#my source for that is im queer and i relate to him
realbeefman · 1 year
eric foreman is representation for deeply repressed weirdos who are clinging to normalcy with splintered nails and blistered palms. representation for people who lost something fundamental along the way. for people who want to go home, to be the person they thought they were. representation for people who can’t face what they’ve become because it’s who they’ve always been
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jesncin · 6 months
Hello!! I saw yalls lunar boy post (which made me so extremely happy btw, genuinely got teary eyed while reading it) and it said that yall did a lot of research into queer indonesian history and media? If yall dont mind could you link some of those? Im studying up on queer indonesian history myself and struggling to find good resources 😅 ofc all of these are /nf!! Feel free to ignore me and im so sorry for bothering yall 🙏🙏
Not a bother at all, and I'm super happy to hear that the Lunar Boy Queer Escapism comic made you so happy! 💜 Ooh yes there's a ton of sources. From the top of my head:
Creating Spaces for Dialogue: Exploring Queer Cinema in Southeast Asia. An extremely thorough analysis and catalog of queer cinema throughout SEA, with a very robust Indonesian section. My buddy Gris did the research for this and they're very dedicated to this sort of stuff! The Kontinentalist in general has fantastic articles.
Queer Indonesia Archive. An incredible digital collection archiving the lives of queer Indonesians. There's magazines, posters, photos, newspaper clippings, and more! I've talked to and met some of the people working on this project and they're very passionate about memory preservation.
Beyond the Binary: Two Bissu Defend Their Roots in Sulawesi. New Naratif has some good articles covering queer Indonesian lives. I think personal interviews and their reporting are their strong points. I've illustrated for them a couple of times (all queer related things lol). Looks like their website is down at the moment but will be back in May!
Vice Indonesia has some great stuff like their video on Lengger Lanang, Bunda Mayora, and more! I recommend Madame X Memories: The Rise and Fall of Indonesian Queer Cinema.
Bissu A Frame of Diversity. A recent video on the Bissu of Sulawesi. I consider it extremely important to be able to hear from Bissu themselves, since most resources are by white anthropologists who often misconstrue queer Indonesian culture.
The writings of Nurdiyansah Dalidjo. He writes in Indonesian (sorry not in English, my language barrier self uses a mix of google translate and my own Indonesian to read his stuff), but the work he does is invaluable. Whether it's personal reflections on his life, or covering the lives of other queer people, it's all fantastic writing. He did a series "Queer di Masa Lansia" covering elder queer people that is very much worth a read. He's active in waria spaces, working together with transfemme lower class people. I've met him, he's very nice to me :( Idk why :'((
So I hope this is helpful! Early on when I did research for Lunar Boy I reached out to academics on queer Indonesian identities and while some of it was helpful (bless Dédé Oetomo for giving me the time of day and answering my questions), I've learned it was more valuable and enriching to find material that talks more directly with queer people. Stuff that isn't filtered through a scholarly lens or bias. If there's any takeaway I can give, it would be that.
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joyful-witch · 11 months
Besties I strongly dislike Scott Cawthon but the fnaf movie was good and I’m annoyed that it was good. Like. The joy I felt watching the movie (and also cried like twice cus it hit way too close to home as an older sibling) is unparalleled. But also. Scott Cawthon is an awful person and supports people who want me dead? And also doesn’t believe women should have the right to basic medical care? And. My feelings are so conflicting rn. I want to separate my love for the series from Scott Cawthon. But if I did that I wouldn’t be any better than HP fans.
I think it’s okay to have these complicated feelings and talk about them. I’m still trying to figure it out myself?
I guess the big difference between JKR and Scott is that he avoids talking about his opinions and the only reason we know these things is due to his voting record and who he gives money to (which btw I don’t believe donating to lgbt charities makes up for voting for the party that wants to commit genocide against us. It’s still shitty. Like yay he’s donating to the Trevor project but also. Damn voting for these people that want us to not have rights and don’t want us to be alive really hurts).
He is still actively harming the community. Even if he isn’t outwardly spewing hateful rhetoric (unless he’s gotten worse. Or unless his opinions have rapidly changed over the past couple of years. If so please feel free to correct me, just not without sources).
But his series has basically transcended his control. It’s not controlled by him. It’s controlled by the fans. Half the shit that’s canon now wouldn’t be canon without the fans and it’s this big collaborative effort and that’s what’s so beautiful about it. Unlike jkr whose views and specifically racism are baked into her properties.
But he still gets money from it.
And he could be using that money to support some really awful people.
Idk. It’s complicated.
I don’t like or support Scott Cawthon. But I love fnaf. I grew up with it. I love the community. And it really influenced my love for horror media. And gods this movie was great. I had such a good time watching it.
I don’t know what point I’m trying to get at.
I guess I���m just sorta venting.
It sucks loving something when it’s creator who actively gains money from it supports some truly awful people.
I want to be able to put my feelings aside so I can joyfully rant about this movie without mentioning “gosh I wish Scott wasn’t involved” but that obviously isn’t the case.
I don’t expect any response to this post. Im just sorta putting my feelings out there into the void. And if someone relates I hope they know they aren’t alone.
And if you’re gonna say something hateful or something that outwardly supports conservatives I will gladly block you. There is no excusing the active genocide being perpetrated by the Republican Party against the queer community, but more specifically trans people. And if you support that then you can gladly get the fuck off my page. I will not tolerate bigotry.
Also don’t harass anyone mentioned in this post. I really don’t want their fans to harass me and don’t want them to have a reason to. I’m not very popular but last time I posted about Scott I got a bunch of death threats from a bunch of middle aged white men and trolling teenagers. And I do not have the mental capacity to deal with that right now. I’m dealing with a nasty bout of Covid and a nicely sized second degree burn from a cooking accident on top of my chronic illness I don’t need to be harassed.
K thanks bye
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scepterno · 1 year
Aaa i would love to see things from Alejandro point of view, stories can become almost completely different when u look at it from another angle!! Especially since Noah and Alejandro have somewhat different outlooks on things.
and ab the sequel I think I’ve said this before that u write an stuff no matter how gritty and I have a feeling you will go into detail for the fic oh god😭 I will have to put my phone down and think a good few times I’m sure hahaa
Anyway I acc adore ur writing and I hope you do more based off of TD (Idk much ab the other fandoms you write/draw for :( ) especially Noah since I personally believe he is an insanely interesting character despite having little major screen time (notice how his only big arc in the main series is based off of alejandro sorry for splitting this into a whole 3 paragraphs)
alejandro pov would definitely be. VASTLY different from noah's, which i think would be SO MUCH FUN to write just because of the fresh breath it would grant me. the more i talk about it, the more i want to do it, so GOOD JOB MOTIVATING ME.
as for the GAY SEX. yeah. i get very descriptive when i write porn. i really love describing the beauty of the human body, especially disabled and queer bodies!! it's less about the sexual gratification for me and moreso about the EMOTIONS. the PLOT. i almost never write smut for the sake of smut. its always about the CHARACTER for me.
alejandro especially is going to be very fun for me to write for since i think i personally see him in a different light than most would?? like, not to outright spoil anything, (and warning for discussion of nsfw topics), but he is a pure bottom to me. i do not see this man topping nor having the desire or ABILITY to top. which i know doesn't really mean anything or have significance to others as important, but as a gay man myself, it does! and i love exploring characters' psyches through their sexual preferences or abilities.
and with the addition of alejandro being disabled, it does greatly affect how he approaches sexual intimacy! which is very.... idk. raw? and healing? to explore through writing. and i hope some people will be able to relate or at least emphasize with him and OTHERS irl who experience what he does. ya know? ya dig? ya vibe?
as for noah. WHOO BOY. i sure am an enthusiast when it comes to giving side characters a whole fleshed out personality and story of their own. i LOVE love LOOOOVE being given tidbits and morsels to work with, as opposed to having everything spelled out for me in the canon material. noah is a wonderful character exactly how he is because you get enough to love him and be interested in why he's such an emotionally closed off asshole, but not too much that it satisfies you as the audience. you want MORE, so you end up CREATING MORE yourself. that's the beauty of loving side characters with little to no content. YOU create the content!
anyways. phew.
im out of metaphorical breath. thank you so much for the messages, anon!!!! the autism in me is thriving rn. i love discussing this sort of stuff!!!!!! so much!!!!! im very passionate to my core. gushing about fiction and literature and art is like. THE biggest source of happiness in the world to me. yipeee!!!!!!!!!! mein cola!!!
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yonpote · 10 months
insane ramblings of food laughter sex: live laugh love
this was gonna be a full essay about comparing dan's Big Three motivations to the "live laugh love" motto, i wrote this in november of last year and im prob never gonna finish it so have it now lol
sources: find those links to tiktoks about live laugh love
dan’s videos: trying to live my truth + basically i’m gay
ok so this is all just rambling because my mental state is very weird right now and its the holiday season which means ive been binging youtubers i used to be obsessed with as a teen but just hear me out
i watched these tiktoks about live laugh love actually being kind of a real statement like we associate it with like gen x white target wine moms or whatever but there is some deep truth to live laugh love being so simple because the core of life really is that simple
in my strange youtube brain addled haze i recalled a video by dan howell called “trying to live my truth” now this video is in a lot of ways a pre-cursor to his eventual coming out video discussing dan wanting to finally be honest with himself and all that but what i want to talk about are the three tenets he mentions at the very end as what keeps him happy in day to day life (even if they dont necessarily answer the big questions) which are Laughter, Food, and Sex. now keep in mind he is discussing this in the context of his own life so if those tenets are not relatable to you that is fine but in a lot of ways he sort of reverse engineered or perhaps re-framed a familiar phrase, “Live, Laugh, Love” to something perhaps more easily tangible to other younger queer terminally online people.
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tackypies · 1 year
i need you to know that seeing you reblog those fate posts were such a jumpscare because i used to read so much of anderson's work and now i need to know the context
this is so dangerous im so normal about hans christian andersen please . understand this .
in the fate/ universe, historical and mythological figures can be summoned as "heroic spirits," aka servants. the form they take usually embodies the peak of their "legend" - i.e. you would normally get king arthur at the peak of his prime, for example - but there are some servants who are adversely affected by the opinions and perspectives the masses hold. these are servants affected by a curse called "innocent monster"
hans christian andersen is one of those fate/ servants. although he speaks with the voice and mind of an older man, he's trapped in a child's body. in my opinion, there's two reasons for this:
his source material - fate/extra ccc. the main villain happened to be a cult abuse victim who found solace in his stories. i wrote a long meta about it here, if you're interested, but the long and short of it is that i interpret he's in a child's body bc of how andersen represented a "normal" childhood to kiara
public perception of hans christian andersen as a "children's author," in addition to his own contemporaries viewing him as a childlike man rather than a fully grown adult. again, i wrote a post about this. part of why andersen was infantilized was bc it was a time of romanticism - people believed that the child was the purest fount of creativity - and bc he acted too "passionately" for perceived gender norms at the time. the fact that hca was a closeted queer man plays a huge part in this
what you get is a character who's trapped by other people's perceptions, who hates himself and hates the state of the world, yet can't help being an idealist who wants to write stories for the forgotten. the little match girl, the ugly duckling, and so many more - they're very much andersen, and that carries over in his fate/ anime prettyboy counterpart. i'm a huge fan of fate/ andersen bc of the implications his state of being brings, and bc i relate deeply to the historical figure. he's someone trapped in a body that isn't truly his bc of how he's been belittled his entire life - yet he's also the way he is bc a victimized and traumatized young girl him to be there for her - and bc of those two conflicting desires, he both hates and accepts his form. there's such a strong and interesting theme of body dysphoria with andersen!
i hope this helps?! thanks for reading?!
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otobabe · 1 year
SHOCKING: regarding the rumors about todo heisuke not being an ally
i'm about to cause discourse on tumblr..... lol
first things first: obv everyone is entitled to their onions and headcanons, im not coming for the person i saw post abt heisuke not being gay or an ally, and they're allowed to feel and share their opinions abt queer hakuouki takes. i prefer not to make them feel attacked so pls dont go trying to find their post and responding to it just bc you see this. esp bc for all i know, other people feel the same way about heisuke !!! i just want to clear up these rumors abt him ok ! xD
~~if you've ever talked to me abt hakuouki you know i am very "everyone is everything and whatever you want them to be", pls for your own personal enjoyment of hakuouki, have fun with or without the source material and enjoy the colorful cast of characters!!~~
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-photo one: taken directly from EB, this one line from Sannan not only points out that the rest of the shinsengumi crew is so close and valuable to heisuke that even others view them as "his pack" aka his family, but also showcases the moment that heisuke has gone far out of his way to be here to confront Sannan with relationship to his previous bond to Sannan, and his current bonds to the shinsengumi and chizuru. even if we pretend that heisuke isn't gay in some way (he is) of course he would also view his queer friends with the same loving ferocity and defend them with his life. if anything he is one of the most all for one, one for all, protective and loving shinsengumi members of the bunch.
-photo two: always prioritizing and protecting the "underdog/weakest", even above other people who we have literally seen him be willing to give his life for. he recognizes when life/the situation is unfairly against someone else and he is on their team to try to help them.
continued under cut <3
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-photo three: i'm going to cry thinking abt this scene again lol. pls, if you know the scene you know what i'm pointing out. stan my boys.
-photo four: hajime here is kindly pointing out for us: heisuke has Been Through It. i could go all day talking abt his not being wanted/accepted in his family as a child, his bond with ibuki, sannan, hajime, etc, his 'sunshine to mask the pain' personality, and how they relate to and mirror queer experiences, but at the base of this all, Heisuke knows exactly what it means to not fit in, to be different, and to have gone through hell to accept himself. if thats not the queer experience idk what is lol.
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-photo five: my king so generously points out to us that he has never had feelings for a woman besides Chizuru (or MC for my self insert babies uwu). Where many other characters are hinted at being ladykillers or non-virgins etc, Heisuke has always been very candid about not having had any close bond with a woman before, much less have had feelings or even attraction to one. Sure, he gets embarrassed when the baka trio go to fun sexy lady places, but he himself doesn't ever really say that *he* is attracted to any of the other women he comes into contact with. points can be made here for him being bisexual/pansexual with or without a leaning towards men, demi/ace spectrum for his attraction seemingly going hand in hand with his closeness with a person, etc
-photo six: uhmmmmm who else can get along with kazama like this that isn't a little gay???? one of the few that can stand his ass (lovingly)
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-photo seven: WATCH OR PLAY REIMEIROKU. this is obv from EB but the bond that ibuki and heisuke share is almost unbearable in how much they love and care for each other like,,,, what is your first love if not someone you wish will be happy in life with or without you? ibuki is so clearly not a samurai, he's an artsy little outcast (also incredibly queer-coded and missed on that post imo), and heisuke relates to and grows close to him, missing and loving him from afar, even so far as to refrain from going to see him personally in fear of disrupting their peace.
-photo eight: pls who else's arc has the major theme of fighting for others ???? :sob: :sob: :sob: like fr ive kept these screenshots and photos forever because i always keep in my heart that heisuke would be fighting for us. HE WILL COME TO BAT FOR YOU !!!!!!!!!
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-photo nine: the baka trio have such a wonderful and beautiful friendship, that while i personally think they absolutely wouldve been close enough to experiment with each other, at the very least i think it's obvious that they are heisuke's found family. found families mean so much to queer people for a multitude of reasons, and im so thankful that heisuke has his.
i could honestly keep going for so long on this but ill end with this;
your favorite character is trans :) ALL of the shinsengumi members would back you up and fight for your human rights. none of the shinsengumi members from Hakuoki are queerphobic/fatphobic/transphobic/biphobic/etc. if YOU are transphobic get the fuck off my blog, i do not want your follow <3
p.s. either here in the replies/quote reblogs or in my messages or w/e feel free to ask for anything along the lines of trans and queer affirming headcanons about the hakuouki cast, i would love to provide that <3 <3 <3
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astridspeckles · 1 year
Random thoughts and ramblings about the amazing film Nimona! Warning this is a huge tangent and does talk about spoilers for the movie and a bit of spoilers about the graphic novel (that I haven't read since my copy hasn't arrived yet) also I've tried to write this post like 3 times but it keeps breaking so oof.
Kudos to the creator ND Stevenson who I swear is a massive source of creativinies that I would absorb like a sponge if I had the energy to because everything they're apart of is something I feel like I'd adore if if I took the plunge. Also he identifies as enby transmasc (which, I am too, and I didn't realize how huge of a blow it was to realize that people like me exist). I really ought to look into She-ra and their other works at some point. Anyway, anyway, anyway - this is about Nimona!
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I love that this obviously queer movie decided to be release during the later stage of June aka "Pride Month" because I feel like it gives people the chance to watch it with fresh eyes during July, which is Disabled Pride Month (I'm Australian so it isn't really a thing here as far as im aware sadly) which Ballister is such a fantastic and amazing character who is gay and disabled.
He is never portrayed as weak or lesser for his disability, I imagine for people that it'll actually be easy to forget that he is disabled as an amputee with how capable he's written. I feel like it might just go over peoples heads at some point because you never get to see stuff written so well unless if its poking you with it every few episodes or its extremely obvious at a glance. But with Ballister it 'just is who he is' and it moves on to focus on its plot like it has from the beginning.
And its never used as a plot set back or change the storybeat or anything of that sort of matter. Which is amazing. However it isn't just ignored either! He has a moment of weakness when he sees Ambroius again. He hesitates, he withdraws from reach out to him while looking at his arm (Oh, Nemesis!). It is still fresh and new and he's trying to handle it (you're doing great sweetie).
I'm not physically disabled (I do have a weak knee however) but a mentally disabled and experience fatigue constantly and I'm sure I'd have chronic pains if I didn't have a high pain tolerance. So while this sort of character isn't someone I can directly relate to it is someone I can connect with (Although I don't believe you need to be the same as something in order to connect/relate to it).
However I am at home a lot and I don't get exposed much to other people and that includes a lot of people with other cultures, beliefs, body types and disabilities. So being able to see people different than me on the screen is always awesome, and being able to connect with them is too. Which the Queen, Nimona and Ballister is fantastic for everyone and hopefully the Director will give the other sort of audience of this movie a time to think back and work through things.
But I haven't seen many disabled people in media, because I don't really have the energy to engage with much content for long. So I have a limited selection of characters who seem like fantastic representation - because while yes Toph from Avatar the Last Airbender is fantastic she has literal superpowers compared to the every day person so I love and praise how she's handled because everything she does is fantastic-
Seeing Ballister's strong and dedicated personality which still has that life to it made me instantly feel for him along side Hiccup from How to Train your Dragon (And before you ask - no, AstridSpeckles is not due to HTTYD, its inspired from Zelda actually!) And I just love how it was all written and displayed. In HTTYD it was to connect Toothless and Hiccup together in a beautiful narrative. Here they used his arm to make a beautiful narrative too - he uses it, constantly.
He fixes his arm with just one hand which is insane because its also his non dominant hand which wow thats amazing. And he doesn't shy away from using his arm for anything, he still touches people with it, still wields things with as much confidence as ever to do so. He reaches out to Nimona with it too in that scene. Also Ambroius reaches out to hold his hand in that scene too! So tenderly and without hesitation! Which if it was another case with other characters I reckon I'd be a little upset but you see how much they love eachother and how gentle and tactile and soft they are so it is just so beautiful to see here...
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Also I don't really know where else to put this but since im on a tangent about Ballister ima just say it here. He is such a fantastic knight! He knew the moment his sword was handed to him that it was off. He knew it didnt feel right, the weight was wrong? Or it just felt off? He knows his sword. He knows his morals. He knows what he has to do to make things right. He never betrayed himself ever!
Also the eye sparkles change. At the start their diamonds, but Ballister's turns into squares as he gets more exposed to different views where Ambroius turns into a triangle as his views are being pulled (the director whispering in his hear, his own heart, and his love for Ballister).
Also he too is a fantastic knight! His life falling apart? Never lashes out. Never hurts those around him (Okay, cutting off an arm isn't a love language.) So yes that is a case where he did hurt someone but that is addressed in its own ways.
But he never hurts or lashes out at the people he's protecting. He could easily just take it out on them, stop caring, fall into a pit of despair at his own problems. But you actively see him dealing with this own issues and then instantly being a knight the next scene and he doesn't falter or fall.
He is also so strong and I love that he had these moments, would of liked some more though but he isn't a main character like Nimona and Ballister so I understand why he didn't.
Also back to Ballister for a moment because the moment he heard Nimona's not really handling the things she's carrying, that she was able to tell him about her most vulnerable, scary and intrusive thoughts after knowing him for so little, that his thoughts in an instant was to get her the hell out of there and go with her.
He would try to work things out with Ambroius I believe, but he saw the hurt of Nimona who he hasn't known that long over the love of his life and said this is my priority. That would be so hard for anyone to do, for example a parent knowing their child is queer and the other parent not accepting them - there are cases where the parents stay together because its too hard for them not too, and lose the kid or kick the kid out.
The fact Ballister in a heartbeat acted accordingly to keep this new precious person in his life to abandon (like they did to him) without hesitation is absolutely insane and I love it so much. Also that it wasn't a move out of malice or defiance. It could of easily of been written differently that they need to protect her and they have to leave right now. But no. He took action (he always takes actions!) and while he lingered on Ambroius, it wasnt hesitation. It wasn't to hurt Ambroius either. He put Nimona being at risk first.
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So I've actually been aware of Nimona for a few years now. I've heard about its ups and downs and its eventually cancel to its amazing revival! But I was watching it as a passive observer, never interacting with it because I know I hyper-fixate, I didn't want too get invested and attached and because off the rollercoaster of it not coming to the big screen while being in the fandom at that time (im sorry you are all so much stronger than I am haha!)
However, it is alive and amazing! And I'm finally here in the fandom - I've finally watched it - I've finally decided to order the graphic novel like I planned to back during its first movie announcement so I can quote "Enjoy the movie and then read the book since the books are always better", so I can love both as much as I can, yknow?
From what I've discovered reading online here and there so far (and its likely that this is wrong so take this with a grain of salt since I haven't gotten my graphic novel yet) that apparently that the movie is leaps and bounds improved compared to the graphic novel (Note: Not better, improved.)
Improved origin stories, improved personalities, improved characterizations. So much of the voice actors provide life and inspiration to these characters bringing them to a level that the graphic novels didn't have the resource to do.
I also love how people also aren't going crazy (negatively) about the change of races to the characters - im so used to seeing discourse about this sort of thing but its so accepted here that it is so refreshing to see.
The graphic novel has a larger and looser timeline and I believe a darker story and not as much as a happy ending compared to the movie. I can't wait to read the graphic novel though it looks very interesting!
But the ending of the movie implies such a happier ending for everyone, since apparently I've seen that in the graphic novel Nimona visits Ballister while being shapeshifted as a nurse while he is in hospital and he caught on too late after she says goodbye and he never sees her again and is constantly reminded of her when she sees people with her hair colour and that is so bittersweet!
The fact we get her coming to him at the end with him going HOLY SHIT is because it is saying here that it doesn't end with that note. They are together still. And I really hope something more comes out after this because I need to see a bit more to know what is happening there.
I had written a lot more here but my post keeps breaking and doing ctrl+z is making me lose entire paragraphs and gifs I put in as text breakers so I'm gonna leave this here or maybe do another post when I end up reading the graphic novel, who knows. But yes. I love Nimona :D
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mywitchcultblr · 10 months
i literally just said that zhongli has taken the form of a woman before. learn to read and again. just because a character is shown to tae the form of another gender, dress in clothes usually worn by another gender or what have you DOES NOT mean they are genderfluid or nonbinary. it isnt some magical proof someone doesnt care about their gender being comfortable with your gender and/or being willing to present yourself as another gender is normal and healthy. being insecure about your gender and getting defensive and afraid to appear as the opposite gender is not healthy. for either trans or cis people. and you are right zhongli isnt human, but that does not mean you have any right to apply human gender-fluidity to him. genderfluid is also a human concept. but you are wrong about him not caring about human rules. considering thats a major part of his character. he is literally described to be knowlegdeable in all many of topics "Zhongli has expertise in all manner of things, from fashion to daily essentials, to fine wines and delicacies, to teas and spices, and to flora and fauna. He is also more than capable of participating in discussions on commerce, politics, and international relations." to say he wouldn't care about or now human rules is just plain wrong and blatantly goes against canon and the writers intention for his character. and considering for most of his known history he has been shown as male with literally one mention of him going incognito as a woman. it is actually more clear he at LEAST prefers to be a man. this and the fact that he isnt bound by any other human rules yet he follows them anyway. his entire reason for retiring was because humans can care for themselves now and he wanted to live as a human. he literally has a job you cant argue he isnt bound by human rules when he imposes them upon himself for fun. and even when he hasnt appeared as a human he still identifies as a male. the game describes him as male, even in his dragon form, again, hes male. and you can scream transphobia all you like because i really dont care. i was trans once, realized it actually wasnt for me, sometimes i do feel like i wish i had a penis but yknow im am still comfortable as a female. i dress how i want and i view myself how i want and im not uncomfortable exploring myself or presenting myself differently. im not self conscious of how others will view me and my gender. you however do sound very insecure considering your first thought about me was some kind of bigot because i told you your gender head cannons arent actually canon and its rude of you to try and force/guilt trip people into agreeing with you. and im not being aggressive. I am telling you that this "I think people often deliberately forgetting or not acknowledged that Zhongli is gender fluid/gender queer and doesn't care about gender in general :/" is not canon. i am telling you that you have mischaracterized zhongli and are trying to push your head cannons as canon and onto other people. Again i am not telling you that you cannot have these head cannons or enjoy them. im telling you that they arent canon like you believe them to be, and that its rude of you to try to push it onto others. because thats what you're trying to do with that post.
im not saying you have to adhere to canon or even enjoy it. go ahead and head cannon him as genderfluid thats not the point. The point is you need to realize your head cannons and what you personally prefer do not dictate what the source material is or should be. The point is that no one else in fandom has to acknowledge your head cannons as canon. no one is "forgetting zhongli is genderfluid" because thats not canon or intended for his character by the writers.
Good novel, Zhongli is still genderqueer tho
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kittycatcarla · 2 years
fuck it games i played update post
tonight was just Chicory? i think? yeah
i wanted to play mc as well but i got so into chicory that i didnt have time
anyway spoilers for Chicory under cut
(also storytime and screenshots; at the end a little analysis about parallels between chicory and hollow knight)
ok so screenshots first(there's a lot of them)
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ok so first of all i managed to diagnose the bug that made it so my cursor would randomly snap to the bottom-right for a single frame. playing in windowed mode seems to solve it. not ideal, but at least drawing isnt as frustrating
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^ thanks for the reddit gold trash kind stranger!
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^ hullo! ^-^
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^ it's shit but i wanted to show off the holey design i made
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^ the facial expressions of everyone lmao
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^ still dont really know who the vandal is. anyway butts ehehe
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^ I'm sorry but Nintendon't won't show mercy for that
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^ her face expression (again) lmao
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^ ace icon? or gay icon? queer icon nonetheless (yes that there is a very crude attempt at drawing little ghost)
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^ love him (disregard the paintings)
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^ somebody's horny on main
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^ Horn't shirt
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^ ok fuck you game given the tools given and my skill level im actually kinda proud of what i managed to do fuck you (<2)
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^ I forgot to make screenshots with the other lines related to this but... fuck i relate to chicory so much. The impostor syndrome. the self-hatred. except that im actually shit compared to what she canonically does but like. That only made what she did to Cupcake (idk i named my character like that. They asked for food it's not my fault) hit even harder on me. I am talentless. I do have no experience. But fuck you (<2) for being so relatable to me specifically and for making me see myself in both characters
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^ why, hello there
Ok now i shorter analysis of connections between Chicory and Hollow Knight (maybe also Celeste?) cause it's 1AM and I'm kinda tired
(spoilers for both games)
(also have in mind that i still havent finished chicory)
Ok i first of all find really interesting the theme and the title of both chicory and hk. The title represents a character. Not hte playable character like in other games, but the final Boss, or at least the (apparent) source of Bad in the world. Granted i do no know for sure the final boss of chicory. and technically hk isnt the final boss of hk. I wouldnt be surprised if the final boss in chicory is my own depression. But that's beside the point.
Both characters, Chicory and Hollow, were left with immense responsibilities upon their shoulders. And both of them failed due to mental roadblocks. Because there was nobody to help them. Because they were supposed to be the best. And while they were extremely skilled, they became their own enemy. This caused in both cases, Corruption. Now, in one case it's the manifestation of a literal god that acts like a hivemind. In the other it's the negative thoughts of someone wielding a tool with pretty much godly powers. Same thing really.
Moreover, this Corruption manifests itself onto the entire land (we do not take into account the exceptions in HK and the possible exceptions in Ch. once again, i havent finished the latter). And it is in the hands of the player, representing somebody that was cast out, rejected by the ones they looked up to, but in the end becoming the best out of everyone, to fix it all.
The point is i dont know. But im excited to see how the plot of Ch unfolds
(also the idea i had about celeste was how Madeline and Chicory are in similar situations with their mental health. But unlike Madeline, Chicory does not accept any outside help, nor does she seek help herself (at least not yet)) (yeah this idea has even less sense now. disregard it if you will)
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st4r5sh4rdzxx · 1 year
~welcome to my blog~
you can call me star, bug, or asher. i use they/them, but people i’m close to are allowed to call me he/him :3c im an adult.
i have a website. it hasnt been updated as of late but it is something i enjoy working on when i have the time
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here’s some things i reblog:
entomology and biology related things
positive and uplifting queer stuff
stuff from media i like (check under the cut)
emo and scene aesthetics, culture, art
cute/cool/silly animals
glitter graphics (my fav site :3)
stuff i think iz funny
art of fairies, unicorns, other fantasy creatures
resources for healthcare, mutual aid, etc
here’s some things i post:
uplifting queer stuff
pretty graphics i find with source
graphics i make
stuff about my website and coding
my art, but its very rare
environmentalist theory
if you dont like pictures of bugs you’re better off not following. i tag all pics with #insect if you really want to though xD
i block vent blogs, proana/thinspo, and anything that may smell bigoted.
fav media :3
interview with the vampire, and vampire media in general
legend of zelda
vocaloid & colorful stage
stuff like mcr, pierce the veil, da emo shit :P
mehh i cant think of much else rn. ill probz update later when i think of someting xD
★ ★ ★ divider credit: animatedglittergraphics-n-more
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e17omm · 1 year
you realise that in the overall cosmology of the game its canon that every au actually exists and its not just them doing silly pirate things those aus have roots based in the game and are you saying if a piece of western media shows you a character as queer in a side thing you won't take it as implication for the real one? maybe not truly canon in a 'canon is my bible' way to the main storyline but it doesnt stray far from what they want for the character i have never seen this type of stupid discourse for western media why is there this double standard for this game
You say "maybe not truly canon in a 'canon is my bible' way to the main story line" yet you also use obscure events in a barely related game (lets be honest, GGZ and HI3 doesnt have many connections except both being Honkai games) and use that as your source for "Kiana confirmed gay", and its just her saying "I dont like men!" in an event where HOLY SHIT IF IT WAS CANON KIANA WOULD BE SEXIST AS FUCK.
I read that link to that/those cutscenes. Kiana doesnt like Kevin and doesnt want him onboard simple because he is a man.
You cant cherry pick it. Kiana is either gay and extremely sexist as per your source, or that is a silly pirate event thats not meant to be taken seriously.
And like, I am not denying that, say, Kiana and Mei are basically confirmed to be dating in HI3. Im not. All I am saying is that it has not been explicitly confirmed.
They have not said that they are dating. The only source Ive been provided by anons is:
Siegfried mocking Kiana about going lesbo, which Kiana denies in AE Invasion (HI3).
Kiana saying "I dont like men!" while being pirates in a GGZ event.
And god, if it has been confirmed in HI3, I would imagine people would link that before sending me an obscure GGZ pirate event where Kiana is extremely sexist as their source for "Kiaan confirmed gay"
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everything i know about joan of arc is from bill and ted's excellent adventure. soo many of you aren't ex christian you're just either queer or kinda mad at your parents. whenever yall say frank and gerard are matching their outfits they really aren't. "g note" isn't music theory. lotms is a hilarious awful work of editing. all the bullets songs blur together and yet i also skip multiple. it's really creepy how some of you refuse to talk about against me wo bringing up frank iero. im passing away and other death n suicide related comments about pretty or gender pictures of mcr gets really old really fast. and also its very fucking concerning that y'all don't register those phrases as suicide jokes. source one of my posts turned into that so much so i had to edit it saying to cut it out. also the girl gerard and she/hering everyone is creepy. yall dont know what gnc or drag king or camp or femme means. a lot of yall are fatphobic but refuse to admit it. i have never once listened to an LS dunes song. i actually don't want to know anything about any of these people's children. gerard isnt good at writing comics. or at singing. mikey or ray could sing lead and it would sound better. all of you are creepy racist weird about rays hair and infantilizing him. gerard wearing skirts is like cool and good for them but has made being around mcr fans so much worse uncomfortable and unsafe. no i did not feel safe or empowered or anything to be wearing a skirt over baggy pants to the mcr convert i went to. i was pretty sure people were going to misgender me. since you guys seem to be so good at that already. i never listened to the metal song gerard helped with. i never read the weird book about the black parade.
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nex-os98 · 1 year
🗡-Bored so im doing this ask game thing from here
🌫️- How many people are in your system
from what I(🗡) know about 18 at the moment.
🌊- What's everyone's favorite colors?
I like black, green and red, one little like pale green and another likes pink, i know 🌿 likes greens, blues and white/cream and for anyone else i think most of them like red
☂️- Most common fronters?
its hard to tell bevause its been changing so much and been pretty quiet recently but i think 💉,🚭 and 💥 seem to be the most active or atleast come around more frequently besides me since im the host
☔- Collective pronouns?
they/them just to keep it simple
💦- Everyone's pronouns?
fuck this is ginna be a nightmare to list
🗡(me) they/he/metal/grunt/it or no pronouns
💥she/he/they/it/any (yes she likes all of them listed)
⚫️no pronouns/neutral terms
and theres a few more i dont feel like listing since theyre inactive
💧- Most common age group?
ageless or atleast adult orientated
💨- Do you have any fictives?
most of us are fictives or introjects of some sort
❄️- Are there any romantic relationships in your system?
its complicated, a mix of yes and no.
🌧️- Does anyone have a favorite number?
not really. besides 🚭 and 💥 who likes the classic 69 and 420 for obvious reasons. 💥 also likes 666
☁️- Are any of your alters neurodivergent?
all of us are, but I hold alot of the autistic traits along with 💉, and 🚭 has a lot of out adhd and then 💥 is almost always triggered by our manic episodes and other shit
🌤️- How many people are LGBTQIA+
i dont thinkt heres a single non-queer guy in here
☀️- Do you have any non-human alters (including hybrids)?
none of us are human
🌈- What are some common hobbies?
art, animations, gaming. i know I have the most hobbies though.
🌪️- What is the most liked food between everyone?
meat and sweets i think
🔥- Current hyperfixations?
madness combat for the most part, but thats more of a special interest at this point.
☄️- Do you guys have any collective interests?
madness combat, old tech, 1.0/old web, minecraft, roblox, biology and science related shit, and other things i cant remember atm
⚡- What is your headspace like? (If you have one)
its really hard to access but so far its just a small building with a couple rooms
✨- Does anyone have a pet?
we have a pet named Sadie, I love her very much. dont know if this means a headspace pet or something but ive never heard of that before, migjt look into it.
⭐- Does your system have a name?
not really, just nexus operating system and just nexus for short. we usually just go by the bodies name or my name(🗡) deoending on if its someone irl or online. not many people know we are a system.
💫- Does anyone wanna share something about their source? Feel free to ramble, anyone can answer too!
most of us come from my source, i have several memories of that place the texture of the ground, all the times ive died, vauge memories of interactions, and generally just missing my body and my voice (even if i never spoke, or atleast when i did which was very rarely)
🪐- Most chaotic group?
not really group but i know 💥 and 🚭 are chaotic
🌎- Any demon/angel/god alters?
mainly ⚫️ is like an omnipitent being and 🌿 kind of is, and 🩸is aswell to some extent even if ive killed him before(source wise)
🌙- Who is the oldest?
for existence wise, 💥 is the oldest and longest lasting who hasnt gone dormant/inactive but i think more agewise i think ⚫️ is? not sure we dont really have agrs so its hard to really tell.
🌓- What type of system are you?
not sure, used to think we were osdd-1 but concidering new information and learning shit its more likely that we have DID
🌗- (For traumagenic systems only) Are you diagnosed? If yes, was getting one difficult? If not, do you want one & why or why not?
god no, we arnt diagnosed at all. we arnt out at all to anyone irl let alone anyone whos working eith our mental health. I dont think its wise for us to try and get diagnosed concidering how we are still grappling with it and how difficult it is tk get diagnosed. I dont want our right taken away and have to deal eith the lains of the mental health system anymore than we already do.
🌕- What is your system dynamic (ex, family, friends, complete strangers, etc)
weird mix of friends or semi-strangers. its hard for us to communicate but we're friendly to eachother (besides 2 assholes)
🌻- What's a normal day for you as a system?
trying our hardest to exist, dissociating a lot, taking our medications the best we can and lots of dissociation. latrly been going to therapy more often and sometimes experiencing seitches but latrly its been inactive and just me(🗡) fronting for the most part
🌸- How do you keep track of your system? (Members, switches, etc)
entirely with SimplyPlural, its easy for us to remember
🥀- Any childhood things that should've tipped you off to being a system?
not exavtly childhood but more teen / young teen, having tons of alt accounts and stumbling upon accounts we dont remember at all. changing usernames and personas and havung ocs that have "pocesssion" related things. the ocs werent negatively pocessed for the most psrt it was usually like guardians that eould sometimes take over the body if the oc to protect them.
💐- Do you like being a system?
mixed feelings, feels good to know whats "wrong with us" but still in heavy denial and struggling with the doubt and etc. onky discovered it a few months(??) ago
🐚- Do you know any systems IRL?
not at all, barely know anyone irl from moving so much recently hard for us (at least me) to make friends and socialize in the first place.
🍄- Do you prefer in-system dating or out-of-system dating?
im more on the aromantic/asexual side(most of us are) but more out if system since communication between us is so so difficult.
🍁- What's the most annoying thing about being a system?
the memory issues for sure, its a fucking pain needing to write down everything while also forgetting everything all of the fucking time and then being punished in some way for having a terrible memory whike si many people expect us to have a better memory.
🎍- How bad is your amnesia?
im not sure, still figuring out the amnesia part.
🌿- Best quote from an alter?
too many to list, most of them are from 🚭 and 💥
🌳- Do alters have separate accounts for games or do you all share an account?
some of us have different discord accounts and tumblr blogs but for video games its usually shared
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actualbird · 2 years
First of all! Hello, Hello!!! Hope you're doing well!
Regarding your - Artem has the oldest daughter vibes - post. HE'S TRANS YOUR HONOUR!!! IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW! 😂❤️
But in all seriousness, I gave it some thought and out of all of them, Artem being trans would make the most sense? Just the way he is as a person? You know? *Vaguely gestures with my hands*. One thing that stood out to me was how touched starved and touch averse he seemed? I know it's contradictory but as much as I remember, he was always hesitant to touch Rosa and would be an absolute mess when touched by her?
So what if, it's because he doesn't want to make others uncomfortable with his touch, especially if it's a woman? (And especially if he likes that woman). Because he was made uncomfortable by others, in this case mostly men, when he was younger? I've noticed that most men are far more likely to just casually touch women? Even if the touch isn't sexual/romantic in nature? Like a brush of a hand here, holding a woman's waist while you're passing her in a tight space? Like, you wouldn't do that to a man, so... Artem is just very aware? Like, aware too much, to a point where he can never relax among others?
I might be projecting too much! So please ignore this if you don't agree! It's just something I noticed! Me and my trans friend, we talked about something similar recently - noticed that he would be a bit hesitant to be more physically affectionate with me and we had a long conversation about it!
And... I haven't touched the game in about half a year! 😅 I still love the game! I just "play" it vicariously through you! 😂 So there might have been more things revealed about Artem I'm not aware of!
Please take care! ❤️
- The Hibiscus anon! 🌺 I'M NOT DEAD! 😂
irt despite being a man, artem is eldest daughter all girls catholic school student vibes
oh my gosh, HIBISCUS!! HI HI :DDD!! it's awesome to hear from u again and i hope ur doing well!!!
while i am in no way an artem expert (thats sam) and am pretty behind on his cards, i still shake ur hand so much cuz UR SO RIGHT.
like, listen. at this point ive got a schrondinger's headcanon where certain members of the nxx team or the ENTIRE team is simultaneously not trans or definitely trans/experiencing gender in a non-cis way. yes they are. all the time. but only when it sparks joy in me. also all the time. do u understand, i understand. still, i deffo understand and adore why artem also gives of trans vibes.
like, so much of artem's extreme carefulness with matters of the heart or even just matters of relating to other people personally, the fact that he goes about this in a meticulous and often overthinking manner because he hasnt done it/gotten the chance to experience it much before is something that resonates a lot with a bunch of queer identities. the fact that he holds a lot of himself and his personality/interests close and not many people know him on a personal level, that also resonates with queer experiences. the fact that certain things that are "obvious" to other people are things that are not as obvious to him, also queer (and also also something i like to interpret as a neurodivergent trait, but thats a whole other ask response). hell, even the notion that artem is doing things "later" than is usually expected (like romance).
all of these things (which i guess can be mushed into the over-arching statement of "over-thinking because we didnt experience the world on the usual timeline many other people experience and thus we have to be extra careful to avoid failure") fit well with a BUNCH of queer experiences, methinks
(source: me. cuz im queer and i like artem)
additionally, i got reminded of this awesome response mariuscomehome wrote about artem viewed from a lesbian lens. i DEFINITELY recommend u read it!!!
//smacks artem like a car im selling. THIS GUY CAN FIT SO MUCH QUEERNESS INTO HIM!!!!!
i think i went off on a tangent here but yeah. ur so right. artem trans vibes too, whether it be for fitting theme/characterization reasons or just cuz headcanons are fun as hell anyway :'D
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all-seeing-ifer · 2 years
hi, ok, this is kinda weird and out of the blue but im a musical theater student and I've been assigned to sing Astonishing from little women and i need to fill this whole chart about how I personally relate to the song. So first of all A+ for my teacher for nailing it with the character choice for me but before i start rambling to him about the whole Jo is Aroace and Trans Agenda i kinda wanted to have "backup"? not as in he would shut me down but just because I want to be ready when he asks questions and to show him im not alone in thinking this, I was wondering if you have any good essays about this? even like, your own character analysis! im just looking for more opinions and views so I have a strong case
:D oh this is absolutely not weird I actually feel super super honoured that you decided to come to me to ask about it!! Hopefully I can be of help - I’m afraid I don’t have anything in the way of like. actual academia talking about it, because I’ve just never really looked into the academia around Little Women (though that would certainly be interesting to look at…)
I can link you to a few different posts that might be helpful though! It was about time I made like a masterlist of queer Jo posts anyway. Also fair warning some of these are specifically about the 2019 film which may not be super helpful to you in terms of talking about the musical and source material but I’d figured I’d include them for the sake of comprehensiveness.
Posts about the book and earlier adaptations:
An argument for Jo being aroace based on the book
Some moments of trans subtext I noticed in the 1994 film
My list of Jo moments (Joments?) that I think read as incredibly aro (this one actually directly references the musical and the song Astonishing!)
Not specifically an aro Jo post but some of my analysis of Jo and Laurie’s dynamic that was very much informed by the idea of Jo being aro
My argument for Jo being ace based on the book
Examples of moments in the book that can be read as Jo being trans
Analysis of how Jo’s experience (in both the book and 2019 film) mirrors the experiences of many aro people
Posts about the 2019 film:
My analysis of how viewing Jo as aroace fits with the themes of the film
My thoughts on Jo’s motivations in the 2019 film
General discussion of queer subtext throughout different versions, but mainly the 2019 film
Analysis of queer subtext in the film more generally - focused on the reading of Jo as a lesbian so not strictly relevant to what you asked but well worth reading! And y’know. overlapping experiences and all that.
My analysis of the film’s ending in view of Jo being aro
More of my commentary on the film’s proposal scene (not specifically about aroace Jo but that reading is relevant)
An argument for Jo being aroace based on the film (but with some points that are also relevant to earlier versions)
My comparison of different versions of the proposal scene and what gives the 2019 version such an aro feeling
My evidence for Jo being aro based on the film
Another argument for Jo being aro based on the film, again with some points that apply to earlier versions
And of course, what discussion of a classic fictional character being aroace would be complete without a contribution from Mx David J Bradley! Would highly recommend watching their segment in Tara Mooknee’s video on amatonormativity. Again, they deal with the 2019 film specifically but aside from the discussion of the ending most of the stuff they talk about is also applicable to earlier versions, and it’s definitely one of the most comprehensive arguments I’ve seen for aroace Jo! Also it’s where my header image came from, so you know it’s a good video!
Sorry for how long it took me to answer this I hope at least some of this is useful! I found surprisingly few posts about the trans subtext; I definitely have seen some in the past but either they’ve been deleted or it’s just tumblr search acting up again.
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