#nct yukhei texts
full-hd-sun · 1 year
yangyang: how do tall people sleep at night when the blanket can’t possibly cover you?
lucas: yangyang... it’s 3 am
yangyang: so you can’t sleep, huh? is it because of the blanket?
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what-if-nct · 2 years
Lucas: Ooh, Ooh look a train. I can't believe it, an actual train.
Xiaojun: We're at a train station.
Lucas: Look another train! What a day we get to see actual trains.
Xiaojun: Lucas...
Kun: Look at how happy he is. Let him be happy.
Lucas: Choo Choo!!
Hendery: Wait till you get inside the train.
Xiaojun: He's been on a train before.
Yangyang: Well I've been to Disney World and I still get excited when Snoopy hugs me.
Xiaojun: You mean Goofy.
Yangyang: No Snoopy. You know what it was Knotts Berry Farm, I've never been to Disney World. Kun can we go to Disney world?
Lucas: We get to go to Disney World?! this is the best day ever!
Xiaojun: We're not go-
Kun: This train goes to the airport so yes we are.
Yangyang,Hendery & Lucas: DISNEY WORLD!!
Xiaojun: But we can't go to 7/11 because I'm thirsty cause it's too far out of the way.
Kun: We were at the grocery store.
Xiaojun: I wanted a slushie!!
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s0fars0perfect · 7 months
wip // urban fantasy [nct-17]
“Hey!” Someone shouts from somewhere in the mass of people and Kun turns around to look across Maple to see a pair of figures run across the street to meet them. It’s barricaded down here, not a single car will be coming, but they rush to meet them and are immediately swallowed by the fold. In the light of the yellow street lamps and beginnings of snowfall Kun can see a trench coat and thick, padded coat. He’s pretty sure he knows who those two are. 
Which means he’s pretty sure he knows who all these people are. 
“Without further ado,” the mayor raises his voice over the din and Kun turns back around to look at the tree. After a series of fumbling, Kun rolling his eyes while Yukhei and Hendery giggle to each other, the tree lights up. 
Red, blue, orange, yellow, green lights wrap the tree, a sparkling star at the very top shining down at all of them. There’s a smattering of oohs and ahhs once it’s lit followed by polite applause. It’s just a tree wrapped in lights but it’s not about what it literally is, it’s about what it symbolizes. 
“Pretty,” Ten mumbles and Kun wraps an arm around his friend, tugging him into his side. 
“Thanks for texting us, Wonu,” someone says behind them and Kun smiles a little wider to himself, resting his head on top of Ten’s when it lands on his shoulder. 
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yukhei-stories39 · 6 years
[9:13pm] Yukhei smiled as you ran around admiring the snow. This is the person I will love forever, he thought to himself. You turn and look at him with the biggest smile and rosy cheeks.
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yoongilon · 6 years
Lobster | Lucas
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pesiko · 3 years
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jungsungchans · 4 years
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yukhei: so let me tell you guys about this crazy dream i just had!!! :D wayv: :)c
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byeolhyesisi · 3 years
Lucas: *knocks on Kun's door*
Kun, opening the door: Lucas it's 3AM what do you want?
Lucas: I broke the toaster
Kun: ok
Lucas: wait you aren't mad?
Kun: you broke a doorframe once. how do you break a doorframe :))
Lucas: but what are we gonna do-
Kun: well of course we're gonna buy a new toaster-
Lucas: right now?-
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doeilovr · 3 years
can I request a wayv gc text where they find out Sicheng and you have been dating forever and its one of those "it all makes sense now" type of moments lol thanksss
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WayV groupchat finding out you’re dating WinWin
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pastelleia · 4 years
*playing cards*
yangyang: *shows card* ace of spades!
lucas: *throws uno card* +4 change color to yellow!
hendery: *throws a pokemon card* pikachu, i choose you!
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yeoldotcom · 3 years
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—♡ lucas confesses in the super m groupchat
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full-hd-sun · 11 months
hendery: hey lucas, could you stay out of the dorm for a couple of hours? i have some personal staff i have to do...
lucas: sure. yangyang, come on!
hendery: no, he stays
lucas: why-
hendery: *pushes him out of the door*
lucas: *shrugs it off*
*an hour later*
lucas: wait... did they just-
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what-if-nct · 2 years
Yangyang: Ten, Kun called me a feral possum.
Kun: He's nocturnal, he eats trash, he bites and screams at the moon. We live with a feral possum.
Ten: He isn't a possum. He's a raccoon, mischievous, a little bit of a thief and look at those little hands. Now Hendery...
Hendery: *drinking apple juice and redbull from a jar full of cheese balls*
Ten: That's a feral possum, he knows no laws.
Xiaojun: Can I taste that?
Ten: There's two of them.
Lucas: *walks in*
Ten: Three.
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kazuha-pista-badam · 3 years
Lucas: You know how I roll. And I’m not talking about that time I fell into a pile of dung at the foot of a hill.
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yukhei-stories39 · 6 years
[11:30pm] You sat on your couch cramming all your anatomy notes for you test in the morning. Frantically switching papers till a knock at the door. You quickly check the time, "Who could be here this late?" You said to yourself as you started to walk to the door.
A tall figure stood in your view. "Yukhei? What do you want, I don't have time." You said as you walked away back to your studies. "What I can't check in on my girlfriend?"
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key201303 · 3 years
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Lucas' POV
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Taglist -> @bbyyangiex2 @gayboisx101 @jisungs-ubb @flowerfallinsvt @midnightmoi @sunflower-euphro @haechanisnctssun @staysstrays (let me know if you want me to add you to the taglist!)
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Pairing: WayV (lucas) x fem!reader
Genre: comedy, fluff, social media AU (based on the game "Mystic Messenger")
Plot: Finding a random message in your inbox from a stranger with a password to enter a groupchat with 7 boys wasn't the best plan for spending the beginning of the year. Although it wasn't your favorite plan, you will soon fall for these 7 boys and won't be able to reject their offer of helping them to hold a party and meet them face to face.
Warnings: mentions of cheating, suggestive content
A/N: Ngl I'm struggling to make Lucas suffer a bit😭 Hope you guys enjoy this chapter❤️
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