#no set time for release but it will release on friday i promise
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angelyuji · 5 months ago
noncon/kinktober masterlist
every friday, a fic will go up. some short, some long, all of them at least slightly fucked up
week 1 (10/04): webbed up - spiderman x f!reader
cw // noncon, shitty smut, implied stalking, dubcon
week 2 (10/11): intimate examination - doctor zayne x f!reader
tw // medical malpractice, dubcon, kindaa implied that zayne has had an eye on mc for a while, shitty smut
week 3 (10/18): haunted - satoru gojo x gn!reader
tw // noncon, supernatural, harrassment, gojo is a nerdy loser jerk
week 4 (10/25): dear diary - batman x gn!reader
tw // stalking, kidnapping, voyeurism, masturbation, pattinson!bruce is silly and a cutiepie
bonus (10/31): seafood, see food! - eddie brock/venom x f!reader
tw // she/her pronouns used, kidnapping, implied noncon, monster/creature-in-the-woods symbrock, yandere content ahead
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milfgyuu · 10 months ago
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Hot Wheels [M] Pairing: Kim Mingyu x Fem!Reader Tags: 15.9k, 90's AU, Co-Workers to Lovers, Fluff, Humor, Smut 18+ Collab: Now That's 90's Summary: There has been something brewing between you and your part-time co-worker (full-time hottie), Kim Mingyu. Endlessly flirting on the clock at Wheelies, making out in the back of the movie theater, rolling around in the sand with a mighty good man...no other 90's dreamboat could ever compare. Warnings: SMUT 18+, MINORS DNI!! mxf (consensual) sex, fingering, low-key breast play, making out (in public), hickey talk, Mingyu is hung (obvs), he's also portrayed as 'taller' than the mc in interactions, mild to moderate language use, gyu's roomies are sloshed at the end (unrelated to smut or main characters), that should cover all the bases...
Fridays at the roller rink are always busy but this is the first official skate-night of Summer Time ‘99 and it’s like opening day all over again. The schools let out just a few hours ago, releasing hoards of teenagers with pent-up energy loose on your small town and there is a line out the door waiting to get into Wheelies to jump-start their next few months of freedom.
Thankfully, the owners prepared and bought a whole new stock of skates so when you inevitably have to help out at the rental counter you’ll have enough to go around without having to argue with some sixteen-year-old about not having their size.
For now, you’re on the floor making sure everything is running smoothly, gliding around in circles with your hands in your pockets. It’s not too packed just yet even though you can see the steady stream of kids filtering through the doors after hitting the ticket booth. Mothers are packing up their little ones knowing it’s time to head out before it picks up pace and the exchange in skaters coming on and off the floor keeps things pretty even for a short while. 
As you pass by the DJ booth for the hundredth time this evening, Vernon pauses to make a goofy face at you while he sets up his equipment. He’s probably the one person who enjoys the summer nights the most because he gets to put on light shows and mix tracks to his heart’s content. 
After letting the floor empty a bit more, you come to a stop in front of him for a quick break, crossing your arms and resting them over the top of his carpeted booth. 
“You gonna play something special for me tonight, Nonnie?”
He rolls his eyes but grins all the same. “You ask me that every night.”
Laying your head on your arms, you look up at him with a pout, “And yet, no romantic song dedications to your favorite Wheelies girl,” you pick your head up and bat your eyes at him, “I’m starting to think you want to break up with me.”
“I promise if I want to end our made-up relationship, I’ll tell you like a real man. Besides,” Vernon laughs and tilts his chin up, looking at something behind you, “I think you’ve been seeing other people. Hotter Wheels if you catch my drift.”
“Heh, I think he hates that name,” you turn, catching sight of Mingyu ducking into the locker rooms to change out and stow his bag, most likely coming straight from hockey practice. Vernon is back to messing with things when you turn, humming, “Lets be real. I only like boys who don’t like me, Nonnie, that’s why you’re the one.”
“What if he’s like you and only goes for girls who don’t want him?”
At that you laugh, preparing to depart as the floor begins to steadily fill again. “Well then, he’ll be lonely forever because I am pretty sure everyone wants him.”
“Including you?”
Very stealthily, you flip him the bird.
Vernon just laughs it off and gets back to work as you skate away, toying with the whistle tied around your neck. You can tell he’s about to get started with his new set when the lights dim and the carpeted walls and floors outside of the polished skate floor start to glow. The little whirls and shapes coming to life with a neon purple hue.
You catch the line piling up at the rental booth but thankfully, it looks like they called in a few extra hands tonight to help there and in concessions which means you get to stay on the floor. Rentals isn’t the worst, that would be birthday party hosting, but you also hate concessions so you don’t put up a fuss when you’re asked to help with skates or in the front on the rare occasion one of the sweet old ladies manning the ticket windows is out.
As more people start piling onto the floor you slow your pace and skate backward for a few feet to check out your surroundings and find teenagers everywhere, loud and wildly unaware of their surroundings. They aren’t too awful this early in the night but you’re sure you’ll have to escort someone off the floor before closing time.
You’ll enjoy your leisurely pace for now and it seems Wonwoo is keen to do the same on the opposite side of the crowd. He weaves in and out of skaters bobbing his head to the music. His glasses are sitting lower on his nose than usual and you’re sure he’s broken them again…or his little brother did and he’s waiting for their exact replacement to come in so he can switch them out without his brother noticing and feeling any more guilty. 
He’s only eight but Wonwoo is his very best friend. They come in on Saturdays together, one of Wonwoo’s only days off, and he teaches his brother to skate for an hour or so before he lets him loose in the arcade and they leave with matching ice cream cones in hand. They even have matching shaggy hairstyles. It’s adorable.
In truth, you’re fond of many of your co-workers but Wonwoo is definitely in your top three for that reason alone. You get along really well with any easy-going personality, it's the same with Vernon. They are both just nice, quiet guys and the exact opposite of the giant shadow hanging over your left shoulder. 
Although, you suppose you get along just fine with him as well.
“Quit checking Wonwoo out, you’re breaking my heart.”
Even before he opened his mouth, the distinct cologne he always wore told you Mingyu was finally on the floor, ready to chase you around for the rest of the night like it was his full-time job. He spent more time trying to charm your pants off than doing what he was actually hired to do but he is so damn charming that he somehow gets away with it.
Besides, this is just a part-time gig for him. Might as well enjoy himself while he’s at it.
When you don’t answer right away, he decides to show off his stupidly impressive hockey maneuvers and he swings around in front of you, casually skating backward without bothering to look behind him. He’s big enough that people can’t miss him and they tend to move out of his path pretty quickly. Now that he sees your face, he’s smirking because you don’t even have it in you to hide your smile tonight. “Oh, that’s pretty,” he coos, “My heart’s healing already.”
You grab his arm to pull his hand away from his chest and he spins around to skate at your side, eyes briefly scanning the floor until they’re back on you. 
“I wasn’t checking him out but believe me… you’re going to be absolutely devastated when Vernon finally admits he’s in love with me. Game over, buddy.”
Mingyu looks wholly unconvinced. “Well, he’s had long enough and you’re going to fall in love with me by the end of the week so…” he pinches his lips together like he’s just delivered the real, honest, awkward truth and you’re battling butterflies in your stomach. 
“End of the week, huh? Are we sure?”
He gets distracted by an increase in volume but for only a moment because Wonwoo is already on it and the quick, sharp sound of his whistle means Mingyu’s full attention is on you again. “That’s what I have circled on my calendar,” he shrugs, “Nothing we can do about it now but let it happen.”
Mingyu’s sense of humor and playful nature are the literal nails in your coffin. You can handle hot with no personality…this one is hot with an overabundance of personality.
You look up at him, probably grinning ear to ear, “Bet you have little hearts doodled all over it with a hot pink gel pen, don’t ya, Hot Wheels?”
He grumbles something under his breath and it makes you snicker. Wonwoo started that one and it seemed to spread throughout the building like wildfire. Now, even the ticket ladies call him Hot Wheels though you’re sure they mean it quite literally whereas Wonwoo was actually just busting Mingyu’s balls about a particularly embarrassing tumble he took.
“Purple gel pen, actually,” he turns and pouts as you both bank around the curve again, “Lost my pink one.”
“Could always steal another one from your little sister.”
At that, he scoffs, the corner of his lips pulled up into a half-smile, “She threw a Barbie car at my head the last time I visited,” he doesn’t even sound upset…it’s more proud than anything, “She reminds me of you sometimes.”
When you go to respond, a young boy accidentally skates too close to you and his wheels knock into yours throwing you both off balance. You catch him by the arm, meeting his panic-stricken eyes, and wait to hit the floor but you rock back against a hard chest and thank all your lucky stars Mingyu was there to save you. The older you get, the harder the floor feels. 
“I’m so sorry!” The boy exclaims once you’re all steady again, “I’m not good at this! I promise I wasn’t trying to take you out!”
His genuine concern is sweet and you laugh it off. “It’s totally okay and nobody got hurt,” you tell him and he takes a deep breath, “Wanna go around together a few times?”
The boy’s eyes shine and he nods his head rapidly. Mingyu drops back a few paces and you hold out your arm, elbow tucked into your side. “Okay,” you pat your forearm, “Hold on here…there you go…and we’re going to push off at the same time with the same foot. Hey, Gyu,” you call over your shoulder and he comes back up to your side, waiting for your instructions, “Will you skate a little ahead of us so he can watch you?”
“For sure,” Mingyu grins, picking up speed until he’s far enough away to slow his pace again and remain ahead of you.
The kid is a bit wobbly but he’s trying really hard and it makes you smile. You remember when you first learned to skate and how intimidating the rink was though you were around eight and he looks to be around fourteen. There wasn’t a floor full of bigger, faster kids to compete with though so you think maybe you got off easier.
“You’re doing great,” you encourage him, “Watch him go around the curve to get a better idea of how to steer yourself.”
Mingyu banks it beautifully, as usual. It’s surprising to most people that someone his size could skate so fluidly especially after learning that he only started playing hockey in his early teens. It was just something he had a natural talent for and trading out blades for wheels hadn’t altered his ability to move with grace whatsoever.
You work through the turn together, a little less smoothly, but you make it around and he lets out a short laugh. “He makes it look so easy.”
“Yeah, well he’s had lots and lots of practice and likes to show off.”
Your eyes settle on Mingyu again and as if he can sense you watching, he turns over his shoulder and winks which is not solely witnessed by you because the kid chuckles, following through the next curve with more confidence. “Is he your boyfriend? He’s kinda cool.”
The question catches you off guard and you laugh, covering your mouth with your free hand. “Not my boyfriend but yeah…I guess he’s kinda cool.”
He looks up at you…almost mischievously you’d think, if you knew him better. “I think he wants to be your boyfriend,” he snickers, “He keeps looking at you.”
You huff out a laugh, placing your hand over his before swinging you both into a stop out of the way. “I’m starting to think this is all a ruse and he’s paying you to put in a good word.”
The kid laughs and shakes his head, “No, I’m just nosey and a really lousy skater,” he says, looking up at Mingyu who’s come over and stopped next to you, “Thanks a lot for helping me out,” he looks a little sheepish, hand reaching around to scratch the back of his neck, “There is this girl at school I like and she’s a figure skater. She asked me out on a date at the ice rink when she comes back from vacation with her family in two weeks and I said yes even though I’m probably going to make a fool of myself. Figured I should start practicing now and falling on wheels is less intimidating than falling with knives on my feet.”
You laugh softly and Mingyu grins, shaking his head. “I admire your dedication to getting the girl, kid. Listen, I coach a youth hockey league at the ice rink down the road and have a free hour a few days a week that I use to practice myself. I’d be happy to teach you if you want.”
The boy’s eyes light up. “That would be so cool!”
Mingyu chuckles, “Alright, awesome. Are one of your parents here with you? I can go talk to them and give them my information.”
“Yeah! My grandma is sitting over there,” he points to the corner where you both make out an older woman sitting alone with a book in hand, surrounded by way too many boisterous young people. 
You meet Mingyu’s eyes and both make a face. “Yikes, okay, let’s go save grandma.”
The boy thanks you again and starts to merge back into the flow of skaters as Mingyu smiles at you, pushing off with a ‘Don’t miss me too much’ and a stupid kissy face. 
His grin is wild and gorgeous when you wiggle your fingers and whisper, “Bye, lover boy.”
Vernon is smiling at you when you reach his booth and you hop up onto the small ledge that allows a good look at the floor as a whole while also giving your legs a needed break. He’s playing one is his 80’s to 90’s pop mixes and tweaking the rotating lights that dance over the skaters until they start changing colors, neon polka dots as far as the eye can see. 
There is a steady exchange of kids coming on and off the floor. Most of the early group heading into the arcade or bombarding the concessions counter while the later crowd takes their place. In between all that, you catch sight of Mingyu speaking with the boy and his Grandma. You don’t even realize that you’re unabashedly smiling at the scene, thinking about how kind and attentive he is when he’s listening. The way he leans in and pulls back, grinning and laughing. 
“Still think you’re not into him?” Vernon says over your shoulder, laughing when you startle.
You purse your lips, eyes wandering back over. “I’m simply admiring his social aptitude,” you flick your eyes back up to Vernon and grin, “Why? Is it making you jealous darling?”
He smirks, “Not yet. Gonna have to try harder.”
“Ugh,” you swoon, hand over your heart, “I love it when you play hard to get.”
Vernon nods his head laughing, “Yeahhhh, I know you do.” Then he notices you’ve got your eye on an issue that needs handling and reaches out to pat the top of your head, “Two more hours and they all have to go home to be someone else’s responsibility. I’ll throw in some of your favorite jams.”
Ten o’clock couldn’t come soon enough but you appreciate his offer and toss out a few songs for consideration though he’s pretty familiar with your tastes. You step back down onto the floor and blow Vernon a kiss when you immediate recognzie the song he’s jumped into…just for you.
 “You really are the best. Check on you in a bit, undercover lover.”
He throws up a peace sign and you cut across the floor to ask a couple of kids who were just blowing and popping bubbles to go spit out their gum as it’s clearly stated that it's not allowed on the floor. They don’t love your request and start to argue but Mingyu sneaks up behind you again and dazzles them with a smile. Just like that, the two young girls start giggling and falling all over themselves to do exactly as asked…all because the pretty guy said ‘Please’. 
It’s comical, honestly. 
Mingyu is smirking when he rolls along beside you, bending at the waist to peek up at your face because it’s aimed at the floor as you try to school your features. He’s so irritatingly flirtatious and you’re too quickly playing into his hand tonight. You’re usually better than this, holding out well until you’re pulling out of the parking lot. 
“Oh, yeah,” he intones, “Tonight is definitely the night. You’re giving in. You can’t resist me any longer. It was bound to happen. You’re still smiling! I can see it!”
Laughing, you pull your head up and give him a look that you would have loved to be firm but it’s not in the slightest. How can you be serious when he is so not serious? “Don’t you dare,” you warn with a loose laugh tacked on at the end, “I told you, we’re not going on a date.”
Mingyu shrugs, “So, movies tomorrow night?”
“Don’t you work tomorrow?”
He bats his eyes with a saccharine smile, “I love that you know my schedule by heart,” he ignores your eye roll, “Wonu’s covering my shift since he owed me one and also because he’s a true romantic. He’s rooting for us and we can’t disappoint him.”
“Well, I suppose if it’s what Wonwoo wants…” you look up at him, eyes glittering with excitement, “When are you picking me up?”
For as calm and cool as Mingyu keeps it on the outside, he’s buzzing on the inside because he’s been toying around with the idea of taking you out forever. And he’s asked…more than once…but you’ve kept him on his toes and he’s enjoyed the playing the game but he’s elated that you’re finally saying yes.
He tries to school is face but he’s still beaming as he tries to casually say, “I’ll pick you up at seven.”
“Seven?” you snicker, “Isn’t that a little late to get started? You keeping me out all night?”
He just shrugs, grinning. “Maybe.”
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Mingyu shows up nearly twenty minutes early and you can see his car outside your condo. He doesn’t make a move to get out and it’s amusing to watch as he nervously drums his fingers on the steering wheel for a few beats before reaching for the door like he’s going to get out, and then shaking his head before resuming the fidgeting. It’s also a relief to know he’s feeling the same jitters you are. 
The thought crossed your mind to pop your head out to wave him inside but he might be giving himself a pep-talk and you’re still contemplating your outfit. 
The movie theater is always so cold. You debated the pros and cons of wearing something short-sleeved because on one hand, if you’re cold it might prompt your date to keep you warm but on the other hand, if he didn’t, you’d be freezing the whole time. 
You could bring a jacket, but that’s an extra thing to carry. 
Digging through your closet, you pull out a fuzzy black long-sleeved sweater. You hold it out, admiring the way it’s cropped a little shorter in the front, and then turn back to the mirror, holding it up to your chest. It would look cute with the Levi’s you’re wearing…decisions, decisions.
A car horn beeps and you peer out of your window seeing Mingyu rigid behind the wheel. You laugh, thinking he probably did not mean to do it and is embarrassed at having accidentally made too much noise. That’s pretty obvious by the way he’s looking around, paranoid and frustrated. It’s actually super cute and you’re lingering by the window now just admiring him from afar without care
Until you see Mingyu cut the engine and get out of the car. Then the panic sets in because you’re still not ready and well…it’s the first time he’s seeing you outside of work and not in uniform. You want him to be wowed and are probably still taking too long to get moving considering how brisk of a stride you know his to be. He’ll be here any second.
You scramble to pull on the sweater in your hands and run into the bathroom to grab your gold hoops, fix your hair, and check your makeup one last time. Your heart is racing but you smile at your reflection. He sees you all the time at work looking not even half as done-up as you are right now and thinks you’re a solid 10, so there isn’t really any doubt he’ll be pleased. Then the doorbell rings. 
A few deep breaths to calm your nerves comes first. When you open the door, Mingyu’s mouth is fixed like he had a line locked and loaded but when he sees you, he chokes on the words. He’s so flustered that he stumbles back a step, laughing at himself. “Oh, you’re not going to take it easy on me, are you?”
That lights you up from the inside out and brings your confidence back around full circle.
“Have I ever made things easy for you?” you snicker, grabbing your purse off the hook by the door, “I think you like a challenge.”
“Nah, I just like you,” he smirks, tongue poking the end of his pointed canine as he watches you close and lock the door, trying his hardest to be respectful, “You look really good. Have I said that yet?”
Stashing your keys in your purse, you turn and grin up at him. “You alluded to it but I wouldn’t mind hearing you say it out loud.”
Always playing and teasing and flirting. It’s almost too much for you both to bear at this point. 
“I’ll tell you as many times as you want,” he says softly but he reaches toward you, slipping his hand just behind your hip to pull you closer with a bold, sharp tug. Startled, you bump right into Mingyu’s chest and look up at him with wide eyes. He doesn’t say anything for a minute and then tilts his head back, sighing into the sky above. He’s mostly amused when he looks back at you.
“You look incredible…and we should get in the car before I ruin the illusion of me being a gentleman.”
“That image has been splintering for a while but I don’t think I’ll mind if a manner or two slips,” you tease as you pull apart, taking the time to look him up and down…
Light-washed jeans, crisp white t-shirt, open flannel hanging off his broad shoulders…”You look really good too,” you murmur in appreciation.
He’s about to sweating straight through his shirt if you keep looking at him like that.
“...yep…time to go,” he mumbles, pinching is lips together as he grabs your hand. He pulls you toward the parking lot which isn’t far, and opens the door for you to slip into his passenger seat. He doesn’t let go until you’re settled and takes it a touch further when he reaches in and grabs the seatbelt before you. His hand purposely grazes against the exposed skin between your pants and top as he buckles you in and you let out the breath you were holding the second he closes your door.
It’s getting more difficult to play hard-to-get by the millisecond but you’re willing to give in first if your reward is Mingyu breaking down bit by bit right in front of you. 
You bite your lip to keep from giggling when he quickly rounds the car and settles into his seat next to you. He’s still shaking his head, quietly laughing at himself for getting so easily worked up. He turns over the engine, shifting into drive, and peers over at you with an air of disbelief. 
“I’m starting to think we’re gonna have to sit in separate rows at this rate.”
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Thankfully, the tension melts into easy banter and conversation on the ride to the theater. Mingyu entertains you with stories about his family and asks after yours, specifically your beloved niece whom he loves hearing about. He lets you toy around with his radio and blare some Spice Girls song that neither of you sings along to with the correct pitch…or words. It’s a blast either way.
Bold flirtation aside, Mingyu has always been a gentleman where it counts.
When you arrive at the movie theater, he opens all the doors, holds your hand every chance he gets, pays for your tickets and snacks despite your protesting, and lets you choose where to sit. The theater isn’t very full, though the movie you both decided on has been out for a while so it’s not all that surprising to see so many open seats. There are a few people scattered here and there and you don’t particularly love sitting next to others if you can avoid it. 
That leaves the very front or the very back. 
You glance over your shoulder at Mingyu, patiently waiting for you to decide, “You really don’t care?” 
He shakes his head again with a soft smile and you sigh looking back at the open seats, “I don’t like being super close…are you okay with sitting up top?”
Mingyu’s eyes scan the very empty top rows and widen like he hadn’t actually realized how secluded they were until just now. “Totally cool,” he manages after a moment, “Lead the way.”
“Oh boy,” you whisper to yourself, turning to make your way up the stairs. You have to focus ahead and calculate the distance of each step so you don’t screw up and trip because that would be awfully embarassing. It’s dark, cold, and quiet, and there is a huge gap between the section you’re headed toward and the next closest couple sitting in the middle. 
The very last row was almost too intimidating as if it somehow was the designated spot reserved for horny, depraved teenagers, and you were mid-twenty adults…so you stopped once you hit the second to last row and cut in a few seats before deciding that sitting in the middle was also weird so you dropped into the fourth seat from the aisle and forced yourself to stay put. 
PIcking a seat and sticking with it has never been so daunting before.
Mingyu doesn’t say anything at all about your choice, much to your relief. If he cracked a joke about it, you think you might just burst at the seams. He just sits down in the seat next to you folding his very large frame into the too-tight space between the armrests. You’re both quiet as the lights dim and the previews start rolling but you can still feel him wiggling and adjusting himself next to you.
Your eyes meet when he accidentally bumps your arm and you smile at the fact that he is genuinely embarrassed, for no reason at all other than unintentionally taking up extra space. “I’m so sorry,” he whispers, “I don’t remember the seats feeling this cramped.”
“It’s really okay,” you turn, tucking his elbow safely into his side as you lift the armrest between you to give him more room, “We can share.”
“Are you sure?” his eyes seek yours again in the darkness, “I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”
You quietly snicker at his worry when he was the one being so brazen with your proximity earlier. At the same time, you can appreciate his consideration and reassure him with a gentle smile. “I really don’t mind…the extra body heat is appreciated.”
You can feel the moment Mingyu lets the tension flow out of his body. His shoulders relax until your arms touch lightly, his legs spread a little further apart as he sinks into his seat, firm thigh now pressed to the outside of your own. He’s warm and his cologne, as usual, is so rich and alluring that you know you’re going to be fighting the urge to mold yourself to his side for the next hour and a half. 
Surprisingly, the movie isn’t half bad even though it was one you chose because every other film out was either super sad or overtly romantic and neither genre felt like a good fit for a first date. ‘Black Mask’ had a decent balance of action scenes and suspense that pretty easily kept your eyes on the screen, at least for a little while, sharing sour gummy worms and a soda between the two of you. 
Your attention began to wane after the third time you bumped hands with Mingyu and it was lost entirely when he decided to simply hold your hand instead. Movie plot gone in an instant.
Instead of the screen, your eyes fall to your joined hands resting in his lap. They climb up to his chest, slowly rising and falling with each measured breath. Carefully, you let them slide higher, admiring the shadows projected over his throat and jaw. Higher to admire his handsome face. Higher again, just to get a little more of him, and when you get there, you find him staring back.
Neither of you shy away this time. Mingyu nervously licks his lips and his eyes flit down to yours, only for a second, just to reassure himself that you’re both on the same wavelength even though the chemistry between you has always been pretty clear. He still hesitates before he leans closer but you’re done waiting and choose to kiss him first. 
It’s soft, brief, and when you part, you can see the smile on his handsome face and it brings the butterflies in your stomach back to life all over again. He cups your cheek and pulls you back into another kiss, and then another, and another. A million times you’d thought about kissing Mingyu and this was still far better than any you’d imagined thus far.  
Actually kissing him highlights the small details you were missing. The bits of it that are unique and a part of him only. It’s the way his thumb strokes against your cheek, how he tilts his face and changes his angle so fluidly that you follow him like it’s completely natural, the tender way he’s slow to let go of your bottom lip and how he kisses it afterward. 
It’s certainly not your first kiss or even the first time you’ve made out with someone at the movies, but this feels entirely new. Mingyu is not some hopped up, horny kid. He takes his time with you, he’s gentle, patient. It’s not sloppy or rushed. He isn’t trying to clumsily cop a feel the whole time, though, you think you’d probably let him and that he wouldn’t fumble around at all. It feels like he knows exactly what he’s doing, even if he doesn’t.
You hope that you feel natural to him too.
He pulls back with a slow hum of appreciation and that’s good enough for you.. When your eyes meet, you’re both smiling, and Mingyu takes that as his good sign. He wraps his arm around your shoulders and tucks you into his side until he feels your body relax against his and you finish the movie just like that. 
Well, you’re both looking at the screen but you’re more focused on the way he continues to kiss your hair every few minutes and he’s locked on to the feeling of your nails gently drawing a line up and down his thigh. 
Eventually, the lights come on and you’re a little slow to untangle as the rest of the theater clears out. It’s entirely empty by the time either of you hit the stairs. 
“Soooo,” Mingyu hums, trailing behind you half a step, “Thoughts…opinions…? On the movie, of course.”
You laugh without turning around and nod your head, “Right…the movie, yeah. Just as the trailer promised,” you focus on your feet moving a step at a time and not tripping, “Perfectly executed action sequences.”
He grins to himself, tucking his chin into his chest. “I’m glad it lived up to all the hype,” he balances his weight on one foot before taking the next step, “Nothing worse than all that anticipation ending in disappointment.”
You peer over your shoulder at him, smiling coyly, “Oh, no disappointment here. I’m sure i’ll be thinking about it for quite some time.”
He huffs out a laugh, “Are we talking about the movie or the kiss?”
“What kiss?” you smirk, quickly turning around to hurry down the rest of the steps but he’s right behind you the whole way.
Just as you whip around the corner and into the dim hallway that leads to the exit, Mingyu catches you around the waist and pins you up against the wall. You can feel his heart thudding under your palms, the thrill of excitement hardly contained in his chest as his lips crash into yours. 
Disappointment is so very far from your realm of feeling at the moment. Any expectation you had, which admittedly was already pretty high, was shattered and elevated yet another level each time his tongue danced across the seam of your lips or when his hands made another pass over your body.
From the beginning, you theorized that Mingyu was more than just a smooth talker. You had him pegged as a man with follow-through and you’re simply rolling in it, knowing you were right, and now you’re experiencing it for yourself which makes things that much more gratifying. 
Mingyu was a certified lover boy. Called and confirmed it.
The very best part, you think to yourself as you feel him grin against your lips, is that he’s yours…or at least, he wants to be. You don’t have to let him know he’s already won.
He’s still smiling when you slide your hands over his arms, pointedly squeezing the ample muscle there, and he finishes you off with a few final, fluttering kisses. 
When your eyes meet, there is a buzz of nervous laughter and Mingyu again asks, “So, the movie or the kiss?”
Your gaze drifts back down to his mouth and your stomach twists torturously when his knowing smirk reveals a prettily pointed canine. The same that’s bitten into your bottom lip a few times already this evening. You look back up and narrow your eyes playfully, “I don’t recall any kissi-”
He leans back down, slotting his lips against yours and the second he so much as breathes the door at the end of the hall clicks open and you hear two voices, likely the staff coming to clean the theater, and here you two delinquints are still splattered against the wall playing tonsil hockey. 
Mingyu freezes and your eyes are wide as saucers. “Go, go around the other way!”
You have to slip out from under his frame and drag him a few feet before his mind catches up and you’re both scrambling back across the theater to the exit on the opposite side. As quietly as you can, you peek out of the small window to make sure the coast is clear and pop the door open for you both to come tumbling out. 
The wide corridor outside the theater is mercifully empty but the adrenaline in your bodies’ leaves you jogging toward the side exit, laughter bubbling up and out into the open space around you. It’s all so silly and exhilarating, and when Mingyu grabs your hand, pulling you through the doors out into that warm summer air, you’re sure you can’t remember the last time you’ve felt so…alive. 
Or maybe there is just something about the moon and stars, and the way their enchanting glow seems to make everything in their wake just a little more beautiful. He’s one of those things - bright, beautiful, feathered and soft around the edges. 
You’ve stopped to catch your breath but it remains trapped in your chest the longer you look at him. It’s suddenly a little heavy, this crush of yours, weighed down by impression of his hands on your hips, your face, the small of your back. Flirting and teasing was easy. Agreeing to finally go out with him was easy. Realizing the potential for more was real and standing in front of you was a shock to your system because you’re uncovering very quickly how much you want that with him.
“We should definitely go to dairy queen.”
It takes a minute to process his words and then with a little shake, you lift your head to find Mingyu smiling back down at you. “Feels like the movie might have left you with a lot to think about and nothing helps me sort through my head quite like ice cream.”
You cock your head to the side, the tension in your chest evaporating just like that.
“Have you always this charming?”
“When I put in the extra effort, which is only for you, sure,” he chuckles, using your joined hands to pull you a little closer as you walk alongside eachother through the parking lot, “I’m not everyone’s cup of tea though.”
“I don’t believe that for a second,” you scoff, bumping into his arm with your shoulder, “Everyone loves you. I’ve seen it with my own two eyes.”
His tongue pokes into his cheek, rolling his eyes skyward, “You missed the guy I had to escort out of the rink a couple weeks ago who took a few swings at me in the parking lot. Pretty sure he was not enthralled by my dazzling smile and strapping good looks.”
“One person…that’s all you got?”
Reaching his car, Mingyu opens the passenger door for you and waits until you’re seated and looking up at him expectantly. He licks his lips and smirks, “Buckle up, you’re in for a ride.”
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After grabbing ice cream, you decided making your date drive over to the shore was favorable to sitting on the sticky red tables outside the DQ, so instead, you’re sitting side by side on a small gym towel he miraculously had in his trunk, eating your deserts and swapping stories to the tune of the gentle waves crashing ashore. 
So far, you’ve learned that the sole reason Mingyu got into hockey in the first place was because he was in constant trouble as a kid…in school, at home, or literally anywhere else he happened to be. His poor mother tried to put him in every sport and hobby she could think of to keep him busy and out of trouble but baseball wasn’t a fit, basketball ended in another fist fight and suspension, football benched a few and landed one kid in the hospital, and any form of martial arts was out of the question. 
Finally, she found an ad in the newspaper for boy’s hockey team tryouts and the rest was history. You can clearly hear the admiration in his voice when he spoke about his original coach and his teammates. How it was touch and go from the start but no matter how much hot water he found himself in, they wouldn’t quit on him. When he realized that, he started pouring all of his pent up energy into the game and it changed him in all the best ways. It’s the whole reason he coaches today…to be someone who can make a positive change in a kid’s life the way his coach did for him.
Honestly, it’s hard to imagine Mingyu as anything other than the kind, gentle, playful guy you know him to be but everyone grows and changes. He still has a wild sort of glint in his eyes at times that lead you to believe every word he’s said about his younger years. 
The sea breeze is crisp and almost a little chilly despite the warm air it mixes with so you push a little closer into Mingyu’s side and he wraps an arm around your shoulders. “Cold?”
“A bit,” you roll your head toward him, resting it against the crook of his shoulder, “Kinda just wanted to be close to you again…despite your delinquent past, I think I like you a little.”
“A little?” he smirks, eyes darting to your mouth briefly, “I think you like me a lot.”
Scrunching your nose, you make a face at him and he tosses his head back and laughs. 
“If you don’t admit it soon I’m going to have to make a huge, probably embarrassing,  for you, romantic gesture,” he counters, looking very half-serious, “A big old fashioned declaration of love…in public…loudly.”
“You’re still a little shit, aren’t you?”
“Don’t pretend you aren’t loving the reformed bad boy thing.” He’s spot on because Mingyu is the exact kind of guy you would have had a crush on back then too. 
You let out a long sigh and pick your head up, leaning to the side to bury your now-empty cup in the sand so it doesn’t blow away just like Mingyu had on his side. In the process, Mingyu slips his arm a little lower on your back, his hand curled around your hip to keep you balanced. You love every single point of contact so you fall right back into his side when you sit up again.
“To be fair, I think you’re only partly reformed,” more smirking, “Mhm, that’s exactly what I mean,” you hum in amusement, “Listen, I’ll give in…just a little…and admit that there are a lot of things I love about you..”
“I’m listening,” he purrs, ready for the boost in confidence you’re surely about to give him. Anything that could even vaguely resemble a compliment would send him over the moon coming from you. 
“I love the way…you genuinely enjoy helping people,” you start quietly, soothing the subtle nerves beginning to tingle in your fingertips, “I love that you put so much time and effort into coaching your kids and how much you love talking about them…how you’ll roll your eyes and shake your head telling me stories about them and yet you always finish with a smile because ‘they’re a handful but they’re good kids’”
Mingyu snorts softly and you knowingly ask, “There’s lots of little Mingyu’s on your team, aren’t there?”
He nods slowly, pushing the tip of his tongue against his teeth. “Ohhh yeahhh,” he breathes out with a light chuckle, “I understand now why my coach made me run drills until I dropped. I’ve got a couple that have already outshined my reputation at their age and some days it’s a battle of wills but they’ve come along way,” he ducks his head, grinning, “Hoping they’re the extent of my karma and it doesn’t come back to bite me in the ass when I have kids one day.”
He makes a face right after he says it and looks down at you almost apologetically, “Was that weird to say on a first date? I feel like that’s something you’re supposed to avoid but you’re easy to talk to and words just fall out of my mouth sometimes.”
“You don’t have to apologize,” you laugh, quirking an eyebrow at him, “I know it’s a first date but we’re not strangers, besides, I’ve always just assumed you were a family kind of guy. You talk about yours all the time, super close with your little sister, and from all i’ve witnessed, you’re just kinda great with kids in general,” you shrug, easing his worry, “I promise, it’s not a shock to me that you’d want your own and I’ll save you the torture of wondering whether to ask or not…yes, I’d like to have kids someday. Someday farrrrr away in the future.”
“Oh, good,” he chuckles, “Me too...lightyears away.”
It’s not on either of your radars currently but it’s nice to know that you have common goals for the future. It leaves a brief pause in the conversation, though not an uncomfortable one. Just a quiet moment to soak things in. 
First date, first kiss(es), and it’s all going…perfectly. 
It’s one thing to flirt and banter with a cute co-worker but taking the leap and going on a date together is a whole different game. There are very real feelings on both sides of the court and the potential for something real and permanent is so palpable you can feel it pushing you closer to one another. Leap again. Put yourself out there and trust the other will catch you.
Mingyu breaks the silence first and you feel his fingers twitch against your back. 
“I really like you,” he says steadily, like that was the easy part, “I think you’re beautiful inside and out, stop laughing i’m being serious,” he grins and you try to reel it in for his sake, “My first day on the job I was blatantly called out and laughed at by Wonwoo after he caught me spacing out and staring at you for the third time…I don’t think I even made it an hour into my shift before I was hooked.”
“Oh, I thought you were being serious?” you grin.
“Shhhh,” he counters, “I’m not done.”
“Where was I? Oh yeah…you’re a good friend and a good person, and I like having you in my life,” he says softly, picking up your hand and pulling it into his lap, “I want to bring you home to meet my family so my mom can drag out the photo albums the way she’s always joked about doing while my sister spends the whole time telling you embarrassing things about me. They would like like you a lot. The boys on my team already like you.”
He laughs, “Oh yeah, they’re always in my business and I made the mistake of bringing you up at a practice once so you’re a regular topic of discussion. I should have known I was doomed from then on and they’re brutal sometimes. One kid called me a loser because he’s fourteen and has a girlfriend and I don’t.”
“Is that how you’re asking me out? Trying to get the sympathy vote because you’re getting picked on by a bunch of kids?” you smirk.
“Maybe…is it working?” he asks, gaze dipping to your mouth for the millionth time tonight.
“I don’t know yet,” you inch a little closer, “Maybe you should try softening me up a little more before you ask again.”
He pauses, hovering just a breadth away from your face and his open mouth pulls into a sly grin, “By any means necessary?”
“Do what you have to do I suppos-”
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“Niiccceee hickey.”
You slap a hand over the mark you swore you’d covered well enough with concealor, apparently not, and whip your head in Vernon’s direction. “Can you not announce it loud enough for everyone to hear?”
Vernon glances side to side. “There is literally no one except us in here and that thing announced itself.”
“What thing?” 
Wonwoo comes in and drops his bag on the wooden bench, pulling out his uniform top to shrug over his shoulders. His glasses sit askew on his face and you really hope he’s got good insurance because they’re always in awful shape. 
You turn and press your forehead against the cool metal of your locker door and Vernon chuckles, stowing his things noisely. “The physical evidence to prove that her date went abundantly well.”
Wonwoo smirks, walking closer to pry your hand away from your neck. He whistles. “Damn, Mingyu’s a biter…not surprised. Good luck hiding that thing - it’s going to be with you for a while.”
“Ok. Hickey expert. Thanks for your input,” you grumble.
He shrugs. “We all have interests and hobbies, and you’re welcome.”
You roll your eyes and turn around, leaning back against your locker with a pout. “I’m kinda nervous that we’re working together tonight for the first time since we went out. Do you think it will be weird?” 
Vernon makes a goofy face. “Why would it be weird? I thought you said everything went well and you’re like, dating now? Did something happen?”
“No, everything was great,” you slump down a little further, “Like…too great. I’m trying not to jinx things or be weird. Are we too old to call each other boyfriend and girlfriend? Is that a thing for adults? Or did we grow out of that after high school?”
Wonwoo rolls his eyes, fixing the notch on his belt, “No, we’re not too old for that. He’s your boyfriend. You’re his girlfriend. Simple.”
“Is it?” you reply with a unintentional snap that doesn’t phase either of them.
Vernon sits on the bench in front of you and stretches his back out, groaning like an old man. “Yes, simple. You like him and he likes you, and you have fun together. I fail to see the problem.”
“Yeah, that’s like, the opposite of a problem,” Wonwoo agrees, “Besides…being left alone in the rink after hours sounds mighty convenient if you ask me.”
Snapping your jaw shut, your eyes widen, “What exactly are you suggesting?”
Wonwoo smirks, “I’m not suggesting anything but an opportunist would use their imagination.”
Both you and Vernon peg Wonwoo with a suspicious stare.
“With all due respect,” you say slowly, your eyebrow steadily raising with each word, “I didn’t think you rolled like that.”
“Neither did I,” Vernon adds, equally intrigued.
“You’re kind of a freak, aren’t you?”
“Who’s a freak?”
All three of you startle and whirl around to see Mingyu coming through the door. His hair is wet, likely freshly showered after hockey practice, and he’s looking at each of you with a clueless grin. 
“Nothing and no one!” you reply with a grin, already floating toward the hunk in the doorway, “Hi.”
“Hi,” he grins down at you, “I see you and I got stuck closing tonight.” 
You swallow down the knot in your throat and hold up a middle finger behind your back directed at Vernon and Wonwoo’s snickering. 
“Yep,” you bounce on your toes, “Just you and I…closing everything down…together…tonight.”
Mingyu’s lips pinch together to hold in a laugh. You were always so bold and confident when it came to teasing him and now, he can tell you’re having to make a great effort to hold it all together. “I’m sure we’ll find a way to make it fun,” he chooses, satisfied when your eyes widen just a touch, “I think Jim’s looking for you by the way. If you’re done getting-” 
“Yes,” you squeeze his arms and then move past him at lightening speed, rushing out the door. 
Mingyu just stands there and laughs quietly before looking up to see the grin on Vernon and Wonwoo’s faces. “Alright, how much did she tell you?”
“Didn’t have to tell us much at all.”
Wonwoo shakes his head. “The bite marks you left told us everything we needed to know.”
Mingyu’s eyes drop to the floor as he awkwardly scratches the back of his neck. He’s glad the ones you left on him are covered by his collar because he just barely got away with blaming it on equipment mishandling when one of the older boys in his youth league pointed one out with a mischievous laugh.
Vernon claps a hand over his shoulder on his way out the door causing Mingyu to look back up again. “Happy for you, dude. She’s a good one.”
Mingyu smiles softly, “Thanks, man.”
When he leaves, Mingyu pushes further into the room and starts getting himself situated, glancing over at Wonwoo every now and then like he’s waiting for him to say something.
“I can feel you staring,” Wonwoo mumbles, eyes now glued to his Game Boy Pocket as he tries to save his progress from earlier.
Mingyu shrugs his shoulders up to his ears, pushing his bag into his locker. 
Wonwoo puts his game down and looks up. “Whaddaya want, Hot Wheels?”
He pauses, making a face at the nickname, and then carefully asks, “On a scale of one to ten, how bad of an idea is it for me to-”
“Make a move tonight?”
Mingyu’s mouth pops open. “Oh,” he blinks, “You read minds too?”
Wonwoo sighs and leans back a touch, both hands gripping the edge of the bench beneath him. “To be fair, that’s exactly what I’d be thinking about if I were in your position. Empty building…gorgeous girlfriend…”
Mingyu scoffs, “Alright, easy…”
He gets a smirk in return and Wonwoo stands, stretching his long limbs. “I’m not wrong and also not interested in your girl so relax,” he leans down and tugs on the laces of his skates and then straightens out, “You both think too much. Just be normal. Do the same lovey dovey, flirty shit you always do and see how the night goes.”
“You’re kind of good at this,” Mingyu compliments, his lips pulling into a half-smirk, “What do you get up to when you’re off the clock and not playing big brother of the year?”
Nearing the door, Wonwoo just turns over his shoulder and tosses Mingyu a wink.
He’s handed out enough advice for one night.
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You were still jittery when Mingyu joined you out on the floor but falling into the same routine was pretty simple, just like Vernon and Wonwoo said, and it took loads of anxious tension off your shoulders. If anything, Mingyu was more playful with his teasing and a little more bold with his physical affection when others weren’t paying attention. 
It was like a game of how flustered he could make you without getting in trouble for fooling around on the job. The floor was crowded which simply meant he got to stay a little closer to you without looking suspicious which allowed him to find out how fun it was to pull you around by the belt loops of your pants. 
He loved the little noise of surprise you let out every time he snuck up behind you, hooking his finger through the loop to tug you back against his chest where he pretended to tell you something important. Like he was just trying to talk to you over the sound of the music when he had nothing but more teasing to whisper in your ear. 
The hours flew by unnoticed and before long, you were bidding your last goodbyes to the rest of the staff having finished their own cleaning and closing duties. 
Mingyu went into the office to toy with the audio system after you asked to throw something on just so it wasn’t silent in the big dark building while you followed Vernon and Wonwoo to the doors to lock up after them. 
Vernon shifts his bag on his shoulder and cuts a sideways glance in your direction. “You gonna be okay?”
You shrug, touched and confused he’d asked. “Yeah, I’ve closed up a million times. All good.”
Wonwoo pats the top of your head like a puppy. They both have a habit of that.
“He meant, are you gonna be okay here alone with Mingyu? Are you comfortable with us leaving - not that I think he’d ever do something to hurt or upset you…I’d kill him and he knows it…but you give us the word and we’ll stay.”
“Oh,” you blink and wave your hands dismissively, “No, we’re good! I was just worried about being a loser earlier but we’re totally fine!”
“We thought so,” Vernon grins, pushing the glass door open, “Just checking.”
It’s sweet and embarrassing that they’d thought to ask and you tell them as much as you gently push Vernon through the doorway. “Thought for a minute you were finally ready to confess,” you joke, fake pout on your lips and all, “I’ll drop him like a hot potato if you ask, Nonnie.”
Wonwoo follows him out and laughs, “You’re full of shit but I’m sure he appreciates the sentiment. By the way, if you find yourself in need…Jihoon keeps condoms in his locker.”
You slap a hand over your mouth, covering your shocked laughter. “First of all, mind your business and second, what the hell?!”
Vernon shrugs, “Man likes to be prepared I guess!”
….Line cooks are one of a kind. Truly.
You’re shaking your head as they wave goodbye and walk off toward Wonwoo’s car as it must have been his turn to carpool. Pulling the doors shut, you carefully lock each one and double check them before turning on your heel and then the music cuts on over the speakers. It’s not crazy loud but enough to keep the odd sounds that accompany a big old building from rattling in your ears. 
Mingyu pops his head out of the office when you round the corner and you cock your head in question, “Beastie Boys?”
“Couldn’t get the discs to work so radio it is,” he shrugs, “I can find something else if you want.”
You shake your head, brushing past his shoulder into the small office to sit down and reconcile the financials for the night. “I’m not picky. Did you already grab the bags from the registers?”
He nods, “Yep, everything’s there and Jim left the keys for the safe in the desk,” Mingyu squeezes your shoulders when you sit down and you smile up at him. “I’m going to knock out the kitchen and rental walk-throughs while you count if that’s okay? After that we will just have shut down the arcade and I can take out the left over trash bags.”
“That would be amazing,” you tell him, head still cushioned against the office chair as you smile lazily up at him, “I just love a man that knows how to take charge and get the job done.”
He immediately chokes out a laugh and turns on his heel muttering something about how ‘he’s not going to get anything done if you keep that up’ as he walks away.
It takes another full minute to bring the task at hand back into focus and you have to consciously fight off the intrusive inappropriate thoughts clouding your brain when it’s supposed to be crunching numbers. You even have to recount a few bags because the image of Mingyu sitting you on the desk you’re working at to do dirty things with you keeps popping into your head and it’s getting harder and harder to focus. After probably twice the amount of time it usually takes you to do the financials, you’re finally done and locking the safe when Mingyu returns. 
“Oh, hey,” you perk up when you notice him in the doorway, “Ready to go do the arcade?”
“Already done,” he snickers, “I came back after walk-throughs and caught you cursing and restarting your counts so I just went ahead and finished up the list.”
“Oh!” you shift on your feet, “...guess we’re all done then.”
Mingyu crosses his arms, leaning against the door frame looking extra swoon-worthy. Not a single poster of your favorite 80s and 90s heartthrobs plastered to the walls of your old bedroom held a candle to the picture in front of you and he knows it. 
“You sound disappointed. I’m sure we could find other things to do if you wanna stay a little longer,” his eyes shift over to the audio system, still playing a mix of alternative and pop hits, and fixes his eyes back on you, “Ever considered making out with someone in an empty skating rink with No Doubt playing over the speakers?”
“Can’t say I have. What about you?”
Mingyu grins, shifting his weight to tower over you, “Thought just now crossed my mind.”
He slides one hand beneath your jaw and the other over your hip, slotting his lips against yours as he walks you back until you bump into the desk behind you. After teasing you with your belt loops all night, you decide to return the favor, licking at the seam of his lips as you hook your fingers in his front loops and pull him closer. He laughs against your lips and pulls back to meet your eyes. “That’s my move.”
“I liked it, so I think I’ll steal it,” you smirk, tugging at the loops still.
“We should probably get our things and head out before I do something stupid and incredibly irresponsible,” he chuckles though there is a very real edge to his tone like he’s trying hard to behave himself right now.
“What kind of stupid and irresponsible things?” you test him, releasing his belt loops to hook your index finger into the waist band of his pants instead, “I might be interested.”
The hand on your hip squeezes and he bites out a laugh. “Who’s the delinquent now?”
“Still you, but I recounted those bags because I kept getting interrupted by steamy office fantasies popping into my head so if you’d rather take me home before we make questionable decisions, we should probably leave now.”
He groans, torn between having to wait or giving in and having you right here, right now. The cons would be that it’s A.) your work place, B.) it’s not the cleanest place to hook up, and C.) he has to wait when his body is begging him otherwise.
As luck has it, you decide for him.
“Can we go to your place? My roommate is home tonight and she’s got hard rules against hooking up when the other is home. She doesn’t even really like when I have friends over but her name is on the lease so I don’t argue much.”
Mingyu shuts off his internal debate processing, grateful to have you choose for the both of you. “My roommates work the late shift at the bar on 89th so they will probably come home at some point but they don’t care about guests…or girlfriends. We respect that rule in regards to privacy.”
“Ugh,” you rolls your eyes, relaxing in his hold, “That must be so nice. Got an extra room at your place?”
“Got plenty of space for you in mine,” he smirks, “Alright let me grab our bags from the locker room and we’ll get out of here. Did you drive?”
You shake your head, moving to turn off the audio system, “No, I took the bus today.”
“Sweet, we’ll take my car home and won’t have to worry about leaving yours.”
It’s funny how you’re both being so casual at the moment as if you weren’t pinned up against the desk, debating whether you should desecrate the business office, and now you’re both going about your normal routines as if you didn’t just agree that you’re leaving to go directly to his place to hook up for the first time. 
It catches up with you when Mingyu pulls up to the front of his shared beach house and cuts the engine. You look at the light blue house and catch the subtle sounds of the ocean not far off. “I had no idea you lived on the island,” you share as you get out of the car and walk together toward the door. 
Mingyu hands you the key and takes your bag so you can open the door. “Yeah, we’ve been here about a year now. Used to share a condo a little further in but we spend a lot of time at the beaches here so when this place opened up we snagged it as quick as we could.”
Pushing inside, it’s exactly what you imagine a triad of bachelors to live in. Everything is clean but the couch is a futon, there are two cd towers filled with music you’d love to check out, a few bean bag chairs, a stereo system big enough to take up half a wall, and theres a couple of empty corona bottles spread on the low table in the living room next to a few gaming controllers. 
Mingyu groans when he sees them and glances over apologetically. “I definitely asked them to clean those up when I left this morning. You’d think a couple of bartenders would know how to recycle empty beer bottles. I swear we have manners.”
You laugh and follow him to what you assume is his bedroom down the hall. He opens the door and drops both bags next to his dresser before flicking on a lamp. “Wasn’t expecting to bring you back here so I am glad my cleaning habits are something of use,” he pulls open a drawer and grabs a random t-shirt before handing it to you, “Here, you can wear this if you want and I’ll show you where the bathroom is…I just uhhh..I thought maybe you’d be more comfortable changing out of your uniform.”
You raise a brow at him, “What? My Dickies and pinstrip ref polo aren’t sexy enough for you?”
He smirks back, “Anything you wear is sexy enough for me but the sex and dating column in Cosmopolitan’s spring magazine says a woman’s comfort comes before all else and is the key to a healthy, thriving relationship.”
“You read Cosmo?” 
He shrugs, “Had to pick my mom and sister up at the hair salon and got there on time which was apparently thirty minutes early. There was nothing else to do.”
“Learn anything else?” you ask just before he leaves you at the bathroom door.
Mingyu tugs the frosty bleached tips of his hair. “Learned six new ways to accesorize with butterfly clips and that my horoscope for last month was only half correct,” he grins, “Let me know if you need anything, babe, i’m gonna use the other bathroom to clean up.”
You mumble back an OK and shut the door, bumping into the counter. “Babe?” you repeat quietly, looking at yourself in the mirror. 
The reality of you having a super-hot-hockey-player boyfriend who is also insanely sweet and volunteers his free time to coach a youth league, and is an amazing kisser, and the kind of guy that calls you babe, crashes into you completely and you’re scrambling to clean yourself up, change, steal some mouthwash, and give yourself a full pep talk before you emerge god knows how long later. 
Following the same path back to Mingyu’s room, you pause at the door and take a deep breath before re-entering his space. 
He’s laying in his bed tossing a small blue ball up and down with one hand while he waits. You’re pleased to see that he decided not to put a shirt on, lounging only in a pair of basketball shorts, because you also decided to ditch half your clothing. The opposite half.
The ball lands in his palm with an audible smack and he looks up when you step into his room, closing the door behind you. 
“Wait right there,” he throws out a hand as you take a step closer and you hesitate, “I just want to burn this image into my memory for all of eternity.” 
Rolling your eyes with a soft laugh, you walk the rest of the way over to Mingyu who reaches for your hand and pulls you up onto his bed to straddle his lap comfortably. His hands move up and down your thighs and he’s smiling at you all the while. “You’re so beautiful,” he sighs and then shakes his head when you try to brush him off. “Genuinely. I’m not just saying that to get in your pants. You’re not even wearing pants to get into.”
He’s amusing and captivating when he’s like this, hands exploring every inch of exposed skin, chest pressed against yours, his face turned up as he looks at you with that white-hot gaze. It further drives your need to touch and feel him so you wrap your arms around his shoulders loosely, letting your fingers dance over the muscle in his back. 
Mingyu’s eyes flutter closed, only for a moment as your nails trail over his spine, and you smile to yourself, overjoyed with the feeling of his body beneath yours.  
“This feels a little surreal,” you speak quietly and he hums in response, setting his eyes back on your face, “I mean…”
“Ahhhhhh,” he grins, lacing his fingers together where his hands rest on your lower back, kept warm under your shirt, “Because you’ve been dreaming about me every night since we met?”
“Something like that,” you sigh and Mingyu shuts up, not expecting you to give in so easily. You pinch the hair at the nape of his neck tugging it nervously, “You should probably kiss me before I say something even more embarrassing.”
Mingyu chuckles and his eyes dip to your mouth. He captures your lips easily, moving his hands against the planes of your back as he kisses you until your mind clouds over. 
His hair is soft between your fingers, the silly frosted ends tickling your skin when you give a little experimental tug. Wonwoo teased him endlessly for falling for the fad but you had to admit you liked it on him. 
You’d probably like anything on him though. Besides, it wasn’t long before Wonwoo broke down and tried it too albeit a bit more subtle and less Backstreet Boys. 
Mingyu braces his forearm behind your hips and tugs. His skin is hot and he keeps you still against him, not like you plan on shifting away, but the need to be touched, held…anchored to him is met without needing to ask. It feeds into your confidence allowing you to move more freely, rolling your hips, arching your back until your chest is pushing into his and he just can’t stand the fabric in the middle. 
The shirt he’d given you doesn’t even fully hit the ground before his arms are wrapped around your body again and he buries his face in the crook of your neck, lips trailing over your throat, shoulders, collar bones. Whatever he can reach without letting go. 
A sharp gasp hits the air when his tongue dips to the base of your throat and he closes his lips over that same spot with a kiss. Thighs trembling, you hope he doesn’t comment on the pathetic way your cunt squeezes around nothing. He says nothing though. Instead, he groans deep in his chest and his hands tighten possesively. 
Then he does it again, and again. He encourages your real, raw reactions, full intending to pull them from you until you let go of whatever mental block is keeping you from letting him know exactly how much you love the way he makes you feel. 
Pretty soon he succeeds and you’re no longer trying to hold yourself together, holding your breath, or trying to be quiet. 
Mingyu drags his teeth along your collarbones and grins at the soft hum you let out, so at odds with the way your body jumps at the sharp sensation. 
“You like that, huh?”
It take an extra few seconds to process his words, brain near mush from his attention.
“So you do like it,” Mingyu laughs, pecking a small kiss to your shoulder, “What else do you like?”
You’ve only just now formed a response to his first question and now he’s asking another and he’s smirking. It’s almost like he’s doing it on purpose…
Your mouth pops open to say something, what that might have been, you’ll never know because at the same time, Mingyu leans back a little and drags your hips over his, grinding his erection against your sensitive cunt. “You like that?”
At this point, you give up on words and just nod your head fervently. Yes, I fucking like that.
His hands ghost up your sides until his thumbs are brushing against your breasts. He pauses, testing the water before diving in, and he catches the hitch in your breath. The way your head drops back just a touch like all this is making you a little dizzy. He leans forward and presses a kiss against your sternum before falling back against the pillows to take in the full picture. 
You, perched in his lap with your back arched, pushing your aching breasts into his hands to play with. It’s the exact shit he’s fallen victim to in a wet dream but this is real and far better because here you are, in the flesh, gripping onto his wrists and rocking your hips against him for an inkling of relief from how much he’s turned you on.
It’s wearing his patience down and is going to bite him in the ass if he doesn’t move things along. He prematurely finished one time and it still haunted him at night. Never again.
Mingyu makes a miraculous maneuver, with you landing on your back at his side, somehow, without twisting or pinning someone’s limb in the process. 
“That was very smooth.”
You’re staring back up at him in wonder, partly because you’re not used to being tossed around like that, but also because he’s looking down at you with a serious, heated expression and it’s making your heart beat a little too fast.
“Can I touch you?” he askes softly and you’re immediately nodding. “Yeah?” he mimics the motion in a daze, eyes glued to your mouth, “Come here.”
Easy. You kiss him, well, it’s pretty equal efforts but you get to him first, too impatient to wait even half a second more. His hand moves over your hip slowly, then shifts to brush against your naval where he rests it for a moment, heat from his skin seeping into yours. 
He’s planning on making good on his request, though you beat him to it again. 
Mingyu parts his lips with a sigh when he feels your hand slide over his. Your fingers curl around his palm and you guide his hand lower. He asked to touch you and then made you wait - whether it be on purpose or just his own nerves - you’ll help him help you.
He doesn’t seem to mind and rewards you instantly with his thick fingers rubbing against your cunt through your panties. Your mouth falls open with a soft moan and his brows knit together right as the sound hits his ears. His gaze is unwavering and you almost wish he would just kiss you again instead of studying your face this closely…then his middle finger presses down a little harder and the sound you let out that time makes the corner of his mouth turn up into a half-smirk. 
It doesn’t even slip away when he leans down and kisses you, his smirk still obviously tugging at his lips when they touch yours. His hand pushes inside your underwear and he groans into your mouth when he feels how wet and warm you are but he doesn’t have time to waste or savor the feeling because he needs you to cum on his fingers at least once before he fucks you and his will to wait it out is all but gone. 
You’re responsive to every stroke, gasping and whimpering, digging your nails into his arm. Your back arches up off the bed every time he pumps his fingers faster, rubbing them up against your g-spot with expert ease because, hell yeah he reads cosmo, he’s too fucking good at it to not have been guided by the devine-feminine mind. 
Mingyu’s mouth envelopes one of your nipples and his tongue rolls against it at almost the same pace and pattern he’s rubbing your own slick into your clit and that’s enough to send you over the edge. He tries to be patient, to let you come down before he goes reaching for a condom but he catches the time on his digital alarm clock, the numbers glaring at him in bright red. 
It was already past midnight meaning having the house to himself is ending relatively soon. 
You don’t need the extra recovery time though, in fact, it’s the opposite. What you need is more and you need it now. “Mingyu…” he hums in response and you will your mouth to work again, “Do you even play basketball?”
He huffs out a laugh and shakes his head. Poking your tongue in your cheek you nod and point to his shorts, “...Off.”
Mingyu grins as he leans down and kisses you before rolling out of bed and your lips turn up into a smile, a breathless laugh floating up into the air. He drops his shorts and steps out in white Calvin Kleins stretched taut over his golden thighs, showing off every inch of his assets, and you have to prop yourself up on your elbows to even get the full picture.
Move over Marky Mark. 
You’re too busy staring at Mingyu’s body to notice him taking the opportunity to appreciate yours. It’s just a brief moment to sate both your curiosities because though neither of you would prefer to admit it, you’ve thought about each other naked and probably more than once. Getting handsy on your date gave you a bit of an idea but the overwhelmingly obvious dick print staring you in the face at the moment confirms your indecent theory about what Mingyu might be packing…
And that has got to be the ‘Pony’ Ginuwine was singing about.
When your eyes meet somewhere in the middle, you both turn away quickly, embarrassed only slightly for getting caught. It was a good feeling to know that the attraction is mutual. You hear a drawer close softly and feel the dip in the bed when he slides under the covers next to you. Rolling over, you land almost nose to nose and Mingyu grins, “I like it when you check me out.”
You answer him with a kiss that starts out innocently enough but it’s such a dizzying sensation to be so wrapped up in him that whatever witty retort you had been thinking of is lost in the way his fingers squeeze into your side. He sighs against your lips when he drags you closer and your thigh settles high on his hip, wrapping your body around him tightly. Without thought or hesitation, he drives his pelvis forward, rubbing his erection into your sensitive cunt. 
It makes you break for air, drawing too much of it into your lungs just to sharply moan through the exhale when he doesn’t stop. The muscles in his arms are so taut beneath your fingers that you know he’s not doing it to tease you - he’s at his breaking point and really just can’t help himself.
One hand slides down and pushes against the waistband of his briefs, rolling the material down as best you can until it catches his attention so his can finish the job himself. He groans, mostly to acknowledge your intentions, but also because he’s slowly trying to reel himself back for a moment. Just long enough to peel the last bits of clothing off you both and get a rubber on. It’s probably one of the most ridiculously inconvenient things he’s been made to do in a long time.
Neither of you say a word as he rips open the foil, trying to keep his hands still enough to roll the condom on correctly. It feels like static in his veins, trying to sit still when everything inside his body is screaming go, go, go! You can feel it too, the buzz of anticipation, the pulse between your thighs. 
Then, there is a pause after he rolls back over, covering your bare body with his own, and he just looks at you for a moment, mouth tight. Your hands slide over his arms, up his shoulders, and settle on his face. “Everything ok?”
“Just wanna do this right,” he whispers back, turning his face to kiss the palm of your hand. 
The corners of your lips lift in a small smile. “Feels pretty right to me, if that helps.”
The tension in his shoulders melts away and he relaxes his pinched brows. “It does help,” he says, one big hand stroking the outside of your thigh around his waist, “Just…talk to me if there is anything you want or don’t like.”
“I will,” you reassure him and he eyes you wearily one more time until you sigh, “I promise.”
That seems to be enough for him as he shifts between your legs and you let your hands fold over his shoulders, trying hopelessly to relax your body when you feel his fingers on you again. He doesn’t keep them there long, just enough to make sure you’re still wet before he’s gripping his cock, guiding himself into your heat. 
The pressure is immense and Mingyu feels you tense up beneath him. He pulls his other arm up and shifts his weight over to one side, grabbing your face with his free hand. “Breathe,” he says quietly, tipping your face up to look at him, “Just breathe, baby.”
Easier said than done but you exhale shakily and his thumb brushes against your cheek. Mingyu draws his hips back slightly and pushes further in, eyes falling to your mouth when it pops open. The feeling of fullness is all encompassing and all you can think about. So full you might burst at the seams but again, you will yourself to relax and he finally, finally bottoms out.
You let out a sharp breath and just can’t seem to catch it. 
Mingyu seems unsure of whether he should move or not and he barely gets the question out before you’re nodding. The first few thrusts are still tender and he’s still mindful of that but after a minute or so, the tides turn and you’re digging your heels into his backside, pulling him deeper. 
Mentally, emotionally, physically deeper. 
He’s a romantic through and through, including in times like this where he’s drunk on pussy and pure infatuation. He can’t get enough. The way you feel around him, clinging to his body, hands against his chest, eyes glued to his. He’s in severely dangerous territory and clamps his lips shut until the words sitting there fizzle out. Patience is what he needs. In his mind and in his heart.
His body is on an entirely different page. 
Mingyu is smooth and consistent in his movements, like water in and around you. His name spills from your lips reverently, whispered into the air between you and it feeds him, pushes him to fufill your needs in a way you knew deep down he would. He’s a pleaser in every way. 
So, when you slow him down with your palms firmly planted against his chest, he stops and listens. His attentiveness almost makes it harder to speak.
“Can I uh…like would you mind if I…laid on my stomach?” you ask unevenly, not really sure why you’re hesitating to share what you want when that is what he’s asked of you.
Mingyu looks like he’s died and gone to heaven. He doesn’t even answer. Carefully, he pulls out and moves so he can roll you over, prop your hips up, and fill you right back up. This time there is no slow start. His hand settles on your back, just between your shoulder blades, and he holds you there, pinning you in place in such a way that your eyes close on contact. Perfectly content to stay put.
The room is filled with lewd noises. Skin slapping against skin. Deep grunting and moaning sounds mixed together. Your muffled voice chanting his name over and over again. Mingyu’s quiet praises tickling your ears when your head turns fuzzy. 
It’s a good thing no one is home because it’s almost embarrassing how loudly passionate you both are. You regret not asking Mingyu to turn on the radio to drown out the noise but it’s too late now and with another tug upwards on your hips, he’s stroking your walls just right and you hit an entirely new set of notes. 
Mingyu can feel you squeezing around him, mewling into his pillows and he’s hanging on for dear life because you’re still skirting around the edge and he’s seconds from toppling over. An idea pops into his head, a catch twenty-two really because in doing this, he puts himself at further risk of finishing first but it’s still too enticing to pass up. 
Somehow, he manages to roll your bodies together until he hits the mattress, successfully claiming his spot as your big spoon. He hooks his left arm under your head so that it’s rested on his bicep while his hand is free to roam your chest and his right arm snakes over your hip before you feel his middle and ring finger slip between your folds. 
With you tightly wound up in his hold he picks up a brutal, finishing pace. He hits all the right spots and works your body until you’re seeing stars. Your breathing now harsh and uneven limits your ability to speak but you don’t need to say anything at all. 
Mingyu knows your coming and he’s going right along with you. When your orgasm hits, you bear down against him, crying out in broken sounds as he pumps his hips through his own release. He continues to hold you against his chest, gently kneading at the fleshy part of your hip. 
He presses kisses against your hair and then carefully, he pulls out before rolling you onto your back. Mingyu’s smile is adoring and beautiful, it makes you want to bury your face in the pillows again. The blanket will have to do. 
“Why are you hiding?” Mingyu chuckles, grabbing at the blanket, “Was it that bad?”
You flip the sheet down and give him a blank stare. 
“Shut up,” you bite, a hint of a smile appearing, “You know it was good. Better than good.”
“How good?” he smirks. 
With an eye roll, you pull the blanket up just high enough to cover the lower half of your face. “Really fucking good…and you’re not even slightly winded.”
He’s on top of the world. 
“My stamina is just another one of my many desirable qualities,” he half-shrugs, “If you’re still not in love with me, I’m happy to keep trying.”
“Will you stop when I do?”
“Not a chance,” he grins, one hand squeezing your thigh as he swoops in to steal another kiss, “Stay with me tonight. I’ll make you anything you want for breakfast”
You pretend to think about it when you know you’ll say yes, and not just because you don’t have a car. A sleepover? With your hot boyfriend? Who just rocked your world and will probably do it again and then cook for you in the morning? Yeah, that’s a no-brainer.
“I could probably be convinced if you find me something comfy to wear and have a spare pack of noodles…I’m starving.”
Mingyu jumps out of bed, the sight of his bare cheeks making you turn and giggle. “I’m about to make you the best noodles of your life,” he walks over to his dresser pulling out underwear for himself, a clean t-shirt, and blue-plaid pajama pants, then he tugs open another drawer and turns to you, holding out a big soft-looking jacket, “I think you’ll like this one. I don’t have any pants that will fit you but this is pretty long. Oooh,” he pauses, “I didn’t think about underwear when I-”
“Ruined mine?” you raise your brow teasingly, sitting up and making grabby hands for the sweater he tosses to you.
He scoffs, tip of his tongue poking at his teeth. “Yeah, that’s my bad.”
Your voice is muffled as you pull the sweater over your head before climbing out of bed, pleased that it indeed covers you well. “It’s okay. It’s not the first time and I’m sure it won’t be the last. I’ve learned to keep an extra pair in my bag.” You mention this so casually that he’s stunned when you walk over to grab said panties from your bag and kiss his cheek before turning to leave, “I’m gonna go clean up. Meet you in the kitchen for those mind blowing noodles?”
Mingyu hollers back as you near the bathroom door. “I’ll blow your mind in the kitchen alright!”
He slumps against the dresser when he hears you respond with, “I’m sure you will, babe!”
Babe. Ugh, you’re so it for him. 
The steam of the shower mixed with some kind of masculine aroma in Mingyu’s body wash gives off the same feeling of being in his arms and the thought warms your belly again. It’s almost embarrassing, how much you want him just after having him in full, but you’re sure he’d be happy to oblige even if you so much as hinted at it. 
Maybe he will blow your mind in the kitchen.
As you’re wrapping up and getting dressed you hear music, oddly loud for the hour but it’s vaguely familiar, still muffled by the sound of the vents running to air out the steam in the bathroom. Then there’s a crash, not earth shattering but enough that you’re slightly concerned. You hurry to hang your towel and pull on your clean underwear and his sweater when you hear another bump against the wall. Then…singing?
“Kiss meeee out of the bearded bobby~”
“NIGHTLYYYY beside the greanbeann grass~”
You poke your head into the hallway, “Um…Mingyu?”
“Swing the spinnnning stem~”
Definitely not Mingyu. Also, definitely not the right words to this song but your interest is piqued.
You come around the corner to find him in the center of the living room, quietly laughing, holding the hand of one of his very jovial (probably drunk) maybe roommates while the other (definitely drunk) maybe roommate is spinning around them in circles, bumping into things along the way. 
The one with bright blonde hair pokes Mingyu mid-spin, “You wear the shoes and I’ll wear a dressss~”
Then the his drinking partner joins in and their both belting out, “oOHHH Kiss meeee, beneath the melting twilight~”
Mingyu points to the blonde and shouts over the noise, “That one’s Hoshi.”
 “Lead meeee, out on the moonlit flooOr!”
He gestures at the one hanging off his arm, the tall boy with shaggy black hair, “This one’s Minghao. They’re plastered, obviously.”
They’re delightful and Hoshi is coming your way with a cat-like smile. He bows, almost stumbles, and reaches for your hand which you’re happy to share. “Lift your open hand…” he serenades, lifting yours into the air, “Strike up the band and make firefights dance silver moons sparkly~”
And he spins you away so quickly you almost stumble but Mingyu catches you around the waist with Minghao singing over your shoulder in a whisper, “So, kiss me.”
And Mingyu does, of course, he’s not going to miss the opportunity. Minghao grins, leaning against the wall to catch his balance, and Hoshi claps…a little bit like a buffoon but you really like them both. Mingyu must really love them because he doesn’t complain one bit about the noise and overly dramatic show, especially with it being your first impression. It helps that he knows how laid back you are and can see the delight still dancing in your eyes. 
He does however, turn down the music on the stereo so everyone can talk without shouting. 
“You do know you guys are supposed to be serving the alcohol…not drinking it…right?”
“Don’t be r- *hiccup* -rude!” Hoshi flaps his hand dismissively, “I’ll tell your pretty girlfriend about all the times we had to hold your hair back, our sweet little Mingoo ~”
Minghao giggles, bumping into Hoshi’s shoulder, “Or about how you,” he pauses, the two of them bursting into hysterics as Mingyu sighs like he knows what’s coming. Minghao wipes away a tear, still cackling, “About how you got totally tanked that weekend you first started working at Wheelie’s and whined alllll nighttttt-”
Hoshi whacks Mingyu’s shoulder laughing and then looks at you, “He wouldn’t shut up about you the entire night. Crying into his beer…because he thought you were dating the DJ.”
Your hand flies over your mouth, giggling up at your boyfriend who is being a really good sport right now. Even as he pokes his tongue into his cheek, shaking his head at his friends. 
“Vernon and I were never dating,” you fake sniffle, “Sadly.”
“Sadly?!” Mingyu swings his head around toward you, “I thought the soulmate thing was a joke?” he laughs.
“Oh, baby, it is a joke,” you reassure him, patting his chest gently but just when he relaxes you whisper, “Until it isn’t.”
Hoshi sticks out his hand as he’s stumbling toward the kitchen and you land a low-five as he goes, and one up top when Minghao follows behind him excitedly mumbling about making drinks for everyone, then Hoshi is shouting about noodles ‘for the love of god, we need more noodles!’
Mingyu sighs and you know he’s about to complain that he no longer has you to himself. Can practically hear it in your head already. So, you cut him off before he can start, tugging him down into a kiss hot enough to make him groan against your lips as his hands dip down to take handfuls of you. 
Then he’s laughing, falling out of rythym and you pull back, smiling. “What?”
You squawk in surprise when he smacks your ass and says, “You know you’re still not wearing pants, right?”
Actually, you forgot because of the whole song and dance thing. 
“That’s embarrassing,” you mumble, tugging his sweater further down your thighs, “I could go throw my work pants-”
“I can try to find you som-”
You both look toward the kitchen when music starts playing and Mingyu shakes his head, almost regretting stowing his portable radio in there for when he’s cooking. It’s quiet for a few seconds and then, like someone cranked the volume all the way up, it’s starts blasting and they’re both singing.
“Ooooh baby, baybay, b-baby, baybaby, oooh baby-”
Mingyu just laughs. “On second thought, don’t even worry about it. They aren’t going to remember anything tomorrow morning anyway.”
“I like them,” you grin.
His shoulder shake with mirth, “Of course you do.”
You giggle when one of the guys starts shouting the words and grab Mingyu’s hand, pulling him along behind you. “Come on, noodles, drinks, Salt-n-Pepa,” he fake groans and you squeeze his hand, “This is the most fun I’ve had at a sleepover in years.”
Then he’s grinning, “Well, we can make it a regular thing if you want.”
You turn, just before you get to the kitchen and push up to kiss his cheek, “Whatever you say, Hot Wheels.”
“Oh, come on,” he drags his feet after you, “Can we pick a new nickname?!”
“Sure. Come on, Coach Kim. Let’s go play in the kitchen.”
He stumbles a step and shakes his head. “Am I supposed to pretend it doesn’t make me kind of horny when you call me that? God, please don’t hold that against me. I am only a man.”
Oh? Good to know. “Whatever you say, Coach.”
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scary-grace · 8 months ago
blind date (shigaraki x reader)
After endless failed attempts to help Tomura up his game, his friends have settled on their last resort: A blind date. Even before you show up, it's not going well. No quirks AU, 2k words.
this was originally in the x reader lovers community, but I figured I'd release it into the wild as well!
Part 1 Part 2
Part 1
Tomura gets being a little late. “A little late” is practically his middle name. He waits until the last minute to do almost everything, and that means any complications mean he’s running behind. Hypocrisy pisses him off so much that he tries to avoid it all costs, so that means he has to put up with it without bitching when somebody else is a little late, too.
Except half an hour isn’t a just a little late for anything, let alone a blind date Tomura didn’t want to go on in the first place. He’s been waiting outside the bar you were supposed to meet at for half an hour, and he’s pissed.
“That’s it,” he says after the eighteenth time a woman his age has walked past and hasn’t been you, whatever the hell you look like. “I’m out of here.”
“Just a little longer, honey,” Magne says. She’s smiling, but she’s also got her arm around Tomura’s shoulders, and if she squeezes any harder, Tomura’s going to pop like a balloon. “She’ll be here.”
“No, she won’t.” Tomura crosses his arms over his chest, tucking his hands in so nothing will bite them. They’re on the waterfront, in the summer, and there are insects everywhere. Whose dumb idea was this? “You showed her a photo of me and she changed her mind.”
“It’s a blind date,” Magne says. Like Tomura’s supposed to know what that means. “She doesn’t know what you look like, either. That’s why you have to stay right here and keep wearing that baseball hat. Otherwise she won’t know it’s you.”
Tomura hates the hat. Right now he hates everything. “So she got here on time, saw me, and left. Can I go?”
Magne shakes her head. “You promised you’d try.”
“I showed up. I waited for fucking half an hour. I’ve tried.” Tomura finally shoves Magne’s arm off his shoulders. “I’m done.”
Tomura wishes he could say he didn’t know how he got here, except he does. One of his friends is getting married, and there’s supposed to be a wild bachelor weekend in Vegas, one last blast of stupid before settling down. Most of the groomsmen are planning to hook up with as many people as possible, and that’s where the problems start. According to his friends, Tomura has no game. Zero game. Negative one hundred game. If he was rolling for his game stat, it would be a critical failure – and none of his friends want to babysit him when they could be getting laid.
Tomura wouldn’t want to babysit when he could be getting laid, either. His solution was to skip the bachelor weekend and just show up for the wedding in his stupid rented suit. But apparently his friends really want him to come to the party, and they decided that what he needed was to get some practice in before the trip. Which means that for the last month, Tomura’s spent every Friday night and weekend getting dragged through his own personal hell.
They made him try dating apps, which were a disaster, even though Tomura let Toga set up his profile and make the first move. Then they tried traditional online dating, which also sucked, because Tomura’s too picky and other people have standards. Hanging out in bars and clubs worked exactly how it’s always worked – it doesn’t – and when Dabi pulled out the big guns and dragged Tomura to the sex club where he met his fiancé, the only people who talked to Tomura were guys. Tomura thought that was sort of a good sign, even though he’s not into men, until he remembered that guys will fuck anything with a hole in it. He’s not high on himself on his best day, but that was a really shitty night.
He thought they were going to quit after that, but his friends had one last ace up their sleeve – a blind date, Magne’s idea, which Toga enthusiastically signed off on when she saw a picture of the woman Magne wanted to set Tomura up with. Toga’s type and Tomura’s type line up, sort of, and Spinner giving the photo two thumbs way up sealed the deal.
It’s not like Tomura was hopeful or anything. He just wanted to get his friends off his back. Still, rejection sucks, and ghosting sucks worse. He’d rather have you show up and tell him to his face that you weren’t interested than stand him up.
Magne collars Tomura again, but her phone starts ringing at the same time, Toga’s contact info popping up. “Don’t go anywhere,” she warns Tomura as she raises the phone to her ear. “We’re here. She’s not here yet. Can you tell him –”
Tomura ducks out from under her arm and books it into the crowd of people on the waterfront, figuring he can make it to the metro stop before Magne figures out which way he’s going. But even that can’t go his way today, because he runs into somebody who’s moving at warp speed in the opposite direction, colliding at the shoulder hard enough to make him stagger. Tomura’s not confrontational, but it’s the wrong fucking day. “Can you watch where you’re going? It’s not like you matter to whoever you’re going to –”
“Are you Tomura?”
Tomura’s heart lurches. He stares hard at you as you right yourself, picking up the backpack you dropped in the collision. There’s no way this is happening. There’s no universe in which his blind date would be someone like you.
He can see right away why Toga and Spinner approved of you, but he thought you’d be someone in his league, not somebody who’s several kilometers above it. Maybe Tomura’s too excited that you actually showed up to evaluate what you actually look like. He looks away, then looks back. Nope – you’re still pretty, even though your face is flushed and you’re breathing hard like you’ve just been running. Did you run here to meet him? Only one way to find out. “I’m Tomura.”
“I’m so sorry,” you say. “My boss held me back at work, and I missed my train –”
You’re wearing some kind of work uniform. Scrubs, maybe. Are you a nurse? “And then I couldn’t decide whether to wait for another train or just run, so I ran – but I don’t really run, so it took even longer –”
Tomura doesn’t run, either. When he was doing the stupid online dating thing, he sorted out everybody who said more than one sentence about working out. You pause to suck down a breath, then keep talking. “I know everything I just said sounds like an excuse, and I know you’re leaving,” you say, “but I was hoping I could catch you so I could say I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to stand you up. I get it if you want to call it off.”
Before Tomura can answer or even think about what he’s going to say, Magne bursts out of the crowd. “I told you not to run off,” she scolds, collaring Tomura again. “If you don’t stay put, there’s no way she’s going to – oh! You’re here!”
You nod. Magne looks you up and down. “I told you to dress cute,” she scolds. “And to get here on time. I practically had to chain him to a streetlight so he wouldn’t escape.”
“I’m sorry,” you say. “My boss –”
“Of course,” Magne says, scowling. “He’s never met a good time he doesn’t want to ruin.”
Magne knows who your boss is? “How do you to know each other?”
“She’s a pharmacy tech at the place I go to pick up my E,” Magne says. “She’s the only one who works there who isn’t an asshole, and her boss is the biggest asshole of them all. I only go in there when she’s on and he’s off. But let me introduce you the right way. Shigaraki, this is – ”
Tomura misses your name the first time Magne says it, catches it the second time, but it barely registers except as something he probably shouldn’t forget. You’re pretty. You’re not an asshole, or at least you’re the same kind of asshole as Magne and everybody else Magne’s friends with, including Tomura. Your boss is the wrong kind of asshole, which means you probably didn’t blow Tomura off on purpose. And you ran here so you could meet him even when you knew you were really late. You must have really wanted to meet Tomura. What did Magne tell you about him?
Tomura can ask you about that later. “So?” Magne is saying expectantly. “Can I leave you two alone, or are you going to run away again?”
“No,” Tomura says. “You can go.”
You look surprised. “Um –”
Magne cackles. She snatches the hat off Tomura’s head, ruffles his hair, and slaps him on the back hard enough that he staggers. “Have fun! I want all the details later!”
“Sure,” you say, bewildered, as she kisses you on the cheek. Tomura’s going to have to talk to you about that – any details you share with Magne will be fair game for the rest of Tomura’s friends, and he’s not sure how much he wants them to know. “Um, bye.”
Magne waves and vanishes into the crowd. Now it’s just you and Tomura standing on the sidewalk. You shuffle off to one side, out of the way, and Tomura follows you. “Are you sure you still want to do this?” you ask once you’re both leaning against the railing. “I get it if you’re not in the mood. When I’ve gotten stood up, I haven’t wanted to –”
“You’ve never been stood up in your life,” Tomura says, and your expression changes from confused to offended. “Look at you.”
You look down at yourself, then back up at him. “What does that mean?”
“I didn’t know anything about you and I got here on time. If I knew what you looked like beforehand I’d have been two hours early.” It sounded like a compliment in Tomura’s head, but he can’t tell if you’re taking it that way. “People like you don’t get stood up for dates.”
“I wish that were true,” you say. You look away. “I know how it feels. I get it if you don’t want to go out anymore.”
Tomura pretends he’s thinking about it. “How far did you run to get here?”
“Sixteen blocks.”
“You ran sixteen blocks to meet me. That cancels out being late,” Tomura says. You look up, surprised for a second or two before the relief kicks in. “I still want to go out.”
“Me, too,” you say. You smile at him. Women don’t usually smile at Tomura. People don’t usually smile at Tomura. He doesn’t know what to do with it. “Thanks, Tomura. For giving me a chance.”
“Yeah,” Tomura says. “What do we do now?”
“I don’t really know,” you admit. “It’s been a while since I went on a date.”
“Same,” Tomura says. ‘Never’ counts as a while in his book. “I don’t know – grab drinks or something?”
You nod. “Can we find somewhere to sit down for a second first? I don’t usually run that much, and I don’t want to pass out on you.”
“You can pass out on me if you want,” Tomura says. You blink. Tomura facepalms even though you’re looking right at him. “There are benches back there.”
The crowd on the sidewalk is only getting denser. Tomura doesn’t want to get separated from you, so he tells you to hold onto the back of his shirt. You grab his hand instead, and you’re still holding it when the two of you find a place to sit down. Still holding it once you’re both settled, searching for something to talk about. Tomura’s not optimistic about this. You’re too good to be true – the kind of woman who’d run sixteen blocks to meet him and hold his hand is a kind of woman who doesn’t exist. Even so, it’s – nice. Tomura laces his fingers with yours and decides to enjoy it while it lasts.
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milkoomi · 2 months ago
live in tranquility. ᥫ᭡
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life is full of ups and downs, right turns and wrong turns, and moments of joy and torments of anguish. we all desire to live a life that only ever brings us happiness and peace, but to fulfill that wish we must provide ourselves the diligent work to make our dreams a reality.
let’s begin …
୨ৎ — habits to incorporate
include a weekly reset
whether it’s a friday or a sunday, start incorporating a weekly reset into your routine! whether it’s doing a deep clean of your home/room or doing an everything shower and pampering yourself with an at-home spa day, or maybe a mix of both, start your week off with a good refresh of everything that you feel needs to be reset.
things to do for your weekly reset:
change your bedsheets
treat yourself with a face mask
give yourself a little mani-pedi
dust your shelves & clean your floors
wipe down your windows & change/wash your curtains
clean your mirrors
do laundry
journal & reflect on your week
plan for the week ahead
do/touch up your lashes
make your bed every morning
i’ve touched on this in a previous post where i discussed boosting daily productivity, but i also wanted to add this point in this post as well! not only does this habit make you feel more productive, but i find that making your bed can be something very calming. you’re freshening up your sleeping space and there’s something about making your bed look all nice and pretty that just releases some kind of serotonin in my brain!
this can be a really peaceful task. i’d recommend putting on your favorite music or a relaxing morning playlist while doing so to really set the vibe for yourself!
gratitude journal in the morning & at night
one of the first things i do in the morning is create a small list of things that i’m thankful for. whether it’s being able to wake up and live another or getting to see the sun rise, talk about what you’re thankful for at the start of your day. it soothes your mind and i find that it also helps to alleviate any stress that might be weighing my mind down. practicing gratitude and including that habit daily has helped me find all the joys in my life, no matter how big or small! it helps you find happiness and peace in even the smallest things, and i promise you that practicing gratitude will help you live a more peaceful life.
daily affirmations
sometimes we need to be the ones to tell us that we’re proud of ourselves or that we’re beautiful or that we’re strong enough. affirmations, either at the start or end of your day (or even both!) can help provide that extra motivation for yourself.
affirmation examples:
“i am more than capable of achieving my goals no matter how big or small.”
“i am enough for myself and those i love in my life.”
“i am proud of all that i have achieved.”
“i am worthy of love, especially from myself.”
make yourself a cup of coffee or tea
there’s something so calming about making yourself a cup of coffee or tea. whenever i do so, and i’m stirring the mix all my little ingredients together in my favorite mug, i always stir clockwise and repeat manifestations in my mind. in my own practices with my spirituality, i’ve learned that going clockwise brings forth your desires (and counter-clockwise releases anything you want to let go of). adding this into my morning ritual prepares me for my day and when i drink that cup of coffee/tea it’s as if i am absorbing the things i manifest for myself!
୨ৎ — release your emotions
bringing up journaling again here, but seriously, get all those negative thoughts and feelings out. do a brain dump of all that you’re thinking. take time to process your emotions. let it all out. maybe even put on sad songs to cry to, maybe ask a trusted loved one (but make sure it’s okay with them beforehand) to talk about everything you’re thinking/feeling, or— if you’re able to— seek therapy!
i feel like i live a much softer and more peaceful life now that i’ve allowed myself to be vulnerable with my loved ones, my therapist, and even myself. we’re allowed to have vulnerable moments and we’re allowed to feel the feelings we have, but we have to make sure we release those negative thoughts and feelings in a healthy manner.
i’ve been in therapy for almost 7 years and the growth i’ve experienced throughout all those years has truly been so refreshing. it almost feels magical, and i’m so grateful that i have the resources to help me manage my emotions and mental health.
୨ৎ — let go of unhealthy consumption
when we consume media that brings us down or when we surround ourselves with the wrong people, we just add unnecessary stress and negative feelings onto our plates. i have a post that discusses THE ART OF LETTING GO so i recommend checking it out for a more in-depth conversation on what to let go of and how to let it all go.
living a peaceful life means releasing yourself from gossip and drama, banning content/media that makes us sad or angry, and leaving people who make us feel bad about ourselves or who might influence us to partake in unhealthy or risky activities. you have to let go of those things that no longer serve you. we can always start with small steps, and the best place to start is with the media we consume.
media to consume:
self help books/videos
educational books/videos/movies/shows/podcasts
follow creators who motivate you to be the best version of yourself for yourself
watch shows/movies that make you happy
listen to music that makes you feel good
read books that bring you joy
୨ৎ — create vision boards
one way i love to manifest my dream life is by creating a vision board. i always create one at the very end of the year, but i want to try doing a vision board for each season! doing this can help you visualize what you want for yourself and your life, and most times when we don’t even realize it, we actually have those visions and dreams become a reality!
creating vision boards can also be a nice, little relaxing hobby for yourself too! getting your creative juices flowing can create and manifest so much inspiration and motivation!
vision board ideas:
yearly vision board
academic vision board
career vision board
lifestyle vision board
fashion/style aesthetic vision board
୨ৎ — final notes
what are some activities/habits that make you feel at peace?
a peaceful life is achievable! as with many things like gaining confidence, ace’ing exams, or getting promoted at your job, it takes work. if you truly want it, work for it! sometimes, the things we deserve are things we have to get for ourselves.
with lots of love, faustina 🌷
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delusional-day-dreamer · 9 months ago
First. Love. Part¹ - p.b
playlist. next part.
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‣ paige bueckers x oc (reader?, tbh i'm not sure how it works!)
‣ wc: 1790
‣‣ synopsis: people say in life, you have your FIRST love and your first LOVE, but what if paige was both?
‣‣‣ a/n: y'all i'm SO SORRY for my inactivity, summer classes and morning practices are awful. i promise i will try to release more fics on a more regular basis. For the sake of the FICTIONAL story, pazzi simply does not exist, they are best friends but denied the rumors during azzi's freshmen year and she has a boyfriend. Songs that are underlined are linked to tiktok covers just because I love them!
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Us Weekly : Tuesday June 13th, 2023
Just this friday, upcoming singer-songwriter Jenna Smyths performs her own song, Means Something and an instrumental cover of Holy Ground by Taylor Swift at BBC Live Lounge to introduce her soon to be released debut album, Eternal Us (not my most creative moment I know 😔). The young singer has just graduated from UCLA after completing her three-year Bachelor's Degree with a double major, her focus being Business Economics with a minor in Film, Television, and Digital Media.
This Friday was Jenna's first televised performance, and her constantly sold out small-venue concerts have been applauded all over social media and by celebrities for her vocal maturity, depth and intricacy within her song lyrics, and her ability to convey raw emotion through her performances. However, this song cover was announced by the singer-songwriter to be particularly special to her, as she mentions that this song "brings back specific memories".
The twenty-one year old kept her composure throughout both songs, yet fans on various media platforms have pointed out Jenna's seemingly tear filled eyes during Holy Ground. The artist addresses the emotions she felt during the song during her first appearance on the Jimmy Fallon Show after performing her first released single, Promise, which is prominently featured as it’s one of her most popular singles.
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The Tonight Show: Monday June 12th, 2023 "Please welcome to The Tonight Show, Jenna Smyths," Jimmy introduced you as you walked onto the set of the show, the live audience cheering loudly as you took your seat on the couch.
"Thank you so much Jimmy, it's such an honor to be here, sitting on this sacred couch," you joked, bringing some of your recently curled hair over your shoulder in hopes of disguising any traces of anxiety the crowd or camera may pick up. Thankfully, it worked as you heard the stir of laughter on set, allowing you to relax further into the couch, it actually was quite comfortable.
"It's incredible that we have you sitting here, I mean almost two years ago you blew up on TikTok for your incredible song covers, and then you started playing live in a bunch of LA venues, then you started releasing your own music, and now you're a UCLA Alumni sitting here," as he summed up your rise to fame, the audience began another round of applause.
"Oh my gosh I know right," you giggled, overjoyed that the audience was showing so much support towards you and that your first big interview was going so well. "I swear it was like two weeks ago I was singing on TikTok and then freaking out about my notifications and somehow I just teleported here," you laughed off the slight tinge you felt in your heart.
College had gone by far too quickly, and you were constantly consumed with stress regarding your future. Up until a few weeks ago, you had no idea what you were going to do with your life. What if your album flopped? What if you never made it big? How would you move on and get a regular job from there?
"Yes yes, I remember seeing some of your earliest covers on tiktok. In fact," a smirk appeared on his face, he clearly had something hiding up his sleeve. "We just so happen to have a little video edited together of your old covers, for old times' sake just to show how far you've come," he laughed at the nervous expression on your face and the crowd's enthusiasm.
"Oh god, some of those are from questionable times," you mumbled, raising your right hand to slightly cover your mouth as the video played.
Clips of you singing in your old college apartment bedroom appeared, switching in between guitar covers and piano while singing Katy Perry's Teenage Dream, We Can't Be Friends by Ariana Grande (yes pretend it was out at the time), Bags by Clairo, to the Man Who Can't Be Moved, and a few others. You watched your younger self, heartbroken and healing, singing songs to post on the internet just for your friends to watch, and yet somehow your voice had reached millions of people.
"Well you can see it here clear as day folks, Jenna has clearly always had a knack for those gut-wrenching songs, the ones that make you wonder if you're depressed or the artist is just incredibly good at what they do," you knew he was introducing your live performance with this, sneakily rubbing your sweaty palms over your jeans. You weren't nearly as scared as your BBC performance, but the combination of fear and adrenaline before any performance was overwhelming compared to logic at times.
"So what do you guys say, because I think we need to hear it live to determine which one it truly is," the small crowd erupted at Jimmy's rhetoric, eager to watch your performance.
"Well when you ask so nicely how could I ever refuse Jimmy?" You grinned, standing up to make your way over to the performance area with the live band.
With your guitar in your hands, you let the unique sense of calmness and security wash over you as you adjusted the mic in front of you. Music had always been one of the biggest parts in your life, and even know it never failed you. Not in your best moments, and not even in your worse.
"This is Promise from my new album, Eternal Us, out June 30th"
***Post-performance part of the interview***
"Jenna, you know I have to ask you this, because so far the songs on your album, your covers, and even your performance at the BBC Live Lounge were all fairly depressing songs," Jimmy insists. The two of you had been joking and answering the interview questions with a sense of ease after the performance aspect of the show. The audience was eating up the playful energy the two of you seemed to have, despite the twenty-seven year age gap.
"Please, ask away Jimmy," you quipped, enjoying your time on the show. The steady laughter from the live audience had long soothed any remaining nerves. Growing up, you always felt as if you were born to perform, and this type of live interview was right up your alley.
"And I swear I'm being serious with this, but does the emotion in your music affect you the same it affects your listeners? Because after your cover of Holy Ground aired, you blew up on social media even more then you were before. But one of the things your fans noticed was that it looked like you were gonna cry?" Jimmy inquired, you could hear small murmurs from the audience section at his question, no doubt intrigued to hear your answer.
"You know Jimmy," you began, "Honestly it was just a heat of the moment kinda thing. Like obviously I changed the song in a different key and sang it that way intentionally you know? Taylor is known for her ability to write the most gut-wrenching lyrics and then syncing them up to a catchy beat in a pop song and boom, it's a hit," you explained to both him and the crowd.
"But when I was offered the opportunity to go on BBC Live Lounge and I was trying to decide what song to cover, the lyrics of the song just really stuck out to me in a personal way and I wanted to convey to my listeners the emotions I felt reading and experiencing the lyrics, not listening to it as an upbeat pop song. But don't get me wrong, it's an incredible song just the way it is!" You ended your ramble enthusiastically, trying your best to not delve into the deeper emotions laced within your statement.
"Of course, I mean it was your first televised performance and to a Taylor Swift song no less, but this song has a very meaning to it, unlike some of Taylor's other doctorate-level essay worthy songs you could spend hours analyzing," Jimmy jokes, lightening the mood as always before asking the hard hitting question you had been dreading the entire interview.
"Why did you choose to sing a song about reminiscing of a past relationship, an ex lover if you will. I mean, a good majority of your songs follow the heartbroken post-breakup theme, but the media isn't aware of any relationships you may or may not have had during your time at UCLA, was there someone before?" He questions.
"You're right, I didn't have any actual relationships while at UCLA. My only serious relationship was during my last two years of high school, and a lot of my songs I'm releasing now were written during that time or even earlier, I've just polished them a lot. And of course, my earliest covers are from my freshman year of college, so the wound was still pretty fresh you know?" You skimmed over the topic, keeping the discussion as light-hearted as possible.
"Oh my god, all of that was from one person?" Jimmy jokes, unaware of how hard his statement hits home for you.
"Yeah I mean, I guess your first love will just do that to you, you know?" You joked back. You refused, refused, to let Paige Bueckers affect you in this way on national television. It had been three years for god's sake, you needed to get a grip of yourself.
"Well, they must have been one heck of a first love to be such a long-lasting muse for you," Jimmy pried, and you could tell he was waiting for you to give more details about your relationship.
"Nah nah, cut the cameras, I think we're out of time for tonight right," you nervously laughed, jokingly leaning over to gesture in an over the top manner to the camera crew to stop filming, which roused hefty laughter around set at your antics.
"Don't worry Jenna, we'll leave that topic for next time yeah?" Jimmy chuckled at your immediate refusal, using his perfected charm to continue the interview without any bumps or awkward conversations.
Before you knew it, the interview had been long over and you were laying in your hotel's bedroom. In your opinion, the NYC suite was luxurious and was far too large for just one person to reside. But fortunately for you, you were used to the sense of loneliness you felt in the empty room. To think that you were only a few hours away from Paige, your first love, your first everything, and yet you had never felt more separated from a person you used to love with your whole being.
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Thank you for reading all the way through! Part 2 of So High School will be out soon I promise, this series just happened to randomly inspire me and I want to finish it asap before I lose motivation or hit writer's block!
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starlightkun · 9 months ago
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❧ word count: 26.7k ❧ warnings: cursing, VERY suggestive/innuendous, reader teases mark a lot playfully but he’s a shy loserboy so the banter is not usually returned and it might come across as a bit excessive/mean sometimes but it’s their version of flirting i promise, blasphemous usage of the word MILF ❧ genre: fluff, strangers to lovers, modern magical creatures au, basilisk mark, sphinx reader, age gap (older reader), college student mark, career woman reader, ft. various magical neos, human renjun, human johnny (and other very special guest appearances), same universe as strawberry sunday ❧ extra info: this work is set in the same universe as strawberry sunday but can be read as a standalone! there is no continuing plotline between fics in this universe, they simply take place in the same world/magic system and may have overlapping characters (neos may pop up in more than one work!) ❧ author’s note: this one is definitely not going to be for everyone i think. but! i had fun with it. it’s got me exploring a lot of new stuff in it: writing for mark, writing this kind of relationship dynamic, figuring out what sphinxes are like in this universe, and some new characters (gasp!) so i had a ball. which of course means the word count is obscene lol. anyway enjoy the (probably) last installment of the strawbsunday universe. i’m not going to call this the official end bc i had so much fun with these characters that i could totally see myself coming back, but as of now this is all i have planned! thank you all for tagging along and i hope you're looking forward to what’s next! ❧ EDIT DEC 2024: this fic had a brief mention of a former 127 member in it. i’ve edited this fic to take it out, but if there are any mentions of him that i missed, inconsistencies, or plot holes, please let me know!
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ explore the strawberry sunday universe more here!
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“You—” Jisung was cut off by Chenle.
“Totally fucked our neighbor! I always knew you were a MILF hunter, Mark Lee—” Chenle’s voice was getting louder and louder, and you were sure that at this point you might not have even needed magical hearing to discern their words.
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Friday night. After a long week of work, you finally could relax, order some food, make yourself a drink, kick your feet up, and just have a nice quiet night to yourself. Reclined on your couch in your comfiest silk robe, you brought your glass to your lips as you flicked through some options for what to watch. With delight, you realized that a drama you’d been watching had released a new episode. You’d barely clicked play and settled in when the raucous sounds of hooting, hollering, and electronic shooting and smashing penetrated through your living room wall. Sighing to yourself, you paused your show and stood up to walk over to the wall that your TV hung from, which you shared with your next-door neighbors.
A few months ago—at the beginning of the local university’s fall semester, you figured—two college kids had moved in next door to you. You liked Chenle and Jisung just fine; they were polite whenever you saw them in the hallway or elevator, sometimes if Jisung saw you carrying heavy groceries, the dragon would offer to help you bring them in, and while some people may not be thrilled to have a fairy next door, you knew that a lot of your neighbors felt the same way about you, so you didn’t hold that against Chenle. All in all, they weren’t the worst people to live next to. Except for when their other rambunctious college friends came over for video game nights. They didn’t always seem aware of the noise levels. Thankfully, they were quick to make adjustments as soon as you made them aware. Another reason that you didn’t mind living next door to them, despite the occasional loudness.
You banged your fist against the wall a couple times. It was almost immediately followed by a distant ‘Oh shit!’ and the hasty lowering of their video game volume. A young man’s voice then came through the wall much clearer, as if he were just on the other side from you.
“Sorry!” It sounded like Jisung. You didn’t respond, instead plopping back down onto your couch and playing your show again. No need to have a shouting match through the wall and disturb everybody else in the building. They continued their video games at a constant, but much quieter hum for the rest of the evening, and you puttered around through your streaming services until you deemed your night over.
After putting your leftovers away in your fridge, you were about to head off to your bedroom when you heard the distant shuffle of footsteps over your welcome mat. You paused at the threshold of your kitchen to your living room, waiting to see if whoever it was would actually ring the doorbell, or just keep… well, it sounded like they were pacing anxiously. Finally, there were a couple soft taps on your front door. If you were a human, you weren’t sure if you would have even heard that. Your footsteps were soft across your carpeted floor as you moved to answer the door. First looking out the peephole, your interest was piqued when you saw a young man standing there who was neither Chenle nor Jisung. Though you did have an idea of exactly what this was about.
Undoing your deadbolt, latch, then disarming the alarm, you opened the door just enough for you to cross your arms over your chest and lean against the doorframe. “I accept apologies in the form of cash or groveling.”
“Huh?” The young man stared at you wide-eyed, open-mouthed, and dumb-founded. You took note of his slit pupils, and the two fangs that hadn’t yet fully descended from his top jaw. Huh, basilisk.
“Did the boys not send you over here to be the sacrificial lamb?” You cocked your head and looked him up and down perhaps too obviously, as he shifted nervously under your gaze. A very timid basilisk at that. You eyed the oversized t-shirt he had on that had the same university logo that you’d often seen your neighbors wearing. “You are one of Chenle and Jisung’s friends, right?”
“Oh, y-yeah, I am. I’m Mark. Mark Lee.” He took one of his hands out from where he’d stuffed them into the pockets of his joggers, wiped it on the leg of said joggers, and held it out to you. As he got close enough to shake your hand, you could finally smell him. Sphinx noses weren’t as sensitive as werewolves’ or vampires’—or basilisk tongues for that matter. Not to mention that basilisks just didn’t have as strong of a scent as most other beings. They had a mild, earthen smell that reminded you of peat freshly after rain. Others tended to make less favorable comparisons such as damp caverns or even mildewy caves, but those ideas never occurred to you. Maybe it was because one of your own childhood best friends was a basilisk, so you were just used to the smell and had positive memories associated with it.
You couldn’t conceal the amusement on your face as you delicately shook his hand, now very aware of his clammy palms. “It’s nice to meet you, Mark, I’m Y/N. Now if they didn’t send you over with your big brown eyes and sweet face in an attempt to distract me from the ruckus you all were making earlier, then why are you on my doorstep?”
“Wait, you can look at my eyes?” There was a noticeable drag on his s’es when he spoke, which you noted with a certain fondness. He must be young enough to have missed most, if not all, of the mandatory speech therapy that the basilisks of your cohort and before went through during primary and secondary school. It was removed from the curriculum for being unfair and prejudiced against the creatures, but that was after your time. You could remember your friend Jongin being singled out to leave class three times a week for the “therapy.” Even now he could still recall the name of the instructor who led it, his voice filling with bitter vitriol on the rare occasions he’d choose to talk about it.
“I’m a sphinx, honey. You couldn’t petrify me if you tried,” you informed Mark knowingly. Now you were curious as to why he was out and about without magical eye protection or at least non-magical sunglasses if he was apparently so worried about petrifying people. But, not curious enough to divert you from your original mission. “Now, why are you here?”
“O-Oh, right, uhm, I’m really sorry for bothering you, ma’am, it’s just that I went to go get something from my car but then I realized that I forgot my keys in their apartment and I came back up to get them but I locked myself out. My phone’s in the apartment too, and I tried knocking but they’re not answering and—”
“They fell asleep in the two minutes you were gone?” You cut him off, raising your eyebrows slightly in disbelief.
“No, no, they were already asleep. You see, uhm, I’m crashing on their couch tonight and—”
“Got it, got it.” You nodded. Well, that explains the lack of sunglasses. They were also presumably locked in the apartment. “So, what do you want from me?”
“Can I borrow your phone really quick, just to try to call them and see if they’ll pick up? Again, I’m really, really sorry about this.”
“I will actually do you one better, Mark.” You did a small shooing gesture, and he seemed to get the idea, taking a couple steps back. Once he was off of your welcome mat, you lifted up the corner and grabbed the key that was sitting under there. You held it out to him. “Here.”
“It’s their spare key, not mine.” You reassured him. “When they moved in, they asked if they could hide it under my mat because it would be too obvious to burglars for their spare key to be under their mat.”
“O-Oh.” Mark gingerly took the key from you. “Thank you, ma’am.”
“Mark, one more thing.”
“Anything!” He blurted out, then his entire face flushed as he scrambled to tone it down. “I mean, y-yeah, of course, ma’am, what do you need?”
You couldn’t help but smirk as you requested, “Stop calling me ma’am.”
“Right, sorry.”
“You can call me Y/N.”
“O-Okay!” The basilisk smiled at you brightly, another flash of his not-yet fully developed baby fangs. He presumably was only a year or so out from his first molting. They were cute. He was... cute.
“Goodnight, Mark.” You stepped back and grabbed the edge of your door, preparing to close it.
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
His eyes didn’t leave you the entire time as you shut the door. Curious, you peered out your peephole. Mark flicked his forked snake tongue out in the air once before he made his way over to your neighbors’ door. The boys had a corner apartment, meaning that despite the two apartments sharing a wall, their door was actually perpendicular to yours, so you could see it from your peephole. You watched Mark unlock the apartment, then dart back over to yours and bend over to lift up your mat. You froze, not expecting him to immediately return the key. You figured he’d just give it back to his friends in the morning. He paused after he’d put the key under the mat again, tongue once more testing the air. You held your breath, waiting for a paralyzing one, two seconds before he finally left again. You didn’t relax fully until the boys’ apartment door had closed behind him, though. You wanted to hit yourself. What were you even nervous about? A grown woman being caught standing by your own apartment door? By some random college kid? Ridiculous. You scoffed, doing up your locks, latches, and alarm again.
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“Hi, Ms. Y/N.” “Hi, Ms. Y/N.”
Chenle and Jisung gave you two very polite nods as they passed you in the hallway heading out of the building at the same time that you were coming home from work. It had been a couple weeks since their last video game night when you’d had your unexpected visitor, which was also the last time you’d seen or heard a peep from either of your young neighbors. You figured they’d been keeping an extra-low profile out of guilt.
You smiled back at them genuinely. “Hi, boys.”
The third figure behind them looked at you with wide eyes, and you arched an eyebrow curiously at him, a silent challenge.
“H-Hi, Y/N.” To his credit, Mark’s voice didn’t crack at all, despite the stutter.
“Hi, Mark,” you practically purred his name, not slowing down in the slightest as you continued your path to your front door. You bit your bottom lip to keep from laughing as you heard the fervent whispered back and forth of the college students behind you.
“Dude, what the fuck?” Jisung hissed at Mark.
“Yeah, what the fuck is wrong with you?” Chenle concurred.
“What?” Mark shot back quietly.
You arrived at your apartment door at the end of the hall, still well within earshot for you. Opening up your purse to fetch your keys, you unhurriedly flipped through every key on your keyring.
“You—” Jisung was cut off by Chenle.
“Totally fucked our neighbor! I always knew you were a MILF hunter, Mark Lee—” Chenle’s voice was getting louder and louder, and you were sure that at this point you might not have even needed magical hearing.
“Dude!” Mark snapped, and you heard the sound of what you were pretty sure was the basilisk slapping a hand over the fairy’s mouth. “She can totally hear us!”
You raised a hand above your head and, without turning around, waved it. “Hey, boys. Sphinx, remember?”
“Sorry, Ms. Y/N!” Jisung called out down the hall to you, and you could picture his sheepish face in that moment. You went to actually unlock your apartment now, pushing the door open.
“Sorry!” Mark apologized too, as you had stepped into your home.
You just caught his eye and a glimpse of his pink ears as you turned around to disable your alarm next to the closing door. In the moment before the gap shut all the way, you winked at him.
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Humming along to the music playing from your phone, you touched up your work makeup to make it a little more ‘nighttime’ and swapped out your studs for some more flashy going-out dangly earrings. You’d already changed into a much less corporate outfit for your night out with your friends that you had planned and were just putting the finishing touches on before you had to leave in a few minutes. You’d just finished up with your hair and makeup when you swore you heard a knock at your front door. Pausing your music to stick your head out of your bathroom, you listened more carefully. Yeah, there were definitely footsteps at your front door, and it didn’t sound like a delivery person dropping a package off and leaving. In fact, it sounded like someone pacing nervously. A very familiar shuffle, if you weren’t mistaken.
Already bemused, you took long strides through your apartment to get to your front door, deftly unlocking it. And sure enough, when you so confidently swung it open without peeking through the peephole first, your instincts had of course been right. Mark Lee was standing on the other side, shifting his weight nervously from foot to foot. His gaze immediately snapped up to you, and you barely contained your amusement at how his jaw literally dropped when he took in what you were wearing.
“Hello, Mark,” you greeted him, once more leaning against your doorway. It had been a few weeks since you’d last seen him, and you could only guess why he was knocking on your door again.
You could see him blink himself out of a trance, running a hand through his hair, knocking the hood of his forest green hoodie off his head in the process. “Hi, Y/N. How-How are you?”
“I’m well, thank you. How about you?”
“Good! I’m good.”
“So… What brings you to my doorstep again? You know where the boys’ key is.” You pointed to the welcome mat underneath his sneakers.
“Oh, Chenle and Jisung aren’t even home right now,” he said off-handedly. “I didn’t come to see them.”
“Is that so?”
“Yeah. I uhm, I wanted to ask you something.”
“Mark…” You said his name calmly, but with a hint of warning. Truly, this was your fault. You’d been having too much fun and let this get out of hand, and now you were going to have to let this sweet boy down easy before he started something he couldn’t finish. And you’d had such a good relationship with your neighbors so far, too. Maybe he’d be too embarrassed to tell them. One could only hope.
Mark’s ears were getting redder by the second. “Sorry, I know you’re probably too busy but— Could you maybe help me with my abilities?”
Well, that certainly wasn’t what you were expecting. Shoving away the strange twinge of disappointment in your chest, you reminded him, “I’m not a basilisk. I’m not even reptile adjacent at all. Sphinxes are part-lion, part-eagle.”
“I know, I just thought that, you know, sphinxes develop your powers later, right? You’re not born with them.”
“Basilisks too. I just thought that, I don’t know, maybe you’d be able to at least give me some advice?” He immediately shook his head at himself. “I’m sorry, you don’t even know me, I’ll just—”
“Hold on, Mark.” You went to stop him from leaving entirely. While you weren’t fully convinced, this at least wasn’t a conversation to be having on your doorstep. You had better manners than to leave the poor boy on your doormat. You stepped back from your door, opening it wider. “Here, come in.”
“O-Okay.” He obliged, walking into your apartment. “Thank you.” He stood awkwardly just a couple steps past the front door, looking around your living room hesitantly.
“Do you want something to drink? Water? Tea?” You offered, hoping it would calm him down. He looked so tense that you were a little worried about his blood pressure. “Unfortunately I don’t have any Red Bulls or whatever college boys sustain themselves on.”
“Oh, uh, no thank you. I actually don’t drink energy drinks or any of that stuff.” He shook his head, his nose wrinkling. “Tastes too… too much.”
“Hm…” You filled up a glass of water for yourself, and an extra for Mark anyway. He was your guest, after all. You sat back in your spot in the corner of your couch, putting one of the glasses down on your coffee table for him. You took a sip of the other. When Mark was still rooted to the same spot a couple seconds later, you gestured to the other two-thirds of the piece of furniture. “You can sit, my couch won’t come to life and swallow you whole, you know.”
“Right, sorry.” He laughed, looking down at his feet as he walked over and sat on the opposite end from you. Or, as far to the opposite end as he could get. You had several throw pillows on that side. He still looked nervous, refusing to meet your gaze as his eyes flicked around your living room skittishly.
“I’m also not going to swallow you whole.”
“Of course, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” Mark picked up the glass of water that he had told you he didn’t want, this time looking you in the eye as he gave you an anxious smile before bringing the drink up to his lips.
“Not unless you ask nicely.”
He immediately spat the drink of water he’d just taken back out into his cup as he coughed and choked, and you covered your own mouth as you giggled, not wanting to outright laugh in the poor boy’s face.
“I’m sorry, Mark, that was mean of me.” You patted his knee, then quickly took your hand back. You really were just trying to reassure him. “Now, you came in for a real reason, not just for me to tease you. Go ahead.”
Having finally recovered, he set his water back down on the table to talk. “Y-Yeah, right. Uhm… So, basilisks don’t start developing their powers until they’ve gone through their first molting. Mine was a year and a half ago and honestly my life has kind of been one big shit show ever since.”
“Basilisk powers aren’t all they were cracked up to be?”
“I first partially petrified my human roommate last spring and now I have to wear sunglasses around him all the time or God forbid I’m going to actually turn him to stone one of these days. I accidentally compel him, too, like all the time, and he refuses to let our witch friends make any sort of protection charm for him.”
“He wants to get petrified and compelled?”
“No, he doesn’t want me to think he’s afraid of me. But I’m afraid of what I’m going to do to him. I feel like I can barely be in our apartment except to sleep.” Mark rubbed a hand over his face, visibly stressed and upset now. “Dude definitely knows I’m avoiding him but… I don’t know what I’d do with myself if I actually hurt Johnny.”
“Well first you’re not going to punish yourself over something you haven’t even done. That’s not going to do anything for you or your friend,” you told him firmly.
“Hmph,” he chuckled cynically.
“You don’t know any basilisks that could help you? Your parents? Friends?” You suggested gently. He clearly did need help, but you weren’t going to be his best option. “They might be a bit more useful than me.”
“My parents live five hours away. Not exactly a day trip. And I don’t know any other basilisks at school. My friends have all been supportive but useless. They’re either human or have been using their powers since before they could talk.”
You sighed and nodded in understanding. “I know what you mean. It’s like puberty all over again. A magical growth spurt but instead of suddenly losing all body awareness, growing four inches, and having hormones making your brain all fuzzy, you’re trying to gain an awareness on some new part of yourself you didn’t have before, you’re teething like a giant toddler, and have magic making your brain all fuzzy.”
“Yes, the teething! God, I thought I was crazy!” Mark groaned, vindication and relief all over his face at having someone else validate what’s been happening to him. His features then turned confused. “Wait, sphinxes don’t have fangs, do you?”
You grabbed your top lip to pull it up, at the same time letting your second set of teeth descend.
“Wow…” He breathed out, watching you as you tucked them back into your jaw.
“Lion canines. Retractable, thankfully.” You let go of your lip and closed your mouth, habitually running your tongue over your normal teeth. Sphinxes still didn’t have perfectly average human teeth as their first set of teeth, they were much sharper, with a greater number of human canines. But you much preferred your first set anyway, they were the ones you grew up with, and were a lot less cumbersome than a full set of lion canines, incisors, and carnassials. All the second set was really good for was a party trick. Not that you really went to those anymore; you’d been out of college for years now.
“Have you ever met another sphinx before me, Mark?” You asked.
“W-What do you mean?”
“You knew that sphinxes get our powers later in life, but you didn’t know about our second set of teeth. I don’t know, your knowledge is a little... inconsistent.”
He rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “Well... my friend Renjun, he’s a Magical Creatures Studies major. He goes on all these tangents all the time. I kind of zone in and out.”
“So you haven’t met another sphinx, but you were listening when your friend was talking about sphinxes getting their powers later in life, but you completely missed the part about lion teeth.” You ticked every detail off on your fingers to make sure you had it straight.
You burst into laughter again, watching as the pink that had persisted on the tips of his ears spread down to his cheeks. “Sorry, sorry, I’m not laughing at you.”
“It sure feels like it,” he mumbled, but you caught sight of a bashful smile on his lips as he stared down at his lap.
“I mean, I am laughing, but it’s just— you’re just— you’re very endearing, Mark,” you tried to explain to him. “I’m being endeared right now— It’s a good thing, just take it as a compliment, okay?”
“Sure, I’ll take it as a compliment.” He nodded. “From now on, when you laugh at something stupid and embarrassing I do or say, I’ll take it as a compliment.”
You chuckled, “You’re funny, you know that?”
“You’re the first person who’s ever told me that,” he admitted, looking up from his hands to you. “You know that?”
“Wait, seriously?” Your smile faded.
“No, but you believed me, didn’t you?” The basilisk snickered.
“Oh, hey!” You retorted indignantly. “Not fair! You had me feeling bad for you this whole time with the sob story about your powers! You can’t just—” But Mark had already devolved into a fit of giggles, and you knew he was too far gone for your argument to hold any water. Instead, you watched him fondly as you realized that this was the most relaxed he’d been around you. As he started collecting himself, you took one more sip of your water, then set it down on the coffee table. “Alright, so what’s your class schedule?”
Mark stared at you wide-eyed. “Huh?”
“I can’t guarantee results of any kind, but I’ll do my best to teach you what I know at least.”
“Really?!” He seemed shocked that his own plan had worked.
“It’s not going to be a one-and-done, I can tell you that much. So, what’s your schedule?” You reiterated your question. “I get off work at five every day and have yoga Tuesdays and Thursdays. So you better be available on a Monday or Wednesday.”
“Wait, what’s wrong with Friday?”
“You may have endeared me, but not enough to give up my Friday nights.”
"Of course, right. Uh, Wednesdays should be the best for me. My last class is over at three and I usually don’t get scheduled then since it’s so late in the day.”
“Where do you work that 3:00 in the afternoon is late?”
“Campus bookstore. Closes at 5:00.”
“Gotcha. So, I will see you here, next Wednesday at 6:00.” You could see panic grow in Mark’s eyes as you started to stand up.
“W-Why not now?”
“Because I have other plans, Mark,” you told him patiently. “I’ll keep Wednesdays for you in the future, but tonight I have somewhere to be. You and Johnny have survived this long, I believe that you’ll be able to survive one more week, okay?”
He got to his feet with a sigh. “You’re right, I’m sorry. Thank you, Y/N. Seriously.”
“Don’t thank me yet.” You started guiding him toward your front door. “Who knows, I might make it worse.”
“I doubt it could get any worse.”
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“I am so sorry I’m late,” you breathed out as you sat down at the restaurant booth where your friends were waiting.
“That’s okay, Y/N!” Baekhyun reassured you, pushing a glass over to you. “Here, we got you a water. We didn’t know what you were going to get to eat, so we didn’t want to order a drink-drink.”
“You’re not usually late,” Minseok, another sphinx, pointed out from across the table from you and your siren friend.
“Yeah, is everything alright?” Jongin asked from his seat beside Minseok. You especially noticed now how his s’es weren’t as pronounced as Mark’s, but at least some of his natural sibilance had come back once he got out of that speech “therapy.”
You let out a sigh, dropping your head back against the booth. “I had an unexpected visitor.”
“Ooh, do tell.” Baekhyun’s opalescent scales that sat just under the skin of his cheekbones, bridge of his nose, and forehead shifted with the inquisitive tilt of his head.
“Nothing scandalous, I assure you,” you snorted. “Just some friend of my neighbors, you know, the college kids—”
“A college boy? Y/N, you cougar!” The siren exclaimed, and you rolled your eyes.
“Are you done?”
“Yes, continue.”
“I mean, his friends did indirectly call me a MILF, but I don’t know if I should take that a compliment or an insult really.”
Minseok and Jongin guffawed at that while Baekhyun’s face lit up with delight. He smushed your cheeks in between his hands. “Oh, I’m so proud of you! My baby’s all grown up! No longer a baby but a MILF!”
“At least to a bunch of college boys,” Minseok pointed out, grabbing his glass that looked like it was filled with some dark liquor. Whiskey, maybe. He always liked to mix it up. “Don’t let it get you too down, Y/N, they probably think anybody above human drinking age is middle-aged.”
“Let it get her down?” Baekhyun scoffed indignantly. “You’re clearly missing three-quarters of the acronym here, Minseok!”
“Guys!” You cut into their bickering. “I don’t particularly care one, how old they think I am, or two, how fuckable they think I am.”
“Then why was one of them over at your place and making you late to our dinner?” Jongin arched a brow, taking a drink of what you knew was a glass of witch’s brew and tonic water. Basilisk tongues were extremely sensitive to taste, so regular alcohol was out of the question for him. Witch’s brew on the other hand was the perfect solution, with no burn and a pleasant, light, flowery taste. Almost too perfect of a solution, as you’d carried him home absolutely shitfaced drunk from plenty of parties after he discovered it in high school. Thankfully he’d both built up a tolerance and learned to pace himself and drink responsibly since then, so you hadn’t had to do that in years.
“Because I kind of just agreed to sort of... mentor him?”
“Huh?” Baekhyun tilted his head to the other side.
“Why?” The sphinx snorted and took another swig of his drink.
Jongin just stared at you wordlessly. Shifting forward in your seat, you prepared yourself to try to explain it. “Long story short, he needs help with his powers, and he thinks I can help him.”
“So he’s a sphinx,” Minseok surmised.
“Well, no...”
“Gryphon that was abandoned as a child and never learned how to fly?”
“What? No.”
“Sorry, that’s just literally the only thing that makes sense other than him being another sphinx.”
“No, he’s a... he’s a basilisk.” You crossed your arms over your chest, already prepared for the backlash from your friends over your choice.
“Then give him to Jongin.”
The basilisk scoffed, “I did not come out tonight to be given some kid. No thanks.”
Minseok gestured to him to emphatically. “See? If Jongin’s not worried, the kid’s probably not that big of a danger to society. No need to help. Which you wouldn’t be able to do anyway, because you’re not a basilisk.”
You held your hands up defensively. “Look, I told him I might not be any help, but—”
“But he was just sooo cute with his widdle forked tongue and shedding molting skin all over your couch that you couldn’t say no?” Minseok retorted, making Baekhyun burst into laughter.
“I’m right here, man,” Jongin muttered, taking another sip of his drink.
“No!” You replied indignantly over both Minseok and Baekhyun’s unrestrained laughter at your expense. “He had an actual reason! He pointed out that sphinxes and basilisks develop their powers similarly. We both are born as supernatural creatures, instead of being turned like vampires, but we get our powers later in life, unlike most creatures like sirens, or fairies, or dragons.”
While Jongin actually seemed to be considering the argument, Minseok and Baekhyun still both had disbelieving looks on their faces. The siren composed himself again to ask, “Sure... yeah. But be honest... was he at least a wittle cute?”
You narrowed your eyes at him.
“I mean, there’s a reason we don’t let you near the animal shelter, Y/N,” Minseok reminded you. “You’d adopt everything in there and never get your security deposit back.”
“I told him it might not work. It won’t hurt to just try,” you huffed.
“Just don’t let him tear up your curtains.” Baekhyun patted your shoulder.
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The next Wednesday finally rolled around, and you went through your day at work with the thought of your impending guest lingering in your mind. Or, more specifically, what the hell you were going to teach him. It had been on your mind all week. You jotted down what you were first taught when you got your sphinx powers, which was mostly a lot of breathing. Probably not really what he was looking for, but it was the best you got. It sounded like he didn’t even have much of a foundation, which he needed before you could do anything close to actual compelling or petrification—or preventing such.
Locking your front door behind you, you set your purse down and made a beeline for your bedroom to change out of your work clothes into something casual and comfortable. Mark had already seen you in your pajamas once, you weren’t trying to make any impressions here. You tidied up your living room a little, moving a couple dirty pieces of clothes into your bedroom hamper, then took care of your dishes from breakfast this morning that you hadn’t cleaned before leaving for work. All those miscellaneous tasks took up your time nicely, as just as you had finished wiping down your kitchen countertops, you picked up a familiar squeak of sneakers rushing down the hallway. Glancing up at the clock on your microwave, it struck 6:00 p.m. at the exact moment your doorbell rang.
You tossed your used paper towel in the trash before walking over to the front door. Mark was on the other side, the basilisk panting heavily, panic on his face. Before you could even greet him, he blurted out, “I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! I hope I’m not late! I’m here! Please! I was studying, and lost track of time, please, I’m really sorry, Y/N!”
“Woah, Mark, slow down,” you said calmly. “You’re right on time. It’s okay. Please, come in.”
Holding the door open and stepping back, you beckoned him in with a reassuring smile. He let out a sigh of relief, walking in with his head down, eyes focused on his shoes. You got the two of you settled on the floor of your living room, sitting cross-legged facing each other.
“Okay, so today we’re really just going to be—” You were cut off by the sound of a stomach growling very loudly. And it wasn’t yours.
Mark ducked his head in embarrassment. “I’m sorry! Keep going! Just-Just ignore that.”
“You hungry, Mark?”
“Did I ask for an apology?”
“Then why are you apologizing?” You asked gently.
“Right. Uhm, I had classes and then a meeting with a professor and then I was studying and I’m pretty sure I haven’t eaten since breakfast. I didn’t want to be late…”
You shook your head. “Well, you can’t do this on an empty stomach.”
“I’m putting a moratorium on the word ‘sorry’ for tonight. You’re done. You’ve hit your max.” You stood up, heading towards your kitchen. “Come on, let’s get some food in you.”
You rummaged through your fridge to bring out the ingredients for the dinner that you were planning to make tonight after Mark left. Looks like you were going to be moving dinner up. “I don’t know what kind of gourmet meals you’re used to, but don’t expect anything fancy out of my kitchen,” you forewarned him in jest, turning on the stovetop.
That finally got a smile out of him. “Better than the dining hall, I’m sure. And, you really don’t have to—”
“It’s fine. Think of it like this: Would you go on a run, or go to the gym without eating anything? Magic needs energy too, just like exercise.”
“I never realized that.” Mark’s stomach let out another growl then, making the basilisk rub the back of his very red neck, and you smiled quietly to yourself.
“And, I don’t think either one of us could focus much with your stomach rumbling like that.”
Dinner was pulled together quickly, and you took it to your dining table. Pushing aside your laptop to give you enough room to set your plate down, you headed back to your kitchen. “Mark?” You called for his attention as you opened your glasses cabinet. “Water? Wine? Beer? I think I might have a Coke in the back if you want that.”
“Water’s fine.”
You nodded, filling up his glass of ice water before grabbing a beer for yourself and heading back to where the basilisk was waiting for you.
“Thank you.” Mark accepted the cup from you. “Really, this is great.”
“You’re welcome.” You popped open the tab of your can and held it out towards him. He tapped his glass to it, and you grinned, taking a sip before picking up your utensils to start eating.
As you watched Mark dig in eagerly, you felt a warm fondness in your chest for the basilisk in front of you. You wracked your brain for the last time you’d cooked for someone else. Whoever your last boyfriend was, you figured. It was funny, you couldn’t even remember a specific instance, that was just a guess. You and your friends usually ate out, ordered in, or there was the odd occasion that Jongin would host a dinner party and you all would get dressed up to go over to his penthouse—he’d done the best out of all of you, he owned a luxury clothing brand and definitely lived like it. So as you sat here, watching the college student in front of wolf down the simple meal you’d just made for him like it was the best thing he’d ever tasted, you felt the sides of your lips upquirk just the slightest. You lifted another bite to your mouth and took another swig of your beer.
“So what’s your major?” You asked, and he finally looked up at you. It took everything in you not to immediately giggle and coo at his slightly bulging cheeks.
He quickly swallowed the food in his mouth and drank some water before answering your question. “Bio… pre-med track.”
“Wow. Human medicine or magical creatures?”
“Both. Doctors should want to help everyone.” Mark had a scowl on his face as he stabbed a piece of food with his fork.
“Good point. When do you graduate?”
“Next spring. One more year.” He took a deep breath, then let out a big sigh. “After this semester. Then med school… If I don’t catch an attempted murder charge for petrifying Johnny first.”
You looked down at his empty plate, then your half-full one. “Let’s see what we can do about that, then. You want seconds?”
You couldn’t help but chuckle at his big, pleading eyes. “Of course, go for it.”
Back on your living room floor sat cross-legged after dinner, you started where you left off before getting interrupted by the basilisk’s growling stomach. “Tonight won’t be anything big and showy. From what you’ve told me, you don’t even have a foundation. We need that first.”
“A foundation?” The basilisk questioned.
“The times that you’ve accidentally petrified or compelled Johnny, did you feel anything?”
“Horrible and guilty and like a terrible person and that I was a danger to other people.”
You shook your head. “I meant— Did you feel any different physically? On the inside? Or in your body? Not like, ashamed or embarrassed. Not emotionally.”
His face screwed up as he tried to think. “No?”
“That’s what I mean. You can’t even feel when you’re using your magic. Your powers are a part of you, but right now they’re functioning completely separate from you. We need to work on you being able to feel your magic at all before getting around to doing anything with it.”
“And how do I do that?”
“We’re going to go through some guided breathing techniques that I did when I first got my powers, and see how those work, okay?”
“Okay. Uhm, first, though…”
You looked at him attentively. “Yes, Mark?”
“Do you think you could show me your-your heliokinesis?”
“Asked your friend to finish his lecture on sphinxes, huh?” You snickered, twisting around to crack your back.
“Yeah, I mean—”
“It’s fine. Good move, considering. We just don’t call it that.”
“Oh. What is it called?”
“Heliokinesis is the academic word for the general ability to control solar energy, you weren’t wrong. A few different beings can do it. Witches, with the right tools or spells; some fairies; phoenixes at the zenith of their life right before they’re reborn; dryads to a smaller degree; and sphinxes. Us sphinxes call it sol-channeling.”
“Got it. Could you show me some? Sol-channeling? If that’s okay?”
Looking out the window, you saw that there were still remnants of the sunset glowing outside. “Sure, there’s still enough light out.”
The basilisk sat up straight, eagerly drinking in every move you made and every word you said.
“Now, we can only channel, manipulate, and shape existing solar energy that’s available. We can’t create solar energy. So once the Sun is down, that’s it,” you explained, raising your hand towards a beam of orange sunlight that was illuminating a square of carpet in front of you.
Delicately, you plucked the light right out of the air and into your palm, feeling the warmth against your skin as the square melted into a puddle of gleaming liquid amber in your cupped hand. The boy across from you gasped softly as you raised your hand up slightly to pour the sunlight into your other palm like sand at the beach. Tossing it up into the air, it turned into splatters in the empty space between your faces, like an abstract art painting. The deep terracotta light washed Mark’s delighted features in a heavenly glow as he watched it hover there in awe. Like wiping a chalkboard, you took the light back down into your hands again, then gestured for Mark to hold his out. “Come on.”
“A-Are you sure?” He looked between you and the apricot heavens that you were holding uncertainly.
“Yes. I won’t let anything happen to you, Markie. Promise.” You pushed your hands towards him again, insistent. “Now come on, before the sun sets completely and I have to send it back.”
“Alright, alright.” He put his hands out in the space between you, palms cupped together. You placed yours just above them, parting your own palms so that the sunlight fell down into his waiting hands. It had already been tempered, so you weren’t worried about it burning him. Instead, you just got to watch him breathe out in absolute stunned awe as he gently rolled around his little puddle of sunshine. “Dude…” His eyes were glued to his hands. “This is officially the coolest fucking thing I’ve ever seen. And done.”
You laughed. “I’m honored. A bit skeptical, but honored.”
“My powers aren’t cool. They’re just something else that can go horribly wrong,” he sighed, continuing to watch the light in his hands.
Looking outside at the fading sunbeams, you held a hand back out towards him. “I need to send it back. The Sun’s almost gone.”
Mark gently tipped the golden energy back into your waiting palm. You closed your hand around it, focusing on allowing the light to return to its natural state, before opening your fingers. A soft ball of pure, hazy light drifted up from your hand, before shooting out your living room window to rejoin the setting Sun.
“So that’s sol-channeling...” The basilisk murmured.
“One facet of it, yeah,” you nodded.
“It’s beautiful.”
You tilted your head as you took in the pensive look on Mark’s face. Turning back around to fully face him, you could only guess where his thoughts had spiraled to.
“And destructive. Before I could do that, I would melt things, light things on fire, burn... hurt people. Things I can’t undo.” Your voice was quiet but firm, trying to get the point across to him in the most sympathetic way possible that he wasn’t alone in this. He wasn’t the only person to have ever struggled with powers, to have done things he wishes he could take back. “You have got to stop looking at your powers like a curse, and everybody else’s like a blessing. They’re neither. They’re just... they just are.”
The basilisk was quiet, turning his gaze from the carpet up to you. You held his eye contact, easily looking back into those slit pupils with sincerity. “Got it?” You asked.
“Got it.”
Trying not to make your breath of relief too obvious, you rolled out your neck as you focused back on what you’d really meant to start with tonight. “So, some breathing techniques for grounding. Again, we’re trying to build a foundation before anything else. Throughout all of these, I want you to try to reach out for your magic. I know this whole time you’ve been trying to avoid it, right? Trying not to hurt your friend?”
“You can’t hurt me, so don’t worry,” you flashed him a confident smile.
Mark sat up with interest at this. “I’ve always heard that sphinxes can’t be petrified by basilisks, and I always kind of thought it was just one of those things about our magic canceling each other out or whatever. Like how siren venom doesn’t work on other sirens. But then Renjun said that actually nobody’s powers work on you because you’ve got... he called it anti-magic, I don’t know if that’s right or...”
“Well that’s very dramatic,” you commented humorously. “‘Anti-magic.’ No, we call it nixing, or foiling. Like all of our powers, we don’t come into it until we’re adults, so technically magic does work on us for a period of time. It also fluctuates with our magical strength, like all beings’ powers. That’s why ‘anti-magic’ isn’t the best word, because it is magic. We can use it too much and get drained.”
“So there’s still a chance I could accidentally petrify you or something!” He panicked, his voice rising with fear.
“Mark, you’re not going to,” you said calmly. “Nixing is instinctual to me, like it is for any developed sphinx. That’s why your friend Renjun called it ‘anti-magic.’ Because it’ll seem like I’m not even doing anything, like your powers are just fizzling out on their own. I promise it’ll be fine. It would take me nixing a lot of very strong magic for a very long time to be drained anywhere near levels where my nixing could have even a chance of being weaker, much less not working at all. What we’re doing won’t even come close.”
He gulped. “Really?”
“Really. Let me worry about me and my powers.” You placed a hand over your chest. “You just work on finding your powers, wherever you’ve pushed them to in there.”
“You say that like I’ve got some big cavern inside of me or something,” he snorted skeptically. “Or this mind palace thing that Renjun always talks about.”
“If imagining something like that helps you, then sure.”
“I was joking.”
“This is magic, Mark. It’s a lot more abstract and metaphysical than whatever you’re learning in your bio classes.”
He groaned. “Oh great. I almost failed my philosophy class freshman year.”
“Good thing I’m not handing out grades, then. Come on, close your eyes. I’ll start a count.”
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Mark had even less of a foundation than you did when you started out. At least your powers had been tied to your emotions at first—such as the case of a rather unfortunate car melting—meanwhile from what you could tell, his seemed to just happen randomly. When you tried to talk him through recalling how he felt in the moments leading up to when he actually used his powers, he couldn’t find any sort of common thread. The first time, he’d been startled by Johnny unexpectedly appearing around the corner in a clay face mask, but other times they’d be watching movies together, eating dinner, or playing basketball. It couldn’t be self-defense, fight or flight, or even just any strong emotion—one time Mark was scrolling on his phone practically catatonic, glanced up for one second and Johnny was on the floor.
Counting back down from the last breathing exercise you had prepared for the night, you stole a glance at the time. Between dinner and this, Mark had been at your place for almost three hours, that was plenty for one night. “Alright, Mark, let’s call it there for today,” you announced quietly, offering him a fleeting half-smile. “How are you feeling?”
“The same as when I got here. Well, less hungry, I guess,” he shrugged, blowing a couple pieces of hair out of his eyes. “Thanks, though. Sorry I ate your food then just wasted your time.”
“I told you it wasn’t going to be a one and done. I think the only one of us who expected you to come in here and immediately nail everything was you.”
“It’s not that I was expecting to nail everything… just sort of hoping I’d at least be able to do something? Other than breathe?”
You chuckled, “Yeah, that’s fair. Once you can feel your powers, it’ll be a lot different, I promise.”
“Different…” he echoed. “Not easier, or better?”
“Different,” you confirmed with a nod. “Unfortunately, it’s looking like we can’t use muscle memory to get there, which is how I was taught. Since there’s apparently nothing in common with how you’ve used your powers before. Other than—” With a thoughtful frown, you cut yourself off, quickly trying to recall all the stories Mark had told you tonight of him accidentally petrifying or compelling his roommate.
“Other than…?” The basilisk prompted you curiously.
“Have you used your powers on anybody other than Johnny?” You questioned. “Other human friends? Classmates? Random cashier at a grocery store?”
“Yeah, one time.”
“Tell me about it!”
“I don’t know if it really counts…”
“It’s an anomaly, it might help. Who was it? What happened?”
“It was Renjun.”
“Your Magical Creatures Studies major friend.”
“Exactly. He’s kind of got like this list of magical stuff that he wants to do? Like, getting his blood drank by a vampire, experiencing siren venom, that kind of stuff.”
“Getting petrified by a basilisk?”
“So you petrified him.”
“Not on purpose! Or, not on my purpose,” Mark groaned. “Renjun’s like actually insane when it comes to that kind of thing. Somehow, he figured out when he was most likely to get accidentally petrified by me and… it happened.”
“I didn’t mean to!”
“You need to get Renjun’s notes,” you instructed him.
“On how he got you to petrify him. If he’s that neurotic, he was definitely taking notes and found some sort of pattern, and probably kept his notes. We need those notes. Get them.”
He sighed and rubbed his face. “You don’t know Renjun. When I say he’s insane about this, I’m not kidding. There’s no way he’d—”
“Just a copy, he can keep the originals. He can come make the copies at my office so he doesn’t even have to use his printing credits at the library,” you bargained.
“Fine, fine! I’ll ask him.”
“Perfect! Here, if you give me your phone, I’ll put my number in and you can let me know what day I can expect him.” After inputting your cell and texting yourself, you handed Mark’s phone back to him, not missing his shaky fingers. You patted his hand, softening your voice, “We’ll figure this out, Mark, alright?”
“Why?” He looked up from where your hand was still resting atop his, to your face, gnawing on his bottom lip with his baby fangs. “Why did you agree to help me? Why are you doing it so… enthusiastically?”
“I’m helping you because you asked for help. And when I was your age, and I needed help doing all of this, too, I had somebody there with me. I don’t know, call me crazy, but I don’t think all of us are here just to go about our lives by ourselves. I think people are supposed to rely on each other, criss-cross their lives so much until you can’t tell one line from another.”
“We’re all interconnected?”
“Yeah, or at least I think we should be, that’s how we’re meant to be. To rely on each other.” You nodded. “Not to randomly get all philosophical on you, I know you said you almost failed that class. You asked me for help, and I wanted to try to help you. No ulterior evil sphinx motive here, I promise. You can tell everybody not to worry about their poor little Markie.”
Mark’s face started turning pink. “It wasn’t really the sphinx part that they were focused on.”
“Oh?” You leaned back, propping yourself up with two hands behind you. “What was it then? Stranger danger?”
“No, not exactly…”
“Then I am stumped about what it could be,” you replied facetiously.
Mark started scrambling to his feet, his word speed picking up, “You know, it’s getting late, if we’re done, I should really get going—”
You followed him up with a grin. “Yeah, of course. You know, I’ve got work tomorrow, you’ve got class—Oh, is that it?” You breathed out in feigned realization. “Because I’m an older woman? They thought I was going to devour you in a different way?”
“Oh God—” He said under his breath, staring at the ceiling. His throat bobbed up and down as he swallowed hard. “I’m really sorry, they were just kidding, you know. And I know there’s no way you’d want to—”
“Remember what I said last week, Mark?”
“W-What part?”
Leaning forward just a little, you reminded him, “Not unless you ask nicely.”
His eyes shot open to the size of dinnerplates, and you could only hold it in for a second before you were openly laughing in his face, barely having the decency to attempt to cover your mouth with your hand, which honestly did little to muffle it.
“You’re awful, Y/N,” Mark groaned, squeezing his eyes shut and shaking his head. “Is this what endearing you gets me? Torture?”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” you tried to apologize through your breathless giggles. “Anyway, I’ll let you go, stop torturing you. Let me know when to expect Renjun. In the meantime, I want you to practice that first breathing exercise twice a day on your own until next Wednesday, okay?”
“Right, thanks.”
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You didn’t even look up from your computer screen as you picked up your ringing desk phone. It was the ring for an internal call, meaning that it was either the front desk or one of your colleagues calling you, you didn’t need to filter those calls as much as external calls. “This is Y/N,” you answered automatically, still reviewing the timeline that had just been submitted to you.
“Uh, Ms. Y/L/N?” It was the receptionist, the poor guy sounding rather confused. “There’s a… boy here to see you?”
“A boy?” You repeated, bewildered. “What? Like, a child?”
“No, sorry, not like a little boy. College kid, Huang Renjun, says you’re expecting him?”
“Oh, oh, yes!” You lit up in recognition. “Have him wait there, I’ll be down in just a minute to grab him.”
Striding off the elevator, your eyes immediately locked onto a young man standing in the lobby, clutching a notebook to his chest as he peered around at everything suspiciously. He readjusted his backwards baseball cap minutely, checking the watch that was on that wrist as he brought his hand back down from his head.
“Renjun,” you said his name confidently, walking up to him with a bright smile. “Hi, I’m Y/N. Thanks for coming.”
“Damn, you’re real,” he breathed out.
“Let’s go upstairs, hm?”
The two of you were the only ones in the elevator as the doors shut. “So, what part of my existence did you doubt, exactly?” You asked, amusement in your tone. “Mark knowing me? Or my being a sphinx?”
“The first one,” Renjun had recovered from his initial shock, his voice level as he answered. “I’ve met a sphinx before.”
“And what did you have them do to you?”
“You’ve tricked Mark into petrifying you, had your blood drank, and you want a siren to dose you up. I’m wondering what about sphinxes could provide that sort of… rush.”
“I’m not an adrenaline junkie.”
“Your words, not mine.” You held up your hands. “And I’m not judging you, Renjun. Just curious.”
“I don’t know them like that, anyway. It’s my friends’ boss.”
“So what’s on your list, then?”
“I want to solve a sphinx’s riddle.”
One of your eyebrows quirked up, and it was then that the elevator dinged and stopped on your floor. In the copy room, you held a hand out towards Renjun expectantly, and he reluctantly gave you a stack of notebook paper from within his binder. You put the first page on the pane of glass of the copier, lowered the lid, and prepared the setting to make the first copy. “I’m not giving you a riddle,” you stated into the heavy silence that had descended over the two of you.
“Why not?” Renjun whined, reminding you of a petulant child.
The copier shot out the first page, and you repeated the process with the backside. “As a Magical Creatures Studies major, I’m sure you know very well why not.”
“I would totally solve it though! You wouldn’t have to worry about me going insane!”
“You either greatly overestimate your intelligence, or greatly underestimate a sphinx’s.” You shook your head.
“Plenty of people have solved sphinx riddles.”
“And even more have gone insane trying,” you retorted. “No way am I going to even risk making you go insane.”
“I’ll sign whatever waiver you want! You won’t be liable at all!”
“But it’ll still be my fault,” you sighed. “Sol-channeling, nixing, flying, I’d show you any of that. But no riddles.”
He let out a long, dramatic sigh, “Fine.”
“How’d you do it, by the way?”
“Do what?”
“Make Mark petrify you.”
“It’s all in there.”
“Yeah, but we’re going to be here for a little while I copy all these.” You put the next page on. “You can tell me how you figured it out, can’t you?”
“Well, I started by taking notes of as many parameters I could get about when, where, and how Mark was petrifying Johnny,” Renjun started, his eyes sparkling with excitement. “At first I was a bit concerned that he wouldn’t be able to petrify anybody but Johnny. But then I found that in addition to him always petrifying Johnny, one of three things was always present.”
“And what were those three things?”
“Being at home, it being nighttime—aka he was tired—or him being stressed. I figured if I could remove Johnny from the equation but hit all the other three, and conveniently hide his sunglasses, I had a pretty good chance of being petrified.”
“And what if he had accidentally turned you to stone for real?” You crossed your arms over your chest. “He’s a developing basilisk with absolutely no control over his powers, he could have seriously hurt you, or worse.”
Renjun shrugged. “That was a risk I was willing to take.”
“Yeah, for the both of you,” you scoffed, throwing the lid of the copier open and accidentally hitting the wall behind it in the process. “Do you know how awful Mark would’ve felt if he had actually turned one of his friends to stone? And then he had to live with that for the rest of his longer-than-human life? Did you even think about that before tricking him into petrifying you for some stupid fucking magic junkie bucket list?”
The human seemed to be at a loss for words, opening and closing his mouth several times before he looked down at his shoes, going silent.
“That wasn’t rhetorical, Renjun.” You closed the lid on the next page, turning to look at him pointedly. He was looking incredibly guilty, but you weren’t going to let him get away with a noncommittal silence. “Look, I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt that your heart is in the right place, and you’re just genuinely curious about all this stuff, but your magical friends are not just here for your entertainment. Whatever they do to you, they have to live with too. You know that, right?”
He sighed bitterly, and after another long, contemplative pause, nodded. “You’re right, you’re right.”
“Yeah, I know I am.”
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You sent Renjun off with his original notes and hopefully a lot to think about. You yourself didn’t have too much more work left to do, and locked yourself in your office to go over the copies you’d made. He’d been thorough, and you were realizing that Mark really hadn’t been exaggerating when he’d called his friend crazy. About thirty minutes before the end of the workday, there was a timid knock at your door, and you put down the papers to go answer the door. It was one of your team members, who timidly informed you of a horrible error that had happened that would put the entire project back by two days if it wasn’t fixed today. It was really nobody’s fault, so you took a few deep breaths, rolled up your sleeves, and got to work with everybody else. It was Wednesday, though, and you kept an eye on the time as you worked, running mental calculations in the back of your mind as to when you’d have to text Mark to let him know you’d be late getting home. Thankfully, it was all solved right before then, and you were able to run out the door at just the right time where if you speedwalked and made every light perfectly, you’d be home right on time.
And so you burst into your hallway at exactly 5:59 p.m., spotting Mark on your welcome mat, just lifting his fist to your door to knock. “I’m here!” You called out to him, making him whip around, the surprise apparent on his features. “I’m here, sorry, I’m here. Got held up at work.”
“Hey, no worries,” he flashed you a bright smile, stepping out of your way to let you unlock your front door. “Everything alright?”
You threw an exasperated look at him over your shoulder as you disarmed your alarm, then led the way into your apartment. “Heavenly Sol, don’t get me started. Computers are out to get us all, I swear.”
“Yeah, okay,” Mark nodded, closing the door behind you two and flicking the latch. “Add printers to the list, too. I can never figure out the ones in the library when I have an assignment due.”
You threw your purse onto your kitchen table haphazardly, starting to look through your fridge for dinner ingredients. “Oh shit, I was going to pick up stuff for dinner on my way home, but then everything fucking caught on fire right before I was supposed to leave.”
“That’s okay, Y/N,” the basilisk reassured you. “We can just order pizza or something, alright?”
“Yeah, okay, pizza.” You shut your fridge, rubbing your face in frustration.
“I’ll call and order it, you go get out of your work clothes and stuff. Sound like a plan?”
You took a deep breath. “Sure. Thanks, Markie.”
He beamed at you again, letting you get a full view of his baby fangs. “See? I’m not totally useless.”
“Nobody said you were except you,” you finally chuckled, patting his cheek on your way out of the kitchen.
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Jongin had invited everyone around to his place for another dinner party, and you were the first one to arrive tonight. You’d already cracked open a bottle of wine—you snooze, you lose, Baekhyun and Minseok—and were tipping back your first glass of the night as Jongin finished up the food preparations.
“Y/N, how’s your basilisk doing?” Your friend asked, plating a serving of pasta.
“He’s doing alright. It’s been a little rough these past few weeks, if I’m going to be honest with you,” you sighed, doing another heavy pour for yourself. “I taught him some breathing exercises, and those helped a bit, but I can only watch him breathe for so long.”
Jongin made a noise of acknowledgment, but didn’t say anything else, fingertips messing with a silver chain around his neck.
“Do you… have any tips for me?” You asked, used to his minimalist way of communicating.
Your friend pulled out from under his shirt the pendant that hung at the end of that silver chain. It was a black gem that could fit neatly into his palm, obsidian, an intricate weaving design of a snake carved out of the face of it. “Does he have an anchor?”
You habitually twisted the ring around your right ring finger. “No, he doesn’t.”
“Find him one.” He tucked the necklace back under his shirt. “Get him out of his head.”
“Right. Thanks, Jongin.”
A flurry of excited knocks came from the front door, and you and Jongin exchanged knowing looks. You threw open the door to see an excited Baekhyun and already beaming Minseok, the former’s eyes lighting up even as he gasped in mock offense.
“You started drinking without us?!” The siren threw a hand over his chest as he locked in on the glass in your hand and open bottle on the kitchen island.
“Yep, you’re a glass and a half behind,” you taunted, guiding him in by the arm he had around your shoulders. “Better catch up, Baekhyunnie.”
“She opened that not even ten minutes ago,” Jongin informed the other two flatly in lieu of a proper greeting.
“Fuckin’ narc.” You stuck your tongue out at him as Baekhyun started pouring for him and Minseok. Minseok, meanwhile, was over by the vinyl record player, flicking through Jongin’s collection until he picked one that he liked, and swapped out the classical music that the basilisk already had playing.
“I was listening to that,” Jongin complained as a funky, upbeat pop melody started coming through the speakers.
“And now you’re listening to this,” Minseok retorted. “Much better party music.”
“And you people wonder why I don’t invite you to events with my colleagues,” the basilisk sighed, taking out his bottle of witch’s brew from the fridge. His slit pupils trailed over the figures of you and Baekhyun, not nearly tipsy enough for the kind of dancing you were doing, but doing it nonetheless. “Heathens, the lot of you.”
“Oh, like we didn’t all go to college together,” Baekhyun fired back, mischievous glint in his eye. “We all know what you used to get up to on that stuff, Jongin. Before you started playing pretend at being respectable and refined.”
“Yeah, come on, NiNi!” You tugged him into the living room by his wrist, playing absolutely dirty by bringing out the nickname you used to call him when you were little, little kids. When you first met, you couldn’t quite say his name, so you somehow landed on NiNi, which you called him until you could finally say it intelligibly. Even now, you only brought the nickname out when you really wanted something. And according to the now nearly two glasses of wine in you, you really wanted him to dance with the other three of you.
“God, fine,” he rolled his eyes, taking a deep swig of the witch’s brew before letting you fully tug him into the mess.
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The following Wednesday found you opening up your door a few minutes early, 5:55. Mark was already pink-eared and covering his face with his hands. “God, let me in, please, please,” he groaned, making you cock your head curiously.
Before you could ask what was going on, you heard a couple wolf whistles and taunts from further down the hall, and spotted a gaggle of college boys heading towards you. Or, rather, heading towards your neighbors’ apartment, presumably, as you spotted Chenle and Jisung in the throng of students. You opened your door wider for Mark, who didn’t even wait for you to move as he ducked under your arm to run inside. With a final humorous glance at the group, you turned around to face the anxiously pacing basilisk.
“And what are you so worked up for?” You asked with a chuckle, shutting your door behind him. “You just got here, take a breather.”
He gesticulated at the closed door, a wild look in his eyes. “Well, because they all think we’re—”
“Having sex? I know.” You laughed again and headed back into your kitchen.
“And you don’t care?”
Pivoting on your heel to focus a pointed look on him, you put your hands squarely on your hips as you told him frankly, “Mark. I’m a grown ass woman. Whatever ideas my two college kid neighbors and their little twerp friends have about my sex life are so beyond the realm of things that I care about.”
“Oh.” He blinked, and you could practically see the gears turning in his brain as he processed that. “Of course.”
With that settled in your mind, you turned your back on him again to attend to your cooking, continuing your conversation over your shoulder. “You should really try it, you know.”
“Try what?!” He squeaked as he was halfway through taking his backpack off his shoulder and setting it down beside the couch.
“Not caring so much about what other people think about you. You know they’re only doing all that because you’re reacting like this.”
“I know, I know,” he admitted with a sigh, his voice much closer now. You heard the scrape of one of the stools at your kitchen island as he pulled it out to sit down and watch you cook.
“So, have you been working on—”
“Wait, do you think I’m a twerp?”
You pivoted around, knife in hand. “Three seconds ago I would’ve said no, except you just interrupted me, so yes, I think you’re a rude little twerp with no manners.”
He looked at you with wide eyes. “Sorry, sorry.”
“So have you been working on the breathing techniques I showed you?” You tossed the last bits in the container, sealing it up before putting it in the fridge.
Putting everything into the sink to be washed up later, you spun around to look at Mark eagerly, “Good. Now come on, grab your bag.”
“Wait, we’re done already?” 
“No, we’re going shopping.”
“I thought you were cooking dinner?”
“Yeah, that’s my dinner for tomorrow, it’s got to marinate overnight. You and I are eating out tonight. Come on!” You clapped your hands together in a hup-hup gesture, and Mark scrambled to grab his bag before meeting you at the front door.
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“For a lot of magical creatures who were born with their powers, they often see it as shameful to use objects to focus or help them harness their abilities,” you explained to Mark as you stopped in front of your first destination. He rushed to hold the door open for you, and you gave him a nod and grateful smile as you continued, “Save for witches, of course, that’s kind of their whole thing. But for beings like us, whose powers come on later, a lot of times having an external object can help ground us a lot better and give us something physical to tie this new part of us to while we’re learning to use it.”
“What kind of object?” He asked, looking around the apothecary hesitantly.
“It’s different for every kind of being, and even for every individual. That’s why I couldn’t just show up with some rock and say ‘here you go!’ You need to pick it out for yourself.”
“What’s yours?”
You held up your right hand, where a toffee brown gem gleamed from a silver setting on one of your fingers. “Tiger’s eye ring. My grandmother gave it to me when she was helping me out with my powers.”
“It’s really pretty.”
“She said she got it from a witch ‘friend’ of hers a while back,” you commented humorously. “Anyway, anything speaking to you?”
He looked over the merchandise around you, and sighed. “I mean, it’s all cool, but... nothing really jumps out.”
“That’s fine, don’t force it. This is just the first aisle of the first store we’re looking in. Deep breath, Mark.”
“Right, okay. It can be anything?”
“Anything. Doesn’t have to be a stone, doesn’t have to be jewelry, those are just sort of the most popular items. I hate to have to say this but... you’ll know it when you see it. You just will.”
“Y/N.” He said your name flatly. “I have never been that sure of anything in my entire life.”
You tried to keep in your giggles at his clearly exasperated expression. Tweaking one of his cheeks, you reassured him, “First time for everything, Markie.”
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Three apothecaries and a 24-hour ramen place later, and you could tell Mark was Over It, capital O, capital I. He had really been trying his best, engaging with every miscellaneous item that you showed to him, but you could tell that none of them were it for him. Leaving the last shop for the night, you opted not to take him into another one, instead meandering away from the shopping district downtown that you had been in.
“I’m sorry I’m such a dud, Y/N,” Mark groaned, running a hand through his hair.
“No, you’re not, Mark,” you tried to reassure him. “You’re just… taking it at your own pace.”
“Was that supposed to make me feel better? You might as well have called me a late bloomer.”
“What’s wrong with being a late bloomer?”
“That’s what people tell losers so they don’t feel like losers.”
You rolled your eyes. “And that’s how I can tell you’re still a kid, Markie.”
“There’s nothing wrong with being a so-called loser, or a late bloomer, or taking things at your own pace. Part of growing up, and becoming an adult, a real grown-up, is realizing that there’s no one prescribed path and way to do things. Especially when it comes to being a magical being.”
“That’s easy to say when you’re already a grown-up.”
“I suppose.” You shrugged. “Here, I’ll let you in on a secret, hm?”
“Oh yeah?”
“When was your first kiss?”
“What?” He sputtered out. “I thought you were going to tell me a secret?!”
“Humor me.”
He mumbled something under his breath that you couldn’t quite catch.
“What was that?”
“Seventeen, okay?!” He huffed. “Listen, it was my first girlfriend and—”
“Twenty-one,” you cut him off with a shrug.
“My first kiss was when I was twenty-one,” you repeated nonchalantly. “You thought I had it a lot earlier, didn’t you?”
“It’s not like I was really hypothesizing about it or anything—”
“But the way you told me about yours, you got defensive, like you had assumed yours was late or something, and that I was going to judge you, because I must have had mine earlier than seventeen,” you pointed out. “But I didn’t.”
“But you’re… you’re so… Why?” His face screwed up in confusion.
“That was my first serious boyfriend,” you explained. “I wanted it to be special. I didn’t expect it to take that long, but it did.”
“And what was the point of this?”
“There’s nothing wrong with whatever pace your life is going at, Mark. I don’t think ‘late bloomers’ even exist, because that implies there’s a benchmark to do something by, and having it happen after that therefore makes you late.”
Mark was quiet for a few moments as you continued walking. “You really think I’m still a kid?”
“Oh yeah,” you ruffled his hair. “Only a kid would be worried about if someone thinks they’re a kid.”
He made a disgruntled sound at you messing up his hair, but did nothing to move out of the way of your hand. “Where are we even going now? Another store?”
“Nah.” You led the way off the sidewalk and into the grass, towards the river that cut through the center of town. Traffic hummed overhead where a bridge crossed the water, and you stopped at a rocky patch to pick up a smooth pebble, tossing it up and down a few times. Looking over your shoulder at a skeptical Mark, you asked, “You know how to skip rocks?”
You tossed your first one, managing to skip it a few times before it plopped under the surface. Grabbing another rock, you pushed it into Mark’s hand insistently. “Oh, gross, it’s cold and wet,” he wrinkled his nose, but readied his arm nevertheless.
“You’re literally a basilisk, dude,” you retorted, watching him line up his shot.
“Hey, I don’t mind.” You held up your hands defensively. “I’m just saying.”
He got it two-thirds of the way across, and shrugged. “Eh…”
“First one to skip it all the way across wins?” You suggested with a smirk.
“Wins what?”
“Mmm…” You hummed thoughtfully. “I got it! Winner earns a secret.”
“Winner earns a secret of their choosing from the loser. If I win, I can ask you to tell me a secret about whatever topic I want. If you win, same goes for you.”
“Why would I agree to that?”
You grinned. “Because you want to know more about me, don’t you, Markie?”
He gulped, then started looking around at the rocks down by his feet. “Fine. But don’t ask me anything weird if you win.”
“Aw, where’s the fun in that?” You snickered, searching for your own rock to toss.
Mark went first, and his almost made it, but lost momentum about eighty percent of the way there. You went next, flicking your wrist the complete wrong way, only getting one skip before your rock pathetically plopped under the surface. The basilisk next to you giggled. “Are you even trying?”
You stuck your tongue out at him. “Like you’re doing any better, you little shit.”
“Real mature,” he shook his head, brushing off some dirt from the rock he just picked up. “Real grown-up of you. Who’s the kid here, allegedly?”
“Just throw it.” You were already searching for your next pebble.
“So, did you say anything to Renjun, when you met him?”
“What do you mean? Of course I talked to him.”
“No, I mean like—” Mark flicked his arm a couple times in practice shots, maintaining his hold on his stone. “He apologized to me, for tricking me into petrifying him and bought me lunch. Renjun doesn’t apologize.”
“Oh,” you feigned surprise. “That’s nice of him.”
“I didn’t threaten him, if that’s what you’re asking. We chatted. He apparently thought some more afterwards.” You finally spotted a lovely lighter colored one, with dark, perfectly circular spots all along it. You couldn’t quite make out the colors in the negligible light from the moon and lone streetlamp all the way up on the bridge, but you liked the weight of it in your hand.
You looked up just in time to watch Mark skip his rock all the way across the river, skidding up onto the shore on the other side. He jumped up and down victoriously, turning around to look at you, excitement on his features. “Yes! Did you see that?!” He cheered, an ecstatic grin on his face. “Ha! Take that!”
“Good job, Markie,” you snickered, holding a hand up for him to high-five zealously. Your palm stung where he had smacked it enthusiastically, a loud slap of skin hitting skin ringing out. Taking your phone out, you turned on your flashlight to look at the rock that you had found, taking in the mossy green color and dark red spots. “Huh, cool.”
As you were about to toss it back into the water, Mark’s hand darted out to grab your wrist. “Wait a second…”
“What?” You looked at him curiously. “You want to try to make it across twice? You won’t get two secrets from me. Sorry, one-time offer.”
“No,” he shook his head, holding your hand open to stare down at the stone. “It’s… it’s a nice rock.”
“Yeah, I guess,” you agreed, continuing to study his face. “Do you… want to keep it, Mark?”
“Do you mind?”
“No, go for it.” You turned your hand over, depositing it into his palm. “All yours.”
He continued looking at it with fascination, fingertip tracing over the textured edges. “Y/N… I think this is my anchor.”
“I think you’re right.” You patted him on the shoulder. “Congrats, dude.”
“Hey, can I uh, take a raincheck on asking you for that secret? I kind of want to think on it.”
“Sure. Use it wisely.”
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“I just got home, Sehun, what could be so pertinent that you need to call me now?” You sighed as you answered your ringing cell phone some weeks later. “And why are you still at work? You said only ten more minutes, thirty minutes ago.”
Your coworker sounded simultaneously guilty, nervous, and as exasperated as you, “I know, but Director Han was asking to see some of the numbers and then, well... I got this email from Mr. Shin. I don’t know how to respond. I forwarded it to you.”
Sitting down at your kitchen table, you opened your laptop, which turned on already to your work email. Right at the top was a forwarded email from Oh Sehun, and you clicked on it. You skimmed it over, your lip curling with distaste. Mr. Shin was a project manager in another department, and was apparently trying to assign “urgent tasks” to your employees that needed to be on his desk first thing tomorrow. Sehun would’ve needed to stay all night and/or come in ridiculously early tomorrow in order to get this done. “I’ll handle Mr. Shin, don’t worry about doing any of this. You go home. Now.” You directed Sehun. “And I’ll remind Director Han in the morning about the company’s overtime policy as well.”
“Right. Thank you, Y/N.”
“Of course. Goodnight, Sehun.”
Setting your phone aside, you quickly drafted an email in reply to Mr. Shin, keeping your snark to appropriate corporate levels, reminding him that he couldn’t assign tasks to your employees, and any requests such as this had to come through you first. As well as outlining the unreasonableness of the time demands.
“So what do you do?” Mark asked, suddenly reminding you of his presence. It was Wednesday, though your usual dinnertime ritual had been interrupted before it could even start, Sehun’s call coming as soon as the college student had stepped foot in your apartment.
“I’m a project manager at a company that does network security for other companies,” you informed him, not taking your eyes off your screen as you went to re-read the email for a quick proofread.
“Project manager?”
“I manage a bunch of other people’s projects instead of actually working on them myself, and get paid more than them for it.” You filled in a missing word, and deeming the email finished, pressed send, shutting your laptop. Looking up at Mark, who had an adorably confused look on his face, you gave him a smirk. “When you grow up, Markie, you’ll understand that most corporate jobs are fake and it’s all about your title and how well you can negotiate your salary and bullshit in front of your boss.”
“So you don’t like your job?”
You shrugged. “I like it just fine. It pays for me to live here by myself, after all. I have reasonable hours, and plenty of free time, vacation days, and disposable income. I keep my subordinates and my superiors happy. But if I got a better offer at another company, and my company couldn’t match it, I would have no qualms about packing it up next week.”
“Seriously?” His eyes widened.
“Just-Just leaving?” His voice rose with alarm.
“The company, yeah. Not here. I have a life here. My family, and my friends,” you explained, standing up from your dining table.
You could see him visibly relax at that. “Oh, okay.”
“And my Markie,” you teased, pinching his cheek as you passed him on your way to the kitchen.
He squirmed a little, but didn’t knock your hand away. “Hey...”
You laughed to yourself, stopping at the sink to wash your hands before starting on dinner.
“Am I not your friend?” Mark’s question stopped you as you were grabbing ingredients from the fridge.
“Huh?” It was your turn to be confused. Your hand hovered over a bell pepper.
“You said you have your family, your friends, and me. You didn’t include me in your friends. Am I not your friend?” His voice was closer now, and you shut the door to turn towards it, not expecting him to be right on the other side. You jumped in your skin a bit, but that wasn’t the only reason your heart was racing, and a shiver shot up your spine all the way to the back of your neck. Mark’s dark, slit pupils were focused on you with such an intensity that you would’ve thought he were trying to petrify you if the both of you didn’t already know that that wouldn’t work. There was something so startlingly adult in his gaze, all sense of boyish charm that his features usually held gone as the overhead lights of your kitchen cast them in harsh shadows and angles. For the first time ever when you looked at Mark, you were reminded that basilisks were technically predators.
You laughed, hoping he couldn’t hear how nervous you were in it. Wishing your heart to still, you squeezed his upper arm reassuringly. “Oh, no, of course you’re my friend. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to leave you out like that.”
Were his arms always this toned? Or was this just the first time you noticed it?
Mark held your gaze for another moment before he blinked, shook his head, and smiled, “Yeah, of course. I’m sorry about that. School’s just fried my brain, you know?”
“Don’t worry about it.” You smiled back, patting his shoulder before opening the fridge again.
“You need any help?”
“Sure, sure. You mind chopping some vegetables?” You held the bell pepper out to him.
He nodded dutifully. “On it!”
As he started on that task with the same eagerness to please that he always had, you found that you couldn’t box him back in as just that cute bumbling college kid who had appeared on your doorstep a few weeks ago. Gently pressing your hand to his back to let him know that you were skirting around behind him with your own knife, you took note of how firm it was under your fleeting touch, hidden under another one of his school t-shirts that hung off his shoulders in such a way that it seemed as though every readjustment of his arms caused the motion to catch your gaze. When he asked you to assess the cuts he was making, you had to reach over to adjust how he was holding the bell pepper and knife, listening to his own heartbeat for a twofold reason: to not have to hear to your own spike as your gaze dragged over his forearms and hands where they gripped the handle, and because you were curious. You weren’t a fool, you knew Mark was attracted to you superficially the moment you opened your door the first night. But what about now?
You carefully made a couple minute adjustment to his fingers, letting your own fingertips graze over his skin and linger for just a moment longer than necessary, as if you were making extra certain he had the right position. To your satisfaction, you heard his heart pick up to more of a skitter, and his breaths through his nose quickened. Then, you let go of him as quick as you’d descended.
“Try that now,” you murmured. He pushed the blade down and sliced it through the red pepper easily, at the perfect width. You squeezed right at the bend of his arm approvingly as you praised him, “Good job, Mark.”
“T-Thanks.” The tips of his ears were red, and you could feel his arm tense under your grasp. Taking your hand back to pick your blade up again, you then went back to chopping your own ingredients.
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A few weeks later, and Mark had been progressing pretty well now that he had an anchor. You’d taken his stone to a local coven’s shop downtown to get it turned into a pendant so he didn’t have to worry about remembering to put it in his pocket every day. Interestingly when given free rein to match the carving to him without either of your input, the witches had crafted a lion instead of anything serpentine, as was popular for basilisks. On a Wednesday morning, you had just settled into your desk at work when your phone buzzed with a text from Mark.
[markie: i am SO sorry but my prof just announced a study session tonight and i NEED to attend. are you free any other time this week? if not, next week is great as usual!]
[you: saturday. 10:30 a.m. be there or be square]
[markie: be there or be square? i forgot how old you are]
[you: nvm don’t come over you ungrateful twerp]
[you: i was joking, Sol forbid women do anything]
[markie: nooooooo im so sorry 🥺🥺🥺]
[you: nice try but those emojis are doing nothing you googoo gaga ass bitch]
[markie: i'll bring bagels?]
[you: fine. no bagels no entry]
[markie: 🫡]
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Saturday at 10:29 a.m. there was a knock at your front door. Mark was in fact on the other side, holding up a brown paper bag with a logo of a nearby bakery on the side.
“Hey, come on in.” You smiled breathlessly, readjusting the toddler on your hip.
“Thanks.” He shut the door behind him, then nodded to the child. “So uh, anything new, Y/N?”
“He’s not mine,” you replied frankly. “This is my nephew. I’m emergency babysitting, hope you don’t mind. We had already rescheduled once, and it was last-minute.”
“No, of course not. Little guy’s cute.” Mark gently poked MinMin’s chubby cheek, making the little boy giggle, and the basilisk giggle back in turn. “So this is what a baby sphinx looks like...”
“Not a sphinx, he’s a wittle witch.” You cooed at the baby in your arms, gently pinching his tummy to elicit another joyous laugh.
“He’s not actually related to me, he’s my friend’s kid. I’ve just known Jongdae—his dad—for so long that I get to be Aunt Y/N.”
“That’s really nice... So what’s his name?”
“Everyone just calls him MinMin. I don’t think the poor guy will ever be called by his real name unless he’s in trouble.”
“Oof, the full name scolding.”
“Speaking of... Did you remember, Mark Lee?”
“Ouch. You can literally see the bag in my hands.” He shook the bag before putting it on the dining table.
“I meant your homework, not the bagels.”
“Oh.” Mark grabbed a couple dishes from your kitchen cabinets, setting them at your usual places before doing the same with napkins. “Yes, I did that too.”
You sat down, settling MinMin in your lap as you peered into the bag for your usual bagel order, setting it on your plate. “Alright, then show me.”
“Uh... with MinMin here?” Mark asked uncertainly, looking at the child.
“Oh, right. Hold on.” You stood up and walked over to the diaper bag Jongdae had dropped off when he’d shown up and deposited MinMin into your arms in a rushed panic. His wife was an emergency medicine doctor and had gotten called into a shift at the ER in the wee hours of the morning, but your friend was already booked to perform at a wedding that day, and the only babysitter he could find at the last minute was you. You were more than happy to take MinMin for the day, even with your prior arrangements with Mark.
Rooting around through a couple of the pockets, moving aside diapers, snacks, and spare changes of clothes, you finally secured what you were looking for. A teeny, tiny, baby-sized pair of sunglasses. Taking him and the glasses back over to your spot in front of Mark, you sat MinMin down in your lap and gently pulled the green Keroppi-themed sunglasses onto the child’s face. They secured around the back of his head with a strap, which you adjusted as you spoke to Mark, “He would probably be fine, but just in case.”
Mark still seemed hesitant.
“His parents are witches, these are enchanted,” you reassured the basilisk, tapping the frames. “And I’ll be nixing anything you send our way. He’ll be fine. Promise.”
“Aren’t we supposed to eat first?” He sighed, gesturing to his bagel that he hadn’t even been able to take a bite of.
“You’re right, you’re right,” you relented. You were a few bites into your meal when MinMin had finished off his sippy cup. Picking up the empty container, you took it and the toddler with you as you stood up from the chair. “Oh, all done, bub? Let’s get you something else.”
Opening your fridge, you started pointing out the options to the child, “Let’s see… we have water, your dad left you a juice box… or we can open the chocolate milk we grabbed from the corner store before Markie got here?”
“Choco!” MinMin chirped excitedly, and you chuckled as you took out the carton. As you turned to grab the sippy cup, you weren’t expecting to see Mark turned around and peering at you with interest on his features, his eyes locked on the jug in your hand. You raised an eyebrow at him, continuing your task of rinsing out the previous drink before cracking open the carton.
“Mark…” You said knowingly. “Do you want chocolate milk?”
“Please?” He replied sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Sure.” You smiled to yourself as you grabbed another cup from your cabinet, filling that and MinMin’s up before putting the chocolate milk back. Handing MinMin his sippy cup to hold, you carried him on one hip and Mark’s glass with the other hand, setting it down in front of the young man as you went to sit back down.
“Thank you!” He beamed, immediately picking it up and taking a big gulp.
You had the same fond smile on your face as you immediately saw his dark milk mustache, handing him a napkin. “You’re welcome.”
“Thank you!” MinMin echoed, lifting his own sippy cup to his mouth. “Thank you thank you!”
“Aww, you’re welcome, MinMin,” you giggled, patting the top of the boy’s head.
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“Alright, you’re doing pretty good,” you declared as you’d reached a stopping point for the day.
He ducked his head bashfully. “You’re a good teacher.”
“Aw, thanks.” You stood up, grabbing the napkin from MinMin’s snack to toss in your kitchen trash. The boy was playing with some toys next to the two of you on the floor of your living room.
“So uh—” Mark cleared his throat over a voice crack. “What are you doing for the rest of the day? Do you have MinMin all day or…?”
“Jongdae said the reception won’t be over until late tonight. But his wife should get off sooner than that.” You tidied up a couple miscellaneous items in your kitchen as you chatted. “And what are you doing today, Mark?”
“Well—Woah!” At his sudden exclamation and the small giggle that followed, you peeked up from the dish you were drying to see Mark cautiously holding his hands up like he was under arrest as MinMin floundered around in his lap—you guessed he had fallen into it at first—for a second before righting himself and plopping down properly. “Uh… hi, buddy?” Mark said, his lack of self-confidence evident in the high pitch of his voice.
“Hi!” MinMin replied cheerily, his attention otherwise on the toy in his hand.
“You two alright in there?” You questioned, not bothering to hide the amusement in your tone.
“He just kind of sat down, I don’t know,” he quickly explained, still not lowering his hands.
“If you’re okay with him being there, that’s fine.”
“You sure?” You walked back over, sitting down in front of the two boys so you could reach out and teasingly pinch MinMin’s nose. “You look terrified. He’s a baby witch, but he won’t do anything to you, promise.”
“It’s just… I have an older brother, and I’m the youngest cousin,” he admitted. “Haven’t really been around a lot of babies. Basilisk or otherwise.”
“Me neither, before MinMin,” you replied in understanding. “Only child, and so were my parents.”
“Wow, really?”
“Sphinxes are rare, remember?”
“I mean, I knew that, but I never really thought about what that really meant like, for you. Like, your family, that kind of stuff.”
You shrugged as a sort of ‘it is what it is’ gesture. “So, you never did tell me what you’re doing today.”
“Oh, uhm, well, we’re all having a movie night, at Chenle and Jisung’s later. And I was wondering if you—”
“Would let you stay here until then so you don’t have to go all the way back home then come all the way back here?” You finished knowingly, eyebrow quirking up.
“Yeah! Yeah, exactly,” he smiled sheepishly.
“Sure,” you agreed. “Looks like MinMin isn’t going to let you go anytime soon, anyway.” You indicated towards the toddler who had slowly started slumping over in Mark’s lap, very clearly about to nap.
“Uh, what do I do?” He asked you with wide eyes.
“He can sleep there, or I can take him.”
“Maybe you should…”
You nodded, standing up to go over to MinMin’s bag and pull out a floor mat, stuffed animal, and baby monitors. After setting everything up in a clear area of your floor, you scooped the boy up out of Mark’s lap and deposited him onto the mat on his back. You watched as he rolled around and readjusted until he was comfy, eyes fluttering shut completely and breathing evening out. Satisfied, you walked back over to Mark and offered him a hand up off the ground. He took it, seeming confused as you then led him away from the living room and towards your bedroom. At your room, Mark stopped in the threshold like crossing in would burn him alive, as you flopped onto one side of your bed, set the baby monitor on your nightstand, and grabbed your laptop. You scoffed and patted the other side of the bed, “Do you need to be invited inside like a vampire? Please, come in, Mark.”
“I’ve never been in your bedroom,” he muttered, taking a hesitant step in, his eyes focused on his feet.
“Really?” You scrounged through your memories, and came up empty. Shrugging, you patted the empty space on your bed insistently again. “First time for everything. Come on, we can’t watch TV out there with MinMin napping.”
He tentatively sat down cross-legged, his entire body noticeably tense as you slumped into your pillows and started scrolling through your options.
“You pick,” you declared, pushing the device towards him. “I’m in the middle of a drama and if I put it on, you’ll be confused.”
“I don’t mind, you can put on what you want,” he nudged the laptop back to you.
“Nope, I don’t need a twerp making fun of my drama preferences.” You pushed it back.
“Not a twerp. And I won’t make fun of it.” He pushed it over again.
“On one condition,” you bargained, pointing a finger at him threateningly. “You need to get invested. No scrolling on your phone. I’ll pause and answer any questions, explain everything for you. But I need you to be an active watcher with me. Deal?”
“Deal.” He nodded quickly.
As you queued up the next episode, you explained the basic premise, “It’s set in modern day, but there’s flashbacks from all different time periods. It’s about a phoenix who was cursed hundreds of years ago and can never remember her past once she reincarnates. This is obviously difficult for her vampire lover, who now has to win her over again with each reincarnation, but they’ve made it work so far. Except he wasn’t there when she had her last reincarnation, because she got into an accident while he was away at work or something. So in her amnesiac state after reincarnation, she wandered off, and he ended up losing her for long enough for her to have started a completely new life. And by the time he finds her again, she now has a new partner!”
Mark was nodding along, having listened to everything with rapt attention like you were teaching him about his powers again. “So that’s where this episode starts?”
“No, Markie,” you laughed and patted his leg. “That was just the first half of the pilot. We’re about to start episode eight.”
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“Wait, that’s it?!” Mark scrolled down to the bottom of the list of episodes in disbelief. “But they just can’t leave it there!”
“The season is still premiering,” you informed him with a chuckle, readjusting your pillow under your head. “I think there’s maybe five more episodes?”
He had gradually sat back against the pillows at the head of your bed over the course of the two episodes you’d watched, and ran a hand through his hair as he let out a disgruntled sigh. “You’ve got to tell me how it ends.”
“It premieres on Fridays at 8:00.”
His brows knit together with confusion as he tried to follow the conversation. “It’s okay, I won’t make you wait five days to watch it with me.”
It was your turn to be confused for a beat, and then you realized that he thought you were offering to not watch new episodes when they premiered on Fridays and instead watch them with him when he came over on the following Wednesday. “No, Mark, if you want to watch it, you can come here and watch it. On Friday.” You clarified, then at his apparent surprise, tacked on, “With me.”
“But I thought you didn’t want to give up your Friday nights?”
“Yeah, because I’ve been watching this,” you gestured to the laptop screen. “No magic, that stays on Wednesdays. Fridays are for ‘Our Love from the Ashes’ only. Deal?”
You held your pinky finger out to him. He looked down at it nervously, then hooked his with it. “Deal,” he nodded, shaking pinkies in a very business-like manner.
At the same time, you started hearing the babbling sounds of MinMin waking up, and your phone screen lit up with a text. You grabbed both the baby monitor and your phone as you rolled off your bed, checking your messages and heading for your door. Covering your mouth, you couldn’t help the gasp that escaped.
“What?” Mark was following you, and stopped when you did by the threshold.
“Jongdae’s gig got cut short. He’ll be by to get MinMin soon,” you said, reading the message from your friend again.
“‘Got cut short?’”
You looked up at the basilisk as you said plainly, “Groom got cold feet, apparently.”
His eyes widened. “Oh my god…”
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There was a knock at your front door less than an hour later. “MinMin, that’s your Dada!” You told the toddler enthusiastically, pulling on his last shoe as he sat in your lap.
He kicked his feet excitedly, making the task more difficult. “Eee!”
“Mark, can you get his diaper bag for me?” You requested of the basilisk, who was standing off to the side uncertainly.
“Yeah, of course.” He quickly went to oblige.
You walked over to the front door holding one of MinMin’s hands, and opened it for your friend. Jongdae was still in the full suit he was meant to perform in, bowtie and all, and stepped inside to give you a hug hello. “Hi, Y/N,” he patted your back. “Thank you again.”
“Hey, Jongdae,” you hugged your friend back. “No problem, he was great for us. I feel so sorry for that poor bride, though.”
“I know, I know.” He shook his head.
“Please tell me you’re still getting paid, right? At least a half-day or a deposit or something?”
“I keep my deposit, yeah. I usually don’t insist on much more if it’s not a mutual cancellation. Feel too bad…” He rubbed the back of his neck before picking up his son, focusing a much brighter smile on him. “Hi, MinMin! Were you good for Aunt Y/N?”
The boy nodded quickly. “Yeah!”
Jongdae then turned back to you, “So who did you say was coming over again? Baek?”
Mark finally approached from where he had been awkwardly hovering by your dining table just behind Jongdae, holding MinMin’s diaper bag. You stepped in to make introductions, grabbing Mark’s arm to bring him closer. “Jongdae, this is Mark, the basilisk I’ve mentioned, remember? Mark, this is Jongdae.”
“Nice to meet you,” Mark said politely, offering out the bag.
“You too.” Jongdae accepted the bag, giving the younger man a quick, mildly intrigued once-over before looking back to you. “We owe you one, Y/N.”
“No you don’t, you know he’s welcome here anytime. He’s a little angel.”
“For now. The terrible twos are around the corner,” your friend scoffed, turning towards the door again.
“You’re going to jinx yourself,” you warned him, grabbing the door handle to hold it open for him.
“I’ll throw some salt over my shoulder when I get home.” He shook his head, then gave you and Mark a nod goodbye. “See you two. Say bye, MinMin.”
“Bye!” The boy waved zealously over his dad’s shoulder, and you grinned and waved back before shutting the door behind them.
Turning back to your one remaining guest, you tilted your head to ask, “When does movie night start?” Before Mark could answer, however, the sounds of explosions and engines revving came through your living room wall, albeit slightly muffled. “Right now?” You guessed, amused.
“Oh, didn’t even realize the time…” Mark’s ears were pink as he looked at his phone as if checking said time.
“It was very sweet of you to stay, Mark, but you could’ve gone to movie night. You saw how good MinMin was, I would’ve been fine with him on my own,” you smiled and squeezed his arm appreciatively, herding him towards the door.
“There’s still dishes—”
“You want to do my dishes?” You laughed. “College boy who wants to do dishes instead of go to a movie night with his friends? What’s gotten into you?”
“Nothing, I just—I don’t know, it’s not fair. You do everything.”
“It’s my home. You’re my guest.” You cocked your head curiously. “It’s okay, Mark.”
“Well, I’m here a lot, you know? You’re already helping me with my powers and stuff. I want to help you too.”
“Okay, you can start doing your own dishes if that’ll make you feel better,” you agreed skeptically. “Next week. Go on, I’m sure they’re going to give you enough shit as is for being late.”
“It’s not just the dishes,” he mumbled under his breath, stuffing his feet in his shoes. You weren’t sure if you were meant to hear that.
As he went to grab the door handle, you put a hand on the door to keep him from opening it. “I want you to bring Johnny next time.”
“What?!” He squeaked.
“Bring Johnny when you come on Wednesday. You need to practice using your powers on someone they’ll actually work on.”
“I don’t think that’s a good—”
“I’ll be right here, Mark,” you reminded him. “It’ll be fine.”
“Alright, fine. I’ll see if he can come.”
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At 5:58 p.m. the following Wednesday, there was a knock at your front door. You opened the door to two figures this time, Mark’s familiar face and another young man behind him, a head taller than him. “Mark! And you must be Johnny.” You beamed at the two of them, beckoning them in and then introducing yourself to the human, “I’m Y/N, please, come in.”
“Thank you for inviting me over.” Johnny nodded politely as he followed Mark in.
You furrowed your brows, looking over at the basilisk suspiciously. “Mark, you did tell him why we invited him over, right?”
“I did, I swear!” He promised.
“I know it might sound kind of weird, for me to be thanking you for inviting me to get petrified and compelled or whatever, but I want to help Mark out however I can. So really, thanks,” the human smiled genuinely.
You relaxed at this, guiding them further into your apartment. “Well in that case, you’re welcome.”
“Y/N, bathroom?” Mark pointed down your hall.
“You know where it is.” You waved him off as you headed towards the kitchen to grab three glasses.
Johnny followed you into the kitchen, careful to lower his voice as he told you, “Besides, none of our friends have even met you, and we’re all kind of curious about Mark’s new older lady friend that he keeps talking about, so I just had to come, petrification be damned.”
“I do hate to burst your bubble, Johnny, but Chenle and Jisung have met me before. They live next door,” you informed him.
“Oh, Mark’s other friends?”
“Yeah, I guess. He hasn’t drawn me a diagram, so I don’t have a perfect idea of who knows who, sorry.”
“Well, of our other friend group, I’ll be the first to have met you, then.”
“And? Am I everything you all had dreamed of? The mysterious sphinx in her lair luring poor little Markie in every week?” You opened your fridge, skimming your eyes over your drink options. “Wine? Beer? Water? Chocolate milk?”
Johnny chuckled, “Is that for ‘Markie?’”
“No,” you snickered. “My nephew was over this past weekend, but I figured I’d offer it to you guys since I had extra.”
“What kind of wine?”
“A very lovely red. The grapes are grown in a vineyard in this fairy kingdom whose vale naturally produces magical dew. It’s hard to describe, but the flavor that gets imparted is… exquisite to say the least.”
You poured two glasses of the red wine, then filled up the third with chocolate milk. “So, if Mark hasn’t explained how this works, we’ll eat dinner first, then get into the magic stuff. It’s kind of like exercising, it’s pointless to do it on an empty stomach.”
“You’re different than I thought you’d be,” Johnny admitted thoughtfully, swirling the wine in his glass around.
“More human looking?” You guessed, expecting that you were the first sphinx he’d probably ever met. Not only were your kind rare in and of themselves, but Mark had mentioned that Johnny didn’t even meet any magical creatures until coming to college just a few years ago.
“That, and… younger?”
You snorted, Chenle’s previous ‘MILF hunter’ comment echoing in the back of your head. You set your wine down to cross your arms and cock your head as you asked him, “What do you know about sphinx and/or basilisk aging?”
“Literally nothing. Mark molted all over our apartment a couple summers ago and it was so gross but apparently that’s something that’s supposed to happen a year or two after basilisks reach adulthood.”
“So I could be a thousand years old for all you know.”
He blinked. “…Are you?”
“No.” You shook your head. “However, Mark and I will both outlive you and your grandkids, I’ll tell you that much.”
“Woah… congrats.”
“But since you brought it up…” You lifted your glass back to your lips, taking a slow sip. You then leaned in conspiratorially. “Between us, does Mark have a thing for older women?”
Johnny smirked and leaned in as well. “Why? You interested?”
“Just heard a little rumor, that’s all.”
“I don’t know about having a type, per se, but he definitely has a thing for this one older woman he knows.”
Before you could respond, you heard the door to the bathroom open, and straightened back up. Johnny furrowed his brows in confusion, and you nodded towards the entrance of the kitchen, where Mark appeared just a moment later.
“Hey guys—oh, chocolate milk! Sweet!” He happily picked up the untouched third glass. Mark then went to explain to his friend, “Y/N only buys chocolate milk when her nephew MinMin comes over. She’s way too much of a real adult to have it around otherwise.”
“Is this your passive-aggressive way of telling me I should buy chocolate milk just for you to drink when you come over?”
“Maybe. Is it working?”
“When you start helping foot my grocery bill, you can dictate what goes on my grocery list, how about that?”
Mark’s eyes widened at that, and he didn’t respond, instead taking another big gulp of his chocolate milk. When he brought his cup down from his face, he had a chocolate milk mustache, and offered you a big thumbs up as he grabbed for a napkin. “Thanks, Y/N! This is perfect!”
“Uh-huh,” you rolled your eyes, but were unable to fight the fond smile on your lips as you turned back to your fridge. “Alright, dinner’s pre-made ravioli, the next person who whines doesn’t eat.”
“Yum!” “My favorite!”
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Sat at your dining table across from the two roommates, you took a sip of your drink before engaging your new guest in conversation again, “Are you a student as well, Johnny?”
“Yes, I’m a Comms major, focus in advertising,” he answered.
“And what do you want to do? Advertising?”
The human shrugged and smiled. “Don’t know. Something I don’t hate, I guess.”
You laughed. “That’s fair. I was the same way when I graduated undergrad. Didn’t care where I worked as long as it paid well, didn’t have crazy hours, and wasn’t so boring that I wanted to bang my head against a wall while I was there.”
“Exactly.” Johnny gestured at you triumphantly. “Where’d you end up working?”
“Network security company,” you shrugged one shoulder. “Honestly, I’m not even a big tech person. Can’t fix my own wi-fi if it’s out, past turning it off then back on again. I’m a manager.”
“Need an intern?”
“Dude, you have a job,” Mark interjected, elbowing his friend in the arm.
“I’m networking, dude,” Johnny replied pointedly, elbowing him back. “Not all of us can bank on being doctors in eight years, you know.”
You watched their bickering with amusement before answering the human’s question, “I can make an inquiry. The Advertising AD may or may not owe me a favor…”
“Thanks!” He beamed at you. “So, I’m sorry, if this rude or something, but sphinxes do those riddles, right?”
You arched an eyebrow. “Yes… Don’t tell me Mark has two magical adrenaline junkie friends? I’m not giving you a riddle either.”
Mark’s head shot up from where he had been sullenly eating his ravioli, his eyes going wide with mortification. “Renjun asked you for a riddle?!”
“I didn’t give him one,” you snorted. “I’m not going to be responsible for some kid going mad.”
“I’m going to kill him,” the basilisk groaned, covering his own face in embarrassment. “Why is he like this?”
“I’m not asking you for a riddle, don’t worry,” Johnny assured you. “I was just curious… Would that make sphinxes good poets or writers, then?”
“Sphinxes are good wordsmiths, yes,” you answered with a smile. “But we stick more to oral traditions. One of our favorite pastimes is riddle-weaving. Sphinxes will swap riddles back and forth, solving each other’s riddles to see who can come up with the best one. It’s a good way to pass the time on long car rides.”
“Renjun also said there’s a lot of sphinx lawyers?” Mark added.
“If you compare the percentage of the entire population that are sphinxes and the percentage of lawyers that are sphinxes, yes, sphinxes are overrepresented in that field,” you nodded. “Kind of like how there’s a lot of unicorns in healthcare and education.”
“And dryads in ecology,” Johnny followed your train of logic.
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After dinner, the three of you moved into your living room. The sun was beginning to set outside, so you retrieved the glowing spheres that had been sitting in your lamps and sent them back outside to rejoin the rest of the rays. You preferred to light your apartment with sunlight when possible, as it was both more beautiful to you, and way more cost-effective than using electricity.
As you went to turn the ceiling light on with the lightswitch, you started explaining what you’d just done to your human guest, “That was sol-channeling. You might hear it be called heliokinesis as well. Sphinxes always call it sol-channeling.”
“Can you sol-channel moonlight? Since it’s technically just reflected sunlight?” Johnny questioned curiously.
“Nope. Magically different properties. Just like how werewolves are only affected by the full moon and moonstone, not by any sort of sunlight or sunstone.”
“…Right. Of course.”
“We can only manipulate existing sunlight, but we can’t make it, and we have to send it back before the Sun sets.”
“What happens if you don’t send it back before the Sun sets?”
“We’re only borrowing the sunlight from Sol. It has to be anchored to us while it’s here,” you said, guiding him by the arm to stand in one spot. “If we don’t end that connection ourselves willingly, it’ll still go back… and rip a piece of our soul out with it. The more sunlight that you’ve sol-channeled, and have anchored to you, the more of your soul that’s taken.”
You then positioned Mark across from Johnny, facing his friend from several steps away. The basilisk’s eyes were locked on your face in horror, but you just kept calmly readjusting him.
“Can you… regrow it? If that happens?” Johnny asked quietly.
“You can heal, physically,” you answered levelly, walking behind Mark. “Hurts like a bitch for a while… but healing a soul, that’s something that takes a lot of power. I can really only think of one thing that would do that…”
“What is it?” Mark blurted out.
“The Sun,” you replied bluntly. “Phoenixes, when they reincarnate. Everything is healed, soul included.” They were quiet for a moment, and you clapped your hands together, changing conversation topics, “Alright, time for some compelling! Ready, guys?”
“Totally!” Johnny gave you two thumbs-up.
“Mark?” You prompted the basilisk right in front of you.
“Shouldn’t you be by Johnny? In case you need to nix it?” He pointed to the human, looking down at his feet.
“I can nix from here,” you assured him. Reaching over his shoulder, you secured between two fingers the silver chain that you knew his lion pendant dangled from. You pulled it out from under his shirt, holding it in his eyeline. “Breathe, Mark. Let’s do a round of those grounding breaths, hm?”
You let his anchor go to rest on his chest again, and watched his eyes flutter shut as you started counting him through the breaths. Once he was done, he opened his eyes back up, the slit pupils slowly dragging up from his feet to your face first. You smiled reassuringly at him from your spot just beside him now. You squeezed his arm. “You’ve got this, Mark. Just like we’ve done before. I’ll be right back here, okay?”
As you went to step back, you saw Mark gulp, and his gaze fell down again. He wouldn’t be able to compel Johnny if he didn’t look him in the eye. While you had read through Renjun’s notes pretty thoroughly early in working with Mark, you were using them as a guide of what not to do. You didn’t want him to constantly be in a state of being stressed, tired, and stuck at home in order to be in tune with his powers. But right now, you could tell that you were hitting at least two out of three of those. Dinner had already taken up a considerable portion of your evening, and Mark was still not as relaxed as you needed him to be.
“Hey, Mark, I finally figured out why Yuta’s barely passing all his classes,” Johnny suddenly interjected.
That caught the basilisk’s attention, his voice confused as he went to respond, “I thought he was on the Dean’s List—”
“Because sirens only know what’s under C-level,” the human finished with a wide grin.
“Dude—” Mark was cut off by his own laughs. “That was bad. Like, barely made sense bad.”
“Well, did I tell you about this fairy philosophy major I met the other day?”
“What? Were they cute or something?”
“Yeah, a real Thinker-bell…”
That one even made you snort as Mark devolved into giggles. Johnny caught your eye as he continued, “I was reading this book about dragons the other day, but I couldn’t get through it. It just seemed to drag on and on.”
“Stop, dude,” Mark’s protests were dampened by his non-stop giggles as he clutched his sides. “We’re trying to— We’re trying—”
“What’s a vampire’s favorite fruit?” You cut in, making both of them turn to you. “A neck-tarine…”
Johnny actually burst out laughing at that, probably more than the awful pun warranted, as he quickly doubled over and had to hold himself up with his hands on his knees. Mark stumbled just the slightest towards you as he was still giggling, finally moving from the place that you had set him up in. “Y/N, not you too!” He complained through laughter. “God, you two are awful. Not funny at all.”
“Then why are you laughing so hard, Markie?” You pointed out with a chuckle, letting him lean his weight on your shoulder as he tried to catch his breath.
“Because I can’t believe you would make terrible dad jokes like that.” He took deep breaths, still holding his side. “Looped back around to being funny.”
“Then why’d you laugh at mine?” Johnny was upright again.
And as you caught Johnny’s twinkling eyes again from across the room, you figured that you were thinking the same thing. Success. One much more relaxed Mark Lee.
Mark found his footing again, and with one more deep breath, looked up at Johnny. You watched him carefully, feeling the exact moment he made contact with his powers, extending them out towards Johnny. They weren’t overwhelming, out-of-control, hasty, or at risk of boiling over. Johnny stood still, pupils dilating as he looked to Mark for his cue.
“Touch your right index finger to your nose gently,” Mark instructed calmly. That was something you had worked on, specificity without complexity.
Johnny lifted his right hand, tapping his nose with his pointer finger.
“Put your right hand down.” After he had done so, Mark then requested, “Lift your left hand above your head, slowly.”
Johnny raised his hand like he was in a classroom, holding it there.
“Put your left hand down please.”
The human lowered his hand again.
“Thanks, Johnny, you’re done,” Mark released him, and you felt the energy draw back into the basilisk as steadily as it had extended out. He let out a breath as Johnny blinked and came back into himself. “You alright, man?”
“Great!” Johnny beamed and gave him a thumbs up. “Thanks for not making me do anything weird.”
“I told you I wouldn’t, man.” The basilisk rolled his eyes.
“Mark!” You threw your arms around his neck without a second thought, practically vibrating with excitement. “You did it! On purpose!”
“I’m going to pee, before the petrification,” Johnny whispered loudly, excusing himself down the hall.
“I-I mean, I had a good teacher...” Mark muttered, tentatively hugging you back.
“I won’t argue with you there,” you snickered, squeezing him even tighter. “I’m proud of you, Markie.”
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Two days later, and it was Friday night. After a long week of work, you finally could relax, order some food, make yourself a drink, kick your feet up, and just have a nice quiet night to yourself. Well, sort of. You had actually ordered food for two, prepared an extra glass of ice water, and were awaiting a familiar knock on your door before you could kick up your feet and start your show.
Mark knocked at 7:50 p.m., just 10 minutes before the newest episode of Our Love from the Ashes would be premiering, and you ushered him in quickly. Squished into the middle two couch cushions next to each other so you could both have access to your coffee table to eat from, you were pleasantly surprised to find that he wasn’t incredibly tense or actively running away. He was doing exactly what you’d asked him to do—getting invested. Reacting to the episode with you, quiet at the tense parts, laughing at the funny parts, pretty much the perfect drama watching partner. You were done with your food halfway into the episode, and dragged over a blanket to cover your lap now that you weren’t at risk of any spillage. It was large enough to cover both you and Mark, so you put it over his lap too, and that was when he suddenly choked on a noodle.
“You alright?” You snorted, giving him a couple solid smacks on the back. “Food go down the wrong pipe?”
He wiped his mouth with a napkin to catch a dribble of sauce. “Yeah, sorry. Don’t—Don’t mind me.”
Right as you focused back on the show, however, loud shooting and explosion sounds started up from the other side of your living room wall, and you sighed. You reached forward to grab the remote, pausing the show before scooting out from under the blanket and walking over to your shared wall with Chenle and Jisung. Banging your fist against the wall a couple times, you then waited. The video game sounds decreased significantly, then you heard a dampened, “Sorry, Ms. Y/N!” from Chenle this time.
“That’s how loud it is?” Mark asked, now looking incredibly guilty.
“Yep,” you replied, plopping back down on the couch next to him and pulling the blanket over you again. With the show still paused, you looked over at him curiously. “Are you missing a video game night right now?”
“It’s not like everyone or anything,” he shrugged, casting his eyes down to his dish as he pushed food around with his utensil. “I mean, I think it’s just Jaemin, Hyuck, Chenle, and Renjun. Jeno and his girlfriend are celebrating their anniversary, and Jisung’s not even there at the game night in his own apartment because he’s out with his girlfriend. It was going to be a single losers night.”
“So what does it mean that you’re here with me instead then?” You mused humorously, hitting play.
Mark apparently wasn’t hungry anymore, as he set his food down and leaned back against the couch cushions. But he didn’t relax very much. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see one of his legs bouncing up and down. With the warm summer air outside, he had worn a t-shirt with some comic book character on it. As his fingers started messing with the texture of the blanket, your eyes followed the movement, up to his hands, then further up to his forearms, where you could see his muscles twitch and flex in the slightest under his skin. You were suddenly more aware of the lounge clothes you were wearing. They were nothing special, a comfortable t-shirt of your own and pair of shorts, but as you became conscious of exactly how much the shorts had ridden up with the way you were sitting under the blanket, your focus was still locked on Mark’s hands, not the show that you had unwittingly tuned out.
“Sorry,” Mark’s voice was sheepish, and you blinked, looking up from his hands to his face. “Didn’t mean to pull at a thread. I just fidget, you know…”
His fingers had stopped messing with the blanket, and you gave him a half-hearted smile and shake of your head. “It’s fine, Mark. Didn’t mean to stare like that, sorry.”
When you turned back to the screen, you were able to focus on the show for a whole two minutes. And then the main couple’s romantic kiss turned into a prolonged make-out session. Mark’s hands pulled at the thread again. You smacked a hand down over his, harder than you intended to. He jumped under your touch, but stopped his accidental unwinding of your textile. You kept your hand there to prevent him from unraveling the thread again, skin buzzing with a new kind of energy where it touched his. You didn’t look at him. Then the kissing turned into a bit more, with some conveniently placed objects in frame, and a tasteful fade-to-black. Mark shifted a bit higher in his seat. You slowly took your hand back. That wasn’t the end of the episode, as there was a very cute morning-after scene as well, but you could barely celebrate the fact that the characters were back together. Finally looking at the basilisk beside you out of the corner of your eye, he was staring straight ahead at the TV, his leg back to bouncing. He ran a hand through his hair, and you could see his throat bob as he swallowed hard.
As soon as the credits started rolling, Mark was on his feet. “Uhm, thank you for having me.”
“Right… thanks for coming over.” You walked him to the door like usual, which he seemed to be racing you to. Holding your hand on the door handle without actually opening it, you watched him shift uncomfortably in place. “Are you okay, Mark?”
“Hm? Fine, fine!” His voice cracked. “It was a-a good episode.”
“Yeah, they finally got back together and—”
“Sorry, I just remembered I actually have an assignment due at 11:59 tonight,” he blurted out, scratching the back of his neck. You peered over his shoulder at your stove clock visible from your kitchen. 8:58 p.m.
“Oh. Well, I’ll let you go then.” You went to give him a one-armed hug goodbye without a second thought, feeling him stiffen in your loose hold. Stepping back, you opened the door for him. “See you Wednesday, Mark.”
His face was bright red as he stammered out, “See-See you. Goodnight, Y/N.”
His sneakers squeaked as he took off down the hall. You closed the door behind him and looked back into your apartment, which felt oddly empty now.
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Pushing open the door to Half Moon Bakery some days later, you were immediately enveloped by the cozy and sweet smells of the various breads, sweets, and pastries inside. Two employees were behind the counter, one attending to the register while the other restocked their shelves with loaves of bread from a tray, his back to you.
“Hi! Welcome to Half Moon! How can I help you?” The friendly-looking worker at the register greeted you brightly. As you got closer, you could very clearly smell that he was a werewolf, musky and warm.
You offered the young man a smile back. “Hi, I’m actually—”
“Y/N?” The other employee, who had also been wearing a backwards baseball cap, turned around then, surprise on his features.
It took you a second to place the face so out-of-context, immediately offering a kind greeting as soon as you recognized him. “Oh, Johnny, hey. It’s good to see you. Almost didn’t recognize you in the apron, sorry.”
The human gestured down to the navy-blue apron he had donned as part of the bakery’s uniform. “Yeah, it’s me.”
The first boy’s eyes widened as he turned to Johnny. “Wait, Y/N, as in…?”
“Yes, Jeno, this is Chenle and Jisung’s neighbor,” Johnny confirmed pointedly through gritted teeth. You knew very well what was also implicitly being confirmed, because if he knew Johnny, knew your name, and knew Chenle and Jisung, then Jeno presumably also knew Mark and your apparent reputation among their friend group.
“I-It’s nice to meet you, Ms. Y/N. Uhm, sorry about all the noise all the time,” Jeno stammered out an apology.
The way he addressed you made you chuckle lightly. There were only two people who called you that, and with whom he would’ve had to be apologizing for noise if he’d been with. “Oh, you must be one of Mark’s other friends that’s always playing video games so loudly in the boys’ apartment next door.”
“R-Right. Again, I’m so sorry.”
“I’m teasing, Jeno,” you reassured the poor boy, who looked like a kicked puppy at this point. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“So what can we get you?” Johnny asked, motioning to all of the various baked goods in the shop.
“As delicious as everything looks, I’m actually not here to eat, unfortunately. Another time,” you promised. Refocusing on the real reason you came into the bakery today, you looked around. “Minseok in?”
“Oh, yeah, Mr. Minseok’s in the back. I can go grab him for you,” Jeno offered.
“Would you please, Jeno?”
“So, how do you know Minseok?” Johnny asked as you waited, genuine curiosity in his tone.
“Oh, we’ve known each other for years,” you started. “We’re—”
“Y/N, hey!” Minseok calling your name out snapped your attention to your friend making his way out of the back of the bakery.
“Minseok— ah!” You got cut off by a sputtering laugh as he came around the counter to hug you, patting his back in the embrace. When you pulled back, you didn’t let your friend get very far, brushing at a white smudge on his cheek. “You’ve got flour on your face, you know? I swear you’d have lost your canines a decade ago if it weren’t for me, Kim Minseok.”
“I work in a bakery,” he reminded you with a huff, disentangling from you to cross his arms stubbornly. “Call it an occupational hazard. And you’ve got some on you, too.”
“Oh, and whose fault is that?” You scoffed, wiping at your own face where it had brushed against his in the hug.
“Yours. You’ve got to play better defense, Y/N.” He pretended to punch your upper arm a couple times as if in a boxing match.
“Defense against flour-covered hugs? My bad, I’ll train up on that this weekend.”
Your friend dropped his mock boxer’s stance. “Anyway, you ready to go?”
“Yep, I am if you are.”
“Absolutely.” He nodded, then turned to his employees, who suddenly seemed extremely invested in wiping down the countertop by the register. “I’m about to take my lunch. You two need anything from me?”
Johnny shook his head, giving his boss a reassuring grin. “Nope, nope, all good.”
“Jeno, you think she needs anything back there?” Minseok asked the werewolf.
“Nah, you saw her, she’s totally in the zone,” Jeno replied, a soft smile overtaking his features. “We’re actually taking our lunch break soon, too.”
“Cool. Be back in an hour, hour and a half.”
You lifted a hand to give them your own farewell, “It was good seeing you guys, bye!”
“Since when do you know my employees so well?” Minseok squinted at you as the two of you walked down the sidewalks together.
“They’re both Mark’s friends,” you explained.
The sphinx made an extended ‘ohhh’ sound as you rounded the corner to your destination, a quick, casual café. While you didn’t technically have a timed lunch break since you were in a salary position, your schedule was full up with meetings for the afternoon that you couldn’t be late for. Minseok held the door open for you. “So I guess I have you to thank for Johnny no longer missing shifts because he got petrified, then.”
You covered your mouth with your hand to cover your laugh. “I guess so.”
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Saturday night found you hosting all your friends at your place—a rare occurrence. It wasn’t that you didn’t like hanging out with all your friends, it was that you four usually went out somewhere, or to someone else’s place. You weren’t a big hostess in general, and typically Jongin or Baekhyun preferred to do the hosting of the four of you, but somehow, this time, everyone ended up at your place for board game night.
“Something you’d like to tell us, Y/N?” Baekhyun raised his eyebrows as he dug a forest green garment out from between two of your throw pillows on your couch. He set his wine glass down on the coffee table to spread the hoodie wide, allowing you to see the logo on the front, the name of the college that Mark and your neighbors attended.
“Mark left a hoodie here?” You questioned. “The horror…? It’s a hoodie, not a condom. Calm down, Baek.”
“I just don’t get what you’re waiting for.”
“What are you talking about?” You walked over to take the hoodie from him, folding it up and setting it aside on your dining table so you wouldn’t forget to give it back to Mark on Wednesday.
“You haven’t talked about any other man since you started ‘mentoring’ this kid,” the siren said frankly, putting his hands on his hips. “Every time we see you, it’s ‘Mark did this’ and ‘Mark said that’ and ‘Mark’s doing so good’ and—”
“I don’t sound like that,” you scowled.
“You kind of do,” Minseok agreed, reclined on your couch.
You looked to Jongin, hoping that he’d at least back you up. He shrugged.
“I’m just saying, from what you’ve been saying, he’s been wrapped around your finger since he laid eyes on you,” Baekhyun continued. “So, what are you waiting for? He’s got his powers under control; he’s obsessed with you—have some fun. I think you’ve earned it. Go be the MILF you want to see in the world.”
“You mean the MILF that you want to see in the world. Pass.”
“What? Is he not cute or—”
“I said pass, Baek. Leave it.”
“Does he have a partner or something?”
“No, I don’t think so. Can we just play—”
“What is your—”
“Baekhyun.” Jongin cut him off coolly. “Stop.”
The siren held up his hands. “Fine. Sorry.”
As everyone sat around your coffee table to start setting up the board game, you could feel Minseok’s contemplative gaze on you. “You really like him, don’t you?” The other sphinx asked quietly, into the dead silence. “Your basilisk.”
Never had you ever been more relieved to hear loud, raucous video game explosions from the apartment next door. You scrambled to your feet, happy to be out of that conversation. “Oh, that’s the boys. Sorry, hold on.” You walked over to your shared wall, and banged your fist on it a couple times.
The volume was quickly cranked down, then Jisung called out, “Sorry!”
You turned back to your own friends with a pleased smile. “There we go.”
A moment later, your phone buzzed in your hand.
[markie: sorry, i tried to tell them it wasn’t quiet enough]
[you: that’s alright. thanks, markie]
[you: also, you left a hoodie here. you can grab it wednesday]
When you sat back down to set up the boardgame, your friends apparently decided to leave the topic well enough alone, letting you start reading off the direction with no further poking or prodding.
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A few hours later, after the games had been abandoned but before your friends were ready to leave, you were washing up a few glasses at your kitchen sink as the others debated some movie options to round out the night. There was a faint knock on your front door, and you looked at the time on the stove clock curiously.
“Oh, can someone get that?” You called out to the living room, hands still wet, soapy, and holding an equally wet and soapy glass. “I’m expecting a package, needs to be signed for.”
“I’ve got it!” Minseok shouted back, the sound of the front door opening following just a moment later.
“W-What?” A familiar stutter reached your ears, and you grabbed a dish towel to start drying your hands off, listening carefully to make sure you’d heard correctly. There was no reason Mark should be at your door right now.
“Oh, Mark, right? Johnny’s roommate.” Nope, apparently he was, according to Minseok’s memory.
“Mark?” You poked your head out of the kitchen, the rest of your body following when you did in fact see the basilisk at your front door. “What are you doing here?”
“What is he doing here?” Mark pointed at the other sphinx accusatorily.
“So this is Mark?!” Baekhyun had joined you three at the door, delight on his features. “Minseok, don’t be rude, let the boy in.”
“What’s uh, what’s going on?” Jongin called from the living room as he, too, stood up to start walking over to the front door.
You shook your head at your friends, turning to chastise them, “Oh my God, all of you, stop it.” Clearly, the younger basilisk was in some kind of panic, and you had no clue why he was even at your door when as far you knew, he and his friends were playing video games thirty seconds ago.  Putting your focus back on Mark, you softened your tone, “Mark, why are you—”
But the college student turned on his heel and took off down the hallway at a sprint.
“Mark! Hey!” You called after him, stepping out of your doorway, but it was useless, as he was already long gone down the stairwell. With a sigh, you dropped your hands to your sides in defeat and moved back into your apartment. Leaning against the inside of your closed door, you looked around at your friends, at a loss for words.
“Do you think we scared him?” Baekhyun asked, his head tilted.
Jongin’s forked tongue flicked out, his eyebrows shooting up before his features relaxed again. “You think?”
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The next Wednesday, as the time neared 6:00 p.m., you paced your living room anxiously, eyes on the microwave clock as you strained your ears to listen to every minute sound in the hallway. Listening for footfalls, or maybe even the door of the stairwell opening if it were quiet enough. 6:00 passed, then 6:01, 6:02, 6:03, 6:04, and at 6:05 you checked your phone for any indication from Mark that he was still planning on coming over, maybe just running late. You hadn’t heard a peep from him since Saturday, which included leaving you on read this afternoon when you asked him if he wanted pizza or dumpling soup for dinner. You made pizza, too distracted to trust yourself to do more cooking than putting a frozen pizza in the oven. 6:08 p.m., and you heard someone walking down the hallway, past the boys’ apartment, and finally stopped on your doormat. They knocked, and you let out a sigh of relief, rushing to answer the door before he could have the opportunity to run away again.
You unlocked your locks in record time, a breathless smile coming to your face at the familiar figure of Mark standing there. His hands were stuffed into his hoodie pocket as the side of his mouth pulled up into a sheepish half-smile. “Hey, Y/N. Sorry I’m late.”
“Mark,” you breathed out his name in relief. “Just get in here, would you?”
“I’m really sorry about Saturday,” he apologized immediately as soon as you had locked up, running a hand through his hair.
“Yeah, what even was that?” You asked, a concerned frown on your face as you stepped closer to him. “I mean, why did you come over? And then why did you run away as soon you showed up?”
“It’s… not a good reason. And again, I’m so sorry.” He ran two hands through his hair this time, thoroughly mussing it up.
“Uh, do you want to sit down, Mark?” You offered your couch up.
“Sure, sure, yeah.” He obliged, but was on the edge of his seat, leaning his weight forward on his arms and bouncing a knee. You were getting more nervous just looking at him. “Uhm, so, Jeno had told me about when you came into the café last week, when you got lunch with his boss. And I sort of got freaked. And then I came over here and he was here, I got even more freaked. And then all those other guys were here and I got super freaked and bolted. Like I said, I’m really sorry.”
You opened and closed your mouth a couple times as you tried to figure out what you wanted to address first. Finally, you landed on: “Jeno told you? Not Johnny?”
“Johnny helped me get un-freaked enough to come over tonight.”
“Well, big thanks to Johnny, then. Though I will admit that I’m not sure what to do with the fact that me having friends freaked you out so bad in the first place.”
“I-I know, it was really immature of me, I just…” He sighed, wringing his hands together.
You felt bad, he was clearly at a loss for what to do next. He knew he’d messed up and how, and had apologized multiple times. You figured he’d only gotten so “freaked” because he’d known so little about the situation, so you decided that offering some more information would help put him at ease.
“Baekhyun, Minseok, and Jongin. Those are their names,” you said. “They’re my closest friends. Baekhyun’s a siren, Minseok’s a sphinx like me, and Jongin’s a basilisk like you. You can ask me questions about them, if you want.”
“How did you guys meet?”
“We were all in the same class together in primary school.”
“Oh that’s cool!” He replied brightly.
“What?” You blinked at him, caught off-guard. That usually wasn’t the reaction that piece of information garnered from other magical creatures that were from here.
“That you guys went to school together and you’re all still friends. I don’t know how many people I went to primary school with that I could even still name off the top of my head. Did you guys have like a Cool Magic Kids Only Club type thing or something?”
You looked down at your lap. “Not exactly…”
Mark had picked up on the unease in your tone, all perk falling from his features. “What? Is something wrong, Y/N?”
It took you a moment to figure out how to phrase this for him, pressing your lips together in a line as you thought. When you settled on the words, you told him gently, “We were all in the same class because we were the only kids in our class. It was for magical creatures only.”
“Wait, what?”
“I mean, not just the four of us, there were ten students total. But, yeah, we were kept separate from the human kids in school. For their safety.”
“I’ve heard about that kind of stuff, like, when integration was first happening, but you’re not that much older than me!” He pointed out, his jaw dropped in disbelief.
You decided to do a little test. “Mark, did you go to speech therapy? When you were in school?”
“What? No.”
“Jongin, the basilisk, he used to get pulled from class three times a week to go to speech therapy to ‘fix’ how he spoke.” You made sure to throw sarcastic air quotes around the word fix.
“What the fuck?”
“I mean, I didn’t have any powers, so I just had to keep my first set of teeth in check, you know. But they didn’t believe me when I told them I couldn’t possibly be a danger yet because sphinxes didn’t get their powers until they were adults. After all, sphinxes were riddle-makers, tricksy, and couldn’t be trusted.”
“Oh, oh my god, Y/N. I’m so sorry.”
“So, anyway, that’s how we all know each other. Thirteen years of educational trauma does a lot to make some pretty unbreakable bonds.”
“Y/N… I’m so sorry, I was a dick.”
“Thanks, Mark. But to be fair, you don’t know any of my friends, do you?”
“I’ve met Minseok before.” He tried to reassure you. “And Jongdae!”
“You mean you’ve said hi to Jongdae once, and met Minseok as Johnny and Jeno’s boss.” You shook your head with a small smile. “But I mean, I’ve met a bunch of your friends. Chenle and Jisung, obviously, and I’ve met Renjun, Johnny, and now Jeno. You talk about all of them all the time. It’s not entirely unreasonable that you could’ve… jumped to conclusions.”
“But it wasn’t fair of me to do that.”
“Well, can’t argue with you there.” You agreed. After a pause of the two of you just sort of looking at each other, you offered, “Do you want to hear more about them?”
“You don’t have to… tell me anything you don’t want to, Y/N.”
“Minseok and I weren’t always the closest on the surface, you know. Baekhyun and I liked more of the same stuff, Jongin didn’t really to talk to anybody except me for our first few years of primary school, and Baekhyun and Minseok would team up to pick on me sometimes, but there was always an unspoken bond between us, since we were both sphinxes.” You decided to start with Minseok, since that’s who started this whole freak-out in the first place. “You know, we’re so rare, it was comforting to have another one of us around during all of this. We weren’t allowed to riddle-weave at school, obviously, but whenever we could find the rare opportunity at our magic-only recess, or in a corner of the library, or walking home from school when we were a little older, we’d swap riddles back and forth with each other. One of us would give a riddle, the other would solve it, then give a riddle back. And don’t get me wrong, our whole class was really close. There were only ten of us, and we had pretty much no contact with the rest of the students at our school until high school. But the four of us, Minseok, Baekhyun, Jongin, and I, were truly the best of friends. Still are.”
“What about the rest of you? The other kids from your class?” He asked.
“We keep in touch with all of them. Sort of parted ways in college and as we got older, you know. I actually work with one of them. Remember that phone call I got from my employee, Sehun?”
“Kind of?”
“He’s one of my former classmates, a witch.”
“Oh. Huh.”
“Yeah, I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw him walk in on his first day. Let me think… Jongdae, witch, he’s the only one of us to have a kid so far, MinMin; Chanyeol, werewolf, just got a promotion… then of course Minseok owns the bakery, Baekhyun has his boba shop, Jongin has a whole designer brand... Yeah, we’re all doing just… great. Really makes my heart happy.”
“Ah, Y/N…” Mark got to his feet, throwing his hands down by his sides in fists as he paced.
“Woah, Markie, are you okay?”
“No, just— Doesn’t it make you mad? That they did this to you guys?”
“It used to, yeah, absolutely. We used to be the angriest, angstiest, most vitriolic people you could ever meet. We hated that school, and society, and the world for letting them treat us like that. Hell, Jongin still hates his speech therapist, and I’ll let him die with that grudge.” You shook your head, the momentary bitterness dissolving from your tongue and a melancholy replacing it instead. “But it ate at us. And not only that, but society kept changing. And we were all stuck in that time, in those memories, stuck with that anger. It was killing us from the inside. I am so glad you didn’t meet me in college, Mark, because it was not pretty. The number of nights that none of us can remember—and not for any fun reason—is far too many.”
He still didn’t seem convinced, but had stopped his angry pacing, standing in front of you with his arms crossed over his chest.
“I mean, just look at you. You went through the same schools that I did practically right after us and had a completely different experience. A better one. And that makes me so relieved.” You beamed up at him, and saw a mixture of guilt and bashfulness flicker across his face. “It doesn’t take away what happened to me at all. But anger with no direction is useless. It all really hit us when Jongin, Minseok, and I all developed our powers the same semester of undergrad. And we were all messes. We couldn’t get them under control because we were just so angry. We felt like we were being forgotten, that our suffering was being forgotten. Everybody else was moving on and pretending like it never happened. When I uh, mostly unintentionally melted a portion of a professor’s car, my grandmother pulled me away for spring break—absolutely ruined my plans—and made me spend the entire week learning to control it all.”
“You melted—”
“Thankfully, Dr. Kwon was very understanding, and I wasn’t kicked out or anything.”
“How did Minseok and Jongin…?”
“Those aren’t really my stories to tell. But ultimately, we couldn’t hold onto that anger anymore. So instead, I try to focus on all the good that we have in our lives, and all the things we’ve been able to accomplish despite what was done to us.” You then gestured to him, “And I look at the magical creatures who came after us, how much better things were for them, and are continuing to get, and all I can feel is happiness now.”
Mark sighed and sat down on the cushion next to yours, and you found yourself relieved to see the anger drain from his face. “I’m sorry, Y/N. It’s not my… thing to get angry over.”
“No, Mark, it’s okay.” You reached out to grab his hand, pulling both of them over to rest in your lap. Your other hand was up by your mouth, where you were chewing on a nail in between your thoughts— an anxious habit your grandmother thought she had broken you of in high school. “It tells me you care, and it means a lot, that you do. Makes it still feel real. And it is your thing to get mad about, as far as I’m concerned. What happened to us—and to Jongin—could’ve easily been you and your friends too. I’m just really glad it wasn’t.”
The basilisk squeezed your hand, then scooted closer until you were shoulder-to-shoulder, knee-to-knee. But it wasn’t electricity that jumped between you two this time, or strange butterflies in your stomach. It was an unspoken, understanding kindness that connected you and Mark, and a quiet sense of security that had settled deep in your chest. You shifted to rest your head on his shoulder, letting go of his hand only to wind your arm under his and lace your fingers together.
“Mark?” You said quietly, gaze locked on your intertwined fingers.
“Yeah?” He murmured, and you could feel him turn his head to look down at you.
“When you asked me if you’re my friend… one of the first times you were over. You remember that?”
“Ah, god, Y/N.” He shook his head, letting out an embarrassed chuckle. “I’m sorry about that, I shouldn’t have asked you. I was insecure and fishing for—”
“No, I’m sorry. I didn’t answer you honestly,” you insisted. You held Mark’s hand even tighter. “You’re not my friend, and… I don’t know when it happened. Honestly, I don’t think you ever were.”
He was quiet for a moment, letting your confession settle over the two of you like a blanket. But you didn’t feel suffocated by it, or scared. It sort of felt like something that was always in the room with you and Mark, but now you two were just finally talking about it. And after Mark’s history of impulsive decisions, and talking without thinking, and getting freaked, you were more than happy to give him whatever time he needed to get his thoughts together before responding to you.
“Can I ask you for that secret now?” He asked into the empty air of your living room, his voice wavering.
“Of course. Anything.”
“How... Can you tell me a secret you have about me? About how you feel about me?”
You lifted your head off his shoulder to turn in your seat and face him. His big, brown eyes were looking at you like you were everything, and you just took a second to admire him as you pulled together your own thoughts. Here everyone was worried (to varying degrees of seriousness) that you were luring poor, innocent little Markie into your lair every week and corrupting him. But really, you’d been unknowingly leaving the doors to your heart wide open for this little basilisk to slither right in and make himself at home. And now that he was here, you had no intention of ever asking him to leave.
“I like you, Mark. Something other than friendship. Romantically,” you clarified. “I have feelings for you.”
His grip tightened on your hand as he squeezed his eyes shut.
“Mark? You okay?” You asked softly.
“Great, yep, awesome,” he promised. “Just uh, just losing my mind a little.”
You laughed, stroking your thumb over his comfortingly. “Take all the time you need. Don’t want any more freakouts if we can avoid them.”
“Y/N?” He looked up at you again.
“Yeah, Mark?”
His eyes flicked between yours and your mouth. “Can I kiss you?”
“Yes.” You agreed enthusiastically, but didn’t make another move for fear of scaring off the skittery basilisk.
He still hesitated, though. “D-Do you want me to?”
So polite. It was taking everything in you not to pounce on him.
“Yes.” You said again, a bit firmer. For encouragement, you took his hand that you were holding and moved it up to your face.
Mark took the cue and gently cupped your cheek, leaning in towards you. Your eyes fluttered shut as you let him guide your mouths together. The first touch of his lips to yours was feather-light, barely there.
“I…” He drew back, dropping his hand to hold yours again. “Like… You want to date me?”
“Yes,” you confirmed with another light chuckle.
“You’re laughing at me again.”
“Sorry, sorry.” You tried to compose yourself, but you knew that you still had the same smitten smile on your face. “You’re just… too cute.”
“Do you remember when I came here to ask you for help with my powers in the first place?” Mark asked, poking a couch cushion. “What you said about your couch?”
“My couch…?” You echoed, trying to think that far back. It felt like a lifetime ago at this point that you had first welcomed the incredibly timid basilisk into your home. Then it hit you. “I said neither my couch nor I would eat you whole.”
“Unless I asked nicely,” he added, swallowing thickly. “I’m-I’m asking nicely now, Y/N. Please, if you want—”
“Oh, Markie,” you sighed, standing up and pulling him up with you. You grabbed his jaw between two fingers, looking into his slit pupils as you pulled him closer. “You’re so adorable.”
Before he could say anything else, you crashed your mouths together. His hands immediately flew to your hips to ground himself, as you kept one hand on his jaw and the other rested on his shoulder. You had a reason for standing up, however, beginning to push him back in the direction of your bedroom.
He asked to be eaten whole, after all.
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When your work alarm came the next morning, you snoozed it and buried your face back into your pillow. There was a groan from beside you, and you could hear Mark shifting as well.
“Don’t tell me that’s actually how early you get up for work?” He asked incredulously.
“I have to shower, and make breakfast, and brush my teeth, and get dressed in clean clothes, and commute,” you mused. “Can’t just roll out of bed five minutes before I need to leave and show up in the same pajamas I slept in anymore.”
You chuckled, rolling over to snuggle up to his side, throwing an arm over his waist. “Do you have class today?”
“Summer break.” His arms hesitantly wrapped around you.
“Right, right. Well, I guess you can snooze until I’ve got breakfast ready, then.”
“Mm, pretty sure I heard something about a shower?”
“You might have,” you replied coyly. “Why?”
“You know, Renjun was telling me about how climate change is shrinking the natural habitats of glacial sirens at the poles, and—”
Your laughter cut him off, and he started giggling at himself as well. When you’d finally caught your breath, you said, “I’ve heard the ‘saving water’ line before, never heard it taken to that extreme. Come on, if we waste any more time, we’ll be having untoasted bread for breakfast.”
“Ooh, my favorite,” Mark grinned, following after you.
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⤷ anthology masterlist | blog masterlist
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httpiastri · 3 months ago
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paul aron x popstar!reader
a/n: told you i'd stay up until i had written something :) not my best work but i hope you enjoy anyway. take care, my loves <3
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if someone had told you before this weekend that you were going to watch paul absolutely dominate, you would've felt your heart race at the thought, but never actually believed that it could happen. and yet, here you are.
after a bunch of busy weeks on tour, you finally got a break – just in time for the last two rounds of the formula two championship. this weekend was already, even before paul's pole, bound to be great. with the release of his merchandise on friday and his alpine announcement on saturday, and with you there to cheer him on, he had several things to look forward to. to have qualifying and the feature race turn out so well was just another addition to an already perfect weekend.
the moment his silver car crosses the finish line right behind gabriel bortoleto to claim his first-ever win in the series, the tears are already prickling in the corners of your eyes. the hitech garage erupts in cheers, and you get pulled into a whirlwind of hugs by everyone around – before turning to anna, unable to hold back the tears anymore. in the arms of paul's sister, whom you've come to grow so close to, you feel yourself breaking down, and she does the exact same. when pulling away, she helps wipe away your tears to not ruin your makeup, and you return the favor, both in a giggling haze of happiness and relief and pride. so much pride for the young man currently making his way into parc ferme.
as you all hurry along, she hastily asks you if you're sure you want to come with, knowing you usually want to stay behind in the shadows at these moments, but you just shake your head. "i wouldn't miss it for anything."
paul stands on his car, celebrates with his arm in the air, before jumping down and throwing himself into the arms of his team. he hugs them, shakes hands with zak brown, and embraces his parents, before finally diverting his attention to you.
you blink back your tears as your eyes meet his through the slit in his helmet, and you can practically feel his smile radiating from his body when his arms wrap around you. with your arms draped over his shoulders, you can't help but laugh at the surreality of it; it's just so hard to believe that you've been lucky enough to end up with someone this perfect.
your boyfriend lifts you up in the air, your giggles echoing in his ears and luring out a laugh of his own, and squeezes you tighter than ever before. once he sets you down, he brushes a glove-clad hand down the side of your face, caressing your cheek with his thumb for a moment with a promise to be back in your arms after the podium.
a twinge of disappointment spreads through your stomach, but you understand; he's got a lot of obligations to tend to, and you would never stand in the way of that. you turn around when he pulls off his helmet to pose with the first-place board, facing his family again as they chat off about the plans to celebrate later tonight.
but just as you think it's time to go towards the podium, a hand lands on your shoulder. you spin in surprise, eyebrows already raised when you find paul standing there, rosy cheeks and messy curls on full display. "i forgot something," he mumbles, and his calloused palms cup your face before you can even process his words. and before you can react, he's kissing you.
the shuttering of cameras drowns out all other sounds for a moment – the fans will definitely freak out – but then the whole world fades away. his lips are slightly chapped, though you definitely don't mind, considering how gentle he is with it. your hand instinctively reaches up to rest on his chest, feeling his heart racing beneath his suit. you're not sure who started, but eventually you're both grinning into the kiss, unable to hold back the overwhelming joy of the moment.
"thank you," he whispers as he pulls away, eyes gazing right into yours. "for being here this weekend." he presses another kiss to your lips, letting out a soft sigh. "my lucky charm."
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yourusername just posted!
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yourusername hard launch: f2 race winner edition. love you tons 💙
paularon_ ❤️
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like-what-the-fuck-scoob · 2 years ago
How about some smutty goodness of Eddie figuring out his girl has major praise kink and he's trying to fluster her all the time
- @eddiesprincess86
'Good Girl' (Eddie Munson x Reader)
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Summary: Eddie Munson x Female!Reader. During a heated handjob, Eddie finds out that you have a praise kink. From then on, he makes it his mission to turn you on outside the bedroom.
Word Count: 1.1k
Content Warnings: Smut (handjob, light fingering). Use of petnames 'Sweetheart', 'Princess', and of course 'good girl'. Mentions of food and eating at a restaurant. Mentions of Eddie drinking beer. Praise kink. Public praise kink. Reader has some anxiety talking to staff at the restaurant.
Authors Note: @eddiesprincess86 I'm so sorry this took longer than promised, I kinda mentally checked out for a few weeks. But I'm so glad I did this because no joke this is one of the best things I've ever written 💕
It began one Friday evening. Having dated for a few months, naturally, you and Eddie found yourselves once again tangled up in each other, bodies coming together in a blend of heavy breaths and dewy sweat, the covers of his bed draped over you. Your boyfriend was more keen than usual, the stress of his graduation exams making him pent up with angst and frustration. You'd promised to please him, to help him relax, to distract him. And here he was, his lips on yours, pining beneath you.
Lowering an eager hand down to his boxers, you palmed his length through the fabric, unable to hold back a smile as he moaned into your mouth. "Mm, so good sweetheart..." You felt your cheeks turn pink at the compliment, continuing to tease the cotton. He must really need this today, you thought.
Reaching inside the underwear, you pulled out his naked cock, precum already tacky on your fingers. Deepening the kiss, your tongues intertwined as you began to stroke his length; throbbing, warm, and painfully hard. You felt his big hands grip your hair as you worked him, his rings dragging slightly on your scalp. Quickening your pace, the brunette groaned, thrusting his torso further into your hands. "Fuccck." He moaned, pressing his forehead against yours. "You're so good, feels so fuckin' good Princess."
His breaths were raspy, eyes almost rolling to the back of his head as you coaxed his orgasm. "M-More. Faster baby." Complying, you hurried your movements even more, your hand beginning to ache from the speed. But it was worth it, as you watched your boyfriends eyes squeeze shut, his mouth falling open in gratification, his climax clearly building. "O-Oh that's it, good girl, good fucking girl, you know what to do."
His words felt like a blow to your stomach, in the best possible way. A coil tightening in your abdomen, you couldn't stop a low moan escaping your lips as he praised you, wetness pooling in your panties.
"Oh?" The dungeon master placed his hand on yours, pausing your handjob for a moment. His interest was piqued. You swallowed anxiously, hanging your head bashfully, your face flushed and embarrassed. "You like that sweetheart? Being called a good girl?" He asked, placing his fingers under your chin, tilting your gaze to meet his. Nodding slowly, you bit your lip, in a mixture of anticipation and lust. "Noted, Princess..." He laughed, a low flirty chuckle, before releasing his hand from yours.
And that was how it started. Teases, whispers, praises, outside of the bedroom.
Eddie first tested the waters at one of Steve's parties. "Could you fetch me a beer, sweetheart?" He had asked so sweetly, so innocently. Returning with his drink, he gently grasped it from your hands, his fingers caressing yours in a way slightly too sensual for a public setting, as he caught your eyes in a sultry gaze. "Good job honey..." He purred lowly in your ear. "Always doing exactly what I ask..." Too stunned to speak, you could only stare at your boyfriend, dazed and unprepared, a familiar warmth again beginning to seep into your underwear. "E-Eddie." You finally croaked, "W-Why did you say that. You know it turns me on." Questioning him, he only smirked, responding with one simple word before he led you both back into the crowd: "Exactly..."
Then, it was during grocery shopping. Deciding which ice cream flavour to buy, you suddenly remembered you'd forgotten to pick up your favourite juice. Heading back up the aisle, you spotted your drink on the top shelf. Shooting the metalhead a look of defeat, you heard him call after you with a giggle, "You've got this, babe!" Watching you closely, he raised his eyebrows in amusement, smiling fondly at the way you stretched your body to reach the item, standing on your tip toes, tongue slightly poking through your gritted teeth as you waved your fingers towards the bottle. He noted the way you arched your back, your cute butt sticking out into the aisle as you bent over the shelves.
With a final huff, you grabbed your juice, bounding back over to your boyfriend with a satisfied look. Dropping it with your other groceries, you felt a hand on top of yours. "Good job, my strong girl..." He mumbled, his other hand palming your ass with a cheeky grin as you pushed the cart. "Knew you could do it..." With a sharp inhale, you supressed your sudden thirst, hitting the guitarist lightly on his arm. "What's the matter?" He asked, faking a shocked expression. "Horny are we, Princess?" The petname was enough to almost cause your knees to buckle as you approached the check out, both of you leaving the store in a hurry, desperate for eachother, dropping your bags and heading to the bedroom as soon as you got to his trailer.
And today, Eddie made no exception as he surprised you with dinner at your favourite Italian restaurant. You adored the menu here, yet your anxiety meant that at times you found it somewhat daunting to order your food. A gentleman, Eddie always offered to help, but this was something you were set on facing. As you spoke to the waitress, Eddie took note of your nervous body language, his heart aching as he watched you fiddle with your napkin, hearing you stutter as you recalled your choices. His doe eyes landed on yours as the employee turned to leave, his hands outstretched across the table to meet your own. A sinful smile creeping across his features, he knew what to do.
"Good girl, m so proud of you." He cooed, lacing his fingers with yours. "W-What?" You asked, dumbfounded. "You heard me, Princess. You're such a good girl, so brave." Heat searing through your body, you could feel the pink of your skin. Clearing your throat, you raised your eyebrows in disbelief. "Eds, come on, we're at a restaurant." You warned him, though, your voice was barely serious. You would never admit it, but deep down, you had grown to love this. The tease, the mischief, the rush of pleasure washing through you for every praise. And oh boy, did he know it.
As your boyfriend set his knife and fork down on the napkin, you motioned towards his empty plate. "What's next?" You asked, browsing the menu once again. A palm against your thigh, the dungeon master walked his hand towards your heat under the table, dipping a ringed finger inside the slick of your panties. Bringing it up to his lips, you watched wide eyed as he sucked your wetness from his skin. "Dessert."
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spnjediavenger · 1 month ago
I Need My Brother (Chapter 3)
Title: I Need My Brother (Chapter 3)
Type: multi-chapter; matt murdock x sister!reader
Warnings: canon-typical Daredevil situations/injuries, sibling fluff
Spoilers: S1 SPOILERS
Notes: finally a fluff piece! Well…the last half anyway…
As always, love and/or constructive/friendly criticism is welcome and encouraged!
Word count: 1451
(Chapter 1) (Chapter 2)
Another Friday came and Y/n, for once, was not at Nelson & Murdock. Foggy and Karen had gone to a client’s apartment to help her out and Matt was out chasing leads. He had been better recently, to his word, and she was happy to see him come home to her and Claire with less wounds (though she wasn’t happy Claire had been kidnapped). Speaking of Claire, she set out not long after Y/n got home from school so she could work. Y/n, like her brother had done, advised her against it but she also understood the woman probably was beginning to get a serious case of cabin fever.
She sat at the kitchen island doing her homework when a tremor shook the ground and an explosion was heard nearby. Gasping, Y/n fell to the floor, covering her head.
A second explosion, more tremors. A third. And a fourth.
Y/n cowered on the floor, not daring to move until minutes passed and no more explosions were heard. She shakily got up and walked over to the window, throwing a hand to cover her mouth when she saw the carnage outside. She ran over to grab her cellphone, dialing Matt’s number as quickly as she could.
No answer.
Ok…maybe he’s…with a client?...who was she kidding? What clients? She called again.
No answer.
She let it get to the answering machine. “Hey, Matty. Uhm…I’m assuming with your super hearing you know what’s going on…and I’m sure that probably means you’re suited up to, you know…save the day and everything…um…please just…call me as soon as you can. Or have Claire do it if you’re with her. Please, just…call me back.” Her voice shook the entire time, as her hands did when she hung up the phone.
10 minutes passed…20…an hour…Y/n tried calling again.
No answer.
“Ok…Matt, I’m serious now,” she said to the answering machine, voice shaking again. “Whatever you’re doing, please pick up the phone and call me. I need to know that you’re alright.”
As soon as she hung up, Y/n immediately dialed Claire’s number. It rang twice before she picked up.
“Hey, I’m really sorry but this has to be quick,” Claire said over the phone.
“I know you must have a lot to do but I have to know - is Matt there with you?”
“Matt? No, he’s not. I thought he would’ve been home by now?”
“No, he was going out to chase a lead…Claire…you don’t think…”
“No. No, Y/n I’m sure he’s fine. We both know how stubborn your brother is,” Claire attempted to joke.
Y/n was silent for a moment. “I may not have super senses like Matt but I can tell you don’t believe that, Claire.”
Claire sighed. “I wish I could give you something more. If I hear or see anything I’ll let you know. I’m sorry, but I gotta go. Place is filling up faster with every explosion that crosses the news.”
“Ok,” Y/n whispered. “Thanks, Claire. Be safe.”
Claire didn’t know anything. Foggy was hurt. Karen didn’t know anything. Y/n was freaking out.
It was around 3am when the front door to the apartment opened. Y/n bolted over and threw her arms around her brother, still in costume. Matt grunted, making Y/n recoil instantly.
“Sorry! I’m sorry! Matt, are you ok, what happened?”
Matt shook his head and placed a hand on her shoulder, panting a bit. “I’m…I’m ok, Y/n.” When he sensed tears running down her cheeks, he pulled her into a gentle embrace.
Y/n took a deep breath and let it out in a controlled sigh. “Please don’t lie to me,” she cried quietly, returning the embrace to a minimum, not wanting to hurt Matt again.
“Just sore, Y/n, I promise. I’m sorry I didn’t answer you. And I’m sorry I worried you. Everything is ok now, alright?”
Closing her eyes and releasing a few more tears, Y/n nodded against Matt’s shoulder.
“Can…can you maybe take a small break after this? So we can have time just for us? If…If not I get it-”
“No problem, starling,” Matt interrupted her. “I promise we can…We both need it. I love you, ok?”
Y/n smiled. “Thank you. I love you, too.”
A couple days passed and Foggy got out of the hospital; 1 day after that, the whole group was back at the office. Things were slowly but surely feeling a little more normal again. Thankfully Matt hadn’t gotten too beaten up during his last venture so he was healing nicely. Actually a little too nicely in Y/n’s opinion at this moment.
Matt had taken off sooner than usual to start the weekend early with his sister.
“You know, you should’ve heard Karen talking about me the other day,” he said with an arrogant smile, the playboy in him coming out for the first time in a while.
Y/n playfully rolled her eyes. “You mean the devil of hell's kitchen?”
“One in the same, dear sister. ‘He kicks ass. Seriously. You should've seen him flipping around in the rain.’”
Y/n made a faux gagging sound. “Are we sure she’s not the blind one? Or some other vigilante saved her? ‘Cause I think if she really saw you she wouldn’t like what she sees,” the girl smirked.
“Ohoho, I see how it is,” Matt chuckled, slowly stalking towards Y/n in a familiar way, making her gulp.
“I guess I shouldn’t have said that, huh?”
“That’d be a good guess.” And with that, Matt took off after Y/n, the latter letting out a yelp as she ran.
Despite the adrenaline going through her veins, Y/n couldn’t help but laugh as her brother chased her around the apartment, knowing damn well he’d catch her in the end. Though she had the sisterly instinct to curse Matt’s speed and abilities, it had also been far too long since they got to mess around like this.
Finally, Matt grabbed Y/n from behind, earning another yelp, and pulled them both onto his bed. Y/n giggled as they wrestled for control but Matt was quick to pin her, both siblings smiling at one another. 
“Is it too late to take it back?” Y/n said, smiling innocently.
“Oh yeah,” Matt said, darting his hands to tickle her sides. 
“Ah! Mahahatt, no!”
Matt laughed, “Matt, yes! You asked for it, troublemaker.”
Y/n shook her head and tried again to fight off her big brother. Matt let her have the semblance of a fighting chance before ducking his head down and blowing a raspberry on her neck. She scrunched her neck and let out an almost literal ear-piercing screech, forcing Matt to stop and fend off a headache from the splitting sound. Y/n took the chance to curl up to prevent him from tickling her any further and caught her breath with a smile on her face.
“Serves you right, bonehead,” Y/n giggled as she watched her brother massage his ears.
He chuckled back. “You never learn your lesson, do you?”
He started his attack again, poking anywhere he could reach, making laughter fill the room again. He kept going until the laughs were interrupted by a snort. Matt stopped again and threw his head back laughing. 
“Wh-What was that?! Was that a snort?!”
Y/n covered her reddening face. “Shut up,” she groaned through her hands.
He laughed more. “I cannot believe you snorted.”
“I can’t believe you made me snort, jerk,” she said in faux anger, lightly kicking him. 
He easily deflected her foot and chuckled and pulled her into a hug that she happily returned, though was still a bit winded. “You alright, starling?’
She chuckled. “I’m fine…Perfect actually.”
Matt raised his brow. “Perfect? Well, that’s an upgrade.”
Y/n just hugged him tighter. “Thank you for staying home with me.”
Matt smiled and rubbed her shoulder. “You don’t need to thank me for that. But anything for you.”
“I love you, big brother.”
“Love you too, little sister.” He patted her shoulder and pulled away a little. “Let’s go get dinner started. What do you say about homemade pizza?”
“Hell yeah!” Y/n said, jumping off the bed. 
“Language!” Matt called after her, but rolled his eyes with a small smile on his face. 
He got up to meet her in the kitchen, his heart lighter than it had been in ages. He forgot just how much his sister could lighten things up. How happy she made him. It made him wish that things could stay this way. 
Unfortunately it was a wish that wouldn’t come true.
(Chapter 4) ->
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itwasthereaminuteago · 1 year ago
Just some Dom Frank smut that I've had in my wips for ages 😊
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Frank Castle x female reader (with some Billy Russo x reader at the very beginning)
You've got a friends-with-benefits thing going on with Billy and realise you have a little kink which he's not really into, but he has a solution...
Warnings: choking kink, praise, pet names, p in v sex, teasing, begging. Please reblog if you enjoyed so that others may do the same! Please! Thank you 😊
Billy is fucking you hard, driving himself deeper and deeper with every punishing, sinful thrust of his hips, making you lose yourself almost completely. He brings his hand up to caress the side of your face and you arch into his touch as he skims it down the side of your neck to your chest where he pinches and teases your nipples. He grins wickedly, diving down mouthing and grazing his teeth over the plush skin of your tits as you moan. You grasp for his wrist, dragging his hand back up to your neck, whimpering as you can feel your peak drawing ever closer when his fingertips brush over your throat.
But Billy gently draws his hand away. "Scotch." He says. His safeword.
Your eyes widen as the word hits your ears and you try to calm your breathing as you both slow down and come to a stop.
"Oh Billy, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to…"
"It's okay, kitten." He replies, carefully pulling out and laying down beside you. "I guess we never covered that particular area." He smiles but you still feel awful for trying to get him to do something to you that he isn't entirely comfortable with.
"I- I didn't really know I liked it, until just then… but I'm still sorry, I should have asked you first regardless."
“It's alright, don't worry about it. But hey, I'm glad you've discovered a new kink!" You share a smile as he cuddles you into his arms and kisses you sweetly.
You and Billy had been friends with benefits for a few months now. You were both currently single and relished the opportunity to cut almost completely loose with each other. You found each other attractive, had a lot of fun, and most importantly it was a much-needed tension release after a stressful work day where you just wanted someone else to take control and make you feel good.
Later on that evening he came to you with an unexpected proposal.
"I feel so shitty about leaving you hanging like that before, so I was wondering if you might be cool with me setting you up with a good friend of mine. I think he'd be able to give you what you need, maybe a little bit more than I can?”
You look up from your phone, rapt and curious at the suggestion. "Billy, are you for real? You'd really do that for me?"
He looks surprised that you'd think he wouldn't. "’course I will baby, I just want to see you happy! If you like I'll tell him all your preferences. He'll only go as hard as you want, and you can play here at my place if it makes you feel safer. I'd be there in the next room if you needed me, but Frank's a good guy, he'll take good care of you I promise."
You sit up straighter at the mention of Frank's name. "Wait, it's Frank? You mean your marine buddy Frank?! I didn't know he was into–"
Billy chuckles. "Yeah, not many do. But you like him,” Billy smirks as he teases you, “don't you?"
You give him a sly smile back, he's not wrong. "Well, from what I've seen…" you murmur, thinking about the few times you'd briefly met, once when you went to meet Billy at the gym and Frank came striding out of the showers, shirtless. And then there was the size of his hands…
Billy laughs even louder seeing a dreamy expression cross over your features. "Alright now kitten, don't get all fired up just yet. I'll go see him tomorrow and we'll talk it over okay? See what he says."
You leap into Billy's arms. "You are much too good to me Russo! You know that?"
He nods and kisses the top of your head, still amused. "Yeah, I know."
Frank was apparently very eager to help you out and so Billy arranged a little introductory session for you both at his on the Friday night. Billy had clued you in on what Frank was into as you'd wanted to know, even though this was primarily for your benefit.
"-and you call him 'Sir', yeah?"
You nod. You were melting already.
"Hey girl, think you got a lil bit of drool hanging out the corner of your mouth there…" Billy laughs and you give him a playful punch.
"Shut up! I'm just… a little excited."
"Oh, you should be, baby." You can't help notice Billy's slightly wistful look as he says it. "You're in good hands."
When Friday evening arrives Billy lets you get settled in and informs you that Frank's waiting in his bedroom whenever you're ready. You're slightly nervous but when you open the door and see his large form sitting on the side of the bed suddenly all you feel is a buzz.
"Hey princess, how're you doin'?" He asks in a low drawl along with a smile that makes you want to bark. He looks so damn fine you want to squeal.
Instead you greet him politely, reining in your giddiness and desire. "I'm good thank you, Sir."
Frank grins, a slight chuckle bursting past his lips in a way you found cute. "Did Bill tell you to say that sweetheart? Y'know he's just messin' with you? You can call me Frank if you want."
You return his smile, nodding. "Yes, Sir."
Frank makes a satisfied sound and laughs again, softer this time, his deep brown penetrating gaze making you feel weak at the knees. "Mm, alright. C'mon over here, let me see ya."
Just this simple request has your body feeling like it's ablaze. He stands up as you slowly walk over to him, his eyes running over you like warm honey, taking in the way your soft cotton summer dress hugs your curves, the hem ending just above your mid thigh.
“You're a very beautiful woman.” He says with a note of sincerity and awe, bringing his hand up to gently trace the side of your jaw. You feel the heat flush up into your face.
"What's your safeword honey?"
"Cloud." You reply hazily. You're practically purring already as his fingers graze over your rapidly heating skin.
Frank nods. "That's good, mine's 'bullet'. “How're you feelin' sweetheart?'' he asks, "Think you wanna play some?"
You start to lean into his touch as his thumb strokes across the small smile on your soft lips. "Yeah." You respond, and Frank grunts his approval as you start to lick and suck on his thumb as he gently slides it between your lips.
"Such a good girl. Damn. Bill told me you were needin' a little somethin' extra. S'that right?" he gently probes, and you feel your entire body start to tingle with the anticipation of what he's going to do with you next.
You take the digit deeper into your mouth as he guides you down to kneel in front of him, swirling your tongue around it and hollowing your cheeks to suck just a little while you look up at him with wide eyes.
"Yeah, we're gonna get on real well. How ‘bout we see what else that pretty mouth of yours can do, huh?"
He slowly palms over the noticeable bulge at the crotch of his jeans and you can feel the saliva filling your mouth, dripping out of the corner as he presses his thumb down against your tongue. Yes sir, please sir you think as you nod slowly as he removes it and unbuckles his belt. The clinking sound of it being undone has you soaking into your silky underwear already. This is what you need. Just him to keep telling you what to do, to take complete control of your body and mind and make you feel like nothing else matters.
As he pulls his cock out in front of your face you can't stop your eyes widening and the eager moan that escapes you. He's big, long and thick, and as he strokes himself to full hardness you shift about on your knees, your tongue darting out to wet your lips as you catch sight of a drop of precum leaking from his tip.
"Look at you, so damn perfect an' all ready f'me.”
You push up onto your knees, keeping your hands to yourself until he tells you otherwise, your mouth open and tongue out flat and wide as you wait for him to give you what you're craving. Instruction.
“Yeah, that's right. You know what to do princess."
His cock is mere inches from your mouth, just out of reach. He finally moves forward to rub the head of it over your waiting tongue, moaning as the addictive musky taste of him spreads across it. You slide your mouth on, stretching your lips over the fat head of his dick, closing your eyes as you slowly begin to suck on it.
"Ah-ah sweetheart, look at me. Eyes on me." He corrects, watching you take a little more of him in, beginning to move back and forth and shallowly fuck your mouth as you obey and look back up at him. He groans letting his head fall back as you lap your tongue along the bulging vein on the underside.
"Oh yeah, that's real good baby. Gonna give you some more just like you want, huh?"
You moan your agreement around his impressive girth as you pull back and ready yourself to swallow him deeper. He's gentle at first, he pushing his fingers through your hair, cradling the back of your head lightly as you take him in as far as you can, gagging slightly until you can figure out how to breathe. Your eyes start to water as you gaze up at him. He's telling you that you look so damn pretty, and you feel the wetness between your thighs increase ten fold as his big hand and thick fingers wrap around your throat to guide you.
"Oh- fuck- attagirl, there we go, fuck that's it."
You think he's gonna finish off in your mouth the way he's groaning and grunting fucking your mouth, obviously enjoying the way you're taking him and letting him use you. But you're silently begging him with your eyes not to, because you're throbbing, aching for him to get inside of you, to be able to feel that massive dick fucking you until you can't think thoughts.
Thankfully he slows his movements, pulling out his dick and wiping your messy spit covered chin with his thumb. He lifts you up to your feet and gently pushes you back on the bed where you land with a soft bounce. As you struggle to regain your breath he's chuckling at your gawking stare as he strips out of his clothes revealing his muscular chest, defined rows of abs and thick thighs that you dream of being suffocated between.
"Hope you weren't thinkin’ I was neglectin' that pretty little pussy of yours..."
Of course he knows what you're thinking but you still shake your head. "No sir." you mewl, your body aflame from the way his eyes rove over you. Frank prowls up your body, his hand slipping up under the hem of your dress and gently cupping your mound, middle fingers stroking so teasingly up over your folds through your damp underwear. You yelp as he takes his hand away only to slap your cunt hard, the pleasurable pain jolting through your whole body like an electric shock.
"Don't lie to me."
"N-no sir!" You whimper as he rubs you again through the flimsy fabric, grinning as he feels the fresh flood of your arousal soak his fingers.
"Well shit. Look at that baby. You like sucking cock that much?"
"I like sucking your cock, sir." You pant, trying to grind yourself against his hand for some immediate relief. He lifts it away, slapping your pussy lightly again making you cry out in frustration.
"Gimme a colour sweetheart."
Billy had said that you would be in good hands. You were gonna have to get him a present or something for this.
"That's a good girl." He smirks, curling his fingers over the waistband of your panties, peeling them down your ass away from your soaking core, and inching them ever so slowly down your trembling thighs.
"Heard you don't like bein' teased, princess…"
Your mind reels wondering where he's going with this, your breath shallow and fast as he bares you to him, tossing your ruined underwear across the bedroom. He kneels on the bed at your feet,
"On your hands and knees f'me."
He commands and you obey. It's that simple. He takes his time appraising you, his fingers drifting over your ass cheeks and carefully rucking up the hem of your dress to your waist.
"Cute." He remarks, noting how your breathing changes as he moves up behind you, his hand resting on your hip. You gasp you feel the firm head of his cock run between the folds of your puffy, sopping cunt. He rubs it up and down the length of your slit, over and over so slowly, and every time you think he's going to sink right in and fill you full he doesn't. You want nothing else so badly but to push back into him, to have him thrust inside and probably split you in half but he hasn't said that you're allowed to.
You want to scream.
"Doin' real good for me, such a good girl."
You shiver at the praise, but you need more, he has to understand how much you need him.
"Yeah, you want me to give you some more don't you? I know, I know sweetheart." He says soothingly while pushing his cock forward between your legs and bumping the head up against your clit. When he draws away yet again you can't stand the tease anymore and you break.
"Fuck, please!" you whine.
Frank smacks his hand down on your ass cheek and you cry out, heat blooming out over your skin as he runs his palm over the stinging spot.
"Please what?" He asks you so casually, as if he's completely ignorant to the fact you're almost dripping wet down the inside of your thighs.
"Please, sir… I-I need it, n-need your cock so bad, please!" You try, staring straight ahead as you dip your back, making your hips tilt up hoping he'll see just how ready you are for more. You breathe out a shaky whimper of relief as you feel the warmth and pressure of his giant hand grip around the back of your neck holding you still as he takes his cock in hand and slides it close to where you're aching for him to shove it. But he doesn't, and he so clearly knows what it's doing to you.
You want this teasing, this cruel punishment and yet can't stop your pathetic sobs of desperation, can't stop the tears from rolling down your flushed cheeks as you plead with him repeatedly.
"Shh-shh c'mon pretty girl, you know I got you." He says shushing you gently. "Deep breaths f'me hm? You good?"
You manage to drag in a shuddering lungful of air so you can tell him you want this, you want him to keep going, keep making you feel.
His fingers grip the back of your neck tighter when he hears your confirmation to continue and finally– he gives you what you need, forcing the thick head of his cock into your needy pussy. You moan and mewl as he stretches you open, despite how wet and ready you thought you were it's still a tight fit and he pauses for a few seconds, feeling you contract around his tip.
"S'that what you need huh? Feel good?"
You groan as he holds himself still, only the first couple of inches of him inside you. Then he moves, so slow that the tears return, running down the drying tracks on your skin as he thrusts gently back and forth, only fucking you with the very tip of his cock. Pushing in and popping out, so painfully slowly, in and out, again and again.
"Mm, that's all you deserve for now baby. That's all you're gettin' till you play nice."
The next time he pulls out he smacks his hard length down against your ass, thrusting himself between the cleft of your cheeks for a while leaving you completely empty. You do nothing, say nothing, just moan and let him use your body until he wants to reward you. And reward you he does…
You inhale sharply as you feel the sudden loss of contact, but then he buries his face in your cunt and starts licking and fucking you with his tongue. He grips firmly around your thighs, pulling you back, flush with his hot mouth as he works you up until your legs are shaking. You gasp as the coil deep inside tightens as he keeps it up, reacting to the increasing pitch and volume of your moans. You're gonna come any second and you know he's not told you that you can, that you're allowed to. You don't know what to do, the feeling is welling up from deep inside, it's getting closer and he won't let up, craning his neck to flick your clit with the tip of his tongue and delve his tongue into the steady stream of slick arousal leaking out of you.
Fuck, god… please, just a little more, so close, it feels so fucking good- almost… there–
Frank stops, pulls away.
You're shaking, crying, your cunt is throbbing.
He stopped.
Suddenly you don't know which way is up, whimpering as he spears you with his cock, sliding all the way into you until you can feel his hip bones hard up against your ass. You twitch and pulse around him at the sensation.
Fuck it's so good it's so good, you babble as he drags you up off your hands, his arms binding you to his warm chest as he starts to rut you hard and fast, his beautiful fat cock dragging so deep against your soft inner walls. Frank claps a hand over your breast, squeezing and fondling then tugging and pinching hard at your nipple while his other massive paw slides upwards to your neck, and you whimper and whine as it easily circles your entire throat. You lean into it, showing him that this is what you wanted, what you were being a good girl for. He holds you firmly while his hips thrash, fucking you so hard you can't speak, can't think about anything else but how perfect it feels, how you want nothing else but for him to fill you up, use you how he pleases.
He tightens his grip and growls as your pussy squeezes around him in response.
"Yeah," he rasps into the side of your neck, his skin smacking against your ass every time he thrusts up into you. You can feel his heavy balls almost brushing your clit. "Good girl… c'mon and let me hear you."
Every time he buries himself inside a pitiful little whimper falls from your open mouth. You wonder if Billy is listening next door, maybe getting off on the sound of the two of you fucking.
Frank's tightening, vice-like grip snaps you back to the moment and you're aching for him and starting to get a little lightheaded which makes everything feel so much more intense.
“Fraaank…” you pant.
"You close sweetheart? Goddamn, I know it, can feel you flutterin' honey, feels so good."
He's relentless in the way that he fucks you, but it's not without tenderness and sensuality. His lips kiss the sweaty skin of your shoulder as he holds you upright, your back flush against his broad chest, his hand still around your neck and one splayed over your stomach as he starts to ram his cock repeatedly right into that perfect spot.
“C'mon sweetheart, I got you,” he grunts, "go on, go off for me baby...”
When his hand slides down lower and you feel the electric sensation of the rough pads of his fingertips start rubbing over your slick clit, there's no going back. You're a hot, whimpering mess ready to fall over the edge.
He half-whispers, voice low and gruff by your ear. “Fuck that's it, fuck, yeah…”
He slams up into you as your body finally quakes around him and you let go completely with an uninhibited moan of pleasure, feeling the rolling fire of your orgasm exploding out in powerful waves through every nerve. You're barely aware of anything after that, only half registering the deep groan of satisfaction from Frank as he finishes inside you with several slow, deep rolls of his hips.
Everything feels warm and gooey, sounds are muted and distant for a while until you hear him again as you slowly come to, blinking your heavy eyelids open to his concerned voice.
“Hey, hey… you okay sweetheart?”
You gradually become aware that you're being held, warm and grounded. Frank's propped up on the mound of pillows at the headboard and you're laying against his broad chest as he trails his fingertips gently up and down the outside of your arm.
“Not too much?” He asks, angling his head to make eye contact with you.
You reach up your hand around the back of his head, leaning up as you pull him down to kiss him for the first time. It's a sweet kiss, relaxed and easy considering all that you've just done together. He's got the cutest smile you've ever seen on his face after you break away, this big unit of a man is maybe even blushing slightly.
“No this was perfect, thank you so much Frank, I couldn't really ask for more.” He hands you a glass of water and you kinda do wish you could indulge yourself a little more and lie in his arms for longer, but you're aware that Billy's just outside and you both should probably get cleaned up anyway. As you carefully push yourself up you can't help notice Frank seems almost reluctant to break up your little post coital moment.
“Y'know, anytime you need a little somethin’, you just let me know, hm?” Frank offers, and you know you'll definitely be taking him up on that. You slip out of bed and he's right there making sure you don't fall over your own wobbly legs on the way to the ensuite to shower.
“You comin' with me, big guy?” you ask him with a raised brow and a soft smile, glad when he returns it and shadows you, turning on the hot spray of the shower and helping you wash.
When you emerge Frank heads into the kitchen to pour you all a drink and you go to find Billy. He's in his office with his headphones on and gives you a smirk when he sees your blissed out expression, taking the headset off and putting it on the desk.
“Looks like you might've had some fun. Frankie, did you treat her right?!” he shouts through to the kitchen, and you can't help the huge grin that splits your face.
“Yeah he most definitely did.” You reply, your fingers playing with a pen on the edge of his desk. “I was thinking that maybe, we could all have some fun together next time..?”
“Oh we're already planning a next time are we?” Billy teases, and you smack him on the arm, shushing him as Frank appears in the doorway to hand you both a glass of bourbon each.
“You can count me in.” Frank responds before taking a sip and Billy grins.
You couldn't wait.
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kenziebluex · 2 months ago
The Broken Heart That Makes Us
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Semi short chapter..but updating again on "Friday" ☺️
Story Description: 
Your arranged marriage is on its last legs. After making an agreement with your step son, Megumi, you are puzzled when you are faced with finally making a decision.
Your whole life so far has been planned for you, leading you to struggle with the idea of moving on and finding something stable…someone stable.  
Will you finally be able to let go of the life that was made for you? Will there be others out there willing to pick up the pieces?
(18+) Pairings: Toji, Gojo, Geto, Nanami, & Choso.
Read on ao3: TBHTMU
Chapter 5:
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A few months passed after you started dating Gojo. It seemed like he always had a fresh surprise every time you went to see him. After that night with the loan shark,  Gojo kept insisting that you and Megumi should stay with him until everything was sorted out. But, you declined. Abandoning a new place you took so long to secure and messing up Megumi’s stable life was not something you wanted to do. Besides, leaving all your problems to a man you just started seeing was not a step you were willing to take. Gojo warned you that the man would come back and set up a security system with a ring camera to protect you. 
He was right.
The loan shark did come back the next week and with more company. But Gojo caught wind of it and took care of everything. The men were right outside your door before you came home with Megumi from school. The ring camera reported them knocking at your door. The feed glitched and the surveillance was down for no more than 5 minutes. When it came back up, the men were gone and you haven’t heard from them since. Gojo had sent a message to you afterwards stating…
:Get home safe <3
You figured that there are many things better left unsaid.
But what was more promising was how much Megumi improved. He started taking private lessons and was preparing to test for a higher level soon. You adored  when he was excited to demonstrate a new technique that he learned. You wanted to believe that everything was finally falling into place but that growing pit of uncertainty still swelled in your stomach. 
You can admit that there was never a dull moment with Gojo and he never fails to melt your icy walled exterior. But lately, it feels stagnant…or rather one sided; romantically and sexually. You wanted to learn more and to give him time to open up to you. But even after all the months you spent with him, you haven’t learned much more since the first date. It was frustrating and sexually frustrating. He was a demon with his hands and tongue and the strained groans from his mouth always drove you wild but…is foreplay all that he wants from you?
You tried plenty of times to get him to move forward but most of the time it ends in a forehead kiss and an exhausted cuddle. And you don’t want to just outright say-
‘Don’t you want to fuck me?!’
Semi-afraid of what the response would be. You’ve touched, stroked and sucked him off at least a hundred times and you’re sure it would fit with the right preparation. But all of the times where he softly rejected it stung and you felt your insecurities building up one by one. 
Pillowy lips kissed your temple  and snapped you out of your trance. Your body jerked at Gojo’s peck. Your hands were interlocked while you two strolled through the bustling city square. You locked eyes with him while he straightened his back, realigning himself.
“You’re gonna combust from thinking so hard. Let me see if I can guess what’s on your mind.” Gojo tapped his bottom and pondered for a beat. You tightened your lips into a pout waiting for what nonsense he has for you today. 
“Ah yes…I would still love you if you were a worm.” He sang and used his free hand to pinch at your cheek and tugged on it teasingly. You rolled your eyes.
“Yer sohh yameee (lame)” You whined. Gojo released your cheek to cover his mouth, housing a hearty laugh. He stopped to pull you into a deep kiss in the middle of the sidewalk. The kiss was long and you could feel the passion building between the two of you. But your earlier thoughts crept up on you and your passion quickly dissipated. 
You parted first and Gojo stared down at you in a lustful trance. He gave a gentle squeeze of your hand before continuing your stroll. He didn’t seem bothered by the fact that you cut the kiss short. 
Suddenly, your eyes caught something familiar. There was a notice on the road that leads to your home. 
Season 3 of That Time I Fell In Love With My Mafia Boss’s Brother is filming soon. Please prepare to take a detour route during these dates…
“Oh…my…FUCKING GOD! OH MY GOD OH GOD!! They are filming HERE?!? I thought they were out of the country but they-.” Your favorite trashy tv drama was not only greenlit for a season 3 but filming right around the corner from your house! This show, although wildly unrealistic, hit home for you and helped to heal some of the wounds from your divorce. You were too busy dancing, jumping and clapping to notice that you let go of Gojo’s hand.  
You whipped your body towards him, searching for his reaction. Gojo stood with an amused smirk on his face and crossed arms.
“No please. Don’t stop on my account.” He threw his arms up. You took him and pulled him by his arm excitedly to get a closer read of the notice. He followed you lazily.
“I absolutely love the lead actress in this. Everything she acts in goes triple platinum in my household. Instant replay!” You beamed. You approached the notice that was plastered firm on the brick wall. You traced the small print with your index finger and read it out loud. 
“Join the cast and crew Friday night for a welcoming party at CTV Nightclub. Fans are invited for pictures and signing. First come, first served! Hit tv show directed by Yu Haibara and produced by Suguru Geto introduces action meets romance in a thriller-ack!” 
Before you could finish reciting the words on the poster. Gojo snaked his arm around your shoulders and dragged you away from the poster. He kept his arm around you and guided your steps forward, preventing you from turning around. His hand on your shoulder was tight and you looked up to see his once bright blue eyes were shadowed by his pale locks. 
“Garbage tv rots your brain.” Gojo mumbled, still holding you close. 
“But babe… I HAVE to go to this welcoming party. I’ll never know if I get the opportunity to see her again. You’re …coming with me right?” You batted your lashes. Granted, most of the time it didn’t work but you were going to get your fave actress to sign your poster so you could preserve it for future generations. Plus, you wanted to share this moment with him. You thought maybe if you shared a part of yourself with him, he would want to open up more. 
Gojo’s eyebrows furrowed. He loosened his grip around your arm and scratched the back of his head, seemingly frustrated. 
“Friday night…I have an instructors meeting. I might be late.” Gojo explained with an awkward smile. You nodded reassuringly. 
“I’ll wait for you there.” You took his hand and folded it in yours to bring his knuckles to your lips. “I really want you there with me.” 
A small tint of red appeared on his cheeks and he curled his fingers around your hand to bring to his lips.
“I’m whipped for you. You know that? I’ll go, your majesty.” He chuckled into your knuckles before planting another kiss on your wrist and then another on your jawline. You continued down the sidewalk with a new pep in your step. Gojo started going on about his colleagues at the dojo. You took one more glance behind you where the notice was, dreaming of what Friday will bring.
It seems that the notice had garnered the attention of another person. A man, tall, long black hair that cascaded down his shoulders and brushed his back. Black piercings. Sporting casual wear and black sunglasses. He loitered close while reading the fine print at the bottom of the notice. He paused and he looked towards you. He took his sunglasses off to get a better look at you as his feline slit eyes pierced yours. 
An entertained smile painted his lips and you quickly turned your head away startled. Gojo didn’t notice so you tried your hardest to push the image of that man out of your memory.
Today’s mission: seduce your man. The meet and greet is at a nightclub and you’ve been dying to wear the new dress you bought from Revolve. It’s an emerald green mesh wrap around dress that crossed into an X over your chest and held up in a halter around your neck. The dresses had a high slit that barely graced the top of your thigh. You wore gold bangles on each wrist with matching gold sandal heels. 
The dress was perfect for highlighting your hips and legs and you made sure to oil them up to look moisturized and shiny. You let your hair fall behind you as you fanned the glue on your long false lashes. 
You stepped out of your room and into the kitchen to grab your car keys from the counter.
“*Click*” You turned to see Megumi holding up his phone. You struck a pose and he clicked another photo before shoving his phone into his pocket.
“Don’t forget curfew and don’t drink. If you do, call an Uber home.” He nagged and you shook your head. You thought to yourself that you should probably be teaching him how to drive soon. 
“I may not come back home tonight. And if I do-…” you huffed and Megumi crossed his arms and nodded his head.
“I’ll make sure to heat up the pizza, open a fresh box of tissues and get ‘Me Before You’ on.” He says and you dig your hand into his spiky hair to make a mess of it. It occurred to you that he might be going through a massive growth spurt. Two years ago you were still able to look down when talking to him but now, he’s passing your height while you’re in heels. You felt your heart strings tug a little bit and you blinked the tears away. 
You  clicked your heels towards the door and told Megumi a set of things to do while you're out such as: locking the door, checking the security camera and by no means opening the door for anyone. Megumi nodded lazily hearing the usual nightly checklist. 
“Have a nice night, mom. I love you.” 
“I love you too, Meg.”
As you thought, there was already a line out the door to CTV nightclub by the time you arrived (even though you are 30 minutes early). You braced the wait and headed to the back of the line, vowing to save a place for when Gojo arrives. 
An hour goes by while you’re waiting in line and you can see the bouncer in sight. The entire time, you kept opening your  phone for any missed calls or text messages. Gojo said he would be late. You reassured yourself until you finally got a call.
Incoming call: Mr Blue Sky 
“Hey babe! I’m up near the door.” You spoke with the phone up to your ear, stretching your neck to see if you can spot his motorcycle parked anywhere. He took too long to respond and you called over the phone to him again.
“I don’t think I can make it work.” He responded hesitantly. Talking  over the phone makes it hard to read his expression. You felt your heart sink a little. You figured he probably couldn’t get out of the meeting and didn’t want you to wait for him. You expelled a disappointed sigh. 
“No, I get it. It was too last minute anyway. I can still swing by yours when I’m done.” You tried to brave through the disappointment but it was too late. Warm tears sprinkled in your eyes. He took another long pause. Something that wasn’t like him. Generally, he liked to fill up the awkward silence with his voice but he didn’t try to bother this time.
“I meant…I mean that I don’t think I can make us work. I’m sorry.” you heard his voice crack. The tears in your eyes started rolling down your cheeks. The insecurities that’s been building a monster within you finally awakened and your chest tightened. You deluded yourself into thinking you misheard. 
“What are you trying to say to me right now?!” Your voice raised. The tears won’t stop flowing and you swore your head was spinning so bad it might twist off. You felt your body lose strength as you held the wall to maintain your balance. After a few seconds, he hung up on you. 
You started dialing his number over and over again. The first two times it rang and then it went to voicemail. The next 3 times it went straight to voicemail. He blocked you. You felt your mind stuck between staying in line and getting the autograph you came for, going home and crying yourself to unconsciousness or driving to his place and knocking his door down until the cops show up. 
You decided that the last two could wait so you stayed in line. But that didn’t stop you from calling every contact you had for him.
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Sorry for the angst... updating Friday who's ready for the next guy???
taglist: @beetusbritt ❤ @nousija ❤ @notleclerc divider by @cafekitsune
❀ follow for more ❀ ao3: kenzieblue❀
-kenzie & des
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fluentmoviequoter · 1 year ago
Could you do fluff fic for David 'Deacon' Kay with wife reader where brought something from her bakery to the station just to see her husband? Just fluff and romantic. Thanks!!
Of course!! This is such a cute idea! I think there's even potential for a continuation/pt. 2 if anyone is interested.🤍
Edit: Part 2 Here! >
Warnings: just lots of fluff, a bit of teasing, baker!wife!reader. 1.4k+ words.
Picture from Pinterest
Sweet as You
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Early mornings with Deacon are your favorite. Since you opened your own bakery after getting married, you and Deacon have grown into a routine of slow, loving mornings with one another.
Today, you find yourself in the kitchen long before the sun rises, testing a new recipe that popped into your mind. Humming, you slide the muffin tins into the oven and wipe your hands on a nearby tea towel.
“You’re up early,” Deacon says, wrapping his arms around you as he enters the kitchen. “You’re supposed to wake me up.”
“You were really tired,” you argue, turning to hug him. “And I had an idea I wanted to try.”
Deacon nods, kissing your forehead as he sways you gently.
“Remember when we went on date nights? When we could stay awake for them?” you ask.
“I do. Although I think I like this version of us much better.”
You kiss the underside of Deacon’s jaw, sighing in contentment. The quiet moments never last long, but they’re amazing while they do.
“I’m supposed to get off around the same time as you on Friday. We can have a long weekend together,” Deacon suggests.
“Sounds perfect.”
“Like you?”
“Like you.”
Deacon smiles as he drops his chin to kiss you, tugging you as close as possible before the oven timer beeps. He releases you to remove your muffins, waiting until you’re safely away from the heat to pull you close again.
“I love you,” he whispers.
“I love you,” you reply. “Take a muffin or two; though I can’t promise they taste good.”
Deacon’s eyes drop to your lips, choosing to kiss you rather than taste a muffin.
After the initial rush of opening the bakery, the area grows quiet, and business slows. Mornings in Los Angeles are unpredictable, and as you sit idly, waiting for a customer, you decide to be the customer. Ensuring someone is available to take orders, you begin baking a few crowd favorites and Deacon’s choice. Every cop you’ve met enjoys baked goods occasionally, and your desire to see Deacon is more than enough to encourage you to make more than you can carry to deliver to the LAPD.
Once you’ve finished loading too many boxes into your passenger seat, you cross your fingers that Deacon isn’t out on a call as you drive to the station, setting your sights on S.W.A.T. HQ. 
Deacon sighs, sitting back against the wall after a round of weight training. It’s been a slow day, and 20-David has been relegated to training and waiting. Hondo finishes sparring with Street and walks toward Deacon, chuckling in amusement as he sits beside him.
“Bored yet?” Hondo jokes.
“Better to be here than risk not getting home to my wife, I suppose,” Deacon hums.
“I don’t suppose, I know. She’d kill me if anything happened to you, so I’m happy to watch you sit here with nothing to do.”
Deacon chuckles before turning suddenly, watching the door. Hondo shakes his head, well aware of Deacon’s sixth sense. Whenever you’re close, expected or not, Deacon knows.
As Hondo expected, you step around the corner, your arms full of boxes from the bakery. Deacon rushes to your side, taking some of the load off your arms.
“What are you doing here?” he asks, smiling when he moves a box away from your face.
“I wanted to see you,” you whisper conspiratorially. Luca joins your other side, and you add, “I figured the best S.W.A.T. team could use a pick-me-up, especially if your day is going as slowly as mine.”
Luca helps you and Deacon set the boxes down. Nearly immediately, you are surrounded by police officers eating your treats. As they thank you and compliment your baking abilities, you watch Deacon take a box off the table before approaching your side.
“Excuse us,” he says, taking your hand in his and leading you away from the hungry cops swarming your delivery.
Leading you into a quiet office, Deacon sets the box down and pulls you into a hug.
“Thanks for coming,” he says.
You return his hug, squeezing him gently as you enjoy his presence again.
“I missed you,” Deacon tells you.
“You saw me a few hours ago.”
“I didn’t get to try a muffin then.”
You smile at Deacon’s teasing, leaning against him to kiss his cheek. He steps back, pulling you with him, as he opens the box of his favorites. Each time he visits you in the bakery (which doesn't happen enough), he buys a box and promises not to share it with his team. He has no problem telling you what he does and doesn’t like, but his favorite taste-testing activity is kissing you while you bake. It's only been a few hours since he last did that, but he still missed you.
“You’re almost as sweet as the new chocolate brittle,” you murmur, brushing your fingers across Deacon’s jaw.
“Only because of you, sweetheart.”
Smiling at his attention and kind words, you duck your head under Deacon’s chin. He wraps an arm around you, rubbing your back comfortingly.
“I love you. And now you have a whole lot of cops who love you too.”
“They love sugar, not me.”
“Good,” Deacon decides. “Because I can’t take them all at once.”
“You wouldn’t have to,” you promise. “I only want you.”
You glance over Deacon’s shoulder, laughing at the sight of the empty box. “Did you really eat all of those while hugging me?”
“I can multi-task. Two sources of sweetness.”
You groan and tip your head back, though your loving gaze betrays your faux tiredness as Deacon pulls you under his arm, leading you back out to see the rest of the empty boxes.
“Do you have more?” Hondo asks, batting his eyelashes as he clasps his hands before his chest.
“Yep. Everything is on sale right now, too,” you answer. 
Deacon laughs beside you, and you feel complete. And hungry; those cookies and scones smelled delicious.
“Deac,” you whisper, pressing a hand to his chest. “Deacon, handsome, baby, love of my life.”
He sighs, moving closer to you without waking. 
“David,” you try, laughing when his eyes snap open. “I made breakfast but you need to get up if you want time to eat it.”
“You called me David,” he says, groggy as he gets out of the bed and reaches for you. “Sorry.”
Chuckling again, you take his extended hand and promise, “You’re not in trouble. You just wouldn’t wake up.”
Deacon nods, letting you lead him to the kitchen and show him the array of food on the table. He tugs you into his lap, telling you he won’t eat unless you do. He drives a hard bargain, but you agree after he kisses the side of your neck and whispers that he loves you.
The day after surprising the LAPD with a delivery, your bakery is crowded all day, with police and firefighters coming in and out from opening until closing.
When you unlock the front door, there’s a small group of police officers waiting, smiling as you let them in and ordering what they heard about from their buddies and anything else that looks good.
“You’re Sergeant Kay’s wife?” one of them asks.
“I am,” you answer, passing him a box.
“I see why he talks about you so much.”
You smile at the idea of Deacon talking about you at work, then go to the back to bake more items as you notice you’re running low. Meeting officers who know your husband, those who heard about your bakery in passing, and the firefighters who were jealous you chose the police station over the fire station makes the day go by quickly. Although by the time you close, you’re exhausted.
Walking into your house, Deacon is waiting, and you collapse beside him on the couch, turning your face against his shoulder and releasing all of the tension from the busy day.
“Word get out?” Deacon asks playfully, turning you gently to kiss you.
You nod, returning the kiss and sighing. When Deacon pulls back, you sit against his side, leaning so you can see him.
“Maybe I should just open a bakery in the station. But then the firefighters would get jealous again,” you muse.
“And be within walking distance?” Deacon asks with a huff. “I’d never get anything done.”
“Weekly visits then?”
“I think we could handle that. But make the firefighters pay for it.”
Deacon pulls you into another kiss as he finishes, and you chuckle against his lips, wondering how you got so lucky.
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daffi-990 · 1 year ago
Fuck it Friday
Tagged by @diazsdimples who posted a whole ass fic! Go and give it a read, it’s a fun one 😁
Have some more from when your heart releases, you won’t fall to pieces aka the Eddie breakdown fic. The writing beans aren’t beaning for this wip, even though I’d really like them to be. Still .. thought I’d share something I wrote for it a little ways back (this is just after the scene from canon where Eddie says he’s scared he’ll never feel normal again.)
“What if I can’t find normal again? What if this is my new normal, Buck?”
“I’ll still be here. I promised to have your back and I meant it. Nothing is going to scare me away from you.”
Away from loving you.
Eddie’s eyes widen slightly, his mouth going a bit slack as he stares at Buck in a way that looks an awful lot like awe. Buck’s starting to think maybe he said that last part out loud. It doesn’t matter though, because it’s true. Nothing he learns about Eddie will scare him away. Every bruised and scarred piece of Eddie that he’s ever been shown has been carefully gathered up and placed with the others, all held within the safety of Buck’s heart, their edges slotting in perfectly beside his own.
Buck clears his throat to break the moment, now is not the time for Buck to cut himself open and pour his love and devotion for Eddie out at his feet. Not when Eddie is so fragile and Buck has a girlfriend.
He has to keep reminding himself of that, which is probably not a good sign about the vitality of their relationship. But now is not the time to think about that either. Right now he needs to focus on Eddie and making sure he’s okay. Hopefully convince him to get some sleep, because he looks like shit. Buck thinks there may be bags under the bags under his eyes.
“Right. You’re going to shower and then you’re going to sleep. Everything else can wait until the morning, okay?”
“And you’ll be here? In the morning?” Eddie’s voice sounds so small. Buck’s heart cracks at the sound of it.
“I told you,” Buck reaches across the table and squeeze his hands, “m’not going anywhere.”
No pressure tagging: @steadfastsaturnsrings @hippolotamus @wildlife4life @nmcggg @puppyboybuckley @wikiangela @watchyourbuck @rainbow-nerdss @exhuastedpigeon @elvensorceress @eddiebabygirldiaz @evanbegins @spotsandsocks @thewolvesof1998 @theotherbuckley @try-set-me-on-fire @tizniz @rewritetheending @athenagranted @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @monsterrae1 @malewifediaz @spagheddiediaz @devirnis @disasterbuckdiaz @fiona-fififi @giddyupbuck @fortheloveofbuddie @hoodie-buck @homerforsure @honestlydarkprincess @jeeyuns @jesuisici33 @bekkachaos @lover-of-mine @loserdiaz @ladydorian05 @captain-hen and anyone else I may have missed or who wants to share something!
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gretavanbear · 1 year ago
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Behind The Steel
[a/n : h...hi..... i haven't posted in so long. i hope u guys enjoy this lil thing i wrote. i definitely want to do a part two at some point.]
His bike was always his most prized possession, the way he felt when riding it was an incomparable feeling. The first time he rode it was a life changing moment for him- the wind drifting through his hair, the roar of the engine. It was pure animalistic adrenaline that coursed through his veins; wanting to make her roar like he did was extremely exciting. Nothing could amount to how powerful he felt in the cage, feeling weightless and full of control. 
His best friend initially helped him build it, making it extremely safe to be in and ride around as crazy as he can get. knowing his biker friends, sometimes it really could get crazy in there. 
It became somewhat of a ritual to have cage meets at his house every last friday of the month, where all his friends and acquaintances would come and try out the cage. Sometimes they’d have their girlfriends stand in the middle, building on the anticipation of driving around them. Jake didn’t understand that; wanting someone to stand in a potentially dangerous setting for a couple minutes. Maybe because he saw himself as a lone wolf, him and his bike. How it was supposed to be. 
Sure, he’d see someone now and then but it was purely to let out everything that was bottled in, needing some release sometimes. 
As he were riding home, he thought about all the preparation for tonight’s meet. Had he ordered the keg? Yes. Did he get enough wood for the bonfire? Yep. He tended to worry for nothing, knowing his organized self; it was truly out of habit to worry over little things. 
Jake turned off the bike in his garage, making sure she was nice and safe inside. Naming her the beloved was something dear to him; his friends all giving their bikes something corny or sexy as they said, like “kitty” or “princess”. 
But the beloved was not just some sexy bike, she made him feel things, power. And she was much more special to him than just a method of transportation. As he started caressing her with the clean soapy rag, his phone interrupted his music and began ringing. 
“Jake?” it was Jeremy, his best friend. 
“Dude… I’m so sorry but I can’t make it tonight.” Jake groaned, the meets were never the same without Jeremy. 
“Why? What’s up?” He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as he closed his eyes for a second- waiting on his dumb excuse. 
“My parents want me to go meet this mechanic professor because my name was brought up somehow during my dad’s company dinner. I don’t know.. they really want me to go” He explained. Jake paused for a second before responding. 
“That sounds like a great opportunity, Jere. Don’t feel bad, just don’t miss next month’s meet, yeah?” He smiled softly as he waited for his response. 
“Of course, dude. I promise.” He replied, saying bye and hanging up. 
Jake sighed as his music played once the call was over, washing his bike with intense care. Before he could even notice the time passing, people were already showing up to his house. Thankful to be living on a secluded area with a large piece of land, there were no neighbors to be bothered by. 
As time flew by, people began showing up to your house, gathering in your back yard. The kegs were set up, the string lights were plugged in, and of course; the cage was set up. There was a row of bikes neatly parked by the side of your house, awaiting for their turn. Though you always went first, no matter what. You passed by your acquaintances and friends, greeting them with a big smile and telling them to help themselves to the keg or drinks inside. 
The bonfire was burning bright, illuminating your surroundings with a beautiful golden glow. 
You passed by your garage to get the beloved, her cherry red color standing out to you, making your heart race. You took her off her stand and brought her to the door of the garage, someone stopping you in your tracks. 
Jeremy’s sister. 
She was only a year younger than the both of you and even though it wasn't much of a time difference, Jeremy did not want her at your house especially during cage meets. Though there she was, looking up at you with a smirk as she leaned on the side of the door. 
“What are you doing here?” You pushed the bike stand down with your foot, resting your arm on the bike. 
“Brother’s out of town. Thought I’d be in the clear for a free show.” She spoke, crossing her arms. 
“You know you can’t, Jere wouldn’t want you here.” You state. 
“Yeah? Who’s gonna tell him?” she countered. You stood back a little in shock. 
“I will. You know how protective he is.” You sigh, looking down at the bike and then back at her. 
“Let’s make a bet, Kiszka.” You open your mouth to disagree but she continues talking. “If I can make one round in the cage with you, you can take me home. If I fail, you tell Jeremy and I’ll deal with him.” She says, confidently. You’re taken aback a little, her confidence roaming around the tight space of your garage. 
She’s always been around, even when you and Jere were younger. You’d always done your best to ignore her even though she was a hell of a tease, and now that he was away you saw it as your chance. 
“You know what? Fine. Let’s see you fail, darlin’.” You smirk, kicking the stand up and walking towards the cage with the beloved, her following you. 
As you arrived to the cage, you settled the bike inside, Y/N following you in. She stood on the red X on the floor, the old tape used as a marking for where people would get their partners to stand. She looked at you with a smirk, though you could see a slight shimmer in her eye. You knew she trusted you, but you were up for a challenge. 
You watched as she took her jacket off, throwing it outside of the cage, it landed on the ground. You zipped up your leather jacket, tucking your necklace inside your neckline. You gave her one good look before putting your helmet on, pulling down the eye mask. 
You could hear the metal gate close, locked shut. The voices cheering on the outside, the music playing faintly in the background. All these distractions but she was the only thing you could focus on. She wore a tight black longsleeve satin dress with some black combat boots, she looked fucking amazing. It just excited you even more. 
You could hear her sucking in a breath as you straddled the beloved, your hand on the handles. You turn her on and roar the engine, the adrenaline moving through you. You kick up the stand and begin circling her across the cage, slowly moving higher and higher as you increase the speed, taking your time with it. 
Once you feel stable enough, you take your right hand off the handle, and begin dragging it gently across her shoulder, increasing the speed of your bike, revving the engine even louder as you watch her jump a little, but you can tell your touch helps her nerves. You bite your bottom lip to contain your smirk- unsuccessfully. Your hand caresses her shoulders, her stomach, her chest slightly. She closes her eyes and smiles in content, which makes you go even faster. Her eyes open once again and you can feel them on you. Ten seconds left of your time in the cage, your hand drags against her whole body, god she feels amazing. 
You hear the loud horn that alarms you the minute is over, and you slow down, to a stop. Your hair is stuck to your forehead by the time you take your helmet off, but all you can focus on is the way she’s smiling at you, how beautiful she looks, how wonderful that dress fits her. 
“So? You gonna tell him?” She smirks, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. 
“I think I can keep a lil secret..” You sigh, smiling down at her. 
The two of you walked over to your driveway with the beloved. You had borrowed an extra helmet off a friend since you didn’t own another one. You knew where she lived, and it wasn’t far, but you were more worried about if you’d be able to contain yourself from not kissing her, the way she affected you was something you never felt before. 
You straddled the bike once again as she put her helmet on. “I’m going to hold my hand out so it’s easier for you to get on, you’ll need to hold on tightly because I’m going to be going pretty fast.” You said, holding your hand out. She took it and climbed over the bike, settling herself closely behind you. 
“Like that?” She asked. You smirked behind your helmet. 
“Closer, love. Wouldn’t want you sliding off..” You smiled. She scooted closer and you could feel her chest against your back, it made your heart flutter. Your hands made their way to the handles as you turned on the bike once more, beginning your journey to her house. 
As the wind drifted through the hair sticking out your helmet, your hand drifted to her thigh, caressing it a little. You felt her arms tighten around your waist, and her fingers slowly make their way to the hem of your jacket. You sucked in a breath, trying to focus on the road. Her hands slid underneath your jacket, underneath your shirt, until she caressed your chest gently. You wondered if she could feel your heartbeat, she probably could.. It was beating so fast. You let out a shaky breath and told yourself you’d be at her house soon. 
Parked. Finally, you kicked down the stand. She removed her hands from your shirt, and hopped off the bike. You also got off and removed your helmet, resting your ass on the seat of the bike as you faced her. She removed her helmet and shook her head a little, to let her hair loose. She nearly took your breath away, the beauty taking over. 
“Thanks for the ride.” She smiled, handing the helmet over to you. 
“Thanks for the massage.” You smirked. 
“Anytime” She said, stepping closer. You looked down at her, a slight shimmer in the reflection of her dark orbs. “I like riding with you,” She paused, leaning in. “It’s so…” She paused once more, her lips so close to yours. “Intimate.. Isn’t it?” She said. 
You nodded, your lips parted a little. 
“Are you going to kiss me goodnight, Kiszka?” She said, and you didn’t reply. You kissed her gently, her lips soft like satin, you could drown in them. She was so soft, like honey, a warmth you didn’t know you needed until right now. She pulled away so gently, almost as if she was afraid it would hurt you. 
“Goodnight.. See you at your next meet..” She smiled, waving a little before going inside her house, leaving you speechless.
@sarakay-gvf @positivegvfthings @brokenbells11 @krystalm98 @shutupdevvie @jordierama @​​maddie-van-fleet @writingcold @gretavanfleas @jakes-eyebrows @spark-my-nature @lek-gvf @rad-space-princess @joshkiszkatoothgap @hippievanfleet @objectsinspvce @gvfficrecs @ageoffleeet @welllauragvf @weightofstar  @groupiegirlie08 @fwzco @nicoleghost18 @andromeda-raine-gvf @sarrrahhh @ren-ni  @zoe-tally06 @hellowgoodbye @aminaalilyy @spinthehemmo @hippievanfleet @streamofgvf @ohgodthefeeling-gvf @gvfpal @gvfmarge @jakeygvf21 @Timeless—classics @mackalah  @myleftsock @bubblyjake @valvebone @lexii-nv-c @mp0801 @girldonttryme @risingwiththeheatabove @fakeplastiqtree  @beckahvanfleet }
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world-of-aus · 2 years ago
Live Now
Pairing: Camboy!Bucky x Camgirl!Reader
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI (Male masturbation)
Authors Note: I am so sorry for the delay on this one, but this past week was my return to work with inservices, meetings, and a staff workday Friday. I hope this chapter is up to everyone expectations, as always happy readings Buns.
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“Siren, sweetheart when I imagined you making things hard for me I was imagining something different.”
You bite down on the grin that threatens to kiss your lips, schooling your features as you take in the man on the screen. There’s almost too much of him for that all to tiny screen of yours, you can’t place where your eyes want to land next. What part of him you want to drink in next.
“Fully clothed and I already have you looking dazed, can you imagine the day I have you under me?” your eyes snap to his grainy ones, narrowing as you give him an unamused look. “Someone’s cocky, I could just boot you, you know.”
The low chuckle that resonates from your laptop’s speaker has you clenching your thighs together. You’d never been more glad that they weren’t visible to the brunette. “You could, but would you want to?”
You raise a brow, “you think I won’t?”
You suck down a breath watching as he takes purchase on his thighs, biceps flexing as he leans in, “I know for a fact you won’t, now you under me what do you say?”
You mirror his posture, “I say, next time ask me nicer B.” He doesn’t have time to question your words before your booting him from the chat, his image leaving with a soft whoosh. Your phone goes off next to you, a notification from your website.
You unlock your phone your laughter bubbling up into the air of your room.
You’re being bratty tonight siren.
You could have just been a good girl and used your words. Do you not want to be under me?
He’s right, you are feeling bratty, have been bratty since the night he confronted you about your set with Pietro. That night had also been the beginning of a back and forth friendship of sorts, you loved and hated it all the same.
As much as I would LOVE to run my mouth all over that body of yours I fear I’m not going to be able to handle you 🥲
Laugh it up sweetheart I’ll have tears running down your face in due time.
You bite your lip, thumbs running over your words.
You promise?
You leave him with that jumping over to the notifications that sit in your inbox from your sets. Many of the comments were wondering the same as the man in your messages. When were you going to collaborate with buckmeup.
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You knew the questions would be flooding your notifications the night you had released the set with Pietro, many of buckmeups fan’s in your live that evening to see what type of thank you, you had for them. They didn’t sign off that night disappointed, if anything you had fueled their desire to see you with the male cammer further.Your live and sets that evening had reached buckmeup as well, his name popping up in your inbox an hour after your live had ended. He had been sincere with you from the first message that night, immediately apologizing for his previous comment making you feel some type of way.
I’ve gotta apologize sweetheart, for my comment, thought I was being playful but I can see where it might have been misconstrued, just didn’t want to get tangled with you when I already had previous commitment with someone else. I wanted to be entirely free to you when the time came, you deserve that.
You remember the sheer panic that encompassed you when he liked your photoset, but it didn’t compare to when his message came in. You had tried to play it off, even going as far as to throw in a teasing line about him not sending his fans to you.
Maybe you should have left the comment about his live out.
You watched my live?
You had laughed the comment off sayin;
And what if I did? You telling me you never watched another cammer before?
His answer was an obvious yes, it’s how he chose the female cammers to collaborate with. It’s how he found you.
His comment that followed after surprised you,
Awe shit sweetheart that must have stung, me making my comment then you seeing that.
You had been taken back to say the least, you weren’t expecting anything from him, much less this, an apology. You didn’t know what to say. So he spoke for you.
Let me make it up to you.
Since that night you had come to learn that B as you had taken to calling him these past weeks could beg you real nice when he wanted, it was a surprise you had lasted this long. He was making it very hard recently inviting you to private chat rooms to speak with you and you alone. No wandering eyes hiding behind the screen of a laptop, no comments popping up wanting more.
You had never met a man more resilient and charming like B, then again how many men had you come across that did sex work as their job?
The answer?
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A chime from your laptop is bringing you too, your eyes flicking over to message notification. You can’t help but laugh, ‘speak of the devil,’ you murmur clicking on your direct messages with buckmeup. It opens, a link to a private chat waiting for you, your brows furrow but you don’t hesitate to press the link.
A black screen takes over, a baited breath passes and he’s filling up your screen. An amused smile pulls at your lips, “you didn’t invite me just to boot me did you?”
“Now why would I do that?” he grins.
You raise a brow, “what do you want?” He laughs huskily, “why do you assume I want anything?”
You examine him for a moment, a chime goes off realization hitting, “are you?” the rest of your question freezes along your tongue. This is the first time you think you see guilt flash across his features.
He rubs at the stubble along his chin, “was gonna ask for help this evening but you booted me before I could ask, thought we could start slow, give you just enough to have you wanting more, what do you say?” It falls silent between the two of you, but neither looks away, the soft chime ringing in the background the only noise coming from your speakers.
Maybe your time had finally run out. You couldn’t avoid it forever, and this was your chance to build your following.
You bite.
You catch the wolfish grin that pulls at his lips when you get yourself comfortable. “You going to make my time worth my while? You know what I’m capable of.”
He chuckles leaning back onto his pillows, the hand you’ve imagined many nights wrapped around your throat coming into view. He trails it down to the lining of your favorite grey joggers on him, “something tells me you’ve seen just how good I can be sweetheart, not even going to think twice of clicking out." His gaze flickers off to the side, "Don’t worry guys, she’s not going anywhere.”
You laugh, “for now," you lean back agains the wooden frame of your bed, "you going to show me a good time B?"
You shouldn’t have been surprised, true to his word you hadn’t thought of exiting once since he began. You were in trance, and you were wet, thighs clenched aching for some kind of friction, anything to aide with the heat coursing through you due to the sight before you.
You had never wanted your lips wrapped around a cock more than you did now.
“Whats wrong siren?” he coos breathlessly, “that pretty pussy of yours aching for a touch?” You want to smack the grin off his plush lips, “touch yourself baby, fuck yourself on your fingers for me.”
Your hand comes into his view fingers swaying, “wouldn't feel as good as yours,” you pout, “I wanna feel full.”
He throws his head back in a low groan, fist going over his cock a little quicker now, “let me in siren,” he grunts fucking up into his fist, “I’ll fill you up just like you need, all you’ve got to do is let me in.”
You find the thought laughable because he was already in, you agreeing to this was that wall finally crumbling down.
He watches your hand fall onto your clothed chest, fingers dancing down your torso, "that's it baby, keep going," he breathes. Your teeth catch on your lower lip, fingers drawing closer to the tops of your silk bottoms. "Touch your pussy for me."
The walls crumbles to ash your teeth sink lower into your lip, your fingers dipping beneath the waistband till they're going over the curls covering your mound parting your slick folds. The hold your teeth have loosens, your lip dropping on a silent gasp, “that's my girl,” he husks, eyes locked on you.
Your touch is feather light, a low whine bubbling in your chest as you test the waters. "Don't be shy, touch yourself, make yourself feel good." Listening to his words your eyes leave his darkened ones trailing down his exposed stomach to where his hand is wrapped around his hardened length low grunts spilling from his lips as he works himself over. 
You dip your fingers a little further collecting slick as you drag back up to circle your clit, finding the spot that makes jolts of pleasure course through you. Pressing a little harder, working your finger a little quicker, your breath catches in your throat.
A breathy moan is sounding from your laptops speakers, in the form of your screen name, the sinful things you would do to hear that again.
"Feels so good B," you breathe, your body trembling as you work your fingers faster trying to match his pace.
“Fuck siren, being so good for me, a good girl aren't you?” he groans as he watches you pleasure yourself, his hands gripping himself a little tighter, pumping a little harder to what he imagines is the swivel of your finger beneath your silky night shorts. Your eyes slip shut, head thunking against your wooden headboard as you let the sound of him consume you. You’re close to the edge, the broken moans, and low grunts of your screen name have your head reeling, fingers circling faster. It’s not enough, the need to feel him growing strong, your hand itching to wrap around his hardened length. 
“Talk to me Siren, tell me what you need?" he grunts. 
“I need you” you moan, “want you here with me, want you to fill me up, want to be so full of you.” you whine. 
His mouth is dipped open in a low moan, eyes hooded over in lust, and you can’t bring yourself to look away. “I know sweetheart, I know, but you're being so good for me Siren, you're such a good girl.” he murmurs.
Your fingers match the rhythm in which he pumps at his cock, "I'd be so good, such a good girl for you," you moan, biting back the 'only girl'.
"I know baby I know, now why don't you let me see just how good it can be, let go for me."
You’re right on the edge, toes over the cliff and the thing to send you over is the growl of your name falling from his lips, his warmth coating his abdomen, spilling over his fist.  The first wave hits, your orgasm washing over you as your toes curl, finger stilling over your clit, a low moan spills from your lips, “That's it sweet girl, ride it out for me.”
You groan as you come down from the pleasure, a giggle slipping past your lips as you pull your fingers from your shorts. You slip lower into your sheets watching as Bucky shifts around on the screen cleaning himself up. He slips up his jogger composing himself before he begins his signoff. It goes like it does every night, with a promise to see them tomorrow. He signs off with a final wave, a swish sounding before his attention is focused solely on you, and you alone.
He gets comfortable against his headboard, "you feeling alright there Siren?"
You chuckle, "a little dissatisfied, but nothing my little vibe can't fix later tonight."
"A free show for a free show." he teases.
He's drawing another laugh from you, "I'll make sure to invite you to a private chat tomorrow, give you a free show and get my coin."
He chuckles the sound going throw you, "thank you for tonight by the way, I'm sure it wasn't ideal me throwing it on you like this - but I was running out of choices."
"Told you, you just needed to ask me nicely, I would have eventually said yes."
Your eyes track the way he runs his tongue over his lower lip, teeth catching, "thank you for giving me a chance."
"You keep it up and you'll be making due on your promises in no time B."
He grins, "I look forward to is Siren." The two of you bid one another a farewell, a promise on your lips to see him tomorrow before he's signing off, your screen going back to your website.
You go through some of the new notifications that popped in, setting up your new sets to upload before you're signing off for the night, laptop snapping shut as you push it off to the side. Slipping from your bed you grab your phone, night robe, and night ware intent on a warm shower before you call it a night. Making your way into you bathroom you set your things down on the counter picking up your phone to set some music.
Your search for music comes to a pause, a notification from cashapp vibrating across your screen. Brows furrowed you click the notification.
'Bucky Barnes' has sent you $500.
For a second you worry that someone has mistakenly sent you a large amount of money but as your gaze drifts further down the message that follows has your heart swooping in your chest.
"Thank you again for tonight Siren, hope you didn't think I was the only one making coin tonight, this is for you - buckmeup"
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regalvoid · 3 months ago
Let's begin the second list of my Bi-Annual New Manga Recommendations
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First on our list is Get Away, Matsumoto! -100 days escape-: or as I like to call it, the combination Sports and Death Game Manga. After being framed for a murder, former competitive cyclist Matsumoto is now a fugitive on the run. The real killer promises to confess if Matsumoto can survive 100 days while following various rules and completing challenges along the way. Characters are very well written and the emotional storytelling is great. Matsumoto's catchphrase is Zoom Zoom which I love and say often. Action scene are phenomenally depicted. Its a manga I sprint to as soon as it's released. Currently at 16 chapters and comes out Fridays on Jump+
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If you are looking for a wholesome goofy read, check out Taro Miyao Becomes A Cat Parent?!: Author Taro Miyao is gifted a cat. Initially hesitant but quickly falls in love with the little beast and begins to form the perfect "kingdom" for Niccolo (the cat) to thrive. Lots of reoccurring gags and quirky characters. Niccolo is drawn very cute (except for when he's going to the bathroom then hes depicted deadly serious) If you are a cat owner, you will likely have a good time with this one. Currently at 27 chapters and comes out Thursdays
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DRUNK BULLET is set in prohibition era America. Soldier Gary got himself through WWI by looking forward to having a nice stiff drink when he returned only to find out, uh-oh no more alcohol. His search for his drink of choice ends up with him gaining a rag-tag group of misfits that travel across the US to try as many different forms of alcohol as they can find. 1920's US is an uncommon setting for a manga which is nice change of pace. The characters are all quirky and lovable. IMO the story is just the right amount of stupid for it to be fun but not too lighthearted as to take away the drama. Historical people also show up from time-to-time making me look up every character that is introduced. Currently at 22 chapters, check it out on Saturdays
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Next up is Monocrhome Days: Child Art Prodigy turned Exceptional Office Worker, Hanaichi Fudo is roped into doing the backgrounds for his coworkers manga. He begins to fall back in love with his former passion as the two begin weaving a masterpiece. The characters are written great and are very expressive, I personally love the odd, unique way the mangaka draws faces. The art itself is okay but the mangaka goes all out on the backgrounds the protag draws, they are stunning. Only 9 chapters as of writing, but I am already incredibly invested in their journey, check it out on Saturday
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The last and most recent manga I'll recommend is Syd Craft: Love Is A Mystery: Raised to follow of the family legacy of being a great detective, Syd Craft is at the top of his game and puts on a very serious professional act. Unfortunately he hates being a detective and would much rather be reading a romance story and falling in love, but mysteries keep popping up where ever he goes. The art is very cute. The contrast between Syd's detective persona and his inner monologue is refreshing. The story only has 5 chapters but it has a lot of potential. It's out on Sundays.
These are just the five series debuting within the last six months I like the most. If you want more recommendations feel free to let me know : )
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