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midwest-dex · 3 months ago
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Luminouse, the Gloworm Pokemon As night falls, the grass of Manaka lights up as swarms of Luminouse wake up and start looking for food. Luminouse can control the intensity of its arc, causing a light tickle to a harsh spark depending on if it likes whatever has approached.
Types: Bug/Electric Ability: Compound Eyes / Shield Dust Hidden Ability: No Guard New Move: Chirp Chorus - Special - Bug - 18BP - 80% accuracy - The user calls out, hitting the target up to six times. It's guaranteed to hit one time for each Bug Pokemon in the user's party.
Not Pillarva, but Luminouse is the real regional bug of Manaka, being available early with it and its evolutions showing up all over the region. Luminouse's line leans specially, using its accuracy abilities to help hit Electrowebs and Chirp Choruses.
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The Luminouse line is based on designs by @kayiu102!
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tawnysoup · 2 months ago
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Finally now that the comic is fully public on comicfury, I get to share it with all of you here, too <3
If you enjoyed, please consider supporting by buying a PDF of the comic on itch.io: https://tawnysoup.itch.io/home-in-the-woods
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loadingartist · 8 months ago
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moved 😭
bonus panels on my patreon 💌
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wanologic · 8 months ago
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sorry danny, sam will never think you’re cool
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wishfulsketching · 3 months ago
I have finally finished season 2 of Arcane and can now enjoy your art without fear!!! They should be happy together 🥺
I take it "they" means zaundads because that is what I've been drawing the most BUT, lets be honest, applies to like 98% of the characters in the show.
They should've been a big happy familyyyy
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biggest-gaudiest-patronuses · 10 months ago
historical drama/sitcom where two gay best friends (woman and man) get lavender married--and proceed to spend the Fancy European Honeymoon their parents paid for acting as each other's wingman
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thesinglesock · 1 year ago
my mom walked upstairs in her seal skin boots. Fjonka (my rabbit) came running to greet them (her seal skin boots). she sniffed them for a second. nuzzled them, before realizing they weren't breathing. horror dawned on her. she begun to understand she was dealing with something she couldn't comprehend. she backed off, without letting them out of her sight. she STOMPED to let them (the seal skin boots) know that she did NOT like this situation. my mom stomped back. Fjonka stomped harder, exhibiting a bravery and assertedness I had no idea she possessed. mom turned and went back down the stairs. Good job, Fjonk. You sure showed those undead vampire rabbits who's boss.
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selfhealingmoments · 2 years ago
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wrenderart · 1 year ago
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I made this a couple of months ago but. hack your 3ds. do it right now.
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enigmaris · 3 months ago
Another DPXDC for ya fellas!
Pandora, the ghost, was an Amazon from Themyscira in life, losing her life to trap all of those eldritch horrors in her box. In her afterlife, she has kept in contact with the other Amazons, coming to their aid when called upon.
So when the first child of themyscira was molded out of clay, Pandora knew. She liked Diana, admired her stubbornness, strength, and sense of wonder. She knew the girl had left to go to the world of man a while ago, but hadnt heard anything else about her. She wasnt worried about her though, Diana was the strongest of all the Amazons, kind and brave. The world of man would not pose too much of a danger to her.
After the whole thing her box getting stolen and Danny returning it to her. She takes on something if a motherly role to Phantom. She doesn't really know how kids work though, she comes from a race of women where there were no children. Diana is literally the only living child she has ever known. Pandora herself was never even a child. When Danny flees from his life in Amity Park (reveal gone wrong, family dies, or something) he goes to Pandora who wants to help him, but her acropolis is no place for a half living boy. So she tells him about her niece Diana.
"She was the only child of my people, when she grew up she left to the world of man."
Literally the only child??? Danny is imagining like, someone maybe his sister Jazzs age who ran away from home because she lived on an island with all adults and no fun. It does not help his assumption that Pandora talks about Diana like shes still wet from the clay she was molded in.
Danny is given a letter written by Pandora, asking Diana to help care for him and told that last Pandora heard her little niece lived in Washington DC. Danny goes to DC and manages to find Diana based on Pandora description. She is not at all what Danny was imagining, but she takes him to her home and reads the letter describing Danny's heroics with Pandoras box.
Diana Prince takes one look at this human boy and thinks to herself: if Bruce and Clark can just show up with a teenager, then why can't i?
Queue the next Justice League meeting:
"I would like to introduce my son, Daniel of Themyscira, he will be accompanying me on all Justice League missions. No Batman i will no be accepting any criticism from you of all people."
Danny, in human form, waves at the team of heroes with his string bean arms.
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midwest-dex · 2 months ago
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Omidge, the Harbinger Pokemon Omidge allegedly appears before terrible events, with much debate as to if it is bringing the disasters or warning of them. Due to inconsistent reports on its appearance, it is not believed to exist. Omidge's piercing eyes and colorful wings stun and hypnotize onlookers, confusing their memories of it and making them do strange things afterwards.
Types: Bug/Psychic Ability: Behind the Eyes — When Omidge is damaged, it will inflict a random mental effect [Taunt, Torment, Infatuation, Disable, Encore or Heal Block] on that Pokemon. Hidden Ability: Magic Bounce
Quartet Move — Befuddle | Status | Dark | +1 Priority | The cryptic nature of the user confuses the target, then switches the user out, ending a Wild Battle.
Omidge is the last of the wandering cryptid legendary quartet, and the apparent leader of the bunch. When activated, the other three wanderers have a specific biome they cling to, with a 50% chance to switch to a nearby route whenever you switch routes; Scarecrone jumping between corn fields and plains, Rolobyre running along the highways, and Glamsquatch between forested areas and abandoned buildings.
Omidge will instead fly to a random area anywhere on the map, and wait in that area for several route transitions. Flying or encountering Omidge will chase it off, taking it off the map for awhile before it appears in another random location. If it is left alone, however, one or more of the remaining cryptids will begin approaching its location.
Once they meet, you will have a short window where you can encounter Omidge and the other cryptid in a double battle, giving the two their Hidden Ability and a move replacing Befuddle, their default escape method. As a wild double battle, you'll need to knock out one before you can catch the other, allowing you to catch Omidge to end the mechanic, or catch the other, or none, to continue it. If you catch the other three legends with this method, the wandering Omidge will change to this form as well.
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chaichai-draws · 2 months ago
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This part of We’ll Be Fine has a death grip on me, I love that little guy and so does Athena I think
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suntails · 3 months ago
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growing up!
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just-your-average-tangerine · 11 months ago
Murphys law of being a trans man is that you're only considered a man when it can be used to hurt you
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starhoodies · 8 months ago
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lelelego · 9 months ago
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(deadpan) lol
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