#my theory used to be they were scanning me female and being confused by all the extra fabric of men's underwear/pockets
goatsandgangsters · 3 months
the TSA almost always flags my crotch as sus which is kinda baffling bc you'd think the scanner would care more about things that shouldn't be there, not just my Absence Of Penis??
like uh oh, there's nothing there! what if there's also a lack of secret drugs or weapons in the spot where something Isn't!
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haesunlover · 1 year
long to be home. (intro)
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pairing: huang renjun x female!reader
series genre: fluff, angst, suggestive, eventual smut
word count: 2.1k words
chapter warnings: fluff, light angst, reader is an aspiring writer, renjun being the best bf ever, mark talking about his dick for a second, nothing else really.
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the page on the computer screen remained blank, like your thoughts as you tried to remember any childhood memories. you threw your head back groaning, trying to rattle your brain for any sort of progress. giving up, you opened the facetime app on your computer and dialled the only person who can help in this scenario.
"hey sexy," your high school best friend says as she answered the phone. "to what do i owe the pleasure?"
just hearing her voice instantly made you burst into tears. "i'm trying to write but i am fucking clueless. i'm trying to put together my childhood but it's so blurry. i can see it but i can't at the same time. it's so stupid but i'm so fucked. my brain is absolutely fried." you blurt out, holding your head in your hands.
"woah, wait. is this about your show that you're writing? the one about your life?" lia asks, confused and concerned at this sudden outburst bringing the phone closer to her face.
you nodded your head, pushing your hair away from your face and now properly looking at the camera. "yes. i'm like.. stuck. i'm not getting anywhere cause i can't remember all the details." you huffed after taking a deep breath in, trying to calm yourself down. "i'm getting so frustrated."
lia nodded her head before pulling a naughty smirk at the camera. "you know what i think?" she asked.
"i think you need to come home. you've been gone for too long and can't remember anything. you need a memory refresher. and a holiday to come see me." she said, looking pretty proud of her suggestion.
you let out a chuckle, shaking your head at her. "i'd love to but i can't just drop everything and come over."
confusion flashed over lia's face. "why not? don't you have like a whole month off? and doesn't renjun get a two week break soon?" she asked, making a very valid point.
you thought about it. a trip back home to australia with your boyfriend and getting to see your best friend after four years. sounds great in theory but.. "i mean, i'm not sure. i don't know if i'm mentally rea- '' you started to talk and tear up but was cut off by the sound of the keypad to the apartment being used. 
"shit, i gotta go. i'll keep you updated. talk to you soon!" you quickly exclaimed, shutting the lid of the laptop. you quickly wiped the tears away from under your eyes and smoothed out your hair as if you weren't about to rip it out moments before.
"y/n? you here, my love?" you hear your boyfriend, renjun, call out for you. you quickly jump out of the desk chair and walk out into the living area to see him and the rest of the dream members. 
"hey guys, i'm sorry for staying for so long. i lost track of time. i'll head out now so you guys can rest up after working hard today." you explained, jolting your fist in a little 'fighting' sign as you look around at them all.
mark shook his head and asked, "what are you talking about? it's movie night! it's my pick tonight. plus rina will be over soon."
your face dropped a bit, knowing that you weren't in the right headspace to be around the boys. you just wanted to go lie in your own bed and contemplate the previous conversation you had with lia.
renjun's eyebrows furrowed as he scanned your face, coming closer and grabbing your hand. "have you been crying?"
feeling called out, you mirrored his expression. "no? what makes you think that?" you ask defensively.
his face remained firm, giving you a look that showed he knew you were lying. "your nose is red. that is such a tell tale sign for you crying."
you muttered a quiet 'shit' under your breath and tugged his arm that was still attached to your hand towards the front door. "can we go on a walk please?" you say, the room falling completely silent out of nosiness and concern. renjun silently nodded and followed you out of the front door and into the elevator.
the elevator ride down was silent. it was silent until the two of you walked out of the lobby and down into the street. "should we go to the park?" renjun asked, squeezing your hand that he has not let go of since he first grabbed it. you nodded, slightly swinging your hands together. 
after walking quietly for about five minutes, the two of you reached the park and sat on a familiar park bench that you and the boys go to often.
renjun let go of your hand and grabbed a seat first, putting his arm over the back of the bench as if he was inviting you to cuddle into him. you flashed him a shy smile and sit next to him, throwing your legs over his lap and snuggling into him.
he has yet to say anything. he's learned over the year of being with you that you'll open up when you're ready and not to rush you. 
it took a few moments before you found the courage to speak up, "i want to go home."
"but we were just at home?"`
"no. 'australia' home."
you stared at him, puzzled. "that's it? you're okay with that?"
he nods his head, grabbing your hand. "i'm okay with it. the real question is are you okay with it? are you ready to go back?"
and that's exactly why you're stuck. you had thought about going home a lot recently, even before lia brought it up. the last few years in australia were life changing to say the least. you knew you'd go back eventually and face the past but not this soon. but over the last few days, you've realized it's something you must do in order to move on.
"honestly, renjun? no, i am so scared. but it's something i need to do." you answered, shakily while leaning on his shoulder.
you felt him nodding his head with a small 'mhm..' vibrating through his body. "may.. may i ask what's brought this on all of a sudden?"
you turn your head up to look at him, faces close together. "i've been trying to write but it's almost like i have writers block. except with my childhood memories. i can't seem to remember a lot. it started a few days ago. i thought about going home once. but then i thought about it again and again. then i called lia.. and she suggested the same thing. i think it's time. it's kind of bittersweet, thinking about going home. part of me longs to go back home but the other part is scared shitless." you rambled.
renjun peered down at you, looking between your eyes. "alright baby. it's no problem. we'll go back to the dorms and figure out the logistics soon."
you nodded at the start of his suggestion but looked at him confused as he finished it. "soon? why soon?"
he smiled and leaned down, kissing you softly. he put his free hand on your chin, holding you as you kissed. renjun then pulled away, "i don't know about you but i hear the playground calling our names." he said with a childish smile plastered on his face.
"i am so in love with you." you mumble, staring at him lovingly. you quickly looked around the park, making sure there was nobody around before laughing and jumping off the bench to run towards the playground. "last one to the swings is a rotten egg!"
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by the time you two got back to the apartment, the lights were off in the hallway. only the tv light could be seen shining from the living room. you guys walked into the room and saw that the group were already about halfway through the movie and mark's girlfriend, also one of your closest friends, had joined.
spotting a spare seat next to mark and rina on the three seater couch, you let go of renjun's waist that you were previously holding and head towards the couple quietly. rina lets out a small sound of surprise as you fit yourself into the couple's cuddles. "hi, my rainbow. where've you been?" she asked as she leaned over and gave a quick kiss to your cheek.
"yo, why did my dick twitch a little?" mark mumbled, watching the two of you. both rina and you rolled your eyes at him. renjun walked behind the couch, heading to the only free seat in the room on the beanbag but not without smacking mark across the head first.
you couldn't help but laugh at the stupidity of them, knowing mark meant no harm. "renjun and i were at the park, having a chat." you explained, nuzzling yourself into rina. your friend shifted in her seat, turning her full attention to you.
"shit, what about?" she asked, pulling the blanket away from mark and onto your legs instead.
"well, we wer-"
"oh my god, here we go again. can you guys talk in another room please? you do this every time you see each other. the two of you literally talk for hours." chenle groaned, throwing his head back before looking at the pair of you. there were mumbles of agreement, even from your boyfriends.
giggles fell from both yours and your friend's lips as the two of you push off the couch and into the kitchen to talk. rina pulls herself onto the kitchen bench and you mirror her action but onto the kitchen island. "alright, spill." rina says, grabbing a banana from the fruit bowl next to her.
"i'm going back home to australia for a while." you say, scanning rina's face. 
she stopped peeling her banana and slowly nodded, thinking about what to say. "okay.. and am i invited?" she asked, taking a bite of the banana.
you looked at her confused at apparently her only thought. "you don't have anything else to say? any advice? am i being crazy?"
"well shit, if you're going back there then you'll need moral support. which will be me!" she exclaims cheerfully.
you thought for a second. you two had been talking about going on vacation for awhile and she is actually incredible support. it'll also give rina a chance to go back home too. "i mean, i don't see why not? renjun and i decided on going during his break. would mark be okay with that?" you asked. rina quickly shoved the rest of the banana in her mouth, letting out a muffled 'let me ask.'
she jumped off of the kitchen bench and walked back into the living room with you not too far behind her. "mark, wanna go to australia with us?" she asked quite loudly over the movie. the room erupted in noise, some of the boys talking amongst each other and others trying to talk to you two girls.
"shit, i didn't know i'd cause that much of a fuss." she awkwardly mumbled, returning to her seat next to mark.
chenle spoke up loudly over the noise, "why are you guys going to australia?" he asked looking between you and rina. you groaned, walking to the lightswitch and turning it on so you can actually see everybody properly. you grabbed the remote off the table and quickly paused the movie.
"me and renjun are going back to australia to go sort things out. some family things." which wasn't entirely a lie, "rina wants to come because we've been planning a holiday together long before renjun and i even started dating. she'll also be going home to australia so obviously she wouldn't go without mark." you continued to explain.
it was jeno that spoke up next, "well, can we come too?" he asked softly next to jaemin. the two of them both showing you a very similar innocent, boyish look. you look at renjun, silently asking for help. 
he pushed himself out of the beanbag and made his way over to where you were standing by the tv, "well, how about we go, just us, for the first few days and then the rest of them can join us later?" 
you nodded in approval, look at everyone else to see if they give the same approval. everyone was showing some way of saying yes. it was jisung who spoke up next, "where are we even going?"
"we're going back to my hometown on the gold coast." the room erupted in noise again, but this time in excited chatter. whilst everyone was talking, you turn to renjun with a half excited and half scared look on your face.
"i guess this is it. i'm going home."
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Ellisa solemnly took the little pink amphibian in her arms, "I'll... see what I can do," she mummbled, turning away from the ranger that dropped it off. The Pokémon sat rigid in her arms, the soft, rythmic breathing being the only signs of life as the professor in training carried her new patient towards the lab.
Foster Island Patient Medical Chart
Species: Wooper
Variant: Johtoian, shiny
Nickname: Squishmallow (does not respond)
Age: adult, unknown
Sex: Female
1. Patient is in peak physical condition. All vitals and blood work come back normal. Cognitive tests are inconclusive. The patient does not respond to stimulus at first. Bright lights do not induce squinting or head movement, tapping the patient does not draw it's attention. The patient can be commanded to preform during tests, such as following a finger with just her eyes, but does poorly during reflex tests.
2. After determining that the patient was free of contagious diseases, we attempted to intruduce her to other members of her species. The Wooper pod living in a pond on the island welcomed the patient and attempted to engage her in swimming and nest building. The patient stood where she was placed, unmoving and unresponsive. Even when moving her to the water, she simply sank until being commanded to swim back to the surface.
3. An initial therapy session revealed very little. The patient was emotionless, and did not understand commands to express it's state of mind. Because this patient was nonagressive, I went in without my telepathic companion. Hopefully further sessions will prove more productive.
4. The patients room has been optimized for her species, yet she continues to stand unmoving, refusing to interact with the water feature or food supply unless commanded. Pearl (Gardevoir) monitored the patients brainwaves during this interaction. There was no change in serotonin regardless of food or stimulus. When commanded to sleep, the patient simply slumped over and immediately fell asleep. She did not wake naturally, even after ten hours, and had to be commanded to wake up.
5. During the next therapy session, Pearl was asked to dive deeper into the patient's mind, but came back to me with an image of a brick wall. Conclusion; the patient's cognitive thought has been turned off. A true brain scan may be necessary.
6. The patient was unbothered by the MRI. Various audio tests were preformed to attempt to trigger cognitive thought. Neurological pathways only lit up to the word "Wooper", and faded when it was not followed by a command. After a short break, Pearl communicated to me that she thought I was asking the wrong questions. A second set of audio tests were preformed while Pearl connected us psychically. The patient was commanded to preform thought tasks with varying results.
"Wooper, think."- a bright, all consuming light flashed over the brain image briefly. I could feel a sense of mild confusion through the telepathic connection.
"Wooper, think about something happy."- faint static in isolated places. There was something that felt close to joy for a moment, but no memories to accompany it.
"Wooper, think about your earliest memory."- We were sent immediately to a hazy scene. The inside of a medical office. "Stick out your leg," the voice was low and gravelly, coming from a figure wearing beige slacks, a blue scrub shirt and a white lab coat. The figure's head was not visible. Wooper's leg lifted slightly, and then the memory was over.
Conclusion; the patient only has memory of commands. The patient can be commanded to experience emotion.
Theory 1: The patient could be conditioned back into a sense of normalcy and self reliance through commands that include both a task and an emotion. The morality is questionable. Probability of success: likely.
Theory 2: The patient could be exposed to many experiences in an attempt to form a larger memory bank and be shown how to feel again. Probability of success: low.
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athenasbloodyspear · 4 years
The Viper: Chapter One
What happens when an agent of the Red Room falls into  the hands of Hydra? What happens when Hydra puts out a hit on their  favorite assassin? Who is the mysterious woman with a twisted history  and an even more twisted mind?
The team wants to know. They want to know what you know. Nat and Bucky want to know if there’s any light left in you.
They want to know you.
Bucky x Female Reader
The Viper Master List | My Writing Master List
The sounds of car horns are loud around you. The blaring, beeping and  bustle of pedestrians creating layers and layers of sound. You’re  trained well enough to sift through the sounds, listening to pieces of  conversation and various sounds of your environment to orient yourself.
You can feel the smallest shift of every person who’s moving in the  space around you. Your senses are so focused you can practically hear  the blood rushing through the people closest to you. Your prey is about a  block up, completely oblivious to where you followed.
The streets around you were loud and the sounds were strong, but nothing could keep your focus off your mission.
Underneath your hood and the rim of your baseball hat, your face was  hidden in shadow. If anyone would have seen or marked it, they would  have seen the wicked gleam of a grin.
“What’s got you all in a tizzy, Tony?” Nat asks from Bucky’s right.  The whole team was gathered around a conference table in Avengers tower  looking kinda bored. Tony had called everyone here this morning, much to  everyone’s chagrin because he had promised a week off and then  apparently changed his mind a mere three days later.
Bucky sighed and rolled his shoulders, leaning back in the office  chair he currently sat in, lifting the two front feet off the floor. All  he really wanted was to go back downstairs and into the city with Nat  and finish looking for a birthday gift for Steve. That’s what they were  doing this morning before they were quickly called back to the tower.  He’d procrastinated too long and really had zero idea of what to get the  man.
“I’m confused about something and I don’t like being confused.” Tony retorted.
“Oooo” Sam piped up from across the table. “The great Tony Stark  admits to not knowing something. I’m surprised there isn’t steam coming  out of those ears.”
Bucky smirks at his friend. God he loved Sam and his remarks. He  would say something similar, but his relationship with Tony still wasn’t  perfect and he didn’t want to push his luck at the moment.
“What is so confusing, Iron Man? Don’t know what to get Pepper for  your anniversary? Or did you say something stupid again and your giant  brain can’t figure out exactly which asshole statement pushed her over  the edge this time?” Nat chimed in with a mocking smirk.
Tony pointed a single finger at Nat. “I have had our anniversary  present for two months already and I’m actually getting better at  figuring out which one of my snarky comments goes too far, just so you  know.” He sighs and presses a few buttons on the large screen under the  glass conference table, whipping up a bundle of information to appear on  the screen behind him. “What I’m confused about is why Hydra put out a  public hit on one of their top agents.”
At that, Bucky’s chair drops back to all four legs abruptly. The  confusing piece of information startled him into finally giving his full  attention to the conversation. His heart rate picked up a bit.
“They did  what ?” Steve asks from the end of the conference table opposite Tony, voicing the question on all their minds.
“This morning Hydra posted a bounty on a known dark web forum. It’s  not unheard of for them to post some of their lower enemies on this  anonymously for unaffiliated assassins and bounty hunters to take down.  What’s different this time is they made it very clear that  Hydra  was posting.” He whipped up what looked eerily similar to a reddit post up on the screen. “And what makes even  less sense is I know for a fact that the person they called a hit on has been their little secret weapon for over ten years.”
Bucky scanned the post up on the screen. Sure enough, it said that  Hydra had a hit out on a well known assassin and was offering 50 million  along with diplomatic immunity in a country of their choosing for the  head of the operative.
“Who’s the target?” Nat murmured.
“So, this is the fun part. Especially for you two.” Tony continued, pointing at Nat and Bucky.
“What?” Bucky grumbled. Fun for him? What the hell? What could  possibly be in Tony’s twisted brain to think anything to do with Hydra  would be  fun for him?
“Here’s the mark.” Tony pulled up a blurry photo of a figure wrapped  in muted colors clearly captured on some sort of security camera  somewhere on a bustling street. If Bucky was tracking the cobblestones  and architecture of the buildings correctly he’d guess it was taken  somewhere in Cairo.
“Is that the best fucking picture you can get us, Stark? You can  barely see their face.” Sam quipped, leaning forward in his seat to  squint at the screen.
“This is the clearest photo of her face, yes.”
“Her?” Nat snapped, popping her eyes to Tony.
“Yes. Her.  The Viper .” He smirked back at Nat. Bucky heard a quick intake of breath from his right. Nat.
“No…” She whispered, and trailed off.
“Oh yes, Natasha. Oh yes.” Tony flicked his fingers across the table  again and all the known stats on the Viper pulled up on the screen.  “This is where the fun begins for us. This is what we know about the  Viper. She was “found” at a young age somewhere in middle America. It’s a  little unclear where, but from where I tracked it must have been  somewhere in the Midwest.”
“They stole a kid from Wisconsin? Why would Hydra bother when they  had their fingers in so many other countries?” This was from Steve.
“It wasn’t Hydra…” Nat murmured.
“ What? ” Bucky piped up again. He felt like his brain was  spinning. A top Hydra assassin? Did he know her? He would have to spiral  into his memory to find out if he ever met this Viper…
“It was the Red Room.” Nat whispered then. Her eyes staring directly at the table.
“Yes indeed!” Tony quipped. “Remind me Nat, were you still there when  they dragged in the little girl kicking and screaming or not?”
“Tony!” Steve seethed from his end of the table.
“I wasn’t living there anymore, no. I had just graduated. She was a  couple years younger than me. They said she caused quite a nuisance  during the assassination of a target. Instead of killing her they decided  to bring her back. I saw her maybe twice. They had always referred to  her as the snake. She was less refined than the other girls, she started  her training a little too old, but she was… desperate to make up the  difference.” Nat shuddered a bit then and Bucky felt compelled to reach  out and place a hand on her shoulder. “She reminded me of… me.”
There was a small moment of pause before Tony started again. “So our  little snake graduated from The Red Room and spent a few years as an  agent for them before falling in with our buddies at Hydra.” Tony looked  at Bucky then, “Where she was trained and conditioned to fill a missing  position in their ranks after they unfortunately lost control of a very  important  asset. ”
“You’re a prick Tony.” Steve muttered, his eyes falling on Bucky.  Bucky waved him off. He was fine, really. He’d started making peace with  his history when he was on Wakanda and though he still had a long way  to go, he wasn’t going to fall to pieces at the mere mention of the  Winter Soldier.
“You’re telling me that they…” He trailed off, his mind spinning in  circles. This poor woman he didn’t even know subjected to what he went  through, simply because he had left. He knew it wasn’t his fault, but he  still felt responsible that someone else had to fill a hole he had  created.
“Yes they trained this little spitfire to be their top assassin and  she has been in their top ranks since about 2010, only stepping into the  role of top assassin after the events in 2016 finally severed you  completely from the organization. She’s been racking up kills ever  since. Much like you my dear metal armed friend, she’s nearly impossible  to catch on camera, let alone see with your own eyes.”
From the corner of the room, where he sat in a chair separate from  the table, Bruce finally spoke. “I always thought The Viper was a  myth.”
“Yeah and you thought the Winter Soldier was a myth. Hell I always  thought Thor and Loki were just some folklore.” Sam remarked. “I believe  almost everything nowadays.”
“Wait so, this woman was a trained Red Room assassin, then a top  Hydra operative and now they’re asking the internet to kill her? Why  didn’t they just take care of her themselves? Surely they had her locked  up or brainwashed somehow.” Bruce said.
“You guys are seriously just assholes sometimes.” Steve murmurs.
“I’m fine, Steve.” Bucky says. “It’s a valid question. Even when they  wanted me eliminated, they only worked with people inside.”
“Exactly.” Tony said. “My theory is, they want us to know that they  want her dead. In fact, my more specific theory is that this is bait in  order to get us to hunt and eliminate her. I want to know why.”
“She must have slipped away from them.” Nat said then. “Even if no  average internet bounty hunter could ever touch her, surely they’d at  least keep her a little busy. Busy enough that we might be able to get a  jump on her. She must know something.”
“Exactly. What does she know? And why don’t they want her to utilize whatever information she knows?”
“So we’re going to find her then.” Steve said. “What if this is a  trap? Specifically set up to intrigue us into bringing their very own  top operative into our facilities.”
“It could be.” Nat responded. “But it seems a little weird to send a  bunch of people they don’t control after her unless they genuinely  didn’t care about what happened to her. It seems unlikely she’s still an  asset to them if they’re willing to risk her actually being caught off  guard, no matter how unlikely that is.”  
“See, this is what I meant by being confused.” Tony quips then,  heading for the door. “I’ve sent everything I know about the woman to  each of you. Study it. See what conclusions you come to on your own.  We’ll reconvene here tonight to discuss an action plan.”
You sat in a corner booth at a tiny cafe, facing the door. There was a  swinging door into the kitchen to your left, which led to three back  exits. Directly in front of you was the only door facing a main street.  The whole front of the coffee shop was glass, giving you a clear view of  the two targets you’d been tracking all morning, who had stopped to  grab breakfast at a restaurant across the street.
You were twirling a long since lukewarm cup of coffee in your hands,  your eyes flicking back and forth between your marks and the swinging  kitchen door at your shoulder.
You watched as your marks both stretched and stood up. The woman hailed a cab. They seemed disgruntled.
While the woman tried to snag the attention of a cabbie, you threw a  few crumpled bills on the counter of your table and slipped through the  swinging kitchen door. There were a few shouts of alarm as a stranger  wandered into the bustling diner kitchen, but you quickly weaved through  the crowded kitchen and out a back door. You jumped on the sleek black  Kawasaki bike you’d stashed behind a dumpster in an alley.
You pushed the bike out and around the corner before turning it on,  waiting to confirm that they had both piled into a cab. You revved the  engine and punched the accelerator, weaving quickly   between the piled  up traffic, causing lots of horn honking and a few near rear-end  accidents.
Your heart was hammering in your chest, the adrenaline coursing through your veins as you tore after that cab.
The grin still plastered on your face.
Bucky’s head was reeling as he read through the intel, albeit a small amount, that Tony had managed to dig up.
There were a total of 3 videos captured on a security camera of the Viper on a job. He watched them all multiple times.
The Viper was ruthless and unnervingly calm. It reminded him of  himself, what he saw in the footage of the Winter Soldier. It made the  bile in his stomach churn. He knew that feeling of uncontrollable calm  very well and it made him break out in a cold sweat.
The first video showed her walking calmly up to a high security  warehouse, putting bullets between the brows of every operative in  sight, barely even looking in their direction before pulling the  trigger. She walked directly with purpose toward the door that was  clearly her mission. Once every operative in view of the camera had  fallen she reached for the door handle. Before she slipped inside, she  lifted her pistol without looking and fired one round into the camera,  cutting the feed. With the hood on her jacket, there was no clear  footage of her face. Bucky wondered how they were even sure it was her.  Her murderous calm must have been enough evidence.
The second was a terribly grainy video taken in some basement  somewhere. There was someone strapped to a chair and he watched as the  Vipers fists slammed into the man repeatedly. A choppy, distorted, and  heavily accented voice spoke about 40 seconds in. “Good, Viper. You may  play now. Make sure there’s something left of him to interview  tomorrow.” Bucky flinched as he saw the woman stride toward a table,  likely filled with instruments of torture. The man strapped to the chair  began to scream, pleading in Russian that he’d say anything they wanted  him to. He heard a low woman’s voice come through the video, murmuring  “Too late.”
The third was a more recent video according to the time stamp. It was  less than six months ago off a security cam in Maracaibo. It was about a  9 second video, just watching the woman cross a bustling street in  Venezuela. Bucky remembered that some hot shot Hydra agent had been  found dead in Venezuela this year. Could it have been the Viper taking  down one of their own? Is that why they were mad?
There were about 5 other attachments of images. The only photographs  that Friday could find of this enigma apparently. 4 were blurry security  camera footage from various places. The one Tony had shown this morning  was truly the only one that even sort of showed the woman’s face. Well,  except the 5th.
The 5th made Bucky even more sick than the footage of brutal  violence. It was a Polaroid image of what appeared to be a 16 or 17 year  old girl in ballet clothes, standing in the middle of what he assumed  was a dance studio. It would have been normal, a young woman after a  dance class, if it wasn’t for the red blood splattered up her pink  tights, dripping off her knuckles and smeared on her jaw. The subject  wasn’t looking at the camera, but rather seemed to be standing at  attention with her focus to the right of the photographer. Written in  sloppy Russian at the bottom corner of the Polaroid was “Option 4.”
What does that mean?  Bucky thought to himself.  Option for what?  
It made him sick staring at that photo. If the blood wasn’t there, it  would just look like a young woman preparing for a ballet class, or  perhaps being photographed so a costume designer could see her figure  while they created dazzling outfits for a production. It was so wrong  for someone so young, whose face was filled with innocence, to be  covered in blood. He felt so protective over her, this young woman he  didn’t even know. This young woman who he knew grew up to be a murderer  with a kill list almost as long as his.
He knew, looking at that photo, that this woman had never wanted  this. He didn’t know how he got such a gut reaction to the image, but he  saw himself in it. A young person who was given the worst hand of cards  to ever be dealt, and was simply trying to stay alive. He stared at her  thin frame, the hollow look in her eyes and nearly wept.
He needed to find her. He needed it more than he’d needed anything in  a long time. He needed to find out how far she had fallen from this  image, and if he could pull her back.
He needed to do it, because he’d always be grateful that someone did it for him.
Your marks had gone into the tall skyscraper a few hours ago. You  were too antsy to sit around and wait to see if they’d venture back out  into the city.
You prowled the sidewalk like a caged animal. Tracing patterns through the busiest blocks. Keeping track of nearby cameras.
Everything smelled like garbage and piss. You hated it. You loved it. It was such an easy city to get lost in.
An even easier city to be found in.
When Bucky finally dragged himself back to the conference room that  evening, he felt like a wreck. He had worked himself up considerably  throughout the afternoon. He was antsy and apprehensive.
He really didn’t know what was wrong with him. It was just some random assassin, why was he so worked up?
Steve noticed his touchy mood as soon as he walked in and raised an eyebrow at him.
“I’m fine.” Bucky grumbled. “Just want to figure this out. It’s bothering me for some reason.”
“Maybe because it’s a little too personal, Buck.” Steve said quietly.
“Yeah maybe.” Bucky coughed out. His chest felt tight with someone who knew him so well staring at him like this.
Before Steve could rib Bucky more, Tony sauntered into the room with  Nat behind him. “So what’s everyone’s thoughts on our little snake in  the grass?”
“I think the woman is damn fucking scary.” Sam piped up from the same  chair he’d been in this morning. “And really good at her job. Reminds  me of robocop over there a little too much if you know what I mean.”
“That’s what I find so interesting.” Steve says. “Because obviously  we know that Bucky wanted out, and was not the person that the camera  showed. I wanna know what’s really going on in her brain.”
“Banner, question for you, if we managed to set a little trap for our  snake and actually got her in here, would you be able to scan her brain  and see how much of it was under her actual control?” Tony said as he  dropped into a chair at the head of the table.
Banner responded from where he sat in his normal chair in the corner.  “I could compare a brain scan to early scans of Barnes’s brain. See how  similar they look. Then compare to his post-Wakanda scans. In a sense,  yes. But the brain is complicated as you know.”
“Can’t we just talk to her?” Bucky pipes up. “I mean, if it makes you  feel more comfortable to hook her up to a lie detector whatever, but I  just… I know what they do to people there and let me tell you there’s no  way she’s in control.”
“What makes you so sure?” Tony questions. “I mean, I was wrong about  you. I’ll admit that. I’m a bigger man now. But not everyone is Cap's  former BFF brought back from the dead with a heart of gold trapped in a  twisted hydra web. She could have gone willingly. In fact, I have a hard  time believing that a Red Room agent was accidentally captured by  Hydra. What if she went to them willingly?”  
“But then why did she leave?” Natasha counters. “Who’s to say that  she ended up in all this willingly. I don’t know the whole story of how  the Red Room got her, but it’s rare that people join without coercion.  There’s more to this story, I can feel it.”
“Me too.” Bucky whispered. There had to be so much more to that 17 year old girl than a brutal murderer.
“Nat, can you explain this image to me?” Tony says, pulling up the  very polaroid that was going to haunt Bucky for weeks. “This looks like a  pretty willing agent to me.”
Bucky cringed at Tony’s short sighted assessment. Sure, the subject looked relaxed but that didn’t mean willing. Nat sneered.
“Well Tony, when every week your instructors challenge two students  to spar and the loser is killed however the classmate prefers, you too  would willingly fight back, to the death if necessary.”
Steve flinched, and looked at Nat with eyes full of grief. “They made you kill each other?”
“Kept us from attaching to each other.” Nat said simply.
Steve just shook his head, placing his face in his palms. This was  one of the reasons Bucky and Nat had gotten along pretty quickly. They’d  come to terms with their trauma, and the others sometimes had a hard  time brushing past the torture that the two of them had simply moved on  from.
“Touche.” Tony shrugged. “So why does this image say option 4?”
“That I don’t know.” Nat sighs. “No photos were ever allowed to be  taken of us, but the fact that this was clearly taken by an instructor  confuses me.”
“So we have no answers.” Sam quips. “Do I need to go stand on the  street with a sign that says “Viper take a crack at me” so we can maybe  get a glimpse of her? I’m only doing it if I can wear the suit Tony.”
“That’s the thing, there have been no sightings of the woman for  years, and the one tiny glimpse in that surveillance shot from Venezuela  6 months ago was a blip. There was no record of anyone matching that  description entering or leaving that country or any near it. We have no  idea where she is.” Tony muttered. “I have Friday combing every single  camera we can get access to, and hacking into those we don’t. The tip  line on that forum is blank. No one seems to have seen her.”
There was silence for a moment, as everyone sunk into their own minds. Letting the gears turn.
“Mr. Stark.” Friday’s voice came lilting out of the ceiling. “I have a hit.”
Everyone jumped a bit, leaning forward in their seats.
“Put it on the screen.” Tony snapped. Suddenly the whole blank wall  of the room was filled with various camera angles showing crowds of  people wandering on the sidewalk. In the middle of a cluster of  pedestrians was a figure draped in black, a baseball hat on their head  and a hood pulled up over it. As the person moves, the different  security camera’s flip past on the screen, keeping up with their  movement.
Instantly, Bucky’s blood ran cold.
“Where is this?” Sam whispers.
“Queens.” Bucky, Steve and Tony answer in unison.
“Very close to Parker’s apartment…” Tony whispers.
“It’s empty.” Steve mentions. “Happy and May are on vacation and Peter is staying with his friend. That Ned kid.”
“I know.” Tony says. “Doesn’t mean I like her being around the corner from his place regardless.”
The room goes quiet for a few moments as they all watch the Vipers  progress through the streets of Queens. She never picks up her head,  seeming to be watching the sidewalk in front of her. She slips easily  between groups of people, never bumping into anyone even though she  doesn’t seem to be looking at anyone.
“What are we doing?” Sam says then. “We know exactly where she is. She’s so close. Let’s go suit up.”
“There’s no way she’s here by accident.” Nat says quietly. “It’s like she wants us to find her…”
“Another layer of intrigue.” Tony snarks.
“She wouldn’t be stupid enough to show up in this city unless she  actually wants us to find her.” Nat continues. “Either they sent her  here as a trap and finally had her look into a security camera long  enough for us to track her, or she’s doing this on her own. Either way, I  don’t understand the motive.”
There’s another moment of silence as they all watch the cameras track the target.
Abruptly, the Viper stops in the middle of the sidewalk. The  pedestrians continue to flow around her, many seem to be grumbling and  some throw rude gestures in her direction.
There’s now only a single security camera in the area able to capture her image, she stands right in the center of the frame.
“What is she doing?” Steve whispers.
Through the grainy camera footage, the whole team watches as it looks  almost like her shoulders shake slightly. She seems to be looking at  her feet.
No one breathes as the woman in the center of the video lifts her  head slowly. Her eyes land directly on the lens, as if she’s peering  straight through the shitty security camera and into Avengers tower.
There’s a huge grin on her face.
Then, from the pocket of her hoodie, she pulls a pistol and calmly points the barrel at the camera.
The last thing the camera sees in her head dropping back as she begins to cackle. Then she pulls the trigger, ending the feed.
“Holy shit.” Sam whispers.
Bucky is speechless. His heart is pounding in his chest. He felt like  her eyes seared through the camera and right into his chest. He can  barely breathe.
“Friday, show us the other cameras in the area.” Tony barks.
Friday pulls up tons of camera angles of the street the Viper was  just standing on. The crowds are screaming, attempting to run away from  the spot that the Viper had clearly just been standing. However, there  are no further gun shots and no one looks injured.
“What the  hell? ” Bucky says under his breath. She just shot out a camera in the middle of a busy street in Queens? For what?
“Are there any figures matching her description on any of these feeds?” Tony snaps again.
“No sir.” Friday replies. “I’ve scanned every camera in the borough and I can’t see her on any of them.”
Everyone sits in shocked silence as the security footage continues to  roll. The NYPD show up, helping to calm the pedestrians. They watch  quietly as they start to tape off the area. Everyone knows however that  if no one was hurt, it’s unlikely that the cops will pursue the incident  further. They have much bigger fish to fry in this town.
“Well goddamn.” Sam finally breaks the silence. “That was quite a little performance.”
“She really wants us to find her then.” Nat mutters.
Around the room everyone mutters their agreement.
Bucky finds his voice finally.
“So let’s find her.”
There’s unending adrenaline in you now. It was reckless you knew  that. It was also so obvious what game you were playing with them at  this point, but you didn’t care.
They clearly weren’t going to make a move, so you had to play your hand first.
For better or worse, it was their move now.
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ladyartemesia · 5 years
OREOs... and Electroshock Couples Therapy
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You and infuriating precinct playboy Jeon Jungkook go undercover to lure out a killer targeting engaged couples. Literally nothing goes according to plan...
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Genre: Fluff/Comedy/Suspense
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Trope: Enemies/Rivals to Lovers ~ Fake Dating
AU Type: Loosely Brooklyn 99 (with a hint of Smallville) Police Detectives AU
Word Count: 3315
Rating/Warnings: (PG-15) kidnapping with threat of harm (not graphic) ~ mature themes and innuendo ~ light/implied smut
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“Your delusions have run away with you again.”
“My delusions? Now I know it was you. You’re even more insufferably pretentious when you’re trying to hide something.”
Jungkook grinned.
“Brilliant theory, Detective. Shame there’s no way to prove it.”
“You could confess,” you fumed tightly.
His grin became positively gleeful. You were this close to tasing him.
“Do you genuinely expect me to confess that I ate your last Oreo?”
“It was a violation of human decency.”
“Yes, and when we find the culprit, I’ll be sure to tar and feather him.”
“You’re not taking this seriously, Jeon.”
“Now, whatever gave you that idea?” Jungkook asked as he folded an arrest report into a paper airplane.
You were saved from responding when Captain Kim barked both your names across the precinct.
“Detectives _______ and Jeon. My office. Now.”
Namjoon sighed as he watched the two of you bicker all the way to the door.
It’s like having extra children. 
“We’ve got a case. Commissioner marked it top priority and you two are taking lead as of right now.”
Your forehead wrinkled in confusion and Jungkook raised a single curious brow.
“But Jimin is my –”
“Why not Hoseok?”
Namjoon raised a hand to silence you both. You weren’t teaming with your regular partners. Questions were to be expected.
“Jimin’s staying on that trafficking case while you work with Jeon. We need to draw out a perp targeting engaged couples. Thus far, all of his victims have been a male and a female, mid-to-late twenties. You two fit the profile, so...” he grinned, “congratulations on your engagement.”
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As special cases went, this one was … truly bizarre.
The victims always disappeared a few weeks before their wedding. Some couples were abducted, then later returned to their homes or vehicles with no memory of the previous 48 hours.
Others turned up dead in alleyways.
Ligature marks and burns on the bodies indicated the use of restraints and electrocution. After some digging, you discovered that all five couples visited the same jeweler and the same bakery in the process of planning their wedding.
Jungkook nibbled the tip of his pen, absently tugging his curls as he scanned the case files.
It wasn’t sexy.
It wasn’t. 
“Looks like this is the best lead we have. Even though some of them ended up choosing other bakeries and jewelers – they all came through those shops.” He tossed the pen across his desk and stretched back in his chair – causing his shirt to strain over his chest. 
You gulped.
Is it, like, hot in here? -your eyes lingered momentarily on his biceps- Why is maintenance messing with the thermostat right now? People are trying to work-
“Hello? Earth to Detective Space Cadet.” Jungkook waved a tattooed hand in your face. “Are we going with my idea?”
He had an idea? I must have missed it during that brief bout of thirstiness hot flash. 
“I – uh – was analyzing some of the victim profiles …-in my head-” you paused to loosen your collar – which was suddenly strangling you, “-so could you just run it by me once more?” 
Detective Jeon raised a single eyebrow.
“Daydreaming about me again?”
“No. I was actually daydreaming about my last Oreo,” you leaned forward with an eyebrow raise of your own. “Really, it meant so much more to me than you do.” 
He laughed and you felt yourself smiling (against your better judgement). 
“Always so cold, Detective. I think you may have hurt my feelings.”
“Impossible,” you sighed airily, “we both know you don’t have feelings.”
“Says who?”
“Gina from Forensics.”
“Fine. Who else?”
“Wendy from Missing Persons.”
“Doesn’t count. I was very drunk.”
“Jimin’s sister.”
Jungkook winced. 
“Is he still sore about that?”
“I wouldn’t accept food or beverages from him any time in the next decade.” 
“That’s fair.”
It was your turn to laugh and Detective Jeon had the decency to blush. He recovered quickly, however.
“As I recall, there was a lot of feeling between those lovely ladies and myself.”
You rolled your eyes.
“Spare me Jeon. If I want to learn about baboon mating habits, I’ll watch Animal Planet.”
Jungkook hissed in feigned pain and clasped his hand over his heart.
“Ouch. Direct hit.”
“I am the top marksmen in the precinct.”
“Hey” he sat up – abruptly serious, “We’re tied.”
“For now.”
“Until I beat you.”
“Until you are beaten by me.”
He bit his lip and grinned – crinkling his nose in a way that was unfairly adorable. 
“Oh-KAY,” you swiveled away in your wheelie chair and threw a paper clip at him (which he caught handily). “You were telling me about your plan?”
“Yes. While you were daydreaming about me-” (you snorted at that, but he pretended not to hear) “-I suggested we couple up and head to those shops. Maybe our perp will take the bait.”
You shrugged, “Sounds good.”
Gathering your coat and bag, you tossed a quick glance over your shoulder - already halfway out the door. 
“I’ll swing by my locker and change into a dress or something. Meet me by the front gate in 10 minutes.”  
Jungkook followed after you - catching up as you entered the elevator.
“I noticed you never denied being kinky.”
His grin was seven different types of sinful and if you were even the tiniest bit weaker, you would have cuffed him to the lift rail and addressed his statement explicitly.
You, however, were no Gina from Forensics.
Instead, your features twisted into a knowing smirk as you steered yet another moment between yourself and the delicious infuriating Jeon Jungkook into safe and familiar territory.  
“Impressive,” you drawled cheekily as the doors began to close, “I can see why they made you a detective.” 
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The bakery was a famous family-owned establishment near the center of town. Its current owner, Kim Seokjin, had been crowned the city’s most eligible bachelor for 5 years running. 
The man in question was, at the moment, personally campaigning for your vote.
“Now open wide,” he murmured as he slipped a sumptuous square of Seokjin’s Signature Red Velvet ™ between your parted lips. 
Your eyes rolled back into your head. “Oh, that’s delicious,” you moaned.
Seokjin chuckled. “Thank you. I always hope customers can taste my passion in every bite.” The seemingly innocuous words sounded positively lewd dripping from his luscious mouth. You briefly forgot how to exhale.
The baker leaned in a bit closer and brought up his thumb to wipe away non-existent crumbs from your lips, “I find it really helps me connect with them,” he whispered intimately.
You were literal seconds from licking icing directly off Seokjin’s finger when-
“Okay. That’s enough of that.” 
There was a firm tug on your elbow and you collided hard with Jungkook’s chest. It took a moment to regain your bearings (you were still slightly dazed from looking directly into Seokjin’s eyes), but suddenly Jungkook and Seokjin were staring each other down over a plate of cupcakes and all of Jungkook’s limbs were entangled with your own. 
His legs rested on either side of your hips, his left hand latched around your back and torso - pinning you to him from chest to knee caps, and his right hand -
A surprised squeak slipped past your lips as he fully palmed your backside.
Mouth agape, your gaze shot up to meet his, but Jungkook was still glaring stoically at Kim Seokjin. He didn’t even flinch when you pinched him under the arm. 
Frankly, you had not envisioned a scenario like this when you reported for duty this morning. Your mind struggled to process a reality where you were plastered all over Jeon Jungkook - surrounded on all sides by pastries and angry beautiful men - and oh my gosh that hand was still on your-
“Find what you were looking for, babe?” his familiar voice snapped with an extra edge of possessiveness that you absolutely - definitely - for sure - totally hated and did not make you shiver involuntarily.
Lies, lies, lies...
Seokjin’s eyes narrowed. A cool smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth. 
“I think the lady was very satisfied with what I had to offer.”
Jungkook’s jaw twitched. 
Oh boy…
You learned long ago to dread that jaw twitch. 
It was the jaw twitch of I-will-win-this-even-if-I-have-to-break-every-bone-in-my-body-and-burn-down-a-building-in-the-process.
Visions of flying muffins and bloodshed danced behind your eyes. 
Not to mention Jungkook would likely wreck Seokjin’s face and that would be a travesty.
Time for some drastic measures.
Thinking quickly, you slid your hands up over his chest to bury your fingers in his hair and yanked his face close to yours.
“Baby,” you purred, letting your lips brush ever so slightly over his, “I wanna go look at rings now.”
Jungkook’s eyes darkened immediately. Tension thrummed in the space between you. Your body suddenly seemed to poised to ignite as you pleaded prettily with him. 
“Won’t you take me, love?” 
The was a sharp flare of something in his gaze and the next thing you knew Jungkook was sweeping you toward the exit - right hand still firmly planted on your-
“I look forward to seeing you again soon,” Seokjin called out - in a tone more suited to a bedroom than a bakery. 
Jungkook froze. His jaw twitched again, but you were out of patience. 
“Come along now, Poodle,” you growled before dragging him out the door. 
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“What was that?!” you hissed after walking a suitable distance from the bakery. 
“I was about to ask you the same question. I can’t believe you called me Poodle!”
“You're lucky that’s all I did. Between the butt grabbing and the chest beating, I was tempted to bash both your heads in with the complimentary tea tray.”
He snorted. 
“I was just maintaining my cover - unlike you.”
“Excuse me?!”
“You’re my fiancé, Muffin. Drooling all over Kim Seokjin’s goodies while he touches your mouth doesn’t exactly scream ‘I’m in a committed relationship’.”
Your jaw dropped and you sputtered out a noise that was equal parts guilt and exasperation.
“I was probing for information!”
“And he was about to probe right back,” Jungkook muttered.
“What was that?” you snapped. 
“I said the jeweler is on the corner of 5th and Womack.”
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The tension between you and your ‘fiancé’ was palpable by the time you finally entered the jewelry store. 
“What kind of ring were you looking for, Precious?” Jungkook gushed with nauseating sweetness. 
“The biggest and most expensive we can find, Cupcake!” you cooed through clenched teeth. 
For several minutes you wandered aimlessly through the store playing the role of a hard to please couple (employing increasingly more obnoxious pet names with each exchange). 
The clerk, a tight featured man with tiny glasses, kept shooting disapproving looks and sniffing loudly whenever you asked to see anything. After a few minutes of irritable huffing, Jungkook lost patience. 
“I’m surprised this place is still in business, Cuddles.”
You snorted, equally put off by the jeweler’s brisk demeanor. 
“I think we’re done here, Kookie Bear. I parked the car in the garage by Maxwell Market. If we get back in ten minutes, we won’t be charged for another hour.”
The last thing you remembered before completely blacking out was a sharp pain in your neck.
Then you opened your eyes to very real trouble.
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It felt like there was a knife in your forehead - probably a side effect of whatever drug was used to knock you out. 
As your eyes slowly adjusted to the dim lighting, you became aware of several things at once. 
You and Jungkook were strapped to chairs facing one another in (what appeared to be) someone’s basement. Electrical stimulators simmered menacingly over various contact points on both your bodies.
...ligature marks and burns on the bodies indicated the use of restraints and electrocution…
Your gaze traveled cautiously over your partner. There was a cut near his temple - probably caused when he fell after being drugged - other than that he looked unharmed, but his eyes were still closed and his breathing seemed labored. 
“Jungkook,” you whimpered. Your voice sounded cracked and raw. 
How long were we out? 
After a moment his eyes opened and his panicked gaze darted frantically before landing on you. 
It suddenly occurred to you that his face might be the last thing you ever saw. The thought prompted a strange sort of comfort as well as a powerful surge of emotion. 
A single tear slid slowly down your cheek. 
Your head wasn’t entirely clear yet, but you could vaguely hear the jeweler rambling on about how he was going to save you both from the pain he suffered.
“What ...pain?” Jungkook’s voice sounded as rough as yours. He was still fighting off the effects of sedation. 
“The pain of lies,” your captor hissed. “My wife’s lies destroyed me. I lost everything. I never would have married her if I’d known-”
His unhinged monologue continued in that manner for several uncomfortable minutes, but he did finally get around to mentioning why you were chained up in his cellar.
“-to find the truth. If you want to save each other, you must tell the truth.”
Your eyes fell to your fingers, already knowing what you’d find there.
“Lie detectors?” Jungkook whispered incredulously.
“To know for sure if you truly care. Your lies hurt the one you love. Down here, your lies will kill her.”
“What are you saying?” Jungkook snarled. His voice dripped with real menace.
“I’m saying, if you lie, this will happen.” He pushed a button on the small remote in his hand and excruciating pain suddenly tore through your entire body. 
You screamed. 
“Stop!” Jungkook shouted. His body jerked against the chains and the chair creaked precariously beneath him. “I will kill you, you bastard!”
“No! You’ll thank me for sparing you the pain of heartbreak.”
“We aren’t engaged!” you gasped, still shaking from the aftershock. “This was a ruse - to - to draw you out. We can’t pass it-”
But the jeweler ignored you and cranked up the voltage on his machine.
“First question to the groom. Are you hiding anything from her?”
Jungkook swore and yanked against his chains again. 
“Answer the question or I’ll do it,” the jeweler warned. “Your silence can deceive as well.”
You whimpered in terror and Jungkook howled with rage.
“Yes. I am,” he bit out tightly. 
The voltage cranked again and another tear drifted quietly down the side of your face.
“What are you hiding?”
Jungkook’s eyes dropped in shame, but he didn’t hesitate. He couldn’t.
“I do eat your last Oreo. Every time. The first one was an accident. I thought they were Jimin’s... I don’t even like Oreos that much... But I make sure I always get to yours.”
You couldn’t stop a pathetic cough of laughter. “You’re confessing to the Oreos? ...Really?” Your body shook as more silent tears tracked down your face. “Jeon Jungkook you’re so strange,” you whispered softly - almost tenderly.
The jeweler’s eyes narrowed.
“There has to be more than that!” He cranked the voltage again. “Tell her what you’re really hiding!” 
 Jungkook’s jaw clenched.
“She comes to see me when the Oreos disappear. I work mostly homicide and she’s narcotics. We were paired together on a task force a couple months ago and since then I...”
His eyes squeezed shut as he fought for the right words. When they opened again, he was speaking only to you. 
“Our paths don’t often cross, but when you find me to yell about the Oreos... it’s the best part of my day.”
His gaze dropped as he continued, “There hasn’t been anyone else since the moment we met…” He heard your quiet gasp and his mouth tilted into a small tender smile.
“There’s only you,” he whispered.  
The harsh scrape of a lever being pulled caused you both to jump. Jungkook grunted in pain. He passed the test, but the charge was live on his body now.
It was your turn to face the truth.
“Tell me,” the psychotic jeweler snapped - clearly disappointed that no one had died yet, “do you love this man?”
Your eyes widened and Jungkook’s head shot up. Your gazes locked significantly and you felt your heart wrench.
“It’s ok,” Jungkook whispered. “Just tell the truth.”
His beautiful face was filled with trust and understanding. 
You knew what he expected your answer to be.
You knew what you’d say if his life wasn’t on the line.
But only the truth would keep him safe. 
“Yes,” -your eyes fluttered shut - it was too much to face him when everything you buried deep down was now laid bare between you- “I do.”
You saw him flinch - as if he expected the pain to come.
But it never did. 
For a moment there was only excruciating silence... then the barest whisper of your name passing breathlessly over his lips. 
You had never been so happy to hear Sergeant Min’s voice in your entire life.
But he’d come too late to spare either of you a confrontation with the truth.
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The next several hours passed in a blur. You were separated from Jungkook almost immediately. You caught one final glimpse of him as you were both loaded into ambulances.
His gaze stayed fixed on you as the doors closed. 
You vaguely recall giving statements and Namjoon yelling - a lot - like he always does when he’s worried. 
He hugged you so tightly. 
At some point you started to cry.
There was a constant stream of doctors and psychologists...
Then they sent you home. 
Mandatory Crisis Leave. 
Loud banging startled you off the couch and onto the floor of your apartment. It was only the second day of leave, but someone was already interrupting.
In hindsight, you should have known exactly who it was.
“Jungkook ... ”
He looked so wonderful it almost hurt. You savagely beat back the urge to slam the door in his face and bury yourself underneath a pile of blankets.
“I’m... really tired of eating those Oreos.” 
His jaw worked reflexively. After a moment, his eyes crept up to meet yours.
You nodded. 
It was literally all you were capable of doing.
“I want to talk to you every day,” he said with a little more confidence.
Tears began to prick the back of your eyes. You nodded again and he stepped slightly closer.
“I want to hold you. And not just when we’re undercover.”
You laughed. Tears began to fall in earnest.
Jungkook’s hand rose cautiously toward your face and you leaned forward ever so slightly, allowing his thumb to soothe away the wetness on your cheek.
“I am in love with you... and- and I have no idea what I’m doing,” he lowered his forehead to rest gently against yours, "but from now on... I want to do whatever it is with you.”
Pure burning joy bubbled up from your chest as you surged forward - finally pressing your lips to his.
There was laughter and more crying as you stumbled together into your apartment, shutting the door on the outside world to lose yourself in each other.  
As you lay in his arms several hours later with the echoes of his touch still humming over your body and your mouth still swollen from his kiss, you realized that what you’d been running from all those months was nothing more than your own fears.
Here - next to him - was where you were meant to be all along.
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Ask My Muse: Have a question for the characters in this work? Send it to my ask box and hear their side of the story.
Endnote: This is an extensive rework of a piece I originally wrote for another fandom (if you see it elsewhere - but with Reylo - it’s me - I promise). It is based heavily on the plot of one of my favorite episodes of Smallvile (I was a huge Smallville fangirl back in the day). The dynamics are inspired by one of the greatest shows of all time - Brooklyn 99. I haven’t written much for the BTS fandom, but I would really love to hear what you think!  (Let me know what you thought pretty please?) Much like Jimin I survive primarily on takeout and praise.
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 4 years
Decagon: The Supportive Hero Chapter 2
Summary: When Izuku finally accepts that Bakugou is not his friend anymore, he ends up collapsing at home. He discovers that he has had a Quirk all along- the ability to bond with others and increase their Quirks. Izuku fully intends to become a hero still, now with a new Quirk by his side. A new school leads him to new friends and new bonds both Quirked and not, plus his mom finding a new husband has his family increasing and the support he needs keeps coming in.  
Look out world, here comes Decagon!
On AO3
Pairings: Aizawa Shouta/Midoriya Inko so far. Others TBA
Warnings: Bakugou Faces Consequences. Bakugou critical. But also he ends up getting redeemed like WAY later so… yeah.
Other Tags: Shinsou is Aizawa’s cousin/nephew, Queer Platonic relationships ahead, Izuku has a Quirk.
  The Quirk specialist called in wasn’t the one Dr. Aizawa wanted, but apparently that one was in America for a conference. Instead a tall blue haired woman had been called in.
  “Ah, hello. I am Doctor Yamanato Yuki.” she had introduced herself. Apparently her specialization in Quirks were sex based but she also had faimilarity with bonding Quirks.
  “Sex Quirks and Bonding Quirks actually are incredibly similar when you break it down,” she had explained to Izuku when the boy had asked in curisotsity. The woman had gone red when he had asked but she had managed to stutter it out. “Sex Quriks often affect other people, much like Bonding Quirks. They affect the same areas of the brain to stimulate the Quirk’s effects on the person. So I learned a lot about them both.”
  The testing was a bit boring. He and his mom sat in machines with weird stuff attached to them, and Eraserhead, which he had gotten more excited about after his brain fog cleared up, would activate his Quirk randomly so Dr. Yamanato would observe Izuku’s Quirk in use. He then sat in more machines to scan his head and body.
  When they were all done that, Dr. Yamanato also took some blood to test it.
 Meanwhile though, Izuku had to stay in the hospital. His body temperature registered still as below average, but rising up. Dr. Yamanato had more theories about that, but she wanted to check first.
  Izuku didn’t mind the hospital too much, it meant that he didn’t have to go back to Aldera which he knew would be filled with kids gossiping about him now. His mom told him he didn’t have to go back at all.
  “Your Quirk is very special honey, special enough that people would want it. Due to this, we can apply for a fund to move you to a better school where you will be safe.” Inko did not tell her son the risks of kidnapping him were incredibly high, and that he would be sent to the school Dr. Aizawa’s girlfriend’s son went to. Dr. Aizawa had told her a few quiet stories of how his girlfriend’s son had nearly been kidnapped multiple times for his mind control Quirk. She didn’t want to worry her son with that news.
  Izuku did know that Bakugou attempted to get to him a few times. He had heard Inko talking about it with the doctor and even a security guard. Apparently Bakugou had come back and tried to force his way into the pediatric ward. The nurses hadn’t let him and he had tried to make them only for them to not only call his parents but the cops.
  That had nurses gossiping all day, and Izuku had listened to a few talk about how awful he was and how they didn’t understand how a child could act like that.
  Izuku felt a little pleased at that. He shouldn’t be, he knew and felt guilty. However, little boys who were bullied and tormented for years do tend to get glee their abuser faced consequences for their actions or ended up mocked for their attitude.
  Or well, anyone would be.
  Izuku waited a week for more info, during which he got to know Eraserhead more and more. He apparently also taught at UA, Izuku felt so happy learning that he ended up asking way too many questions. Eraserhead didn’t mind though and answered what he could.
  “But what about your classes?” Izuku asked him a day after he being told, suddenly realizing it. “Shouldn’t you be teaching?”
  “Nah. I’m the home room teacher for the third year this year and I expelled most of them. I have about five kids in the class and they’re currently doing work studies. I barely see them.” Eraserhead had told him, which sparked a debate on why he expelled most of his students that even Inko weighed in on.
  “But if they were skilled enough-”
  “It doesn’t matter, I won’t let kids who have no potential go out to either get themselves killed or others killed.”
  “But couldn’t they learn?”
  “They go to Gen Ed when expelled from my class and I watch them. If they actually show ANY potential and want to do better I will let them back in but otherwise-”
  Izuku watched the back and forth of his mother and Eraserhead for a bit, head turning between them. Dr. Aizawa, who had walked in a few minutes before with Dr. Yamanato, also watched. His face looked amused though, confusing Izuku. More so when he told the little boy,
  “I think I will be seeing more of you even when you’re gone. I have never seen Shouta look so engaged before.”
  That was weird, Izuku thought as Dr. Yamanato caught his mom’s attention.
  “Oh! Doctor! Do we have more information?” Inko asked the female doctor who smiled kindly.
  “We do.” She got the other two to leave, leaving Izuku, Inko and Dr. Yamanato alone in the room. The doctor sat down in a chair with a clipboard on her lap that she read some notes off of as she spoke.
  “Your son’s Quirk from what we found is the ability to form bonds, we know this. He is able to increase a person’s Quirk. Most likely they can either use their Quirk for longer, can aake it stronger somehow or possibly even mutate it depending on what sort of Quirk he has.” the doctor explained. “The bond however, goes both ways. We got permission from the Bakugou family to do some tests on their son. From what we can tell, the bond between Izuku and Katsuki was only half of a bond. It was parasitic in nature. Katsuki would draw upon Izuku but Izuku received nothing back from him.”
  “Is that why he was so sickly for so long?” Inko asked.
  “Yes. Izuku’s Quirk worked overtime to support the bond with Katsuki and yourself.” Dr. Yamanato explained. “The bond between the two of you is incredibly healthy, but from the bit of the former bond we can find between Katsuki and Izuku it was entirely one sided and drew too much from Izuku. If it had been both ways, Katsuki most likely would have been even stronger and Izuku would have experienced minor side effects of the bond.”
  “Side effects,” Inko interrupted the doctor while Izuku reeled from all this information.
  He had a Quirk. He had a QUIRK. A really cool one! He could bond with people, make them stronger… suddenly his thoughts went to why he expressed happiness before, when he didn’t have to go to school. His stomach dropped like a stone.
  People would only want to be his friend because of it.
  “What sort of side effects?” Inko asked the doctor, unaware of her son’s slowly worsening mood.
  “Well from what we can tell from some of our physical tests, the bond with Katsuki did cause him to be sickly but the bond with you is altering his body a bit.” The doctor explained. That drew their attention, Izuku even pulled from his thoughts.
  “How so?” Inko asked, voice as calm as possible so she didn’t freak Izuku out.
  “He’s more…” the doctor looked thoughtful, trying to find the right word before huffing. “He’s much lighter than most boys his age. I believe it relates to your Quirk. Pulling small objects towards yourself- Izuku has made himself lighter. It may also play into why he does have a hard time keeping to a healthy weight.”
 “Is there anything I can do?” Inko worried, a hand going to rest on her son’s shoulder. Izuku himself felt nervous.
  “I’m no dietician. I would suggest swapping to a heavier diet for him and focus on muscle building rather than fat building, but that’s not my specialty.” Dr. Yamanato told Inko. “The broken bond between Izuku and Katsuki as well is what is causing him to be so cold as well.”
  “Bakugou has explosions as his Quirk, was he making me warm?” Izuku asked the doctor who shrugged in answer.
  “Possibly. Or it could simply be the shock from suddenly breaking a bond. It isn’t life threatening as you know but you will need warmer clothes from now on.” Dr. Yamanato told them. “Now, we did get a brain scan done and we think we see… the term I guess would be ports…” the doctor frowned and then shrugged, seemingly satisfied with her word choice. “Ports where more bonds could form. We counted ten. This number though is not a hundred percent accurate though, so be warned you might not be able to bond with ten or might be able to bond with more than ten.”
  “... Is there anything else? How do I bond with people? What sort of bonds? Are they all like family bonds?” Izuku asked. Dr. Yamanto blinked owlishly before she smiled at him.
  “Well, you’re eager to learn. From what we think happened with your mother and Katsuki, we think the bond had to be mutual with both of you wishing to be bonded.” Dr. Yamanato said. She used the clipboard she had on her lap to sketch out two stick figures with two arrows between them, going from one figure to another. “The bond requires mutual affection. Now, this affection can be good affection or… bad affection.”
  “Bad affection?” Izuku asked, his mind whirling.
  “Sometimes people like to pick on and be mean to others.” Dr. Yamanato explained. “This is cruel behaviour and bad affection. They do feel something for their victim but it isn’t affection such as your mother feels for you as her son.” She drew two more stick figures with two arrows between them, one broken. “However, once the bond is formed, then even if the person who is bonded to you breaks the bond, the bond continues until you break it yourself. At least, that is our theory.” Dr. Yamanato shrugged. “Quirk Science is half the time us screaming at one another and the other half threatening each other, I won’t lie.”
  “I read an article saying Quirk Science is twenty percent guessing, forty percent chance, thirty percent sheer luck and ten percent drinking.” Izuku said with a grin.
  Dr. Yamanato cackled.
  “You got it in one kid.” She handed Izuku the notes she had taken, and then handed Inko a card. “That is my number. Now, I would like to step outside with your mother to discuss adult things if that’s okay?”
  Izuku figured that meant it would be stuff his mom felt to scary for him but would tell him later if she felt it was needed. He agreed and the two women stepped out.
  Outside the room, Eraserhead waited for them.
  “Doctor, Mrs. Midoriya.” He greeted both of them.
  “Ah good Eraser, are you the assigned hero?” Dr. Yamanato asked him. He nodded as Inko blinked in confusion. “Perfect. Now, Mrs. Midoriya,” Dr. Yamanato turned to her. “You understand that due to the nature of your son’s Quirk you are being offered the help moving him to a new school?”
  “Ah, yes. Dr. Aizawa said that his girlfriend’s son goes there? His Quirk is something people might want?” Inko did not want to think about her son being kidnapped but it was a very really fear with his Quirk. If a villain got a hold of him and managed to bond with him… it could be disastrous.
  “Correct. Now- I’m going to be completely honest. As soon as we place this information into the system anyone with even the slightest ability to check out the database will see it.” Dr. Yamanato said bluntly. “Any Quirk that benefits anyone will be of interest. This means you will be harassed by pro heroes, government agents or researchers who want to use your son for their own gain.”
  “... what?” Inko asked shakily.
  “It’s common,” Eraserhead said honestly. “Any Quirk deemed useful gets looks and greed. The fact it’s a bonding Quirk that increases other Quirks…”
  “Frankly I would bet on Endeavour visiting at least. The man is a power hungry asshole,” Dr. Yamanato said, shrugging at their looks. “My wife has the ability to create children using any genetics from either parents.” The doctor glanced around and lowered her voice. “No one knows but she’s able to pick Quirks to.” That got startled looks from the other two. “She keeps it undocumented for her own safety. That gets out, she will be in dire risk. She managed to word her Quirk profile just right that she’s not lying either. However, Endeavour found out. I don’t know how and he forced her to give him a son with his and his wife’s Quirks.”
  “Oh god,” Inko said. Dr. Yamanato nodded.
  “Exactly. So be warned. I have some drafts of vague ways to word his Quirk description.” She handed said drafts to Inko and then bowed. “I must be off but take care of yourselves.” She lefts, leaving Inko and Aizawa.
  “This… this is going to be hard.” Inko said to herself, clutching the note tightly. She had been aware the reason the government would pay for her son to go a new school with better security was because his Quirk could be dangerous in the wrong hands. She had heard of some of the kids who went there during her research of the school. Kids with healing Quirks that could heal almost any wound, kids who could copy other Quirks, kids with Quirks that released deadly gasses… and now her son would need to go to it because of the risk of a villain bonding with him…
  “You’ll be fine.” Eraserhead said. He reached out to awkwardly pat her arm. “I’ll be here to help out for a bit if needed and I’ll make random visits until they decide the risk is over. I’ll help protect him.”
  Inko smiled at the man, relief flooding through her. She would not be alone. She didn’t have to do this by herself. Not anymore. Even if it only lasted a little while, she had someone with her.
  She could do it.
  “The power of the blasts lowered by 200% after the bond broke,” casually remarked Dr. Yamanato as she looked over the results of the youngest Bakugou.
  “What?!?” Katsuki screeched and Dr. Yamanato ignored him, facing his parents.
  “It looks like the bonding Quirk was very effective in boosting his Quirk. Thank you for letting me use his Quirk as a way to calculate how much Midoriya’s Quirk could boost another.”
  “Of course,” Mitsuki said woodenly as she stared at her furious son. Masaru remained silent, staring at him as well. Dr. Yamanato, sensing that they needed to talk, quietly left.
  “This isn’t fucking fair! It’s bullshit-“ Katsuki ranted right before his father spoke, cutting him off.
  “Katsuki it is fair. From the sounds of it your actions were deplorable.” Masaru wondered where they had gone wrong. How their prideful son had become so arrogant.
  “I am disgusted with you,” Mitsuki said bluntly. Katsuki flinched. Usually his mother would scream that, rage it. But instead she just said it softly, calmly. “I never thought I’d raise a thug like my own father. I’d hoped for better then that.”
  “I’m no thug! I’m going to be a hero!” Katsuki roared.
  “Not with your current attitude, and it looks like you’re back to square one.” His father said, motioning to how his son’s hands were slightly sparking but only creating small crackles and not the usually soft booms when he lost his temper. “Your actions have consequences Katsuki. We thought the school here would give you them but from our conversation with them, they aren’t.” The two adults traded looks.
  They had spoken to the school and found that the entire system was rotten. They praised Katsuki and promised to ‘convince Izu-kun to get over himself and bond again’ stating their son’s skill and power meant he would be a hero. They were horrified at the way the school talked about Izuku like a thing their son could use, not even a person.
  “You won’t be going back there.” Mitsuki said.
  “What?!?” Katsuki yelled. “But it’s perfect for my-“
  “Your hero origin story?!?” Mitsuki snapped. “That utter fucking bullshit you seem to adore sprouting? Here’s the thing Katsuki, you DO NOT have that sort of origin story. You’re talking about an underdog story. Newsflash, you’re not!”
  “Your mother and I make good money, you have good health, you only go to that school because we thought you wanted to be with who we thought was your friend,” Masaru began listing. “We paid for the best Quirk Counselors we could, we always made sure you were healthy and happy, and again, we have money.”
  “You’re no underdog. You’re the bully in a hero story, the privileged asshole the underdog takes down.” Mitsuki said cruelly. She would feel terrible later, but right then she didn’t care. “I’d say Izuku went through his origin story while at that school, not you.”
  “You will not be going back there, and…” Masaru hesitated. Katsuki already was being punished. He would lose his hero origin story fantasy, he had lost a lot of the power of his Quirk. He would have to make friends in a new school, a school Mitsuki picked out dust to them being very stern on bullying.
  What else could they punish him with? Taking away his Quirk gym privileges seemed to cruel after he would need to build his Quirk up again. Taking away his video games didn’t seem enough.
  “You won’t be going to Hero Con for the next two years.” Mitsuki said. Every year they would take him to see all the merch, year all about heroes and just have fun. Izuku always went with them to. They would still offer the tickets as always to Izuku on his birthday but wouldn’t go or go with Katsuki.
  A fitting punishment in her eyes. Katsuki loved Hero Con but the event occurred once a year and wouldn’t affect him to greatly on top of everything else he went through.
  “WHAT?!? AREN’T I BEING PUNISHED ENOUGH?!” Katsuki screamed.
  “For years of bullying and tormenting? No.” Mitsuki told him. “My father is in jail for his actions. I don’t want to see my son follow his footsteps.”
  That quieted Katsuki and the adults took their son home hoping he was thinking and reflecting on his actions. They find that’s much hope though.
  For Katsuki he was plotting. Okay, fine he wouldn’t go to Aldera anymore. But the nerd still lived around him and went to the park. Fingers and Wings also would still go to Aldera. He’d have access to Deku again, he would force  him to rebond with him.
  He would be a hero, and nothing would change that. He refused to let his origin story die like that. He wouldn’t!
  Hearing his parents talk about visiting the Midoriyas to make him apologize he changed his plan. Apologize and then rebond with the nerd. Deku could never stay away from him, the fact he had gotten so upset would easily be brushed off as Katsuki going to far only once. It would all end up fine!
   He would apologize and things would go back to normal. Deku would tell them to let him stay at Aldera. He would get his hero origin back, be the next great hero. With Deku along he guessed but the freak could be a sidekick in his agency he supposed. Providing him with strength on top of his own greatness to beat All Might and be the next number one!
  Heading to the stupid nerd’s house, he plotted how it would go. An apology, then Deku forgiving him. Deku would offer to rebond, after apologizing himself for being an asshole and breaking the bond, risking his future.
  They walked up to the apartment, and Katsuki sneered as his mother grabbed his shoulder.
  “We’re going to say sorry and then leave.” she told him bluntly. “Nothing else.”
  “Or your punishment will be worse,” Masaru promised his son, causing Katsuki to stare at him in shock for the dark tone. He had never heard his father use that before.
  Mitsuki rang the bell and waited. Inko opened the door, face blank.
  Katsuki felt some regret seeing Inko. He once called her Auntie Inko and she would bake cookies and give him and Deku treats. He used to like her a lot more then his own mom until his parents sat him down and explained why they didn’t speak to their parents, why he didn’t have grandparents like other kids did.
  Learning how fucked up his parents’ childhoods were had him appreciating them way more as a nine-year-old. And made him think they were the most badass parents ever. His dad taking down his villain dad by walking right into a freaking police station? His mom stealing all the valuables in the house and running? Epic.
  Stand there, looking at Auntie Inko and feeling those feelings again though made him feel small. Bad. Dirty.
  He ignored it. Deku was a fucking weakling who wouldn’t get far in the future, no matter his Quirk. It was just a bonding Quirk after all. Katsuki would be the future number one hero. Deku was lucky to be part of his story.
  “Yes?” Inko asked the Bakugou family.
  “We would like to apologize to Izuku.” Mitsuki said, bluntly. Inko simply watched them a bit longer.
  “We were just released today, we asked that the results from the tests Dr. Yamanato had done would be give to you after we left.” Inko said after a moment.
  Katsuki didn’t move. He’d figured that the fucking hospital had been working against him, after he had gotten the police called on him for trying to see Deku earlier. He had been so angry then, he wanted Deku to take back his lies, or what he had thought were lies.
  It took him using his Quirk over and over again to figure out the truth. Deku had increased his Quirk strength. By a lot.
  He was still awesome, he wasn’t back to square one like his dad said. However he couldn’t do the same amount of damage as he could before. It infuriated him and he needed Deku to rebond with him.
  “We’re aware but we want to apologize to him.” Masaru explained. Inko looked them over for a bit longer before she sighed.
  “Wait here-” she began but a dark haired man appeared, looking tired.
  “I’ll ask him. If he doesn’t want to meet you, would you be okay sending an apology letter?” the man asked.
  “Of course,” Masaru said, bowing his head.
  Katsuki knew Deku would come to the door. He never could stay away from Bakugou.
  The man came back, and shook his head.
  “He said an apology letter would work best for now,” the man began but Katsuki stopped paying attention.
  What? The nerd refused to see him?!
  “WHAT THE FUCK?!” Katsuki screamed. “I’m fucking apologizig and the little shit won’t fucking-” his hands crackled with energy and he yanked himself from his mother’s grasp to step forward when his hands went cold and a scarf wrapped around him, holding him there.
  “Do not take another step.” said the man coldly. His eyes had turned from dark brown to red, and his hair floated above his head, the scarf he had been wearing wrapped around Katsuki. “I’m the pro-hero Eraserhead, assigned to watch over the Midoriya family. Your actions of trying to force yourself into situations is not welcome here.”
  Mitsuki grabbed her son, yanking him back.
  “We’re sorry for his actions,” she bowed, forcing Katsuki to do so as well before she pulled him away from the apartment as Masaru spoke to Inko for longer. Mitsuki dragged her son to the stairwell, the boy in shock from losing his Quirk so suddenly still. “I cannot fucking beleive you!” she snapped. “That was the most disrespectful fucking thing I have seen yet from you, and apparently I haven’t seen everything.” she glared at her son, anger burning deep in her eyes.
  “Deku-” Katsuki tried but Mitsuki glared at him, silencing him.
  “Not another damn word.”
  Mitsuki dragged her son down the stairs and to the car, unaware that part of his world view was shattering.
  Deku… Deku didn’t want to see him. Deku refused to. Deku wanted a damn letter and not him in person.
  Katsuki bared his teeth. Fuck that. Deku would understand where he belonged- under his feet, providing him with power for his future career.
  He would make Deku rebond with him, and he would not take no for an answer!!
You know, it occurred to me as I wrote this that Bakugou might claim that Izuku did not help him at all and the bond was completely fake. I tossed the idea around a bit but decided to leave it as Bakugou wanting Izuku to rebond with him. I felt that while Bakugou is a narcissistic egotistical brat, he also most likely would want the bond with Izuku to be more powerful. The punishment from his parents is something I feel makes sense. 1- the school was a large part in why Bakugou is the way he is. I mean, he was always a little shit as we can tell from flashbacks where BEFORE Izuku was declared Quirkless. The Deku name came before, Izuku was picked on by Bakugou before and more. However, the school did not help by praising him and saying he was going to be great. As well, excusing his actions against Izuku was bad. 2- Removing Bakugou from the school also robbed him of his ‘hero origin’ which you know was FAKE AS FUCK because Bakugou is not an underdog. Rising from a bad school only works if you’re also from a lower income and Bakugou really isn’t. 3- I don’t believe in punishments that are like: we take away everything you love and enjoy. It does nothing and is actually damaging. As well, as Mitsuki and Masaru come from bad families they also worry about being to harsh. So, change his school and also restrict him from Hero Con for a few years. A good punishment-more so since he will be sent to a strict school where his bullying behaviour is not allowed. Other notes: -I have six bonds including Inko for Izuku planned. Suggestions welcome but might not be listened to. -Dr. Yamanato is a character from another fic- my Omega Quirk one. I didn’t want to make another Quirk specialist character so I just reused her. Honestly I’ll probably keep reusing her because hey- ready made Quirk specialist here. -The Endeavour thing is more of a warning to Inko then a real plot point. If Aizawa follows it up I doubt I’ll focus to much on it. -Izuku’s low body temperature and light weight will be brought up often. This is solely to combat the trope where a medical condition is only brought up for plot. It won’t here. -This actually isn’t the full of Izuku’s Quirk. That will take way more time, effort and experimentation to figure out. -The reason Bakugou got such a big part of this chapter was for future plotting reasons. I don’t like… actually plot ahead much. I usually know the gist of what I want, and one thing I do know is Bakugou is a minor antagonist for a portion of this fic. Then he gets his redemption. As well, this chapter is more: Here is Izuku’s Quirk mixed with some plot so it’s not to info dumpy? -Inko is able to pull bigger objects now, she just has never tried because she doesn’t need to pull larger objects. -Japanese culture puts a lot of stock in apologizing and harmony. (Makes me wonder why Bakugou would be allowed to run around like that so much…) Hence why the Bakugou parents insisted on apologizing. (Oddly enough this makes me realize even more the ‘our son’s fault for being kidnapped’ thing is really a mistranslation/cultural thing where it isn’t meant like that at all based on my research) -I was told I use a lot of passive verbs so I tried not to here.
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austarus · 4 years
Harrison Wells (Eobard Thawne) x Reader - Integrated Revelations (1/3)
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**A/N: The picture/edit/gif does not belong to me.
*I attempted a thing where I try to get back into the groove of writing for my murder speed husband... It’s probably shit, but here goes nothing. Sorta another theory I’ve had and had all these scenes connect together. I’m a shit writer so... Also, I’m dying and crying. Hahaha. I literally am dying. My uni work online is being ridiculously overwhelming along with my work hours for school. I really need a week with no deadlines or work just to get caught up with three weeks of work for certain classes. I really need to take a break. But I can’t, started to loose sleep. Can’t even have time to write or play Pokemon Reborn. Anyway, that a bit of an update from me. I wrote this back in July, hoping to have written a fic a week (which turned out to not happen, but hey, I tried) until October to post things. Also this most likely has grammer errors. I’m sorry. Once again, a shit writer. Please don’t forget to comment, like, and reblog. It means a lot to content creators of all kinds!
Word Count: 3584
Part 2  Part 3
“Well...” Eobard’s raspy voice didn’t seem to alarm the two speedsters that had phased into the Time Vault. The futuristic speedster had sat with a leg crossed over the other, and elbow resting on the arm of the chair. “Things just got a lot more complicated, didn't they?” Eobard pushed from the chair, standing up and taking a few steps forward. Nora and Barry looked on, one adorned a look of uncertainty and the other masqueraded his rage and pain through the years. “Barry Allen.” Barry nodded along, gauging the black-haired man’s façade. “But which Barry Allen? Clearly, you're… from a lot later than this one.” Eobard maneuvered his body and pointed to the unconscious form of an earlier Barry Allen.
“Way later.” Barry simply answered, looking indifferent.
“Way later,” Eobard echoed the response, putting emphasis on the word ‘way’. The scientist nodded along, pursuing his lips as his electric blue eyes flickered to Nora. Before anyone could speak, could even move the Time Vault door dematerialized. Nora watched as an earlier version of yourself entered the Vault hurriedly and out of breath. You had entered looking over your shoulder with a tablet in hand. You had been scanning for the supposed Time Wraith that had attacked Barry, but not your present time Barry.
“Eo, I traced-” You froze in place as you turned your gaze forward. Fear crippled your heart as you saw a version of Barry, much older through the years, and a woman not too far off his from his age. You swallowed thickly, clutching the tablet tighter. There’s three Barry Allen’s now?? Who the hell decided to break time? A small throbbing sensation erupted at the back of your head, but you dismissed it. Eobard had swiftly moved to stand in front of you. His eyes connected with yours for a moment.
“You knew?!” The young woman spoke up, stepping forward towards you which caused Eobard to hold out a subtle arm out to the side to keep you behind him. “All those years.” The older man narrowed his eyes at what the female had called out to you. You frowned at her words in confusion. Who is she? An image flashed through your mind of the woman, smiling proudly at Barry while wearing a dark purple and white suit with a yellow emblem. She clearly knows who I am, but… What even happened? Are they from a different future? You pushed away the image to the back of your mind. “How could y-”
“If you even think about touching her, either of you, then you’ll regret ever running back here,” Eobard steely replied. You took a step closer to your speedster boyfriend in case something were to happen and he needed to speed you away to safety. Not that you needed saving, but you were still working on defending yourself via your lessons with the futuristic speedster. So, they’re from the future, and I’m guessing far off from this other Barry, but not too far for him to age too much. You spared a small glance to the cuffed and unconscious Barry Allen on the ground. It hurt your heart to see him vulnerable like that, but Eobard had confided to you his suspicions regarding this Barry Allen. One Barry Allen problem at a time. Taking a breath in, you remained silent and studied the two speedsters that confronted your speedster.
“Let it go.” Barry grabbed onto the speedster’s shoulder, holding her back. Oddly enough, Barry’s words coldly cut through you. 
“Now,” Eobard’s cocky attitude returned to him as he established the safety of your presence. He had that kind of affect, putting himself on the air of superiority and intellect with his attitude and words to belittle the person in front of him rightly so to get the desired reaction he wants and anticipates. Eobard knows how to tug on Barry’s strings. “Who's your friend? Let me guess. Jesse Chambers- No. Maybe Lawrence. Wait- Danica Williams-”
“-It doesn't matter who she is.” Barry cut off Eobard’s rattling of names.
You eyed Eobard’s deceptive small smile as he held Barry’s gaze then turned to the young adult. The female remained silent, avoiding Eobard’s icy eyes. “She's your daughter.” You scrunched your face in confusion before the neurons clicked in your head after a few seconds. Lemme guess, she’s a speedster that ran back in time and met a younger version of her father. Weird flex bro, but whatever. You do you. If I was a speedster, I’d do things differently. Obviously not up to scale what with the tampering that Eobard likes to do with the timeline to get his way with things. “You've brought me your daughter.” Your eyes flickered back to Barry before taking another look at the female and seeing a bit of resemblance, other than the fact that she was a speedster like him. Then the article Eo’s been obsessing about did reveal something true. Barry does take Iris as his wife. The West-Allen family. “It's, um... Dawn, if I'm not mistaken.”
“Nora.” The young speedster forced out after briefly glancing at her father.
“Nora. Oh, that's nice.” Eobard turned back to Barry with a smirk, “At least you still have one.” That’s cruel, Eo. “What- Nora- time travel's so weird-”
“Why did you come here?” You found the nerve to speak up, moving to stand beside the man masquerading as Harrison Wells. I’m not going to be afraid; I can’t always cower behind Eobard if something unexpected happens. I need to take things in my own hands. Even if they do find out about- You cleared any evidence of distress at their sudden appearance from your throat, “What do you want?”
“I need him to fix this for me.” Barry held up a broken tube-like device in his hand.
A thought hit the genius scientist instantaneously, his blue eyes widening. Turning your body, you saw Eobard take a few steps backwards, “No...” The headache didn’t go away, instead intensifying slightly by the second. Negative emotions flooded your system at Eobard’s crippling composure. He shook his head at them. “No, if you're here...” Eo turned to face the unconscious Barry, cuffed to his motored wheelchair, pointing to them and him. “And he's here... that means-”
“-You don't get home.” Barry simply stated. Your heart shook, terror and dread feeding into your system at his words. Uncertainty of the future- your future with Eobard- plagued you. How does this all end?
“I get home!” The yellow speedster whipped his head around in agitation, his voice raising with every statement. Barry smirked cruelly as he shook his head. You held your breath at Eobard’s spiking wrath, you hadn’t seen him this angry since General Eiling’s interference with The Flash and Plastique. Even then he’d mask his resentment to pull the strings in the game strategically. “I get home. I go home! I get everything-”
“-You don't go home, Thawne.” The Scarlet Speedster halted the Man in the Yellow Suit. Eobard clenched his jaw. You reached out a hand to rest it on his arm in an attempt to calm him. His eyes met yours for a fraction of a second. You felt the tension hang heavily in the air. “Unless… you help me.” Barry held up his broken device once more, mockingly this time. Your eyes flickered to the ring on his right hand. Similar to Eobard’s. A future version of Cisco must have been able to figure out how to use microtech to compress Barry’s suit. He’s the greatest mechanical engineer that I know. Eobard’s shoulders sagged a fraction as Barry held his ground. Turning around, the genius scientist rubbed his face before kicking the spare Barry in annoyance. Barry, all clad in black, winced because he probably ended up feeling that kick. You and Nora remained silent, eyeing the exchange between both speedsters.
Eobard shifted his body back, hands on his hips and fueled hatred present in his eyes. “What do you want?”
“Like I said, you're gonna fix this for me.”
“To do what?”
“Drain dark matter.”
What could Barry possibly need with Dark Matter? Hasn’t it done enough damage? “Whose dark matter?” You crossed your arms with the tablet close to your chest, a frown on your face as Eobard stepped beside you once more.
“None of your business.” Barry sneered at you. You narrowed your eyes at his demeanor, the young man who you gradually grew close to and considered as another brother like Cisco.
“-It is our business.” Eobard retorted, taking your hand in his tightly. Both men were frustrated at the others persistence.
“No, it's not.”
Eobard started, letting go of you and rounding heatedly on to Barry, “There's no chance that I help you-”
You reached a hand out. “-Eobard, don’t-”
- It's none of your business-”
“-Cicada's!” Nora blurted out. Silence filled the room between the four of your, outbursts settling. You blinked a few times, taking a step back and resting a palm against your temple. Grimacing, you cast your eyes down as images of a half-masked man in green stood with a dagger. A glowing dagger with a look of emptiness and death in his eyes. That man looks dead to the world, as if willing to kill for an estranged purpose. It’s so cold. You shook your head subtly and stood your ground, unwilling to show weakness, but you saw Nora’s eyes shift when she looked at you. Barry eyed his daughter with a sort of incredulous look while a calculating and analytical look flashed through Eobard’s eyes.
“Cicada's.” The name seemed so familiar to Eobard as it easily slipped of his tongue. The hushed tone in Eobard’s voice expressed a calm before the storm. A deceptive man full of secrets and knowledge of many, many years to come. Especially when it came to The Flash. “The one who got away. You want to destroy Cicada's dagger, don't you?”
“We want to save lives.”
A cynical laugh leaves your speedster’s lips as you pursed yours, trying to tease out the logics from Barry. “You want to save lives.” Eobard chuckled mockingly at Barry’s response. “I bet you do. I bet you do. Especially your own, right, Barry Allen?”
“Look, that me,” Barry pointed to the other version of himself in the room, “he's gonna wake up soon. He sees me standing here, your whole timeline is gonna be blown to hell. You're never gonna get home. You know that's true!”
“I know! I know!” Eobard sighed, his facial expression contorted, and his eyes held a different motive as he flicked his gaze to Nora, who hadn’t stop taking glimpses of you. “Where are my manners? Can I get you a cup of water?” You rolled your eyes at Eobard’s ploy.
The four of you had moved to the small lab, far from the Cortex in avoidance of Caitlin and Cisco. The timeline was a fickle thing to speedsters, Eobard had told you that. But oddly enough, when it came to Eobard it seemed to be malleable to his every whim. Tools and spare wires littered along the desk your speedster boyfriend was working at. The monitor held a camera feed of the Time Vault where Barry’s unconscious younger version was still unconscious.
How hard did Eobard hit him? Like, how the hell is he still asleep even through all that yelling and seething??
“Here,” you handed Nora a bottle of purified water.
“Thanks,” she quietly spoke, you nodded at her. You really didn’t know what to think about someone who knew you in the future, yet you had no idea who she would be until a few years later. Would I even still be in this time period by then? Or would Eobard had kept his promise? … Nothing’s making any sense right now. You felt frustrated for not really being part of their conversations. You were… just there.
“So, who made this?” Eobard examined the piece of teach as he started working on it.
Barry answered with pocketed hands, “Someone smarter than you.”
“I doubt that,” You snorted as Eobard laughed at Barry’s statement. Leaning against the dark blue beam of the side lab, you crossed your arms avoiding Barry’s gaze when he glanced over to you. You chewed on the inside of your cheek. “If so, then why come here? Why go through all the trouble to come here when you can get help from the person who made it? Why then would you need Eobard’s help?”
“It’s… complicated,” Barry sighed before Nora could finish saying anything, pocketing his hands.
“I think that’s an understatement to the type of trouble that seems to find you, Barr.” You crossed your arms. “At least a Time Wraith didn’t follow you this time. Which I’m still having trouble tracking down.” You nodded to his former self on the monitor. Barry rolled his eyes at you.
“You know, Allen,” the yellow speedster wheeled around, electric blue eyes meeting Barry’s green gaze, “for your plan to work, you're gonna actually have to have his dagger in your possession...”
“We've got that covered.”
The villainous speedster raised an eyebrow at the forensics scientists. “You got that covered. How’s that?” He humored them.
“With this.” Nora pulled out a dark piece of metal, holding it out for you and Eobard to observe momentarily.
“What is that?” You piqued up, causing Nora to look over at you. An odd emotion flickered in her eyes. Eobard reached a hand out to it only for Barry to pluck it from Nora’s grasp. Your eyes flickered between the two then back to Nora. She didn’t seem to be cautious around you and Eobard at all. Revealing the reason for aid and showing Eobard exactly what he seemed to want to see. You weren’t a genius, but you obviously saw the pointed looks that Barry subtly gave his daughter. The cogs were turning in your head as well as in Eobard’s. He masked his growing speculation about the two speedsters.
“Is that-”
“It's a piece of Savitar's suit, yeah.” Barry stoically responded, since Nora had already shown Eobard the metallic piece, to Eobard’s oncoming question before he could even finish. Barry knew Eobard recognized the object, shaking his head that that cat was out of the bag for this secret too.
“Savitar. The Future Flash and the self-proclaimed God of Speed, kitten,” Eobard simply explained as he worked. Images of a metallic suit flashed through your mind as it hummed with energy; a familiar face shrouded in shadows and a hauntingly course voice. “A twisted time remnant of the man you know to be your friend. Another big bad that Barry’s had to face in the future, primarily due to the mistakes of his growing unhappiness. Isn’t that right, Flash? The pain you’ve caused the people around you just for you selfish wishes.” Barry rolled his eyes but remained silent.
“Eobard, play nice,” you scolded the older man, “they’re still guests here after all.”
“Hmph. You know what's funny about your dad, Nora,” the futuristic genius caught her attention, “is he hates me. Hates me with a passion, and yet a version of him, this Savitar, is a much bigger jerk than I ever was. Did you see the face?” Eobard gestured to his own face, primarily to one side of his face while snickering “Did you- did you see the, like, pizza face-” Nora awkwardly stepped from foot to foot, looking away.
“-Pizza face?-” Eobard Tiberius Thawne you owe me so many fucking answers when we get home because these images aren’t making as much sense as they should.
“-Can you hurry up?-”
“-Yeah, I'll hurry up.” Eobard smugly nonchalantly threw the tiny screwdriver onto the desk. He picked up a different on. “I gotta tell you, Allen, using Savitar's suit, it's a smart idea.”
Barry tilted his head to his daughter. “It was hers.”
Eobard gave her a hard look. His eyes flickered towards you then turned around. “Clever girl.” You picked up an odd indication in his tone. The speedster narrowed his eyes at the tech as he ignited it, illuminating in his hands to signal its functioning aspect. On the monitor, the four of you noticed that the other Barry was coming to consciousness. Eobard inhaled silently. “Oops.” Eobard swiveled his body around to hand them the piece of tech. “Gotta go.” Barry narrowed his eyes, quiet hatred behind them as he took the tech from his nemesis. “I still look forward to seeing how this all pans out. Nora. Kitten, make sure they see their way out,” Eo glanced at you one last time before speeding away in a torrent of red-lightning to the Time Vault. The three of you watched as the villainous speedster reclaimed his rightful place, crossing his legs once more. An analytical look across his features.
You spoke before the two speedsters sped away in a torrent of lightning. “Cicada’s the one with the lightning-shaped dagger, the one that glows ominously? Heartless eyes? Breathing problems?”
“Yeah? How did you…?” Nora trailed off. Barry figured that your powers were still manifesting themselves and it seems that their run back in time has triggered sporadic post-cognitive images to be revealed through certain key words.
“It doesn’t matter how-,”
“Your powers are still developing,” Barry interjected, pocketing the tech safely. “It seems that our visit has amplified what you can do. Let’s just what it doesn’t shift anything else”
He knows about my powers… Right, time travel. “Just be safe. I-I don’t know too much and I’m not sure what the future holds, but whatever trouble you two have run into just be cautious. Not for me, but for the ones you love. The past will always have some sort of domino effect to the future. I may not be able to time travel, but Eobard has taught me a thing or two about it.” You stopped, looking off to the side while rubbing your arm. “Barry?”
“Just answer me this one thing.”
“… It depends.”
“I know, timeline and speedster stuff. But…” You took a breath in, “Is he safe?” The speedster avoided your eyes. You swallowed thickly, moving your gaze to Nora. “Does he live?” She opened her mouth a fraction, moved by the desperation evident in your eyes
“I can’t answer that.” Barry whispered without hesitation, an alien emotion behind those eyes, replacing the kindness and warmth the Barry you knew had. It was bitter. “Nora, it’s time to go back to the night it all began.” Barry flashed away to the pipeline. Nora remained.
“I’m sorry,” She whispered, your body felt numb at the absence of answers. You turned back to the monitor, running both hands through your hair before picking up a spare tool and frustratingly throwing it at the wall. Picking up the tablet once more, you ran some algorithms and diagnostics privately on your powers as you made you way to the Time Vault.
Eobard’s head perked up in question at your entrance. He remained seated catching your troubled look. You only whispered, “We need to talk after this is over,” before leaning against the wall and tapping at the screen of your tablet. He hadn’t missed the embittered look in your eyes, the prominent frown on your face. A peculiar emotion hidden behind those lovely eyes of yours when the speedster had been so accustomed to seeing lights and twinkling of stars within your irises.
Eobard rubbed his wrist as he attained messy hair due to Barry and Nora’s revelations. You speculated he had been running his hands through it in thought as he tried to decipher the truth and what his next plan of action would be. King vs King. Eobard and Barry. It was a dangerous game and it’s clear that Team Flash are Barry’s pieces to move while Iris was by his side. From the future’s perspective. But you… at this point, you hazard a thought of what Eobard saw of you as. Queen… or Pawn. Pursing your lips, you shoved those thoughts away as your mind reminded you of all you and he had gone through since he had revealed himself and his truth to you. But right now, you were feeling so conflicted and insecure at how everything would play out. He promised to take me home with him… That we could start a life together. I don’t want to be used up and thrown away again. I’m tired of being broken and alienated.
The restrained Barry shifted once more in abrupt confusion as he found himself slumped against the cool metal of Eobard’s motorized wheelchair. A prop to his act. His mind felt foggy and arms felt heavy, particularly his right hand. You stopped tapping and eyed him indifferently because you really had no idea how to feel, but you realized you need to be cautious with how you act and what you say until you and Eobard clear things up from earlier events.
Barry’s eyes darted rapidly to the seated, smirking speedster in front of him then to you then to the metacuffs before lingering back to Harrison. The Scarlet Speedster assessed the guarded expression on your face. You saw this Barry feign confusion, eyebrows raised as he eyed the metacuffs and Dr. Wells. You cracked your neck as Eobard did a little hand-wave gesture to Barry. The young speedster looked baffled, probably at getting caught, as he opened and closed his mouth.
“Now, who are you?”
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kth1 · 5 years
Atmosphere [Namjoon x Reader]
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Atmosphere [Namjoon x Reader] ⟶ Credits: @kimtaehyunq​ ⟶ Genre: Smut | 21+ | Celebrity/Boyfriend AU | One Shot ⟶ Warnings: strong/mature theme, adult content, language, titty play, we remembered the condom this time, slight angst, slight dom elements, more fluff, a bit of overstimulation, soft and cute ending, etc ⟶ WC: 8.2k+ ⟶ Summary: Namjoon and you have been dating for a few years now, fully aware of the worries a relationship with a celebrity would be like. One night you spoke up, showing a bit of jealously after him coming back home from a promotional trip across seas. You didn’t mean to slip up, you didn’t want to taint the air with insecurities, but you lost your composure. Don’t worry, you guys figure it out. ⟶ Teaser: “Namjoon can read you like a book, knew exactly what to do when to do it. He fully enjoyed the way your body reacted to him, how simple of a task for him to pleasure you in this way. Your cries from pleasure giving him excitement that he was treating you the way you deserve.” ⟶ Author’s note: Finally, I didn’t write a story in first-person. I caught myself several times having to fix my context of wording, but I did it for you! I had this story in mind for a while, but it felt difficult to tie together. It came out softer, cuter than I anticipated. Please let me know for any grammar mistakes! Enjoy! 🐾
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You ran into your bedroom and slammed the door behind you, locking it immediately. Namjoon’s footsteps were sounding nearer, quickly making their way towards the room. You slumped your body against the door, pushing your back up against it to create more of a barricade and prevent Joon from entering. He tried jiggling the doorknob, noting that it resisted the turn. Leaning up against the carved piece of mahogany wood that separated the both of you he spoke, “Babe?”
He groans, hearing silence from the other end but knowing you were obviously holding yourself captive inside the shared room. Your eyes were watery, hands in fists and completely vibrating with rage. You were livid, mad at every negative thought that crossed your mind and… more upset with yourself more than anything. You overreacted and didn’t know how to handle yourself.
“Y/n… Just open the door. Talk to me.” He sighed. Namjoon’s knuckles tapping at the door slowly, the sound echoing thought the silence between the two of you. The agonizing noise banging against the labored wood filling your eardrums. Tears slowly escaping the crease of your eyes, you sniffled as you plucked at pieces of the carpet below you.
“Baaaabe!” he repeated, drawing out the sound of the vowels. You can hear the annoyance in the tone of his voice, he was one to maintain his calm and collect himself well especially during intense situations. But he’s still human. There are times where he really can’t handle all the stress and he cracks.
“Joon, leave me alone!” you choked out, voice cracking. You couldn’t help your voice from shaking, the emotions packing into your body were too overwhelming for you to contain.
“Just open the door, please.” There was no light to his voice. Joon’s patience running terribly thin. He’s trying to confront the situation. Trying to figure out what got you so riled up and darting away from the kitchen table. Sharing a delicious meal between the two of you, was it something he said?
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Water filled up the clear glass before you, swishing the three single ice cubes as the cup filled up with liquid. Namjoon’s soft features content as he placed the pitcher off to the side, out of the way of the rest of the silverware. You smiled, showing gratitude and nodding a quick ‘thank you’ with a subtle gesture.
“Thank you for making dinner, it looks great!” You beamed a grin to him. Scanning over at the plates in front, figuring out what portions and pieces you want to grab. Joon nodded, dimple creasing in the side of his face as he stares at you in adoration.
He’s been away for a few weeks, taking care of business and working hard. Attending events all over the world to promote his new album. He’s a solo artist, expressing his thoughts and feelings through lyrics and various tunes. Emotions tied to each word that overflowed each song and every song. You were proud of him, releasing his 4th mixtape tilted ‘No Atmosphere’.
He was a hard worker, so dedicated to projects and assignments. There’s nothing wrong with that at all, this is what he loves. What he was made to do. Such a wise, humble, and reliable soul he has. He takes responsibility very seriously – which is a blessing and a burden. Picky, he gets frustrated with himself, overthinking every little detail. He strives to please everyone around him, putting them first, always.
A series of topics spread over the course of your meal, filling each other up with what you’ve missed, sharing news and making plans for future dates. He expressed how much he enjoyed visiting Spain, London, Ireland. Quoting ‘I wish you were there to see this!’ as he scrolled through photos and videos he snapped on his endeavors.
Meanwhile, you were stuck there. In your shared two-story apartment. A place that was generously too large for just the two of you. And much too big for one single person while the other was gone for long trips, multiple times a year. You had your part-time work, your full-time classes for your master’s degree, a few social gatherings from your small friend group. But you always came home to an empty apartment when Joon was gone.
“Hey Joon?” you disrupted his rant. One he didn’t realize he trailed on and on, boasting about how happy he was when visiting a party that honored his album.
He blinked, losing his train of thought and focused his eyes on yours. A soft smile curving up on his lips from hearing your light voice. “Hmm?”
What he didn’t notice was how you stopped eating the food, fiddling with your fork against your plate as you used one of the prongs to kick a small pea around. Scraps of leftovers and uneaten pieces still lay across your plate and you hesitantly spoke up, “What happened back in London?”
Namjoon’s eyebrows raised in worry, his eyes curious and confused at what you were asking. “What about London? I did a lot there?” You could tell Joon went into deep thought, retracing everything he had already mentioned to you and seeing if he possibly forgot anything.
I did a lot there. You shook your head trying to remove that sentence. But it played over and over, like a broken record. Shouldn’t he phrase that answer differently, you thought. Of course, it rolled off his tongue in innocence, but it held weight on to your chest. Your mind circled that sentence because you kept remembering something you had seen, something that was exposed on the internet.
“There was a video, Joon.” You mumbled under your breath, placing the fork down on top of the napkin.
This wasn’t the place to confront Namjoon, not after him prepping this dinner for you. Not when you finally had relaxing time ever since he came back from his promotion trip. Countless interviews and media articles which talked the anticipation of the album. You kept up to date with most of them, following him as he remained contact with you through your personal phones. Confrontation during this time shouldn’t been optimal, but you muttered the sentence. Your curiosity perked up – and there’s no way of brushing it off now.
You assumed Namjoon knew exactly what you were referencing by the way his face slightly dropped. A video. That video. From a bystander from the album release party… seeking social attention, posting a damn video about the continuously rising artist in attempt to cause disturbance and tainting his image. A fucking video that was pixelated, rendered, a copy of a copy, uploaded on twitter; showing what seems to be Namjoon being close, being in an ‘intimate embrace’ with another female. A female that was not you.
It was blurry, the video couldn’t hold much value to the normal eye because it was difficult to make out faces. But anyone with an expert eye, anyone that knew Namjoon, or was a big fan of him, knew that was him in the video. The slicked back hairstyle, the long dark coat that should be considered as a cloak draping over his body, the mask held over his chin and hooked over each ear. Blurry or not, you knew the figure in the video all too well.  
“Y/n, it’s not what it looks like.”
“They wrote a lot of stories about that video.” You scoffed. You don’t believe Namjoon would be unfaithful at all, you knew him to be extremely loyal. A lot of stories indeed. And guess what, you read every single one of them. Each wrenching your heart just a bit more, coming up more and more theories inside your head. You swallowed down the tang, the hurtful stories, holding them in the pit of your stomach until you completely word vomit all over Joon. Spilling your insecure thoughts.
“What is it then?”
Joon copied your action, placing his fork down and now reaching across the table to grab your hand. You removed it fast, Joon grabbing at the ghost of your palm as you start to shy yourself away. Staring at him as he let go a sigh.
“It’s nothing. It was taken at an angle –“
“Nothing?!” Your eyebrows shot up, gulping down the buildup of saliva that horded in your mouth. “That ‘nothing’ seemed pretty comfortable to you by the looks of it.” Your snarky remark officially ripped open a wave of hostility between the both of you.
“She was the party director!” He raised his voice in defense, baffled that you two were even having this conversation in the first place. Stunned that you didn’t bring it up earlier. “She scooted closer to me in a group photo – I’m sure you’ve seen the photo online.”
“The video was after the picture was taken, Joon!”
“I didn’t do anything, Y/n. Nothing happened before or after that. Her arm was around me. She was on me. Not the other way around.”
Namjoon sounded more dismissive now. It was clear he was getting fed up with the subject, doesn’t believe he has to prove his clean hands to you. Because he’s done everything for you, you were his girlfriend. His love.
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Now – you sit here against the bedroom door. Holding back as many tears as possible as Namjoon desperately tried to enter. The emptied and unoccupied space between you two caused unnerving feelings for you. You got worried, it wasn’t your intention but for some reason you really felt that pang of hurtfulness when you came to the realization that Namjoon could have someone better.
“Y/n!” He shouted.
“You’re mad at me…” You whispered to yourself. How dare you bring something so silly up at the table. Ruining a great meal, the one he planned and set up, you ruined it with your insecurities. You were curious, but the curiosity shot you back in the face. Coming off more anxious and fearful, questioning the loyalty of your boyfriend. You were upset with yourself more than anything. Letting stupid rumored scandals corrupt your mind.
He knocked again. You, being aggravated and worked up at his constant need to get you to open up, hit back at the door in frustration. A sob leaving your mouth.
A loud thump nailed into the other side of the wood you were leaning against, Joon kicking at it and proceeded to yell, “Why are you crying?! Open the fucking door Y/n!”
He sounded scary, something you weren’t used to coming from him. Picturing him with clenched teeth, fists with white knuckles, eyebrows furrowed together. Again, he kicked at the door. The shutter sound making you crawl away from the frame, “Unlock it now!” he spat out.
“Joon, stop! You’re freaking me out,” your breath hitching once the pounding stopped. Silence filling the void of the air. Standing up with trembling hands, taking a slow step towards the door. Joon rested his head against it, hand still around the knob. Exhaling he responded, “Please.”
Your hand froze over the lock, pinching it between your two digits. You gathered yourself together, mustered up the courage to twist the metal piece. Right away Namjoon turned the knob and pushed the door in, forcing you to take a few steps back into your room.
Holding your arms to yourself your head fell, looking at the ground. Namjoon walked up, closing the space between the two of you and wrapped his arms around your body, tight. Taking you in his embrace. Your arms remained crossed, trying to wiggle around in his arms to break free.
“Stop, Y/n.” Namjoon grabbed your head and shoved it against his chest. His hold too sturdy to break away from. He noted that your breathing was erratic, unstable. He was bothered, the conversation struck a nerve but also disturbed you.
Your tears flowed, dripping down your cheeks. “You’re mad at me,” you muffled into his chest. Namjoon swayed back and forth with you in his hold, trying to calm you down. Shushing you and rubbing his large hands on your back. Putting your face into your hands, you cried realizing that what you said, what you were accusing under hidden messages, was a mistake.
“I’m not mad, Y/n. I’m concerned.”
“What are you talking about? You are mad!” You prosecuted Namjoon, hysterical. “You were shouting! You hit the door!” You screamed out, sniffling into your hands.
Joon shuffled the both of you back to the bed, helping you sit down on the edge and he took his place besides you. He stared at your beating red face as he took his thumb and wiped away the stained trails that seeped from the brims of your eyes. “Breathe for a second.”
You leaned your head back and avoided eye contact. Your breathing did calm down after giving yourself time, feeling the warmth of Namjoon’s palm that rested on your cheek. His eyes darted back and forth with yours, pleading to be looked at and trying to read your thoughts from the mannerisms that played across your face.
“I’m just jealous.” Your hands found their way back across your body, acting as a shield, protecting yourself from anymore harm. But the harm you were receiving was from deep within your body. An overbearing ache in your chest.
Namjoon tilted his head after your statement, as if he didn’t understand. He weaved his eyebrows together, frustrated at the thoughts he drew up in his mind. “What? Jealous of what?”
“You go around everywhere. You get to meet and partake in actions with a lot of people… girls… very pretty girls. All these women saying they’re going out with you, or you have models cooing over you.” You continued to rant on. All those rumors and gossip getting to you. Even though Namjoon gave you continuous attention regardless of where he was in the world, you somehow manage to believe in the filthy tabloids.
Joon closed his eyes at your nonsense and shook his head. “Shut up!” He covered your mouth with a quick kiss. A comforting warm kiss, one you craved for after a long day with your nose in the books, hours spent at the part-time job. A greeting kiss, but it was more than just a greeting to you. It welcomed you to another side of Joon. A sensitive side that you only get to see because… well, you’re his girlfriend. You’re special to him.
He slowly pulled away and caught your gaze, “I’m just an ordinary guy, Y/n, nothing is going to change that. Nobody is going to make me different from who I already am. I love you. I don’t love them.” His hand held your chin up to make sure you stayed in view. “I have you and I’m happy with that. Why can’t you see that?”
Doubts portrayed in your thoughts for a few moments. Thinking that he’s just saying these things to make you feel better. Your mind was so clouded with these dirty lies, that you felt self-conscious about yourself. Were you even good enough for Kim Namjoon?
“I-I’m sorry” snuck out of your mouth.
“No. I’m sorry.”
You gave Joon a puzzled look, why is he saying he’s sorry? He wasn’t in the wrong.
“If I was giving you the proper treatment of what a boyfriend should do, you wouldn’t feel this way. Right here, right now.” He leaned in once again and kissed you softly. Hands outlining your face. You wrapped your arms around him, pulling him across you and onto the bed. The kiss deepened and his tongue glazed over your slightly parted lips.
“You shouldn’t be sorry at all.” You whispered against his lips, heated breath fanning across his flesh. “You do plenty for me, you’re really generous to me Namjoon. And… I’m so sorry for doubting you for a second.”
Of course, you had an idea of what it’d be like to date someone famous. He’d be much busier than a typical boyfriend, he’d travel further, and gone for periods of time. You were well aware of this, and for a good amount of time it really didn’t bother you. Namjoon always felt like he was holding you back, but he loves you too much to let you go. Far too many conversations like this have come up in the past between the two of you. Between the ‘talking’ stages to the ‘dating’ stages, and now officially together, you two have chatted about the toll of a full on relationship may cost.
But this didn’t stop either of you. Even when you tried taking things slow, seeing how things felt and figuring out if you were suited for this sort of lifestyle, you two gradually connected back to another. Namjoon couldn’t stay away from you for too long, and you were always welcoming him back with open arms. He was loyal to you. You understood him the most and when there were times he couldn’t express himself properly, you were there to help.
Laying down, Joon rested his head on your shoulder and wrapped an arm around your stomach lazily. One of your hands mindlessly toyed around with the strands of his hair as the other found place over his forearm.
“I understand why you felt the way you did; I really do.” He spoke in a sotto voce. “Y/n, I get curious too.”
Joon was referencing that he, himself, thinks about the possibilities of you being influenced by other men. Especially if he’s away, he puts all trust into you, but it doesn’t stop his overthinking mind to wonder. Maybe he wasn’t good enough for you, maybe he was holding you back. He was afraid of tying you down if you weren’t happy with the situation you were in. Namjoon always swallowed his negative thoughts, dismissing them because he rather focus on the future and being happy.
Your grip tightened around him, not knowing what to really say back to him. Feeling guilty in more than one way now. “Joon –“
“I love you, Y/n.”
He remained resting his head on your shoulder with his eyes closed. He casted a soothing and calm aura with how relaxed he became. He doesn’t like a hostile environment and the tiniest of squabbles are typically unnecessary and overreacted. He preferred to just talk it out, communicate with another to know what is really going on.
You kissed the top of his head, sniffing his hair and intaking a fresh vanilla scent. The wisps of hair folding under your fingers as you slightly groomed him. “I love you too, Joon. I really am sorry.”
Joon was happy having you, honestly. You gave him energy, satisfaction and your undivided attention. He never expected you to be as good to him that you already were. He couldn’t ask for more from you, he’s already taking up so much of your commitments and he tries hard to always make it up. Dinners, dates, cute surprise visits, facetime and random texts in the middle of the day when he’s thinking about you. He knew effort and communication were strong keys to hold the two of you together and he always tried his hardest to maintain these.
Again, you had a strong idea on how your relationship with Joon would be like. And you accepted it. You want it because you want him, and that was enough for you to say yes to him after the seventh date together at the aquarium two summers ago. His hands were in the touch tanks, searching around for cute little critters and lightly petting against their various skins. Spotting some fascinating crabs and he described to you how you reminded him of them.
It was playful, he was joking around trying to get you to smile even more that day. But the best thing about that day was when he turned to you, with salted wet hands from the tank he grabbed yours in return and stared deeply into your eyes. Asking if you’d like to take the relationship in seriousness, wanting to be official. At that moment you could care less that your hand was drenched with cold water, you only cared about the tall, handsome man that was holding that hand.
You were content, laying with Joon on your shared bed. Feeling enveloped with love and adoration. Suddenly he leaned up, hobbling himself over you and pecked your nose. He had a spark in his eye, something he tucked away in his mind but now lit up momentarily. He smiled down at you, listening to you giggle, “What?” you questioned.
“Hold on, I have to grab something. Wait right here.” He pointed at you with a finger, warning you to stay put. His grin had a hint of mischievous humor behind it as he got up off the bed, walking out the room and down the stairs towards the kitchen area. You can hear Namjoon rummaging through bags, drawers, you name it. You thought to yourself, what is he even doing out there?
“Joonie?” Your voice rang out loud enough to stretch the area of the house. You sat up, looking around the room but your hearing zoned in on the muffled sounds that were coming from downstairs.
“I’m coming, I’m coming!” he vocalized with a honeyed tone.
You can hear the patter of his feet, trailing up the steps and patting back into the bedroom. He smiled fondly at you as he entered, walking back over and sitting besides you. He claimed that he was grabbing something, but you didn’t recognize anything being carried in when he returned. You were perplexed to say the least as your eyes searched around.
Namjoon noticed your gaze that scanned in all directions, amusing him on how easily curious you were. His dimple shining bright he raised an eyebrow, “Lookin’ for something?”
Slightly offended, because that question had an obvious answer to it, and you didn’t understand what was going on. You cocked your head to the side, quirking a frown, “Well yeah, you said you were grabbing something?”
He smirked, holding your hand in his as his other hand shoved into his pocket to pull out a Prussian blue box, handing it over to you. He nodded, edging you to open the top.
You swore right then and there your heart stopped beating. You thought your holy spirit drained your body and elevated up to the heavens at the sight of this small thinned cardboard box. Completely unaware of what the contents that lay within it, but your mind went racing straight to one thing. Holy shit, holy shit. This can’t be happening? Like this? It’s so sudden and random? This didn’t feel right.
Your eyebrows raised practically to your hairline, eyes wide and mouth frozen. You hesitantly held the box between your digits, glancing up at Namjoon with a tiny bit of unsettlement in your eyes. You felt your heart in your throat, pounding loudly over the nerves that coursed in your skin.
“Open it.”
The saliva that accumulated in your mouth was swallowed thickly with a gulp, flipping over the lid to the box and seeing a shiny silver object inside. It took you seconds to register the thingamajig, observing that it was some sort of flat, circled charm that had your name, address, and number engraved onto it. You were processing the information in your mind, a small sigh of relief exhaled through your nostrils that it wasn’t something extreme like a ring or anything.
“A… tag?”
“Mhm! I was going to give it to you after dinner, but we never finished our meal.” He chimed in with a playful banter.
“Why a tag?” The gift was random and completely out of the blue. But the gift itself was even more unusual than expected. Not once in your life has someone gifted you a tag with your contact information on it, were you supposed to wear this around a necklace, a keychain perhaps?
Joon takes the charm with the pads of two of his fingers, flipping it over to the other side. “So you can fill out this side with its name!”
Then… it clicked. Oh my. A tag. A dog tag. You two were getting a dog?! You gasped; emotions ran ecstatic through you as you jumped up with joy. “A dog?!”
Delighted that he brought jubilation to you, he stood up holding your arms to help you stop springing off the floor. He chuckled, “Yes! I figured you needed someone to keep you company during the times that I’m not here for you. I know how much you love animals too, so I wanted to ask if you’d like to get one.”
You locked lips with Joon. Throwing your arms around his neck, dropping the box in the process, and pulled him closer to your body. Eagerness racing through your muscles as you leaped yourself off the floor and linking your legs around his waist. He caught you under your thighs, laughing into the kiss as he brought you back to the bed.
He cradled your body, supporting himself on top of you has you leaned back down on the fabric below. Running your hands up and down his arms, he deepened the kiss. Both of you captivated with another and riveting another’s attention to a now quickly heated session.
You tugged on his bottom lip that was more dominate than the top, grazing your teeth on the tinted pink flesh. He inhaled sharply, feeling his heartbeat fasten as his body anticipates upcoming actions. And yours did the same. Namjoon was tender handling you, a more amorous side taking over his persona.
His smooth chap-stick covered lips butterflied across your dried-up cheeks. Stamping warm kisses to your flesh as he trailed down to your jaw and peppering along the column of your neck. This wasn’t some sort of hot n’ heavy, steamy romantic session. He was gentle, he took his time, he was intimate with you. You can feel it in the air, in your bones and most importantly you felt it in your swelling heart.
It was sweet, the warmhearted feeling that took over your body because of Namjoon. Hushed giggles and bashful laughter crowded the room. A fun-loving atmosphere. And you were completely smitten by it all.
“May I take this off?” Hands curled around the material of your shirt slightly lifting it up to the underside of your breasts. Rubbing his thumbs along the bare skin below your bra.
Biting down on your bottom lip, you flashed an excited smile in reply, “As long as I can take yours off.”
Joon looked smug, lifting your shirt up and off your torso. He went to lean down to connect his lips back onto your skin, but you caught him before he could fully commit. Yanking his shirt high up his chest until you couldn’t hoist it any further since his arms where in the way. He laughed at your antic, how cute it was and enthusiastic you were. But he obliged and lifted his arms up for you.
There was no time to waste, Joon sloped back down on you. Pecking his plump lips on your collarbone and down towards the valley between your boobs. Feeling how soft your skin was, lightly nibbling at it. You hummed through your nose, arching your back into Joon’s face, urging him to continue.
One of his manly hands cuffed your left breast as his mouth connected to your right, open mouth kisses and softly sucking at it. You released a tiny moan, enjoying the sensation that was being stimulated on your breasts.
And boy, you were so sensitive on your boobs. Especially when he toyed with your nipples, moistening them up with his mouth and rolling the buds between his fingers. It wired you, Namjoon played with you like an etch-a-sketch. It feels fantastic. Waves of goosebumps cycling across your skin as he continued running his tongue across your aroused nipples, making sure to give the other boob the same attention. You mewed for him; the blush drawn on your upper cheeks as your body grew hotter under his touches.
He reached behind you with a hand, unclasping the hook of the bra and allowing the fabric to relieve your delicate girls. Turning you on was Joon’s pleasure, he cared about pleasing you more than being pleased. He could spend all day groping your tits if that means you’ll be satisfied.
You were easily wet; the games Joon played with your boobs sparking your nerves and arousal. Prepping your body for more, aching for more of his gentle touch.
Daringly you reached your hand between the two of you, palming at whatever you made contact with until you found a stiffening bulged that stuck out with the fabric of his pants. You can feel the warmth radiating through his region, heated up and you knew very well he wants to reintroduce his member to you.
“Joon – take off your pants.” You ordered in a hushed tone. Squeezing at his dick. “My body really wants you right now.”
As your sweet voice compelled his ears, he listened. Shuffling his pants off with a smirk and a light shake of his head. “I wanted to touch you a bit more.” Giving you a small pout.
“Aww.” You smiled, seeing the little kid of him. “You can touch me with this big boy instead.” You tried sounding a bit sexy, almost kitten-like as you eyed his member.
Willingly you unbuttoned your own jeans, tugging them down your thighs and letting Joon help you with the rest. His fingers ran up to your undies that remained on your frame, seeing the cute little ocean doodled pattern on them with a dampened and darker spot that was clung to the outline of your lady-lips. He was turned on and completely in awe of how cute you are.
“Why do you do this to me?” he laughed, feeling happy with you and hooking his fingers around the thin waistband of your undies. Towing them down your legs with a fit of giggles.
You blushed; a bit embarrassed at your attire but not even self-conscious being completely nude in front of him. “I don’t know – I just thought they were cute!” You retorted back fast.
“They are cute. You’re even cuter for wearing them.” He chirped.
Namjoon swooped back down, placing his hand over your mound and letting a finger dip in between your folds. Sliding your natural lubrication all over he glided it over your clit, making you moan in the process. Your hands found their way into his hair, fluffing it up even more while Joon teased at your entrance.
“Your body really does want me, huh? I don’t think I even need to use my fingers.”
Nodding, you bucked your hips up chasing his floating fingers. Wishing he’d do something more with them than just shifting between all your lady bits. “Let me get a condom.”
You reached over to the bedside table, pulling out a drawer to frantically search for the magical package that contained the secure rubber. Swiftly you ripped it open, offering to help apply it along his length. You pinched the tip of the latex, rolling the rest down his long shaft and giving his dick a few teasing tugs.
Joon groaned at your touch, flexing his dick in the process of your pumps. He was more than ready to take you in, ready to share the closeness with you once again.
With that, Joon pushed you back down on the bed. Lifting one of your legs over his hip as he centered himself at your core. Your slick allowing him to slide between your folds effortlessly as he prodded his tip in your hole.
You held your breath, anticipating Joon to fill you up all the way to the hilt. You want to feel him inside you, widening your walls and your body vibrating around him. He locked eyes with you, smiling as he leaned down to plant another kiss on your lips. In sync he inched himself further into you, a grunt escaping his chest as you disconnected yourself from the kiss to breathe. You tossed your head to the side, latched your hands around his shoulders as Joon set a pace with his thrusts.
Your body missed Joon so much, you didn’t even have control over how your cunt clenched tightly around his dick. Your walls compressed in a series of movements; your cunt thirsty for him. Breathy gasps leaving your mouth once Namjoon whispers to the skin between your neck, “You’re so fuckin’ beautiful like this. Ah – Y/n, you’re so wet.”
Earlier you felt a deep ache within your chest from the persistent pain of worry and hurt. But now, all of that washed over. You feel something deep, but not from pain. Not from the obvious penetration from Joon’s lengthy cock kissing the doorway of your cervix. You feel deep feelings, words and actions not able to compare to the affection and fondness between the two of you.
You felt warm, completely at ease even though you’re sweating, catching your breath, sensitive nerves awakening to the sexual stimulation between your legs. A heavy body on top of you, pounding his dick into your sweet succulent juices. His hips banging into you, his head stuck in the crane of your neck.
This warm feeling overruled all physical activities and all auditable sounds. But what it couldn’t stop was the twisting of your lower abdomen muscles, the stiffening of your walls and tense grip over Joon’s shoulders. Your body reacting on its own agenda. Your throat feeling dry from the open mouth breathing, you tried speaking but only moans were formed.
Namjoon can read you like a book, knew exactly what to do when to do it. He fully enjoyed the way your body reacted to him, how simple of a task for him to pleasure you in this way. Your cries from pleasure giving him excitement that he was treating you the way you deserve.
“Joon I’m – I’m close!” you panted, feeling that orgasm rolling closer and closer to a release.
As much as both Joon and you wanted you to spasm all around him, he stalled it. Delaying you from the contractions of your pelvic muscles that would send electrifying waves all the way to the tips of your fingers and toes. He stopped all actions, halting himself deep inside you and slowly rocked his hips to continue a small force of friction between the two of you.
Your body was frustrated, your cunt was soaked, and you were vexed. “Joonie?” you whined out, bucking your hips up into him. Feeling that build up in the pit of your stomach slowly fade away.
Joon leaned up, kissing your cheek. He hummed to himself, satisfied with the state the both of you were in. “I would love to stay like this forever. Do you feel this?”
Do you feel this, Y/n? The sensation filling the room, the air, your heart. The thrill that frenzied in your veins and muscles. Flushed, excited, ecstatic, blissed out of your mind. The feeling Joon raptures you with, sending your body to a state of euphoria. It was wild. You didn’t feel normal, but it was the best feeling you could ever experience with another. And this is what Namjoon wanted to continuously feel.
Without notice, tears fell from your eyes as you nodded to his statement. You weren’t sad or upset, but in complete awe over Joon. How could someone be this perfectly imperfect? How could someone be so sweet for you. And you still question yourself if you were even good enough for Kim Namjoon.
He whipped away the tears that shed onto your skin, hushing you. “You don’t need to cry, Y/n. Believe me, I already know the way you feel.” Because… he feels it too.
With the little room you were given, you wrapped your arms around Joon as much as possible. He smiled down at you, returning the hug and rolling the two of you over with him still pivoted inside. You now lay above him, peering down into his eyes you went to speak. The movement of your body caused your pelvis to rub against his, squishing your swollen clit against him and bursting a shriek out of your mouth when you snapped back into reality.
The heightened arousal between your legs was still on edge and ready to burst. Joon bit down on his bottom lip once he felt your pussy clench around him. The experience between the both of you was riveting but was soon going to vanish because of the greediness your bodies had. Your mouth dropped open, “I love you” spilled out without wavering.
Namjoon’s hands rested on your sides, holding your waist as you slowly grinded yourself against him. Allowing his dick to swirl inside of you while your sensitive bud rubbed against his pelvic bone. You couldn’t help yourself; your body had a mind of its own when it rushed itself back up the stairs to orgasm. And you got there, fast.
Your body jerked; your hands planted on Joon’s chest to hold yourself upright as you released yourself all over him. Unfolding all the pent-up energy and feelings. Your hair cascaded over your face with labored breathing, groans ascending out of your mouth. “Joon, I – I, I going to – Joon – Ahh!” you squeaked out once the second wave coursed through your cunt, expanding a pulsating vibration through your body.
“So beautiful. Fuck – Y/n, you’re so damn beautiful!” Joon watched every second of you coming undone on him, seeing how you squirmed around him, using his body for your own pleasure, moaning his name. In a selfish way, Namjoon felt fulfillment seeing you like this – all displayed for him to treasure and praise. It turned him on, hearing your voice singing into his ears as he jutted himself up further into your moisten cunt. Over stimulating your nether region, he was determined to make you go one last time before he spills into the condom.
You’re barely holding yourself up straight, hunched over with your palms placed on his torso. Sweat formed along your hairline and between the contact of your skin with his. The mixture of your sweet n’ salty juices shining along your lady-lips and Joon’s cock. Before you could call out his name in another breathless voice, he has your mounds in each of his hands, squeezing them tight and pinching at your perked nipples.
You gripped at his wrists, letting out a shocked plea for him to stop because the sensation was so good that you couldn’t handle it. “Joon!”, you choked out, gasping for air as you tried to lift your body off his. He refused.
He flipped you back over, Joon locking your hands above your head with one hand around your wrists. He didn’t care for the mess on the bed, the tossed pillows and taunted comforter beneath the two of you. Your attempt of wiggling out of his grasp was a failure after he pinned you down with his body. Dick hovering over your delicate pussy.
“One more time, for me.” His voice was stern and serious while he murmured into your ear, sending shivers down your spine.
“I – I can’t!” Your chest heaved erratically, feeling your legs already shake and stomach contracting from the multiple orgasms you’ve already encountered. You felt weak.
“You will, love.”
Your request was again, hushed. Namjoon tilting his hips for his dick to dip back into your entrance, he placed kisses on the crook of your neck. Your breath hitched, throwing your head back into the bed, feeling Joon slam himself deep inside you, causing your nerves to shudder.
You struggled for air, body completely trembling uncontrollably as you cried out for Namjoon. You swore your vision went blurry while you received this mind-blowing orgasm. Joon held onto you tight, allowing you to ride out your high. Slowly pulling himself out of you once he knew you were finished.
Namjoon and you laid close to another, exhausted from the physical activity and especially from the toll your body took. Your eyes shut, not able to lift your body off the bed. Joon smirked, giving you another peck on the cheek before leaning up to discard the used condom, knotting it and tossing it in the trash bin. “You’re so beautiful, Y/n.”
You laughed, shaking your head to yourself. “I heard you the first time, Joon.”
“I know.” He chuckled, laying back down and wrapping his arm back around you. “I mean it every time.”
You hummed in response. Tracing sluggish patterns on his forearm with your index finger. You slowly drifted further into your tiredness. “We’re still getting a dog, right?” You drowsily asked.
You felt a soft pair of warm lips contact your forehead; the sensation was comforting. “Of course, babe.”
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About a week later you were staring out the window, watching the scenic views pass by. Acres of landscape in the countryside took up the area. The environment felt fresh and calm. Much different from the inner-city area with nonstop traffic and busy streets. You turned your gaze at Namjoon who was driving the car, his eyes remained on the dirt road ahead, but he could sense your stare.
As if he knew what you were thinking, he spoke up “Almost Y/n, the farm is about 2 miles up.”
You smirked to yourself, looking down at the palm of your hand that held the shiny silver dog tag. You fiddled with the metal, twisting the item back and forth between your digits. Anticipating the new addition to the house, a furry companion, hopefully the cutest puppy in the world.
The two of you slowly pulled up an extended driveway, parking in front of an old tiny brown snug farmhouse. A large red barn hidden behind the home, attached was a large fence that enclosed a few goats and pigs. A pack of stray chickens roaming around the grounds. Shutting the car doors, the smell of the plantation entered your nostrils, “Definitely a farm.”
You were greeted by an elder couple, warm smiles dressing their wrinkly faces. They were dressed as if they were in the middle of housework, tall muk boots, overalls and plaid shirts. “Hello there! You’re here for one of the pups?”
Joon reached out to lace his hand with yours, walking over towards the sweet couple. Charming and innocent eyes beamed back at you two. “Hey there! I’m Namjoon, and this is Y/n! We spoke over the phone!” Joon perked up, pulling you along with his strides.
The older couple waved Joon and you on, walking the both of you towards the barn in the back. Having small talk in between the short distance, hearing cute comments about the various animals you passed on the way.
“That’s Molly over there, Mama of the litter.” The older man pointed out a dog laying down in the pasture, her coat was a dark golden tone and it shined in the sunlight. She was watching over at your area, observing the new persons that entered her home. She sniffed the air as the breeze picked up, letting her head lay back down on the ground, but her eyes never left yours.
A loud creaking sound snapped your head towards the barn, watching the woman open up the doors wide for you to enter. Joon and you followed in after the couple, stopping short at a stall on the left. You heard little yips and yaps from the other side of the wall that fenced in the young pups.
You peaked over the edge, instantly widening your eyes when you see six little furry golden retriever puppies playing around with another. All varying in different shades of gold and creams. Your excitement caused you to clutch Joon’s hand tight.
“Oh my god! They’re so cute!”
“You want to go inside? Sometimes it’s easier for you to choose once you spend some time with them.” The older gentleman gestured, unlocking the latch to the wooden door and popping it slightly open, making sure he doesn’t allow any of the pups escape the corridor.
You glanced at Joon quickly, getting reassurance from him before eagerly nodding your head and walking into the pit. Immediately you fell to your knees, allowing any of the puppies to come running on over and jumping up on you. Their fur was so soft, angel-like and had that sweet puppy smell to them. You giggled with the six rambunctious babies. Grabbing a few chew toys and loose rope to play around with. You were happy, completely lucky to be blessed with these cute little ones in front of you.
You took your time with each of the pups, feeling out which one would be yours. Of course, you were tickled pink with glee, and wanted each of them. You joked with Joon briefly, giving him puppy-dog eyes and asked him if you could adopt them all. But unfortunately, you could only choose one. You were so indulged with playing with the puppies you didn’t realize how much time you spent with them. It’s been over twenty minutes before you heard a voice directed towards you.
“Did you find a new friend?” Joon spoke softly towards you. He leaned over the gate, smiling down at how cute you looked with a pile of puppies flooding your space. But he noticed that there was one puppy curled up in your lap, tuckered out and resting itself.
You looked up at Joon, trying to hold back your smile. “I think one found me!”
Then it was decided. The small, dark golden fur ball that laid across your thighs was going to be the newest addition to your world. You exited the stall, carefully holding the puppy in your arms. Joon giving it a small pet on its head before turning back to the cute elders.
“Thank you so much, you were so kind to us. Thank you for allowing us to adopt.” He flashed a smile to them. You thanked them as well, nodding your appreciation while trying not to disturb the sleeping pup.
Joon handed you the keys to head back to the car as he fished through his back pocket for his wallet to pay the man. You walked through the frame of the barn, turning your head back to the older dog named Molly. There was a slight ache in your heart, feeling bad that you were taking away one of her babies. Your smiled towards the animal, thinking that it would settle the upsetting feeling inside your chest.
“Excuse me, Miss?” A deep modulated voice, coming from what seemed to be the elder man, rang through your ears.
Questionably, you turned on your heels, facing back towards the inside of the barn. But you were caught completely off guard when there was a body before you. Down on one knee, with a box raised up between his hand, Namjoon smiled up at you. The black velvet box cracked open, flashing a sparkly stone.
You froze, feelings swelling your heart up. You felt your heartbeat in your throat when your jaw dropped. If it wasn’t for the exhausted puppy in your arms you’d probably fall straight down to the floor. This is happening. Holy shit.
Namjoon cleared his throat, realizing he has your full attention. “Y/n… words, actions, even music, cannot express the feelings I have for you. The amount of love I have towards you is unexplainable. I want you to know that I appreciate every waking moment with you, from the very first day you entered my life. Thank you for always being there, for always making me happier, for supporting everything. You are the greatest woman I know, and selfishly I wish to ask you for your hand in marriage because I want you all to myself for the rest of my life.” He spoke confidently, glistening in his eyes he smiled with each word that he admitted.
“Y/n, will you marry me?”
Tears fell down your cheeks, your eyes flickering back and forth between Joon and the ring that was bestowed in front of you. Your hand came up to your mouth as your sobbed out loud, shaking your head in reply.
“Yes! – Yes, oh my god yes I will!” You choked on your words, but they were clear enough for Joon to hear.
You rushed yourself towards Joon, wanting to hold him. Joon catches you by your arms, not allowing you to crash yourself into him because of the puppy that you were holding. He held you around your back, pecking your cheek as he held your hand still as he linked the jewelry to your ring-finger. He snuggled against your head while he back hugged you tightly. The puppy, now fully awake from all the commotion, was wiggling around and licking at your crying face.
You heard camera clicks, the sound alerting you to look up at the older couple who each were recording and snapping photos of the scene in front of them. You smiled, half embarrassed but also filled with joy.
Sniffling, your eyes met Joon’s, “You paid them for this?”
“I had offered, but they said that a time like this is priceless.”
One last picture was taken of a smiling newly engaged couple with a brand-new puppy in their arms.
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© All rights reserved under @kimtaehyunq​ - do not copy, repost, modify, edit, or translate any of my work without my direct consent. This tumblr is the ONLY place my fics are posted.
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themainframes · 3 years
SUBJECT: Cindy Moon, aka Silk. Currently 28. Korean American. Female. Duration in Pleasant Hill: two weeks. Resident Alias: Ruby Kim.
DRUMM: Jericho Drumm, consulting psychologist. S.H.I.E.L.D. guest badge #jdst169. I am in the S.H.I.E.L.D. triskellion along with telepath JEAN GREY, MARVEL GIRL. We will be interviewing subject 006, C. MOON, on the matter of Pleasant Hill after effects. Ms. Grey, can you please confirm you are ready to proceed?
GREY: I'm good, Jericho. Thanks. Ready, Cindy?
MOON: Um, yeah. All ready.
DRUMM: Great, thank you for being here. Have you noticed any changes in yourself since Pleasant Hill? We want to hear from you before we go over your charts.
MOON: Yeah. I mean, yes, I have.. My head feels all.. jumbled up? I don't know how to describe it.
GREY: Her mind is confused. Clouded. There’s a lot of info in there but not as many connections.
DRUMM: S.H.I.E.L.D. previously had on file you were seventeen. Current scans clock you closer to thirty. How old do you think you are?
MOON: Yes! I just, don't really know who I am anymore. Before Pleasant Hill I remember just getting out of my bunker. I was trying to figure out whether or not I was going to get a GED? But then suddenly I remember already having gone through most of high school. I played hockey. Wait, did you just say thirty?
DRUMM: 26-28, most likely. Dr. Susan Storm-Richards has your full scans and charts and will be completing an official analysis. Has anyone explained multiversal theory to you?
MOON: The idea that our universe isn't the only one, yeah. How I know that I'm not so sure.
DRUMM: Can someone call Wanda? I think we need an expert on the matter.
< break in transcript until Maximoff arrived >
MAXIMOFF: Wanda Maximoff, Scarlet Witch. I’m here at the request of Brother Voodoo. Cindy, have we met? If not, I’m Wanda.
MOON: We have met. But I'm sure you've been busy recently..
MAXIMOFF: Forgive me then. I’ve also been dealing with a few multiversal issues. I’m going to show you something. Are you comfortable with me using magic around you?
MOON: Go for it.
MAXIMOFF: What I’m showing you is the multiverse. The red is my magic. These gold dots of light are the people in our reality. There are far more than I can show you, so please keep that in mind. Here, look at this one. Gold once but blue now. That is you.
CINDY: So... Gold if gold means people in our reality then what does blue mean? I'm not me anymore?
< Maximoff twists her hand and the dots change to blue >
MAXIMOFF: This is Earth-616. All who reside there have the same aura. Yours aligns with it now.
MOON: 616... I'm sorry, I'm just having a hard time understanding this. Are you telling me that I'm still me, just from another reality?
MAXIMOFF: Earth-616 is a reality different than ours. I’ve realized lately I’m no longer from here either. We’re all falling apart from one another. I’m going to ask you a series of questions. Just tell me the first thing that comes into your mind, yes or no.
MOON: Okay, shoot..
MAXIMOFF: Saya Ishii.
MOON: Do I know her? Yes. Like her? No.
MAXIMOFF: Your job as a reporter.
MOON: The Fact Channel, yeah...
MAXIMOFF: Cindy, I’m sorry. Before Pleasant Hill, you didn’t work for the Fact Channel. It hasn’t been formed. Saya Ishii is fifteen currently. These memories originated in Earth-616.
CINDY: So... So what about my parents then? My... God, the Negative Zone. But no, those aren't my parents. My parents are still missing, I've been following leads. And Peter was supposed to help... Peter... Wanda, I'm- I'm sorry, this is a lot. I feel like my head's spinning. It's like there's two of me.
MAXIMOFF: I’m not from Earth-616 so I’m not sure about all of the details. If you want, I can study some. Peter Parker from your reality is here -- Earth 616, that is. I don’t want to cast a spell on you, Cindy, but Marvel Girl could help calm the two selves in you. Because there are two you’s but soon there will only be one.
GREY: Do you want me to telepathically soothe you? Call it a psychic Xanax.
MOON: Are they fighting for dominance or something?! Because that’s kind of freaking me out…
MAXIMOFF: You may want to take Jean up on her offer, Cindy. There’s no fight for dominance. This new reality is winning.
MOON: Psychic Xanax.. Right, that sounds nice.
GREY: You’re going to feel a little tickle. I’m not trying to hide my presence in your head.
MAXIMOFF: Ready to continue?
MOON: <long pause> Okay, okay yes..
MAXIMOFF: It’s like falling into a hole, in my experience. For some people, the floor drops out and they find themselves in the dark. That’s what happened to Yelena. For others, like yourself, it’s a slow slide. By the time you join them at the bottom you don’t remember what it was like at the top. Who you were. I have to observe it all, watch it. I see reality eating at people. But I can’t fix this.
MOON: How long does it take? Can… I can’t even say goodbye to my family..
MAXIMOFF: If you’d like, but they’re transitioning with you. Whatever is happening to you is bleeding onto them. This whole reality is destabilizing. 
MOON: You know, normally I’d probably spiral into a full on panic attack. But whatever Jean’s doing is really doing wonders. That only sounds slightly terrifying.
GREY: I don’t make a habit of it, but this and cutting off people’s pain receptors can be helpful. You have enough going on, you don’t need to be scared as well.
MAXIMOFF: I wish this was easier. When I realized what was happening to me I went to study the Darkhold. I have to leave myself notes in case I forget. I’m not sure when I’ll fully change.
MOON: <laughing> I should have you around more often, Ms. Grey. Or not miss, because we’re like the same age. Wow this all is so weird…
GREY: We are, aren’t we? My aging was weird too. I was dead for a long time and when I came back, I was like this. The right age. It’s disorienting. 
MOON: I’m sorry, that you died. That doesn’t sound fun.
GREY: Fun? Definitely not. But it all worked out. Sometimes it feels like the world is ending -- and it is. The best thing we can do is make sure we’re taking care of yourself. I’d be willing to work with you, Cindy, if you want on a telepathic level. Maybe we can get some memories sorted out, make the transition easier.
MOON: Taking care of myself just doesn’t feel natural if the world is ending. But you’re right. And I would like that, Jean. I’m kinda scared my heads gonna explode when this telepathy wears off.
GREY: Can we end this, Jericho? I think we got  what S.H.I.E.L.D. wants. Her memory no longer line up with this reality. If it’s okay, I’d like to go start working on telepathic exercises to calm down mental overstimulation.
DRUMM: I don’t see why not. Let’s end the assessment. Thank you, Silk.
< end transcript >
As completed by W. MAXIMOFF and S. STORM.
MAXIMOFF: Cindy Moon is another who has suffered a quick transition into a new version of herself. Before Pleasant Hill, Moon was almost eighteen years old and had just come out of a bunker after years of isolation. As it now stands, Moon is twenty-eight years old and seems to have originated from Earth-616. She has been out of the bunker for years and currently works at the Fact Channel, an establishment that hasn’t been created yet. She has memories of SAYA ISHII, a suspected criminal who is currently fifteen years old and not Cindy’s equal. It looks as if Moon has severed her ties from our reality and into Earth-13130. It will be a matter of weeks -- or even days -- before she completely transitioned. I believe Moon will be unharmed as it has been smooth so far, and her mental state upon its completion should be well adjusted. It is likely she will not remember the version of herself that existed in our reality at all.
< end transmission >
STORM: The scans of Cindy Moon show a healthy woman of almost thirty years old. Her genetics have been altered by the bite of a radioactive spider. Her physiology is that of a woman who engages in moderate physical activity. From a physical standpoint, there are no complications.
< end transmission >
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risingsouls · 3 years
Recruited: Chapter 11
[Another chapter in the books! This one runs parallel in time to the last (which will be pretty obvious) and has a little more action! So enjoy, have fun, etc.
And don’t forget: you can find the rest of this series and soem of my other BS for this blog here!]
Their trio of space pods burst through Noya's atmosphere and slammed into the surface, a triangle of craters left in their wake. Nabooru replaced her scouter on the side of her face, a press of the button causing the yellow characters to flash across the orange glass as it started back up. She opened up the door and floated out of her pod, touching down on the maroon dirt. A teal, creeping vegetation sprawled over it as far as the eye could see. In the distance, she noted the silhouette of a city or village  and a range of mountains beyond it.
She stretched and glanced to her side as Nappa and Raditz joined her, both working out the kinks in their own joints from the long trip. "Awfully quiet here. Where do you think that team is? Hope they didn't kick the bucket before we got here," Nappa said, popping his knuckles. "Maybe it means we'll get a good fight out of these guys if they're calling in reinforcements."
The repetitive pings of a scan sounded from Raditz's scouter. "I wouldn't get my hopes up," the other Saiyan replied, turning around to check the other direction. "I'm not getting a single reading, save for five decent ones off in that direction."
He nodded opposite the mountain range. "Make that three."
Nabooru raised an eyebrow and began her own scan, Nappa following suit with a huff. "You're fucking with us. Why the hell would we be called here if they didn't need us?"
"No, he's right. I'm only getting those three readings, too. That must be the team we're meant to rendezvous with."
Raditz flew up several meters and gazed around. "Looks like something went down over there," he called down to them. "Might have been a settlement or something. Doesn't look like there's much left now."
"Let's go check it out. Something feels off here."
Nabooru followed Raditz and Nappa to the site of what could have potentially been a compound of sorts, a decent sized village, or something else entirely. The damage sustained in the area made it difficult to tell, the edifices reduced to little more than a half foot of wall at best. Scorch marks and craters dotted the area, and they could hardly walk a few feet without finding a corpse or the remnants of one. Each had a variant of blue skin, ranging from near white hues to navy. A few wore what she guessed were plain clothes, while most sported a sort of white armor. Soldiers. Most of the bodies were heavily mutilated, physically torn or shot with concentrated ki blasts to pieces, others sporting deep gashes as if from claws. Maroon soil was stained with emerald blood. Fresh.
"I thought I recognized that power level." Nappa squatted down next to a corpse missing every limb. The lower half of its skull had been crushed as if beneath someone's foot. "Looks like Shikoo and his team's work, don't you think, Raditz?"
"Seems that way. Doesn't seem like they need our help, though. And they never have before." His frown deepened. "Maybe it's some kind of trap."
Raditz vocalized Nabooru's growing fear as each piece of evidence seemed to confirm the theory. "Who's Shikoo?" she asked, turning her attention from the massacre and back toward the direction in which their scouters pinged the readings. Two of the power levels weren't much and would hardly be a challenge for even Raditz. But the third was more powerful, and while only around Nappa's power level, her insides squirmed. Why would they be sent here if this team had everything under control? Was there some secret of this planet they weren't privy to that presented a danger they couldn't handle?
"One of Frieza's favorites, and I'm sure you can see why. What the guy lacks in power he makes up for in brutality and dirty tricks," Nappa told her, folding his arms over his chest. "Makes us Saiyans look soft. But I'm sure you've seen the guy. He's bigger than me, looks like a cross between some kind of reptile and a dog. Red fur and scales. Loud and brags constantly."
Nabooru's brow furrowed and she clicked her tongue. "Mm, yes I've seen him around the base once in a while. Never considered him important enough to learn his name, especially after he and his idiots tried to force themselves on me back when I first started on the force." The corner of her lips quirked upward in a malicious smirk. "He didn't take being turned down very well. But I took care of him and made it clear he should leave me alone."
Raditz chuckled. "Good. The blowhard deserves all the beatings that come to him. Especially for that shit. Nappa and I may have heckled you for a romp in the sack, but he's so full of himself, of course he would try to force his ugly ass on you. I hope these guys took him down a peg or two."
"Confirms the rumors anyway," huffed Nappa. "Guy's disgusting. Pretty pathetic when you gotta resort to force to get off. Guess he ain't much of a charmer, no surprise there."
She kept her surprise about their stance on rape to herself. Considering the violent nature and disregard for life, their history of taking what they wanted by force, rape didn't seem like it would be far off the table for them. Both the Saiyans with her had taken her refusals without much hassle, so she supposed it shouldn't have with at least these two. A point of respect for them, at least, considering the rampant trouble they had with men attempting such with her people back home. As a race of all females and how their style of dress revealed far more skin than Hylian garb, men had a sense of entitlement to Gerudo women, and seemed to believe that meant they were asking for it. 
"I suppose we should contact Frieza," she said at last, reaching up to her scouter and selecting the proper channel. "Let him know what we found and what we're meant to do instead."
Once the scouter connected successfully, Frieza greeted her before she could open her mouth to speak: "Ah, what good timing, Nabooru. You have landed on planet Noya and met with the other team there?"
"Yes, my lord. But we are confused. When we landed, we found the planet had already been successfully purged of its in--"
"Yes, yes, I am aware of the success in purging the planet. The instructions to rendezvous with the soldiers sent to Noya were...purposefully vague. The task for you and the Saiyans is to kill that team. Don't worry your pretty head over why, dear. It's unbecoming of a soldier. Their punishment has been a long time coming."
He broke the connection before she could confirm her understanding, but by the questioning expressions in her comrades' faces, her own revealed her opinion on the troublesome news. Surprised wasn't the right word for what she felt. Frieza was known for orders that felt out of place or cruel. Unwarranted and harsh. But piecing together their situation, Nappa's words, and the fact that they had been split from Vegeta only further impressed upon her a sinking feeling of dread. She less suspected a trap for them than viewing it all as one for Vegeta, a "favorite" of Frieza's like Shikoo. Or if it was one for them, was this a precursor to the orders Vegeta would be handed? To end his team and allies in the rebellion they plotted?
"What'd he say?" Nappa asked at last, snapping her out of a spiral of paranoia and back to the task at hand.
"He means for us to kill Shikoo and his crew."
"Really?" Raditz's brow furrowed. "What did they do?"
"He didn't say. Just that their punishment was a long time coming."
The Saiyans exchanged a look of disbelief with a hint of concern. Nabooru wondered if they considered the same possibilities as her. If they wondered if some other team or Vegeta and Frieza themselves lay in wait to off them, too. As much as she wanted to ask, she didn't know who could be listening. And they had a job to do. If anything followed this, they would have to face it once they dealt with Shikoo and his cronies. The memory of them offering to help her find her way back to the barracks and then cornering her, how they tried to touch her anywhere they could reach and tugged her hair, their taunting words from how pretty she was and how good she probably felt to insulting her lack of control of her ki yet. Maybe she didn't back then, but her strength proved enough to subdue the three of them and send them to the hospital ward. She escaped their disgusting behavior, but how many hadn't, if what Nappa said rang true?
Back then, she still tried to cling to her no killing rule for her sanity and her ignorance to the sort of backlash killing fellow soldiers would have. But now she not only had permission, she had the will to do it. If not only for her own revenge, but for the horrors they inflicted on others, too. This time, she wouldn't hold back. She didn't have to.
Three scouters beeped to signal approaching power levels, and Nabooru couldn't help but snort as the hulking beast Shikoo and his cohorts landed before them. 
"Come to see how real soldiers work, apes?" Shikoo grinned at Nappa and Raditz, showing off sharp, yellowing teeth in his elongated, canine-like muzzle. A forked tongue flicked out to taste the air. "Where's your diminutive leader, huh? Someone finally give the prince with no subjects the licking he deserves?"
His cohorts snickered and Nabooru noticed Nappa's fists and jaw tighten with the flare of his temper. "You idiots won't be laughing in a minute." The Saiyan general smirked and cracked his knuckles. "I've been waiting for a chance to stomp you."
The smaller two--an orange skinned male with a too-blonde Mohawk and a weedy, birdlike soldier with beady black eyes--shifted in obvious discomfort under Nappa's threat, but Shikoo remained unperturbed. "Please. You wouldn't dare. Not with my favor with Frieza. The alliance my people have is too precious for him to allow a couple monkeys to pick a fight with me."
Nabooru snorted, but his claims had her mind shifting back to her people. The fate of the Saiyans. "That explains a lot. But too bad for you, Frieza seems to think killing you is more important than whatever deal you and your people have with the empire."
Yellow eyes snapped to her, slit pupils dilating for a moment in recognition. His hackles rose and hair surrounding a line of spikes along his back stood on end. His aggravation melted back to sick amusement and he laughed. "Well, well. I remember you. Come crawling back for that fun I promised you after all, huh?" His attention fell back to Nappa and Raditz. "Taking orders from women now? You Saiyans really are a joke. Guess it is a step up from short, angry, and overcompensating. Easier to look at, too."
"Can we get this over with? This guy's voice is making me sick," Raditz complained. "I'll take the two wimps in the back alone if I have to."
"You're still on that?! What did I tell you?!" Shikoo snarled. "Frieza will have your heads if you try anything!"
"And what did I tell you? Frieza himself sent us here to kill you." A smirk curled Nabooru's lips and she turned her attention to Nappa and Raditz. "You mind if I take him? I'm really kicking myself for not finishing him off all those years ago."
Nappa huffed and folded his arms, making a show of his indignance. "Damn, guess I can't argue with that. Much as I wanna bury this mutt myself, I think you've got a bigger stake." He nudged Raditz. "You take the orange one and I got bird brain." Without waiting for a response, the larger of the two surged forward and slammed his leg into his opponent's side, sending him sailing with a squawk. The general laughed and swept after him. "Try and make this fun for me, birdie!"
Raditz shot a series of magenta blasts toward the other minion who, more prepared for the onslaught than his companion, dodged backward nimbly and blocked what he couldn't with raised arms. "Give him a few good ones for me, won't you Nabs?" He shot her a wry grin and pursued his opponent with ruthless abandon. 
“Stupid move on their part, leaving you alone with me,” Shikoo snarled, vicious grin back on his mug. “You don’t have the stomach to kill me. I saw it in your eyes then, and I’m sure you’ll falter again now. And that’s when I’ll finish what I started all those years ago. Maybe I’ll make your monkey friends watch.”
Nabooru rolled her eyes skyward. “Please. I feel so bad for you, I’ll give you a free first hit.” She beckoned him with her index finger. “Come on, big guy. Let’s see if you can do more than just flap your ugly mouth.”
As she hoped, Shikoo snarled at her taunt and lunged. Black claws extended outward and he swiped them toward her throat. Nabooru’s hand shot up and she grasped his wrist, her hand barely covering half of its circumference. He grunted and struggled against her strength. “So you’re a whore and a filthy liar…”
Her grip tightened, and bones crunched beneath her hand. “I’ve kind of proven the first one wrong by turning you down, haven’t I?” She caught his opposite fist. Her smirk widened when his eyes flashed in rage. “But I suppose you’re right about the liar thing.”
"I'll kill you, bitch!" he roared, tugging back in an attempt to free himself. 
She held fast, orange energy flaring up around her. After a few more tugs, she released him, forcing him to stumble backward when he lost his balance. Nabooru shot forward and buried her fist in his scaled belly. Shikoo wheezed and doubled over. Head at her level, Nabooru wheeled back and kneed him in the face with bone-crunching force, whipping his head back and sending him wheeling backward once more. Blue blood oozed from his nose and mouth.
"This has been fun." Shikoo seethed as he raised his head again and spat blood on her boots. He shook with his rage, and Nabooru only wished Nappa and Raditz had remained with his crew to witness his embarrassment. She flexed her hand, forming a cylinder of ki in her palm. She wrapped her fingers around it like a hilt and willed it outward, curving and widening it into the shape of a blade similar to those she favored back home. "But I'm tired of playing. You're not really worth breaking a sweat over."
Using his shock at the sight of her ki blade, she shot forward again. She swept the blade downward, tip aimed at the ground between his feet. She brought it back up in a swift arc, between his legs and through his skull, splitting him vertically in half. His responding punch halted mid-swing, and his body fell apart with a stomach-churning squelch and a pair of thuds as each half fell to the ground.
"Geez, Nabs. Did you have to go crotch up? You made me cringe."
Her ki blade dissipated and she rested her hands on her hips. She turned to face Nappa as Raditz rejoined them, neither appearing to have taken too much damage. Raditz looked slightly ruffled with a bloody lip, but otherwise, both defeated Shikoo's goons without issue. "Of course. A disgusting bastard like him deserves it. If I wasn't supposed to kill him, I might have stopped at around his belly button."
Raditz wiped his mouth and grumbled. "Has anyone told you you're terrifying? You've been around Vegeta too long."
"I didn't realize you two were so squeamish," Nabooru snorted. She glanced at Shikoo's split corpse, the glee from her victory short lived as she remembered his claims. How Vegeta was within the tyrant’s clutches and, if Frieza knew what they planned, could be in danger.
 "Speaking of Vegeta, what do you think Frieza has him doing?" A subtle attempt to probe their thoughts on the matter while potentially gaining some reassurance. "He's done this before right?"
“Sure. And I didn’t realize you were such a worrywart.” Nappa and Raditz exchanged knowing glances. “I thought Vegeta was just messing with us, but you two really are up to more than just training when you’re left alone with free time, huh?”
Her posture stiffened and heat rushed to her cheeks. “What is that supposed to mean?” She narrowed her eyes and marched over to them. Their grins only widened and she prodded both of them in the chest with her index fingers. “Just because the two of you can’t keep it in your battle suits doesn’t mean we’re a couple of horny teenagers who can’t handle being alone together. We actually want to get stronger unlike you slackers.”
“I have noticed he’s been in a better mood than normal once in a while,” added Raditz, ignoring her. “Sort of confirms that his smug attitude when he told us ‘maybe, maybe not’ last time we asked wasn’t just him messing with us.”
“Makes him a damn hypocrite though. He told us to quit trying. Guess he didn’t want to share.”
“We’re not sleeping together! Ever! Not even once!” Nabooru could kick that idiot for basically bragging to the other two Saiyans. She had faith neither of them would spread it around whether they believed it or not, but their insistence still pissed her off. “We train. That’s it.”
“It’s not a big deal. In fact, I approve. It’s about time the two of you got laid.” Nabooru slapped Nappa’s hand away before he could plop it on her shoulder. He winced. “Besides, it’s beneficial for us all because, like Raditz said, it puts Vegeta in a better mood for a little while. We all win.”
“Maybe he’s just in a better mood because you two aren’t bothering him as much.” She flipped around on her heel. “Can we please just get out of here? Seeing that ugly bastard again did nothing for my mood, and if you two keep this up, I’ll do the same to you as I did to him and make up the most embarrassing stories for your deaths I can think of.”
She heard the two snigger, but they joined her in flight without more of their incessant teasing. It at least distracted her from her paranoia and concern for the prince’s wellbeing outside of the usual sort of abuse or inanity he would suffer in Frieza’s company. A premature assumption, perhaps, but she decided to take at least Nappa’s lack of concern as a good sign. Or enough of one to keep her from fretting until she knew otherwise. 
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nightshadeshadow123 · 5 years
Paw prints on the Agent's heart🐾part 1:
Alex Danvers x reader🔫🐾
Reader is able to turn into a huge horse sized wolf, Supergirl and the DEO have been trying to capture and recruit you for years yet have no such luck so far and it only gets harder when CADMUS steps into the whole sitution to get the wolf for themselves and cause distruction anywhere they can. What if that werewolf turns out to be Supergirl's childhood friend from Kryton before it was destroyed? Will the badass DEO agent be able to melt the heart of the seemingly cold werewolf?
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@retro-aesthe @blackluthxr @samustar @aznblossom @ibe-anne @lezzzbehonesthere
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The whispers of the huge black wolf with blood red eyes had been going haywire as of late even though it was going on for two years now. Sighting of the wolf had been wild spread all over the media and internet, people making theories, rumors, photoshoped pictures and people even claiming to 'know' the wolf and The DEO has yet to catch it, with a heavy heart slowly losing hope in catching the wolf with every failed attempt. Not even Supergirl were able to catch the wolf.
They've tried catching it two years before Kara started being supergirl and learning that her adoptive sister is a agent of DEO and Alex had many more attempts in that two years but haven't gotten far.
It was Alex who had seen the wolf for the first time, confirming that the rumors are in fact true. They've shrugged it of as a fairytale but now they knew it was far from that.
The wolf never caused any real trouble, only appearing to safe people from any danger that Supergirl weren't in time for before running of again.
The first time Alex encountered the wolf was when she was sent out on a mission to evistegate and spy on a shady group.
Alex only managed to gain info from their building but as she was jumping into the alleway she didn't expect two gaurds to block her from back and front, glock 17 pistols aimed at her, ready to shoot.
It was already night time so it was a bit hard to see but the near street lights made a bit of light to see.
"Now, we'll be taking that information back girly." The man in front of her said in a stern voice.
"Over my dead body." Alex stood firm, not once faltering, glaring at the man angrily, left hand discretely lowering to grab her own pistol, aiming it at the man's head.
"As you wish." The same man said, tightening hold on his pistol.
"Just surrender and nobody have to die." Alex tried to reason, really not wanting to kill them.
"Oh, I'm so scared." The man at her back mocked.
"Yeah. I'm trembling in fear." The front guy joined in on the mocking, staring Alex down with intense dark eyes.
A howl futher down the alley caught all three their attention.
"What the heck?" The man in the back wondered aloud, eyes scanning their surroundings but gun still aimed at Alex.
"Pfft pussy. It's probably just a dog." The front man snickerd at his friend, not bothering to take his eyes off of Alex.
"W-what if it's the wolf from the rumors?" The other man asked.
"Ha! I don't believe in that crap and you shouldn't either. It's a story people tell their children so they'll listen." The man laughed at his friends words.
"Far from just a story fella's." A cold femine voice said from the shadows making them turn and look for the source of the voice.
"Show yourself lady! Don't play games and we'll make your death painless." The front guy pointed his gun in diffrent directions, spuinting to see better in the dark but could see nothing.
"Now where would be the fun in that?" The female said again but this time near the back guy, making him yelp and frantically search for the voice.
Alex took advantage of their distraction, running at the first guy, knocking him to the ground and knocking his gun out of reach as it dropped to the ground with a clatter.
"WHY YOU-" The man tried to swing a punch at Alex but Alex blocked it and punched him twice in the face, the first punch breaking the man's nose making him scream in pain catching his partners attention that tried shooting at her but his shot missed, the bullet flying past her and lodging into his friends shoulder, making him yell in agony.
"Shit!" The man yelled and took aim at Alex again but at that moment a figured emerged from the shadows, turning into a black wolf mid jump and knocking the man to the ground, his yelp cut short when his forehead collided with the hard ground with a crack.
Alex jumped away from the first man, brown eyes taking in at what have happened to the other man but what she saw left her frozen in shock.
In front of her was a huge black wolf standing over the knocked out man, paws covered in blood that's seeping from the wound on his forehead.
"What in the hell?" Alex asked shocked, making the wolf look up at her, piercing red eyes staring into her brown eyes.
The huge wolf made a huffing sound, staring into her awe filled eyes a moment longer before turning tail and dissapearing around the dark corner.
"WAIT!" Alex snapped back to reality and ran after the wolf.
The wolf paused, making Alex stop too and stare at the wolf.
The wolf made eye contact for a moment before shifting into human form making Alex gape in shock.
The darkness made it impossible to clearly see the woman but she could only make out glowing (e/c) eyes and a glimpse of (h/l) (h/c) hair.
The woman spared her a wink before dissapearing down another alley.
Alex's POV:
I stood shocked once again as the woman winked before dissapearing down another alley.
I shook out of my shock, briefly looking down at the two uncious men before I ran to where I've parked my bike, getting on it and putting on my helmet and then took off down the streets, whipping past cars as I raced back to The DEO facility.
"So, you mean that the rumors are really true?" J'onn J'onzz asked, curiously looking at Alex, his arms folded infront of his chest.
"Yes. I saw it with my own eyes. If she didn't show up there I certaintly would've been dead." Alex confirmed, messing with her gun that is in it's holster.
"Well then. I'm glad that you are safe. You are one of my best agents." Jonn smiled at her, patting her shoulder.
"Go get cleaned then you can go home. You deserve a good rest. We will talk about this tommrow." With that Jonn left the changing rooms.
Alex looked down at the blood on her knuckels from when she punshed the guy.
"What a night." Alex got cleaned up then grabbed her things before going home on her bike again.
Upon arriving home, Kara immediately flung herself from the sofa, hugging Alex.
"Where were you sis? I was worried." Kara asked after pulling away, allowing Alex to lock the door.
"I was just working late. A last minute emercency popped up when I was just about to leave." Alex lied, feeling guilty about having to lie to her sister that didn't even know she worked as a DEO agent.
"I'm glad you are home. Now we can watch movies. I already ordered pizza and potstickers." Kara said excitedly, smiling goofily.
Alex laughed at her sister, pulling her towards the sofa. "I'm still not used to how much you eat. Damn kryptonians."
"What? I'm still growing. And besides, can fight crime with an empty stomach." Kara joked.
"Yeah, okay, sure whatever you say."
That night Alex kept turning and twisting in bed, not being able to get the wolf's glowing red eyes out of her mind.
My first attempt at a multipart x reader fic. I'll start working on a part two if people like it enough. Let me know if you'd like more parts of this. There are a bit timeskips in certain parts. And once again sorry for any spelling mistakes or wordings, english isn't my first language. Not sure how far I'll make this fic or even finish it, part two is already laying in my ever confusing draft list.
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farelian · 5 years
Humans are Insane "Masters of Worlds"
Hello again, I'm just writing out some stuff I have in my mind and also just to give you guys something to read, Insurgency will be posted again and I want to develop Michael's and Yaku's relationship, so enjoy their somewhat wholesome moment.
Michael has gained quite the popularity in both the UTA and GA, starting from his heroic act in the terrorist attack back on the colony and his decision to migrate altogether to another species' homeworld.
It's such a strange feeling for him, he's just doing what he does best, being a soldier and navigation.
Walking down the familiar roads of Earth with his trusty companion Yaku, they spent the last few days exchanging words and just hanging out. "Trust me, once you tasted it your mind will be blown"
Yaku looked up at Michael curiously and confused. "I wish for my mind not to be blown into bits, Sir Michael"
Michael rolled his eyes. "Of course not literally Yaku, it means that you will be surprised by the taste"
Pushing the entrance door to the cafe, they walked in and the same feeling of the conditioned cold air hit their bodies, Yaku has grown used to it by now so she's not as shocked.
They both took a seat at an empty table. "Just trust me, I've drunk these stuff as a kid and I frigging loved it, you won't be disappointed"
"You're heavily hyping this drink sir Michael, I just hope it tastes as great as you've described"
"Can I get you two anything?" The waitress asked as she walked over to their table with a friendly warm smile.
"Yeah we'll both get the Jester Crest please"
"Oh sorry, the Jester Crest is already sold out today"
Michael sighed in disappointment while Yaku intently watched. "Well, what's the second-best alternative to that?"
"We got the new Houston Punch, it's second-best and it's ingredients are imported from Mars"
Michael raised an eyebrow from the thought of a drink whose ingredients are imported from the red planet. "Alright we'll get that instead"
"I'll be right back with your order" The waitress walks away while Michael slouched back on his chair sighing.
Yaku watched him. "What is wrong?"
"Nothing, I just hoped I can get you the thing I just talked about. It's a quite popular drink here in this district so no wonder it gets sold out fast"
Yaku wondered what makes this piece of beverage so popular and delightful. She knew the human custom of mixing ingredients to make something else, her species does too but not in the form of a recreational beverage.
Yaku also noticed the glances Michael got from the other customers, especially human females. "Michael, the waitress earlier mentioned your neighboring planet Mars, may you tell me it's history"
Michael got out of his defeated state to his excited state, he leaned forward on the table and cleared his throat. "Alright, I love telling these. So, Mars, it is a planetary body that has been a part of the Sol solar system for thousands of years, millions even. Scientists speculated that Mars was habitable some thousand years ago and it was green. This theory came up after studying the polar ice caps Mars has on its poles.
We've been wanting to go to Mars, and that dream came true when our Space agencies, SpaceX and Nasa launched it's Olympus rocket in 2060. Carrying a cargo of three humans, two males and one female, they got to Mars safely without much incident"
He took a few seconds to catch his breath, before diving straight back in. "Let's skip a few years and plans on colonizing Mars have already been drawn. Due to Earth resources being sucked dry, metals and minerals are also becoming rare. The plan was initiated in 2065 by launching a rocket filled with little droids that will set up a mining outpost in the southern hemisphere of Mars"
"Solar energy became unreliable due to the distance of Mars and the Sun not giving enough sunlight, and the occasional dust storms that dropped visibility to near zero and blocked sunlight. Wind and thermal energy and eventually a nuclear power plant were built" Michael paused again, looking out of the window. "40 grueling years later the first dome was built"
Michael looked emotional, staring out into the busy streets. "Some new forms of cuisines and leisure are created. Low gravity cafes, low orbit observatory, literal orbital jumping... it was as glorious like humans first discovered fire, sparking a new age for humanity"
Yaku sat still, in silence as she processed all the information, and discovered how insane and fascinating humans are. "You've colonized a dead planet without outside intervention?"
Michael looked back at Yaku nodding, crossing his arms. "Yep"
"...I have no words to describe what I feel, you humans are fascinating"
Michael chuckled at Yaku's cold emotionless face, he could feel the confusion and questions she had in her mind from a mile away. "Yeah I thought you would say that"
"Sorry to keep you waiting," The waitress said as she came back to their table bringing two glass of colorful drinks topped off with whipped cream and a small spaceship cookie on top. "Enjoy!" The waitress then left after placing their orders on the table
Before Michael could take a sip Yaku came up with another question. "Are there any other ambitious plans that humans are planning to create in the future?"
Michael sighed and pushed the glass aside to answer her question, he leaned back and places his hand on his chin, thinking. "Well, there is one that is planned to be launched at 2245, the Titan project where we make a habitat at low orbit on Saturn’s biggest moon, Titan and extract the liquid water that has been scanned a few years back. So it's 15 years from now"
Yaku is even more speechless, an entire man-made habitat that might be the size of a small moon orbiting another moon that's orbiting a gas giant. "But won't the gravity pull prevent that? Jupiter's gravity pull is stronger than Titan's
Michael chuckled and shook his head. "We've come up with a solution, the orbit hook. It's designed almost like a space elevator but it's a giant tower that is drilled into Titan that will keep the habitat in orbit. Massive tungsten poles will keep the tower up from the high-speed winds. But there's some other solution that is already approved, I forgot what it is"
Before Yaku could object, Michael suddenly looked excited. "Oh! Oh!" He looked like a child in a playground. "A Ring World!"
"Ringworld? Care to explain?"
"So it's basically a ring around a star that will have habitable plots, four plots, more specifically. These plots will be able to sustain life and have its own atmosphere, but some scientists said it's impossible, cool concept though" Michael's excitement seemed to die with the last words.
"Wha-how... how!?" Yaku said with her tone raised, seemingly frustrated from all of these insane and impossible ideas. "You are insane! Humans are insane!"
Michael is obviously taken aback by Yaku's unusual attitude and tone. "Woah Yaku calm down, the ringworld looked and sound unlikely" He grabbed her glass of drink and pushed it closer to her. "Take a sip, cool yourself down"
Yaku looked down at the drink that is offered to her, she wrapped her hand around the glass and took the metal straw into her mouth. It's quite awkward due to her species horizontally locked jaw, but once a drop of the colorful liquid dropped into her mouth, her eyes widened in fascination and surprise. "This... this is... this taste... great"
Seeing her reaction Michael is also curious about the taste. "Oh? Alright, then it’s my turn" He took a sip and has the same reaction with Yaku. "Mmm, that's fucking good!" He then took the little spaceship cookie, dipped it in the drink and chomps on it. "Wow this is good, it's sweet with a mix of different fruits"
He looked over only to realize Yaku has been slurping up the drink, it's already half-empty. "Woah Yaku, careful you might get brain freeze"
Yaku stopped and looked at Michael. "Brainfreeze?"
"You never have a brain freeze?" He finally realized that she is an alien and not a human, her reaction earlier made him think so. "Right you don't experience brain freeze, my bad!"
Michael smiled as Yaku went back to slurping the drink, it's rare to see Yaku this excited so he's just enjoying the moment. "Woah hold on I haven't even slurped mine!" Michael starts slurping to catch up with Yaku.
It's quite a strange and rare exchange.
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gloves94 · 4 years
To Be So Lonely [Draco Malfoy] 12
Rating: PG-13 Pairings: Draco Malfoy/OC
Chapter warnings: Angst!
Raised as an orphan, Nel Saintday, endured years of torture from the Slytherin House. The Dark Lord only allowed her existence for her to serve a very specific vile purpose for him. Her birthright dictates for her to choose a side in the Wizarding War… But what would happen if she dares defy the Dark Lord and his wishes? And what happens when she falls for her tormentor? Will Nel fulfill her life’s purpose? And what side will her tormentor, Draco Malfoy, choose? The light that calls to him or the darkness…
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Elowen could not stop crying.
It almost seemed as if everything she been bottling up for the past couple of years simply came spilling out in exhausting shivering sobs. "I-I'm so sorry," she tried to stop the tears, but they didn't seem to have an end. Professor Lupin sat on the edge of his desk simply observing the poor girl. She sat on his chair wiping away the tears with a wet hand. Lupin had dismissed Harry the moment he woke up. Harry had wanted to linger when he saw how hard the girl was crying, he had never seen anybody cry so hard before.
"Eat it, come on. It'll make you feel better," The professor encouraged signaling to the chocolate bar that she had been holding in a hand. She obeyed and took a small bite.
How mortifying was this. Crying in public and worst of it in front of a professor. She didn't want to burden him with his emotions. He probably had better things to worry about.
"I feel like there's a lot to unpack here Ms. Saintday," Lupin spoke in a calm voice. "First and foremost - Who did this to you?"
She remained silent as fewer tears sliding down her face.
"Nel," Lupin licked his lips. Despite her silence he was patient. "If you want me to help you, you have to cooperate with me. As a professor I have to report this. I can give whoever did this to you detention."
It was sweet of Professor Lupin to want to make things right, but a petty detention wouldn't do it. She was going to make them suffer just as much as they had made her suffer.
"Unless, of course, you'd rather take this up with Professor Snape."
Merlin. No. Snape would probably make Nel clean toilets for the rest of the year for this. Of course, it would only be a matter of time before Snape and the rest of Hogwarts found out just what had happened at the Three Broomsticks.
"I'll take care of it professor," she mumbled.
At this point she didn't care if she was cursed. She was sick and tired of those Slytherin bastards. She was sick of being looked down upon. She was sick of being told she didn't belong in the house. Of being the misfit the class. To make matters worse she felt so stupid and more than anything naïve forever trusting Malfoy. The arsehole probably didn't even know who had abandoned her in the abbey to begin with.
"Did they hurt you?" he asked concerned.
She remained silent. He could see the hurting reflected in her expression. The lust for vengeance that blazed in her dark eyes. She had spent the entire trip back to Hogwarts plotting the horrible things she would do to those boys. She'd make them with they were dead. She thought dramatically.
"Vengeance is not always the solution Nel. Fighting fire with fire is not going to solve anything," he said wisely. "Vengeance both poisons and drains the soul," he advised.
She fought the urge to scoff at his words. Of course, Lupin wouldn't understand. With his kind smiles, chocolates and easy nature. What would Lupin know about vengeance? The scars on his body made her want to think otherwise but his nature was contrasting to his rough appearance.
"I couldn't help it professor. They made me so angry. I was so, so angry. I was so embarrassed. I didn't even realize when - I closed my eyes and the next thing I knew. Everything blew up and everything and everyone was on fire," her voice cracked as she spoke. Lupin gathered her ragged appearance and her words and her words and putting two and two together put together an idea of what had happened. He had a feeling it wouldn't be long before found out.
"Does this happen to you a lot?" Lupin leaned down so that he was at eye level with his student. Magical outbursts induced by rage… His eyes focused on the moles that doted her face. There was something odd about them. He couldn't help but wonder if…
She nodded weakly.
Lupin seemed deep in thought still looking at the constellation of dots on her face. That was no ordinary birth mark. She had been branded with it. With this very powerful curse.
Considering the third-year's boggart was herself… Lupin sensed there was a hindering darkness inside of the girl. He knew she was a Parselmouth. He knew that her wand was made up of terrible omens of death and then there was the hushed-up fact that she could see Therstals. There was no explanation for it. The most Lupin had at this point was a weak theory that could explain the source of her curse.
"Your Patronus," he cocked his head brushing over to a different subject. "What memory did you use?"
She shook her head slightly. There wasn't one particular memory that brought overzealous love and joy to her. Maybe the first time she made magic at Ollivanders or the first time she walked into Diagon Alley. She could've thought of Lucy but thinking about her was too painful. Knowing she had left and never returned or even bothered to contact her had left a deep wound that was still fresh and aching. "I don't think I have one that's good enough."
Lupin hummed for a moment deep in thought. "Try focusing on maybe not on the memory itself, but on the emotion you felt. Seize that emotion and thwart it."
"Professor," Her eyebrows knotted in fear. "That black thing that came out of my wand- what was that?"
"I believe it was a corrupted Patronus," He began. "It's rare but some witches and wizards that are unable to cast Patronuses can instead sometimes cast these dark energies. I did warn you we were dealing with very advanced level magic."
She butted asking what that was. "I believe a corrupted Patronus has the opposite effect that the spell intends. Instead this creature drains the energy of a person and manifests darkness instead of light. It's what Dementors are made out of. Which would be why Harry fainted." He explained.
The two shared an uncomfortable silence.
"What if I can't cast one?" She asked weakly wiping her nose.
"You will," Lupin encouraged gently. "With time. Next time focus on something that elates you. Something that brings you joy." He placed a hand on her shoulder. "But you can't focus on hatred when you do. You can't choose anger and despair over love and joy. I know that sometimes we can't change our natures, but the few choices that we have, we must choose good and make do with the best we can be. Play at our strengths."
She marinated the professor's words taking them in. Looking into the advice he had given.
"Professor, why are you telling me this?" She asked confused. It almost sounded like he actually cared. Like he knew what he was talking about.
"Because like you, I know what it's like to want to be something else."
Nel was about to ask why he had specifically chosen to use the word something, instead of somebody. What did Lupin know? With his easy charm and kind eyes? Why on Earth wouldn't he want to be himself? Everybody (except Slytherin house) seemed to like him just fine.
"Professor Lupin!" A Hufflepuff prefect just barged into the office while rapidly knocking. "All students and teachers are to report to the Great Hall. Sirius Black is in the castle and has attacked the Fat Lady's portrait."
All students were gathered in the Great Hall and instructed to spend the night there. Females would all sleep on the right and males on the left of the divided hall. The moment a swollen faced Nel walked into the hall she saw Theodore and Tracey exchange a look and rush to her with concern but before they could get close Snape seized the girl by the arm roughly and dragged her down the dungeons to her office.
"Two students are in the Hospital Ward and it is all your fault!" He scolded roughly as they walked his demeanor completely contrasting to Professor Lupin's.
Snape didn’t let her go until they were inside his office. He walked around his desk and picked up a folded newspaper that had a moving picture of the destroyed wall of the Three Broomsticks.
"Because of you two of my students were injured. Three if you include yourself!" He reprimanded. "Blew up the Three Broomsticks!" He shouted.
She looked at his angry face, at the way his pupils seemed to shrink with anger, and she could feel the tears beginning to swell again. "It-It wasn't my fault," she protested weekly her voice cracking.
"What were you thinking?!" He shouted once again slamming the newspaper loudly against his desk.
"I didn't mean to," She said weakly, eyes scanning around the room seeking for a way out. Almost praying somebody would pray come save her from Professor's Snape wrath.
"Madame Rosemerta is not pleased. Because of you the school has to pay for severe damages that were made to a historical landmark! You inconsiderate, thoughtless, irresponsible girl. You could've killed someone!"
She felt it again. That hot anger pulsing through her body. The type that made her hands shake and her head hurt.
"IT WASN'T MY FAULT!" She finally snapped.
Several vials in the room that held potions and other ingredients rattled for a second before exploding making glass shards fly everywhere. She looked at them fearfully. Her breathing harsh, small chest heaving as she was confused by her brief moment of rage.
"Just as I thought," His shoulders relaxed, and his tone became smooth. Just what was he playing at with his sudden behavioral change.
Once again, the tears had begun to stream down her face. She wiped them away furiously.
"It seems like your outbursts lead to an abrupt destruction of your surroundings… And those in them…" He lowered his head deep in thought a curtain of dark hair hiding his face. "I expect it has to do with your lack of self-control over your woeful adolescent emotions." "I didn't mean to…" She said more quietly. Her arms rounding around her body as she hugged herself.
Snape leaned over his desk. "Control your emotions," He said rather harshly.
"I'm just so angry all the time!"
"Apply yourself Saintday," He said sternly. It was a harsh slap back to reality after having come from Lupin's warm office.
"Sir, why am I like this?" She cried.
As always Snape dismissed her without another word. "We'll finish this conversation later. Elowen from now on you are to report to my office after class every Tuesday and Thursday." He said reaching inside of his dark robes and pulling out a handkerchief and handing it to her.
“I have also already heard Mr. Malfoy and Mr. Zabini’s version of the events that transpired at Hogsmeade. As a punishment they are to report to detention with me for an insufferable amount of time...” He almost made it sound as if it was more of a punishment for him instead of the two boys. “As to you, you are banned from all future trips to Hogsmeade and from the Three Broomsticks until further notice. Thank your lucky stars Madame Rosemerta has chosen not to bring this up with the Ministry of Magic or press charges and surprisingly neither has Mr. Malfoy…” Snape trailed off suspiciously as he looked down at his hand and opened and closed it in the oddest fashion.
It was no shock that Mr. My-Father-Will-Be-Hearing-About-This had already written to daddy dearest to inform him of whatever had happened at Hogsmeade. What was shocking was that Lucius Malfoy, the man who had personally made it his crusade to have Hagrid’s hippogriff executed, was not suing her. This man had decided to have a government serve capital punishment to a magical creature because it bruised his only son’s arm and he wasn’t going to do anything to the girl that actually set him on fire and almost killed him?
It was unsettling and out of character. So was his odd behavior towards her. His intrigue and fascination towards the young Slytherin. Which lead Ned to question and wonder just what exactly did Lucius Malfoy know that she didn’t?
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“you know who to call.” / “actually… i just miss you.” For Logan, please? ☺️
Word Count: 1,734 
In the weeks since you’d moved to California, you’d had a chance to do a lot of things. Getting to know your new coworkers, learning your way around the neighborhood, establishing your go-to when it came to take out… all in all, Long Beach was somewhere that you thought you could be truly happy - with or without Logan in your life. But, true to his word, Logan had been in your life from almost the moment you’d gotten unpacked, his texts and phone calls overshadowed by his unannounced visits. You’d been resigned to the Bahamas being a one time thing and Logan being only a memory, even after he’d reached out to you, even after he’d set you up with the DHIS and taken you out to dinner on your first night in California because you hadn’t had time to go grocery shopping … but that wasn’t the case. 
 You’d seen Logan at least twice a week for nearly a month, and everything seemed to point to the fact that he meant what he said - you weren’t a passing fling, you weren’t someone that he was going to have fun with and then toss off to the side when he was ready. Though this was at odds with what you’d read about him, what you’d seen in pictures, you believed it a little more each day. A month is nothing, though. You sighed as you put the final few ornaments onto your Christmas tree, fingers carefully arranging the glittering orbs among the branches, multicolored points of light dancing over your skin as you moved. And I haven’t even seen his place yet. 
 What you were to Logan was still a mystery to you. Sure, you were friends. You talked frequently, had his phone number, went out to dinner together, watched movies. You got along well, and there was no denying it. But … more? You and Logan hadn’t been back to bed together, hadn’t had physical contact more intimate than a few kisses, some hand holding and lengthy sessions spent on your couch watching Netflix - either laying down in front of him or with his arm around your shoulders and your head against his chest. It was like he was friend-zoning you, and every time you brought it up (even in passing) Logan got defensive. 
 So you’d stopped asking, stopped trying to initiate anything more than what you’d grown used to, because if he was going to be in your life as a friend, you’d take it. Stepping back from the tree, you put your hands on your hips and squinted, trying to find bare spots. There aren’t any. Pleased with your success, you turned away from the dining room, heading back to where your phone was plugged in and picked it up, disconnecting it from the charger. As soon as it was removed, you heard a female voice greeting you by name. “You have four unread text messages, a missed phone call and ten Instagram alerts.” Jesus, I didn’t think I was busy for that long. Rather than opening the phone yourself, you turned and walked back into the living room, all of the lights off and everything illuminated by the lights on the tree. 
 “Gaia, read my text messages out loud.” You spoke to the system as you lowered yourself onto the couch, eyes closed. 
 “Four messages from Logan Delos, the first received one hour and eleven minutes ago.” The voice paused. “Hey, what’re you up to tonight?” Another pause. “You busy? I need to talk to you.” You felt yourself smiling. “Received one hour ago. Are you ignoring me? It’s Thursday, I know you’re home.” You snorted, opening your eyes. “Received 50 minutes ago. I’m on my way over, if you’re not home, you’re not home. I’ll wait.” You sat straight up, eyes widening. Why is he coming over? As your eyes scanned the room, looking for things that you needed to clean up before he arrived, Gaia’s voice in the background asking if you wanted to check your alerts or needed to add any cleaning products to your shopping list, you remembered one of the conversations that the two of you had had almost three weeks prior - a week after you’d arrived in California. 
 “So, Logan… this… thing that you put in my house?” He hummed an answer, head leaning against the headrest of his car. “Is it like… listening to me? Does it record what I say or who I talk to or my conversations or…” Logan’s eyes left the road, darting over to you. 
 “No. Never. That’s not what… not here.” Confused, you cocked your head at him, waiting. “We monitor the guests in the parks, but… we’re looking for ways to integrate ‘safe’ words into the Gaia system so that people with them can trigger alarms or alerts by saying a key phrase, even if you don’t call it by name first, but we’re not there yet.” You nodded. “It’s honestly just a really advanced personal assistant at this point, but…”
 “So what happens if it starts emailing me suggestions for the ads on TV or the things that cross my mind for .5 seconds, Logan?” You were teasing him, tone light and one hand reaching out to touch his arm gently. Logan seemed to like to be touched - and to touch you, even if it was only with fingertips or the brush of an arm or an elbow, and so you didn’t shy away from him. “My phone and Facebook already -” 
 “If that happens, you know who to call.” He bit his lip, looking back at you. “Someone that’s not me because I’m nowhere near smart enough to figure out somethin’ like that.” Both of you laughed in response, but you were relieved to know that you weren’t being monitored - Logan had said you weren’t, and you knew how he felt about lying. 
 But weeks later, you weren’t sure that he’d been telling you the whole truth; the system had made a few suggestions that were too targeted to be coincidence - like the cleaning products, too relevant to what you’d been talking about to be random, and you frowned, contemplating unplugging the system before Logan arrived, wanting to talk to him. No, he said it wasn’t… he wouldn’t lie about that. Refolding the blanket on the back of the couch and moving into the kitchen without turning the lights on, you poured yourself a glass of iced tea, waiting. What could he want? “Logan Delos’ iphone has connected to the WiFi network.” Gaia’s voice broke into your thoughts and your eyes snapped to the front door. “Someone is at your front door.” At least he can’t sneak up on me. 
 But even as you moved to answer the door, you knew that Logan knew how the system worked - he wasn’t trying to surprise you, otherwise he would have changed his phone settings before pulling up. You took a breath and pulled your door open, watching as Logan’s raised hand paused mid knock. “Oh, hi.” He seemed surprised, the expression quickly changing into one of amusement. “You answered before I -” 
 “She let me know you were here, Delos.” You shrugged, feeling yourself smile at him. “Come in. Want something to drink?” 
 Fifteen minutes later, you still didn’t know why Logan was in your house, though he’d complimented your tree, running his fingers over some of the ornaments before he sat down, motioning for you to sit next to him. “I wanted to get…” He paused. “I gotta go to the Mesa tomorrow night.” Oh, that… You’d made plans to go to dinner that weekend. “Gotta cancel dinner.” He cleared his throat. “Gaia, cancel the dinner reservation for -”
 “Wait, how are you…” You leaned in, eyes narrowed. “This is my system, how can you cancel…”
 “Of course, Mr. Delos.” What the fuck? “Saturday reservation for Baltaire has been cancelled.” 
 “It recognizes your voice.” He leaned in, eyes on you. “As you talk to it, it builds up… a profile of you, I guess. And it stores it in a database, along with everyone else’s…” Logan cleared his throat as your eyes widened. “In theory, when it’s released? You could be in someone’s house in New York or Europe that’s got one, and give it a command… and it would follow it, but only on your profile. You could be in my house and speak to my unit, and lock your door or turn on your heat, or -”
 “So it’s not listening to me at all times, but it’s learning my voice?” Your eyebrows shot up. “Logan, that’s…” 
 “I know. But it’s not monitoring you 24/7, it’s…” He shook his head. “We’re just trying to integrate everything. Think of how convenient it’ll be - you can make changes without pulling your phone out, from anywhere in the world.” You had to admit that he had a point, that it was useful, but it still seemed to cross the line. “No. It doesn’t. We’re not allowing it to do anything that users wouldn’t have it do in the first place. It still needs vocal clearance to -” You reached up, pressing your fingers to his lips and shook your head. 
 “Logan, I’m not going to pretend that I know what you’re doing or trying to do or what’s legal or -” You sighed. “But you didn’t need to come all the way out here to use your fancy technology to cancel dinner, you could have done that over the phone.” He smiled, puckering his lips and kissing your fingertips quickly before he reached up, fingers closing around your wrist. 
 “I know.” He scooted closer, still holding your arm. “Actually… I just miss you.” What? It wasn’t like Logan to say something like that, especially since he’d just seen you a few days before. “Well… preemptively miss you, I guess.” He shrugged, flipping your hand over so that he could rub his thumb against your palm. “I didn’t want to cancel dinner, because I have something to ask you, so…” You looked down and then quickly back up, seeing the apprehension in his eyes for just a moment. “I guess I’ll ask now, since I need to know.” 
 “Alri… OK, Logan, what’s up?” He took a deep breath and stopped the movement of his thumb, squeezing your hand as he stared at you. 
 “Will you come to the Delos Christmas party with me?”
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ladyfogg · 4 years
May I? - 3/?
May I? - 3/?
Fic Summary: Ensign Faith Diaz struggles to hide her mental illness from her fellow shipmates aboard the Enterprise until an intrigued Data goes out of his way to try to understand her behavior. At his insistence, Faith tries to figure out what she's truly passionate about and eventually seeks the professional help she needs. Fic Masterpost.
Fic Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Data/Female OC
Warnings: tw: depression, tw: anxiety, fluff, friends to lovers, eventual smut
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Data went back to his work.
Before that day he had not had a conversation with Faith and after two he found himself more puzzled than before. 
When Geordi had spoken of the ensign, he had mentioned her tardiness and overall dismissive demeanor over the last few weeks. Data could not comment on the tardiness but he had not found her to be dismissive unless questions were directed at her own well-being.
The fact that she used the Jefferies Tubes as a way to escape during her rotation was troubling. Handling stress in a fast-paced environment was essential to any position within Starfleet. If Faith could not handle the stress, how had she gotten as far as the Enterprise?
Data scanned Faith's Starfleet personnel file and found nothing of significance. She had adequate marks in the academy and had served on another vessel before the Enterprise. Her transfer orders included a glowing recommendation from her previous superior officer. 
Data concluded that something must have happened in the time between her last posting and her current one. If her behavior had changed once on the Enterprise, then it stood to reason the Enterprise was the issue. He had several hundred theories but not enough evidence for a clear hypothesis.
Switching his main focus, Data finished the project he had been working on and decided it was the best time to dream before the night ended. 
He climbed into bed, dimmed the lights, and closed his eyes. 
He was in a forest. A dense forest, thick with vegetation. It may have been daylight but he could not tell through the canopy created by the massive trees around him.
Data walked forward, listening to the crunching of the leaves under his shoes. It was the only sound he heard which was strange. Forests had animals did they not? He should be hearing birds at the very least. 
His name was whispered and he turned in the direction it came but saw no one. He kept moving forward.
This time the whisper came from a different direction. Yet still, he saw no one. At first. The harder he stared, the more the plants began to twist and change, winding themselves into a distinct shape. He took a step closer for a better look.
This time the voice with louder, right behind him. Data spun around and came face-to-face with Dr. Soong.
Dr. Soong smiled. "I'm surprised you found this place so quickly, son," he said. "I didn't even program it. It developed on its own when I added your dream function."
"What is it?"
Soong looked around, a mysterious glint in his eye. "The unknown, Data." He turned Data around and suddenly there was an archway of branches and vines, unintelligible whispers beckoning him forward. "The unknown."
Then he pushed Data through.
Data sat up. In the months since he began dreaming, he had cataloged over one-hundred and fifty dreams. In ninety-two percent of those dreams, he had found himself on the Enterprise while the remaining eight percent took place in various locations he had visited throughout his life.
This was the first dream where the location was fictitious. He was not sure how to interpret what he saw. Was Dr. Soong there or did his brain create his image as a "guide" of sorts? 
Data was required on the Bridge, which left little time for him to dwell on the matter. He would have to examine the dream another time, perhaps during his session with Counselor Troi the next day.
He reported to his station on time, as always. 
The planet they were surveying had no life forms and the previous day's excursion to the surface yielded nothing special. 
"What are your thoughts, Number One?" Captain Picard asked.
"It's like I said in my report," Riker responded. "There were a few structures but they were empty, seemingly abandoned years ago. No idea who made them but whoever did couldn't be found."
"Any reason why they were left?"
"I'm assuming it was due to the atmosphere. We were down there for a short time and even then it became difficult to breathe. We just barely managed to leave before storms rolled in."
Picard studied the screen thoughtfully before he sighed. "Best move on then. Data, set a course for the next planet in this system."
"Course set. We should arrive in fourteen hours and fifty-two minutes," Data announced.
"Thank you, Mr. Data. Engage."
And so they moved on.
Data's shift ended hours later and he retired to Engineering to continue his improvements with Geordi.
"Hey, Data, glad you're here," Geordi said when he arrived. "I need your help."
"Certainly. With what?"
"Here, let me show you."
Geordi led Data to the assistant engineer's console where a piece of machinery was physically out of place. It did not interfere with the console's function. Yet it was still troubling.
"Interesting…" Data said. "This reminds me of what Faith found yesterday. There is no reason for this unit to have been disassembled."
"No there isn't." Geordi raised his eyebrow. "Two pieces of Engineering machinery physically moved in less than twenty-four hours? I don't like those odds."
"It is extremely unlikely such occurrences are random."
"But what could cause such a thing?" Geordi asked. "These things are heavy. It would take at least three people to move them, maybe four. And that's if you detach it from the wall."
"The reasoning is also unclear," Data said. "I suggest running diagnostics on both units to ensure they have not been tampered with."
Geordi nodded in agreement. "I'll start on the one Faith was examining. By the way, thanks for taking care of her. Things could have gone south fast if you weren't there."
"It was no trouble," Data said. "Geordi, may I ask you a question about Faith?"
"To tell you the truth, Data, I don't know much about her."
"It is about her work. You said her performance has been lacking in the last few weeks?"
Geordi crossed his arms, leaning against the wall in the process. "More like months. When she first joined there wasn't an issue. I mean, she worked a little slow but still got the job done. Now she seems...I don't know, distracted. She's been late multiple times. Sometimes I ask her to do something and it takes hours, or she gets side-tracked and forgets. She's also had a bit of an attitude." He frowned. "Why? Was she rude to you?"
Data shook his head. "I did not find her rude. Although, I am curious about her behavior."
"What do you mean?"
"She injured herself but was reluctant to seek medical attention. Even when she was bleeding."
Geordi's dismay turned to concern. "That is troubling. Well, I know she's been ordered to rest per Dr. Crusher. Maybe she just needs a break. We haven't had shore leave in a while and who knows when she had a break on her last ship. I guess I never considered she may be overworked."
"It is possible. She was particularly unconcerned regarding her own safety. As her superior officer, I thought you should know."
Geordi stood up straight and adjusted his uniform. "Thanks, Data. I'll keep that in mind and will keep an eye on her when she gets back."
"That would be wise."
Satisfied the matter was settled, Data took a seat at the center terminal to begin to work. A few moments later Geordi joined him. 
"Yes, Geordi?"
"Why the sudden interest in Faith?"
Data stared at him, puzzled. "What do you mean?"
"You seem particularly concerned about her."
"Should I not be?"
"I'm not trying to discourage you. I think it's great. I guess I'm just curious."
"I am as well."
A sly smile spread across Geordi's face, though Data was not sure why. "Is that so?"
"Yes." Data studied him for a moment. "Judging by your tone you find this amusing."
"Maybe a little."
"May I ask why?"
"I've never known you to show such fast interest in a woman before."
"Ah. You think my interest is sexual in nature."
Geordi snorted with laughter. "Well, is it?"
"It is not. You of all people know I do not have any feelings, let alone sexual ones."
"It doesn't have to be sexual. You can just want companionship."
Data considered Geordi's point of view. "Currently I only wish to understand what Faith is going through. However, I have found our brief interactions pleasant enough, if not confusing."
"Yes. Her reactions to certain topics. For example, at times she will be conversing with no issue but when certain subjects come up she shuts down or grows defensive."
"That's not new to you, Data. You've been around plenty of people who don't want to share what's on their minds."
"I am aware of that, Geordi. But this is different."
"I do not know. Hence the curiosity."
Geordi still had a slight smile on his face, almost as if he knew something Data did not. "As your friend, all I ask is that you be mindful of your questions. You may not feel, but Faith does. And she may not appreciate the extra attention." He picked up his tricorder. "I'm going to go check that console. Let me know if you need anything."
Data frowned as he watched Geordi walk away. Faith had approached him the previous evening and had even apologized for snapping at him. She did not seem bothered by his interest, only frustrated by the repeated question of her well-being. Data planned to avoid asking that particular question in the future, especially with Geordi's warning.
The more he learned about humans the more he grew confused. Yet, his resolve to be like them never wavered. If anything it strengthened as he hoped to fully understand them someday.
He and Geordi worked for several hours, exchanging thoughts about the latest mystery and reviewing the results of the diagnostics. In Geordi's initial sweep nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Still, the staff was told to keep an eye out for anything that seemed physically out of place. 
"I need a break," Geordi announced, rubbing his forehead. "My brain feels like mush and I still have some calibrations I have to run. Why don't we call it a day and meet up in the morning? Start fresh."
"Good idea. I need to feed Spot and I would like to work on my painting."
"Well, enjoy. I'll see you tomorrow."
Data took his leave, heading for his quarters. Spot greeted him when he arrived, meowing and curling around his legs. 
"I know it is time for your dinner," Data said, making his way to the replicator. 
After making sure Spot was fed, Data turned to his paint supplies. There was an abstract painting he had been working on for a number of weeks, but when he reached for the canvas, he decided he did not want to work on it. He wanted to start something new.
Data propped a fresh canvas in his easel and carefully selected several paints for his palette. His thoughts focused on the dream he had and he found himself painting the lush forest, dark and mysterious with beams of light attempting to peek through the canopy.
When he was finished, he stared at it for some time, reliving the dream vividly. There had been something in the underbrush before his father had appeared. It nagged at him, tugged on his mind until he propped up another fresh canvas.
Without hesitation, he dipped his brush in brown paint, mixing it with a small amount of white to lighten it some.
Then he began to paint.
Data was capable of computing multiple thoughts and actions at once, yet often limited them when he painted. He had been told creative endeavors required your full attention and he made it a point to follow said rule. 
Often he knew exactly what he wanted to paint and what techniques he needed to implore to achieve his goal. 
This time, it was different. This time, his hand seemed to have a mind of his own, gliding across the canvas in sure, deliberate strokes. It took Data a moment to register what he was actually painting.
Two light brown eyes stared back at him from the canvas. There was no face, no skin, just the eyes framed with long dark lashes. 
Faith's eyes.
Data lowered his brush, staring at what he had done and unsure of why he had done it. It was supposed to paint the vines and leaves, twisting together. Not this. He considered stopping but the urge to continue was strong. So he did not fight it. 
He added more white to the brown mixture until he was able to match her skin tone, filling in the blank spots on the canvas. 
Fresh brown paint was squeezed onto the palette, and this time Data added a drop of black, darkening it to match her hair. The eyebrows came next, thick and dark, with a small imperfection in the left one, no doubt leftover from a faded scar. 
Last was her hair, escaping its braid as it swirled around her face. It was not until her image was complete that he finally added the vines he had been attempting to recreate. Various shades of green wove together, twisting just as they appeared in his dream. They blended into her face, almost as if they made her.
Hours had passed by the time Data lowered his brush, staring in awe at the image he had managed to produce. It was nothing like he had ever painted before.
"Most curious."
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multifandomimagin3s · 5 years
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Warnings: Smut, strong language, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it, kiddos)
AN: I got this idea from that clip where Harley and Nightwing do the deed and my smutty brain churned out this ;) It’s probably shit cause I can’t write smut for shit but, merry crisis!
“Would it kill you to smile for once?”
Bruce glared blankly from under his mask as (Y/N) poked his cheek lightly with her index finger, twitching her nose slightly in distaste. In any other circumstance he would’ve found the woman very beautiful - which of course, she was, as much as he hated himself for feeling such an attraction to a villain he couldn’t deny that fact. If only their moral compasses weren’t complete opposites...
She huffed slightly when he didn't reply, tapping her nails on the dense helmet area of his mask, close to the centre of his forehead,” Hello? You in there, hun?”
“Don’t call me ‘hun’, (Y/N).”
“Oh, so you are in! Fantastic! Means I don’t have to sit and talk to myself.”
The (Y/H/C) woman turned briskly on her heels, pulling up a small stool to sit adjacent to the caped hero. He took the chance to tug hard at his restraints, grunting in frustration as the ropes didn’t budge, instead tightening around his arms in retaliation. So there he remained, strapped down on his knees, arms strung up like puppet strings. 
“Those ropes are pretty neat, huh?” Bruce rolled his eyes, grinding his teeth as the perky villain returned, plopping down on the stool like an excited child. She pulled up her legs, perched comfortable on the soft suede material,” Those were a gift from my dear old pal, Ivy - she doesn’t like you very much...come to think of it, not a lot of my friends do...”
“Yeah well, your ‘friends’ are criminals, villains like yourself don’t typically like being apprehended for the crimes you commit --”
She clicked her tongue, raising her index finger to cut him off,” Ah, that’s where you’re wrong, Batsy - I don’t hate you, per se, you just keep getting in my way - you’re lucky I think you’re hot, otherwise you’d probably be dead by now, Sweetie.”
Bruce quirked a brow at the off-the-cuff compliment, the upper half of his face still hidden behind his mask. His azure eyes scanned her form, from her royal purple boots, to her stripped leotard of a similar hue which clung to her curves beautifully. As inwardly flattered as he was, he knew that allowing himself to be distracted when in a situation like this exudes bad news. He had to get out of there...wherever there was.
“Where are we, (Y/N)?” Bruce spoke curtly, gaze honed in to stare directly into the female villain’s eyes. It made it easier to read a person’s emotions and thoughts, which could be crucial here should she lie to him. 
“It’s a rundown building - no-one else is around but us two, how cute is that?!” She purred with faux amity, uncurling herself from her seat slowly. Her gaze trained on his, she took a few leisurely steps towards him, his face at hip-level due to his kneeling position. She playfully twanged his leg restraints, sitting criss-cross legged no more than two feet away from where he remained. The jovial expression seemed to instantly fall away from her delicate features, now replaced by the blank slate that he was used to,” Now, I need to know what you know.”
“What are you talking about?”
“You know exactly what I’m talking about Bruce,” His heart almost stopped in his chest...how did she know his name? It was impossible, he had been so careful to cover his tracks in all his years living his double life: playboy millionaire by day, Batman by night. 
“How do you know my name?!”
Her (Y/E/C) orbs widened, a grin playing on her lips,” You just told me! Ha! I had my theories but man I didn’t think I was right! Props to me!” Bruce closed his eyes in a silent curse. She leaned forward to whisper in his ear,” It’s okay, your secret is safe with me -” And with that, she peeled off her mask, laying it in front of him,” And now we’re square.”
He took a minute to study her face, now revealed in its entirety for the first time. She was honestly beautiful, but he couldn’t understand why she compromised herself in such a way,” Why did you do that? I know your face, it’ll make it a whole lot easier to capture you.”
She waved him off,” Yeah, whatever - the villain life is good and all but it’s been pretty lonely these past few months - with the Joker dead, Harley and Ivy have teamed up, the Scarecrow is too damn scary for my liking, the Mad Hatter - well, self explanatory...”
Bruce tugged again at the ropes on his arms, pulling hard on a section of yellowing plant matter. The strip frayed slightly under the tension, indicating a weak point - if he could pull hard enough --
He was distracted by a dull thud as clothing hit the floor. Bruce looked over, eyes widening slightly as he watched the villain rummage through a wardrobe of outfits...completely naked other than a flimsy thong. He swallowed thickly, mentally chastising himself for staring like a horny teenage boy. She bent over, displaying the perfect swell of her ass which sent a hard pulse down south in his boxers. She was so prefect, but so wrong for him. He looked down at his growing hard-on in distaste, tugging hard at his restraints again in an attempt to regain his control. 
“It sucks being a villain sometimes, you know?” (Y/N) turned to face him, her new outfit folded neatly over her interlocked elbows; the material covered the most of her breasts but the position only succeeded in pushing the soft mounds upwards, which didn’t help his growing issue any. Noticing his visible discomfort, her eyes slowly trailed south, mouth opening in an ‘o’ shape in realisation,” Oh, uh - wow - really?”
No response, as he tried to pry his arms from their bindings. (Y/N) quirked a brow, sashaying across to the struggling man with a smirk as she realised he was watching her movements. As he opened his mouth to speak, she dropped the clothes, hands falling by her sides. His breath caught in his throat, brows furrowing,” No.”
“Did you like my little show, Brucie? It wasn’t even intentional, I thought that the good guys were pure and all that stuff - but you’re clearly not...” (Y/N) snorted, noticing how his cock twitched in his pants at the sight of her breasts moving when she moved her arms,” I have a proposition for you...”
“No, I don’t make deals with criminals.”
She ignored his adamant comment,” You quite clearly like what you see, and I won’t deny that big, muscly guys really get me going, so...” She plucked a small blade from her dresser, the handle a duo-chrome blue,” How about this - I cut you loose, and you have two choices - you can fuck off, but that means that the next time I see you I will kill you, or...we can have some fun.”
With an accurate, sharp swipe he found his legs to be free, inwardly mulling over the offer in his head as he quickly got to his feet. (Y/N) tossed the knife haphazardly to the side, sauntering across to a single-person bed that was pressed into the far wall. Bruce snapped the ropes briskly, eyes watching her plump ass until it disappeared out of view, as she made herself comfortable on the soft linen sheets. 
“So what will it be, Bruce?”
Bruce palmed her left breast firmly, thumb rolling over her pert nipple, before trailing down to flick her clit sharply. (Y/N) bit her bottom lip, smiling coquettishly, running a hand through his dark, choppy locks; his gloved index finger slid over the soft skin of her freshly shaved mound, trailing over her glistening petals. Surely there would be no harm in indulging himself a little? She knew who he was, there could be no more collateral damage from this interaction than there would be already. 
He gasped as her petite hand grasped his clothed cock impatiently, squeezing lightly as if prompting him to do something. Bruce gave her torso a light shove, sending her further up the bed to give him some room. She let out a giggle at being practically manhandled, which only drove him on more.
Her brows knitted together as he licked a broad stripe across her pussy, flicking across her clit briefly, before taking the sensitive bud into his mouth. A girlish moan escaped her lips, as he slid his index and middle fingers into her slick walls, curling the digits with harsh thrusts that had her eyes rolling back into her head. The rough texture of his glove was delicious as it pressed against her g-spot, a completely different sensation from skin on skin contact. 
“Bruce, I-I’m gonna cum -” She moaned, voice reaching a higher pitch as a familiar warm sensation began to brew in her belly. Just as she was about to reach her peak he pulled away, leaving her to whine with her ruined orgasm,” You’re such a dick -” He stuck his glistening gloved fingers in her mouth, a small smile on his lips as she took the fabric between her teeth, pulling it away from his hand. Her hands made light work of his armour and clothes, as he stood in a pair of plain black boxers, towering over her sprawled out form. 
Her mouth watered as she spied the tent in his boxers, the chiselled God of a man kneeling down on the bed, hand moving to touch her hip. Years of combat training came in handy, as in a flash she had him under her, a dazed and confused expression on his face. Without a word, she winked, pressing open mouthed kisses to his chest, nails scratching against his snail trail which caused his stomach to jump. 
He helped to shimmy off his boxers, his cock now pressed against his stomach, the tip glistening with precum. (Y/N) wrapped a hand around him, tongue flicking out to lick the tip delicately,” So big...I don’t think it will fit.” Bruce took in a deep breath as she took him in slowly, tongue swirling around the head deliciously. His hands collected her hair in a makeshift ponytail, using it as a rein as she bobbed her head, hands jerking off what she couldn’t fit in her mouth. 
“Fuck,” She licked a lewd stripe from his balls to his tip, applying pressure onto the vein underneath his shaft, before sliding up to straddle his waist. His large hands fell to her hips, as she wiggled her hips teasingly, lining his tip up with her entrance, tapping it against her slick folds,” Don’t tease.”
A short gasp filled the air as she sank down on his member, a small sting in her pussy from the intrusion. He was by far the biggest she’d had. Her nails dug into the thick muscle of his shoulders as she began to move, slowly rising and falling on his cock rhythmically. Bruce lightly sucked on her nipples, pulling at them with his teeth as she began to pick up speed.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” A string of curses escaped her perfect lips, head falling back as his cock hit all the right spots. Bruce thumbed over her bottom lip, before pulling her into a bruising kiss; villain be damned, he wouldn’t regret this. His hand drew back, smacking her ass with a resounding slap that had her jolting towards his chest with a playful grin,” If I had known - fuck - that you were this good I’d have offered sooner.”
Bruce chuckled lightly, slapping her ass again - once, twice, then a third time, before wrapping his arms around her waist, repositioning them both on the small bed. Her leg now rested on his shoulder, allowing for a completely new angle for him to fuck into her. Her hands balled into the comforter with a girlish squeal, a pornographic moan erupting from her chest. 
(Y/N) could feel her release approaching fast, leg flicking from Bruce’s shoulder in favour of wrapping both limbs around his hips. He leant forward, thrusting harder, the bedframe creaking in protest to the rampant movements. Her nails scratched angry red trails down his shoulder blades as he let out a hiss, mouth latching onto her neck. With a lurid moan, she came hard, squeezing his cock deliciously within her tight walls. With a grunt, he followed suit, white ropes of cum flooding her pussy, as he collapsed on top of her. 
Bruce rolled sideways, plucking the villain into his arms, as she laid with her head against his chest, sweaty bodies entangled together. (Y/N) smiled, swiping a sweaty lock of hair away from her head,” So does this mean I’m off the hook, hun?”
“For now, yes...I’ll have to cuff you later -”
“Oh, handcuffs? - I knew you were kinky!”
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