sillygoblinantics · 2 hours
Bonnie’s Day Out
Master post in order!
The initial concept that began the whole story! XD
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Bonnie: mommy never takes us here!
Brid: oh? How come?
Bonnie: she says it only has “rapfics” and lies!
Brid: *concerned* ooh…
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Pt 1
Pt 2
Pt 3
Pt 4
Pt 5
Chapter 1:
Pg. 1–10
[coming soon]
Oki I’ll try to update this whenever something new is posted! But so far this is what we got I’m so glad yall are enjoying it!
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sillygoblinantics · 4 hours
Bonnie’s Day Out!
Ch. 1 — pg. 1-10
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“And this is where everyone sleeps and blahblahBlahblahblahblah”
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More narcissistic rambling and not subtle at all innuendos that really shouldn’t be made in the presence of children
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Startled pidove cooing and fluttering
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‘Huh? There’s that weird energy again…’
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More rambles
“Say, you wouldn’t happen to have a ghastly or haunter would you?”
“Gassy and hot-wha?”
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“Why would I own such a vile and annoying polter-pest?”
“Well, what about any other ghost type?”
“OH! I know!”
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“Mommy has 2 spooky hokey-pokey-mans!”
“Oh? Which ones?”
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“Mhm! There’s Maggie-Sus and Sassafras-Lass!”
“Ah! That explains the icy eyes I feel on me then?”
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very bitter and peeved“No… that’s just my gardevoir, G.”
“That’s mean mommy!”
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We’re back! Just as promised the first ten pages! Let’s goooooo! Who’s excited?
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sillygoblinantics · 23 hours
@saiscribbles I drew Buddles the war nug!
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Watching @saiscribbles playing DA3
Drew the lad
Steven Wani Utena the third!
I love him VwV
I gave him hair, I’m sorry!
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Watching @saiscribbles playing DA3
Drew the lad
Steven Wani Utena the third!
I love him VwV
I gave him hair, I’m sorry!
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Who’s ready for the first chapter of Bonnie’s Day Out?
I got five pages so far but want to finish a few more before posting! Especially so I can finishing introducing the other characters! 🤫 I also eventually need to find the layout of the actually comic house so it isn’t too far from the original source material! And understand what the fuck that one random space with the trees and pokemon stay is like seriously I need floor plans
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Image source from madhouse archive
Like for real what is this space? Where is it? It’s not the backyard!
Because I can’t make polls shorter here if you can leave your thoughts in the replies that will be a big help!
Would you like me to share the first five pages now or wait for the first ten? To read?
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Working on Bonnie’s day out and found a thing that I need to make clear:
Pokémon’s age isn’t the same as exp
For the people in the back
Pokémon age is not experience points!
Why do I say this?
Because in Lily’s madhouse, Lily canonically pairs an underaged (and victim of grooming) character with her “celery friend”
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Marah is written like a child
Don’t worry this will be fixed in Bonnie’s Day Out!
So far I’ve gotten three pages done of the first chapter; I haven’t figured out how many pages total it’ll be but know it’s worth sticking around for ;3
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I really like your comic so far! The way you portray Bonnie is so interesting. I also love your Pidove, it already has personality hints even though you’ve just got the prologue up! :D (was that shadow G???)
Hehehe yes!
Also fun fact: the pidove is based on a irl pigeon I use to feed
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It’s important to show the characters personality through both words and body language!
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It’s time to appreciate some animation!
And my favorite
Animation isn’t a genre, it’s a medium!
Ok everyone’s homework is to go watch akira!
(Don’t snitch ok)
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sillygoblinantics · 2 days
Bonnie’s Day Out
Master post in order!
The initial concept that began the whole story! XD
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Bonnie: mommy never takes us here!
Brid: oh? How come?
Bonnie: she says it only has “rapfics” and lies!
Brid: *concerned* ooh…
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Pt 1
Pt 2
Pt 3
Pt 4
Pt 5
Oki I’ll try to update this whenever something new is posted! But so far this is what we got I’m so glad yall are enjoying it!
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sillygoblinantics · 2 days
Hi, saw your Remake of Madhouse comics, and I already love the shade your tossing at the OG one, Lily's so unhinged it's kinda funny-in a sad way. Anyways, can't wait to see more, and here's hoping Bonnie get out of that nightmare madhouse in your version. Have a nice day/night!
Aww thanks anon! You have a wonderful rest of your morning, day, afternoon evening or night too!
Don’t worry Bonnie and a lot of the unattended and neglected Pokémon in madhouse are going to be taken somewhere safe! It takes time to get to that tho!
Unlike lorch, I can understand how proper character arcs are! And I’m thinking of an after part once the full Bonnie’s day out is complete! Consider it the “dlc” of Pokémon madhouse if you will!
To tell ya the truth this has been a really fun experience ^^
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sillygoblinantics · 2 days
Hey anon! I’m doing some character concept explorations and workin on Big Mac and he helps breaking wild horse Pokémon mostly works with the sturdy ones. Being an “Apple” I thought a pokemon rewrite for them would work on a ranch that supplies berries to stores and pokemon centers while allowing trainers who pass by to plant their own in the unused property they have!
for this version of the “normal family” from madhouse they have a Pokémon daycare/sanctuary/rescue/rehabilitation center. Mac still (horse terms) breaks wild mustang Pokémon but also helps with any pokemon who were from abusive households (the more aggressive mons!
Have a dilf!
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would love to see a cameo from Honey/Cadence/Big Mac/Corazon aka the normal family from Madhouse because I never liked how G harassed Corazon for being absolutely normal and having a normal bond with her trainer and her trainers family and those characters deserved better they were my favorites in Madhouse
Oh 100% they will appear!
G in Bonnie’s day out is not the same as she is in Lorch’s weird comic. And she’s less powerful than c!lily
I think g is just scared and suffering like any animal from a dangerous abusive home would act :<
Also thank you you’re the first ask I’ve answered since joining tumblr ^^
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sillygoblinantics · 2 days
would love to see a cameo from Honey/Cadence/Big Mac/Corazon aka the normal family from Madhouse because I never liked how G harassed Corazon for being absolutely normal and having a normal bond with her trainer and her trainers family and those characters deserved better they were my favorites in Madhouse
Oh 100% they will appear!
G in Bonnie’s day out is not the same as she is in Lorch’s weird comic. And she’s less powerful than c!lily
I think g is just scared and suffering like any animal from a dangerous abusive home would act :<
Also thank you you’re the first ask I’ve answered since joining tumblr ^^
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sillygoblinantics · 2 days
Bonnie’s Day Out
Master post in order!
The initial concept that began the whole story! XD
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Bonnie: mommy never takes us here!
Brid: oh? How come?
Bonnie: she says it only has “rapfics” and lies!
Brid: *concerned* ooh…
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Pt 1
Pt 2
Pt 3
Pt 4
Pt 5
Chapter 1:
Pg. 1–10
[coming soon]
Oki I’ll try to update this whenever something new is posted! But so far this is what we got I’m so glad yall are enjoying it!
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sillygoblinantics · 2 days
Bonnie’s Day Out!
Pg. 13,14,15&16 end of intro
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*Ominous lurking*
*startled pidove cooing and fluttering*
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“Now then! Let me show you around our little…”
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End of opening act
Woo! Part one is done!
What? Did you think there wasn’t going to be broken up chapters?
Who do you take me for, Lorch?!
I’m thinking of either taking a break to render what pages we have or continuing with the story and saving the renders for later
I’m glad yall have been enjoying it so far! I’ll make a post that links to each post for the previous parts!
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sillygoblinantics · 2 days
Gonna casually drop a lil special treat for yall who are fans of Bonnie’s day out 👀
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Aaaand some cool outfit exploration teehee!
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sillygoblinantics · 2 days
Not for all of it but hey it’ll get to the end :3
I’m also doing this without scripting and just going board by board lol XD
I’ll be trying to get out four pages of Bonnie’s day out when I can! Gonna spend time today getting more for yall ;3
Thoughts on Bonnie’s day out so far?
I really like it! It's so inspiring that you took Lily's problematic comic and turned it into something so much better. This story has great potential. Also I'm glad that Lily won't be in the story.
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