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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 15 seconds ago
MASH Soulmate AU - Fem!Izuku - EraserMicDeku, ShinKamiDeku, DabiShigaDeku, MonoMeiDeku
Normally, MASH games were held in secret. Only the person who was having it and their future partner were alerted.
Sometimes though...
“Dekiru! Dekiru! Over here!” some camera man called. Izumi tried to ignore it, while inwardly she had several very judgy thoughts towards them.
And the dick who leaked the fact she was All Might’s successor.
“Let’s begin,” the matchmaker said. Izumi gave a nod as she waited for it to begin.
A prick of Izumi’s finger and the blood fell into the ink which was poured over the paper. Slowly words began to form.
Aizawa Shouta, Yamada Hizashi.
Shinsou Hitoshi, Kaminari Denki
Monoma Neito, Hatsume Mei
Shigaraki Tomura, Todoroki Dabi
(Elsewhere in the country, a man with burn scars cursed and a man scratching his neck stared in confusion. How could a hero be with him?)
“… those two are adults twice my age,” Izumi said, staring at the names.
“You might meet them in the future,” the Matchmaker shrugged. “I once matched a girl with someone thirty years her senior. They never met until she was thirty herself.
Izumi shook her head as her future jobs went on (Hero, Analyst, House Wife, Villain?!?) then the kids (1. 2, 3, 7?!?) and finally where she would live, either her home town, Tokyo, Hosu or Kamino.
The circle was next and Izumi nodded after a moment, letting nine appear. Then the crossing off.
Mustapha came off first, then Shinsou and Kaminari. Whoever they were.
1 child vanished from the list.
Izumi watched nervously, letting out a sigh of relief when villain left the list (even as two men she would meet one day growled in annoyance), then another big sigh when 7 kids vanished.
Eventually, her results were laid bare.
Hero, 3 kids, living in Hosu.
Her husbands…
“Who are Shigaraki Tomura and Todoroki Dabi?” Izumi wondered allowed.
(There was a lot of destroyed items in a bar and burned down buildings that day)
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 31 minutes ago
MASH Soulmate AU - Fem!Tsuna - XS27, 6927, 1827, 10027
Tsuna brushed her hair out of her eyes, chuckling as her eldest, a girl named Itsuka, cheered when she saw they were almost done.
“Cookies, cookies, cookies,” the white haired girl chanted.
“Yes, yes,” Tsuna kisses her daughter’s head and went to begin scooping out the dough.
“I’ve got that,” a voice said and Tsuna had to laugh when she was swept away from the counter.
“Byakuran! I can do it!” Tsuna protested.
“Nope! Pregnant people need to relax!” the white haired man laughed as Byakuran carried her to sit at the table. He gave her a quick kiss and a gentle pat on the stomach before he moved to help their daughter.
Byakuran blinked. His hands held the news from the Matchmaker who'd done his MASH. That was… yes.
Yes, that was what he wanted.
Tsuna, two children, a life in Venice.
He wanted that.
He would get that if it was the last thing he did.
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 1 hour ago
Soulmate Friday prompt: Mass Effect soulmates, but each species has a different sign/mark/tell.
"Alright, class," the teacher began. Her name was Mrs. Jackson, and so far, Shepard didn't hate her. Unlike some others, she was respectful of calling the teen Shepard and not Jane.
(It wasn't Shepard's fault she wanted her family name over her first, not when the last memory of her mom using it would be cut off by a gunshot.)
"Today, we are discussing soul marks. There was a recent news story concerning this," Mrs. Jackson said, turning to write on the board. "When a human and Asari were announced as soulmates."
"How can anyone be with an alien?" sneered one of the boys in class. Derek Shaw was a guy who constantly sprouted pro-human rhetoric and anti-alien politics. Shepard understood some of the ideals- after it was exposed that some shady alien companies were trying to flood the market with their products (they'd adopted the Canadian practice of allowing some products before adding tariffs so that they wouldn't solely rely on another source for their products). But the rest?
Just a new way for bigots to get their kicks.
"It's believed to have been happening since the beginning of our history, actually," Mrs. Jackson said. She turned on the projector to show a symbol of a 'Mystery Mark', a not uncommon soulmark phenomenon. Humans had words on their arms, the first thing their soulmate would say. "This is a picture of a Mystery Mark from 1950, a strange picture on someone's arm. Now this is a Drell Soulmark." The woman showed a picture of an alien's green-scaled arm. On it was the same sort of mark. "They find their soulmates by touching the marks, then they just know."
Shepard blinked, leaning forward. Her mind went to her own Mystery Mark. On her left wrist, where there should be words, there was instead a band of black.
She wondered what species it was.
(Years later, when she met her soulmate at an archeological site, she remembered wondering. She'd purposely never found out to be surprised.
The blue-skinned alien in front of her was worth it.)
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 1 hour ago
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 1 hour ago
Griffin baby
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Why do I now have an entire AU where Izuku falls into Thedas, becomes a Lord of Fortune, becomes Rook, is Davrin’s Soulmate, saves the world, comes BACK to the BNHA world, its only been a year, and then of course the Veilguard breaks through the dimensions because that's their Rook?
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 1 hour ago
Why do I now have an entire AU where Izuku falls into Thedas, becomes a Lord of Fortune, becomes Rook, is Davrin’s Soulmate, saves the world, comes BACK to the BNHA world, its only been a year, and then of course the Veilguard breaks through the dimensions because that's their Rook?
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 2 hours ago
HaniHaru - Color Blind Soulmate AU?
The thing about finding your soulmate no one told you about would be the disorientation. One second you were walking about, black and white all around you except for the eyes of people who had found their soulmates. The next, you suddenly were assaulted with everything.
Haruhi was laying on a couch, a cloth over her eyes, wondering why no one had really talked about it.
"So this is pink," the voice of her soulmate said.
"Mitsukuni..." another voice sighed.
"I'm fine, Takeshi!" her soulmate said.
"Is that why you nearly tripped trying to move over to your soulmate?" another male voice laughed. It sounded like one of the twins in her class.
"Didn't expect you to be with a guy," the other twin said (Haruhi thought). "You talk about girls enough."
"Hani-sempai?!" yet another voice asked.
"Tamaki, we are all teen boys," her soulmate said dryly. "And I'm bi."
"Same," Haruhi decided to voice. "And I'm not a guy. Biologically, I'm a girl, and I use any pronouns, but gender is dumb."
"Oh, cool!" Mitsukuni said. Haruhi felt someone sit on the floor by her couch, judging by how it was jostled. "Okay, fine. Give me the cloth, Takeshi." Mitsukuni sighed.
"Really not leaning into the cutsey right now?" ANOTHER voice asked.
"Head hurts too much," grumbled Mitsukuni.
Haruhi smiled a little.
It didn't seem like things would be boring.
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 2 hours ago
Tbh Davrin with his need to have proven himself, have his life mean something, caretaking instincts and more would be fun as fuck to explore being the soulmate to someone like Izuku.
Oh and Izuku was aged up btw.
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 2 hours ago
Title: Scars to Your Beautiful
Soul mate Au
soul mate share scars, when one gets them another appears in the same place on their other half. Yet when you finally meet your other half, the scars transform into beautiful tattoos or markings.
Such as a back scar turning into a Sakura tree. The size of the scars is irrelevant to the soulmate mark.
When having multiple soulmates, the number of scars transformed is halved or partially transformed if there's only one scar.
Go with whatever Fandom and Ship you want for this au.
“I can’t believe you’re real,” Izuku said. “I… I just… god this is stupid,” Izukj said, sniffing.
“Hey, hey,” Davrin shook his head. “It’s not stupid.” The elf gave a smile to his soulmate who returned it with a watery one.
Izuku... Didn't have the greatest life. UA had been amazing but the war…
Iida. Uraraka. Todoroki. All dead. Dead and never coming back.
Izuku had won it, had more scars then he could count covering him. Some from the war, some from his soulmate (and he’d wondered if they would ever meet with those scars). Then he lost One for All.
He was removed from heroics even as his teachers fought for him. He was left with no job prospects. Hawks was killed the first time he tried to change laws.
Things went to hell. And then some asshole attacked Izuki when he’d been spending time with Eri, declaring he would take down All for One’s killer.
Izuku and Eri were flung into a new world. They'd been lost; confused.
Davrin came then. An actually elf, who as soon as he’d met them Izukj felt the scars of his soulmate condense into a large one on his arm.
A griffin in flight. Perfect for a Grey Warden.
On Davrin’s arm, a lion roaring was painted.
Davrin didn’t hesitate in helping them. Eri found herself flourishing among the medics of the Wardens and Izuku’s mind was prized.
“Thank you,” Izuku, leaning in to kiss the man.
“SQWUAK!” Assan suddenly interrupted. Izuku snorted as Davrin groaned.
Ah, he loves this.
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 2 hours ago
Soulmate Friday: There are Quirks that can switch soulmarks.
So when Kirishima admitted he was jealous that Izuku had Bakugou's soulmark, Izuku took him up on that. No soulmate is better then Bakugou's soulmate.
At first, it was sort of fitting. Deku couldn't handle being connected to someone as great as Katsuki, so of course, he would let their marks be switched. It was the right thing to do, the perfect thing.
Then... then things got weird.
People began muttering about why someone would want to get rid of their soulmate. They began side-eyeing KATSUKI, not Deku, who had wanted to get rid of him. Even Eijiro kind of looked confused by it.
What the hell was going on?
Bakugou wasn't a bad soulmate, Izuku mused. To Kirishima anyway. Maybe it was just because Izuku had been observant for most of his life, but it wasn't hard to see that they genuinely cared for each other.
Izuku'd looked at the statistics once. The younger you were when you met your soulmate, the higher your chance of not being together.
Of course, few discussed how one soulmate being a bully to the other factored in.
Izuku didn't hate Bakugou. He saw what hate did to his mother, who loathed her soulmate Hisashi for leaving her behind to go to America. Izuku didn't want to be like that, so he wished his former soulmate the best.
Izuku was happy to move on and was a bit tired of people constantly asking why. He could tell them about the bullying, but why not just tell the truth?
"I never would be with him." Not just due to the bullying, but... well, once Izuku dreamed of a future with his soulmate, he only had it dashed.
Izuku didn't want to hate Bakugou, but he would if they stayed connected, so he set them both free.
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 3 hours ago
In an AU where Nico takes Hazel to Camp Half-Blood, the war between the Greeks and Romans is a legal battle when Frank and Hazel bump into each other and reveal that they're soulmates... and the different camps.
"Okay but like... this is bullshit," Percy said after the fifth day.
"Excuse me?!" some adult Percy forgot the name of once he started treated them like children asked. "Mind-"
"No, fuck you. You don't get to say anything when you have a child army," Percy cut him off. "You don't get to say shit when you built a city for yourselves and refused entry to the Greek demigods unless they DISAVOWED THEIR PARENTS." Percy raised his voice. "Frank, you wanna come around to chill with Hazel? That's cool. Clarissa?"
"Any of our siblings are welcome to the cabin, no matter who sired them," Clarissa agreed. Her own distaste to the adult was plain.
"...Thanks," Frank said quietly. He ignored the spluttering adult while turning to Reyna. Jason had stepped aside due to the complications his own case raised, given his sister. "Do I have permission, Praetor?"
"You do," Reyna said. She also ignored the adult. "I would also like to discuss concerns about our army later, Percy Jackson."
"I'll welcome you to it," Percy agreed.
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 3 hours ago
Soulmate Friday: It was easy enough, as a demigod, to expect that your familial soulmate marks would connect to at least one of your demigod siblings.
Frank, when he meets the head of the Ares cabin, didn't expect it meant the other demigod siblings too.
"I mean, I don't hate it," Frank said. Clarissa gave a shrug, obviously not caring much either.
"So... neither of you have an issue?" the Aphrodite girl in front of them asked. She shot a nasty look at her own demigod familiar mark, a son of Venus who'd been giving her the side eye.
"No, we don't. Whatever bullshit you have with your sibling is your own damn fucking fault," Clarissa snapped. "Stop projecting because you're oh so upset your dreams are dashed, cause your romantic ain't what you wanted either."
The girl stomped off at that.
"What was her name even?" Frank wondered out loud.
"Stella," Clarissa said. "Come on, I wanna see if we can have you shooting arrows while shifting between animals."
"Sure, sounds fun," Frank said, following her,
It was a bit odd he'd admit he was connected to a child of Ares and not Mars, as most assumed, but he didn't mind. He actually found he fit better with Ares and their less rigidity in what the best weapons were than with his Mars siblings.
And it was fun being drilled by Clarissa in fighting.
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 4 hours ago
I’m growing more and more attached to the idea of rich Izuku would have difficulty connecting with people on an emotional because he’s so used to Inko (yes bad Inko) buying his affection instead of investing actual care into their relationship. Heck, being isolated and outright bullied wouldn’t do anything for him in social situations either. So he’s just a rich boy who doesn’t know how to interact with people his age. Can I see a take on this including the Deku squad and possible IzuOcha where Izuku tries to buy her affection with material items because that’s what his mom did for him? Soulmates: sharing emotions au with Rich Izuku/Ochako???
Ochako onew if she ever got to be alone in a room with Midoriya Inko she would murder the woman. Tsu would help hide the body while Iida provided the alibi.
“Izuku, you don’t need to buy me things for me to love you,” Ochako said gently to her soulmate.
Scared. Confused. Hurt. Hopeful.
“I… I know I...” Izuku trailed off, staring at their hands, joined together. He'd tried to give her an expensive Thirteen Figurine. Or well he did. Ochako wasn't cruel enough to refuse him but she was trying to limit what he bought her.
“I know you know,” Ochako projected as much love as she could to him. “This is why I’m taking you on a no spend date. Just you, me and the park. Okay?”
“…okay,” Izuku said. Ochako smiled and leaned in to kiss him. He made the cutest noise before he kissed back. She giggled a little.
“Are you okay though, before we go?” Ochako had to ask. She’d felt his hurt earlier.
“… Mom has another week long business trip. I only found out when I saw she bought me the best exercise equipment,” Izuku admitted. “She left it with a note. A promise to watch the recording of the sports festival.”
Not even the live-
Ochako kept a strnagle hold on her rage, not wanting him to feel it.
But oh one day. One day.
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 4 hours ago
Soulmate Friday: Platonic soulmarks can, apparently, jolt memories of your soulmate.
Nico wished he knew that before, while screaming internally, he told an amnesiac Percy that they had never met.
"You know it would have been nice-" Percy began, a smirk on his face. Nico groaned, flopping onto the ground.
"I was raised in Italy back in the twenties," he whined. "Platonic soulmarks weren't even discussed!"
"I know," Percy laughed. He grinned at Nico. "Sorry, but it's a little funny."
"Okay, yeah, a little," Nico grumbled. Percy crouched to ruffle Nico's hair with a snort.
It was nice to do that, to just exist together. When Nico woke up after the casino, he was so confused by platonic marks. He was too used to it strictly being romantic, a sign from God.
Unless, of course, it was between two people of the same gender. Then it was the devil who influenced it, and you had to be cured.
Nico got off the ground to let Percy lead him back to the ship, smiling to himself as Percy began asking teasing questions about boys that Nico knew.
He liked this way better than romance.
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 5 hours ago
For whenever you next decide to do soulmates. A POTSOD AU that’s Izumi/Spinner. Don’t care if it’s a big brother and uncle take, or if it’s a “the age gap isn’t that big, let’s wait a few years and see if anything happens.”
On screen, a green skinned man with purple hair held a toddler that looked like a patchwork doll in his arms. “Unca!” the little girl said suddenly, looking off screen. “Mama!”
Izumi paused, staring at the screen as she held Tomoe. Who was that? What was going on?
For his part, Shuichi was frowning in confusion at the screen. Who was he holding?
A green haired teenager dressed in the UA hero uniform appeared, smiling. “Thanks Shuichi,” she said, she reached out to tap his arm, causing a flash of light to occur before she took the toddler.
“That’s her mom?!”
“Wait, that flash… he’s her soulmate?!”
“Thank god the kid called him uncle.”
Shuichi barely heard what anyone said around him, to busy staring. He had a soulmate… she looked young, so they probably weren't together… he could do a brother. He could do an uncle.
Izumi stared in wonderment. Her soulmate accepted her. Accepted Tomoe.
It was everything she ever dreamed of. Hell he wasn't even with her like that to her secret relief. No one could force her to be with him. She could choose herself.
(She wished she always had been able to choose.)
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 5 hours ago
JayTim - OmageVerse - Omega!Tim, Alpha!Jason? - Dream Scape Soulmate AU - Mutual Yandere? (They both have that feel and I love Yanderes.)
He smelled like blood. Tim squinted at Jason, trying to pick out where the smell was coming from. His mate gave a charming smile.
"What did you do?" Tim asked. "We're in dreams, how can you smell like blood?"
"I dealt with an issue," Jason replied. Tim blinked and then groaned, loudly and with feeling.
"Tell me you didn't murder my secretary!"
"She tried to keep you from me!" was Jason's reply, the Alpha snarling deep in his throat.
"I know! I was in the middle of ruining her life! You didn't need to kill her! Now we have to figure out how to cover up what both of us were doing!" Tim threw his hands up. Jason cursed.
"Oh shit. Bruce might catch on."
Tim privately thought that if Bruce hadn't picked up on the fact Tim and Jason got rid of inconveniences on the daily after three years of their bond, it was a miracle. Still, covering their tracks took work and he didn't want to waste time he could be spending with his soulmate to do that.
Ugh, they had to communicate better.
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 15 hours ago
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