#my writeblr
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izzythedemigod · 3 months ago
I just found the funniest font ever
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Like. What is this. Why is this. Who is the target audience of this?
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alivingtypo · 10 months ago
you can pry starting sentences with 'and' or 'but' out of my cold, dead hands
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charbroiledchicken · 3 months ago
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if it's good enough for you, then it deserves to be made. don't let anyone else decide if your story is worth it or not.
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smallestflowtree · 5 months ago
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PSA for fanfic writers
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writersbloxx · 2 months ago
Body Language
When someone is...
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Avoidant/reduced eye contact
Drooping eyelids
Downcast eyes
Raised inner ends of eyebrows
Dropped or furrowed eyebrows
Quivering lip/biting lip
Wrinkled nose
Soft pitch
Low lone
Pauses/hesitant speech
Slow speech
Voice cracks/breaking voice
Slouching/lowered head
Rigid/tense posture
Half formed/slow movement
Fidgeting or clasped hands
Sniffing or heavy swallows
Self soothing gestures (running hands over the arms, hand over heart, holding face in palms, etc)
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rubyleaf · 1 year ago
Honestly? My main piece of advice for writing well-rounded characters is to make them a little bit lame. No real living person is 100% cool and suave 100% of the time. Everyone's a little awkward sometimes, or gets too excited about something goofy, or has a silly fear, or laughs about stupid things. Being a bit of a loser is an incurable part of the human condition. Utilize that in your writing.
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katarinazurar · 9 months ago
“you’re a writer, right?”
me, staring at the one sentence i’ve managed to add in the last hour and the 12 open tabs on the specifics of shoes in 1845 Ireland: In theory.
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the-overanalyst · 1 year ago
it's always so fascinating and heartbreaking when a character in a story is simultaneously idolized and abused. a chosen prophet destined for martyrdom. a child prodigy forced to grow up too fast. a powerful warrior raised as nothing but a weapon. there's just something so uniquely messed up about singing someone's praises whilst destroying them.
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rae-butter · 3 months ago
Honestly, I love it when characters relapse. When someone who’s gotten over their anger issues falls into a situation so out of their depth they fall back on their old habits. When someone who’s learned to open up becomes a recluse again in order to cope with something outside their control.
There’s just something so horrible, so toxic, about watching a character grow and then slip back into their old selves in order to cope, bc you know they still care, that they’re the same inside, but watching them hurt so hard they don’t know what else to do brings a sense of catharsis.
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isabellebissonrouthier · 1 year ago
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bethanythebogwitch · 1 year ago
Some writers: *meticulously plan out every plot point and the tone and meanings before they start writing*
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honestlydarkprincess · 1 month ago
in a polyamorous relationship with the oxford comma and the em dash
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charbroiledchicken · 7 months ago
"you're the writer, you control how the story goes" no not really. i wrote the first sentence and then my characters said "WE WILL TAKE IT FROM HERE" and promptly swerved into an electrical fence.
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airlocksandaviaries · 2 years ago
2 genres of fanfiction:
1) put that guy into situations
2) take that guy OUT of situations for the love of GOD let them REST 
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inkskinned · 6 months ago
the tradwife movement is the same as it has always been - back in the kitchen, back to breeding - it just has better branding.
when i was younger, i hated pink. i was not like other girls. this is now something i'm embarrassed of - this was not me being a "girl's girl."
but it was expressing something many of us felt at the time: i literally wasn't what girlhood was supposed to be. this is a hard thing to explain, but you know when you're not performing girlhood correctly. it isn't as easy as "i liked x when girls liked y" - because there were other girls that liked x, too - but i never figured out exactly the correct way to like x, or to be interested in y.
now there is the divine feminine. this is the same rhetoric it has always been: women are biologically driven to like pink and ribbons and submitting to our husbands.
the problem is that the patriarchy found a better PR team. because yes, actually, i want every woman to have the choice to be a homemaker. i also want her taken seriously for her legitimate home-making labor. i want her to be recognized as also having a job, just unpaid. i want men to have this opportunity, too.
but it is no longer "i made this choice and I love it." instead it is a sixteen-paragraph rant about how selfish it is that my generation isn't having kids. instead it's long videos about how if you feed your children processed foods, you're going to kill them. instead it is "this is what womanhood is supposed to be. i feel bad for any other choices you're making."
the shame spiral is just prettier. it is large houses devoid of personality. it is the implication: if you don't have this, you aren't happy. the solid, everlasting assurance: women are actually supposed to be submitting. this is the default. this is the natural state of things. all other attempts inflict suffering.
but you can no longer say i'm not like other girls. you can no longer reject this image completely. you cannot find it revolting, even if you know that the underbelly is toxic and festering. sure, it is the same repackaged patriarchy. but the internet does not have shades of grey. you should support and reward other women! your disgust is actually internalized misogyny. not because you are seeing a vision of yourself the way they're trying to train you to be. not because you feel her ghost pass within an inch of your earlobe. not because your father will eventually ask you - why can't you be like her?
because they figured out how to make it beautiful: women will sell other women on this idea, and we will find the singular loophole in feminism. sure, she's shaming you in most of her videos. sure, she implies that a different life is obscene. but she just wants you to be happy! you'd be happier if you were listening!
and the whole time you're sitting there thinking: i'd actually just be happier if i had that kind of money.
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creativepromptsforwriting · 4 months ago
subtle acts of love
giving them food without them asking for it
randomly bringing them flowers
holding a door open for them
pulling out their chair for them
guiding them with a gentle hand on the small of their back
making them lunch to take to work with them
fixing their clothes or hair
giving them a massage
talking casually about a shared future
showing them their appreciation for them
waiting at home to say hello when they come in
paying complete attention to them
giving them a casual, but thoughtful compliment
writing them a love letter and hiding it for them to find
showing them something that reminded them of their partner
humming a song to calm them down
giving them a quick kiss whenever they pass each other at home
casual grabbing their hand and swinging it back and forth
remembering something they told them
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