#nor troll
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youchangedmedestiel · 1 year ago
I've just opened my asks for the first time since I'm on Tumblr (it hasn't been that long either). Because I wanna try.
I obviously don't want any hate here, otherwise I just simply won't answer, because I'm not here to fight people. I just want to enjoy Destiel and characters I love from a show that I love as well.
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ethanscrocs · 1 month ago
kaz brekker - rock troll
inej ghafa - folk troll
jesper fahey - funk/country troll
wylan hendriks - classical troll
nina zenik - pop troll
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dykedvonte · 3 months ago
Reading MW takes on Twitter is like reading a summary of the Bible from someone who only watched like a Family Guy family special about it
#did we play the same game? did we see the same themes yes themes as in plural#like my god get off ur fucking high horses or stop trying to make a unique theory just to be unique#like if it clearly doesn’t fit the plot it causes unnecessary arguments#people are weird and weirdly obsessed with making like the issues in the game solely interpersonal when it is clearly very institutional#with everything we learn about PE and how hard they make it to seek justice or safety#and ur treating it like the average person is a horrible troll monster#when the game really tries to show you how humans people become bad or can be enabled to do their worse through many different ways#but go ahead make it seem like all the men are like willingly Jimmy’s goon squad of predator enablers pls pls pls just look from another#view point I’m begging yall sometimes it’s good to leave those echo chambers#like taking parts of conversations out of context to make characters look better or worse is literally a tactic Jimmy uses ur using Jimmy#tactics to prove ur point dummy head#side tag tangent I am also very annoyed with how many people really do think Curly could’ve just had changes made to the ship during the#travel like a big point is that they barely had resources to just survive regularly#other than random scrap and wires for serious repairs they def didn’t just have locks laying about nor are the doors outside of medical and#the cockpit are suited to install locks like the whole point of the illusion of choice#is that at the end the options presented were never gonna be viable whether it was because of the time needed to execute them the standards#they were under or their lack of resources all mainly caused by PE no matter how much Curly#wanted to do something there’s very little he could’ve#even the ideas posed we have would have only happened after the assault and done little to actually stop the crash when you think about it#and it’s sad and sounds weird but that’s the case#mouthwashing
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vomiting-rainbows · 9 months ago
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its his wriggling day everybody !!
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purusims · 6 months ago
hi friends and or enemies it's ava purusims!!!!!!! i lost my blog very sad.. but we prevail nonetheless. i'm waiting to hear back from tumblr on a couple of requests for hopeful reactivation, but in the meantime jic i will be here. if you have reblogged any posts of mine i would be so soso grateful if you could send them my way so i could put them here :,) thank you!!
ps if you see my other accounts private or with a strange string of numbers for a username, don't panic, i did that because i panicked lolol..! but everything else seems to be okay
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sutxdreamwalker · 1 year ago
I can imagine them having a out of no where argument like this 😂
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eliounora · 1 year ago
look at the dragon plotting. scheming. what a funny lizard. everything is going according to his plan. good for him. if there is only one kilgharrah fan it is me. if there are no kilgharrah fans I am gone from this earth. while I still breathe I am a great dragon apologist. let him devise ploys. let him strategise. let him come up with ruses. let him design trickeries
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charmingradiobelle · 2 months ago
I honestly don’t get how people here think a masterpiece like Zootopia is a bad movie yet they highly praise fluff nonsense like Trolls.
…there are people who think Trolls is better than Zootopia?💀
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2-dsimp · 10 months ago
Question: Why is Yuujin so
51. Wise
52. Knowledgeable
53. Intelligent
54. Sharp-witted
55. Quick-thinking
56. Analytical
57. Logical
58. Rational
59. Pragmatic
60. Resourceful
61. Versatile
62. Innovative
63. Visionary
64. Strategic
65. Organized
66. Detail-oriented
67. Efficient
68. Productive
69. Ambitious
70. Goal-oriented
71. Driven
72. Motivated
73. Dedicated
74. Tenacious
75. Focused
76. Disciplined
77. Patient
78. Calm
79. Tranquil
80. Composed
81. Balanced
82. Grounded
83. Centered
84. Resilient
85. Strong
86. Tough
87. Courageous
88. Fearless
89. Bold
90. Adventurous
91. Explorer
92. Creative
93. Artistic
94. Expressive
95. Imaginative
96. Curious
97. Inquisitive
98. Open-minded
99. Accepting
100. Non-judgmental
101. Tolerant
102. Compassionate
103. Empathetic
104. Kind-hearted
105. Loving
106. Affectionate
107. Friendly
108. Sociable
109. Charismatic
110. Charming
111. Engaging
112. Enthusiastic
113. Energetic
114. Vibrant
115. Optimistic
116. Positive
117. Inspiring
118. Motivating
119. Supportive
120. Encouraging
121. Nurturing
122. Considerate
123. Thoughtful
124. Generous
125. Selfless
126. Altruistic
127. Grateful
128. Appreciative
129. Humble
130. Modest
131. Sincere
132. Honest
133. Trustworthy
134. Dependable
135. Reliable
136. Responsible
137. Ethical
138. Principled
139. Integrity
140. Authentic
141. Genuine
142. Transparent
143. Fun-loving
144. Playful
145. Spontaneous
146. Adventurous
147. Free-spirited
148. Whimsical
149. Witty
150. Humorous
+ bonus. Iconic?
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tsundereition · 5 months ago
omg guys proshipper isn't "basic dni criteria", like that list is supposed to represent actual irl issues(*), not some 2020 internet discourse. you guys are so annoying like if you're uncomfortable interacting with proshippers i understand and respect it, although you probably have a very twisted idea of what the word means (would make a separate post abt it but there are hundreds already). but please don't equate it to actual crimes. (*)also do you seriously think that a bigot troll is going to read your dni and be magically expelled from your strong aura. if anything it's going to make them want to harass you more. it's obvious that those lists are just a pose like "if i don't put racists dni they're gonna think i'm racist" NO aaagh you don't have to over-specify(?) everything about you when interacting online can we please go back to being normal istg. reject modernity embrace not writing a dni list and just blocking people like a normal person <3
#tsun.txt#also ppl who write all their triggers and traumas are you fr that too is going to make it easier for trolls to harass you#children need to learn basic internet safety etc etc#i needed to vent bc i've been on toyhouse and i'm SO tired of everyone using the “warning” tab for fucking dni's#come and block me yourself bitch. the warning is supposed to be info about what could trigger ME.#BRO i just remembered once i was looking at the artists that were going to attend a con and one of them had fucking proship dni in their bi#like IMAGINE limiting your sales bc you care about what other people like to read?? i'm going to put fucking. idk. team kira dni.#also i sometimes go to cons as an artist too. imagine if i got placed next to that person#what do they want me to do? them: “hey can you move your chair a little” me: ignoring them bc i read their dni#it's INSANE#not @ me being paranoid abt ppl cancelling me for this post despite having like +300 blocked accounts#but i'm coming out (?) as a non-harasser. like i don't even use the word profiction. i'd rather call myself normal.#i sound like those people who're like my pronouns are nor/mal but FR this used to be the norm in fandoms *sob*#also ppl online are limiting their interactions for not wanting me to reblog their art but okay#in MY case i'm hella limiting my interactions for not wanting to be harassed. we're not the same.#i be like why does this have so few notes *has half the fandom blocked*#and ppl probably wouldn't even notice bc most of what i post is wholesome but then i write textposts like this. better safe than sorry#discourse
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storytellering · 1 year ago
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sygiandepths · 4 months ago
Thinking about the guy who was begging me for objectified early access links, called me the r slur then proceeded to beg for it still
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razzle-zazzle · 1 year ago
"Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land" by MARINA is a Between AU World Tour Branch song, as it represents perfectly how as a Troll raised by Bergens who has come to consider himself as both and neither he doesn't quite fit in any mold. It also represents his journey throughout the movie traveling across the genres and coming to find an appreciation for all music, and both of these aspects of his character and arc serve as a direct counterpoint to both Queen Barb's plan to squish every Troll into the mold of Rock and Queen Poppy's ignorance of the differences between the genres and refusal to listen to other voices. In this essay I will—
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aerithkinfaker · 9 months ago
i have such an unreasonable disdain for hoyov/erse games that is not entirely unfounded but crazy deep all the same
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clockworkreapers · 1 year ago
Theoretically if Limes are allowed back into AN society and live a normal live, where are they in the hemospectrum and what are the typical jobs for them?
(ps: still waiting for Hiveswap 3 for Lime lores)
An interesting question since as with canon lime bloods are removed from the social structure entierly, outright culled off but in AN… it’s not much better. Firstly it would take a TON of law changes and likely a change over in ruler as well as having stuff slowly integrate into a point where lime bloods even are seen as valid citizens again. I’m talking thousands of sweeps trying to get anything to change let alone highbloods and traditionalists to agree to such a thing. ALSO FOR CLARITY I ONLY SPEAK FOR ALEPH NULL’S UNIVERSE HERE.
Where they would be put is entirely up to the powers that be, could be rust level, could be where they were prior- could even be they are put up higher to give them more protections. It really depends on who’s in charge. I’ll tell you one thing though (cuz I’m a realist even when it comes to fiction love idealist stuff but there are logical issues) I don’t think a lot of trolls might enjoy the fact an excommunicated caste is allowed back in the system. I could go into why but that WILL become a massive tangent on Alternian social politics wich is likely messy as fuck.
The only safe place to realistically put them would honestly be below rust till you figure out how to fix their entire social structure and systemic issues. Thus you’d likely give them any job rusts might, maybe the general just ubdisirable things, housing same deal start small. Later on you can open more doors and fix the entire fuckery that is their society if that’s your goal. A system like alternias is incredibly fragile to make any changes you need to be very slow and delicate lest it will shatter and not in the way you want. (It’s very easy for war to break out if you move too fast and you tip the scales a bit too much and piss off a ton of people with your decisions.)
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t4t4terezi · 3 days ago
anyway nobody talks about it but having bad skin esp acne or something that looks like it is fucking devastating to your self-esteem
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