#newlywed portrait
peaceinthestorm · 2 years
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Carolus-Duran (1837-1917, French) ~ Le Baiser, 1868
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softerpixels · 1 year
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the mitchells
faith mitchell - substitute teacher deon mitchell - athlete
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Carolus-Duran (1837-1917) "The Kiss" (1868) Oil on canvas Located in the Palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille, Lille, France The painting is a self-portrait of the artist and his wife, fellow artist Pauline Carolus-Duran née Croizette, as newlyweds.
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newtonsheffield · 5 months
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Love the Newton bed and portrait, but the look on her face when she says the furniture (Kate’s desk) has to stand up to the job of intimate scenes! Kate is going to have to spend so much time picking up papers and re-organzining them 😂
This is Kate’s study and dressing room apparently. But you know Anthony prefers to call it the undressing room. He’s got that cheeky little smile on his face when he says it and Kate rolls her eyes.
“My maid’s going to start talking if I have to keep calling for her to redress in the middle of the day.”
“I believe when you’re newlyweds people give you a bit of leeway.”
Kate sighed, running her fingers through his hair as he stood behind her, his lips on her neck. “We’re not that newly wed. It’s been nearly a year.”
“Ah so you want me to go then?”
Her fingers tightened in his hair, “No. obviously not.”
“That’s what I thought.”
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The wedding portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Antoine Duplanchier, taken immediately after their arrival in New Mexico in January, 1930 alongside Josephine Duplanchier, Giorgio Mistretta, and the newlyweds' daughter Violette Darlington.
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mrbinglee · 9 months
re-watched welcome to samdalri ep10 and i wonder..... in this journey of sam-dal re-discovering herself as photographer cho sam-dal, sang-do did all the "romantic" things like buying her the disposable cameras that she used to use, and seeing which of her favorite scenic spots were still untouched by tourists. but i think sam-dal, had she known about sang-do's efforts, still would've appreciated yong-pil's way about it more, and not only because it's yong-pil. i think she would've liked that yong-pil had faith that she would discover all of these things on her own - that he believed in her, trusted her to re-discover herself - rather than trying to make her like him more by showing her that he still remembered everything about her etc.
when those newlywed couples in the forest asked sam-dal to take portraits for them and she hesitated, yong-pil didn't say anything; he just happily watched as she thought about it and eventually agreed. and as sam-dal slowly found joy in photography again, yong-pil found joy in watching her find joy. it's like he said in the ep6 epilogue when explaining his dream: "once your dreams come true, mine will as well."
anyway sorry sang-do..
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pearlywritings · 2 years
To wear white once more
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synopsis: wedding is one of the most memorable and happiest days in one’s life. What are the chances of you dressing in white again to capture this moment on canvas? Diluc makes it possible.
pairing: Diluc x fem!reader
tw: established relationship, fluff, newlyweds, Adelinde is a mother figure we all need
word count: 1.7k+ words
a/n: a portrait after your wedding was suggested by a lovely @bobaboob​ who, by the way, said that she had this fic in mind while drawing this piece of art
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Looking in the mirror makes all the memories of nervousness and excitement wash over Diluc again, sending a shiver down his spine. Everything is as just as it was a month ago - his white suit hugs his body in all the right places, the long-tailed jacket complimenting his height, the golden lines on its and vest's lapels along with golden buttons forming a perfect wedding attire. The only standing out feature is a ruby brooch pinned to his cravat, matching his flaming locks, reflecting light just like his crimson eyes, momentarily clouded by recalling the events that happened on one of the happiest days in his life.
His heart skips a beat when he remembers a mesmerizing venue organized in the gardens of the Winery, guests - mainly from your side - on the benches, Kaeya and Adelinde by his side… Come to think of it, his adoptive brother was present in this very room while Diluc was getting ready, lightly joking and unknowingly helping Diluc with his nerves. Yeah, the day was a rollercoaster of emotions. Especially after you appeared.
The man adjusts his sleeves, making sure he looks perfect - it's only logical he'll match you in that. Brushing a lock of hair from the left side of his face, he hears a soft knock on his door, immediately knowing who it is.
"Come in, Adelinde."
The older woman enters the room with the most adoring smile on her face, eyes crinkling in joy, just like on his wedding day, which brings even more blissful memories back. She walks directly to him, reaching out to help with hair a little - she knows him too well, and Diluc is grateful for that.
"I've just met Master François Clouet and offered him brunch. He was very eager about it, given his long journey, so you might have another 20 or so minutes."
Diluc hums, closing his eyes and letting the maid work her magic.
"Good. And my wife?"
His wife… it rolls off his tongue so naturally and the golden ring around his finger becomes so palpable.
"Checked on the girls and they said she was almost ready. I think you can go and see her already.”
She can clearly see he wants to - it’s in the smallest details honestly. The way his lips are twitching in a hardly contained lovesick smile, the trembling of his for once bare fingers, the darting of his eyes to the door behind her and it’s quite obvious from how he forces his body to stay still in place until she is finished. If she wasn’t helping him with his hair, Adelinde is sure - he’d be running out of the door the moment the words left her mouth.
Cute. The glimpses of a young boy she used to know and care about as a mother come through, and the woman can’t thank you enough for it, for the happiness you brought in this lonesome mansion and love you rekindled in the hurt man’s heart.
“All done, Master Diluc,” when he shifts his eyes, not spotting his bangs in sight, he doesn’t even have to look in the mirror to know Adelinde recreated his look perfectly.
“Thank you, Adelinde,” and he means it, not stopping his body from moving, just like it did a month ago, enveloping the woman in his embrace, squeezing just a little. The blond-haired maid laughs, standing on her tiptoes and hugging him back.
“It’s always a pleasure to me. I dreamt of helping you with the wedding one day, and I must admit, doing some of it the second time is just as thrilling.”
Diluc cannot agree more.
When the door of your shared bedroom is right in front of him, the owner of the Dawn Winery feels his heart thumping in his chest, cravat feeling a bit suffocating and hand twitching. He hears excited giggles of the maids on the other side and your soft voice speaking to them, so full of glee and eagerness, that he doesn’t notice his fingers curling in a fist and knocking against the wooden surface. Instantly the sounds of laughter and conversation disappear, but the redhead makes out quick steps hurrying to the door.
The maid opening it gasps and turns around, immediately ushering others outside. The man moves to let five girls out of the room, all bowing and greeting him, to which he answers with a nod, entering the moment the last one leaves, closing the door behind him.
“My love, you are here,” your sweet words pull crimson eyes to your figure and his breath hitches. Basked in the sunlight pouring through the big window, your body is swarmed in pure whiteness. The dress, tailored together with his suit, makes you the loveliest bride a man could wish for. Long flowing skirt consists of many layers, streaming and moving with the slightest of your turns, the corseted waist pushes your chest up a little bit, though leaving half of your back bare… Oh how many kisses he placed there when the night was over and his fingers were working on the strings-
He clears his throat, coughing in his fist and fighting back the rising flush off his cheeks. Your smile turns teasing, lips wearing a pretty shade of lipstick, and Diluc notes in disappointment that he won’t be able to kiss you before the work on the painting for today is over. It doesn’t stop him from approaching you though, arms wrapping around your waist and bringing you closer to place a gentle peck on your cheek.
“Aren’t you a romantic one, my dear husband?” He shudders at the new term that was applied to him the moment the rings were slipped on your fingers and you two were proclaimed wedded.
“Can’t help it when my wife is this gorgeous,” it’s your turn to become bashful, sliding your palms up his back in an embrace, being careful not to crumple the jacket.
“Honestly, I didn't think I'd get to wear this dress again, not to mention so soon.”
“Sorry for keeping it from you, my flame.”
Despite already exchanging wedding presents, Diluc kept one more surprise from you. He knew you adored his father’s tradition of keeping paintings of not only nature, but important events of the family life, and your newlywed husband fully shared the sentiment. Undoubtedly, you two hired a photographer from Fontaine to capture the day marking your journey as spouses, and now have plenty of photos, but Diluc knew that it would bring you both absolute joy to have a portrait painted to hang it in the hall for every guest to know what a happy couple lives in this mansion.
Today is exactly the day for it.
“It’s alright,” your lashes flutter as he leans close again to plant another kiss - on your forehead this time. “Had you told me earlier, I would’ve been too excited to properly enjoy our honeymoon. So, good timing.”
Diluc chuckles at that. Then, on a whim he gently grabs your waist and starts swaying slowly, twirling your bodies in a tender dance, still flash to each other and foreheads pressed together, gazing into each other’s eyes. Your palms shift to his shoulders, feet moving back, right, forward, left, creating small waltz squares under the guidance of your husband who, as it seems, doesn’t want to let you go.
You dance like this for just ten minutes, but for Diluc it’s an eternity spent in your arms. He almost forgets you have plans and a man waiting for you two downstairs, until you stop, huffing a little when he bumps into you driven by inertia.
“Shouldn’t we go?” You don't know why you are whispering, but the moment is so innermost, that even the slightest rise of one’s voice might break it. You see how he releases a small breath of discontent, but doesn’t let it be shown in facial expression - after all, you are right.
“Of course, dear," your heart skips a beat, when he brings your hand to his lips and kisses the back of it, right over your wedding band. "Let’s go, Master Clouet must be waiting for us.”
The old man, who happened to know Master Crepus personally, seems to be gruff at first, but turns out to be a sweet person at heart, being extremely patient with both of you and occasionally commenting on how nice it is to see the boy, whom he last saw as a little kid, standing in front of him all grown up and with a wife by his side.
You are awe-stricken by the speed with which his dry and sinewy hands are moving, putting layer after layer of paint on the canvas, glancing up and down with his strikingly lively and bright eyes. He is nice to have around, and he treats you like human beings and not like statues, which many artists tend to do. He gives you breaks of course, doesn’t scold for moving an inch and doesn’t have a problem with fixing your poses if one of you happens to ruin it. He readily partakes in lunch and dinner and accepts Diluc’s offer to stay in one of the guest’s bedrooms, promising that it’ll take him only three nights.
And just as promised, on the morning of the fourth day, you watch the big painting getting hung in the hall as Diluc is handing Master Clouet a heavy pouch of mora, shaking his hand and saying something that makes an old man heartily laugh and pat the redhead’s shoulder. He then nods in approval, adding a couple more words of farewell, before following Adelinde to the exit. Diluc returns to your side.
“It’s brilliant,” your voice is shaking a little, happy tears brimming your eyes. Your body leans back on your husband’s chest, feeling him wrap his arms around your middle and putting his chin on your shoulder. “I love it so, so much, ‘luc. Just… I didn’t know a brush could recreate something so accurately! It’s unbelievable. Just look at our faces! It’s so detailed, I can practically see hearts in my eyes! Yours too, by the way,” the man snorts, pressing a kiss to the side of your jaw, absolutely enjoying your amazement and teasing. He fully shares your feelings about the painting and almost opens his mouth to tell that he made a deal to invite your recent guest to make more paintings of you - some of the walls are pretty empty, if you ask him. However, he decides against it - after all what is life without pleasant surprises?
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nulfaga · 2 months
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From Frédéric Poulsen, "Le buste du bronze de Cato trouvé à Volubilis", in the journal of the Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres, 1947:
"The first thing which surprises [the viewer] about this admirably preserved bust is how clearly it has retained a certain rustic trace. This is a true country man, like to the wealthy farmers of the agricultural nations of our day. Cato, however, belonged to the stifling circle of the high Roman nobility (which fact is demonstrated above all by the marriages of his sisters and daughter). Here, he appears as the descendant of Cato Priscus, that prototype of the great Roman country man—and the urban life of multiple generations of that family, three of whose representatives held the consulship, has not erased this spirit.
The second great impression [one has] of this visage is the seriousness of its features, in perfect accord with the literary tradition: "It was difficult," Plutarch says (Plut. Cat. Min. 1-2), "to move Cato to laughter, and rare that a smile should appear on his face". He was harsh, tenacious, and, when ill, demonstrated an admirable forbearance.
Adding to the serious expression of those features is the movement of the head: it is turned toward the left shoulder and, at the same time, gently, peacefully inclined; and the movement which tenses the neck muscles, combined with the lines of the mouth, creates an impression of severity, even of unavailability. It is not impossible that the absence of colored stones, which would have once indicated the iris and pupils, contributes to the hardness of the gaze.
At the time of his death, Cato was forty-eight years old, but this portrait speaks of a man who lived a hard life and was aged prematurely by it. It is true that [one contemporary scholar] finds the Cato of this bust younger than the age of his death—an impression probably due to his observation of the bust's profile, since from that angle the expression is both younger and more peaceful, as if disclosing traces of the features of a young man; it is only by virtue of the large nose, particularly its curve, that a powerful masculine energy is revealed and even emphasized.
But, seen from the front, the face is haggard, the forehead is crossed by deep wrinkles that run parallel to the thick eyebrows, the creases that run down from the lower eyelids, the large and profound furrows of the cheeks, and the great lines between the mouth and chin, all contribute to give the face an expression of pain and age. In my opinion he could well have been a sexagenarian, this great country man with his proud, tranquil expression.
Even if the portrait from Volubilis dates from as late as ±150 years after Cato's death [the author dates the bust about the time of Domitian or Trajan, ed.], it goes without saying that an older and more contemporary portrait has been copied. This is confirmed when one observes the profile of the bust once more: one sees the tufts of hair in the nape of the neck shaped like long, curved leaves, and stylized in a bladelike form, a mode of stylization characteristic of precisely the period in which Cato lived, ±50 BCE.
Naturally we might suppose that a certain alteration of the features must have taken place in this transmission from copyist to copyist. [...] Where an artist, from the time of Nero for example, has copied a republican portrait meant for the atrium of a young, newlywed nobleman [an ancestral imago], the result is inevitably a mixture of styles, a circumstance which makes it still more difficult to date many Roman portraits.
Certain points of resemblance, then, may have been diminished in the face of the Volubilis Cato—on the other hand, the artistic effect could have been strengthened by an emphasis on the essential lines and forms of the visage. Happily, the artist appears to have stuck to the veracity of the original, without adding any suggestions of that saintliness or divine inspiration which the writers of the imperial era attribute to Cato, from Seneca to Plutarch."
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blueshistorysims · 4 months
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August 11th, 1925
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On the morning of August 11th, a sunny Tuesday, Byron and Eleora married in a Reform Jewish ceremony in a London synagogue attended by the Walsh and Balass families along with close friends. 
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The afternoon and dinner hosted a large reception for the newlyweds at Walshstone Park, the wedding party traveling by train to meet the incoming guests. Eleora’s dress and veil were designed, handstitched, and embroidered by Giselle, and she wore diamond jewels that belonged to former duchesses of the past while Byron wore the tuxedo his grandfather Edwin wore when he married his grandmother Rose.
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As the best man, Montgomery gave a speech describing how he met Eleora and Byron, the artist flapper and his fiancée’s academic prodigy brother, and how Byron forced him to introduce him to Eleora at a Halloween party, dressed as Louis XIV and Dionysus respectively. He quoted Marx toward the end, mostly just to rifle the majority upper-class guests, which Byron found extremely amusing. As the maid of honor, Samira spent her speech telling an embarrassing childhood story of her and Eleora which had the whole party roaring with laughter. 
And for all her naysay of the wedding, Rebecca was suddenly happily chatting to her son’s new in-laws. Perhaps the thought of all the money the Balasses had was very appealing. Byron loved his mother, but he also thought she was a massive hypocrite.
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And as the families stood for wedding portraits, all Byron could think about was how much he wanted his father, Alexander, and Edeline to be there.
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bethanydelleman · 8 months
My latest blog post on Always Austen:
So much pressure to be the person to post on Valentine's Day on a JAFF site!
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mj-ackerman · 2 years
SxF Light Novel: Family Portrait Translation Short Novel: Family (Temporary)
Read Mission 4: Portrait of the Forger Family!? Here. DO NOT REPOST
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At a certain restaurant in Berlint, the capital of Ostania. Lily, a waitress at this restaurant, which is popular for its not-too-luxury, yet stylish, chef-created cuisine that uses plenty of carefully selected ingredients and its comfortable atmosphere, was in the midst of her marriage hunting activities. 
“......But I think marriage isn’t really that good, is it?”
After being rejected by her blind date partner again, Lily pouted and ranted to her colleague Rose while setting up the tables before the store opened. 
“You’re just saying that because you don’t want to admit that you got dumped again, aren’t you? You have to take things seriously or else you’ll be left behind, you know.”
“I-I didn’t get dumped! We just didn’t have the same values! You’re just making fun of me just because you have a soon-to-be-husband boyfriend!”
Lily said, pissed and let out a sigh. 
“Geez, I’m gonna stop looking for a marriage partner! I’m fine with being alone! I can live all by myself!”
Lily crumpled the napkin she was folding in sorrow and frustration, only to be scolded by the older Rose again by saying “Hey!”. On top of that, she also lectured her on how she needed to get a little more grip of reality, at which Lily puffed out her cheeks as she complained. 
“But, looking at the families coming here, they don’t look happy at all.”
“Yeah….well, you’re right, that’s actually true.”
“You know, like that couple for example, they’re scolding their kids but they have terrible table manners themselves.”
As Lily gave an example of a customer she seen at the restaurant while refolding a napkin, Rose grimaced, “Oh, I hate that.” Then she added, “Now that you’ve mentioned it, there’s also that newlyweds who were fighting in front of their food. I wish they’d do that kind of thing at their home instead.” 
She set a single flower vase in the middle of the table as she cited a certain customer.
Lily, who was energized by this, added, 
“Say, do you remember the old couple whose husband complained about everything?”
“The guy who said, the food was tepid, or the service was slow, or the pictures on the wall looked old-fashioned and the tablecloths were wrinkled, and so on, right? While her husband was complaining to the manager, the wife looked like she wanted to just disappear from this place. I bet her husband is like that all the time at home.”
“That’s so suffocating, isn’t it?”
As if imagining it, Rose wrinkled her eyebrows deeply. Not only that, she also shuddered with disgust. 
“Well, marriage doesn't always equals happiness, after all.”
“You’re right.”
After that, the two of them continued to talk about the unhappy marriages of their customers, and at the end, Lily’s shoulders slumped. 
“Ohhh….if we look at it like that, marriage is the graveyard of life. Maybe that’s the reality of it.”
“Oh, but, then, how about that family?”
Rose said as she turned the silver spoon around. 
“That family?”
“You know, that family that you said the husband is just your type?”
“Ah! The Ho-Ho-Ho something!”
“The Forgers. Aren’t they the ones who always make sure to make a reservation before coming here to the restaurant?”
At Rose’s words, Lily nodded and said,
“Oh, that’s right, the Forgers.”
The Forger family consists of a father, mother and daughter. They are a family that anyone can recognize as someone from the upper class within a day, but they don’t take it personally at all. They’re friendly, courteous, and kind to everyone in the restaurant. 
The tall, smiling, soft-looking Mr. Forger was quite handsome and he was exactly Lily’s type, but his wife, who looked plain at first glance, but if you looked at her closely, she had a well-defined face and an outstanding figure, was very kind to Lily, who made a mistake in serving the wrong dish, and was even considerate of her feelings as she was very worried at Lily for her mistake, at that she easily concluded that she was no match to her and raised the white flag in her heart. She remembers it well. 
“A handsome husband with a beautiful wife, and on top of that, their child is very cute too.”
Lily sighed as she smoothed out the wrinkles on a nearby tablecloth. 
Their daughter must have been around four years old? Even Lily, who is far from motherhood, gets a tingling feeling as she recalls the child's slightly slurred speech and her childish antics. 
“Actually, I saw that family not too long ago at the city zoo.”
“Oh, that time you went on a date with the twelfth guy? You were rejected spectacularly by that one, right?”
“Don’t remind me! At that time, the husband was watching the giraffe with his daughter on his shoulders. The daughter was so excited that she imitated the movement of the giraffe’s head and wobbled around a lot. At that, the husband scolded her with a wry smile, saying “Hey, that’s dangerous,” but he held her tightly so she wouldn’t fall off while his wife was looking at the two of them with a smile on her face.”
It was like a scene from a happy family movie. She remembered that she felt like crying, partly because she had not had a good conversation with her blind date partner.
Oh, they look happy. Ah, that’s nice. It was a sight that she could honestly think like that. 
As Lily was being sentimental, Rose recalled,
“I heard that her husband is a doctor.”
“That’s right! Ah, I’m getting more and more jealous now…Anyway, why do you know that?”
“I overheard their conversation while I was bringing them their food. By the way, his wife is a city hall employee and their daughter is a student at Eden College. They’re a perfect family, aren’t they?”
“Eh? That kid? That little kid is a student at a very p-p-prestigious school!? That kid sure is smart! Anyway, how come you know that much? Are you a spy?”
Lily literally rolled her tongue at her colleague’s ability to gather information. 
“What are you talking about? There’s only so much fun you can have as a waitress.”
Rose, having finished setting the table, scruffily replied,
“Oh, by the way, I see that you have an appointment with the Forgers today.”
“Yea-....a doctor husband, a hard working wife who works at the city hall and a daughter who is a student at Eden huh….”
They’re truly a picture perfect happy family. She’s sure they live in a beautiful home and spend their days filled with love and peace. 
Imagining their dazzling appearances, she squeezed her eyes shut. They were too bright for Lily’s eyes. 
“Oh right, it seems like they also have a big dog. You’re a dog person, right?”
“A big dog too!?”
As she saw Lily, who almost collapse on the spot due to her jealousy, Rose teasingly asked, 
“So? It makes you want to get married now, doesn't it?
Lily clutched the hem of her apron with both hands and declared with tears in her eyes, 
“Rose! I’ve made up my mind! I’m going to keep looking for a marriage partner even if it kills me!”
----However, the girls didn’t know. That the ideal family that they thought was a normal picture perfect happy family was actually a fake family made up of complete strangers. And the Forger family itself also had no way of knowing that their pseudo-family had contributed to raising the marriage rate in Ostania.
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warwickroyals · 7 months
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OC Height Tag
This was something cool I was tagged in this game by @morrigan-sims! I spent a lot of time thinking about this, so it took longer than I expected. It was hard for me to think of who to include and who not to include. Ultimately, I didn't include children, because they'll be growing very fast as the story progresses. I also included Alex's future spouse, as you can see. The ??? isn't to be vague, I literally don't have a name for her yet and what I do call her "the cult wife" is well . . . not that great. So, suggestions? I'm looking for very crunchy, almond mom names that are not too uncommon. Like Dawn or Sutton or Amethyst.
I knew some things (Louis and Irene being the same height, Alex and Arthur being taller than their big brothers, Ruby being "fun-sized", etc.) but it's really great to have this visual guide for future reference. There are also some funny things here, like James II being shorter than Katherine despite all their joint portraits showing him towering over her like Godzilla. I discussed Katherine's height causing her to get smaller tiaras as a newlywed HERE.
Anyway, I tag @funkyllama, @thegrimalldis, @theroyalthrones, @armoricaroyalty, @ardeney-sims and anyone else who wants to do this challenge. It's really fun. I got my images from CAS, but you can use this website.
I stole that height pun from the Daily Mail, you're welcome.
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sasaofastora · 7 months
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Some new portraits for our newlyweds! Seo-Yeon has decided to embrace her new life in America by not only adopting the Finch name, but also changing her name to Susan.
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fanofspooky · 1 month
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The Twilight Zone S4E17
Passage on the Lady Anne
“Portrait of a honeymoon couple getting ready for a journey - with a difference. These newlyweds have been married for six years, and they're not taking this honeymoon to start their life but rather to save it, or so Eileen Ransome thinks. She doesn't know why she insisted on a ship for this voyage, except that it would give them some time, and she'd never been on one before - certainly never one like the Lady Anne. The tickets read 'New York to Southampton', but this old liner is going somewhere else. Its destination - The Twilight Zone.”
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Scotland State Visit Part 3
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On the third day began with TRH the Duke and Duchess of Rothsey visiting the Scottish Embassy in Windensen. The Duchess stunned in a red dress from Scottish retailer Heather & Hues while the Duke wore a standard Simarni pinstripe suit with a red tie to match his wife.
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The Pair were greeted by Ambassador Kayla Calvert, who has been in her post for the past 2 years. The couple also unveiled a new portrait of HM King Alexander III that will hang in the embassy before they met with the Ambassador to discuss the Kingdom's priorities in their centuries long alliance with Pierreland.
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Later in the day, TRH were joined by Prince Magnus and Princess Magdalena of Lunaria for a Garden Party at the Embassy celebrating Scottish-Pierrelander relations and Scottish expats who are making waves in Pierreland.
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Reports are saying that this is Prince Magnus & Princess Magdalena's first engagement together as a couple with Princess Magdalena supporting her boyfriend and engaging with others at the party. Princess Magdalena has grown up around the Imperial Family of Pierreland and has known Prince Oliver over the years however she met Prince Magnus two years ago when she began attending university in Pierreland.
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That evening, the Scottish royals attended a State dinner at Palais de Royal Rouge hosted by Their Imperial Majesties where the jewelry of all nations were on display.
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HRH the Duchess of Rothsey was seen wearing the Tiara now known as the Rothsey Wedding tiara, comissioned by her husband as a wedding gift along with a string of pearls from her in-laws. In honor of the host nation, she is wearing a red dress from Pierreland fashion house Alexander Patel which nods to the Oderians of the Empire, alongside the sash of tartan of the Rothseys and the Order of the Thistle. She is being escorted by the Emperor who was wearing traditional white tie with the sash of the Order of the Lion. The Emperor and Duchess were overheard to be talking about art and possibly touring the Imperial Art archives.
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Next to enter is HIM Empress Katalina was seen wearing the Oderian Durbar Tiara alongside the Jubilee Sapphire and Pearls set from the Imperial Vault. The Empress wore a blue dress by Scottish design house Catherine Caledonia alongside her purple sash of the Order of the Lion. She was escorted by her nephew, HRH the Duke of Rothsey who was seen wearing white tie with a kilt and his sash for the Order of the Thistle. The aunt and nephew were seen animatedly discussing some laws that Oliver had questions on.
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Behind them is HIH Crown Prince Louis and Prince Magnus of Argyll. The Crown Prince wore the white tie of PIMA cadets while Prince Magnus wore white tie with a kilt and a sash for his recently awarded Order of the Thistle. The two Princes are rumored to be at odds but seemed to be having a casual conversation about polo.
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And at the end are HRH Princess Magdalena of Lunaria escorted by HIH Prince Henri and HIH Princess Maria Aisha. Princess Magdalena & Prince Henri were seen discussing the musical performance of the previous night as the Princess dazzled in a custom Sior dress in turquoise while wearing the Lunarian Turquoise Parure which is on loan to her from the Crown Princess of Lunaria, HRH Crown Princess Minerva. HIH Princess Maria Aisha was seen wearing a red off the shoulder number from Alexander Patel alongside the Aurelian rubies, a necklace belonging to her great grandmother and last seen on her aunt, HM Queen Marie Christine of the Scots.
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The Duke of Rothsey spoke on the close relationship that Scotland and Pierreland have had over the centuries, brought closer through familial ties. He thanked his uncle and aunt for their hospitality and their warmth on making this trip a smooth transition from honeymoon to work.
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The Emperor also spoke of the two countries close ties, and offered his congratulations to the newlyweds. He spoke of his hopes for the future of the alliance and that he hopes it should strengthen through the generations.
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