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themostawesomebitch · 7 years ago
26. 404
You and I will be a place undiscovered Swallowed up in guilt, with lies, covered Haunted by daydreams, not nightmares A great fortune without a single heir
You and I will be a history, unpenned An untold tragedy without an end Bloody battles, wounds can not mend Endless sighing, full of play pretend
Our remains were thoroughly burned And all the lessons we never learned There will be no artifacts about us Remnants that the future can discuss
Our legacy was a conspiracy And the world should never see All the wars we never dared to win We are the original sin
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terimariedegree · 5 years ago
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#notanewpoem So. For those not in my personal #facebook world wanted to share that #napowrimo is going to be different for me this year. This is a #poemexcerpt from #napowrimo2017 #day2 saw it on my #onthisdayapp today. 2017 was the first time a #mysteryailment lead me to an #mrimachine it was more expensive than helpful though. I have a second #mystery happening now with #cloudyvision in my left eye. Hopefully the #mri from today is more useful than years ago. #neway this is #disruptive #distracting #draining + comes with #headaches #soyeah I'd love to #writeapoem tonight but I'm gonna do my #bibledevotional and go to sleep. This month's goal will still be #30poemsin30days they just won't come everyday. I'm thankful for all the folks supporting me in their own way #prayers + #lightandlove #whatmorecaniaskfor 💜 #napowrimo2020 #differentisok #poetryisnotdead #catapult #bewhatyoudream https://www.instagram.com/p/B-gPFP6F4Ha/?igshid=tamamq6pe37
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schuylerpeck · 8 years ago
The rain pattering against the roof, the slight splash against the windows; the tear-shaped streaks chasing each other across the glass. The soft snore and a lover’s open mouth, the gentle glow of morning through the blinds. The blankets ruffle around your feet.   It is so easy to find miracles.
Schuyler Peck, Before the Coffee Maker Clicks On (10/30, A poem based on sounds)
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boobsandbravado · 8 years ago
I have wanted to write you poems since that first March in Chinatown. And now that we are broken I've got endless words for you.
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not-a-wish-factory · 8 years ago
SShh, let's keep this one, a secret. let's keep all the screaming, desperate begging, hidden away. Don't dare utter its name, in a world where women's problems are simply that- women's problems.
SShhh, even the male doctor is little help. you better sharpen your persuasion skills because your desperation for a name, is his uncomfortable, and its all about his comfort after all.  
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radxbone · 8 years ago
I'm grateful to my mother who doesn’t like to cook There were compliments I carried back home for my mother’s skill that I haven’t learnt She didn't pay heed to them, she just wanted to get the sight of the finished lunch box All classmates were always in awe Of her fried goods and unconcealed ingredients Two days away and five meals prepared she left the ice box; burdened peculiar magnets, with comfort food now I know as mom’s food and ice for the heatwave. one that seems to increase every year knowing no mercy A long offshore travel spree reminds me of every bite; of her handmade goods. they took me home, a livelihood when home wasn’t a place I announce if she dislikes cooking, I need not adjust to patriarchy and learn it a justification and a mic drop statement, “I hate the cleaning up after, and it’s for survival, bish” I sign up for learning genetic skills my sister got them from her mom and I shall take from her mom, some. cooking cookies cleaning the dough licking it up, that’s where i start.
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daisylongmile · 8 years ago
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8/30: "at some point.." #poetry #poems #napowrimo #napowrimo2017 #poets
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buttsoclock · 8 years ago
Recipe for Executive Dysfunction
(Day 2 of National Poetry Writing Month. From WordPress.)
In blender, combine vanilla ice cream, fruit liqueur of choice, and milk. Blend well and forget. While mixture melts, in separate bowl combine 5-10 hours of Netflix with glazed expression, microwaved pizza rolls, and poor posture. (May substitute Netflix for pointless YouTube videos.) While doing so, fidget, readjust body position, and/or absent-mindedly pick at fingernails or skin of hands. Allow this mixture to marinate in restlessness. When finished, pour blender mixture over a sink full of week-old dirty dishes until fully dissolved into regret. Sleep until Netflix mixture is entirely forgotten. Repeat as necessary.
Writing to prompts and experimenting with form is a lot more fun when I let myself write stuff that might not be good. That said...this might not be good. But that’s the point of NaPoWriMo for me this year. =)
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themostawesomebitch · 7 years ago
29. Mad
Hold me like I'm supposed to feel Send tremors to my lonely skin Is this a dream or are you real?
All these breaths are yours to steal All these battles are ours to win Hold me like I'm supposed to feel
All our foes won't help but kneel All the traitors will pay for their sin Is this a dream or are you real?
All I ask is for you to hold the wheel All my life, in your axis, I will spin Hold me like I'm supposed to feel
All your wounds, in my touch will heal All your scars will call me their queen Is this a dream or are you real?
All these empires are parts of our deal All I want is to watch you wear a grin Hold me like I'm supposed to feel Is this a dream or are you real?
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divyamsdoodles · 8 years ago
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'Travel news' This is the story of a different kind of cave hidden in the foothills of the moon. *** This background for today's poem emerged from a wonderful acrylic blending tutorial with @tanyaleekahler over at @getmessyartjournal ! #getmessyartjournal #getmessyhabit #artjournal #artjournaling #moon #poetry #visualpoetry #napowrimo #napowrimo2017
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castingmysilver · 8 years ago
ghost voices
Your words are empty.
You can`t own me.
You`re all shattered glass
And huddled fear,
Tears spent and darkness passed.
Your voice may stay, but your strength won`t last.
My light is drawing near.
My lady`s stars are in the sky,
White and golden banners fly;
And you`re no Power or predator,
No demon
To me.
Your fangs are gone,
I will be free.
Your rage weighs less
Than a deadwood tree.
didn`t mean to post this to the main blog, but decided to let it stay
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schuylerpeck · 8 years ago
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Schuyler Peck, WHALE SONG (11/30, write a poem about a fun fact.) Love poems ft. whales ft. bad handwriting ft. where do I get all of these envelopes.
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jasminesuntrell · 8 years ago
On This Day [26/30]
Relationship. Shared intimacy. In the past. We become our memories. Failed.
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writing-resiliency-blog · 8 years ago
April 6, 2017
National Poetry Month (Day 5)
I fucking hate the model minority.
I’m taught to stay quiet raise my hand never speak until spoken to
I’m taught to marry a white man that will take care of me and be the fetishized bride of his dreams to have kids to listen be pretty be quiet.
I’m taught to put everyone before myself and put a man on a pedestal but What do I do if I’m trans?
I fucking hate the model minority.
How do I tell my family I’m queer when there’s not a damn word to describe me in my native tongue that isn’t a slur, that isn’t homophobic, that doesn’t hurt me.
Fuck your “Pan-Asian” homogenizing, monolithic bullshit.
And fuck your “API inclusivity” when we know you’re looking for a cisgender, heterosexual, East Asian, male.
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boobsandbravado · 8 years ago
He Don't Wanna Call (It's Okay Girl) [13/30]
Situations……… will arise and they do arise and I ain't never been smart about GUYS.
What is it about men that causes me to lose all semblance of common sense?
Too many times too many nights I have cried. I have stayed in the house with some sad movie about lovelorn fools who can't seem to get it right.
Tonight, I'm going to get dressed in all black and live again because fuck a boyfriend and fuck friend and used to be friend and new friend! Fuck all these men! There's plenty where I'm headed anyway!
So, thank you for ghosting and thank you for not calling and you for not showing up and you for never being enough.
I'm going to finally have fun.
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not-a-wish-factory · 8 years ago
I just feel so tired. Alone in this.
In the way I lay there desperate for it to pass. praying to fit your definition of functioning member of society.
In the way you look at me, glass about to shatter too delicate to breath on. like i've been through enough trauma to last you more than 2 life times.
I've become consumed by the lethargy and now you tell me a broken arm is a taste of chronic pain,
I can barely move through the slosh that's become my life but I thought you respected me enough to not think I abuse all my meds to not look in the mirror and call it by my name
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