#his unflinching honesty in general
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purgatory-is-life · 5 months ago
Mechtober prompt 19/day 19-Headcanons
i didn't get to my inhuman mechs headcanons in htis one like i initially planned, but i'd love to hear your inhuman mechs headcanons!! even just your regular mechanisms headcanons!! tell me all ur mechs thoughts,,,
Lyfrassir Edda's Very Confusing New... Friends? - Reality666Rift999 - The Mechanisms (Band) [Archive of Our Own]
tw; mentioned torture, mentioned death, a bit of discussion about brian's backstory, i think that's it? but if there's something u need/want me to tag feel free!!
Lyfrassir was new to the crew of the starship Aurora, the Mechanisms. The space pirates had taken them in when their ship was breaking down and their food stores were running low. Lyfrassir was not aware that the crew offering them rescue was the same one that those damned three prisoners talked about all the time until after they’d been on the ship for a day and Raphaella had scrounged their ship for parts. So now, they were effectively stranded in deep space with the Mechanisms. The bird-like woman had claimed to not realize that it was their ship, said that she assumed Aurora just brought it on for scrap metal, but what’s done is done.
Naturally, they’d been doing their best to avoid the space pirates, but there wasn’t much to do on the ship Aurora besides get lost in her–strangely large quantities of hallways, or hide in the room that the crew had offered them. And after running out of things to do by themselves and running out of creative ways to steal alcohol without anyone noticing, well, there wasn’t much left for them to do but start interacting with the Mechanisms. They didn’t like it, but at least they weren’t bored anymore.
This was the first band practice they were sitting in on, though. It was only Brian, Tim, The Toy Soldier,  and Ashes at the moment, as the other four were causing havoc elsewhere on the ship. Lyfrassir really didn’t want to know what they were up to.
In the meantime, the four currently in front of Lyf were practicing a set that Brian had called ‘High Noon Over Camelot’. Out of everyone on the Aurora, Lyfrassir probably liked Brian the most so far. Other than Aurora herself, of course. She was generally very kind, when she wasn’t leading them down nonexistent hallways and getting them lost for hours on end.
But Brian was calm, collected, and generally very kind. Even if he was oftentimes brutally honest and unflinching in voicing his assessment of things–and even if he still on occasion shot the rest of the crew dead for seemingly no reason besides to get some peace and quiet. He was kind of confusing, in that manner, but to them he had been nothing but kind—outside of the moments of brutal honesty.
And, to top it all off, he had a lovely singing voice.
“Deep within the depths of the Station, You’ll find the key that brings your salvation
So take your seat, the one they warn you from Galahad
Be strong it’s visions may overwhelm, But they won’t steer you wrong,
Follow them through to your fate…”
The drumbot hummed, staring down at his banjo and readjusting the prongs, when the question popped into their mind and forced its way out of their throat.
“What did you actually tell them?” Lyfrassir asked, causing all four of the space pirates to turn to them. The blanched, suddenly self conscious and aware that that could’ve been a very wrong thing to say, but they continued forward. “The people on the space station, Fort Galfridian right? What did you actually tell them, of the… futures, you saw?”
There was a pause, and Ashes looked to Brian warily, something that Lyf was starting to assume meant concern on their face, while Tim continued to stare at them unblinkingly like they asked a foolish question. The Toy Soldier was swinging its head between Brian and Ashes, as if it was unsure what it was to do next.
“I told them what we put in the song,” Brian said, eventually. “Exactly what it was–Marius helped me write it down and figure out the exact tune for it.”
Lyfrassir blinked slowly at Brian. “…Really?”
Brian nodded, slow and creaking. “I believe I’ve always had dreams that show me things, the future or the past. Whenever I try to explain those dreams, to the people involved or too specifically, all that leaves my voice is a song that only confuses everyone around me. I don’t think it has anything to do with how Carmilla wired my brain and voice box, either. It’s always been like that, I believe. That was part of the reason I was called a witch, when I was launched into space, I think… I don’t remember too clearly. The responses were different, but my lines are as honest as our storytelling is probably capable of getting. We embellish a lot, after all, skim over things that couldn’t make a good song or would just drag the story out unnecessarily. A lot of the details get left out as we write.” Brian reached up and rubbed his neck tentatively, eyebrows furrowing as he continued. “It makes it really hard to take someone seriously if they’re just belting nonsensical songs at you, so people never really listen to the things I warn about. I tend to keep my mouth shut because of that, but sometimes I still feel the need to try. I… Galahad was one of the only ones who listened to me in a while, besides the Crew. And even then, you all aren’t the best listeners. You shrug me off and decide to do things anyway because it’ll be more ‘fun’, and then you end up dying over and over for half a century or worse–”
“It was one time,” Tim protested weakly. She had turned from staring Lyf down, to finding the neck of her guitar very interesting. “The torture wasn’t even that bad. Kinda boring, honestly.”
“But it still happened,” Brian said, turning to stare at Tim. “Because you didn’t listen to me. The only time recently where any of you listened to me about something I Saw was when we were passing Yggdrasil, and yet Marius and Ivy and Raph still went investigating anyway despite the fact that I was practically incoherent for days after that Dream.”
“They did still listen about leaving before the train came, though,” Tim pointed out, not looking at the drumbot.
“Barely– it’s– this isn’t the time to have this kind of discussion. We were supposed to be practicing High Noon.” Brian turned his attention back to his banjo, a clump of strands of copper hair fell in front of his eyes, and Brian quickly brushed them away.
Lyfrassir felt kind of awful. “I’m sorry,” they said. “I didn’t– I wasn’t thinking when I asked that. I’m sorry.”
“I don’t blame you,” Brian answered, “Marius says my music has a way of drawing things out from people. I think it’s all of us, but Marius just gets a look about him when I say that and shrugs. I tend to listen to him about that kind of thing, he’s a lot more in tune with stories than we give him credit for sometimes. Besides, I know you didn’t mean any real harm by it. You just didn’t know what you were asking.”
“…Back to work, then?” Ashes suggested, and Brian and Tim both nodded. The Toy Soldier clapped its wooden hands together.
“My! That Was Quite A Speech, Would You Desire Some Tea, Old Chap?” the wooden doll turned to Brian, who nodded.
“Actually, that’d– that’d be kind of nice TS. Thank you.”
“Of Course! I Shall Get Some For You As Well, Mx. Lyfrassir! I’ll Be But A Moment.” The Soldier patted Lyf on the shoulder, before darting off to make a quick spot of tea, while Lyf tried to swallow the lump in their throat.
“Do you want to move onto ‘Skin And Bone’ for a while, Ashes?” Tim asked.
“Sure, we could all use a distraction I think.” The arsonist shrugged, and the three Mechanisms returned to their practicing, The Toy Soldier joining in quickly after it had made its tea.
Lyfrassir was sitting alongside Brian on the bridge, as the metal pilot navigated through an asteroid belt. They were fidgeting with the knitting hooks they’d ‘borrowed’ from Marius, as an octokitten swatted at the yarn in their lap with its weird paw-like tentacles. Lyf glanced at Brian as he tucked some of his hair behind his ear. He was incredibly focused, on the abyss outside, which made sense. He did have to worry about asteroids.
Aurora beeped and slammed a door.
“Just– give me a second, ‘Rora.” Brian’s voice was distant. “We’re almost through.” Aurora sighed, warm air blowing through the bridge from loud fans, ruffling Lyf’s braids and Brian’s hair, knocking his hat off of his head as well. Brian sighed, but didn’t move to pick up the fallen hat, leaving it laying sadly on the floor. Lyfrassir glanced between it and the pilot, before returning to their knitting. Eventually, they were out of the asteroid field, and the pilot relaxed, slumping in his seat. He still hadn’t picked up his hat.
Brian, after several minutes, reached up and tucked the hair that had fallen in his face again behind his ear.
“Do you– want me to braid your hair?” they asked, finally. The noise startled Brian out of his haze, the brass man jumping slightly before turning his head to face Lyf, staring blankly at them for a few moments.
“Ah– you– you don’t need to, Lyf? It’s… It’s fine. I’m– you don’t need to.”
“I want to, though– uh…” Lyf coughed into their hand and turned away, face burning as they decidedly did not look at him. “It’s always getting in your eyes… And it’s long enough that I could do some– ah, some fun hairstyles.” They were pretty sure their face was an even darker shade of purple, they were blushing so hard. “I won’t if you don’t want to.”
Brian didn’t respond for a moment, and Lyfrassir assumed that was that. And then, “Okay.”
Lyfrassir whipped their head around so fast they might’ve given themself whiplash. “Okay?”
“Yeah, okay,” Brian’s face was a bright red. “You can braid my hair.”
Lyf swallowed thickly, and nodded. “Okay.”
Brian moved from his pilot’s seat, to the ground in front of Lyfrassir. They set their knitting to the side and began by running their hands through his copper hair, making their way through the knots slowly. “You uh, won’t have to worry about hair ties either,” Brian said, taking some of his hair and wrapping it around his fingers. He pulled the coil up and it continued standing up. “My hair can just– stay as it’s styled, if enough of it’s clumped together. Usually, anyway. The Crew… They– the Crew likes to mess with this and shit. If I take a nap, sometimes I wake up with wild hairstyles. One time, TS made it into a swan and its baby swans. It was kind of cute, honestly.”
Lyfrassir chuckled at the image of Brian walking around with swan-shaped hair. “The Toy Soldier is… Something, certainly.”
“Yeah.” Brian sighed, relaxing into Lyf’s touch as they started splitting his hair into several strands. “We love it, though. It wouldn’t be the Toy Soldier if it wasn’t a little off. We all are, after all. Probably something to do with how we became the Mechs.”
“Oh?” Lyf wasn’t paying too much attention to what Brian was saying, focusing on braiding his hair.
“Yeah– you uh, you see it most with Marius, I think. And, well, me, but Marius is the one you see it most in who’s still made mostly out of flesh. He’s… 87% flesh, whereas I’m like… 10% flesh, because of my heart.”
“Is that why von Raum is so… annoying? Is his arm why he can just– summon violins from nowhere?”
“Oh, no, according to him that was something he could do even before he was Marius. But, well, Marius lies a lot, so maybe it is his mechanism.”
“So the mystery continues…”
“Raph’s been trying to figure it out for ages and has literally no idea. So take that as you will.”
“Hm…” Lyf furrowed their eyebrows, and grabbed some of Brian’s hair to start including it in the intricate braid they were slowly forming, when they saw something… odd, on the back of Brian’s neck. Lyfrassir frowned, and lightly touched the area around the– what looked like a switch, on the back of the pilot’s neck.
Brian tensed, freezing at the soft touch of Lyf’s fingers. “Ah- don’t touch it, please? I like the mode I’m on right now. I’ll– if I need to switch it I’ll ask.”
Lyf nodded, pulling their hand away. “Right, yes sorry…”
A few moments passed in silence, as Lyfrassir continued to work. “You can ask, you know. I don’t mind explaining.”
Lyf bit their lip, but nodded, despite the fact that they knew Brian couldn’t see them. “Okay… What– what is it?” they asked.
“It’s– have you heard any of the others say ‘MJE’ or ‘EJM’ around me?” They answered with a noncommittal hum, and Brian continued. “They’re referencing that switch. Ends Justify Means or Means Justify Ends. Fun or Boring, according to the Crew. When Dr. Carmilla made me, she implanted that switch in the back of my neck. It’s, most simply, a morality switch. It doesn’t exactly change how I view the world, but it does change how I interact with it. Please don’t ah, please don’t flip it if I don’t ask? Raph’s been working on making it less so, but whenever it’s flipped it’s… It’s not a pleasant experience for me, personally.”
Lyfrassir nodded again. “I won’t, promise. Although that is… An odd thing to give someone.”
“Don’t think too hard about it, Lyf. It’d only give you a headache.”
Lyf hummed in response. “Is– is that why your hair is so long? To hide it?” They hadn’t seen it until now, and besides a few jokes or comments here and there from the other Mechanisms, hadn’t heard anything about it. If it was truly as unpleasant as he said, it would make sense if Brian just didn’t want to talk or think about it.
Brian, however, laughed at that. Loud and bright, it did… odd things to Lyf’s heart. “No, no, uh. I just like the long hair. It’s warm, and it gives the others a fidget toy. Besides, I uh, I feel pretty? With long hair. While I was strung up in Camelot, it was actually kind of ridiculous how long it had gotten. Sometimes I cut it, but I normally never let it get shorter than just above my shoulders.”
“Oh,” Lyfrassir responded. “Huh. Well… Your hair is very pretty, and very braidable. Even then, though, we’re probably going to be here a while. You have a lot of hair.”
“That’s okay,” Brian said. “I like the company. Aurora isn’t as much of a conversationalist as she used to be.” At that moment, she decided to slam her doors and blow cold air into the room. Brian laughed again. “I’m just being honest, ‘Rora! It’s wrong to lie!” Aurora huffed and blew a stream of cold air at Brian, which just caused him to laugh again. Lyf smiled a bit.
“I don’t know, she seems plenty conversational to me,” they said. Aurora creaked in appreciation, blowing warm air at Lyfrassir’s face.
“Would you like some songs while you work, Lyf?” Brian asked. “I keep a banjo in here, just for when I’m bored.”
“I– sure, I suppose. Play away, Brian.”
The drumbot nodded, and reached over to where a banjo was skillfully hidden under his pilot’s chair. He settled back in, and began to play.
“Aurora?” Lyf sighed, after turning into the same nondescript hallway for the fifth time. They couldn’t keep doing this, they had just wanted to get a snack. “Where am I?”
A screen appeared on one of the walls, as Aurora creaked and the fans whirred in a way that Lyf was starting to understand was usually laughter. They walked closer to the screen anyway. ‘You are in one of my hallways :]’ the screen read. Lyfrassir sighed.
“Yes, I’m aware that this is one of your hallways. Where am I in relation to the kitchen?”
A map appeared, showing that the kitchen was three floors above them. They furrowed their eyebrows, one set of eyes darting around while the other continued to stare at the map. They could’ve sworn that the kitchen was below where the O’Neil Rings connected to the main ship, not above. And furthermore, Lyfrassir couldn’t see any easy ways to get upstairs on the map. There were only pathways that led to other places on this floor, or down into the bowels of the ship.
‘Yes? :]’ flashed on the screen, above the map.
“How am I supposed to get to the kitchen? How do you have so many floors and passageways in the first place?”
‘I like to feel tall.’
Just as she said it, the map changed again and a new doorway appeared not far from where Lyf was currently standing. “You’re a rocketship,” they pointed out, “you’re already tall.” However, as far as they knew, there was no way that she should’ve had the space for all of the rooms and all of the hallways that existed inside of her. The O’Neil Rings themselves were confusing–it seemed like they appeared and disappeared out of existence. Lyf still wasn’t sure how exactly they were even connected to the ship, how they could walk from their room into a hallway that led into the main body of Aurora without any main connection points for the rings, at least none that Lyf had seen.
‘You should head to the kitchen before I decide to remove the stairs again, Navigator,’ Aurora wrote out. ‘Otherwise you might miss your chance. :]’
They sighed, and started walking towards the door that had appeared. They were never going to understand this starship.
“Mx. Lyfrassir!” The Toy Soldier called. Lyf… didn’t know where exactly it came from. But it might have simply appeared–they were getting used to it doing that.
“Ah, hello, Soldier…” Lyfrassir turned to face the wooden thing.
“I Have Something I Wish To Present You With!” It exclaimed, smiling brightly and, somehow, blankly at the same time. They supposed that was to do with the fact that it was made of wood, and had a limited expression range due to that.
“Oh?” They responded. “What is it?”
The Toy Soldier clapped excitedly, grabbed their hand, and pulled them along to its room–which only further confused the former-Inspector. When the pair arrived at the Toy’s room, there was a tea party set up. This was not unusual, Lyf had learned pretty quickly that when it wasn’t whittling or patrolling the hallways or engaging in a game of Murder Hide and Seek or Murder Tag with the others, it was either practicing the mandolin or the glockenspiel, or more likely it was hosting a tea party with whoever it decided was its victim of the day.
“What’s this for, Toy?” Lyf asked, raising an eyebrow, their two sets of eyes split between focusing on the tea party and The Toy Soldier.
The doll walked into its room and gestured to the beautifully decorated–probably porcelain?–tea pot at the center of the party. “I Have A Gift For You!”
Lyfrassir blinked slowly at the wooden figure. “…What?”
“The Tea Set! It Is A Gift For You, I Have Sets For Every Member Of The Crew, And You’re Crew Now! Do You Like It?”
“I, uh…” Lyf walked closer, and examined the tea pot. The base color was a shiny black, and it was decorated with bubbles of rainbow and silvers and golds that made the pot look like it was painted with an oil spill. And on top of that, brilliantly colorful and shiny beetles encircled the width of the pot’s belly.
“Jewel Beetles,” The Toy Soldier said, pointing at the bugs. “They’re From Earth And Terra, But I Believe There Were Similar Bugs Found On Alfheim, And You Said One Of Your Mothers Was From Alfheim! I Thought It Was A Nice Touch, And The Colors Match That Which Paint You And Yggdrasil’s Remains. They’re Also On The Cups!”
The cups were equally extravagant, with the same base oil-spill design, with three beetles decorating the circumference of the cup. The lip was covered in silver-gilt, and the handles were carefully painted with Old Norse Runes. The plates that the cups were sat on included the same runes, and the same oil-spill design and silver-gilt lips.
“I… Toy- I… Thank you, Toy Soldier. You didn’t need to.”
“Whatever Do You Mean, Old Bean?” The Toy Soldier tilted its head, staring at them. “You’re Crew Now, Old Bean! And Everyone In The Crew Has Their Own Tea Set. And That Includes You, Now.”
“I’m not immortal like you all,” Lyf reminded the wooden thing.
“That Doesn’t Matter! You’re Crew Whether You Like It Or Not, And I’d Rather Say We Should Get On With Our Tea Party Before The Tea Gets Too Cold!”
The Soldier Sat down at the slightly too short table, beginning to pour two cups of tea. Lyf nodded, and followed its lead. “Thank you, TS.”
“Of Course, Old Bean!”
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classicmarvelera · 9 months ago
Unraveling the Legacy: Steve Englehart's Impactful Journey at Marvel Comics
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In the intricate tapestry of comic book history, certain creators stand out as architects of enduring legacies. Among them is Steve Englehart, a prolific writer whose imaginative storytelling and nuanced characterizations have left an indelible mark on the Marvel Universe. Throughout his tenure at Marvel Comics, Englehart crafted narratives that transcended the confines of the page, breathing new life into iconic characters and redefining the landscape of superhero storytelling
Early Career and Arrival at Marvel
Before his ascent to prominence at Marvel, Englehart honed his craft through various ventures in the comic book industry. His journey towards the House of Ideas began with a passion for storytelling and a keen eye for character dynamics. Upon joining Marvel Comics, Englehart quickly distinguished himself with his inventive approach to superhero narratives, earning him a place among the company's top writers
Captain America: Redefining a Patriotic Icon
Englehart's tenure at Marvel is perhaps best remembered for his transformative run on "Captain America." Englehart embarked on a daring exploration of patriotism, identity, and the moral complexities of heroism during his time on the title. Through Captain America's lens, Englehart crafted compelling narratives that resonated with readers on a profound level
One of Englehart's most acclaimed story arcs, "The Secret Empire Saga," remains a seminal moment in Captain America's history. Englehart delved into the heart of America's political landscape in this epic tale, confronting societal issues with unflinching honesty. The storyline culminated in a shocking revelation that shook the foundations of the Marvel Universe, leaving a lasting impact on Captain America's legacy
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Exploring Other Marvel Characters
While Englehart's tenure on "Captain America" garnered widespread acclaim, his creative influence extended far beyond the Star-Spangled Avenger. Englehart's work on the relationship between the Scarlet Witch and the Vision, two of Marvel's most enigmatic characters, stands as a testament to his ability to infuse depth and complexity into his narratives. In "The Vision and the Scarlet Witch" miniseries, Englehart explored the intricacies of their unconventional romance, navigating themes of love, identity, and acceptance in a superhero context
Additionally, Englehart's contributions to other Marvel titles showcased his versatility as a storyteller. From the cosmic adventures of The Avengers to the mystical realms of Doctor Strange to the brutal Avengers/Defenders War, Englehart's narratives spanned the breadth of the Marvel Universe, enriching the tapestry of interconnected stories
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Creative Collaborations and Artistic Vision
A hallmark of Englehart's work is his collaborative spirit and his ability to synergize with artists to bring his vision to life. Throughout his tenure at Marvel, Englehart forged lasting partnerships with some of the industry's most talented illustrators, resulting in visually stunning and narratively rich comics. From the dynamic pencils of Sal Buscema to the ethereal landscapes of Frank Brunner, Englehart's collaborators imbued his stories with a visual dynamism that elevated his narratives to new heights
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Critical Reception and Legacy
Englehart's contributions to Marvel Comics have not gone unnoticed, with fans and critics alike lauding his innovative storytelling and memorable characterizations. His work continues to resonate with readers, standing as a testament to the enduring power of comics as a medium for storytelling
In the annals of comic book history, Steve Englehart's legacy shines brightly as a beacon of creativity and imagination. His groundbreaking contributions to the Marvel Universe have left an indelible mark on the fabric of superhero storytelling, inspiring generations of creators to push the boundaries of the medium. As we continue to celebrate his achievements, we are reminded of the transformative power of storytelling to inspire, to provoke, and to unite us in our shared love of comics
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Steve Engelhart is a titan in the comic book world, yet his contributions often reside in the shadow of more mainstream characters. His legacy is woven into the fabric of Marvel, shaping the narratives of both obscure and iconic figures alike, from the Avengers to the enigmatic Scarlet Witch and Vision
In the annals of Marvel history, Engelhart stands as a trailblazer, setting the stage for future writers who would helm the sagas of Captain America and the Avengers. Mark Grunwald's tenure bears striking resemblance to Engelhart's, a testament to the enduring themes of politics and cosmic exploration inherent in these titles
Engelhart's storytelling prowess shines particularly bright in Captain America, where political intrigue and global conspiracies intersect, birthing characters like Shang Chi. While rooted in martial arts, Shang Chi emerges as a pivotal figure in Marvel's tapestry, navigating the murky waters of SHIELD and HYDRA with aplomb
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Amidst the tumult of the 1970s comic scene, Engelhart rose as a beacon of innovation, his work becoming synonymous with the decade itself. Remarkably, he achieved this without the crutch of marquee titles like Spider-Man or the Fantastic Four, solidifying his place as an unsung hero of the Marvel Bronze Age
Steve Englehart's tenure at Marvel Comics is a testament to storytelling's transformative power. Through his imaginative narratives and compelling characterizations, Englehart reshaped the Marvel Universe, leaving an indelible mark on the landscape of superhero comics. As we reflect on his legacy, we are reminded of the enduring impact of his creative vision and the timeless allure of his storytelling prowess
Captain America: The Secret Empire Saga
The Vision and the Scarlet Witch
The Avengers: The Celestial Madonna Saga
Doctor Strange: A Separate Reality
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rebelrebelwrites · 2 years ago
Fic Friday! ❤️ Rebel’s Weekly Fic Recs
As always, this week's recs are...
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As always, please mind the tags on any recommended story for your own personal preferences.
The Classic You’ve Heard Of But Somehow Haven’t Read Yet: Of Desire and Despair by WildHarlow
What you need to know going in:
Mmm, another classic post-S1 fic where Sauron visits Galadriel in her dreams in an attempt to tempt her to reconsider his offer... with unflinching desperation, desire, and a semblance of honesty that scorches. Scintillating and spine-tingling in its gut-clenching conclusion, this is a quick, sinful read that you’ll want to return to over and over again.
Complete, Explicit
Read the story.
Follow the author on Twitter and AO3.
The AU You Need to Immerse Yourself In Because, Well, Wow: Though the Gods and the Years Relent, Shall Be by @demonscantgothere
What you need to know going in:
Hnnnnggg, this fic. 😍 Another beautiful contribution to this fandom from @demonscantgothere, this sweet, steamy fic also offers a really unique premise: after the end of all things, Eru remakes the world, and in that world in Valinor, a young Galadriel meets a Maia named Mairon. In this world, Mairon does not become corrupted, and he and Galadriel have the chance to fall for each other without the obstacles they would’ve had otherwise. Don’t get me wrong, I love the tragedy of this ship, but the hope and the pure softness of this story is breathtaking and such a balm for the soul. ❤️
Complete, Explicit
Read the story.
Follow the author on Tumblr and AO3.
The Complete But Never Forgotten Masterpiece: Queen Takes King by @coraleethroughthelookingglass
What you need to know going in:
10 years after she says yes to Sauron’s proposal, Galadriel reflects on the decision—and the dominance she wields over her Dark Lord—in the world where shadows lie where they both reign as equals. I love me a Dark Galadriel fic, and this one doesn’t disappoint! This two-shot delivers delicious smut and a delightfully devoted Dark Lord and his Queen. 🔥
Complete, Explicit
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Follow the author on Tumblr and AO3.
The WIP That Will Wreck You (In the Best Way): The Trials of Mairon by @jackpotgirl
What you need to know going in:
This is another fic I got into in the earlier days of the fandom, and I need to catch up on the latest update, but what a binge-read! If you’re somehow unfamiliar, this story sees Galadriel after the events of LOTR in Valinor, and at the bid of the Valar, she must put Sauron through three trials to prove that he’s worthy of redemption. After two failed attempts, they’re both thrust back to the events of S1 of RoP…. But this time, Galadriel knows who Halbrand is. The two push and pull at one another on a tremulous path of redemption, but the trials aren’t limited to Mairon. 👀 Binge-worthy, indeed!
WIP, Explicit
Read the story.
Follow the author on Tumblr and AO3.
The Can't Stop Consuming No Matter What Time It Is Fic: but i thought you might by @bad-surprise
What you need to know going in:
This. Fic! (Listen I realize I start all of these with an exclamation but I don’t know what to tell you, my feelings are my feelings and you guys are the ones doing this to me so… 😂) I binged the heck out of this story this week and got caught up this morning, and I knew immediately I’d be adding it to this week’s list. In this modern AU, Galadriel and Halbrand have a tumultuous, on-and-off-again romance throughout high school/college and as adults, marked by crippling anxiety, religious trauma, and a struggle to communicate… but a fierce (and often unspoken), love for each other that leads to them continuing to fight for happiness. It’s beautiful, dark, and achingly good.
WIP, Explicit
Read the story.
Follow the author on Tumblr and AO3.
Me at all these fics:
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Don’t see your story on this list yet? Keyword: yet. Please don’t fret! I can only recommend so many each week, but I am always looking for more stuff to read, share, and generally shower with love, so please feel free to reply with your own fics or your personal faves. I have plenty more to recommend… ❤️
Until next week!
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amillionpagesfromhome · 1 month ago
Home is F****** Burning
Home is F****** Burning - Dan Marshall
This memoir is probably not for everyone. As you can probably guess from the title, it’s not always the most appropriate on the language front. Really, I think that’s a good warning for the fact that this autobiography takes a pretty unflinching look at grief and how it impacts family dynamics. Grief is a topic that I find media tends to either shy away from or dramatize, like the reality is fragile enough that we try to maintain a certain distance from it in one direction or another, and I know, most of the time we read or watch movies to take us away from worries or concerns, but sometimes feeling like you can commiserate over something difficult is rewarding in its own way.
The book focuses mainly on the time period after his father has been diagnosed with ALS, his mother’s cancer has returned, and the children are all facing their parent’s mortality. If you’re in a place where you feel like grief, inappropriate discussions (sexual or language wise), or just the general stress of dealing with family during a challenging time might be triggering or unpleasant, this book isn’t for you.
That said, I loved it. Having had a family member with ALS, there was something comforting in hearing that other people also struggle with the adjustment of seeing loved one so drastically changed.
The family it focuses on is very wealthy, and they don’t always seem aware of the privilege that affords them. I do think that it’s clear that he seems a bit more aware of it in hindsight, as he at times seems to point out that unawareness as he tells the story. He doesn’t shy away from making himself look bad, which at times makes him relatable and at times unlikable. Then again, I think with some honesty we could all look back on moments we’ve probably been unlikable, especially when dealing with extreme times of stress or grief, so that added to the relatable feeling during parts.
The story details a lot of the progression of the ALS for his father. Less about the treatment his mother is going through, primarily because the author spends a lot of the book being a caretaker for his father.
If you’ve ever been in the position of being a caretaker for a loved one and have felt alone, out of your depth, like you can’t do anything right, and completely unaware of where to turn or how to process the grief of watching them reach the end of their life, this book should make you feel better about that – or at the very least, less alone in those feelings.
This really felt to me like someone being very honest about one of the hardest times in life and how he, and sometimes the people around him, failed to do or say the right thing as they navigated their changing lives and the tide of grief that creeps up further and further and sometimes feels like instead of receding it will just swallow everything. What I liked best was that he seemed to make pains to include his father’s reactions, thoughts, and feelings. It’s hard to watch someone die, but this book gave good perspective to how difficult it also is to be the person passing and trying to handle the end of your life while still dealing with your affairs, the people who are going to be left, and still trying to live out the remainder of your days with as much comfort and joy as you can.
His siblings also all get mentioned. While it’s hard to tell if there’s some bias in how they’re presented (anyone with multiple siblings knows that some of you usually get along better than others, and that how one sibling sees things is usually very different from the others) but they are all shown handling their grief differently as well as the fact that their own lives and problems haven’t stopped just because ‘home is burning’. Seeing their interactions can sometimes feel just as messy as watching them all handle the illnesses.
If this one doesn’t make you cry I’d be surprised. Again, it’s not for everyone. There is some humor, but the subject matter here is heavy. If you feel you’re in a place to handle that, I’d recommend this.  
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mimble-sparklepudding · 2 years ago
Does your OC ever tell their friends "white lies" to spare their feelings? Perhaps about their appearance or personality? If so, what was a recent example of this? If not, then how do their friends find this unflinching honesty?
Mimble doesn't like to hurt anyone's feelings, unless he actively despises them, in which case he can be positively snarky.
So he is generally honest, but also extremely tactful and careful with his choice of words. For example, if he's uncertain about someone's outfit, he's more likely to suggest that it's possibly failing to show off their figure to their best advantage, or that a different colour would perhaps better suit their complexion. Consequently he is quite popular as a companion on shopping trips around the bazaars of U'ldah or the markets of Kugane.
He does enjoy being playful and teasing his friends, and will sometimes use humour to point out an issue, but he is rarely blunt or nasty. Comedy bickering, however, is practically inevitable.
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talesofpassingtime · 2 years ago
On the death of Martin Amis
Martin Amis was a towering figure in British literature, and his influence on me as a writer was profound. His work was characterized by its intelligence, wit, and unflinching honesty, and it taught me the importance of using language to explore the darkest corners of the human psyche. I will always be grateful for the lessons he taught me, and I am deeply saddened by his passing.
I first encountered Amis's work when I was young, and I was immediately drawn to his unique voice. His novels were unlike anything else I had ever read, and they opened up a whole new world of literature to me. I was particularly drawn to his ability to combine humor with darkness, and his characters were always complex and morally ambiguous.
As I grew older, I continued to be inspired by Amis's work. His novels helped me to understand the world around me in a new way, and they taught me the importance of writing with honesty and integrity. I will never forget the impact that his work has had on my life, and I am grateful to have had the opportunity to read it.
I am deeply saddened by Amis's passing, and I know that I am not alone in my grief. He was a true literary giant, and his work will continue to be read and admired for generations to come.
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joeperciavalle · 2 months ago
A Legacy of Integrity in Law Enforcement Leadership and Community Service
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In a rapidly changing society law enforcement leaders play a very important role in forming the value of justice, equality, and integrity to maintain public trust. As societies, we are facing complex challenges ranging from crime prevention to growing trust in marginalized groups they need ethical leadership within enforcement has never been pressing. Building trust, serving the public, and making sure that justice is served at all levels are all part of the heritage of integrity in law enforcement leadership. Joseph Perciavalle is such a leader whose career represents this principle his commitment to honesty and volunteering has had a long-lasting effect on law enforcement
The Essence of Integrity in Law Enforcement Leadership
Integrity forms the basis of law enforcement leadership: the ability to adhere firmly and unwaveringly to one's sense of morality. Here, integrity not only involves strict observance of laws but also strong feelings of a sense of obligation to act according to certain morals. In general, leaders such as commissioners, sheriffs, and police chiefs in law enforcement have been authorized with powers to make decisions that will have the impact of changing peoples' lives entirely. This mandate requires candor, integrity, and good morals. Throughout his illustrious career, Joseph Perciavalle has exemplified these values. As a police commander, he understood that integrity cannot merely be a legalistic exercise but a representation of ethical behavior. His leadership doctrine is always on being an excellent example and ensuring that all officers who come under his command maintain equally high ethical standards. His unflinching sense of integrity makes him a bedrock leader whose leadership inspires trust and respect at the department level and within communities
Building Trust Through Transparency
A trust-based relationship, by its nature, is based on confidence, especially between law enforcement and the communities that they serve. For law enforcement leaders, building such trust requires an open commitment. Communities do not only want to be protected but also want to be involved in the decision-making process and justice administration. This transparency helps to reassure the public that law enforcement is acting in the best interest of all the citizens and not just a selected few. For Joseph Perciavalle, transparency has been the number one priority throughout his tenure. He put in extensive efforts to ensure that his department's operations were open and accessible, thereby raising public confidence in the fairness and accountability of law enforcement. Perciavalle believed that more transparency would translate to more public trust and support for law enforcement. Updates on departmental activities and the results of police actions are essential parts of this transparency. Many law enforcement officials are now advocating for public crime reporting, the use of body cameras, and direct engagement with the community through social media and town hall meetings. Joseph Perciavalle was strongly supportive of such efforts, deeming them integral components in guaranteeing that activities conducted by departments remain transparent and available to the public. 
The Role of Community Service in Law Enforcement Leadership
Leaders in law enforcement who place a high priority on community service are aware that their responsibilities go beyond making arrests and handling emergencies. To establish safer, more cohesive settings, proactive community participation is another aspect of true leadership in police enforcement. A concept known as "community policing" places a strong emphasis on police and community cooperation to forge bonds and find solutions together. Through collaboration and respect for one another, this strategy not only solves crimes but also works to prevent them. 
For a long time, Joseph Perciavalle has supported community participation and the police. He dedicated his professional life to bridging the divide between police enforcement and the communities they protect. Many initiatives to foster collaboration and trust with locals were launched under his direction. Initiatives like neighborhood watch programs, youth mentoring, and attempts to address local concerns through cooperative community gatherings demonstrated Perciavalle's dedication to community service. His faith in the value of community involvement contributed to the development of an atmosphere where law enforcement collaborated with locals to address issues and maintain safety.
Furthermore, Perciavalle's leadership showed a thorough comprehension of the relationship between social issues and public safety. He understood that good law enforcement has to address the underlying causes of inequality and social discontent in addition to responding to crimes. Perciavalle contributed to the development of solutions that addressed crime while simultaneously advancing economic and educational prospects for marginalized groups by collaborating with social services, educational institutions, and neighborhood associations.
Ethical Decision-Making and Leadership in Crisis
The capacity to make moral choices under pressure or during emergencies is a vital component of law enforcement leadership. Integrity becomes even more crucial when law enforcement leaders deal with challenging circumstances, such as protests, social disturbances, or natural disasters. These leaders have to make difficult choices that strike a balance between the rights and liberties of citizens and public safety. 
Leaders in law enforcement must act fairly and empathetically in times of crisis. Their leadership is put to the test in these situations, and their capacity to lead officers honorably may have a lasting impact on community relations. Making moral choices in these situations has the potential to either increase or decrease public trust. Throughout difficult times, Joseph Perciavalle's leadership continuously showed compassion, sensitivity, and dedication to justice. Justice and respect for all people were the cornerstones of Perciavalle's actions, whether he was handling a local emergency or guiding his department through more significant events. 
A Culture of Accountability
To guarantee that integrity is upheld at all levels of the department, law enforcement must build an accountability culture. Leaders in law enforcement must proactively establish mechanisms to hold police responsible for their deeds and guarantee that misconduct is dealt with promptly and openly. The department's leadership is likewise subject to this accountability; a leader who does not hold themselves to the same standards as their officers creates a risky precedent. 
Joseph Perciavalle's dedication to responsibility played a crucial role in upholding his department's moral principles. Regardless of rank, he thought all officers ought to answer for their conduct. Under his direction, the department put in place strong procedures for handling grievances and guaranteeing impartial inquiries into any suspected wrongdoing. Perciavalle recognized that the public's confidence hinged on the assurance that police who transgressed moral principles would face consequences for their acts.
A Lasting Impact: Leadership Beyond the Badge
Integrity in law enforcement leadership is about bringing about long-lasting progress. Future generations may continue to gain from leaders who maintain integrity and place a high value on community service. Beyond the department he worked for, Joseph Perciavalle's impact as a law enforcement leader endures in the communities he helped create, the officers he trained, and the justice and equity systems he established.
To sum up, Joseph Perciavalle's leadership in law enforcement is a potent illustration of how morality, volunteerism, and integrity can mold a department and a community as a whole. His steadfast dedication to justice, equity, and openness still resonates today, serving as a reminder that good law enforcement leadership involves more than simply upholding the law; it also entails serving with honor and building trust for future generations. 
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music-dmt · 3 months ago
The Role of Music in Shaping Our Emotions
Music has always had a profound impact on our emotions. It has the ability to bring comfort in times of sorrow, joy in moments of celebration, and reflection during periods of introspection. Artists like Darius Danesh have the remarkable ability to tap into our emotions through their music. His soulful ballads and emotionally charged lyrics often speak to our most personal feelings, making his songs timeless. Darius’ music resonates with listeners across the globe because it expresses feelings that are often difficult to articulate. His ability to convey vulnerability through his songs, combined with his powerful vocals, creates a lasting emotional connection with his audience.
One of the powerful aspects of music is its ability to ask the tough questions. The Question Song Lyrics in many songs delve into deep philosophical and personal inquiries, asking listeners to reflect on their own experiences and life choices. Songs that ask, "What is love?" or "Why do we fall?" become timeless because they speak to universal human emotions. They resonate deeply because everyone can relate to the themes explored in these songs. Whether it’s about love, loss, or the search for meaning, these songs become anthems for self-reflection, allowing listeners to connect with the artist and with each other.
Another artist who has had a significant impact on the emotional landscape of music is Eminem Famous Songs. Known for his raw honesty and unflinching approach to addressing difficult topics, Eminem’s music challenges listeners to confront their own struggles. Whether he’s reflecting on his tumultuous upbringing or discussing his battles with fame, Eminem’s lyrics allow listeners to find solace in the understanding that they are not alone in their experiences. His music has a way of making even the most difficult emotions feel more manageable. His lyrics speak to themes of anger, pain, and resilience, and his songs are often a source of empowerment for those facing their own emotional battles.
Beyond the world of rap and pop, one genre that continues to move listeners emotionally is Disney music. The Best Disney Songs have the remarkable ability to transport listeners into a world of imagination and nostalgia. Songs like "Let It Go" from Frozen or "A Whole New World" from Aladdin evoke a sense of wonder and possibility. Disney songs have the power to connect generations, reminding us of the simple joys of childhood while also providing lessons that resonate as we grow older. The themes of love, friendship, courage, and perseverance are common in Disney songs, making them feel timeless. These songs speak to our innermost desires for connection, adventure, and self-discovery.
Finally, no conversation about emotionally moving music would be complete without mentioning the classic Popular Christmas Carols. Christmas carols have been passed down through generations, and their songs of joy, peace, and hope never grow old. The act of singing carols together has a way of uniting people, transcending cultural and geographic boundaries. Whether it’s singing “Silent Night” around a Christmas tree or joining in with “Jingle Bells” at a holiday party, Christmas carols bring people together in celebration. These songs embody the essence of the holiday spirit, fostering a sense of community, love, and gratitude that’s felt by people of all ages.
In conclusion, music has the power to shape our emotions in ways that nothing else can. From artists like Darius Danesh who touch our hearts with their lyrics to songs that challenge us with tough questions, music remains a constant source of reflection, joy, and healing. Whether it’s the empowering anthems of Eminem Famous Songs or the nostalgic beauty of the Best Disney Songs, music provides us with the emotional tools to navigate our personal journeys. And when it comes to the holidays, few things offer as much comfort and joy as singing along to Popular Christmas Carols, spreading cheer, peace, and love to those around us.
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cevin-soling · 3 months ago
Cevin Soling’s Films: A Mirror to Society’s Hidden Truths
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Cevin Soling is a filmmaker who refuses to shy away from the uncomfortable realities of modern society. His works serve as a mirror, reflecting the flaws, contradictions, and overlooked injustices embedded in the systems that govern our lives. Through powerful storytelling and bold commentary, Soling uses film as a tool to illuminate hidden truths and inspire critical thought.
Exposing the Flaws in Society
At the heart of Cevin Soling’s films is a commitment to exposing systemic injustices. One of his most notable works, The War on Kids, critiques the American education system. Soling draws parallels between schools and prisons, demonstrating how strict policies and an overemphasis on discipline can suppress creativity and individuality.
This documentary doesn’t just highlight the flaws within the system; it forces viewers to confront the broader societal attitudes that perpetuate these issues. By tackling such complex and often taboo subjects, Soling ensures his films are not just viewed but felt, prompting audiences to question the structures they take for granted.
The Art of Uncomfortable Truths
Soling’s films are characterized by their unflinching honesty. He delves into issues that are often ignored or dismissed, shedding light on uncomfortable truths. Yet, his approach is not purely critical—it is deeply empathetic.
Through interviews and real-life stories, Soling humanizes the individuals affected by systemic flaws, making their struggles relatable and urgent. His storytelling combines raw emotion with factual depth, creating a unique narrative style that both informs and engages.
A Voice for the Silenced
One of the defining features of Cevin Soling’s work is his dedication to amplifying marginalized voices. Whether addressing the experiences of students in rigid educational systems or exploring other forms of societal control, Soling’s films give a platform to those often left unheard.
By highlighting these perspectives, he not only fosters empathy but also encourages viewers to reconsider their assumptions about power, freedom, and individuality. His films challenge audiences to think beyond their own experiences, making them more aware of the complexities of the world around them.
Inspiring Change Through Film
Cevin Soling’s work goes beyond exposing problems; it inspires action. His films provoke important conversations, urging viewers to question the systems they live within and seek alternatives. By combining artistic innovation with a clear call for change, Soling has created a blueprint for how cinema can drive social progress.
Whether critiquing education, authority, or societal norms, Soling’s films encourage audiences to think critically and act decisively. His work demonstrates that film is not just entertainment—it is a powerful medium for advocacy and transformation.
The Legacy of a Visionary Filmmaker
Cevin Soling’s commitment to unveiling society’s hidden truths has solidified his reputation as a fearless and visionary filmmaker. His films are not only artistic achievements but also vital contributions to the discourse on social justice and reform.
By holding up a mirror to society, Soling forces us to confront the realities we often ignore. His work reminds us of the power of storytelling to reveal, challenge, and ultimately change the world. As audiences continue to engage with his films, Soling’s legacy as a pioneer of socially conscious cinema grows stronger, inspiring a new generation of filmmakers to follow in his footsteps.
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themurtiwalaa · 9 months ago
Uncovering the Meaning of Keeping a Ram Darbar Idol in Hinduism
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In the unpredictable embroidery of Hinduism, the Ram Darbar holds a respected spot. A quintessential portrayal of heavenly congruity, it depicts Ruler Ram, his partner Sita, his dedicated lover Hanuman, and his devoted sibling Lakshman. This consecrated outfit represents a fanciful story as well as encapsulates significant otherworldly rules that resound with enthusiasts across ages. The act of keeping a Ram Darbar idol in homes, sanctuaries, and consecrated spaces conveys huge profound, social, and philosophical ramifications, rising above simple strict worship.
Exemplification of Dharma
At its center, the Ram Darbar addresses the encapsulation of dharma, nobility, and uprightness. Master Ram, respected as the seventh symbol of the Hindu god Vishnu, is the embodiment of moral honesty and optimal sovereignty. His life, as chronicled in the legendary Ramayana, fills in as a directing light for disciples, showing the victory of good over evil, obligation over want, and penance over personal responsibility.
The presence of Master Ram, Sita, Hanuman, and Lakshman in the Ram Darbar idol fills in as a consistent sign of the standards they embody. Master Ram's unflinching adherence to his dharma, Sita's undaunted dedication and flexibility, Hanuman's endless commitment and strength, and Lakshman's resolute faithfulness highlight the significance of maintaining honorableness in one's life.
Solidarity in Variety
The Ram Darbar additionally exemplifies the soul of solidarity in variety. Master Ram, a manifestation of the heavenly, generous acknowledges Hanuman, a Vanara (monkey) lover, and structures a tough bond with Lakshman, his sibling and friend. The consideration of different characters in the Ram Darbar highlights the Hindu ethos of acknowledgment and amicability in the midst of variety.
In a world frequently defaced by divisions in view of station, ideology, and ethnicity, the Ram Darbar fills in as a powerful image of inclusivity and solidarity. It helps enthusiasts to remember the comprehensiveness of heavenly love and the inborn interconnectedness, everything being equal.
Reflection Practice
Keeping a Ram Darbar idol isn't only a ceremonial demonstration yet a significant reflection practice. Fans frequently enhance the idol with blossoms, incense, and contributions, participating in day to day supplications and customs. Through these demonstrations of commitment, experts try to develop a more profound association with the heavenly and soak up the ethics exemplified by Master Ram and his heavenly partner.
The presence of a Ram Darbar idol in homes or sanctuaries makes a hallowed space where fans can look for comfort, direction, and motivation. It fills in as a point of convergence for otherworldly consideration and fellowship with the heavenly, encouraging a feeling of inward harmony and serenity.
Social Legacy
Past its strict importance, the Ram Darbar is a necessary piece of India's rich social legacy. The epic of Ramayana, whereupon the Ram Darbar is based, has pervaded each part of Indian culture, impacting workmanship, writing, music, and dance for centuries. The portrayal of Master Ram's life and lessons in different works of art, including compositions, models, and exhibitions, has served to protect and propagate this ageless story for people in the future.
The Ram Darbar, with its immortal message of dharma, solidarity, and dedication, keeps on motivating large number of lovers around the world. As an image of heavenly elegance and everlasting qualities, it rises above the limits of reality, offering comfort and motivation to all who look for shelter in its heavenly hug. Keeping a Ram Darbar idol isn't simply a strict practice however a significant otherworldly excursion, directing fans towards the way of uprightness, love, and illumination.
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aftaabmagazine · 10 months ago
Reflections on Qahar Asi's introduction to his collection of poems "From the Island of Blood: Elegies for Kabul" 
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Reflections on Qahar Asi's قهار عاصی introduction to his collection of poems "From the Island of Blood: Elegies for Kabul" 
از جزیره خون:
 مرثیه های برای کابل
By Farhad Azad 
AftaabMag.com | Spring 2024 In his final collection, "From the Island of Blood: Elegies for Kabul,"  از جزیره خون: مرثیه های برای کابل self-published in Kabul in January 1993, Qahar Asi قهار عاصی bears witness to the city's foremost wave of Islamist-inflicted devastation. The cover, depicting a ruined city scene, is a chilling prelude to the poems within. Asi's introduction is a bold declaration of intent: the book is dedicated to those who endured the suffering, not those who profited from it.
He acknowledges the existence of noble souls amongst the Mujahideen who laid down their arms, but their numbers were few. What's baffling is the disconnect between his earlier panegyrics for these Islamist factions in the 1980s and his failure to grasp their true nature as foreign-backed militants despite all the warnings. 
In a video recitation of his poem "Everyone," filmed amidst autumnal trees, Asi laments the departure of friends and compatriots from their "ruined realm." He understands their flight, for the land of light and mysticism lies in ruins, shrouded in tears and misery.
Asi concludes his introduction by refusing to dedicate the book to those in the West who would become "spies for intelligence agencies." This suggests a deep suspicion of Western powers, whose proxies he witnesses as instrumental in Kabul's destruction.
The collection is raw and unvarnished, eschewing artifice for a stark honesty that justifies his description, "half-poems and half-prose." For me, two poems, "The Book of the Pen" and "The Stranger," are particularly resonant examples of Asi's unflinching stare.
In "The Book of the Pen" قلمنامه, Asi implores his companion, the pen, to join him in chronicling these painful times. 
بیاای قلم سوگواری کنیم
Come pen, let us grieve together
بیاتابهم سازگاری کنیم
Come, let us collaborate
بیاای قلم راز داری کنیم
Pen, let us share our secrets 
زمانه خراب است یاری کنیم
These are solemn times, let us be friends
بیا کز شرف پاسداری کنیم
Come, let us protect our honor
غم خود سراییم و زاری کنیم
Let us mourn and lament 
دل من غمین و دل تو غمین
My soul is sad, and your soul is sad
بر آریم ازین دو نوای حزین
Let us raise a mournful melody from these two 
زبد کیش و بد رای حکایت کنیم
Let's speak of the evil creed and ill intentions 
زاهریمن خون شکایت کنیم
Let us complain about the bloodthirsty demon *
سرنعش کابل بموییم زار
Let us weep over Kabul's corpse 
بگریم چون آب در نو بهار
Let us cry like the rains in the early spring 
که تادیده دوزی کران تا کران
So that when you look far and wide 
بجز آه چیزی نبینی در آن
You see nothing but sorrow 
بیا که دو دیده بخون تر کنیم
Come, for what we see, let us weep with blood-stained eyes 
بگریه براییم و محشر کنیم
Let us cry and create a roar 
The other poem from this collection is "The Stranger"  بیگانه. It warns of the dangers of trusting outsiders, who sow discord and division. Asi's insularity reflects the deep-seated distrust born of repeated foreign manipulations and internal betrayals.
His verses mirror my conversation with filmmaker Siddiq Barmak, a friend of Asi, in France in 2004. Barmak observed that each foreign invasion, from the 1st Imperial British invasion of the late 1830s and onwards, deepened the people's distrust of outsiders, which took generations to fade.
During this period, Asi and his contemporaries faced another invasion, albeit one directed by internal parties. In this context, Asi's verses in "The Stranger" resonate with painful clarity: 
در این خاک بسیار بیگانه ها
In this land, there are many outsiders
فشاندند تخم جدال و جفا
they sow the seeds of strife and oppression
به عنوان یاری و صد ناروا
with the pretext of friendship and a hundred injustices
زده زخم با خنجر آشنا
they wound you with friendly daggers
ز بیگانه این ملک ویرانه است
because of these outsiders, this land is in ruins
خبردار بیگانه بیگانه است!
beware, this stranger is an outsider!
Asi was killed in Kabul in the fall of 1994 by an Islamist rocket attack, just months after a brief, failed attempt to seek refuge in Iran from the escalating conflict in Kabul. In his poem "Everyone," his piercing question, "Why do you sit here, Asi, when the healer of grief is gone?" foreshadows his passing.
In the last two decades, Asi's legacy has seen intermittent revivals. His poems have been republished, and a complete collection was published in 2013. There has been continued interest in his work. His grave remains undisturbed, and no monument or other symbol was raised in his name. 
His views—especially those expressed in the introduction to "From the Island of Blood"—were at odds with those in power, whom he saw as either instigators of the conflict or agents of foreign influence.
Despite this, Asi's voice endures, resonating with generations who recognize in his honest verses the profound sorrow that has haunted their homeland. This suffering continues to cast a long shadow over the people's future.
* Qahar Asi invokes Ahriman—اهریمن—the Zoroastrian embodiment of chaos and destruction, to symbolize the forces tearing Kabul apart. 
In the opening line of his introduction, he writes, "بنام آفریدگار نور و ظلمت In the name of the Creator of Light and Darkness." This line further evokes this ancient dualism, albeit within an Islamic framework, by using the word آفریدگار "Creator," commonly associated with God in the Islamic context. 
Asi seamlessly weaves these historical and spiritual contexts, showcasing a profound awareness of his cultural heritage. This juxtaposition adds another layer to his work, underscoring the timeless struggle between good and evil that haunts his homeland.
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Tell the traitor
To fold his tent from this land of sorrow
These lines above are from Qahar Asi's second to last poem, "Tell the Traitor" بگو به خاکفروش from his collection "From the Island of Blood: Elegies for Kabul" از جزیره خون: مرثیه های برای کابل—self-published in Kabul in January 1993.
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fhjdbvhj · 10 months ago
Exploring the Artistic Realm: Emmanuel De La Cruz Reviews
In the ever-evolving landscape of contemporary art, few names resonate with such profound depth and innovation as Emmanuel De La Cruz. With a unique blend of cultural influences, technical prowess, and a profound sense of humanity, De La Cruz has carved a niche for himself in the global art scene. His works transcend mere visual appeal, inviting viewers into a dialogue that explores the complexities of identity, society, and the human condition.
At the heart of De La Cruz's work lies a deep reverence for his cultural heritage. Hailing from a diverse background, his art serves as a bridge between different worlds, weaving together threads of tradition and modernity with seamless precision. Through his choice of subjects, motifs, and techniques, he pays homage to the rich tapestry of his ancestry while infusing it with a contemporary sensibility that speaks to audiences across borders.
One of the most striking aspects of De La Cruz's oeuvre is his masterful command of form and color. Whether working with acrylics, oils, or mixed media, he exhibits a remarkable ability to evoke emotion and provoke thought through his use of texture, shading, and composition. Each brushstroke is imbued with intentionality, guiding the viewer on a visual journey that is as intellectually stimulating as it is aesthetically pleasing.
However, what truly sets De La Cruz apart is the thematic depth of his work. Through a diverse array of mediums, including painting, sculpture, and installation, he tackles issues ranging from social justice and environmentalism to personal identity and the human experience. His pieces serve as poignant reflections of the world around us, challenging preconceived notions and inviting introspection.
In recent years, De La Cruz has garnered widespread acclaim for his thought-provoking exhibitions, which have been showcased in galleries and museums around the world. Critics and patrons alike have been captivated by the raw honesty and emotional resonance of his work, hailing him as a visionary artist for the 21st century.
Yet, perhaps the most enduring legacy of Emmanuel De La Cruz lies not in the accolades he has received, but in the conversations his art continues to inspire. Through his unflinching exploration of the human condition, he reminds us of the power of art to transcend boundaries and connect us on a deeper level. In a world that often feels fractured and divided, his work serves as a beacon of hope, reminding us of our shared humanity and the transformative potential of creativity.
As Emmanuel De La Cruz continues to push the boundaries of artistic expression, one thing remains certain: his voice will resonate for generations to come, challenging and inspiring all who encounter his work to see the world through a new lens.
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balletrax · 11 months ago
Exploring the Rhythms of Knowledge: A Guide to Popular Music Books
Introduction: Music has a profound ability to resonate with our emotions, shape cultures, and define generations. Beyond the melodies and lyrics, there lies a wealth of stories, insights, and histories waiting to be discovered. Popular music books offer a gateway into this vast universe, providing readers with an opportunity to delve deeper into the artists, genres, and movements that have shaped the musical landscape. In this article, we'll explore a selection of popular music books that offer captivating narratives, scholarly analysis, and intimate portraits of the musicians who have left an indelible mark on our hearts and minds.
"Just Kids" by Patti Smith: Patti Smith's memoir "Just Kids" transports readers to the vibrant artistic scene of 1970s New York City. With poetic prose, Smith recounts her relationship with photographer Robert Mapplethorpe, offering a glimpse into their struggles, triumphs, and creative endeavors. Beyond its exploration of friendship and love, "Just Kids" serves as a testament to the power of artistic expression and the enduring legacy of two visionary artists.
"Chronicles: Volume One" by Bob Dylan: Bob Dylan's "Chronicles: Volume One" is a captivating journey through the life and career of one of the most influential figures in contemporary music. Through a series of vignettes, Dylan reflects on his early days in New York's folk scene, his rise to fame, and the creative process behind some of his most iconic songs. Blending memoir with meditations on artistry and identity, "Chronicles" offers readers a rare glimpse into the mind of a musical legend.
"How Music Works" by David Byrne: In "How Music Works," Talking Heads frontman David Byrne explores the mechanics of music creation, from the cultural influences that shape musical styles to the technological innovations that have transformed the industry. Drawing on his own experiences as a musician and collaborator, Byrne offers a thought-provoking analysis of the role that music plays in our lives and societies. With its blend of scholarship and personal reflection, "How Music Works" is essential reading for anyone interested in the art and science of sound.
"Our Band Could Be Your Life" by Michael Azerrad: Michael Azerrad's "Our Band Could Be Your Life" chronicles the rise of American indie rock through the stories of thirteen seminal bands, including Black Flag, Sonic Youth, and Minor Threat. Through extensive interviews and archival research, Azerrad paints a vivid portrait of a musical subculture defined by DIY ethos, artistic experimentation, and grassroots activism. More than just a history book, "Our Band Could Be Your Life" is a testament to the transformative power of music and the enduring spirit of rock 'n' roll.
"Meet Me in the Bathroom" by Lizzy Goodman: In "Meet Me in the Bathroom," journalist Lizzy Goodman offers an oral history of the early 2000s New York City rock scene, focusing on bands like The Strokes, Interpol, and Yeah Yeah Yeahs. Through interviews with musicians, promoters, and other key players, Goodman provides an insider's perspective on a cultural moment that revitalized indie rock and reshaped the music industry. With its raw honesty and unflinching portrayal of the highs and lows of fame, "Meet Me in the Bathroom" is a must-read for anyone interested in the intersection of music, culture, and urban life.
Conclusion: Popular music books offer readers a chance to immerse themselves in the rich tapestry of musical history, from the streets of 1970s New York City to the indie rock clubs of the early 2000s. Whether exploring the lives of iconic artists, dissecting the mechanics of musical creation, or chronicling the rise of musical movements, these books provide invaluable insights into the power of music to shape our world and our lives. So, whether you're a die-hard fan or a casual listener, pick up a book and let the rhythms of knowledge carry you away.
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influencermagazineuk · 1 year ago
From Ashes to Art: Artists Who Rose Above Their Downfalls
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The glitter and glamour of the artistic world often mask the struggles and setbacks that lurk beneath. From devastating failures to crippling self-doubt, even the most renowned artists have faced moments of crippling downfall. But what truly defines an artist is not their brush with darkness, but how they rise from it, channeling their pain and vulnerability into masterpieces that resonate with raw emotion and strength. Here are a few inspiring stories of artists who transformed their darkest hours into artistic rebirth: 1. Vincent van Gogh: Vincent van Gogh A tortured soul whose genius went largely unrecognized during his lifetime, van Gogh battled poverty, mental illness, and crippling loneliness. Yet, it was within these depths of despair that he found his artistic voice. His swirling brushstrokes and vibrant colors, born from his emotional turmoil, revolutionized the art world and continue to captivate audiences centuries later. Van Gogh's story reminds us that the most profound art often emerges from the deepest wounds. 2. Maya Angelou: A survivor of unimaginable trauma, Angelou found solace and power in the written word. Silenced as a child by sexual abuse, she later broke her silence with unflinching honesty, exploring themes of race, resilience, and womanhood in her poetry and prose. Angelou's words became a beacon of hope for millions, proving that even the most painful experiences can be transformed into tools for healing and empowerment. 3. David Bowie: A chameleon of reinvention, Bowie's career was marked by constant evolution and artistic upheaval. From the glam rock theatrics of Ziggy Stardust to the introspective electronica of "Low," Bowie constantly defied expectations, embracing vulnerability and experimentation. His ability to confront his inner demons and translate them into captivating performances and music solidified his place as a cultural icon, reminding us that the journey of self-discovery is often fueled by artistic reinvention. 4. J.K. Rowling: J.K. Rowling Rejected by multiple publishers and struggling to overcome personal grief, Rowling refused to let her dreams of a young wizard named Harry Potter fade away. Fueled by perseverance and sheer willpower, she crafted a magical world that captivated millions, becoming one of the bestselling authors of all time. Rowling's story celebrates the power of resilience and the unwavering belief in the power of one's own voice, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds. 5. Eminem: Emerging from a childhood marked by poverty and abuse, Eminem channeled his anger and despair into raw, introspective rap lyrics that resonated with audiences who felt unheard and unseen. His unflinching honesty about mental health struggles and social injustices challenged cultural norms and paved the way for a new generation of artists to express themselves unapologetically. Eminem's story is a testament to the transformative power of art, showcasing how vulnerability and darkness can be powerful tools for social commentary and personal catharsis. These artists are just a few examples of the countless individuals who have emerged from the ashes of downfall to create art that moves, inspires, and challenges. Their stories remind us that the human spirit is incredibly resilient, and that even the darkest times can be the catalyst for artistic brilliance. So the next time you face a setback, remember that your struggles may hold the key to unlocking your own creative potential. Embrace the darkness, channel your pain, and let your art rise from the ashes. Read the full article
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imaginaryshorts · 1 year ago
The Unyielding Spirit of the Dual-Katanas Samurai
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In the flourishing era of the Sengoku period, amidst the cascade of cherry blossoms, a Samurai stood, garbed in impressive armor, the sunlight glimmering off its silver ornate details. He was significantly distinct among others - for he was a warrior of two katanas.
Motohiro_Ichikawa was not a typical samurai. His stance was like a mountain, rooted on the ground, seemingly unwilling to yield. His armor was an embodiment of knowledge passed down through generations. With plates that overlapped like fish scales, it provided maximum protection while allowing for swift movements.
The samurai's helmet, Kabuto, was adorned with a spectacular crest, or datemono, representing his family lineage, and a full mask, menpō, veiling his face in mystery. The mask bore a fierce expression, illustrated with teeth bared and mustaches rendered — manifesting the raging spirit within.
Motohiro was notable for dual-wielding two lethal katanas - Kodachi and Wakizashi. Few samurai possessed the courage and skill to accomplish this feat. Since wielding two swords required significant skills, strength, and speed, Motohiro had gained the reputation of a formidable adversary. The swords were extensions of his soul -- one representing his unflinching courage and the other, his unwavering loyalty.
His story was one of determination against untold odds. Born to a modest bushi, he dreamt of becoming a great samurai like his father. After years of dedication and relentless practice, Motohiro mastered the Ni-Ten Ichi Ryu, or the technique of two heavens as one. This technique allowed him to use both weapons in harmony, one delivering a powerful attack while the other blocked or set up for a counter-move.
Throughout his life, Motohiro faced various trials and tribulations that tested his strength, resilience, and the essence of his samurai spirit - *Bushido*. He upheld the virtues of Rectitude, Courage, Benevolence, Respect, Honesty, Honor, and Loyalty in all his battles.
Motohiro's tale resounded through the lands of Japan, filling the hearts of his relatives with courage and inspiring countless generations of warriors. Despite his exceptional skills, he did not seek fame but believed in inspiring others through actions, reflecting the core of a true Samurai.
The image of Motohiro standing firm with his two katanas against an orange twilight skyline embodied resilience and courage, a tribute to all samurais who displayed their unyielding spirit despite life's problems. His legacy continued as an epitome of the Samurai spirit, radiating hope and strength to those fortunate to come across his inspiring tale.
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practically-an-x-man · 1 year ago
For Madison!
Rose Gold 4, Coral 3, Black 3, Green 2
ahhh thank you bestie!!!
answers are under the cut :)
Friendship/Companionship Asks
Rose Gold 4: Which of your OC's friends is the most different from them? How did they become friends? Was this a friendship they fell into easily? Or one only forged through grudging respect or shared experiences?
I feel like she's most different from Hank. While they're both intelligent, he's definitely more high-reaching and scholarly while she's more grounded and deductive. He's quieter, less willing to fight (or fight back), and is much more of a romantic (while Madison doesn't think of love in any grand, lofty way). He also has loftier ambitions for his life, while she's content with something more secure and secluded.
They became friends while she was at the X-Mansion recovering from a stab wound, then became closer after she returned to the mansion a few months later. I wouldn't say they fell into it particularly easily, but it wasn't begrudging either - they just didn't have much to connect over at first, since they're such different people. It took a little more time (and a lot more Sunday game nights) for them to finally reach a genuine friendship.
Coral 3. Does your OC believe in luck or fate? Do their friends or companions view things the same way? Does this ever lead to debates or even arguments?
I don't think she believes in either in any major, genuine way - after all, she spent a lot of her life in an environment where everything came down to her own skill and ability, not the luck of the draw. However, there are times when she feels like she's inevitably destined for tragedy, given she already had so much of it in the past. But that's not exactly a belief in fate, more of a mistrust of security in her life.
Black 3: When your OC is feeling down or defeated, what is the best approach their friends can take? Concern and sympathy? Tough love? Humour and encouragement? Motivational lectures? Or another tactic entirely?
It depends on what's got her feeling down, and who's going to comfort her. She's generally not great in highly-emotional situations, but if a genuine heart-to-heart is what she needs, that'll come from Alex first and foremost. But those instances are rare - most of the time, she just needs a little camaraderie and humor from her friends at the X-Mansion.
Green 2: Does your OC ever tell their friends "white lies" to spare their feelings? Perhaps about their appearance or personality? If so, what was a recent example of this? If not, then how do their friends find this unflinching honesty?
Nope. For one thing, there's not much that bothers her, so there's a lot less that she feels like she needs to point out to begin with. Are there things that annoy her? Oh, of course. Is it worth pointing it out? Nine times out of ten, no. And if she's directly asked, she'll give you a straight answer. No lies, no half-truths, she'll tell it like it is.
As for how her friends find it, it's generally not a problem. They know it's just who she is, if they don't want a straight answer they just won't ask her. Hell, most of them admire it about her - Hank especially, since he finds it so hard to speak his mind sometimes.
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