#neutral armor
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euphythefox · 25 days ago
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uncharted-constellations · 5 months ago
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The Princess and Hero of the First Great Calamity
The orange snoot is very important to me….
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sowhatnotcreative · 2 years ago
I found a mmorpg game where almost all the clothes and armor are pretty neutral. If a guy gets a suit and pants, so do I! Full cover armor even for me! But some jerkoff still managed to find the one outfit that's just underwear to stand and dance as a female in the inn.
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keydekyie · 1 year ago
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Go you funky little SecUnit! Go!
(One of my favorite scenes from the newest Murderbot novel: System Collapse)
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balteus · 1 year ago
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utterly OBSESSED with this official concept art of HAL 826 so obviously drawn by an artist who clearly wants to fuck it
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anxiousapplepie · 2 months ago
So Rose weapons are made of wood how does that work? What would a Rose think of metal and metal weapons, also it would be interesting for Blue Rose to have a metal knife.
yea! Roses can create weapons made of magical wood! The strength and stability of the wood HEAVILY depends on the type of color you are (or the individual's magic skills) and it's normal for weapons to break in the middle of combat. The Roses have complicated feelings about metal, but it can be summed up as "too heavy to wear and too valuable to be wasted on weapons". Some Roses might wear a metal chestplate to protect their heartwood (like Mort and Morgan) but it's very rare to do anything more than that. Hehehehe Lapis is one of the few with a metal sword! And she's the only one with full-metal armor. The Roses think she's insane for weighing herself down so much, but since she's the only one with a weapon capable of cutting through a Black Rose's wood, they also think it's hella impressive
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gyossefka · 2 years ago
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kaxenart · 1 year ago
I don't know what it says about my current mindset that my top two games I played this year could both be described as "Questionably Legal Wage Slaves... IN SPACE! (also nameless and of indeterminate gender?)"
Though nothing sums up the difference in tone and focus that I get anxiety every time someone is sad in Citizen Sleeper and in Armored Core VI, I get all my serotonin from making sure everyone has having a bad day by my evil little crime hands.
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outbackhighways · 10 days ago
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Zevlor meets modrones
"Hey Tav, do you happen to know what these things are?"
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mendellyill · 3 months ago
I really wish there was a crow armor that looked like zevrans little armor skirt combo from origins. Somebody please let lucanis put his thighs out for show
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apple-death · 11 months ago
The idea of a possessive yandere suit of armor is so hot to me.
You meet in a ruin or something and the moment you wipe off their cobwebbed covered helmet they’re immediately attached.
It joins you on your adventures. Sometimes you wear it sometimes you don’t and it walks beside you. But those instances of you wearing them brings them so much relief knowing that you’re closer than ever to them and the fact that they’re the one who decides whether you can leave their grasp or not. The idea of keeping you all to themselves, completely covered by amor and a helmet so no one can see you. They drop hints that they love you by doing typical gestures of affection when they’re hollow. Hugging you, putting an arm around your shoulders when you have a meal together. If you’re short enough, even resting their gauntlet on your head.
After some time (like, 4 months) they confess their affection to you, only for you to reject them. You love them yes, but only in a platonic way. As a partner but not in romance.
They decide that they’ve had enough. They’re the only ones that deserve anything to do with you. The only one who deserves to see you. To know about you. To have you. They’ve been alone for so long that surely you finding them meant that you had to be special. That you two were destined to be together.
they thought you wouldn’t mind the idea of wearing them all the time. After all who doesn’t want more safety. But you rejected them. Again. Saying that it would be too cumbersome to keep them on and that you would lose a lot of mobility. Not knowing that you were about to lose all of it.
They snap at you as they grab you wrist, their cold steel grip hurting you and they know it. They spout their delusional reasoning as the front of the armor opens up to engulf you. Your cries are silenced when they shove you in and contort you limbs to fit into theirs. The helmet and joints tightening around your body as they become your metal cage. They just tell you promises of safety and companionship for eternity. Of how you’ll adjust to your new “home” and you’ll learn to love them. All the while they know and understand what they’re doing is wrong, but they couldn’t care less. After so long they finally have an armor barer and they’re never letting this one go.
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darlin-djarin · 2 years ago
fuck these stupid gendered t-visors. mandos don't deserve gender. i'm taking it, sorry. they'll get back the gender when favroni has earned back my trust.
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kivaember · 10 months ago
I liked your rambling awhile back on Pater? Do you have any rambling thoughts about Maeterlinck?
So, I feel like she's someone who's comfortable succeeding in the middle of the pack, as it were. She doesn't want to stand out, especially in a group like the Vespers, because standing out there would mean getting targeted.
Freud. Snail. Rusty. These are the most well-known Vespers and they're continuously getting targeted by rival corporate mercs or even independent mercs looking to make a name for themselves or to settle grudges. True, it means they feature more in Arquebus's relentless merchendise campaign for the Vespers and even get a cut, but Maeterlinck is content with her current salary if it meant she didn't invite more attention and/or danger upon herself.
She's here to do a job. That job is managing the administrative day-to-day of the Vespers and handling problems that require more finesse than the fuck-off cannons that were the Big Three. Sending Freud in to handle a bunch of MT pilots under their command selling off fuel or ammunition for extra scratch would be like trying to kill a cockroach with a howitzer. Like, yeah, you'd kill the cockroach, but at what cost?
She's got the right temperament for it. She disliked active confrontation and she's not a risk-taker. She prefers taking things slow and careful, and as a result, Arquebus trusts her to handle things discreetly. They know Maeterlinck will never 'rock the boat' or cause a public scandal, and in a way she kind of does have the most corporate trust out of all the Vespers. Snail's too much of an ambitious ladder climber, Freud is Freud, and the rest of the Vespers are viewed as lackeys that would rob the corporation the moment they turned a blind eye to them. Maeterlinck, however, is loyal, discreet and, more importantly, sane and normal.
It does mean she works a little more closely with O'Keeffe than Snail, and their relationship could be summed up as: painfully professional. Maeterlinck has some gripes about how O'Keeffe runs his intelligence ship, but she respects his seniority and wealth of experience. However, she has noticed that there's something off between O'Keeffe and Rusty - but she's not stupid enough to go digging into that because she knows for a fact O'Keeffe could easily vanish her, and she's not risking her life just to learn that O'Keeffe and Rusty are fraternising or something dumb like that. She's just thankful they're more discreet than Hawkins and Pater...
In short, she's the type of coworker who blends into the background, and is neutral enough that she gets along reasonably well with everyone for the most part. She also knows all the gossip and has a keen sense of how to navigate office politics to avoid the worst of it. She adheres strongly to the hierarchy of the corporation and is loyal, but she's mostly just clocking in to earn her paycheck and work towards her promised retirement package.
She doesn't like Arquebus's foray onto Rubicon, in fact. She felt it was way too reckless and brash, and that the Vespers don't have a stable enough foothold to work effectively on the planet. But she kept her doubts to herself bc the corporation ordered them here and they have a job to do. Just shut up and do it, and hopefully she'll get out of this alive with a hefty bonus as consolation...
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schnuffel-danny · 9 months ago
Would Crocker post transition still have the same armor but with cute little trans stickers all over it? Or would it look completely different?
I think it would look the same :) she's too obsessed with her own idealized future, that she probably wouldn't want to redesign her "Ultimate Ruler of The World" outfit she spent countless of daydreaming hours designing xD
tho tbh when I say that, I'm talking about my own redesign for her overlord armor hah :,D so I guess it would look completely different, than what she wears in those few brief moments in the show
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I wanted to combine the armor shown in "Transparents" and the one from "Abra-Catastrophe" because I thought both of them looked lame and I think Denzel deserves better xD
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revenantttt · 2 months ago
i think one of the problems with the armors and clothes in veilguard is that most of them are so faction-specific that they look out of place when you travel outside that faction's area. the armors have specific color schemes, as do the areas they belong to, and they are meant to compliment each other.
for example, arlathan has a distinct yellowish-purple color scheme, and it almost feels like you get hit with a really heavy photo filter when you get there. the necropolis has much darker colors and the mourn watch armors' purples and greens work there really well, almost livening up the place a little. but when you travel somewhere else, like to arlathan for example, those same colors look too bright, because they were only designed to work with the necropolis' darker color scheme.
this can of course be good for roleplaying purposes, like your rook looking like an outsider and standing out in certain places, or them changing clothes to fit in in the specific area. but i still wish there were more neutral armors/clothes that could look nice anywhere.
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girlbloggerman · 10 months ago
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New Vegas collage
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