Rosie's Blog
535 posts
“My worst fear is dying without being immortal”
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s-rosie · 2 days ago
Then again, I'd always had a habit of taking technicalities as a challenge.
— Jennifer Lynn Barnes, Little White Lies
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s-rosie · 2 days ago
Avery Grambs x Jameson Hawthorne - 1.6k
hello! I did say that I would write something, and that I would get it would a week or two after Valentine's ... so it's been about three weeks, it's been a month, okay? This fic is dedicated to @saythewordheiress, who posted asking for a fic where Jameson takes care of drunk Avery ... I wanted to give Jamie some backstory, and now i have a completely different fic. mb girl, I'll get back to you on that. This fic has a lot of time-skips. TW for alcohol addiction, which I definitely didn't write accurately. I rated this Teen on Ao3, so read with a little bit of caution. It focuses on our king JH and his relationship with alcohol through the years (two years). It places a heavy emphasis on his damaged relationship with Grayson (I always thought it was sad that they were at each other's throats so often). TLDR : If you wanted fluff, you've come to the wrong place, if you wanted bourbon, you've come to the right one. be back in a week (or a day!) for that drunk Avery fic. Enjoy!
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“Where are you going?” I asked him. After everything it has taken to get to this point, he couldn’t just walk away. “To hell, eventually,” Jameson answered. “Probably to the wine cellar, for now.” -Jennifer Lynn Barnes, The Inheritance Games
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Jameson Hawthorne: NOW
The tabloids thought that Jameson loved alcohol. They weren’t entirely wrong.
He loved the buzz it gave him, and how free it made him feel.
It didn’t hurt that Hawthornes were blessed with one of the highest alcohol tolerances known to man.
Did he love the actual drinks themselves? Hell no. For a majority of his life, he didn't see the point in alcohol. But the first time he'd had something that actually hit-
It was a beautiful feeling and he enjoyed it so much.
Maybe too much.
Jameson had been at his first gala when Nash handed him a glass of wine. He took it. He’d seen the adults drink during dinner before, but never took any sips, since being drunk felt like a hindrance. But there wasn’t much he could do that day and the function was dragging on and on. He had his first glass of wine at thirteen years old.
It tasted like shit. He preferred coffee.
But that didn’t stop him from trying a shot at a party one night. Country Day had won a state golf tournament, and everyone was gathered at the house of some rich socialite. There were whiskey shots lined up on the table, and an open bar. Jameson tried some whiskey, conveniently named after himself.
It tasted like shit. He preferred coffee.
Oh how that’s changed, he thought, moving out of the living room, and going upstairs.
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Jameson Hawthorne: Age 17
Emily Laughlin left the world after Jameson turned 17. And, he supposed, she took Grayson with her. Their former bond was irreparably wrecked. And Jameson felt that the only reason he’d mourned for so long was because he’d lost his brother too. His closest brother. His favorite. His first friend. They had done everything together when they were younger, and now they couldn't be in the same room as each other. Their longest argument before had lasted a grand total of three days, and both had been miserable and forgot about the problem after two hours. This one seemed significantly worse.
But he'd loved Emily as well. He had. They had done so much together in such little time. She understood him better than anyone, she understood everything. They were both trapped when all they wanted was to be free. He thought she loved him. And she died.
He was so tired. So tired.
The next day, three bottles were missing from the wine cellar. Smashed glass of a Scottish whiskey bottle was found on the grass, almost as it it had been dropped from the roof.
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Jameson snuck into the cellar for what may have been the second time that week. He relished the adrenaline high he got when he drank, and had developed a taste for whiskey.
He reached for the nearest bottle, but it moved.
His lips parted in confusion, and his eyes widened as they fell on Tobias Hawthorne himself.
The usual teasing smile on the man’s face had gone and he was frowning at Jameson.
“This is enough.”
Jameson held back an eyeroll, and Tobias continued. “Over a thousand dollars of drinks are gone, and you’re giving the tabloids something worse and worse each month.”
Jameson gritted his teeth. “It’s always about you, isn’t it Grandfather? Does it matter how I feel? Never! It’s always the tabloids and what they think!”
His grandfather narrowed his eyes. “The girl is dead.”
It’s not about Emily.
“She’s been dead for several months.”
It’s never been about Emily.
“It’s been too long.”
But you think it is-
“Once we leave, this door will lock, and the key is going to be hidden exactly where you think it is.”
-because it’s less painful to think about her than ... other people.
Jameson turned to leave, and promptly crashed into a wall, falling over. Oh crap, how much did I drink?
I'm wasted. 
“I should not find you here again.”
Jameson knew better than to go against his grandfather. “Fine.” And he actually left the room, managing to make it back to his room in one piece.
Change didn't come quickly. But Jameson was a Hawthorne, and Hawthornes can do everything.
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Jameson Hawthorne: Age 18
Jameson avoided the cellar like the plague.
He knew his grandfather, and he knew himself. There had to be traps in the hallway and stairs, Tobias would never leave something with just a warning.
It wasn't easy. He was miserable (Ask Nash). But he found himself reaching back towards the coffee bar, and slowly regaining back his abilities as a barista.
Jameson had spent a year cultivating his cooking skills, and used an entire month developing his coffee-making talents. Now, he found it therapeutic, following the same instructions, or even trying something new.
And that was how he found himself reaching one month, fully sober.
His birthday came and went. He drank coffee.
So did Grayson’s. He drank coffee then, too.
They still didn’t talk and it made Jameson want to rip his hair out. (Again, no one said it would be easy abruptly quitting alcohol.)
But a few weeks later, Tobias Hawthorne died.
Jameson went to the cellar.
There were no traps anywhere. The key was inside the lock, and when he went inside, there was a note on the whiskey.
I’m sorry. I wanted better for you.
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Nash had run out of his stash of cheap vodka and had told a slightly less drunk Grayson to get some more.
He went to the wine cellar, looking for a bottle, and instead found his brother, already gone through multiple drinks.
Their consciousness had passed the point of rivalries, and spent the night sharing a few bottles of whiskey. Their drunken laments were somehow understood by each other, and after a few more drinks, they didn’t need words to communicate anymore. Had they not been blackout drunk, one would’ve thought they were seven again, seemingly talking with more than words.
Grayson woke up the next morning, on a couch across from his brother.
He left the room immediately.
Jameson woke up a few hours later with a killer hangover,, and figured he moved the sheets while he was drunk.
Interesting feeling. Jameson got drunk often, but never to the point of blacking out. Getting that drunk gave him a killer hangover and rendered him useless for about half the day.
He smelled tequila, something he had never developed a taste for. Grayson was the only person in the house who drank it, and Jameson knew better than to touch that corner of the wine cellar.
What the hell did I do?
Grayson never told him.
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No one usually checked on Jameson, and after Tobias had died, no one went to the backyard either.
Of course, she wasn’t no one.
She found him on the balcony railing, drunk and shirtless, and the first thing he had done was give her a riddle. He didn’t know why Tobias had required her presence, but he was going to make it fun for himself.
And she'd solved it, too. Maybe she's more than just a puz-
He would’ve gone down for more bourbon, but the house was Avery’s now, even though she probably didn’t know that it even existed.
Tobias Hawthorne usually had a reason behind every one of his actions, but Jameson couldn’t figure out his reasoning behind this one.
And that made her all the more fun.
Bourbon might be good for me, if I get to meet pretty girls.
He mentally slapped himself. That’s not fair.
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They had a connection.
He tried to deny it, but they had a connection.
He’d connected with his grandfather. He’d connected with Grayson. He thought he’d connected with Emily, and both had left him. (Though things seemed to be getting better with Gray.)
Or so he thought.
Then he found out she was in the coma.
He went down to the wine cellar, and reached for the bottle of vodka.
And then he paused.
Do I want to be drunk when she’s awake?
Do I want to forget?
But I don’t want to feel…
But she will wake up. And when she does, I’m going to do everything right.
Jameson walked out of the cellar and locked the door. And that means no more day drinking.
Goodbye, room. I owe you a lot.
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Avery wasn’t going to die.
But when Alisa moved her out of the hospital, Jameson had to be held back by Xander and Grayson from almost punching her in the face.
“She could’ve died!” He yelled, his voice growing hoarse with the volume. “No amount of money is worth her life, Alisa! You had no right-“
“It had to be done, Jameson.”
“No it didn’t! She-“
“One of us is a professional, and it isn’t you. The situation isn’t ideal-”
“Ideal?” He choked out. To even plan for this scenario… “Damnit, Alisa.”
Nash walked out of Avery’s room with Libby, and upon seeing his brother about to throw hands with Alisa, dragged Jameson toward his room. He offered Jameson a bottle of whiskey, and his eyebrows shot up when Jameson refused.
“No? It’s been long few days, Jamie," Nash sat down next to Jameson. "and there used to be a time where you weren’t seen without at least a drink down.”
Jameson nodded, staring at his hands. “Need to be sober if she wakes up.”
“When. She’ll wake up. She’s strong, Jameson.”
“She is.”
Avery woke up later that week, and Jameson almost collapsed with relief.
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Jameson Hawthorne: NOW
Jameson reached the roof and stared at the sky.
Once in a lifetime, you meet someone you love so much, you become a better version of yourself for them.
The moon shined down as Jameson dug through his pockets. He opened the small velvet box, and the light reflected off the diamond on the ring.
I love you with more than words.
Thank you for being mine, Avery Kylie Grambs.
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Alright, how do we feel after 1.6k words of sad? please like, reblog and leave feedback in the notes. Or just throw watermelons at me. Anything works. I will balance out all of this angst with fluff, give me a week. and if you want to be added to the taglist, which does not yet exist, just let me know somehow, put it in the notes somewhere. This fic is green (because I'm Irish) because I love green (because Jameson's eyes are green), and I'm not technically Irish. Happy March, leprechauns. (This is my formal apology to saythewordheiress, who was tagged without consent. I'm very sorry.) (dividers are from @/cafekitsune)
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s-rosie · 2 days ago
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It's my 1 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
tysm sm for everything you have no idea how much every one of you mean to me 💖 i absolutely love this community and everyone who makes if i feel so blessed to have you in my life (ik it sounds corny but i really mean it!) i will post a one year anniversary post very soon so keep a lookout for that. ily smmmmm 💖
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s-rosie · 8 days ago
you ask, i deliver. here are some tig childhood hcs that me and my fever delusions made. enjoyyyy 💖
grayson used to look up to nash so he attempted to ride horses but ended up hating it bc it got him dirty so he stopped
in early middle school this girl had a crush on grayson and since him and jameson we’re besties at that point so jameson kept running up and down the hallway passing notes for the girl and grayson and being their messenger so they would hold hands at recess
thea stole her moms makeup in first grade for picture day and did her makeup and she thought she looked amazing but in reality it was terrible and her mom didn’t realize until she got home and she was livid and pictures turned out terrible
avery loved coloring and whenever her mom would have a little extra money she would buy her a new coloring book and new crayons and ave thought she was a princess
xander loved the board game mousetrap and would force everyone to play it with him
grayson would write poems and songs but always threw them away because he was worried they weren’t good enough
thea had a huge 1d obsession and would sing their songs in the mirror with the hairbrush as a microphone (she even read those quirky y/n “she’s so different, let’s invite her on stage” and being kidnapped and sold to 1d fix’s even if she won’t admit it)
rebecca loved jellybeans and would always try different kinds of them whenever she could
jamie loved musicals but eve said they were dorky and made fun of him so he stopped liking them (he eventually got back into them tho bc ave told him it was cute he was a theater dork)
lyra would watch angelina ballerina and dream about getting her big-girl pointe shoes
xander broke multiple beds by jumping on them
gigi and savannah would wake up early and watch cartoons and eat cereal on the couch and sav would always be so careful not to make a mess but gigi would never fail to spill her milk on the floor
max read wattpad and a03 and write fics of her fav book series under her blanket on a secret account so her parents couldn’t see her activity bc they were 🌶️ SPICY 🌶️ and her religious and strict parents would not approve
libby would dye her hair with household items (food coloring, kool-aid, etc.) before she was able to get it died with real hair dye
alisa would doodle nash’s name and write love notes to him in her diary with pink sparkles and a little lock during recess
ave would have to kiss her mom good night every night or else wouldn’t be able to sleep
eve would take other kids toys and when confronted she would cry and manipulate them because “she’s sick” and her parents would just enable her
jameson would always be the try-hard during pe and always do the most at recess and had all of the ladies swooning
i hope you enjoyed theseeeeeee 💖 please let me know if you have any ideas for the future im always open and don’t hesitate to give me feedback i love hearing from y’all nothing makes my day more then a notification that someone commented something positive on my post lol. have a blessed day/ nightttt 💖
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s-rosie · 10 days ago
gonna post my have soon i promise i’ve been violently throwing up all weekend and was drifting in and out of consciousness bc of a fever but they will be out soon i pinky swear 🤙
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s-rosie · 13 days ago
heyyyy so sorry for ghosting y’all again my whole family got sick and i had to help take care of them along with catch up on missing assignments from when i was sick and i didn’t have time to work on my hcs but they will be out this weekend unless there are unforeseen circumstances. have a blessed day/ night 💖
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s-rosie · 22 days ago
didn’t know who this was at first and genuinely thought it was varian from tangled ever after
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Grown-up man found twirling his hair in lab lol
Happy belated valentine's day! Here's some silly jayvik to celebrate
Based on this caption + Viktor's little doodle~
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s-rosie · 23 days ago
my first grade ass reading junie b jones when everyone else was finishing their reading comprehension tests rn knowing we grew up and started a trend
Hot girls have been readers their whole lives, not just because it became 'trendy' 😘
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s-rosie · 23 days ago
hey guysssss i’m sorry i’ve been gone for so long i’ve been so busy and stressed but now that i’m sick i decided it is the best time for me to post again lol and i can’t decide so i want y’all too
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s-rosie · 29 days ago
Jameson Hawthorne with glasses.
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s-rosie · 2 months ago
the hawthornes x bleachers
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s-rosie · 2 months ago
nash is a gentle dom
grayson is either a hardcore dom or a hardcore sub there is no in between
jameson is a switch and gets really into whatever position he’s in
xander is a sub but prob still puts in work
thank you for coming to my TED talk
I'll die on this bed GRAYSON DAVENPORT HAWTHORNE is not a sub in bed.
Xan defo is though.
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s-rosie · 2 months ago
~♡Motorbikes and Mischief♡~
Warnings: slight innuendo
"Hey," Jameson whispered to you. "What?" You whispered back furiously.
"What are you up to?"
"Homework, why?"
"Wanna do something fun?"
Your head snapped back up to look at him. "It's like, 11 pm. What could you possibly want to... oh."
He grinned at you. "Oh, what?"
You shook your head. "You've got that glint in your eye. Whatever you're up to, I'm not a part of it."
He shrugs. "I was suggesting... something else, but now you have me thinking."
"Don't strain yourself," you mutter sarcastically.
"Ever been to the Hawthorne racetrack?"
"Jameson, I'm going to kill you!" You shout, but the wind whips your words away.
"What was that, princess?" He grinned. "Can't hear you!"
"Oh my God, how did you rope me into this," you mutter, burying your face into his back and tightening your grip around his waist. Speeding on the back of a motorcycle at midnight with the most reckless Hawthorne brother was not on your to-do list, but these things happen, you know?
3 laps of the track later, and you were a shaking leaf. "That's wasn't so bad, was it?" Jameson chuckled, swinging down from the bike, immediately earning a glare from you. "It was better than homework," he tried, grabbing you by the waist and gently lifting you off the motorbike. "Fine," you conceded. "Better than homework." You stumbled slightly, and he caught you, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. "We should probably get to bed now," he mumbled.
"Probably," you say as you two walk back to the mansion. "But," you begin, eyes now sharing his sparkle. "I do want to try out that first idea you had."
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s-rosie · 2 months ago
If tig/tgg characters had twitter part: 28
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s-rosie · 2 months ago
this is my 100 follower specialllll. thank you so much to everyone who follows me i can’t appreciate it more. by popular demand, this is what was requested for me to make. i hope you enjoy 💖
at their wedding, they tossed cake at each others faces (which was already agreed upon) which turned into a massive cake fight and everything got messy but they got the cutest wedding photos out of it
avery once made up a spicy dance and posted it to her private tiktok and jameson had it on repeat for 3 days straight even while he was sleeping
jameson is allergic to lavender, but ave bought him a lavender scented plushie that looked like the one he had as a kid and he didn’t have the heart to tell her so he would just break out in hives and have his eyes water and his throat close up until nash mentioned his allergy in passing so that’s how she found out (she felt so bad but he thought it was a sweet gesture and he didn’t care)
jameson makes up stripper dances and has avery rate them (she in return bought him a push-up bra and a thong so he can look the part 😭)
one time ave cuffed jamie to the bed😏and he pulled so hard on them he broke the headboard of the bed and it came off but avery was too embarrassed to say anything so it was broken for 2 years until jameson finally convinced her to swallow her pride and get it fixed (this is my mandatory aj cuff hc it is my cannon event and can’t be stopped)
at school he would walk avery to class then sprint to his next class bc some of them were far away but he still wanted to walk her to class
he is always third wheeling ave and max bc they are doing a bunch of bestie stuff and he is just there
whenever avery has a perfume on jameson guesses the scent perfectly even if he didn’t know she had that scent in her collection
avery and jamie would cuddle in the back of the library and sometimes avery would fall asleep and jameson would just skip his classes to let her sleep bc he knew she had insomnia issues and would only wake her up when she had classes bc he knows she hates to miss school
he will wrap her up like a burrito in a blanket and cuddle her like that while she non stop giggles
they will make out everywhere especially when they were younger like one time they were invited to the met gala and made out in the bathroom bc it was “kinda boring”
avery calls him good boy and he loves it (i’m sorry) (but you cannot convince me he doesn’t have a praise kink) (or that she doesn’t dom him sometimes and he doesn’t love it)
they love candles and they almost burnt their room down bc they lit like 134 candles in their room for a spa day
i hc that jamie plays electric guitar and avery plays acoustic guitar so when they go against each other in guitar hero they always tie every time and they get so frustrated
they were lyra and graysons d1 wingmen and take full responsibility for them getting together (they helped but weren’t the full reason they started dating)
i really hope you enjoy and thank you so much for all of the support i really can’t stress enough how much you mean to me thank youuuu 💖
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s-rosie · 2 months ago
guys imagine a tig au where everything is the same except avery either has a good boyfriend before the inheritance or no interest in the hawthorne boys at all and jameson has to adjust his tactics bc they don’t work on her
(so sorry i just disappeared i will be back soon with a really good bc post i’m just super busy)
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s-rosie · 2 months ago
guys imagine a tig au where everything is the same except avery either has a good boyfriend before the inheritance or no interest in the hawthorne boys at all and jameson has to adjust his tactics bc they don’t work on her
(so sorry i just disappeared i will be back soon with a really good bc post i’m just super busy)
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