#narcissa fortescue
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buckskittle · 11 days ago
Sirius draws stars around Remus’s scars.
Alice draws flowers around Narcissa’s scars.
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shipspainfulships · 7 months ago
"fem Wolfstar" "fem jegulus" "fem rosekiller" HOW ABOUT WE MAKE MORE CONTENT ABOUT THE ACTUAL WLW PAIRINGS. there are not enough sapphic fanarts and fics in this world.
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outromoony · 3 months ago
Let. The. Girls. Be. Imperfect.
I'm always joking about Lily being perfect, but honestly, they don't always need to be the "queen, girlboss who stands for herself and knows she's better than everyone else," because that's not how people work. Let the girls be real, let the girls have flaws just like the boys. Let them say the wrong things sometimes, let them mess up. Let them be human. And let's normalize, not villainize, them just for it. When the boys show just a little development, everyone kisses their feet.
Let them be mean and angry and petty. Let them cry over things they shouldn’t care about or hold grudges for too long. Let them make bad decisions out of fear or selfishness. Let them be complicated and messy and everything that makes a character feel alive.
We celebrate male characters for being morally grey/antiheroes and for having arcs full of mistakes and redemption. Why can’t girls have the same? Why can’t they stumble and fall, and be loved anyway? Let them struggle with jealousy or insecurity. Let them hurt people and then try (imperfectly) to make it right.
And when they grow, when they learn, let it feel earned. Let their development be messy, nonlinear, and human. Let them be everything that makes a real person, not just a symbol of perfection or empowerment. Because real strength doesn’t come from being flawless—it comes from the courage to be imperfect and still keep going. That's a girlboss.
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mairon-goth-minion · 4 months ago
What if, when looking in the mirror of erised, Remus didn’t see the marauders, skittles, valkyries and others young and happy as he’d expected, but old and happy.
Old men and women, so wrinkled and ugly that he didn’t recognize them at first.
Old men and women who’d lived out a full and happy life, with children for some, and sweet memories for all of them.
Some married, others made blood oaths to forever be together, others just were content living with those they loved.
But all together.
Not dead.
Not dead.
And he breaks down crying.
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n0blefl0wer · 11 months ago
Forget black cat x golden retriever. Give me earl grey tea x hot chocolate
Jegulus: james - hot chocolate, regulus - two bags of earl grey
Jegulily: same as above + Lily drinks herbal tea
Wolfstar: do I even need to elaborate?
Nobleflower: the BLUEPRINT
Rosekiller: Evan drinks earl grey and Barty drinks vodka out of a mug
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moonyfr · 8 months ago
Me reading about the same characters fall in love over and over again
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moutainrusing · 6 months ago
Lucius: You’re starting to look more and more like me everyday, son.
Four-year-old Draco, bursting into tears: But I don’t wanna look like you! You’re ugly!
Narcissa, leaving the room so she can laugh while owling Alice about how Draco has inherited her opinions:
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Alice: Just when you think you've hit the rock bottom, you want to fuck a blonde
Barty: Amen, sister
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l1ve-l4ugh-lov3craft · 2 months ago
i’m only friends with people who are just as un-normal about the marauders era ladies as i am 🤘🤘
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vulpes115 · 11 months ago
Narcissa, specifically the Marauder’s fandom take on her, makes me want to sob and I need her to be appreciated more. Just, imagine you are the third daughter of parents that only wanted sons. A flower in a sky full of stars. A flower, an object only meant to be looked upon and be pretty. You know your parents never loved you, will never love you, you who is not the long awaited son they asked for. But even still, you can’t help pushing yourself to fulfill the mold they expect from you, beautiful and perfect. But even still you receive love from your family, just in the form of your older sisters. Your eldest who tries so fiercely to protect you and your sister but is clearly starting to slip into insanity. The middle starting to slip away, finding comfort in a man who’s kind you were poisoned to hate. Still, you love them. No matter what you love them, you have so little else. The only other one you have is your baby cousin, made in the same mold as you, who you try so desperately to protect.
At Hogwarts you are expected to be a good mark on your family, prefect, ace student and quidditch player. Willing to drop it all as soon as graduation to be a wife and mother. You only let yourself break the rules once, for her, the one decision you made that goes against your family wishes, the girl whose kisses taste like powdered sugar, whose natural kindness and beauty shines like a candle in your otherwise dark life. For years you let yourself indulge it. For years you pretend. But you know it must end.
The end comes quicker than thought. Your middle sister comes to you, she’s going to elope with her own secret love, she’s going to escape the family and the rot it contains. She asks if you want to come with. You want so badly to say yes. But you have been the perfect daughter for so long, being anything else scares you. So you say no. So you close the door. So you marry the fiancée that sister left behind. So you accept it when your lover breaks up with you, unwilling to be just a mistress. So you tell yourself you’re better without her, all the while knowing you will never find love like her again. Never stop loving her. You say as much when your cousin asks you if it ever gets better, heartbroken over his own Gryffindor. But still you made your choices and well, your fiancée is…fine, as pure-blood men go. He loves you but you don’t love him, can’t ever love him but you’re ok playing your part, even if it’s never him you picture when you play it, not even on your wedding night.
Before you know it, war is at your doorstep. Your eldest, no, only sister and your husband both pledge allegiance to the Dark Lord. So does your youngest, no, only cousin. Your cousin, so young, so naive. He dies, you never find the body, he was only eighteen and you couldn’t do anything to protect him. And the only person you ever loved? Well when you first realized she was going to be fighting on the opposing side you figured she’d be ok. Her and her new husband were powerful, well respected aurors, true Gryffindors, if anybody was going to be ok it was them. You were wrong, oh so wrong. Death would have been kinder with the fate they suffered. A fate brought on by your sister. The only one you ever loved as much as the love of your life. A love now only matched by hate.
You watch as your sister is dragged off in shackles, trying to hide any expression behind an icy mask. You watch as your lover looks back at you with distant lifeless eyes, eyes that don’t recognize you. You visit as often as you can but it’s hard to get away from your duty as mother and wife, even harder to see your lover permanently near death like this. You don’t mean to, but you stop visiting as often.
You only have one thing left to hold on to now, your son. Your darling boy. As a second war fast approaches you fear for him. You saw what happened to your cousin, you fear history is doomed to repeat itself. You do everything you can, extract whatever vows are needed, you do not believe you can survive if he too is taken from you. Then the pivotal moment comes. You have no idea if your son is alive or dead, but the chosen one is lying on the ground and he tells you he’s alive. In that moment you make a choice, you lie, you lie to the most powerful man alive, you lie to a mind reader, you lie to save your son, and you never admit it to yourself but you lie to avenge your lover he stole the sanity of, your cousin he stole the life from, and your sister he stole the soul of.
When the war is over, your action lets your family escape consequences. For the first time since the war began, you find the courage to come and visit your old lover. You apologize for not visiting more, and tell her about your sons, how her son had finished what she started, how your son had done what you never could. It takes several years longer until you make a visit to a different ghost of your past, knock cautiously on the door, a door opened by your sister, a woman you haven’t seen in almost thirty years. Things are awkward at first, of course they are, she is resistant, she’s lost so much to this war and she is slow to trust again, but eventually you two are having a heart to heart over tea, apologizing to each other about old wrongs. It’s not much, but it’s a start. As for your boy, he finds comfort in, of all people, the chosen one, the boy your whole family was supposed to hate, the boy who you helped save the life of. You are glad he is happy, you saw how miserable he was during the war. But a small part of you can’t help but feel envious, that this is a happiness that you could’ve experienced, that your cousin could’ve experienced, if you had made different choices, better choices, found your voice earlier, instead of being left with just an empty shell. Still, you made those choices, had made your bed, and now you must lie in it. But, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad, if you get to see your son smile, if you get to hold your grandchildren, if you get to see your sister for monthly tea, if you get to hold your old lover’s hand once in awhile and pretend for just a minute that everything turned out ok between you two.
That’s something your parents didn’t know when they named you after a daffodil, that even after a harsh cold winter, they can make a comeback.
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buckskittle · 10 days ago
Incorrect Marauders quotes
Walburga: doing something that a bitch would do
Orion: go help your mother
Sirius: Bro go help your cousin!
Doing a hear me out cake
Barty: Hear me out... Narcissa
Everyone (-sirius, regulus, evan and Pandora): YOO ME TOO!!
Sirius/Regulus/Evan/Pandora: DUDE THATS OUR COUSIN.
(Also during the hear me out cake)
James: hear me out... Regulus
Sirius: Hear me out... your dad. (now pissed off at James)
Barty: Both are real asf
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stonnedparrott · 2 months ago
I would die for Alice Fortescue
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outromoony · 3 months ago
Normalize saying, "That's my girl!" every time a Marauders-era girl is mentioned because they're all my girls.
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mairon-goth-minion · 3 months ago
What if the wizards were all dead and gay??? What if???
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nothingtoseeherebyeexx · 2 months ago
i’m working on a project that’s taking me ages and i know it’ll fl0p bc i haven’t posted any drawings in a month but i REALLY don’t want it to fl0p UGHH
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take a sneak peek (nobleflower>>>)
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Hey so… fuck you jkr
Fuck you for making everyone in your book cis, straight, white, able bodied, English speaking and from England (and if they weren’t they were some kind of stereotype)
This is my personal middle finger to you.
Remus, welsh, trans ftm, gay, disabled, uses a cane, would definitely side with Luigi, definitely only married Tonks cause they both needed someone to support them, fuck you
Sirius, French, definitely got some gender fuckery going on, bi, beats the shit out of nazis/homophobes/transphobes, love of my life, fuck you
Peter, Australian, he doesn’t fucking know or care, he just likes people (sometimes), definitely joins Sirius in his violent conquests, fuck you
James, south Asian, pan, poly, bro just loves fucking everyone, he is incapable of hate (most of the time), would literally only hate you and Voldemort, fuck you
Lily, Scottish, bi, poly, angry as fuck, will whip ur ass for talking badly about any of her friends, she would eviscerate you online, twitter is her playground and she will make you her bitch, fuck you
Marlene, Aussie, lesbian, defo some gender fuckery too, one day she’s all girly pop, next she’s in knee length cargos, crew socks, a wifebeater and uggs, about to whack you over the head with her surfboard, fuck you
Mary, Swahili, bi, trans mtf, my goddess, is just genuinely, kinder, funnier and a better writer than you, omg I just decided Mary keeps these like rlly long diaries just full of stories she’s written, hol up while I write that down, fuck you
Pandora, god knows, she’s just turned up one day, pan, trans mtf (oh I’m not even done yet), speaks in tongues fluently, would defo shit talk you to Sybil, fuck you
Sybill, Czech, bi, ace, trans (she/they) (my knowledge only extends so far on the terms front) would calmly and incredibly gorely tell you how you are going to die, and then watch Barty carry it out, smiling, fuck you
Dorcas, where do we headcanon Dorcas is from? I think she grew up in London but that might just be because I need a token “grew up here” character, would beat you, don’t fight me, fight her, fuck you
Regulus, French, bi, poly, trans ftm, he is babygirl (this is a non gendered term to me) yeah sure he’s fucked up and makes mistakes and shit, he’s remorseful, he makes up for it, but still, he’s babygirl, because if he saw you, Hed spit on your shoes and tell you to turn to love, fuck you
Evan, German, he swears Dora just showed up one day, gay, bored, loml, I cried over him two days ago, he would also beat you up, or maybe just watch Barty do it, fuck you
Barty, English (wow look at that), trans ftm, gay, fucking crazy, I love him, would troll you on twitter, would call you John Rowling and ask how much you like it BITCHHH, fuck you
Is that everyone? It doesn’t feel like everyone. I am missing someone.
Bellatrix, French, lesbian, crazy bitch, I love her, defo dates Rita, would be a total misandrist except for when guys are useful to her, clung only Molly cause he reminded her of the people she loved (Cissy, Rita, Andy) and would hate you :), loves Peggy by ceechyna, fuck you
Narcissa, french, lesbian, swordfights, reads Sappho, is the fucking best, Queen of lavender marriages, would give you a mildly disgusted look and walk away, we are rather displeased with you
Andromeda, French, straight (whattt???), defo tops tho, don’t know much about her but I’d like to, give me fic recommendations, she seems fucking badass, she would kill you for her little gender fluid baby, fuck you
Rita, English, lesbian (it’s getting funny at this point), trans mtf (I’m shitting myself laughing with all my headcanons written out like this), dyslexic, fight me, that quick quotes quill was there for one reason and one reason only, so she could diss you with the spelling immaculate, fuck you
Alice, German, bi, genuinely a kind person, would get incredibly angry at you if you hurt anyone she likes feeling though, wouldn’t hurt you or anything, just go best red and start crying (tears of anger) while saying mean things about you, then cissy would come over, and then she’d punch you, only if cissy said to though, fuck you
Ted, English (Yorkshire, I just know it), cis het, he does bottom though, fight me, seems genuinely kind, we love to see it, just a nice guy, fuck yeah, still fuck you though
Behold them in all their glory, no particular order or reasons. Just vibes
If I forgot anyone, pls tell me, :))) I don’t want to tag this, it’s gonna be everywhere.
I reached 30 tags so quickly,
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