#no matter how little screentime
frobby · 8 months
every single person in the haikyuu fandom has an unimportant fave
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mylordshesacactus · 5 months
I don't think I'll ever be over the way that the thesis statement of OWK is represented, more than anything else, even more than Reva's plotline honestly, in Haja.
Genuinely? The one "twist" I wasn't emotionally prepared for was that Haja was legit, and he really was trying to help, and there really was a massive grassroots shadow-network underground railroad evacuating Jedi survivors and Force-sensitive kids across the galaxy, and he really was part of it.
Because the thing with his whole setup--the magnet tricks, the motion-controlled windows, the cold-reading, the crowd-working kid identifying obvious offworld marks, the "audience plant" stormtrooper playing along over the comm? Yeah, they're cheap tricks, but it's a SOPHISTICATED setup.
This guy is a straight-up conman. He really is every bit the sleazy grifter he appears to be.
That matters. That's important. Haja is not an angel. He's a mid-level fake psychic, callously cashing in on the Jedi's legacy to do, like, bullshit fortune-telling. It's--it's the way you can see this guy's whole backstory in a few minutes of screentime. Because we DO see him identify a Force-sensitive kid....and the escape he offers them is genuine.
So: Haja. And the story we can see in him at a glance.
He's a scam artist! He's dressing in knockoff porn-vid robes, waving his hands, and babbling half-remembered vague tropes before murmuring generic platitudes and sending rubes on their way. The Jedi are dead, right? It's not like they're around to be offended. He's not even really lying, right? He gets people what they want! The Jedi stuff just lets him upcharge! He's just skimming a little, a man's gotta make a living.
And then, one day, someone came to him who'd used all their hope just getting there. Someone with a Force-sensitive child, and the Empire on their heels, stumbled terrified into his little den of cheap tricks, because they'd heard a whisper of a rumor that there was still a Jedi alive on Daiyu.
And in that moment, Haja learned that he was a better person than he'd ever realized.
They must have staked everything on reaching him, and then they found him, and what they found was...Haja. Just some guy in a cheap costume. Just some guy, and not a particularly great one. How much is the bounty on a Force-sensitive youngling? Enough to retire on. Enough to set you up for life. And Haja is just some guy, who had just been slapped in the face with the reality of what he was capable of doing in the next five minutes.
There are moments when you learn who you really are, and sometimes you surprise yourself.
After all that time "acting like a Jedi," when given the opportunity--he chose to act like a Jedi.
Ultimately, the thesis statement of OWK is: There is a galaxy full of Hajas. And that's hope enough to keep going for.
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headcanonenthusiast · 9 months
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König NSFW headcanons
It was certainly a close call on the last poll, but König won! So, as promised, here are some NSFW headcanons of this absolute behemoth of a man 😎
I also like König, personally, but it will never not be hilarious to me that this dude doesn't have nearly as much screentime, development, and well, almost everything compared to other characters like Price or Ghost yet SKYROCKETED to popularity while the other members of KorTac are ignored 😭 Ppl like what they like ig.
(I completely understand that this type of content is not everyone's cup of tea, and that's ok! But, please scroll and ignore if this type of content isn't your thing as opposed to leaving any sort of negative comments.)
NSFW under the cut.
-He's quite obviously noticed by now that he's tall as fuck.
-And the cocky bastard 100% uses that to his advantage.
-Will back you up against anything and trap you there. The wall, a countertop, a corner, anywhere and everywhere he can trap you with his body.
-Now, how him trapping you plays out depends on how you act.
-If you're more playful and disobedient? He's a lot more rough, more demanding, more determined to pin you down and take what he wants.
-"Are you going to do what I say? Or are you going to keep acting like a fucking slut?"
-But if you're more inclined to submit to him, he's the exact opposite. He treats you so delicately, as if you were an expensive vase he doesn't want to break.
-"Oh, I'm sorry, meine liebe. Did I startle you? I didn't mean to."
-Then he's gently pulling you into his chest as his giant hands roam your body.
-Major size kink. The shorter you are compared to him = the gentler he is. Just feel like he doesn't have the heart to be too harsh on you if the height difference is more drastic.
-"No, no, no. I'm not doing that to you, meine liebe."
-His hands run all over your body in a gentle manner, practically cooing and begging at you to change your request. He's too anxious about hurting you if you're much shorter.
-"I don't think you could take it, schatz. You're so much smaller than me, there's no way it won't hurt for you."
-Does love hearing you beg, though. So if you ask really nicely, and repeat your chosen safeword like 50 times, and give him more time to prep you, he might give in.
-"Fine, fine. But, you tell me the moment it hurts, ja? Ja, good. Good girl/boy."
-The way he acts is honestly so dependant on how his partner acts, although he almost always insists on being dominate. That's set in stone.
-But as much as he insists on being on top, he won't be too rough unless you have consented beforehand and act like more of a brat.
-So focused on your eyes at all times, not just when he's pounding you.
-"What? Why are you eyeing me like that?"
-And then when you beg for sex, he'll chuckle with his arms crossed, an amused smirk on his face.
-"Oh, that's why. Alright, fine. I'll give you what you want."
-Does make you beg no matter how you act, though.
-"If, and only if, you ask nicely."
-And if you refuse? May God have mercy on you, because König certainly won't.
-"And just who the hell are you to speak to me that way, huh? When did you become such a brat?"
-Narrows his eyes and is absolutely appaled when you swear at him. Like, hand to his chest, overly dramatic ass expression on his face as if you've actually hurt his feelings and this isn't all consensual.
-"Fine, then I'll just find a better use for that filthy little mouth of yours."
-A huge sucker (no pun intended) for blowjobs.
-If you're someone who likes it rougher and prefers being a brat, he's gonna go a bit harsher on your throat. He gives you a long af lecture for no reason, ranting while his giant fingers dig into your hair.
-"Why do you make things so difficult, liebling? Why?"
-Big fan of fucking you dumb. Prays that he's able to basically turn your mind to mush everytime. And when he does, his ego skyrockets.
-"It must be because you're such a little slut for me. Is that right? Habe ich damit recht, liebling? Was für eine Schlampe du für mich bist."
-But, if you give him a blowjob and are listening to him, it'd go something more like this.
-"You don't have to take it all at once, schatz. It's too much for you."
-"Careful, darling. Don't choke on my cock, now. Don't make your throat sore."
-And he's gently rubbing the back of your head, content hums and moans falling from his lips as he admires you sucking his cock.
-5 inches soft, 7 inches hard and you already know it's fat asf (lord have MERCY 😶)
-Carries you around a lot. Will gladly fuck you with you in his arms if you let him.
-Always grabbing onto your hips, thighs, and even your belly if you're chubbier. He just needs a partner he can grab onto while having sex.
-Really likes to tap the tip of his cock against your clit/dick/ass. Smiles if it makes you twitch a little.
-Praises your pussy/ass constantly for how tight it is.
-"Fuck, this pussy/ass is so tight. Feels so good.."
-And it's either he's cumming super deep inside of you, or he's pulling out at the last minute to paint your pussy lips/ass cheeks with his cum.
-Always enjoys seeing the finished product afterwards, whether it's inside or on you.
-And if you're chubbier? He wants to cum on that belly. In fact, he will. There's barely anything to stop him (besides you using your safeword, ofc) from cumming on your belly.
-"There we go, my perfect little liebling. You look so pretty/handsome painted in my cum."
-He also seems to count eating you out/sucking you off as aftercare. He'll gladly, and very gently, use his mouth on you so you can cum again.
-Then for the actual aftercare, it's fairly simple. He doesn't talk much, just wanting to pass out, but he'll put your head on his chest, a hand on your back with light kisses pressed to your scalp. He allows himself to become your bed as you both drift off.
-And don't worry if you'd prefer more talking for doing so well for him, he'll be sure to properly praise you tomorrow. The entire morning after sex, he's doting upon your every whim, ensuring that he didn't hurt you at all.
Translations: mein/meine = my
Liebling = darling
Schatz = treasure/sweetheart
Liebe = love
Habe ich damit recht, liebling? Was für eine Schlampe du für mich bist. = Am I right about that, darling? What a slut you are for me.
Yall I wrote this while half asleep, I'm so sorry if there's any spelling mistakes 😭
I also had fun with this. I love König just as much as the next basic König lover who's only ever heard of him from tiktok, but I cannot take him 100% seriously, as terrifying as he is 😭 its probably bc of his voice ngl.
Anyways, Ghost is up next! Hope you enjoyed.
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homielander · 2 months
victoria's death made me... so sad? it was so abrupt and anticlimactic that i actually skipped back to watch it again because i could not believe that was it??? we didn't even get a lingering look of horror as she realized what was about to happen? what...
i feel like her relationships with stan and homelander and hughie were so underexplored (literally the only reason this close friendship between her and hughie played well at all is because the actors have excellent chemistry, there wasn't much groundwork in the writing itself). and i would have loved to see more of her and zoe, too. incredibly compelling backstory and dynamics all played by a very charismatic actor but i wish she had been fleshed out more, particularly in lieu of multiple members of the boys essentially just repeating arcs from prior seasons and gobbling up already-limited screentime. (write something original or relegate them to background roles, i don't care!!!)
anyway, very very very upset that this is how it ends for her. i wish her death had packed more of an emotional punch because the material was certainly there. there was so little opportunity for her death or the tragedy of her life to sink in. it sucked! (zoe ending up at red river was a good inclusion, though)
it is also not lost on me that this finale killed off two women -- mallory and victoria -- solely to mark two male characters' turns to darkness. i'm not against this in principle but this show has an annoying habit of killing off female characters in pretty poor taste, i think. these did not feel like worthy conclusions to their own arcs.
mallory's death could have worked if not for the lack of meaningful interaction between her and ryan last season. it makes a lot of sense that ryan restored purpose in her life after the death of her grandchildren! why didn't we get any hints of that in s3 though🤔 and why was she so bad at delivering this news to ryan when she already manipulated butcher with the same subject matter very tactfully and effectively??? not thrilled that this is how a first-season character goes out.
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mailka · 3 months
The thing about Aemond this season is that the show can't make me care about him or his motivation. And it's not because I think the ideas the show presents are bad it's because the execution of these ideas is atrocious.
Why does the show (and the fandom) need to coddle Aemond? His actions caused the death of two of his nephews (directly or indirectly)*, he committed kinslaying which is one of the worst crimes you can ever commit in Westeros, which fucked TG cause much more than the execution of a dozen nobodies ever could and it made any sort of peace talks impossible.
But the show refuses to hold him accountable. The only one that voices their displeasure is Alicent and even that happens in passing. Otto gives that stupid speech about how Aegon is the one that fucked up but outright tells Aemond "I understand", Aegon (or Helaena) is not allowed to snap at Aemond about B&C (instead the brothel scene presents it as "Aegon bad, poor Aemond uwu") and we hear no-one beside TB care about Lucerys murder.
And instead we have Aemond presented as that "poor little meow meow" and will have him commit fratricide because Aegon bad. Why? Why not have Aemond, who is established in s1 to believe himself to be better than his brother (or anyone else for that matter), to struggle with the idea that he fucked up and fucked up bad? Why not have him to go out of his way to blame everyone around him and try to justify his actions (like Daemon)? Why not have him have a fallout with Aegon because of B&C? Why not have his actions be the reason why so many houses (in the Reach in particular) side with Rhaenyra or remain neutral? Why not have Otto blame him for why Aegon's support (which Otto spent 20 years on gathering) is diminishing?
IMO, his Rooks Rest action should be about him trying to prove himself to still be better than his brother and when Aegon shows up that makes Aemond angry and make stupid decisions like use dragonfire on both Meleys and Sunfyre, not because he deliberately wants to kill his brother but because he doesn't care if Aegon is hurt or not because it was supposed to be about him and him only.
And then they go back to KL and it's not a victory like he wanted it to be but also yet another fuck up, because TG now has only one useful dragon and Aegon is almost dead and the succession and stability are messed up and people are talking about him being kinslayer and even kingslayer and that makes him spiral even more.
But we don't have that, he has like 6 minutes of screentime that are spent in the brothel and minimum amount of time is spent on establishing his relationship with his family. And I honestly don't care about his struggles. Maybe the second part of the season makes me change my stance but so far he's pretty disappointing.
*yes, B&C is the fault of Daemon/Mysarya and B&C themselves but Aemond basically gave him carte blanche.
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susieandhobbes · 3 months
The SydCarmy backlash is so Boring
It's many other things besides, but primarily, it's so fucking BORING.
There's a very specific kind of irrational anger that comes with ships featuring a Black women x a leading white boy of the month and every sorry excuse for why it's definitely not racist is so played out
"What's wrong with a platonic friendship between men and women?! We need more non-romantic representation"
"There just isn't any chemistry"
"I just think she's too good for him actually. She's so strong/independent/amazing, she deserves better"
mhm if you say so
"What if she/he were gay instead? I think this would be a great time for more LGBT rep :)"
Yep, convenient
"It's definitely not a race thing because I ship her with this white person!" (A side character who is either a derivative of the lead, poorly written, or has minimal screentime)
Oh indeed
"I ship her with this Black person!" (Often times the only other Black person in the show or movie, no matter how little they interact or how little interest she has in him, in a violent case of "pair the spares")
I can pick any popular swirl ship dating back to fucking 10 and Martha in 2007 and find 50-11 variations of the same excuses. Truly, I'd rather y'all just say you don't want Black women's hands on your fav white men but I'm pretty sure like 85-95% of the people aren't even self-aware enough to realize that that is their issue. So until then, can we at least switch up the damn script?
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cherryheairt · 26 days
Hi :)
I’ve had this headcanon for a while where thranduil, upon falling in love again, makes it quite obvious he feels strongly about reader but won’t push physical limits of affection quite yet. Due to him having been married before he wants to be sure the Gods approve of him falling in love/marrying again as to not cause ill intend to fall upon reader because of him not being in control of his carnal desires. Reader is oblivious to this and pushes/teases him relentlessly.
Might end in smut upon him knowing reader is safe and he may pursue them fully or just him saying fuck it I see no god but me down here lol
Or just might end in him teasing back big time n leaving reader high and dry (but maybe with an explanation lol we love some open communication ✨)
Thank you! And feel free to mix it up and or change ending I’d just love to see a take on this 🙂‍↕️
hello! I'm so sorry that its been forever since you submitted this. thranduil is a character that we only ever got to see in super serious king mode, and had little screentime at that so I wanted to think through his personality a lot. might be ooc
I personally don't know how to write smut, so I didn't include it. I hope that's okay.
The character will be named Myria (meer-rhea), but have no skin color, body shape, hair color, etc description. She is eleven though, if that matters.
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The Gods had long since forsaken Thranduil. After he lost his wife, Legolas' mother, the world seemed to darken along with his own attitude. He changed, and everyone in Middle Earth knew it. Legolas never grew up to know the kind and magnanimous person his father was before his late wife's death.
To him, and the world, Thranduil was a stoic and unforgiving King.
To all, perhaps, except Myria. Myria had been born not too long after Thranduil—in Rivendell. Though the two never met until well into adulthood, Myria liked to say that they hit it off well. Thranduil would never admit the same out loud.
Myria moved from Rivendell to Mirkwood for her studies, thanks to her friend Elrond's advisory, and had since lived there for thousands of years. Youthful as ever, Myria made it her unofficial duty to occupy the King of Murkwood's free time.
She had even befriended his only son, Legolas, despite their age gap. The young elf was approaching 3000 years old soon, and he swore that he was more mature than the she-elf that graced their halls.
Myria didn't mind the head shakes or comments from royal advisors, telling her to mind herself around their King. Thranduil had long grown used to it, anyway.
Myria made her way to his royal chambers, uncaring about her unpropriety with visiting without being called upon. This was their daily routine. Thranduil had his meetings before breakfast, then went back to his chambers to dine alone. Or, he would, if Myria wasn't always waiting right there at his table for him.
"What is for breakfast today, My King?" Myria asked jovially, perched upon one of his carved wooden chairs. Originally, there had only been one for himself, but he ordered a matching one to me made after the woman's incessant visits. Before there was a seat, she simply stood at the table. The thought bothered him, a tinging in the back of his mind telling him that she must be on the same level as him, at all times.
Thranduil's long flowing sleeves and cloaks followed behind him as he entered the room. "You ask this every day, Myr. And what is my answer every day?" He asks, though there is no bite to his words.
"That you 'do not know'. Quite amusing, the all-knowing King not knowing something so simple." She mused, scrunching her nose up at his tall frame.
He fought an amused eye roll, sitting in front of her. He poured himself a chalice of sweet red wine, sipping on it as he replied. "Simple, or trivial? I do not concern myself with such affairs, the food is brought to me and I eat it."
"Careful, Thranduil. That may one day get you poisoned." She mirrored his movements, having waited for him to start drinking.
"By whom? Yourself?" He chuckled darkly, amused at the prospect of such a thing. Mirkwood elves' loyalties ran deep, the chances of him dying suddenly from a cold where higher than dying of poison. "You are the only outsider residing here."
Myria 'hmphed' vehemently, lifting her nose at the accusation. "I hardly can be called an outsider these days. How long have I lived here? Four...five thousand years?"
"Five thousand, two hundred and thirty." He answered for her.
Shocked, she stared at him, mouth agape. "You know the exact year?"
"How could I not? That is the year when my life started to get ten times harder."
She snorted, shaking her head. "I disagree. I think it only got better."
Two servants entered the chambers, one plate in hand each. Platters were lifted to reveal the neatly presented food, a light breakfast of fruit and toasted bread.
Myria and Thranduil dug into it, a pleasent chatter filling the room. "What are your plans for today?" She asked him.
"Same as usual, final preparations for the Feast of Starlight. Though, there is a task I wanted to assign you–" Thranduil was interrupted by a guard rushing into the room. He lifted an unimpressed brow, staring the guard down for his brash action.
"Your majesty, a party of rogue Dwarves have been apprehended in the Mirkwood forest!" To this, Thranduil immediately stood and strided past the guard out of the chambers. Myria, struck by the news, eagerly followed in suite.
"You are not supposed to sit in on prisoners being interrogated, Myria." Thranduil told her sternly, knowing the sound of her light steps trailed behind his own heavy ones.
"When has that stopped me before?" She laughed. It had been a nearly a hundred years since she'd seen a dwarf, and much longer than that since one had been in the depths of the Elvenking's Halls. She was excited to see what brave adventurers had come, and survived the dark forest's curse.
Thranduil seated himself at the head of his lifted throne, elegant giant antlers rooting themselves out from behind the throne like a crown. The one perched on his head mirrored that, thick branches striking in contrast to his pure white hair. Myria took a moment to admire him from her spot at the base of the stairs. The guard next to her didn't even blink at her intrusion, knowing the relationship between the ward and the King was a complex one that even the elders didn't bother to deduce.
Myria stayed silent during the precedings, not moving an inch except to lean her head forward and inspect the Dwarves. The party was quite large, a whole gaggle of Dwarves were bravely setting off to reclaim Erebor's keep and defeat the dragon nested under it. The leader, Thorin, was quite handsome for a Dwarf, not that Myria would say so aloud. For all her teasings, that would surely be the tip of the iceburg for Thranduil's patience.
As the majority of the Dwarves were escorted to the dungeons, only Thorin was left in Thranduil's audience. She listened as Thranduil made his offer, then got rejected harshly by the Dwarven King. Screamed at, being told off by a life form deemed lesser than an Elf, Thranduil had enough. He sent the man away with a flick of his wrist.
As he slowly desended the steps after the dwarf 'king' was escorted away, Thranduil placed a hand on Myrias shoulder.
The cold rings on his hand raised goosebumps on the back of her neck and arms, shivering at the feeling. She cursed herself for wearing an off-shoulder dress, dressing herself for the nice weather that morning. If he noticed, Thranduil didn't say anything. But the tiny lift to the corners of his mouth said plenty. "Do not fraternize with the filth that dirties our halls."
Our halls. The brief words pleasently rung in the back of Myria's mind. She nodded. He knew her well, guessing that she would try to sneak into the dungeons during the feast to try to speak with the curious Dwarves.
He moved his hand down, resting it gently on the small of her back. "Let us go, the feast will not oversee itself."
Myria and Thranduil lounged in his chambers, simply biding time until the Feast of Starlight had begun. Admist muted chuckles and jests, mostly from Myria, Tauriel entered the room. "You called for me, My King?" She bowed shortly. "I have come to report to you." Tauriel glanced briefly towards Myria, nodding when she lifted a goblet towards her silvan friend.
"I thought I ordered that nest to be destroyed." Thranduil said, voice taut with frustration. The spiders had been plaguing their forest for years now, unrelenting.
"We cleared the forest as ordered, my Lord." The woman insisted. "But more spiders keep coming from nests in the South. If we could kill them at their source–"
"That fortress lies beyond our borders. Your orders are to keep our lands clear of those foul creatures. That is your task."
"And when we drive them off, what then? Will they not spread to other lands?" Ever the bleeding heart, Tauriel worried for other people.
"Other lands are not my concern." Thranduil said coldly. "The fortunes of this land will rise and fall. But here in this kingdom, we will endure." As had been the way for thousands of years. Thranduil insisted that Mirkwood keep to themselves, not needing or offering help from any others.
Tauriel nodded stiffly, excusing herself from the King's presence. Before she left, however, he spoke again. "Legolas said you fought well today. He has grown...fond of you."
She paused, thinking his words over carefully. "I assure you my Lord, Legolas thinks of me as no more than captain of the guard.
"Perhaps he did once. Now, I'm not so sure." Thranduil pushed.
"I did not think that you would allow your son to pledge himself toward a lowly silvan elf." She responded, voice slightly hopeful.
Myria leaned forward, too, curious of his answer. Would he allow his heir to love an elf with no royale blood?
"You are right, I would not." Thranduil chuckled humorlessly at the thought of it. Myria bit her tongue, hurt by the comment indirectly. She was no common-born Elf, sure, but had no royal blood to speak of either. She deflated in her seat, drinking down the rest of her wine. "Do not give him hope where there is none."
Is that what Thranduil had been doing for Myria, merely giving her hope? Slivers of special attention, with no intentions of truly loving her. She stood from her seat, leaving the chambers without a word.
Tauriel, too, left quickly after that.
Thranduil stood alone in his chambers, looking at the spot where Myria had once been.
The feast came and passed quickly, Myria in no mood to sing or dance like she usual did at such events. She attended for the sake of politeness, leaving when she had greeted enough people for the night.
She spend the rest of it wallowing in her chambers.
Word got out that the entire party of Dwarves escaped, and Myria silently applauded them for their boldness. She hoped, for their sake, that they were successful in freeing their home.
Days passed, and news of Smaug's death had spread to every corner of Middle Earth. Thranduil was quick to organize his army to march toward Erebor, wasting no time to retrieve his precious gems. Myria had come along on her own white elk mount, following behind Thranduil silently, if only to satiate her curiosity. Last time they had come, Thranduil had rejected the Dwarves' desperate plea for help. This time, he came to declare war if they refused to return his gems.
The damned gems. Always on his mind. True, they were a physical reminder of his late wife and Queen. But it seemed as though he dwelled on them more than he cherished her memory. He did not speak of her, ever. Even to his own son, his wife was but a ghost haunting the halls.
Myria couldn't begin to understand the loss of a spouse, but she did understand that he was too caught up in himself.
Even though she had little intention of fighting the Dwarves, Myria still brought a dagger and bow on the march. Could never be too careful, Thranduil always reminded her. She guided her elk to stand behind his, watching him greet the human leader stiffly. It was almost laughable how mad his manners were, his kingly presence deemed to good for polite small talk.
Myria had been given a temporary quarter near Thranduil's, their tents close as they usually were. He had been too busy to notice her absence lately, both to her joy and displeasure. She missed his daily warmth around her, but knew it was best to distance himself from him. Just this last journey, then she sould go back to Rivendell to live out the rest of her long and lonesome life.
Thranduil plotted with the human leader, Bard, and a wizard by the name of Gandalf. Myria wandered the decrepit town while they did, having no place in war council, nor did she wish to.
By the time she had returned, night had fallen and all the humans of the town were asleep. Myria ducked into her tent, desperate for some solid rest before a potential battle on the morrow. She was surprised to see Thranduil sitting awkwardyl on her cot.
"Thranduil? What are you doing here, you should be resting." Myria insisted, brow furrowed.He stood at her entrance, possibly being left waiting for quite a while.
"I wished to see you before we go to Erebor's gates in the morning. I suspect that the Dwarf will have something up his tiny sleeve. I know you are a capable fighter, but I want you to stay in town tomorrow just in case."
She protested sharply, "I am just as much a fighter as any elf in your army. I will not sit around and wait for you to return–"
"Please, Myria." He rested both of his hands on her shoulders, looking down at her with his deep blue eyes "I could not focus if I knew you were behind me somewhere. If I know you are safe, I can retrieve the jewels easier." Always about the jewels. He should have married them, she thought bitterly.
"Is that an order?"
"It is a request. From a friend." Thranduil said softly.
Myria bit her cheek, crossing her arms. "Fine. I will stay here on the morrow. But, if any fighting breaks out, I will join."
He seemed content with her answer, knowing its as far as he'll get with her stubbornness. "Very well, I'll see you when this is over." He planted a tender kiss to the top of her head before he left to his own tent.
Myria could only watch from afar as negotiations with the Dwarves had clearly gone to shit. More dwarves had shown up, an entire army to match the Elves' golden one. Myria rushed back to grab her bow, bursting out of her tent to the sound of screams in the town. Surely the Dwarves wouldn't target the women and children who had stayed behind?
She was right. It was orcs who had invaded the town, cutting off exits as they slashed through defenseless crowds of people. Myria rushed to help whoever she could, shooting down orcs' fat heads whenever they got too close to a fleeing human. With her dagger, she slashed through whoever she could reach to retrieve each of her arrows.
This arduous process repeated for some time, Myria panting with effort as she continued. The sounds of screams toned done as golden-armored soldiers flooded into the cobble streets and started to push back at the beastly creatins. Myria breathed a sigh of relief, engaging another orc. It was larger than most, with armor protecting its head and chest. She slashed at his with a sword she had taken from dead enemy, yelping when he stabbed into her abdomen with his own weapon. She gasped, trying to keep her composure as he approached above her menacingly. As he lifted his sword above his head again, ready to strike down the Elf, his head was detached from his body in a spray of hot blood.
Myria flinched at the feeling on her skin, feeling disgusted more than she already was with the sweat and dirt covering her. Thranduil came from behind the orc, who was now dead on the floor. He crouched down in front of her, a frantic look in his eye that betrayed his regal appearance. "Myria, look at me!" He shouted, her blurry vision shakily focusing on him. He held her face in his hands, watching her try to keep them open. "It's okay, I'll get you help." Thranduil promised her, gingerly lifting her up princess style. He flinched when she protested in pain, clutching at her stomach to stop the blood from gushing out.
"It's okay, you'll be alright, sweet." He told her, repeating himself multiple times as if to convince himself, too.
He brought her outside of the town, where Elven medics had set up a discreet few tents disguised to the orc's vision by Elven magic. The King layed her gently on a stiff cot, petting her hair comfortingly as she screamed in pain at the medic disinfecting and stitching her wound up. He glared at the Elf assigned to help her, making the poor young fellow sweat in fear of messing uo in front of his King.
Eventually, the sounds outside died out. Thranduil regretted taking his forces to this pit of death. He had lost more Elves today than had ever been lost at one time since the Great War. Elves did not die easily. This was a massacre of great damage to their ranks, to their people. Thranduil mourned the deaths of his kin dearly.
Myria had calmed, pain dulling when given some numbing herbs. She focused her attention on Thranduil, "you came for me." She said, voice barely a whisper.
"Of course, I did. Why wouldn't I?" He asked, rubbing his thumb over her knuckles.
"Your gems...they're still locked away in the keep, aren't they?" She asked.
"The gems are not my priority. They are merely objects, remembrances. You are alive, I need you."
Myria felt tears blurr her vision, clamping her throat shut. "But–I am not from any important bloodline. I am not a Princess, nor—"
"I do not care. You are Myria. The woman who has been by my side for five thousand years. The only lady worthy of being Queen by my side is you."
Thranduil took her into his arms as she cried. He shushed her gently, hands locked into her hair as she clung to him.
"I love you, Thranduil. I have for a long, long time."
"And I, you, my dearest Myr."
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comicaurora · 1 year
top three changes to the star wars franchise?
Like, top three things I would change if I was in charge of the franchise top to bottom?
This is Big Cheating calling it "one change", but scrap the prequels. The original trilogy already implied an incredibly simple by-the-numbers dark fantasy origin story for Obi-Wan and Anakin and if we strip away the space veneer we can easily see that Anakin's original backstory was implied to be "prodigy warrior-wizard is tempted by dark magic (and an established evil sorcerer-emperor who has clearly been in power for more than a scant 18 years by the time of the original trilogy) which slowly corrupts and twists him into a monster who eventually has a fight with obi-wan that he loses, also he has a relationship with a woman who survives to raise Leia for at least a few years". Those are the only points you need to hit, and you could tell a very compelling simple-meal-well-made sword and sorcery adventure with a guaranteed tragic ending. The original prequels fail at holding to the ONLY points of canon they needed to hit - the innately corruptive power of the dark side SLOWLY leading to Anakin's downfall, the empire being an existing threat for a long time and the jedi correspondingly being an ANCIENT religion rather than being less ancient than 9/11, and Padme being alive enough for Leia to remember her a little bit. Close your eyes, clear your mind, let the tropes flow through you - a By-The-Numbers Story will come to you and you will see the completely inoffensive prequel tragedy we could've had. Also, never show Yoda, preserve the fun twist in the original movies.
Easy change for this one. Finn's a force-user with a plot about inspiring a stormtrooper rebellion, another plot that literally writes itself, also let the sequel trio actually all hang out for more than five fuckin minutes because the only thing that ever made Star Wars work was the raw charisma of the actors having a good time and the chemistry was really solid for the only time in the final movie they were allowed to share screentime.
And while we're gutting the sequels, how about letting the hero's victories actually fucking matter. Luke gets to actually reinvigorate the jedi way and doesn't have all his victories ripped away in the name of sequel bait, and can serve as an extremely powerful but very busy Jedi Ex Machina who turns up in the darkest hour to save the day, Mandalorian-s1-finale style. The Empire doesn't just get magically replaced with Empire 2, Now With Less Charisma, let the threat be something actually new or a natural consequence of a newly liberated galaxy in sudden turmoil - feudal tyrants ruling over planetary fiefdoms squabbling to fill the Emperor's power-vacuum, more sith lords coming out of the woodwork now that their greatest rival is gone. Leia and the other rebel leaders struggling to reinstate some semblance of democracy in a scarred and shattered galaxy too accustomed to the crushing totalitarianism of the empire. How goddamn unoriginal to start a sequel by undoing every happy ending from the original series for retreaded drama, as if the universe could only ever hold three problems in it.
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gleefullypolin · 3 months
Initial thoughts on first watch through of Part 2
I will need to watch the season again a few more times as I was overwhelmed to be sure as a lot was going on. But my quick thoughts on storylines...
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I'll start with my least favorite part. Sorry but it's the elephant in the room.
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I cannot. Every time they wasted screentime to go back to him fucking, I was like. God no, please make it stop. I mean I got it the first three times we showed it. Was it really necessary to keep harping on it. Honestly, shit or get off the pot with Ben's story. I'm bored and I don't know where they are going with this. I'm disinterested now.
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This got better for me in the back half than the first half. I took no interest in them in the first 4 episodes. it was a snooze fest and while I would not watch a full season of them, they were cute in the back half and while the "dying breath" line was a bit harsh (seriously writers was that necessary) I'm even less interested in exploring a full season of Fran's actual story, not because it's been gender bended to Michaela, I just don't care for Fran's character. Personal opinion, sorry.
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Loved competitive Anthony at game night, we are the same Anthony, truly first borns. Kate has relaxed him for sure tho. Loved how he seemed to truly support his siblings, first with Colin and again with Fran in their choices to marry. Wished we could have seen his face when Pen announced she was LW after he was so clear that there was no way anyone could be her under his nose as RULER over the Bridgerton lands or some shit. Would have been a delight to see, yet...he did once again run off and leave his duty as leader of the Bridgerton family once again. For all this fandom screams that Anthony is the only man of the house with the actual job and responsibility he has yet once again disappeared from it yet again. No matter, there was little of this duo for me to take true aim at this season and thus not much for me to say other than what I have.
So moving on....
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What is there to say...Who's afraid of the big bad BITCH. Well not Pen. And no one else, for off to the country she goes and good on ya! Sorry, don't let the door hit ya on the way out. I'm not sad to see you and your big ass sleeves go.
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Tend that garden girl. TEND THAT GARDEN! That's all I gotta say, S4 is gonna bring Mama Bridgerton her just desserts! It was lovely seeing her navigating the dating mart and being nervous herself. I can't wait to see her needing to lean on Lady D and her children as she tries to figure this out herself next season.
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I was up, I was down. I was on the floor in anger and tears and then crying with joy. I understood you, I swore at you, I still love you dearly. There is much for you to learn about love and the world and I will welcome you home to do that. I did feel like she grew a lot this season. She was confused by love. Love of Pen, Love of Colin, love of being a woman in society and finding her way in what all of that means again. It was nice to see that. I loved her scenes with Colin and Pen and even with Benedict. I do look forward to her season as I feel like she had the most growth this season and while I feel like Ben's is next (boo) she can't be far behind, though I would welcome them doing her and Ben together in 4 at this point since it takes so fucking long to film these.
The Featheringtons
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The most growth came from the family. Portia, Pru, and Phillipa had a lot of growth. Between mama being put in her place, then having to face how she has treated her daughter, how she sees her daughter, and then realizing how her daughter is stronger than she realized was quite the journey. And then beyond that seeing the jealousy the sisters had for Pen all along, the way it burned in them because some part of them always felt that their mama loved her most, favored her most even with her treatment. That all the girls really wanted was love of their mama. Seeing that family all together at the end, not jealous of who had the heir, just happy, with their families was beautiful.
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Oh dear sensitive Colin Bridgerton. You really are a soft angel boy. He was so in love, so smitten and we needed that for him to understand how he felt up front but the moment he found out about Pen, you could feel the heart break, the confusion, the anger, the loss. And it didn't just magically heal. He loved Pen, he knew that but the burn inside to reconcile that he couldnt tear LW from her, couldn't rip it from her soul was literally a dark cloud over him for the back half. I took no issue with his words in anger, the were to be expected. He no more meant them or believed them than the stupid ass words people say in anger or stating he would never court her. They were simply words.
His mother was right. He is sensitive. Sleeping on the couch, pouting everywhere. He could not reconcile his thoughts. Could not get her to give up LW for anything and his brain could not comprehend. It was only when he went back to her letters that he realized Pen was not LW, LW was Pen. He loved ONE woman and they were the same woman. He also needed to stop taking control and stop trying to save the day. Pen was a capable woman and he needed to stop trying to control her.
I think the greatest thing about Colin as a character is that he is a sensitive person who loves wholly. He is able to put away the notion of the MAN needing to be the one who runs things. He lets her be a partner with him, in sex, in life, in their roles. This is shown not just in the fact he lets her take on how to fix the LW situation in the end, but also having her on top in the bedroom in their final sex scene. She's a participant in their marriage, not a submissive wife. This is refreshing in this world and I'm happy to see it in Colin.
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What a ride for Pen she had. She was faced with giving up her dreams to let Colin thrive in his. And she was willing to do so, lets just preface they gave us that scene where she put away LW for us to transition to Colin finally losing his writers block and happily writing away. She gave it up only to be faced with a challenge and needing to take up the quill again. Pen needed to save the Bridgertons and did so later on but she was willing to give everything up for Colin.
I loved her convos with Gen and how it was another woman who allowed her to see that women did not need to give up their worth for men. AMEN! No one said, Colin needed to give up his dreams but Pen absolutely was able to have hers too. I loved this and then to see her stand up to Colin in their second fight, to let her voice be heard to him and not let him talk over her was also important.
The fact that Pen stood up for herself, diverging from the books where Colin does this for her in the books, having Pen stand up for herself thus saving herself and outing herself to the ton, I liked this. Pen was able to put LW away and use her OWN voice to the ton and explain to everywhere why she created this entire empire. I thought this was beautifully done and then having her let Colin out of the marriage afterwards so that she basically put them now on a level playing field was perfect. His speech at that point should be put in a museum because it leveled me. I think this put them finally into the right place for their marriage and lets them begin as equals. They both have a career, they both have a purpose, they have each other and they do things together. She's not out there alone anymore.
What a fucking journey. God I love this show.
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So yeah, I know I'm seeing people upset, they didn't get the spoilers they wanted, didn't get some pieces they built up and you are allowed to feel that way. I think my only gripe I have is that our sex montage was cut from the show and instead we got too much Ben and his tiresome threesome that went no where. So that is my only gripe. Give me that deleted scene and I'll be happy forever. Otherwise....
Polin is life! I loved everything they gave us and I have no complaints.
A+++ They have a happy fan from me.
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baifengxis · 4 months
farewell 23.5 post no matter what i love my cute little show enough to be sad that it's over and most of all i love milklove (and viewjune and the rest) and the fact that they made history with gmmtv's first gl (never forget!!!!!!) they will always remain iconic for what they did and no matter what they did wrong will never erase all the good parts!
did it deserve better? yes. but so do most gmmtv qls because gmmtv has no idea about...many things. so i'm gonna let it go and i'm gonna hope people will remember the good things more than the bad and please think of how easier they'd forgive this show if this was a bl because let's not lie they would. this is THE FIRST GL, it's the equal to what a bl from 2015 so try not to be too harsh to it (and no i'm not defending gmmtv with this)
anyway goodbye 23.5 thanks for all you've done here's to more gls and here's to more milklove more viewjune and more women having the spotlight without useless male characters stealing their screentime <33333
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lightandfellowship · 4 months
I'll be honest, I think maybe the Foretellers would have been better received if they weren't sharing their screentime with the MoM.
Like, I see the Foretellers get called "boring" a lot (and I get why) but I feel like it's a little unfair to them when they're standing next to the MoM who is so overwhelmingly quirky, funny, expressive, and lively; it's hard not to read the Foretellers as humorless sticks-in-the-mud in comparison (which is probably the point, but still).
As well, we get very little time with the Foretellers and during that time we mostly see the Foretellers talking about and reacting to matters concerning their official responsibilities as Union leaders; I think it's understandable why they'd be mostly serious and no-nonsense throughout Back Cover, even if it doesn't make for the most entertaining/compelling character work.
And even then, I still think we get some interesting glimpses into the personalities and flaws of these characters via KHUX and Back Cover, especially with regards to how their qualities and behaviors sometimes contradict their first impressions.
Gula comes across as an edgy, detached loner teenager who Doesn't Care and doesn't need the help or friendship of others, but then by the end of Back Cover we see how much of a front this is, with him emotionally falling apart, begging for Ava's help, and trying to pull a dangerous stunt (summoning Kingdom Hearts) to, essentially, get his MoM to pay attention to him and come back to save him and his friends.
Ava comes across as the young, innocent, kind favorite who doesn't want to rock the boat or engage in any conflict, but she's also the one most involved in many of the mysterious and suspicious events that occur throughout KHUX, the one who attacks Luxu first out of anger, and the one who is implied to rebel against the MoM in various ways.
Aced, though undeniably big and strong and a little intimidating, still nonetheless comes across as someone kind and justice-oriented who genuinely cares about fairness and other people. By the time of the Keyblade War though, he is forming an army, voicing his intentions to overthrow the other Foretellers, and trying to become a literal tyrant who rules with an iron fist.
Invi comes across as this cool-headed, logical, impartial, reliable type of person but is one of the first to openly accuse Aced of being the traitor with no evidence to back it up and even prioritizes Ira above all the others, being willing to spy on everybody else for his sake.
Ira is meant to be the leader, the one who takes care of everybody else and mediates disagreements, but instead he's the first to become suspicious of his own comrades almost immediately, and is the cause of the tension and conflict that arises amongst them.
(I watched Back Cover/KHUX again a couple months ago and I'm going off of memory here. I'm sure bigger Foreteller enjoyers than I could provide way more character analysis than just this. But the point is: I don't think the Foretellers are completely lacking in character or personality; in the very least there's some good groundwork here for future games to flesh them out even more.)
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difeisheng · 2 months
duel meta — a brief addition
written in reference to the original meta here. i'm making this point its own separate post, as it doesn't fully fit into the thesis of that essay.
in my previous discussion of the donghai duel, i highlighted three lulls in the action where di feisheng could have decided to attack li xiangyi, but didn't, even when he was the one forced into a defensive position. instead he paused, until li xiangyi chose to make a next move against him. my point in talking about these moments was that it demonstrated how di feisheng saw this fight as a proper back-and-forth between equals, not the battle to the death that li xiangyi intended for it to be.
however, what i ignored in that analysis was the point in the duel at which di feisheng moves before li xiangyi, breaking away from their locked blades. it's right after this line:
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before this is a cutaway to the battle on the mainland— fire, screams, people on both sides dying. and it's with that carnage weighing on both di feisheng and li xiangyi that di feisheng says this, then shoves aside shaoshi and stabs li xiangyi through the shoulder, pinning him to the roof.
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if i had been trying to integrate this into my prior reading of these two's motivations during the duel, this moment would have been an anomaly. my point at the time was that di feisheng pictured the duel as being between two swordsmen, just himself and li xiangyi. while to li xiangyi, this was a battle between sigumen and jinyuanmeng, and the two of them were simply two figureheads. for di feisheng to draw attention to the other fighters he and li xiangyi have with them, is not quite in line with this. i said before that di feisheng purposefully isolated himself on his ship knowing li xiangyi would find him there, as well, so that others in the battle could not interfere.
but, to push that aside and examine this on its own: i find it very interesting that this dialogue, the sole point where di feisheng acknowledges the world beyond the duel at all, is also the singular moment that causes him to alter his previous behaviour throughout the entire fight. it's not li xiangyi attacking him that finally makes him strike first. it's not his own injuries or desire to win, or desperation. it's the awareness of the fact that other people out there are dying while they fight.
di feisheng's leadership of jinyuanmeng warrants a lot more analysis that i'm not going to do here, but to summarize some things myself and others have observed before, he's efficient. he's established the alliance in such a way that there's a clear hierarchy and duties for each person, and that level of organization can function even when he's off dealing with his own matters, communicating things via wuyan. although he shows little interest in managing jinyuanmeng in the present day, i don't think he could've built the alliance up to such a state that it would keep running without him, even while he abruptly went into seclusion for ten years, unless he actually cared about the people who were serving him. and we do his anger when those who were loyal to him die, like when he snaps at jiao liqiao for the deaths of his twelve phoenixes, even though they got a blink-and-you'll-miss-it amount of screentime. they were still important to di feisheng.
(i know jiao liqiao was the one who kept jinyuanmeng going in his absence, but it seems she didn't make any huge changes to how jinyuanmeng was functioning up until di feisheng recovered from his injuries. before that she was ruling, at least outwardly, in his name and interests.)
all this is to say that, looking at his choices in this moment of the donghai duel, i think that that line of dialogue— breaking from his precedent of letting li xiangyi lead the fight— is fascinating characterization to add to di feisheng this early in the show. i've said before that from the moment he appears onscreen, after the opening monologue declaring him a villain and a 大魔头, our expectations of him begin to be subverted. this does honestly alter how di feisheng and li xiangyi could be viewed; di feisheng is now seemingly the one whose people are being attacked and who cannot stand the wasting of unnecessary lives, while li xiangyi is the one who led all this followers to battle for the sake of his dead shixiong's body, and arrogantly miscalculated that he could win.
i love how this show plays with character perception, and how they've built up di feisheng in this way, especially when the majority of his screentime isn't from the source material. this is just one part of it.
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deadboyswalking · 2 months
What a lot of fans are wondering, myself included, is "Where did MHA go wrong?"
I can think of several points that kick-started the downfall. This is not an exhaustive list, but just a few of the bigger flaws. It's a really long post, especially on the last point.
1. The reveal that AFO was directly responsible for all of Tomura's woes from before he was even born. This completely absolved society and his abusive family of responsibility, thus cheapening the manga's themes centered around those aspects of the manga's world.
2. Excessive focus on Endeavor at the expense of Shouto's feelings, actions, and inner world. It seems that from the Endeavor Agency Arc onward, Shouto's character is constantly underwritten and shoved aside so his father can get more screentime. Shouto's climactic, emotional final fight with Touya is completely undercut by the actual final fight of Touya vs. Endeavor, with the rest of the Todoroki family (Shouto included) basically sidelined to cheer Endeavor on. Even in the last Todoroki family chapter, the primary focus is still on Endeavor's feelings and not Shouto or Touya.
3. The complete character assassination of Izuku Midoriya. He was never the most interesting MC to begin with, but at least he had something going for him in the early arcs. He was weird, brilliant in battle tactics/analysis, brave and determined, endlessly compassionate, and completely insane. He had a real fire in him as a person and, unlike what many fans say, started the series with an awareness of the deep flaws in his society. People always say that the "save the villains" angle was shoved into the story during the first war, but it's clear from the beginning that the way Deku looked at his society already primed him to believe in that idea. During his mall encounter with Shigaraki, he actually showed that he'd carefully considered Stain's message and understood where he was coming from, even if he didn't agree with his actions. This is the story's first indication that if a villain has a genuine gripe with society and can explain it, Deku is willing to listen to what they have to say. Similarly, at the Sports Festival, he doesn't treat Endeavor with any of respect/awe he usually treats heroes with because Endeavor doesn't show the heroic values that Deku believes in.
So what happened to Deku? Honestly, I think he as a character disappeared beneath the weight of The Vestiges of OFA, Becoming The New Symbol of Peace, and Acting As The Author's Mouthpiece.
Joint Training Arc was the first indication that Izuku himself no longer mattered because of the OFA mythos and Vestiges inside him. Now, I don't mind Blackwhip because it diversified his fighting style and gave him a long-range attack. I also appreciated how hard he had to work to use it effectively and consistently. However, all of the other Vestige Quirks seemed to come to him way too easily and he could use them in perfect combinations without trying and against highly skilled adult opponents. The Vestiges started to talk to him constantly and give him advice, so his battle analysis/tactics were no longer necessary and he didn't need to come up with his own ideas anymore. More importantly, his own strong inner sense of justice and awareness of society's need to change was utterly replaced by some mystical Vestige-world bullshit about saving little Tenko. Adult Tomura was right there, clearly explaining his point of view and deep pain, and Deku didn't even listen to him (or really care when Tomura's body started being controlled by AFO). What happened to the independently compassionate boy from the earlier manga?
Being The New Symbol of Peace is another place where Deku had his character steamrolled. As flawed as the arc as a whole was, I actually had hope for him during the Dark Hero Arc. He was asking questions and genuinely trying to understand why villains became villains. He saw how civilians treated people with mutant quirks, listened to Lady Nagant about the HPSC, and witnessed tons of other abuses by society that made him angry. His eyes were opened and his compassion for Tenko Shimura deepened, priming him for the Final Battle where he would save the man and make a stand to change their society forever. Unfortunately, due to Horikoshi's inability to let go of the All Might and AFO dynamic, Deku's character was squeezed into The New Symbol of Peace mold and he forgot all about what he learned during the Dark Hero Arc in order to take out ShigAFO and let society stay exactly the same.
Finally, Deku was lost when he started Acting As The Author's Mouthpiece. The first sign of this was during Endeavor Agency Arc, when he told Shouto that he would forgive Endeavor "because you're a good person" and fawning all over Endeavor in general. I'm sorry, what? As much as Deku likes heroes, he was already shown to strongly dislike Endeavor because he didn't act like a true hero should and abused his family (people smaller and weaker than himself). Now one of your best fucking friends and his siblings are giving you more details of their horrific upbringing, including about their dead brother, and your response is that a good person would forgive Endeavor because he's trying to be better??? There is no canon justification for why Deku would do that type of 180°, but there's certainly an author that continually pushed more and more screentime for Endeavor and his feelings as the series went on. I wouldn't give a shit if this opinion change had any lead-up to it (as characters can change their minds all they want), but there's nothing in Deku's previously-shown character/personality that would lead to that conclusion. As the story went on, Deku mostly lost his introspective nature and stopped struggling with internal conflicts over right and wrong and what it means to be a hero. Instead, he just started mindlessly spouting whatever half-assed "message" the author wanted to show during any given scene with no regard to his previous opinions, background, or personality, often contradicting himself as the story's messages couldn't stay consistent either.
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fantastic-fantasy · 3 months
TanFang have so much potential. They really deserve much more screentime. Like Fang slowly opening up to Tan about his feelings, about his parents being not present. So he had to take care of Phum as his big brother. But also about him feeling lonely and not loved by the people who should. (Because their parent put their work over the needs of their children.) Of course he has Phum. But again he doesn't wanna show any weakness toward his little brother. So he pushed it all down. He doesn't show that he cares. I think it's his way of protecting himself of getting hurt and disappointed if he expects to much. And I really would have loved to see Fang working through it. Slowly realising that Tan is here to stay, that he won't leave him no matter what. And that he loves and protects him, so he can finally rest. It's exhausting to keep the "I don't care" mask on all day, cause deep down he want to care. He want to feel. And I'm so happy that Tan is breaking down that wall, that he build around his heart, bit by bit. Getting Fang to open up. He showers him with love and he always has his back. At the beginning of the Serie Tan invited his friends out to go eat together. And why? Cause he's lonely too. They're two lonely soul that found each other and they find comfort in that. And I love it. I would love to see a deep talk of them. Laying out they're worries and getting comfort by one another. I need a cute cuddle scene of them.🥺
And I really like how Fang slowly opens up to Tan, just like in today's ep (ep 11). After noticing that Tan waited for him for so long, his face got all soft🥺 Him being thankful and sorry toward Tan result in him calling him "Babe". And I swear Tan could have died in a heartattack right there. He's been calling Fang babe since they started dating, but fang never said the word back. And finally he did. And I couldn't be happier for Tan🥺Tan deserves do much love and affection as well. He always tried to make Fang laugh, that's just his nature. He's the mood maker. But he also needs place to rest and reload his energy. So again. I need them to cuddle it out. The recharge their energy.
My point is, they could have made a whole show of them alone. They story has so much potential,... Hopefully we will see more of them in the future 😭
And gmmtv move your Ass and give them their own full length BL series and MAIN COUPLE!!!!
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formyloveoflove · 3 months
Characters I Would've Liked to See More than the Faks in S3
I learned too fak'ing much about that family in S3. I loved the Faks in S2. Their increased screentime felt like an over-compensation. Much of the comedy that I loved in S1 came from the staff interactions. The feeling of an ensemble was truly missed for me.
But without further ado and in no particular order-
1. Marcus
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Marcus Brooks, I am so sorry that the writers didn't give your story the necessary space it truly needed. You were the only child of a single mother, and you watched her die. I wish we could've seen more of your grief. The little glimpses we saw - your eulogy speech, the way you were inspired to make a dish to honor her, and your thinking about legacy - were so beautiful, but it felt like it had no place to breathe.
The glossing over this tragic loss, the fumbling of showcasing Black Catholic influences (sidenote: did you know that Chicago is home to the biggest African American Catholic population), and the diminishing of his grief were some lows of the season. I would've loved to see more of Marcus dealing with the loss of a parent because no matter how "prepared" you are, that shit will knock you off your feet.
2. Sweeps
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If we needed a break from the melancholy of the main plot, I would've loved to see Mr. Gary “Sweeps” Woods go to wine school. It could've been in clips, similar to Tina going to culinary school in S2. Some comedic slip-ups, or maybe somebody else recognized him from his baseball days, or maybe he messed around and got too drunk. Better yet: he and some fellow sommelier get drunk. We've seen this character for three seasons, and we barely see him.
I did enjoy his monologue in Legacy and thought it was very fitting.
3. Manny and Angel
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I remember seeing them for a split second in the 30-minute montage S3 E3 "Doors." They are truly the unsung heroes, and it would be good to see them for some comic relief. Maybe they're pranksters? Maybe they could've been the reason the teaspoons and forks were missing. Or maybe they could've been tasked with counting how many come through.
What's their dynamic? What are their personalities? Three seasons, and they feel like cameos.
4. Thee Adamus
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One of the things that I wanted from S3 was some more Sydney's mom, and while I was delighted to see she has her mom as her lock screen, I wanted more. I love Syd's dynamic with her Dad whose unyielding support can come off a little worrisome to his baby girl. But Dreamer! Daughter x Practical! Father hits close to home for me. And the Adamus have a healthier relationship with loss and grief, and I want to know more about that process.
When I say more of the Adamus, I mean I want to see why and how Sydney became Sydney. I wanted to see their family dynamics. Why does Syd like to cook? Why is Syd avoidant?
Plus, this was a season about mothers, goshdarnit. More mother content, please.
5. Ebra
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Ebra is so funny to me. Like I'm begging on my knees for more Ebra content. He's so cryptic and genuine in a way that only older Black men sharing snapshots of their trauma are. In S1, he's very attentive when it comes to the younger staff members, like when he was sensitive to Marcus gaining confidence in his skills and when he read Sydney's review for the whole kitchen to see.
One of my critiques of S2 was that they just let Ebra fall by the waistside. They didn't fully commit to his journey to accepting change as an older professional. This season, we barely got him at all. I would've had him at least show up to Syd's party. Maybe even via Facetime with the camera all up his nose because he doesn't understand the mechanics just yet.
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hexhomos · 1 month
oh god I'm freaking out now. I did not watch the leaks, but I had read some (similar) opinions and choose to ignore it because I don't trust the general media analysis capabilities of like 70% of tumblr. But I do trust you and I like reading your vikjayce and doomreed thoughts... is it really that bad? Isn't there anything salvageable?
Don't click readmore if you don't want vague spoilers.
I genuinely have no emotional investment in much, if not majority of what happens in s2. Maybe this is because I'm an industryperson and not exactly awed by the idea of 'inversion' for pointless inversion's sake, maybe because the past year of publicly televised USA-backed genocides have made arcane's fraught politics more detestable than ever. I abhor how married this show is to the message that every atrocity, no matter how vile or senseless, is 'committed for love' as an easy way to sidestep discussions of capitalism, exploitation, imperialism, and all the systematically-enforced evils that make up the reason Why this world is so brutally unfair. They literally took a guy whose entire deal is building human centipedes in his basement, making weapons of war, and inflicting as much pain as possible for the sake of a laugh and said 'oh... he does this for love,' and i felt like throwing rocks at the screen for how stupid that shit is.
The episodes I've seen feel shallow, limited and empty in their writing; the world has a raindrop's depth. There are maybe 10 people total in these cities and everyone else is a nameless, vapid NPC, functionally indistinct outside of how they rack up morale for a certain character. The animation is still kinetic, the music videos are still certainly a big part of the flashing lights, but i feel nothing for any of the characters onscreen except for contempt or mild disinterest.
It feels like a first draft put to animation. It's to the point where i believe season 1 should have closed without continuation and let You decide how the uncertainties pan out. (Have you ever seen Wicked? Do you know how everyone tells you that it completely falls apart in the second act so best pretend act1 is the whole thing?) The 'twists' it tries to pull aren't clever. If you're a game fan, you're left confused as to why some of this shit is included in this show and not some other region's show, if you know nothing of the game, you're going to be namedropped on lore buzzwords that get little explanation, give you no reason to care, but are placed as if they are a big deal anyway. Kind of feels like you're cheating both demographics. Parts of this season feel like backdoor pilots to greenlight a Noxus show -- the region who most thrives in the edgy aesthetics of cool awesomesauce grimdark fantasy imperialism -- and i just want all of these characters to die. But they end up getting all of the sob-story justification screentime while the poor people are either stupid kids or drug addicts. every single main undercity character is a drug addict of some kind, war-on-terror propaganda style, and the one who isn't has been surgically removed from the plot for majority of the runtime. I have to laugh.
The things some people were looking forward to - the gay romances, the gay divorces - will probably make more than a few fans go on to say threats of terrorism, but i still felt like i could see right through the script's flaccid bullshit. You're not getting a rise out of me like this. You barely fucking tried.
'Salvageable' is a dangerous word around me I'm notoriously obsessed with taking shit that sucks and recycling it to see if it can be improved like 'there is always hope' and all that gushy heart bullshit but like... that is between you and god. that is magic that happens inside your mind. it's work that you put into it, and that I predict people will be putting into it, out of their own volition. Or as a way to ignore what just happened.
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