#natasha romanoff x clint barton
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icantopenwaterbottlecaps · 6 months ago
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I drew some art for @quidnunc-life's clintasha The Proposal AU! The fic itself is still a WIP, but I'm already obsessed with the little tidbits she's shared with me in chat 💜❤️
This is also technically my first complete clintasha art ahhh, hopefully I'll find the energy to make more someday :D [reblogs are appreciated :")]
[[edit: some people have been asking in reblogs for a link to this fic, so I just wanted to clarify that this fic is an unpublished WIP, gsparkle is still writing it and was privately sharing some tidbits of progress with me. I’m afraid it’ll be a while yet before it’s published, so I drew art of it to tide myself over because I too can’t wait to read it. Sorry y’all, there’s no link/fic to read yet]]
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voicesinthedarkness · 4 months ago
Clint Barton
Feburary 17th, 2008
Unspecified location
Clint wakes to the sound of the other hotel bed creaking.
“Nat?” he mumbles, rubbing at his eyes. “I’m fine, Barton,” she snaps, but her voice shakes—just barely.
She heads to the bathroom, and he can hear her washing her face at the sink. He sits up, turning on the lamp as she returns. “You okay?” he asks gently, noticing her red, puffy eyes. She grunts, the sound nearly a growl, and gets back into bed, facing away from him.
“Why do we need extraction?” Nat asks after a long, silent moment, and Clint’s heart skips a beat when he realizes that she’s never had anybody come back for her.
He shrugs. “In case we got badly injured, I guess?” She looks over her shoulder at him, examining and evaluating his response. 
“You know you can tell me if you’re not okay, right?” he says just before she turns back around. “It’s—it’s okay to not be okay. I won’t think any less of you for it.” Nat stares at him. “I had a nightmare,” she says bluntly. Then she faces away from Clint again.
He turns out the light, curling back up under the blankets with a sigh. It’s a while before Nat breaks the heavy silence.
“I dreamed that the extraction squad were double agents from the Room,” she says quietly. “And they came for me. And you let them take me.” Clint sighs sadly. “You will never have to go back there if you don’t want to,” he tells her firmly. “Not on my watch.”
Nat doesn’t answer. Maybe she doesn’t believe him; maybe she’s reached her limit of vulnerability for the month. Clint can’t tell.
He really, really hopes she believes him.
Natasha Romanoff
April 12th, 2009
Odessa, Ukraine
Natasha's voice echoes raspily through the comms, cool and calm as ever despite the immense pain dancing merrily through her injured body. Barton reopens his end of the comms immediately.
"Паук," he answers easily. She coughs, wiping dust off her face. "I've been shot," she tells him, rummaging through the supplies in the half-smushed jeep for a first-aid kit. "The engineer is dead." She pauses to focus on bandaging the bloody hole in her gut, and Barton panics. 
“Паук?! Respond!” he yelps right in her ear. “I’m doing first-aid, ястреб!” she snarls, and she can practically hear his embarrassment. “Sorry,” Barton mumbles, “I… I got worried.” His American accent is rough, raw, genuine.
For some stupid fucking reason, this makes Natasha’s heart constrict. She doesn’t deign to respond except with a cold, “Over and out.”
She thinks about it as she’s cleaning up the many, many scrapes from falling down the cliff. Did Barton really care for her like that? Was it all some greater scheme? 
Fucking hell, she thinks, I’m so damn sick and tired of being so wary of the first person to ever show me kindness.
Clint Barton
June 5th, 2010
Clint and Natasha’s shared apartment
Clint flops on the couch, exhausted. Absently, he wonders when Nat’s going to get home. A few days was the longest S.H.I.E.L.D. had let them be apart since Budapest, and now they’d been apart for two weeks, give or take.
He’s only vaguely surprised to realize that he misses her.
The door clicks open. Lucky barks excitedly, and Liho meows from the back of the couch. And Nat’s there, just as exhausted and even more beautiful. She looks at him, unsmilingly, yet Clint can see the glint in her eyes.
“How are you?” she asks casually, sitting down on the couch next to him. “Tired as shit,” he answers. She laughs genuinely. It wasn’t even that funny.
He leans closer, waiting for the punch to his groin. Nat continues to watch him calmly. Clint swallows, tentatively running his calloused fingers through her red-gold curls.
Nat’s eyes drift shut, and she leans into his touch. Clint’s breath hitches audibly and a delighted smirk curls Nat’s scarlet lips. “I missed you, you dork,” she whispers, snuggling close against his side. “I missed you too,” he whispers back, nuzzling a kiss into her hair and holding her close. He closes his eyes, breathing in her pine scent. 
God, she smells amazing.
~ ~ ~
so this was meant to be long but the MCU's timeline is confusing and even longer and also I don't like having to bullshit scenes where we know they happened but we don't know the exact details because my brain is just like "But What If 🤭 This Didn't Actually Happen 🤔”
"Ястреб" = Hawk
"Паук" = Spider
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quietlyimplode · 1 year ago
the language of flowers and silent things.
Whumptober 2023: Day 1 - How many fingers am I holding up
Warnings: perceived death (no death I promise), panic
Word Count: 2.3k (gif not mine)
Summary: The marriage of Clint and Natasha.
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A/N: there are people that stand with you in darkness, brave the shadows and not shy away, if you have friends like that hold them tight. This is for you @broken--bow .
Friend, without you there would be no whumptober, there are no words for the consistency of friendship you have supported over the last month, and thank you doesn’t seem enough. I wish it were more, but thank you all the same.
Whumptober Masterlist
“It’s cold,” Natasha grumbles.
“Yep,” Clint replies, popping the p, and trudging on through the snow.
“How far?”
The snow is white and endless, and Natasha is sure they aren’t going the right way. Her rifle, slung across her shoulder, rubs and feels heavy, as it hits the back of her thighs; even though likely it’s her backpack that has the weight.
Clint glances at the gps, a small look of surprise on his face.
Natasha stops.
“It’s less that two hundred metres,” he says, pointing to the left.
He adjusts his pack and trudges forward, giving Natasha places to put her feet as she grumbled again.
“You’re Russian!” he says, exasperated as the safe house comes into sight.
She throws him a look a rolls her eyes.
“I don’t like the cold,” she deadpans.
Approaching the house, they both split up, covering the front and back and simultaneously breach the door way.
Covering the rooms in a pattern, Natasha is first to call all clear, followed by Clint, as she beelines for the generator and sets up the heater.
The white noise of the generator infuriates Clint as he keeps the first watch; more snow falling. He
wonders if it will ever stop.
The cold that penetrates is icy, even though they’ve used spare blankets under the doorways and old newspapers on the window.
Natasha was finally asleep.
He knows by the soft breaths, slow and even.
She doesn’t like sleeping in the cold, and he knows why, it reminds her too much of the barracks of the Red Room.
She berates herself about becoming too soft, even as she makes their apartment and their rooms a constant temperature.
Less nightmares.
He tells her it’s not a bad thing to protect yourself from bad dreams, but it never seems to stick.
She sighs audibly and he wonders what she’s dreaming.
If the snow continues to fall at this rate, they’ll be snowed in. The trek here all uphill, and he hates Maria a little for directing them to this one.
“Hydra,” she’d said, “they’ve taken advantage of the political climate, and infiltrated the region.”
It’s a shame; he think idly, Kashmir is beautiful, but the evil that has infiltrated made it unsightly.
The man that they had killed was wanted by Interpol, crimes against humanity and all that.
Natasha’s kill shot hitting him between the eyes, as Clint had done the calculations quickly around wind speed and elevation.
One shot, one kill.
They made it look easy; isn’t that why Fury sent them?
Now, stuck in the snow, in a quaint house, Clint has too much time to reflect and worry about the repercussions of not being extracted until the snow stops.
His grip tightens on the gun, and he adjusts his position.
Natasha focuses on the landscape, the parts she can see anyway. Snow covers the door, just reaching the window and she feels vulnerable at not being able to see all the ways around them.
She knows if she looks at Clint, she won’t be able to hide her disappointment.
He won’t be able to hide his fear.
The satcom phone lays inert, as they await the next call.
Any way out.
Any opportunities for exfil.
Not likely for the next twenty four hours anyway.
The tension in the room is palpable. The generator has enough petrol for the next five hours, and the temperature is far below zero.
Clint focuses on the bowl of cereal, the snow still around them.
This was supposed to be easy.
He suppresses a shiver and pulls his coat around him trying to gain any heat he can.
The one room they’d kept heated, now growing colder.
He knows they both feel it.
Natasha pushes away her bowl, half eaten.
“You gotta eat, Nat,” he murmurs.
“We need to leave,” she argues, “the generator is done, the food almost gone, and the pipes are frozen. We have no water apart from what we have in that bucket.”
He shakes his head.
“It’s cold outside, no one is coming here in that weather; plus where are we gonna go? We have to wait for them to come.”
She’s knows he’s right. Standing and staring out the window, she shivers.
It’s not a good sign.
The seriousness in her tone has him on edge as he joins her.
“It’s stopped snowing.”
They both know, when the temperature drops the snow stops, the sun, or what was left of it, hides behind the dark as the black starts to descend, night approaching; though the hour not late.
“What are we going to do?” she whispers.
They move to the smallest room, a tiny broom closet, big enough for the both of them. No windows, blankets piled in.
“I hate the cold,” she gristles, her teeth gnashing.
Clint pulls her closer, trying to stay warm, even though he’s sure it’s not helping.
“Talk,” he asks, “take my mind off this.”
The request isn’t lost on Natasha, the beginning of the third day had begun and they still had no way out, the sat phone silent, stood next to the door.
“Mmmm,” she says; trying to stop her teeth chattering.
“If you changed around this house, what would you do to make it better?”
It’s an old game, one they used to play when nightmares would keep either of them awake and neither wanted sleep.
Clint bites, he wants nothing more than the deep dread that fills his body to go away.
“Thicker windows,” he starts, “and for there to be a better security system.”
Natasha grunts in agreement.
“Insulation,” she continues, “the bedroom, I’d move to the back of the house, maybe another bathroom.”
Clint snorts.
“Like our house?”
She laughs, shivers hard and suppresses another.
“What’s that like again?”
He sits up a little straighter, and starts talking about the blueprints he’s sketched out when they’d first started dating.
“You know, you’ll have a library, and I’ll have a target room, the kitchen will be big, and the bathroom always warm.”
“The house is always warm,” she corrects.
“Heated floors?”
He nods, “definitely heated floors.”
She rests her head on his shoulder.
“”It sounds nice.”
The night passes slowly.
Both in and of consciousness, eating where they can and bodies shivering hard against the cold.
“My lungs hurt,” she grunts, forcing herself to take a breath.
Clint can’t answer, he agrees, but can’t do anything but nod his head.
She’s terrified; not because she’s going to die, but because he is.
“Talk to me,” she says, her teeth chattering.
She remembers Russia, the coldness of the room and the lack of heat in their dormitory rooms. The blankets thread bare.
She felt it then, but had no context about how warm the world could be.
“You think the world is warm?”
Natasha hadn’t realised she was talking out loud.
“It’s different, here, don’t you think?”
He swallows, trying to readjust his position but finds his limbs uncooperative.
She’s not making sense and he’s worried. He can’t think straight though and maybe she can’t either.
They won’t die here.
Someone will come.
“When we get married,” she starts.
They both laugh.
But it’s the silence that hangs.
“What are we going to do, Clint?”
She can see their breath, and movement is getting harder. Natasha knows this cold, Russian winters this biting, freezing kind of bitter. If they die….
If they die it’s not a bad way to go, here, safe with someone she loves and a life she curated for herself.
If she dies…
“What kind of wedding will it be?”
Clint stops her train of thought.
Desperate to change the subject to anything apart from their imminent death, he hugs her closer, trying to not be unnerved by how cold her skin is.
“Small,” she considers, indulging him.
“I’ll wear white, you’ll wear a tux, but it’ll only be our closest friends.”
He nods.
“Who are we inviting?”
They take turns naming their friends.
Clint frowns, “really?”
“Yeah, why?”
The shiver stops him from answering, and she tries to pull the blankets more around him.
“If you invite Pepper, we’d have to invite Tony,” he says grumpily, disliking the fact that someone who heavily objectified Natasha would be invited.
Natasha’s head rolls over to him, a smile on her cracked lips.
“We’d make him sign a NDA,” she almost laughs.
“He wouldn’t be able to talk about it, and it would destroy him.”
Clint laughs, a cough bubbling as he sucks in too much cold air.
“He’d probably get a good present anyway.”
“Fury?” Natasha asks, and Clint nods.
“Yeah I think so.”
He sighs.
“Is it sad it’s such a short list?”
She shrugs.
“Who else would you invite?”
Clint knows.
Family. Isn’t that who you’re supposed to invite for your wedding? For you brother to be your best man? Or for your mother and father to sit in the front row and cry?
“Who’d walk you down the aisle?”
She ignores the question.
“I’d invite Yelena,” she decides, looking wistful.
Clint rubs her leg.
“Yeah. I’d invite Barney,” he agrees. Even though it’s likely his brother and her sister as long since dead, it’s a nice thought to have.
“Your mom,” she opens the thought.
Natasha stops but continues after a moment.
“I think I would have liked our mothers to come, even if mine abandoned me.”
Clint doesn’t know what to say.
“I would have liked that too,” he breathes.
“I think you’d walk me down the aisle,” she whispers, coughing into her gloves.
He knows where, he just wants her to say it.
“Okinawa,” she smiles, knowing he loves the shores of the tiny island as much as she does.
“Of course,” he smiles back.
They sit in silence
“We can find them, I think.”
Clint says it with conviction.
Natasha looks at him intensely, breath white, nose red.
They’re going to die here, he thinks idly. Why not give them another mission, even if it only gives them hope.
“Our parents?”
He shakes his head.
“Our siblings.”
Natasha sees Yelena standing at the door, sad eyes, hands waving goodbye.
Her eyes open and close languidly.
She knows what he’s doing.
Offering hope when there isn’t any.
Gloved hand reaches out under the blankets and takes his.
“If we survive this, and if we find Barney and Yelena, we will get married. You just have to ask,” she proposes.
Clint nods, his movement slow, his voice quiet and somber.
“Yeah, of course.”
“Natasha? Will you marry me?”
Head against his, she kisses him slowly, purposefully; like it’s the last draw of breath she’ll ever take.
“Yeah, Clint, of course I’ll marry you.”
Maria panics at the empty house, wondering where her friends are.
If they thought she wasn’t coming, maybe they left to find safety; it would have been a death sentence.
Temperatures outside so cold it had taken far too long to trek anywhere for safety, the snow too deep.
As it was, it had taken too long for the helicopter to land anywhere safely.
Maria looks around.
Two people that already have so much trust issues, she’s not sure what they would have done.
She’s sure they would have thought no one was coming.
In the instant, Maria feels panic.
She clears the first room and the medic clears two more rooms; then — Maria finds them.
Huddled together, Natasha’s head on Clint’s shoulders their faces pale and they look half dead.
She calls the medic over, unwrapping them from the blankets.
“Thready,” the man tells her, assessing Clint, then Natasha.
They drag them out, laying them down on stretchers as they both call it in on the sat phone.
Maria places the warmers over their chests, as the medic works on placing an IV for both of them.
They work quickly and efficiently; slowly working to warm their friends, hoping against all hopes that the hypothermia has no permanent effects.
Natasha hears before she sees, the whir of the plane, the pain in all her muscles as life starts flowing back into her.
“Clint,” she tries.
Voice cracking, not loud enough, she can’t see him or hear him, her heart hurts and her thoughts race.
They’re going to get married.
They’re going to find Yelena and Barney.
They’re going to…
Breath comes fast, alarms blare and she panics; sitting up, eyes now open she finds herself connected to machines and monitors.
Clint lays next to her.
Laying back, doctors surround her.
“Clint,” she says again.
Maria appears in her field of vision, a stoic face.
“He’s okay too,” she clarifies.
Panicked eyes greet her.
“Natasha,” Maria says, “look at me.”
Wild eyes look her.
“How many fingers am I holding up?”
She sticks two fingers in Natasha’s face, and predictably, her friend rolls her eyes.
Maria puts three more.
She nods.
“He’s okay,” she assures.
Closing her eyes, Natasha grunts and sinks back into a deep sleep.
“God you’re both so predictable,” Maria grunts, half holding him down.
“She’s fine, look, okay?”
Clint gives her a goofy smile, clearly still delirious.
He sees Natasha, oxygen mask on, eyes closed.
“She’sgonnamarryme,” he tells her, words mumbled.
Maria thinks she misheard, because neither Clint or Natasha feel like the marrying type.
He nods, “jus’ gotta find Yelena and Barney.”
Clint’s eyes slip closed.
“She’sgonnamarryme,” he says again, falling back into a drugged sleep.
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herospark18 · 3 months ago
twelve is max so enjoy <33
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braveclementine · 7 months ago
CTV Footage Shows. . .
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Warnings: None
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OC Elizabeth Lightwood. I do not condone any copying of this.
"What's going to happen to your friends?" Bucky asked behind Steve. Steve was flying the Quinjet and Bucky was sitting in the chair behind him.
Steve sighed and shook his head, "Whatever it is, I'll deal with it."
"I don't know if I'm worth all this, Steve." Bucky said.
"What you did all those years, it wasn't you. You didn't have a choice." Steve said.
"I know. But I did it." Bucky sighed.
Steve looked behind him. Bucky. . . he looked so familiar yet not at all. Steve liked the long hair though. He smiled a little.
Bucky unlatched himself from the back seat and carefully sat in the one next to Steve. Slowly, he extended his flesh hand to rest on top of Steve's. Steve turned his hands slowly, lacing their fingers together.
"I missed you." Bucky whispered. "So much."
"I've missed you too." Steve murmured, squeezing his hand. He looked at Bucky. "She helped you a lot, didn't she?"
Bucky smirked a little, "I almost wish she didn't have that soulmate of hers. Could've shared her. I liked her a lot."
"Yeah." Steve chuckled, "Me too."
🎃 :::::  🧡  ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━  🧡  ::::: 🎃
"The doctors say he shattered L4 through S1." Tony said. "Extreme laceration to the spinal cord. Probably looking at some form of paralysis. Or would be, if Elizabeth hadn't healed as much as she did. He might not even need braces now." Tony sighed.
Elizabeth had also run the minute the cops had shown up, letting the rainbow light take her up to Asgard, while glaring at Ross and flipping him the bird while she did it. Not that Tony really blamed her. Y/N had looked distraught as they had arrested her, putting her in the van with the others.
The Raft. They were taking them to the fucking raft like they were the top criminals of the world. He supposed it was only because they were part of the Avengers.
"Steve's not gonna stop." Natasha said next to him, looking out at the compound grounds, "If you don't either, Rhodey's gonna be the best case scenario."
"You let them go, Nat."
"We played this wrong."
"'We'?" He scoffed, "Boy, it must be hard to shake the whole double agent role, huh? It sticks in the DNA."
"Are you incapable of letting go of your ego for one goddamn second?"
"T'Challa told Ross what you did, so, they're coming for you." Tony said. Maybe he was trying to warn her, maybe trying to scare her, maybe even trying to hurt her. He wasn't even sure at this point.
"I'm not the one that needs to watch their back." Nat said, before turning and walking away. Tony turned to watch her go. His own arm would have been in a sling, but Elizabeth had healed that when she had gone as well. Funny, considering she had been the one to hurt his arm in the first place.
Suddenly, his watch beeped and he tapped it to get a picture of a dead man in a bathtub on the holographic screen. "What am I looking at F.R.I.D.A.Y.?"
"Priority upload from Berlin police."
"Fire up the chopper." He said.
🎃 :::::  🧡  ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━  🧡  ::::: 🎃
"The Task Force called for a psychiatrist as soon as Barnes was captured. The UN dispatched Doctor Theo Broussard from Geneva within the hour. He was met by this man." F.R.I.D.A.Y. said, showing Tony a clip of the doctor attempting to get into his car.
"Did you run facial recognition yet?"
"What do I look like?" F.R.I.D.A.Y. retorted.
"Uh, I don't know. I've been picturing a H/C head." Tony responded.
"You must be thinking of someone else." F.R.I.D.A.Y. responded cheekily.
"Must be."
"The fake doctor is actually Colonel Helmut Zemo. Sokovian Intelligence. Zemo ran Echo Scorpion, a Sokovian covert kill squad."
"What happened to the real Broussard?" Tony asked, scanning all of the military pictures of Zemo.
"He was found dead in a Berlin hotel room." F.R.I.D.A.Y. said, pulling up a larger picture of the one Tony had seen on his watch. "Where police also found a wig and facial prosthesis approximating the appearance of one James Buchanan Barnes."
The photo of the CTV camera that looked like Barnes and Sergeant Barnes military photo were pulled up side by side.
"Son of a bitch." Tony sighed. "Get this to Ross."
"Yes boss."
🎃 :::::  🧡  ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━  🧡  ::::: 🎃
"So? You got the files?" Tony asked as he stepped out of the chopper. "Let's reroute the satellites, start facial scanning for this Zemo guy."
"You seriously think I'm gonna listen to you?" Ross asked quietly. "after that fiasco in Leipzig? You're lucky you're not in one of those cells."
So this was why they didn't want to sign the Accords. Fitting. It made sense.
Tony followed them into the rooms where they were being monitored. He stopped when he saw Wanda, in a straight-jacket with black ties. He continued walking until he was let into the room where they were all being kept.
He suddenly heard clapping and then Clint's voice, "The Futurist, gentlemen! The Futurist is here! He sees all. He knows what's best for you whether you like it or not."
"Give me a break Barton." Tony said, walking up to his cell. "I had no idea they'd put you in here. Come on."
"Yeah, well, you knew they'd put us somewhere, Tony."
"Yeah, but not some super-max floating ocean pokey." Tony protested. "This is place is for maniacs. This is a place for-"
"Criminals?" Clint stood up. "Criminals, Tony. Think that's the word you're looking for. Right? That didn't used to mean me. Or Sam, or Wanda, or Y/N. But here we are."
"Because you broke the law." Tony explained.
"I didn't make you."
"La la la."
"You read it. You broke it."
"La la la la."
"You're all grown up. You got two wives and kids. I don't understand, why didn't you think about them before you chose the wrong side?"
Clint stood up quickly. "You gotta watch your back with this guy." He called out and then slammed his cell window, "There's a chance he's gonna break it."
It hurt. It really did. He'd fought with Clint multiple times, even when he didn't expect it.
"Hank Pym always said you never can trust a Stark." The man that had shrunk and grown said, leaning on his cell. He didn't look spiteful though and Tony registered the name in the back of his head as a future possible enemy.
"Who are you?" Tony asked and kept walking.
Sam was facing the back of his cell and didn't turn when Tony stopped in front of him. "How's Rhodes?"
"Elizabeth healed him up. They're gonna fly him to Columbia Medical tomorrow to see if the magic is affecting him for worse. But he seems to be okay. Might have a little trouble walking but with some physical therapy he'll be okay." Tony answered. "What do you need? They feed you yet?"
Sam turned and Tony could see the huge bruise that covered his cheekbone. "You're the good cop, now?"
"I'm just the guy who needs to know where Steve went." Tony answered.
"Well, you better go get a bad cop because you're gonna have to go Mark Fuhrman on my ass to get information out of me." Sam said.
Tony sighed, quickly messing with his watch. "Well, I just knocked the A out of their AV." Tony said. "We got about thirty seconds before they realize it's not their equipment. Just look, because that, is the fellow who was supposed to interrogate Barnes. Clearly, I made a mistake. Sam, I was wrong."
"That's a first." He quipped.
"Cap is definitely off the reservation but he's about to need all the help he can get. We don't know each other very well, You don't have to."
"Hey, it's all right." Sam said. "Look, I'll tell you, but you have to go alone, and as a friend."
"Easy." Tony nodded. Sam gave him what he needed and Tony quickly rebooted the systems and then walked over to Y/N's cell, "Baby?"
She sighed and stood up, putting a hand against the cell window. She never looked more beautiful than when he couldn't touch her. She parted her lips and look up at him through her eyelashes. "Tony. . ."
"I was wrong." He whispered.
She nodded her head a little and then asked, "How's Everleigh?"
"She misses you. I'll get you a plea deal and you'll be home soon, I promise." Tony said quietly.
Y/N nodded. "Just. . . do what's right."
"I will." He whispered, putting his hands against hers on the glass, then turned and left.
"Stark, did he give you anything on Rogers?" Ross called after him as Tony started to get back into the helicopter.
"Nope. Told me to go to hell. I'm going back to the Compound instead. You can call me anytime, I'll put you on hold, I like to watch the line blink." Tony smirked, letting the helicopter door slide closed. Once he was in the air, he stuck his finger on the button, letting the suit cover his entire body.
His chair slid back into the tail of the helicopter, dropping him down into the sky. He zoomed off in the direction that Sam had told him they were going.
And down below the clouds. . . a little something tailed him.
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mutlifandomloverblog · 8 months ago
A banger...
Baby, Don’t Kill Him
Yelena Belova x Fem!Reader
Clint Barton x Step-daughter!Reader
Please, Don’t Go. (Part 2) | 3,651 Words
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"Baby... Wake up..."
You groaned, rolling over in the bed to hide from the light seeping in through the windows.
"Five more minutes..." You mumbled, and Yelena chuckled at your grumpy state, finding you absolutely adorable.
"You said that ten minutes ago moya lyubov'." She laughs out, and uses her immense strength to flip you over and straddle your lap.
"Oh my God! It burns!!!" You shriek, as you dramatically move to block out the sun, and she falls against you in a fit of laughter.
You wrap your arms around her, and smile, more than happy to have been able to brighten your girlfriends mood as she's been rather down in the dumps as of late.
"I love you..." She whispers, an air of vulnerability visible in her features as she now hovers her face above yours.
You move your hands up to her neck, scratching ever so lightly, then pull her face down to yours for a sweet kiss and she sighs against your lips.
"I love you too, my darling girl..." You mumble as her lips eventually release yours.
"I'm going to miss you." She whimpers out, as she finally situates her body atop of yours comfortably, nuzzling her face into your neck.
"Are you sure you can't come with? I'd really love for you to finally meet my family."
"I've got some business to handle, but maybe I can still make it, just depends on how difficult this job ends up being."
"What business? I still have yet to see where you work."
"Freelancing darling, I do whatever I'm offered within my acquired skillset." She quips, winking down at you, then jumps up out of the bed before you can push the issue.
"Yeah, yeah..." You grumble, as she laughs at your irritation.
She then peaks her head back out of the bathroom, as she smirks mischievously your way.
"How about one last shower for the road?" She quips, as she not so subtly drops her towel from her body, and you leap out of the bed, nearly tripping on the blankets on your way to her.
Your girlfriends secretive nature should bother you, but you've spent your life immersed in secrets, so you let it roll off your back with relative ease.
It's not like you don't have secrets too...
Your mom had you young, and the man she created you with was gone as fast as he came...
Due to the nature of your mother, and eventual fathers line of work, your whole history is a jumbled up, fabricated mess. As far as single mothers go, you were blessed with the kind that coveted your existence, no resentment was ever present. Once she'd settled down with Clint, you were about eight years old, and much to her shock you were rather accepting of the man. It didn’t take long for him to take you under his wing, and show you the ropes of archery. He'd eventually entered the Avengers initiative, and your mom retired once the two of them started having kids of their own, Fury was able to help hiding them much better than your mom did you.
You grew up in SHIELD, so really, you are nothing but a vessel of overheard secrets.
Yelena and you had originally planned to spend the next few days together before you headed home, and she got to work. However, your father—well, the man you call dad, had called you to ask you to take your younger siblings home. He'd run into some trouble in the city, and desperately needed them gone. You weren't due home for another week—when it's appropriate to return for the holidays, but you'd be damned if you'd let your younger siblings get caught up in the mess that follows him around.
Lila and Nate were blessed with soundproof earphones in the back, you sadly had to be exposed to the radio your brother controlled by way of aux cord.
"Coop, so help me God, if you play another Green Day song, I will make you walk the next fifty miles home. Maybe then you’ll discover your boulevard of broken dreams, yeah?." You groan out, not entirely thrilled with your brother's newfound Pop Punk phase.
He lightly smirked, as you caught it from your peripherals, then changed over to Linkin Park, you fought the urge to wrench the wheel of the car to pull off onto the shoulder, but you'd decided to plot his demise somehow else.
Once you pulled up, your mom ran out to greet you all, then once the kids went indoors you'd seen the unintentional scowl take over her features.
"I'm sure dad will make it home for Christmas mama, don't you worry." You attempt to quell her obvious thoughts, and then pull her into your arms.
"I'm so grateful to you, you're my rock, and that's just not fair." She sighs against your chest, as you're slightly taller than her, and you move to place a comforting kiss to her temple.
"It's always been you and me mama, I don't mind being your rock."
"I'm supposed to be yours..."
"You are! We're each others." You relay, as you hold her that much tighter, before heading inside with her.
As the lonely days drug on, you'd become painfully aware of the unfolding mess your father found himself in. His actions during the blip seemingly catching up to him, and you can't help but feel saddened for him all over again. He'd gone through five years with no hope of ever seeing his family again, then at the first sign of it, he had lost his best friend in the most brutal way.
Blipping was such a weird concept for you...
You'd been on the phone with your girlfriend of a month at the time, while sitting in your bedroom from your teen years back at the farm. Freelancing had taken your newfound lover across the world, so you decided visiting back home would be a great idea. One second Yelena's telling you about this 'really cool' food she'd just tried, while your dad was showing Lila how to use his trusty bow; then the next second you're coughing harshly as a layer of dust clouds your room, and your greeted with deafening silence.
You'd looked to your phone, finding it beyond dead, so you had plugged it in then raced downstairs in search of clarity. Your moms glossy gaze locked on yours, then yours dropped to the TV hers looked up from.
"All Those Blipped, Suddenly Re-emerging on the Streets After Five Long Years."
Even though you'd only been together for a month, your mind went straight to your girlfriend. You raced up the stairs, sending off a slurry of texts to her, then your dad, then your favorite human—Natasha.
After hours of waiting, your beaten down father had made an appearance at the front door. He was covered in dirt, and blood, and his eyes were swimming with despair. Once he'd gained a semblance of his current reality, he broke down in your mothers arms. His broken sobs were hard to decipher, but you heard 'she's gone' loud and clear.
Finding out that your 'Auntie' Nat, had sacrificed her life for the world broke your heart in two. The same world that did nothing to deserve her sacrifice. The both of you were only six years apart in age, so the bond had always been a bit stronger than with your younger siblings, she was truly your best friend.
Yelena had called you the following day, in tears of her own, and you jumped at the possibility of seeing her. The reunion was intense, and you could tell she'd clearly lost someone in this mess as well. Vulnerability wasn't something you expected from her so early on, as her walls were so clearly built up when you'd met, so you just chose to hold her incredibly close.
Two years later and you two are happier than ever, and she's all but moved into your apartment in New Jersey.
They always tried to leave you out of their messes, but you were always at the ready to help in anyway you could. So when you heard your mom mention that along with his onslaught of enemies past, that Natasha's younger sister is also after your father you couldn't seem to pinpoint why.
When Clint called the next time, you'd tapped into the call, with the skills Natasha had lended to you. He muttered out two words that stopped your heart, your beautiful girlfriend, the absolute love of your life, the one you'd planned to bring home this week, was the same Widow trying to kill your father.
Your mind went into a full blown spiral…
You were dating a 'former' Widow?
Natasha's little sister nonetheless?
God.. If she were alive she'd probably kill you... or her…
Freelancing to her essentially equated to assassinating, and in the grand scheme of things that honestly makes sense because of where she came from. Natasha had told you all about her little sister back in Ohio, the beautiful little blonde girl full of hope, and promise. She also told you their heart wrenching story, and she'd even called you to tell you all about how she was able to find her again. The thing is, she'd never given her full name, only ever speaking in Russian pet names, and a simple mumbling of 'Lena,' so the revealing all comes crashing down on you in the moment.
The only solution, you fear, is for you to find her, and hope that outing yourself as his honorary daughter, and Natasha's best friend, doesn't cost you the love of your life. So, in the middle of the night you'd slipped out of the farmhouse, and set off on your way to NYC, as your mom watched from her bedroom window in absolute horror.
She wasn't stupid, she'd put the puzzle pieces together ages ago on who you were dating, and then she heard your breath hitch on the phone earlier, so she's highly aware of where you're headed. Part of her knows you're right to go, but she just hopes it's not at the cost of your life and or your happiness.
The whole drive to NY, you'd been reliving moments with Yelena over the last two years that could make it all make sense. She'd even talked about Natasha, after finally relinquishing information on the loss she'd dealt with, and you'd never put it together. In retrospect, it all adds up now. Her older sister, the one full of spunk, with a fierce need to protect, and a massive heart.
Your calls to her went straight to voicemail, same to be said with your dad. So, after a little bit of hacking, once again taught to you by Nat, you'd been able to reach his protege—stalker—who was able to fill you in on the plan.
The gala wasn't something you'd prepared for, but you'd used your trusty credit card, and purchased a gorgeous green suit, and just beneath it you wore Natasha's old mission suit. Once you entered, you felt every hair on your body stick up, just knowing deep down you were surrounded by a crap ton of dangerous criminals. Kate had told you everything—that girl really does talk a lot—you chuckle at the thought that your dad's probably turned his hearing aid off when she gets carried away.
So, you definitely knew that though Yelena's to be expected, she's not even their focus. Everything moved rather quickly, and the fight was absolutely brutal. Once the onslaught of arrows had slowed, you got closer, and that's when you saw Yelena fighting with your father.
She'd looked incredible, with her tightly fitting mission suit, and her hair in a tight braided bun. The streetlights had caught her face just right, and your heart absolutely melted. Then you heard your father grunt, and got pulled back to reality, as you saw her punt kick the man across the ice.
"Baby, don't kill him!" You shout, but you can tell she doesn't hear you, or she just doesn't want to, you're not entirely sure.
You carefully ran across the ice, trying to not slip, but that didn't matter as Yelena—without even looking up, had shot off her widow bites.
You couldn't tell if it was the insane amount of electricity coursing through your body, or the slamming of your body into the ice that hurt more, but either way, your body was in an overwhelming amount of pain.
Clint had sparingly glanced up, and his face contorted into obvious angered shock at the sight of your seemingly unconscious body.
"Y/N! What the hell are you doing here?" He shouts through the pain, as he clutched at his obviously broken ribs, and ignores the gun Yelena has pointed at his head to crawl over to you.
The sound of your name threw her off, so she'd looked up to see you laid out cold on the ice. Her pistol holding hand stuttered, as she swiftly holstered it to run over to you.
"Y/N? Detka?! Why are you here? Please say something..."
Clint's eyes widened in shock, but he said nothing, as he realized now that you had some sort of plan. He’d been more concerned by your seemingly unconscious state, seeing as how you have a heart condition that you’re on beta-blockers for.
The pain was debilitating, your heart was fluttering rapidly, but her warm, soft hands on your face, and the vulnerability in her voice was enough motivation to coax you through it.
"Lena... Why are you trying to kill my dad?" You groan out, and her hands still, you slowly open your eyes to see her sullen face.
It hurts when you can clearly see the sheer feelings of betrayal flash across her face, but you expected it. You go to sit up, but the both of them push you back down by your shoulders.
"Stay down Y/N, this fight doesn't concern you." Yelena says, and her gaze slightly hardens.
"No, it doesn't..." Clint seems to agree.
"Please stop, both of you! This is the last thing Natty would ever want." You shout, then groan as a residual shockwave runs through your body.
"Natty?" Yelena questions in bewilderment.
"Yeah, a little birdie told me you're my best friend's sister.."
"I thought Barton was her best friend."
"That's what we let him think, but really it was me." You chuckle out, and your dad playfully nods in agreement.
"You know, she'd talked about you all the time, but she used nicknames so I hadn't put it all together." You groan out, as you move to sit up, and your father scoots behind you to cushion you.
You send him back a grateful smile, that drops in an instant as she lifts her pistol once more.
"Yelena, baby, don't. Just listen to me."
"No! You don't get to call me that, you've been the enemies child all along. He killed her! My sister is dead because of him!"
Her words cut right through you, and you’re not sure if your heart skipping was because of the previous electrical shock, your heart condition, or her sudden anger towards you. Truth be told, it was probably all three, but regardless, you’re going to clean this mess up.
"Okay, fine, Yelena it is." You sigh out dejectedly.
"So… I'm an honorary Barton, that's why I'm assuming your look into my past that you clearly must've made led you nowhere significant. My lineage is fabricated to a deceased elderly couple in Minnesota. I didn't lie to you though, I told you all about my living parents, and I'd had every intention of bringing you home to meet them this week..."
Her hardened gaze didn’t waver, nor did the nausea in your stomach, or the fluttering in your chest.
"Now, Yelena, I guess this is the part where I have to inform you that you got it all wrong. Whoever your source is lied to you, the manipulative bastards used your own loss and pain against you. My father here had no part in killing Nat, she regretfully gave her life of her own free will. It was the only way she could bring back all that was lost. My dad here tried desperately to stop her, he dangled over the side of a cliff, clinging to his hold on her but she never relented. She's stubborn like that, and I know you know I'm right. Natasha was only moving to ensure that the people she loved got to live on, that they got to return... I'm sorry..."
"No! She never would've left me behind... Not again..."
Your metaphorical heart breaks along with your physical at the broken tone, and emergence of tears on her face.
"Lena... Sweet angel, Tasha didn't leave you behind, she's smarter than that, she knew you had someone on your side. Whether that had been Melina, or the widows you saved along the way, hell, maybe she even knew about us. I doubt it though, because she would've scolded both of us if she had." You lightly chuckle out the last bit, imagining the consistent fire behind her gaze whenever she'd been worried for you, being set on you instead for once.
"Either way, Clint here is innocent." You continue.
Your father was looking at you with a quirked brow, not exactly believing your words, and Yelena scoffed venomously. Neither of the two had noticed your physical changes, both rather distracted by their own heightened emotions.
"Innocent?! You call what he's done free of charge?"
"No, what he's done isn't free of sin, but it's not like he was out there killing saints. He killed ruthless thugs, though rather brutally, he was grieving the same way you are now. Spilling blood over your grief is never the answer though, and you should clearly understand him as your guns pointed at his head over Natasha. The same person who pulled him away from the monstrosity's and also in the end gave her life for his... Natasha is honorable, truly, and this is the last thing she’d ever want. She loved you with all her heart Yelena, and all she’d ever wanted was for you to live a prosperous life. So, just go on, and do that for her…"
You could feel your body was weakening by the minute, but if this is how you go, then so be it. At least your mom won't be alone, and your precious siblings will still have their father. A rather large cough, followed by a wheeze leaves your body, and your father stiffens beneath you, as he begins to fear the worst. Yelena has no clue about the long QT Syndrome, as you keep that to yourself, so she’s not all too concerned in the moment.
Yelena’s stance readjusts as she seems dead set on shooting him, but then your father takes over for you, and whistles the tune you’d once heard Natasha do.
“How do you know that?” Yelena chokes out, and you calm at the realization that your dad had it in the bag all along.
“Y/N’s not lying… That’s your secret whistle with Nat, she really did talk about you all the time. All she could think about was that you were safe, and that never changed Yelena. She loved you, she always wanted you safe.”
“I loved her so much…” Yelena sobs out, and you feel a tear flow down your cheek at the same time.
“Me too…” Clint mutters, as he drops his gaze to your distant one, and panic instantly floods his system.
“You guys had so much time with her…” She continues to sob out, not registering your fathers sudden fear ridden face.
“Y/N, sweetheart, can you hear me?” He panics, then lowers your body to the ice, and taps at your cheek as Yelena’s just now registering that something is off with you.
“Papa, I don’t feel so good..” You whimper in confusion.
Clint’s heart skips a beat at the utterance, you hadn’t called him that in nearly a decade, and you only ever did it when you were sick.
“Detka, hey, what’s wrong? Please, tell me what’s wrong, I’m sorry I yelled at you. Nothing’s your fault, I’m—please, what’s going on?! I love you so much, I’m so sorry, please…”
“I love you too, it’s okay Lena, you’ll be okay…” You murmur as your eyes flutter closed, and a heart wrenching scream tumbled passed her lips.
Clint nearly vomits at the words flying out of your mouth, as the deja vu nearly topples him over, and he tells the medical services exactly where to find you.
“No!! I most certainly will not be okay! Fanny, and Gus will not be okay! No… I can’t-I won’t lose you too..” She shouts out, slowly moving into a sob as her teary eyed face hits your chest.
Clint leans down to scoop you up, to get you off the ice for the EMT’s, but Yelena pushes him away. She does it herself since he’d ended up with broken ribs, but more so because she refuses to not be touching you.
Once she lays you in the grass, she looks to Clint for clarity, but your body starts to shake. Clint rolls you to your side, but then you go limp under his hold, and he registers that your heart has stopped.
“No… No, absolutely not!” He cries out, while moving to perform CPR, and Yelena crawls backwards, pulling her knees to her chest, and begins to rock herself in an attempt to calm down.
“Baby… Wake up…” She continues to cry out, with her eyes tightly shut, as the sounds of sirens slightly pours into her pounding ears.
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waltermis · 7 months ago
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I miss them 🥹🥲
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urdreamydoodles · 4 months ago
MCU Characters x Reader (Part.1)
How they react when you are angry with them (Part.1)
Characters: Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner, Clint Barton, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, Peter Parker (Tom H.), Stephen Strange & Thor Odinson
I'm back in my MCU era, thanks to Agatha All Along, so expect a lot of MCU headcanons, feel free to request those!
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Tony Stark
- When you’re angry with Tony, he’s a little stunned. He’s used to being able to charm his way through things or brush issues off with a joke, but the moment he realizes you’re genuinely upset, he feels the ground shift a little. Tony’s mind races, calculating what he did wrong, and for a second, he considers ignoring the problem—but not with you. You mean too much to him, and he can’t stand the idea of pushing you further away.
- He doesn’t immediately know how to apologize, so he leans into his classic defense mechanism: humor. He’ll try to make you laugh, throwing out quips, hoping you’ll crack a smile. When that doesn’t work, he gets a little awkward, mumbling things like, “This is why I avoid real feelings, you know?” as he fumbles through an apology. He’s not used to admitting fault, but with you, he’s learning to swallow his pride.
- Tony goes all out when he realizes he needs to make it up to you. He’ll throw himself into making amends, maybe even a little too extravagantly. Expect some grand, over-the-top gesture—a private jet to Paris, a limited-edition piece of tech he’s been tinkering on, or a fancy dinner in some exclusive place with an outfit he’s bought just for the occasion. He’s not subtle, and he knows it, but he’ll do anything if it means a smile from you.
- When the big gestures don’t work, he takes a different approach. He shows up at your door, looking strangely vulnerable, with something small and meaningful. Maybe it’s a handwritten letter he’s scribbled out, confessing how much he hates it when things aren’t okay between you two. It’s raw, real, and completely unlike Tony, but he means every word. This time, he wants to show that he’s willing to put the ego aside for you.
- Once you finally let him back in, Tony wraps you in his arms and doesn’t let go. He’ll joke that he’s not letting you get mad at him again, and maybe throw in a flirty quip about “testing his limits,” but there’s something deeper there too. Being loved by you has changed him, and he’s willing to work on himself for the first time in a long time. With you, Tony’s found a softness he didn’t know he had, and he’s not going to risk losing it.
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Steve Rogers
- Steve Rogers doesn’t like conflict, especially not with you. When he realizes you’re angry, he immediately wants to address it and resolve it, hoping it won’t escalate. He tries to have a calm, level-headed conversation, but he can see that maybe it’s too soon. Steve’s patient, though; he’ll give you space if you need it, even if it pains him to let go for a while.
- While you’re cooling off, Steve takes time to reflect, replaying the situation in his mind, wondering where he went wrong. He’s his own worst critic and can be hard on himself, especially when it comes to you. He’ll try to see things from your perspective, understanding that sometimes his old-fashioned sense of right and wrong can be rigid. He’s willing to bend if it’s what’s needed to bridge the gap between you.
- When he approaches you again, he’s soft-spoken and earnest, offering a sincere apology. There are no excuses, no justifications—just him, owning up to whatever hurt you. His gaze doesn’t leave yours; he wants you to know he truly means it. And as he speaks, he promises he’ll do better, vowing to always listen to you and consider your feelings.
- To make it up to you, Steve chooses something simple but thoughtful, probably something he knows you love. It could be as quiet as a walk through your favorite park or as gentle as a handwritten note tucked into a book you’re reading. Steve understands that sometimes, it’s the little things that mean the most. He’ll give you the space to talk, letting you vent if you need to, always steady, always attentive.
- Once the air clears, Steve is more affectionate than usual, holding your hand, pressing soft kisses to your forehead, grateful to be back in your good graces. He values trust deeply and doesn’t take your forgiveness for granted. Steve knows relationships take work, and he’s fully committed to making it work with you, one respectful conversation at a time.
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Natasha Romanoff
- Natasha doesn’t like it when things are off between you two, but she’s used to people being mad at her. Initially, she tries to shrug it off, acting like she doesn’t care, maybe even trying to ignore it. But you’re different. You’re not just anyone; you’re someone she actually trusts, and seeing you upset with her hits her hard.
- Natasha is far more comfortable dealing with enemies than emotional confrontations, so when she finally comes to you, she does it in a roundabout way. She might casually ask, “Are we good?” as if it’s not a big deal, but the nervous tension in her voice betrays her. She’s not great at apologies, so her attempt is awkward but sincere. It’s clear she’s trying, even if she doesn’t always have the words.
- To make it up to you, Natasha doesn’t go for big gestures but rather something deeply personal. She’ll take you to a place she loves—a quiet spot on a rooftop, a hidden café she discovered, somewhere she can let her guard down. She’s careful, almost shy, as she opens up a little about herself, sharing stories she rarely tells. In her own way, she’s letting you know how much she values you.
- Natasha doesn’t usually do comfort, but she’ll go out of her way to make you feel loved and safe. Maybe she’ll surprise you with breakfast or bring you something she knows you’ve been wanting. She pays attention, after all, even if she doesn’t always show it. Little by little, she’ll find ways to let you know that she’s there, committed to making things right.
- When you finally forgive her, Natasha breathes a sigh of relief, leaning in for a hug that lasts a beat longer than usual. She’s not big on words, but she’ll whisper something soft and sincere, just for you. Natasha’s fiercely protective, and after a falling-out, she’s even more attuned to making sure you feel cared for. She’ll stay close, a steady presence at your side, her quiet way of showing just how much she values you.
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Bruce Banner
- When you’re angry with Bruce, he’s instantly anxious, worried he’s done something terribly wrong. Conflict isn’t his strong suit, and he’s painfully aware of his capacity for anger. He’s cautious, almost timid, when he realizes you’re upset, giving you space and time. He doesn’t want to make things worse or risk saying the wrong thing.
- Bruce spends time overthinking the situation, dissecting every detail. He questions himself, often getting caught in a loop of self-blame, wondering if he’s ever really been suited for a relationship. But even though he’s scared of confrontation, he values you too much to leave things unresolved. He wants to show you that he’s willing to work through whatever the issue is.
- When he finally comes to you, Bruce’s apology is soft, heartfelt, and a little self-deprecating. He’ll stumble through his words, not wanting to sound defensive, and there’s an earnestness in his gaze as he tries to convey just how much he wants to make things right. He’s not perfect, but he’s open to listening and doing better.
- To make it up to you, Bruce goes for something intimate and personal. He knows you appreciate small gestures, so he’ll show up with something that reflects his feelings for you—maybe a small book he thinks you’d love, or a little experiment from the lab that made him think of you. He’s shy about it, maybe a little embarrassed, but it’s his way of showing he cares.
- When you finally forgive him, Bruce visibly relaxes, wrapping you in a hug as if he never wants to let go. He’s careful, soft, and almost tentative, savoring the warmth of your embrace. Bruce cherishes the trust you give him and is deeply grateful to have someone willing to weather his insecurities. He might even joke, “You’re way too patient with me,” but the gratitude in his voice is genuine.
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Clint Barton
- When Clint realizes you’re angry with him, his first reaction is a mix of regret and a slight laugh. He can’t believe he’s managed to mess things up this badly with you, of all people. He knows he tends to joke around a bit too much, so he tries to laugh it off at first, but when he sees how serious you are, his grin fades. He’ll look a bit awkward, rubbing the back of his neck, knowing he’s got some work to do.
- Clint’s never been one to give big, elaborate apologies. Instead, he’ll pull you aside, speaking quietly and genuinely. He’ll admit that he messed up, explaining that sometimes he forgets to take things seriously or considers others’ feelings the way he should. It’s a simple, heartfelt apology, showing his honest side that not many people get to see.
- Once he’s apologized, Clint is all about making you laugh. He’ll start cracking jokes, doing his best impressions, and even pull some ridiculous faces just to get a reaction out of you. Clint knows humor is his best weapon, and he’s shameless about using it if it means making things right. He’s determined not to let you stay mad at him for long, no matter what it takes.
- When his jokes don’t quite cut it, Clint switches gears and puts effort into something he knows will mean a lot to you. He’s a guy who pays attention to the little things, so he’ll show up with your favorite takeout, a warm blanket, or maybe even a funny book he picked up just for you. He knows that it’s the small gestures that can speak volumes.
- After things settle down, Clint wraps you in a warm, comfortable hug, one arm wrapped around your shoulder, making you feel like everything’s back to normal. He’ll joke about how lucky he is that you put up with him, throwing in a wink, but there’s a hint of seriousness behind his words. Clint doesn’t take his relationships for granted, and he’s grateful you’re in his life, even when he messes up.
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Bucky Barnes
- Bucky’s heart sinks when he sees that you’re angry. He’s used to pushing people away, and now that he’s got you, he’s terrified of losing you over a misunderstanding. Bucky’s first instinct is to retreat, his mind already whispering that maybe he doesn’t deserve this, doesn’t deserve you. He’ll avoid confrontation if he can, hoping things might smooth over on their own.
- But when he realizes he needs to talk to you, he’s hesitant, nervous, almost as if he’s bracing himself for rejection. Bucky approaches you carefully, speaking in a low, almost shy voice. He struggles with apologies, but he looks you in the eyes, opening up about how hard he finds it to express his feelings. He’s used to running, and being with you is the first time he’s tried not to.
- Bucky tries to make it up to you in the most low-key, thoughtful way possible. He’s not one for grand gestures, but he’ll do something meaningful and heartfelt, like leaving you a note explaining how much you mean to him or bringing you something that he knows you love. He’s nervous about whether it’ll be enough, hoping you can see the sincerity in his actions.
- When he feels things softening between you, Bucky relaxes just a little, offering his support in any way you need. He’ll stay close, maybe cooking a meal for you or sitting quietly with you, sharing a comfortable silence. He wants you to know that he’s there, without needing to say much, because he’s always believed that actions speak louder than words.
- When you finally forgive him, Bucky is beyond relieved. He’s more open with his affection, drawing you into a tight embrace, his touch lingering as if he’s afraid to let go. He knows he doesn’t have many people he can count on, but he’s grateful that he can count on you. Bucky’s still working on believing he deserves happiness, but having you in his life makes him want to try.
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Sam Wilson
- Sam immediately notices when you’re angry, and his first instinct is to find out what’s going on. He’s straightforward and doesn’t like tension hanging in the air, so he’ll ask, “Alright, what did I do?” in his calm, genuine way, hoping you’ll be willing to talk it out. He’s good at reading people, but he wants to hear it from you directly.
- Sam listens intently when you explain what’s bothering you, nodding and giving you his full attention. He’s respectful and thoughtful, making sure you know he understands where you’re coming from. He’s not the type to dodge blame; if he’s at fault, he’ll own up to it right away. There’s no defensiveness, no excuses—just an honest desire to make things right.
- To make it up to you, Sam takes you on a simple, meaningful outing—something where the two of you can connect and have fun. He’s all about shared experiences, so maybe it’s a long walk, a favorite food spot, or even a small adventure he’s planned just for you. He’s careful, attentive, making sure the focus is on you and helping you feel valued.
- When things calm down, Sam offers a mix of humor and reassurance, wrapping his arm around your shoulder and promising to do better. He’ll look you in the eyes and say something like, “I don’t like seeing you mad. Tell me if I mess up again.” He’s genuine and open, showing you he wants to grow from this experience and be a better partner.
- Once everything’s back to normal, Sam goes the extra mile, making sure you’re laughing and relaxed. He’s always there to lift you up, pulling you in for a warm, affectionate hug and giving you his full, unwavering attention. Sam’s presence is solid, reassuring, and he’ll make sure you know just how much he values having you in his life.
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Peter Parker (Tom H.)
- Peter’s heart sinks when he realizes you’re angry with him. He’s young, a little clumsy with emotions, and absolutely hates the idea of upsetting you. His mind starts racing, thinking of everything he could have done wrong. He gets a little panicked, maybe even rambling apologies before he knows what’s going on, hoping you’ll give him a chance to explain.
- When you tell him what’s bothering you, Peter listens carefully, nodding along with wide, earnest eyes. He’s genuinely sorry, his voice soft as he stumbles through an apology. He’s never been great at handling relationship tension, but he’ll try his best to make sure you know how much he cares and how sorry he is for letting you down.
- To make it up to you, Peter goes for something heartfelt, maybe even a bit awkward, but completely sincere. He’ll show up at your window with a little homemade gift, something quirky and thoughtful—perhaps a playlist he made just for you or a funny little gadget he put together in the lab. He’s earnest, a little shy about it, hoping you’ll see how much effort he’s putting in.
- Peter spends extra time trying to lift your spirits, using every ounce of his playful personality to make you laugh. He’ll crack jokes, do silly impressions, or even attempt a bad dance routine just to get you smiling again. He knows he’s a bit of a dork, but he doesn’t mind if it means cheering you up. Peter’s all about making you feel comfortable and loved.
- When you finally forgive him, Peter’s face lights up with relief. He’ll pull you into a warm, enthusiastic hug, holding you close and babbling about how he’s “the luckiest person in the world” to have someone like you. He’s young, optimistic, and just incredibly happy that you’re not mad anymore. To Peter, you’re his world, and he’ll always do whatever it takes to make you feel special.
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Stephen Strange
- When Stephen realizes you’re angry with him, he’s a bit taken aback. He’s used to being right and doesn’t often see things from others’ perspectives, so it takes him a moment to understand the weight of the situation. His initial reaction might even be a little defensive, but he quickly catches himself, knowing that with you, he has to try harder to listen and understand.
- Stephen struggles with apologies, often trying to explain away his actions or getting caught up in technicalities. He’s intelligent and analytical, but that doesn’t always work when emotions are involved. Eventually, though, he manages to offer a genuine apology, admitting that he’s not always the easiest person to be with and that he respects you enough to take responsibility.
- To make things right, Stephen will probably use a bit of magic to create something special just for you. It might be a small charm to keep you safe, a little illusion to make you smile, or even a glimpse into some place you’ve always wanted to see. It’s his way of saying he cares, using the one skill he knows best to bring you a little joy.
- As he tries to smooth things over, Stephen is careful, more attentive than usual, and visibly trying to understand your emotions. He may not be great at expressing his own feelings, but he’s willing to try if it means keeping you close. He’ll listen to you, nodding thoughtfully, and maybe even opening up a bit about his past mistakes and how much he values you.
- Once you forgive him, Stephen is visibly relieved, though he keeps it subtle. He gives you a small smile and pulls you close, brushing a gentle kiss to your forehead as he wraps his arms around you. He might even joke, “Guess I need to work on my bedside manner,” but there’s genuine affection behind his words. Stephen knows he’s lucky to have you, and he’s determined to keep learning how to love you better.
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Thor Odinson
- Thor is visibly surprised when he realizes you’re angry with him. He’s naturally cheerful and doesn’t take most things too seriously, so the idea that he’s done something to upset you takes him off guard. At first, he tries to brush it off with a booming laugh, but when he sees the seriousness in your eyes, his smile fades. He immediately wants to fix things, willing to do whatever it takes to get you to smile again.
- Thor is quick to apologize, his voice earnest as he promises he didn’t mean to hurt you. He’s not one to overthink things, but he’s deeply sincere, and his apologies come straight from the heart. He’ll look you in the eyes and tell you he values you and never meant to cause any harm, his words laced with the kind of honesty that only Thor can deliver.
- To make it up to you, Thor goes all out. He’ll sweep you off on a grand adventure, maybe a spontaneous trip to Asgard (or at least what remains of it), or he’ll bring you somewhere beautiful and awe-inspiring. Thor loves to celebrate life and wants to remind you of all the incredible experiences the two of you can share. His enthusiasm is infectious, and he hopes that a bit of excitement will make things right.
- As you spend time together, Thor is extra affectionate, showering you with praise and hugs. He’s genuinely sorry and makes sure you feel loved and appreciated, maybe even telling you tales of his own mistakes and what he’s learned from them. He might tease himself a bit, but it’s all to make you laugh and remind you of his dedication to you.
- When you finally forgive him, Thor’s smile lights up the room. He laughs, pulling you into a bear hug, lifting you off your feet, and spinning you around. There’s nothing subtle about his relief and joy, and he’s not afraid to show it. Thor values you immensely and will do everything he can to make sure you know how much you mean to him, promising that he’ll try to be a little more mindful in the future.
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How different marvel and dc characters would hold your face:
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Tony stark, loki, bucky Barnes, Bruce wayne, Oliver queen, Dawn Granger, donna troy, Carter Hall
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Thor, Clint Barton, Agatha harkness, rio vidal, Jason todd, Arthur Curry, Hal Jordan, Diana prince, Dinah lance,
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The joker, poison ivy, harley Quinn, Jason todd, logan howlett, Mystique, Erik Lehnsherr
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Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, Peter Parker, Peter quill, natasha romanoff, wanda maximoff, dick grayson, Tim drake, Barry allen, John Stewart
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incorrectquotesmcu · 2 months ago
Steve: Why is Y/N crying?
Tony: They're drunk and Nat just told them that she couldn’t be their girlfriend.
Steve: Has anyone told them that she’s their wife?
Clint: Nah, we’re having too much fun.
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chaxan08 · 1 month ago
Some random agent dude: Do you like your coffee like you like your men, tall and dark?
Natasha: No, but I do like my coffee like I like my women: sweet, strong, and able to keep me up all night.
Some random agent dude: What?
Clint: What?
Maria: What?
Natasha: You all hear me.
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incorectquoteswlw · 8 months ago
Clint: Kate cut her hair
Nat: I feel like we've been through this
Clint: Pretty sure we have, how's Yelena taking it?
Nat: Not well
Nat: (reads from her phone in a monotonous voice) Kate Bishop had done the unspeakable and cut her hair. How dare she, was this a plan? A distraction? How can I focus on anything when she looks like this?
Clint: How are they both this bad at dating?
Nat: It gets better.
Nat: (reading again) I have never been so attracted to hair before, is it the hair or her? It is obviously her, what am I meant to do? Oh she sent another selfie.
Nat: (laughing) We're entering capslock now
Clint: She knows where the capslock is?
Clint: Kate just texted
Nat: What happened?
Clint: (reading) I think Yelena hates my hair?? She's mumbling in Russian and hasn't blinked in 3 minutes can Natasha come and help?
Nat: Oh no, she's too horny to function
Clint: Please can we go see her to bully her about it later
Nat: (standing up) what else were we gonna do?
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quietlyimplode · 1 year ago
Whumptober Masterlist 2023
Masterlist of fic
(Warnings at the start of every chapter, please be kind to yourself. Gif not mine; I do not possess that kind of power. This will be updated with links as we go and when placed on ao3 will be updated with the link. A lot of these can be read as one shots (I’ll try and mark the ones that can be read as such with a *) but together make a whole story; the story of how Clint and Natasha got married.)
the language of flowers and silent things.
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2011 - Kashmir (how many fingers am I holding up) *
1984 - Russia (I’ll call out your name but you won’t call back) *
1984 - Iowa (make it stop) *
2012 - New York (shock)
2012 - New York (it’s broken)
1999 - Iowa (made to watch)*
2013 - New York / Wichita Falls (radio silence)
2013 - New York (it’s all for nothing)
1994 - Ohio (Polaroid) *
2014 - Budapest (you said you’d never leave)
2014 - Singapore (Captivity)
2014 - Singapore / Malaysia (Red) <now with amazing art by @oceanspirit9 >
2009 - New York (I don’t feel so good) *
2010 - Okinawa (just hold on)*
2010 - Okinawa (I’m fine) *
2014 - Rome (don’t go where I can’t follow)
2007 - Russia/France (leave me alone)*
2014 - New York (I tend to deflect when…)
2011 - Iowa (floral bouquet)*
2013 - New York (found family)*
2014 - New York (vows)
2012 - New York (watch out)*
2014 - New York (Shadows)
2014 - New York (I thought they were with you)
2014 - New York (buried alive)
2014 - New York (you look awful)
2014 - New York (scars)
2014 - Berlin (aftermath of failure)
2014 - New York (what happened to me)
2014 - New York (borrowed clothing)
2014 - New York (take it easy)
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Elevation - Charles Baudelaire
Above the lakes, above the vales,
The mountains and the woods, the clouds, the seas,
Beyond the sun, beyond the ether,
Beyond the confines of the starry spheres,
My soul, you move with ease,
And like a strong swimmer in rapture in the wave
You wing your way blithely through boundless space
With virile joy unspeakable.
Fly far, far away from this baneful miasma
And purify yourself in the celestial air,
Drink the ethereal fire of those limpid regions
As you would the purest of heavenly nectars.
Beyond the vast sorrows and all the vexations
That weigh upon our lives and obscure our vision,
Happy is he who can with his vigorous wing
Soar up towards those fields luminous and serene.
He whose thoughts, like skylarks,
Toward the morning sky take flight
- Who hovers over life and understands with ease
The language of flowers and silent things
Translated by - William Aggeler
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cece693 · 2 months ago
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pairing: bucky barnes x male reader tags: bucky being treated like a normal being, male reader is very affectionate, kinda like tony, flirting like lil puppies
“Barnes, my sweet metal-armed dumpling, you’ve got bedhead.”
You say it with a chuckle as you effortlessly drape an arm around Bucky’s broad shoulders, and for a moment, the entire room goes silent. Natasha’s trained eyes narrow from across the conference table, ready to spring into action. Tony’s eyebrows shoot up behind his tinted glasses, and Steve actually tenses, fists tightening like he’s expecting Bucky to toss you across the room at any second. All around, the team braces themselves, anticipating a meltdown—a flashback—anything resembling the Winter Soldier they still fear might be lingering inside the man you have so casually slung your arm over.
In the resulting quiet, Bucky’s expression flickers, and for a heartbeat, you wonder if the Avengers might be right. His jaw flexes, and his fingers curl slightly before unclenching.
Then he lets out a small huff of a laugh, the corners of his lips lifting, and you feel his posture relax against your side. “Seriously, you’re making a scene,” he murmurs, quieter than usual. But there’s absolutely no bite behind his voice, no threat—just the husky edge that always manages to send a pleasant shiver through you. “Knock it off,” he adds, though there’s a ghost of a smile there.
Knock it off? Absolutely not. The man is gorgeous—dark hair still damp from a shower, the mechanical arm catching the overhead lights, his face etched with haunted lines that only make him look even more rugged and unfairly attractive. How can you possibly resist? You’re only human (albeit an Avenger-human with a penchant for tackling alien invasions and Hydra remnants). But still, you have eyes.
You just grin, giving his shoulder a quick squeeze before loosening your hold. “Aww, Barnes, you know you’d miss it if I did.”
Bucky grumbles something in reply, but there’s a lightness there, an ease he didn’t carry before. The rest of the team, however, remains on full alert—like big cats itching to pounce. Steve in particular looks about two seconds away from physically peeling you off of Bucky. Even Clint, who was half-dozing in the corner, sits up, eyes keen.
“Cap,” Clint warns softly, nodding toward where your hand is still lingering near Bucky’s nape, fingertips idly tracing the spot where flesh meets vibranium plating.
Steve clears his throat. “Everything okay there, Buck?”
Everyone seems to hold their breath again, and you can practically see the tension in the air. Poor Bruce is looking uncertain, Wanda is biting her lip, and Sam’s eyebrows are drawn together in concern. They’re so worried that Bucky’s going to have an episode, or get triggered, or that he’s going to accidentally crush your bones with that metal fist if you keep…well, doing what you’re doing.
And if this were two years ago, maybe they’d be right. If this were weeks after his deprogramming, back when he couldn’t even look into a mirror without disassociating, Bucky might’ve pushed you across the room with lethal force. Or at the very least, wrenched free of your hold, stiff and wary. But they don’t see the subtle signs that you do: the tension in Bucky’s shoulders is not the tension of danger, but of mild embarrassment. He looks shy, maybe even flustered. He’s definitely not displeased. And if anything, you know he’s grateful you treat him like a normal person, not a ticking time bomb with horrifying memories.
He shrugs off Steve’s concern with a tight-lipped smirk. “I’m fine,” he says. “I’m not made of glass.”
Or vibranium, you add silently with another playful grin. You resist the urge to poke at his arm, but your fingers twitch at the thought. Next time, you promise yourself.
Tony slides a diagnostic tablet across the table as if presenting evidence. “Look, I’m all for affection, but maybe, for the sake of our dear ex-Hydra assassin’s comfort, we keep it PG-13 in the debrief?” He’s half-joking, half-serious, eyebrows shooting up when you lean closer to Bucky again.
You tilt your head at Tony. “I’m not exactly straddling him on the table, Tony. Chill.”
“Just you watch,” Sam mutters under his breath, arms folded across his chest, likely recalling a previous incident in which your casual affection got a bit…handsy. Hey, you can’t help it, Bucky’s arms are a national treasure.
From beside you, Bucky sighs. “Seriously, guys, it’s okay. This—” he flicks his eyes at the point where your forearm slides across his back “—it’s nice.” He lowers his gaze, almost bashful, but admits quietly, “Makes me feel like…y’know. Like I’m—”
“A normal dude, living a normal life,” you finish for him, your voice softer. It’s what both of you want, though neither of you outright says so in crowded company.
“Alright,” Tony relents with a theatrical sigh. “I mean, if Barnes is okay with it, I guess we can let it go.”
“Seriously, Tony,” you huff, “I’m not some savage about to devour the man.”
Bucky sends you a cheeky side glance. “Could’ve fooled me,” he grumbles, but his lips twist into an amused smirk.
“Watch it, metal dumpling,” you shoot back fondly, the new (and very ridiculous) nickname making Tony gag in mock horror.
There’s a collective groan and roll of eyes from the team, but underneath that, there’s this subtle wave of contentment. You can feel it in the air—everyone’s settling into this new normal. Sure, Bucky carries a lot of ghosts and trauma, but right now, with your arm around him, he just feels alive. Connected. Like the piece of him that’s still James Barnes is being coaxed to the surface.
And you? Well, you’re just happy to be the one to coax it out of him. Bucky might be Hydra’s ex-assassin, but you can’t help it—he’s also hot as hell, and you’re pretty sure your vision works just fine, thank you very much.
“Alright,” Steve says, clearing his throat again, a slight pink tinge on his cheeks from secondhand embarrassment. “So…mission debrief?”
“Mission debrief,” you echo. Without missing a beat, you re-sling your arm across Bucky’s shoulders, ignoring the universal eye-roll from the rest of the team. Bucky doesn’t shove you away. He doesn’t tense. He just gives your knee a quick pat under the table, and for a single, quiet second in that big conference room, you can swear you feel a little more at home.
And yeah—maybe you’ll have to tone it down for the sake of collective sanity. But then again, the look in Bucky’s eyes says he needs this just as much as you do.
So if anyone’s got a problem with it, well…they can take it up with the ex-Winter Soldier himself—and hope they can handle the glare he’ll give them for standing in the way of his self-proclaimed “annoying but sweet” Avenger.
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braveclementine · 7 months ago
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Warnings: None
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OC Elizabeth Lightwood. I do not condone any copying of this.
"My mom tried to talk me out of enlisting but um, not Aunt Peggy." Sharon said as her and Steve walked through the hotel. "She bought me my first thigh holster."
"Very practical." Steve almost laughed. He wondered how old she was on that day and imagined a little toddler running around with a thigh holster on.
"And stylish." Sharon said. She pressed the up button and turned to face Steve.
"CIA has you stationed over here, now?" He asked.
"Berlin. Joint Terrorism Task Force." Sharon answered.
"Right. Right. Sounds fun."
"I know, right?"
"I've been meaning to ask you." Steve said, trying to fill the awkward pauses between. "When you were spying on me from across the hall-"
"You mean when I was doing my job."
"Did Peggy know?" Steve asked.
Sharon sighed, "She kept so many secrets. I didn't want her to have one from you." The elevator door dinged so that it opened for her, "Thanks for walking me back." She said.
"Sure." Steve said. He wanted to kiss her, but Sam interrupted them.
"Steve. There's something you gotta see."
🎃 :::::  🧡  ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━  🧡  ::::: 🎃
"A bomb hidden inside a news van ripped through the UN building in Vienna." The news anchor said as Sharon paced behind Sam and Steve, talking to someone on the phone.
"Whose coordinating?"
"More than seventy people have been injured. At least twelve are dead, including Wakanda's King T'Chaka. Officials have released a video of a suspect who they have identified as James Buchanan Barnes, the Winter Solder."
Steve felt the realization hit him, and then the guilt.
"The infamous HYDRA agent linked to numerous acts of terrorism and political assassinations."
"I have to go to work." Sharon whispered.
And then the hope.
They were going to find Bucky.
🎃 :::::  🧡  ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━  🧡  ::::: 🎃
"Yeah?" Natasha's voice spoke into Steve's ear as he called her.
"Are you alright?" Steve asked immediately.
"Uh, yeah, thanks. I got lucky." There was a pause and then she said, "I know how much Barnes means to you, I really do. Stay home. You'll only make this worse. For all of us. Please."
"Are you saying you'll arrest me?"
"No. Someone will. If you interfere. That's how it works now."
"If he's this far gone, Nat, I should be the one to bring him in." Steve said heavily. He looked over at where he could see Nat, talking into her phone.
"Because I'm the one least likely to die trying." And then he hung up and walked into the café where Sam was eating.
"She tell you to stay out of it?" Sam asked and nodded his head, "Might have a point."
"He'd do it for me." Steve said.
"1945, maybe. I just want to make sure we consider all our options. The people that shoot at you usually wind up shooting at me."
Sharon joined them at the bar, "Tips have been pouring in since that footage went public. Everybody thinks the Winter Soldier goes to their gym. Most of its' noise. Except for this." She quickly slid along a white packet. "My boss expects a briefing pretty much now so that's all the head start you're gonna get."
"Thank you." Steve said sincerely.
"And you're gonna have to hurry. We have orders to shoot on sight." Sharon said, before pushing away from the bar counter and leaving.
🎃 :::::  🧡  ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━  🧡  ::::: 🎃
Elizabeth and Bucky were in the fruit stands. Bucky was wearing a sweatshirt and a baseball cap, his metal hand covered by a glove. She had grabbed some limes and Bucky was now speaking Romanian in a really hot accent and she loved listening to his voice.
He had such a nice voice. It reminded her of Loki surprisingly on a spectrum of voice ranges. In reality, they did have with different voices. But they were both eloquent and nice to listen to.
After they had paid, Elizabeth slipped her arm through Bucky's to act like they were a couple and she let him lead. He paused in the street and instead of heading back to the apartment, starting heading towards a newspaper stand.
"What's wrong?" She asked, seeing that the man who had left the newspaper stand was running down the street now. She grabbed the newspaper on the counter and saw with horror that he was being blamed for a bombing attack on the UN.
"Shit." Elizabeth cursed. "Bucky, let's get back to the apartment now." She pulled out her phone, "Y/N, you see me? Where? Okay, I see you. Hurry we need to get back to the apartment now."
🎃 :::::  🧡  ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━  🧡  ::::: 🎃
"I'll make sure the apartment is safe." Bucky said, when he saw the door was open. He looked over at the two of you. Elizabeth nodded hesitantly, bending down so that she could pull out her shuriken's and knives. You pulled your pistol from the holster and waited.
It was a minute before you heard a familiar voice ask, "Do you know me?"
"You're Steve." Bucky said. "I read about you in a museum."
You hurried inside and stopped when you saw Steve there all suited up, Elizabeth next to you.
Steve looked at you. "Y/N? Elizabeth? What-"
Elizabeth hurried to Bucky's side. She had a faint smile on her face and nudged Bucky playfully. "Liar." Bucky smiled just a little.
"I know you're nervous," Steve said slowly, though he seemed rather confused now, "and you have plenty of reason to be. But you're lying."
"I wasn't in Vienna. I don't do that anymore." Bucky said.
"He's telling the truth." Elizabeth said quickly. "Steve he hasn't left this apartment anywhere except for groceries in the past week."
"And how do you know that?" Steve asked.
"Because we've been here with him the entire time. When the UN building blew up, we were eating Ice-cream and watching the Sound of Music on his crappy little TV." Elizabeth answered, slightly angrily.
"A week!" Steve nearly shouted.
"Surprise." You said weakly, remembering how you said you wouldn't go looking for Steve's soulmate without him.
"Okay, well the people who think you did are coming right now." Steve said quickly. You released the safety on your handgun. "And they're not planning on taking you alive."
"Well they can just try on getting through me." Elizabeth said heatedly.
"That's smart." Bucky said instead. "Good strategy."
"This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck." Steve said. You could hear the footsteps pounding outside.
Bucky sighed heavily. "It always ends in a fight."
"You pulled me from the river." Steve said angrily as Bucky took off his glove. "Why?"
"I don't know."
Elizabeth shook her head and muttered 'Liar' to you again.
"Yes, you do." Steve muttered.
A grenade came through the window, which Steve hit with his shield. It bounced off the window and Elizabeth kicked it towards Steve, who slammed his shield over it. Bucky hoisted the mattress to block the next shots and you leaned around, firing and knocking someone off the nearby building. A battering ram hit Bucky's door.
Bucky slammed the kitchen table that you had been so used to eating at, at the door, which jammed it shut.
One of the men came through the window. Elizabeth tackled, him getting her legs around his neck and choked him out, though she didn't kill him. Bucky punched the second one straight in the face.
"Buck stop." Steve said as they worked together to kick someone out of the room. "You're gonna kill someone."
Bucky slammed Steve to the ground, punching his hand into the floor. "I'm not gonna kill anyone." He grabbed his backpack that he had hidden there, throwing it out the window. Bullets started to spray. Steve grabbed Bucky, trying to block the two of them from the bullets, while you grabbed Elizabeth and threw the two of you behind the wall.
Bucky grabbed Steve and threw him at one of the soldiers so the two of them crashed through the window on Bucky's balcony. You watched as he used his metal hand to block the bullets, before smashing the man into his bookshelf.
Elizabeth joined Bucky as he smashed down his own front door and started to fight his way down the stairs. Meanwhile, you jumped through the window, kicking the gun from the man's hands, helping Steve to his feet.
"Me and you are going to have a talk after this." Steve said angrily, breaking the rest of the window to get back in.
"Yep." You muttered unhappily.
You sighed as Steve decided to just jump entire stairwells instead of running down the stairs like a normal person. Then you saw that both Bucky and Elizabeth were jumping stairwells too. Elizabeth looked like a fricking gymnast as she swung from the railings to the next floor.
Okay, so you were going to run down the stairs like a not normal person apparently.
By the time you got to where Steve was, he was just leaping off the building like a fucking moron, landing on the other building.
"Aw c'mon." You groaned.
"Hold on cause there's no seatbelts." Elizabeth sighed, before turquoise mist wrapped around your body. You screamed as you were catapulted to the other side of the roof. You landed on the cat man, knocking him to the ground. You rolled off quickly, shaking.
"I'M GOING TO MURDER YOU!" You screamed as Elizabeth launched herself over, rolling.
"Love you too bestie." Elizabeth sang.
And then, they were jumping off that roof too, just one after the other. Elizabeth groaned this time. "You know, I only have so much magic."
"I want Pietro." You whined as she lowered the two of you gently to the ground. You caught sight of two motorcycles. "On the other hand."
Elizabeth glanced over. "We need permission, right?"
"What would Loki do?" You asked as a joke, the two of you racing for the bikes.
"He'd totally steal these. Definitely makes it right." Elizabeth joked and the two of you took off on the bikes.
You sped in and out of the cars, finding the on ramp to get under the tunnel where the others were just running past cars like dumbasses. Seriously, they could get hit!
"Listen." Elizabeth shouted over to you as the two of you attempted to catch up. You watched Steve steal a car and nodded your head in approval. "I need you to block the cat man. I'm going to try and get Bucky on my bike. I think if I can get us away from civilization, I can get him to Asgard. Once we're safe there, I can work on his mind more. Loki can help me as well."
"Okay." You said, trying to get the AR-12 out of your own backpack while you drove. You positioned it over the handle bars and shot out the tires on another car. "The cat man seems powerful though, I'm not sure how that's going to go."
"Hopefully Sam and Steve join in on the help." Elizabeth said, driving off onto your left, speeding through more cars. You quickly pulled up, passing Steve in his car, which the cat man had just jumped on.
Elizabeth had almost pulled up level with Bucky, before he stole a bike from somebody while they were speeding past him, somehow straddling it in midair and taking off. Seriously, it was like he had super strength- oh wait.
Elizabeth was riding level with him now, the two of them looking like they were racing each other. She was shouting stuff at him, and you decided to focus more on yourself now, reaching behind you, trying to shoot the cat man off of Steve's car.
Suddenly, the cat man grabbed Sam while Bucky planted an explosive. The cat man then leaped off of Sam, popping the back wheel of Bucky's tire. He went down and Elizabeth flipped off her bike to stop and get back to Bucky. The Cat man threw her away easily. You flipped off your bike- on accident unlike Elizabeth- as your tires hit rocks. You tumbled off and rolled, while Steve ran and tackled the cat man.
Elizabeth was by Bucky's side in an instant, shuriken's in her hands. You limped to their side, holding your pistol and AK. Cars and sirens surround you on all sides.
All of a sudden, Rhodey dropped from the sky, gun out, and lifted his hands. You groaned. Party over. "Stand down, now." Steve put his shield in his holster, raising his hands, "Congratulations Cap. You're a criminal."
"Leave him alone." Elizabeth snapped as they shoved Bucky to the floor. They shoved her to her knees as well, arresting her too. You let the handcuffs be put on you easily and your eyes widened when the cat mask was taken off.
"Your highness." Rhodey said.
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moonlit-imagines · 9 months ago
Headcanons for being an Avenger with a low social battery
Avengers x reader
prompt: anonymous: “Can I have the avengers with a reader who has a really bad social battery. Like they can be out in public and then they just disappear and are like “nah I’m done with these mofo’s””
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the avengers are quite the rowdy bunch
but you always as excitable as them
these guys were often in the public eye, always being asked all sorts of questions
but you just couldnt handle it a lot of the time
"y/n, can i get a picture with you? you're my hero!" -fan
"uh...yeah, sure. big smile!" -you, completely exhausted
you tried to be nice and not obvious that you were drained but boy was it hard
especially when tony threw his parties
you'd typically sit in the corner with a drink and try to make it through the night
but there were always some guests who were just dying to come talk to you
"hey! why are you hiding over here, there's a party going on! come, have some fun!" -clueless party guest
"oh, i'm okay over here, thank you" -you
"i'll keep you some company, then. why don't you tell me a story of one of your avenger missions"
some people just could not take the hint
but the avengers usually knew when you'd had enough
"wanna get out of here?" -nat
"please." -you
you'd recharge alone whenever you escaped the madness
dont even get me started on the news
they would do anything to get an interview with you
"y/n! could you comment on the recent events in [country] that you accompanied the avengers in?" -reporter
"we were there, we saved the day" -you, obviously exhausted
"is that all you have to say?" -reporter
"hey! don't you want to hear what i have to say? huh?" -tony
"thanks, tony" -you
"no problem, kiddo" -tony
wanda got it
you liked spending time with her because she liked to be calm and alone sometimes too
you'd read or watch tv or listen to music together in silence for hours
it was nice
it was funny because sometimes the team would all be socializing and then bam
"hey, where's y/n?" -steve
"i think they tapped out" -clint
"oh. i'll go check on them" -steve
"no, just leave them alone, they'll be back" -tony
after a lot of missions you'd just wait for the avengers on the quinjet while they spoke to authorities or SHIELD or whoever
"just forward me the mission report, i'll fill it out" -you
everyone just kinda let you do your thing
which worked out just fine for you
it drove fury crazy back in the day
"just why are we giving y/n special treatment? what? they're tired?" -fury
"i didn't say that, i said they were over your shit" -tony
"you better not have said that, i'll give you one last chance" -fury
and that is just another reason you were depleted
some days were better than others, and sometimes you could keep up! but once your battery died, that was it
"'social battery,' you say? any way i could be of assistance? maybe a small jolt from mjolnir to charge it back up?" -thor
"oh, no, just a figure of speech, no need for...that" -you
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @locke-writes // @sweetheartlizzie07 // @queen-destenie // @johnmurphyisqueer // @captainshazamerica // @ravenmoore14 // @canarypoint // @procrastinatingsapphictrash // @swanimagines // @randomfandomimagine // @petersgroupie // @summersimmerus // @scarthefangirl // @bad4amficideas // @sheridans-dynamos // @simsrecs // @prettysbliss // @skdkdkckfk // @simp-legend // @wild-rose-35 // @nekoannie-chan // @evilcr0ne // @v0idl1nq // @ruvaakke // @thedarkqueenofavalon // @amirahiddleston // @beth-gallagher22 // @brutal-out-here // @rqmanoff // @elenavampire21 // @mymelodymia // @pheonixfire777 // @deanzboyfriend //
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