januscorner · 5 months
Reminder that not everyone thinks being attractive is a compliment and it makes a lot of people uncomfortable. Not everyone wants to be "hot" or "sexy"
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sandersontheside · 2 months
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ijustwannadraw0716 · 5 months
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Remus isn't religious, but he'd worship Janus.
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pencilpat · 5 months
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She's literally so much taller than him but when he wants a kiss he gets it
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justjanusthings · 4 months
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enby pride! :D
every day of pride, we're going to be celebrating with janus. textless version under the cut - feel free to use for your own purposes, just like/reblog if you do :)
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DarkSides Family AU
Okay, but: platonic/familial Anxceitmus? I live for it. So I present: Human AU of this.
Janus being the wine mom, Remus being the weird dad/parent, Virgil is their adopted kid who's just as strange as the others
Virgil is a mostly silent kid, preferring music and quietly drawing over other activities
They found him in the foster care system and immediately knew he'd be their child (he was so lonely and sad, c'mon he needs some love)
They fostered him for almost two weeks before officially adopting him
They went out for ice cream and let Virgil skip school for the day, surprising him with the adoption papers after shopping at Hot Topic for three hours
Side note: all three of them like different things from Hot Topic, so it's always a family shopping trip when they go
Virgil was ecstatic when they showed him the papers, he cried, they all cried
They spent the rest of the day doing whatever Virgil wanted as a way to celebrate
They're big on gift-giving and quality time as love languages, but it's more than the average of what you'd think
Quality time is also them just listening to each other ramble about whatever, whether it be a favorite show or band, or even random weird facts Remus happens to think are funny
Gift-giving is more like trinkets and handmade things, like a hand-painted record for Virgil or a little octopus-themed bracelet for Remus or a booklet of sassy comebacks for Janus (they all love Janus' sassiness and it amuses them)
Small touches of affection: a firm hand on a shoulder, leaning against each other, backs against each other, hooking fingers instead of holding hands
When Virgil gets his first panic attack around them, Remus knows what to do almost immediately (which surprises their husband in a fond way)
Remus used to help a friend with their panic attacks, and used to have their own often in high school (Janus helped them through it as they improved)
Remus made sure to keep calm and whisper, uncharacteristically soft with their panicking son (they're only ever soft with a few people, which are their son and their husband)
Janus knew music helped sometimes and grabbed Virgil's headphones and put them gently over his ears, playing a playlist labelled "Calm the Storm" on Virgil's Spotify (it was one Virgil created himself, since he didn't used to have people to help him and just music)
Remus distracted him and leads him through a breathing exercise, bringing him back to reality
Virgil first notices the music, then that Remus and Janus are there, and calms down a little at that realization
Janus helps him through a grounding exercise as Remus carefully holds their son's shaking hands
After a bit of calming down, Virgil clings to his parents like a lifeline
Turns out Virgil gets very clingy after panic attacks, and he needs a lot of physical affection/reassurance until he feels better (usually lasts for the rest of the night/day)
After that, Virgil trusts them both a whole lot more and gets comfortable in talking to them a bit more
Turns out Janus is a very good singer, and Virgil found out on accident
Janus had been humming and singing in the kitchen at like, 2am cause he was trying to calm himself down (he couldn't sleep well, stressful case; he's a civil rights attorney)
Virgil heard the words to "Come Little Children", the calming voice bringing him to the kitchen
Neither could sleep anyway, so Virgil watched quietly from behind a corner to the kitchen entrance
Janus noticed him, heard the preteen's footsteps, but pretends otherwise cause it seems to calm his son
After that, whenever Janus sings, Virgil quietly listens and feels safe hearing it
When Remus hears Janus sing, they fall in love all over again
Remus will literally drop whatever they're doing just to listen to Janus' voice (they're so gay and in love, omg)
And when Virgil enters highschool, Janus reminds him to stand tall cause he's a bad b*tch and most people are just dumb anyway, Remus tells him to let them know if they need to kill a kid for hurting their son (or if he just wants to skip school for whatever reason)
Virgil appreciates them both, but reminds his protective parents that it's literally day one, chill the f*ck out-
And when Virgil DOES get bullied by some little insecure dumbf*ck, he stays quiet about it for a little bit
He knows he can go to his parents, he knows there's not reason to keep it from them, but he feels so scared and the bully's threats to out him in front of the whole school if he tattled and makes it worse
Side note: Virgil isn't out to anyone, not even Janus and Remus quite yet, so it just terrifies him (the thought someone would find out about him being gay); he doesn't even know how his bully found out?? Idk maybe they're a stalker or something
He knows logically he could tell his parents about being gay n sh*t, and they'd probably be okay with it and not care, BUT there's that damn underlying doubt and what if they send him away? He couldn't survive being separated from them now that he was theirs and they were his
After three weeks, Virgil returns home with a nasty black eye that he'd forgot to cover up and Janus immediately notices (he had a day off from his job and chose to chill at home and wait for Virgil to get home since his son had to take the bus bc both parents worked a lot)
Side note: there was always at least one parent home cause Remus worked from home most days and Virgil needed someone there due to a case of separation anxiety
Okay so: Virgil returns home with a black eye and Janus notices, dropping what he was doing to tend to his hurt child
He grabs the first aid and leads Virgil to the couch so he can take care of him
Also his nose is bleeding a little?? Did someone break his nose? Nope, nvm- not broken, Janus examines it and sees no sign of breakage
Virgil is shaking but remains quiet because all he can think is omg he'll ask questions and then find out and then he'll leave me, pls don't leave me, I can't handle being left all alone again-
Before Virgil notices his breath quickening, Janus is rubbing his arm soothingly and humming a random tune to help Virgil calm down
Janus mutters how it's okay and it's not his fault and how he's safe, always safe here in his home
After Virgil returns to reality, he refuses to look at Janus and he's still a little shaky
Janus gathers that he's scared, so he simply lets him breathe and gives a small side hug (he knows Virgil doesn't like big hugs until after he feels better and he initiates it first)
Virgil melts into the comfort of Janus and huffs
That's how Remus returns home from their job (they're a freelance horror writer, and had to attend a meeting with a beta reader over coffee)
They see comfort being giving and wordlessly goes to sit besides their son, now seeing the bandaged black eye and the tiny signs of what once was a bloody nose
They take one of Virgil's hands in their own but he refuses to look at them, to look at either of them
After some moments of silence, Remus basically says "okay, whose kid do I need to kill? What motherf*cker decided to f*ck with the wrong family?"
As soon as Virgil hears that, however, he just starts crying and now he's choking on a sob he was holding in since his bully punched him during second period
This immediately stops Remus bc their son is sobbing, like wtf happened?? They were so killing a mf later (not really, they couldn't risk jail and separating from their son and husband)
Janus asks a small "Vi? Hey, it's okay, darling. What's wrong?"
God and that gets Virgil mumbling his anxieties out loud but neither parent can make out what he's saying
After some more comfort and calming down, Virgil mutters out a clear "pls don't leave me, pls", which just breaks Janus' and Remus' hearts as they share a very concerned look
They both reassure him that they aren't leaving, that they refuse to leave him, no matter what
Janus dries Virgil's tears and Virgil lets himself be engulfed into a big group hug by them two
After a little bit longer, a "Who hurt you, darling? You know, you can tell us anything." From Janus, and a "Anything at all, love." From Remus (which was so soft and it made Virgil feel safe to hear them like that)
Taking a big move to trust them, Virgil starts slowly telling them about his bully, leaving out the him-being-gay-and-his-bully-might-out-him part
Remus and Janus nod along and listen, silently scheming to kill a b*tch
But then the dreaded "Why didn't you just tell us?" And Virgil bites his lip, debating
He still feels scared but it's Remus and Janus, and he feels safe with them
So he blurts out how he's gay and that his bully threatened to out him to the whole school, and then he kinda breaks down again as he tells them how he was so scared and terrified of this whole situation
His parents hug him tight and remind how they're literally gay f*cks themselves, ain't no way they'd judge him for something like that
Virgil cries in relief now, the love from his parents flooding into his body like hot cocoa on a freezing night
After finally calming the rest of the way down, they assess what the best course of action would be (Remus suggests murder and a faked accident, but though Janus doesn't rebuke it exactly, he mentions a more legal way like telling school staff or something like that)
They spend the rest of the day cuddling up to Virgil and watching his fav movies and eating takeout and just having a self-care night
Virgil trusts them enough to always come and tell them what's bothering him after that whole debacle
The parents calling Virgil "Vi" as a nickname YES
Janus helping Remus through their episodes of more intense instrusive thoughts
Remus helping Janus through his insecurities about his vitiligo and how stressful his cases get
Virgil helping his parents out the same way they help him, a mutual comfort throughout the family
Idk just FAMILY, y'all. I live for this. Maybe I'll add in some Uncle Roman content later on?
If y'all wanna see more of this, let me know!
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marshiiicake · 8 months
Redesigning Jury members p1: Janus
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Finally finished one of the things with all the Plea For My New Self Characters in it! Woo! No reposting/reuploading, no editing, feeding to an AI, or otherwise taking this work. Thank you!
Based on a Scooby-Doo Meme but I think at this point it's barely recognizable compared to the original. Went a little cartoony this time for fun because of the scooby-dooness of it all.
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starlocked01 · 1 year
Dukexiety Week Day 7- Soulmates
Summary: Virgil makes a pet food run with disastrous wonderful results
WC: 2441
Warnings: swearing, panic attacks, non-consensual touch (non-sexual), negative self talk, past abusive relationship, past Anxceit, nonbinary Remus
A/N: Who would I be if I didn't write the soulmate prompt and post it late for Remus' birthday? Happy Birthday my favorite intrusive thot! 💚
"Look alive, Sunshiiine~"
Virgil groaned and rolled over in bed, ignoring his alarm. Truthfully, he wasn't sure why it was still armed since he had nothing to wake up for anymore.
The alarm jarringly skipped from the Danger Days opening to Brendon Urie screaming about something or other. Virgil groaned and wrapped a blanket over his head. He just didn't want to get up and he could feel it becoming an awful day already.
Fuck fuck fuckity fuck.
After three more screaming emo songs, Virgil finally managed to sit up to the softer tones of Evanescence, rubbing at his eyes and groaning in general protest of the concept of mornings. More like mournings.
He grabbed his favorite edgy hoodie and threw it on over his nightshirt, yawning as he smacked the shit out of the alarm clock. Wincing at the cracks and pops in his joints as he stood, Virgil made his way over to the full length mirror hot glued to his bedroom door. Most of his decorations were hot glued in place because of Ryuk.
As if on cue, the slinky little black kitten pushed her way in the slightly ajar door, meowing her own protest against Virgil’s inability to wake up and feed her promptly in the morning. Virgil smiled softly and bent down, petting her and ruffling the fur between her ears.
"Easy, baby. I'll get your food soon," he promised as the kitten stretched up to paw at the strings of his hoodie. Ryuk was about the only one in his life who he let see him without his daily make-up routine, and the only one who didn't flinch upon seeing his dead black soulmark.
Virgil scooped her up and stood to examine himself. The deep dark markings under his eyes and streaking down his cheeks to his neck were a complete enigma. Most soulmarks were on shoulders, hips, hands, or elbows, places people commonly accidentally bumped each other. He had no idea who would touch his face this way the first time they met. It didn't look like a kiss, it looked like he was going to get beat up and his soulmark was just the dark omen of how shit his soulmate would be.
He sighed and let Ryuk perch on his shoulder- he swore his cat wanted to be a parrot- and pulled out his concealer from the make-up bag on his dresser. Ryuk watched carefully as he covered the dark soulmark, the little kitten hardly blinking. She only shifted her weight to counterbalance Virgil’s movements.
Several layers of concealer and foundation later, Virgil’s face looked as pasty as a boo ghost made of a bed sheet. He smiled sharply, grabbing eye liner because emo has got to emo and finishing the look with black lipstick. He didn’t bother to cover up the three pads of his fingers that were inky black. Hardly anyone noticed them. Ryuk meowed her support of her dark strange dad and jumped all the way to the floor, waiting impatiently for Virgil to follow.
"Alright! Food time," Virgil giggled and opened the door for her. At least Janus had left him the cat, right?
Virgil frowned as his thoughts swirled right back around to his ex. Of course they knew they weren't soulmates, but it had been reassuring being with someone else who had a strange facial soulmark. And Janus had been amazing at helping Virgil stay calm and focused enough to survive reasonably well despite near crippling anxiety.
That was until Virgil found out Janus had been lying about his soulmark for the three years they were together.
For three years, that snake had been covering up his activated soulmark with black makeup, making Virgil think he didn't know exactly who he was supposed to be with. All so he could live rent free and do almost nothing to contribute to their household, because Janus' actual soulmate wanted him to get a job. Sometimes, Virgil even wondered if the man he'd shared his bed with was actually gay. 
The break up had left Virgil absolutely devastated, and Ryuk was the only good thing to come of the relationship. So he spoiled her as responsibly as he could, taking care of the only being who truly loved him.
Depressing. Welcome to the life of the most pathetic-
Ryuk mewled as if to chastise Virgil for delaying feeding her even longer. Virgil followed the little black kitten down to the kitchen, stretching and trying to forget the previous train of thought. He picked up Ryuk’s personalized food dish (that had been an awkward request at Pet’s Mart), dumping the few soggy pellets left over from the night before and giving the dish a good rinse. He rubbed it dry with a towel while Ryuk sat patiently at his feet, waiting for her food now that she knew Virgil was actually working on it. 
He set the bowl on the counter and reached up to the cabinet where he kept her food. “Soon, pretty kitty. Just be patient for me,” he cooed at her, finding a small amount of pleasure in her responsive mew. He smiled until his hand hit nothing but the wooden shelf of the cabinet.
“What the-” Virgil’s attention snapped right back to the cabinet, swearing when he discovered that Ryuk had finished the last of their food stores last night. He groaned and glanced down at the expectant kitten, “I am so sorry- I forgot to stock up, baby.”
Ryuk tilted her head, not understanding why the magic food door wasn’t providing her the food she desperately needed to survive in this house.
“Shit- I’ll be right back-” Virgil stepped away from the counter, followed by a loud cat cry protest. He winced, hating to leave her wanting as he found a pair of ripped up black skinny jeans to throw on. The last thing he wanted right now was an impromptu shopping trip, but that was exactly what was happening. 
Ryuk kept meowing as Virgil slipped on his favorite Converse and nudged her away from the door so he could leave. He locked the door and double checked by trying to open it before walking briskly down the sidewalk with head down. 
Of course he’d forgotten his headphones to drown out the annoying shoppers around him. Virgil’s mood soured more with each step towards the store. It was truly shaping up to be a terrible day.
Virgil glanced around as he entered the store with his hood pulled all the way up. He felt acutely aware of how suspicious he looked right now. But that couldn’t be helped. He just wanted to grab Ryuk’s food and get out of there as soon as possible. He made a beeline for the Pets section, scanning the shelves for her preferred brand. He sighed in relief seeing there was one bag left. He bent down to pick it up when he heard a loud shrill whistle behind him.
“Day-um! What an ass! Is there another bag down there, sweet cheeks?”
Virgil inhaled sharply and stood up slowly, clutching the bag to his chest, “N-no, and I need this bag-” he balked at the acrid smell of pickle brine and sharp tangy iron coming from the barely dressed person standing far too close to him. He took a tentative step back toward the shelves.
“Fuck! You just had to take that one- it’s the only brand that tastes any good! Can’t your pooch or whatever settle for something else?” The person wearing what Virgil could only describe as a studded lime green bikini bottom and full body fishnets was staring at him, hands firmly on their hips. Virgil noted a nonbinary they/them pin before a wave of nausea washed over him as the smell intensified and mixed with a very deep seated feeling that this stranger was about to attack him over cat food.
“N-no, Ryuk only eats this,” He managed to stammer.
“Wait- like from Death Note?” their eyes gleamed with recognition, “You named your dog after a Shinigami?”
“She’s a cat!” Virgil exclaimed, taking another backward step and gulping as his back hit the edges of the shelving behind him, knocking a few bags off, “please- please leave me alone-”
“Hey, I’m just trying to negotiate here,” they complained, stepping closer instead. Virgil could feel tears welling up in his eyes as his terror skyrocketed.
“Go- leave- please leave me alone-” He whispered as they stepped right up in his face. He felt his logical brain shutting down, wishing he wasn’t pinned against the shelves so he could run. 
“Whoa- for one, you’re really cute,” The stranger smiled a strange wide grin, “I’d love to get to know you- wait- are you crying? What the shit?”
Virgil’s knees buckled underneath him and he slid the ground, clutching the cat food like it was his only lifeline. His breathing was rapid and shallow as he curled in on himself, praying the stranger would go away. 
“Woah, buddy, I didn’t mean-”
The stench of the rude stranger with zero sense of personal boundaries increased tenfold and Virgil felt as if he was about to pass out. 
— — —  
Remus stared at the emo laying in the fetal position at their feet. Goddamn it they’d been trying to come across less creepy when they were flirting. They crouched down and tried to gently push the man’s hood off his face to see if he was still conscious. 
How the fuck did things like this keep happening to Remus?
They saw the tears slipping down the man’s cheek. Oh fuck-
“Woah, buddy, I didn’t mean-”
The emo clutched at the bag of cat food and didn’t even respond to their voice. Remus figured the best  way to help would be to help him ground himself so they  could apologize for being so terrifying. Not that they were trying to be scary. If people were scared of them, that was their problem and Remus would not take responsibility for it. 
They kneeled in front of the man and reached out slowly, “hey- can you take a deep breath with me? Shit dude, I really didn’t mean to scare you over a bag of kibble-” When the man didn’t respond, only crying softly and breathing like a bunny, Remus inhaled and swore under their breath. Fuck Fuck Fuck. What would a smart person do? Remus sighed. If they knew that answer, they wouldn't be in this predicament in the first place. 
Gently they reached to cup the man’s face, wiping their thumbs at the tears staining his bottom eyelids. No sooner had Remus touched the man than his hand came up to smack his wrist away. Remus gasped and pulled back, their palms and wrist stinging.
Remus rubbed their wrist and harrumphed, “I’m just trying to help!” They glanced back at the stranger and gasped. Shimmery purple glowed beneath what looked like several layers of makeup on the man’s face. It spread from under his eyes to all the way down his neck. Remus stared, absolutely transfixed. Of course they had seen activated soulmarks before. But they’d never caused an activation…
Remas gasped again and spread their palms out in front of them. They started in disbelief at the green shimmery swirls that settled into a Lichtenberg figure before their eyes. They knew soulmarks sometimes formed into patterns that represented the soulmate. They looked back at the man on the ground to find him staring at his fingers, the ones he’d used to smack Remus away.
“Holy shit-” 
“Read my mind, emo. What’s your name?”
The man blinked up at Remus as if taking them in for the first time.
“Oh- Oh it’s really you…”
Remus grinned, “yeah- sorry that was so stressful.”
“I- yeah, but it’s fine,” the man shrugged, “I’m… MyNameIsVirgil,” he rushed out and Remus grinned, “he/him, by the way. I saw your pin.”
Remus nodded, “thank you, Virgil. Remus. God, I want to see your mark without all that makeup… but maybe that’s a second date idea.”
Virgil laughed sharply, “that’s assuming there’s a first!”
“There better be! I have got to meet this shinigami pussy that’s been stealing my food!”
“You… eat cat food? For real?’
Remus shrugged, “It’s cheap. Please?”
Virgil sat up and offered Remus his hand, “what’s with the ninja stars?”
Remus broke into raucous laughter, “Oh Fuck! Lolo is not gonna believe this-”
Virgil squinted, “Who? No. Too much to process right now. Um.. could you please let me get up?”
Remus scooted away on the linoleum floor, giving Virgil space to get his legs beneath him. They stood and offered Virgil a hand, subtly showing off the lightning soulmark. 
“Woah- oh that’s- is gorgeous okay?” Virgil asked, staring at the mark.
“Yeah, for sure.” Remus nodded and offered again to help him up. “Let’s go pay and talk this out at your place.”
Virgil paused a long moment before eventually nodding in agreement. He took their hand and stood, admiring how they held his hand gently yet still supported him enough to get up. Remus twisted the hold to interlock their fingers with his. Something about the gesture felt incredibly comforting. 
Virgil smiled weakly and followed him to the checkout. His heart was still racing, but he suspected for a different reason now. 
The real test would be how Ryuk took to this new person. 
— — —
Virgil stood in his bathroom with the door ajar, carefully wiping the makeup off his soul mark while Remus played with Ryuk in the living room. She very much enjoyed snagging her claws on their fishnets and they seemed absolutely delighted with the kitten. Virgil sighed softly and kept wiping away at the layers, marveling as sparkly purple tentacles revealed themselves, twisting and turning all over the previously dead black area. His lip trembled and the rag dropped from his fingers.
He met his actual soulmate, and they’d turned his greatest fear and shame into something so beautiful.
Remus gasped from behind him, staring in the mirror at the swirly purple soulmark. “Oh my god- Virge-”
Virgil smiled back at them in the mirror before turning to face them, “Yes?”
“You’re super pretty now- and that ass is still magnificent. Do- do you want to date?”
“Let’s get to know each other a bit better before getting all official with labels,” Virgil chuckled, reaching to pull Remus close. 
Ryuk mewed and headbutted at Remus’ leg, feeling left out of the family hug. Both of them grinned and Virgil let her climb him back up to his shoulder before hugging Remus close.
After all, she’d basically set them up.
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warcats-cat · 2 years
Pumpkin Seeds and Cherry Syrup
A/N: If people can have Christmas in July, then I can have Halloween in March! I had wanted to post this for Halloween but the time got away from me, and then it just felt too short. But I fleshed the idea out a little so, please enjoy some spoopy family fluff featuring a Human, a Gargoyle, and four puffballs of unknown species.
Once again a gift for my beloved @muppenthings, who's adorable AU's and OC's inspire me and comfort me more than words can say. I love these little nuggets so much <3
Also, as always, please let me know if I need to add any tags! Enjoy!!
Read on Ao3.
"Virgil…" Roman's voice was hesitant, nervous, "What is this?"
The gargoyle in question had the grace to at least look a little sheepish, as he tried unsuccessfully to hide the large knife he was holding behind his back. Instead of answering, the gargoyle's smile grew more nervous as he said, "You're home early."
Roman continued on to look around in stunned confusion, taking in the house around him. There were spider webs in every possible corner and crevice; plastic bats, both cartoon and realistic, hung haphazardly from the ceiling. The kitchen table was (thankfully) covered in plastic tarp, and on the counter was a line of incredibly detailed jack-o'-lanterns, each dedicated to a different classic horror film. The gargoyle's fangs dripped with cherry syrup blood.
"My brother brought some weed to the party and was trying to start something I didn't want to be around for…" Roman replied, looking around the suddenly spookified house. He dropped the backpack he'd been holding with a soft thud.
Chirping sounded from the kitchen table, and Roman moved a bit to see, sure enough, all four of the little muppets on the table. Seemingly painstakingly separating pumpkin seeds from pumpkin pulp.
All of them in little costumes.
Roman felt a little smile breaking out across his face. "You know, if you wanted to decorate, you could have just asked." Removing his shoes, he finally moved away from the front door to inspect the decorations. There were cartoonish pictures that changed depending on the angle you looked at. The windows were splattered with more cherry syrup. The living room looked like the Pumpkin King himself had thrown up on it.
The Muppets cheerfully greeted the artist, Heart sitting back in his hind legs and wheeking until Roman gave him a little scratch under his chin. The little blue puffball was dressed like a tiny pumpkin himself, right down to a little hat with the pumpkin stem.
Stormy was also fittingly dressed, with miniscule horns and devil wings. He squeaked at Roman with a surprising smile on his face, and then from behind one of the pumpkins pulled a piece of candy corn, cut in half. Roman really hoped Virgil hadn't given the muppet a lot of those…
Sherlock's costume was probably the most fitting: teeny goggles and a white lab coat. He seemed to be leading the group effort of cleaning the pumpkin seeds, but paused obligingly for an ear scratch with a low whistle.
Goldie's costume was by far the most confusing; they also had a little lab coat, but it had been cut down the middle, with a black suit/cape thing sewn to be the other half. They also had a little bowler hat balanced between their feathery antennae, and they peeped with their typical regal air in lieu of letting Roman pet them.
Roman gestured vaguely to the table, looking once more to his gargoyle roommate for help.
Virgil lit up a little more as he pointed to each Muppet in turn, "Obviously, our little phone thief had to be a mad scientist. And happy little buddy was kinda too cute to not dress him up like a pumpkin." He paused, reaching for Stormy, who hissed and snapped a few times before grumpily allowing Virgil to lift him. Virgil looked far too pleased with himself as he said, "devil baby."
Stormy squawked and began to wiggle once more until Virgil released him. With a final attempt at a menacing hiss (which sounded surprisingly similar to an upset kitten), Stormy waddled back to his pumpkin seed cleaning.
"Okay…" Roman watched the angry Muppet chitter to his friends, before a smile broke out on the artist's face. "You know, one of these days Stormy's going to leave something nasty on your head for when you wake up, and you're totally going to deserve it."
Virgil shrugged, still smiling himself. "Eh. He deserves it too." He shrugged, and finally gave Goldie, who had been waiting for their red carpet announcement with surprising patience, a little pat.
"Ok, but explain them to me." Roman asked, looking over the long-furred floof. They were purring under the attention, posing like a glamorous little fashionista in the gargoyle's hands.
"Doctor Jekyll and Mister Hyde." Virgil replied, looking sheepish. "I was having trouble with a good character for them, but they liked the cape and the little hat." He released Goldie back to the table with the others, who had apparently decided on a break and begun munching on some of the seeds.
"Speaking of," Roman started, taking another look at the extravagant decorations. "Where did you get all of this?"
"That craft store down the street." The gargoyle said simply. Roman let the silence hang for a moment, before prompting again.
"And where did you get the money for all of this?" He eyed Virgil playfully, but also a bit nervous. His budget was tight enough as it is. But Virgil simply shrugged again.
"Well, the store was open but nobody was there! I only grabbed a few things. Nobody followed me or anything." He looked almost proud of himself; almost smug. He knew fully well what he had been doing.
The stone trickster probably waved at the anti theft cameras on the way out, too.
Roman sighed, shaking his head, but he couldn't help the wide grin on his face. "I cannot believe you, but also, I'm not even a little bit surprised," he said. He finished putting his things away while the gargoyle carefully finished cleaning out another pumpkin, dumping the mess into (Roman assumed) the designated area for fresh pumpkin seeds.
Roman took his time walking through the kitchen, inspecting the different jack-o'-lanterns lined up there. It, The Thing, The Shining, The Exorcist, and Saw so far. There was a little bowl of water with various wood carving utensils soaking off vegetable matter in the corner.
"Where did you learn this? These are so cool…" Roman said softly as he took in the fine details.
"Black magic," the gargoyle responded simply with a mischievous smirk; Roman rolled his eyes, but said nothing more as Virgil grabbed a few tools from the bowl and lined up the freshly hollowed pumpkin.
The artist watched in rapt attention as the logo from the original Halloween movie began to take shape, wondering if this was what the gargoyle  (or perhaps the muppets) felt when they watched him paint.
After a while, he spoke up again, "So… they know they can't keep all those seeds, right? They'll never finish them all before the seeds go bad…" Virgil only shrugged, taking a long time to carefully carve thin slivers for the light to shine through, as if he was creating shading on a pumpkin.
"You and me are gonna eat some of them too." The gargoyle finally replied.
At that, Roman moved into Virgil's view, raising an eyebrow in lieu of asking out loud. The gargoyle shrugged again.
"I heard you and Re talking about Halloween a week ago, okay? You sounded like you missed being a kid a little bit. So I've got the Bugs cleaning the seeds off, and we'll bake most of 'em for them, but you're gonna show me how to roast a couple cupfulls like you said your mom used to, and we're gonna watch scary movies."
Roman felt his face warm up a little, and he looked away for a moment.
"That's, uh, really nice of you, Virge." He said softly.
The gargoyle grinned again, all sharp teeth and excited eyes. "Don't know what you're talking about; this is an entirely selfish endeavor." Virgil said, but Roman only shook his head. His trickster roommate had really gone all out for this after all.
Roman left the gargoyle to his work, wanting to watch the muppets a while. It looked like Sherlock was leading the efforts, but all four of them were working equally. Sherlock and Goldie were passing the seeds along, inspecting each one as they went. Every once in a while, one would make a high whistle, pull the seed from the pile, and nimbly toss the wet mush over the side of the table, into a bucket that had been placed on the floor.
After the seeds passed inspection, Heart and Stormy would pull them along and carefully clear the gooey pulp away with their tiny paws, scooting the brightly colored mush along a little trail which also went over the edge of the table and into the bucket. It was impressively efficient, and the way the four worked so harmoniously only more strongly reminded Roman of a little family. They chirped and whistled at each other, probably talking as they worked.
"You guys are so talented," Roman said, without thinking. All four stopped for a moment and looked up at him at the interruption, but they didn't look upset. Smiling, and blushing a little, Roman continued in earnest, "Really, it's super cool to watch you work together like this."
Heart lit up immediately, tapping his tiny front feet on the plaster tarp and wheeking again, as if he was a puppy who had done a particularly good job at something. Stormy hid his face under one paw and his little cape, but whistled a few notes as well. Goldie, regal as ever, simply posed and peeped at him with their little nose in the air like a debutante.
Sherlock's was the most adorable reaction, the little blue ball of fluff preened at his words, and Roman could see his feet tapping excitedly as he went back to work; not as big and vibrant as Heart, but clearly glowing with the praise.
Roman made a mental note to tell him he was a good boy more often, because despite being a little thief, Sherlock was very intelligent, and it was obvious the praise was a welcome surprise.
Roman felt a tap on his left shoulder, and immediately fell for the gag, looking left and seeing nothing before finding the gargoyle on his right, grinning like a spoiled cat.
"I took the pumpkins outside. Ready for some movies?" He asked, faux innocent.
"Yeah, whatever," Roman said, lightly punching the Gargoyle's arm and laughing.
The muppets finished cleaning the seeds with surprising speed, and the human and gargoyle spread most of them out on a baking pan to be dried, while about ⅕ of them were tossed into a pan to be roasted with butter and a little salt, and perhaps a few spices that Roman added last minute, to pay homage to his mother's not-so-secret recipes.
They ended up watching more kids-oriented Halloween movies, mostly for the Muppets' benefits, but it was still fun. A long night of Hocus Pocus and Scooby Doo and The Nightmare Before Christmas, among others, which left all four fuzzballs enraptured. Virgil had clearly found a spooky little kindred spirit in Stormy, and the two tricksters (Roman likes to call them Mortal Frenemies) only threw seeds at each other for about thirty minutes. (The muppets, of course, were eating seeds without butter, although Stormy and Sherlock teamed up in the middle of Coco, trying to steal the more savory treat.)
In Roman's mind, it was way better than a party. It was Halloween with his family again; memories of being ten, and falling asleep on the couch with the muppets nestled close together in a warm, purring pile on his stomach.
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mogai-headcanons · 1 year
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Roman Sanders from Sanders Sides is a gay princegender genderbladed gender creative nonbinary person with ADHD who uses he/him, they/them, and prin/prins pronouns, and prince is dating Janus and Patton!
Virgil Sanders is an autistic bi gay demisexual nonbinary autigender anxiegender gendervoid genderpunk person who uses they/them, xe/xem, vam/vamp, and rot/rots pronouns, and xe're dating Patton, Logan, and Rhea!
Patton Sanders is an autistic gay genderfluid pastelgender laughgender rainbowgender fragaric person with ADHD who uses she/her, he/him, they/them, and any happy-themed and non-themed neopronouns, and she's dating Virgil and Roman and in a QPR with Logan!
Logan Sanders is an autistic gay asexual transfeminine botgender bitgender robogender technogender person who uses she/her, they/them, and it/its pronouns, and she's dating Virgil, Janus, and Rhea and in a QPR with Patton!
Janus Sanders is a transfeminine agender snakegender yellowgender liegender person who uses they/them and it/its pronouns, and it's dating Rhea, Logan, and Roman!
Rhea Sanders is a transfeminine intrusic greengender ratgender turigirl who uses she/her, they/them, it/its, and rat/rats pronouns, and rat's dating Janus, Logan, and Virgil!
dni link
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januscorner · 7 months
Meeting other queer people irl made me realize how irrelevant online queer discourse is. My teacher was nonbinary and gay, no one cared. A girl in the hospital was a lesbian who liked guys, no one in the group of mainly cishetallos even batted an eye. Don’t let online discourse get you down because in the real world people don’t care.
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ashestoshadows · 4 months
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Janus from DVC (Dragon Village Collection, Monthly Dragon)
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howam-i-theparent · 1 year
Sanders sides HCs (Starting with Janus because he is my favorite)
Gender-fluid, but not the “switching genders” but more if the “It’s fluid, but kind of all one thing, ya know?”
Any pronouns (usually goes with he/him or they/them) but also loves sticking to a set that doesn’t match what they’re presenting as that day. (Like she/her in a full 3 piece suit or he/him in a ball gown)
loves confusing people with their gender (the expressions of others trying to figure them out is just so funny)
The “mom friend” who has so may chaotic children (Me tho)
Weaves as just something to do with their hands (weaves a tall tale, web of lies, ect.)
Would know how to walk in heels, but only after a lot of practice in their own room. They never wore heels before getting the hang of it.
One of the only ones that can actually cook (They kind of have to as self-care and self-preservation)
Took care of Virgil and Remus after the split, even though they were the same age
Was the first to “form” in Thomas’s mind, but not as deceit, only as self-preservation.
their nickname was “prezzy” before they got names because self-preservation was too long (this is from a Ao3 Fic that I read a while back, but I don’t remember the author or the Fic title)
Evolved into “Lies” after telling a falsehood to Thomas’s teacher to get them out of trouble
became deceit sometime after the split, No one knows exactly when, not even themself
Would make sure that each of the sides have what they need to go to sleep/function in the morning. Even if no one notices besides Remus.
Tries to not hurt the other sides because they know that would hurt Thomas, it would go against their very nature. They can’t help but to lie, it is one of their main functions. But they will try and emphasize the part that is a lie to be understood easier. (“I can’t do that”, but they emphasize the can’t)
They realize after a while that each of the sides can make small changes to their appearance to look slightly different from Thomas.
They choose to grow out their hair and bleach the ends (it reaches to about their waist now) but they tie it up and hide it under their hat when needing to film Or presenting masculine
Likes to braid their hair and decorate it with gold pieces
Can very easily multi task with all of their extra arms
Cold blooded and has at least 3 layers on at a time
Has something akin to a snake den made out of blankets and pillows in the back of their closet where they can shut the door so it’s dark and warm
Called each of the sides “snakelets” at one point or another and then got very embarrassed
spends a lot of their time studying the minds of people (or just general humans) to mind out how to keep Thomas from the danger of humans
Understands that the current American government is not the best. They try to do small things to rebel against it. “If the place Thomas lives in is not safe, then Thomas is not safe, and I can’t stand for that”
Would hiss at people when startled or upset (Full on Hissed at Remus after they got woken up after being woken up after an explosion)
Sticks out their tongue in concentration unconsciously
Wears gloves because “Ew texture” (who knows what kind of things Remus is leavening around) but takes them off once they are safe in their own room because “Mmm texture”
That’s all for now, might think of some more at a latter date
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cosmicdiwata · 1 year
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Janus 🌘🌒
divine androgyne
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cyberramble · 2 years
Day 8; Teeth (Janus)
(TWs - Mouth gore, tooth removal, blood, unsympathetic!Patton)
Janus's teeth have had a sharp ache in them for a while now, a couple days give or take. It wasn't that much of a concern for them, these toothaches usually go away within five to six days and it only really became a concern if they ached for more than two weeks which is what ended up happening.
Deceit shared their concern to the FamILY group chat, and majority of them suggested going to a dentist. It turns out Patton has a dentistry degree and xe would be willing to check it out. That's how they ended up here; sat on Patton's bed with xyr hand holding their jaw open. The moral side was using a makeshift torch to look in their mouth, checking out their teeth.
Of course, Janus did find it was a bit odd at how rough Patton was being but giving xem the benefit of the doubt, they just waved it off thinking xe didn't know. The session took longer than they expected because the liar thought it was going to be simply checking out the achy areas but apparently not, they were getting a full inspection. The reason being; "Well you wouldn't want to wasted this opportunity would you?"
Janus reflectively put their arms out behind them as Patton tried pushing them backwards, they then pushed at xyr chest since xe was putting all of xyr weight on them. This failed though because Patton seemed to be way more stronger than Janus. By this time, xe had straddled the liar's hips and was grabbing at something in xyr bedside table. All the while xe was holding Janus down with one hand.
Deceit's eyes followed where Patton's other hand was, in it held a sharp object that did not look friendly and made them flinch at the sight. Another thing they pulled out was what seemed to be something like a pair of clamps. Dread tingled in their spine. "Hey, you know you don't have to do this, I just wanted you to check out the ache." They tried, rushing out the sentence in a sort of plead.
Patton ignored the obvious beg. Pulling Janus's wrists under xyr knees, trapping them. Patton held open their mouth with a medical clamp then xe grabbed the sharp-edged first with xyr right hand and the clamps with xyr left hand, being ambidextrous seemed to really help in this situation. Janus squirmed underneath Patton, trying to say something but not being able to properly so it just came out as a slurred mess.
Tears gathered in the liar's eyes as the tools disappeared in their mouth. At first they felt a slight pressure around one of their teeth, and then came the sharp piercing in-between said tooth and their gum. Tight pressure getting tighter and tighter, the pain getting worse as something dug in underneath the tooth. The object that did that was now pressuring the tooth upwards as the clamp pulled.
A copper taste started to filling Janus's mouth as the pain became burning hot, they gurgled in pain at the tooth was drug upwards. Seeing your own tooth outside of your body when is shouldn't be can be a horrifying sight especially if you can feel the blood dripping out of your mouth. The tears that gathered in their eyes finally fell and they whimpered in pain.
Janus screeched out as they felt the clamps grab onto the next tooth. This was going to be living hell.
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