#rewriting pokemadhouse
Working on Bonnie’s day out and found a thing that I need to make clear:
Pokémon’s age isn’t the same as exp
For the people in the back
Pokémon age is not experience points!
Why do I say this?
Because in Lily’s madhouse, Lily canonically pairs an underaged (and victim of grooming) character with her “celery friend”
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Marah is written like a child
Don’t worry this will be fixed in Bonnie’s Day Out!
So far I’ve gotten three pages done of the first chapter; I haven’t figured out how many pages total it’ll be but know it’s worth sticking around for ;3
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opinated-user · 1 year
Hey, in your opinon. If someone were to want to rewrite pokemadhouse. Where would be a good place to start? Cause up until the megastone are, it's just a self indulgent ask account for lily's self insert trainer. It dosnt have an actual story at all in the beginning
you could do that if you manage to tone down how abusive and possesive G has always been, but if that is the idea, imo i guess it would be easier to just make your own story about a trainer living with her pokemon and having slice of life adventures?
they can be the same pokemon if you want, LO doesn't own any of them anyway.
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locrit-returns · 4 days
Pokemadhouse is a kind of mundane concept and I see no good reason to try and rewrite that. Just make a comic with your selfinsert and your fav pokemon having a good time without attaching it to LO in any way.
I see what you mean. Personally the exploration of trauma and abuse has always been interesting to me. I think her execution was piss poor, and of course it's a thinly veild justification for thinking gardevior is hot, but it's not entirely uninteresting to me.
HOWEVER, you're absolutely right. I should put energy into a project that will actually make me happy and not something made from half-assed spite. Especially if it's tied to Lorch.
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sillygoblinantics · 7 hours
Bonnie’s Day Out!
Ch. 1 — pg. 1-10
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“And this is where everyone sleeps and blahblahBlahblahblahblah”
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More narcissistic rambling and not subtle at all innuendos that really shouldn’t be made in the presence of children
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Startled pidove cooing and fluttering
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‘Huh? There’s that weird energy again…’
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More rambles
“Say, you wouldn’t happen to have a ghastly or haunter would you?”
“Gassy and hot-wha?”
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“Why would I own such a vile and annoying polter-pest?”
“Well, what about any other ghost type?”
“OH! I know!”
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“Mommy has 2 spooky hokey-pokey-mans!”
“Oh? Which ones?”
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“Mhm! There’s Maggie-Sus and Sassafras-Lass!”
“Ah! That explains the icy eyes I feel on me then?”
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very bitter and peeved“No… that’s just my gardevoir, G.”
“That’s mean mommy!”
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We’re back! Just as promised the first ten pages! Let’s goooooo! Who’s excited?
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sillygoblinantics · 2 days
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sillygoblinantics · 2 days
Hi, saw your Remake of Madhouse comics, and I already love the shade your tossing at the OG one, Lily's so unhinged it's kinda funny-in a sad way. Anyways, can't wait to see more, and here's hoping Bonnie get out of that nightmare madhouse in your version. Have a nice day/night!
Aww thanks anon! You have a wonderful rest of your morning, day, afternoon evening or night too!
Don’t worry Bonnie and a lot of the unattended and neglected Pokémon in madhouse are going to be taken somewhere safe! It takes time to get to that tho!
Unlike lorch, I can understand how proper character arcs are! And I’m thinking of an after part once the full Bonnie’s day out is complete! Consider it the “dlc” of Pokémon madhouse if you will!
To tell ya the truth this has been a really fun experience ^^
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sillygoblinantics · 51 minutes
He thinkin about wife
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Shhhh I gots some plans for g coming up 👀🤫
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opinated-user · 1 year
It's funny that lily is rewriting the series which shall not be named despite only knowing surface things because there is actually a creature that would be totally up her alley.
The veela are birdlike monstrous beings who can take on the appearance of a beautiful person and bewitch people (basically sirens) and they are a) intelligent but presumably without rights and b) known to be with people and have mixed offspring. Proto pokemadhouse Gardevoirs indeed.
(I also think it's funny that lily chose a banshee as her patrons when a quick Google search shows that those are already a thing in hp and are decidedly not what lily thinks they are...)
out of curiosity i googled too what a banshee looks on that universe and now i'm amusing myself thinking this our G equivalent.
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she must be great with children.
hopefully at least this version has not taken advantage of a sleeping child for her own benefit and be violently abusive, but i guess we'll see. knowing LO, we can expect that she'll manage to slip in those elements somewhere down the line.
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opinated-user · 2 years
As far as I'm aware Animal Magnetism, or atleast the true contents of it, is lost to time. Part of me can't help but feel morbidly curious of how it differs from this comic that functions as a sitcom starring the creator.
If anybody somehow has an archive of any number of the chapters it'd be really interesting to compare and contrast, if only to see if/how the ideas changed with time.
Given it's Lily's orchard of tripe, I don't expect that her writing skill itself improved at all since way back then if her current portfolio, "MLP Family Guy" as she put it included, are any example.
Animal Magnetism has dissapeared from the internet as far i know of but enough references about it have survived for me to feel confident to say that pokemadhouse is a rewriting of at least some of it's elements. on animal magnetism we have the story of a pokemon trainer who engages on a sexual/romantic relationship with his own gardevour. LO credit this story as the origin of the term "pokephilia".
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as you can see, this trainer and his gardevour eventually have a hybrid child together, called Jaina Cortes. LO really must have loved the name Jaina because she used it again on other fanfics later. nothing else is known about the plot, but i'm willing to bet that at some point there was a psychic connection between trainer and Gardevour where they both shared minds.
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