#dctv fanfic
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ao3statistics · 3 months ago
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This is self-made. Date: 06.12.2024
So many poly ships... Really thought there was gonna be more diversity?!
I assume no guarantee or liability for the completeness, correctness and accuracy of this chart despite my best efforts.
Includes fanfictions in all languages available, NOT English only. Includes all fandoms on Ao3 connected to Bartholomew Henry "Bart" Allen II.
Percentages were rounded up or rounded down to natural numbers for easier comprehension.
Poly ships were included.
More charts will follow. :) Want to have a chart for different pairings, headcanons etc. in your favourite fandom? Send me an ask
Also... Bart and Neville? :D
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swift-creates · 10 months ago
@chrumblr-whumblr day 20: came back wrong
wc: 279 | warnings: swearing, nightmares, (not real) blood and death | characters: Thea Queen (pov), Roy Harper - romantic
There's blood on the ground and on her hands and on Roy's shirt and oh God oh fuck there's blood in her mouth and she tries to wipe the taste of it off her tongue with her fingers but that only gets more of it in her mouth and she gags she drags her hands onto her pants trying to clean them and the red smears all over the khaki as Malcolm and Moira stare sightlessly up at the sky and oh God oh fuck they're dead they're dead they're dead-
She shot up in bed, hands shaking and drenched in sweat, and instantly felt Roy wrap his arms around her. "Easy. I'm here. I'm safe, babe." His voice was soft in her ear as she gasped for breath, burrowing her hands in his hoodie and pulling him as close as she could.
"No one's after us. The Pits are gone. We're safe. It's okay," he murmured, and it took her a few more moments to believe it. She pressed her face to his shoulder, inhaled his smell, buried herself in the safety of it.
Her breathing slowed, and her hands stopped shaking. But he didn't let go. They never did.
"Bloodlust again?" "…Yeah." She managed the word past dry lips, swallowed nothing down her sandpaper throat. "I'm okay." "You sure?" She nodded. "You?" Thea could tell he knew she was deflecting his concern, but he answered anyway. "Nothing tonight." "Good." The word hung in the air, and he still didn't let go. They never did.
She fell back asleep in his arms, the taste of iron in her mouth fading but the safety of his embrace lingering.
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demigodofstories · 2 months ago
Afternoon to my fellow & proud nerds. I’m hoping that you’re all having a good start to start to the new year.
May this year be good for everyone, despite the uncertainty of the country (here in the US) and the worry of/for the rest of the world.
This maybe my first post on this blog but, I’m excited to see what adventures will come from it and who will join me in appreciating creativity.
With all of that said (I’m sure there will be more 😝) I’d like to welcome you to this blog and remember:
Creativity is 🔑 to EVERY good story!
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mosylufanfic · 9 months ago
Answer the Questions and Tag 5 Fanfic Authors
Tagged by @rifle-yes, the fool
1. How did you get into writing fanfiction?
See answer #3 below, but the short version is that I started writing and posting stories at the Derbyshire Writer's Guild, a Jane Austen fanfic site. And it's all been downhill from there.
2. How many fandoms have you written in?
Oh boy. Hang on. This is a hard one because multiple of my fandoms are like, within a larger fandom? So there's a good amount under the Star Wars umbrella, and a bunch of Jane Austen, and a lot of DCTV. Going back and counting the major fandoms (the ones I remember being really into and doing several fics for, as opposed to just one or two to scratch an itch), I think it's seven. If you do count the one-offs, it's more like 12 or 15. Look, I've been on many fic sites and I'm still trying to get off my ass and archive everything on AO3. It's hard!
3. How many years have you been writing fanfiction?
Pretty much since forever? I remember writing Little Mermaid fic in fourth grade, although I didn't really have that word for it at the time. And there was an epic (and epically bad) Star Wars sequel that I worked on for years in my tweens. I started posting fic online at 19 when I realized that was a thing I could do (see #1). So in terms of writing fic that I shared with other fans, 24 years.
4. Do you read or write more fanfiction?
Definitely read, although there are times where it's a close run thing.
5. What is one way you’ve improved as a writer?
I think my worldbuilding has improved over the years. I never did it on purpose, but I see a definite uptick in how deeply I think about the worlds I'm writing in and the various implications of that for the characters.
6. What’s the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
Oh so many things! I freaking love research. I think the most morbid (and mathiest) was trying to estimate how much air a man had available in a 10x10 space buried underground.
7. What’s your favorite type of comment to receive on your work?
This is like asking what kind of cake is best, but I do love the ones that pick up on something I didn't even realize about the story. I had one recently that pointed out a shift in language that signaled deeper and more focused intimacy in the course of a smut scene. And I was like, ". . . huh. Well, I'll be. That sure did happen."
8. What’s the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
I think probably the Space!Paperwork in Lost & Found was the fringiest thing I've ever done.
9. What is the hardest type of story for you to write?
Oh, man, longfics. I often come up with an idea and I just know from the shape of it that it's going to be a a monster. And then I have to decide if I want to go through all the work of plotting and writing thousands and tens of thousands of words. That's why I have so many one-shots that are basically "pilot episodes" for longfics that will never be written.
10. What is the easiest type?
Modern AUs, especially high school AUs. There's so much there that's already known to the readers that I can just laser-focus on the part that's interesting to me.
11. Where do you do your writing? What platform? When?
I do a lot of my writing on Gdocs. I know they're the devil, but I might be settled down to work on four or five different machines throughout the course of my day, and half that time is on the public floor where I have to look available to help people. So to me, it's better to be able to quickly sign into a website and tap out that quick scene than to try and hide my phone under the desk and write on that horrible little keyboard. (I'll do that too, but only when I have no other option.)
Longfics get ported into Scrivener when they get too unwieldy for Gdocs, but I'm still more likely to write scenes in Gdocs and paste them into the Scrivener file when I'm done.
12. What is something you’ve been too nervous/intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
Probably some of the longfics that are knocking around in my brain, especially the ones that concern areas of the Star Wars canon that I never really got into.
13. What made you choose your username?
It's a nickname my mom used to call me when I was a teenager, and when I was picking my AIM screen name in college, that's what I went with. Actually, I had another one first that was objectively cooler, but I forgot the password to that account and either I was too dumb to reset it or there wasn't functionality for that. So mosylu it was. I also decided at the time that it would be my Internet Identity, and it still is.
Tagging @andorerso, @hedgiwithapen, @incognitajones, @colleybri, and @youareiron-andyouarestrong
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kuekyuuq · 1 year ago
Fanfic Crossover Prompt?
I noticed there are way too few Clexa and Supercorp Crossover Fics...
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Just hear me out, k?
Supergirl /DCTV has established parallel worlds and plenty (accidental) ways to end up in an alternative world. Time travel is also very much established (kinda sorta in both shows)
The 100 canonically even has aliens (but this would be better!)
Each ship has a "blue-eyed blonde that came from the sky (from a more scientifically advanced world)" and an "ambitious and revolutionary green('ish)-eyed brunette in a powerful position"
...with the blondes being artistically inclined and the brunettes educated strategists
Lena and Lexa may have a secret hand-shake over the whole "love is weakness" mantra (or just cooly blank-faced share a nod of mutual understanding)
Kara's cousin is named Clark and Lena's brother is named Lex (Clexa: "Oh, are they close?" - SC: "...well, they are constantly at each other's throats?")
Nia would be very confusing - especially if she's still alive, bc seeing her may give Lena a mini heart-attack
Jackson may also look vaguely familiar to Kara...
(Charlotte would prolly already be "gone"...)
There is fun to be had with the character dynamics, Lexa and Kara being the heart-eyes ones, Clarke and Lena (whilst just as infatuated) try to play things cool
Lena would have a field day with the night blood (actually, she'd need a fix to survive in the radioactive world of The 100, unless she has a magical solution at hand)
Kara could single-handedly fix the 2nd Praimfaya situation (with some guidance by Lena)
Raven and Lena prolly would hit it off rather well
by the power of fanfic even the age difference between the characters can be either reduced or ignored
or Lena and Kara become sort of mentors / advisors to Heda and Wanheda
Lexa having a sparring session with "Olympics level fencer" Lena
Kara and Clarke ooh'ing and aaah'ing at Earth's nature together
Kara getting roped into beer-pong and owning it even without using her powers, not for her skills but bc she can't get drunk
Clexa may even help a canonically supposedly "best friends" Supercorp to "see the light" (Clexa: "Uhm, guys? That is not really what best friends are for...")
Play with Lena struggling in the forest or prove herself to be actually pretty apt in her survival skills
Lena coming into Polis being all like "I can fix this up. Someone give me some paper. Kara, time to flex those muscles of yours."
Kara "accidentally" sneezing too hard and freeze-breath scaring the daylights out of Titus before baldie can screw things up
Katie Lena in a more medieval leathery get-up!!!!
Kara on a horsey!! (or floating next to the group riding, cooing at the animals)
Both Kara and Lena having experience with "adults" and their schemes and politics messing things up, spot signs early and help Clexa take care of Pike et others...
Eventually (after saving their world) Lena finding the energy signatures below polis of the portal-thingy, figuring the puzzle out in 3.7 seconds and rewiring it to send them back home...
...and so. much. more!
But, really, it can go anyway you'd like:
Fun and light, or more serious and angsty; a whole fix-it for The 100 or set anywhen you want, pre-Kara's identity reveal (s3'ish?) or post-finale (witch!Lena ?); innocent or smut; SC just being the "little helpers" or ultimate heroes; lovey-dovey or tension-filled Clexa; powering down Kara somehow or just letting her be her super-charged self; a short adventure or a novel-sized tale...
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Please, dear authors, feel inspired! ö.ö
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vicontheinternet · 8 months ago
Me recasting characters for my dctv rewrite and fanfic in general>>>>>>
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dont-touch-my-fandoms · 2 years ago
Number 2 for the ask game?
oh shit I got an answer!! Thanks anon, so sorry I saw your post late!!
2. What fanfic do you wish you got more response on?
hmm...probably the one I'm currently working on? It's called Battle March, it's a DCTV Flash/Arrow fic with my OC Ellie Allen!
Unfortunately, it's also a sequel I posted 4 years after the first part of the series, so I understand why the audience is kinda small, but I love my oc and I really wish the story got more attention!
(shameless plug, read it here!!! chapter 11 is in the works!)
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austarus · 4 years ago
HR Wells x Reader Scars Across Time
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**A/N: The picture/edit/gif does not belong to me. It belongs to @acewest360
Word Count: 6245
*Hey everyone! Please remember to hit that reblog button as well as liking and following! Sharing the content makes the world spin~ This is probably going to be the last fic I post until winter break. Things have not been going too well for me, I rarely have time to sit down for myself and write or play pokemon at all. But I promise I’ll be back with more fics and series parts with the winter season
“I can’t feel my fingers.”
“And this is why we keep our gloves on,” you emphasized, taking your gloves off and handing it to him to wear as the two of you walked to your apartment, “especially during a snowball fight.”
“But you’ve got to admit, I nailed BA pretty hard.”
“You did,” you giggled and pecked his rosy-cold cheek. “And I’m proud that you did. Knock some sense into him and Harry while you’re at it.” You mumbled the latter part to yourself. The other Wells doppelganger was still having trouble with his daughter, who’s back on Earth-2. She had ‘kicked him off his own Earth’.
“It’s too bad Jesse wasn’t here; I think she would have liked it.”
“She’s still upset with Harry, HR.”
HR did a half shrug, side-glancing at you as he took your hand in his, “She missed all the failed igloos and speedy snow angels, the laughs and arguments we all ended up having on who cheated or not.”
“She’s busy on her Earth being the Flash, though. That must be taking priority over everything else.”
“I know,” he sighed, taking your hand into his. You felt how frigid they were through the knitted gloves you had given him. His eyes met yours are the two of you walked, the chilly air piercing the layers you have on. The novelist hoped that his doppelgangers daughter has been taking care of herself as she takes care of her city. “Harry shouldn’t have avoided her and the issue between them though, that’ll only create a greater rift between them. I know he’s not good with emotions, but… Something doesn’t feel right, like… it just doesn’t add up.”
You only offered the novelist a half-shrug, not really knowing what to say. “I think they’ll end up talking it out, whatever it is that happened between them. They’ll eventually get through it together.” You unlocked the door to your apartment and pushed it open. The door creaked nastily from its hinges; you’ve been meaning to fix that. “Now, let’s first get you inside and thawed out, I’m pretty sure I have some cold sludge stuck down the back of my shirt.”
The two of you entered your cozy apartment, kicking off any spare snow remnant that had clung onto your boots and clothes. Both you and HR left your boots by the door. A shiver ran down your spine, the ice-water mix shifted in your shirt as you moved uncomfortably through your home. You attempted to not track any water on the hardwood floors, eagerly locating some dry towels while HR brought a laundry basket from one of the rooms. The taller man returned with one as you handed him a fluffy towel. You and HR stripped off the winter-y layers of clothes, placing them into the basket. Your long-sleeve shirt clung to your skin, the cool damp cloth making you a bit antsy to get out of it. The Earth-19 being took the basket to throw in the washer, adding in the appropriate amount of detergent and softener. He whistled throughout completing his task, towel around his neck. HR started drying his hair off as he walked back to the living room.
You turned on the weather channel, overhearing Iris mention something about a serious storm going to hit. Flipping through the channels, you finally landed on the Central City News station and just in time for the weather spokesperson to come on screen. The woman fully articulated the severity the storm could cause as well as how many inches of snow to expect with an estimated time. HR’s ears had perked up, eyeing you from behind the couch as you watched the news. You ran a hand through your damp-ish hair before deciding to set it in a towel turban. Well, it’s a good thing I went grocery shopping yesterday. I should still have the portable heater that Cisco made just in case. The candles and matches should be in a spare drawer somewhere.
You glanced over your shoulder to see HR with chaotically messy hair and the collar of his shirt soaked. You nibbled on your bottom lip while setting down the TV remote. “Hey, um… HR do you want to stay over the night? There’s a winter storm coming and stuff,” You sheepishly wrung your fingers for wanting to ask him to stay the night when you knew he probably had an upcoming deadline to meet. Am I being selfish? I’m mean… we’ve been together for almost a little bit over a year now. Gah, fuck, I’m overthinking again. Stupid past relationship trauma and emotional distress. You just didn’t want to inconvenience him.
You will never deny how safe you felt around him, how you didn’t need to be careful of how to act. You can be you. And HR can be the dorkily cute novelist that he is with no filter in regard to his ideas and thoughts and expressions. The two of you complimented each other, two wounded souls just fixing and adoring each other. It took a couple of weeks for you to open up about your past relationships to the novelist, which he listened with understanding and concern taking hold in his eyes. He had done the same thing you had done. HR had proposed to ask three questions and you would need to answer fully and honestly with the reward in return. A reward of something you had long forgotten because having HR understand your past like you had done with him caused your heart to swell to a grand scale.
HR’s gaze softened at you, a gentle smile gracing his lips. “I don’t mind staying the night.” It’s so much better than sharing space with one grumpy scientist back at the labs who’ll probably hurl objects at me if I do anything out of line in his eyes. He saw that bit of insecurity eating at you, and he would do all he can to brush it away. Your insecurities had lessened over time, but every now and then it pops back up. But it’s understandable, you were trying your best to be a good and considerate girlfriend.
HR’s heart melted when you perked up, a bright smile crossing your face as if your sullen thoughts had washed away in an instant. “That means we can even make s’mores tonight!”
“-I bought this handy dandy electric s’mores maker-”
“-Birdy, we’ve talked about this. You can’t buy every single thing from Amazon.”
“But… but the s’mores.”
“Do I need to take your debit card from you?” HR joked at the pout you had given him, the both of you knowing he would actually do no such thing. But he worried of these little impulse buys you get yourself into. Especially when prompted by Cisco, Iris, and Caitlin.
“I will fucking fight you.”
“No, you won’t.”
“You’re right, I love you too much.”
“Was it really necessary though?”
“… Yes, the state of my survival depends on it.”
“Liar,” HR sighed to himself. “I’m guessing Cisco and Iris happened to be browsing through Amazon again when they got bored? And you happened to be with them? Browsing from page to page, especially the bargains section.”
“… Maybe~”
“Don’t worry, I made sure I paid my rent and taken care of the apartment before deciding to buy the s’mores maker.”
“Plus, I really bought it for you.” HR felt the tips of his ears warm a bit. “You said it was one of the things you used to make with your mom, but now you just don’t have the time to camp or be by a fire to make them. So… I got this for when you’d come over and stuff…”
“How did I ever get so lucky to have someone as precious as you in my life, my little birdy?”
Your giggle allowed his heart to jump through hoops. Hail started pounding on the windows of your apartment catching both your attentions. “We should probably go wash up. I think I still have some clothes you left when you slept over a few times.” An idea lit up brilliantly in your mind, your brain already gathering the necessary materials.
A smile graced HR’s face, feeling his heart flutter as you shuffled to gather his clothes. I would do anything for you. The taller man looked out the window, observing the outside world ravaging in the heaviness of white fluff. The power might go out soon. If we’re lucky, then it doesn’t. But mother nature doesn’t seem to be letting up anytime soon. “Which drawer are they in?” He questioned, padding off to your bedroom but throwing a glance at you.
“I think they might be in the top left drawer,” you lied to him, needing to buy some time. “I’m not really sure. But if not, you’ll have to look around for them in my closet or something.”
You hurried to the bathroom once he was out of sight, stepping closer to the closet. Twisting the handle, you were greeted with towels on one shelf and scented candles on another. Now, what to choose. You opted for the scents of Balsam-Cedar and Autumn Leaves from Yankee Candle. Scattering the small candle containers around the tub, you made sure they were positioned in a place to avoid any fires. This is going to look simply divine. You mused a cheery hum from your lips as you worked fast. The electric lighter was in a drawer along with the bath bombs for relaxation. You contemplated whether the tiny flower petals were a bit overkill, then figured that it would be. I’m extra as fuck anyway, so why the hell not. You pulled out the mason jar filled with pastel pink-blue hydrangea and hibiscus petals. With everything set up, you just had to fill up the tub with water and work your magic. Shutting off the bathroom lights, you shuffled over to your room right as HR let out an ‘aha!’ when he found his checkered cotton pajama bottoms.
“Come take a bath with me,” you started, taking his hand and squeezing it meaningfully with jubilant warmth within your eyes. “We can warm up faster in less time before the storm cuts out the power.”
“Are you sure? I don’t want to…” He trailed off; his other arm held his clothes to his chest. You knew what he meant and nodded assumingly. An ex many years ago had tried to drown you once, but… Your ex isn’t HR. The man in front of you is considerate, kind, dorky, and quirky. The man in front of you is more wholesome and beautiful inside and out than any other man you had been with. You knew the novelist would never dream of hurting you. We’ve proven that much to each other in the past year, we wouldn’t hurt each other no matter what.
“I trust you, HR.” You leaned up and kissed his nose gingerly, “You know I feel safer around you.”
“And I, you,” the taller man allowed you to tug him to the bathroom once you had pulled out your own pajamas and undergarments.
“Before we go inside, I’m going to need to you wait out here for a few moments.”
“Interesting. What are you planning, little birdy?”
“Who? Lil ol’ me? Nothing really!” You responded with a cheeky grin before entering the bathroom. HR just kept that boyish smirk on his face then sneezed. God, he loves you, but he needed to get out of these clothes soon. Another sneeze left him when the sound of water graced the silence in the apartment. The hail had stopped, but heavier clumps of packing snow fell onto the city.
“Done~” you mused with childish delight, opening the bathroom door and ushering him inside. HR held his breath as the scents of the forest greeted him. The candles were beautifully lit around the tub, flickering and wavering as it cradled the bathroom with a dim glow. The bathroom lights were off to allow the candles to work their magic in the darkness. Neither of you would deny the warmth the candles brought as the flames danced happily in their respective glass communities. Scents of cedar oak, maple trees, and autumn leaves flourished in the air, but it wasn’t overbearing. The running water moved gently as you had begun to strip down and out of your clothes. Your movements shook HR out of his trance, tugging his own clothes off, but stopped short of shrugging his pants off when he saw all of you. Your eyes caught his intense gaze. A tight knot formed in the pit of your stomach.
“You’re…” He couldn’t find the right words. Any word couldn’t justify the beauty in front of him. “You’re elegantly divine.” Is what he settled for as he felt hot oil splash onto his cheeks.
“It’s not something you haven’t seen before.”
“It’s something that I hope I don’t have the misfortune to never see.”
You screamed on the inside as your mind started spinning at his desire. A smug grin grew on his face as you looked away, stumbling over to a jar on the sink counter. HR fully stripped, coming up behind you with his arms encasing you and strong hands resting on your hips as he watched. He pressed a kiss to the top of your head. You leaned back into him, dropping a good two handfuls of flower petals into the water. His body, while chilled from your earlier winter-y activities still provided your own with a spectacle of warmth. Goosebumps gradually ran over every in of your skin. The taller man watched you with tired eyes.
“You know you’re going to have to let me go so we can wash up, right?”
HR pouted, to which you leaned up on your tippy toes to try to kiss his pout away. “Fine, but I think we both deserve some time to cuddle.”
“I was going to trap you in bed, regardless.”
A quiet laugh left his lips. Breaking away from his sturdy limbs and wonderfully sculpted body, you rifled through a drawer for a bath bomb. Milk and Honey~ Unwrapping it and disposing of its bindings into the trash, you set it down into the water as it instantly fizzed.
“Wait, you like bath bombs?” HR questioned with an arched eyebrow.
“Yeah, but only the organically made ones- that way it doesn’t irritate my skin.” You shut off the hot water and pulled out the necessary towels for the both of you. ��“Also, they smell phenomenal!”
“They do.”
“What’s wrong?”
“One year on this Earth and I hadn’t even noticed that you had bath bombs too. Do yours also release an underwater firecracker?”
“An underwater firecracker??”
“Yeah, little ocean sparks underwater that also stimulate the water to move like the waves as if pulled from the effects of the moon.”
You just stared down at the slowly fizzing bath bomb in disappoint. “Why don’t you do that? Rude.” The novelist craned his head down to kiss your cheek with a snicker at your evident disappointment.
You stuck one foot in, the warmth enticing you as a hum left your lips before going all in. A wave of relief washed over your muscles as a tired groan left your lips while shutting your eyes. Leaning back, your skin touched the cool marble of the tub as the water drifted in multiple directions. The water rose to just above the top of your cleavage. HR had followed suit once you fully entered, sitting across from you with his legs crossed. A sigh had left him as he felt the tension in his body break away, the scents also helping him ease into relaxation. After a moment he pulled you in between his legs and you humored him because his were so long that they needed the space. Your eyes finally adjusted to the brightness set by the candles from your position.
You eyed the scar on his chest, teeth raking over your bottom lip. The one where Savitar had left his mark. Those thoughts came back. Your throat dried instantly. Swallowing thickly, your mouth moved on its own accord. “I almost lost you.” HR froze as he leaned his broad back against the tub, an arm on the rim of the cool marble. You reached out a hand to trace over the scarred skin. The closer you had gotten- the more you looked at his upper body- was the more you mentally berated yourself under the soft glow of the candlelight. Scared paths and crossroads of tinged undertones on his skin, some faint- others dark and deep. A few were clean and a few others were messy. Even the scar, perfectly hidden by his left eyebrow seemed to be clearer to your eyes now. Your heart sank in your chest, frustration and anger and hurt welling up inside you at the pain HR must have endured over the years. But mostly, anger and hatred towards yourself. How have I been so blind? How many times have my eyes overlooked these? How pathetic and ignorant have I become? HR shivered under your touch, under your gaze over the ugly reminders on his body. “We’ve been together for a year,” you started, “a little bit over a year- and I’m a damned fool for never truly seeing how hurt you’ve been.”
“I…” The words died in HR’s mouth. The sullen look in your glassy eyes, the pained expression on your face. His heart felt heavy, yet it oddly thrummed loudly in his chest. The warmth of the water didn’t help how you were feeling.
“And for that, I’m sorry.”
“Just being by my side and seeing who I am- how I’m worth something, exceeds any grim reminder of my past.”
“But, I didn’t-”
HR took your hand and intertwined your fingers together, “You’re the light of my life, you allowed me to forget my past and accepted me, all of me. I don’t hold it against you that you didn’t notice, we’ve been going through one hoop after another with these crazed villains. Hell, I forget the scars are even there when you’re with me… I feel whole when you’re with me.” The novelist strained emphasis on the last sentence. You felt the tears start to riot in your eyes before streaming down your face. HR gently cupped your face, wiping the tears away with a dry hand. “I’m happy that you overlooked them. I’m happy that I could shed them when I’m around you.”
You were silent for a few seconds. “I’m still mad at Iris,” you whispered with a sharp sniffle, your fingers finding the scar over his heart once more. “No, I’m pissed that she didn’t the willpower and guts to speak up when she had a chance. We… we could have prevented… both of you could have-”
“-We could have gone through a million different avenues, but the results would have led to the same road.”
“Wouldn’t it? You, at least, couldn’t have been hurt if we had done something differently.”
“Iris could have been hurt.”
“You were hurt!” You snapped as your voice wavered. “You were going to die, had it not been for Julian and Cisco and Barry. I… I can’t lose you. Every night, a dark thought slips into my mind. You could have died- You could have died right there when you were just starting to live a life of your own. All because of Barry and Iris.” Your cheeks felt wet and only then did you realize that the tears had pooled up and escaped. His gaze softened at you, nonetheless, the tears didn’t take away from any frustration that you had presented.
HR recognized the bitterness in your voice. The fiery anger within your eyes as you looked up at him with desperation. The same anger that he had long disciplined himself to distance from. Anger blinds all gates of logic within the mind. Because in a way, you were right. Iris could have easily said something when she was disguised as his persona. Instead the queen of the castle seemed reluctant in sacrificing herself, instead allowing the pawn to take the fall. HR had thrown it all away to save someone who didn’t really care to know him and treated him with disdain at first. All to prove to the others that he was worth being on their side. To prove to Savitar that he wasn’t a coward like the projected future had revealed. But most importantly, to prove to himself that he’s capable of more than just standing on the sidelines as backup. The anger and distraught and hate. HR worked tirelessly to move past them. You were his future now. You and the fact that in the end he seemed to earn his spot. Sadly, even at the expense of his own life. At the end of the day those were the cold, hard facts. Ones he willingly chooses to not give in to.
“But I’m here.” HR wrapped his long arms around you, pulling you closer to him. You choked back on a sob. Your anger waned at his gentle touch. “I’m here and I’m alive,” he let out roughly, letting you cry it all out as he rubbed your back soothingly. HR knew everything you had said had been true. And even if it did work out in the end, he didn’t want to imagine a reversal of the situation. If it had been you who had traded places with Iris instead of him. The novelist can only hope that the team wouldn’t have to put anyone else in a situation like that. That Barry and Iris wouldn’t have to play close to this dangerous game of chess again. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” you sniffled, calming down with a stutter. You knew that anger blinds judgment. You didn’t hate Iris, but you resented her inability to save both her live and HR’s. HR wet his hands and cleared your face from any remnant of tears. kissing your eyelids sweetly.
“Interesting that you put hydrangeas and hibiscus petals.”
“How so? And how did you know?” you raised a questioning eyebrow at HR.
“The jar’s labeled.” You facepalmed at yourself. Of course, the jar’s fucking labeled, I’m such a dumbass. “But also, I studied the language of the flowers as well as the language of the colors for my writing.”
“So, what do hibiscus plants stand for?”
“From what I recall,” HR scratched the back of his neck in recollection, “they stand for love and affection between family members, friends, and others. A perfect statement of gentle feelings towards the others. It can even symbolize passionate relationships.” You had placed both hands on his shoulders as he spoke, mesmerized by his knowledge of the flower. He wiggled his eyebrows at his later statement, causing you to giggle with flushed cheeks.
“What about the hydrangeas?”
“Ironically, heartfelt emotions,” he kissed your cheek, rubbing the skin of your lower back as he continued. “Gratitude for being understood.”
“I would call it more of a fateful coincidence,” you mumbled, pressing your lips to his for a chaste kiss. But truthfully, he just wanted to roll around in bed with you and kiss you silly to his heart’s content… amongst other certainly heart-fluttering bedroom activities. When you pulled away, your eyes drifted over his figure. “Can- Can I ask you about them?”
Them. HR knew what you were referring too. That curiosity of yours is one day going to land you in trouble, birdy. HR mused to himself with a little noise of thought. He was well past the mental pain, taking up meditation and various things to acknowledge and push past it. But the idea of you feeling the need to know didn’t rub him the wrong way like it should have. Rather, it stirred something deep in his heart, a playful glint hidden in his eyes. “Depends on what’s in it for me, little birdy?”
You thought deeply for a minute and HR remained silent, running patterns over the skin of your arm. You felt warmth build up on your skin with every contact. “One night.”
“One night…?”
“One night, you can do anything to me- within reasonable bounds. You decide when the night can be.”
The Wells doppelganger immediately licked his lips and felt his blood rush at the notion. “Is that your final condition?” Because if it is, this big bad wolf’s going to make sure to devour his little red riding hood all night long. HR tilted your head back, a hooked finger under your chin as his lips skimmed over yours. There’s much planning that needs to be done.
“‘Yeah’ isn’t a word of confirmation.” Learned that one from a law buddy back on Earth-19.
“Yes,” you won’t deny the anticipation in your voice. The murky white waters retaliated with every movement from the two of you. “One question, one scar.”
“One question, one scar, one night.” The novelist smirked down at you, a cocky look on his face.
“Fair enough.” I essentially ordered one love romp of a night… I’m so fucked, literally and figuratively. I just hope I don’t have to come into the Labs the next day, neither of us.
HR watched you closely, grabbing the body wash as you decided with a focused look on what scar to choose. Your eyes roamed his body. You already knew of his mental scars, and he knew of yours. The novelist waited patiently as you quietly processed the image of them on his skin. Some scars on his body were from hitmen, bullies, or muggers- mainly during his young adult life or when he was creating STAR Labs with Randolph. That bastard probably sent some after me, wouldn’t be surprised since he knew I would be executed if I crossed dimensions. Bath sponge in hand, he lathered your body wash on the sponge with every intention that he would help wash you while he reiterated a scarred tale.
“What’s the story behind the one on your eyebrow?”
That one took HR by surprise; usually human nature would be intrigued with the most noticeable of things- big things. Instead, you pinpointed the one that was easily concealable in plain sight. Settling for the smaller scar in comparison to the others. The novelist took your arm, scrubbing your skin with lips pressed thinly. You opened your lips to ask if he’d rather you choose a different one, but HR cut you off in a matter of milliseconds.
“I got it back during my university years. I was an English Arts major,” he paused for a moment, switching to your other arm to give it the same treatment. “My father obviously didn’t approve, but I didn’t care. I just wanted to keep going with my literary studies, taking up photography in my spare time. One day, I was just walking through the city in the late evening. Dismal and dark, with fog everywhere.” HR rinsed off your arms, gesturing for you to turn around between his legs so he can start on your back. He plucked off the PanOxyl Foaming Wash bottle from beside a candle, using a different sponge specifically for the backwash. You had told him that sometimes you unfortunately get acne on your back and shoulders, so you use this backwash to keep it clean and acne-free. To your surprise he wasn’t revolted in any way, instead he admired your constant diligence with wanting to keep good hygiene, especially since so many factors can trigger different responses from the human body. You silently waited, listening intently as he continued. “I heard whimpers. Cries coming from down the alley. There was this… this small puppy- I-I can’t really recall what breed it was, but it looked hunger and tired and scared.” You looked back at him, heart aching as you saw his eyes show the pain in his heart too. “I thought to myself. How could someone leave a helpless baby animal to starve in the city’s alleyways? Why couldn’t someone have the heart to nurture it?”
“What did you do?”
HR ran the water over your back to remove any bubbles or foaming wash from your skin. “I saw myself in the puppy. Lost. Abandoned. Alone.” he whispered as he raised his chin, eyes finally meeting yours as you fully turned to observe him. Your gaze softened; your wet hand reached out to cup his jaw. Droplets of water fell from your skin into the colored water as he nuzzled into your touch. “I approached it, I wanted to keep it safe and warm. It didn’t object when I picked it up, cradling it like it the baby that it is. It trembled and shivered in my arms.” His heart dipped remembering the way the puppy felt in his arms. One of his larger hands held onto yours, the one cupping his chiseled jaw. “I had to do something, couldn’t just leave it there.” I couldn’t abandon it.
“There’s a ‘but’, isn’t there?”
“There always is…” He let out a mirthless laugh. “Things went south when a couple of drunk guys found me and the puppy. Turns out these were the same guys that had been harassing the little one through the alleys. They had been trying to use the puppy in illegal cage fights.” HR bowed his head slightly. “One thing led to the other, there was a knife and I was running like hell with the puppy. Until they cornered me, hence…” He trailed off, gesturing to his eyebrow scar with a free hand.
“HR,” you whispered, but he squeezed your hand as he took it off his face. Your other hand tightened into a fist in the water. HR’s eyes caught the movement but didn’t say anything.
“They roughed me up pretty good- I’m wasn’t- I’m not a fighter, but I would have been damned if that little puppy had been hurt. I ended up finding the little guy a home where he can be looked after and well-fed and safe.” You unclenched your fist, gently listing it to stroke his stubbly cheek as he concluded. HR ran his fingers down the length of your arm.
“You’re safe.”
“I know. You’re safe too, my little birdy.”
“I know.”
You twisted your body, stretching an arm out as you reached for his Old Spice body wash. It was your turn to help wash him. You started working away at his sturdy chest, obviously doing your best to not ogle at his abs and his entirely toned framework. But he caught your eyes drifting off more than once.
“Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For always listening to me.”
“I love you, HR. And I would do anything in the multiverse to keep you safe and loved. You’re my one one one after all.” You winked at him, eliciting a deep chuckle from his lips. Music to your eyes, smiling as the corners of his lips lifted upwards. “There’s that radiant smile I love so much.” The man blushed but continued to grin.
HR ran a hand through his hair before catching a glimpse of his hair in the mirror. He squinted a bit as he held a lock between two fingers. “Looks to be about that time of year again.” Your fingers threaded through his hair once he released the strand.
“I’m assuming a haircut is needed.”
“I will never understand how men ask for their hair to be done.”
“It’s honestly really easy, with the provided visuals of course. I should take you with me once.”
“I’d be okay with that.”
“Probably going to need to dye my hair black again.”
“I think I have some leftover dye in a cabinet somewhere. You know… I wouldn’t mind seeing silver streaks on you. Makes you look like a sly silver fox to me.”
“… I’ll keep that in mind for next time as long as you allow me to learn how to do those intricate braids in your hair.”
“You drive a hard bargain, Mr. Wells.” You leaned up to kiss his lips.” The novelist smirked against your lips as he ran a hand over your bum. Neither of you had noticed that the water was starting to become lukewarm, the candles and warmth of each other distracted the two of you. “It’s a done deal.”
Taking his Old Spice Shampoo in hand, you squeezed a good amount out meanwhile he tilted his head down closer for you to reach. HR’s hands settled on your hips, steadying you on his lap to have your legs wrap around his waist. You scrubbed and massaged his scalp, creating a bubbly hairdo for him. You couldn’t help the giggle that escaped your lips. But once your bright eyes met his baby blue ones, you felt your heart skip in your chest.
HR felt your hands slow as you retracted them but made no effort in submerging them in the water to get rid of the bubbles. Instead your smaller hands rested on his broad shoulders with the tips of your fingers doing a sort of feather-light dance against his skin. The novelist found himself mesmerized by your radiance, never mind the candlelight that continued to flicker around the both of you. You felt hypnotized by his baby blue eyes, pulling you into an ocean of wonder. HR licked his lips with half-lidded eyes as you moved to kiss him deeply, your lips slowly moved against his with a sensual kind of dance to it. The doppelganger breathed you in slowly and he pressed forward. His palm rested on your cheek while his other hand took one of yours to hold onto. The kiss broke but was soon reconnected. Over and over again. The moment wasn’t rushed. There was no hurry to get to the finish line. It was just you and him and the wisps of fire around the two of you. HR nibbled on your lower lip before you reluctantly pulled away. Your tongue ran over your swollen bottom lip.
“We should probably finish up before the power decides to run out,” you started in a low-ish voice. HR noted the slight jitter in it and his heart swelled at the effect of his kisses on you.
“I don’t think it might get to that point. We’d probably end up snowed in, but there’s a chance that the power might not go out.”
“It’s better to be safe than sorry.”
“I know. If we must, then by all means,” The novelist murmured, nuzzling his nose with yours before the two of you finished washing up.
HR stepped out first from the foamy waters of the tub, stretching a fine limb over for some dry towels. He handed one to you when you had stepped out after him unfortunately a little less graceful as you almost slipped on the tiled floor. HR’s hand reached out to steady you. Giving him a sheepish smile, you whispered a thank you to which he returned with a wink. He knew you could be clumsy at times, but nevertheless he’s grown to love that about you. HR had come to realize that him being able to catch you from tripping over your feet or stopping you from running into things would give him a sense of ‘being your hero’ or ‘saving you’. It was just a small thing that made him happy. A ‘your hero in-the-moment’ kind of thing.
You wrapped the towel around you to rid your body of the water and bubbles. The two of you had cleaned each other well which made you sigh in contentment because feeling clean and being clean made you feel satisfied and relieved after a long day. You couldn’t help the stare you had fallen into as your eyes roamed over your boyfriends’ body as he dried himself off. Subconsciously, you licked your lips at every dip of skin, every inch of muscle. Wrapping another towel around your hair, your eyes never left HR until he turned towards you. You blinked for a split second and hastily busied yourself with pulling your undergarments from your clothes pile. HR walked back past you with his pajama’s on. The novelist had every intention in extinguishing the candles that were left only to land a soft smack on your ass. You let out a little yelp in surprise at the impact.
“See something you like?” He teased as he blew the fire out. He knew. There was a large mirror in the bathroom after all. A smirk finally settled on his face, one that he had been repressing until he smacked your ass. The heat had stayed on your cheeks from the bath and getting caught.
“Maaaaaaaaybeeeeeeee.” To be honest, it was a nice ass.
HR chuckled, “Well, since you’re done why don’t you get that cute ass of yours in bed while I go and get the smores maker?”
“How can I ever refuse such a generous offer?” You hummed, leaning up to kiss him. The Wells doppelganger nipped at your lips in return then broke away from you. He stepped towards the door. “HR?”
“Hm?” He turned back to you with curious eyes. There was a soft glow that had settled within your eyes. The sight made his body tingle.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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margoshansons · 5 years ago
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the leftover children (+ crisis on infinite earths)
--you are allowed to watch the sun swallow them whole and burn them up, to stain your fingers to the bone holding them together
inspired by @cassercole and her amazing edits. (in fact, they’re the reason I got into the oc community in the first place, so please check them out!)
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dcseriesfanfics · 6 years ago
Can we kiss forever?- Rip Hunter Appreciation Week, Day 2.
Hello everyone! I´m back again with the Rip fanfics for this amazing week to appreciate one my fav characters in the world. In this day we can do crossovers, Au´s, etc, and I´m going to do a crossover where Rip joins Team Flash and he fell in love with Caitlin Snow, one of my others fav characters. I hope you enjoy!
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Rip´s P.O.V 
Joining Team Flash sometimes was the best thing I could ever done, but other times I start thinking “bollocks, what did I do?” I appreciate Barry, but when it´s about time travelling and the risks about it, he doesn´t listen and I have to fix the mess.
“I just don´t get it, it´s really that complicated to understand the risks of time travel?” I said frustrated entering to the room, Caitlin looked at me concerned. 
“Sometimes you don´t see the risks when you are feeling something. Right now Barry is feeling anger so he is not seeing the risks” Caitlin really brings the best of everything. 
“I´ve been through that, when I wanted to save my wife and my son, but now I see that time just happens, we can´t do anything about it” Caitlin let out a sigh. 
“Yeah, we can´t change the past, I can´t change my past” just like me, Caitlin lost the one she loved. 
“But you can change the future, you can be better” 
“So do you, and I really hope that you are still in my future” she said with a smile, a really contagious smile. I am a man who doesn´t smile a lot, but with her, I smile everytime.
“I hope the same” I looked at her eyes, so beautiful like the stars, I looked at her lips, lips that made me an addict, like a man in drugs. 
Our little moment was interrumpted by Cisco, perfect timing. 
“Hey Rip, Barry needs your help. Caitlin, Iris and I are going to investigate, would you like to join?” 
“Sure” Caitlin said, she gave me an one last smile and she left with Cisco. With a lot of thoughts about her in my head, I went with Barry. 
“What you need my help for?” I asked.
“I wanted to check how much the timeline changed”
“Barry, you can´t keep looking at the past”
“I know, but I want to destroy Reverse Flash so he can not destroy my life on the future. I had a lot of chances to do it, and I still do”
“You can get yourself erased! Think about your wife, about your family, about Caitlin!” Barry looked at me confused.
“What is Caitlin has to do with this?” 
“I´m just afraid that she gets hurt because your changes on the timeline, she got hurt enough by losing his husband”
“Or maybe you are afraid of losing her, don´t you think? Just like you lost your wife and son?” 
“I don´t know what I am feeling right now” 
“You are feeling love, and that´s okay, I´m sure that Caitlin feels the same”
“Why do you think that?”
“Because the way she looks at you, the way she smiles when you are around. You made her life better by joining us, even Killer Frost agrees” I started thinking about all the smiles, all the times where she healed me, the touches, how she gets worried about me.
“So, I should tell her what I feel?” Barry nodded, and then the alarm setted up. Caitlin, Iris and Cisco got attacked at Iris´s ofice. 
“We have to go, now” 
In a flash, we arrived, Iris and Cisco were cleaning up the mess, I got really worried and scared where I didn´t saw my Caitlin with them.
“Where is she? Where is Caitlin?” 
“Relax british guy, she is here” said Killer Frost voice.
“How is she?”
“She´s fine, thanks to me. I didn´t found Reverse Flash anywhere, so I guess I had nothing to do here” Killer Frost dissapeared, and Caitlin came in. When I saw her eyes and her hair back to normal, I hugged her, finally feeling calm.
“Thank God you are okay” I felt everyone eyes over us.
“We´ll leave you alone” Iris said, Cisco and Barry went out behind her.
“Why are you so worried about me?” Caitlin said looking at me, but not letting me go. 
“Because I care about you, more than you know”
“Well, I´m okay, without any harm”
“I know that you and Killer Frost can protect yourselves, but still. Miranda knew how to protect herself too, and she got killed anyway” Caitlin caressed my cheek. 
“It´s okay, I am okay, and with you I am more than okay” I smiled and we pressed our foreheads. 
“I love you, Caitlin Snow” 
“I love you, Rip Hunter. You are a time traveler, we can come back to this moment anytime, so can we kiss forever?” 
“I would love to” and we did, we kissed over and over again.
Caitlin and I, kissed forever. 
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kaitlynpcallmebeepme · 3 years ago
Late Night Talking
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Late Night Talking
Damian Wayne x Reader
Idea: Damian wayne x reader where he gets kicked on her fire escape and knocked out. She takes him in and tries to patch him up.  His brothers get scared about his disappearance and go to find him not wanting to leave her company (she could be wanting to be a veterinarian and he's listening to her talk about cow's 4 stomachs (completely Dr. Pol knowledge, not actual veterinarian knowledge))
Requested: Nope.  
Author’s Note:  I tried to start this during my night shift, but I'm really tired right now and I work again tonight, so I need sleep (I ended up finishing this about a month later). This is Reader POV most of the time.  Both reader and Damian are about 16, but I’m still thinking of the art and costume style of the Batman vs Robin animated movie instead of JDL: Apokolips War Damian. Family dynamics are based on the Batman: Wayne Family Adventures Webtoon series where they all have a somewhat working relationship.  I have ideas in the works, but requests are still OPEN.  Feedback is always appreciated, especially since I don’t know if I characterized Damian correctly.  Also, tell me if you want to be part of a Tag List and I’ll tag you when I upload something new.
Warning: Injuries and blood mentioned, Veterinarian knowledge (that’s completely Dr. Pol based, should not be used for any factual diagnosis), a shirtless Damian, the Batfam crashing the party (although you only hear Batman and Nightwing talk), tell me if I missed any warnings
Word Count: 2,111
Curled underneath a cave of blankets, I was reading Murder on the Orient Express for the ten billionth time.  Snow was falling outside of my room in Gotham, building up a layer on top of the fire escape outside of my window.  I needed a break from reading all of my other Veterinarian books.  I haven’t even applied to any college for undergrad much less to be a Veterinarian yet, but if I was going to get an internship somewhere before school, then I wasn’t going to limit the animals that I worked on.  I’m currently reading about a cow's four stomachs.  
What the fuck was that.  It sounded like something dead hit my window, but louder.  It better not be another bat.  I got in trouble from my parents trying to help one that was almost dead on my fire escape.  I put down my book, grabbed a baseball bat I kept by my bed for intruders, and made my way toward my window.  When I opened the blinds, there was this dark limp figure spread out over my fire escape.  Through the darkness I could make out an R in a lighter color on his chest.  Robin.  Wow, Robin is almost dead on my fire escape.  I opened the window and tried to assess what I could of his current condition.  A sword layed next to him and his face was cut and bruised up with a pretty bad one around his eye as the snowflakes started to cover his unmoving long eyelashes.  I poked his ribs with the end of my bat.  He groaned in pain.  Well he wasn’t dead, at least that’s good.  Figuring it was a better idea to have Batman and Robin on my good side, even though I couldn’t think of a reason I would be on their bad side, I decided to help the injured boy instead of leaving him vulnerable to the jaws of Gotham.  
I grabbed Robin’s wrists, hoping that they were not broken, and started to drag him into my room.   He groaned out of pain every time I pulled, but he didn’t fight me.  Probably didn’t have the energy anymore.  I needed to figure out why he was so weak.  I picked him up as best as I could with my weak arms and laid him on my bed.  I didn’t care if he got my sheets bloody, they would wash out.   I quickly went back to the window, whipped all the snow off my balcony so no one suspected anything, shut my window, latched it, and closed my blinds.  No one is seeing this vulnerable Robin.  The city needs him and the rest of the Batman group to be strong and fearless.  
I looked at the rise and fall of his chest, ok he’s breathing.  No hugely bleeding spots that I can see, but I’m not sure if he’s going to let me take off his suit to get a really good look.  I slowly move my hand toward his neck, but retract it before I can get too close.  Best to try to see if he’s awake now and establish at least a working relationship.  
“What?”  He didn’t sound confused, so that’s good.  He kinda sounded like he was giving me the cold shoulder, but I’m not going to take it too personal.  He probably had a rough night. 
“Ok, well, my name is Y/n.  I’m not going to hurt you or fight you.  You landed on my balcony half dead and really hurt.  I’m not going to force you to do anything, but is it okay if I take off your suit or parts of it to make sure you’re not extremely hurt or bleeding anywhere else?”  
“No.”  I was expecting that.  “You’re asking me to drop my guard and be a defenseless civilian.”  
“First of all, even in your REALLY battered state right now, I’m pretty sure you could kick my ass if you wanted to, not gonna to lie.  Second of all, would anyone who’s trying to help you hurt you?”  That was probably a stupid question.  He’s probably been double crossed countless times.  
“In my line of work.  Yes.”  Figured.  
“Okay,  it’s your choice to bleed out if I can’t figure out if you’re bleeding at all.”  I picked up whatever book was closest.  Dang it, some of his blood got on the cover.  Well, it made Murder on the Orient Express more murderous.   I just kept reading my book on the floor.  He could leave if he wanted to.  I couldn’t stop him.  I didn’t even turn when I heard him grunting through the pain and rustling my bedspread.  I thought I was going to hear his boots hitting the ground next to me to make his way out of my room, but that’s not what I heard at all.  It sounded like the clicks of a keyboard and then the sound of metal hitting each other and the soft thud of it hitting my bedspread.  I turned to look up at him.  He was sitting on the edge of the bed with his chest plate armor off along with his cape/hood, but his domino mask was still on.  That would be enough.  His chest was littered with old white scars, purple and green bruises at different stages of healing, and some new red cuts that he probably got tonight.   I put my book back down and grabbed some exam gloves while he heaves himself to lay back on my bed.  “Anywhere you’re super concerned about?” Figured it would be better to ask.  I’m pretty sure he hurts all over, but I couldn’t tell that, and I currently can’t see any gushing blood on his skin.  Just some pretty purple bruises that scored his ribs, some small but long cuts that were bleeding near the top of his chest, and a couple of white scars painted his lower abdomen.  For someone you assumed who’s been through a lot to be his age and fighting with Batman, he didn’t look too bad.  He shook his head no at me.
I left him on my bed and returned with a small bar soap and a small plastic bucket, which I use to shave my legs with, filled with tempered water, and a couple washcloths.   
I got the washcloths wet and dabbed them on the soap so it wouldn’t sting his cuts too badly, but clean his slightly dark skin so there would be a less chance of infection.  I kept looking up at his eyes.  His emerald green eyes.  Part of my brain wants to look at his eyes just for pleasure and the other wants to make sure his nervous system is okay.  
“Why do you keep staring at my eyes? Do I look that bad?” Even though his facial expression was completely serious, I couldn’t tell if it was a joke or not.  I decided to play it safe and repeat the first logical thing that came to my head.  
“Well, I’m watching the skin behind your eyes because I don’t know what other people hit you over the head tonight.  So if the skin behind your eyes turns black, also called racoon eyes, it could mean you had severe head trauma and your cerebrospinal fluid, which is the fluid surrounding your brain and spinal cord, is leaking and you need way more care than I could provide.  You would need a hospital at that point.”   His facial expression to me couldn’t tell whether to be impressed or offended.  
“You seem too young to be a doctor.”
“You seem to young to be Batman.” Damn my big mouth.  I was SURE he was going to march out of my room.  He did stare at me with an ‘if looks could kill, you’d be six feet under’ look.  Better try to explain myself quickly.  “Both of my parents are ICU doctors who specialize in trauma, and since I want to be a Veterinarian, some of their knowledge rubs off on me.”  
I tried to avoid his eye contact after that because I couldn’t tell whether I was on his good side or not.  I couldn’t do much with my limited current skill, but I squeezed his skin together to make the skin as close together as possible before I put some gauze and bandages over them, which were Superman bandaids ok, don’t judge me.   I look up at him while finishing my work to find his deep emerald eyes focusing behind me where my books lay.  I turned over my shoulder to find him staring at my Veterinarian book.  
“You like animals, because you keep staring at my Vet book?”
“They’re nicer than people sometimes and that’s the reason why I’m a vegetarian now.”  You’re just glad the thick air between the two of you has broken.  He was actually becoming a better person to talk to.  
“You just gotta make sure you replace your nutritional intake that you would have gotten from meat.  That’s the main mistake people make when going vegan is they become too deficient in protein.”
“Why do you want to be a Vet, may I ask?”  I sat next to him on my bed as I was done patching him up and we were just talking like old friends at this moment.  
“Animals are just so complex it’s really cool.  For instance, cows have four stomachs and if they have gas trapped in their 4th stomach, how you fix it is you twist their head so their sense of balance gets off, roll them on their back, listen for the stomach which would sound like a balloon, sew it to the belly wall, then roll them right side up so the stomach stays in the correct place.”  
“I actually have a cow that I rescued from a slaughterhouse.” He shared this fact before thinking that maybe he shouldn’t mention it.  What was she doing to me?
“WOW Really?!?! I mean, I don’t think you would let me see them because that would reveal your identity, but that’s still really cool.”
A noise of someone landing not so gently on my fire escape silenced the room.  Robin put his finger to his lips and I nodded in response not wanting to move or make a sound.  
He silently got off my bed and crept over to the window, making sure to stay crouched out of sight.  He slowly moved the curtain to peek through the glass.  After a moment he threw open the window.
“What are you doing here?”
“Your tracker was off and you weren't answering any of your calls.  We tracked your last location to around here and found the balcony with significantly less snow on it figuring you had to go into hiding.”  Ok that HAD to be Batman, there was no way that deep scary voice wasn’t him.  Even though you haven’t had any interaction with him before, and you’d like to keep it that way, that’s just what you’d imagine him sounding like. 
“Who you got in there birdie that you had to take your shirt off for?” Ok this was a completely less mature voice than Batman.  I suspect it’s one of the other and maybe former robins, but I couldn’t tell which one without being able to look out the window.  
“I didn’t want to leave her company.  I’ll be out in a sec.”  Robin closed the window with more force than you think he intended.  
“So there IS a SHE!  We were scared you were dead again.” You heard muffled through the window glass and THAT you couldn’t help but laugh at.  
I picked up Robin’s suit as he turned back towards me and I helped him get it on without messing up my stitching job too much.  As the final pieces of his hood came on and he picked up his sword, he turned towards me in the darkness of my room.  
“So this is goodbye I guess.”  I say with only a little sadness behind it.  I mean, what else am I supposed to think.  He landed on my balcony by accident.  He has no obligation to me, nor would I think he would want an obligation.
“Don’t be certain of that beloved.”  Woah, I like that nickname.  “I might just crash on your balcony on purpose next time.”  He said with a smirk.  He turned and opened my window and left without a trace.  Well, not exactly, because I heard multiple metal clanks of the fire escapes from multiple people jumping on them.    Maybe tonight wasn’t the worst night to get lost in a book.
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ao3statistics · 4 months ago
helloooo thank u for the graphs you make we all have a lot of fun with them. may I please request a graph of the top leonard snart ships? I have a decently clear idea of what the top 4 will be, but I curious to see what the others would be :)
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Thank you! I'm really sorry it took sooo long. Here you go now, though.
This is self-made. Date: 16.11.2024
OFC = Original Female Character
I assume no guarantee or liability for the completeness, correctness and accuracy of this chart despite my best efforts.
Includes fanfictions in all languages available on Ao3, NOT English only.
Percentages were rounded up or rounded down to natural numbers for easier comprehension.
Poly ships were included.
More charts will follow. :)
Want to have a chart for different pairings, headcanons etc. in your favourite fandom? Send me an ask!
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p-taryn-dactyl · 2 years ago
Harry Potter or DC mood? Totally get the mental and emotional struggle so what do you feel more in the mood to write, fluff, angst, angst to fluff, fluff to angst, or something else something more dramatic? Cause I can throw out ideas at you. Which character or characters are you more in a mood for females, males, or either? Let me know which characters you’ve been feeling more in a mood for and I’ll try to see what I can help in requesting. Make sure to hydrate and I will send you all the positivity I can.
hi! i tried to answer this as best i can but sometimes I’m known to misunderstand, so I’m sorry if I did!
HP or DC:
i’ve recently fallen back into my love of both the wizarding world and the DCTV shows
what i’m in the mood to write:
fluff to angst
anything really besides smut and infidelity fics
i love writing about misunderstandings, either the angsty ones or the funny
who i write:
i no longer write for m!reader, as it was making me uncomfortable but i do still write for fem!reader and gn!reader!
wizarding world characters i write for (romantically = *, platonically = **, both will have three ***)
harry potter***
hermione granger***
ron weasley**
fred weasley***
george weasley***
newt scammander***
jacob kowalski**
lully hicks*
probably a lot more but i’m blanking, you can always ask if i’ll write for a specific character!
DCTV characters I write for (asteriks hold same meaning as above)
barry allen**
any legend of tomorrow*** (well, most of them)
kara danvers***
lena luthor ***
iris west***
if you don’t see someone you like on this list, feel free to ask!
thank you so much for this ask!! don’t worry, ive been keeping hydrated! (i got this new giant water bottle thats amazing) <3<3<3
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hussyknee · 3 years ago
Dear fic authors,
On behalf of everyone clinging to their single thread of sanity right now by digging into a burrow of fanfic and only surfacing on pain of death - thank you. Thank you from the very bottom of my heart for slogging through your insecurities and anxieties and terrible hits/kudos/feedback ratios to keep writing and posting stories so that even the meanest and most forgotten of readers can find a momentary refuge in this neverending hellscape of a year.
If you wrote a 100k fic that only ten people left kudos for, you've probably helped at least 200 people in some way. If you wrote a fic that only has 20 hits, that's 20 people who got an small oasis of comfort from you. I know it's hard now more than ever for people to find the spoons to leave feedback, so remember that it's a more inaccurate metric than ever to judge the value of your work. You're helping people you will never see, put one foot in front of the other.
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purpleyin · 4 years ago
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DCTV moodboards: Coldflashwave
Made for @polyamships Sep 2021 Polyam Shipping Day and the prompt ‘soulmates’.
I asked for suggestions over on @flarrowverse-shipyard and there were a few votes for Coldflashwave. @strangebrainrot was talking about a combination of  first words to each other + a sensation unique to them and my brain kinda ran away with that concept of his, so have a sort of angsty 620 word ficlet too.
When Leonard meets Mick as a teenager, he isn't thinking much about what's coming out of his mouth as Mick pushes him back. He's on high alert, just trying to stay alive in juvie, and it takes a moment to register Mick's helping him there. It isn't until much later that day he thinks back on the moment, specifically on what words were said. Words that he suspects would match the soulmark he used to have on his shoulder, that has been for several years now simply a mess of scars, burns that appeared without any heat to them. Except for now. Now they are warm, though not searing as he'd expect. They match a feeling Leonard can't remember feeling for a long time, something both pleasant and uncomfortable.
He never asks Mick about his soulmark but over the years he sees enough of Mick and his burns to guess if it exists it must be hidden among them. But he doesn't need the proof, him and Mick always come back together sooner or later. They belong, that much he knows. But as to who matches his other soulmark, the stark “No!” above his hip...Just his luck his second soulmate's first words are so run-of-the-mill, and yet so dramatic all in one turn.
As a kid, Barry used to get depressed about not having any soulmarks, but that changes when he wakes up from his coma. It's as if that birth, as a meta-human, was when fate slotted into place for him. The fresh soulmark words sprawl across his torso, just above his hip, in precise writing that's finished off with a slight flourish. He wonders in idle moments what kind of person that writing belongs to, but life as a speedster is pretty busy so he doesn't have that much time to consider it. Oddly, he also has a new patch of burns on his upper arm that even his speed healing isn't doing anything for, but their working theory is that's where the lightning struck him.
Meeting Leonard Snart is pretty memorable for Barry, but it's hard to focus on supervillain banter when running and panting through the pain of frostbite. Barry doesn't remember Snart's words, just the sensations as he raced around struggling to save multiple people from his ice beams. The burn on his side, and the burn in his lungs pushing himself harder than he's had to go before, and the spike of fear as he saw the ice hit its target. The strange thing is, the patch of frostbite Snart gave him neatly fit underneath his soulmark words, as if to underline them, arching just the same. But the frostbite hurt so much that Barry doesn't notice the new sensation there until much later in the day, relieved to get sensation back there at all and assuming it's simply afterburn. That it never goes away he assumes is a side effect of the injury that took so much longer to heal than any other - the price of failure to pay for that day.
For Leonard, he feels alive in that moment where he is challenged by his new foe. Like something is racing through him, coupled with the need to react fast, to win, but he rationalizes that's hardly different than all the thrills he's chased before. Better perhaps, a little like a homecoming if he can be on top in Central City at last, but not different fundamentally. Neither he or Barry put 2 and 2 together. It's not until after Mick meets The Flash that the truth comes out. Sat in the back of the police van, Mick laughs to himself heartily, a private joke even Leonard isn't let in on right away.
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arrthurpendragon · 3 years ago
Hi there! I'm Joss and I'm a multi-fandom OC writer! I write OCs for the MCU, DC(TV), Doctor Who, Criminal Minds, SVU, Harry Potter, Fantastic Beasts, Sailor Moon, Nancy Drew & TVDU worlds! This is my only OC blog and I cross-post through this blog, my FF and AO3 account. Kinda trying to figure out wattpad so I won't even bother with that one yet.
Honestly, I would just love to get to know more people in the OC community, bounce ideas with others and simply have fun talking about each others' OCs as I think that's probably the most fun thing for writers.
Right now, I've really been into my TVD/T.O OC Maleny Rowan. I've like mass produced almost 30 chapters and I can't say it was all during my Covid quarantine. I've also been focusing on my Flash OC Natalie Eveleigh, almost finishing her first fic!
Never done this before so hopefully I got it right! Thanks Kass for doing this 🥰!
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