into WarGreymon and refill all his meters - in the process, resuscitating him from his half-dead state. That does make sense to me.
But on its face, as something that just happens and then we move right the hell along, this is wild. Especially with Garurumon just staring into the camera and explaining it as flat exposition with no elaboration. XD
In the dub, it's explained like this:
Tai: WarGreymon! Piedmon: Now what? Garurumon: Matt! Your Crest of Friendship gave me strength and brought WarGreymon back to normal! WarGreymon: Thank you, Garurumon. Now I can fight again!
Pretty much exactly the same except they crossed out life and wrote normal. A minor hiccup is that Garurumon says the Crest gave him strength and resuscitated WarGreymon instead of giving him strength to resuscitate WarGreymon.
A subtle but important distinction, because resuscitating WarGreymon uses up the extra strength Garurumon was given.
While Garurumon degenerates back into Gabumon, Jou and Yamato try to cart Taichi away to safety.
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Koushiro: Guys! Hurry, hurry! Jou: Taichi, are you okay!? Taichi: (weakly) I'm fine....
Cut to Piemon, who has inexplicably been doing nothing while this is going on.
Piemon: I had planned on defeating you all in an instant, but if you so enjoy suffering, then I'll relish every minute of tormenting you slowly. Yamato: This jerk never shuts up!
Yamato has been here for thirty seconds and he's already had enough of Piemon.
In the dub:
Izzy: Come on, guys! Get out of there! Joe: Tai, are you okay? Tai: I think so.... Piedmon: My first thought was to destroy you all together in one nice little package. But now I believe I'd rather do it individually, so as to prolong your suffering a little longer. Matt: You sure talk a lot for a clown!
You tell him, Matt!
Piemon throws his Trump Sword once more. Gabumon responds by Warp Evolving into MetalGarurumon.
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Hikari: MetalGarurumon!
WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon fire together, their combined energies destroying Piemon's four swords, which disintegrate into pixel dust as normal for Digimon parts.
Jou: YES!!! They broke through Piemon's swords!
For his part, Piemon hops over what's left of the attack as it reaches him.
Piemon: It seems the battle I've been waiting for has finally arrived!
We close here, with WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon finally reunited, and Piemon's promise that things won't be that easy next episode.
In the dub, Hey Digimon begins playing as the pair attacks. What ever happened to that cool 90's rap they had that one time?
Kari: Ha! Now he'll see what we're made of! (WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon vaporize the Trump Sword) Joe: They were able to break Piedmon's attack! Alright! (Piedmon hops over the attack) Piedmon: Well, could it actually be the case that I've finally found an adversary worth fighting? Narrator: Will WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon have enough strength to defeat Piedmon, the last of the Dark Masters? Find out on the next Digimon: Digital Monsters.
We will indeed find out. And the answer may surprise you!
Assessment: Ahh, the infamous "Matt wanders around a cave for twenty minutes" episode.
Piemon's realm is in an odd place. There is a clear desire to spend some time fleshing out his stripe of Spiral Mountain and getting to know what it's about. But also, what it's about is death and despair, which makes it a tricky place to write a complete adventure fantasy episode about.
This episode uses it to confront Yamato and Sora's fears via the never-explained Cave of Go Fuck Yourself. There's just this one spot in the realm of darkness where, if you go there, you get pulled into a psychic quagmire of your own insecurities.
Weird. But the Digital World is full of weird shit so it doesn't really need explanation. Digimon tends to treat darkness as, to an extent, eldritch and unknowable. More of that in 02.
In any case, this is pretty much the quintessential episode for unpacking Yamato, detailing the effects that his childhood trauma have had on his development. But it also has its detractors on account of like half the episode just being preteens having anxiety in a cave.
There's not a lot of action or running around with goofy new characters in this one, if that's what you're here for. It's very drama heavy and character-focused.
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the-sunflower-room · 1 month
scared half to death
🌪️tyler owens x fem!reader 
☆ genre: angst, fluff, friends to lovers
☆ wc: 2.7k
☆ summary: tyler owens is not easily angered, but when the love of his life runs into an incoming tornado without a second thought, his emotions get the better of him.
☆ warnings: a very upset tyler, yelling, language
note: so i watched twisters and it was actually everything to me! the brainrot is bad and i’ve been wanting to write for tyler ever since i saw it, so here it is! this is very much the idiots in love trope because it’s one of my favorites. enjoy! :)
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“Where is she?”
Tyler isn’t sure if he’s ever felt this angry before. He considers himself a fairly easy going man, always quick to make light of a situation and put everyone in the room at ease with his charming, joking nature.
But this was different. This had his heart pounding, his ears ringing. His face is flushed red and he feels like he can hardly breathe.
All because of her.
He slams the door of his truck, approaching his crew in the gas station parking lot with a look on his face that’s so completely un-Tyler that it makes them all shift uneasily.
“Where’s…who?” Boone tries weakly, unsuccessful in his attempt to play dumb. Lily rolls her eyes and elbows him in the ribs, shooting him a glare.
Tyler clenches his jaw, for once not in the mood for his friends’ antics. “You know damn well who I’m talking about.”
They all exchange glances, his uncharacteristic demeanor both surprising and concerning. This isn’t the calm, charismatic frontman of the Tornado Wranglers they’re used to.
“She’s in the RV, but I don’t think-” Dani begins, but he’s already beelining for the camper before they can finish. He can hear his heartbeat pulsing in his ears as he nearly bursts through the door, finding her sitting at the small table in the back with her head in her hands.
Her gaze snaps up at the sound of his entrance into the RV, and her face immediately drops when she sees him practically fuming. “Tyler-” she says urgently, instantly on her feet as he approaches as if she’s about to defend herself. But he isn’t having any of it.
“You wanna tell me what the hell you were thinking out there?” He seethes, suddenly towering over her with his jaw clenched and hands on his hips. She swallows thickly, nervous around this version of him. Terrified to have upset him, disappointed him.
“Tyler, I promise, I was just trying to do the right thing-” she starts again, her tone practically pleading, but he just scoffs. 
“The right thing?” He questions in disbelief, cutting her off with a shake of his head. “You call nearly getting yourself killed in the field ‘doing the right thing’?”
She squeezes her eyes shut at the reminder of what she’d done, at the venom in his voice that’s ordinarily so gentle when directed at her. Memories of what had transpired nearly 20 minutes ago flood her mind and she feels a lump forming in her throat.
“I couldn’t let our data get lost,” she whispers weakly, her gaze glued to the floor in shame. “Bullshit,” he mutters, jaw clenched as his breath picks up. His eyes search her face, grasping to understand why the hell she had risked her life the way she had.
“You don’t run into the path of an incoming EF3 to recover some stupid equipment for our disruption research,” he practically spits, his voice growing louder, more emotional.
“That equipment is completely replaceable. You sure as hell aren’t. So I want to know why on god’s green earth you thought it was a good idea to run headfirst into danger like that.”
Her breath hitches, her eyes welling up with unshed tears at the reminder of her brashness. She feels ashamed and almost embarrassed as Tyler practically berates her.
They were best friends, a pair that the rest of the team liked to call the “dynamic duo.” With a shared passion for tornadoes and a taste for danger, they had instantly clicked from the moment they met during a chase a few years ago, becoming inseparable. Which is why Tyler’s harsh reminder of her stupidity stung so painfully.
She wasn’t used to hearing him so upset, so emotional in the worst way. With her, his tone was always soft, teasing, sometimes so overtly flirty that it would leave her heart pounding and her cheeks flushed.
But this was different. Now his gaze was harsh, curses unnaturally tumbling from his lips as she struggled to explain herself. And she hated every moment of his scrutinizing stare.
“You’ve worked so hard on putting together the equipment for the disruption research. I didn’t want you to have to start from scratch…not after all the effort you went through,” she explains pathetically, her voice cracking slightly as her emotions begin to shine through.
Tyler shakes his head, stepping even closer into her space. “And you thought it was worth risking your life for?” He grits out, his furrowed brow and downturned lips looking so unnatural on his normally smiling face.
Another shuddering breath escapes her as she catches herself from revealing the true reason she’d been so careless, from baring her soul and telling him that she’d run into the path of an incoming tornado because she loved him more than anything. That the thought of his disappointed face, his devastation over months of work lost to an unpredictably large tornado, hurt her so much that she would have done anything to save that equipment.
Anything to make him happy, to be the hero that he was to her.
“I- I didn’t get hurt, I knew I had time to get at least some of it-” she stammers, but she can’t get the words out.
“You didn’t have time!” He practically yells, gripping her shoulders and giving her a gentle shake. His eyes are wide, his gaze burning as he stares down at her.
“If Boone hadn’t been close by with his truck, you could’ve easily not made it. You could’ve died,” he chokes out, his grip on her tightening. His eyes are watering now, his anger fizzling out into something more desperate, more panicked.
Tyler still remembers the pure, unadulterated fear he’d felt as she slipped out of the safety of his truck before he could stop her, sprinting out into the open field where the winds and torrential rain were getting worse by the second.
He remembers the devastated scream of her name that had ripped itself from his chest, lost to the howling winds.
He sure as hell can’t forget the feeling of overwhelming fear and helplessness that overtook him when the rain became so intense that he could not longer see her, no longer assure himself that she hadn’t been sucked up into the raging funnel or hurt by the flying debris.
It was only when he got radio confirmation from Boone five minutes later, stating that she was safe in their truck with some of the equipment intact, that he even knew she was alive.
It had been the most hopeless, terrifying five minutes of his life.
“Don’t you understand what you mean to everyone? What you mean to me?” He rasps, his voice quieter now, more broken. “Some stupid equipment for an experiment isn’t worth your life, Y/N. Not in the least.”
His eyes are tender now as they rake over her face, scanning the scrapes and cuts littering her cheeks, the patch of dried blood clinging to her temple. His heart aches at the thought of her getting hurt, even if the injuries are small.
She notices that nearly all of his anger has left his body, replaced by the emotion that had truly been brewing beneath the surface: crippling fear at the possibility of losing her.
A silent tear runs down her face at his softer, more vulnerable words, her heart breaking as she realizes the effect her thoughtless actions have had on the man she loves. He’s quick to gently wipe it away with the pad of his thumb, his touch lingering on her cheek as he gazes at her.
“I’m sorry,” she whispers, her voice breaking as she chokes back a sob. In an instant, he’s enveloping her in his tight, comforting hold, cradling her head to his chest and pulling her so close to him that their bodies are practically molded together.
“Shhh…it’s alright, sweetheart,” he gently hushes, his hand stroking through her hair as she cries softly against him. He’s back to himself now, all anger and frustration long abandoned in favor of his naturally calm, caring demeanor. Through her tears, she feels herself flushing slightly at his term of endearment.
“I’m the sorry one. I shouldn’t have yelled at ya, you didn’t deserve it,” he murmurs into her ear, his arms tightening around her.
He internally berates himself for defaulting to anger when she had also probably been scared and upset. But thinking she had died in that tornado just for attempting to recover his equipment had struck something so deep within him that his brain had reacted irrationally.
He stews in his remorse for a moment longer before admitting a truth that might be a little too vulnerable, a little too revealing of his deep and unwavering love for her, but he has to get it off his chest.
“…You just scared me half to death, darlin’. I can’t lose you...I can’t. It would tear me apart worse than a damn tornado ever could.” His whispered words are so raw and tinged with devastation that her breath hitches against his chest.
Slowly, she peels herself away from his comforting embrace to get a good look at him, and what she finds makes her heart clench in her chest. 
His eyes are red and glassy, obvious signs that he’d been crying. His muscles are taught with anxiety, like every fiber in his body had been tense ever since she fled his truck. His hair is slightly tousled and she instantly knows he’d been running his hand through it the way he does when he’s stressed.
The thought that she could cause him this much worry, this much pain, sucks the breath from her lungs and makes her feel dizzy.
“I only tried to save the equipment because I knew how important the research was to you,” she whispers, her voice still shaky but full of sincerity.
“I know how much it means to you, finding a way to keep these tornadoes from causing so much damage to innocent lives. I just- I wanted to do something brave and selfless for you, the way you always have for me,” she admits softly, swallowing as she meets his gaze.
His lips part slightly at her admission, the reverence in her words staggering. Hearing that she cares for him, finds him brave and selfless, wants to return the way he makes her feel, fills his heart with a love so deep he feels like he’s drowning in it.
“Y/N, you’re-” he rasps, pausing to clear his throat when he hears how raw and weak his voice sounds.
“You’re so damn sweet. Your heart is so big. That’s what I love about you. But please, don’t be as stupid as me. I throw myself headfirst into danger so much because I don’t think first…my judgement gets clouded by the thought of helping someone and I get tunnel vision. Which has put me in one too many potentially life-ending scenarios,” he murmurs, his hands squeezing her slightly as they rest on her shoulders.
“I can’t- I won’t let you be that careless. You mean too much to me.”
Her eyes widen at the tenderness in his voice, the affection and worry dripping from every word. It feels like their conversation is breaching on something deeper, something much more vulnerable and terrifying.
Her mind is hung up on his soft that’s what I love about you. Even hearing the word love directed at her from the mouth of Tyler Owens makes her head spin and her face heat up, and she’s unsure if she’s even breathing anymore.
“Tyler…” she manages, her voice threatening to break with the overwhelming swirl of emotions running through her. She can’t help herself, knows that she’s finally going to put it out there, tell him how she feels no matter how scary it might be.
“I love-” his lips are on hers before she can even finish. The sensation of Tyler kissing her is unlike anything she’s ever felt, and she’s damn sure she never wants him to stop.
His large hand tenderly cups her cheek while the other snakes into her hair, tangling his fingers through the strands as he pulls her even closer. She gasps softly as his grip tightens, his lips moving against her own with an almost feral desperation.
The salt from her tears mixes with his sweet taste – something like honey and peppermint – and she melts further into him and his warmth. She can feel him pour every ounce of his turbulent, pent-up emotions into the kiss, and it leaves her completely breathless.
He’s waited for this moment for so long, and after thinking he’d lost her today, he’d be content to just kiss her like this for the rest of time. Reassuring himself that’s she’s still there, that she’s his. Showing her what she means to him.
Finally getting a grip on his emotions, Tyler pulls away for a moment, wanting to make sure he hasn’t misread the signs, misinterpreted what he’d felt brewing between them for so long.
But a wide, disbelieving grin spreads across her face as she fights to catch her breath, and he suddenly has no doubt that she’s been his all along.
“I’ve been waiting for that for- well, I don’t even know how long,” she laughs breathlessly, slightly woozy from his intoxicating taste.
He huffs a laugh in return, his eyes shining with an overwhelming adoration for the woman before him. “Yeah…I think Boone might owe Dexter and Lily some money,” he jokes softly, his thumb gently brushing her rain-soaked hair away from her face.
His eyes roam over her, taking in every inch of her muddy clothes, her scraped up hands, the shallow cut on her temple. Regret courses through him at the way he’d raised his voice at her, even if it had been out of fear of losing her.
“Are you sure you weren’t hurt?” He murmurs, his voice lower and more serious than before. She gently nods, her hand moving to rest on top of his own as it cups her face.
“I’m ok, promise. It’s just a little scrape from slipping in the mud,” she reassures him, sensing his lingering gaze on her slightly bloodied face. She can practically feel the apprehension in his stare, his constant worry for her well-being so endearing that she just wants to kiss him again and again.
“I promise, Ty. And I swear, I won’t do anything like that again. I just got lost in the moment and didn’t think before acting.” He nods slowly, letting the sincerity in her voice wash over her and comfort his racing mind. 
“You’d better not,” he teases softly, a ghost of a smile pulling at his lips. “If we’re doing this thing, no more running headfirst into tornadoes, you hear? Can’t have my girl acting like an irrational daredevil like me. I’ve been told she’s smarter than that.”
She feels herself blushing as he calls her his girl, the title rolling off his tongue so naturally that it makes her heart skip a beat. Tyler watches as a hearty laugh escapes her and she leans into his touch, his own smile growing wider.
Suddenly nothing else has ever mattered beyond this moment of her in his arms, blushing and laughing like he’s the funniest damn man in the world.
“Ok, alright,” she giggles with feigned exasperation. “No more running into tornado paths, I swear. Wrangler’s honor. But you have to swear it too. You’re an adrenaline junkie and a trouble maker, even more than I am.”
He chuckles at her playful jab, his body feeling lighter than it has all day as he finally lets the tension within him fade. She’s safe, he tells himself over and over. She’s alive, she’s teasing him like she always does, and she’s got him smiling like a damn fool.
“Baby,” he mutters with that teasing glint in his eye, “you need to get my head checked if I ever run away from you and into a tornado. No man in his right mind would leave a gorgeous thing like you for some wind.”
Before she can reply to his ridiculous comment, he captures her lips once more with his own, relishing in the way she smiles against him as he pulls her closer.
This is all Tyler’s ever wanted - all he’s ever needed. Just her, safe and sound, loving him in all his flaws and worry for her.
If her running into that damn field led to this moment, this reality where she’s finally his, then so be it. He’s never been more grateful for a tornado.
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lotus-tower · 10 months
Mask recommendations for ordering online (NA)
Note: for consistency, practicality, and simplicity all prices are listed in USD.
masknerd has a comprehensive data set on hundreds of masks he's tested according to his own criteria and methodology (pinned tweet). find his recommendations on his youtube channel. many of the following are on his list as well!
3M Aura and Vflex: one of the most commonly recommended brands of N95. Where to buy?
- US: see here - Canada: see here - Multiple sizes per model. These suppliers are good for bulk ordering. If you aren't sure if something will fit you, check out the sample kits in the next recommendation - Price point: varies from $1-1.3 USD per mask depending on supplier
Breatheteq (US):
- KN95s that come in small, medium, large, or XS (kids) - Offers sample kits so you can test out what your size is - Comes in a few different colours. shoutout to the lavender - Earloop only - Price point: $69.75 USD for a 50-pack (~1.4 USD per mask)
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Canadastrong (Canada):
- The Canadian equivalent to Breatheteq, but also carries N95s of other brands such as 3M Aura and Vflex, Vitacore, and Drager X-plore
Vitacore (Canada and US):
- N95 certified, but actually has 99% filtration - Both earloop and head strap versions (warning that the head strap seems to fit considerably smaller) - Regular and small adult sizes offered, also a kid's size - Price point: $33.99 for a 30-pack (~1.1 USD per mask)
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Wellbefore (US, ships to Canada):
- N95s, KN95s, and KF94s - Head straps, normal earloops, or adjustable earloops depending on model - Kids/petite size available for certain KN95 models - Wide range of colours (excluding N95s) - Price point: varies per model, from $0.79 USD to $2.09 USD per mask - Also sells Covid tests, over the counter medication, and medical supplies
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Masklab (US):
- This is an indulgent option for if you want to go out and look good, while still staying safe. These are masks that are part of your outfit - FFP2 certified, equivalent to KF94s - Standard size and slim fit series - Many beautiful patterns - Price point: $24.44 USD for a 5-pack ($4.88 per mask) for the patterned KF ones, ~$3.4 USD for the plain KF ones, ~$3.3 USD for the slim fit series, including patterns.
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Flomask (US, ships to Canada):
- Reusable elastomeric mask (with replaceable filters) that meets KN95 standards - Two adult sizes (low/medium nose ridge and medium/high nose ridge) and a kid's size - Adjustable straps - Price point: $122 USD. 50-pack replacement filters: $81.46 (filters to be changed after 20-40 hours of use, depending on filter type)
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A humble P100 elastomeric respirator from your local Home Depot or similar store! Magnitudes cheaper than the Flo mask (both the respirator itself and the filters)--however, I can't offer estimates for how often filters should be replaced. May not look pretty, but the most economical option for the highest degree of filtration if you aren't self-conscious.
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General advice:
N95 or higher are the most reliable. They normally come with head straps, which offer better protection by making a tighter seal around your face.
But fit and comfort are the most important! Find a mask that fits your face and leaves the least amount of gap possible. KN95s are often more comfortable and breathable--find what's right for you.
You can wear different masks for different situations depending on risk level!
If you're hesitant to buy online, here's advice on how to tell if your respirator is legitimate.
A SIP drinking valve can be installed on any disposable mask to allow you to drink in public with less risk.
If anyone has other recommendations, please feel free to add!
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jazzyoranges · 11 months
Wednesday Addams x fem!shapeshifter!reader
Summary: based on this ask!
Words: 1.4k
A/n: this kinda doesn’t have a plot 😭 whoopsies
Warnings: blood, wounds, i swear it’s not angsty R just takes a small tumble lol
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“Did it hurt?”
“What, when I fell from heaven?” You crack a smile at your very hilarious joke, but Wednesday does her version of a huff and an eye-roll
“Apologies, I should have elaborated better.” You wince a little in pain as Wednesday disinfects the open wound on your knee and the smaller cuts around your body
The Addams girl was taking Thing and her pet bird, aka you, for a walk outside Nevermore in the forest that surrounded the academy as she watched you loop around in circles. She’d assume you were training for some competition if she didn’t know your personality enough, but Wednesday ultimately came to the conclusion you just had the bird equivalent of zoomies
You squawked at other birds as you passed them by in their trees, and Wednesday made a mental note to ask you if you could actually talk and understand them. Her hypothesis was that you couldn’t and you were just making animal noises for your own amusement
Either her hypothesis was true and you had no idea what you said, or you knowingly called a bird a slur. The previous was probably true due to the horrified expression on your face as a murder of crows you were “talking” to started chasing you down. You must’ve squawked something real bad for all of them to come after you.
You miss the smirk Wednesday has on her face.
The crows must’ve overwhelmed you pretty bad, because next thing she knew you were hitting every single branch of a tree in human form. Was that intentional? She’d have to ask you about it later. After she made sure you weren’t dead, of course
Wednesday arrived just in time for you to almost slam straight into her head, but a simple side step caused you to eat shit instead. There was a very noticeable and loud thump when your head hit a tree root. Wednesday would’ve been more concerned if you didn’t immediately curl into the fetal position, mumbling about how you’d take a nap right then and there
Either shapeshifters were gods, or you just had a really fucking thick skull. Wednesday internally smiled at the thought.
The Addams girl was well aware of the smelling salts in her backpack for times like these, but she looked at Thing for what he wanted to do to get you up. You could wait… probably.
After some inspection, Thing decided it was best to call Enid to carry you back to their dorm. The wound on your knee would only make you limp and cause more pain.
Wednesday made sure to keep you alive, though. She poked you with a stick here and there and gave you reassurance, which she saw you smile at.
You were prone to accidents. Both of the Addams knew you were fine. Truly, it was just another Tuesday. Wake up, go to class, take girlfriend and Thing on a walk, you break a bone, it was all a part of the schedule
It wasn’t even a shapeshifter thing either, you just refused to die. Which the Addams was ultimately grateful for, but your ability to visit death like a close friend had Wednesday just a little jealous
A groan of pain from the back of your throat brings the shorter girl back to the present
“Why did you turn human in the middle of the sky?”
“Whenever I shift I have to really concentrate on it the entire time, so I guess those crows just really fucked me up and messed with my focus” You sigh
“Is it hard? To keep concentration, I mean.” Wednesday starts to wrap the bigger wound on your knee with a bandage wrap
“I’ve been doing it forever, so it’s kinda easy. Not when you’re getting jumped by crows, though…”
“Could you not just shift a pair of wings for yourself?”
“I was already focusing on having the thick skull of a ram.” You knock on your head for effect. “How do you think I haven’t died yet?”
Oh so it was a shapeshifter thing. She was right about your thick skull, though
“Perhaps you should tell Enid that,” Wednesday gets up from her kneeling position in front of you. “She almost fainted carrying you on the way here and I have reason to believe it isn’t because you’re heavy.”
“Maybe I should get her something as compensation…” You mumble to yourself as Wednesday helps you out of the bathroom, using her as a crutch so you can flop onto her bed
The Addams girl sits beside you, your face buried in her sheets. Both of you fall into a comfortable silence as Wednesday continues to stare at you, her mind coming up with endless questions about your abilities.
If concentration was a constant concern, was Wednesday not giving you not enough credit? To focus on multiple tasks at once, surely it was hard for someone as air-headed as you. But then again, you have been doing this for your entire life. Did your concentration come as easy as breathing? Was it so natural you barely noticed it?
And surely the process hurt, right? Your molecules were repositioning themselves to fit the look of an entirely different being. What was there a difference between you and Weems?
What were your limitations? Wednesday would like to test them. Maybe if she’d ask kindly enough you’d-
“Ask your questions, Wens” You mumble into her soft bedsheets, your voice snapping Wednesday out of her thoughts
“We’re girlfriends. You can read my mind as much as I can read yours”
“And your logical explanation for that, is..?”
“Girlfriend magic.” You hold up your hands while shaking them, and Wednesday immediately recognizes the jazz hands you had quite an addiction to
“Another day, it’s best you rest.”
This makes you turn your head to look at Wednesday, a smile threatening to take over your face
“I don’t understand why people don’t believe me when I say you’re the romantic one” You gush
“Unless you want me to bombard you with questions until morning rises, I’d suggest you stay quiet.”
“Yes ma’am” You pull down Wednesday on her bed, shoving your face into the shorter girls collar.
From that day forward Wednesday asks you one question a day about your abilities, and you make sure to answer them as best as you can. It was something Wednesday appreciated about you.
Answers would span from 15 minutes to almost 2 hours long. There were some days you had to pull out the whiteboard that was collecting dust in the bee shed, writing and drawing out key information
At first it was casual, it really was. But a month later it was almost like class with how the Addams had a book and a half filled with information about you. A class Wednesday could actually get behind.
She’s learned every shapeshifter is different. Some turn into people, some turn into animals, and others can turn into both. So the book and a half was really just information about you, which Wednesday wasn’t exactly opposed to
Meditation seemed to be a pretty big thing to you. Whenever Wednesday was writing, you’d be meditating. At first the Addams questioned if you were compatible being in a room with her loud typewriter, but you insisted the noise was necessary for you to tune out
Another thing Wednesday learned is that you couldn’t exceed four limbs. Which, you made sure to voice your opinion on. The dreams of being a four-legged and two-winged western dragon was impossible, so unfortunately you’d have to make your peace with being a wyvern instead
Small snores came from you curled around Wednesday under a tree as a tiger. She could only focus on how you always somehow resembled your human face
Turning to a new page of her journal, the Addams girl starts to sketch the face of your tiger next to the one of your lion. No matter what form you’d take, Wednesday would be able to recognize it.
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woso-dreamzzz · 3 months
Injured (Alexia's Version) V
Alexia Putellas x Child!Reader
Summary: Alexia comes to ballet class
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For some reason, Alexia feels nervous.
She's played some big matches. She's won some big trophies. She's scored some big goals.
But none of those moments ever made her as nervous as she feels now.
Your ballet school had sent home a leaflet just last week about having a parent-child day where parents could join in on practice with their kids.
Alexia had signed herself up without thinking before the realisation had sunk in about what she had done.
She hadn't danced in years, not properly anyway and left it all behind to pursue football. She wasn't quite sure she still remembered how to do that style of dance, let alone your style of ballet.
But, still, she had signed up and the awestruck look on your face when she told you was worth it all.
"Alright mummies and daddies," The too-happy voice of your teacher exclaims," We're so excited to have you here with us today. Why don't you go and grab your little one and find a spot at one of the barres?"
The whole class is sitting cross legged on the floor and Alexia can pick you out easily with your favourite leotard and the little braid Olga had given you this morning.
Alexia smiles at you, gently taking your hand as you pull her over to the spot at the very end of the mirror, just like your preferred space at your barre back home.
"Alright boys and girls! Now, first position!"
Alexia knows that one. She's pretty sure she's one of the only parents that actually does because she shifts into position while others look around in confusion.
"And now, plié."
It's fairly simple stuff but Alexia's not surprised. You're still little but you're doing exceptionally well. She catches sight of your determined little face as you bob up and down.
This is one of the better ballet schools for younger kids. Back when you first started ballet, Alexia didn't really care where you went so Eli had organised it.
Alexia feels glad that her Mama spent so much time researching because now that she's started visiting and chatting to the other parents, she knows that some ballet 'schools' are barely schools for young children, not really focused on teaching them actual ballet like this one is.
Throughout this whole exercise, you remain composed and calm the entire time. You easily shift in and out of the positions you need to be in and your teacher has nothing but compliments for you whenever she comes past.
You smile brightens each time and Alexia has to stop herself from leaning down to give you kisses all over your face.
"Alright boys and girls! Water break!"
Your focused face disappears from your features as soon as the water break is called and you whirl around to look at Alexia.
"I..." You seem a bit nervous, shuffling your feet. "Are you having fun, Mami?"
Alexia crouches down in front of you, gently pushing away some flyaways from your face. "I'm having so much fun, bambi."
"Really? I know it's not football but-"
"I don't need football to have a fun time with you," Alexia assures you, a soft kiss being pressed against your forehead," Do you know what we're doing after this?"
You nod. "Floorwork," You say seriously," Floorwork and then cool down and then home time." You chew on your bottom lip for a moment before you shyly ask," Would you like to be my floorwork partner, Mami?"
Alexia smiles. "I'd love to."
Floorwork sounds more intimidating than it is. All it really boils down to is the class going in pairs one corner to the other doing things like skipping to the beat of the music.
Alexia supposes it's a bit like conditioning in a way and holds your hand nice and tight as you both skip from one end of the room to the other.
Nearer the end, the teacher switches to turns and Alexia's a little glad that she's not the only parent that makes a bit of a fool of themselves.
To her credit, she, at least, manages to stay on her feet which can't be said for one dad who trips over his own laces and nearly smashes his face into the floor.
"Well done today, boys and girls!" The teacher says as everyone packs up," And well done to mummies and daddies too! I'll see you all next week!"
Alexia keeps a grip on your hand, swinging your arms as she heads out to the car, packing it up with both of your bags and buckling you into your car seat.
"I had a lot of fun today, bambi," She tells you as she heads down the familiar road towards the house," It was very interesting to see what your classes are like."
"You did very well, Mami," You say earnestly, nodding your head," I wish parents could always been in my classes. It's more fun when there's grown ups."
Alexia laughs. "If there were always grown ups then you'd never get anything done! The mummies and daddies will keep falling over and the whole class will just be everyone laughing at us."
You shake your head. "I wouldn't laugh at your, Mami. Promise."
Alexia smiles at you in the rear view mirror.
"I'm glad, bambi."
There's silence for a moment and then," Do you want to practice at my barre at home? For when parents can come back to class?"
"That sounds perfect."
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loppsided · 3 months
WARNINGS: fem reader, established relationship, p in v smut, soft smut, oral (fem receiving), dick being completely obsessed and in love with reader, virgin!reader, experienced!dick grayson (obviously), cunninlings, pet names (baby), dick n reader literally wanna become one person lmfao NOTES: this is hbo max titans!dick thats why hes described as having brown eyes and hair, but just insert the attributes of any version you want! first time writing smut so bare with me, apologies if its hella cringey. requests r open go request whatever u want. this was also proofread at 3am so if it doesnt make sense, thats why heh sorry. the ending is sooooo bad but i got lazy. im making a taglist! so if u wanna be added to my dc taglist just comment on this post. MINORS DNI 18+ likes and reblogs appreciated! WC: 1k
soft moans and the rustling of sheets underneath you are the only sounds to be heard in your room, as you grind mindlessly against anything that will create friction on your body. you and dick had been dating for months now and though the topic of sex came up often, whether it be late night conversations about all your desires or the occasional fingering session which had you creaming around his fingers and screaming his name, you haven't had sex yet. you were a virgin, mind plagued by things so much more important than intercourse, and the mere fact that you just didn't have time in your busy schedule to lay down and do any thing. but god did you think about it. and today all your desires would be fulfilled. the conversation was typical, a thousand "are you sure?"s fell from your gentlemen of a boyfriends lips. so here you are now, laying on your back, hands tangled through dicks dark brown locks as he flicked his tongue back and forth slowly at your clit. he took his time, eyes fixated on your expression, your jaw was slack and brows knitted. his hand kneaded into the flesh of your stomach as he held your hand lovingly. a gesture he knew you loved, you always talked about the romance of sex, and how it made it better for both parties. he flattened his tongue against your heat, sucking slowly. his other hand slid down your thighs, grazing the hickeys he had left there only minutes prior. he stuck his ring and middle finger inside of you, pumping at the perfect pace while he swirled his tongue around your pussy. you felt your climax coming soon, you tugged his hair as you bit down hard on your bottom lip. "cum for me baby, let go." his voice was what sent you over the edge, back arching as soft whiny whimpers escaped your throat.
he took his fingers out slowly, moving up your body leaving soft kisses up your torso until he reached your mouth. you kissed for a few seconds until he pulled back, a string of saliva holding you both together as you looked into each others eyes with love. you loved dick, and dick loved you, no matter how many issues you had, or how many times you cried in his arms about how meaningless you felt. he loved you for you, he saw you completely and now his love was taken to a whole other place. now he loved how you tasted. he loved how you moaned his name so pathetically, like you could melt into the sheets at any second and become one with him. like you needed him, like all you wanted was him. his gaze never left yours as he slid into you slowly, wrapping his arms around your back so you could hold him by his neck. "just tell me to stop at any time if its too much, okay?" you nodded. "use your words baby" "yea, il tell you." you whispered looking directly at his lips wanting for him to kiss you again. he was always such a damn gentlemen, and though sometimes it got on your nerves, that's one of the reasons why you fell in love with the brown eyed boy. but right now you didn't want a gentlemen, you wanted him to fuck orgasm after orgasm out of you until you were laying in bed sweaty, barely coherent. his pace started off slow, despite your effort to keep eye contact with your lover, your head lolled back as you closed your eyes. time stood still in that moment, your ears rung (probably from your previous orgasm) and the whole world was gone. it was just you and him, and him inside of you. you had expressed your concerns about potentially not being able to cum during your first time since you usually couldn't finish with just insertion, but as dick sped up, his lips grazing your neck as he praised you, telling you how tight and warm you felt, you could tell you would be cumming in a few minutes. he knew all the right spots, where to hold and squeeze you, where to kiss you, to rip those beautiful noises he loved so much from you. and that's exactly what happened. dick noticed your needy claws at his back, as your breathe increased and you started babbling nonsense about "being there." his lips left your neck as he looked at you. "you gonna cum? huh? you almost there baby?" your eyes opened, the look on your face sent shockwaves of pleasure through his body, knowing he made you feel this good. "ye-mm yea mm-hmm i think m'gonna uhhh-" you cut yourself off with a breathy whine as you buried your face in his shoulder and looked down at your bodies connecting. it tuned you on even more, dicks thick cock pumping in and out of you. a ring of white cream around the base of his dick. sweat beads rolling down his abs and his abs tensing and contracting as you could tell he was also close.
the only words you could get out were his name over and over and over and god that made dick feel like a king. his grip around you tightened as he focused on going as deep as possible, he was determined to make you cum around his dick at least twice tonight. your eyes shot opened as you screamed and arched into dick as you came. "oh fuck- fuck- fuck- dick.." he pressed his forehead to yours as loud throaty groans passed from his mouth to yours, he came with a moan and his fingernails dug crescent shaped marks into your back. his high hit him hard, as all he said was "so good, so good for me, feel so good baby." and your name over and over and over.
you two definitely went a few more rounds that night.
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24kmar · 5 months
𝐁𝐎𝐑𝐍 𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐍𝐍𝐀 (A. Donaldson, T.Duncan)
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: A. Donaldson x Fem!Reader, T.Duncan x Fem!Reader
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 18+ MDNI, SMUT, Sugar Baby! Reader, Female Manipulator Reader(Wolf in sheeps clothing), Daddies money reader 🤭, Age Gap! (Early 30's art and tashi, early 20's reader), power imbalance, language.
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: When Tashi and Art see Pro! Tennis player reader they cant help but be infatuated. She's just so perfect, on court and off. When she starts moving up in the tennis world, they decide to take up on this oppurtunity. Offering to coach her and take part in her success and her life.
𝑩𝒐𝒓𝒏 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒏𝒏𝒂 𝒇𝒍𝒐𝒘. 𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒍𝒚 𝒘𝒊𝒏𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝒘𝒉𝒊𝒍𝒆 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒃𝒊𝒕𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒔 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒈𝒐. 𝑶𝒉 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒎𝒂𝒅 𝒉𝒐? 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒊𝒏'𝒕 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒆 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒎𝒚 𝒔𝒐𝒏 𝒃𝒊𝒕𝒄𝒉, 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒊𝒕’𝒔 𝒃𝒆𝒅𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆.
You were used to getting what she wanted, growing up the golden child with daddies money. Always winning, in tennis and in life. Being signed to NIKE. Truly a born stunner. And thats just what tashi and art needed.
When they went to a standford tennis game, only for the nostalgia (lies, they saw you play at standford and needed to have you). Sitting down after finally getting away from the crowds of fans. Thats when they saw you, stretching and getting ready for your match. Getting ready to win.
Seeing you play gave them the rush, the hope they needed. With each grunt, each step you took, each roar of victory. They grew more and more hungry for you. You were so power hungry, so ambitious, just like tashi. Just perfect. After winning the match (of course you did) they came up to you.
"Y/N L/N" tashi spoke walking up to you.
Turning around hearing your name, you were met with the stars of the tennis world.
"Oh my god, tashi duncan, art donaldson. Its amazing to meet you." You beem shaking their hands. "We've been watching you" tashi speaks " you're good, really good." Art finishes for her.
"We would like to make an offer." tashi says, art looking at you up and down. Observing everything you have to offer. "How would you like us to coach you?" Tashi offers. This isnt the first time you've gotten an offer to be coached, theres been many more instances to which you've declined.
But not now, you couldnt pass this up. So you said yes. And the rest is history.
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They wanted to make you better at tennis ( they really just wanted to have you to themeselves). You gave them something they both needed. Giving art something perfect to worship, a star. And tashi, a lover and a winner.
They worshiped you, giving you anything and everything you wanted. Making sure their stargirl was always fed and never left hungry. To the victors go the spoils. Shopping sprees, fucking you till you couldnt handle it, even then giving you more. More, more, more, always more, what you deserved.
Controling your each and every move, and you let them. You were really the one in control. Only letting them think they were to boost their ego. Letting them do whatever they wanted, aslong as you got what you wanted.
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Now you're here. Art between your legs, drinking in everything you have to give him. Tashi next to you, making sure you'll make her proud at your match tomorrow.
"Mmmm a-art m'gonna cum" you moan out
"Only winners get to cum" tashi whispers in your ear. Shivers going down your spine.
"Are you a winner prinncess?" Tashi asks you, biting your neck. Thats when art cuts her off with a harsh suck to your clit. Whimpering into your cunt when you pull at his hair.
"Answer me now or i wont let you cum" tashi whispers in your ear.
"F- fuck, yes im a winner!" You moan out pathetically
"You gonna win tomorrow? Gonna make us proud, princess?"
"Mhm!" You grab at her, reaching your peak.
And thats what you did, you won. Like a star, a winner, a born stunner.
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bombuni · 7 months
a wild ride
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summary: It’s Halloween night. Your friends have decided to take you out and get you drunk, but it’s kind of hard to focus on forgetting when the man you want to forget is standing across the room and flirting with another girl. genre/pairing: kim hongjoong x reader, slight yunho x reader, smut, jealous f2l wc: 4.4k warnings: SMUT, 18+ MDNI!, mentions of weed and drinking, cursing, drunk sex but they’re tipsy at the worst, mean!dom!hongjoong, but he's soft for reader, fem!sub!reader, bratty reader but she gets tamed quick, one instance of edging, finger sucking, name calling (just the use of ‘slut’) they’re both so possessive of each other and jealous it’s crazy bom note: this is my love letter to hongjoong’s bouncy outfit bc we moved on too fast</3 anywhooo THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR 1K!!! we hit it like a couple weeks ago but. it’s here now guys. I thank you for liking my works enough to follow and support and nothing will prove my gratitude but I just hope this comes close enough :) please enjoy and thanks once again everyone!!<3 also, here’s a playlist i made and listened to a lot while writing this!
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You’re not really sure how your friends managed to talk you into coming out tonight. Much less, how you let Wooyoung drag you into matching costumes with him and San. Now you feel like an idiot standing in a fairly inaccurate rendition of a cat next to a pirate version of Seonghwa and Spider-man Yunho. Wooyoung seems to enjoy matching with you, although, letting everyone in the cramped house know that you three ‘have the best couples costume’ in the party. It’s embarrassing having to pull Wooyoung away from annoyed partygoers every 5 seconds, but he’s already halfway drunk and it’s sort of endearing how he boasts about you.
The night has barely started and whatever poor soul lives here should already be regretting hosting a Halloween party. There’s 4 couples making out in your line of sight, the smell of weed permeates your clothes, and the drunk-off-their-ass people in the middle of the room dancing to a poor remix of Monster Mash are sure to break something. There’s a rank scent that emanates from the wall on which you’re leaning against which makes you think someone’s already thrown up right where your shoulder is touching. Or it could just be Seonghwa’s breath, you’re not really sure.
The overwhelming heat from the bodies stuffed in the room is no comparison to the heat boiling inside of you. The humidity in the air and cacophony of noises do nothing to help your rising irritation. You try to cool it down with the iced drink in your hand, but the only way the warmth will go away is by looking away from Hongjoong-who’s in such a clear view from across the room you’d consider it God’s punishment for your selfish desire-and that’s never really going to happen. Not if he keeps looking at her while he’s dressed like that. That being in an intolerably well-fitting cowboy outfit. It’s obvious he knows he looks good, his forearm resting on the wall above the girl’s head as he leans down to hear her better. To get more intimate, to give her the same enticingly inviting smirk he gives you. Your cup crinlinking harshly in your fist snaps you out of the rage-induced trance. Seonghwa’s knowing smirk is haunting you from the corner of your eye, Yunho on your other side trying and failing to hide the same impish smile.
“You know you can’t actually blow people’s heads off if you stare hard enough, right?” Yunho chuckles, watching you out of the corner of his eye.
“Ha, ha,” the sarcasm flows right off of Yunho.
“Someone’s jealous,” Seonghwa’s voice is tinged with a taunt, the smell of alcohol absolutely dripping off of him as he leans into you. You’re fully aware of his drunken intentions to piss you off, but you try your best to be mature and ignore the teasing finger he’s pointing in your face.
“Jesus, are you 12?” Smacking the finger out of your face, he stumbles back in mild surprise.
Yunho’s at least somewhat sober, laughing at the ‘pirate’s’ drunk theatrics, “I have an idea for you-”
Seonghwa lifts his red solo cup in the air and his mouth moves faster than either you or Yunho can process, “You kiss Hongjoong!”
It’s simply impossible for Hongjoong to have heard him from across the room and over the various conversations and the loud music playing, but you still shush and shove Seonghwa in a panic as if he’ll come over and shoot you down right in front of everybody. He pulls the ridiculously fake eyepatch up over his eye to stare at you incredulously, “That was rude,”
Yunho pulls Seonghwa into him, a protective arm landing over him so you won’t slap the alcohol out of his system, “Why don’t you go and, I don’t know, tell Hongjoong you’re in love with him?” He says with a mocking voice, shrugging as if it’s a simple solution.
You scoff at the tall man, “First of all, I am not in love wi-“
All of a sudden, Wooyoung pops up between you and Yunho’s bodies with his drawn-on whiskers completely smudged and cat ears gone, “Hongjoong! You looovveee Hongjoong,” he’s swaying and already moved on to telling you how much he loves you instead when you try to respond. Yunho only smirks at you, I told you so clearly evident on his pale face.
You grumble embarrassedly and glance towards Hongjoong again to make sure he hasn’t heard any of your guys’ conversation , “I don’t.”
Wooyoung hums to the song playing, balance completely lost as he drops all of his body weight onto you and tunes out of the conversation. Seonghwa’s not fairing any better against Yunho, but he’s still trying to tell you what a match you and Hongjoong are.
“All we’re trying to say is that,” Yunho pauses to move Seonghwa’s fingers from his lips, “Hongjoong’s been in a bad mood all night watching you, and now he’s chatting up another girl? I-”
Wooyoung mumbles from where he’s resting on your shoulder, “Something’s fishy,”
Yunho nods, “What he said,”
You roll your eyes for the millionth time that night. A small, naive part of you really, really wants to believe your friends. But they’re drunk, and you’ll admit you’re slightly tipsy. You’ve accepted the fact that Hongjoong will never see you as more than a good friend. You look over to Hongjoong one more time in hopes that this time you won’t feel anything, but when you turn your head you find him already looking in your direction. You can’t really tell what his expression means, but his jaw is clenched and his scrutinizing eyes remain on Wooyoung’s arms around you. It’s no coincidence or trick of the light, you’re sure, but a poorly crafted Batman passes in front of you and Hongjoong’s back to being entranced by the girl next to him.
For a second, you’re lost in space and time. You should be embarrassed and ashamed that one glance from him is enough to send you careening back into fantasies of him, but the alcohol in your system and Yunho’s encouragement makes for a deadly combination. There’s a plan forming in your head. The sober half of you is rationalizing Hongjoong’s glance and telling you it was nothing more than that; a glance. But the tipsy half tells you that you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.
As Yunho sips his drink idly, you decide to take your chance, “Wanna dance, Yunho?”
He exhales sharply through his nostrils, smiling smugly because he knows exactly what your intentions are, “Sure, kitty,”
He takes your hand gently and pulls you towards the makeshift dance floor. He bows elegantly as if this is a ballroom, but he looks ridiculous doing it in a Spider-Man costume amidst people of varying states of sobriety. While you’re busy doubled over laughing at him, he sneaks his arms around you. It’s sudden when he pulls you flush against his body, brown eyes searching yours for any uncertainty before pulling your arms around his neck. For some reason, touching the nape of his neck makes you feel a certain closeness to him. Yunho leans his forehead on yours and the intimacy he’s allowing you makes you regret inviting him to dance. He really shouldn’t be pulling out all the stops for a girl who’s thinking of someone else.
Yunho takes your silence as embarrassment from his showiness, “I gotta make it believable, right?” You’ve never really thought about how tall he is until now, head tilted to only focus on you. His big hands wrap around your waist and burn where they touch.
“R-right,” you mumble, still dizzy from Yunho’s closeness.
Unbeknownst to you, Hongjoong’s fuming behind the sea of people. Your back is to him so you can’t see the pursed lips and furrowed eyebrows painted on his face. Yunho, on the other hand, gladly takes notice when he finally looks over to him. Hongjoong’s s gone to completely ignoring the girl he was talking to, only humming ‘yeah’s’ and ‘totally’s’ when he’s prompted. He’s burning holes into your back, as if glaring will suddenly remove you from Yunho. The fuse in him blows when you laugh at something Yunho said. The sound is barely heard over the music and myriad of voices, but it still reverberates through Hongjoong like it’s a call to him. Only meant for him.
“It worked,” Yunho whispers into your ear and sends chills down your spine, “Your cowboy’s stomping over.” You look at your Spiderman smiling down at you one last time when you feel a gloved hand on your shoulder. You can’t really see under the strobe lights, but there’s surely no smile on Hongjoong’s face. He’s glaring at Yunho like you’re his property that he’s touched without permission. Yunho’s hands slide slowly off of you compared to the quick removal of yours, just to piss Hongjoong off even more. You’re sure Yunho has another sort of personal vendetta against Hongjoong now.
“Hey, cowpoke,” there’s a lazy drawl in Yunho’s voice, bordering on venomous, “wanna join us?” Yunho’s hands move to wrap around you again, but Hongjoong quickly pulls you back into his side. He’s surprised by how easily you meld into his movements, but he doesn’t know how far you’d really let him go.
“You’re both drunk,” you follow like a lost puppy as he pulls you off the makeshift dance floor, “and need to be separated.”
Yunho hums behind you, “I’m perfectly sober,”
Hongjoong scoffs and as he opens his mouth to retort, you pull away from him, “I wanna keep dancing, Joong,”
Yunho shrugs as if the issue is completely out of his hands-again, what did Hongjoong do to him?-and smiles, “You heard the lady,” Hongjoong’s eyes fixate on the taller man, fists clenching at his side. If looks could kill, Yunho would have been 6 feet under ten minutes ago. His mind races with thoughts of how to get rid of Yunho, how to keep you for himself, and how his hand is still pulsing from when he felt yours, fearing he’s become addicted to your touch already.
His tone is final, “No.”
Before you can even say anything, Hongjoong drags you through the overflow of bodies towards the upstairs of the house. You can certainly hear Seonghwa and Wooyoung hollering obscenities at you-even over the party noise-before Hongjoong leads you deeper and deeper into the surprisingly large house. The hallways grow quieter and less crowded before he finds an empty room, letting you in first. It’s quaint and sparsely decorated, the soft environment settling your nerves. As you sit on the white bedsheets, Hongjoong watches you like you’re his next meal.
He finally speaks, arms crossed and a questioning look on his face, “You good?’
You raise an eyebrow at him, “Yes. Are you?”
He doesn’t answer you because he’s not really sure if he is. In truth, Hongjoong can’t stop looking at you. He’s sure your look tonight is imprinted in his brain all the way from the short, short skirt to the ridiculously low cut top you’re wearing. He’s frustrated with himself that he feels so possessive over you, as if you’re already his. He’s frustrated with you for simply letting Wooyoung and Yunho do as they please.
You watch as he sits on the bed next to you, fiddling with the cuffs of his gloves. He’s trying to act nonchalant, but you can tell he’s holding back from scolding you with the way he’s biting his cheek. He’s good at hiding it from others, but not from you.
His words are short and sharp, “Were you having fun with Yunho?”
The question catches you off guard. You mirror him, playing with your fishnet leggings and watching him out of the corner of your eye. You’re scared he’ll say yes, but you ask anyway, “Were you?”
Hongjoong turns to you, “I asked first,”
You roll your eyes at him, “Whatever. You seemed pretty happy talking to Ms. Boobs-in-your-face,”
You’re being petty and insulting a girl you don’t even know, but the irritation from earlier is returning with a fiery revenge. It keeps building the more you think about the way her hands would continuously run down the textured white lines on his shirt. Or how he’d smile at her like she was the only person in the room. You can feel his eyes on you again and you’re too embarrassed to meet them. You’re sure he’s sporting a cocky smile now that he’s heard the jealousy dripping in your voice.
“You didn’t seem to mind Yunho grinding on you,” he spits out before he can stop himself.
That finally makes you look at him, “He was not-”
“And Wooyoung’s hands all over you,”
You gawk at him, surprised to know that he had been watching you too. Now the pettiness you’re both showing is obvious. The air is tense before you speak, Hongjoong’s intent glare making you feel small, “You know how Wooyoung is, especially when he’s drunk,”
Hongjoong rolls his eyes at you, “Doesn’t explain Yunho crawling all over you,”
You cross your arms, inadvertently pushing your tits together and Hongjoong has to hold back a groan, “Why are you so concerned with what Yunho and I do?”
There’s a mutual understanding of the jealousy coursing through the room, though it’s unspoken. In your anger, however, you can’t really process the fact that he’s possessive over you. That he’s outright admitting he thinks of you as his, and vice versa. Instead of simply kissing and making up, you keep pissing each other off. Why you keep pressing his buttons you’re not sure, but you can’t deny how hot Hongjoong looks with the black cowboy hat tilted over his face, muscular arms tensing under the dim light.
He stands to his full height again-too frustrated to stay still-moving so that he’s right in front of you, “What, so you’re into Yunho all of a sudden?”
“Did you just bring me up here so you can interrogate me on my love life?” you mumble.
His jaw clenches again, “You’re so mouthy tonight, you know that? I’m getting sick of it,”
He’s invading your space now, lips so close you could just reach up and touch them with yours, “What are you going to do about it, Hongjoong?”
The words seem to set something off in him, his lips on you so fast it’s dizzying. His warm hands automatically find their way to your hips as he pushes you backwards onto the bed. He’s finally figured out how to silence you, muffling any sounds you make with his mouth. Anything that comes from you, he wants for himself. It’s sloppy and uncoordinated, both too focused on getting out all the built up feelings and frustration. Neither of you care about anything but getting more and more of each other. You feel his tongue finding its way into your mouth and you don’t put up much of a fight anymore.
He doesn’t pause his attack on your lips, panting while he speaks, “You gonna keep mouthing off, baby?”
Your mind short-circuits at the nickname. Although a large part of your annoyance has now dissipated, his lips like water to soothe the burn of your desire, you still want to see how far you can push him,
“Dunno,” you pant out.
His right hand slides up from your hip bone to your jawline as goosebumps follow the trail of his touch. A whine slips out of you when Hongjoong’s hand contracts, squishing your cheeks and forcing your lips into a pout so your focus is on his words. He can’t help the prideful smirk when he hears the noise you make, happy to know he has such an effect on you.
“I know,” a kiss to your jawline, “I’m going to show you who you belong to,”
You wiggle in his grasp, but he’s holding you tight, “And exactly who do I belong to?”
He smirks down at you, thoughts running through all the ways he’s going to break you, “Oh, you’re funny,” he leans threateningly over you, “You’re very funny,”
Just because you enjoy the game of stirring him on you continue, “Yunho said the same thing,”
He smiles dangerously at you. Not dangerous in the sense of attractiveness, but more in the sense that it’s a warning to the vicious, envious territory you’re entering. You feel your resolve melting against him, the air suffocating you with the thick, heavy feeling of pent-up desire. However, he doesn’t even let you get the right words out before he sticks his thumb into your mouth. It’s surprisingly appetizing, and you don’t wait for his sign to go before wrapping your lips around it. It’s your silent apology for what you said.
Now, his smile is gentler. But it’s Hongjoong, and Hongjoong doesn’t let things go so easy.
“Sluts needs to be quiet,” he whispers softly, but it’s who it’s coming from that makes it so you hear it loud and clear. You nod in obedience, still lapping as he adds more fingers into your mouth, exploring this part of your body.
“You know what else sluts need to do?” You shake your head and open your eyes up at him, “They need to fucking behave.”
He growls, “You’re gonna take what I give you until I’ve had enough. Then I’ll give you what you want,”
You want to whine and protest, but he’s looking at you like that’s not even an option. He stares down at you, taunting and challenging you. Hongjoong knows you’re not happy about his rules, but he doesn’t care. You need to learn to forget about anyone other than him. He won’t stop until you do. Your mouth pulls off of his fingers with a pop and you realize all too quickly what a mistake you’ve made.
His eyes squint at you, “Did I tell you to stop?”
You peer up at him with a guilty look, pout heavy on your lips hoping he’ll show just the slightest bit of mercy. But once again, it’s Hongjoong. He manhandles you towards him, back to his chest and for some reason it feels like you’re a complete puzzle.
He gropes your sides, pulling you close so you can feel how hard he is for you. The feeling of him rubbing against you makes you moan, the sheer satisfaction of finally getting what you want making you high on the pleasure. You know you’re supposed to be quiet, but the excitement of going against Hongjoong just ‘cause makes you want to do it more.
You spot his blue hair out of the corner of your eye as he leans down to your ear, “You’re gonna be quiet and take it like a good slut,” His right arm comes up and around your neck, pulling you in as if you aren’t already close enough, “Unless you want Yunho to hear?”
His clothed dick is making you weak. It’s the only friction he’s given you so far and it’s already breaking and tearing you apart. You shake your head vigorously, spouting nonsense babbles as if you’re appalled Hongjoong would even suggest that. However, Hongjoong seems all too enticed by the idea of everyone hearing how loud he can make you. You try to get more from him by rutting back into him, hoping he liked your answer, but he stops your hips.
“Sluts don’t get what they want, baby,” He pants into your ear and you realize he’s just as torn as you are, he’s just better at hiding it. His hand finds its way under your skirt, fumbling to pull your panties down. The sound of your wet pussy fills the room as Hongjoong plays with your folds, agonizingly slow to make you shake with anticipation.
He smiles down at you, “You’re so fucking wet,”
Before you can say anything snappy, he slides in you. He fills you just right, and you don’t want to sound crazy, but you feel like your pussy was sculpted just for him. His cock drives in you and hits right where you need it to. It makes you want to fall over, too weak to hold yourself up, but Hongjoong stops that from even happening.
You’re whining for more, “Keep being loud and Wooyoung will hear you,”
You gasp as he thrusts in you, but it just spurs him on. Being buried in you feels right, like it’s where he was made to be. He chalks up his intensified feelings to the alcohol flowing in his system.
Your moans mix together, “Seonghwa too? Want me to make everyone in this house know who’s fucking you?”
You can barely keep your head up, much less respond to him. The bed squeaks as he thrusts in you over and over again, limbs entangled. You start to think Hongjoong may have some jealousy issues, but you don’t mind.
His hand snakes around you again, this time reaching to play with your clit. His fingers make your knees buckle, the rhythm between his hips and his hand sending a new wave of pleasure through you. You don’t have the energy to process it, but all the while he’s telling you how he’s the only one who can touch you like this.
Your lower half is on fire, white hot sparks of pleasure flowing all the way from your abdomen to your toes. All of your senses are heightened because of Hongjoong’s touch and you feel the pleasure reaching its tipping point, right before Hongjoong rips his hand away and stops his hips.
Your complaint is right on the tip of your tongue, but Hongjoong drags you like a ragdoll over him before you can get the words out. Your senses haven’t even come back to you yet, but Hongjoong looks up at you with the cockiest smile and you feel that same bliss again.
His hands on your hips turns your nervous system on again, “You wanna cum, baby?”
Your voice comes out hoarse, “Yes. Yes, please, Joongie,”
He looks up at you contemplatively, as if deciding whether you deserve to finish or not. It makes a defiant whine build up in your throat the longer he takes.
He shushes you with a nudge, “Then work for it.”
Hongjoong’s tone is final and even though you’re on top of him, there’s no room for control or for arguing. He looks up at you expectantly, simply waiting for you to obey. You want to grab his collar, make him regret talking to you like he owns you, but unfortunately he in fact does.
The cowboy hat is befitting now, so you take it for yourself. His blue hair is disheveled and tangled underneath it, but he still looks celestial. A laugh rips out of him as the hat tips over your head when you look down. You pout at him, but the giggles slip into groans when you slide down him again.
It’s entirely too distracting for Hongjoong, and he has to bite his lip to hold back from cumming on the spot. You’re too tight and wet, too perfect for him. He almost regrets putting you in this position now.
But you look too good all sweaty on top of him, mouth parted open in satisfaction, with the sound of skin against skin accompanying you. Watching you bounce with his hat on makes him feel a little crazy.
His hand reaches for your clit again, finding that spot that he’s learned your body really likes. Your back arches against his fingers, shuddering at the feeling of him. His fingers follow a pattern against you, persistent in their goal to make you cum. It’s too good, too fast. You can’t help it as your body falls over him, pleasure overriding your ability to function.
Hongjoong laughs at you, “Can't do anything on your own, huh? Dumb slut needs me to help,” You nod against his neck, hiding your embarrassed blush.
He, uncharacteristically, kisses the crown of your head. You suppose it’s an apology for the way he hauls your thighs over him, then slams you back down on his cock again. Once again, the sound of skin slapping against skin fills the room. You feel the heat rising in you again, your body tightening up against Hongjoong.
This time there’s no signs of him stopping, his forearms keeping a tight hold of your thighs as he spears you on his cock over and over again, his desperate pants right by your ear.
He senses you’re near your tipping point, “See? All you needed was a good fucking for you to behave,”
You nod brainlessly, simply following whatever he says with only one thing on your mind.
“You can cum, baby. Want you to be loud so even fucking Yunho knows,”
You feel it coursing through you. It’s been a slow build up waves caused by Hongjoong, but now with his permission it turns into a full-on tsunami hitting you. The pleasure shoots through you, your entire body seizing up as it takes over you. Hongjoong fucks you through it with slow, shallow thrusts. Or at least he tries to, before the feeling of your tightening pussy finally pulls the orgasm out of him. He’s quick to pull out, his cum splattering all over his lower abdomen.
When you’re done, you’re left panting and sweaty on his still shirt-clad chest. You feel his racing heartbeat against your hands, heavy breaths beating against you. You look up and Hongjoong has the softest, tranquil smile for you.
“I only danced with Yunho to make you jealous,” you mumble amidst the silence.
His hand runs through your hair under his hat, “I only flirted with that girl to make you jealous,”
You’re scared by how soft and intimate it’s suddenly turned. You’re scared Hongjoong only thinks of you as a fuck buddy now, nothing more nothing less. So, You don’t say anything else.
He knows you by now, knows where every cog in your brain goes and how it works. Hongjoong pokes your cheek gently, “That means I like you a lot,”
“Oh,” you feel your heartbeat pick up speed, “me too.”
“Good,” he smiles at you again, that charming and sugary sweet smile he only gives you, “then we’ll go on a date.” You nod into him, blissful peace finally settling over you.
You’re halfway to sleep when Hongjoong speaks up again, “Can I have my hat back?”
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twilightkitkat · 7 days
Part 3 of thinking about the reaction another universe's Logan would have to meeting Wade. To Wade and Logan's relationship.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 4
Logan hadn't left Wade's side since he got here. Eventually, Wade managed to convince him to calm down enough that he could briefly explain to the X-men that this was his Logan, the one from his universe, who came looking for him.
His Logan hovered close to him, practically plastered to his side as if he'd disappear the second he took his eyes off him. Other-Logan was nowhere to be seen.
Eventually, they returned to Wade's room for the night. The X-men offered Logan a room of his own, but he point-blank refused.
When Wade crawled into the twin-sized bed (which definitely wasn't big enough to comfortably fit two people), Logan slipped under the covers behind him. Logan pressed his nose to Wade's neck and released a shaky breath of relief.
He could finally relax now that he was alone, away from the probing crowd that reminded him too much of memories he'd rather leave in the past. Now that he could focus on Wade. His scent, the steady rhythm of his heartbeat, and the sound of his breathing.
The exhaustion hit Logan like a truck. He'd barely gotten any sleep in the past month Wade's been missing, and when he did it was fitful and left him feeling inexplicably more tired when he awoke. He didn't realize how much he depended on the comfort of Wade's presence to sleep until it was gone.
(When he was alone, it reminded him of being back in his universe. Of waking up in the middle of the night, claws unsheathed, breathing wildly. Of realizing he was completely alone, that everyone he cared about was dead. Of popping open a bottle of liquor just to silence the noise of his own thoughts.)
Wade reminded him that he was in a new universe, now. That he wasn't alone. Logan wrapped his arms around him, securely (tight enough to not let him escape) and finally, finally, let himself breathe.
Wade hummed, content at feeling the hot breath of Logan on his neck as he drifted off to sleep. For the first time in a month, he felt warm. He felt safe. He felt comforted, knowing that Logan was here with him. Apparently having a life-sized human heater spoiled him and made it difficult to stomach sleeping alone.
They both fell asleep, comforted by the familiarity of each other's presence.
(It was the best sleep either of them had in weeks.)
The aftermath was just a little bit awkward.
Logan hardly left his side, warily glaring at anyone who came to disturb their peace as they went about their day. He seemed to still be on edge around the other X-men (and anyone who wasn't Wade in general).
Wade was sure it would be difficult for him to interact with them, too, if he'd seen and come to terms with all of their deaths. Of being responsible for the downfall of an alternate version of them. It must be jarring to see them alive and well, to see a distortion of the future he could've had with caricatures of his friends.
(It made Wade a little anxious to think that Logan was remembering it all. Reminiscing on a better time before Wade came and took him away from his world.)
Despite the companionship they'd built, Other-Logan had been making himself scarce. Wade was a little concerned about him, but he was more focused on his own version, who'd been acting as his own personal guard dog. (If a guard dog was 300 pounds and a fully grown man.)
Still, sometimes when they passed by each other, he swore he saw that same look in Other-Logan's eyes. The one he still had difficulty deciphering, but recognized as meaningful.
The one his Logan had in the first few weeks of living together. After they'd saved the world. (Maybe even before it.)
(He tried not to think too hard about it.)
The other X-men were just dancing around them. They seemed to be unsure of how to interact with a Logan so similar and yet so completely different from their own. The only member of the X-men who knew about this Logan's backstory was Wolverine and... let's just say it wasn't getting out anytime soon.
It was almost funny to watch their attempts to start a conversation with Logan only to be met with short, one-word responses. Almost. (It wasn't funny to feel how Logan tensed up next to him, how he smoothed over his expression and put himself on guard. To see the slight trembling of his clenched fists. To see the haunted looks in his eyes.)
And so they ended up accidentally (or purposefully, on Logan's part) avoiding everyone for the first few days.
Wade hadn't gone out on any missions in that time. Logan didn't seem like he was in any mood to go out with the others, and, quite frankly, neither was Wade. He didn't realize how much he missed Logan until he was here.
(And a part of him was relieved that Logan was choosing to stay with him. That he clung to him tightly and didn't seem to be tempted to go rubbing elbows with the other X-men anytime soon.)
He'd managed to fill Logan in after they first crashed from exhaustion together. Logan seemed equal parts concerned and relieved to find out that he'd been stranded because his device was broken. (Because that meant Wade wasn't kidnapped or in danger. Because that meant Wade didn't want to leave him behind.)
They'd been sleeping in the same bed ever since. Anytime the X-men brought up moving Logan to another room, a nicer one with a bigger bed, he just growled and muttered that he didn't need it. One time, they'd offered to move another twin-sized bed into Wade's room so that they could at least have their own place to sleep, but Logan gruffly and very quickly turned that down too.
They hadn't tried to separate them since.
Even when Charles Xavier himself called Logan into his office the morning after he arrived, Logan didn't seem to consider leaving Wade behind as an option. And so they'd both stumbled into the office, suspiciously pressed close together, to report Logan's arrival.
Not that Wade was complaining. He'd offer to be Wolvie's emotional support teddy bear any day. (Even if he got dragged around roughly like a toddler who didn't learn to play nice with or share their toys yet.)
Charles had looked at them oddly, a mix of what could only be described as surprise and then understanding crossing over his face. He didn't comment on Wade's presence, nor Logan's insistence to keep him close by.
(He'd pulled aside the other X-men shortly after and told them to not bother this Logan too much. That he'd been through things their Logan hadn't and that he wouldn't be very receptive to their presence. To not comment on his relationship with Wade and to let them be.)
(It had aroused a mixture of confusion and suspicion among the X-men. Scott and Jean exchanged concerned glances with each other. What could cause Logan to want to avoid them, even in another universe? What did Logan go through to be so wary of them? To rely on Deadpool, of all people, for emotional support?)
(And why was their Logan influenced as well?)
After that, things had gone fairly smoothly. Wade occasionally still annoyed Colossus, who'd begun to reluctantly accept his presence (and who Logan was the least on guard around, out of all of the X-men). It drew skeptical glances from the other X-men, who were surely wondering what reason Wade had to be bothering Colossus, of all people.
But other than that, they mainly kept to themselves.
Until today, that is.
Today, the other X-men had finally managed to find a lead on the man who'd KO'd Wolverine and Deadpool, shattering Wade's pathway back to his own universe. Apparently, he'd set up a new base, this time with better-equipped personnel.
Seemed the asshole wasn't working alone. Of fucking course. When Wade wanted a fight all he could find were pussies, but It couldn't ever be easy when Wade actually wanted to go home. Just his luck.
It was large-scale enough that the majority of the X-men were preparing to go on the raid. Not a good sign.
Of course, Wade had saddled in and prepared to go the second they said they had a lead. And of course, by default, that meant Logan was coming with him.
They'd both rested enough, and while they were slightly on edge, Wade doubted that was going to go away anytime soon until they got back to their own universe. It'd be better to just rip the bandaid off and get this shit over with so that they could curl up on their shitty pull-out couch and eat leftovers and let themselves decompress from whatever the fuck this mission was turning into.
After a quick debrief in which they essentially went over everyone's roles and the layout of the base (or what they knew of it, at least) they set off.
Logan and Wade were paired together, luckily (well, most likely intentionally from the sharp glare Logan shot everyone when they began discussing their roles). They were tasked with clearing out the enemies and working their way to the main base, which was unsurprising given their tank-like abilities and healing factors.
Wade stared out the window for most of the ride there (and Logan stared at Wade) and before he knew it, they'd arrived.
And wow. The villains had really outdone themselves in the cliche base department. If the abandoned nuclear power plant was basic, the shady abandoned military facility was the equivalent of a white girl who liked Starbucks and listened to Taylor Swift. Completely predictable and not at all original.
They all split off into smaller, individual teams and, after a quick confirmation, they went in.
The henchmen this time were vaguely impressive. Well, impressive in the sense the typical office worker was impressive compared to a 10-year-old. It actually took more than 5 seconds for Logan and Wade to clear out the first wave.
But a run-of-the-mill decent group of villains was no match for Wade and Logan's teamwork. If Other-Wolverine and Deadpool worked like a well-oiled machine, this Deadpool and Wolverine worked like they were fucking telepaths. Completely in sync, predicting each other's attack patterns and weaving in and out like they shared a set of strings puppeteering them.
(It caused a few of the X-men to stop and stare to watch. It was brutal and grotesque and... beautiful, in way, to see how quickly they plowed through the villains. The X-men knew teamwork—they were accustomed to it, with the whole superhero team shtick—but not this type of partnership. This type of innate, primal fluidity that allowed them to move as one.)
Before long, with a suprising lack of resistance, given this was supposed to be The Villain Base (although, to be fair, they did have the X-men playing cleanup crew around them and taking care of the rest), they finally made their way into what could only be reffered to as some sort of fucked-up evil lab.
The walls were lined with shady medical equipment and some type of alien technology, and, to no one's surprise, the same fucker as last time was standing in the center.
"Nice to see you again, Deadpool," he nodded. "And... nice to meet you, Wolverine."
OK, hold on a second. He thought it was weird that this guy knew his name the first time considering he was, y'know, new around these parts, but he'd brushed it off. Maybe there was an alternate version of him running around (even if he hadn't heard of one despite interrogating an absurd number of people connected to the underground). But to know that this was an alternate version of Wolverine, just upon seeing him?
It's like the asshole predicted their arrival in this dimension.
Wade tensed slightly, and judging by a glance at Logan next to him, he'd picked up on that discrepancy too.
"Hey, Cable 2.0. Or should I call you Evil Cable? Cable the destroyer? Actually, calling you Cable would be an insult to his brand. How about generic futuristic villain #46," Wade quipped, trying to steel his nerves and school his expression back into a grin.
"I assure you, I'm nothing like this Cable you speak of," the man replied, calmly, "If he were similar to me, you wouldn't be standing here right now."
"Oooooh, scary, I think I almost pissed my pants! Quick, Wolvie, hide me, I'm quivering in my boots!" Wade ducked behind Logan, voice rising high from mock-fear. Logan merely grunted, but allowed him to hide behind him for the bit. (See, even Logan must agree he's funny if he's playing along.)
The man blinks at them, clearly unimpressed, before raising his gun. Okay, so they're getting right into it. Fun.
Logan unsheathed his claws and Wade gripped his guns tightly.
And then the fight behind.
This Logan and Wade had better teamwork compared to the last encounter. Their teamwork was down to a science, or a particularly bloody work of art.
Unfortunately, this time, their opponent knew their attack patterns. He was deflecting their attacks with ease, using minimal effort to dodge even while they ganged up on him.
This went on for a few moments, making barely any progress aside from wasting time. Until, a growl was heard from behind them—
—and another Wolverine joined the mix.
"I can you're struggling a bit, bub, let me help you out," he grunted, slashing at the villain.
"Awww! I'd be swooning right now if not for the fact it'd get me killed!" Wade chirped back, dodging a bullet that shot his way.
His Logan growled slightly and landed next to him, before murmuring, "Focus on the fight. Stop getting distracted."
Wade pouted in response but followed dutifully to attack the villain with Logan.
Their group teamwork was actually fairly impressive, in Wade's opinion. Which wasn't surprising, given that two of the members had near-identical fighting styles and both were used to working with him.
The two Wolverines clashed a bit at first, aiming for the same spots and directing annoyed growls at each other. But after Wade finally made them calm down ("Woah woah woah, ladies, there's enough hits to go around! This isn't Fortnite, you aren't going for the Battle Royale. Let's all work together, yeah?") they fell into a better rhythm.
They were holding up fairly well, even managing to make leeway and push the man back. They were on the winning side of the fight (which they better be on, with Deadpool and two fucking Wolverines trying to kill him). "Were" being the key word.
Because, right as they seemed to be tiring out the asshole, he pulled a move nobody expected. He leaped back, suddenly, creating distance, and grabbed a suspicious-looking metal device from the table.
All three of them exchanged glances and seemed to be on the same page: Do Not Let The Fucker Use It, Whatever It Is.
And so they all leaped at once, claws and guns and knives blazing, until the man sidestepped and with a clink had attached the device to Wolverine's neck. To his Logan's neck.
It folded out into a sickeningly familiar shape.
Logan's claws retracted and a panicked look flashed in his eyes despite his angry posture.
It was an ability-restricting collar.
And Wade had a feeling it wouldn't be as easy as punching in the code "7" to get it off, considering the futuristic, sturdy, and significantly more complicated-looking design.
The man picked Logan up by the back of the neck of his suit with an inhuman strength (had he been holding back, before?) and Wade saw fucking red.
Before he could think, he was unloading a full magazine into the man's chest and head. But the bullet wounds just closed up and the shells fell to the ground uselessly.
He saw the fear in Logan's eyes. At being powerless.
A reflection of how Wade felt, strapped to that table. Tortured. (Francis' voice rang in his ears. "What's my name?")
Wade lunged, trying to dig his katanas into the man's side. He dodged, stepped to the side, and blocked as Wade desperately, frantically tried to injure him. Just enough to let Logan go.
"Get your filthy hands off of him, you son of a bitch, or I swear to God I will tear you limb from limb like a 5 year old's shitty Barbie doll!" Wade snarled, a venom in his voice that made Logan's eyes widen from in his hold.
(A venom that made the Logan behind him look astonished, too. It'd always been him as the protector, the stronger one. He always had to carry the burden of worry, of solving the problem. And yet, here was a version of him with someone to do the same for him. Someone who would go to hell and back for him in the same way he had to, countless times.)
(That familiar ache was back.)
"I don't think I will," the man hummed, side-stepping yet another attack. "As a matter of fact, I'm getting quite bored of this back-and-forth."
Suddenly, the man held up a knife (where did that come from?) to Logan's throat. Logan, who didn't have his healing factor right now. Logan, who was just as vulnerable as any other human right now.
(Logan, who was looking at him with terror in his eyes. Logan, who had wanted death for so long, pressing himself against the barrel of his gun and fucking laughing the first time they'd met. Logan, who, through all the blood and sweat and tears and sacritice, had finally found a reason to live again. Logan, who didn't want to die anymore. Who wanted to live with Wade.)
It was like the world stopped turning. It was the same feeling Wade had felt the night Vanessa died, all noises drowned out and all colors and shapes blurring together and ohgodohgodohgod she's dead she's gone it's all my fault I never should've met her to begin with— but this was worse, somehow. It didn't just feel like the rug had been pulled out from underneath his feet, it felt like the entire fucking ground crumbled apart, collapsing in on itself, leaving him tumbling closer and closer to Earth's core until he's burned alive and swallowed whole. It felt like drowning and suffocating and burning alive all at once. It felt like losing his very foundation, the one thing he allowed himself to cling on to, thinking he'd never have to say goodbye. It felt like all his worst fears and nightmares came true in the worst possible way.
It felt like dying.
"Now," the man started, not giving a damn about Wade's internal panic and the incessant ringing in his ears, "We can do this the easy way or the hard way."
Why was Other-Logan just standing there? Why wasn't anyone moving? Why was nothing happening? How could the world keep spinning when it felt like his world was in limbo right now, powerless and dangled between the claws of a monster, threatening to drop him into its maw?
"You can let me go with your buddy right here, or I kill him now and you never see him again. Understood?" the man tightened his grip around Logan's throat, who began hacking slightly. The knife nicked his skin slightly, creating a trail of red down his neck. Logan hissed in pain.
Wade wanted nothing more than to tear his fucking throat out in response.
But he clenched his fists instead, feeling his blunt nails dig into his skin even through the suit.
"Wade, just let me go, you can come get me later, yeah?" Logan wheezed, barely able to speak around the constricting grip.
"But—he could—Logan, no, I can fight him, I can, I won't let you sacrifice yourself again," Wade fumbled over his words, unable to focus on anything but Logan Logan Logan.
"I'm not sacrificin' myself, just," his voice was rough and heavy, "let me go. You can't win, Wade. I'm not going to watch you die trying to save me."
"You heard him," the Wolverine behind him suddenly spoke, putting a hand on his shoulder. (Wade wanted to rip it off. It was wrong wrong wrong, so similar and yet too different from his Logan. His Logan, who had deeper callouses. His Logan, whose hands were rougher and gripped him firmly.) "He'll kill him if we fail to fight him now."
Why was everybody else okay with this? Why did everyone else seem so calm when it felt like Wade's world was imploding, his vision was narrowing, and his senses were going haywire?
(Logan could get hurt. Seriously. Not just superficially. He could be tortured like he was. Wade didn't like knowing Logan was in pain, even with his healing factor, but without it? He could be killed. Even if the man kept his promise right now, who's to say it holds up in an hour? A day? A week? Wade couldn't even comprehend living that long without knowing if Logan was dead or alive. Logan could die and he wouldn't know, because he'd be outside of his reach.)
Wade caught Logan's eyes.
He was scared too, Wade could tell, but putting on a brave face for him. Trying to calm Wade down, when Logan was the one getting kidnapped. He was fucking pathetic. (It really was God's Greatest Joke that he couldn't die, huh?)
Wolverine tensed beside him, ready to hold him back if needed. Wade bit his lip until it fucking bled and finally managed to mumble, "Fine."
"What was that?" the man gloated.
"Fine," Wade hissed. "But I'll be back to get him, and I swear to fucking God, if a single hair on his head is out of place, I'll eviscerate you. I'll make sure you wish you didn't have a healing factor, because I'll torture you until you're begging to die. And then finally, I'll snap that shitty collar onto your neck and kill you in the most painful way possible.
The man seemed unphased. But it was a promise. A promise Wade would keep even if his life depended on it. Even if he had to drag himself out of his own grave, regenerate his limbs from scratch, claw his way out of hell, he would make him suffer if he did anything to Logan.
Logan's eyes widened from in the man's grasp. Wade looked at him, a dark expression on his face. Letting him know how serious he was. (That Wade would do anything for him, to keep him safe. To keep him by his side. That if he got hurt, he'd murder every fucking person involved.)
Logan's eyes shone with realization, a vague spark of hope. It made Wade all the more desperate to save him, to live up to those expectations.
"Well, I hate to interrupt the moment, but I really must be going," the man commented.
It took all of Wade's willpower not to lunge at him. Not to attack him as he picked up a suitcase and walked away, yanking Logan alongside him by the back of his neck.
Logan's haunted yet trusting (despite it all, he had faith in Wade, even when he let him get hurt in the first place) eyes were the last thing Wade saw before they dissapeared.
Wade wanted to go after them, to chase them, but he knew better. The other X-men weren't here right now. If all three of them barely managed to hold up against this man, how would the remaining two beat him? And who knew whatever other tricks were up his sleeves.
He was unpredictable. He was dangerous.
Wade knew this, but—
He should've been faster. He should've taken the hit instead of Logan (even if it seemed the man was targeting him to begin with). He should've been better, should've been stronger. Should've prevented Logan from being taken in the first place.
His knees buckled underneath him and he collapsed to the floor. The Other Wolverine startled behind him, dropping to the floor with him and wrapping his arm around Wade for support.
Wade felt the same, desolate, useless feeling wash over him that he had when he'd cradled Vanessa's dead body. He'd failed. Again. He had so much time to learn and do better and yet he still failed. It was all his fault. Everything was his fault.
He should've just brought Logan with him to begin with. Should've swallowed his fears and sucked it up, even if Logan did want to leave him. Logan was a grown man, he could make his own choices. He could realize that his current life, his life with Wade, wasn't worth it if he wanted. He could abandon him and Wade would have no fucking ground to stand on to stop him.
And yet Wade couldn't just fucking swallow his pride and had to behave like a jealous teenager.
(Would it be any different, if they came here together? If they were on the same page from the start, had time to plan and learn together? The man was so fucking strong that even if they had time, Wade was unsure if they'd beat him alone. Maybe they were predestined to fail. All because of Wade's incompetence.)
"Hey," Other-Logan started to speak in a low, worried tone, "We'll get him back. I promise."
He had a concerned and vaguely unsure look on his face, clearly unused to trying to comfort someone. Here's another Logan, comforting Wade when his feelings shouldn't even be a priority to begin with.
"It's my fault," Wade muttered.
"It's my fucking fault. Everything is my fault. I should've gotten kidnapped instead. At least if he took me, I could take it."
"I mean, it's no big deal if I get tortured. I'm used to it. At least I'd fucking deserve it for the stupidity of getting my communication device broken. At least then I'd be the only one hurt, and it's not like I matter anyway."
"Wade, what are you—"
Wade continued to ramble on, frantically, tears collecting in his eyes and threatening to fall down his face, "It should've been me. Logan is a fucking hero, he has a place in the world. He shouldn't be hurt just because of my mistake. I dragged him into this shit, into my universe, and how do I repay him? By letting him get fucking kidnapped and tortured on my behalf!" Wade had to physically force himself to not devolve into full-body sobs at this point, trembling underneath Logan's hand on his shoulde. Rocking back and forth like a lunatic.
"Wade, just listen for one fucking sec—"
"I should've just killed myself. I should've sacrified myself to destroy the Time Ripper, should've been strong enough to grab both the matter anti-matter channels and dissapeared from existence. At least it'd only be me who's gone, and Logan would still be safe. I never should've dragged him into my shit, I should've been long dead before I even met him. I should've had the balls to snap that collar on my neck and explode myself for real—"
Logan had honest to god slapped him. Hard.
Wade snapped out of his rant, holding his cheek as a deep purple bruise formed. He started hollowly back at Logan.
"Shut the fuck up," Other-Logan growled. "Don't speak about yourself like that. You don't deserve to die. It wasn't your fault, you fucking know that. We all were there, so it's as much on us as it was you. None of us could've seen it coming."
"Rich, coming from you, Mr. Blame Himself in the flesh," Wade retorted, scrambling for any kind of purchase in the conversation.
"I know what you're trying to do. You're trying to make me pissed off enough to let it go. But I won't." Logan took a deep breath, running a frustrated hand through his hair. He finally seemed to collect himself and looked at Wade, his gaze piercing and sharp. "Look, you... you're not worthless. Hell, you're the furthest thing from it. When I'm around you, it feels like I'm actually a person for the first time I can remember. It's like I can finally fucking breathe. And if that's how I feel, when I've known you for just a month, I imagine it's even stronger in your Logan."
Wade started to protest, but Logan cut him off. "None of that, bub. You know I'm right. You can't honestly be that fucking blind to not see the impact you have on him. On me. ...Look, when you've been alive as long as I have, it's inevtiable that you feel lonely. Of fucking course it is, when everyone around you dies and you're the only one left standing." Wade stares at him wordlessly, a hint of understanding in his eyes.
"...But you make it better," Logan settles on. "Do you see the way he looks at you? Like if you're gone, nothing matters? That isn't the look of someone who hates you. I don't, and he sure as hell doesn't. So stop putting yourself down when you fucking know he wouldn't want you blaming youself. You wouldn't blame him if you got captured, would you?"
"...No, but that's—"
"—The exact same scenario. But you're too stuck in your head to realize it." Logan groaned, seemingly lost for words to say. "Look, I'm not the best at this. At saying what I'm feeling. You know this. But what I do say, I mean. And I mean it when I say that it isn't your fault and he'd never blame you. I wouldn't. You shouldn't either."
Wade looked at him, at his sincerity, and for some reason he felt more like sobbing than he did before.
"So let's get him back, yeah?" Other-Logan asked, gruff and hesitant. It felt like a peace offering. An olive branch.
"...Yeah," Wade murmured, and let his body weight fall against Logan, who was beside him now. Logan wrapped an arm around him, hesitantly at first, and then more securely when Wade leaned into it.
Wade curled into him, thoughts running a million miles a minute.
(Where was Logan right now? How far had they gotten? What if he was hurt? What if he was writhing in pain, calling out for Wade, and he wasn't ther? What if he was tortured? What if he was dead?)
(...No, Wade wouldn't let himself imagine the worst-case scenario. Of never seeing Logan again. He wouldn't accept that reality. He couldn't. Didn't know to live, anymore, in a world without him. He'd once tore through different universes and escaped the void, all to save his family. He'd do it again in a heartbeat.)
(He'd get Logan back no matter what.)
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auzzare · 6 months
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Brains and brawn :)
I love these two
It's sad I have to write this but please don't reblog my posts with tcest tags this is not tcest.
(highlighted and non-highlighted version, not sure which I like better so here's both. I don't usually mess with lighting so it probably looks weird.)
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smakonca · 3 months
Finally! After two months of work I finished my Nightkiller animation.
As you can probably guess they were my favourite ship for a great while now. And I felt the urge to create a little something for them 'cause my interpretation of them both as characters and as a ship differs from their canon versions. Aaaaand I absolutely love this song.
So yeah! Please enjoy and reblog if you like it! I put a lot of blood 'n tears into this.
Killer belongs to rahafwabas
Nightmare belongs to Jokublog
Song: Нина by OQJAV
The story:
As we all know, Nightmare was in need of a henchman, so he went to Killer's AU to recruit him. This was the main reason, right?
But why was Nightmare interested particularly in Killer? There are plenty of Au's to find subordinates or slaves. Why of all people or monsters was he the one to catch the king's attention? 
Even Nightmare himself does not know. Or maybe he knows. But some things are better when left unspoken. 
He was fully aware of what happened in Killertale and knew about the horrors and suffering Killer had to go through. He wasn't perfect. Nor was he the easiest to manipulate. 
But then again... Why? Was it a simple interest? The loneliness that followed him throughout the centuries? The need for negativity? Or something else? 
Perhaps something even Nightmare won't ever admit. 
A little spark of sympathy. 
After killing everyone in his AU countless times, Killer realized there's nothing left of him. Nothing that would really hold him to his world anymore. He made a deal with a human so as to feel "something new" only to find himself bored again. 
Not only that but he also crossed the line of his morals, betraying everyone he once cared about. Until even their departure meant nothing. He survived through the loss, the pain, the blood on his hands... 
And here he sits. In his once favorite bar. With a glass in his hands. Feeling nothing. Nothing, except for boredom. 
Then suddenly… he appeared. 
And he walked in. 
Without a greeting or a proper introduction. Demanding for a drink. 
His entire silhouette screamed that he was dangerous. Dangerous, yet graceful.
Dark emerald bones, a giant coat and four strange appendages behind his back, resembling tentacles. 
Nightmare was always the one to leave an impression after himself. But this time, however, he didn't go straight to the point. 
He wanted to know whether Killer was worthy of his offer.
So Nightmare made a joke. A bad one, indeed. Mocking the Killer with the loss of once his dearest friend and bartender. Grillby. 
But Killer surprised him. 
Instead of panicking, asking questions or going for Nightmare's throat for such arrogance, he didn't even flinch. 
Instead he smiled. With a twinkle in his black eye sockets. And poured him a drink. As Nightmare demanded. 
Killer felt a slight cold when the stranger sat near him. 
Something was telling him not to trust, not to listen. Not to even look at him. 
But there was no one to talk to anymore. There was no one alive anymore.
Except him. An enigmatic stranger. 
He said he was a traveler. A seeker. For the lost and forsaken by fate. 
They talked for a little. Killer wouldn't remember the theme of the conversation, even if he tried. 
But Nightmare... He never forgot. And never will. 
As Killer will never forget the moment the mystic stranger offered him a hand. And an opportunity to leave this place. Once and forever.
An opportunity to feel something new. 
Killer knew it wasn't a sane thing to do. But there was something about a person sitting right next to him.
Was it his inscrutable and sly smile? Was it a strange sense of pain and cold, which followed him as a perfume? Or was it a strange resemblance of Killer's own appearance? 
However, Killer knew for sure that his conversationalist made him feel something he did not feel for a very long time. Or maybe he forgot how to. 
A pure curiosity.
He looked in Nightmare's azure eye yet again. And he spotted a little spark too. As he was waiting for Killer's decision. 
He hesitated a little before finally accepting the offer. 
Killer felt the tentacles envelop him, as the world itself disappeared before his eyes. 
In a slight panic he looked into the stranger's face. He let out a short laugh and finally told Killer his name.
The life of Nightmare's subordinate wasn't an easy one. 
The king of negativity pulled the strings as he wanted to. Playing with Killer as he wanted to. 
Poisoning him with his own hate and guilt. 
And yet Killer stayed. He thought of this as a punishment. For everything he has done to his family and friends. He felt like he deserved it. 
For a long time Killer despised Nightmare. 
He went with him in an attempt to forget about his past. Only to be captured instead. Turned into a murderer, who enjoys hurting others, enjoys the suffering he brings. 
Nightmare was alone for a very long time. So when Killer joined his company he did not know what to do with him for a great while. 
He thrived on his subordinate's negative emotions. Destroying any memories about sympathy towards Killer he once felt . 
He wanted to be seen as dangerous, unmerciful and bloodthirsty. Because that's what the world demanded him to be. Nightmare thought it was the only way to receive respect. The only way to be himself... 
But times have changed. As did the relationship between these two. They became closer. 
It's hard to deny that they both were lost, longing for someone to be by their side. Someone, who could understand them. 
Nightmare unintentionally started opening up to Killer. Showing that there's a little more to him than just cruelty and arrogance. 
They became fond of each other, but it still wasn't affection. 
Nightmare did this out of boredom. After all, when you live for such a long time you tend to forget how mortals view their existence. You forget how to enjoy the world around you. Because in the end you're going to outlive even the time itself. 
Killer did this mainly to find Nightmare's weak sides. In order to hurt him like he did. And finally be free. 
And yet sometimes they felt peace while being in each other's company, becoming dependent on each other's existence in their lives. 
It all changed suddenly when risking his own life Killer protected Nightmare during their mission. 
And the king was confused. 
Why did he do it? Why despite all the things Nightmare did to him he still stayed? 
Was it dependence? A blind obedience? 
Killer also did not know. 
Part of him wanted to run from Nightmare, but part of him wanted to stay. 
Maybe because he hoped for something better. For things to change. As Nightmare was the only one who made him feel something. 
At that exact moment he felt like he had to protect. 
This occasion led to Nightmare being interested in Killer's behavior towards him. 
He decided that he wanted to play with him. To manipulate. To destroy him as a person. And see for himself, whether he will stay with Nightmare. 
But it wasn't only that. 
All his life Nightmare didn't receive anything but hate. He does not know how to show genuine affection towards someone. He does not know how to love... Or how to be loved. 
That time when Killer valued Nightmare’s immortal life more than his own. That exact moment of pure determination. This is what made Nightmare question their relationship. 
No longer was Killer a regular pawn. A tool in his useful hands. He was something more…
Nightmare felt like he started to worry about Killer when he went on missions. He sought for his company. 
He started to show affection. And care. And he wanted to get rid of them immediately. 
He wanted to be this immortal being without weaknesses. Without anyone dragging him down. 
So Nightmare decided to "play cards" with Killer. A game for his own life.
Killer knew it from the start. He learned every little detail about his boss, realizing how scared Nightmare actually was. Scared of being alone and scared of truly caring about someone. 
And behind all the masks Nightmare wore he managed to see the truth. 
The king was lonely and lost. Pathetic even. Desperately wanting someone to care about him. Even his royal image couldn't hide it. 
Killer thought the two could play this game.
After all, there was no victory for both of them. Nightmare knew Killer would lose to him anyway, but wasn't aware that his loss was inevitable too.
Since then both of them wanted to stay close. They never said it out loud. They perhaps never will. But they were busting with desire to be together.
Killer started first by offering Nightmare a rose. A red one. After all, red is a color of both blood and love. And roses are extremely beautiful. Even if they are full of thorns. 
As Nightmare himself.
The king of negativity was baffled. How could he allow it? How could he start to care? 
He tried to hide it. With the glass full of wine, which represents all his negative emotions. The poison. No one will ever want to drink. 
Or... not? 
And then he received the rose. Received Killer's offering to him. And accepted. 
And also offered him a drink. As once Killer did. Finally allowing himself to be weak, to show affection.
They shared a moment of passion together. 
Even though it hurt, even though it was painful, they managed to find peace for once. 
Killer smiled at Nightmare, for the first time in a long while feeling happy. 
Of course such positivity hurt Nightmare. Burned him like fire. But it was a fair price for an opportunity to be loved. To truly matter to someone. 
And he smiled back. Sincerely and tenderly. Allowing himself to break the chains and love. Allowing someone to love him back.
Unfortunately, happiness doesn't last forever. 
Nor does life. 
Nightmare knew this day would come. He knew he was going to outlive Killer anyway. But he was trapped by his feelings, trapped by the sweet poison of love. 
And he lost him. Killer turned into dust in his arms.
And while he was dying he cracked a little joke as Nightmare once did to him. Laughing in the face of death itself.
Nightmare was punished by fate itself once again. For his arrogance, for his cruelty. For looking down on life. 
There's nothing in this world more painful than losing someone close to your heart. 
And he lost Killer. 
The only thing left of him was his jacket. And the rose, which soon wilted. Leaving Nightmare alone in his castle.
Until the end of time.
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lotus-tower · 9 months
The Swiss Cheese Model of Covid Prevention
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An edited version of the swiss cheese model tailored towards the measures that you as an individual can take to minimize your risk of infection. Public health is ultimately what its name implies, public, but that doesn't mean you're powerless.
Covid prevention is not all-or-nothing. Think of it as risk reduction, rather than a binary.
Let's go through these step by step.
The current vaccines are meant primarily to reduce chances of severe illness, hospitalization, and death. They will reduce your chance of infection a bit--but not nearly as much as you might think. You should still get your boosters regularly, because avoiding severe illness is of course worth doing.
If you haven't gotten the updated monovalent vaccine yet, go get it. It is not a booster. Think of it as a new vaccine. It's targeted towards the XBB lineages, which are now the most common variants. Your last boosters were likely of the bivalent type, aimed at both the original Covid strain from 2020 and Omicron. The new vaccine is monovalent, meaning it targets one family in particular.
Some studies suggest that the Novavax vaccine, which is a more traditional protein-based vaccine, is more effective and safer than mRNA vaccines, and offers better protection against future variants. Of course, the data we have so far isn't 100% conclusive (the last paper I linked is a preprint). Make of these findings what you will, just something to keep in mind. The new Novavax vaccine's availability is still limited, especially outside of the US.
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Masking is one of the most effective ways to protect yourself. While it is true that masking and reducing Covid transmission protects those around you, the idea that masks can't protect the wearer is outdated information from the early days of the pandemic when medical authorities refused to acknowledge that Covid is airborne.
The key to protecting yourself is to wear a well-fitting respirator. You want to minimize any gaps where air might leak out. If your glasses get fogged up, that's a sign that air is leaking.
Headbands will always have a tighter fit than earloop masks (and therefore provide better protection). However, you can use earloop extenders to improve the fit of earloop masks. You can find these online. Your comfort in wearing a mask is important, but there are options for compromise.
The above graphic doesn't include elastomeric respirators. While some (like the Flo Mask) are expensive, they can be much more affordable than buying disposables--look for P100 respirators at your local hardware store, but make sure it fits your face well.
For more general information, see this FAQ. For mask recommendations (NA-centric, sorry!), see my list here or Mask Nerd's YouTube channel.
For situations where you need to hydrate but don't want to take your mask off, consider the SIP valve.
Not even N95s are foolproof (N95 means it filters at least 95% of particles--with the other 5% potentially reaching you). Most people will likely not have a perfect fit. There will be situations where you'll have to take your mask off. The key is risk reduction, and that's why the Swiss cheese model is crucial.
If you can't afford high-quality masks, look for a local mask bloc or other organization that gives out free masks. Project N95 has unfortunately shut down. In Canada, there's donatemask.ca.
This is rather self-explanatory. Indoor transmission is much, much, much more likely than outdoor transmission. If it's possible to move an activity outdoors instead, consider doing so.
If possible, try going to places like stores or the post office during less busy hours.
Viral particles can stay in the air for a considerable amount of time even after the person who expelled them has left. Do not take off your mask just because no one is currently present, if you know that it was previously crowded.
A CO2 monitor is a decent proxy for how many viral particles may have accumulated in the air around you. The gold standard is the Aranet4, but it's expensive, so here are some more affordable alternatives.
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Ventilation is effective for the same reason that outdoors is safer than indoors. If it's warm enough, keep windows open whenever possible. If it's cold, even cracking them open occasionally is better than nothing. Try to open windows or doors on different sides of a room to maximize airflow.
HEPA air filters can significantly reduce viral transmission indoors. Make sure to find one suitable for the room size, and replace the filters regularly. You want to look for devices with HEPA-13 filters.
You can use websites like these to calculate how long it takes for a device to change all the air in a room. Remember what I said about viral particles being able to hang around even after people have left? If an air purifier provides 2 air changes per hour, that means that after 30 minutes, any potential viral particles should be gone.
If you can't afford a commercial air filter, here's a useful DIY filter you can make with relatively simple materials. The filtration capacity is great--but due to being built with duct tape, replacing filters will be a challenge.
If you have to hold meetings or meet with people at work, having a smaller filter on the desk between you will also reduce chances of infection.
As a bonus, HEPA filters will also filter out other things like dust and allergens!
Viral load refers to the amount of virus in a person's blood. If you've been exposed to someone with Covid, how much you've been exposed matters.
You might escape infection if the viral load you've been exposed to is very small. Or, even if you get infected, there will be less virus in you overall, leading to milder illness--and crucially, a lower chance of the virus penetrating deep into your body, creating reservoirs in your organs and wreaking long-term havoc.
A low viral load is also less contagious.
This is the same reason that wearing your mask most of the time, but having to take it off for eating, is still much better than not wearing your mask at all.
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You might attract some odd looks. But if you're at high risk or just want to be as protected as possible, small portable air filters can help. Try to find models small enough to take with you on public transportation, to school, or while traveling.
These devices will be far too small to clean the air in the whole room. The goal is to have it filter air in your immediate vicinity. Be sure to angle the device so that the air is blowing in your face.
Unfortunately, rechargeable devices are much rarer and harder to find than normal air filters, and many are also expensive.
The best option at the moment, apart from DIY (which is possible, but you need to know what you're doing), seems to be the SmartAir QT3. The size and shape are a bit clunky, but it fits in a backpack. Its battery life isn't long, but it can be supplemented with a power bank.
There's some research that suggests that some nasal sprays may be effective in reducing risk of infection by interfering with viruses' ability to bind to your cells.
These sprays are generally affordable, easy to find, and safe. The key ingredient is carrageenan, which is extracted from seaweed. So there are no potential risks or side effects.
Be sure to follow the instructions on the packaging carefully. Here's a video on how to properly use nasal sprays if you've never used them before.
Covixyl is another type of nasal spray that uses a different key ingredient, ethyl lauroyl arginate HCI. It also aims to disrupt viruses' ability to bind to cell walls. Unfortunately, I think it's difficult to obtain outside of the US.
None of the methods listed here are foolproof on their own. But by layering them, you can drastically reduce your chances of infection.
The most important layers, by far, are masking and air quality. But you should also stay conscientious when engaging with those layers. Don't let yourself become complacent with rules of thumb, and allow yourself to assess risk and make thought out decisions when situations arise where you might have to take off your mask or enter a high-risk indoor area, such as a hospital.
Remember that the goal is risk reduction. It's impossible to live risk-free, because we live among countless other people. But you can use knowledge and tools to keep yourself as safe as possible.
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moondirti · 7 months
pregnant diner waitress reader just has a dirtbag babydaddy, calling her and screaming the whole over the car and her being late.
honestly i hadn’t planned to have her baby daddy in the picture at all but the angst potential here… too tempting to pass up
tags: simon x reader x johnny. darkfic. dirtbags. verbal abuse (not by ghost or soap). pregnant fem!reader who still hasn’t realised she’s being actively abducted.
It takes a bit to convince you to let them drive you home.
Your resistance is met with a paradoxical reaction by both men. On the one hand, there’s a warm comfort at the knowledge that you aren’t so easy to take advantage of. Even in your distraught state, you push back against every solution they propose. It is quite a detour, I’d hate to inconvenience you or I’m sure I can get a friend to come out instead. You’re wary, though your exhaustion sways you to assume the best of them, which means that you aren’t quite at the point of flat out refusal.
Otherwise, they – Simon, in particular – simmer in frustration. Red wine in a saucepan, reduced to a stronger version of itself over flame. Bitter. Strong. More insistent: cannae rest easy tonicht knowing we left an expecting hen tae fend fur herself. They poke at the knot until they find a loosening, tugging, tugging, then abandoning it once a more promising end appears.
Eventually, their combined efforts (though most of the credit can be attributed to the sincere, puppy dog look Johnny sports at all times. Hard to resist, even for Simon) dismantle your willpower. You duck your head in a modest thank you and shuffle behind them, seating yourself firmly behind the drivers seat even though you’re offered shotgun, hugging your bag over your belly.
“Do you need me to type in the address on google maps or something?” You say after they pull out of the parking lot.
“Y’were on about Adderford.” Simon meets your wide eyes in the rearview.
“Reckon I know the road.”
Simon does know the way, and so does Johnny. Adderford, off of exit A36. Near a polluted lake that was the victim of an attempt to turn the town into an industrial hub. Nothing to show for that, of course – all it has to offer now is a poor quality of life for all those who weren’t fortunate enough to get out.
Yeah. They know the way, and their confidence must set a precedent for the trip. Your anxious fidgeting stops after 10 minutes of driving, and you’re smiling at the nonsensical story coming from the passengers seat a mere 5 minutes later. In the meanwhile, your rationalisation is visible. Simon watches your gaze flicker back and forth between them, then around the car that must feel luxurious next to yours. If they wanted to do something bad to you, then they would’ve already done so. Besides, what kind of delinquents drive a wrangler?
30 minutes in, you’re fast asleep.
They really couldn’t have asked for a better turn of events.
They come up on exit A36 and stick to the middle lane, passing the little sign that points to Adderford being a couple miles out. Past the point of no return, beelining towards the secluded house they’ve made your new home, and you can be none the wiser. Johnny can’t believe their luck, babbling in a hushed voice about how nice it’ll when you to wake up in their bed.
The fantasy loses its grip when your phone rings, blaring from deep within your bag. Panic ripples across your face, jolting you from your sleep as you scramble for the device. The series of events unfolds in far too familiar a way for one of them. Simon – a buried torment wringing around his guts as he listens in.
“H-Hello? Shit. What–” You’re breathless, stuttering. Back to that scared little thing they found by her car, crying. “Please- please calm down.”
And though you try to keep your voice low, they leech on to every word you say. Someone on the other line yells, indistinct insults punching through the mic and landing. You wilt, tucking your lip underneath two teeth, waiting the anger out.
(Tommy donned the same expression those nights when things got bad. Simon remembers hugging him against his chest so he wouldn’t have to face the misery his brother’s countenance wrought.)
“You shouldn’t- I’m sorry, but I thought I c-changed the locks. You’re not allowed to be in… not in my apartment.” More yelling. Soap twists a fist, concoting a hundred different ways he can track whoever it is down. Make them pay for their abuse with their own tongue down their throat. “It’s none of your business- you left…”
“Easy.” Simon whispers to his partner.
“I know, boy.” Perhaps all too well. It gets harder to keep a firm steer over the wheel.
“Don’t accuse me of– my fucking car broke down! You shouldn’t even– fuck! Hello? Hello?” A low scream tears from your throat, prelude to the aggressive shoving of your phone down into back your bag. Trembling fingers press down over your eyes, rubbing until your tears soak into your skin. Ridding of the evidence to your dismay. You suck in large gulps of air, holding them in your chest until it aches, then gasp out equally hefty exhales.
No one speaks for a while. Then–
“I don’t think I should go home right now.”
Too broken for them to feel anything but overwhelming pity. Johnny clicks his tongue, looking over his shoulder so you can latch on to the sincerity that seems to calms you so.
“O’course. Whatever ye need, lass.”
Your frown softens “There’s a motel–”
“Next one’s farther ou’ than our place is. Can’t take you there and back m’fraid.” Simon interjects. Like a record scratch, or sandpaper on an already raw moment. It must make him an awful man to use your earlier propriety against you, but conviction has superseded his desire to act decently.
Sure enough, you visibly blanch, shaking your head and stumbling over your words.
“No! No, of course not. Of course- that was so silly of me to ask. You can, I mean… you can drop me off anywhere, really. I’ll sort t-things out for myself.”
“Not what I meant, pet.”
You don’t catch on. He doesn’t repeat.
Johnny bridges the gap.
“We’ve got a spare bedroom.”
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next part
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