#nonbinary original character
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nonbinairyboi · 3 months ago
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Fic Summary: You hadn’t spoken in years. Technically, you had the ability to, though as the years wore on, you weren’t so sure. You’d settled in Jackson over a year ago and now it was Fall again. You are drawn towards Ellie and her ‘not-dad’, but you had always assumed any relationships deeper than surface level were beyond you at this point.
Series Warnings: This is my first fanfic and I plan to go into some dark stuff including some in-depth discussion of SA that was done to the main character (not by Joel) and the mental impact it has. Blood and Injury. I am unsure if I will be writing smut as I never have before but I will update the warnings if that changes.There definitely will be allusions to smut if nothing else, so MINORS DNI!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
More coming soon
Basics Part 1
Basics Part 2
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 Part 1
Chapter 3 Part 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 Part 1
Chapter 7 Part 2
Chapter 8
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autisticweirdooo · 1 month ago
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I found an old sketch book of mine and found this lil critter! seeing how I drew them in the sketch book, they might have been my Sona?
Anyway I drew em and now there my doodle oc to slap on anywhere
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idreamofentropy · 1 month ago
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lilartistboi · 2 months ago
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A second non animated pixel icon of my demon baby! I'll definitely be making character specific yap posts at some point because I love them so much. If you want a pre-post yap, dm me, lol.
(If you're thinking about commissioning me just shoot me a DM and I'm willing to discuss a price! I do animated and non-animated pixel art. Check out @lilartistboi and search 'Pixel animation' to see the animated ones)
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newpathwrites · 4 months ago
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Series Masterlist Main Masterlist
VIII. Futures (Epilogue) - Part 1
There was a time, lost and alone in the galaxy as a young Mandalorian, that Jai didn’t imagine they’d even live to see adulthood. And now they lived a life beyond even their wildest childhood dreams. How lucky they were that Din had answered the marshall’s call that fateful day.
Had he not, they would never have found this family, this home, this fulfilled life…
Speaking of the man to whom Jai owed everything, here he was now stepping swiftly toward them, armor impeccable as always despite his tentative retirement.
They met in the middle, more forcefully than intended, embracing fiercely.
Summary: How is our lovely clan doing a few years down the line? Spoiler alert… they’re doing very well!
Note: This chapter deals with a lot! We’re going to look at every member of our little family (though admittedly with a greater focus on Jai and Winta), what they’re doing in the future, and how it all fits into a greater plan.
This chapter will examine Jai’s experience of gender more explicitly through flashbacks of their interactions with Winta over the years. Hint: Winta was instrumental in securing Jai’s identity as they came of age on Sorgan. When Jai was uncomfortable in their body and afraid that nobody would understand, Winta was always there as a quiet ally. And it went both ways - Jai helped Winta through other struggles that weren’t depicted in prior chapters. I hope you all come away from this epilogue better understanding the strength and depth of this relationship and how important it has been to both parties.
Warnings: Discussion of infertility, sexual references, gender dysphoria (and euphoria), references to parental death.
Word count: 5.2k
Read on AO3
Din awoke to something warm and fuzzy pressed against his forehead, a pair of very familiar claws tapping his cheeks.
“Grogu,” he addressed his ward tiredly.  “I know you’re excited, but can I sleep just a few more minutes?”
The tapping only continued, and Din opened his eyes to look into the larger ones of his son.  “Grogu… use your words, ad’ika.  What do you want?”
The boy huffed in response, raising his little hands in the air as the sheets and blankets went flying off the bed.  “Up now, you will.”
“Hey,” Din admonished him, sitting up and pulling the sheets back up to cover his sleeping riduur.  “No need to wake your mother.”
He took a moment to stretch out his joints.  Age and several long decades of abusing his body were catching up to him.  He was ‘retired’, in a manner of speaking, these days, and that had certainly helped with the chronic tension in his back.  But some mornings, like today, he’d wake up with Grogu dozing on his chest, much of his pain miraculously resolved.
“Thank you, ad’ika,” he told him gratefully.  “But I really wish you’d reserve your powers for more important things.”
Grogu hopped off the bed defiantly and looked up at his father.  He had other priorities at the moment and no interest in discussing his (in his opinion) very reasonable use of the force.
“Come today?  Jai will?”
Din couldn’t help but smile.  “Yeah.  Jai should be here in…” he looked over at the chronometer.  “... just a few hours now.  Why don’t you go next door and see if Winta needs any help while we wait?  It’s getting harder for her now, isn’t it?”
“Yes,” he responded with a toothy and knowing grin.  “Help her, I will.  Get up, you will.”
Grogu hopped off, and Din laid his head back down on the pillow.  Perhaps he’d bought himself a few more minutes of sleep.  His son’s excitement was contagious, though.  Stars, he was looking forward to having Jai back home.  He’d really missed the kid.  Though, he supposed, they really weren’t a kid anymore, were they?  And anyway, they’d been an old soul practically since birth.
He knew he’d missed his chance at a few more minutes of relaxation when he heard the front door of the cabin open and close and Winta’s voice floating in from the kitchen.
She hesitated a moment at the bedroom door, whispering, “Is everyone decent?” before waltzing in with Grogu on her hip and a protective hand over her swollen belly.
Din got up quickly, placing a finger over his lips, and guided her out and back into the kitchen as he pulled a shirt over his head.  “Your mother’s sleeping in for once.  She was up all night getting ready… as if Jai will care about the silverware being polished…”
“Well, I couldn’t sleep… too excited,” Winta replied quietly as she started a kettle on the stove for the morning caf.  “I figured Grogu would be awake, so I decided to come over instead of waking up Tov with all of my tossing and turning.  Baby’s kicking up a storm, too.”
“Sit down.  Let me do that.”  Din pulled out a chair and gestured for her to take a seat, his fatherly instincts kicking back in full force in the months since learning of his adoptive daughter’s pregnancy.  
Grogu force jumped out of her arms, and Winta lumbered over but didn’t immediately sit down, reaching out to take Din’s hand and laying it flat over her belly.  “Can you feel that?”
“Yeah.”  His face broke out into a fond smile as he felt the baby’s movement under his hand.  
Winta sometimes couldn’t believe that this was the same man who’d wandered onto their planet over a decade ago, decked out in full armor with a hand perpetually at ready to pull a blaster, a tiny green child he claimed wasn’t his own in tow.  Now he was the picture of a doting grandparent.
“That’s your grandpa, little one,” she murmured, leaning forward to speak over her belly.  “He’s going to teach you all kinds of things… when you’re much much older…”
He chuckled as he helped her lower into her seat.  “You know Mandalorians start training with a blaster at age five…”
“Don’t you even think about it,” she replied firmly.  “Age fifteen… minimum…”
Din pulled the whistling kettle off the burner and poured two cups before setting himself down.  “I suppose I’ll have my hands full training Grogu.”  He turned toward his son.  “You should show Winta what you’ve learned one of these days - fly her to Mandalore.”  
“Yes,” Grogu told her from his perch on the table.  “Fly you, I will.”
Din looked back at Winta.  “He can do that now.”  
She smiled - Din’s pride in his foundling, technically her older brother, was very sweet.  “After the baby’s born, Grogu - I’ve been wanting to visit Mandalore and see it for myself.”
“Oh…” Din suddenly interjected. “Bo-Katan sent me a message last night.  Jai’s climate reconstitution system is working.  The test area is almost completely un-glassed.  If this works, well… So many planets destroyed by the Empire could be rebuilt.”
Winta nodded approvingly and let out a soft chuckle.  “Jai will be elated to hear that, though I can’t say I’m surprised.”
“Nope.  Not in the slightest,” Din agreed with a trademark shake of his head.
Din let Omera sleep well into the late morning.  She’d been running herself ragged between helping prepare for the baby, which could come any day now, and Jai’s impending visit.  Though Winta had begun to take over some of her mother’s responsibilities within the village, she was physically limited at the moment by her very pregnant state, and Omera had been insistent on continuing to do it all, refusing Din’s every offer of assistance.
Stars, she was going to be livid…
“Din.  Djarin.  How could you let me sleep so late?”
He huffed and rolled his eyes toward Winta, who stifled a giggle, before turning around in his chair to face his wife.  “Omera.  You look well rested, Cyare.”
“Don’t you ‘cyare’ me…  There’s too much to do before Jai gets here!”
“Like what?” he asked, getting up from the table and standing before her.
“Well,” she started.  “I need to fill the water basins…”
“And we still need to put the crib together…”
“Tov and I did it yesterday.”
Omera was losing the argument, and she knew it.  She knew she should be grateful, but… she just needed everything to be perfect.
“The stew?” she asked with much less furor.
“It’s already simmering at my place,” Winta told her from the table.  “Relax, Mama.  Everything is under control.  You need rest, too.” 
Omera looked down at her feet for a moment.  Her voice broke slightly as she looked back up, tears filling her eyes.  “I just… need to be useful…”
What in the galaxy…?  This woman practically carried a small planet on her shoulders.
“Omera,” Din murmured, pulling her against him and wrapping his arms around her body as she cried.  “In what universe are you ever not useful?  What’s really going on, Cyare?”
Behind him, he was vaguely aware of Winta hoisting her body up and out of her chair, whispering to Grogu to follow her out the door to give them privacy.
Omera looked at him through the tears, responding with a despairing tone.  “I’m old, Din.”
“You’re not old…”
She inhaled sharply and averted her gaze before sharing the full truth, one that had been bothering her since seeing the medic in town a few weeks back.  “I’m going through the change.”
Din had to think for a moment about what that even meant.  Menopause - that was it, he was rather sure.  Admittedly, he didn’t know much about it… but it didn’t seem like any good reason to run oneself into the ground.
“Are you not feeling well?”
“I feel fine, Din,” she replied with annoyance.  “But soon I’ll be old and useless…. And gray… and ugly… and you won’t be attracted to me anymore…”
He gave her a quizzical expression, smirking as he asked her dryly, “I’m already gray, Omera.  Do you no longer find me beautiful?”
His monotone delivery did her in.  Ah, that dry humor she loved so much.  It was hard not to smile at that, and she felt her mouth turning up against her will.  And of course, she still found him exceedingly handsome.  “You know what I mean, Din.  It’s different for women…”
“Well,” he responded matter-of-factly.  “It’s not different for me.  How about��” he started, putting on a slightly suggestive expression that was almost comical on this perpetually serious man.  “I spend tonight showing you how beautiful and valuable you are to me?  Grogu can stay with Jai in the barn - they’ll want to catch up, anyway.”
“Oh?” she replied coyly.  “How will you show me, Din?”
Got him.  That wiped the smirk from his face as his cheeks went pink with embarrassment.  After all these years, he was still shy about speaking of their intimate activities out loud.  “Don’t make me say it, please.”  
“Will you ravage me?” she asked, eyes sparkling with amusement.
“I don’t… ravage…”
“Or perhaps you’ll make love to me…”
He cleared his throat, one of his only nervous tells.  “I will… that… yes…”
As Winta lumbered over to her own cabin and set Grogu to work watching over the stew, her thoughts turned to Jai - her slightly older sibling… and truly her best friend.
Jai was different from anyone Winta had ever met.  They were unbelievably smart - and yet never once made Winta feel unintelligent.  They were strong and fierce as any good Mandalorian should be - and yet soft-spoken and kind at the very same time.
When Winta first approached Jai about training, she’d almost expected them to laugh in her face.  Winta was meant to be a farmer, not a protector.  She hadn’t nearly the strength or determination of her mother and certainly not that of her adoptive father.
But Jai didn’t laugh.  They responded to her inquiry with complete seriousness, wanting to understand her goals and gauging how they could help.  Winta’s training began that very day, starting with skills so basic that it was nearly embarrassing in front of a fully trained Mandalorian - but Jai would have none of that nonsense.  
“Everyone has to start somewhere, Winta.  When you’ve got the basics down, we’ll go to Din.  He can train you better than anyone.”
“Do you really think I can do this?” she questioned.  “You’re not just humoring me?”
“Of course not,” they responded simply.  “Din was a foundling, and so was I.  We weren’t born into this - we were taught.  And you can be, too.”
Jai, in fact, had taught Winta many things over the years.  When she struggled with the relatively basic mathematics taught to the older children in the village lessons, mostly that relevant to managing the farming ponds and related finances, it was Jai who worked through it with her, never once making Winta feel stupid or inferior.
Winta had been so embarrassed when Jai found her crying over her worksheets, ones that even some of the younger children had finished with ease.  Jai read about things like quantum physics - basic math was nothing to them.  But they insisted on helping, telling her that she just needed a frame of reference.
“It just doesn’t make any logical sense to me, Jai.  Add this, subtract that, carry this… I can’t remember the order… and I don’t see how these random steps lead to an answer…”
“It’s not random,” Jai said calmly, turning the paper over and taking the pencil from Winta’s hand.  “I’ll show you.  Let’s draw it out.”
It had been a brief window into Jai’s way of thinking - and suddenly it did all make perfect sense.  Stars, how Winta had wished that her brain could work like that.
Winta laughed lightly to herself, recalling some of their more recent, long-distance escapades.
She had confided to Jai on a holocall one day when she was feeling particularly low, that despite her and Tov engaging in plenty of baby-making activity over many months, she had been unable to conceive.  All she had ever wanted was to be a mother, and she was starting to worry it would never happen.
Jai couldn’t relate, being averse to sex… and relationships… and babies… 
But they would do just about anything for Winta - the kindest soul in the galaxy and one who had provided unshakeable support through some very awkward teenage years.
Medical resources on Sorgan were severely limited, so in their spare time, Jai had been doing some research on Winta’s behalf.  They suggested natural remedies and timing methods, trying to keep their expression of disgust regarding the ‘frequency’ topic to a minimum.
“Oh, stars…” they started, flipping through a book on natural conception methods while chatting with Winta by holo.  “You owe me for this - I need to wash my eyes out.”
“What is it?” Winta chuckled.
Jai held the book up so that Winta could see.  “Have you tried this position?”
Winta couldn’t help but laugh.  “I haven’t, but we’ll give it a go.”
“Please… don’t tell me about it.”
Winta had not told Jai about her subsequent pregnancy and had asked the rest of the family to keep the secret - the timing of Jai’s visit to Sorgan was perfect for a surprise.
“Hey,” Tov interrupted her daydreaming with an affectionate knock of her shoulder.  “Ship just made landfall.  Ready for the big reveal?”
“Yeah,” Winta nodded, turning toward her husband with a joyful smile.  “Let’s do it.”
Jai had to wade through nearly the entire village’s population before they managed to reach their waiting family, the small community eager to welcome them home after several years away to continue their studies in the core.
It was surreal to recall that they had once been a newcomer to this place, a terrified and lonely teenager cast out of their tribe, serendipitously falling into the lap of their trusted beroya.  And now they were living the same in-between life as that man - one outside the creed and yet ever devoted to their people.
While Jai’s ultimate path had led them to an academic career in environmental science, their true goal was to support small planets like Sorgan whose sustenance was being affected by climate changes, as well as those which had suffered severe atmospheric damage at the hands of the Empire.  As such, they’d become the official environmental consultant to both of their ‘home’ planets and even held a titled position on Mandalore, awarded by Bo-Katan herself, a valued mentor when it came to the political aspects of implementing their work throughout the Republic.
There was a time, lost and alone in the galaxy as a young Mandalorian, that Jai didn’t imagine they’d even live to see adulthood.  And now they lived a life beyond even their wildest childhood dreams.  How lucky they were that Din had answered the marshall’s call that fateful day.  
Had he not, they would never have found this family, this home, this fulfilled life…
Speaking of the man to whom Jai owed everything, here he was now stepping swiftly toward them, armor impeccable as always despite his tentative retirement.
They met in the middle, more forcefully than intended, embracing fiercely.
“Stars, Jai,” Din said, valiantly fighting back tears in this public setting.  “You’ve been gone way too long.  We’ve missed you, ad’ika.”
“I know, Din,” they replied, subtly sniffling.  “I’m so glad to be back.”
Jai was soon greeted by Grogu, quite literally launching himself into their arms and gripping each side of Jai’s face.
“Missed you, I have.”
“Same, Grogu,” they returned affectionately.  “You’ve grown several inches since the last time I was here.  We’ll spar later, huh?  You can show me what you can do these days.”
Grogu smirked.  “Beat you, I will…”
“I don’t doubt it for a second, vod.”
Omera’s voice took their attention then.
She’d been wrapped up in a task when word came of Jai’s arrival and was now running toward them as fast as her feet could carry her.
Jai met her in a few long strides, and she immediately looked over their unarmored form, the mother she was, making sure they were well and nourished and fully intact after being away from home for so long.
“Oh, sweetheart.  We have missed you so much…”
Unlike Din, Omera allowed the tears to flow freely as she embraced them in an excessively long hug.
“Omera, you have no idea how much I’ve missed you all.  This trip is long overdue.”
She pulled back to look at them again, holding their shoulders as she puzzled over something.  “You look different…”. Her expression shifted as she suddenly registered what had changed, and she looked up directly into their eyes before adjusting her phrasing.  
“You look good, Jai… you look like you…”
Jai’s eyes threatened to spill with tears - they’d worried so much about this moment.
“Thank you… buir…”
Omera squeezed their shoulders lovingly before stepping aside.  There was one more person Jai needed to greet.
Scratch that - two, apparently.
“Welcome home, Jai,” Tov said with warmth, smiling that boyishly handsome grin of his.
Jai took his forearm in a strong handshake.
“It’s good to see you, Tov.  Where’s Winta?  No offense, but she’s top priority.”
“None taken - she’s waiting for you in the barn,” he laughed.  “And hey, I promised you I’d take good care of her, and I have.  I just want you to know that.”
Jai huffed.  “Unfortunately, I know a bit too much about just how well you’ve taken care of her…”
Tov turned an endearing shade of pink at that.
“Gods, Jai.  Still blunt as ever, huh?  Just go on, now - she’s got a surprise for you.”
Jai clapped him affectionately on the shoulder before heading toward the barn, adding quietly to themself, “Oh, I’ve got a surprise for her, too.”
Jai couldn’t help but reflect as they walked toward the barn to finally see their beloved sister in person.  They were about to share something big - something that might not have ever happened without Winta’s support and tacit acceptance.
Gender had always felt like a complicated thing for Jai - not so much inwardly, but rather outwardly in their interactions with the world.  But Winta always managed to make it so simple.  She was the only person, perhaps along with Omera, that Jai never had to explain themselves to.  Their gender, or lack thereof, simply was… no questions, no doubt.
Jai remembered the first time it happened like yesterday.  A young child, who certainly didn’t know any better, had approached Jai not long after their arrival on the planet and asked why she always wore her helmet.
Without missing a beat, a then 13 year-old Winta had responded kindly, “This is Jai, Saul.  They wear a helmet because they’re a Mandalorian, just like Din.  Understand?”
“Yeah.  Their armor looks neat.  I like it.”
Winta had never even asked why - just followed Din’s lead in using gender neutral terms, accepting it without further question.
“I’m not a girl,” Jai said softly as the child skipped away.  “Well, technically I am… I guess, but… I’m not…”
“You’re not a girl,” Winta stated simply, shrugging.  There was nothing more to say.
In the following years, puberty had taken its toll, increasing Jai’s discomfort with their own body which had become outwardly much more feminine.
Winta had stumbled upon them crying over their wardrobe one day, and Jai had shared their turmoil.  Women’s clothes fit to their chest far too much, but men’s clothes didn’t look right with their proportions, either.  Even their chest plate didn’t fit properly anymore, but they certainly couldn’t tell Din about it…
That night, for the first and only time, Winta went behind Jai’s back to inform her mother of their struggles, and by the next morning, all of Jai’s shirts had been let out in the chest by Omera’s expert hands.
It seemed Omera had also let it slip to Din that Jai’s armor should be modified to give a bit more breathing room as they continued to grow but perhaps without the typical contours of the female chest plate.  On their next visit to Trask, it was done, no questions asked.
The covert had always been respectful, but this was the kind of quiet, genuine support for which Jai had always longed.
And it helped… at first…  But the truth was that Jai didn’t want this feminine body at all.  Every day they grew more uncomfortable until they finally snapped, unable to tolerate it any longer.
They’d read about chest binding and decided to give it a try one day with some spare fabric they’d found in the storage closet.
They made a fatal error, though, in neglecting to lock the door - nobody ever came out here this early, and on those rare occasions, the intruder would always knock before coming in.  
Well… except Winta…
“Jai…” Winta addressed them in surprise as they stood half-clothed with the fabric wrapped tightly around their chest.  “What are you doing?”  She sounded… appalled…
Jai’s face burned hot with shame, and tears stung their eyes.  What were they thinking?  Now Winta probably thought them perverse. 
But of course not…
“Jai… come on…”  Winta walked toward them and took the free edge of the fabric in her hands.  “You’re going to hurt yourself if you do it this way.  Unwrap this, and we’ll do it properly.”
Jai didn’t even know what to say.  They just watched Winta in wonder as she calmly loosened and laid flat the bindings without a single word of further commentary.
“There,” she said finally as she tucked in the corner.  “Does that feel comfortable?”
They were still at a loss for words.
“I know, Jai.  It’s okay.  You don’t have to do everything alone.”
From then on, they didn’t.  It was oddly freeing to let go of that stubborn brand of stoicism, ingrained in them from childhood.  But Winta had proved herself a safe space - one where Jai never had to hide.
Jai and Winta shared everything with each other in the coming years as they approached adulthood - every fear, every hope, every conflict, every joy… no matter how strange or awkward.
Well, Jai supposed, they weren’t too old yet for just one more…
They paused just outside the barn door, taking a single calming breath before unlatching and pushing it open, addressing their sibling in nervous anticipation.
Both stopped dead in their tracks as they took in the other’s unexpected appearance, gasping in mild shock.  Jai’s mouth hung open in surprise and delight, while Winta’s hand covered her own, the other resting on her swollen belly.
Their eyes finally met across the small space, happy tears brimming.
Jai moved first, crossing to where Winta was standing, hands hesitantly extending out to hold her stomach.  “Winta… you’re… why didn’t you tell me?” they stammered.
Winta smiled tearfully.  “I wanted to surprise you.”
“Mission accomplished,” they joked, letting out a wet laugh.  “Oh, my stars… Are you happy, vod’ika?”
“I’m so happy, Jai.  And I’m so glad you’ll be here to meet them.  You’re going to be a ba'vodu.”
“I like the sound of that,” they replied, smiling fondly.  “You’re going to be an amazing mother.  I just know it.  And Tov will be a great dad.  You both were meant for this I think.”
“Thank you… but enough about me,” Winta huffed, moving her hands to Jai’s shoulders and looking again over their form.  “You look so… right… Why didn’t you tell me you were getting the surgery?  I would have…”
“You would have dropped everything and come to Coruscant to take care of me…” Jai interrupted, smirking lightly.
“Well… yes…”
“I didn’t want you all to worry.  And Omera would have driven me to insanity with her hovering - you know that’s true.”
“Mama does have that way about her, doesn’t she?”  Winta chuckled.  “But you shouldn’t have had to go through that alone.  You must have needed help while you healed.”
Jai blushed slightly before responding timidly, “I wasn’t alone…”
Winta’s eyes narrowed, sparkling with excitement.  “Oh…?”
“It’s not like that,” Jai huffed, shaking their head slightly.  “It’s platonic.  But… she’s a very… close friend.  We have an understanding.”
Winta nodded approvingly.  “I’m glad you have someone, Jai.  I’ve been so worried that you were isolated out there, but I guess you had company all along.  I hope I can meet her sometime.”
“Definitely.  I think you two will get along very well.”
“You’ll have to tell me all about her while you’re here,” Winta grinned.  “But first… has this made you happy?”
Winta was clearly referring to Jai’s surgery - one leaving them with a blessedly flat chest after years of simmering dysphoria.
Jai smiled broadly.  
“It feels so much better, Winta.  I wish I’d done this sooner.”
“Good.  I’m glad.”
Winta linked her arm through Jai’s, joking as they walked together toward the door.
“Mama’s been on a rampage preparing for your visit.  We’d better get back to the hut before she sends Grogu to levitate us out of here.”
 Jai had never imagined that a lively family dinner could bring them so much joy, but here they were, and it was wonderful.  They had missed this so much.
They decided right then and there, as they looked around at their growing family eating and chatting around the small table, that this trip would be have to be extended by a few weeks more.
For once, Omera remained at the table, Din insisting that she sit and catch up with Jai while he handled the food and dishes.  After all, he would likely spend many evenings up late with his adult foundling, engrossed as was their custom in a kind of conversation only two kindred souls with a shared upbringing could share.  They would have plenty of time.
Meanwhile, Grogu sat perched on Jai’s shoulder, unwilling to separate from his sorely missed sibling for even a moment, contributing to the conversation here and there.  It was really unbelievable to see how much the small child had really grown up in the last few years.
Winta and Tov watched on with fond and genuine smiles, Winta gently stroking her swollen belly while her husband’s arm wrapped protectively around her shoulders.  
Jai was glad to see that Tov had integrated as he had into the family.  Tov’s own parents had succumbed several years ago to illness, leaving him alone in a way, much like Jai themself at one time.  It was in his grief, as Din and Omera had taken responsibility for their young, then just barely adult neighbor’s welfare, that Tov’s relationship with Winta had finally blossomed.  And now he was just as much a member of this clan as any of them.
Din and Omera sure had a knack for collecting children, didn’t they?
“Hey,” Winta whispered across the table to Jai as her mother finally stood to join Din in the kitchen, wrapping her arms around his middle for a moment.  “I think those two need some alone time.  Why don’t we all go sit on the porch?  It’s nice out tonight.  We can stargaze… like old times.”
Well, that sounded lovely.  And Jai definitely didn’t miss the thinly veiled innuendo in regards to ‘alone time’.  “Oh Gods, yes.  Let’s get out of here as quickly as possible.”
Tov couldn’t help but chuckle as he made to help haul Winta out of her seat.  He didn’t really understand Jai’s complete and total aversion to all things carnal, but they were certainly consistent about it.  To be completely honest, it only made him grow to love Jai all the more for everything they’d done to help him and Winta successfully conceive this very much desired child.  To put your loved ones’ happiness above your own discomfort - that was true family, and he felt very fortunate to call himself a member of this one.
“Alright, Jai,” Winta smirked, leaning back between Tov’s legs where he sat behind her on the porch, lightly massaging her shoulders.  “I believe there’s someone you need to tell us about, vod…”
“No way,” Tov perked up instantly, reaching over to give Jai a playful shove on the shoulder.  “You’ve got yourself a special someone in Coruscant?  Tell us everything.”
Jai was thankful for the darkness as their face burned with embarrassment.  This was an unusual feeling for them.
“Is this how it’s going to be from now on, huh?” Jai asked in mock annoyance trying to draw attention away from their self-consciousness and continuing to gently stroke Grogu’s ears where he dozed in their lap.  “You two ganging up on me?”
Tov raised his eyebrows.  “It sure is…”  But then he smiled fondly.  “I really do want to know.  Genuinely - promise.  I didn’t think you liked people… that way…”
“Well, I don’t.  It’s not like that.”  
“Tell us how it is, then,” Winta prodded.  “Are you simply friends?  Something more?”
Jai took a moment to think about how to explain this.  It wasn’t exactly conventional.  But if anyone would understand, it was their family.
“She is a very good friend,” Jai started.  “But it’s something different from friendship, too.  She feels like a partner in a way… or like family…”
“Do you live together?” Tov asked.
“No… but we have talked about it.  Convenience and all that…”
“Ok, so…” Winta ventured.  “If you were to live together, would you have separate rooms?  Or share a bed?”
Jai smirked.  They knew exactly where Winta was headed with this line of questioning.
“Separate rooms, Winta.  I think you could have guessed that.”
“My wife is beating around the bush here, so I’m just going to rip off the bandage.”  Tov paused for a second, suddenly realizing such a question of Jai might not be such a good idea.  But oh, well - he was committed.  “Are you intimate?  Hug?  Kiss?  Cuddle?  Anything like that?”
“Maker, Tov,” Jai huffed, looking up at the night sky in a small bit of mortification.  They were thankful, though, that he knew better than to ask about anything more.  “There is a level of physical affection… but nothing more than I might do with any of you.”
“That’s significant, Jai,” Winta was very serious now.  “I’ve never seen you comfortable touching anyone outside of this family.”
“Yeah…”  Jai responded, as if they’d not really thought about it before.  “I suppose it is significant…”
“Tell us how you met.”  Tov was serious now, too.  The entire village worried after Jai while they were so far from home, and it was a balm to his own heartache at Jai’s distance to know they weren’t really alone out there.
The three talked and reminisced well into the late hours of the night after putting Grogu to bed in the barn, allowing Din and Omera a full evening alone.  It almost made Jai want to stay here in Sorgan forever.
Because their heart now rested in two very different places.  One half with their family here in the outer rim… and the other with both a very special friend and their life’s work in Coruscant.
Maybe a better balance could be attained, though…  Something to consider.
To be continued…
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rorywritesjunk · 11 months ago
There is no sweeter innocence than our gentle sin
Crocodile brings on a former assistant to manage Buggy and his workload. Buggy realizes he likes it when Taron praises him for the littlest things.
Rating: PG-13 to start. Chapters will be rated depending on content. Warning: Slow burn. AFAB nonbinary character. Buggy is touch starved and a virgin who thrives on praise. He's also a bit of a mess because he's thinking he's going to finally be killed by Crocodile. Set with the Cross Guild but won't be a poly fic (as much as I love that unf). However, mentions of past/somewhat present TaronxCrocodile stuff. Also Buggy is bratty, whining, a little pathetic. He doesn't want to do anything. Word Count: 1,850. A/N: My self indulgent submissive Buggy fic. This came from another fic I wrote for another fandom that I never posted but it was pure self indulgent. I decided to do it with the clown and change it up. Originally thought of making this a dom!Buggy fic but after a poll and how I started writing it, I decided to stick with sub!Buggy.
Title comes from "Take Me To Church" by Hozier.
Chapter 1 + Chapter 2 + Chapter 3 + Chapter 4 + Chapter 5 + Chapter 6 + Chapter 7
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Chapter 2
The first few mornings were rough. Taron was an early riser, already dressed and ready when they would enter Buggy’s room with a cup of coffee for him before waking him up. They would try shaking him awake before kicking the mattress, and when that didn’t work they’d pull the blankets off, ignore his naked body, and shove him out of bed. Each time he landed face down on his nose, startling him awake. As he screamed threats and obscenities at Taron, they’d open up his wardrobe and start picking out his outfit. That usually helped to get Buggy ready faster as he didn’t trust them to pick out the right clothes.
This was the fifth day. Buggy was sitting at breakfast with a swollen nose from his wake up call. He was already dressed for the day, not looking forward to more paperwork Taron would find for him to deal with. They really were good at their job. They didn’t allow him to get distracted, already threatening to use a sea prism stone on him if he tried to use his powers to get away. 
The reward for a job well done was a piece of candy which Buggy hated to admit but he looked forward to the little treat they’d pull from their pocket and set on the table after he signed ten different forms. One time they even put their hand on his shoulder, causing him to flinch, but it was followed by a gentle, “Good job, Buggy.” before they went to get him a refill on his drink.
It… was hard to relax around them. In many ways they reminded Buggy of Crocodile, which as he tried to ask questions about Taron, trying to get to know them, there wasn’t much coming out at first. All he knew was that after dinner, Taron would head to Crocodile’s tent for a few hours before coming back to sleep in their own bed. 
Buggy strummed his pen against the stack of papers, looking across the table at Taron as they filled out a planner of Buggy’s meetings and appointments. It was almost lunch time and Buggy had been at this for hours. Taron did let him get up and stretch his legs, even if he whined and fussed the entire time about sitting for long periods of time, how his back hurt, his hand was covered in ink, everything sucked, but Taron tuned him out, pointing at his chair after he walked around the table a few times.
The day dragged on.
After lunch, Buggy was forcing himself to head back to the table to complete another mountain of paper when Taron stopped him.
“Let’s take a few minutes to get some fresh air, okay?” They suggested. “You’ve been working hard today, Buggy.”
He hated how in just a few days having this stranger give him such simple praise made him yearn for it. Mihawk and Crocodile would never say such words to him, yet Taron said he was doing a good job so kindly he thought he'd lose his mind for a moment.
“It's bright outside.” Buggy whined as the two of them walked along. He was dressed in some of his best clothes, wearing his hat and jacket, looking every bit of what a pirate captain should look like. Taron was just… not as eye-catching as Buggy in their clothes. That bothered him. If they were going to remain his assistant then they needed to have a different look. He side-eyed his assistant, looking them up and down. “Why do you dress like Crocodile?”
“I dress like me.” They replied, hands in their pockets and not looking at him. “Does the way I dress bother you?”
“Yes! You work for me, you should dress to impress!” Buggy insisted as he stomped his foot and glared at them. “Where's the color, where’s the glam? You look too much like Crocodile.”
“I like my clothes.” They told him with a glance in his direction; Buggy thought they looked amused, but it was fleeting. “I'm sorry I don't dress to your standards, but remember, I work for Crocodile to help you out.” They kicked a small rock out of their way. “You don't have a say in my appearance, Buggy.”
“Why?! That's not fair!” He huffed, clenching his fists.
“Life isn't fair.” Taron stopped abruptly as Buggy took a few extra steps ahead of them. “Come on, let's get back to the tent. We need to keep on schedule with the paperwork. I imagine you'll be caught up by the end of the week.”
“Why does it even matter?” Buggy grumbled as he reluctantly turned to follow them. This was so frustrating. He wondered what it would take to have Taron add a little flash to their outfits. It was bad enough that Crocodile hired them without asking Buggy, but the fact they dressed like him was terrible.
It wouldn't be too hard to sneak a sparkly cravat into their wardrobe, right?
Taron was off to Crocodile’s tent which for Buggy was the perfect time to sneak some flashy things into their wardrobe. He had Cabaji help him look for items in what Buggy thought to be their size, and if he replaced a shirt for a shirt then they would have to wear it.
Usually Taron was gone for a few hours which gave Buggy plenty of time to get into their clothes and change things around. It was worth the risk. He took their clothes out of their wardrobe, tossing them into piles on their bed while Cabaji removed the hangers, swapping their clothes for the ones Buggy picked out.
“These look like Crocodile's hand-me-downs.” Buggy said as he pulled a dark colored vest out, holding it against himself with a disgusted look on his face. “It's ridiculous.”
“That's because they are his hand-me-downs.”
Buggy froze and looked at Cabaji. He looked terrified, staring in the direction of the door. Swallowing nervously, Buggy turned to face the inevitable. Taron was standing at the door, expressionless, thankfully alone but that didn't help soothe Buggy’s fears. They were back earlier than Buggy expected. Why, why did they return so quickly? Why weren’t they with Crocodile? Were they about to kill Buggy?
“Is there something you need from my wardrobe?” Taron asked as they approached Buggy. They looked him over, reaching out to the vest he still felt, their fingers brushing over the fabric. “This isn't your color, you know.”
Buggy nervously watched as Taron leaned forward, hand reaching out but instead of grabbing Buggy by the throat, they took the garment from him. He slumped against the wardrobe. He didn't know what Taron was capable of, they must be strong, and they were finally here to get rid of him. Their other hand reached out and touched his face, causing him to flinch and jerk away.
“Buggy, I'm disappointed by your actions.” They sighed softly. “No candy for the rest of the week, I'm afraid, which is a pity because the paperwork tomorrow is going to be tedious.”
They stepped back and looked over at Cabaji. “Can you help him with this? I'm going to wash up. My clothes better be back on their hangers and in the wardrobe by the time I come out.”
They ignored the two as they grabbed their robe and headed out of the room. The other two stood still, both holding their breath as they waited to be sure they were gone. This… was a bad idea, going through their things, but Buggy was just so frustrated with the situation. He shoved the hanger back into the wardrobe and slammed the door shut.
Buggy kept glancing over at Taron during a meeting. They weren't saying anything yet around their neck was a lavender cravat with a shimmer to it, the one Buggy left with their things. They actually wore it and while he felt proud, he still awaited the inevitable.
Four days after rummaging through their clothes he was still alive so far.
He wasn't really listening to what Mihawk was saying, lost in his own world as he kept a nervous eye on Taron. They were taking notes, glancing up every few minutes at Mihawk as he spoke, nodding along with his words. Buggy swallowed nervously and finally glanced over at the other two members of the Cross Guild. Crocodile was looking over some things, a cigar in his mouth as his eyes darted across the papers in his hands. Mihawk was discussing something about whatever, Buggy had honestly tuned him out a while ago, so he didn’t know what the swordsman was going on about and didn’t really care.
Taron was just taking notes.
When the meeting was over and the two of them were released, Taron followed behind Buggy back to the tent. Crocodile had insisted there were more forms that needed Buggy’s signature and the clown didn’t understand where these were all coming from or what they were for. Taron followed behind Buggy, clutching the forms to their body as Buggy wondered if he could get a break. At least with Mihawk and Crocodile he knew when the punishment was coming, but Taron he couldn’t read. Nothing had happened yet, but Buggy knew it was just a matter of time before Taron would punish him for something.
They arrived back at the tent and to Buggy’s office. Taron placed the stack of forms at his seat before they went to make a fresh pot of coffee. Buggy just stared at the small mountain of papers, wondering how he could get out of it. He took a seat, brain trying to think of something.
He opened his mouth with some kind of excuse ready when Taron came over with a hot cup of coffee for him. They set it down before holding a piece of candy out to him. He tried to take it but they closed their hand and pulled back.
“This is an encouragement for you to start working, Buggy.” They told him as they started to unwrap it for him. “I decided the little rewards really do help you and that withholding them may not be the best choice if I want you to be productive.” They reached over for him, taking hold of him by the chin before pressing the sweet to his lips. “But you need to be good, Buggy, can you do that for me?”
There was that unsuspecting gentle touch that had Buggy gasping in surprise, nodding along with their request as they pushed the treat into his mouth carefully, letting their thumb rest against his bottom lip before releasing him and pulling back. Buggy’s heart was pounding, face flushed, and he tried not to choke on the candy as he watched them as they went to their own chair to work. The strawberry flavor of the candy was mellow, just enough to keep him focused on it as he kept an eye on Taron as he signed the papers.
He wondered what other rewards they would have for him.
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suprsaturatd · 1 year ago
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I’m completely normal. I have an OC, I draw them with a sword. (Byrd Cordova, they/them.)
more of my art | shop | tip me
Description in alt ID.
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magpie-murder · 2 years ago
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elsie belongs to @screaming-owlss
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fire-dragoncreations · 3 months ago
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Mia Ward in 5 different art styles
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nejishadow · 7 months ago
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Artfight attack for eudaenomics
I forget where I'm going with a pose, and then I just go ham on shading, story of my life
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charlie-ver · 2 years ago
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oc redesign shenanigans because I finally got ideas for their kids but first I needed to give her some final design
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nonbinairyboi · 2 months ago
Nothing Left: Chapter 4
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I am a few days late in getting this out as family drama plus the holidays plus moving is hard.
I will try to get another chapter out by the 4th, but between then and now is Christmas, Hanukkah, my birthday, New Years, and my partner's birthday, so who knows!
Fic Summary: You hadn’t spoken in years. Technically, you had the ability to, though as the years wore on, you weren’t so sure. You’d settled in Jackson over a year ago and now it was fall again. You are drawn towards Ellie and her ‘not-dad’, but you had always assumed any relationships deeper than surface level were beyond you at this point.
Chapter Summary: Waking up with injuries makes you realize the strength of your community. 
Pairing: Joel Miller x nonbinary!Reader/OC (afab, dimples, has multiple nicknames but none are their name)
Word Count: ~2.8k
Read on AO3
Series Warnings: This is my first fanfic and I plan to go into some dark stuff including some in-depth discussion of SA that was done to the main character (not by Joel) and the mental impact it has. I am unsure if I will be writing smut as I never have before but I will update the warnings if that changes. There definitely will be allusions to smut if nothing else, so MINORS DNI!
Chapter Warnings: Talk of injuries. Concussion recovery. 
Chapter 4
Throbbing and sharp. Those were the only sensations you could identify. You slowly became aware of sounds around you. Shuffling and muffled voices. You tried to grasp onto what was being said but it just made everything hurt worse. Before you knew it, sleep was pulling you under again.
The next time you came to, you were still in pain, but slightly more aware. This time, you didn’t hear any more voices, just the general hum of the room. You squeezed your eyes shut tighter than they already were in the hopes that when you opened them, the light wouldn’t be too blinding. When you finally cracked your eyes open, you were pleasantly surprised to find that the lights were off and the curtains were drawn. After a few more blinks, you realized that you were laying in a room at the clinic.
Your memories were coming back slowly and they were skipping and stuttering like a damaged record. From your left, you heard a little gasp and a whispered “Holy shit, you’re up!,” which forced you to move your head a little too quickly to the side to see the source of the sound. You were surprised when your eyes met with a shocked-looking Ellie, who was sitting in the chair next to you.
“You’ve been out for like 2 hours, dude,” Ellie told you. “Joel and Eugene were here but had to report what happened to Maria. They also went home to shower cause you guys are gross. You could use one too.”
You cracked a small smile at that and tried to sit up a bit. Pain shot through your ribs, tailbone, head and neck at the action and you hissed and laid back down.
“Careful, you don’t look so great,” Ellie said, looking a little out of her element. She waited a moment before adding, “Heard you were pretty badass.”
You raised your eyebrows at the surprised tone in her voice.
“Not that someone like you couldn’t be!” Ellie quickly backtracked. “You’re just… quiet. So I guess I didn’t know you would be.”
You smirked at how uncomfortable she looked and rolled your eyes playfully, despite the pain it caused you.
The click of the door pulled your attention to the front of the work. A much cleaner looking Joel stepped through the door. His hair was still wet and slicked back from his shower. His eyes were down, but when he stepped in the room, they lifted and locked with yours. He seemed a little taken aback to see you awake. 
Instead of directly addressing you, he turned to Ellie. “You call a doctor in here?”
��No,” Ellie replied. “Charlie just woke up.”
Without another word, Joel turned on his heel and walked right out the door.
You turned to Ellie and caught her trying hard not to smile at the awkward interaction. You playfully swatted her shoulder, forcing out a little laugh from her chest.
“I’ve never seen you guys interact,” she commented. “It’s kinda funny since Joel doesn’t really talk much to other people either.”
You smiled good-naturedly in reply. 
The door opened again and June, one of the two doctors, walked in with Joel and Maria trailing behind her.
June was a woman in her late 60s who had seen it all. She was caring but blunt at times. You admired her. She narrowed her eyes at you. 
“We gave you five stitches in your leg. You look to have some bruised ribs and a severe concussion.” June stated. “Since concussions can get worse over time, you’ll need to be observed over the next few days. You’re being pulled from work until you recover, which could take a while. No reading until I say so.”
You were taken aback to hear it all laid out. You were unsure how to respond. Staying at the clinic for a few days sounded horrible to you.
“Maria has offered to have you stay at her and Tommy’s until I give the ok for you to be on your own. Otherwise, you can stay here.” June concluded.
Your eyes darted to Maria, who was smiling kindly at you.
“Ellie also offered to have you stay with her, but I’m not sure she consulted with Joel on that” Maria added, smirking.
Joel looked surprised to hear this news but quickly schooled his face into a frown, glancing at a nervous looking Ellie as he did.
“You’re welcome to stay with us, but I think you’d be more comfortable with Maria” Joel said, avoiding your eyes.
You shouldn’t have been surprised that Maria wanted to help you, but you honestly were. You were even more surprised that Joel hadn’t shut down the idea of staying at his more harshly. In reply, you smiled and signed ‘thank you’ at both of them. You then signed ‘I’ll go with you’ towards Maria, despite your embarrassment at needing to be cared for.
“Great!” Maria replied. “If it’s ok with you, I’ll run over to yours and grab some of your clothes and a toothbrush. Is there anything else I should grab from over there?”
You timidly shook your head. You felt weird having someone else enter your space, but you had nothing to hide and your head hurt too much to figure out how to fight it. 
Maria took that as a cue to go and get a head start, leaving Ellie, Joel and June in the room with you. Joel looked uncomfortable and out of place, but strangely didn’t move to leave.
June stared at you for a bit. 
“I want to evaluate you better now that you are up, but to be honest I am not sure how since you don’t speak. I don’t want you writing, because focusing that hard could be worse for you.” June stated.
You felt shame run through you as you pointed your eyes to the ground. Speaking came so naturally for everyone else. It came naturally to you before. You’d done it for decades before all of this. You could hear a roaring in your ears and you focused all of your brain power on not letting your tears fall. 
The room had fallen silent following June’s words. After about 30 seconds of almost unbearable silence, Ellie piped up. “So… are you gonna check them out in any way or did you just want to say it to say it?”
Joel coughed loudly and June’s eyes widened. June looked taken aback, but not offended.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean anything by it.” June said kindly. “I was just trying to think through this a bit out loud. Why don’t I ask you a few questions that can be answered with a yes or no or a number?”
You gratefully nodded your hand ‘yes’ in reply.
“Do you remember how many times you lost consciousness since the injury?”
You confidently held up one finger before realizing that you actually couldn’t remember. Hesitantly, with your eyebrows pulling together in concentration, you started to put up another finger with the first. 
“It’s ok if you don’t remember. You can also answer that you don’t know.” June encouraged. “Did you vomit at all?”
You shook your hand ‘yes’.
“How many times?”
Feeling confident again, you held up one finger. Movement caught your attention from the corner of your eye, and you saw June look to Joel as well, who you realized was shaking his head ‘no’.
Your mouth opened in surprise. Could you really not remember? Suddenly feeling dumb, you looked at your hands.
The questions went on for a while, and by the end you felt humiliated and exhausted. June excused herself to write down some instructions for you.
“You did really well today. You’ll be ok. I’m sure you’re just in some pain.” Joel said quietly, surprising you.
You looked up at him and smiled in thanks. Ellie inhaled as if to tack on another sassy comment, when the door opened revealing Maria.
“I dropped off some of your stuff with Tommy at the house. Do you want to try and get over there now or do you need to rest first?” Maria asked.
Despite your exhaustion, the thought of staying in the clinic longer made you uncomfortable. Doctors had always made you nervous in a way that you were probably too old to still be feeling after all these years. You quickly signed that you wanted to go.
Maria nodded, understanding. 
“What did Charlie say?” Ellie asked.
Maria raised her eyebrows. “Charlie?”
“It’s what Eugene calls them and said it made ‘em smile the first time,” Ellie said, shrugging.
“Hmm.” Maria said thoughtfully while looking into your eyes with intensity. “The signs that I knew were ‘I’ ‘want’ ‘go’ ‘now’” she added, imitating the signs you had used.
Ellie repeated the signs while speaking, looking to you in validation. You nodded and smiled at her. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Joel attempting to subtly try the signs out as well. You bit the inside of your cheek to keep your smile from growing.
Walking all the way to Maria’s house turned out to be a harder task than you anticipated. You were thankful for Maria’s arm interlocked with yours and for Ellie on your other side. Joel was hovering behind you, keeping so close that it surprised you.
You stopped 5 times on the way to squeeze your eyes shut to try and stop the world from spinning. A block away from the house, you vomited again. You felt Joel’s arms grasp your upper body to keep you up.
“Aww, sick!” Ellie exclaimed.
This made you laugh and then cough a bit. You felt quite pitiful making your way up the front steps, but also proud that you hadn’t passed out again.
Maria’s house was comforting. It was lived in just enough to be cozy. 
“You’ll be staying on the first floor if that is ok with you.” Maria said. 
You were grateful that the door to the room was only a few steps away as you felt yourself fading. After Ellie and Maria deposited you on the bed, Ellie and Joel said goodbye and Ellie promised to visit you soon. As she left, you reflected on how much space the girl now took up in your heart after only a few interactions. You smiled, lost in thought.
“I know you are probably exhausted, but I thought you might want to wash up before you go to sleep again.” Maria commented. “There is a bathroom across the hall. Should I start a bath for you? I can help you in and out if you are comfortable with that.”
You weighed how tired you get against the itchiness on your skin. Taking a bath in front of Maria would feel vulnerable, but you weren’t sure that you could do it alone. After a small hesitation, you nodded your hand at Maria, who smiled and exited the room quickly. Moments later you heard the water turn on.
Looking around the small room, you noticed a bag from your house sat atop the dresser. You shakily stood and walked towards it. Unzipping the bag, you selected a shirt, sweatpants, underwear and socks that had never looked comfier. You took a moment to steady yourself on the dresser before beginning to turn around again. Maria stepped back in the room then, tutting at you.
“You were supposed to wait for me.” She said as she moved to help you towards the door. 
She thankfully gave you some privacy so you could go to the bathroom before your bath. While you were washing your hands, you looked up and caught your own eye in the mirror. You were shocked at your reflection. Your face was covered in streaks of dirt and a bit of blood, that looked like someone had tried to wipe off a bit after some of it had dried. There were the beginnings of a dark bruise forming along your cheekbone and your lip was split. It was hard to focus, so you quickly finished washing your hands and used the toothbrush Maria had brought from yours to wash out your mouth. You opened the bathroom door again to find Maria standing patiently with a towel, a washcloth, and a stool.
You smiled as you let her slip past before you closed the door again. You took a breath before moving your hands to the bottom of your shirt. About halfway through lifting it over your head, the pain in your ribs decided it would not tolerate being pushed to the side anymore, forcing you to hiss and drop your arms.
“You don’t accept help easily, do you?” Maria commented, moving to help you.
She was respectful and didn’t make you feel too uncomfortable as she helped you undress and lower yourself into the bath. You were pretty sure that without Maria’s help, you would have split your head open trying to lay down, so you signed ‘thank you’ for what felt like the 100th time today.
The warm water not only began to wash away the grime, but it was helping some of your pain as well. You felt your muscles relax a bit and you sank lower into the water. 
“You have a big fan club, you know.” Maria said, handing you a washcloth.
You frowned in confusion at her.
“A lot of people were worried when you came in, slung over that horse.”
You huffed and rolled your eyes lightly. You weren’t close with many people in Jackson. They probably would have been worried to see any human body slumped across a saddle. You’re sure it wasn’t a pretty sight.
“I’m serious!” Maria exclaimed. “Don’t belittle your worth here. I am so thankful that you are a part of this community. A lot of people are.” 
You looked down, focusing on cleaning your skin so you wouldn’t have to think too hard about the effect of her words.
“I know it must be hard. Having a communication barrier on top of everything else at the end of the world.” She said, smiling at you as she grabbed a cup from the counter. “Can I help with your hair?”
You nodded lazily, sitting up and hugging one of your knees slightly, (one of your legs was propped up slightly above the water to not get your stitches wet) feeling at least 30 years younger in this position, despite the pull of your muscles and aches from your fall. 
Maria kept speaking to you as she washed and rinsed your hair, carefully rubbing in the shampoo and moving away from any spots that made you wince.
“When I first met you, I kind of thought that you would start speaking within a day or two. It took me a while to understand that you wouldn’t. Probably even longer to fully accept it. Honestly, there is probably a part of me that still hopes.”
You chuckled in reply and signed ‘same’. Maria laughed lightly.
“I just feel like you are holding some scathing jokes back with all of your observations. Someday I’ll learn enough signs for you to tell me.” She said, waggling her eyebrows, causing you to exhale a laugh again. “You’re one of the people in this town I trust the most. I can’t quite say why. I’d leave my kid with you more readily than a lot of them. And I really do enjoy your company.” 
You could feel a few tears making their way out of the corners of your eyes as your nose burned. People rarely talked to you about you unless it was to ask questions that you couldn’t answer. Maria’s words made you feel more deeply the relationships your silence had robbed you of. You were grateful that it hadn’t robbed you of Maria’s friendship.
“Now that I think about that, I am wondering if that makes me a narcissist. I swear I like you for you and not just that I like hearing myself talk.” She said with furrowed brows.
This startled a full blown laugh out of you, and she joined in. After a moment though, the laughter hurt your head and your ribs and you clutched your head. Maria sobered instantly and suggested it was time for you to get out and lay down. You agreed. The process of getting out of the tub and getting dressed was somehow twice as hard as getting in, and you found that any self consciousness fell away as you focused all your energy on staying upright. It wasn’t like Maria hadn’t seen a body before. And this far into the end of the world, everyone’s bodies were covered in scars, big and small.
You were thankful when Maria finally helped you to lay down fully under the sheets on the bed, your eyes already fighting to stay open.
“I’ll be back to check on you while you sleep every once and a while. I’ll try to keep it consistent so I can help if you need anything as well.” Maria stated. “Sorry in advance for any baby screams you may hear.” 
Your lips turned up as you remembered the pudge on her baby’s face.
As your eyes slid closed, you heard Maria murmur “Rest” before the familiar click of a door closing lulled you to sleep.
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travelingtwentysomething · 4 months ago
OC: Haven from my fic Let's Be Honest, If You Could Hop Dimensions, You'd Save Eddie Munson Too
OC Askbox Game
I'm avoiding writing and you probably are too, so let's at least think about our characters while we do it.
You know the drill- send me a number (ONE number, you can come back for more) and I'll answer for an OC of your choice (if you know their name) or my choice (if you don't know their name). Feel free to name some of your OCs in the tags of your reblog, if you want to be asked about them.
How did you choose their name?
Were they created for the story, or was the story created for them?
Do they have a love interest, and was that their choice or yours?
Do they have a best friend? If so, how did they meet? If not, have they ever/why never?
Did they have a pet as a child?
What catalyzed their introduction to the plot?
What attribute of them (some facet of their personality, their history, their look, or whatever etc) would you find most important to somehow preserve if they were transplanted to an AU fanfic?
If your character's financial situation were to suddenly flip (someone poor becoming rich, someone rich becoming poor, etc), how well would they handle it? What would be the first thing they would do?
If your character could have handed their role in the plot to someone else, would they have?
Free Space #1: Which of your OCs would be most likely to survive a zombie apocalypse? Which would die immediately?
Does your character have a pet peeve?
Has your character committed any crimes (per their universe's laws)? If not, which crime would your character most likely commit?
Who is your character's closest (by relation, fondness, or distance) blood relative?
How does your character feel about riding horses (or your world's closest approximation of a horse if it lacks horses)?
Is your character's first instinct fight or flight? Is there something that could force them to do the opposite?
What is your character's favorite leisure activity?
Is your character holding any grudges? Are they likely to stop?
If your character were trapped on a deserted island, what three things would they want to have with them? Which person would they absolutely hate to be trapped there with? Which person would they enjoy being trapped there with?
Does your character having any health issues, whether they're aware of them or not?
Free Space #2: Which of your OCs would you most like to meet in person, if they could become real (or you could visit them) for a day?
Final Question: Ask me your own question about my OC
Remember: play nice! Send an ask to the person you reblogged this from, and try to send a few to folks that reblog from you!
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bonesdontmelt · 13 days ago
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Two of my OCs from my one piece fanfic Rogue Marines, Abdul Ram (he/him) and Wei Radha (they/them)
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newpathwrites · 1 year ago
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Din learns of a struggling, teenaged Mandalorian from his former tribe and steps in to help, showing them a different way.
Or… how Din Djarin built a clan by happy accident.
Summary: This story takes place after TBOBF and is non-canon moving forward. It was first posted on AO3 in May 2022 under both “A New Creed” and the continuation “How to Build a Clan”.
Jai is a mandalorian OC who is ~15 years-old at the start of the story which will cover several years with large time jumps.
I love the idea of Din and Omera together - I imagine their relationship would be a more mature, cautious kind of romance, knowing that Din may eventually be unable to return at some point. So they just enjoy each others’ company when they can and leave things otherwise a bit undefined, even though they all feel and act like family (along with Grogu and Winta). We’ll see where that takes them.
Din is demisexual/demiromantic in this story, and other queer representation is present throughout which should be self-evident.
Warnings listed by chapter may include implied or threatened child harm, sexual references, and mild non-explicit sexual content.
I. Lost and Found
II. Sorgan
III. Kindred Spirits (prequel)
IV. Catching Feelings (prequel)
V. Jai’s Decision
VI. Making it Official
VII. Questions
VIII. Epilogue - Part 1
IX. Epilogue - Part 2
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rorywritesjunk · 1 year ago
Be gentle with yourself as you uncover Your best kept secrets yet to be discovered
Buggy meets an infamous pirate who dabbles in magic that everyone seems to be after, but they only have eyes for Buggy. Why is he so special?
Rating: PGish. Warning: None. Buggy is Buggy. A/N: My "Howl's Moving Castle" fic based off the movie because I never read the book. It will have different moments than the movie just to omit some things. This story uses "You" but I couldn't not give the character a name and for some reason "Shore" is what I thought of. And Shore is referred to as they/them, nonbinary, and breaks hearts wherever they go. Buggy is Sophie in this fic, is 22, and not always in a good mood.
Title comes from "Better In The Morning" by Birdtalker.
Taglist: @lostfirefly @fanaticsnail  @youreinthewind 
Chapter 1 + Chapter 2 + Chapter 3 + Chapter 4
Chapter IV
Buggy definitely had his work cut out for him as a maintenance man. 
There were creaky stairs, some loose floorboards, a wobbly chair, and shelves falling off the walls left and right. As he fixed one in the main living area, another one would fall somewhere else in the ship. Was Shanks somehow doing this to be obnoxious? Buggy sighed as he hammered in another nail to secure a shelf before giving it a few shakes to make sure it was secured. Why did he say he was a maintenance man? 
The table was… okay. He had enlisted Luffy to help him clear the table first of dishes and other nonsense, but the boy broke one plate the second he picked it up so Buggy just had him get out of his way. He didn’t want to clean up after the boy while cleaning the rest of the ship. 
Buggy spent time cleaning the table off, sanding down any roughened edges, and hammering in any loose nails. In the end, it looked better than when he first walked in though it had still seen many meals at it. There were stains, dents, and scuffs in the wood, but that didn’t bother him that much in the end. 
“Mister Bogey, what’re you doing next?” Luffy asked as he stood there with a broom. He thought he was being helpful by sweeping, but honestly, he was just making a bigger mess by creating dust clouds.
Buggy sighed. “It’s Buggy. And I’m going to hang you outside by your toes if you keep making a mess, kid!”
“I’m helping!” Luffy insisted.
“You’re helping make a bigger mess!” Buggy shot back as he pointed to the stairs. “If you want to sweep then do it out on the deck!”
“But I want to help you!” Luffy insisted, gripping the broom handle tightly in his hands as he pouted at Buggy. That made him pause for a moment. He wanted to help, really? Buggy… wasn’t used to that. Back at the circus he stopped asking for help because the times he did he was met with resistance. Why should he expect help now from a kid? He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, eyes shut tightly as he tried to think of a task Luffy could do that would actually help him.
“Fine. Can… you organize the dirty dishes by what they are?” Buggy asked, knowing he would need to tackle that task sooner rather than later. “Silverware, plates, bowls, cups. Organize them like that.”
Luffy took in what he was asking and nodded before hurrying over to the sink where the dishes were piled up. “I can do that!”
“Carefully!” Buggy ordered. “No more broken plates, kid!”
“Okay Mister Boogie!”
“It’s Buggy!”
Buggy replaced a step that had snapped in half that led up to the main deck. He and Luffy weren’t able to get up there without much difficulty, so he had the boy find some scrap wood so he could fix it and Buggy was pleased that the boy came through, finding an old step stool that had seen better days, so Buggy managed to repurpose it into a step. 
He straightened up, rubbing his back as he looked proudly at his finished task. He never thought to add maintenance man to his list of possible jobs after leaving the circus, but so far he felt he was doing alright. Sure, every joint in his body was aching, he had some splinters, he hit his thumb with the hammer a few times already, causing it to bruise and swell, and Luffy only managed to break two plates and a bowl when he organized the dirty dishes for him. So far the day was okay.
“So, Mister Buggy, how did you come to find us all the way out here?” Your voice startled him as you came down the stairs, stopping just above the step he fixed. He looked up nervously, wondering if you could see through his curse or if you even remembered him. He hoped you didn’t. He didn’t want you to see him become a pathetic old man instead of… a pathetic young man who needed rescuing. 
“Oh, well… you see…” He wasn’t sure how to respond. Would you see through any lie he said? Maybe you’d kick him off the ship, fire him from this ‘job’ that he made up on the spot, leave him to die out in the wilderness to be food for scavenging animals. 
You held your hand out to him suddenly and he looked at you in surprise before taking it. Carefully, you placed your right foot onto the newly finished step, then the left, smiling at him as you looked down at him from it. 
“I hope to keep you around to fix things when they break, Mister Buggy.” You smiled as you descended the last few. “Please don’t go away any time soon.”
He hated how warm his face got at that smile, or the way his heart started pounding. Was this his heart giving out in his advancing age? Why were you still holding his hand? 
“What's in your pocket, Mister Buggy?” You suddenly asked, shaking him from his thoughts. He looked down, his free hand reaching into his pocket while his other hand held yours. He dug around for a moment and frowned, pulling out a snail shell and holding it out to you. Smoke started to come from the shell, it felt hot to the touch suddenly and Buggy dropped it, watching it land on the step he just repaired. It fell apart, leaving a sigil scorched into the wood. 
“What is that?!” Buggy asked. “I just fixed that step!”
You crouched down, waving your hand over it and Buggy saw the marks rise up from the wood and into your palm. It was a sight to see and he knew he’d have to get used to seeing magic in motion if he was going to live on this ship. You smiled at Buggy as you straightened up.
“Just a message from an old friend.” You told him, clenching your fist for a moment before opening it to show him your empty palm. “The Witch of the Waste sends her regards.”
Buggy bristled at the mention of Alvida but he didn’t speak, knowing it wouldn’t do any good. You said nothing as you brushed past him, heading over to Shanks and giving him instructions. Buggy only caught a few words, his hearing not what it was just days before as a young man, but he heard you say something about moving the ship elsewhere. Oh, were they stationary this entire time, or did it float around among the clouds freely? Buggy actually wasn’t sure, he hadn’t taken the time to look out.
You suddenly brushed past Buggy to get on the step he just fixed, giving him a smile. “I’m going to wash up. When you have time there’s a broken cabinet in my bathroom, could you fix it when you have time?”
“Uh, yes, of course!” He nodded. “I’m your maintenance man after all! I can fix anything!”
You chuckled softly and nodded in agreement. “I’m glad you joined us then. There’s a lot to fix around here.”
You ascended the stairs after that, leaving Buggy alone at the bottom. You were glad he joined, even if it was a surprise for all of you. It felt nice to hear that but he quickly shook the feeling off, figuring you were just saying that so he’d fix the cabinet sooner. He would get to it next, once you were out of the bathroom. It was just weird to feel appreciated like that but he tried to brush it off. Sooner or later you’d probably kick him off the ship to fend for himself anyway. No one wanted a pathetic maintenance man on their crew.
The main living space looked better now that Buggy repaired wall shelves, fixed furniture, and even washed all the dishes. It was a little more like a home now than a chaotic space. He felt proud of his work, though the next thing to do was check the chimney. While Shanks seemed to have no problem burning along, enjoying the stacks of wood Buggy had given him earlier, smoke was getting everywhere, and before Buggy could attempt to clean the soot from the wall, he had to see why the smoke was so bad.
“Can you hear me?” Luffy yelled up to him from the fireplace as Shanks looked up. Buggy had gotten outside onto the main deck, finding the chimney that was near the main mast. Was it safe to have a chimney like this? Wouldn’t sparks light things on fire? Then again, you were a wizard of sorts, so things could be enchanted to prevent that. He had a broom to knock loose any soot that built up. 
“I can, are you able to see anything, kid?” Buggy shouted back from the opening of the chimney. He was ready to shove the broom in bristles first, but he wanted to be sure it was safe to do so. Shanks would be just fine.
“No, I just see Shanks and hear your voice.” Luffy told him. 
“Get out of the way then!” Buggy shoved the broom down the chimney, gripping the handle tightly as he plunged it up and down, trying to knock loose as much of the crud as possible. He fought for a few minutes before it became easier. He must have knocked it all loose, so he looked down the chimney, seeing just a bit of the fireplace but without a fire. “Everything okay down there?”
“Shanks is out!” Luffy sounded panicked which worried Buggy, so he hurried back down as fast as his body allowed. He nearly tripped on the steps going down, but he stopped when he saw you at the fireplace, picking up a small coal surrounded by flame. He watched as you gently blew against it, seeming to breathe life back into it, before setting it down on two fresh logs. When Buggy approached, you looked at him with an amused expression.
“Please be careful with Shanks, we do need him around.” You told him gently as Luffy cheered as Shanks started bemoaning the fact that Buggy just tried to kill him. It was all an accident, really, but you didn’t seem mad at him. Instead you touched his hand gently and he felt the warmth of the fire for a moment before you pulled back and headed for the stairs to leave the ship. You spun a dial beside the door, Buggy watched it spin for a moment before it stopped and you opened the door, stepping outside and leaving the others behind. 
“Why’d you try to kill Shanks, Mister Buffy?” Luffy asked innocently. Buggy huffed in annoyance, scowling at the boy before he went to grab his makeshift tool box he cobbled together.
“I didn’t do it on purpose, and besides, Shanks is fine! A little soot won’t hurt him!” Buggy snapped at him as Luffy went to grab another piece of wood for the fire. “Now, I have work to do in the bedrooms, got it? If you don’t want any of your things thrown out, you better deal with them now, kid.”
Luffy’s eyes widened and he rushed past Buggy and up the stairs. His room was not the cleanest and he wanted to protect his treasures from him. Buggy smirked and looked over at Shanks; the flame was watching him carefully.
“Y’know, if I go out then that’s the end of Shore.” The flame told Buggy. “We’re connected, we can’t live without the other.”
“Well, that’s just dumb.” Buggy grumbled; he couldn’t imagine such a life of having someone to depend on. He depended on himself and that was it. “Try not to go out then, you silly little flame, if Shore needs you that badly.” 
He turned to head up the stairs but glanced back at the flame for a moment, thinking over what he said. Could you really die if Shanks was put out? Buggy didn’t really want to think about it, instead choosing to be more careful next time even if Shanks was annoying. With a sigh, he started up the stairs, wincing as his lower back and hips protested at the movement. Right, he was old. He needed to get used to it since he would likely be this for the rest of his now short life. 
He managed to make it up the stairs to the level where the bathroom and bedrooms were. Oh, right, he would need his own room, wouldn’t he? Though, he could just do with a cot, even if his old bones would protest it. Shaking his head, he headed for the bathroom, opening the door and freezing at the sight before him. Clutter, a cabinet resting on the floor, holes in the wall, and a tub and toilet that looked as though they had never been clean. There were bottles and products scattered all across the floor as well. 
How could two people live like this?
Buggy went to open the window first, wanting to get fresh air in there. Movement below caught his attention and he saw that they were actually moving, sailing over the rocks and terrain as clouds drifted by. Oh, this ship really did sail in a way, didn’t it?
“Shanks, is that you making the ship move?” Buggy shouted down to him.
“Of course it is!” The little flame called back to him. Huh, it was impressive, but Buggy wouldn’t say that.
“Guess you’re good for something then.” Buggy mumbled before he turned his attention back to the bathroom. Okay, it was time to start cleaning.
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