#new year gift card
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archiesbestgiftstore · 3 months ago
The arrival of the New Year is always a time of excitement, renewal, and reflection. It’s a chance to leave behind what no longer serves us and look forward to a fresh start. Whether you’re making resolutions, setting new goals, or just taking a moment to breathe, the start of a new year brings with it an undeniable sense of possibility. It's a time to embrace what’s to come, and part of this celebration includes exchanging gifts with those we care about. Gift-giving isn’t just a tradition; it's a beautiful way to express love, appreciation, and the hope that this year will be full of new adventures and opportunities.
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putting my prediction on record now that the coming decade is going to see the rise of viral-marketed fancy at-home water filtration systems, driving and driven by a drastic reduction in the quality of U.S. tap water (given that we are in a 'replacement era' where our current infrastructure is reaching the end of its lifespan--but isn't being replaced). also guessing that by the 2030s access to drinkable tap water will be a mainstream class issue, with low-income & unstably housed people increasingly forced to rely on expensive bottled water when they can't afford the up-front cost of at-home filtration--and with this being portrayed in media as a "moral failing" and short-sighted "choice," rather than a basic failure of our political & economic systems. really hope i'm just being alarmist, but plenty of this already happens in other countries, and the U.S. is in a state of decline, so. here's praying this post ages into irrelevance. timestamped April 2023
#apollo don't fucking touch this one#serious post#not a shitpost#hope i forget about this post and have no reason to ever look back on it one day#fyi i'm aware that access to potable water is already a major issue in parts of the U.S. yes i know flint michigan exists#i'm saying that this issue is going to GROW unless local & federal governments work together to fix it.#so it's a matter of if we trust them to fix it. And well--do you?#what are the chances the government just denies there's a problem until the water actually turns brown#at which point it's already been common knowledge for years and people have just become resigned and that's our new normal#i'm mean come on. how many of us already believe that we're being exposed to dangerous pollutants we don't know about and can't avoid#like that's pretty much just part of being a modern consumer. accepting that companies will happily endanger your life for a few pennies#and the most you'll get is like a $50 gift card as part of a class action rebate 20 years down the line#probably the history books will look back on Flint as a warning and a harbinger that went ignored#luxury condos will advertise their built-in top-of-the-line filtration systems--live here and you can drink water straight from your tap!#watch the elite professional class putting $700 dyson water filtration systems on their wedding registry#while the rest of us figure out how to fit water delivery into our grocery budget while putting 90% of our paycheck towards rent#also eggs are $15
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charonyx · 3 months ago
Malleus...Malleus my love....
I want to run my hands over his hair and scales if he's alright with it. He always looks so cute yet elegant and dashing and literally any synonym to those words describe him perfectly.
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Once the HD version drops he's immediately gonna be my desktop wallpaper oml
100% one of my favorite Malleus cards. People have mentioned the veil which makes him look etheral and other-worldly but his side bangs are so scrumptious as well. Not to mention the tiny peek of his scales which I ADORE.
His tilted head which is similar to his gargoyle club groovy when looking at gargoyles but this time he's looking more at US and that makes me ckdkxiebifirifbdlwnaozkbc.
Inviting gaze and posture to just go under the veil with him where he'll whisk us away to a wonderland. Sir I'm already in love with you, have been for years. And now you keep on dragging me deeper and deeper? I'll accept cause it's you but damn.
And of course, the flowers in the foreground just adding on to the fact that we just stumble into him outside in a snow covered landscape with bits of life blooming around. Cause that's what he is. At least, a part of him. Even born in a hopeless world with many deaths happening while he was trying to live and the world trying to kill him, he still blooms and has life. The love of others has given him life and even as he may seem cold and aloof yet intricately pretty like the snow around him, he's got so much love, curiosity and just the essence of LIFE in him.
And his low ponytail argh. I can go on and on admiring him, who he is and everything but I'll leave it here.
Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to everyone! Hope whoever reads this can have a wonderful time of day/afternoon/night!
I'll just be here sighing for this man
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cjgladback · 10 months ago
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I went to my first fiber festival this past weekend! Hoosier Hills Fiber Festival; if I'm still in this state come June next year, I'll probably be back and would love to meet anybody else there. Socializing/hanging out/talking to people without feeling like I was obstructing Real Customers was the one thing I missed, though I didn't really get to any of the free lectures so maybe that's where I could've met some people. Since it was an unknown situation with a lot of people and nearly an hour drive each way, I strategized to make sure I'd go:
First day, I signed up for a couple volunteer shifts. Absolutely a recommended strategy.
Got to be helpful!
They happened to have goodie bags, to help me justify the gas and time (I now have a nice tape measure to replace the one that's been vacationing with a missing sewing kit for a couple years and a lasercut wood two-inch gauge window that might help me with consistency versus my suboptimal practice of just trying to knit perfect squares when swatching in pattern)
I got to learn things about the layout and schedule I wouldn't know to ask when answering questions and acting as a gofer -- especially true working two different locations
And of course, some people were pretty much guaranteed to be happy to see me!
Second day, I signed up for a workshop in the morning so I'd be there and able to shop for anything I needed at the end. Ombre yarn dyeing was the class! It's acid dyes, something I'm several years off from wanting to get into enough to commit to dedicated cookware, full pots of dye powder, etc. The room with the workshop was a barn that had plenty of outlets--but they did not represent plenty of breakers. So there weren't quite enough functional heating elements for the class to have sufficiently cooked our yarn before leaving, and I did need to risk a giant stock pot at home for three batches of four jars, almost-simmering in a water bath for thirty minutes each, of the yarn that hadn't proven it was done (all but the two palest greens). I was a little worried the delay/drawn out heat situation would affect the results but if it did it wasn't much; I got pretty much exactly what I was hoping for with my two color gradient and the single is great too!
The single dye gradient is the color Moss, which did some interesting things with the red portion separating out once they were heated. Every skein has redder blotches, so I'm not bothered about any inconsistency -- if anything it'll help my finished product camouflage stains. Though it was definitely a surprise for me and the other Moss user in the class when our first yarn to have exhausted the dye was the complementary color to what it went in as.
The two color gradient used Rhodamine Red on one end, which was one end of one of our instructor's samples where she chose a cool-green for the other end to show how multi-component dyes mix less predictably than most paint. (It was kinda like shading with markers where you can still see washes of the pink and green in what you squint at and call a grey-brown.) The other end was Cantaloupe, which was one of the maybe three colors she didn't have a sample cut of yarn for. But she described it as the flesh of a perfect ripe cantaloupe and obviously I had to see that, and it sounded like it would be fairly guaranteed to combine nicely with the magenta while being just enough around a bend in the color wheel to be interesting--warm orange versus cool pink. As I said, it turned out pretty much exactly as I was picturing. Not anticipated was how much the jars looked like they were full of some delicious dragonfruit-mango beverage. Were I still a barista I'd be trying to recreate this for my shift drink.
Image descriptions under the cut.
[ID: Five images following fourteen small skeins of sock yarn dyed in individual glass jars, in two gradients. One gradient is six skeins from a medium forest green through a pale creamy pink, the other is eight skeins from a vibrant yellow orange through an even more vibrant magenta. The first photo is inside under fluorescent lights, showing the 32oz glass canning jars with metal lids and rings, full of dye and yarn on a table at the end of the class in which they were filled and heated for a short time.
The next two images are animated gifs. The first gif is two frames showing the finished dye jars sitting in grass, with their yarn and with it removed. The green gradient left only transparent blue color in its jars, and most of the pink to orange gradient's water looks more orange without its yarn, aside from the third and fourth jars from the orange end, which shade toward a neon lilac with the peachy pink yarn removed. The second gif is a view of the inside of the bright green wash bucket, with just the pink-orange yarn in it, then all of them mixed up, all as they were after a soak with the rust-brown water, in the first rinse, and that rinse water alone showing its transparent but still brown tint.
The last two photos show the gradients lined up along a weathered wooden bench on the side of a deck. The first photo has the wet piles of yarn bundled in front of each of their respective jars with remaining dye. The final photo has the clean, dry yarn wound into center-pull balls and still vibrant in the direct sunlight. End ID]
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akkivee · 3 months ago
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melle-otterwise · 3 months ago
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Send your heartfelt wishes and greetings with beautiful Destiel postcards 💙💚
Bring color, joy, and a burst of connection into the new year with over 30 unique, illustrated Destiel/SPN postcards! 💚💙
Reconnect with friends and family in a personal and fun way. 💖
Send unique postcards and brighten someone's day! ✨
You can find the perfect card to share here! 👀
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slashthrashandcrash · 3 months ago
well lads, looks like we're buying a new pc
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utoshi-san · 3 months ago
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Продолжаю показывать подарки на рождество. Тут у меня бальзам для губ с ароматом клубники, выпущенный к 50-ти летию создания Хелло Китти 🍓 и маска для лица с My little pony с экстрактом розы. Ничего не пробовала, но всё выглядит мило.
Две упаковки японских сосательных конфет. Юзу и персик и персиковый фраппе. Они безумно вкусные и не сильно сладкие (всё, как я люблю).
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А в этом милом пакете с Сантой было три вида травяного чая, который мне уже не терпится попробовать.
А ещё джем с кислой вишней 🍒 и просто гигантская коробка моих любимых конфет Рассел Стовер. Она почти всю тумбочку заняла, настолько большая.
Дальше у меня мини-блокнот с павлином, внутри ещё ручка есть. Пока не знаю для чего буду его использовать.
Ну и последний подарок это подарочный сертификат в магазин косметики. Это всегда приятно, потому что я смогу сама себе подарок выбрать.
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coridallasmultipass · 3 months ago
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Holy shit, I found my snake on a cup!! Pink baby, just like mine!! It's so cute, so I had to get it!! Snakes are so freaking cute!! It's so rare to find snake things outside of October, and especially rare to find cute snakes! Happy early Lunar New Year (on January 29).
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depresseddepot · 2 months ago
literally the only thing my dad does is hurt his back and yell. how am I supposed to buy a gift for someone like that
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archiesbestgiftstore · 3 months ago
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Ring in the New Year with heartfelt messages and beautiful designs from Archies! Their collection of New Year greeting cards offers the perfect way to send your best wishes to loved ones. Whether you're looking for a thoughtful, funny, or elegant card, Archies has something to suit every style and sentiment this New Year.
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hackfurs · 3 months ago
christmas kinda sucked this year... all i got was gift cards for restaurants i cant drive myself to and food delivery services that don't work in my small town. apparently the only interest people think i have nowadays is "food" but they didnt think long enough about if i could actually use them.
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xxplastic-cubexx · 4 months ago
whos jess what’s the snap lore
jess has been my bestie since my dragon ball postin days, about five years now :]
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okarasusama · 8 months ago
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more tracks than necessary
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gifti3 · 3 months ago
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dandyshucks · 8 months ago
i am freeeeeeeee [collapses into a pile of dust]
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