#nex curse
liviavanrouge · 11 months
Malleus: *Watches Lilia run from Livia* What's going on?
Sebek: No idea, Livia suddenly turned to her father and started trying to zap him with lightning..
Silver: Never seen him run so fast
Livia: *Summons another bolt of lightning, doing her best to smite her father* WORTH IT!!
Livia: Meleanor asked me to! Because she said you're an IMBECILE and an IDIOT!!!
Lilia: *Dodges lightning scrambling away* TORTURING ME THROUGH MY OWN CHILD! SHE'S NEVER SATISFIED IS SHE?!
Livia: *Runs at him, pointing at her father, sending lightning blasting down from the air at him* ACCEPT YOUR FATE, PAPA!
Lilia: *Dodges another lightning bolt* WHY DID SHE TEACH YOU THIS LIGHTNING SPELL!!!
Lilia: *Dodges another bolt of lightning, his eyes wide as he took off, Livia chasing him with a determined look*
Kuro: This is entertaining....
Vex and Nex: It is...
Briar: Poor Lilia...
Meleanor: *Laughs, watching through the Mirror Pool* GET HIM LIVIA!! SMITE THE IMBECILE!!
Arian: *Watches her nervously* She's enjoying this too much
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"no one wants flowers when they're dead"
oh how i love bmth parallels
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nexilote · 2 months
Minori and molli drawing I did for a Instagram collab of project Sekai x media collab!
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Collab was hosted by @/nasannyy on insta !
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sopiao · 1 year
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König and Ghost fight (kinda) for reader’s attention. Both wanting to listen to music with you. But it fails. (:3_/ )\_
( ^^^ can’t tell if you can see but it’s a little guy laying down :))
(Callsign will be ‘Shark’ :D)
Cellphones, tablets, iPods. Anything that’s a cellular or digital device is prohibited from being brought into any military base. For precautions, maybe information can be slipped or recorded, so naturally there will be rules. But somehow, Captain Price has persuaded and assured that Shark is a good soldier, one of his best and won’t leak or record information. Plus you don’t even care about all that.
So you got to have a cassette player, but only could bring a total of 2 cassette players. So they had to think long and hard of what they could bring, what they would listen to on their free time, training, and on missions, occasionally.
Shark settled on one tape of relaxing noises to help you sleep at night, a mix of soft rain and thunder, 6hz theta waves, and fire cracking. The other tape is more upbeat and energizing music. Rammstein, Rob Zombie, Nine Inch Nails, Godsmack, and Limp Bizkit.
(If you don’t like or listen to any of them, just ignore this and replace it with your music taste ;3)
Currently, the group were driving back from a isolated town, back to a safe house where they’ll be picked up and back to base. To rest and recover to get ready for the next mission. Soap was laid out on the farthest back seat, snoozing away, snoring every so often.
Price and Gaz were in the front, Price drove while Gaz talked to him to try and keep him focused and awake since it has been a long long night for the team.
Shark was stuck in between Ghost and König. Even though the vehicle was a good size, not too small, it still felt like the three were in a cramped closet. While Soap got a whole row to himself. If only you were fast enough to shotgun. Ghost kept unconsciously man-spreading, pushing your thighs to press up against König’s.
The tall Austrian looked down and saw the small metal box being fidgeted with in your hands. He decided that this would be a good bonding moment, very small and subtle but still intimate in a way.
“Could I listen with you?” König had his hand out, slightly nervous that you’d reject him. But he was a little more comfortable with you than the others since he’s closest with you most.
You were a little self conscious with your music taste. Your parents didn’t really like your taste in songs so you thought that he wouldn’t too. But you still handed him the black wired ear bud.
König had to slouch down a little so the wire wouldn’t stretch or get pulled out. He wasn’t very surprised when he started to get familiar with your music taste. It was very much like you and your music taste.
Ghost had been listening in on the two’s conversation, somewhat conversation, resting his head on the glass beside him, staring off into the forest. Internally cursing at himself that he hadn’t asked Shark that sooner, he always saw them listening to it but never thought to ask to listen with them.
It irked him a little, his eyebrow twitching when he looked over and saw you and König so close, while innocently listening to music.
“You listen to Rammstein?” He asked excitedly when he heard the opening of ‘Mein Teil’ buzz through the earbud. Happy that he found another common interest between the two. He really didn’t expect you to listen to them since their in German and not the most popular.
Ghost continued to listen in on their conversation, pretending that he’s zoned out or possibly snoozing away like the sleepy soldier in the back. Rolling his eyes whenever König spoke.
“Could I- uh.. Rest my head on your shoulder? It kinda hurts my back sitting like this” König explained, a lie, but he thought that since everything has been going well. He gets to share music with you, find out a band you both like, now he’s testing it further, see his limits.
Eyebrows furrowing when his eyes shifted back down at you next to him. Ghost froze when he sees his comrade resting his head against your shoulder. He was practically cuddling you! Well that’s that Ghost saw. He decided enough was enough and he had to fight back.
Tapping your shoulder to get your attention, he spoke in a softer tone.
“What’re ya’ listening to?” Ghost usually took interest in whatever you were doing, but not in your music. It took you by surprise, but you were more than happy to share your taste with him.
“Rob Zombie. You know him?” Shark asked, hoping that he heard of him or that he’s into that kind of music. But even if he wasn’t known for his music, he still directed good movies. So hopefully he’s the type to be into that.
“Never. Could I listen?” Ghost asked, not really thinking straight when he did. Hoping that he could get closer to you, or find out more about you and your interests that he can later look into and research.
It would be weird if you said yes, cause there’s only two ear buds and the other if with König. If you gave him your earbud you wouldn’t be listening to music with either of them.
But if you said no, it would seem like you were favoring König over him. Too awkward to explain to that you couldn’t. You nodded handing him your bud.
Since he was also quite tall he didn’t hunch over like König did. Instead, he slide to the side to get closer to you since in his mind he wouldn’t wanna stretch the wire of the ear buds, and in a subtle way get physical closer to you. His arm on the car seat, around you, while his side was pressed up against you. Practically smothering you with his strong chest.
Now there you were, sat in between two men who thought were sharing music with you but were really sharing music with each other. But neither of them realized it.
Every so often Ghost or König would make a comment or ask a question about the song that’s playing, so you had to make up an answer as to not make it awkward.
Both froze in place when a certain song played on the cassette. One song that you forgot you had on there, CPR by Cupcakke. But since it was only Ghost and König was really listening to music, you hoped that no weird songs would play.
‘I’m here to give you customer service. I save d— by giving it CPR’
They both, at the same time, looked at Shark for a reaction to the song. But of course they both are unaware that their sharing musics with each other. So Shark acted like everything was normal and fine.
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radiaurapple · 4 months
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Lucid Dreams of New Orleans: Chapter 7
CHAPTER SUMMARY: IN WHICH Alastor resolves a pest problem.
The last time Lucifer saw his father, he was granted a fragment of His divine power — a punishment in the guise of a blessing — that he might serve as steward of the wayward souls cast down into Hell. It is a cruel gift, designed to ensure that he will always be haunted by his mistakes; Lucifer has endured the past seven thousand years by avoiding its use at all costs. But in the aftermath of the fight with Adam, Alastor’s worsening injury threatens the foundations of his daughter’s dream. Lucifer does what any good father would do: he uses his long-forgotten power to deliver Alastor’s soul from the brink of destruction. In turn, knowing Alastor — with all his sins, past lives, and heartbreaks — teaches Lucifer a little more about what it means to be human.
New chapter and new art!! note that chapter 6 is an interlude so this takes place directly after chapter 5. Next chapter is dropping in a week as usual!! chapter preview below 📻🍎
All Hell breaks loose the next morning. 
Niffty has, apparently, been keeping a colony of more than three hundred rats in her room — and the prior evening, while Alastor was occupied with his interrogation, she had seen fit to set them loose in the hotel. 
Charlie calls an emergency meeting after Angel Dust wakes the hotel with his — frankly childish — screeching about a rat in his bathtub. 
They convene in the kitchen to assess the situation. Niffty, perched on the counter, snickers and openly admits to releasing the rats for what she terms their playtime. 
A consensus quickly emerges. Niffty is Alastor’s responsibility; so, too, are the rats. 
Alastor’s dominion over the radio is equal parts blessing and curse in his search and rescue operation. If he concentrates, he can hear the shuffling, sniffing, and squeaking of all 312 rats in the hotel — which, while helpful in locating the rats, makes it more difficult for him to plead ignorance regarding those that have wormed their way into the worst predicaments imaginable.
This is how Alastor finds himself on his knees, dismantling the toilet in Husker’s bathroom.
“Oh, Hell,” Angel Dust says — Alastor hadn’t heard him come in, focused as he is on loosening two pipes in the water line that appear to have somehow, in the six weeks since they rebuilt the hotel, rusted together. 
Alastor grimaces. “I’m quite busy.”
“Sure,” Angel says. “Y’know, you ain’t gonna find a rat inside the pipes. They can’t live in there.”
“These ones can. I’ve come to the conclusion that these are not rats — they’re demons, sent from some lower ring of Hell to ruin us. They are relentlessly determined to evade me. And they. Don’t. Die.” Alastor heaves at the wrench with both hands — it budges perhaps an inch. He huffs. 
Alastor shakes out his aching hands and looks up at Angel. “Can I help you?”
“Oh — yeah, I was just wondering if my bathroom is clear, now, or if I should wait to shower? It’s just, I gotta get to work soon.” 
Alastor listens — one of his ears twitches. 
“It should be fine, if you’re quick,” he says. 
“Right,” Angel says. He takes off at a run. “Thanks!”
Alastor raises a hand in acknowledgement and returns to his task. The pipes have begun to drip around the join, which complicates matters — Alastor did shut off the water before he began this accursed project, but that doesn’t mean it’s not still wet in there. 
Footsteps behind him. 
“Angel. If don’t leave me to my work, I’ll —” Alastor glances over his shoulder — “Oh. It’s you.”
Lucifer stands behind him, smiling sheepishly, his hands clasped behind his back. “I brought you a present,” he says. 
With a flourish, he produces a rat in a golden cage. The creature is standing on its hind legs with its tiny hands wrapped around the bars. At the sight of Alastor, it shrieks in frustration — further evidence that the creatures’ disdain for him is somehow personal. Lucifer places the cage on the tile next to Alastor.
“Thank you,” Alastor says. “That leaves only —” he cocks his head to the side and listens — “Two hundred and sixty-two. Including this one.” He inclines his head toward the plumbing and resumes the miserable task of loosening the pipes. 
“You don’t know a thing about plumbing, do you?” Lucifer says. 
Alastor huffs in irritation — Lucifer leans over him with a smug smile on his face. “Those pipes are heat welded,” Lucifer says. “You’ll be here all day if you insist on using a wrench. Allow me.”
Before Alastor can protest, Lucifer tugs off a glove and places his hand over the join. There is a sizzle, a puff of steam, a flare of heat across Alastor’s face — and the two pipes come apart effortlessly in Lucifer’s hand with a cartoonish and unnecessary pop. Lucifer withdraws, a smug smile on his face — his fingers leave molten orange prints behind on the metal, which fade away after a moment. 
“Show-off,” Alastor grumbles. He sends a shadow tentacle in after the pipe rat — a tiny shriek echoes from the darkness. As the rat emerges, it makes a desperate grab for the edge of the pipe, kicking and screaming. 
Lucifer snaps his fingers; the rat disappears and reappears inside the golden cage with its brother. 
“Your assistance is unnecessary,” Alastor grumbles without any real heat — getting into those pipes on his own was pretty miserable. 
Lucifer smiles like Alastor has just given him a compliment. “You’re welcome,” he says. “Now — I need to get back to it. I just made a breakthrough on a project I’m working on, and I have a meeting this afternoon with the other sins.”
“The project is a rubber duck.” 
Lucifer frowns. “What else would it be?” 
“Just confirming,” Alastor says. “Now, there’s another rat in the light fixture. So. If you don’t mind.”
“Oh! Sure. Good luck.” Lucifer backs out of the room, but pauses in the doorway. “I’ll — I’ll see you later? Tonight?”
“I will be back to collect on our deal once every single one of these infernal vermin are back in captivity.” Each word is punctuated by a further unfolding of Alastor’s antlers — he breathes deeply to bring them back under control. “I expect it will take several days. Enjoy your reprieve.”
“Right. Right. Of course. Okay. See you, Al.” Lucifer ducks out of the room.
Alastor stares after Lucifer in confusion for a long moment. Al — the abbreviation reeks of familiarity. The people closest to Alastor had called him that, when he was alive — does Lucifer share that fellowship now, due to the knowledge he’s acquired? The idea is disconcerting, so he puts it aside and returns to his work. 
It takes Alastor all day to wrangle the first 104 rats. He delivers them into Niffty’s waiting hands, and she welcomes each one home by name. 
He heads for the bar, exhausted, to collect the night’s highball from Husker; then he slips into the shadows and across the hotel to his room. He hangs his coat by the door. His ears twitch — on the other side of the wall is the unmistakable cacophony of a dozen displeased rats. 
He peeks his head through the door. He blinks. Twelve pairs of irate red eyes regard him from twelve golden cages, stacked neatly on his doormat like the misguided offerings of a house cat.
A smile creeps across Alastor’s face. He closes the door gently — he’ll bring the rats to Niffty in the morning. 
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synergysilhouette · 1 year
5 Things I DESPERATELY want for the Winx Club reboot
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A balanced, inclusive story. Seasons 1-3 of the original series were amazing, but Tecna and Flora felt super neglected in terms of their world and backgrounds (I remember it's said in the RAI dub that Tecna is an android, and I'd love for that to be canon). It'd also be fun to see more of Andros and the merpeople without having to wait 5 seasons for it.
Male fairies. They've been shown in the background of the original show, but their designs are very basic and without any transformations.
The specialists are developed, fleshed-out love interests and we nix all of the toxic moments. We don't know a large amount of them outside of Sky, and the Sky/Diaspro/Bloom love triangle is just messy and unnecessary. Riven deserves an arc where he overcomes his toxic masculinity and sexism due to how his mom abandoned him and see the Winx and specialists help him with that. Plus I kinda want them to be magical rather than guys with magical weapons; they don't really stand a chance against magical villains, and their skills don't seem as cool next to sorcerers, fairies, witches, and wizards. I'd also like for Nabu to be a part of the group from the get-go, and Nex and Roy can be supporting characters. And let them have more clothes!
Meaningful transformations. In the original, Charmix is about overcoming insecurities, Enchantix is earned via sacrifice, and everything afterwards is a group project (even if some of them have nice designs). More meaningful requirements that contribute to their mental and emotional growth should be incorporated into the transformations--if they end up going beyond Enchantix.
Clarify what Daphne's situation is and let Bloom ENJOY Domino. At first Daphne was cursed by the witches to become a disembodied spirit, and then it was clarified that it was her Sirenix transformation that was cursed. I liked the idea that Sirenix could turn you evil like Politea, though Daphne being a disembodied spirit as a result of the transformation felt like an odd retcon. If they want to use Sirenix later, perhaps have it exist as an evil transformation, resulting in why Bloom has to fight Daphne while Aisha fights Tritanus. And I just want Bloom to be able to enjoy her time in Domino when it's restored rather than immediately going back to business.
And I'll just be that guy: is there ANY way to get the 4kids cast to do the English dub? If not, I made a post with my own fancast for the girls and the specialists. Haven't made one for the villains yet, though.
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kaorusan241 · 2 years
ok so, summer holidays after endgame. anne's admitted to st. mungo's to be more comfortable. fig was MC's legal guardian so she and sebastian are both orphans. so they're allowed to stay at hogwarts just for this summer, but they cannot leave the grounds apart from hogsmade and during day hours. also due to being extremely watched, they cannot fall to their shenanigans again, so they're forced to be good. this brings them together even more. so a lot of fluff, healing and a first kiss? no smut
I’ve given this a go, sorry if it’s crap! For wider reference, my call for prompts is HERE.
Sebastian Sallow x Slytherin! MC | When Term Ends
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The concept of a ‘summer holiday’ doesn’t mean much to you. Having grown up in the abject poverty of east London, the idea of relaxing happily with family, swimming in lakes and frolicking in fields, is entirely foreign.
When you first came to Hogwarts, you’d done your best to control your shock and delight at seeing entire tables stacked with chicken, vegetables and gravy, beef stew, freshly baked bread and a variety of soups - to be able to eat like this every day is something you’re still getting used to.
How funny, that despite the immense power you hold, the sight of a simple meal is still the thing that brings you the most comfort.
Hard benches, strict lines, attendants in monochrome uniforms, no curtains, floor coverings, or privacy. The constant sense that everyone around you on the street while you sold matchboxes or paintbrushes considered your poverty a choice - a result of a fundamental lack of effort.
You wish with all your soul that you’d been aware of Hogwarts sooner - to experience this level of freedom and joy for just three years feels cruel.
You wish you could curse the bastards who visited the slums for sport, to hell with the Decree for the Reasonable Restriction of Underage Sorcery.
You sigh, putting your book down on the table and watching the flames flicker in the dull green light of the common room. You look at your hands, so different to someone like Imelda’s. Your skin bears the evidence of all that you’ve been through, everything that makes you who you are.
You don’t know if it’s because of the ancient magic that bristles under your skin, but since the holidays began, you’ve struggled to keep a lid on your anger. You feel restless, caged in by the weight of fixing everyone else’s problems.
Take Sebastian, for example. You know that you’ll never fully understand the depths of his devotion to Anne, as an only child yourself. Your own feelings about the situation are so conflicted, you can scarcely imagine how Sebastian must feel.
Solomon was complacent in his search for a cure, you agree with him on that much. But Solomon was only doing what Anne had asked him to do, to stop looking, to let her cope with the symptoms by herself. Given the amount of suffering she’d experienced at Rookwood’s hands, shouldn’t Anne have been allowed that choice?
A life dictated by a feuding brother and uncle, on top of everything else… you grit your teeth, irritated again.
Sebastian is your friend, someone you want to trust to protect you. But he’s also a complicated character - it’s part of what drew you to him in the first place. You could sense something under the surface, even before you spoke to him. A languid charm that hid something much darker underneath.
Sebastian had a family who loved him, who wanted to protect him from the dark arts. A family who cared about what happened to him, who didn’t dump him in the streets and leave him to fend for himself.
He’d thrown all that away, for what? Knowledge?
You don’t believe for a second that Sebastian had done it with entirely pure intentions. He might well believe that everything he’s done, every curse he’s cast, was for his sister’s sake. He might even try to pretend that killing his uncle didn’t matter.
You know him better than that.
Speak of the devil and he doth appear.
“Didn’t expect to see you here”, Sebastian drawls, taking a seat next to you with a tired huff. It’s supposed to be a joke, but falls flat.
You were the only two Slytherins asked by Headmaster Black to stay in the castle over summer. Ominis was free to go, probably because he hadn’t witnessed two deaths in the span of a week. Thestrals might even start to pity you at this point.
“I have nowhere else to go.”
It’s honest, maybe too honest, and slips out before you can stop it. Sebastian just nods sagely.
You’ve never gone into detail about your past, but you know he senses the darkness in you, too.
“It’s been over a month, and still no invitations to join you on a quest. Don’t tell me you’re back on the straight and narrow?”
“Ah yes, because you’d know all about that.”
Sebastian laughs, and you feel yourself smirk. Anyone else listening would have been horrified at how flippantly you just referenced Solomon’s murder, but you weren’t about to argue about it, and you certainly couldn’t ignore it.
“Fair enough.”
Sebastian kicks his feet up onto the table, stretching his arms out behind him and crossing them behind his head. He glances at you, trepidation clear in his eyes.
“So… Professor Fig. How are you holding up? I didn’t spend much time with him, but I know you two were close.”
You feel hollow at the mention of Fig, empty after the promise of a stable home had been snatched away from your grasp.
“I’m fine. Neither of us are any stranger to grief, Sebastian.”
A pause. Sebastian sighs, sitting up from the sofa and leaning his arms on his knees.
“I know what you must think of me, now. I did this for Anne, but even she won’t speak to me. Thinks I should dwell on the consequences of my actions for a while.”
“Even if I had been sent to Azkaban, even if you’d all turned me in, I doubt she’d have visited me. Maybe a fate entwined with the dementors is what I deserve.”
Sebastian jumps at your insistence, turning to look at you in surprise.
“I don’t agree with you killing Solomon, but I also know that it was accidental. You let your anger get the best of you. The dark arts are powerful, but need to be wielded with care.”
“Do you think Anne might come to understand, with time?”
“Understand what? That you had to do it? No. Until you recognise that your inexperience with the dark arts led to this, she’ll never understand you. The only way she’ll ever come around, is if you frame it as a terrible mistake.”
Sebastian laughs again in surprise at that, and you turn away slightly, blushing.
“Sounds a little… manipulative? To twist recent events in my favour? Perhaps I’m rubbing off on you after all.”
You can’t help but smile. “Regrettably, yes.”
“In all seriousness though, I’m grateful to you for standing by me, through it all. I don’t know how to repay you.”
You look at him fully, noting the sincerity in his dark eyes, the bags underneath them. It’s been weighing heavily on him, you realize. The idea of being left alone.
“Are you afraid that without Ominis and I in your corner, you might get drawn into something worse..? Something you’d regret?”
“Maybe. I still intend to study the dark arts, to get better control over it. But without Anne I don’t have the same motivation as before. She was my other half, my best friend.”
You wince sympathetically, placing a hand on his shoulder, drawing it up and down the soft fabric of his robes in an attempt to comfort him.
“I can’t pretend I understand. Anne is wonderful, but I didn’t do all this for her.”
Sebastian furrows his brows. “If not for her, then why? Why did you go to such great lengths to help me?”
“Everyone I’ve ever cared about, has abandoned me, or died.” You don’t know where the words are coming from, but it feels like a dam has burst. “Everyone.”
You lift your hand from his shoulder, standing to pace near the fire, feeling its heat gracing your ankles as you walk.
“I know that you cared about Anne, that you love her. But she’s not dead yet, Sebastian. There’s still time for us to find a way to cure her, something that doesn’t involve blood sacrifices, or dark arts we can’t control. The people I’ve lost? They’re gone. I’ll never understand what it feels like for you, watching a part of yourself suffer in that way. But I do know what it feels like to be betrayed by family.”
Sebastian approaches you cautiously, as if you’re a wire about to snap.
“You’re talking about your childhood, aren’t you? The orphanage?”
“I’m sorry. I know you’ve kept parts from me, but it can’t have been easy.”
“It wasn’t. I just-” your voice cracks, and you turn away, hiding the tears before they fall.
“I just need to feel wanted. Like someone cares about me. I want to find someone I can trust completely, who won’t force me to stand on my own.” You swallow, steeling yourself.
“When you drifted away, out of my reach, towards magic that I don’t understand, it broke me. It felt like I was right back to where I started. Back to reaching out in my sleep, begging my parents not to leave me behind.”
“I could be that, for you.”
“What?” you quickly wipe your eyes, looking back at him. He’s standing straight, staring at you with a steely resolve that you’ve rarely seen on him.
“I could be the person that stands by your side. That you could trust. I know I’ve made some mistakes…” Sebastian rubs the back of his neck, guilt still radiating off him in waves. “I’ve made mistakes, but…”
He comes closer to you then, gripping your forearms tightly.
“Listen to me. I would never hurt you. You can trust me. After everything you’ve done for me, everything you are… how could I ever leave you?”
You suck in a breath. Here is Sebastian, admitting that you’re one of the three people in the entire world he cares about. That he wants you by his side.
“I.. thank you, Sebastian. I appreciate it.”
Sebastian stares at you, looking for something. You feel yourself heat under his gaze, wondering whether or not he believes you.
“Why do you think I go on quests with you? Spend so much time with you? Do you think it’s out of the goodness of my heart?”
“No… I thought that maybe… you wanted to learn more about ancient magic? That you needed it for something, thought it might help you cure Anne.”
He looks slightly affronted at this. “You think I was just using you? This whole time? That I don’t care about you?”
“No, that’s not it. I know you care. We’re friends.”
“Friends.” Sebastian laughs, incredulously.
“Have you not been paying any attention to the way I’ve been looking at you, this entire school year?”
Your heartbeat races. Are you about to have a heart attack? You don’t know where to look, the eye contact is too intense and you need to leave, you need to get out of here -
“Look at me.”
Sebastian lifts one hand to your face, turning your head, so gentle, despite all the anger you know simmers inside him.
“It’s different with you. I … like you. I want to be there for you, for you to depend on me. You can depend on me.”
It feels like every muscle in your body has frozen. You don’t attempt to speak.
“If you choose me.. I promise, I will never let you down again.”
It overwhelms you, the feelings you have for Sebastian. Everything that you would do for him. It feels all-consuming, the way that you take on his problems as if they were your own. Now he’s saying you can depend on him, that you don’t have to struggle through this alone.
You gently place your hands above his where they rest on your face, and lean forward. The kiss is feather-light, Sebastian doesn’t even seem to register it at first, but then he grips on to you. You feel like you’re falling.
Author’s Note: I don’t have a PS5 myself / have been using my friends, so my knowledge of this game is going to be a lot more limited than other writers. I can only write the characters as I see them, and I enjoy doing so, but things like detailed lore, specific plot points etc. might have inaccuracies. So if that’s vital to people, they should look for writing elsewhere.
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chibi-celesti · 3 months
Time For Your Tune Up(Grim)
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“Nyeh, Human! Look what I found~”
Yumei looked up from his notebook to see Grim holding an orb-shaped crystal in his paws. In a panic, the boy jumped up and quickly grabbed the item out of his paws. “Give me that!”
“Nyah! What was that for?!” Grim shouted.
“This crystal is not a Toy!!” Yumei yelled back. “Where did you even find that?!”
“In your school bag. I was bored and hungry, so I went to nab me a Tuna Can. But instead I found that shiny crystal,” He told the ‘human’.
He rubbed his fingers on the bridge of his nose. “If you were that hungry, you could’ve waited til we were done studying.”
“I told you I was bored. Why are you makin’ a fuss over it anyway?”
“‘Cause this isn’t a toy. I told you this already!”
“Well you have like four other ones in your bag! Why can’t I have one?”
A pause. That question…something the Third Gen had been dreading to tell anyone ever since he arrived in this world. And with good reason. “...I don’t wanna talk about it, Grim. Let’s just go back and study,” He says instead, grabbing a pencil and passing it to his companion. “Please?”
His response was the cat pushing the pencil down instead. “Not until you tell me what’s so special about that rock!”
Yumei started to feel a headache forming. “Ok, fine. I’ll tell you.”
“Yay!” Grim cheered that he got his way again.
“But you have to promise not to tell anyone else about this! Not even Ace or Deuce, understand?”
“Yeah, yeah. I promise. Now show me!”
Begrudgingly, Yumei got up from the rickety desk and sat on the edge of the bed. He lifted the right side of his shirt up to show Grim an odd tattoo. “Huh? What’s that?”
“It’s…an Installer Port.”
“Install what port?”
“Installer Port. You wouldn’t cause obviously, you’re a cat-”
“-Anyway!” The ‘human’ continued. “This is where I, or someone I trust, usually helps to put this,” he gestures to the Life Extending Agent in his hands. “In there.”
“And I take them once every three months.”
“Uh huh.”
“And I need to continue to take them until I’m forty.”
“What happens at forty?”
“They…don’t work anymore,” Yumei lied. Last he wanted to tell the little guy he’ll be dead at forty because they won’t work on him anymore.
“Because I won’t need them anymore by then…” He pulled his shirt back down and placed the Agent on his bed, hoping that what he explained satisfied all of Grim’s curiosity.
Said Grim snorted at the boy. “Seriously? That’s it. I can’t mess with them all because you need them til you’re forty?”
“Yes. Now, can we go back and study?”
“Fiiine,” he pouted, before grinning mischievously. “AFTER you show me how it works!”
“Later, Grim!”
“Nope! Show me now, Minion. Prove to me that that stupid crystal goes in that weird tattoo on you!” He huffed from his place on the desk.
He paled. Despite his protests, the feline still wanted to see the procedure happen. This was a road block the Reyvateil did not want to have right now. And even though he really didn’t want to expose Grim to this…
“Ok. I’ll show you.”
…He relented.
Yumei nervously grabbed the Life Extending Agent, lifted his shirt to expose the mark on his side again, and brought the crystal near the mark. He sucked in breath as Yumei began to press the geode into his body. “Ah!” he cursed himself for that yelp.
“Nyah! What the- it’s disappearing in your body, Yumei!”
“That’s the-Ow! Point, Grim.” He joked, or attempted to. The pain making itself quite known on the boy’s face. The sounds of pain coming from Yumei only got worse as he kept pushing it inside.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the Agent was absorbed into his body. He collapsed on the bed on his good side, curling into himself, breathing hard. “It…is…done…”
“...,” Grim didn’t say anything after that. He watched his minion exhausted from doing the procedure. Secretly, he was second guessing his choices for pestering the truth(or part of what he was given, but he doesn’t need to know that part).
He scurried onto the bed next to Yumei, nudging him with his paws. “Yumei?” the boy opened one eye to look at him. “That’s it, right? You’re done now, right?”
“Yeah. I’ll be fine for the next three months.”
A few nights later:
“Gah!” He jumped out of his sleep, looking frantically for Grim, who cried out in the middle of the night. He saw him tangled up in part of the blanket and quickly pulled him out of it. “Hey hey. Grim, it’s ok. It’s ok, I’m right here.” He felt tiny paws grabbing onto his nightshirt, claws nearly ripping part of the seams. “Whatever it was, it was only a dream.”
The sniffling from the furball pulled at his heart strings. “I..I saw you die. And, and I tried to give you those Extending Agent thingy, but it didn’t work. And then..and then…!”
“Like I said. It was just a dream,” He gave him a gentle hug, hushing him with a small lullaby.
“I’m here, Grim. And I’m not going anywhere. Promise.”
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newtthetranswriter · 1 year
"Umbrellas are for pussies."
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Pairing: Yuta Okkotsu x American Reader
Word count: 1418
Summary: A day out with Yuta leads to playful bickering about umbrellas.
Warnings: The use of the word pussies once making fun of people.
A/N: Just a random idea I had while watching the rain today. Reader is from the state of Oregon because that’s where I’m from originally and I personally think umbrellas are for wimps, and transplants(People not from Oregon originally). I’m also thinking of making this like a mini cross fandom series about different characters in the rain. Also requests are still open and I’m working on the one I have. It just may take a bit as my new job is finally giving me hours, and Vegas (where I live right now) Is facing some heavy rain this week with possible flooding and power outages. 
    It was a relaxing day at Jujutsu tech, which was rare but welcome. Taking advantage of the few off days we received as sorcerers, me and Yuta decided it would be nice to go out and just have fun in Tokyo together. It would be our first date in a while with the number of missions Yuta gets being a Special grade sorcerer, and we just wanted to go shopping and get lunch without the worries of curses and Panda teasing us. Don’t get me wrong I love hanging out with our friends but it can be a bit much having the bear cracking jokes at our expense every five seconds.
    We decided that we would meet each other at the entrance to the school and leave from there together. It was a few minutes past when we agreed to leave when I watched Yuta run towards me out of breath. I just chuckled at the ravenet as he approached. “What took so long and why are you running?” I asked as he took a moment to catch his breath.
     “Oh, I was looking for an umbrella, It looks like it might rain so I figured it’s better to come prepared. I lost track of time searching and when I realized I was late, I rushed out so you wouldn’t think I forgot our date.” He said standing back up and smiling at me. It was then that I noticed the cause of his tardiness in his hand.
     I rolled my eyes at him. “It probably won’t rain, especially if it’s in the forecast.” I said this from experience. “Also using an umbrella is for pussies.” I joked as we made our way from the school.
     You see I’m from the U.S.A, more specifically Oregon. I learned growing up that when they say it’s going to rain it probably won’t, and if they predict a sunny day expect a thunderstorm. I also grew up with the mentality that umbrellas were pointless, if it’s gonna rain oh well a little water won’t hurt. I came to Japan because opportunities for Jujutsu sorcerers are limited as they don’t cause too much problem there, so I went where I could learn about the strange things only I could see. That is how we get to where we are now.
      My boyfriend looked at me like I was crazy for a second before just brushing off my comment, favoring enjoying our day out rather than bickering about rain. He grabbed my hand as we started our walk towards the bustling city enjoying the cool weather. We talked about little things that didn’t really matter, things like Inumaki ‘accidentally’ cursing Panda to stay silent for a whole day, or how Gojo spends way too much money on candy. It was just light hearted talk, forgetting that we work such a dangerous job that could take everything away at any second. It always felt great to just be people.
     After a half hour walk we were finally in Tokyo. We decided that the best course of action was to get a quick breakfast before heading to a mall for the day. Yuta and I agreed on a little bakery that had coffee as well and sat down to enjoy it. Again just idle chatter about some dumb meme I had seen or a stupid video Yuta saw. We finished breakfast and headed to the mall.
     When we got to the mall we immediately went to Hot Topic, and got some MCR shirts, a few buttons, and a few Funko pops. I also got a new set of gauges for my ears before we headed to the next store. Yuta decided that we had to go into Box Lunch and nearly begged to get a squishmellow that looked like a piece of Onigiri for our friend with limited vocabulary. He also got a marvel mug and I picked out some My Hero Academia ramen bowls.
      This went on for a few hours just us going from store to store buying random things, for ourselves, or the occasional thing that made us think of one of our friends. Around noon we decided to grab lunch in the food court before heading home because we already both had a few bags we had to carry back. Luckily one of the things I bought was a backpack that looked like Finn’s bag from Adventure Time and was able to put quite a bit of our stuff in it, shrinking the number of bags needed to carry everything. We both still had like three bags of stuff to carry but it wasn’t too bad.
     Leaving the mall, I realized Yuta had been right about it raining. It wasn’t raining too bad, I’d say only sprinkling, nothing to worry too much about. I didn’t even pause before stepping out into the rain and walking away from the mall, I only stopped when I realized Yuta wasn’t next to me. I turned to see my boyfriend struggling with the bags he was carrying, trying to set them down for a moment while also trying not to drop the umbrella he had in his hand. Walking up I grabbed the bags from him before asking. “What are you doing? It’s not that bad, you don’t need that.” I pointed at the umbrella he was opening.
      “Just because you were raised like an animal, doesn’t mean I have to get soaked in the rain.” Yuta responded by taking the bags back from my hand, after positioning the umbrella over his head. “Also I never said you had to use it. If you want to catch a cold in this weather, have fun but don’t come crying to me.”
      I just rolled my eyes, returning my attention back to making the trek back to Jujutsu tech. “I won’t catch a cold, I’m just saying you look dumb with it.” I could hear him scoff as he caught up with me.
      The walk back towards the school was fine until the rain went from a sprinkle to a downpour and Yuta made us step under the cover of a bus stop for a moment to make sure none of our stuff was getting wet. After making sure anything that could be damaged by the rain was covered and out of harm's way I moved back into the rain. “What are you doing? It's raining too hard for you to just be walking around in a t-shirt and no umbrella.” The voice of my worry wort said.
      I just kept walking listening to the sound of him rushing to catch up with me. “I said before that I'm fine. I’ve walked further in worse rain.” I said as he was walking next to me. It was silent for a moment before he moved so the umbrella was covering the both of us. “I said I don’t use umbrellas. People who do are weird, it’s just water, it can't hurt me.” I responded as I stepped away from the offending object.
      The special grade just rolled his eyes at me. “Look I know that you don’t want to use the umbrella but please. For me just this once. I don’t want you getting sick. ANd I know you said you won’t catch a cold, but I don’t like the idea of you risking it. Plus soaking wet clothes are not fun.” He said, trying to move closer to get me under the umbrella. “Plus I can see you shivering, no matter how used to the rain you are, admit that you’re just a little cold.
      My shoulders slumped, he was right about me shivering and wet clothes sucking. “Fine, but this is the only time I will do this. And if you tell anyone I will inform everyone that you unironically listen to Taylor swift.” I responded, making up something random to make him agree, finally letting him close enough to shield me from the rain.
      He froze for a moment before responding. “I do not listen to Taylor Swift, but fine I won’t tell anyone that you walked under an umbrella.” He paused before continuing, “You Americans are weird about really dumb things.” I just nodded in agreement and kept walking.
      Today was great, even though I went against my people by using an umbrella, I had fun. It’s always nice to just talk and spend time with the one you love. I can’t wait for the next time we can do this together.
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liviavanrouge · 9 months
Pacify Her
Akasha: *Stares at Livia and the magic book then looks at Lilia* Father...
Lilia: I'm not your "Father"
Akasha: But the spell Malleus used confirmed that you are indeed my parent...so...I want the spell book Livia has...
Livia, Silver, Sebek and Kuro: *Looks at Akasha shocked*
Lilia: Excuse me..
Malleus: *Narrows his eyes* The sheer audacity you have...
Akasha: I am also Fathers daughter, Livia has inherited most of Fathers things! S-So, I want something, p-please Father!
Lilia: *Stares her down* Request....denied.
Akasha: But I am also Fathers daughter! I-I want something too
Nex and Vex: *Looks at each other annoyed*
Bakunawa: *Covers his ears irked*
Briar: *Sighs, shaking her head wishing she'd stop talking*
Akasha: I want the Magic Book!
???: Pacify her....
Akasha: *Turns stunned* what.....
Silver: *Narrows his eyes* You're getting on my nerves
Akasha: Big brother...
Silver: You're not worth it...so stop lying to yourself
Akasha: *Purses her lips together, keeping her fury under control* Sorry....
Silver: Liv, let's go see your friends
Akasha: *Grips her dress as everyone left, leaving her alone, rage showing on her face* I can't believe this...they love her more than me...
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sillygoblinantics · 2 days
Bonnie’s Day Out!!
Ch. 1 pg. 21 — 31
˚✧⁎⁺★˳✧༚˚✧₊⁺˳✧༚ ★˚✧⁎⁺★˳✧༚˚✧₊⁺˳✧༚
Friendly reminder that I’m gonna return to these on a later date to ink and color but I want to still share the proof of concept and thought process going into the entire piece!
˚✧⁎⁺★˳✧༚˚✧₊⁺˳✧༚ ★˚✧⁎⁺★˳✧༚˚✧₊⁺˳✧༚
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“What? Is something wrong?”
G snaps out of her trance
“No! No! It’s nothing I-”
“Awwww come now, G. That’s no way to introduce me〜♡!”
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“Didn’t Lily teach you proper etiquette?” Kekekeke
“A Mismagius!”
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“I knew I smelled something rotten upstairs!”
“Oohoohoohoo! Such a spicy mouth you have!~”
“What do you want magi?”
“Whaaaat!! can’t I meet our new friends too?”
“No magi, you-”
“But you ALWAYS get ALL the ATTENTION!” A boohoohooo!~
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“And We both know how Lily is with sharing time, right? Besides! You’ve already made your first impression today! It’s MY turn with the guests~”
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“S-st-stop it magi”
“Stop what?”
“Just stop it! L-leave us al-”
“I’m not doing anything~”
“Yes you-”
“Careful G, you don’t want to get locked in your ball again do you?”
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“Leave! G-go away magi… just go awa-”
“Oooh G so fra- a-AH! AAAHHHHHOOOOW!”
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“What just?-”
Felicity growls
“MAGIIIII!” Mikayla calls from the other room
Angered by the interruption from a measly little pawn
“You’re lucky this time, but it Won’t Save you nex-”
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“It was nice to meet you too MisRagius!”
*ghostly grumbling and mumbling cut off be phasing through material*
“Talk about perfect timing huh? Now then! What did you say your name was?”
“M-my name?”
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“Wait weren’t you just snapping at me a couple of minutes ago?”
“So why are you suddenly so…”
“Well, it’s simple: my anger was directed at the wrong Pokémon.”
“But… how can you even trust me after I-”
“Magi hurt my trainer. You weren’t even there. Physically you were, but mentally and spiritually: you weren’t.”
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“Not to mention your scent changed, so I trust you.”
“You… trust me?”
“Of course I do!”
… g waits a moment “and you asked my name yes?”
“Can I have yours first?”※
“No. But you may call me, Felicity.”
“Thank you, Felicity.”
“May I have you name so I know how to address you by?”
“Oh of course! I’m experiment G.”
˚✧⁎⁺★˳✧༚˚✧₊⁺˳✧༚ ★˚✧⁎⁺★˳✧༚˚✧₊⁺˳✧༚
※ author’s note:
Fairy type Pokémon are the same as the Fey or Faeries from mythology, and like the Fey, if you give them your name, they will not just know it, but own you and your soul. (not destiny bond or whatever fetish crap Lily wrote for the original madhouse! This is cursed, hexes and plague type faerie magic!) even Pokémon know this and teach their offspring the dangers and how to protect yourself from their tricks.
˚✧⁎⁺★˳✧༚˚✧₊⁺˳✧༚ ★˚✧⁎⁺★˳✧༚˚✧₊⁺˳✧༚ ✧⁎⁺★˳✧
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the-arcade-doctor · 3 months
I don’t feel like you truly care
And I can’t keep investing my time into someone who’s always a ticking time bomb
I made some many separate things with meticulous planning just for it to end flat, unanswered, or just spoon feeding you lore because you’re so limited in your mind set you can’t think of any other answer until it comes crashing down
You know what I really realized? We’re not really friends anymore, it’s only the arcade that keeps us together. We used to be close, before things got complicated, before lore details had to change. Maxie, 4, Orby, even so when things changed, it was ok. I gave Orby sentience, Maxie was a girl now and no longer a crow, 4… has more numbers. I don’t know how they are right now, Jack forgot about me long time ago. But you… you forgot how to live. You forgot how to separate yourself from Jay, and everything when down hill.
We don’t even genuinely talk anymore. It’s all fake characters with fake actions. Trying to tell you that these are fake, you curse me out and stop listening to me. This is why Jay died, dude. Even when that happened, you automatically referred to me as “Astrid” as if 1: I can’t be separate from my characters, 2: it was a personal vendetta against you, and 3: Astrid was the one with the big fucking nuclear bomb. Yeah, thanks Nex.
People treat you like a celebrity more like a real person, which only worsened you. They come to your beck and call, they quell you when the story has drama, they even comfort you for nothing, saying “you did nothing wrong” without any reason other than your hurt. They even shun and curse out the other side without any explanation. You can say I’m wrong, but you can check my latest post, and even your latest posts.
Being your friend feels more like a job than a relationship. I’m tired of being underpaid. I quit I’m done.
I should probably end this off better.
You say that you can change, multiple times, but you don’t. And you can’t. You’re too far gone to change, and I pity you for that, but if I keep putting time into you, I’m constantly going to be unsatisfied. So I have to leave.
Goodbye, James.
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houseofmonsterz · 21 days
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embe95 · 2 years
It Only Took One Saturday
Synopsis: Mac's a good guy, okay? Well, I mean, he's the only one who cares about me... right? But then along comes Felix, who just changes everything.
Felix, again... He's just lovely to write for, idk man. This took waaaaay longer than I thought it would. And it is LONG. 6,800 words, jeepers.
Warnings: emotionally abusive relationship (reader has a toxic ex), cursing, talk of sex (not explicit) but yeah, here we are
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Late again! Fuck… fuck Y/N, you can’t keep doing this!
I cover my face with a pillow, groan and stagger up quickly even though my body begs me to catch up on my sleep some more. Late… I’m late. Again. Minho is going to slice my head clean off.
Where- oh right, there…
”Y/N?” I hear his groggy voice from the messy bed. It’s covered with regret from corner to corner.
Fuck. Not again.
”Mac! You’re up!” I turn, grinning with panic, arms still flailing around to try and grab my clothes.
Mac leans up on his elbows, toned biceps flexing, hair a mess, and so it all comes back to me.
I’m at his house again. Why, why, why do I keep doing this?
I pull on my sweats, grateful that some part of me must have considered the fact that I have practice today.
This is not at all surprising. I came here after an anxiety attack and we had sex. Disappointing, yes, both as a decision and as an activity, but not surprising.
”You have practice again?” Mac’s voice sounds like a chain saw, but his tone is nonchalant. He’s gonna ask when he can see me next. I’m already bugged by the question.
”Mhmm… yeah.”
Where is the damn- oh yeah, there.
I pull my shirt on.
”When can we meet up?”
”Mac, listen, this was fun, but I don’t think-”
”Yeah, yeah, just stop. You say the same shit every time. Just face it, it’s not like you’re gonna find someone better. What we have is fine.”
”What we ha- You know what? Not now. I’m late. We’ll talk later.”
Mac’s reply ”see you tonight” rings in my ears as a disheartening taunt, a threat, a promise and, unfortunately, most likely a fact.
The city streets are filled with people who just can’t seem to understand that they are in my way and not moving quickly enough. The ride on the bus takes longer than it usually does. Seoul flies by, colours, sounds, smells all mixing together. What if I don't see Mac tonight? What if I do? Will he be angry if I'm alone? If I decide to be by myself will I end up going back anyway?
My body is tense and I check the time every few seconds, half waiting and half dreading the famous message I’m about to receive.
| What degree would you like me to set the air fryer to?
Actually, no. That one would be Minho when he’s not in his all-consuming choreographer mode, but when I’m just late for a coffee date etc. Nah, the text I’m about to get is from the team.
Called. It.
| Jinnie: What temp should Min set the air fryer to?
| Felix: I’ve hidden it, don’t worry
They’re hilarious.
| Y/N: eta 3 min
I’m usually late when I sleep over at Mac’s. It feels like a cycle, an unhealthy one at that. Are cycles ever positive? I digress.
We officially broke up over three months ago. Why did we do that again? Did we ever really? Bitch, please. I’m the one who called it off because I felt like there was a rhino sitting on my chest whenever we were together. But then… I don’t know. The rhino became a constant presence, and without another body close to mine it wiggles and jumps and dances. Sex is a distraction. But it’s never quite what I need. Maybe I'm the problem? Maybe I'm too much in my head? Maybe I'm bad at it? It’s more of a sport, really. At least dancing makes me sweaty and satisfied. 
Speaking of.
After what seems like 3 hours to me, the packed bus finally glides to my stop and I squeeze myself out from between two suits smelling of expensive Sauvage. The perfume stays with me as I speed to the studio on the 10th floor.
Almost there. Already sweaty.
I toss my bag and jacket, bow as deep as I can without falling over and join the warm up.
The next half an hour is grueling.
”Hey you,” Felix sighs as he slumps down next to me. He’s panting nearly as hard as me.
Thank goodness it’s not just me being out of shape, Minho is really working us today.
I wish I was focusing on him, his freckles and that incredible blonde hair that’s sticking to his forehead and neck. Instead I’m stuck staring at the luminescent rectangle in my hand, at the text underneath a number that should’ve been deleted long ago.
| Can you grab some toilet paper on your way over?
”You alright?”
”Yeah, I’m fine,” I sigh and discard the phone back into my bag. Airplane mode on, obviously, no phones during practice.
Felix stays quiet, fiddling with the strings on his hoodie.
”What’s up with Hyung today?”
”Right?” I leap at the opportunity to distract myself from the message I just received, but its effect on my mood is evident.
But Felix is his gentle self and doesn’t push it. He knows it’s not the time or place. He knows I don’t much care for talking in general.
”Break’s over! C’mon!”
We’ve been a dance team for a while, me, Felix, Hyunjin, Jisung and Elle. Three months to be exact. Minho focuses on the choreos but sometimes the formations he comes up with require pairings, and so he hops back in to where he originally began; dancing with his friends. I met them all during Minho’s classes, Hyunjin first at contemporary, Elle and Felix in street styles.
When my dear friend opened his dance school a few years back I attended it as more of a ”supportive friend” sort of thing, but ended up loving it so much there was nothing to do but become a standard fixture in Minho’s classes.
Then one September evening after a particularly sweaty contemporary class Min asked if I’d have the guts to try out for a team he was putting together. I almost started crying because of how touched I was that he wanted me to join so desperately.
It felt like magic, the way we all just clicked. We have ambition, Minho’s choreographies and just a shit-load of fun together. I didn’t even completely comprehend how far Minho’s reputation had spread before I found out that Felix had flown all the way from Australia just to attend his workshop. And now, here he is, next to me, practicing the most difficult combo I’ve ever witnessed Minho do.
I have the best time with all of them, no matter what we do. But Felix… he’s so kind and bright and pure like a fresh summer breeze. While my humor is more on the dark side (thank you, Min), we get along much better than I dared hope. My only ”problem” is that he never seems to be in a bad mood, and I don’t trust people without a dark side. He’s competitive, absolutely, and gets a little frustrated when he doesn’t learn a choreography as fast as he’d like. But according to him, when I compared his outbursts in those situations to mine or Elle’s, he just shrugged and smiled, stating that he’s a slow learner and that’s okay.
What gets him mad? What shakes him up? What makes those dark eyes darker? Maybe I'll find out some day.
”Min, one more time, please?” Elle pleads, eyes big, chest heaving, t-shirt soaked.
We four hum in agreement.
Practice runs until three pm. as agreed and I realize the rest of my Saturday is free.
Well, I mean… Mac is waiting for the toilet paper.
Minho startles me as his strong hands land on my shoulders.
"YA!" I snap and flip around.
His forehead is coated with sweat, hair sticking to it like running ink. My face expresses the distain for the previous gesture, but it's hard to keep an insulted composure when he looks at me like this; the small, mischievous smile more than familiar.
"Just coming to compliment you, but fine."
"Go on then."
"Why were you late?"
My exclamation holds confidence, but as soon as Minho's eyebrows reach for the ceiling and his eyes turn worried, the façade shakes. He knows about Mac. He knows as much as I let him, but being a close friend has probably granted him the burden of seeing through my words. It's difficult to hide the calls and constant texts. And the running mascara.
"I'm here you know, just let me know if you need anything." This time his strong hand is gentle as it grips my shoulder. I nod and reach for my bag.
"Thank you, I know. It's all good."
"Why don't we have a proper movie night? Maybe some drinks?" Minho leans down to search for my gaze. Instead of waiting for my answer, he hurries towards Hyunjin, Jisung, Felix and Elle, all four of them already heading out. "You guys free tonight?"
I feel giddy from the idea of spending time with my friends.... beats having to be a delivery girl by a thousand miles. Well, that's not completely fair, I stay at Mac's house so it's only fair that I buy stuff too. But seeing my team smile and nod eagerly and immediately start making plans on what, where and when is like serotonin of a different kind. It's calmer than the energy that comes from dancing, it's more comfortable than explosive, if that makes sense.
So a plan is made: we'll all meet at Minho's house in two hours. I'll get the wine, Hyunjin is in charge of chips, Felix is on dip duty, Jisung will bring the sweets and Elle takes care of the donuts. Minho will order the pizzas.
"Hey Y/N, I uh..." Felix opens the building door for me as we all make our way out. He looks a little nervous, but I can't see why that would be the case. Did I do something to upset him today? Was I rude? Did he want to tell me off for being late again?
"I don't really need to head home, mind if I just come to your house with you and we can head to hyung's together?"
Oh. That's all? I sigh in relief and smile, both at his question and my own thought process. He's never been to my house but I don't see why that's a problem.
"Sure, yeah, let's go catch the bus."
The bus is as full as when I arrived four hours ago. Felix and I are squeezed together, chest to back at first, but I get frustrated with not being able to reply when he talks next to my ear, so I flip around after the first two stops. His neck is in my eyeline, I find his eyes by tilting my head up. I'm so happy he's not Mac.
"You don't wanna shower or anything?"
"Do I smell?" he smirks.
"No! No, that's not what I- I mean just that-"
"Calm down," Felix chuckles, his chest vibrating against mine. His tongue quickly swipes across his lips. "You have a point, I guess I didn't really think about it."
"You can shower at mine," I shrug and feel my phone buzz deep in the pocket of my hoodie. It seems irrelevant, all I'm focused on is watching Felix's cheeks and ears change color. I don't think there's any need to be shy about such things, a shower is such a normal need and I so happen to have one at my place, as well as a clean towel and some shampoo. I always have this need to make people feel at home at my apartment, even if they haven't been there before. My goal is that it's easy for them to be with me and around me if that's a space I want to give them. And Felix has more than earned his space these past months.
Why does every suit wear Sauvage nowadays?
We laugh at nothing, damn near skipping our way to the elevator.
As the doors open to reveal the end of my blissful Saturday standing in the hallway, I find myself wishing that Felix had come home with me any other night. The rhino suddenly leaps onto my torso again, begins a little jig and my feet go a little numb. Tonight sounded too good to be true anyway.
"Where have you been?"
The text from earlier... I could've prevented this. Ignore the question, he knows where I've been.
"Felix, this is Mac, Mac, this is Felix."
Mac doesn't take Felix's outstretched hand, only stares at him up and down. I want to smack his judgmental jawline.
"Oh... uh. Hey, man... what's up?" Felix uses the hand meant for a polite handshake to rub the back of his neck.
"I'm her boyfriend."
"Ex-boyfriend," I specify abruptly, sending a pleading look at Felix to... well, I don't know what.
"What are you?" the owner of the rhino asks, voice as judgmental as his expression.
This is normal. Mac never got along with any of my friends. That's how boyfriends are. Or some boyfriends. We're meant to spend time together by ourselves and then we both keep our own friends as separate entities. He didn't want me to get jealous of his pretty friends. And of course he shouldn't have to see me being happy with other guys.
I fumble with my key and feel Mac's eyes burning my skin very uncomfortably. Maybe if I take too long, Mac will leave?
"Open up, I've been here for like... ten minutes."
"You knew I had practice."
"How was I supposed to remember what time it ends?"
He hasn't remembered before, why would he now? But we didn't make plans this time, but... I did, with my teammates.
"What's he doing here?" 
Mac pushes past me into the apartment, practically shoving me against the door. Felix's arm flies behind my back to stop me from falling.
My place is small, about 25 square feet which is really all I need. I try to keep it tidy, but every corner here screams "hectic lifestyle". Felix takes off his Converse immediately which makes me smile. I probably should be embarrassed by him seeing the laundry and dishes, but who doesn't have those in their apartment? Having two guys in here though... that's a little out of the ordinary.
"Felix and I just came to swing by, we're heading to Minho's for a movie night-"
"What? I thought we were hanging out?"
"I never said that! Minho asked and we all thought it was a great idea-"
”I drove all this way to get you!”
He did. He drove the whole five blocks for me.
”I know, okay,” I sigh and cross my arms. It hurts to turn to look at Felix, whose expression is completely unfamiliar to me. But his eyes aren't on me, they're on the man currently slumping onto my couch, I hear the heels of his shoes hit the small table in front of it. I wish he wouldn't do that.
I step between them. The rhino standing on me makes it hard to move. ”I’ll see you tomorrow, okay? I'll just text Minho. I’m so sorry for this Lix… dragging you here…”
Those beautiful brown eyes soften as he turns to me, it almost looks like he's reaching for me.
”You didn’t-”
”Lix? Are you a cat?” Mac laughs at his own quip.
He’s not funny, but at least he tries? I guess. But it’s not funny when it’s aimed at my friend.
”Shut up,” I reply. ”There’s no room for that with so many burgers in your name.”
Felix chuckles low and glances at me, hands in his pockets. I’m happy I make him laugh, it feels like an achieved goal. His smile falls quickly when his gaze does the same; he sees me throwing my bag over my shoulder and my feet inching back towards my discarded shoes next to the door.
”You really shouldn’t try to be funny,” the burger scoffs from the couch, grabbing a fistful of sourcream chips from the bowl on the table. I made him angry with my joke, I knew I shouldn't have said it. ”Or eat these, I thought we talked about this,” he mumbles as they turn to mush in his mouth.
He’s right, we have talked about it. Mac has said many times that he’s noticed how they make my face bloat. He’s right, I’m trying to be a good dancer, after all, I need to look the part.
I hum in response and lean down to tie my laces.
”You ready or what? What’s taking so long?”
”Almost!” I reply fast.
I return to an upright position so quick my head spins, but I have to hurry because Mac is getting impatient. I'm already mentally preparing to head for the door, when a sudden chill runs through me.
”Felix?” I stare at his expression, from the side his eyes look black. I hold out my hand, my trembling fingers reach for his arm but before they make their landing, he steps towards Mac.
I’ve never heard a voice so low, it’s primitive and raw. Mac freezes in his spot, chips stilling in his mouth.
”Excuse me?”
”Lix, I-”
”No, I’m sorry. Excuse me. Let me be more clear.”
Felix approaches Mac slowly.
”Get off your ass, walk to the door, open it, step out of it and then close it. I don't care what the fuck you get up to after that, but leave my sight right now, or I won't be responsible for my actions.”
Mac looks at Felix, then me. His expression emits complete disbelief. I don't move for an instant, but when I see Felix's head begin to tilt to the left, his back so tense he's shaking, I'm flooded with the strength of the small army he and I form together. I stare back at my ex, eyes ablaze, and cross my arms.
Mac scoffs and stomps toward the exit.
"You're just a mess of red flags, Y/N, psycho friends and all this shit, good luck finding someone to fuck!"
The silence that follows the slammed door is deafening. My hands fall to my sides slowly, the rhino walks away. I can't stop staring at the bowl of chips next to the couch. Why shouldn't I eat those if I like them? Why should I go just because he tells me to? I can find people to fuck me, to love me... I-I think I can. Right now I think I can.
”Thank you.”
”I’m so sorry,” Felix says speedily and his voice overlaps with mine. He pulls me in for a one-sided hug. I can’t respond out of the confusion in my brain.
”Sorry? For what?”
"I know you don't need saving, I just lost it, I'm so sorry if I hurt you by treating you as someone helpless, you're not, at all!"
Only Felix could turn doing something so kind and hot and decent into something to apologize for. I reach for the sides of his head which is now buried in my shoulder. He's still shaking.
"Lix, look at me."
He does.
"You did nothing wrong, thank you. I mean it. He needed to hear that. As did I."
His lower lip trembles.
"Oh come here, silly," I pull him back to the hug he began. Arms flung around my torso tightly, we remain like that and just breathe together until I feel his vibrating muscles calm.
So, that's what he's like when he's mad. That's one of his buttons; he's protective of his friends. Interesting, sort of obvious and very fitting.
Felix has to crouch, almost fold over to have his head reach the crook of my neck. This is the first time he's ever felt tall and small simultaneously, it's endearing. I'm suddenly very conscious about the fact that I haven't showered yet when I feel his nose brush the nape of my neck. My breathing pauses from the feeling. I hope I don't smell. Why did that feel so... intimate?
His arms tighten and he inhales deeply. Shivers travel throughout my existence and I have to force out an exhale.
"Are you okay?" Felix straightens up and focuses all his attention towards my eyes. It's magnetic, I just stare back. His eyes are brown again. I've never noticed that freckle next to his eyebrow.
"Y-Yeah, I'm good..." I mumble and then realize what I said.
The rhino is actually gone. I can breathe. I test the thought in practice and start smiling, the full kind.
"I'm good. I'm good! That felt so, so good! Felix, oh my god. Thank you for standing up to Mac, oh my god, I feel okay, I really do!"
I prance and hop around my apartment, blabbering all the while. My friend laughs aloud with a bright expression, his hip to one side, weight on one leg and hands in his pockets.
"I'm happy to hear it. I'm sorry I got so angry though," he goes serious.
"No, no, I loved it!"
I stop mid jump and feel like what I just blurted out is floating in front of me like a subtitle. Without knowing my thought process I can see how this could be confusing.
"He's gone," I sigh and turn to look at Felix. "He's gone, and it's good. I love that you did what would've taken me another six months of my life to finally do."
The whole team knows we started dancing together around the time me and Mac "broke up". I watch realization spread onto Lix's handsome features and wonder what it is he realized. That I was too weak to be alone? That I basically lied about the break up and that I've been seeing Mac this whole time? That I'm an idiot? That I'm pathetic?
"Has he been like that to you the whole time?" His eyes are dark again.
That's a tricky question in a sense. I really want to say he wasn't like that at first. That he changed. But maybe he was always like that and I was just too into him to see it. We disappeared from my friends' sight so quickly that no one in my social group really ever got to know him before the bigger fights began. Maybe they would've seen that he was a walking red flag.
"I'm not sure, actually. I think... it may have changed around the time he found out about my anxiety," my voice is small. I find refuge on the bed because the couch seems to still have his ass print on it. "I-I... Well, what really helps me when I get anxious, like have an attack or something, is physical contact. Mac made me feel like... I guess he made me feel like he was the only one who wants to help me. So even though I always felt heavy with him, and I did, truly, I feel so small and- well, just wrong when I'm with him it just... It felt like a better option than the wrong way I feel when I'm by myself. Whenever being alone got too much and I needed someone to hold me, hug me, touch me... love me, I'd go back to him. I guess I think it's better than being alone. And sometimes I just freeze and stare at everything this effects in my life; my family, friends, the team... I love dancing with you guys so much, but if I keep being late and just fucking everything up, I don't know what'll happen... Great, here I go. I'm sorry."
Tears have begun to run down my cheeks all the way to my hoodie. I didn't look at Felix once during my monologue, it felt so personal and self-reflective that I should've been on a leather futon in a therapist's office. All of a sudden he lands in front of me, knees colliding with the floor.
"Don't apologize, please."
Felix's hands envelope mine and he squeezes them gently. "I'm so sorry you've had to go through all this. If I'd known... He's an asshole, you don't need him. You have so many people who'd be happy to help you with whatever you need. People who adore you."
His hands protecting mine feels comforting, but there's something very exciting about his touch. I'm happy I'm crying, because it hides the real reason I think I'm shivering right now. But it's Felix... I mean it's Lee Felix, he's my friend. My teammate. I mean... have I thought about what he's hiding underneath his clothes, what he'd look like out of them and under me? Sure, yeah, of course. Obviously. But never in a serious manner. I haven't even let myself think about having a new crush. There's only been Mac. The one whose supposed to be the only one to love and take care of me... I imagine what sex would be like with everyone I dance with, I guess. How can someone who's been having sex regularly be so horny? Maybe it speaks to the satisfaction level of the activity. Or the one offering the services. I digress. What is it about Felix that makes our contact so monumental all of a sudden? 
And now I know he can get mad, his eyes do get darker. And it happened as he protected me. I loved it. It's like I've unlocked a new level.
My tears cease, the last two fall when I smile.
"Thanks, Lix, that's sweet."
"I mean it, I... We really care for you. And if you ever need company or anything, you know, just call me- or any of us!"
His eyes haven't left our joint hands once.
This would be the perfect moment to kiss him.
As if reading my mind, his eyes find mine. They're big and beautiful, glowing. He's glowing.
This is the wrong time to kiss him, or anyone. It's not fair, I'm just fragile and excited and frazzled, and anything that could happen now could just as easily be me trying to control these roaring emotions with something concrete. That something should be taking a shower, not kissing my friend.
But he's so beautiful and staring at me and just right there, looking so ready for the taking.
My hands fly to Felix's cheeks and his eyes light up even brighter. I smack a dry kiss onto his forehead and get up clumsily.
"Thank you, you're amazing. Really, I'm so happy we're friends," I chirp, heading to the closet to grab fresh towels for us both. I toss the yellow one to him just as he's getting up, eyes now on the ground, the corners of his lips seem to curve down. He must not like forehead kisses. "Let's talk more okay, I really do want to go through this properly, but I really need a shower first. Just make yourself at home."
An accepting hum follows me to the bathroom.
I'm quick when I shower, but I'm happy that Felix took my comment to heart and relaxed enough to sit on my bed in the five minutes I spent away from the shared space. He smiles quickly and heads straight for the shower after me. The door slams shut. It feels aggressive.
Did he look sad? Mad? Annoyed? I'm not the best at going through this, deep conversations I mean. How do I express how grateful I am for what he did? I've never been in this situation, having someone kick another someone out of my apartment, having someone stand up for me. Granted, it was a coincidence Felix was here and saw Mac in action, I'm lucky to have friends who would've kicked his ass months ago if I'd given them the go-ahead. But maybe Felix wanted me to kiss him? But why would he? Would that have been a good thank you? Did he feel like I wasn't being fair? That I'd kiss someone like Mac but not him? Not Felix... surely he wouldn't- I pray he doesn't think that. He's not the guy who thinks I should "repay" him. He's not.
While my mind rolls me down this very steep hill I somehow find my way into comfortable yet clean clothes. We should really get going.
"Hey, mind if I borrow a hoodie? I didn't bring a change of clothes and would be nice to throw on something fresh."
I can't breathe, he's gorgeous, the towel flung over his other shoulder while his sweats hang low on his defined hips.
"Yeah, yeah, sure, yeah, of course, that's fine."
I toss him a hoodie just like I did the towel fifteen minutes prior, he catches it just as easily. Only this time I can see the muscles that work while that movement happens.
"We should really get going."
We should, and we do. Felix is a tacit conversational partner the entire way to Minho's, mostly because I'm so nervous I'm blabbing his ears off. The quiet, very clean creature next to me doesn't seem to mind the listening role though, so I keep going until we get to Minho's apartment.
"What took you so long?" a fresh-out-of-the-shower Minho groans loudly.
"We're early!" I reply and shove a wine bottle into each of his free hands. Felix chuckles. "Jinnie, Ji and Elle aren't even here yet!"
"I'm hungry now, and I assumed you'd be earlier to make up for being late again today!"
We make our way to the kitchen.
"YA! You know I'm sorry!"
"Your apologies mean nothing to me."
"Hyung," Felix shakes his head solemnly.
Everything goes quiet. Minho's look jumps from me to Felix, obviously annoyed he doesn't understand, not knowing what he's supposed to not talk about. It's really not fair, and I don't want Felix thinking he's not allowed to talk about what happened, how he helped me.
Fine, I'll just come clean.
"I've been late because I've been sleeping over at Mac's. A-And sleeping with Mac."
Minho's eyes widen.
 "And when I do that I... I loose sense of everything else. I'm sorry, Min."
"But we're gonna help her now," Felix's soft smile makes me tear up again. "So she'll realize she doesn't need him."
I believe Felix.
"Felix kicked him out of my apartment today."
Minho's whole being brighten's up. "Really?"
"Yeah, and I'll do my best to keep him out."
"And we'll help," Min replies and reaches out his hand. "Phone."
After a moment of misplaced incredulous staring, as if I didn't know the next step was necessary, I hand it over. With a few calculated, overjoyed swipes and clicks, Minho does his part to ensure that Mac's gone. I have the best friends. The thought floats in my head like a proud flag I proudly fly, but then the door bell rings. And ten minutes later it does the same thing. And I only get more proud from there.
The rest of the night is amazing. I haven't felt this light in millenniums. The five of us indulge in wine, chips, pizza, donuts and movies. It's exactly what life should feel like. Sometimes I catch Felix staring at me. His response to our gazes connecting is either a swift redirection of his head or a goofy face. I'm sure I made him uncomfortable somehow. Maybe he thinks that I know what that thing was and wants me to not feel bad about it. Because he's kind and selfless that way. But the thing is that I don't know what the damn thing is. The drink swirling in my wine glass isn't wine, it changed into a demonic version of a Gin & Tonic two full glasses ago. It's Sprite and Gin, the two ingredients Minho has in his apartment, if you don't count milk. Which I do not. The blasphemy still goes down fairly easily, and I'm finding it harder and harder to stop staring at my beautiful, blonde savior. I need to know what made him make those faces as well as how he feels about everything that went down - and didn't go down - at my apartment.
I'm pretty sure my brain is demanding things I shouldn't really demand of him. He doesn't owe me anything, it's the other way around really. But I don't want to repay him physically. I mean I do... but only as a disguise to hide the fact I really do want to touch him and feel him. Okay, I'm going over the rails. I set down my glass, slowing down the drinking to make my thoughts calmer, but... when did I empty this? Never mind.
"Y/N-ya, it's almost one, you need to go or you're going to miss the last bus," Minho's voice rings from the kitchen. One? How can it already be one in the morning? "Wanna sleep over?" he continues after a slight pause, mouth obviously full of something. I've taken shelter in his lovely home countless times, but somehow I feel like going home. Today has been such a hurricane.
"Nah, thanks," I get up and skip to the kitchen, pulling my best friend in for a hug. "But brunch tomorrow?"
Minho nods against my shoulder. He hugs me tighter than usual. He utters the next sentences without lifting his head.
"I'm fucking glad that he's gone. I wish I'd known you were still... Anyway, call me, Felix, anyone else when you get low okay?"
My turn to move my head up and down. I hear the quietest, most fragile "I love you" before he straightens up and ruffles my hair sloppily. "Get going, or you'll have to run!"
I give Hyunjin, Jisung and Elle their goodbye squeezes, but as I'm rashly moving closer to Felix's torso on the couch, he captures my hands in his and fixes his eyes on mine, this time obviously wanting me to notice. They're slightly glossy, a little red, as is his nose. An intense feeling burns through me as his skin glues to mine, identical to this afternoon.
"I was thinking of heading out too, can I make sure you get home okay?"
I swallow and nod.
We stand about twenty feet from the bus stop as we watch the vehicle drive by, almost empty. I let out a laugh. Last night bus, cab costs an arm and a leg, walking takes an hour and it's freezing. So...
"Well, back to Minho's I guess," I rub my hands together and glance at Felix, ready to turn back to the mini party only a few minutes back the way we came. "I can wait for your bus with you if you want,  where does it-"
"I can walk, I... I live pretty close."
"But..." I mumble and stare at the imaginary Google Maps opening in my brain. "You could've just gone home to shower today then, you didn't have to come to my house. I thought you lived so far that it wouldn't have made any sense for you to..." my voice disappears when the shyest and most embarrassed smile I've ever witnessed starts to adorn his features.
"Yeah... I live like, fifteen minutes from here. I just... I don't know, I just wanted to hang out. With you."
Felix laughs, loud, incredulous, glancing up at the dark heavens. "Why? 'Cause you're amazing, that's why. I've been... shit, okay... I've been wanting to hang out alone with you for weeks. I've had a crush on you since- well I guess since the first time I saw you in class months ago. It was just physical at first, I think, but then we got into the same team and you just... every day you just turn out to be cooler and cooler and I've just been gathering the guts to fucking ask you out... I was going to ask today, but then we made these plans, so I just used that to try to steal a few moments alone with you. But then..."
I gulp.
"We met that asshole who made me lose my shit, and I'm still just so sorry I got angry, but I just needed to get him out, I mean, how could he talk to you like that? Treat you like that? And then when you cried and I held your hands for the first time, all I wanted to do was kiss you, and I thought you wanted the same thing, and I'm so sorry for that."
We've made our way to lean against the apartment block's stone wall side by side, eyes on the ground. But the flood of questions that take over my brain at this apology physically fling my gaze to him.
"I'm sorry I was thinking of something like that when you were so vulnerable. You obviously didn't want that, you made it really clear with how fast you left the room and how nervous you've been since... I made you uncomfortable, and I'm so, so sorry. It was never my intention. And... well, the more I think about it, the sillier the thought of you wanting to go out with me feels-"
"Why? Because you're kind? Handsome? Funny? Talented? Intelligent?" I blurt and turn to stand in front of him. "Felix..." I whisper and take his hands into mine, suddenly shy again, since I can't seem to look up. "You didn't make me uncomfortable. Not at all. The reason I did this," I repeat the forehead kiss, only slower. His body goes fully stiff. "And ran into the shower was so I wouldn't kiss you right then. It didn't feel fair."
"What do you mean?" his voice is low and hoarse, chin tilting up so his eyes reach mine. How can someone look this ethereal?
"Because... I didn't want you to think that I was only doing it because I was trying to get over Mac. I haven't let myself think about anyone else since we started going out and I... Now, I feel desperate to just forget about him and find something better. I want to believe I deserve it, it's a lot of work but because of you, what you did today, I think I can. I just... desperately need to get him out of my system. I want something more."
"You deserve it. You deserve so much," he whispers and I watch his Adam's apple bounce.
How does alcohol give me so much confidence? Four drinks ago I would've turned as red as a tomato and moved away, but now my eyes stay on the man in front of me as he slowly straightens up and is suddenly towering over my short form. But when Felix towers, it's safe and strong, not intimidating in the slightest.
"I'd like to help you think about someone else."
"I want to kiss you," I bring our hands up, placing them between our chests. "But only because I want to kiss you, Felix, not just anyone. You."
"B-But I don't want you to feel like-"
"Shh... I don't. I want you. I just don't want to hurt you, because I don't know what my heart can take at the moment, I can't promise that I'll be a good person to date right now, I-"
"What if..." Felix gently lifts my chin higher with his thumb as his voice trails off softly. "We just... kiss good night, and then I'll take you on a date tomorrow... Let's see how it goes and... take it from there. Sound good?"
"Yeah?" he grins before leaning down to press his lips against mine. Right before they touch, he hesitates. He's kind. Too kind. His breath beckons me, calls for me to close the gap.
They're so soft. I need to grip hold of his hoodie just to stay upright as we melt together. Felix's hands pull me closer by my waist, I feel him crumpling up my hoodie too. He tastes like sprite, it's heavenly. The good night kiss turns into a much longer goodbye, as we slowly explore how our lips and tongues fit together. I could stay here forever. I can't remember anyone I've ever gone on a date with, dated, let alone kissed before this. It's heavenly. It's all just... heavenly.
Today, I found two things that make Felix's eyes darken. That's really exciting. They're almost black when they open as we pull away from each other, but return to the gentle chocolate shade when he smiles.
"Good night," I whisper and give him one more peck, which almost turns into a another session.
I wave shyly as I watch him disappear behind the corner. I don't know how I'll get to sleep. Or how I'm going to explain this grin that just won't. Go. Down.
The next day I have brunch with Minho, and Felix and I head to the movies in the evening. That date turns into another, and another... and another. By the time Christmas comes around, we've been together almost every day. I've found a lot of things that make Felix's eyes darken.
But since we've been together, I haven't been late to practice once. Okay, once, but that time we were late together.
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blighted-elf · 10 months
OC Mannerisms
Tagged by @spyridonya, thank you!! 💜 As you did this for your WotR tiefling, I will do the same for mine, because I'm always wanting to talk about Zephyrus.
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(Full art piece here)
NO. OF SPOKEN LANGUAGES >> She speaks four languages fluently. Kelish and Osiriani are her first languages, the ones she speaks at home in Nex. She has since learned Taldan and Chthonian/Abyssal.
TONE OF VOICE >> Zeph is very well-spoken. She sounds serious and dry even though most of the words that come out of her mouth are pure sarcasm.
ACCENT >> The limited voice options in WotR have thrown me off, but in my mind, she has what could be the real life accent of someone who was born and raised in Morocco but moved to Los Angeles in their youth. She leans more into an American accent when speaking Taldan and more Moroccan when speaking either Kelish or Osiriani.
DEMEANOR >> She is both as poised and vain as a noblewoman and is as restless and animated as a small child. Even in tiefling-hostile countries, she walks with the same confidence as a human or elf might. She is utterly unphased with what those around her are doing and it very much shows - she is not only the main character in her world, sometimes she feels she is the only character.
POSTURE >> She has good posture. Straight back, looking forward.
HABITS : (Bold = constantly, italic = occasionally)
head tilting / swaying / fidgeting (with her tail) / stuttering / gesturing / arm crossing / strokes chin / er, um, or other interjections / plays with hair or clothing / hands at hips / inconsistent eye contact / maintains eye contact / frequent pausing / stands close / stands at a distance
VOCABULARY >> ⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️ As her father's a professor at a prestigious Nexian school, this nepo baby is very well educated and a bit pretentious about it. I spoke a little about her parents here if anyone's interested.
EMOTION >> ⚫️⚫️⚫️⚪️⚪️ This is a bit of a tricky one to rank in dots. She is rather emotional and is not shy about showing it, but not a lot phases her. She is rather indifferent for the most part, and utterly dramatic when she does care.
SENTENCE STRUCTURE >> ⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️ Much like I wrote for vocabulary. Zeph is quick witted and largely unserious.
I'd say somewhere in the middle. It's not something uses consistently, but not for any moral reason (she's just as likely to shout some Kelish curse when she stubs her toe as anyone else) but just because she sees no real reason to.
FREQUENCY >> ⚫️⚫️⚫️⚪️⚪️
CREATIVITY (in regards to profanity) >> ⚫️⚫️⚫️⚪️⚪️ BOLD THAT APPLY
arse / ass / asshole / bastard / bitch / bloody / bugger / bollocks / chicken shit / crap / cunt / dick / frick / fuck / horseshit / motherfucker / piss / prick / pussy / screw / shit / shitass / son of a bitch / twat / wanker
straightforward or cryptic? -> Unless she's being manipulative, 99% of the time, she's very straight forward. So much so that it often catches people off-guard, which she LOVES. It amuses her greatly. During the Daeran romance, she occasionally sprinkled in some well-time cryptic lines just to keep him on his toes (ie. saying "It was our destiny to end up together" right before spilling wine on his expensive suit.)
finding the right word or using the first word that comes to mind? -> It depends on the situation. She can be rather careless at times.
masculinity, neutrality, or femininity? -> She's for sure one of my most typically feminine characters.
formalities or with abrasiveness? -> She's very abrasive and will only use formalities as a joke. She doesn't care about others, save for her parents and a small handful of others (Daeran, Camellia, Woljif, etc. as well as a couple people back home)
praise or equivocation? -> Another tricky one. She generally uses whichever she needs to get what she wants, and stroking another's ego for no reason just isn't something she does.
frankness or flattery? -> Much like the above. When not trying to manipulate, she is frank.
excessive or minimal hand gestures? -> The hand gestures are constant. As is the animated tail moving.
name-calling or magnanimity? -> She's more likely to be witty about it rather than resort to name-call, but she's certainly not above it either.
friendly or blunt? -> Zephyrus can appear friendly when she wants to, but it's not very common.
almost always / frequently / rarely / never
almost always / frequently / sometimes / rarely / never
almost always / frequently / sometimes / never
almost always (she's not sticking around if she's bored lol) / frequently / sometimes / rarely / never
yes / no / only ironically
but / though / although / however / perhaps / maybe
walk away / ask if that’s everything / say that’s everything / give a proper goodbye / tell their company they're done here / remain quiet / they don’t
upper (I think of her as middle-upper class, but she carries herself as a noblewoman) / middle / lower
accent / vocabulary / tone / level / politeness / brusqueness / it doesn’t
- Anything that wasn’t touched on?
Not really. I think this covers just how much of a chaotic neutral/chaotic evil spoiled brat my beloved tiefling is. She is absolutely terrible, and so fun to play.
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gloomforrestrunes · 11 months
I like how Nex is kinda talking a big game about how he handles Laxo when Question hasn't seen the nitty gritty and Nex seems to jumpscare himself cuz of the blood he hasn't washed off yet
Sticky gross dude moments, curse of Ra
YEAH there's a lot i could say about nex's behavior in this page specifically. since nex has seemingly calmed down from the buzz of the murder, this is the first page where we really see question and nex's usual dynamic. you kinda see that nex juggles being intentionally snarky while also wanting question to believe he is completely capable. this is especially true in the last panel- he insists that he's able to make it through to his partner that killing is Fine Actually, because he was able to do something similar before with laxo. (which.... isn't incorrect, but its also not at all the entire truth. this will make more sense in the next chapter) he wants question to believe he can do what he was unable to do, but also feels like he has to throw in that final zinger, lmao.
the juxtaposition of him attempting to make himself out like a good partner while still being covered in blood is absolutely on purpose, though there is a specific reason why he froze and looked down at himself after speaking briefly about laxo.
hm. and this is the second time in this scene where nex has stared at his right paw specifically. isn't that weird?
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