ig shes "Lorch" now
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locrit-returns · 6 months ago
Shoutout to Lily saying " I broke YouTube's TOS and risked exposing potentially hundreds of people in the vulnerable age bracket and making them incredibly uncomfortable for shits and giggles"
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What a fucking moron.
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locrit-returns · 6 months ago
Lily fully acts like the wannabe big name fans you see in fandom a lot where all she wants is for people to send her asks about her ocs and agree with her opinions and draw her fanart. If anyone disagrees they're 'talking past her'. If people send her recs or ask her to expand on a point or ask for writing advice she doesn't feel like giving then they're taking advantage of her time and energy. She complains about people ignoring her boundaries but won't actually set clear boundaries or maintain them responsibly (she is always blurring the line between her professional and personal lives, she breaks her own rules all the time, etc) so I don't know what else she expects. Every day brings another embarrassing mismanagement of her own space that she then blames on her own fans. Insane way to do things.
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locrit-returns · 6 months ago
The way Lily and Mikaila try to spin situations is so funny.
"These sad porn-brained freaks think a sister can't kiss another on the cheek without it being incest!"
No. We just think Imoen from Baldur's Gate kissing her half-sister on the cheek and calling her good girl, as drawn by the wife of someone who recently declared the Imoen Romance Mod the best romance of all time and has written incestous storylines more than once, has pretty clear implications.
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locrit-returns · 6 months ago
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I do not see the part of these definitions where a pedophile is described as someone who fucks children, Lily.
This might seem like a nitpick, but it's not. Pedophilia is NOT exclusive to just the act of "fucking", and dumbing down the definition of Pedophile, just to duck allegations that you are one is stupid and dangerous.
There is plenty a pedophile can do that ISN'T just raping a kid. Don't be such a fucking moron.
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Apr 10, 2021
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locrit-returns · 6 months ago
Oh my god… was all this to distract us from the Slut Phone and RWBY game? A distraction that backfired horribly on Lily by revealing she’s been sexualizing and harassing a girl since she was 15 and is trying to pass her rpf ship as canon to ruin a guy that’s lived in her head rent free for the past eight years?
Joon the King’s video can’t come soon enough.
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locrit-returns · 6 months ago
Lily, in this past month, has been fascinating.
She showed files for a incest/pedophile porn game in her files.
She would then lie about those porn games being legitimate, saying she was trolling her "stalkers."
She lied about an ex-friend of hers grooming a colleague, NINE YEARS after the fact.
And now she's telling her critics to kill themselves during suicide prevention month.
She is spiraling to the point where we barely need the Joon the King video to take her down.
Surely she can’t get worst, right?
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locrit-returns · 6 months ago
Wasn't xain, one of Lily's friends, also around during her pony days?? And involved with Josh and co? Was he also blackmailed or how come he never accused Josh and ink rose of dating?
I am once again asking lily to please think before she posts, because with this particular bullshit, she is kind of implicating one of her friends and I don't think that was the plan there? :/
Im kind of curious what his position is tbh, but so far he's been on Lily's side no matter what fucked up shit she does, so I'm not expecting anything
Idk about all that. Im not up on all the Lily lore, cuz I didn't hear about her up until the Steven Universe video.
If there is one thing I have learned about Lily, she will 100% throw her friends, loved ones, and even HERSELF under the bus if it means being right. She just makes up bullshit justifications for it later.
As long as she can make up an excuse that her fans will eat up, and it won't get her in trouble with anyone she cares about, she's willing to say whatever it takes to slander the people she hates.
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locrit-returns · 6 months ago
Is Lily serious still talking about Josh? Wasn't that years ago??
Yes she is, and, according to her, it was ten years ago.
People were appalled that she kept it secret for so long so she said that she couldn't say anything about it out of fear of blackmail.
When people began tagging Josh, she deleted the post to avoid any possible consequences. ( @purpledemonlilyposting has screenshots of the post, and I have actual video of it. )
Since then a couple of her simps decided to back up her bogus claims with flimsy "evidence". On top of that Josh himself said that he wasn't going to do anything, so she's felt emboldened to double down on her claims.
The woman is a jelly fish. A yellow bellied snake in the grass. A liar and a coward through and through. She clearly can't stand by her own convictions, despite crying that people who do the same thing are enabling pedophiles.
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locrit-returns · 6 months ago
Lily: Josh dated Inkrose when she was a minor and when I said it was fucked up he blackmailed me into silence.
Lorch Crits: Josh? If this isn't true, you should take legal action.
Lily: *deletes post*
Josh: That's a lie but I'm happy and want nothing to do with Lily, so I'm ignoring it.
Inkrose: Can confirm that Lily is lying.
Lily: Since Josh will not take legal action against me I feel safe doubling down on the fact that he was a pedophile who blackmailed me.
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locrit-returns · 6 months ago
How to is Lily going to delete her post accusing Josh of pedophilia and blackmail then double down when Josh and inkrose have both said nothing happened? (I know how; Her doofus fans believed her.)
Are they like... blind to the fact that Inkrose said that none of what Loly said happened?
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Is inkrose the supposed "victim" chopped liver? Does she not have the agency and wherewithal as an adult to examine their friendship and determine whether or not she was harmed?
Is she lying for Josh?
No! Lily is just dumb and really bad at diverting attention.
Some douche-nozzle simp tried to say that even Ethel (Essence of Thought) brought it up BUT IT WAS A POORLY WRITTEN FAN WIKI??? Ethel is already a questionable source, but top it off with a fucking fan wiki!
What a joke.
Lorch and her fans can't defend her for shit, but God damn do they try.
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locrit-returns · 6 months ago
So after baselessly claiming her critics want her to die (we don't) Lily is saying her critics should kill themselves via gunshot. How lovely.
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[Lily's Post]
Lily you don't even have good explanations for the current "material". Your excuse for having A Slut Phone on your computer (a porn game about a girl being raped and sexually exploited by her father and brother with the gameplay goal of "corrupting" her) was "you see I just found a random nasty game and renamed a completely innocent file to that in the event I flashed my downloads folder on screen to trick my STALKERS!"
No one was proved a liar by that except you.
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locrit-returns · 6 months ago
I think Lily and Nondi would make good friends.
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locrit-returns · 6 months ago
Video of Lily's posts saying @joshscorcher was a pedophile who blackmailed her into silence btw. No claiming it's all photoshop, Lorch.
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locrit-returns · 6 months ago
What’s the “smartest” way to get people from calling you a pedophile/groomer? Lie about one of your ex-friends being one instead.
And yes, I’m willing to bet it’s a lie too. When another Brony analyst got busted for being a pedophile, it was through a leaked conversation with one his friends. Those same friends admit that they were trying to handle the situation a little carefully, and Lily berated them by saying that the leaker did the right thing.
If Josh was really grooming InkRose, then Lily would have done the same thing when she ended their friendship.
Idk the exact timeline, but I could of sworn there was actively a time Josh was looking into suing Lily for slander or something, it that was a thing, why the FUCK did she not say anything then? Why would he SUE someone who had that kind of dirt on him, and why wouldn’t he just. Use his blackmail to get her to remove the video in the first place?
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locrit-returns · 6 months ago
What exactly do you mean by stealing pokémadhouse's concept? Like how specific are we talking? Like exact the exact "lore" and "world building" from pokémadhouse? Or just the base idea of pokemon talking and living alongside humans?
Maybe not Lily's lore exactly. But the general premise of abuse, friendship, and betrayal... but also with pokémon who could talk.
I'm not actually going to go through with it. Funny as the idea sounds on paper (writing a comic like Lily's "but better") it's not something I can see myself actually enjoy doing.
Plus I could probably use my time and energy a little wiser, and on a project I would actually like. 😅
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locrit-returns · 6 months ago
Pokemadhouse is a kind of mundane concept and I see no good reason to try and rewrite that. Just make a comic with your selfinsert and your fav pokemon having a good time without attaching it to LO in any way.
I see what you mean. Personally the exploration of trauma and abuse has always been interesting to me. I think her execution was piss poor, and of course it's a thinly veild justification for thinking gardevior is hot, but it's not entirely uninteresting to me.
HOWEVER, you're absolutely right. I should put energy into a project that will actually make me happy and not something made from half-assed spite. Especially if it's tied to Lorch.
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locrit-returns · 6 months ago
Gee Lily. If you were homeless at the time what address was Josh Scorcher supposedly blackmailing you into silence with?
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And I thought allegations don't count if there's no police report! According to you!
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