goldenpinof · 9 months
Hi hello I'm the one who sent the ask about the misprinted text, this photo is not blurry at all, it just actually looks like this, the right side of June is totally normal
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oh my god, yeah, it's definitely a defect. did you try to contact customer service? i'm very curious what they would say.
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pinazee · 2 months
I love how useless the men in hatchetfield are. Emmas the one coming up with ideas to keep them alive, lex pulls tom out of it, Becky actually kills linda, and grace sacrifices her soul.
The men are there to sacrifice themselves for their ladies and thats about it, and i love them for it.
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lilacthebooklover · 11 months
max jagerman went from being terrified of ghosts to becoming one himself. talk about character development.
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tswwwit · 1 year
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went through tumblr and this reminded me of Bill and Dipper lol
Accurate! Dipper in his natural state would Not Prioritize his appearance in favor of a lot of other stuff. Being in a relationship with Bill ensures he doesn't get too scruffy - though he still wears his tshirts and boxers until they have holes in them. (Bill is very >:( about this 'fashion' choice)
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thestarkcollective · 6 months
not over Ruth’s headgear I’m sorry guys (my friend loves npmd and that was one of the only things I was confused about (so far) and the dirty girl bath water (that kinda disturbed me) good song though) weird christian porn song….)
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chipmunkweirdo · 1 month
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This picture has a background at LAST! I added Jeanette and Eleanor too! I have also attached it to chapter 56 of Journey To Excelsior.
This was a very difficult endeavor. I usually don’t break up my art projects across several days, but this one required it. I just don’t get enough time to sit down and draw un-interrupted nowadays. I’ve had to shift my approach. But I STILL MANAGED THIS! I am proud!
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sysig · 9 months
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*blows a multidimensional kiss* For Scarab (Patreon)
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daily-brain-worms · 11 months
We're gonna be cool beans We're gonna keep the beans cool We're gonna-gonna keep the beans Beans the cool Keep the beans the cool Keep the beans Beans cool! Bean school? Excellent!
'Bully The Bully' in Nerdy Prudes Must Die by Team Starkid
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shrimpsicality · 1 year
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the F in NFPA stands for frogs (fuchsia). ID in alt, I hope I did it right and didn't leave out anything important! warning: I don't think this is how you use the label but shhh artistic liberty
extras under the cut again:
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w/o bg & sketch! ID in alt also but it's not as detailed, sorry.
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phoebepheebsphibs · 4 months
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Sending this to cool people :D
I thank you for the drawing and the title of "cool"
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lilacthebooklover · 11 months
things @charismabee and i have said today while planning a new hatchetfield au:
"that smiley is dead inside"
"give him rubber gloves. fill the fingers with rocks."
"they have 1 braincell and 0 muscle (alice has the braincell)"
"i only speak tiny now. u crushes my heart." "crushes." "gosh dang it." "i am large. fear me."
"(insert extensive explanations of our respective countries' schooling systems)"
"she dates paul, she gets all the childruns. it's the rules."
"ted keeps accidentally barking, paul forgets about cutlery, richie can't sleep in a bed anymore. they're so messed up."
"being without fingers made him have an epiphany."
"if ur going to bully him just beat him up, here max will demonstrate"
"noooooo" "yes." "D:" ">:)"
"alice and deb are just making out in the background." "good for them :)"
"paul, ted and bill all awkwardly hanging out in bill's living room during a 'playdate' with their kids. alice is only going along with this because she wants her dad to have friends. the playdate was for him all along."
"bomb and child v five ancient gods. betting pool is now open." "bomb and child win."
"he finally comes out, and melissa is gone. some of his employees have traces of eldritch powers now. there are children."
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brb gonna start cursing the way grace chasity does
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jedi-bird · 8 months
There are a few books that I read while growing up that influenced my desire to be a writer (I'll get there someday, I swear). One of those was the Green Rider by Kristen Britain. At the time, it was the exact fantasy book I needed and craved. Recently, I had the opportunity to order a special signed edition in honor of it's 25 year since publication. And of course it came today, in a very heavy rain storm.
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Box was soaked all the way through, but thankfully the book was wrapped in plastic and in perfect condition. It might seem silly to buy a book I already own two copies of yet again (my original falling apart mass market paperback and a used library copy with heavy duty binding that I've switched to using for rereads), but I love collecting new versions of beloved books.
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initforthecache · 2 years
It is literally so attractive when a guy is passionate about something. Yes, even video games. But I mean like, passionate. He really loves this one certain thing and can tell you everything about it.
Literally we're taking a walk and you go "omg !!! look that's the california yellow-bellied artichoke frog, lets get a closer look omg isn't this a treat! wow look at those marking omg he's hoping away! Wow look at the distance! Those are powerful legs right there. The only other indigious frogs that can jump that far are the purple toed finger-stealers.."
And then you turn around and I'm down on one knee
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smile-files · 2 years
Hello! I hope this isn't too much of a weird question but, How can I make a good Jewish character without being offensive?
well there are many things to consider. firstly, there are many types of jews. some are orthodox, meaning they really strictly follow the word of the torah (and rabbis. lol). some are conservative, meaning they stick to the torah within reason (for example, conservative jews think it's fine to drive on shabbat if that's the only way you can get to shul). some are reform, meaning they are the loosest with the torah's laws. a lot are in-between, and some don't really practice at all. there are a lot of different customs and rules and sub-groups within each of these categories, and i don't really know the half of it. there's also the matter of where you come from (whether you're an ashkenazi, sephardi, or mizrachi for example) which can also affect your practices. i myself am an ashkenazi conservative jew, which for me means celebrating all of the holidays, keeping shabbat, fasting on fast days (if possible), and keeping kosher. some of my family members go to shul every saturday; i personally do not, as i am very tired at the end of the week. we all know some hebrew, but not fluently, and the majority of us have gone to judaic school from pre-k to 8th grade. we wear kippot at shabbat meals and when doing torah study, but aside from that we don't.
that's the main thing, in what way your character is jewish. the majority of jews, i should mention, have a bar/bat mitzvah around the age of 13, so you might want to incorporate that into your character.
i'm not an expert of jewish stereotypes and caricatures, but i know of a lot of harmful ones. antisemitism has led to myriad (frankly absurd) conspiracies about jewish people, such as us being goblins (especially with a large nose) or lizard people or having tails and horns or controlling all of the banks or controlling hollywood or causing the black death or having space lasers or using babies' blood in our matzah. just avoid those all together. please and thank you.
aside from that, most of the jewish stereotypes i know mainly apply to ashkenazi jews: the "typical" ashkenazi jew is white, has dark curly hair, dark eyes, a big nose, perhaps a slightly nasal voice, and is usually a nerd/smart/socially inept. none of these things are inherently negative; in fact i know a large amount of jews who fit this exact description, and it's fine if you have a jewish character who's like this. however, if you automatically go for these traits when making a jewish character, you should try to examine why. is that just what jews look like to you? if so, why? in any event, not all jews look/act like this. there are so many jews of color!!!!!!!!!!! i'm not an expert on the diversity of jewry, so i recommend you look into it yourself, but just know that not all jews are white!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i do appreciate your sensitivity to the matter!!! i think as long as you avoid all the blatantly antisemitic stuff you'll be okay, but it's always best to put some more thought into it beyond that. being jewish is fun! i love it!! very happy to get some recognition B)
thank you! i hope i could help <33
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terrifiedlimechime · 26 days
basically: gravity falls but the stan twins are kids and mabel and dipper are the adults in the plot of gravity falls
as well as that, I wanted to switch the villians. Bill is human and takes the place of gideon, and instead of obsessing over mabel he pursues ford (he's twelve as well lol. BILLFORD FOREVER!!!)
whereas gideon takes the place of bill, a chaos god (maybe i'll make him the shape of the star on his telepathy tent instead of a triangle, or I might tweak his human design a bit, idrk) who's obsessed with mabel.
people always put dipper in the place of ford (in the portal) bc he's a nerd, but to suit the switch of villans, mabel is getting sucked into the multiverse!
I like to think she got lulled into a false sense of security with gideon like in the show in the same way ford was with bill, but with fashion instead of science. (like when their still friends w lil gid and gideon brings her to get her nails n stuff done)
so in my au mabel is very into fashion the same way ford is into science, a prodigy with a insane talent for knitting, sowing, design, the whole shabang
while dipper is similar to the usual show, nerdy sci-fi obsessed wise guy but nothing too crazy
but together mabel and dipper solved mysteries in california together and someday dream of becoming "the mystery twins" and searching (in parallel to the stans) on a hot air balloon/ plane/ something sky related
but mabel gets offered a place in a big league fashion school, and they're going to come and see her project for the school fashion fair
dipper (like stan) is disgruntled by the dress interrupting their dreams and future together (parallel to dipper and mabel vs to the show. kind of)  and puts his hands on the dress angrily without thinking, staining the dress with his sweaty palms (like how stan is in the show, and how ford described him in journal three: "an abnormally sweaty 12 year old....perhaps he takes after stanley")
when the fashion gurus or whatever show up to see mabels design, they see the prints and dimiss her, ruining her chance at getting into her dream school. seeing the sweaty hand marks, thinks immediately of her brother, confronts him, the same as the scene in a tale of two stans essentially
d: "i...mabel, maybe this isnt all bad...at least we can go...be the mystery twins?"
m: "how could you say that?! why would I want to do anything with the person who sabotaged my future!"
so where does mabel go to college? you (probably) guessed it...backupsmore!
she begins a degree...yadayada, smart people stuff, clever references to the original show, blah blah blah, goes to college with candy and grenda (they take the place of mcgucket)
annnnd now a scene I over thought way too much) all her life, mabel had been teased for her crooked teeth, her messy hair, her stickers and glitter everywhere...etc, and she grew fascinated with beauty in imperfection, the whole maximalism, out of the ordinary/norms of fashion (the ford deciding to study abnormalities bc of his six fingers scenece is so important to me for no reason)
she grew curious of a certain place where the impossible seemed possible...
gravity falls! (how surprising)
and what, my dear reader, was our main man dipper up to?
well, much like stan, he struck gold in sales. or...selling by yourself anyway, as he'd been trying to selling his scifi abnormality comics, board games, fact books/ something like that bro. he was smart-ish, giving lectures ab science-y stuff in different colleges, not happy at all and js about providing for himself. he misses mabel...alot.
over with mabel, she's experimenting with the weirdness of gravity falls, enjoying it all with her friend, gideon! (spoiler alert: he sucks)
but at the end of the day...what is she waiting for? she can't just...be good....she has to remembered! to be put down history as...one of the greatest designers of all time! heck...what is she even working for if not to be put down in history? what has she studied for? she has to round of her studies with a bang!
luckily gideon has a few ideas...
g: you see...what if...you built a portal to another dimension? has any designer ever done that before? sent their models and crew to another universe? think...how you'd go down...the most revolutionary name in fashion! you'd be leading fashion AND science!"
(tw: this is a trick on gideons part lol)
mabel enlists the help of candy and grenda, blablabla whatever...mcgucket/ford situation all over again, someone sees the nightmare realm, traumatised forever, yadayada, mabel goes insane bc gideon is "less than nice..." (can you tell I'm getting lazy lmao)
dipper is just ab scraping by, making money by doing lectures and the like, hopping state each time he loses a job with a new name so he can work for another prestigious college w out the track record and trying to publish his scifi silly novel thingy when he gets a post card through the door of his motel:
please come, -mabel
dipper makes his way to gravity falls, where mabel is immediately suspicious of him, checking his eyes to see if he's possessed, barbed grappling hook ready to shoot and looking very much like a crazed scientist rather then a fashion designer, and perhaps that's what she's become, moulded under gideons hand
she interrogates him, similarly to how ford interrogated stan:
m: *grappling hook ready to shoot* "HEY! WHO ARE YOU? HAVE YOU COME TO STEAL MY EYES?-"
d: "weird way to say welcome in, mabel"
hurring him in, she checks his eyes, lalalalala...mabel promptly shows him the third journal, branded with a shooting star.
m: "it's.. I don't know enough about science...me and candy, grenda, we started, i've put my heart and soul into these, dipper, but he needs them, and he can't have them, never...if he does..."
d: "god, mabel, I always knew you were crazy, but this is a whole new level. I thought you came here for fashion?"
blabla, backstory explanation to eachother (im this 🤏 close to giving up) when mabel pops the big question
m: "remember our plans...the mystery twins, adventuring in the skies, on a plane?"
dipper is really excited, this is the moment, all this science stuff, it was preparation for-
m: "get on a plane, fly as FAR away from here as possible, to the ends of the earth, and hide the journal-"
d: "wait...that's IT? I finally see you for the first time in YEARS and the first thing you want me to do is get as far away from you as possible?"
m: "listen-"
d: "no, YOU LISTEN. im excited to see my sister after a decade and you want me out of your sight? im just about scraping by while you're living it up in your fancy house in the woods doing fashion-glam shit! you think you've got it bad? i've got a MULLET, mabel! im trying my best to survive while you're all cushy in the woods-"
m: "you don't know what I've been through!-"
d: "what YOU'VE been through? I've lost my job in SEVERAL different states, while you're selfishly hoarding your college money-"
m: "ME? SELFISH? how could you say that after costing me my DREAM SCHOOL?
a bit more squabbling, basically the scene in a tale of two stans. in this au dipper isn't born with his big dipper mark on his forehead, rather he gets it burned onto his forehead the way stan gets his tattoo, mabel pauses, "im so sorry dipper-" gets pushed, the portal starts turning on, dipper pushes her away.
d: "tch, "mystery twins." how could I be so stupid? here's a simple mystery; why did mabel's brother travel four hours to roadkill oregon for her? because he thought his sister CARED for him. wanted to see him, even. possibly because he missed her. but dont worry, it wont happen again. some sister you turned out to be."
he does the whole push into the portal, ahhh mabel come back, oh no what have i done thingy. he immediately tries to opperate it, fails, blablabla. when he realises shes gone and not coming back, he screams, for a minute, half an hour, an hour, he doesn't know, he just cant do anything else.
doesn't sleep. for a long time. he doesn't really move off the couch, actually. he eats so he doesn't faint. or sleep. he doesn't go anywhere so he doesn't have to fix himself up or wash, because he feels he doesn't deserve the luxury of self care or nice food or comfort or rest. but eventually the food runs out and he decides he can't die without bringing back his sister.
at the shop, it's the same scene as with stan, "oooh smart science-y fashion person, do u give tours?" he has no money so he has to, it's shit at first but improves over time and so the mystery shack is born.
as much as dipper always loved the supernatural, he decides that he doesn't want another run in with the portal/ paranormal accident so all the attractions are fake. dipper is just as stressed and unhappy as before, but the tight clockwork of his life keeps him together. make money with the shack, save mabel. that's all that's keeping him here.
until the stan twins show up!
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