#my orthodontist told me I had a little bit and to see the dentist
bloodandfleshautism · 3 months
Waiting at The Dentist for my Dentist Appointment I hope they don’t skin me alive for maybe having a tiny bit of tooth decay. This is a real and serious concern
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thesaltyace · 2 months
Feeling pretty offended rn.
I had braces from 5th to 10th grade. That's a long-ass time.
When my orthodontist removed them, my teeth had some marks where the brackets were. The marks were lighter color than the rest of my enamel and the hygienist basically told me it was my fault for not brushing better while I had braces.
It's now been well over 15 years since they were removed, and I've often thought with disappointment how I wish I'd know how to better take care of my teeth while I had braces. The marks aren't terrible but they're definitely noticeable since they're quite a different color than the rest of my enamel.
Last week I went to the dentist for a regular checkup and was placed with their new-to-them but very experienced hygienist. While cleaning my teeth she comments, "Oh, I see you had braces! Good for you, it really helps your oral health for your teeth to be as straight as possible."
I was sitting there thinking about how fortunate I was that my parents could afford braces for me as a child when she continued, "You've got quite a bit of staining so I'm just going to just tackle that first. If you've noticed that the marks from your braces stain easier, it's just because the enamel is weaker there."
I don't know what exactly my garbled grunt meant to her, but she was like, "Yeah, sometimes removing those brackets is a little rough and damages the enamel."
The minute I got home I googled it, and braces are not supposed to damage your enamel. But yep, my teeth look like the examples shown online. And now I'm very irritated that I've spent over 15 years thinking I hadn't taken care of my teeth when my orthodontist actually damaged my fucking enamel. 🙃
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columboscreens · 2 years
ok this is gonna sound a little weird lol but i noticed peter falk's teeth are a bit crooked on the bottom and idk why but that's interesting to me!! it's a small thing but i think it makes his smile unique :) it's hard to believe sometimes that ppl in tv and movies used to be allowed to look like normal humans and not 100% perfect airbrushed supermodels
(also i love ur blog bestie keep up the great work 💞💞💞)
😊💖thank you, friend!!
i remember reading that falk was a dentist-dodger who battled his teeth his whole life! his bottom teeth were both somewhat crowded and slightly discolored and it got noticeably worse as he aged--as teeth tend to, especially if you aren't diligent.
he did have them bleached at various points; being up close on film and tv all the time i can't exactly blame him:
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sick alamy face tat mr. falk. you get the idea
but yeah the bottom row in particular was kinda wonky. which is fine, and it is nice to see a normal guy with normal, mildly crooked teeth instead of freakishly over-treated teeth or veneers that clearly look fake. i tend to prefer the natural look as i've said before. indeed, it's most attractive when most of the people on screen look like normal everyday people. fakeness ruins perception of beauty!
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plus, any orthodontist worth their salt will tell you that as long as your bite and hygiene are unaffected, braces are purely cosmetic. my bottom teeth are actually crowded in a similar but less severe fashion, and i only had top row braces as a kid because i was told i didn't need to correct that kind of crowding, so i imagine falk didn't either. if it ain't broke...
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finally. representation for we, the people of sensitive gag reflexes...
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marzipanandminutiae · 4 years
if you’re weirded out by the American obsession with having perfect teeth and the way braces are extremely common for purely cosmetic issues, please consider:
my orthodontist actually filed my teeth down a little bit when I got my braces taken off
they never asked permission. they never even told me they were going to do it. you know how some people’s front teeth have slightly bumpy bottom edges? they filed those parts off. I hated the effect- it’s not noticeable, but I feel like it makes my teeth look less natural. By the time I knew what was happening, though, it was too late
and that’s NORMAL here. many of my friends have similar stories. you hear about it a lot from people who had slightly elongated canines that didn’t cause trouble and thought they looked really cool, only to have a dentist or orthodontist file them down to a normal size without consent
I’ve seen some orthodontists’ websites saying that they always file teeth after removing braces because “you went through all that for a perfect smile! it has to be TOTALLY perfect!” and I guess if you don’t see that on the website, you’re out of luck, because they won’t necessarily offer any warning in the moment
it’s so weird and, in some cases, can actually weaken your teeth. but whatever; gotta have that 100% Photoshop-looking smile, amirite?
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How are you? It’s been a while since the post about you being sick, so I wanted to know if you’ve been doing well.
Thank you soooo much for asking and caring about me. First of all, I am sorry to have worried you! 💜 Secondly, a lot has happened, so let me fill you in.
Chapter 1: The beginning - The head injury
I was heading home with my bf and we were walking to my car. I noticed someone had parked way too close to the driver's side, so I knew it would be a tight squeeze. As I was getting into the driver's seat, trying to squeeze in through the door, said door closed a little on me resulting in me hitting it with my left ear, my head bouncing off and hitting the roof brim of the car with my right side of the head, then my head again bouncing off and hitting the left side again. I just sat down in my car, held my head and started crying. My bf said I hit my head so hard that he thought I kicked the car with my foot from how loud the sound was. My vision was blurry, I was in pain, I felt nauseous, I couldn't move my head or eyes without getting dizzy, it was hard to walk... but there was no blood. (He offered to take me to the ER, but I didn't want to go, because of COVID). I had a rly bad bump for days and it hurt to touch, however I didn't feel dizzy the next day forward.
Chapter 2: The tooth inflammation
I woke up two days after the head incident to a really bad pain in my mouth and throat. I couldn't open my mouth or brush my teeth. I felt the gland in my throat was swollen and inflamed and it was hard to swallow. By standard Balkan principle, I just took some painkillers and said it will go away. HOWEVER, the pain continued and got even worse in the next few days so I decided to surrender and face the orthodontist (yes, in addition to all that pain, I have braces and am quite fresh/new to that process). He saw me, lost all color in his face and basically told me "holly crap gurl u chunky in da face, like a lot". By his recommendation, I went to see my standard dentist and they concluded my wisdom tooth got heavily inflamed and I am to go on antibiotics for 10 days then come back to schedule ✨S U R G E R Y✨.
Chapter 3 - The surgery
I got the surgery about 11-12 days ago and it was pure hell. The surgery was difficult l, my tooth was problematic and I was an anxious mess, but this story ended with a happy ending. I had really great and professional doctors who took care of me. The surgery was done while I was awake (I think that's called general anesthesia?). They told me since the swelling could get bad because the cut was wide and deep, I should get two shots. So they gave me two injections of I think it was called Dexamethasone and told me that would bring my immune system down, so I had to be extra careful in these times. I was only in a lot of excruciating pain when the anesthesia started letting up and before I took my pills (antibiotics + probiotics + painkillers). I was drinking about 11 different pills a day of different medications. The other days it wasn't painful, I was just swollen, bruised and really tired and weak.
Chapter four - The conclusion
I just took out my stitches today. I feel a lot better, I'm not swollen anymore, just a little bit of bruising left. I finished my antibiotics and I'm off painkillers. Working on building back my immune system and regaining strength (and ignoring the anxiety of missing class work and not having the energy to catch up). So... yeah. I've been doing badly back to back to back for a few weeks now, but I'm now feeling better and hopefully will be getting even better in the near future.
I miss talking to you all. I miss writing.
Thank you for staying by my side, for caring and for having patience and understanding towards me. Love you! 💜💜
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lilchibi-chan · 4 years
Request: can u write a scenario of the reactions of hawks, kirishima, and tamaki reacting to their female (with fem prounouns) s/o getting braces? My family couldn't afford them when I was younger so I had to wait 😅 thank u, take care!
Of course! I was told I needed braces when I was younger, but as I got older my dentist said they weren’t a necessity. Also, thanks for adding what pronouns you want me to use 🥺
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You have an appointment with your orthodontist to get your braces put in. You’re really nervous because of the pain afterwards and the fact that you haven’t told Hawks that you needed to get braces.
You told him you would be back home for a couple of days because you missed your parents. You hoped you were believable and he accepted that you would be away. He told you that he would keep an eye on your apartment for you if you wanted, but you told him there was no need to because a neighbor was doing that for you
You spent the next few days nursing your mouth since it hurt really bad. You tried to avoid contacting Hawks on the phone. You didn’t want him to see you this way. Especially, not with braces. How would he react? You were low key embarrassed about being an adult with braces, but you also need them, so your kinda forced to accept them. Especially since they’re so expensive.
You hear a knock at your door and wonder who it is. You go to open it and see Hawks standing there with a wide smile.
“Hey there, kid,” he says still smiling
“Uh h-hey Keigo,” you say nervously
“Ya know kid, I would really appreciate if you didn’t lie to me about where you’ve been,” he says, still smiling which is kinda starting to freak you out
“H-How did you know that?” 
“You share your location with me, love bird,”he says holding up his phone,”I went to see if you made it to your parents your parents house and your phone said you were still here.”
He steps into your apartment and takes his shoes off.
“Now baby bird, tell me why you wanted to hide from me,” he says leaning down to your level
“becauseigotbraces,” you whisper inaudibly
“What was that,” he asks cause he didn’t catch what you said
“Because I got braces,” you whisper a bit louder
“Baby bird, you have to speak up,” he says in a soft tone, so that he doesn’t make your confidence lower
“BECAUSE I GOT BRACES” you say in a loud voice, then hide your face in your hands
He smiles softly, then moves your hands from your face.
“Well, let me see”
You smile even though it hurts.
“Yup, I was right,” he says causing you to be confused
“About what,” you ask
“You and your smile are still as beautiful as ever,” he says smiling (like in the gif)
You’re taken aback by what he says and it causes you to be a little flustered, but you can’t help but smile back at him.
“Thanks Keigo,” you say softly smiling at him
“No problem baby bird, but I mean it. I still think you’re the most beautiful baby bird in the whole world and braces don’t change that because you’re still the same girl I fell in love with.” 
He spends the rest of the day with you until he has to go on patrol and he helps you nurse your mouth while you both cuddle together on the couch watching tv.
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It’s the day of your appointment to get your braces put in and you’re really nervous about it, but excited at the same teeth. You were a lil insecure about your teeth and you were ready to start your journey to straight teeth, especially since it wasn’t an option when you were younger.
Kirishima wasn’t able to make it to your appointment, but he made sure to make it up to you.
He made his way over to your house with Kaminari and he knew your gate code and where you kept your spare key since you told him and got to work.
He bought a whole bunch of groceries that included potatoes, broth to make soup and ice cream. Although you probably wouldn’t be ready to eat harder foods, he still brought your favorite sweets and other snacks. He also made a fort in your living room, complete with fairy lights and a bunch of pillows.
“Wow Kirishima, I’m kinda impressed. She’s a lucky girl,” Kaminari says
“Well, she’s precious to me and I know she might be in pain, so I just wanna brighten her day as best as I can, ‘specially since I wasn’t able to go with her to the appointment,” he says looking down at the floor
“That’s pretty manly, Kiri,” says Kaminari
“You really think so,” he asks smiling
“Yeah, to be so open about your feelings about her is super manly, bro,” he says smiling with a thumbs up
“Thanks for helping, Kaminari.”
“No problem, I’ll leave you to it then. Don’t wanan ruin the mood by being here when she gets home,” he says while walking away
Kirishima walks behind him locking the door and sits on the couch to wait for you to come home.
He ends up falling asleep without realizing and then he hears your key in the door. He stands up and brushes his clothes so that they are less wrinkled.
You enter the living room and he yells
Causing you to jump
“Kiri?! What’s all this,” you say in absolute shock and slightly in pain because you opened your mouth really wide
“Well, since I wasn’t able to make it to go with you, I wanted to do something special. I knew you would be in pain so I bought some potatoes you could mash, I also got instant potatoes in case you didn’t wanna make them from scratch and broth to make soup and when your mouth is feeling better, I bought some of your favorite snacks. I also made a fort and we can watch whatever you want. I just wanted to make sure you had a good day, despite being in a little pain,” he says with his bright smile.
“Kiri, this is amazing. I can’t believe you did all this just for me,” you say still in shock, but appreciative.
“I would do anything for you pebble. I even try to steal the stars if you asked me to.”
You laugh
“It okay, Kiri. I don’t want that. I just want you.”
“Well, I like the sound of that. C’mon beautiful, can’t let this amazing fort go to waste now.”
You join him in the fort and you both end up falling asleep.
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You and Tamaki headed to your appointment together since you were really nervous.
He’s always anxious, but told you he would try and be brave for you, so that you don’t have to worry about getting your braces put in.
You were really nervous about how you would look after and how much your face might change due to the braces. How different you might look. If Tamaki would still think you’re pretty or whatever.
He waited in the lobby while you went back with the orthodontist. You told him that you would be okay and it would only be a few hours, so he could calm down. You texted Mirio, so that he could keep Tamaki company and he wouldn’t feel as anxious.
Once your orthodontist is finished with your braces, you reunite with Tamaki in the lobby.
“Thanks a lot for coming, Mirio.”
“It’s no problem at all Y/N”
“B-Bunny a-are you a-alright?”
“Yeah, just a little uncomfortable,” you say smiling at him
All three of you exit the office and you thank Mirio again for coming to keep Tamaki company.
“It’s cool. Now I’ll let you two love birds get to it,” he says turning to walk away
You and Tamaki strat walking the other way, next to each other.
“B-Bunny, you’re really brave.”
You look at him confused for a moment and then you smile.
“Thanks Tamaki. I really had nothing to be nervous about, but I’m happy I brought you along.”
He starts blushing really hard and tries to hide his face from you.
“W-would you l-like t-to g-go somewhere, Bunny?”
“Sure,” you say smiling,“where do you wanna go?”
“W-well there’s this w-winter m-market. It l-looks r-really fun and I-I thought m-maybe y-you’d wanna g-go,” he says still looking away
“I would love to, Tamaki. Can’t really eat anything hard right now though,” you say a little sad
“I s-saw a stand that h-had soft serve ice cream. M-maybe we can get that. T-they have a g-gingerbread f-lavor that’s supposed to be g-good.”
“That sounds amazing,” you say excitedly, eyes glimmering causing Tamaki to look at you
“S-so it’s okay, Bunny?”
“Yeah! Let’s go right now,” you say smiling
He stares at you for a moment and opens his mouth to say something, but he smiles softly instead.
You make it to the winter market and there’s fairy lights along the rows of booths and the smell of delicious food hangs in the air.
“It’s beautiful,” you say, your eyes shining from the lights
“Not as beautiful as you,” Tamaki says lowly
You look at him and you’re surprised. Not because he complemented you, but because he said it without a hint of nervousness in his voice. You could tell he really meant it.
“T-Tamaki,” you say nervously
“Y-yes, Bunny”
“Do-Do you still find me pretty?”
This catches him off guard and he can’t believe you would ask him that.
“I-I think y-you’re t-the m-most b-beautiful g-girl in the w-world. W-when y-you smile, I-I g-get r-really n-nervous. I-I’m a-always n-nervous, b-but with y-you, i-it’s d-different. I-it’s like y-you’re the sun, a big, b-bright beautiful star a-and I revolve around you l-like a planet. Bunny, y-you’re the m-most b-beautiful girl. Inside a-and out.”
“Tamaki,” you say with tears brimming your eyes. He starts to freak out a little bit.
“I-I’m s-sorry. W-was w-what i s-sai-”
“Tamaki, what you said was perfect.”
“Can-can I k-kiss you Bunny?”
“Of course.”
He kisses you slowly and then grabs your hand so you can enjoy the rest of the market together.
I’m super sorry this is so freaking late, but I hope you enjoyed it. I hope you request again soon 💖
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zombiesbecrazy · 5 years
knowing his value
Summary: He didn’t have much to go on, this was his first kidnapping after all, but this all seemed a little bit lazy.
Being held hostage sucked, these guys completely lack originality, and frankly, Tim was bored.
He didn’t have much to go on, this was his first kidnapping after all, but this all seemed a little bit lazy. They didn’t have a guard in his room and the door wasn’t even locked to where they were were waiting for their ransom demands to be met. His wrists and feet were bound, but the knots were loose and simple and they were practically begging for him to escape them which was easy as pie for Robin, but Tim Drake had to sit quiet and wait for a pick up.
Or did he? He was clever and independent. Was there any good reason that Tim Drake couldn’t find his own way out of this specific kidnapping?
He was certain that this was a training exercise. To see what he could do if kidnapped in his civilian attire to see how he would be able to adapt and improvise in an undercover situation. It made a lot of sense.
Besides the chair he was sitting in, which he wasn’t even tied to, the room was empty and plain, with only the one door and the half window that was up high near the ceiling. It felt like it was a movie stage and not a real place and maybe the kidnappers had chosen it for that very reason, because they were rookies and hadn’t done this before so based everything that they knew off gangster movies and cop shows.
The first thing that he had to do was to get out of his ropes, but if he was Tim he couldn’t just undo the knots. It had to be sloppy with just a little bit of luck thrown in for it to be believable. Robin would have known to do his hands first and then just untie his feet, but Tim wouldn’t have considered that in the confusion, so instead he wiggled free of his shoes first, glad that he hadn’t bothered to tie them before he got snatched, and then worked his sock feet against each other, wincing a bit as the rope burned against his skin as it rubbed, but after a bit of effort there was enough give to slip one foot out, and then the other.
He then set to work on the ropes tying his hands. It was a more traditional material, not metal cords or cabling, but there was not as much give as there had been on his feet. so he tried to think of what he would do as a regular panicked thirteen year old who didn’t study the ins and outs of escaping from Riddler traps on a nightly basis would do. He bit the rope and started tugging at the knot, trying to loosen it from the tightest point with his teeth. He was making good headway when there was a sharp snap of pain, followed by a taste of blood in his mouth and he spat out of wire from his so-called-permanent retainer onto the floor.
That was unfortunate because he really didn’t want to have to go to the dentist at the end of all this.
He tugged a few more times until the rope went slack on one side and he was able to untie the rest of the knot. Now that he was free, he had to get out of the room. He couldn’t go out the door, because Tim Drake was sort of a scrawny kid who couldn’t fight his way out of a paper bag, let alone through a room of armed men, which only left the window as an option.
It was small, but not small enough that Tim couldn’t fit through, and it was high up, but that was nothing that dragging the chair from across the room couldn’t solve, and he could reach the window as long as he stood on his tiptoes. The issue was getting the window open. The pane was double thick and had wiring between the layers so he couldn’t smash it, even if he didn’t have to worry about his captors hearing him. There a simple key padlock, easy to pick if you had the right tools, but Tim didn’t have anything in his pockets and the rest of the room was bare and he had to pause to think about what he was going to do next.
He chewed on his lip as he looked around the room, trying to decide if Tim Drake would be smart enough to detach one of the fluorescent lights to try and find out if any of the filaments were strong enough to try and pick the lock, with when he was reminded of the cut in his mouth, blood slowing, but still there.
The wire that had broken off from his retainer. It was still lying in the middle of the floor. It wasn’t perfect for lock picking but it would work in a pinch, as long as Tim had a reason to know how to do it.
Worth a shot.
Tim shaped the wire into a more useful shape than the curve of his teeth and set to work on the locks. He had to be more careful than normal, knowing that if it were to break he would be out of luck unless he had another brainwave about what to do next. Fortunately it wasn’t something he needed to worry about for long because he felt the family catch of the padlock and then with a snik it popped open.
Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
Tim pulled himself out of the window, stomach scraping against the window ledge but otherwise fine. He was in an empty alleyway and he could see the faint echo of red and blue flashing from cars just out of sight. He hurried to the edge of the street, peeking out to see what the situation was. The building was mostly surrounded by police cars and tape, with a standard GCPD hostage procedure set up. Tim reached up and ruffled up his hair, slapped his cheeks a couple times, and stepped into the main street and made his way up to the closest police barricade, hopefully looking a little more like someone who had been kidnapped than just out for a leisurely stroll.
“Excuse me? Officer?”
The cop didn’t even look at him, just stood with his back to the barrier, watching the situation at the front of the building where it looked where most of the action was happening. “I’m sorry kid, but this is a hostage situation and you need to stay behind the line.”
“Yeah, but the thing is that I’m the hostage.” The officer whipped his head around and Tim gave him a little wave. “Hi. I’m Tim Drake.”
The officer stared at him for a few seconds, trying to sort out how that made any sort of sense and Tim sympathized with that. “Oh, uh. Hold on.” He fumbled with his radio on his shoulder, not taking his eyes on Tim, before hitting the button. “Commissioner, this is O’Royal. I have a kid here at the south perimeter who says he’s Tim Drake.” Tim could hear Gordon’s voice respond, and at the same time commotion broke out in the middle of the police set up, and then people started to move towards them.
“Tim?” Bruce’s voice was high and tight, playing the perfect part of the concerned guardian and he ran over with Commissioner Gordon right on his heels as well as a few more officers.
“Bruce!” Tim waved, and squeaked as Bruce picked him up in a big strong hug, the perfect performance of a scared parent. “I got kidnapped!” It was such a goofy thing to say, but in the moment it was the first thing that popped into his mind as he was crushed against Bruce’s broad chest.
Bruce put him down and made a big show of running his hands through Tim’s hair, down his arms and legs as if trying to reassure himself that all of his limbs were there. "I know. They called me for ransom. I’m so glad you are safe." His examination reached Tim’s wrists and he fussed over the marks that were criss crossing across the skin, light bruising already popping up, brushing them with a soft thumb.
"That explains all this." Tim chuckled and waved his arms around at the police set up in front of the building.
Gordon stepped up to do his job now that Bruce had done enough of pretending to worry in full grizzly mode, flipping out his notebook. "Why'd they let you out?"
"They didn't. They think I'm still in there." Gordon and Bruce both gave him a sharp look, probably for entirely different reasons. "I got out a window down there after I picked the lock." He jerked his thumb in the direction of the alley, and two of the officers ran off in that direction, hopefully to check out the scene to see if they could enter the building the same way that Tim had come out. He was doubtful; they were an awful lot bigger than he was.
"With what?" asked Gordon, raising an eyebrow in a questioning way.
"Part of my retainer." Right, Tim Drake was a normal kid who busted his own dentistry work and had to fess up to the person who was going to have to foot the bill to get it fixed. "Oh, Bruce. I think I have to go back to the orthodontist. I think that wire was important for something." Bruce said nothing, just put his arm around Tim’s shoulders and squeezed.
“How did you know how to pick a lock?”
“I saw it on YouTube and thought I’d try.”
That made Gordon stop writing in his book and stare at Tim. “You learned how to pick a lock on YouTube”
“Yeah. You can find anything on there. Did you know that there is a large online community of people who like to sculpt cheese? I knew about ice and stuff, but I had never really thought about how shapeable cheese is before a-”
“Timothy,” said Bruce quietly, the way he did when Tim went down rabbit holes in the cave and needed to get back on track and Tim blushed.
“Oh, sorry. Anyway, it wasn’t like I was going to get anymore kidnapped, so I thought I’d give it a go.”
Gordon went back to his notes, but huffed in what Tim hoped was approval. “You could have been hurt.”
“Really? Huh.” Tim grinned, and leaned against Bruce in a way that made him look that he was tired, exhausted now that the adrenaline had worn off and just leaning against his guardian. “I guess I never really thought about it like that.”
Gordon dismissed him to go and get checkout out by the paramedics, told him that he would be in contact later for a more comprehensive questioning if needed, but since it was still a live crime scene because the kidnappers hadn’t notice that they were without a hostage, that was all for now. The paramedics gave him a quick lookover, bandaging the cuts around his ankles before letting him go home with Bruce who paraded him back to the car with a firm grip on his shoulder.
Bruce hugged him again before they got into the car and started on their way back to the manor is silence. The buildings were getting further and farther between as they drove out of the city limits before Tim piped up. “Did I beat Jason’s time?” It was always a risk, asking about Jason and what he had done as Robin, but he was dying to know. “I know I didn’t beat Dick’s.”
“You,” Bruce swallowed deeply and tightened his fingers on the wheel, leather cracking under the pressure. “You thought that was a test?”
“Well, yeah.” Tim grinned as he inspected his wrists and ran his tongue along the back of his teeth, feeling the sharp edges of where the wire had been before. “So? How’d I do?”
Bruce pulled over to the side of the road and rested his head on the steering wheel, breathing in and out carefully before turning and pulling Tim into a tight hug, head heavy on his shoulder and body quivering with small shakes.
“That was not a test.” Bruce mumbled into his shoulder. “Not at all.” Tim thought back to the scene, the way that Bruce had run to him, checked out his injuries, had never not touched him once he had been back in his sight. The tremors that he could feel through Bruce now. That was all real?
“I was actually kidnapped?” Tim wondered, because that didn’t make a lot of sense. He was just Tim Drake. Even if it was a poorly executed kidnapping, it still seemed like a lot of needless work just for Tim. “Why would someone kidnap me? I’m not anyone important.”
“Not anyone important?” Bruce shook his head and pulled back, intently looking at Tim in the eyes, and Tim was now able to see the worry on the man’s face, not the outward public face that he showed to the world, but his true self that Tim only got to see on rare occasion and most never saw, and that man was dripping with residual fear and relief. “Tim, you are mine. You are one of the most important things in my world, and someone tried to use you to hurt me.” He shook his head and cupped Tim’s less injured wrist between his hands, hands that were possible of “And they did. Please know that I would do anything to get any of you back. I would travel across galaxies and punch a god in the face and I will negotiate with kidnappers who trap you in basements. No one gets to hurt you. No one.”
Bruce stared at Tim for another moment, before turning the car back on and pulling back onto the road that headed into Bristol, silence filling the car again as they drove the rest of the way home, but Bruce’s right hand was still wrapped around Tim’s wrist and Tim wondered how long it would stay there until he had to let go.
It didn’t let go.
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mergaliscious · 6 years
Denti-Cal is a joke.
Imma put a read more because I don’t want this getting filtered out and ignored but long story short I need dental care that my insurance doesn’t cover, here’s my paypal and store and I’ll go over the situation and the expenses under the cut. Even a dollar helps, the next 8 buyers can get hats for only $7.50 ($15 after that), and reblogs are also eternally appreciated! Check the notes for updates!
PayPal | Storenvy
While Medicaid is certainly better in California than a lot of states (idek if it usually covers dental, let alone how much), it’s still fucking stupid. It took me forever to find another dentist that takes my insurance after my last one left me with two poorly filled cavities and more that he was supposed to fill (I had an appointment to get them filled but he wasn’t there when I arrived that day so we had to postpone it and then the office shut down), and then the one that I found kept fucking up (first they sent me to the orthodontist when I asked for the GP, and then I arrived early for my appointment but then about 2 hours after the appointment was scheduled they still hadn’t called me in and we had to go pick up my sister), so I kind of gave up until I broke my tooth the Saturday before last.
I went to the emergency room and they prescribed me antibiotics and painkillers and told me to call a dentist to get my broken tooth fixed. They gave me a list of dentists that take patients without insurance, and after that I was on my own. I was able to find a dentist that was able to take me in less than a week later because it was an emergency.
tw vague surgery descriptions, over at the bold
When I got to the dentist I had x-rays taken and then the dentist looked over my teeth and basically told me that every one of my teeth except 5 or 6 in the front on the bottom has a cavity. I need 20 (?) fillings but Medi-Cal covers that. However, she also said I need 3 root canals (they gotta take out the nerve bc the damage is too close to it) and 2 crown lengthenings (they gotta cut back my gum and maybe bone to get to the whole cavity). They have a dentist there that does it but they don’t accept my insurance for that part.
tw over
So now I have to find an endodontist and a periodontist that take my insurance. I found a dentist that’s pretty close to home that says they might be able to do my root canals covered by Medi-Cal, but I need to get another exam done by them and since Medi-Cal only covers one exam a year, that’ll be $33. That’s not much, and technically speaking I have enough money in my bank account to pay it right now but I haven’t been spending any money because my bills for school are due this week. Well actually they were already due but my financial aid comes in this week and then I need to pay them bc if I don’t pay them this week I’ll get holds on my enrollment again and I’ll get paid late fees. I’ll probably also have to buy books and such but idk how much that’ll cost yet.
Even then, they’re not sure if Medi-Cal will cover the root canals, so I may have to pay for those out of pocket--they’ll tell me if so and how much after the exam--and they can’t do the crown lengthenings. I had to call a periodontist for that, and the answering service worker said she thinks they take Medi-Cal but she’s not sure. They’re gonna call me back tomorrow to tell me if they do or not, and if not I’ll ask how much it costs out of pocket. I’ll update on the crown lengthenings tomorrow, and I’ll update on the root canals after the exam.
In the meantime, though, the dentist said that I need to get an electric toothbrush. And since the teeth I need to get crown lengthenings for are impossible to floss between (so I can thank my old dentist for that bc it’s from the filling, which didn’t fill the whole cavity and prevents me from flossing between those teeth), my mom says I should get a Waterpik. She wants to help me, but she only gets paid a small stipend every month to cover living expenses and she’s also in school right now so she can’t afford it either.
So, assuming I’ll have enough between my first and next paycheck to pay my school bill, here are the expenses I know of so far:
Dental exam: $33
Electric toothbrush: min $25 - usually around $50 for the good ones
Waterpik: ~$35
so if I can get my operations covered, that’s $93 dollars minimum. Again, we’ll see how much more I need. I’ll reblog this with how much I’ve received and how much I need, so if you don’t know if I still need help, look in the notes. This was posted on 3/25/2019.
Note: if you just straight up give me like $50, I’ll just feel guilty. If you have that much to spend, you can give me maybe $10 and give the rest to other people or buy some hats or t-shirts from my store for you and your friends! I appreciate the help, but it’d be better for me and for others if I got little bits of money from more people.
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super cliche sleepover fic that i’ll title later oops
requested by anonymous
this is the first thing i’ve finished in a while, so i apologize if its a little rough!
warnings: swearing, underage drinking, brief mention of awkward adolescent boners
You’ve known Jared since elementary school. You, Jared, and Evan were the best of friends (though Jared’s actions didn’t always reflect that). It was tradition since 5th grade that every other weekend the three of you would have a sleepover, alternating houses every time.
This weekend was supposed to be Evan’s turn to host, but since Heidi was off from work and free of classes Evan decided he wanted to spend some quality time with his mom. It was kind of cute in your opinion, though Jared teased him for “hanging out with his mommy” until you punched him in the arm, effectively shutting him up. It was decided, after a game of rock paper scissors, that the sleepover would be held at Jared’s house this time.
“This is boring.” Jared said around a mouthful of cold pizza.
“We can watch something else?” you suggested, picking up the remote.
“Not the show.” he swallowed. “Just… this.” he gestured vaguely.
“But this is what we always do.” You looked from the Fresh Prince of Bel Air reruns playing on the TV and the box of leftover pizza in the floor between you.
“Exactly!” He paused to take a sip of Coke. “We do this all the time. We should be taking advantage of this opportunity!” You raised your eyebrows at him.
“Come on, Y/N, Evan isn’t here. We should be embracing the freedom; using this opportunity to do something that Evan would never be chill with!”
“Making phone calls?” you joked, though you felt a little bad.
“Confronting our fears?”
“Making prolonged physical contact?” The words left your mouth before you had a chance to think about how they actually sounded. You couldn’t help the warmth that spread over your cheeks.
“Wow, Y/N, I didn’t know you felt that way about me.” Jared teased, though you could see the tips of his ears turning pink.
“I was going to say,” he continued, “That my parents wouldn’t notice if a little something went missing from the liquor cabinet.” You looked over at him, a devious smile stretching across your lips to match the one on his.
“Okay, okay,” you laugh, taking the bottle of Jim Beam from Jared, your hands overlapping, “What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you?” Jared had, after a couple drinks, the bright idea of getting to know new information about each other.
“Oh god.” He slurred, rubbing his hands over his face in an exaggerated manner, “Okay, don’t laugh.” he warned, but you were already a giggling mess.
“I said don’t!” A grin spread over his face in spite of his scolding. You mimed zipping your lips together, but took a drink directly from the bottle immediately after.
“When I was like twelve,” He began, his face bright red. Whether from the memory he was about to share or the alcohol, you didn’t know. “I went to the orthodontist, right? And I’m going through, you know, twelve year old boy things.” he grabbed the bottle from you and took a big swallow before handing it back and continuing. “So the orthodontist comes in and she grabs that fuckin’ bib, you know, that paper towel thing that they clamp around your neck? She does one side, and then leans over to do the other and-- fuck.” he starts laughing, burying his face in his hands.
“C’mon, Jare! You can’t stop now!” You didn’t know where this story was going, but you were laughing nonetheless.
“Okay, okay,” he took a few deep breaths to compose himself before going on. “So she leans over and- I couldn’t help it, okay? I look down and her top was just, really low cut. I didn’t even know what was happening! She sat back up straight and sees what effect that had on me. Then just, she freezes, gets up and fuckin’ walks out! She leaves the room!”
You choke on the mouthful of whiskey, coughing harshly before howling with laughter.
“Oh my god, Jared! What happened after that?”
“They sent a guy dentist back in.” he wiped a tear from the corner of his eye.
“And he just goes on like nothing happened, like he’d always been my orthodontist. I never saw her again.” he shook his head.
It took a good five minutes for you to calm down enough to speak again.
“What about you?” Jared asked, resting his head lazily against his bed, which he was currently leaned back against.
“You were there for it.” You told him, face heating up at the recollection. “Freshman year, when I was wearing that strapless dress?”
“I don’t remember that,” he lied. He definitely remembered that. He’d thought about it every night in the shower for weeks after it happened.
“God,” you groaned. “It was this brand new dress. I loved it. It was long and flowing and it made me feel like a fairy. We were all sitting on the ground in drama class for some fucking reason. It was my turn to do my monologue, so I go to get up but I was standing on the skirt of my dress so when I stood up,” you were thankful you were drunk enough to laugh at the memory, “When I stood up the top of my dress gets pulled down, in front of the entire class.”
“Evan had to leave the room.” Jared added, snickering.
“You said you didn’t remember!” you shrieked, hitting him on the arm.
“Hey, i was trying to get you to talk about it. talking about it helps, Y/N.” You rolled your eyes at him.
“Anyway, I went home after that. Called my mom to come pick me up and spent the rest of the day crying in my room.” The smile slid off Jared’s face.
“I didn’t know that.” he felt bad for using your humiliation as jack-off material as a fourteen-year-old. And then suddenly worse, the more he thought about just how often he thought of you, one of his best friends, when he was having his “personal time”.
“It’s whatever.” you shrug, grinning slightly. “It was years ago.”
“Okay,” he said after a stretch of uncomfortable silence.
“When was your first kiss?” You immediately looked away, chewing your lip uncomfortably.
“You go first.” You snatched the bottle back from him and took a swig. It was almost gone.
“I asked you first.”
“I asked you second.”
“That’s a lame fuckin’ response, Y/N.” he laughed. “But I have nothing to be embarrassed about, so I’ll tell you.” He told you a story about some girl at sleepaway camp when he was fifteen.
You remembered him coming home and bragging to Evan about it, saying he got more action than Evan did that summer. You also remember that was the moment that you simultaneously realized you had a crush on Jared and tried to push it aside and forget about it forever.
“Well?” Jared asked, eyeing you expectantly.
“Well, I’ve never actually, um, kissed anybody” you mumbled.
“What?” You expected Jared to laugh, but he didn’t.
“You would’ve heard about it if i had, Jared.” Neither of you said anything for a few minutes, just passing the bottle back and forth until it was empty.
“Do you want to?” he asked. You watched his hands twisting the cap on and off the bottle anxiously.
“Do I want to what?”
“Kiss somebody.”
“I mean, yeah obviously.”
“Do you want to kiss me?”
You snapped your head up to look him in the eye.
“You- You’re drunk.” you laughed nervously.
“So are you. But that’s not what I asked.” he looked completely serious. You chewed at a bit of dead skin on your lip. It brought a concerning thought to the front of your mind.
“My lips are chapped.” Jared dug around in his pocket for a moment until he pulled out some Chapstick, handing it over to you.
“Ew, Jared, this is warm.” You grimaced but used it anyway. “I won’t be any good at it.” you told him, handing the tube back to him.
“Neither will I. I’ve only done it once.”
“More than I have.” you mumbled.
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to.” his voice was soft.
“No, I-I just...”
“What would it mean? Would it make things weird between us?”
“If it does we can blame it on the alcohol.” he offered a small grin. You licked your lips, tasting the cherry of the borrowed lip balm.
Your palms were sweating slightly, stomach twisting with anxiety. You couldn’t imagine what this would be like sober.
“Yes, Jared. I want to kiss you.”
He bit back a grin as he scooted towards you, sitting up on his knees. He placed one hand softly on your cheek. You were strangely relieved to find out that his palms were also somewhat moist.
Gross. Don’t think about that right now.
His other hand moved down to rest on your hip. You suddenly became aware that you didn’t know what to do with your own hands. His lips were on yours before you could mention it. It was clumsy. It was discoordinated. It was a little too wet. But it was good.
Your hand moved on its own accord to the back of his neck, pulling him closer into you. His mouth worked against yours, easier now. You parted your lips, allowing him to slip his tongue into your mouth. You tasted the whiskey on him and imagined he tasted the same thing. Your mind began to wander to why you couldn’t taste the liquor on your own tongue, or why you couldn’t taste your own tongue at all. That’s weird, isn’t it? Or is it not? You’re not supposed to taste your tongue. It isn’t touching itself, so really you couldn’t even--
You were soon brought back into the moment by the grip on your hip tightening. You moved your right hand up to rest on the one cupping your cheek.
He pulled away, looking down at you with a crooked smile. You looked down shyly, unable to help the small grin creeping across your own face.
“That,” Jared cleared his throat. “That wasn’t bad.”
“No,” you shook your head, “It wasn’t.”
You brushed your teeth beside each other in silence, avoiding looking at each other in the bathroom mirror. Jared filled up two dixie cups with water and grabbed a bottle of aspirin before heading back into his room and setting them down on his bedside table.
“Gonna feel like shit in the morning.” he yawned, getting into bed.
“It’ll be worth it.” You said, smile evident in your voice as you climbed in alongside him in favor of the pile of pillows and blankets in the floor you would normally have at a sleepover. You told yourself it was because Evan wasn’t there to be left in the floor alone. Yeah, you’d totally all share a bed if you’d fit, but it would be rude to make one person sleep on the hard floor all by them self while the other two got the bed. That was totally it.
You reached to turn off the lamp beside you before adjusting into a comfortable position. Jared’s arm snaked around your waist, pulling you close against him.
“This okay?” he murmured into the back of your neck.
“Better than okay.” you whispered back, snuggling into his hold.
You didn’t know what this made you, or how it affected your relationship; You could have that awkward discussion in the morning over painkillers and black coffee.
Right now though, with Jared pressed against your back and his warm breath ghosting over your neck in the most soothing way possible, you were content.
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wanderingaunt · 3 years
Invisalign-ing Patience - The Parallels between Orthodontics & Starting a Business
"My business is going to take off when I'm done with my Invisalign."  -- Me, end of 2020
Life has an interesting way of teaching us lessons in patience.
When I was a pre-teen I entered into the world of orthodontics. I had a habit of sucking my pointer finger when I was a child, which pushed my teeth outward. At age 12, I got braces. As if being a middle schooler wasn’t awkward enough, getting braces topped it off. Luckily, I wasn’t alone in this stage of life. Many of my classmates and my sister, Lisa had braces alongside me. We at least got to make it a little more fun by changing the colors of our bands to match school colors and create an expression of our own. I had the added element of having a bridge in the roof of my mouth with a metal key that I would turn daily to expand my bite. It goes without saying, but I do not miss those days!
I was a structured kid who followed the rules out of expectation and approval. So naturally, when I got my braces off 2 years later, I made sure to wear my retainer every night. I wanted to be a “good” patient and seek praise from my doctor. For some reason though, when I got to college, I decided that my retainer wasn’t needed anymore. I had been wearing it for 5 years, so surely my teeth were in place by now…
Things shift in life when you let go of the structure holding it in place.
As you guessed, slowly over time, my teeth began to shift. From the outside, there wasn’t a noticeable difference. My teeth were slanted slightly, but it wasn’t anything to fuss about. What did cause a fuss, though, was my bite. I noticed that I was biting the inside of my cheek frequently when eating especially crunchy foods like apples and carrots. It was not enjoyable.
When I was in my late 20’s, I decided to go to the orthodontist to get a consultation about my bite. The first orthodontist I went to said that I would need to get braces again. Orthodontics has come a long way and made many advancements in the 16 years since I had had braces. Invisalign was a newer option that allowed you to move more freely through life without the constraint of monthly checkups or the pain experienced from wire braces. I was excited about this possibility. The orthodontist I visited said I was not a good candidate for Invisalign though, because of my bite. She said it would be a long journey (at least 2 years) and would cost at least $5,000 and not be an effective form of treatment. That was enough for me to say, “No Thank You” and go back on my merry way.
Money is often what stops us from taking action.
In this case, it wasn’t just the money that was stopping me. It was the thought of having to have braces for 2 years. I had plans. I was going to switch jobs, travel the world, and follow my dreams. And that couldn’t be done with braces.
Oh, how clever our minds can be to keep us safe from taking action.
I moved on and went back to living my patterned life. During that gap, my life really began to shake me up. I went through a long period of depression followed by taking inspired action and investing in myself through therapy, transformational programs, and retreats. 2017 was the year that things really began to shift. I dubbed 2017 as My Year of Action. I reached a point of exhaustion by repeating the same patterns, and not taking action towards what I said I wanted. I committed to showing up for myself consistently in ways I hadn’t done prior. It was the year I went on my first international retreat in Guatemala and realized that I was playing it safe in life. I knew after that retreat that it was time for me to quit my job of over a decade and follow my dream of traveling the world.
When I returned home from Guatemala, I raised the bar in showing up for myself inside of my Word of the Year, Action. I went to the dentist and told her that my bite was bothering me. She referred me to an orthodontist whom she highly recommended (Dr. Ortega at White Rock Orthodontics). I immediately booked a consultation. During the consultation, I learned that I was in fact a candidate for Invisalign. Dr. Ortega was confident that I could continue to live my spontaneous lifestyle as a traveler while correcting my bite. He said it would be a long journey and take at least 2 to 2 1/2 years. After all, teeth, especially molars, don’t move overnight.
My fear was screaming at me that this was too long and wouldn’t work, but my intuition knew it was time.
I thought back to my initial orthodontist consult 3-4 years prior. Had I committed to the process then, I would’ve been finished now. I didn’t want to wait another 4 years and be back in this same place with no action. So, on August 22, 2017, I committed to getting Invisalign and going down the path to fixing my bite. I had no idea that by making this commitment I’d also be opening myself up to the longest and most beautiful lesson in patience. After the initial “getting used to having attachments on my teeth”, Invisalign became a part of my lifestyle. I learned to embrace my smile and work my life around appointments. In the past, I would’ve been self-conscious about showing my smile with attachments on my teeth, but I learned that most didn’t even notice it. It became a part of me. I modeled in at least a dozen photoshoots and continued to travel all over the world while stopping back in Dallas every 4 to 5 months to get new trays.
When I hit the 2.5-year mark, I was a little disheartened to learn that my molars still needed more time to move. I received a whole new box of trays starting back to tray 1 of 24. At the rate of changing trays every two weeks, I was looking at least another year. I had made it this far, what was another year? That was a statement I never would’ve embraced prior to this journey. I used to think a month was a long time and that a year was an eternity… oh how naive I was.
It was around this time that I had also started my business and was navigating the world of being my own boss and learning to charge for my services. I thought committing to a multi-year journey with my teeth was challenging. Starting my own business, however, there was no preparing me for this ride.
It’s one thing to enter into something knowing how long it will take; it’s another to enter into something blindly believing it’s going to take off right away.
There are a lot of romantic success stories that entrepreneurs share that suck the newbies in:
I just had my first $10,000 month!
I went from broke to rich just by putting myself out there.
I have more clients than I know what to do with.
I made $50,000 doing one event.
While these are legit scenarios among many service-based entrepreneurs, it is not a common narrative. What’s missing from these stories is the work behind the scenes and more importantly, the internal work that others rarely see. So, while I celebrate business owners who reach these milestones (and wish to achieve levels like this myself), the way the stories are often shared can be a bit disheartening to those of us who are still building and refining our message and offerings.
If I was to share any wisdom with wannabe or newbie entrepreneurs, it would be to have patience. Take things one step at a time. One day at a time. Trust in the process and learn from those who have been where you want to go.
It was frustrating to hear from my orthodontist that I’d have to wear my Invisalign for another year to a year and a half. I wanted to quit and held back tears in the chair when I learned again that it would be yet another 6 months. But, I was so grateful that he was honest with me and asked me to trust in the process and trust that it would be worth it.
This journey with Invisalign has had so many parallels to running a business.
Timing is not something that’s always so easily predictable. I learned during this process to let go of linear time and trust in divine timing. There was a deep knowing that the process with Invisalign was here to teach me patience in all areas of my life. It taught me to trust in divine timing with the launch of new offerings and services within my business.
Don’t compare your timing or results to others’ journeys. I’ve had several friends get Invisalign as adults and the process only took them 6 to 9 months. When I first considered going down the path of orthodontics, I thought it would only take 9 months because that’s what I had heard from so many. But that wasn’t the case for me. My situation was completely different than theirs and would take more time. There was no sense in comparing my timing to theirs because it was unique to me just as theirs was unique to them. The same is with business. These days they say it takes 18-24 months for the average business to make a profit. While some can get there quicker, don’t discount all of the navigating, refining, and planning that takes place in the beginning phases.
Release attachment to the how and when. When I learned that the process would be longer than 2.5 years with my teeth, I learned to let go of expectations and surrender to the process. I couldn’t force my teeth to move. They had to go at their own pace, just as I’ve had to learn to go at my own pace in business. In 2020, I was set to lead my first international retreat in Spain. This was a big and exciting step for me! And then the pandemic hit. My travels, this retreat, business, and offerings were put on hold. I had to learn to pivot, try on new offerings, and release control.
Just when you think you’re done, another path appears. I attribute much of my journey to climbing a mountain. The peak can look so close to you as you’re moving towards it. But just when you think you’ve reached the top, another hill or path appears. It’s not as close as it looked. So then you’re faced with a choice, do you keep going? Or, do you turn around and call it done? I could’ve told my orthodontist that I was done when I learned I had another 12 to 18 months to go. But I knew from experience that the journey to the top is worth it. It’s worth it to keep going. The lessons learned along the way are priceless.
Consistency is key. My teeth would not have moved had I not worn my trays daily and overnight. While I didn’t always follow the recommended wear of 22 hours per day, I never went a day or night without wearing my trays. It was not easy to commit to at first, but after weeks of establishing a routine, I got used to the consistency and began to see results with each new tray and each check-up. I’ve dabbled so much in my business trying on different services and offerings. I’ve not been the best at sending regular newsletters or following what the “experts” say you’re supposed to do to run a successful business. But I have continuously shown up through the good and the hard. I learned that My Why was the foundation (or the trays like with my Invisalign) for everything that I do. And no matter what is happening in my life, as long as I’m holding to My Why, I will continue to show up and be seen.
When you learn to fully surrender and embrace the process, things begin to shift.
At the end of 2020, I learned that I had another 7 to 8 months left with my Invisalign. And I knew there was no point in fighting it. After all, I had already made it this far. So I surrendered and accepted where I was. I remember declaring to my sister, “My business is going to take off when I'm done with my Invisalign.” While I was half-joking, I had this sense that things would shift when I finally learned to let go of control, trust, and be patient.
I wanted to give up many times with my Invisalign. Just like I’ve wanted to give up many times with my business. I’ve gone through the common cycle that many entrepreneurs face of wanting to quit and find a regular job. Yet, something keeps me on this path. There’s a deep knowing within that I’m meant to keep climbing. I’ve come a long way on this journey. The pandemic showed me that I am capable of slowing down and being in one place for a time. It taught me that it’s okay to try on different avenues and embrace all of the many skills I have. It’s taught me to ask for support and open up to receiving. I’ve had to ask many friends and my sister and her husband to support me several times in the last year with money for bills and, at times, food. It has not been easy to ask, but it has been so humbling to receive.
It’s been my greatest lesson in patience. When I finally surrendered to the process, I let go of attachment to the end. At the beginning of June 2021, I went in for what I thought was a normal checkup for my Invisalign to learn that it was actually the day to have my attachments removed and be fitted for a permanent retainer.
Letting go of attachment allowed me to reach the finish line.
And guess what? My declaration has started to show evidence of the payoff from being patient. Last year, I applied for a grant with the Small Business Association (SBA) for Covid relief, and I was denied. I applied for unemployment and again, I was denied. I didn’t earn enough to be considered.
Last week, I went in for a 6-week follow-up for my permanent retainer. It was my final appointment for this leg of the journey. Everyone cheered me on and congratulated me as I walked out of the building. And at that moment, I knew. Things finally were shifting.
I reapplied several weeks ago for an EIDL Covid Relief grant through the SBA. Monday, I woke up to find a generous sum of money in my account.
While I did receive a large portion of money overnight, the work that went into being patient, trusting, and surrendering to the process did not happen overnight.
I wasn’t ready to get orthodontics when I first went in for a consultation. I was meant to go on this 4-year journey at this time in my life. And the same is with the grant money. Had I gotten the money last year when I first applied, I would’ve used it to escape rather than face my pain.
Patience is a beautiful teacher and one of the most challenging lessons we will ever learn.
Where in your life are you afraid to start out of fear of how long the process will take?
Where in your life are you wanting to speed up the process to be done rather than soak in the journey?
Where in your life are you wanting to quit because it’s gotten too hard or you simply can’t wait any longer?
Where in your life are you comparing your timing and your journey to others’ stories rather than embracing your pace?
I invite you to reflect on these questions and see what arises. And if you find yourself desiring support, reach out to me. I created a new customized program to support you with where you are now that is designed to fit how you best operate. Send me a message or schedule a curiosity call to learn more.
0 notes
Metal Mouth
Request: Can you do a Winchesters x little sister where the reader (the sister) has to get braces but she’s really nervous and she needs her brothers with her because she thinks nobody will like her with them on
A/N: SURPRISE! You guys are getting a back to back posting package! This is because I feel really bad about part two to Faults and Breaths! Anyway, love, thank you so much for requesting this, and I hope your experience (if you have one or had one) is not as rocky as this one! (This is also a little break from all the emotional stuff I've been putting you through!)
Reminding you wonderful beauties that requests are open and so is the tag list!
Pairings: Sam and Dean x little sister! Reader
Tags: @percussiongirl2017 @metaphysicalmisha @winchesters-favorite-girl @sisterwinchesterwriter @staticweekes @lil-sister-winchester @awkwarderthanaverage @missygun
You nervously played with edge of your flannel. It used to belong to Dean, and you hoped that wearing it would give you a bit of his courage. You quickly shook your leg, and tapped your foot all at once. Sam slowly put his hand on your leg in an attempt to stop you from jittering. He hadn’t looked up from the orthodontist’s waiting room read. Dean was checking out the nurse that kept opening and closing the door to the back room.
You were scheduled to get your braces on today, and to say you were nervous would have been an understatement. Your brothers had been trying to save up money for this since you were a small being. Your teeth were crowding each other, and the dentist warned that you would eventually be in excruciating pain. You told your brothers you could handle it, even trying to use their famous words of “I’m a Winchester” but nevertheless, you were waiting for metal to invade your mouth.
You had been arguing with them since the mention of the appointment was uttered from a slightly sober Dean, and Sam had quickly shut down all conversation with a threat to take away your hunting privileges. You contemplated the look you would have after your mouth was decked out in wires and color rubber bands, and the thought made you shudder. Would you still be beautiful? Your brothers had no idea this was the reason you were fighting them. The idea that your beauty would be warped by the braces that were supposed to help you had haunted your mind since the first introduction appointment.
But, here you sat on the vinyl chairs, awaiting a pretty little thing to call you back and force your mouth to open wide for this short-term life changer. You watched every other tween and teen the young thing called go back. Your mind raced with ways of getting out of your situation. You had finally figured out a plan when the woman came back out the door, calling for you.
“Y/N?” she smiled and looked down at her file again. You didn’t move
Dean looked over to you and waited, as Sam began to place down his magazine.
“Y/N Winchester?” she called again.
“You gonna go or are we just gonna sit here and watch her call you?” Dean asked. You looked up with the biggest puppy dog, tear filled, scared eyes you could muster. “Come on Y/N, it won’t be that bad,” he rolled his orbs.
You sighed and stood. With the last bit of nerves, you felt sizzling in your fingertips, you stepped off with your right foot, and bolted for the door. The plan would have worked, if it weren’t for Sam standing up at the exact same time you had planned to run. You smacked your head right on his soon to be stretching arms.
“Oh my god Y/N! I am so sorry!” Sam laughed as he gripped your arm. You were trying to catch your vision back into place, and regain the original thought process you had. It wasn’t the first time the moose of a man had nearly knocked you over.
The moment was interrupted with the woman chuckling, “So your little miss Y/N? Come on sweetie your chair is ready”.
You looked up to Sam who had ushered you with his hands to pass him. You looked back at Dean who was clearly more focused on the lower areas of the young woman’s backside as she waited for you to follow her.
You began to shake with nerves, and every distorted version of yourself with braces flashed into your mind. You didn’t want any part of yourself to change, even if that meant pain. Sam gave your back a little push and a nod towards the assistant’s place.
You shoved down your thoughts and took some steps which eventually led you back towards the x-ray room. The long process began, and you could feel your heart leaping out of your chest.
The plaster like substance the woman put in your mouth made your stomach sink, and cause a gagging reaction from you. You tried staying strong, but couldn’t help the sinking feeling that began to take over as the process continued.
When you finally moved to the chair where the orthodontist would put the braces in your mouth, you started to panic. You had held it together for so long and now the nerves were returning to torment you once more.
“Can you open your mouth for me sweetheart?” the doctor asked. When he tried reaching towards you, your teeth sank into his hand. He let out a yelp, as his assistant shrieked. You shot up from the chair and ran back out to your brothers.
They both looked up at you and you looked at your feet.
“What’s wrong kiddo?” Dean asked, and you looked up to face his bright eyes.
“I’m a little nervous…do we really have to go through with this?” you asked.
Sam sighed, thinking about all the previous times you had said that. Dean gave a little chuckle.
“Baby girl, are you telling me after all the things you have seen, hunted and killed, you’re scared of a little metal in your mouth?” he asked, gaining a strange look from a mom a few feet away.
“It’s not that…” you replied with a bit of a lip quiver.
“What’s wrong Y/N/N?” Sam asked, grabbing your arm.
You looked down at your shoes again and took in the army green color they were. “What if, what if no one thinks I’m beautiful, and what if it affects the way people see me, or the way I see myself?” you asked.
Sam looked to Dean, finally understanding why their baby sister had put up such a fight with them. You were normally an obedient teenager, and the boys took pride in knowing they raised you to be respectful, so when the arguing had happened, they were shocked and a bit astounded. Now though, now it all fell into place and both your brothers immediately wanted to comfort you.
“Oh sweetheart,” Sam cooed as he pulled you into a hug. You would have pulled away if it weren’t for your need of support.
“Y/N you are always going to be the most beautiful girl on the face of the earth. Everyone can see it, and Sammy and I are always amazed when we look at you. Beauty inside and out, just like we had hoped for, and a little bit of wire and hot glue in your mouth ain’t gonna change that,” Dean smiled, rubbing your arm.
“Bunny you do know that no one is going to even really notice the braces, right? Even if they do, your beauty will always shine through,” Sam smiled into a kiss he placed on the top if your head.
“Thanks guys, I’ve been so worried about this when I shouldn’t have been. All I needed to remember was that the two most important boys think I’m beautiful, and that’s all that should matter,” you smiled.
“Who are these two boys because I’ll kill them if they even lay a hand on your-,” Dean started but you rolled your eyes.
“It’s you and Sam you goof!” you giggled, but then got serious, “They’re gonna put hot glue in my mouth!?”.
Sam’s eyes widened as he gave Dean a slight snarl eye, “No, bug, it’s not hot glue. It’s actually a bonding cement, or it could even be a glue that is branded on to your teeth with a special sort of UV light. It actually might not be a UV light, let me just check this book really quick,” Sam said as he went to reach for the pamphlet he had next to the dental magazine.
“Can you come back with me? Just as extra support?” you asked and they nodded with matching support smiles.
Dean put his hand on your shoulder and Sam led the way, “You got this kiddo!”.
“One more thing,” you tried to hold back your giggles, “You may want to slip the doc an extra twenty”.
“Why?” Sam questioned.
You didn’t get a chance to answer as the doctor stood in front of the chair you had walked back to. “Your daughter bit me!” he growled.
Dean scowled at the thought of being married to Sam, and Sam rubbed the back of his neck, “Uh we’re brothers, and she’s our sister,” Sam explained.
The doctor’s eyes went wide, “I’m so sorry sir,” he stammered.
You gave a devious smile, “Who bit your hand doc?”. He understood the message, and silently moved away so you could get back in the chair.
Your brothers held your hands the entire time. The doctor wasn’t as pleased because he had less space to work, and a bandage on his hand, but it all worked out as well as it could have.
After everything had finished, and you were back home to the bunker, you admired the shiny metal on your teeth. “How do I look?” you asked your brothers, taking a seat at a library table.
“Like a cute little nerd,” Dean smiled. You rolled your eyes as Sam laughed.
You knew he meant that you were as beautiful ever.
“Hey bunny, if you ever bite anyone again, we may have to ground you,” Sam warned. Dean only gave a chuckle in response as you overexaggerated a biting motion.
"Don't shut the little chomper that could down, Sammy!" Dean laughed at his own joke and Sam rolled his eyes.
“OW!” you whined.
“What?” Dean asked, concerned.
“It hurts,” you put your hand to your cheek, and both your brothers shook their heads.
"And it's down," Dean sighed.
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destinationtoast · 7 years
Chronic face pain updates
Long.  Probably not that interesting except to close friends or chronic pain sufferers, but feel free to read.  Partly documenting for myself.
TL;DR: more botox, new TMJ therapy, new drug plan, new dietary restrictions, new meditation and yoga and acupuncture and therapy plans, more info about surgery options, new TMJ specialist (and new info about the evils of braces), OH AND I QUIT MY JOB AND TOOK A NEW ONE AND PLAN TO TAKE A MONTH’S LEAVE IN BETWEEN WOOOOOOOOO!!!! :)
Botox and TMJ: I went to the Stanford neurologist and got botox again, this time with a bunch of botox in my jaw as well as all the usual migraine spots.  We think my TMJ is probably part of the problem, maybe even moreso than my chronic migraines.  It seems likely that it’s contributing at least, since I keep breaking my night guards (something the night guard company had never seen before; they modified their design a couple times based on me) and this second trigeminal nerve (the cheekbone nerve, as I think of it) is sometimes bothered by TMJ.  She still called my case "highly atypical" because I have pain all day every day.  That just doesn't happen really ever, I guess (she's one of the leading neurologists in facial pain worldwide). So yay I get the kind of gold star in special snowflakeness that nobody wants.   So I got the botox, and was also given a more extensive set of TMJ exercises than I'd had in the past -- I am going to try to relearn how to hold my mouth.  Like, in general.  Because I usually have my teeth together when I'm not talking or eating, and that's apparently wrong.   "During the day, except during swallowing and chewing, your teeth should never come together.  Your jaw should be lose [sic] and your teeth should stay apart. Your teeth are not 'resting' against one another. If your teeth are together, your jaw is working hard." Okay, wow.  Hadn’t realized how bad I was.  New plan: touch tongue gently to middle of roof of mouth as a default.  Not that I have to do this all the time, but doing this causes jaw to relax and teeth to part.  So do it multiple times a day/whenever I notice my teeth together.  I once retrained my tongue not to push against my teeth when at rest (for my orthodontist); I can do this.  I also have new, more extensive neck stretches (TMJ messes up your neck, too). A couple days later, I went to the dentist and got a referral for a well-known TMJ specialist.  “He’s very old,” my dentist told me.  “Okay…?” I responded.  “Great?”  “No, but — very, very old.”  “So — lots of experience?”  “Yes.  But expect to spend several hours there.  He takes a long time.  Moves slowly.  But thorough.”  “Ohhhh.  He’s very slow.”  “Yes.  And very old.”  Okay. I also found out my TMJ may have been made much worse by having braces.  (The TMJ specialist used to be an orthodontist and got into TMJ treatment after 50 years of seeing the effects in patients.)  Good to look into more, if you’re thinking of giving your kids braces — I’m not sure if everyone is at risk of this.  I mean, I think very few people will get trigeminal neuralgia, but TMJ is unpleasant even without that! New drug plan: we’re going to wait a bit for the new birth control I just switched to (which might help a little) to take more effect, and we’ll see where that plus the current round of botox put things.  Then there are two new drugs to potentially try.  I’ll email her in 2-3 weeks and we’ll discuss then. New dietary restrictions: really, truly, cut out the preservatives.  No freezer food, processed meat, delicious bagged snacks… probably everything I love.  Kill me now.  (I think reduction is probably all that’s I can hope to achieve here.  But the recent experiments with cooking from mealkits should help.) Surgery option:  sometimes the trigeminal nerve is being compressed by a blood vessel, and that’s causing some pain.  They can do some really major surgery and go in and fix that; the danger is loss of sensation in face.  And “really major surgery” might mean weird scars, I guess.  I was trying to understand the pros and cons just to understand what that option would even look like and when to think about it, but she is just strongly discouraging me from thinking about it, I guess.  I will email her follow up questions, because I don’t understand yet why she’s so convinced that being on a combo of pretty severe seizure drugs and regular botox for the rest of my life (one of the outcomes she sees as possible) would be a better way of managing pain than a surgery, if I’m a decent candidate.  I don’t necessarily want surgery, I just want to understand her reasoning and the risks and benefits thoroughly. Other therapies:  It’s likely that we won’t find a cure and I’ll be in a chronic pain management situation forever.  With that in mind, I’m gearing up to try lots of different things. Acupuncture, therapeutic yoga, cognitive behavioral therapy aimed at pain management.  (Like all mental health professionals, most of the good ones don’t take insurance; WTF, USA.  or California?  or Bay Area?  IDK.)  My doctor also sent me a list of books to read, and info on mindfulness meditation for pain management.   I am also supposed to exercise regularly (i.e., do workouts most days — I have definitely noticed that it helps with immediate pain levels and increased energy over time); I have acquired a recumbent exercise bike (easier on my plantar fasciitis) and have been sometimes sleeping in loose comfy exercise pants so I can literally roll out of bed and get on the bike, in an attempt to make this as simple as possible. Other plans for myself:  I spent a lot of time slouched sideways on my couch.  I know it bugs my hip sometimes, and I bet it’s bad for my neck and head.  (I also spend a lot of time slouched elsewhere, throughout the day.  But I’m working on incremental changes.)  I think if I simply moved my recliner to the room where the TV is, that would help.   This is all a lot to deal with.  But!  I’m going to take a leave from work soon and have time to pursue a couple the of the alternative therapies, and start setting up a regular routine of healthier things (more exercise, food options that are not all packaged, etc.).  I’m doing that because I TOOK A NEW JOB THAT I’M SUPER EXCITED ABOUT!! :D  And before starting it (and after wrapping up the current job over next few weeks, which has become a dumpster fire), I’m going to take a month off in between to mostly just focus on health.  (Health, and writing.  But mostly health.) I feel good about having a plan!  Yay.
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findingjules · 8 years
New Year, new me?
Seriously... It’s rather shallow, but I’ve been on a rampage recently with beautification procedures. 
About two weeks ago I went to a dermatologist for the first time (which I really should’ve done a long time ago), because I’ve always known I had sensitive skin but never really knew why. My dermatologist took one look and told me I have rosacea and she recommended that I do a 5-time IPL treatment, which uses intense pulsed light to strengthen my skin and try to reverse any damage already done, such as freckles and broken capillaries. I didn’t even realize I had broken capillaries on my face! But IPL is supposed to help with my redness as well. Then afterward, I can consider doing it once a year to maintain it. The vain side of me said what the hell, and I got a $1500 package for a 5-time treatment. 
I’ve also been doing a lot of research over the past couple years in getting Invisalign or invisible aligners/braces to straighten my once straightened teeth. I had metal braces for about 3 years as a kid and boy did my parents spend a lot of money on my teeth, because I had such problematic teeth. My jaw was too small and crowding was an issue, so I had to remove 4 molars in order to get braces. I also have microdontia, which is when one or more of your teeth are abnormally small, affecting one of my upper lateral incisors, the tooth right next to your front teeth. Only one of mine is affected, so I got a veneer for that one to match the other side. Next, one of my canines refused to come out, so a special procedure had to be done along with my braces to gradually pull it out. Long story short, because of my complicated teeth, my parents had to pay more than normal parents would for braces for their kids. 
Fast forward a few years, I lost my retainers while in college and I didn’t bother getting replacement ones thinking my teeth will be fine, because I was surrounded my people in my family who stopped wearing retainers and their teeth barely shifted. There were my cousins and my mom. But boy was my case different. My teeth shifted quite a bit in those few years following the disappearance of my retainers and looking back at those pictures, you can see the gradual movement. 
Now that I’m 29 and turning 30 in about 3 months, I had another “what the hell” moment and decided to go and re-straighten my teeth with invisible aligners. I did research on orthodontics in NY, HK and Thailand, all of which I spend significant amounts of time in. Thailand is slightly cheaper than NY and HK. NY and HK prices are about the same (really expensive!), but I never really enjoyed visiting doctors or dentists in HK, because they tend to be very business-minded, trying to hard sell or push you to do certain procedures, so they can make more money, or they would try to get you out of there as soon as possible, making it hard to ask a lot of questions if you’re really concerned. So since I was home in NY for a while this time, I decided to see an orthodontist in NY, especially because I'm much more comfortable with the research I’ve done on the orthodontists in NY. 
I decided to set up a consultation appointment at Manhattan Bridge Orthodontics, because they have really good reviews on customer service, attention you would get during a visit, the cost competitiveness, etc. And they’re ranked a top 1% Invisalign provider. Their consultation fee was $50, which I thought was very average. They only had availability 2 weeks out. I had my consultation yesterday at 2 pm and I didn’t get to go into the consultation room until 2:17pm, while during the time I saw patients being called into the backroom and coming back out. I didn’t really know what to expect, but the consultation took about 30 minutes, where an assistant gave me the basic rundown regarding Invisalign, and took pictures and x-rays. The orthodontist later came and spoke with me about my case, telling me it will take about a year to fix my teeth and because of my shorter roots compared to normal teeth (yes, that’s another problem I have with my teeth. The roots are shorter than normal), she would have be to gentler with my teeth and go nice and easy with shifting them back in place. I was seriously hoping for less than year, but a year is not as bad as the 3 years I had braces for. After talking with her for a bit, the assistant took me to a different room, where the officer manager came and spoke to me about the pricing plan. In total it would cost a little over $5100 for everything over the course of 12-15 months, including one set of retainers and refinement treatment if I’m not too satisfied with the end procedure. They offer a 5% discount if you pay for everything at one go. The whole process would have to be complete within 5 years, but I know I don’t want to stretch it out for that long, and they’re quite flexible if you’re not always in NYC. I already know people in NY pay on average about $5000-7000 for Invisalign done in Manhattan, so I figured $4892.50 (with the 5% discount) is not too bad. 
Anyway so I went for it. My crooked bottom row really bothered me, because when I speak sometimes you can only see the 2 front bottom teeth and it looks those are the only 2 teeth on the bottom row, like a teething toddler. And there’s this one front tooth that has turned a bit, but other than that, my top row is really not too bad. 
Argh, just forked out all that money this month to appease my vanity. Farewell pretty bags and shoes. I can’t be see buying you up anytime soon! *sad tears streaming down my face*
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tiredmop · 8 years
Blood and Strawberry Bubblegum
I was tired and not a willing participant in this situation.  I never thought I would have a bad experience with dentists.  My childhood orthodontist was a very kind and soft spoken man, all reassuring smiles and light touches from his large and calloused hands.  When I moved, however, the next dentist office was hell.  There were two actual doctors, the other 20 or so girls bustling about were all college students looking for experience of interning. These women didn’t care, not reading my file or listening when I told them I am missing my lower canines. Every request for them to be gentle with my blistered lips was ignored.  My skin would tear as they pull my mouth open, and they would ask why my mouth was bleeding.  I despised this.  Was this an actual dentist office?  Was this why people feared their dreaded appointments?  I was rather than afraid, I was angry, and I fought tooth and nail to not go back.
It wasn’t until three years later when I moved again, my mom decided that we all needed to see a dentist again, all of us dreading it after the horrid experience of the over-crowded and thoughtless office.  My mother gave us some feedback from her recent fillings replacement at this new place, and I wasn’t too hopeful.  The head doctor there apparently was too headstrong, telling us his word was absolute and that there absolutely was no other way.  I wanted to fight him.
We arrived and I was in awe. Behind the desk was a beautiful red headed woman, eyes that seemed to produce their own light.  My teeth clamped down in my lower lip as my eyes shot to my feet.  I had to contain myself around my family, so I retreated to listening to music and the mindless tapping of my phone games.  I heard my name ring some hours later, after my younger siblings went before me.  I looked up and gulped.  Her voice was like a choir, pieced together so well that it was more than captivating. I shuffled after her, situating myself on the plastic covered chair.  It tilted back and my stomach wiggled.  She leaned over my face and smiled the light shining directly onto my face like a dimmed lamp compared to her.
“Okay, I’m just gonna look around, clean out these deep indentations in your molars and do a bit of polishing before the doctor comes in.”  Her teeth were white and pearly, just like anyone working in a place like this, and I couldn’t help but find myself staring at them every time they flashed between her lips.  I felt ashamed of my own tea stained teeth.
It hurt.  It hurt like hell.  My molar indents were deeper than most people, and the plaque could not be brushed out by normal means.  She had to go in with the little metal picks and dig them out.  The feeling was horrifying, like she was carving out my teeth. And then she went with a small, pressurized water nozzle to clear out between my teeth.  It brushed my gums constantly, with small apologizes for the necessary pain.  The polishing came after, and her quiet short hum in satisfaction at the end was like something I lived for.  She smiled sweetly and told me to rinse and spit.
After the whole ordeal, she gave me a sly smile as I nabbed a candy cane off the counter, stuffing it into my pocket.  She made my appointment and gave another smile as we left.  My tongue ran over my teeth several times, dipping into my molars and against the gaps on my lower teeth.  I was in love.
And love tasted a lot like blood and strawberry bubblegum.
0 notes
Lansing Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 48937
"Lansing Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 48937
Lansing Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 48937
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What if i stop paying my insurance when i have a car loan?
i am leasing a new car, been paying for 3 years and this month i couldn't afford insurance so i stopped driving and started bike riding. well the insurance was cancelled for like 2 ...show more""
When does car insurance go down for teenagers?
i heard recently that now you can start driving as soon as you hit 17 1/2, instead of 18. does this work for insurance too - as in, will the insurance be cheaper if you start driving at 17 1/2, instead of 18? i can't afford the high insurance rates, so that's why i haven't started driving yet, although im 17 1/2 now. This is according to California DMV rules, btw thanks""
What good are healthcare insurance brokers?
I called one two weeks ago & he was going to email me different quotes. He never bothered to, and so I called him & asked where they were. He said he forgot. Meanwhile I called another health care insurance broker & she too sent me some quotes. I attempted on line to apply for one, but there was a problem with the form allowing me to go further. I not only called the broker like she said I could if there was a problem, but I also emailed her about the problem. She didn't return my phone call, and as of yet has answered my email. It seems to me they must not want to make a commission, so is it just best to contact the health insurance companies on their own? In the past a broker was able to tell me if I would qualify if there would be a mark up above standard rates. Now they say just apply on line and see what happens. Everything has to be on line which always obviously doesn't work. So, what good are health insurance brokers? They need to just do away with them if they aren't going to work.""
Questions about letter from insurance company?
I got a letter today from my insurance company who insures my homeowner's insurance - it said that they need to do an inspection of my home to see if I am maintaining it properly. I've been here since November 1999 and I've never gotten a letter like this before. But I was with another insurance company for several years - but I've been with this one for about 3 years I guess. if this were normal practice then why would I get a letter now and not every year? Is this normal insurance practice? This is the first time in my life that I've gotten one of these letters about a homeowners policy if it is not normal practice would this be because someone said something?
Is there an affordable private insurance provider that will cover prescription medicine so I can go to school?
I have Crohn's disease and I'm attending college in Idaho. I'm currently covered by my parents' insurance, but I'm I will no longer be covered in a year. My college has a reasonably priced insurance plan but it doesn't cover prescription medications. Remicade is considered a prescription drug, which means that the plan won't cover my remicade treatments which cost about $4,000 every eight weeks. I realize I could get a job that has benefits, but I really would like to get a college degree. Is there any way I can go to college and still have the health coverage I need to pay for my prescription medicines?""
Florida Home insurance help?
I was recently dropped from my insurance company.My credit is bad so no one will cover me what should I do? I will also need flood insurance.
What is the cheapest and best car insurance company?
I live in pueblo CO
Where can I get any driver over 25 business car insurance?
I'm fed up with filling in heaps of info for online quotes, only to find that the company doesn't offer any driver policies""
""Young driver getting a new car, insurance?""
Me and my fiance are buying a new car, im 20 and hes 22. Its a 2010 Mazda 3. We already went to the dealership and got a good price on it and even 0% financing. Signed all the papers and now we are looking at getting insurance but its putting us back a little bit. The car is all ready to go but not until we have insurance. Any ideas on good cheap insurance or are we basically screwed?""
17 pregnant wirh no health insurance.?
I am 17 I turn 18 in June. I found out yesterday that I am 8 weeks pregnant.. I have no health insurance and am wondering what to do?! Is there a way I can get health insurance so I can go to the doctor for me and the baby? Please help.
""I have a question about an accident, insurance, an estimate and payment?""
Hello. I recently got rear-ended and had an estimate done for $1800 dollars and somebody told me they would never give me that much for my car. I looked up the Kelley Blue Book and a private party price would be about $750 and that's how much they would give me and THEY take the car. Is this right? I might do it $750 and I keep the car! I put a new clutch in it, new front brake system, new exhaust, I love the car, so it's worth much more to me.....I'm just wondering what the law is on it and what I might be able to do to maximize my payout. If I'm unhappy with their offer can I take them to small claims and win? I just can't believe that I was just sitting at a stoplight and BOOM my car's wrecked and since I'm poor I can't get it fixed ya know? Thank you for your time......""
Driving with no car insurance?
i missed a car insurance payment last month but wasnt aware as i dont really check my bank as i assumed the money was in.. i got pulled up by the police the other night saying i didnt have insurance to which i replied yes i do the company is called ... they tried to ring them but as it was 2am they were closed... they let me go and have given me 7 days to report to the police station with my insurance documents. i rang up my insurance company asking for a certificate of my insurance as i lost mine to find out my policy had been cancelled (which i wasnt aware of).. so naturally now i am scared of what will happen. if i insure my car again and take down my new certificate to proove i have insurance and explain what has happened, how bad with the outcome be? HELP""
Need help on car insurance for young driver?
Hi! I've been struggling to get a good quote for car insurance for a while now. I tried all the big name comparison sites and every one is quoting me 4k (monthly installments). I opted for third party and theft, i am 22 years of age and my postcode starts with sl1 (slough) and i got pass plus and had my licence (manual) since march 2011. I got my car already its a Peugeot 206 1.6l petrol manual 1999 3doors. If you have time you can try for yourself with the above details the quote is freaking too much. Is this just how it is or am i doing something wrong? If you can point me to the right direction that would be amazing!!""
Estimate of insurance cost?
How much would car insurance be for a 17 year old with a good record and grades driving a Jeep Wrangler or Cherokee Sport? I know prices differ but I'm just looking for a very rough estimate. Thanks!
Affordable Care Act - Will I have to buy insurance?
I'm young and just starting out. I'm only going to make like 12-15K per year... Will I have to purchase insurance or pay the tax penalty?
Can i switch car insurance from one car to another?
i have a car with car insurance on it, but i am going to buy another car, and i want to take the car insurance off my old car and put it on my new one. is it possible and if so how do i go about doing it?""
Does anyone know where I can find individual dental insurance? Not the Dental discount but Insurance.?
I live in Ohio, so obviously it needs to cover us here, I've searched google and there are so many and most are regular health, we have that, we need really good dental with low copays. Primarily one that has pediatric dentists. Thanks for the help!""
""Im 20 years old and a full time student and work part time, if i move out, can i stay on my dad's insurance?""
Im 20 years old and a full time student and work part time, if i move out, can i stay on my dad's car and medical insurance even though i do not live at home but im under 25""
What are my options to get my car back from the insurance company?
I got into an accident about a week ago. the front passenger side was damaged. the insurance company told me today that it was a write off. they wouldn't be able to fix it, which is complete bull. It is a 98 Honda Civic with 200,00 km on it, and they are giving me $2800. What can i possibly do? Can I get my car back and repair it myself (by myself i mean a bodyshop i will take it too out of my own pocket)? What happens in that case? Will they give me any money or would i have to pay them?""
Can I get insurance that isn't based in my state?
I currently live in South Carolina and I'm in need of a particular surgical procedure, and my current insurance provider rules the surgery as cosmetic when in fact, an orthodontist, dentist, and an oral surgeon all suggested that surgery is a good option for me. They've all told me the same thing, however, that the surgery is difficult to get approved. So I did a bit of research and only one insurance company in the entire United States covers the procedure (That I could find). But, this insurance (Kaiser Permanente) isn't offered in my state. It is however offered in Georgia, which is relatively close. So my question is, could I switch to Kaiser Permanente if I don't live in Georgia, California, or one of their other locations? It's orthognatic surgery, in case it's relevant.""
Will my insurance go up if my car gets hit?
I was driving home with my roommate and gave her permission to drive back since i cant see well at night. And on our way home another driver slammed into my car. Both the other driver and my roommate and I pulled over and the other driver admitted she was at fault and that she would pay for all the damages to my car. Will my insurance still go up even though i wasn't at fault and the other driver is offering to pay all the damages through her insurance? P.S. my insurance is met life and the other drivers was Allstate.
I need help trying to get the cheapest car insurance.?
Im 18 years old i past my driving test in September but can afford insurance, the lowest quote ive been given is 3000 pounds which is outrageous. Is there any way i could find cheap insurance and what would be the car to help too !!! :) Thanks !!!""
Will my car insurance go up because my friend got a speeding ticket while driveing my car??
I let my friend drive my car and he got a speeding ticket for going 5 over. will my insurance go up because he got the ticket while driving my car or just his insurance.
Do most insurance companies cover birth control?
I'm getting new health insurance through work and I'm already on the pill and I was wondering: 1. Will most insurances cover it? 2. Can I stay on the same pill?
Where to go to get a quote?
Hi people, I'm seventeen, taking my driving lessons but find it incredibly hard to get a quote for insurance. I want a rough estimate so i know how much to save but every site i have checked is for someone who already owns a car. If anyone has any good sites or references for my position it would be appreciated. thanks dudes XD""
Lansing Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 48937
Lansing Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 48937
Vauxhall Astra 1.7 cdti Insurance?
I'm 17 soon so i'm looking for cars to get, and I've been looking at a 1.7 cdti Vauxhall Astra (100bhp) 3 door, and i can easily afford a decent 2005-07 model but its the insurance I'm worried about, i don't want to buy a nice decent first car and not be able to insure the damn thing, and all of the quote websites I've been on are giving me stupid answers so I'm just wondering if any of yous have had one of these for your first cars and how much it cost to insure it or if you just have a good idea on how much it would cost? thanks.""
What's an affordable life insurance with no health exam?
My father needs life insurance and has health problems. He needs something with low monthly payments, but will provide enough if he has a natural death.""
Best car to insure in GTA 5 online?
I need a car to insure and upgrade but not sure which one is the best help?
Health Insurance for Immigrant 65+?
My parents and I are bringing my grandmother from India and were trying to find an affordable health insurance plan for her. She has never worked in the U.S.A. so she is not eligilble for Medicare or other programs like it. She has pre-existing conditions. I was hoping to get $100,000 of coverage, but I would appreciate all the options I have so please list them all. THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR HELP!""
I'm on a fixed income with 3 cats. Does any cat owner know of a good affordable cat insurance plan?
*I purr..fer to hear from people that already have a good affordable cat insurance plan.
Best and Cheapest Car On Insurance For a 17 Year Old?
Best and Cheapest Car On Insurance For a 17 Year Old?
What solutions would make health care treatment instead of health care insurance more affordable?
considering out of pocket expenses? and would this be a conservative approach to the health care issue?
Car insurance question?
I just payed my car insurance in full From January till May and i want to change my insurance company because i got a better offer from another company. My question is can i cancel the one i have right now and switch to the new company and if i do will i get my money back from the insurance company i have right now? How does that work? or do i have to stay insured with them till my insurance expires?
19 year old female just passed driving test. need cheap insurance quotes. is anyone else in the same situation?
i am a 19 year old female and have just passed my driving test. i know the insurance quotes i get are going to be expensive but does anyone know who is best to go with (cheapest) and is anyone else in the same situation? Thanks
Home equity line & Insurance?
Back in October we pulled a homeequity line of credit on my doublewide. We had allowed the insurance to lapse since the house was paid off so we had to get new insurance. We could only get insurance on the houses tax value of 53,000.00, despite the appraisal value being 167,000.00. The morgage company would only allow us to get a morgage for 55,000, instead of the 65,000 we were looking for because of the insurance policy. Why can we not get a loan for more then the house because the land itself is worth 30-40,000? I asked the insurance agent and she said that they couldn't insure the land. Why is it that I can't get a loan on the land too...""
""I have been married for nearly 20 years in california, but my husband and I were separated after only one year?""
What laws are there for spousal support in a legal separation and what medical benefits am I entitled to, he says we need to stay married because he is a teacher and I will not qualify for health benefits if we file a legal separation or divorce. I know he gets the head of household tax break, but isn't there a bigger break on spousal support. As I said he is a teacher and I am permanently disabled. We live in the state of California. Thanks for any suggestions on this matter. Right now i have a PPO insurance with good benefits. It is the support that is lacking, And no I am not even looking for my fair share I just want a little closer to fair on support. I live way below the poverty level.""
What can car insurance sue me for?
About a month ago I was involved in a fender bender. I don't have insurance and I let the guy know that. He told me just to pay his deductable for the damages and we'd be done. He wouldn't report it to insurance or come after me for any damages. I paid him the $ for his deductable and didn't hear anything for a few weeks. Today I got a call from his insurance company claiming that they are coming after me for full damages. All of this after I paid him what he wanted. They are threatening to sue me for my car. My car is worth a lot more than the damages were to his. Can they do this? I'm not sure where to go from here.
I need braces on my teeth but i dont no have Insurance that cover it what can do do help?
i really need braces for my teeth and my health insurance wont pay for it. i am 21 and my teeth are crooked and is in my way. i do get SSI but i wanted to know what can i do because Braces cost to much money.
Would a crown vic be much cheaper to insure than a mustang gt for an 18 year old?
I always have worked on hondas and I would like to have a car with a ford pushrod or mod motor in it and Im just concerned with insurance prices given its a v8 amd I'm 18 what would I be expecting to pay I have the money I just want to hear opinions on my options before i ask for a quote
Which of these cars would be good for a first driver? Which one would have the cheapest insurance?
1. 2005 Ford Five Hundred 2. 2000-2005 Jeep Wrangler 3. 2000-2005 Honda Accord 4. 2007 Dodge Caliber 5. 2004-2006 Mazda 3 6. 2006-2007 Volkswagon Jetta Please Help!!!!
Shopping for individual health care?
am 22 and am shopping for AFFORDABLE health insurance could someone please point me to the right direction?and please dont tell me US health plans coz their customer service really sucks
What is a semiannual premium for car insurance?
My quote was: Semiannual premium: $1251 Do I pay $1251 twice a year?
Pass Plus lower insurance?
Ive passed my driving test and looking to get a car. The plan was to get a car and put my dad as the first named driver and add me on. From what ive found its around 2800+ which is a lot of money. My driving instructor says Pass Plus is a good idea for when you pass your test, will it lower my insurance? Or is it just a myth?""
Can you add you unborn child to your insurance?
well, I would like to add my baby to my boyfriend's insurance (the daddy) can he do it now or we need to wait until the baby is born?""
It is good to Invest in LIfe Insurance than a Bank?
Life Insurance cover -Accident insurance -Death Insurance -Hospital Insurance -and they say you can retrieve the money that you've deposit if you don't like to continue with a good interest. anyway the life insurance that i talk to is sunlife flexilink, they say it is good to invest unlike in a bank please give me an advice, thanks""
Should I continue to pay my car insurance?
I've been paying car insurance for a car that has been with a mechanic for the past 7 months. In order to get my car back I have to pay $900.00 USD. Should I cancel my car ...show more
Car insurance cancelled?
i have been with the same car insurance company ever since i past my test 3 years ago, 2 years ago a neighbour accused me of backing into his car I NEVER, i phoned my car insurance company to notify them there was a claim being made against me just to keep them up to date in case they had a phone call from anyone!, Anyway after weeks of Police investigation i managed to prove i was not involved and no claim was ever made, i thought this had all disappeared but now 2 years later and still with the SAME company they are saying i have lied on my no claims and have told me by letter they no longer wish to insure me, then 5 days later they took there payment from my bank ? i only received the letter this morning (sat) and none of the offices are open until mon, i am so worried they wont reinstate my car insurance ? has anyone else been in the same situation ? and what was the outcome ? ( and they also said in the letter that i would have to pay the outstanding amount on my policy withing 7 days or they will send me to a debt collector ?""
How much does insurance through an employer cost?
I just got a job offer and was told that health insurance will cost $210 a month. That sounds really steep to me, is that normal?""
Can I add a person to my insurance if i dont own the car?
Okay, my live in boyfriend just got a car and is leasing it through an auto dealer, and making payments. The car is in his name. I would like to know if he can be added to my insurance policy? Does the car have to be in my name to be on my insurance policy?""
Can my husband take life insurance out on me without me knowing in the military?
hey my husband is in the military and he has a life insurance policy on him and i only have a small portion of it and everything else goes to his mother but i just recently find out he has life insurance out on me way more than i would get from him and i didnt sign anything so im wondering can he do it without my consent? and can i cancel it?
Lansing Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 48937
Lansing Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 48937
How much would it cost to rebuild my townhome ? an Insurance quote question.?
I am buying a townhome for 215K and it has a association which has insurance to covers outer part. As home owner I need H06 policy to take of interior and my personal property. I am closing next week and need to buy a home insurance and whenever I am getting quotes everyone is asking me what value you want for home replacing coverage to be. They are asking home much would it cost to rebuild my townhome, how would I know this. Here is the scenario: Its a PULTE built 2004 construction and was sold around 300K in 2004 for first owner, now since prices have come down I am getting the townhome for 215K.(3 bed, 2.5 bath,2 car garage,basement, 2 story,2000 Sft.), its in Chicago suburbs (Schaumburg IL). So how would I know how much would it cost me to rebuilt incase of a full fire damage to the home, since I own the land I can reconstruct I guess. Any approximate dollar amount as how much would it cost to rebuilt ?""
Why do Women get cheaper car insurance?
Thats the biggest joke going! they are safer my ar*e
Which company offers good whole life insurance?
I am sick of term life insurance and the company I am with now is abysmal. I would appreciate any help. I have a wife and two daughters, it's about them, not me....""
Roommate Fell Off My Roof Will Homeowner Insurance Pay?
I asked roommate to put waterproof plastic on roof over-hang. He fell off roof and broke collar bone. We took him to ER. When he came home he needed more care then we could give him. He went to his cousins assisted-living hospital. He has Medicare and Medi-Cal, California. Will my homeowners insurance cover his unpaid bills? Can he sue for pain and suffering? Will insurance cancel my policy? He was been roommate for 3 years.""
Car insurance for teens?
Can a teenager have thier own car insurance and if so what companies let them im in delaware. And which is the best all answers welcome
Does having points on your liscence affect your insurance?
i am currently 20 years old, and have fully comp insurance costing around a grand... i am turning 21 soon but in the next few days am expecting to have 6 points on my liscense,, any opinions of how much i would be looking for fully comp renewal, or even for downgrade to 3rd party? thanks""
How much will my car insurance cost?
(I dont know anything about cars or insurance so please bare with me!)Okay so i'm 20, female and I have a Vauxhall Corsa 1998. I got it when i was 19 and i'm paying A LOT for my insurance- 199 a MONTH! This is my first car and I bought it in December 2011. Anyway, its due for renewal in October. Im insured third party fire and theft. Bought the car for 600, I live in London. My question is how much will my insurance cost when i renew it? The reason i'm asking is because I don't want to call my insurance company and ask them, cos if they tell me a price and its still very high i'll just panic and agree to it without looking around. Will it go down by much? I haven't made any claims or anything like that!! my excess is 250 if it helps. Thanks! ... I realise that you probably won't be able to give me accurate quote- but anything will help!""
About coupe car insurance.?
I'm thinking of buying an coupe car. People say coupe car have very high insurance fee. Do you know where to check each car's insurance price? I also heard different age has different price, and older the cheaper. So if we have insurance this coupe as mom who is 50 year old would it be cheaper than me who is 18 year old? how much does it get cheaper if I never get in accident or get violation ticket? If you can, can you recommend me cheap coup car? Thank you.""
Do Republicans think low insurance rates means cheap healthcare?
The fact is that under ObamaCare insurance rates are set by the amount the insurance company pays to doctors and hospitals. If they charge more than 125% of what they pay out they ...show more
Health Insurance Not Taken Out from Check?
I got an extra 84 bucks in my check bc they didn't take out for health insurance? Was this just a mistake?
Cheap car insurance...who are you with?
i am looking for cheap car insurance for my two cars. i had my license since i was 18 and now im 20. i have no tickets and i need to find insurance please help me....who do u have and how much do u pay?
How much does my auto insurance go up after my first ticket?
I got my Drivers License a month back. Today I rented a car (and fortunately with a full insurance cover) and ran into another car and got a ticket that says Inability to control car or something like that. I am planning to buy a car pretty soon. Could any of you give me an idea as to how much my insurance will be effected as a result of this mishap? I would appreciate any replies.
I want to by a nissan s-cargo does anyone know anything about them or what the insurance cost is?
http://www.carfolio.com/specifications/models/car/?car=131516&Nissan-quote Nissan s-cargo this is the site for my car and I love it just curious what the insurance will before I make a offer and would like to hear opinions and stories about them.
Motorcycle Insurance costs amd monthly payments on a motorcycle for a 17 year old male?
Ok, I know you're just going to tell me that I need to have a car first or that I'm too young to have a motorcycle and I need experience and all that ****. But I'm 17 and I want a Honda Shadow Spirit 750 (which I've been told is a great starter bike) I am a safe and cautious driver, if I get one I'll have a helmet, gloves, pants, jacket, boots, etc. I'll take a class for it (which is required in the state of Fl), I've also already had driver's ed last year and I may take another one. I'm th exact opposite of the douche bag teenager on a crotch rocket with no gear weaving in and out through taffic going 90mph in a 45mph zone. In the state of Fl legally you don't need insurance for a motorcycle but I'll have it anyways. I was thinking of maybe putting down $2-3000 and getting a loan for the rest. My mom said that with a load I have to have full comprehensive coverage because I don't own the bike yet. Can you give me an estimate of how much the insurance would cost for a 17 year old male with driving classes and gear and a 3.8GPA, and I'm only going to school to home or to school to work then home (I don't get out much because I don't have many friends) and I have State-Farm. Also how much do you think the monthly payments will be? I'm working on getting 2 jobs. Please and thank you. And please don't be a douche or try and shoot me down or whatever to make yourself feel better about yourself, just please answer my question to the fullest :)""
Best first car for insurance?
What car at 17 will have the lowest amount to pay on insurance?
Road trip without car insurance?
So my girlfriend and I want to go to Las Vegas with some friends. We don't have a car, but it friends does, however, he doesn't have car insurance. Would it still be ok to go? Why or why not? Well be traveling from SLC.""
What is the cheapest month to Insure a Car in UK?
Hi Ive been recently doing insurance quote searches Ive found out that during summer period car insurance is around 200 more than if you was to do a insurance search in winter ? So does anyone know which month is cheaper ?
""16, got a car brought for me.. can anyone help me with an insurance question?""
i'm 17 in 3 weeks.. and my parents brought me a car, it has no insurance but we need to get it back to my house. as i'm only 16, does it have to be on my parents insurance until my birthday?""
Please help me get health and dental insurance?
I am 20 years old and make about $250/week (bi-weekly checks vary from about $420-520 after taxes). I am in desperate need of health insurance and I badly need dental coverage. This is horrible, but I need at least 5 fillings maybe more. I have weak enamel and I am prone to cavities. As you can tell I dont make a hell of a lot of money (and I work almost every day, but of course my hours were recently cut because the owner decided to hire a family member and pay them twice as much to sit on their *** and tell me to do the stuff I already do on my own initiative, then ***** that payroll is too high) I have to pay car insurance and constant car repairs until I can just replace it with one that wont need so much tlc and money. This makes it pretty hard to save when I keep on paying to fix things. I have a phone bill to pay as well and I do not have a house phone so it is necessary to keep in touch with family and work. Please help me figure out how to get the best coverage possible that will be affordable on a teeny budget. I really am in desperate need. Thank you so much!""
Has the Affordable Care act made your health insurance more affordable?
Mine is going up $150 every two weeks for a $4500 in network $9000 out of network plan starting next year. Seems most people I talk to report similar numbers.
Where I can get accident insurance plan?
What is the difference between a accident insurance and an Health Insurance. Which is the one I should go for?
Why is homeowners insurance so high?
Been paying on my house for over 20 years.Never missed a payment.Always pay my taxes on time.Always carry insurance.Raised 3 children on my own.Always worked.Didnt collect food stamps or state insurance.Payed back anything I borrowed.Could not afford higher education.Was paying to raise my children.Husband left when kids were young.Owes me over 70000 in child support.Never covered one cent of their medical bills.Their all in late 20s and early 30s now.I guess all that doesn't really matter except for the fact that because I was too proud to suck off the taxpayers I worked.I made my bed and I slept in it. .But now im being penalized again.Insurance rates based on many things like your education.So,because I am stupidier than the average driver I will probably get in more accidents.How but this?Im over 50.No accidents No tickets.Always drive older vechicles so its not possible to speed even if I wanted to.I always thought my car insurance would go down after 50.In a few years they'll be jacking it higher because im too old.When does it stop?Okay.So back to the house insurance.If they refuse me house insurance Ill lose my house.All the money in interest and principal ive payed over the years will be in vane.The banks and mortgage companies will keep all the money ive worked for and take the house too.Homeless .Wont beable to work wont beable to pay taxes.will probably freeze to death and die..All because the sharks that call themselves insurance executives need to take another vacation.I wonder if they have mothers.If you have someone living in your house who has gotten a ticket or so on,your rates go upAnother way they our breaking up the American family.Is it true our politicans have sold us out to other countries.China for one.They are buying up our food sources.They probaly don't want us to beable to grow our own foods or have our own livestock.The crops are genetically engineered so our seeds probably are too.They probably own the insurance companies tooHow do people go to florida for the winter and leave their houses vacant without paying higher rates.I was told insurance companies don't cover vacant homes.Thanks for listening.Bless you""
Cheap Cars & Car Insurance? Help Advise?
I passed my test yesterday - with only one driving fault. i'm now looking for a cheap car and insurance? I'm 20 years old. also is it worth doing you pass plus as I've heard it lowers your insurance but then I've heard insurance goes up?
How much should i get for insurance repairs?
I have a 98 pontiac grand prix gtp and it was keyed all over every part of the car. The side mirror was broke off. The key marks are all the way down to primer. My deductable is 200. How much should i expect to get to cover the damages?
Cheap health insurance?
Hello, I work as a nanny/housekeeper and do not have insurance available through work. I live in NH and I need to get cheap health insurance. I haven't had insurance in years.""
Lansing Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 48937
Lansing Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 48937
I want to choose my insurance instead?
how will i know if there is a place for me in my insurance option
How can i have a free car insurance for 1 day?
i want to buy a car from auction it has bot MOT & TAX. How can I insure it for 1 day to jut to drive 300 miles back home and then search for a good insurance quote? I am insured to drive another car as a named driver. Thanks
Is Auto Insurance cheaper in Florida or Georgia?
Is Auto Insurance cheaper in Florida or Georgia?
How long does it take to get your auto insurance back after policy been cancled?
How long does it take to get your auto insurance back after policy been cancled?
Why are there so many car insurance ads on SKY?
really ruins the mood when watching say MTV or Bravo! Is Car Insurance and Debt Busting Loans the only thing worth selling????
Who has the cheapest car insurance?
Who has the cheapest car insurance?
SR-22 Insurance only exists in Washington state?!?
Is this true? I have to get one of them expensive insurance in order to get my license back, but soon I'm leaving this ugly state of Washington. is it true that SR-22 only applies to residents of Washington state?""
Can I be added to a auto insurance policy?
Im shopping around for a car and insurance policy. The car would be brand new with only me as the owner. Because I have never had insurance under my name and am under 25, it is very expensive. I'd like to know if my dad, who has multiple vehicles, would be able to add me to his policy for my car that is not under his name. I'm not sure if that makes sense. Basically, I'd like to get his discount by having his name and mine on the insurance policy, although the car title is only in my name. Thanks for any help! (1 month I pay is the same as a 6 month payment for him. Lot of money)""
Anybody could give me a estimated how much money do a 18 years olds would pay for a car insurance a full cover?
Anybody could give me a estimated how much money do a 18 years olds would pay for a car insurance a full cover? He is going to buy a 2007 Dodge Durango SLT He will fianced the car on his name! The car is for my son. We live in the states of Florida ! If you guys can give me some information about a cheaper insurance Thanks!
Pregnancy and insurance?
I am five weeks pregnant and do not have any insurance. I cannot afford too expensive insurance. Is there any other option for low-cost coverage during pregnancy? Does anybody know what kind benefits California state offer? I live a few years in the United States, so I am not familiar with types insurance. Thank you for any suggestions and help.""
Ohio health insurance?
Can someone recommend me a good health insurance for college student? I live in Ohio, non-smoker Thanks""
Explain why auto insurance costs are so high for young drivers?
please EXPLAIN in the longest way possible
Which is the best health insurance to take while in Delaware state?
I have just moved to Delaware state and the health insurance I had was from Humana. It seems that many of the doctors don't take this insurance. What is the most accepted and good health insurance in Delaware? And what would be the coverage like?
Is there a State Farm insurance branch in Texas?
Is there a State Farm insurance branch in Texas?
How much is non owners SR22 insurance in Florida?
My license is suspended because of 12 points in 12 months. I am required to have SR22 non owners insurance and i do not have a vehicle. I don't even know where to begin with all of this. Are there special insurace companies that deal with this sort of thing? Please help!
How much will my car insurance go up if i got an ovi dropped to reckless op?
i was pulled over and ended up being charged w an ovi, but my lawyer got it reduced to a reckless op. how much will my insurance go up and how many points on my licensee will that be?""
Where to get car insurance quotes with NO address info?
My insurance policy went out in July. I switched jobs, took a pay cut and am finally catching up with money. It was tough switching and money being tight and I honestly couldn't afford to pay the premium upfront for my insurance. I just turned 25 so I'm expecting it to be a lot lower than it was. But I need some free quotes without having to put in my address and name and stuff. I know it sounds crazy but I just feel like the DMV will be tapping into me getting a quote and my checked box saying uninsured and the police will be hunting my car down. They send out warrants for all kinds of BS auto issues so why wouldn't they for this? I'm planning on getting insurance THIS week no doubt but I want to see what I can get if I switch. I know the worst drivers I know seem to have AllState and talk on and on about how wonderful and cheap it is and I figure if they've have so many accidents and praise their insurance company then AllState must be amazing!""
Low income health insurance in Missouri?
hi, I'm a 25 year old, male, non-smoker, full time student. I don't make a lot of money therefore I can't afford to pay for health insurance. what should i do? Is there anyway I can apply for low income benefit for health insurance? is there anything You can recommend for me to get health insurance cover? Thanks so much if you can answer me.""
Are Saabs reliable and cheap to insure?
Hi, I'm a 16 year old male and I've been wanting a Saab since they are cheap (2004 model) and very nice looking. Do they break down a lot like jaguars and range rovers or are they very good and have no problems? How much a month is it to insure one also?""
How much is insurance?
I have a 1971 Ford: Charger. It is fully restored with a 550HP+ engine. I have no air bags, but I have racing seats (seat belts like NASCAR). It has great speed but ok handling. The brakes, suspension, etc are are new and installed customly. I am 15, but I need to know how much insurance is when im 16-18. If you have any more questions about my car t o determine the cost. Feel free to ask me at [email protected] with LOOK as the subject. THX""
Short term car insurance in US?
I am an Indian Resident and will be travelling to US for a period of 1-2 months. Am getting a good offer on a car rental but the insurance cost is very high (almost $20/day). Is there any way to get short term car insurance in US to cover a rental car for a period of 1-2 Months and pay around $150-$200/Month?
What is a good health care insurance provider for self employed people?
What is a good health care insurance provider for self employed people?
Should we get life insurance before my husband joins the military?
Should we get life insurance before my husband joins the military. My new york life friend told me that it's better because we can get more money if we do it before he joins. My husband says that the military pays for everything and they have there own life insurance. Which is the best route to take?? I would like to just do the new york life thing now instead of wait, he is joining in January. I'm not sure if I like the USAA life insurance. New York Life is a place I know that is reliable. But this is something people don't talk about very much. So I need some help Thanks!! :)""
Can someone who smokes marijuana get affordable life insurance?
Can someone who smokes marijuana get affordable life insurance?
Drivers Ed Questions On Insurance?
Fill In The Blank Words -assigned-risk insurance, blue book, bodily-injury insurance, car pooling, collision insurance, comprehensive insurance, deductible, depreciation, financial responsibility law, leasing, liability insurance, mass transportation, no-fault insurance policy, policy, premium, property-damage insurance, warranty- 1. Decrease of vehicle value due to its age. 2. Written guarantee that the seller will make repairs for a time period. 3. Lists the average price paid to dealers for various used vehicles. 4. Requires you to prove that you can pay for damages you may cause with your vehicle. 5. Specified amount you pat to an insurance company for insurance. 6. Set amount of money you personally pay for damages that is not paid by your insurance company. 7. Written agreement between you and your insurance company. 8. Type of insurance that is not concerned with who is to blame. 9. Provides minimum coverage for high-risk drivers. 10. Several methods of moving large numbers of passengers. 11. Several people commuting to work or school in one vehicle. 12. An alternate method of obtaining a vehicle other than by purchase. 13. Protects you against claims for another person's injuries or property damages when you are at fault. 14. A type of liability insurance that covers drivers who are at fault for injuries to other people up to specified limits. 15. A type of liability insurance that covers drivers who are at fault for damages to another person's property up to specified limits. 16. A type of insurance that provides coverage to pay the costs of repair or replacement of your vehicle up to specified limits. 17. Insurance that covers damage to your vehicle from non-collision events. One word per statement. I already have some answers but I just want to be 100% sure I'm right, thanks any answers are appreciated.""
Lansing Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 48937
Lansing Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 48937
0 notes
dentalinfotoday · 7 years
For a long time, people just didn’t seem to know much about tongue ties. In the early years of my practice, few of my patients had ever heard of a tongue tie. When I pointed out that they or their children might be tongue tied, I was often the very first practitioner who’d mentioned it to them.
When I told them that a tongue tie might actually be the root cause of their oral myofunctional issues, or even their sleep apnea, I’m sure that some of them thought I was crazy.
But in the last few years, things have changed so much!
Initially, there was a small increase in the number of patients who were contacting me specifically about tongue ties. Dentists and orthodontists also began reaching out more frequently to discuss the application of myofunctional therapy exercises to tongue tie treatment.
But in the last year or so, that little bit of interest has become a surge of awareness. Tongue ties and their effects on health and craniofacial development are finally becoming mainstream. This is great news because it means that fewer people are going to suffer from the undiagnosed and untreated symptoms of a tongue tie.
Catching and treating a tongue tie early is vitally important, so in this article, I’ll cover everything parents need to know about tongue ties.
What Is A Tongue Tie?
Being tongue tied isn’t just a figure of speech. It’s a very real medical condition that can affect oral and facial development, and have a range of other serious health consequences.
We all have a lingual frenulum (or frenum) under our tongue. If you lift your tongue and look in the mirror, you’ll see it. The frenum is the tissue that connects the tongue to the floor of the mouth. In some people, it’s tighter or thicker than it should be, and this can physically restrict the movement of the tongue.
A tongue tie can also be referred to as Ankyloglossia or Tethered Oral Tissue (TOT).
How To Identify A Tongue Tie
Here are three examples of tongue ties to help you identify them:
This is an example of a less obvious tongue tie. This type is most often missed by most doctors and dentists. The tongue looks “normal”, but the full range of motion is not possible.
  This is an example of an “Eiffel tower” frenum, as it is often referred to. The frenum is in a fanned out shape where it attaches to the floor of the mouth.
  This is an example of a severe tongue tie, indicated by the “heart-shape” tip of tongue, and a frenum that is thicker in appearance.
Why Does A Tongue Tie Matter?
As a myofunctional therapist, the position of the tongue is my key focus. The tongue should rest in the top of the mouth, filling up the entire palate from front to back. When the tongue is resting in the correct position, it shapes the maxilla (upper jaw) and guides the growth of the face. The tongue also provides an internal support system for the upper jaw.
But if a person is tongue tied, their tongue may not be able reach the top of the mouth because it’s physically restricted. This causes the palate to develop smaller and narrower, and the teeth to grow in crooked. Also, the mandible (lower jaw) is often smaller and set back, and the airway is restricted.
Because of this, children who grow into adults without having their tongue tie treated often experience a range of oral myofunctional symptoms including:
Speech issues
Mouth breathing
Jaw pain, clenching, and grinding
Head, neck, and shoulder tension
Forward head posture
Snoring, sleep disordered breathing, Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome (UARS), and sleep apnea
Increased risk of cavities and gum disease
Slower orthodontic treatment
Orthodontic relapse
What Causes A Tongue Tie?
Recent research is showing that tongue ties are linked to a mutation in the MTHFR gene. The science behind this is quite complicated but basically, what’s happening is that a specific gene isn’t quite working as it should. In this case, the mutation involves a process known as “methylation”, which affects the body’s ability to deal with folate – an important element in prenatal nutrition. Tongue ties are just one of many conditions caused by this mutation.
Because tongue tie is linked to a genetic cause, it’s hereditary, and one or both parents can also be affected. I see this a lot in my practice; parents will reach out to me for help with a tongue tied child, only to find out that they’re tongue tied as well.
Can A Tongue Tie Affect Breastfeeding?
Breastfeeding is one of the first ways a tongue tie can be noticed. When mothers have trouble breastfeeding, a tongue tie can often be to blame. However, if babies are bottle fed, or meet weight-gain and growth markers, the tongue tie can be missed or overlooked.
Just because a mother managed to breastfeed her baby doesn’t mean that tongue tie isn’t an issue. Many times, a nurse or lactation consultant will notice a tongue tie but not recommend a release because the baby is gaining weight.
From a myofunctional perspective, the tongue tie still needs to be released so that proper oral development can take place.
Can A Tongue Tie Affect Speech?
A tongue tie can certainly affect a child’s speech but it doesn’t always. Sometimes doctors and dentists are reluctant to release a tongue tie if it’s not affecting speech. However, as I explained above, it comes down to much more than speech – growth and development of the jaws and teeth will be impacted by a tongue tie.
The most common sounds that kids struggle with if they are tongue tied are “r” and “l”. If your child has these specific speech issues, the first thing I’d recommend would be to screen for a tongue tie.
How Is A Tongue Tie Treated?
In most cases, tongue ties are treated with a minor surgical procedure to release the tie. This procedure is called a frenectomy but is also known as a frenotomy or frenulectomy.
The frenectomy is a simple procedure that only takes a few minutes. It’s usually done in-office by a dentist or ENT using a laser or scalpel without general anesthetic. I recommend finding a specialist who’s very experienced at performing the procedure. If it’s not done correctly, or released enough, there’s a high chance the frenectomy will need to be done again.
There’s more to treating a tongue tie than just releasing it, and this is where myofunctional therapy comes in.
It’s very important to do myofunctional therapy exercises for at least two to three weeks before the frenectomy. This helps prepare for the procedure by strengthening the muscles of the tongue.
After the frenectomy, caring for the wound is also critical. The mouth and tongue are great at healing, so it’s possible that the tongue will reattach, meaning it will literally heal back down the way it was. So I meet with my patients immediately following the release to guide them through caring for the wound, and to teach them new gentle exercises. This allows the tissues to heal without reattaching and affecting the end result.
Why Do We Need To Do Exercises After The Tongue Heals?
Once the tongue tie has been released, it’s time to train the tongue to move properly. Just because the tongue is now capable of a normal range of motion doesn’t mean it will be able to move the way it should.
Think of it like this – if your arm had been in a sling for a year, and you removed the sling one morning, your arm muscles would be weak and uncoordinated. You’d need to do some rehabilitation using physical therapy to strengthen the muscles.
In this case, the tongue has literally been tied down. It’s never moved or rested the way it should, but with myofunctional therapy, we can train it to rest in the correct position, and to move correctly in the mouth. Without these exercises, it’s entirely possible that the tongue will never regain its full range of motion.
What Happens If We Decide Not To Treat A Tongue Tie?
Given the list of possible symptoms connected to a tongue tie, and how easy the surgery is, if a tongue tie has been diagnosed in a child, in my opinion it’s always worth releasing it.
It’s difficult to predict exactly how a tongue tie could affect the growth of the face and jaw, or what the other potential health effects could be. However, a tongue tie always has some impact on craniofacial development and overall health.
For example, the latest research is showing that children who are tongue tied are more likely to have sleep apnea. So, in more extreme cases, airway-related issues are already happening in childhood.
It’s definitely possible that the negative effects of a tongue tie will only become obvious in adulthood. Basically, adults who are tongue tied have compromised orofacial development and airways. This puts them in high-risk categories for myofunctional problems.
Often, the adults I work with have jaw pain and headaches or sleep apnea that are linked to unreleased tongue ties. Most times, these patients have no idea they were tongue tied to begin with.
Should Adults Have Their Tongue Tie Released?
As I mentioned above, if a tongue tie has been diagnosed, it’s definitely worth having it released.
Some tongue tied adults may have few or even no symptoms for most of their life. But then out of the blue, they start having problems. The thing is, their symptoms didn’t just appear. They accumulated over decades of living with a compromised orofacial structure.
The body is an amazing organism, and it will do its very best to maintain health, but after enough time passes, things can start to go wrong. It’s never too late to have a tongue tie released and to get the benefits of myofunctional therapy.
What’s A Lip-Tie?
A lip-tie is similar to a tongue tie, and the two are often seen together.
With lip-ties, the small seams that we all have on the midline between our lips and gums are too short or thick, causing restricted lip movement. This can have a major impact on breastfeeding and speech, as well as dental development.
Lip-ties are treated exactly the same way as a tongue tie; the tie is surgically released, and myofunctional therapy exercises are prescribed.
I hope this article has helped clarify what a tongue tie is, and why it’s so important to take this condition seriously.
If I could sum up my experience with tongue ties, I’d say that the adults I meet who are tongue tied always wish they had known about it sooner. They also wish that their parents had known about tongue ties, and that they were able to get treatment earlier in life.
If your child is tongue tied, I’d urge you to find an experienced practitioner to perform the release, and a myofunctional therapist to work with before and after. Proper treatment really does make a huge difference!
Sarah Hornsby, RDH
The post Tongue Ties: What Parents Need to Know appeared first on Ask the Dentist.
from Ask the Dentist https://askthedentist.com/tongue-tie/
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