#nash 2 broke girls
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s-rosie · 5 months ago
30 hours to live, how should i spend themmm…?
max and avery have a game called “uncomfortable flirting” where they go back and forth trying to make the other person either get too caught off guard to make a comeback or quit bc they get uncomfortable (this is actually a real game that me and my friend made up lol it’s actually fun if you are good enough friends for it not to be awkward)
jameson watches barbie life in the dream house and quotes it without even realizing
avery says stuff like “me personally i would never take that level of disrespect but that’s just me” kinda ironically but kinda not
xander and ave had a water balloon fight using gloves from the nurse filled with water at school and they got detention for it after avery accidentally threw a glove at someone she thought was xan but wasn’t
max tried to become a rapper in like 6th grade and she entered the talent show and everything trying to rap to like nicki minaj but it kinda sucked and now the video of her at the talent show haunts her
grayson has the best fake porn star girl moan but he only did it once on a dare with jameson and no one will believe jamie that he can do it and it drives him crazy
libby can do weird things with her tongue (get your mind out of the gutter) like she can lick her elbow, touch her nose and chin with her tongue, do that clover tongue thingy, etc.
nash did gymnastics when he was little and he does random back handsprings now
jameson, avery, and xander are the reason most of the rules at their school were made bc they always found loop holes
oren is fluent in gen alpha and is a translator for when xander and jamie start talking gen alpha
alisa watches spirit and cries every time
gigi blasted “i don’t fuck with you” when sav finally broke up with duncan
lyra has a shirt that says “thick thighs save lives” and grayson gets so embarrassed bc he knows those thick thighs saved his life
jamie went through a phase for like a week where he didn’t shower and just used chocolate axe spray instead in like 5th grade
max, avery, lyra, and libby make spicy dances together and say they are going send them to their boyfriends but they always get too embarrassed so they just keep them a secret (but then the truth came out and xander hacked their phones to get the videos)
max makes those “i just wanna be part of your symphony 🌈🌈🌈🌈🐬🐬🐬🐬🐬✨✨✨✨🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀” memes and sends them to avery at like 3:30 am randomly
xander will barge into avery and jamie’s room and see them kissing and say “omg guys get a room” just to confuse and annoy them
max and Xander make pov tik toks together
Avery once pulled a monica from friends and pinned Xander down to get his eye drops in and xander couldn’t get up and was like was like “omg why are you so good at this!!!” then “wait, why are you so good at this… 😏” and avery just sat there like 🫣😳
when libby went wedding dress shopping, max and avery also tried on wedding dresses and even bought them just to have fun in
gigi and xander love sexyy red and put her on the hawthorne house speakers to make everyone die because her songs are so dirty
i hope you like theseeeeee
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kirisaki-daichi-scenarios · 6 months ago
How'd you think kiridai, haizaki, imayoshi, nash and jason would use insta? (I know it isn't popular in Japan but still)
Hanamiya Makoto
his account used to be public but he made it private after getting fed up of having to delete comments like “you scumbag you broke my friend’s ribs rot in hell” from his posts which were just cute pictures of the kiridai cat (yes i’m bringing this ancient headcanon back) 
so now he only allows follows from people he knows and trusts which means literally just the kiridai team, imayoshi, maybe a couple classmates, and his mum 
and then within that circle, he has the other kiridai boys on his close friends list and they’re the ones who see the stories that ‘reveal his true nature’ 
like hanamiya sees that someone who played against him has made a post about their journey going through shoulder rehab (no guessing who gave them their shoulder issues), so he reposts that post to his close friends story with the caption “time for a round two?”
meanwhile the posts his mum sees are just pictures of the kiridai cat or pages from some books he’s been reading recently
(n.b. hanamiya’s mum very rarely uses instagram. she only uses the account to keep up with family members, and only made it in the first place because hanamiya had just made his and she wanted to make sure he didn’t get cyberbullied. 
meanwhile her son is the one who has been repeatedly suspended from instagram for bullying.)
Hara Kazuya
has a lot of accounts and if not for the fact that he has basketball and other hobbies he would be chronically online
so there’s one main account which has just a couple photos that make him look cool (a photo of him dunking, or him drumming with good lighting) and occasionally he’ll post a picture on his stories of the city under a dawn sky and a note of the time so everyone knows he’s out grinding streetball at stupid o’clock. 
the main account is his only public account and he only really has it so that, if anyone (family friends, basketball players from other schools) search him up, those curated posts are all they’ll see. he only posts that occasional story in order to see if anyone’s been stalking him.
then there’s the finsta which is what he’s most active on. he posts several times a week on this account and the posts are all either 1) shitposts and memes that make little to no sense, 2) pictures of fellow kiridai members at very bad angles, or 3) photos from matches that he wants to mock, like a picture of kiyoshi’s face in agony as his knee got broken with the caption “tfw tanaka-sensei sets a pop quiz.”
and finally hara has his assortment of troll accounts, most of which he uses to pretend to be a high school girl living in the general Tokyo area so that he can catfish classmates when he’s bored. 
hara has so many of these accounts that he’s created a cinematic universe of his own with elaborate storylines about the tumultuous friendships between these non-existent girls. they’ve become kiridai’s answer to d&d whenever the boys are bored.
plus these catfish accounts have now become strategic. several of the ‘girls’ are in talking stages, and even online relationships with, basketball players from other schools. this means that a) hara can get intel from the players and b) as soon as any important match comes around, he breaks up with/ghosts the guy, in the hope that it’ll make them place worse.
it goes without saying that it was hanamiya who invented this innovative technique of psychological warfare but hara’s the one who puts the hours in - to the point where it would be a little suspicious how well he can pretend to be a teen girl in love if not for the shit-eating grin on his face whenever he goes through his collection of screenshots of messages begging “her” to take them back 
(sidenote - can you imagine how well okamura would fall for this?) 
(i’m thinking of a yandere!okamura x catfish!hara fic…)
Furuhashi Kojiro 
has two Instagram accounts
account number one is the one his teammates/family/friends follow. it’s a private account that he doesn’t use very much apart from liking friends’ posts. he has a few photos on there, but mostly photos of scenery from holidays
account number two is public, with around 10k followers. it’s completely anonymous and no one irl knows he has it. this account posts quite regularly and every post is an aesthetic picture either of his plants or what he’s baked recently. and when i say aesthetic, i mean aesthetic: the perfect warm lighting and usually some berries or something framing the centrepiece of the photo. 
the captions are usually quite short and wholesome: “making melonpan can be difficult but i find the challenge refreshing” “when the days become stressful, i turn to these larch bonsai to remind myself to stand tall” “i am trying a new macaroon recipe. may it bring great riches.”
he’s also started posting some reels on this account, mostly timelapses of bread rising or plants growing etc
furu uses very few hashtags but somehow still gets super high engagement. his followers adore him and have collectively assumed he’s a fem lesbian living in the countryside somewhere with her beloved girlfriend. (furuhashi naturally never corrects anyone because he wants to keep it anonymous.) the comments are all “cottagecore queen” “i owe all my mental health to you” “the only unproblematic account on Instagram” 
so yeah, on instagram, furu is considered an angel
Jason Silver
this man has not posted a single photo where he is not shirtless
and his stories are like 30% videos from streetball practice and 70% thirst traps which he pretends he’s posting to show his gains... but everyone knows he’s just posting them to try attract the three women who followed him back
his following is around 50% ‘baddies’, 45% nba players, and 5% friends and a few streetballers that he’s played against before
(he follows very few streetballers because he thinks it’s beneath him to follow losers and see how they’re improving. he’s so good at basketball he has no need for that, duh.)
(in reality he has no need to stalk prospective opponents because nash does it for him.)
also actually headcanon that most of jason’s posts are videos of him breaking the hoop while dunking or just generally basketball action shots, because jason can’t pose in front of a camera to save his life
you can’t blame him really - that’s a lot of man to fit in one small lens
Haizaki Shougo
no profile photo, no posts: 100% anonymous account. man just uses his Instagram account to get material to jerk off too - pretty much every single account he follows is of an onlyfans model. (he would still be following some female classmates and kise’s ex girlfriend if not for the fact that they’ve all blocked him.)
in the end, haizaki has no friends to interact with and no aesthetic life he can post about, so why would be bother having a more social instagram
added bonus of the anonymous account is that he can use it to stalk others - and he does like his stalking. 
sometimes he stalks the gom’s accounts, and he tells himself it’s just to make fun of them being desperate for likes or looking pretentious, but really he gets a “what could have been” feeling from scrolling through all the photos (and it hurts -- especially seeing videos of them playing together like back in middle school.)
and sometimes haizaki stalks his fukuda sogo teammates. again, he tells himself it’s just to mock them, and he’ll see photos of them hanging out together and be like “what fucking losers who would want to be seen with them.” but there’s a little pang of loneliness in his heart all the same.
Yamazaki Hiroshi
has had the same instagram account since he was 10 and he never deletes or archives any posts so if you scroll far down enough, you’ll find videos of pre-pubescent him and hara doing ‘parkour’ (literally just jumping over benches and off swings) or those chain posts like “share this with five friends or you’ll be haunted forever.)
zaki’s is a private account with a couple hundred followers - his teammates obviously but also family, cousins, some classmates, some of hara’s catfish accounts, and even a couple fellow high school basketballers from distant enough teams that they somehow haven’t realised that zaki is a member of the infamous kiridai. 
he posts semi-regularly and mostly just very normal, mundane posts - photos from family holidays, a tasty udon noodle bowl he had the other day and maybe the occasional streetball photo (typically with one of the kiridai boys in the frame instead of zaki – zaki’s not a huge fan of photos of himself)
zaki’s feed is mostly hara’s shitposts and also streaming clips from his various video games, and if you do ever see his account in the ‘wild’, it will be him backing up hara’s finsta after hara made a particularly outrageous comment somewhere
because a real friendship takes two people: Person 1 who just stirs shit up, and Person 2 who defends Person 2’s shit-stirring by cursing out every commenter who criticises them
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metallica-jk · 8 months ago
Its 23:39, I'm bored, so imma rank all TIG characters from my fav to least
1- Nash Hawthorne- he's so underrated and loving and UGGHHHHH that he needs 1st place
3-Probably Gigi Grayson- I love her energy sm and i love her in general like gurl b my bestieeee
4- Jameson Hawthorne- Ik a lot of people will get mad at me for putting him in 3rd place but the truth is, i love him a lot as well, but he does not beat Gigi or Libby or Nash in my opinion
5- Rohan (mysterious second name)- I would put him on the same place as Jamie but Es lo que es (it is what it is in spanish??)
6- Max Liu- I love her js as much as Gigi but i feel like Max is a liiiittle more mature than Gigi :).
7- Xander Hawthorne- He needs to b next to his gf so...but in general i love the idea of him doing silly things w Max like exploding and wrecking a microwave. Beautiful date idea guys
8- *John* Oren- love that first name btw. I feel like Oren is very much the friendly and happy guy under his shell of protectiveness so
9- Savannah Grayson- I'm sorry i put her so low but idk where to put her. I love her protective-but-vulnerable kinda personality. what i mean by that is like she is protective of Gigi but she is vulnerable and kinda hides away at her boyfriend Dunc@n (yes censored bc we HATE THE PRICK)
10- Averyyyyyyy Grambs- Yall kill me for putting her so low but i forgot ab herrrrr. I would put her in Orens place honestly. bc my girl has sm trauma that if i were her i would stay under my bedsheets and js bark out orders.
11- Grayson Hawthorne- idk i like Grayson but if yk what i mean i rather Dean Redding??? cuz like they have similar personalities and idk i just rather Dean than Gray. I STILL LOVE THEM BOTH OK??? like, this guy deserves someone who will listen to his weeping every night and weep with him. OMFG I FORGOT AB LYRA
13(14)- Alisa Ortega- Gurl still loves my man. i lover her but Nash is MINE and LIBBIES so she better watch out. dont get me wrong, i love her and she looks out for avery sm but she broke my mans heart and i wont forgive her for that.
did i miss out anyone?
oh wait
999999999999-Em!ly- the only reason she is b4 eve is bc she had heart problems and jumped off a cliff (caused her own death and lots of hurt to the rest) SO FUCK U EMILY UGHHHHH
10000000000000- Eve- Idk she js better not hurt anyone or ill hurt her.
10000000000001- Tobias Hawthorne- u raised ur grandsons well, but in the most horrendous way possible
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calliope-nash · 11 months ago
The Little Nash: Buddie's Girl
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Callie: So, guess who is back in my life.
Dazja: I thought he lived in Texas. When did he move and why is he a firefighter. Not that I am complaining about that. Wait, are you going to connect both books?
Callie: I think so. Plus, it would make life easier for me. Though Eddie found out I wrote some spicy scenes, and he wasn’t happy. But that other guy who I was thinking about making the other love interest, seemed to calm Eddie down. He is totally cool with a love interest. 
Dazja: Just be careful. Don’t get feelings like you did last time.
After that I didn’t respond to her. Eddie had been someone I was close to, but feelings were something I never accounted for. I was normally good at keeping myself at arm’s length from those I was working with. Eddie just broke through so many walls I held up, but I couldn't start anything. Luckily at the time he was married, and I didn’t worry about that. Now I have no idea if those feelings will return or if Buck will be the new person they will go too. I pray for neither or hell even both. 
I got up for the day and started to look for my old files on Eddie. I made it a mission to learn everything I can about the people I write about to make it seem more real and less like interviews. It helped to humanize some of the soldiers who didn’t have much of a personality except that they needed to protect others. 
I found the file I was looking for, the one about his wife Shannon. I figured that I needed to update the file seeing as if Eddie was in LA, she was too. I looked up her name and LA in a search bar. What I learned saddened me. She died. Eddie must have been devastated. I decided to look up the case file from her death. I needed to get access to that. 
As if someone knew I was doing research, there was a knock on my door. Okay no one knew where I lived yet. But when I opened the door, there was my brother and a woman I wasn’t sure who she was. I let them in and asked if they wanted anything.
“Callie, this is my wife, Athena.”
“You got married again?”
Bobby only nodded. I didn’t waste anytime and hugged her and welcomed her to our weird ass family. She seemed surprised by how okay I was with them not inviting me to the wedding. I had no issue with it mostly because I was too busy writing my novel at the time I wasn’t really talking to anyone except my editor.
Bobby promised that the three of us would get together and have dinner. I agreed as long as he didn’t mind, I used it as an interview for my new book. Athena looked at me with confusion. I told her about my new idea and how the two male love interests were going to be based on Buck and Eddie. Which was the first Bobby heard about.
“My book, my rules. Besides, Buck already agreed, and Eddie has given me permission to use his likeness and or his personality in any novel I write.”
Athena just gave Bobby a look, which I read as ‘your sister is sassy, and I like her.’.  I high fived her for her support. We all sat down to have some breakfast before Bobby’s shift started. As we ate, I was glad to have a sister-in-law who didn’t take any of Bobby’s shit. At one point Bobby went to the restroom and I got a chance to talk to Athena alone.
“How the hell did my brother get to be with an amazing woman? Like seriously, he has no game at all, and the man has some fucking issues.”
“It just happened. We decided to give it a shot after an interesting call about a man on a motorcycle. Besides that, everything about us has been good. Your brother is a good man who has been through hell and back.”
“I know he is. He just worries about me sometimes. We didn’t talk for a long time after I left to work as a journalist who wrote about overseas missions. That’s how I know Eddie. I was embedded with his team on his last tour.”
“Bobby told me about that. I read some of your articles from your time there. You never used anyone’s name. Why?”
“Its their story to tell, if they want to put their name on it that’s not my decision to make.”
Before I could say anything else, Bobby came back. I told her we would talk later. Athena just laughed. Bobby told me that if I planned on going in today, that I should get ready before he left and he would drive me to the firehouse. I told him to just go on without me. I had to do something first. Athena asked what I needed to do. Grabbing my laptop, I showed them my google search about Shannon. Bobby was the first to speak up. He told me not to talk about her around Eddie. Like I was planning on bringing more trauma to his life than he has already been through. 
After talking to them about what I needed to know about Shannon’s death, I was glad I never mentioned that Diego, the character based on Eddie, had a wife. I had written about a son, but never a wife. Which I can easily explain in this new book. My heart broke for Eddie, he was a good man who had more love to give than he was given. The few times I talked to Shannon without Eddie’s knowledge; I hated her. Though I understood what she was the way she was about Christopher. She had no clue what it was like to have a child with a disability.
I walked the two of them out. Before I could get dressed, I started crying. Eddie needed someone in his life who could be not only his rock but also good with Christopher. Though I knew that crying for a man who didn’t want to talk to me right now was pathetic, I cared about him. I got myself composed and got ready to be in interview mode.
Getting to the fire house wasn’t that hard, but getting out of my car was. Just as I was going to open my door, I saw Eddie’s truck. Taking a few deep breaths, I opened my door and walked toward him. 
“Okay I deserve that. Listen, I promise I never meant to keep those scenes from you. It just never felt like the right time to bring them up. After everything that happened to us in Afghanistan, I figured that you didn’t want to talk about anything relating to your time there. I promise to try and make this up to you. The first step for that is informing you that the next book will be a sequel which makes the series into a why choose romance. Diego will still be there, but Stella, the female lead, will have another male who takes interest in her. He will be based on Buck.”
“WHAT?! First you write scenes with basically you and me. Now its going to be you and Buck?”
Before I could explain anything, Eddie walked away, leaving me standing there like an idiot. Slowly, I walked to the lobby to check in with Bobby. Almost immediately he knew something was wrong. I just shook my head and told him to drop it. As I started setting up in one of the spare offices, Buck entered. He looked like he wanted to apologize for something.
“Eddie’s response to what the plans are for my novels are valid for him. Though he didn’t let me explain that it wasn’t just scenes that he thinks I am going to write. The character that is going to be based on you will be having some sex scenes that are with my female lead. Eddie thinks it means something more than it is.”
Buck tried to help me understand where Eddie was coming from. Though I suspect it has more to do with not wanting his teammate in a foul mood at a scene. I thanked him for listening and asked when we could do our first interview session. The word session messed with Buck a little. He seemed annoyed by it. I just laughed at his face.
“Guessing you don’t like the thought of therapy? That is kind of what interviews are though. At least in my experience.”
“Just don’t want people to see me in the wrong light.”
“Buck, the interview is just for me. Its to help me pick details for your character. I might even show you the first one I did with Eddie some day. With his permission of course. Consent is sexy.”
My final sentence made Buck laugh. We talked for a bit and got to work on scheduling his first interview. Learning about Buck was nice. He had a good heart and I was hoping to reflect it in the novel. The bell rang and they all went out. Eddie was the man behind for the first half of the shift. Which was just fantastic. 
I distanced myself from him and started working on an outline for the story. We weren’t going to be talking anytime soon with his attitude the way it was, but I still held hope that he would let me explain. 
Around lunch, once the team had returned, Bobby made burgers. He asked me and Buck to help make some sides. I worked on making fries, regular and sweet potato ones, while Buck made macaroni and potato salads. 
“Why do people eat those? Mayonnaise is disgusting except in a few circumstances.”
“You don’t like mayonnaise? How are you Bobby’s sister?”
“You have no idea how many times I was asked that growing up. Minnesota is brutal when it comes to their salads. Though I think it has something to do with my mom being from Oregon. She was a character.”
Buck grabbed the salads as we walked to the table. He apologized if talking about my mother was difficult. Shrugging was my response. It wasn't hard to talk about her, it was more living with the memories of her and the ones i won't be able to share with her.
We got the table all set up just as Bobby finished the last of the burgers. I waited until everyone else had gotten their food before getting mine. Figuring I wasn't welcome to sit with the 118 family, I started to walk back to the office I was set up in. 
Bobby asked me where I was heading. Gesturing to the office, he told me to sit down. Buck waved me over and I sat next to him. Eddie was on his other side. I thanked whichever god was watching over that Buck didn’t make me sit between the two of them. Lunch was a nice change of pace. Howard, who told me to call him Chim or Chimney, asked what the plans were for my time here.
“Well, once I have enough information from all of you guys, I'll probably leave until the book is done. No distractions. Though that is just the plan as of right now.”
“You'll leave like always” Eddie’s voice held a venom i wasn't surprised by.
“Edmundo, do we need to have a private conversation now, or wait until we schedule a time for an interview?”
“You are going to interview me again?”
“Yes, you have changed. Why wouldn't I want to know what has changed and what is the same.”
My comment shuts Eddie up for the time being. Buck lightly squeezes my hand under the table. The gesture was welcomed, but surprising. I tried to ignore the looks Bobby and Buck were giving me. But Bobby was the one I was more worried about. He never wanted me to date a firefighter. 
I stopped talking after my staring contest with my brother. There was nothing worse than when Bobby got over protective. Especially after what happened in Minnesota. 
After lunch, I went back to the office I was set up in, to work on setting up a schedule for who is doing interviews when as well as when I wouldl be shadowing the team to better understand what they do on calls. Bobby used to try and tell me, but I was bored most of the time. Never felt the need to know. 
After roughly twenty minutes, Athena came to the door. She informed me that Bobby had asked her to check on me. Rolling my eyes, I shook my head.
“He wants to know what Eddie meant at lunch. I don’t want to talk about it. Besides, Eddie can’t say anything about my leaving when he was the one to… Nevermind, it’s in the past.”
“Eddie lead you on?”
“No, I got romantically invested, and I needed space. I think he thought I wanted to leave before their mission was finished. Which was not the case at all. The longer I was with them, the harder it was going to be for me to leave. Honestly I would have gone to Texas with him.”
Athena understood what I was impling with my confession. “Have you ever told him?”
I shook my head. He was married and I wasn’t going to be a homewrecker. Looking back now, Eddie always asking me about my personal life just as much as I was asking about his. Before I could tell her anything else, Buck walked in. I realize everyone was back. I thank Athena for listening. She gave Buck a pat on the shoulder as she left. 
“I don’t want to talk about it. Eddie and I are a complicated friendship.”
“Good, because I asked Bobby a question. Now I am going to ask you one.”
“Have dinner with me tonight?”
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reminiscentreader · 2 years ago
I Bet You Think About Me
Chapter 3  
“So dignified in your well-pressed suit, so strategised all the eyes on you 
Mr perfectly fine, Taylor Swift
“AMBROSES” Nash suddenly boomed before They had even reached the seats on the other side of the table, and within the blink of an eye Cordelia was getting crushed in what she like to call the cowboy hug. “Nash” she breathed out, because her breath had been taken away, because she could literally barely breathe, “I’ve missed you,”
“Ahh I’ve missed ya too kid
When Nash finally let her go she moved to greet Jameson, she extended her arm expecting a handshake, but Jameson pulled her arm and squeezed her just as hard as Nash did, no doubt taking the mick out of his spine-snapping hugs, “Jamie, I’ve heard you managed to get a girlfriend”
Jameson snorted “ ha, yeah I did, a very good one at that,” he held her at arms length “you said not even troll would like me, but alas I have managed to make a girl fall in love with me”
“I feel bad for her,”
Jameson made a over-exaggerated shocked face before Cordelia flipped her hair - making sure it hit his face - and walking off to find Xander.
“Della, Della, Della,”
“Xan!” Cordelia spins round to face him, “where’s your eyebrow?” 
“That’s is a matter for another conversation,what matters now is that you’re here!” Cordelia giggles “ how are your inventions going xander?” He nervously laughs and runs his hand through his dark curls “lets just say they sometimes decide to commit suicide” 
“How unfortunate, I will be sure to mourn” they both burst out laughing and give eachother a quick squeeze before xander goes to find Dorian.
Cordelia is still smiling after her him as Grayson stares at the back her head, desperately trying to find courage to walk up to her, to say something, how would she react? If he did go to greet her would she slap him and scream that she hated him? That he broke her heart and now she wanted to break his neck. No, he told himself this was Cordelia Ambrose, his sweet little daisy, who had a funeral for her favourite pencil, the memory still made him smirk, god it was so pathetic but he played along none the less. Grayson straightened his back and took a deep breath, he could do this.
Within 2 seconds of meeting her, Cordelia decided that Libby grambs was the nice person she had ever met in her whole life the, She had just been walking up to the girl when Libby flashed the biggest smile at her and offered her a chocolate cupcake, chocolate was her absolute favourite also who wouldn’t take free food, “you have the most beautiful name I have ever heard!” The goth said adjusting her ponytail “ thank you so much, I actually have two middle names as well”
“Really! What are they?”
As Cordelia opened her mouth to tell her somebody cleared they throat, she turned around to see who it was, there he was clad entirely in black staring down at her with his ice cold eyes.
It was Grayson Hawthorne 
._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._ sorry if this one was a little late! I just got back from Florida and the jet lag is 🫠
anyway hope you enjoyed, once again feel free leave suggestions 🫶
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goodcryunicorn · 2 years ago
while i work on my muses bio here are the ones that are ready for all interactions:
red = original character
$#*! my dad says (Edison Goodson III, Henry Goodson, Victoria Goodson)
2 broke girls (Caroline Channing, Jessica Levine, Josephine O'Connell, Max Black)
3rd rock from the Sun (Dick Solomon, Harry Solomon, Mary Albright, Nina Campbell, Sally Solomon, Tommy Solomon)
6 underground (one, two, three, four, five, six, seven)
007 (Aki, Alec Trevelyan, Christmas Jones, Eve Moneypenny, Felix Leiter, Giacinta Johnson, James Bond, Le Chiffre, Madelaine Swann, Manuela, Max Denbigh, Nadia Pavlov, Q, Solitaire, Teresa di Vicenzo)
7th Heaven (Ariel Camden, Lucy Camden, Mary Camden, Matt Camden, Ruthie Camden, Simon Camden)
8 mile (Alex Latourno, David Porter, Jimmy Smith)
8 Simple rules (Bridget Hennessy)
9-1-1 (Abby Clark, Athena Grant, Bobby Nash, Elaine Maynard, Evan Buckley, Henrietta Wilson, Patrick Nash, Simon Doss)
10 things i hate about you (Bianca Stratford, Chasity Church, Kat Stratford, Patrick Verona)
12 suicidal teens (Anri, Satoshi)
13 going on 30 (Jenna Rink, Matt Flamhaff)
13 reasons why (Clay Jensen, Hannah Baker, Jessica Davis)
16 wishes (Abby Jensen, Jay Kepler)
17 again (Alex O'Donnell)
18 again (Hong dae Young, Jung da Jung)
21 jump street (Douglas Penhall, Fugazy, Greg Jenko, Jane Keaton, Judy Hanson, Judy Hoffs, Patrick Benson, Tom Hanson)
24 (Audrey Raines, Chloe O'Biran, David Palmer, Eric Bauer, Eric Carter, Jack Bauer, Kate Morgan, Kim Bauer, Lara Simone, Michael Mahoney, Michelle Mahoney, Nicole Carter, Rebecca Ingram, Sherry Palmer)
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eccles4il6by · 6 years ago
nash 2 broke girls Austin Falk actor actress picture TV Actor
nash 2 broke girls Austin Falk actor actress picture TV Actor
nash 2 broke girls
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About nash 2 broke girls:
Maybe most understood for joining the cast of CBS’s 2 Broke Girls in the job of Nash, he has additionally visitor featured on MTV’s Awkward and was cast in the 2015 blood and guts movie Tales of Halloween.
Prior to Fame
He prepared as an on-screen character at Anthony Meindl’s Actor’s Workshop and as a comedy craftsman at Upright Citizen’s…
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thislovintime · 2 years ago
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Peter Tork and Reine Stewart, (in photo 4 with baby Hallie); photos 2 & 3 by Henry Diltz, photo 4 by Nurit Wilde.
A long read, taking a look at Peter from circa 1969 to 1980, with very frank reflections by Peter from the early ‘80s through to 2009.
“[After the end of The Monkees] Tork found out he'd paid half again what his house was worth, so he wouldn't have been able to get back his initial investment, even had he sold it. For a while he leased it to Stephen Stills, who’d gotten over the rejection of not being selected as a Monkee by becoming a superstar on his own, first with Buffalo Springfield, then in a trio with David Crosby and Graham Nash. Tork and his girl friend [Reine Stewart], who was then pregnant, went back East with the idea of becoming organic farmers. Late in 1969 Stills moved out, with a few months of rent paid up, so Tork and his girl friend returned to finish out the decade. ‘We were there for a few months, but it was much less comfortable. Then a fellow came in and took it over, a would-be-guru type, who ran a colony there. When he quit paying the rent, it was foreclosed.’ Next they moved into a house in Beverly Glen owned by David Crosby. Tork's daughter [Hallie] was born there in January 1970. ‘We stayed there for a while, and I became involved with another woman, and my girlfriend and I broke up,’ he said. [...] One lesson, well learned only recently, has put Tork off alcohol since 1980. ‘I was able to change my course as early as I did, relative to some of the stories I've heard, because of my dabblings in Eastern philosophy,’ he said. ‘Because of that spiritual experience I had beforehand on acid (which has since been validated and expanded) and because of a few experiences in community, I've been allowed to recognize that what I really did want to  find on a day-by-day basis was spiritual surrender. Now I am not in charge, not in the sense that somebody else is in charge, but in the sense that what is in charge is larger than I can know by myself, but I have to trust it. ‘I can't ascribe my alcoholism to fame,’ he went on. ‘I can more easily do it the other way around. One of the things about alcoholics, to the extent that I've been able to make any observations, is that we are either above the crowd or below it – or both at the same time. The reason you shoot to be above is because you feel below, and the reason you feel below is because you're not part of, never one of the guys. You envy the people who seem to have a certain contentment. The character makeup that sent me into pop stardom is the same character makeup that sought to anesthetize myself with chemistry. I found that it was not until I put all of that chemistry behind me that I began to get back in touch with my place in the human scheme of things.’” - When The Music Mattered (1984)
Peter Tork: “Yeah, I was a serious substance abuser, I abused some serious substances – and they abused me in return, it was only fair. But I’d like to report now, for the sake of all those who care, that I haven’t abused a single substance in a long time. I’m actually, I’m very happy about it, although I have to say that it has nothing to do with willpower or, you know, strength of character or any of that kind of thing, which a lot of people talk about. It was just surrender, it was just giving up.” Q: “And it was expensive.” PT: “No. It was beer.” Q: “Oh. All right.” PT: “Drank too much beer.” - The Rik Turner Show, January 1994
Peter Tork: “There never was a time I couldn’t drink. My parents let me drink wine if I wanted with dinner, or a sip of cocktails or a bit of beer, nobody ever cared, and I never got too deeply into it when I was young. But it’s pretty clear that everybody’s… that alcoholics have a curve to their disease, to their syndrome, that is basically not affected by life or by anything else, just it’s genetic, it’s in their bones. And I guess my curve hadn’t taken over me, it didn’t… I didn’t even notice I was in trouble until my late thirties. One or two friends of mine knew I was in trouble before that, but not many. [It appears there’s a genetic history] My father died at 86, you know. It’s hard to say that he died of alcoholism, because alcoholics at best die in their sixties, or early sixties, you know, most alcoholics who can survive, who don’t die of anything else, who just die of the organic damage alcohol does to them, die in their sixties. So it’s hard to say, you know. But I think the best teller of the disease; well, there’s two good tells, I think. One of them is: do you drink when it’s against your better interest to do so, and when the information is there that lets you know that it is. And the other is: personality changes, you know. And I used to see my father with personality changes. My mom drank like a fish, but she may not have been an alcoholic, it’s hard to know. But almost certainly my father was. And that’s the only genetic information I have.” (x) [...] Q: “Did anybody approach you, and say, say, 'Peter, man, what are you doing?'” PT: “Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope.” Q: “Wow.” PT: “Because I never... because my... listen, I have a very high-bottom story, really. You know, I would get drunk and behave badly one night, and it wouldn’t happen again for months and months and months. And everybody thought, oh, well, Peter’s just, you know, he’s just had a few too many. And it didn’t happen all the time, and, you know, like the man says, you know, 'I didn’t get into trouble every time I picked up a drink; every time I got into trouble, I’d been drinking.' But if your bouts of trouble are months and months apart, as they were with me, nobody notices the pattern until you come back and say, ‘I’m not drinking anymore,’ and they go, ‘Oh, well, that explains such and such,’ you know. A lot of my friends who weren’t drinking noticed sort of more in hindsight. ‘Oh, yeah, now that you tell me this, now that makes more sense than it did before,’ some event in their memories suddenly makes more sense, and that kind of thing. But, so nobody said to me, ‘Peter, Peter, you’re playing in traffic, and you’re going to get hit.’ [...] In my view, one of the things about my being an alcoholic is that it did keep me from applying the kind of concentration that let me be as good a musician as I want to be. In other words, it’s like every so often I would pick up a new instrument, and so if I could only play many fewer instruments and play them all all commensurately better, I think I’d be a happier musician today. [...] I picked up the trumpet the other day. [...] I really would rather concentrate on the things I can do somewhat well rather than waste time doing things I can’t do at all well.” - Take 12 Recovery Radio, (late?) 2000s
“The bottom came for me in June, 1980. Then I managed to quit drinking. The following January I had my last toke of grass and last toot of snow. Since then my career has been puttering along at a steady rate.” - Peter Tork, The Monkees Tale (1989)
“I was never inherently afraid of my situation. When I found myself [in the early 1970s] in a boardinghouse with my daughter [Hallie] in a room for twenty-five dollars a month, sleeping on a mat on the floor, I was not discouraged.” - Peter Tork, When The Music Mattered (1984)
“[In the mid-1970s] I went to Southern California and sort of assembled a family. My daughter [Hallie] from my previous marriage [to Reine Stewart] came to live with me and my woman [Barbara Iannoli], who I then married and had a son [Ivan] with." - Peter Tork, Goldmine, 1982
“[Hallie] says that she has a better relationship with me than any of her friends have with their fathers. It’s a good thing for us, and I hope that the others’ aren’t catastrophic. Because otherwise it means (laughs), otherwise it’s small praise.” - Peter Tork, WDBB, February 2006
“Somewhere along the line, it finally sunk in. Not only that I couldn’t drink safely, which I knew, but that there was no pretense, no way to pretend to you or me that there was a chance of a pretense of drinking safely. And somehow, that got through to me and I was able to turn and make some requests… and go find the help that I needed. [...] So I got a community. And with a community, who had been through ahead of me what it was I needed to go through, I was able to give up my will. So it was no longer a matter of, ‘Man, what willpower you’ve got, you haven’t had a drink in 28 years, how do you do it, man? If I had your willpower…’ Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah. It’s not having the willpower. It’s giving up the willpower. It’s surrendering, hopefully, to a dedicated community, for starters that — for me — a dedicated community that enabled me to begin the slow process of dealing with all the stuff that I drank about in the first place. Which is all the ways that I had, you know… because I felt like I was — I knew I was a runner-away, I’d run away all the time. And that made me a cheat. And since I knew I was a cheat, I cheated you. Vicious cycle. I cheat you, so… and then I run, and that makes me… and I know I’m a cheat, so it doesn’t matter whether I cheat, because that doesn’t change anything, so I cheat and I run, and I cheat and I run. Everything. Relationships. I was pretty good with cash register honesty, I learned that at my father’s knee. But almost every emotional honesty available to me was not available to me. And I — I’ll tell you the truth, folks, 28 years later, that emotional recovery, emotional honesty, the emotional — the honesty and depth is, right now, my biggest challenge. I ain’t got it yet. It is better than it ever was, and I’m beginning to — I feel like I’m rounding a corner. Of course, I’ve been feeling that for 28 years. But it feels like I’m getting better. And I know I am. The quality of my friendships is richer and deeper and stronger, my friends are more important in my life, and I’m more important in my friends’ lives. And I am able to hear when somebody says, ‘Is that exactly what you had in mind right there? Is that a perfectly honest…’ And I go, ‘Well, maybe not, I think I can probably do better than that,’ and work on it. In other words, because I have what I can rely upon, I am able to get better, and getting better enables me to stay sober, staying sober enables me to get better, and that cycle, which was a  vicious cycle before, is now a benign cycle, and it’s taking me to some really wonderful places.” - Peter Tork, Recovery Fest, 2009
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midnightstar-90 · 4 years ago
Hidden~ Eddie Diaz x Nash! Reader
A/N: Not edited because I'm in school, but I will edit later. I hope you're enjoying the story so far. I plan to go by episode when I get to season 3 plots.
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Flashback to 2003
Narrator's POV
'The fifth game. This was the fifth game he has missed this year. He wasn't even there to comfort me in the ambulance.'  Y/N sat angrily on the hospital bed, with a cast on her foot. She was so mad at her father. For the second year in a row, Her father has missed all her activities.
She knows why he isn't there, but she thought that when her father told her that he was getting married and having another child, he would at least make time for her. Now, she is in the hospital with only her mother by her side.
The doctor walks into the room with a smile. "Well young lady, you are free to go. Your mother can sign you out at the front desk, and then you may go," The doctor said.
As I'm getting ready to go, Bobby runs in. "I'm so sorry. Marcy had a doctor's appointment, and I lost track of time," he says.
Y/N hops away, using her crutch, and rolls her eyes. "Y/N,"  Bobby calls out defeated. "She scored the winning goal before breaking her leg. When she saw your team come to her rescue, she thought that maybe, just maybe, her father would still see all her hard work. It seems like you care about your new family more, but get this through your head, Robert. She... Is... Your family," Y/M/N says with an angry tone.
Bobby stood in the hospital room looking at the bed where his daughter laid, injured. He knew he messed up. He knew he was losing his daughter. She is almost a teenager. He had to make it up to her.
Bobby's POV
I know the best way to make it up to Y/N. Ever since she was little, she loved riding with me and the crew as we saved people's lives. I told Marcy that even though I had to work I was also going to spend time with my daughter. She was okay with that.
Y/N's Pov
When my dad picked me up, I didn't know what to expect. I was still injured and mad, so what could we possibly be doing. I got into the car when I noticed his work bag.
My face lit up when I figured out what was happening. "Am I going to work with you," I questioned my father? "Yeah, and I have a surprise for you," my dad said while watching the road. He tried to hide his smile but I knew it was there.
When we got to the Firestation, everyone greeted me. I saw some old faces and some new ones. We walked to the changing room. When we entered, my dad opened his bag and handed me some clothes. "You got me one of your uniforms," I said while jumping up and down. He nodded his head and we headed out.
The ride was so cool. Even though I still had my cast on, the fire crew let me put out a small fire with the hose. It was so cool. We then had to help out a gruesome fight. The gory calls were always the best. We ended the day with the team going out for burgers and milkshakes.
I had so much fun with my dad. The next day, I went to school still wearing my dad's fire department shirt he gave me.
Present Day
Narrator's POV
When Bobby saw the woman he once called his baby girl, he knew he had to see her. He sat in the hospital lobby along with Eddie remembering the conversation he had with Athena.
2 hours ago
Bobby's POV
"What's wrong? It looks like you've seen a ghost," Athena asks with a chuckle. I keep a very serious look and say, "I did. That was my daughter." Athena looks at me with a serious/confused face and asks, "What?!"
"When I was young, I was also reckless," I said with a sigh. "So is every man in the world, but go on," Athena said jokingly.
I gave Athena the summary of my life before LA, "Y/N was a drunken mistake, but I still loved her. When I got with Marcy, I didn't hang out with her as much. Then I had the kids. When the fire happened, I knew I couldn't be around Y/N, so I did what I thought any father would do to protect their child. I ran. Now she's here in LA, with a son, and teaching Eddie's kid."
"Well, it seems like Y/N being back is a sign. Maybe you could get a second chance with her. You are great with May and Harry, why can't you use what you learned to better your relationship with your daughter?"
Narrator's POV
Y/N woke as the Nurse was checking her vitals. Y/N groaned and said, "What happened, and where is my son?" The nurse jumped and said, "Oh, Miss Nash you're awake. Well, you were in a car accident. Your son is fine. He is in the children's ward with minor injuries."
Y/N let out a breath, with the knowledge that her son was fine. "You have some visitors. I'm gonna let them in now."
'Visitors? What visitors? I just moved here. Did my mom find out somehow?' Y/n's thoughts took a pause as her door opened. It was two firefighters. One I knew for a fact was Eddie, and the other was someone who looked familiar, but I had no clue who they were.
"Eddie? What are you doing here?" Y/N asked smiling. He tried to give me a hug without hurting me. "Well, Chris has school on Monday, so I had to check on his new favorite teacher," he joked. Y/N laughed and smiled. Bobby watched his daughter with his co-worker. Y/N looked toward the familiar stranger.
"Hi, I'm Bobby Nash. I'm the LAFD's 118 fire captain." When Y/N heard the name, she instantly remembered the name. "Dad?" she said with tears in her eyes. Bobby wiped the tears from his eyes and walked over to his daughter. Eddie moved out of the way so that his fire captain could reunite with his daughter.
"Yeah baby, it's me." Y/N couldn't believe her eyes. Eddie decided to let the family talk and went to have a nurse bring Y/N's son to her room. "You left me," Y/N said now fully crying. "Let me explain. I was having a hard time at work, and it set me off. I did some things that I regret to this very day. I couldn't protect some of my family, but I knew I could protect you from the darkness inside of me. I didn't know what the best thing to do was, so I ran. I am so sorry," Bobby explained wholeheartedly.
Y/N instantly went in for a hug. She still had tears in her eyes, but she was happy. Still sad, but happy she gets another chance with her father. "I saw you today. You may not have been there to save me when I broke my, but you were there to save me today." Bobby smiled when a little boy walked into the room with Eddie.
The boy ran in. "Mommy," the boy yelled to the top of his lungs. Eddie helped him onto the bed. "Hi, baby. Zach, this is Bobby and Eddie. Eddie is Chris' dad an-" Y/N was cut off by her son, "The Eddie you said looked hot." "Shhh," Y/N said with a finger to lips. Eddie and Bobby watched the two and chuckled.
Y/N explained to Zachary that Bobby was his grandfather, and Zach was so happy. The 4-year-old almost ran Bobby down with the hug he gave. Y/N and Bobby were so happy to have their family back.
Eddie's Pov
After the visit to the hospital, I think it is safe to say that I like Y/N. The hard part was telling Shannon. She is Christopher's mother. I walked into the house to see Shannon and Chris making pizza.
"Daddy!" "Hey buddy," I say picking him up, "How was school?" "School was awesome. Y/N taught me math using M&M's, and then we got to eat them. During recess, Y/N and her son Zach played with me." The way Chris talked about Y/N made me like her even more. "When mommy picked me up we went to the store for ice cream and pizza. She said we're gonna watch a movie," Christopher said with a huge grin. Just when I think I want something, I remember that sometimes what I want isn't all about me.
The food finished cooking, and we sat down as a family and ate. We watched 'A Bug's Life' before Shannon left. I went to put Christopher to bed, but before he went to bed I wanted to have a talk. "Buddy, if I wasn't with mommy, but you could still hang out with her, you would be fine with that right." He looked at me and said, "We just got her back. Do you not love her anymore."
"No, I will forever love your mommy, but she's been gone for so long that I think it is time for me to move on." "Are you talking about with Miss.Nash, because I saw the way you looked at her, and it was the same way I look at my dessert," I laughed at his joke.
"I like Miss. Nash and I love mommy. I don't want to lose them." What he said gave me a lot to think about. "Ok, bud. Go to sleep," I said standing by the door. I turned off the light and headed to my room. I got ready for bed and slept on my thoughts.
Taglist: @notanordinaryprincess95 @jjpogueprincess @wiypt-writes
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dolhouse · 3 years ago
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DOLHOUSE.  amity ‘amma’ crellin from sharp objects put into the stranger things universe. written by aurora, 21 and she/her. (muse info below cut) main blog.
disclaimers: (1) in her canon, amma displays implied incestuous behaviors towards her half sister camille. i will never write out incest, and i have always interpreted the way she behaves as a longing for camille to like her, but not romantically or sexually. she cycles through her different facets that people normally like (ex: mama’s little amma, the amma she is with her friends, a sexual/seductive amma) (2) considering her age, the same as the party throughout the seasons, i will never smut or mention anything mildly nsfw on this blog. in her canon, amma acts sexually when she thinks she needs to in order to get what she wants. there’s also implied sexual content when she mentions her relationship with boys in general and how she lets them do the things they do to her so she can maintain control. i might mention these behaviors as they are important to her character, but never detailing what she does/what happens. (’the sex part’) (3) lastly, amma is a killer. she kills ann nash and natalie keene and mae, three young girls she had been friends with prior to their deaths. i will never excuse her actions or try to brush them under the rug, but at her core, amma is a traumatized little girl who has been victim to her mother’s abuse since she was young. i am not, or ever will be, saying it’s ‘okay’ to kill people, obviously, or excuse anything else. amma is cruel and claims to like violence as well as being a bully.
family history. (things your muse will know)
adora preaker is the matriarch of the wealthiest family in hawkins with a carefully crafted ‘southern belle’ image. she is also the owner of one of the town’s major source of profit, a large hog farm, and it gives her a kind of immunity to scandal. when she was a teenager, despite the societal norms, she had camille preaker and married alan crellin. now adora crellin, while the preaker name is still the name on her farm, she has her second daughter, marian crellin. marian is a sickly child, and dies when she and camille are both children and the two had been very close. after marian dies, camille is traumatized by the loss of her sister, and becomes further estranged from her mother, leading to her eventual departure from hawkins. while camille and marian had been relatively close and age, it is much later when she has amma crellin, leaving an age gap of nearly 20 years between the two in present day. amma is a sick child similarly to marian, and even as she grows older, she never quite grows out of her sickness. when amma is 15, camille returns to hawkins due to the rising story of missing children, ann nash, will byers, barbara holland and natalie keene, because of her job as a reporter for the newspaper.
family secrets. (things your muse will NOT know unless plotted)
adora was raised by an abusive mother and is suffering from those effects still.
adora killed marian, sickening her through years of poisoning as a result of munchausen by proxy syndrome. when marian dies, she does the same to amma and uses her as a replacement, but altering her dosage of poison so she doesn’t die.
amma killed ann nash and natalie keene because she was upset that they were taking her mother’s attention. and not only that they were taking her attention, they were not nice to her like amma is. they were wild little girls, and that broke amma and adora’s ‘agreement’ that there would be no more little girls. ann even bit adora, which led to amma’s obsession with taking out their teeth before she killed them. her friends jodes and kelsey helped her kill them.
amma’s involvement in the seasons.
s1: ann nash + natalie keene deaths, camille comes to write about them and the other kids that go missing. ann’s body has been found before camille arrives by a creek in the woods, natalie’s body is found later the day camille arrives in an alley. they both have missing teeth, pink painted nails (notably unlike them), and appear to have been strangled.
s2: soil samples are taken from bob nash’s (ann’s father) tires, john keene (natalie’s brother) is fired from his job at the preaker’s farm because of his reputation. camille writes an article about the murders which is discovered by amma and adora. while at a town celebration at the crellin’s house, a drunken bob starts a fight with john under the belief that he killed his sister and bob’s daughter.
s3: ann’s bike is found in the lagoon by preaker’s farm, and someone that works at the farm later identifies john keene as the one that put it there. a detective that camille had been in a romantic relationship with discovers that marian, camille’s half sister, had been poisoned by adora while investigating camille’s past. adora begins feeding the same medicine to amma under the pretense of a hangover cure. john keene is arrested by the police for the murder of ann and natalie. camille learns about her mother killing marian from a family friend, and also that marian’s body was cremated to avoid suspicion. with everything that she’s learned and knowing that amma is now sick, she goes to confront her mother. as adora begins to take amma upstairs, camille fakes sick so she will poison her instead. richard goes to confront adora with the police, and when he does he finds that his suspicions are true. amma and adora are hospitalized and adora is arrested, both for poisoning her daughters, marian, and for the murders of ann and natalie after plyers are found that match the marks on ann and natalie’s gums.
s4: amma and camille deal with the aftermath, and they live together in an apartment in hawkins. amma visits adora in jail, but she’s also growing and has made a new friend named mae who lives close by that seems to be a better influence on her than jodes and kelsey, the other two girls in her mean girl troupe. 
??: mae is found dead with painted nails, missing teeth, and having been strangled.
??: amma is arrested for the murders of ann, natalie, and mae after camille finds their teeth in the floor of amma’s dollhouse.
other tidbits.
tbd ✨
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bisluthq · 4 years ago
You all are missing the point here. I'm not talking about Taylor changing her approach after the 1989 mess. I'm talking about literally ditching her country, giving up on her friends and family and moving abroad for a man and adapting to his lifestyle which may or may not blow up in her face. She obviously wanted to be low key after that era, no one is denying that. But that's different from completely changing yourself to fit into your partner's life. 2-3 years down the line if they were to separate what would be her personality? Former London girl?
No. You’re missing the point.
Taylor has wanted to live in the UK her entire life, and she was EXTREMELY disappointed with “her country” - a shithole which she knew like depressingly little about - electing an actual fascist as president. It made sense to go.
She hasn’t ditched her friends. In fact, one of her longest serving best friends and probably the person who understands her best aside from Joe - that’s Lena btw I know she’s not pleasant but that’s the reality - MOVED TO LONDON TO JOIN HER. She has always had friends based that side (Ed, the models, etc) and she has kept up with her friends in LA, in Nash, and in NYC. She’s like regularly hanging out with literally all her friends. She’s even seen Ella despite her being an actual Oceania based hermit.
She hasn’t ditched her family. She sees them regularly.
What has she changed my dude? Like if her and Joe break up, obviously that’ll suck ass because a long term relationship ending always does. Some of their friendships will fracture a bit, they may have to decide who gets to “keep” Suki and Rob for instance. She’ll miss his family. He’ll miss hers. She’d probably keep the cats and that’d fucking break him. He’ll miss her mom’s dogs. If they end on good terms, they’ll probably keep lightly in touch with people, but it’ll not be the same because breakups hurt.
Taylor’s personality isn’t “Joe’s girlfriend”. She’s the fucking most successful artist of her generation, she’s funny, she’s smart, she’s got diverse interests. She’s beloved by her friend groups and everyone who’s ever worked with her.
If they broke up, she’d probably stay in London and he could very easily move to LA or even NYC or - the option he picked in this or that promo - the Mediterranean. He hasn’t exactly “tried” other places. She’s chosen her home. Or maybe they’d both stay. Or maybe they’d both go. It’d suck, but it wouldn’t affect either person having a personality.
And you’re - as Taylor would say - a fool to think otherwise tbh and this was somewhat misogynist in its undertone idk.
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jmblyajones · 4 years ago
Eagles: The Bomb 3x7
What is about to go down right now…
1. I wouldn’t mind having that scooby doo van myself. the color is beautiful!
2. Oh these dudes are lying to this boy. Their faces didn’t look like that piece was blowing anyone anywhere chile… 🤣
Sam is just adorable to me btw and let me just say.. edges LAID
3. I would be remiss if I didn’t say that Elias breathing all hard like that was nice to look at…
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Elias says that it would have been good to know that Klara was the new sponsor.. would it though? would it really? You know what would be really funny is if Mats convinced Elias to meet up with Klara so she wouldn’t dismantle the eagles? 😂 lmao welp…
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Mats are you pimping out your son and masking the overall meet as “closure”? sir bye! And Elias standing up for Ludde is so cute too. They have deeeefinetly come a long way. Love to see it.
4. Oh damn Felicia… And this is pre the article coming out 🤦🏾‍♀️
5. Amie and Elias are really making walks their thing? Mkay I see y’all.
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Elias what are you talking about? Stand Klara up tf?!? The move is clear!
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Amie’s whole demeanor changed when he said Klara. oh shit, this got sad real quick 😂
(I like that towards the end of the convo, it was kind of Amie’s way of figuring out if Elias still had feelings for Klara or want to get back with her)
6. I know Ludde did not just apply to ONE school…
Also, while he keeps saying “blah blah blah” Andreas hasn’t told not one lie yet. Your ass is choosing not to communicate and it’s manifesting into ugliness. You literally broke up with Felicia instead of telling her about London and then call her out in front of the whole class.
Have I ever mentioned how I just love Andreas. We see each other forreal.
7. OH MY GOSH! Amie is sneaking around Petra’s drawers. She gone really find something she’s not meant to see 🥴
8. Why did Klara even move away?? Wait, is she apologizing and trying to get back with Elias? What the hell 😂
Was Elias not supposed to bring up Eagles? Ma’am…. you tell him to go to hell then when you have the chance to help save the team that he plays on from disassembling, you don’t… what are you expecting like tf??
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I KNOW THATS RIGHT ELIAS! Set that girl straight because she must have forgotten. See this response of his is what I wanted in season 2 but i’ll take it now.
9. I have super chills right now. What is happening right now…
Who is the real sex addict in this family?? I fucking knew it! Mats is really yelling at Felicia like he wasn’t sleeping with mad women??? And as much as I wish Felicia didn’t tell the family’s private info to Jack, Jack fooled everyone. He is gutter trash.
I’m at a mix of believing Mats threw money around for Elias to make it in the beginning. Someone like Mats only really needs name rec but “donations” can definitely help persuade some folks.
People have really bastardized Felicia’s trust throughout the years and I do feel really bad for her. And I would like/would’ve liked to see Felicia with a girl without it being tied to drugs. I doubt we will but 🤷🏾‍♀️
This is really something they should have brought their family lawyer in on? I assume they have one…
Okay, now Jack is just straight lying. He really lied and said Ludde was an abuser… and the interviewer just went with it?? This is so unbelievably foul!
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This man is a joke!! Because he couldn’t keep it in his pants he wants to go and blame his daughter and call HER stupid?? Naurr, we gotta fight.
And Lelia hopping on the hate train??? Girl if you don’t leave and go back to your boy toy you have contributed NOTHING to this conversation.
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She really fooled me acting like she wanted to get Felicia into rehab or something.
10. I said from the beginning, calm before the storm… this ending with Felicia is giving very Ellie Nash in DGH. Hopefully that car that stopped will come in to play next drop? I am so curious if that is the case or not.
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sucuretcannelle · 4 years ago
One-Shot Anon
Uno Night (A one-shot where everyone rages. Also, this was written before it was revealed Nash put the 'no hearing curses' spell on Pippin, so consider this outdated. Lol)
"Guys! Guys!"
Everyone lifted their heads as Cup rushed into the room. He was holding what seemed to be a small box. Oddly, too, he was grinning. "I had the best fucking idea!"
"If it involves putting cinnamon in Bird's food, I'm not joining that again," Writer huffed as she looked up from her paper.
Cup ignored Bird's loud 'WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!' as he ran into the middle of the room and held up the box.
Everyone, except Woods, collectively paled.
The male was holding up UNO.
"Nope, nope." Noodles shook her head as she stood up from her spot on a couch. She lightly tugged on Prompt's arm as well, who had been sitting next to her, but was now standing. "We're not playing that. Nope. Not again."
"Awww, c'mon!" Cup pouted. "It'll be fun!"
Finn glared. "Fun?! Nash and Alexi tried to strangle each other!"
Cinna sighed and shook her head before looking at her second lover. "Cup, hun, normally I'd be all over some type of game to pass the time. But.. UNO? Really? Do you not remember you throwing Bird into the wall after he skipped you four times?"
Cup grumbled, "you agreed that it was mean of him."
"And I still stand by that!" the girl nodded. "But on the other hand, I'd like to not have to help heal anyone."
Woods blinked before standing. "I have no clue what UNO, but judging by how everyone is behaving, it makes me believe I may need to babysit Pippin."
The butterfly-human hybrid walked out of the door before anyone could say anything else. The room fell quiet for a moment, save for Nash's small sigh of relief. Everyone looked at each other before Citypop spoke up.
"Well, now that Pippin is around, maybe we will be able to control ourselves." the demon pried himself from Cookie, who whined at the loss of contact from her husband. "Plus, Woods is a good mediator and everyone likes her! So maybe we won't get into a fight this time."
The rest of the group considered it. They knew Citypop was right. They had been much more careful now that Pippin was around, and the boy wouldn't be able to intrude on the game if Woods was around to babysit him.
After a moment, Alroy spoke up.
"I'll get the table."
The table was a circle. They estate had a lot more of circle tables, and not many rectangle ones. Orion himself had them put away after the last UNO game, where Writer and Bird both broke off pieces and nearly stabbed each other.
Everyone was seated around the table, each person having 7 cards. The game had begun some time ago, about 30 minutes, but it was going surprisingly well. Only one threat had been made.
Until now.
Finn stared at Alroy as the demon placed down a skip card. Seeing as Finn was seated next to Alroy, and the order had been reversed eariler by Vex, the skip went to him instead of Cup.
"I will kill you later," Finn growled as he clutched the cards in his hands.
"Sure you will," the former guardian demon mused, turning his attention back to the game.
Bird snickered before placing down card. "Aw, is the wittle puppy maaad?"
Prompt chuckled and shook his head. "No you won't."
The ex-prince glanced at the card Bird placed and let out a small hum. He looked down at the cards he held and froze. He didn't have the same color. Hell, he didn't even have a wild card. Well.. that was a lie. He did have one, but it would screw over the person next to him. The Niviasin flicked his tail as he glanced at Noodles.
The neko felt her heart drop when her lover looked at her like that. "No. Don't do it."
Nash and Cup both grinned, "do it! Do it!"
Amoris glared at the two. "You two really are menaces."
Prompt let out a small sigh. "I'm sorry, love."
Noodles let out a mock cry as her lover set down a +4. "WHA-"
"Y-you had-d a plus-s four?" Vex's eyes dialted.
The tall man chuckled softly and nodded. The cat-human hybrid let out grumbles as she grabbed four cards from the pile of cards. Alexi snickered at the misfortune of Noodles before placing down a card.
Senti shook his head as he stared at his cards before looking at Reba. "..What do I do again?"
Reba let out a small groan. "Place down a card that's the same color as the one Alexi put down."
"Why not the same number?"
"Because this isn't online, dumbass."
"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Cookie stood up from her stair and slammed her hands on the table. "WHAT THE FUCK?! I WAS GOING TO WIN!!!"
Writer grinned at her wife before looking at the skip card on the pile. "Yeah. You were. And if anything, blame Nash! He put down the red!"
"ME?!" Nash cried, exasperated. "Bird was the dipshit who put the +2!!"
"THIS IS WHY WE CAN'T HAVE THING THIIIIIIINGS." Citypop slammed his head against the table.
Alroy said nothing in response to all the arguing. Instead, he looked at Finn. Cinna stared at her other boyfriend, her eyes wide. "Alroy. Alroy, don't do it."
The demon slowly grinned as the wolf-human hybrid gripped the table.
Cup shook his head. "Don't do it. Alroy, please, don't do it."
Vex sucked in a harsh breath as Alroy stared Finn dead in the eyes and placed a +4 on the pile. Senti gasped as he quickly pushed away from the table, Reba following suit.
Which would fuck over Finn even more.
Because he had 20 cards.
The hybrid let out a shout of rage as he flipped the table over. Everyone let out various shouts of shock as they managed to dodge the table as it smashed against the wall.
Everyone was still for a moment before Alexi lunged at Nash and tackled him. "YOU CHEATING LITTLE SHIT-"
Cookie and Writer began to roll around on the ground, while Citypop tried to break them apart. "YOU'RE MEANT TO LOVE ME!"
"I DO!"
Prompt slowly backed away from the chaos along with Cinna, Noodles, Vex, and Cup. The snake-human hybrid whimpered as he hung his head. "C-can't w-e have ni-nice things-s?"
Everyone in the room froze before turning to look at the entrance. There, standing proud, was a grinning Pippin and a crouching and panting Woods.
"I-I'm so sorry!" Woods panted. "He runs so fast!"
"Uh.. Pip? What did you say?" Cinna blinked.
"Fucker! Ass-wipe! Bitch! Shit!"
The group all hung their heads, grumbling under their breath.
"Son of a motherfucking whore bitch."
(Sorry. I felt like this was kinda OOC, for everyone. Like.. I really feel like everyone is OOC and I don't feel like I included everyone. I also know I did a shit job on Reba and Senti, but I haven't gotten familiar with their characters yet. So I'm sorry, Cup. :(( But I'm proud of it soooo.. I'll send it! Hope everyone likes it!)
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theauthorunicorn · 5 years ago
She's Back | Evan Buckley
Prompt: Things are going good with Evan and the reader though they haven't labeled themselves in a relationship and when things are about to escalate the girl who got away for Evan may be back.
Read Part 2 here
We're just chilling at the firehouse. Hen and Chimney are playing the pools while Evan and Eddie are playing some video games on the TV while Captain Nash is cooking some dinner. I walked over to the kitchen counter to offer some help.
"Hey, Cap! Do you need help?" I smiled as a put a handful of Cheetos in my mouth.
Bobby had a face of a disappointed father watching her daughter eating a bag of junk food, "Y/N," he sighs, "how many times did I tell you to stop eating that. It's not good for you." He said as he shook his head.
"I guess, I just love it." I shrugged.
"More than you love me?" Evan magically slid on my side while grabbing a handful Cheetos on his hand.
"Buck." Bobby said in monotone.
"Can't help it." He shrugged, "I just love it." He mimicked my answer.
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I look at him laughing while staring at his eyes. Then, it hit me that I'm just grateful for what we have right now. It felt surreal that we've been to dates and I never get bored of his presence, I love it and I live for it. He makes me happy and he said one time that he's happy when I'm around but sometimes I thought is it an assurance that we'll be taking it to the next level? I don't really know. We haven't said those three words, the "I love you" thing, I don't want to rush it or him but I want him so bad. Maddie said that she thinks Evan is not yet over with Abby but I might help. Was That my role all this time? Time off to keep Abby away from his mind?
"Hey, is there something wrong with my face, Y/N?" Evan said as he licked his bottom lip.
I looked at him and smiled, "No, it's just that -" I wanted to ask him what's in my mind right now but I ease off, "nothing. Nothing." I assured him.
"Yeah?" He nodded, "That's good." He cupped my cheeks and squeeze it, "You're so beautiful, do you know that?"
"Oh my god, guys! Get a room!" Chimney protested.
"I don't want to eat the food who just saw that." Hen said jokingly.
"I just wish that Buck would man up and ask her to be his girlfriend, though." Eddie whispers but a whisper enough for us to hear it.
"Dinner is ready," Bobby announced.
"So, I guess I'll see you at the table," Evan said as he pressed his lips for a smile. I nod as an answer.
"Cap, I'll help you." I offered as I run to Bobby's side.
I grab some plates when Bobby pats my back, "A lot of people here believe that you and Buck is perfect Y/N. I mean, you put him back where he was before and you make the best version of him. And I can see in him that whatever you have in there," he points in my heart, "he has those too."
I smiled sweetly, "Oh, Captain you're the dad I never had." I utter jokingly.
Then, we had our dinner peacefully talking about some funny things Chimney did before entering LAFD. Then the alarm blast alerting everybody that we have an emergency to respond.
"Oh my god," I exclaim as I put a final spoonful of the salad and I grab a bottle of water to push down what I just ate.
We have to respond to a train wreck?
"Did I just hear it right? A train wreck?" I said loudly over the siren.
"Yes, love. It is." Hen answered me.
Captain Nash brief us while we're in the truck. Giving us an overview of what is the situation out there. I listened carefully and taking mental notes about my tasks.
When we arrive, if you're there, you'll realize it's more gruesome than what you've imagined.
I sighed as I hopped out the truck and grab my medical supply and immediately ran with Hen and Chimney when someone gripped my left hand.
"Hey," Evan said, "Everything will be all right."
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"Yeah, I know."
"You looked worried."
"Who wouldn't," I said sarcastically.
"Touché." He replied.
"Touché?" I repeated, "Big word, Evan." I punched his shoulder.
"I just love it when you call me by my name." He utters as he leans on the firetruck.
"I like it. I don't like calling you half of your last name though."
I rolled my eyes over him as I walked away from him, "Someone needs our help." I waved past him.
"Wait up!" He said as he jogged in my direction, "Seriously, I need to ask you something."
"So serious that it needs to be asked in here?"
"Yeah," he shakes his head, "probably. No. Wait. Just let me clear my head." He paused for a moment, "So when all of this is over we should grab something, I need to ask,"
"Dinner, lunch, or breakfast?" I interrupted him. It kinda annoys him when I do this.
He sighed annoyingly, "When this is over, I say we should grab regardless of those you mention because I need to tell you something. It should be tonight but they needed us so I figure out it could wait."
"Could it wait though, Evan?" I said jokingly as I gripped my bag over my shoulder and it helped to distract me of what's happening right now.
"Damn, Y/N! I love it when you call me Evan." Then he pressed a kiss in my temple.
Wait, what was that?
It may be an hour passed someone over the radio said that they need some extra pair of hands. I called it in and asked my colleagues that I'll run it in.
Then, I saw Evan arguing with a woman. I recognize her. Where did I saw her? She's somewhat familiar.
"Hey, Abby, listen to me. Abby!" Evan said.
Abby? Abby? And as if the world stopped spinning, I tried to catch my breath. In and out. In and out.
"Abby, stop!" He said as he wrapped his arms around her.
I wanted to collapse. I wanted to die right in here.
"L/N, your location please. We need you here." I heard over the radio, I copied. "If you see someone free over there grab them with you."
"Copy that."
I'm sure Evan heard it over the radio because his eyes met mine and he loses his arms over Abby. I gathered my self and adjusted my supply. I walked over them to head to my destination, I keep my head on the ground to avoid them mostly Evan.
It felt like forever to where they are standing. I can't contain what am I feeling right now but I know that I don't have the right to be angry with them. My heart broke a thousand times with the sight of them and that look Evan had moments ago.
"Hey, Y/N," Evan called me worriedly.
"Yeah?" I stopped as I look at them.
"Look, this is not what it actually looks like, I just-" he tried explaining himself.
"Yeah, I just tell that you're working something over here, Buck. I'll grab someone free over there." Then, I jog away from them.
"Y/N, wait," Evan shouted.
"It's okay, Buck." I said emphasizing his name, "We got it covered here."
Read Part 2 here
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musichead84 · 5 years ago
Seen as of 2019:
ACL - 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018
Bonnaroo - 2012, 2013
Coachella - 2010, 2014
Float Fest - 2014
Index Fest - 2013, 2014
Lollapalooza - 2006, 2009, 2011
Wakarusa - 2015
Fun Fun Fun Fest - 2014, 2015
35 Denton - 2016
Untapped Fort Worth Festival - 2016
Untapped Dallas Festival - 2016
Edgefest - 2017 (many more than this year’s…)
Old 97′s County Fair - 2018
Aerosmith (Dallas)
Afghan Whigs (Liberty Lunch, Antone’s, ACL 12, Coachella 14)
Alkaline Trio (Austin)
Aloha (Dallas)
Andrew Bird (Lolla 09)
All 4 One (Austin)
Animal Collective (Lolla 09)
Arcade Fire x3 (ACL 07, Lolla 06, Coachella 14)
Arctic Monkeys x 2 (Lolla 09, ACL, Edgefest 22)
Adair (Dallas)
American Eyes ( Dallas )
As I Lay Dying ( Dallas )
Atreyu ( Dallas )
Atoms for Peace  (Coachella 10)
Allison Moorer (Austin)
Aubra Mae (Dallas)
A Perfect Circle (Lolla 11, Verizon Theatre)
AfroJack (Lolla 11)
Atmosphere (Lolla 11)
Alton Brown (Chef - Frisco) - Barnes & Noble
Atlas Genius (Edgefest23)
Airborne Toxic Event (Edgefest23)
AWOLNation x2 (Edgefest23, EF2015)
Annie Clark (Dallas)
A Day to Remember (Edgefest 23)
Alt-J (Roo 13)
The Avett Brothers (Summer Cut 2)
Austra (Granada Theater)
Alice in Chains (Gexa Pavilion)
Antemasque (FFFfest 15)
Alvvays (FFFfest 15)
American Werewolves (Three Links - Dallas)
At the Drive In (Red7, Trees, Club Dada, Southside Ballroom)
Aaron Lewis (Billy Bob’s)
American Aquarium (The Statler Ballroom)
Badfish x 6 (Dallas, Wildflower Fest)
Beck x 3 (Dallas, Coachella 14, ACL 14)
Ben Harper x 2 (Lolla 09, Austin, Waka 2015)
Big Head Todd & the Monsters (ATX, House of Blues - Dallas)
Black Crowes (Dallas)
Blind Melon (Dallas)
Bloc Party (Lolla 06, Dallas)
Blood Brothers (dallas)
Blue October (Austin, Dallas)
Burden Brothers (Austin, Dallas)
Broke (Dallas)
Band of Horses (Lolla 09)
Bassnectar (Lolla09, ACL12)
Ben Folds (chicago)
Beach House (coachella10)
Ben Gibbard (dallas)
Bert Kreischer - (comedian) Addison Improv (2), Irvine Improv
Black Lips (Lolla 11)
Bruno Mars (Lolla 11)
Busy P (Lolla11)
Black Keys (Dallas, Edgefest, ACL12)
Bush (Edgefest23)
Bjork (Roo13)
Big Gigantic (BreakwayFest)
Bear Mountain (Dallas)
Born & Raised (Dallas)
Bastille (Coachella 14)
Bush (Edgefest, Toyota Music Factory)
Blackberry Smoke (ACL14)
Bouncing Souls (Dallas)
Broken Gold (Dallas)
Ben Howard (Dallas)
Blue, the misfit (Dallas)
Brutal Juice (Dallas)
Best Coast (Dallas)
Bully (Dallas)
Bobby Patterson (HG6)
Black Fire Pistol (HG6)
Belle & Sebastian (Summer Cut ‘15)
Broncho (FFFfest 15)
Big Freedia (FFFfest 15, The Bomb Factory)
Bottle Rockets  (2018 Old 97′s County Fair)
Bombay Bicycle Club (coachella 14)
Built to Spill (Granada Theater, Untapped 16)
Breaking Benjamin (Gexa)
Blink 182 (Edgefest 2017)
Brandi Carlile (ACL 2018)
Brock Hampton (ACL 2018)
Blood Orange (ACL 2018 Bowling for Soup (Wildflower Fest 2019)
Cage the Elephant (Coachella 10, Frisco, Lolla09/11, Edgefest 22, Coachella 14)
Christina Aguilera (Tx State Fair 1998)
Chevelle (Dallas, Ft Worth, Edgefest 2017)
Coal Chamber(killeen)
Coheed & Cambria (Austin, Coachella10, Lolla06, Dallas)
Cody Shaw & The Rhythm Boys (Hank’s)
ColdWarKids (Lolla06, ACL)
Common (Lolla09)
Cross Canadian Ragweed (austin)
The Confession
Collective Soul (dallas)
Carolyn Wonderland (austin)
The Cush (denton)
Cee-Lo Green (Lolla11)
Chico Trujillo (Lolla11)
City & Colour (Lolla11, Roo12, Dallas - Granada Theater)
The Chain Gang of 1974 (Lolla11, Dallas - Granada Theater)
Carina Round (Austin)
Charlie Murphy (Dallas - Addison Improv)
Christopher Titus (Dallas - Addison Improv)
Civil Twilight (Edgefest22)
Cake (Edgefest22)
Chris Lake (El Paso)
Capital Cities (Edgefest23)
Crizzly (BreakawayFest)
CHVRCHES (Dallas, Coachella 14, ACL 14)
Commotion  (Dallas)
Courtney Barnett (FFFFest 6)
Chance the Rapper (Waka15)
Carrie Brownstein (Dallas)
Craig Finn (Trees)
Chris Stapleton (Dallas, ACL 16)
Cheap Trick (FFFfest 15)
Chromeo (FFFfest 15)
Calvin Harris (Coachella 14)
The Cult (Toyota Music Factory)
Camila Cabello (ACL 2018)
Dead Sara (Edgefest22)
Damian Marley (Lolla11)
Death From Above 1979 (Lolla11)
Daughtry (addison,dallas,frisco)
Dashboard Confessional (ACL05)
Death Cab For Cutie (Lolla 06, EF 15)
Decemberists (Lolla 09, Dallas)
Deftones (Dallas, Lolla 11, Edgefest23, ACL 2018)
Devotchka (Dallas - HOB, Indexfest 2)
Delta Spirit (Lolla11)
Drive-by Truckers (dallas)
Destiny’s Child (Tx State Fair 1998)
Dredg (dallas)
Death in the Family (dallas)
Dead Weather (coachella10, ACL09)
Depeche Mode (chicago)
Dirty Heads x 3 (Austin - Stubb’s, Dallas, Waka15)
Dwight Yokam (Grand Prairie - Lonestar Park)
The Drums (Lolla11)
The DA (El Paso - Tricky Falls)
D'Angelo (Roo 12)
Deadmau5 (El Paso, Dallas)
Dim Locator (Hailey’s - Denton)
Danny Avila (BreakwayFest)
Dave Chappell (Dallas - Oddball Comedy Tour)
Dirty River Boys (McKinney - Hanks)
Dum Dum Girls (Fun Fun Fun Fest 6)
David Ramirez (Kessler Theater, Untapped 16)
Dark Rooms x 3 (Dallas, Denton)
Doug Benson (FFFfest 15)
Dag nasty (FFFfest 15)
Dillion Francis (Coachella 14)
Disturbed (Gexa)
DJ Sober (The Best of Big D 16)
Dalton Domino (The Statler Ballroom)
David Byrne (ACL 2018)
Dead Flowers (The Rustic)
The Doobie Brothers (Dallas)
The Expendables (austin)
Eminem (Lolla 11, ACL 14)
Explosions in the Sky (Lolla 11, Breakaway Fest)
Empire of the Sun (Breakway Fest)
El-P (indexfest2)
Erykah Badu (Dallas)
Eric Andre (FFFfest 15)
Esme Patterson (The Rustic)
Erika Wennerstron (2018 Old 97′s County Fair, The Rustic)
Finger Eleven (dallas)
Fleet Foxes (Lolla 09)
Foo Fighters (Dallas, Lolla 11)
Foster the People (Lolla 11, Coachella 14)
Frank Black (Austin)
Funeral for a Friend (Dallas)
For Felix (Dallas)
Franz Ferdinand (Austin)
Frank Turner (Dallas, Coachella 14)
Fuel (Mayflower Fest)
Friendly Fires (Lolla 11)
Flogging Molly (Lolla 11, Roo 12)
Fitz & the Tantrums (Lolla 11 - met them, HOB - Dallas - met them, Roo 12, Edgefest 23, Wildflower Fest 2019)
Foxy Shazam (Edgefest 22)
Florence & the Machines (ACL 12)
Frightened Rabbit (Dallas)
Flash Gordon (Edgefest 23)
Flight of the Concords (Dallas)
Fatboy Slim (Coachella 14)
Foxygen (Index Fest 3, Fun Fun Fun Fest 6)
First Aid Kit (Fun Fun Fun Fest 6)
Flying Lotus (Fun Fun Fun Fest 6)
FKA Twigs (Trees - Dallas)
Future Islands (Index Fest 3, FFFFest15)
Fantastic Negrito (Summer Cut '15)
Father John Misty (Dallas)
The Gaslight Anthem x 3 (Lolla06,Edgefest23,Dallas)
Gin Blossoms (Addison, Wildflower Fest 2018)
Gnarls Barkley x 2 (Lolla06,dallas)
Gomez (Lolla 09)
Gossip (coachella10)
Greeley Estates (dallas)
The Gourds (austin)
Goo Goo Dolls (Dallas / Wildflower Fest 2018)
Grace Potter & the Nocturnals x 2 (lolla11, Summer Cut 2)
Grouplove (Lolla 11, Stubb’s, Roo 12, Coachella 14)
Garbage (Edgefest 22)
Girl Talk x 3 (indexfest 2, Fun Fun Fun Fest 6, EF 15)
The Growlers (Waka 15)
Glass Animals (Waka 15)
Galactic (Waka 15)
Gogol Bordello (FFFfest 15, Untapped Dallas 16)
Grimes (FFFfest 15)
Greg Dulli (Kessler Theater Dallas)
Grupo Fantasma (Untapped 16)
Glorietta (Kessler - Dallas)
The Guess Who (Wildflower Fest 2019)
Heartless Bastards x 11 (Austin, Lolla 09, Dallas, Denton - met twice, smoked with Jesse, and took pics with them)
Hole (Edgefest)
Hockey (Coachella 10)
The Hope Trust x 2 (Dallas, Denton)
The Holler Time (Denton)
Haim (Roo13)
Harland Williams (Comedian - Addison Improv)
Hozier (EF15)
Hayes Carll (Untapped 16)
Incubus (x3)(dallas)
Interpol (dallas)
DJ Irene (killeen)
Ishi (Dallas)
Israel Nash (Summer Cut '15)
I’m With Her (Ryman Auditorium)
Jay-Z (Coachella 10)
Jane’s Addiction (Lolla09,Dallas)
Jeff Klein (austin)
Jim Ward (Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth)
Jimmy Eat World (Dallas, Wildflower Fest 2018)
Johnny Cooper (Mckinney - Hank’s)
John Hiatt (Stubbs, HOB Dallas)
Jerry Lee Lewis (Richardson - Wildflower Fest 11)
Jim Jefferies x 3 (Comedian - Dallas)
Jim Breuer (Comedian - Dallas)
Jarrod Gorbel (Dallas)
James Vandervelde (austin)
Jack White (ACL12)
Japandroid (Roo13)
Jack Johnson (Roo13)
Juicy J (BreakwayFest)
Jenny Lewis (Dallas)
J Mascis (Fun Fun Fun Fest 6)
Jessica Lea Mayfield (Dallas)
Jack Kerowax (Dallas)
Jamie xx (GvB V)
Joey Bada$$ (FFFfest 15)
Jason Isbell (Southside Ballroom Dallas, Dallas)
Jason Aldean (Gexa Energy Pavilion)
Jaime Wyatt (2018 Old 97′s County Fair)
Jibe (Gas Monkey Live!)
Justice (ACL 2018)
Judah & The Lion (Wildflower Fest 2019)
Jason Bonham (Toyota Music Pavilion)
Kansas (Norfolk, VA - my very first concert!)
KISS (Frisco)
Kaskade (Lolla 09)
Killers x 2 (Austin, Dallas)
Kings of Leon x 3 (Lolla 09, Dallas)
Kid Cudi (Lolla 11, Coachella 14)
Killer Mike (indexfest2)
Kevin Devine (Dallas - Rustic)
Kopecky (Waka 15)Kaela Sinclair (Dallas)
Kurt Vile (Red Rocks Amphitheater)
Kacey Musgraves (ACL 16)
Kaleo (Untapped Dallas 16)
K-Flay (Dos Equis Pavilion)
Khalid (ACL 2018)
The Lusitania (Austin)
Lennon (killeen)
LCD Soundsystem (Coachella 10, ACL 16, The Bomb Factory)
Local Natives (Coachella10, Lolla11, Roo13, ACL 16)
Los Lonely Boys (Austin)
The Lumineers (ACL12, Dallas)
Lil Twist (BreakwayFest)
Lower Dens (GvB V, Club Dada Dallas)
L-P (Index Fest 2)
Lindi Ortega (Denton)
Lucero (Southside Ballroom, The Rusticx3)
L7 (FFFfest 15, Granada Theater Dallas)
Le Bucherettes (Dallas)
Lord Huron  (2018 Old 97′s County Fair)
Lifehouse (Wildflower Fest 2018)
Lukas Nelson (The Rustic)
MC Flipside (2001 - Killeen)
MGMT (coachella 10, coachella 14)
mewithoutYou (dallas)
Modest Mouse (ACL 05, Dallas, Fun Fun Fun Fest 6, Edgefest '15)
Metric (Lolla11,Edgefest11,ACL12)
Muse (dallas,Edgefest10,Lolla11)
My Morning Jacket (austin)
Millionaire (dallas)
Matisyahu (Lolla06, Dallas)(Met outside of Granada Theater, have autograph)
Manchester Orchestra (Lolla 09/11, Dallas - Rustic, ACL 2018)
Mogwai (Lolla 11)
Mexicans At Night (El Paso - Tricky Falls)
M83 (ACL 12)
Major Lazer (Roo 12, ACL 14, Waka 15)
Mariachi El Bronx (Roo 12)
Matt&Kim (Summer Cut 2, Roo 13, BreakwayFest '13)
MsMr (Dallas - HOB, Coachella 14)
Midlake (Dallas)
Macy Gray (Waka 15)
Ms. Lauryn Hill (FFFfest 15)
Midnight Stroll (Trees Dallas)
Miike Snow (ACL 16)
Mumford & Sons (ACL 16)
Marilyn Manson (Dos Equis Pavilion)
The Mavericks  (2018 Old 97′s County Fair)
Mad Mexicans (Gas Monkey Live!)
Metallica (ACL 18)
Margo Price (The Rustic)
Mipso (Ryman Auditorium)
Nas (Lolla11, Roo13)
The Naked & Famous (Lolla 11, dallas)
The National (Dallas - HOB, Southside Ballroom, Roo 13, ACL 18)
Neko Case (Lolla 09)
North Mississippi Allstars (Austin - Stubb’s)
Neon Trees (Edgefest 22, Wildflower Fest 2019)
Neil Young & Crazy Horse (ACL 12)
The Neighbourhood (Edgefest 23)
Nahko & Medicine for the People (Waka 15)
New Politics (Edgefest 15)
Neon Indian (FFFfest 15)
NOFX (FFFfest 15)
The Nixons (Edgefest 2017)
NIN (Las Vegas - The Joint x2)
NALGADAS - Gas Monkey
Nelly (ACL 2018)
Old 97’s (Austin, HG6, 2018 Old 97′s County Fair)
Owen Pallett (Dallas)
Of Monsters & Men (Roo 13)
Other Lives (Dallas)
The Offspring (Edgefest 2017)
Oil Boom (HG6)
Olivia Chaney (Dallas)
ODESZA (FFFfest 15, ACL 2018, Dallas)
Orville Peck (Southside Ballroom)
Paul Green’s School of Rock All-Stars – Austin, TX
Pavement (Dallas)
Portugal. The Man (Coachella 10, Lolla 11, Roo 13, Dallas - Granada Theater)
Paramore (Dallas, Edgefest 23)
Pearl Jam (ACL 09/14, Dallas - AAC)
Pepper (Dallas - Granada Theater)
Pixies (ACL 2005)
Placebo (Edgefest)
Pelican (Edgefest)
Phoenix (Coachella 10, Edgefest 21, Edgefest 23)
Passion Pit (coachella 10, dallas)
Pat Green (frisco)
Pretty Lights (Lolla11)
Puscifer (Austin - Long Center, Bonnaroo 2012)
Phish (Bonnaroo 2012 )
Pauly Shore (Edgefest 23)
Purity Ring (Roo13)
Paul McCartney (Roo13)
Phantogram (ACL14)
Paws (Dallas)
Parquet Courts (FFFfest 15)
Peaches (FFFfest 15)
Patricio (Coachella 14)
Pete Yorn (ACL 16)
Prayers (Verizon Theatre)
Paul Cauthen  (2018 Old 97′s County Fair)
Peter Frampton (Toyota Music Factory)
Queens of the Stone Age (ACL, Dallas)
?uestlove (Roo12)
The Quaker City Night Hawks x 2 (Dallas)
Quintron & Miss Pussy Cat (Dallas)
Ratatat (Lolla 11)
Rancid (Dallas - Gypsy Ballroom)
Red Hot Chili Peppers (Lolla 06, Dallas - AAC, Roo 12)
Rilo Kiley (Dallas)
Rise Against (Dallas)
The Receiving End of Sirens (Dallas)
The Record Hop (Denton)
Ramesh (Dallas)
The Roots (Roo 12, ACL 12, Waka 15)
Radiohead (Roo 12, Lolla 11)
Rodrigo & Gabriela & C.U.B.A. (Roo 12)
Robert Delong (Edgefest 23)
Ra Ra Riot (BreakwayFest)
The Replacements (with Billy Jo Armstrong @ Coachella14, ACL14)
Riothorse Royale (Dallas)
Roosevelt (FFFfest 15)
Ride (FFFfest 15)
Robert Plant (Bomb Factory Dallas)
Ryan Adams (Red Rocks Amphitheater, The Pavilion - Irving)
Roger Waters (American Airlines Center)
Street Sweeper Social Club (Coachella 10)
She & Him (Coachella 10)
Santigold (Lolla 09)
Say Anything (Edgefest)
Seven Mary Three x 11 (Dallas, Waco, Wildflower Fest - have Giti’s autograph)
Silverchair (How the Edge Stole Xmas)
Silversun Pickups (Lolla 09, Dallas)
Sleepercar (Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth)
Snoop Dogg (Lolla 09)
Sparta x 15 (Mohawk, Austin, Lolla 09, Dallas, Tricky Falls, Barracuda, Gas Monkey)
Spoon x 4 (Austin, ACL 14, HOB Dallas, HG 6, Wildflower Fest 18)
Staind (Dallas)
Steve Earle (ACL 07, Dallas, ACL 12)
STP (austin, Edgefest, Toyota Music Factory)
Silverstein (Dallas)
Santigold (Lolla 09)
The Smashup (Dallas)
Story of the Year (Dallas)
Street Drum Corps (Dallas)
Sublime w/ Rome (Dallas)
Switchfoot x 3 (Dallas, Edgefest 22, Wildflower Fest 2018)
Skrillex (Lolla 11, ACL 12, Roo 12)
Sarah Jaffe x 4 (Indexfest 2, Dallas, Summer Cut '15)
Shaky Graves (Dallas - Granada Theater, Kessler Theater, HG6, ACL 2018)
Sam Lao (Dallas)
STS9 (Waka15)
Slightly Stoopid (Waka 15)
Sphynx (HG6)
Sealion (HG6)
Saul Williams (Dallas - Club Dada)
Sons of Illustrious Father (Dallas - Club Dada)
Social Distortion (HOB Houston)
Slow Magic (FFF fest 15)
Stoney Larue (Billy Bob’s Texas)
Slipknot (Dos Equis Pavilion)
Shovels & Rope (South Side Music Hall 2016)
Sweater Beats (Coachella 14)
Sylvan Esso (ACL 18)
Santana (Dallas)
Tegan & Sara (ACL 12)
Taking Back Sunday x 4 (Dallas)
Thursday (Dallas)
Tito & The Tarantulas (Austin)
Toadies x 13 (Austin, Dallas)
Tool (Lolla 09, Dallas - AAC, Grand Prairie - Nokia)
Them Crooked Vultures (Coachella 10)
Tragically Hip x 4 (Austin - Stubb’s, Dallas - HOB)
Trish Murphy (ACL 05)
TV on the Radio (Lolla 09, Dallas, Untapped Dallas 16)
Thrice (Dallas)
The Heist (Dallas)
Twilight Singers (Dallas - Gypsy Tea Room & Granada Theater 2011)
Three Days Grace (Dallas)
Two Door Cinema Club (Lolla 11, ACL 12, Roo 12)
The Tings Tings (Edgefest22)
The Temper Trap (Lolla 11, Roo 12)
Twenty-One Pilots (Edgefest23)
The TonTons (Dallas - Trees)
Tame Impala (Dallas - Southside Ballroom)
Tinariwen (Fun Fun Fun Fest 6)
Tei Shi (GvB V)
Toro y Moi (FFFfest 15)
Tanlines (Trees Dallas)
Thomas Rhett (Gexa Energy Pavilion)
Travis Scott (ACL 2018)
Texas Gentlemen (Kessler - Dallas)
Uh Huh Her (Dallas)
Unknown Mortal Orchestra (Club Dada Dallas)
Van Halen (Dallas)
Vampire Weekend (Lolla 09)
Viet Cong (FFF fest 15)
Vaadat Charigim (35 Denton 2016)
Valerie June  (2018 Old 97′s County Fair)
White Lies (Lolla 11)
White Rabbit x 2 (Dallas)
Warpaint x 2 (Dallas - Granada Theater, index fest 2)
Wailers x 4 (Dallas, Wildflower Festival)
Weezer (Dallas)
Wilco (Austin)
Wintersleep x 3 (Austin, Dallas - Trees (pic with them))
Walking the Moon (Dallas)
White Arrows (Dallas)
Walk the Moon (Roo 13, Dos Equis Pavilion)
Wu-Tang Clan (Breakaway Fest)
Wiz Khalifa (Fun Fun Fun Fest 6)
War On Drugs (Granada Theater)
White Denim (Index Fest 3)
We Are Scientists (Club Dada Dallas)
Wrestlers (Trees Dallas)
Wussy (Three Links - Dallas)
Vaadat Charigim (35 Denton 2016)
The xx - x 4 (Coachella 10, Dallas x 2, Roo 13)
Yeah Yeah Yeah’s x 2 (Lolla 09, Dallas)
Young the Giant x 3 (Lolla 11, Dallas, Austin, Waka 15)
Yumi Zouma (GvB V)
Zola Jesus (Dallas - Granada Theater)
ZZ Top (Roo 13)
Zobc (Coachella 14)
The Zolas (Dallas)
311 (Dallas, Edgefest 2017)
30 Seconds to Mars (Dallas, Edgefest, Dos Equis Pavilion)
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