#new product email template
salessolutions · 1 year
Unleash Success: 10 Powerful Product Launch Email Templates to Maximize Engagement
A product launch email serves as a key component of a successful product launch strategy. It's an opportunity to generate excitement, engage your audience, and drive conversions. Crafting an effective product launch email involves careful planning and persuasive messaging. In this blog post, we will explore ten powerful product launch email templates that will help you maximize engagement and ensure a successful launch. Let's dive in!
Template 1: "Introducing [Product Name]: The Revolutionary Solution You've Been Waiting For"
This template is designed to create curiosity and highlight the unique value proposition of your product. It captures the reader's attention and builds anticipation for the launch.
The email can include a captivating subject line, a brief introduction to the product, its key features, and a strong call to action, such as "Learn More" or "Discover the Future."
Template 2: "Be the First to Experience [Product Name]: Limited-Time Pre-Order Available Now!"
This template leverages the scarcity principle to encourage immediate action. It targets early adopters and creates a sense of exclusivity.
The email can showcase the benefits of pre-ordering, emphasize limited availability, and provide a clear call to action to secure their spot.
Template 3: "Unlocking Innovation: [Product Name] is Here to Transform Your [Industry/Problem]"
This template focuses on positioning your product as a game-changer in the industry or solving a specific problem for your target audience.
The email should highlight the pain points your product addresses, provide a glimpse into its transformative features, and include a compelling call to action to explore further.
Template 4: "Exciting News: [Product Name] Launches Today! Get Yours Now."
This template emphasizes the urgency of the product launch and encourages immediate action from the recipients.
The email can include an attention-grabbing subject line, a concise announcement of the launch, a clear call to action to make a purchase, and any special launch incentives.
Template 5: "Limited-Time Offer: [Product Name] Exclusive Launch Discount Inside!"
This template leverages the power of discounts and incentives to drive conversions. It creates a sense of urgency and encourages customers to take advantage of the limited-time offer.
The email can highlight the exclusive launch discount, provide a coupon code or a direct link to the discounted product page, and emphasize the value they will receive.
Template 6: "Discover the Power of [Product Name]: Join Our Live Webinar and Demo"
This template invites recipients to a live webinar or demo to experience the product firsthand. It allows you to showcase its features, benefits, and answer any questions they may have.
The email should provide a compelling reason to attend the webinar/demo, outline the key topics that will be covered, and include a clear call to action to register or RSVP.
Template 7: "Introducing [Product Name]: Hear What Early Adopters Are Saying"
This template focuses on social proof and testimonials from early adopters or beta users. It builds trust and credibility around your product.
The email can include snippets of positive feedback or reviews, highlight the impact the product has had on early adopters, and provide a call to action to explore further or make a purchase.
Template 8: "Don't Miss Out: Get Early Access to [Product Name] and Enjoy Exclusive Benefits"
This template targets those who want to be the first to experience your product and benefit from exclusive perks.
The email should emphasize the advantages of early access, such as special features, priority support, or access to a dedicated community, and provide a clear call to action to secure their early access spot.
Template 9: "Your [Industry] Game-Changer Has Arrived: Introducing [Product Name]"
This template appeals to specific industries or niches, positioning your product as a game-changer tailored to their unique needs.
The email should address industry pain points, highlight the product's relevance to their challenges, and provide a strong call to action to explore further or schedule a consultation.
Template 10: "Last Chance to Get [Product Name] at Special Launch Pricing! Grab Yours Now."
This template creates a sense of urgency by notifying recipients about the closing window for special launch pricing or limited-time offers.
The email should clearly communicate the end date of the offer, emphasize the value they will receive, and provide a compelling call to action to make a purchase before the deadline.
These ten powerful product launch email templates provide you with a variety of strategies to maximize engagement and generate excitement around your product. Remember to customize each template to fit your brand, product, and target audience. By leveraging these templates, you can create compelling product launch emails that captivate your audience, drive conversions, and unleash success for your business.
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whoblewboobear · 2 months
The way I had every intention to be productive this weekend and did none of it bc I know I’m in for some shit the minute I walk into that stupid office
#I finished the t-shirt design for HR lady right and she came in twice about it (could’ve been an email truly)#then when she DID said an email she just forgot that we fully did discuss putting the gross 75th anni. Logo on it#so her email was just that#and I did forget to respond to the email- like I skimmed it and then went ‘we talked about this’ but I’m not allowed to be a smart ass over#email anymore because when sales reps were being especially rude and disrespectful to my coworker and I#I’d waste no time to put them in their place#it took two fucking years of complaining for them to not treat us like shit and to give us deadline that aren’t same day/next day#like two years of me forcing my bosses hand to actually stand up for us for him to tell them to back off#I stopped dealing with it#my coworker does now bc I can’t be bothered to argue with assholes anymore#anyway yeah I- I truly do not check my email often so by the time EOD rolled around I wasn’t checking#but I know HR lady will be in my inbox bright and early :/#but on the bright side I’ll have the art room to myself Monday+Tuesday bc my coworker is leaving~~~~~#so I’m gonna try and be productive Monday so I can rest and relax at my desk Tuesday#then pretend I’ve been productive when I meet with my gross awful boss Wednesday morning#ugh#I need a new job bad#I hate this one#it’s fine but god is it boring and not creative at all#I love graphic design I do I really do but when it’s just sign making with pre-made templates it’s soooo fucking boring#So this weekend I just got high and yesterday a lil tipsy to feel a lil crossfade#I truly haven’t done shit bc if I think about Monday I’ll scream#personal
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Femme Fatale Guide: Top Career Tips To Set Yourself Up For Success
Figure out where your skills and passions align. Then determine the lifestyle/work culture you thrive in and what sacrifices you're willing to make in your chosen career path (for some, it's always traveling/talking to people 24/7, working late hours, unpredictable/unconventional hours, potentially lower pay/less predictable income, etc.). It truly depends on your top values, your personality, and your goals/priorities in life.
First focus on getting incredibly talented at your craft. Find a mentor(s) who will push you with their feedback/suggestions. Take classes/skills courses/read books & articles to gain more applicable knowledge/hard skills. Join clubs, apply to internships, volunteer, and request informational interviews in your desired field.
Make your skills marketable. Create a professional resume and/or neat portfolio/collection of work samples. Discover and articulate your USP (that should essentially serve as the backbone of your elevator pitch). Frame your skills through a customer/business-centric lens. How does your experience/skillset solve their problems and help a company/client achieve their goals?
Build a network for yourself. Don't be shy to reach out to companies/individuals who inspire you. Speak with your secondary school teachers and professors for connections. Create peer-to-peer networks, too, so you can grow together. Be a fearless networker and connector. Help others, do favors, and make the person glad they met/hired you. Make it your objective to be memorable through your work ethic/providing high-quality work products and showing up with a motivated & overall positive attitude allows people to like and trust you with their time, clients, money, etc.
Master the art of a killer email/cold pitch. Especially in today's world, learning how to sell yourself through intriguing emails/LinkedIn messages is the key to unlocking potential success. One client or opportunity can create momentum that will be useful years down the line, too.
When in doubt, follow up – on an email, pitch, job opportunity, connection, etc.
Be ruthless and relentless with your research. For new contacts, connections, opportunities, and information to support your pitches/job interviews/networking conversations, new technologies, and trends within your field. Read everything credible you can get your hands on. Display working knowledge and practical applications of these concepts and how they can benefit the person in front of you/their business.
Create systems. For how you structure emails/pitches, conduct research, different types of workflows/ work template structures for different types of projects, time-blocking, client funnels, etc.
Get comfortable with rejection. Use it as a primer for self-reflection and refining your craft/processes or help you pivot your approach to help you achieve your goals. Never take business decisions on behalf of a company personally (and vice versa).
Give yourself breaks, but don't give up. Tapping out for good is the only surefire way to fail at an endeavor. Be flexible in your path, but zeroed in on your goal(s). Learn when to quit or pivot, and when it's time to coast or seek growth.
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kristinagehrmann · 3 months
Freelance strategies that have saved my butt!
Some of them I wish someone had told me when I was a newbie illustrator, some I have used from the start and they're still proving effective. Hope they're helpful <3
1. Decide on a clockout time at the workday's end. Whether 5pm or any other, relax & do nothing more work-related til next day. It sounds counterintuitive, but if your times are random/too long, this will boost productivity & decrease stress! In German it's called Feierabend.
2. Overestimate your deadlines. Especially as a new illustrator it can be hard to accurately tell a client how long a project will take, so make a habit of estimating generously. Don't take on more than one "rush gig" at a time.
3. Don't apologise if you did nothing wrong. Instead, "Thank you for your understanding." (e.g. if you have to reject an unattractive project) is both effective and polite.
4. Have a professional website with an easily accessible email address. It helped me get work long before anyone knew me on social media, even when my skill level was lower than now. From an art director's perspective: www.muddycolors.com/2021/09/why-y...
5. communication is key! Whenever anything is unclear in a client's brief, ASK. When you won't be able to meet a deadline, TELL them. Have clear quote & contract templates ready. Don't have any? Ask a fellow freelancer (like me!) Example for a quote: x.com/KristinaDraws... (99% of project conflicts are due to insufficient communication, this includes vague terms and/or nonexistent contracts!)
6. Your can also ask your fellow pros for pricing information in specific markets. Chances are it's already written down someplace (GAG handbook, blog article...) & they can link you to it. Being specific increases your chances of getting good answers. Pro illustrators have a sincere interest in you knowing & charging good prices - a rising tide lifts all boats!
7. Identify your most productive time of the day. This is when you do your best work. For me it's morning to noon. So I tend to do other chores (grocery shopping, exercise) in the afternoon when I'm more "head tired".
8. To stay hydrated (important!), make it a habit to always keep a drink on your desk. For me that's usually a mug of tea. Hot tea feels good too, bc 90% of the year it's chilly at my desk. I'm also a serious believer in a high fiber diet.
9. Something that has LITERALLY saved my butt: an orthopedic seat cushion (from Bonmedico, bought at Amazon) where the spine can basically "hang free" when you sit. This will turn every desk chair into a healthy one! Be smart and don't use it as an excuse for sitting even longer than you already do, but it does make long periods of sitting to work so, so much easier.
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academicazura · 4 months
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enjoy these 2 pictures from my pinterest feed cause once again i failed to take photos today.
3 / 250 days of productivity • May 30th
today i
went for a walk
finished my reading plan for the rest of the year
got an unforeseen change regarding my reading plan for the rest of the year, and had to replan oct-dec
set up a weekly review template
emailed my guidance counsellor about my studies, she's so nice for real, grateful to have her
copied all my course tasks from ALL my courses to microsoft to do so now i have no excuses on “not having my task list available”
finished reading Keats Truth & Imagination
restarted Nietzsche's The Dawn of Day. i wasn't very far with it, but life was so confusing i decided to give it a fair new try
oh and i decluttered and reorganized my phone’s home pages
📖: The Dawn of Day, Friedrich Nietzsche
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sshcomic · 2 months
I just wanted to invade your ask box to say: omg? this is the au ever? like, it has renkaza, it has emails, it has swords, basically everything a good story needs! i read it several times over the course of under an hour and definitely will be keeping tabs on it like it’s my favorite fanfic. Hope you’re doing well and working on the comics at your own pace, i know it’s no easy task to make them lol!
hi! thank you so much im glad you like it! 😭🙏💖 im really happy to hear you say so, and to see all the love this has been getting despite the sudden hiatus.
speaking of, im also really grateful for your patience. 🥲 this month has been kind of a shitshow in terms of creative projects; my tablet suddenly bricked and then i got sold the wrong tablet so i had to exhange my new stuff, and i had a bunch of other deadlines pushed back as a result. plus i lost my template and brushes for this webcomic so ive had to rebuild some stuff. 😅
im almost done catching up, after which i'll at least finish this "arc" (i think there's about three strips left?) and then i'l prob take another break to properly plan the entertainment district stuff, cuz i realized i'm prob gonna move it away from the red light district. idk how yet tho; my ideas have included maid cafe (so inotanzen can still go "undercover"), daki being some sort of popular influencer who organizes fan meets where people lowkey go missing, or she could even be an idol who only does night-time shows (and can u imagine if muzan had douma run some sort of agency and daki's one of his most popular products? hmmm will think more!).
tl;dr - thank you so much for all the support and patience! hopefully see yall in the first week of august. 🥲
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xofanfics · 10 months
Lost for Words - Part II
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Part I | Part II | Part III
Genre: angst, fluff, smut 🥺🤗🥵
Pairing: Reader x Kun // Reader x Taeyong
Word Count: 2.8k
Summary: You have the best boyfriend you could’ve asked for. Things take an interesting turn as you befriend your new coworker, exploring the blurred lines between friendship and something more.
Taeyong’s thoughts revolved around you for the rest of the weekend and for the three weeks that followed. He found himself thinking about you more and more as the days went on, even outside of work. They started out as simple thoughts; just flashbacks at how beautiful you’d looked that morning. Then the thoughts got a little more complex. He’d look at menus and think about all the foods you told him you liked. He’d make a note to himself to tell you all about it and give you that recommendation. But then he took it even further by imagining himself taking you there someday, on a date. He wondered what it would be like to kiss you, to hold you so close that he could easily smell the scent of your perfume. 
He hated the fact that you weren’t single. He hated the fact that you had a boyfriend. He hated the fact that he had absolutely no chance with you. He knew he had no right to feel this way, but he couldn’t help himself. His thoughts and feelings were just that - thoughts and feelings, where they would remain in his mind and heart until he decided to move on. An even more delusional side of him even wondered if there was the possibility of you and your boyfriend breaking up.
It was pretty early on into their relationship, but he knew that he could see himself with you. It’d been a month and a half and he felt like you’d gotten considerably close with him. The team was pretty close, in general, though, so Taeyong had a hard time understanding if this was how you acted with everyone. 
Today, he had a meeting with you to discuss his findings from a marketing campaign that just ended. You would normally have this meeting with the rest of the team, but Taeyong honestly just wanted to have some time alone with you. He presented it to you under the guise of wanting to give you the information as soon as possible. He insisted that he’d just do the full presentation next week, once Valentina had returned from her maternity leave. 
The two of you didn’t have meetings alone often, so Taeyong was enjoying every second of it. He watched as you listened to his findings. He loved how attentive you were and how you always had a question or two. Plus, the longer you talked, the more time he got to spend with you. 
He was well aware that you were his coworker. He knew that you should probably stay that way, but he couldn’t help feeling so drawn to you. Even your other team members praised how well you worked together. Workplace relationships were almost always a bad idea, right? But in the delusional side of Taeyong’s mind, he thought that he could make it work whether anyone knew about it or not. Of course, he would prefer no one knowing. He wouldn’t want you to be the target of gossip. Even if they were just words, Taeyong knew all too well how hurtful words could be. 
“I hope that all made sense,” he said, “but I think that audiences responded really well to the new templates we used for the email. We tested two different ones but it seemed like the new one performed better.”
“Yeah, that sounds good. We can definitely try that for new products moving forward. I think the new template was easier to read, with more white space.”
“I think that maybe changing up the templates on social media would also be helpful. I’d love to test that as well. I can bring up that idea in the larger meeting next week. How does that sound?”
You nodded. “That would be great. Thank you for your help on this. It really helps to go over this information.”
“No problem,” he said as you turned toward the door. He could see your coworkers gathering by the entrance. “By the way, are you joining everyone for lunch? I hear they’re trying a new soup place.”
You shook your head. “Nah. I’m not really in the mood for soup.”
“What are you in the mood for?”
You chuckled. “Honestly? I was thinking of going to the convenience store and having lunch there.”
“Are you okay?” he asked, joining in your laughter. 
“What’s wrong with the convenience store?”
Taeyong shrugged, teasing. “I mean, nothing…I guess.”
“Wanna join?”
“Sure,” he said. “It’s hump day, the perfect time for a cheat meal.”
You giggled as Taeyong opened the door for you. 
You enjoyed Taeyong’s company a lot, you realized. You felt like you could be yourself with him around. He was friendly with everyone, of course, but it seemed like you had a lot in common with him. Everyone at the office seemed to like him, too. He was a breath of fresh air, honestly. 
You talked about a lot of things but it seemed like you were having deeper conversations today. You talked about your childhood and how your parents struggled to put you through college and how you never knew until your parents told you that they were selling the house. The three bedroom home that you and your sister had known your whole lives was sold and they moved into a smaller home, further from the city. You told him how you always felt bad about it and how you should’ve gotten a job despite your parents telling you you didn’t need to. 
“Hey,” he said, noticing the melancholic aura, “none of those things are your fault…”
“I know,” you said, “but I wish things had been different back then.”
“If you could change one thing in the past, would it be that?”
You nodded. “I would’ve worked so they didn’t have to sell the house.” You turned to him after taking a bite of your noodles. “Is there anything you would change?”
Interestingly enough, Taeyong shook his head. “I don’t think so.” Noticing your surprised face, he added, “Life sucked a year ago, I’ll admit, but I wouldn’t be where I am today. And I like the way things are going in my life right now. I mean, I like the work I’m doing and I have a team that respects me. I’m also moving into a much nicer apartment in a couple of weeks.”
“That’s amazing. Do you need anything for the apartment? I’d love to get you something.”
“I was debating on having a housewarming party after I move in, actually.”
“You should! It would be fun.”
“I have a few friends that would be able to come. And I’d love to invite a couple people on the team, too. My friend, Hwan, would probably bring his girlfriend. You can bring yours, too, if you want.”
“Yeah,” you said, “I’d be down to come.”
Valentina had returned from her maternity leave, a month later, with fresh energy. Among the team, she found herself naturally drawn to Taeyong. His intelligence and unwavering enthusiasm for learning resonated with her deeply. Valentina had always held hard work in high regard – after all, it had propelled her to her current high-level position at the youthful age of thirty-three. Life was starting to come together for her; she was recently married and had welcomed her first child into the world. With her momentum, a promotion within the next couple of years seemed well within reach.
As she entered the meeting room, the soft sound of her heels pierced the air. Her lips curved into a warm smile as she greeted the room with a confident "Good morning." Setting down her cup of coffee, she took her designated seat at the head of the table.
“Morning, Valentina,” you said.
“Does anyone need to dial in today?” asked Taeyong, “We should set up the video conferencing.”
“I think it’s just Hina working from home today,” you said. “She had to have a repairman come in to fix her plumbing.”
Taeyong nodded and went to the computer to set up the camera. Then, David walked in with his laptop and a grin. He sat down at the other end of the table. 
A moment later, Taeyong had set everything up and Hina was on the screen. She waved to everyone and Valentina began.
“I called everyone here this afternoon to provide an exciting update. We understood that a few of you mentioned wanting to attend more conferences and conventions taking place in the industry as we went through last quarter’s employee survey,” she explained. “Due to the number of people that requested, we intend on buying extra tickets for those that are interested in attending. It would be a great opportunity to learn more about our competitors and attend keynotes. This is a new initiative for the company’s commitment to professional development.”
The room was filled with excited chatter and agreeable nods as she went on. She continued, “David and I will be presenting our upcoming product launch, along with a few other high level members of the company. The convention will be taking place in Incheon at the Songdo Convensia Center and we will be staying at the Hanuri Lotus Hotel, which is within walking distance to the convention center. If you’re interested in accommodations, of course, be sure to let us know. It’s coming up next month, so please make decisions soon. I’ll send out an email to follow this meeting with all the necessary information!”
Following the announcement, anticipation filled the air, a collective enthusiasm rippling through the team members. 
By lunchtime, it was all anyone could talk about. As you, Hina, Taeyong, and Kevin stepped out for lunch, the topic of conversation was the conference. It was taking place in the next three to four weeks. Thankfully, you hadn’t made any plans. Kun had mentioned taking a trip at the end of the summer, but that would have to wait.
"I didn't see that coming," Kevin commented, a hint of surprise in his voice. "I mean, we never have the budget for anything…"
Taeyong chimed in, sounding intrigued. "Seriously? You think so?"
Hina joined the conversation with a sarcastic smile. "Oh, absolutely. They're all about decking us out with the latest tech, but when it comes to travel and conferences, suddenly there’s no money" She let out a slight eye roll before returning to her noodles.
You nodded in agreement. “Yeah. They’re usually super strict about budget but I hope this means they’ll invest in us a little more so we can get promoted.”
Taeyong turned to you. “Is getting a promotion hard here?”
Kevin shook his head. “Not necessarily, but I think there’s more room for it now that the marketing and creative teams have been expanding. Honestly, the place was a mess before Valentina came. I’ve been here for about four years and Valentina has been here for a little over two. I went from an intern to a full time employee.”
“Me and Y/N came after. Valentina hired us both.”
Taeyong nodded. “Are you guys going to go to the conference?”
"Absolutely!" The collective response came almost in sync, a chorus of agreement filling the air.
Taeyong let out an airy laugh. “Well, I guess I’ll see you all there.”
Despite going into the office everyday, it still seemed like you had nothing to wear. You sifted through your closest, unsatisfied with almost all of the options available. Too business casual, you thought. Not fashionable enough. This was a conference, after all, and you needed to present yourself in a better way. With these sorts of events, you never knew who you’d meet and what opportunities could arise. It’s not that you were looking to leave the company, but you never knew where life would take you.
You started browsing online, looking for more fashionable pieces to add onto your weekend fashion itinerary. Kun placed a mug of chamomile tea on the coffee table for you and planted a kiss on your forehead.
“Still looking for an outfit?” he asked, taking his place next to you on the couch.
You nodded. “Yeah. I saw this really nice pantsuit. Wanna see?”
“Sure,” he said as you went ahead and pulled it up on the screen. “What do you think?”
“I think it’d look gorgeous on you,” he said, “but four hundred dollars?”
“That’s the cost of beauty, babe.”
At that moment, he pulled out his wallet and handed you his credit card. “Buy it. I’d love to take it off of you,” he said, giving you a suggestive grin.
“I’ll be in Incheon, babe,” you explained, taking the card.
“Well, you’ll be in a hotel room, won’t you?”
“I don’t know if we’ll have roommates or not…”
“Well maybe I’ll just have to book a room of my own then,” he said, placing gentle kisses on your neck. “Would you come to visit me?”
Taeyong looked at himself in the mirror after he got out of the shower. He sighed, unsatisfied. I need to get back in the gym, he thought. With all of what came with moving from one apartment to the other, he’d been busy trying to get back into his routine.  
Most evenings after work, he was too tired to unpack more than a few boxes. The more he unpacked, the more he wished that he’d hired someone to do this. But he was almost there. It’d been a little over two weeks since he moved in but he somehow found himself living out of the boxes instead of unpacking properly. 
But between the convention coming up and the housewarming he was planning, he needed to put some pep in his step. 
He reached for his new moisturizer, courtesy of their generous employee discount. He heard his phone vibrate on the sink as he applied it but he didn’t bother looking, as he figured it was just a random notification. 
A few moments later, he was sitting on his bed in a pair of shorts. He picked up his phone with a smile as he realized that you were the one who texted him. 
Y/N [9:12PM]: I got your invitation earlier. I RSVP’d with a plus one! 
Y/N [9:12PM]: Btw, do you have a registry?
Taeyong [9:13PM]: You don’t need to buy anything. You guys coming is more than enough!
Y/N [9:16]: I’ll get you something you won’t expect haha
He hated the fact that he’d brought up inviting your boyfriend. But what did he expect? For you to not ask him and for him to not show up? Of course, you’d probably want him to meet your friends. But maybe it would serve as a reality check. Maybe seeing you with your boyfriend together would snap him out of it. Maybe it would snap him out of it so he could realize that he couldn’t have you. Maybe it would be the push he needed to go out on dates so that romance with you wouldn’t even cross his mind.
But, his heart still thumped at the thought of you coming anyway. He couldn’t wait to impress you with his event. He wanted you to taste his cooking. For the past couple of weeks, he’d made note of all the things you mentioned you liked or food he’d seen you eat. So far, it seemed like one of your favorite things to eat was dumplings. And, when you could, you’d opt for seafood. When you went out, he noticed that you’d choose seafood noodles over beef or chicken. He had some ideas of what to put on the menu, for sure. 
He hadn’t had the opportunity to hang out with you outside of a work setting. Sometimes he’d get a drink with you and Hina after work but there was never a time when he hung out with you on a Saturday or a Sunday. It had been about three months since he met you, so he supposed that this wasn’t unusual. If anything, he’d have to tread a little more carefully since he worked with you. He knew that people didn’t always care to be friendly and hang out with their coworkers outside of a work related event, but you struck him as the open-minded type. Hell, you’d opened up to him so much already, which had been a bit of a surprise. 
The conference was also coming up. He was excited to go, in general, but he was also excited to potentially spend time with you. He’d never been on a work trip like this before but he was excited. Kevin was apparently already making plans for them to go out at night, after the conference and team dinner. 
He fantasized about getting you alone, just to talk to you without everyone there. He knew that there was a line that couldn’t be crossed. But he genuinely enjoyed talking to you. There was no harm in that. Even if he sometimes looked at your lips and wondered what they tasted like. Even if he sometimes thought about the sweet things he’d whisper into your ear if he could. Even if he wondered what would happen if you hugged him and he didn’t let you go. After all, there was no harm done in his wonderings.
General Taglist: @to-all-the-stories-i-love​ @sweetnspicy-noona​
THANK YOU FOR READING! LMK if you want to be tagged in the next part!
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Back to uni to-dos: Final year edition
This will be my final year at university, which in itself is honestly unbelievable. Here's a list of things to do before and during your final year, although anyone can benefit from this advice!
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1.Review your graduation requirements Make sure that everything is on track grade-wise and that you have enough credits to graduate. If there are any issues, meet with your academic advisor so that you have enough time to fix everything and graduate hassle-free.
2. Fix your sleep schedule before your classes are due to start. You can't be productive if you're always sleep-deprived and running on coffee. Your final year is especially important, so you need to be able to focus, which is practically impossible if you're sleep-deprived.
3. Exchange contact details with your favorite professors, advisors, etc. This may be a cultural thing, but here it's quite usual to remain in contact with your professors. You don't have to be facebook friends, but having someone you can ask for advice or request a LinkedIn recommendation from may be useful, which leads me to the next point.
4. Update your LinkedIn & other profiles This includes updating your email address to something more professional because the email address you had since you were 12 is unlikely to be all that professional now. Add any experience that you may have, whether it's an internship, freelancing or a job placement etc.
5. Plan what comes after or review your plan Are you jumping into a masters degree? Freelancing? Working abroad? Not many people have a 100% finished plan, but it does help to research your options and have an understanding of what you want to do after. Things change and as the past year has shown, some previously considered options are definitely not it.
6. Career fairs and networking events Chances are you may have attended some, but for final years these things are especially important. You have a chance to personally meet recruiters and to exchange contact details which may come in handy in the future. Obviously you can do that via LinkedIn, but I for one think that talking in person can add more of a personal touch. Regarding networking in general, it doesn't necessarily have to be a formal affair. Sure there are those formal meetings but they don't always have to be. There are plenty of facebook groups e.g. marketing, women in finance etc. which you can join and ask for mentoring, advice or even if you can meet up for a coffee and a chat. Alternatively, your university most likely has a careers/guidance office where you can find out about any networking meetings or organizations that have events going on.
7. Create an application schedule Many firms open their graduate student program applications at a certain time, so depending on where you're applying, or if you're skipping that, a schedule is a good idea. If you're targeting different sectors then your resume will have to be altered a bit to make it appropriate for the job that you're applying for. Many jobs also require cover letters, so it may be a good idea to have a rough template so that you know what exactly it is that you're supposed to include and then edit accordingly.
8. Try to get some work experience It doesn't have to be full-time at an office type of work, but any experience is good. Freelance language tutor, an internship, volunteer work, writing for your uni's paper. Experience doesn't automatically guarantee you a job, but it can be beneficial in standing out or giving you an extra boost.
9. Try to get some extra qualifications A language proficiency test, a coursera course (there are quite a lot of free ones), a LinkedIn powerpoint course, Code First Girls javascript course (also free!). You can add quite a lot of skills to your LinkedIn profile, but you do need to be able to back them up. These extra courses and qualification aren't just good for your resume, but they're also a good way for you to develop new skills and develop new interests. And who knows where they might end up taking you. My teachers former student ended up finding herself a husband on a study abroad language program in Korea and now they're happily married and living in Japan I think.
10. Make the most of it Uni certainly has it's ups and downs, but for most it's a pretty rewarding and occasionally enlightening journey. You may have different feelings towards it, but it is coming to an end so make some good memories.
11. Remember that life will go on after uni Many people may feel odd after graduating, you just spent 3-4 years living your life as a student and now you're not. Your previous routines that worked before may not work anymore. You may not be as close to your former dormmates. You may drift apart from your college bestie. But life goes on. Many things may stay the same and even more things may change and that's ok.
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Hey Jesus. Any advice for writing a resume? I'm trying to get a new job so I want to have a good one.
Actually, yeah. I do have some advice. I've been looking over resumes for a minute because, uh, Heaven always needs new employees.
Be specific about numbers and achievements. "I collected and processed a total of 700,000 damned souls during all 7 years of the Black Plague project in Europe" is a lot better than "I followed up on deliverables to produce a quality product."
Jargon is super obnoxious, but it shows people that you can communicate in the preferred terms of your field. Brush up on industry terms and know how to use them, and be able to define them in your own words. I know what people mean when they say "The white light at the center of the universe that is the Source of all love, knowledge, and energy," but if you can just say "Pleroma" I know that I don't have to waste my breath explaining basic concepts to you. We can use three syllables instead of struggling to communicate.
Don't be shy about your personal skills or hobbies or volunteer projects, but put them in their own section as certifications or special projects or skills or something. If you can translate "Dungeons and Dragons" to "Weekly team strategy and problem-solving training exercise meetings" you can figure this part out.
Have a cover letter template that you can tailor to an individual company's needs. Work on a few paragraphs that you can plug stuff into, then put where you need to add details in brackets. Always include one if there's space. Writing a cover letter from scratch every time you apply to something is a giant pain if you're doing mass applications.
Err on the side of professionalism whenever possible. Proofread exhaustively and check with a style guide. Have an email that's basically your name for work. Keep it to one page. Make it look a little snappy, but only a little. Put things in their own section in ways that show you know how to use a word processing program for more than just typing (well-justified columns, for example). Extremely professional font. Different industries and companies might have slightly different standards for things, but whatever you do don't skimp on the effort and small details. Do NOT put in the random stuff you like unless you're sure it will increase your potential value to the company.
Good luck! You're going to need it if you're asking Jesus Christ for help with your resume, frankly. I had one job, carpenter, and as I believe you know I was not very good at it. I have never had to apply for a single job in my life.
(I'm always happy to help with whatever I can, but frankly I've been expecting a lot more theological questions.)
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rythyme · 1 year
i don't really know how screening rights work for international films, so i don't know how effective this might be, but if others are interested in sending emails to their local independent theaters to request Man Suang screenings, check under the cut. i wrote up a template i'll be using when i send stuff out in my area. feel free to edit / customize / etc.
Hi there, 
I'm reaching out to share my excitement about the upcoming Thai historical mystery drama, "Man Suang" (2023). The news of its record-breaking presale success in Thailand has only heightened my anticipation. I'd like to request that you consider screening "Man Suang" if it receives an international release.
A short trailer was aired at Cannes this year, and a longer trailer was released last month. The film's unique blend of Thai history and culture, coupled with its stunning cinematography, suggests a captivating cinematic experience. By screening "Man Suang" at your theater, you'd offer a remarkable opportunity for moviegoers like me to enjoy this highly anticipated production.
Thank you for your time and consideration!
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tsreviews · 2 months
DraculaAI Review - Supercharge Your Content Creation with 60+ AI Tools
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Welcome to DraculaAI Review post,
Hook: Envision easily producing faultless, connecting with content at 100x the speed of human composition.
Thesis Statement: DraculaAI offers a set-up of north of 60 man-made intelligence devices intended to reform content creation, giving clients a natural dashboard for sites, sites, messages, recordings, and web-based entertainment, all at a low one-time expense.
Dracula AI is a cutting-edge content creation platform powered by artificial intelligence. It offers over 60 AI-powered writing tools designed to enhance digital content creation, SEO optimization, and social media marketing1. Users have praised its ability to significantly boost productivity and income through its comprehensive suite of tools.
The platform is particularly noted for its user-friendly interface and the variety of templates available for different types of content creation1. Additionally, it provides step-by-step guidance, making it accessible even for those new to AI tools
What is DraculaAI?
Overview: Brief introduction to DraculaAI and its motivation.
History and Development: Foundation on the improvement of DraculaAI and its makers.
Core Features: Feature the primary highlights, including simulated intelligence composing devices, Picture Generator, Voiceover Generator, and the business permit.
Dracula AI Review: Overview
Product Name: Dracula AI
Product Type: Software
Author/Vendor: Dracula Money Lair
Front-End Price: $19.95
Bonuses: Yes, available
Refund: 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
Skill Required: No Skill Required
Official Website: Click Here
My Rating: 9.8/10
Recommendation: Highly Recommended
Key Features and Tools
AI Writing Tools
Capabilities: Talk about the different composing instruments accessible, for example, blog entry generators, email layouts, and online entertainment content makers.
User Experience: Depict that utilizing these instruments and the nature of the created content is so natural.
Image Generator
Functionality: Make sense of how the Picture Generator functions and its applications.
Quality and Customization: Talk about the nature of the pictures created and the degree of customization accessible.
Voiceover Generator
Features: Detail the elements of the Voiceover Generator, including different voice choices and dialects.
Use Cases: Give instances of how this apparatus can be utilized in recordings, digital broadcasts, and different media.
Benefits of Using DraculaAI
Efficiency: Feature how DraculaAI can save time and exertion in satisfied creation.
Cost-Effectiveness: Examine the low one-time charge and the worth it gives contrasted with other membership based administrations.
Commercial License: Make sense of the advantages of having a business permit, including the capacity to involve created content for business purposes.
Get DraculaAI Now - Instant Access!
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
How to survive having a job that you don't like? (Sadly. It's not the vibe. But quitting is not an option)
Hi love! I empathize with you on this one. Spending your entire day and mental energy on tasks you dread doing (and need to execute well) can be overwhelmingly draining. I'm hoping that this job only takes up 5 days of your week! Here are my best tips:
Keep Your "Why" Top of Mind: Even if a job doesn't align with your interests and passions or is in a bad working environment, you have to focus on the short-term purpose the job provides. Relish in having a steady paycheck to give you food to eat and a roof over your head. While long-term you deserve to find more purpose in your work, having a semblance of financial security will always top having to constantly worry about where your next meal is coming from – even if you hate every moment of being on the clock.
Plan Ahead: Mentally work through the following day ahead of time. Plan the tasks, meetings, and logistics right when you're ending your work day. This framework allows you to overcome the mental blocks and dread before you can go into decompress mode, so you can just wake up and go through the motions the next day. Taking the emotional aspect out of the daily work you hate is the simplest way to avoid burnout (at least in the short term).
Systemize Your Days (When Possible): Creating systems for different tasks or even your entire day can help you be more productive and lighten your mental load. This practice can help you to get your dreaded work done in less time while allowing you to feel less drained at the end of your shift. It's a win-win strategy. Create email templates you save for different types of messages (client-facing, different types of projects, scheduling meetings, presentation notes, etc.), have a folder organizing your different projects, program different Excel formats, and have outlines of decks saved – almost like a pre-made template that's actually useful (and potentially unique).
Focus On Skill Building Over Purpose: Consider the transferable skills you're acquiring while enduring this position – even if they don't pertain to your desired industry or role. Some of these universally-helpful transferable skills include writing a killer email, building a convincing case or admirable deck, learning how to speak to clients or stakeholders with confidence and grace, team-building and collaboration, organization, interpersonal communication, or simply prolonging your attention span. Reflect and dive deep to consider all the life lessons you can leverage later on by holding down this occupation.
Find Ways To Network Outside of Work Hours: Follow & connect with colleagues and influential figures in your industry on social media. Thoughtfully engage with the content they share. Ask about treating them to coffee for an informational interview. Go out to industry-related events, conferences, etc., and make sure to connect with those you met on LinkedIn the next day with a personalized connection message. Connect two of your mutual connections whenever possible. Allow karma to work in your favor.
Lurk, Research, & Study To Optimize Your Job Search: Set aside 20-30 minutes a day to search LinkedIn, job boards, social media (Twitter, Instagram), etc. to see potential next opportunities and evaluate the current market, trends, and most in-demand skillsets within your field/industry. Always tailor your applications and messages to mutual connections or hiring managers when applying to new roles. Be aware of your desired role/industry is evolving. Upskill whenever possible to increase your market value.
Incorporate Simple Pleasures Into Your Days: Make your favorite coffee every morning, have a go-to playlist that improves your mood to listen to before work, incorporate your favorite healthy meals into your week, find a workout you enjoy to add into your day either before or after work, indulge in a favorite book or TV show after work as a "reward" for making it through the day. Practice self-care – do a face mask or specialty hair treatment on a weeknight. Invest in an at-home massage tool or luxurious loungewear to wear in the evenings.
Indulge In A Creative Outlet: Find an opportunity for growth and self-expression outside of a workplace setting. Write, read, paint, draw, cook, bake, take a dance class, learn a new language, how to play a new instrument, or about interior design. Create Pinterest boards, poems, new playlists, and new recipes to celebrate your desire for variety in your otherwise mundane life.
Have Plans To Look Forward To Every Week: Whether it's hanging out with friends, going to a museum, watching a movie, or taking a walk along your favorite local route. Ensure you enjoy how you spend your days off. Don't waste time worrying about a dead-end job when you're off the clock. Spending your leisure time on your own terms. Take this time to do what you love.
Romanticize The Lifestyle It Provides: When motivation or your morale hits a low point, take time for gratitude and focus on the resources this job allows you to integrate into your life – whether that's a roof over your head, the opportunity to eat meals you enjoy, wear outfits you love, or even just provide you some sort of daily routine.
Consider your current job as a chapter in your life and career. Acquire the lessons, skills, relationships, and resources you can as preparation for the next stage in your ever-evolving journey.
Hope this helps xx
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hopeymchope · 8 months
I'm curious, what's your stance on generative AI? I know we in the fandom community often talk about it in the context of AI created fanart, but I'm talking more in the context of the uses generative AI has in the realm of general work productivity, like what Microsoft is trying to do with their new CoPilot program.
Well, the ethical issue is basically the same as it is for A.I.-generated images—but for some goddamn reason, people don't like to think of any kind of writing as a form of propietary "art" the same way they do about visual arts, so it's garnered FAR less attention.
But as far as their usability goes? As someone who writes documents for a living, I can see these programs being potentially beneficial for creating early rough drafts, but that's the extent of what it's good for now: They can make outlines. BUT! You could get the same outline from a template or from an online boilerplate, so is that even worth anything? Once you go beyond an outline, any text generated from these A.I.s always needs heavy revision, reorganization, and editing. I'd spend less time just writing it from scratch.
Currently, generative so-called "A.I." programs that are designed to assist with writing text are based upon predicting what they think the user is requesting or desiring. They set out to give you what they believe you want, and accuracy is NOT part of the equation. This might not be as big of an issue if you're trying to make a book report on a classic novel, because there are probably enough examples of reliable web coverage on the subject it could reasonably generate something that's at least usable. But outside of doing some of your homework for you, how useful is it?
It can certainly bullshit some generic blather to fill space in a paper, or it could spew corporate-ese for the purpose of drafting a mass company email... but can it announce something new to your staff or the press in an accurate way? Nope. Can it reliably create copy or a script for advertising/marketing? Not if you want your ad to actually be true, let alone unique. :P
If you're doing something fairly rote like taking existing legal documentation to create a new, similar legal document for a different usage? You're better off just having a template on-hand with editable sections to revise; that way, the A.I. won't attempt to "improve" the legal text in a way that fucks you over. And if you're asking the A.I. not to edit that text in the first place... well, then why are we using this A.I. when we already have templates?
If you're hoping to create some kind of instructions, maybe a "How-To" book or a manual for something? Just forget it. It doesn't matter how much documentation on the subject you feed into that A.I. Ultimately, it will preconcieve how the process COULD work or what the program/device/person MIGHT do, and then it starts going off on bizarre claims/tangents that are wholly imagined. The longer the document you want, the worse the amount of nonsensical bullshit gets.
But even if you're just trying to get it to reduce a massive document down to like, a single page that covers the basics? It has no real system for judging what "the basics" are. You can try to specify to the A-not-I what you need to include, feed it the original document... and still wind up with a combination of falsehoods and excluded requirements. This won't necessarily happen every single attempt or in every single paragraph, but it'll definitely happen enough times to make it more trouble than it's worth. Still... this kind of thing — i.e., revising a single existing source into a different format or length — is probably the area that's the most promising application for these programs in the near term. It should be possible to "teach" to the programs in question, and it handily skirts past most ethical questions about the sources behind its knowledge.
What I said about falsehoods and skewed info/inaccuracy is also why search engines that have incorporated A.I. have gotten LESS reliable. Generative A.I. isn't truly "Artificial Intelligence," because it can't make any kind of judgment. It doesn't have a clue how to deem something true or false, and it's really fucking hard to build that into a program. Because ultimately, what do you ask it to do? How do you explain that to the program in a logical fashion? You can't just say "only believe the sources I give you/tell you to trust," because it only generates based on tons of pre-existing examples that it's observed. It only exists at all because of those examples, which is always going to cause these issues.
....and that last point ALSO raises the same exact ethical questions already brought up by A.I.-generated imagery. What right do they have to use these sources? Where are they getting them, etc.? And now I'm back where I started.
Suffice it to say I'm not a fan. Although I do, of course, have skin in this game, so I acknowledge that I'm definitely biased.
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repguardians · 3 months
5 Ways of Email Marketing That Can Boost Your Online Presence and Reputation
Email marketing remains one of the most effective ways to connect with your audience, foster relationships, and enhance your online presence. When done right, it can significantly boost your brand’s reputation and drive conversions. Here are five strategies to elevate your email marketing efforts
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Personalize Your Emails
Personalization goes beyond addressing your subscribers by their first names. It involves leveraging data to tailor content to the preferences, behaviors, and needs of each recipient. Personalization can increase engagement, build loyalty, and improve conversion rates.
Strategies for Personalization:
Segment Your Audience: Group your subscribers based on demographics, purchase history, or engagement levels. This allows you to send targeted messages that resonate with each segment.
Use Dynamic Content: Incorporate dynamic elements that change based on the recipient’s data. For example, showcase products they’ve shown interest in or recommend content based on their previous interactions.
Automated Behavior Triggers: Set up automated emails triggered by specific actions, such as cart abandonment, recent purchases, or content downloads. These timely and relevant messages can significantly boost engagement.
Craft Compelling Subject Lines
The subject line is the first thing your subscribers see, and it plays a crucial role in determining whether they open your email. A well-crafted subject line can capture attention and spark curiosity, leading to higher open rates.
Tips for Crafting Compelling Subject Lines:
Keep It Short and Sweet: Aim for subject lines that are clear and concise. Around 40-50 characters is a good length to ensure visibility on mobile devices.
Create a Sense of Urgency: Phrases like “Limited Time Offer” or “Act Now” can encourage immediate action.
Use Emojis: Emojis can make your subject lines stand out in a crowded inbox and convey emotions or themes quickly.
Ask Questions: Engaging questions can pique curiosity and encourage subscribers to open the email to find the answer.
Provide Value with Quality Content
Your subscribers will stay engaged if they find value in your emails. Focus on providing high-quality, relevant content that addresses their needs and interests.
Ways to Provide Value:
Educational Content: Share tips, how-tos, and informative articles that help your audience solve problems or learn something new.
Exclusive Offers: Reward your subscribers with exclusive discounts, early access to sales, or special promotions.
Entertaining Content: Mix in entertaining elements like quizzes, fun facts, or behind-the-scenes looks at your company.
Curated Content: Share curated content from reputable sources that your audience will find useful or interesting. This can position your brand as a thought leader in your industry.
Optimize for Mobile
With a significant portion of emails being opened on mobile devices, ensuring your emails are mobile-friendly is crucial. A poor mobile experience can lead to lower engagement and higher unsubscribe rates.
Best Practices for Mobile Optimization:
Responsive Design: Use email templates that automatically adjust to different screen sizes.
Concise Copy: Keep your text short and to the point. Long paragraphs can be overwhelming on small screens.
Large Buttons: Ensure your call-to-action buttons are easy to tap on mobile devices.
Readable Fonts: Use a font size that is easily readable on smaller screens, generally at least 14pt for body text.
Analyze and Optimize
Continuous analysis and optimization are key to improving your email marketing efforts. Use data and feedback to understand what’s working and what’s not and make adjustments accordingly.
Steps for Effective Analysis and Optimization:
Track Key Metrics: Monitor open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and unsubscribe rates to gauge the effectiveness of your emails.
A/B Testing: Conduct A/B tests on various elements such as subject lines, email content, images, and call-to-action buttons to see what resonates best with your audience.
Gather Feedback: Encourage subscribers to provide feedback on your emails. Use surveys or direct replies to understand their preferences and pain points.
Refine Your Strategy: Based on your analysis and feedback, continuously refine your email marketing strategy to better meet the needs of your audience and achieve your business goals.
Email marketing, when executed effectively, can significantly boost your online presence and reputation. By personalizing your emails, crafting compelling subject lines, providing valuable content, optimizing for mobile, and continuously analyzing and optimizing your efforts, you can foster stronger relationships with your audience and drive better results for your business. Start implementing these strategies today to elevate your email marketing game and watch your brand grow.
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javafullstackdev · 4 months
Spring Security Using Facebook Authorization: A Comprehensive Guide
In today's digital landscape, integrating third-party login mechanisms into applications has become a standard practice. It enhances user experience by allowing users to log in with their existing social media accounts. In this blog post, we will walk through the process of integrating Facebook authorization into a Spring Boot application using Spring Security.
Table of Contents
Setting Up Facebook Developer Account
Creating a Spring Boot Application
Configuring Spring Security for OAuth2 Login
Handling Facebook User Data
Testing the Integration
1. Introduction
OAuth2 is an open standard for access delegation, commonly used for token-based authentication. Facebook, among other social media platforms, supports OAuth2, making it possible to integrate Facebook login into your Spring Boot application.
2. Prerequisites
Before we start, ensure you have the following:
JDK 11 or later
An IDE (e.g., IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse)
A Facebook Developer account
3. Setting Up Facebook Developer Account
To use Facebook login, you need to create an app on the Facebook Developer portal:
Go to the Facebook Developer website and log in.
Click on "My Apps" and then "Create App."
Choose an app type (e.g., "For Everything Else") and provide the required details.
Once the app is created, go to "Settings" > "Basic" and note down the App ID and App Secret.
Add a product, select "Facebook Login," and configure the Valid OAuth Redirect URIs to http://localhost:8080/login/oauth2/code/facebook.
4. Creating a Spring Boot Application
Create a new Spring Boot project with the necessary dependencies. You can use Spring Initializr or add the dependencies manually to your pom.xml.
<dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-security</artifactId> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-web</artifactId> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-oauth2-client</artifactId> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-thymeleaf</artifactId> </dependency> </dependencies>
5. Configuring Spring Security for OAuth2 Login
Next, configure Spring Security to use Facebook for OAuth2 login.
Add your Facebook app credentials to src/main/resources/application.properties.spring.security.oauth2.client.registration.facebook.client-id=YOUR_FACEBOOK_APP_ID spring.security.oauth2.client.registration.facebook.client-secret=YOUR_FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET spring.security.oauth2.client.registration.facebook.redirect-uri-template={baseUrl}/login/oauth2/code/{registrationId} spring.security.oauth2.client.registration.facebook.scope=email,public_profile spring.security.oauth2.client.registration.facebook.client-name=Facebook spring.security.oauth2.client.registration.facebook.authorization-grant-type=authorization_code spring.security.oauth2.client.provider.facebook.authorization-uri=https://www.facebook.com/v11.0/dialog/oauth spring.security.oauth2.client.provider.facebook.token-uri=https://graph.facebook.com/v11.0/oauth/access_token spring.security.oauth2.client.provider.facebook.user-info-uri=https://graph.facebook.com/me?fields=id,name,email spring.security.oauth2.client.provider.facebook.user-name-attribute=id
Security Configuration
Create a security configuration class to handle the OAuth2 login.import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration; import org.springframework.security.config.annotation.web.builders.HttpSecurity; import org.springframework.security.config.annotation.web.configuration.EnableWebSecurity; import org.springframework.security.config.annotation.web.configuration.WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter; import org.springframework.security.oauth2.client.oidc.userinfo.OidcUserService; import org.springframework.security.oauth2.client.userinfo.DefaultOAuth2UserService; import org.springframework.security.oauth2.client.userinfo.OAuth2UserService; import org.springframework.security.oauth2.core.oidc.user.OidcUser; import org.springframework.security.oauth2.core.user.OAuth2User; import org.springframework.security.web.authentication.SimpleUrlAuthenticationFailureHandler; @Configuration @EnableWebSecurity public class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter { @Override protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception { http .authorizeRequests(authorizeRequests -> authorizeRequests .antMatchers("/", "/error", "/webjars/**").permitAll() .anyRequest().authenticated() ) .oauth2Login(oauth2Login -> oauth2Login .loginPage("/login") .userInfoEndpoint(userInfoEndpoint -> userInfoEndpoint .oidcUserService(this.oidcUserService()) .userService(this.oAuth2UserService()) ) .failureHandler(new SimpleUrlAuthenticationFailureHandler()) ); } private OAuth2UserService<OidcUserRequest, OidcUser> oidcUserService() { final OidcUserService delegate = new OidcUserService(); return (userRequest) -> { OidcUser oidcUser = delegate.loadUser(userRequest); // Custom logic here return oidcUser; }; } private OAuth2UserService<OAuth2UserRequest, OAuth2User> oAuth2UserService() { final DefaultOAuth2UserService delegate = new DefaultOAuth2UserService(); return (userRequest) -> { OAuth2User oAuth2User = delegate.loadUser(userRequest); // Custom logic here return oAuth2User; }; } }
6. Handling Facebook User Data
After a successful login, you might want to handle and display user data.
Custom User Service
Create a custom service to process user details.import org.springframework.security.oauth2.core.user.OAuth2User; import org.springframework.security.oauth2.core.user.OAuth2UserAuthority; import org.springframework.security.oauth2.client.userinfo.OAuth2UserService; import org.springframework.security.oauth2.client.oidc.userinfo.OidcUserService; import org.springframework.security.oauth2.core.oidc.user.OidcUser; import org.springframework.security.oauth2.client.userinfo.DefaultOAuth2UserService; import org.springframework.security.oauth2.client.oidc.userinfo.OidcUserRequest; import org.springframework.security.oauth2.client.userinfo.OAuth2UserRequest; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.HashMap; @Service public class CustomOAuth2UserService implements OAuth2UserService<OAuth2UserRequest, OAuth2User> { private final DefaultOAuth2UserService delegate = new DefaultOAuth2UserService(); @Override public OAuth2User loadUser(OAuth2UserRequest userRequest) { OAuth2User oAuth2User = delegate.loadUser(userRequest); Map<String, Object> attributes = new HashMap<>(oAuth2User.getAttributes()); // Additional processing of attributes if needed return oAuth2User; } }
Create a controller to handle login and display user info.import org.springframework.security.core.annotation.AuthenticationPrincipal; import org.springframework.security.oauth2.core.user.OAuth2User; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.ui.Model; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping; @Controller public class LoginController { @GetMapping("/login") public String getLoginPage() { return "login"; } @GetMapping("/") public String getIndexPage(Model model, @AuthenticationPrincipal OAuth2User principal) { if (principal != null) { model.addAttribute("name", principal.getAttribute("name")); } return "index"; } }
Thymeleaf Templates
Create Thymeleaf templates for login and index pages.
<!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns:th="http://www.thymeleaf.org"> <head> <title>Login</title> </head> <body> <h1>Login</h1> <a href="/oauth2/authorization/facebook">Login with Facebook</a> </body> </html>
<!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns:th="http://www.thymeleaf.org"> <head> <title>Home</title> </head> <body> <h1>Home</h1> <div th:if="${name}"> <p>Welcome, <span th:text="${name}">User</span>!</p> </div> <div th:if="${!name}"> <p>Please <a href="/login">log in</a>.</p> </div> </body> </html>
7. Testing the Integration
Run your Spring Boot application and navigate to http://localhost:8080. Click on the "Login with Facebook" link and authenticate with your Facebook credentials. If everything is set up correctly, you should be redirected to the home page with your Facebook profile name displayed.
8. Conclusion
Integrating Facebook login into your Spring Boot application using Spring Security enhances user experience and leverages the power of OAuth2. With this setup, users can easily log in with their existing Facebook accounts, providing a seamless and secure authentication process.
By following this guide,
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techpartnerdeals · 4 months
The Affiliate Marketing Accelerator Program is a comprehensive training and support system designed to help individuals and businesses effectively use affiliate marketing to generate revenue. This program typically includes a range of resources such as educational materials, expert guidance, tools, and community support to accelerate the process of setting up and optimizing affiliate marketing campaigns.
Key Components of an Affiliate Marketing Accelerator Program
Educational Content: In-depth tutorials, webinars, and courses covering the fundamentals of affiliate marketing, advanced strategies, and the latest industry trends.
Tools and Software: Access to specialized tools for tracking, analyzing, and optimizing affiliate marketing efforts. This may include analytics platforms, keyword research tools, and automation software.
Expert Guidance: Personalized coaching and mentorship from experienced affiliate marketers who can provide insights, answer questions, and offer strategic advice.
Community Support: Membership in a community of like-minded individuals where participants can share experiences, ask for advice, and collaborate on projects.
Case Studies and Real-World Examples: Examples of successful affiliate marketing campaigns, providing practical insights into what works and what doesn’t.
Templates and Resources: Ready-to-use templates for emails, landing pages, and other marketing materials to streamline the creation process.
Benefits of an Affiliate Marketing Accelerator Program
Accelerated Learning Curve: By leveraging structured training and expert advice, participants can quickly acquire the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in affiliate marketing.
Increased Revenue Potential: With better strategies and tools, affiliates can optimize their campaigns to drive more traffic and conversions, leading to higher commissions.
Networking Opportunities: Engaging with a community of peers and mentors can open up opportunities for partnerships, collaborations, and new business ventures.
Up-to-Date Knowledge: Staying current with the latest trends, tools, and techniques in affiliate marketing ensures that participants remain competitive in a rapidly evolving industry.
Efficiency and Productivity: Access to templates, tools, and automation can significantly reduce the time and effort required to manage affiliate campaigns, allowing participants to focus on scaling their efforts.
Risk Reduction: Learning from experts and successful case studies helps participants avoid common pitfalls and mistakes, increasing their chances of success.
An Affiliate Marketing Accelerator Program can be an invaluable resource for anyone looking to enhance their affiliate marketing skills and achieve greater success in the field. By providing a blend of education, tools, and community support, these programs help participants navigate the complexities of affiliate marketing and realize their revenue goals more efficiently.
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