#my mom comments about this all the time. she says the exact same stuff i do
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idiosyncraticrednebula · 1 year ago
The other day, me, my mother and brother were at this mall buying everything my brother needed for a wedding we were gonna go to on Saturday, and as we were heading towards the mall exit, there was a woman walking in front of us with an outfit so damn tight you could've sworn she had paint sprayed all over her a$$ cheeks. She was being accompanied by who we believe to be her boyfriend (who else would it be? lol). I swear a lot of young women have zero concept of "time and place". Imagine if you had a grown man with hoochie daddy shorts and his d*ck and balls practically slipping out of his shorts because of how short they are or his d*ck print being very visible. That would immediately be considered inappropriate, so why the hell is that considered "empowering"? It's vulgar and disrespectful. I don't care what anybody says.
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bloop-bl00p · 6 months ago
In defense of Octavia
TW: Lots of Trauma Dumping, Mention of abuse
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She’s been wronged way too many times in this fandom for some reason. Look at her vibing, how can you hate her?
I’m a fan of Helluva Boss, mainly because of its potential but the quality dropped dead in the second season. We’re gonna talk about a character I’ve seen other fans misinterpreting in favor of the so-great Prince Stolass.
I want to talk about her mainly because I do what I want and because after studying her character I just realized that she’s just like me. Especially regarding her relationship with her father, I see myself in my younger years.
All of that to say…
She has all the right to feel abandoned.
Octavia obliviously has a stronger bond with her father, it shows in her behavior and little background details
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When she wants to draw her family, she draws her and Stolas, we mostly see her being happy with him which leads me to think that she’s emotionally neglected by Stella. To her, Octavia is just an ‘egg’ that fell off her and she doesn't care about the impact killing Stolas could have on her daughter.
Despite being emotionally absent, Stella has a much more physical presence than Stolas. Most of the time Stolas is alone in his castle which leads me to think that Octavia is somewhere else with Stella. They did mention the two went on a weekend somewhere. This leads us to this question…
How can Octavia feel more close to her father?
Here’s the thing, I see a lot of my family dynamic here. My mom doesn’t pay attention to me at all, she doesn't want me to bother her and she makes it clear. My dad, however, who’s absent like 90% of the time, always tried to spare time with me. He explained to me that he was working and why he was doing all of this (I was like barely ten) but it never prevented him from trying to play with me, sharing his hobbies, going on a walk, and else.
He was there emotionally and, as a kid who was bullied, had no friends at all, and a mother who didn't give a damn, I cherished this relationship.
I believe the exact same thing happened with Octavia, we never see her with friends or even outside the castle, she’s isolated. Stolas has Prince duties, we’ve seen him carry them in the shows, hence why he’s mostly absent leaving her with her mother. But, at least when she was a kid, he tried to do stuff bringing her to Loo-Loo Land or being the one to comfort her. That is why she clings to her father, he’s the only one who actually shows her love and she’s terrified of losing that.
Regarding her mother, Stella obliviously doesn't care about her so the feeling is reciprocated. From a narrative standpoint, Stella is an unpredictable force of nature getting angry for pretty much anything that doesn't go her way. So Octativa learned to not cross her mother's path.
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I know this expression, this is the “Oh fuck… they’re at it again?” she’s used to her mother's constant screaming, she's used to her parents fighting.
She did say they were a time when a parent didn't hate each other, which to me refers to the time when Stolas tanked Stella’s abuse. But, that doesn’t mean that Stella wasn't abusing him in front of a younger Octavia, she’s erratic and they did imply that she can get physical in her toxic behavior. Since Stella was passive, it was probably mostly harmful comments.
Putting personal things here, my mom was also very abusive to my older sibling. Since I was extremely young I learned not to ‘be a burden’ to avoid being abused as well, which includes things like not talking to her unless she does it first. Whether Octavia is aware of the physical abuse or not, she must know enough to know that it’s a bad idea to annoy Stella.
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This is the only picture where we see her seemingly having a good relationship with Stolas, which to me feels like she’s faking it considering all we know about the family.
She has a pretty shitty household but her relationship with her father make it bearable until Stolas did a 180°
He randomly started to prioritize Blitz and don’t spill me the bullshit of ‘he’s trying’ he stopped trying long ago.
Let’s analyze this episode by episode:
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In Loo Loo Land, Stolas seemingly tries to rebuild a visibly strained relationship with his daughter by bringing her to a park she liked when she was a kid. To this, she immediately responds with an “I’m not 5 anymore.” and an “I rather kill myself.” There’s no room for miscommunication, she doesn't want to go there, and she won’t enjoy it as much as she did back then. Still, he decides to go there, showing that he doesn't listen, and, he brings the one the thing that is currently ruining his already horrible marriage because of his own actions. Blitzø.
He’s trying to spend time with his daughter after a long time (this is mentioned in the episode) and he decides to bring in that one guy he’s hooking up with to deliberately make sexual remarks about him in front of her.
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She’s uncomfortable the whole time, not just because she allegedly doesn’t like listening to her father's comments but because she doesn't like the park. She said it, yet Stolas doesn't acknowledge it, he doesn't realize the faces she makes which are to me pretty communicative of her annoyance and discomfort.
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This is not even subtle body language, yet he only notices it when she runs off. The worst part is that he still finds a way to think about Blitzø when his daughter leaves.
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He looked upset that Blitzø didn't follow him! Did he expect that guy to pursue him constantly? He was in the middle of an argument with his daughter, I personally would have stepped away to give them space to talk and reconcile. But no, apparently Blitzø should be at his beck and call all the time.
But you know what, after all of this. He still apologized. That absolutely does not negate everything he did during the day but, at the end of it, he finally listened to her and even brought her to a place she actually wanted to be. Which is good, he acknowledged her discomfort and did something she liked.
Until Seeing Star.
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Look I know Stolas was busy with Stella but he clearly doesn't care about her and her stuff.
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Don’t tell me he couldn’t pinpoint Stella’s location with magic and teleport all of her belongings to her. Their discussion was barely about the furniture, he could have said that they were gonna be delivered and hung up the second he saw Octavia. Arguing with Stella is pointless, he’s the number one guy that should know that! Why does he continue to insult her, he’s just fuelling the fire!
Moving out her belongings would have been 10 times faster if he just hung up the phone, then he could have had a more mindful talk with Octavia without the constant bickering of his ex-wife.
But he didn't for some reason, fair enough, I guess. The writers do whatever they want. Anyway, Octavia got angry and ran to go see the stars on her own.
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So, Stolas’ castle is in Pride but my point still stands, Octavia had the time to run from home and make the way all from her father's place to the city, find the specific building Blitzø held his organization in and Stolas didn't notice a thing.
You cannot tell me Stella managed to get his attention for that long AND you cannot tell me that his castle is close to the shitty disaffected building and the populace. His daughter ran off and he did not notice a thing.
Not only that but he has the nerve of blaming Blitzø for not watching the book. Like, dude! You should have watched your daughter instead!
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Then he spills out more bullshit.
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I don’t know Stolas, how could you possibly find her when you were shown to have countless abilities to do so?
Like bubbles projecting the image and locations of people.
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Or that on time when you possessed corpses and one woman just to go full eldritch monstrosity just for one that one guy you’re cheating your wife with. And don’t whine about “They don’t love each other.” it’s still affecting his family, mainly his daughter so it’s still bad.
Of course, you do all of that without your grimoire without any problem, brushing it off with a…
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I guess he forgot his ‘ways’ when it came to Octavia. But honestly, Loona literally found her easily just by looking at her Instagram account, couldn't he just call her or something? The girl had her phone the whole time and he didn't just think of calling her.
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Me when I forget that I have teleportation power when I am in an enclosed space with nobody is looking.
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You’re certainly not worrying right now. Via literally told him to his face that she was scared and he kept flirting with him even though he once again caused her to run away because of his neglect.
He’s not trying his best, THIS IS NOT TRYING!
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No Loona, his daughter communicated very clearly issues related to their relationship, rather than reassuring her and being there for her as much as it’s realistically possible (he still has duties to carry), he gets in an avoidable petty fight with his ex and keeps an unhealthy dynamics with an imp he's been obsessing over. He doesn't focus, his priorities aren’t straight, and now Octavia feels abandoned.
I did mention that I had a good relationship with my father back then, but it stopped abruptly. His focus changed and he went out with friends after work and gradually stopped spending time with me. Until we never spent time together again, (to give you an idea the only moment where I could see him was in the morning for breakfast) now that can sound silly but I was a child, with no friends and a neglectful mom, losing the only good thing I had in life broke me. I knew his schedule, I knew he was spending time with work buddies and that just stung my self-esteem even more leaving me feeling like a burden when I was just a kid who wanted to feel love.
This is why I don’t like the “He’s trying.” I know what a trying struggling parent looks like and I know what happens when they stop. If you keep trying to do something and you’re constantly failing, either your technique isn’t the right one or you’re not and you’re convincing yourself you are.
And then there are people that’ll tell me that “He lived through the abuse of Stella for years for her.”
If you read all of this then I don’t feel like I need to explain how Octavia was at least partially exposed to Stella's toxic behavior and was affected by it.
For those who don’t know how it feels to live with an erratic mood-swinging person, it’s pure constant stress. You have to think constantly before you talk or move because you know that if you fuck up you’re gonna pay the price. And if you still eventually mess up you can never know with these types of people! You can’t defend yourself because the punishment will be far worse. You are ALWAYS in the wrong.
So he lived through the abuse of Stella just so his daughter could get neglected and abused in a less physical way?
The difference between my parents and Octavia is that they love each other. Stolas doesn't give a damn about Stella, he did say he was nice at first because he empathized with her they were in this shitty situation together, and fine, it's reasonable. But she never changed! Stella stayed the same! Why didn’t he leave her when he stopped carrying about her?! There’s no trauma bounding, Stella isn’t guilt-tripping or manipulating him, they got the child he could have divorced her easily without consequences! If anything, she’s the losing part of this divorce she’s lower in the hierarchy! “Andreaphul will get angry.” HE’S A MARQUIS! Hierarchically speaking Stolas is far more important and he mopes the floor with his peacock ass!
Am I supposed to be empathetic with that one dude who willingly let his daughter grow up in a hyper-toxic environment with an emotionally neglectful and unpredictable wife?! Am I supposed to believe he cares when he kept sleeping in his house in his bed with the same guy his daughter clearly is worried he’s going to leave her with?! Really?!
Don’t ever tell me that this is trying.
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ashwhowrites · 8 months ago
okay so basically i was wondering if you could do something with popular!bully!eddie x sensitive!reader
okay okay. so reader and eddie like each other but its a secret from the other and eddie bullies her lightly (cos he doesnt know how to deal with emotions) and shes super insecure cos she has like no friends and stuff and he went prom dress shopping with chrissy and saw reader there and teased her about the dress she picked and she got sad and cried at home then its prom and eddie's rejected everyone cos hes waiting for reader to show up and finally confess but shes nowhere to be found so he goes to her house with flowers or smth and he finds her crying and he comforts her and has her put her dress on and they kiss
but thank you SO MUCH ash your writing is literally amazing it always has me in my feels <333 thank you for bringing so much happiness (and angst LMAO) to my feed!!
You are so sweet!! Thank you so much 🫶🏻I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it. Thank you for requesting!
Prom Dress
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Eddie never had a good hand on his emotions, he never learned how to express what he felt correctly. All he saw growing up was expressing emotions through anger. His dad was never around to tell him about girls and his mom was never there to teach him how a girl wants to be treated. So he went with what came naturally, except he barely ever felt real feelings towards a girl.
Until he met Y/N
Eddie was popular, it was easy to have girls on his arm and in his bed. But he didn't have feelings for them, so it was easy sweet talk and then they wouldn't talk again. But it was like his brain froze when he was in Y/N's presence. His sweet talk was out the door as he stuttered out something to say, and it was always a comment that sent her over the edge. He just didn't know that.
Y/N was a very alone person. She wasn't the best at making friends, making peace with being her own friend. She was insecure, never telling a boy how she felt because she knew it would go the exact way she thought it would. And when she realized her heart raced when Eddie walked in the halls, she knew that one would never happen.
Plus she has a good damn feeling he hated her guts. He added fire to the hell she lived in but there was something about him that she wanted. She allowed herself to be his punching bag because she felt alive when his eyes were on her. He was practically the only person that talked to her, and she didn't want to give that up.
Because at the end of the day, she had Eddie Munson's attention.
Eddie groaned as Chrissy picked up another dress to try on. He looked at his watch, annoyed that they had been in the same shop for two hours.
"At this point, Jason won't care what you pick. Can we please go?" Eddie moaned, his head thrown back as he sat on the uncomfortable chairs.
"You're fine. I have two more dresses and then we'll leave!" Chrissy sighed, going into the changing room.
Eddie moved his head back and looked around the store. He blinked a few times when he saw someone familiar. He stood up and slowly walked closer, squinting his eyes as a girl walked away from the register with a puffy pink dress.
She froze as she recognized the voice. Already on edge as she turned out. Panic in her eyes as she met his brown ones.
"Hi Eddie," she said, a small smile as she greeted him politely.
"Is that your prom dress?" He asked, his eyes looking over her shoulder as she held it.
"Yeah," she said quietly
"So you are going to prom? What? Alone?" He scoffed, a mocking chuckle left his mouth and Y/N shifted on her feet uncomfortably.
"Um, I don't know yet. Depends if someone asks" She shrugged
Eddie felt his body burn, a sense of discomfort thinking of someone asking her. Some guy takes her, takes pictures, and spins her on the dance floor. Someone she would have gotten dressed up for. He wasn't sure why the thought made him so damn angry. But the good news for him, he knew how to express anger.
"Ask you? You know that's not going to happen" he argued, his eyes dark as he stared down at her. "And while you are wearing that? A puffy pink dress, you think you are some fairytale princess? That dress looks like it's for a five-year-old old" He teased, but it wasn't his usual tease. This time it felt like every word he said sliced through her.
The one dress that fit her like a glove. The one dress that made every problem wash away. A dress where for once she felt beautiful.
She didn't say anything, just turned around and walked out of the store.
She cried as she raced to her car, harshly throwing the dress in the backseat. She cried the whole way home, feeling helpless in this world. She wasn't sure why it felt like everything was always up against her.
It was the night of the prom, and Y/N ignored the dress that hung up in her closet.
She bought it a week ago, a week since Eddie ruined the one bit of confidence she had left.
She wanted to return it, but the store wouldn't take it. So now she was stuck with a reminder that she would never be the gorgeous girl who walked into prom and changed everyone's perspective of her. She would still be that loser everyone laughed about.
So she stayed home. Her parents weren't too involved with her life, out on vacation as she sat on the couch. She watched romantic movies, crying as she stuffed her mouth with chocolate ice cream.
Eddie checked his watch for the tenth time of the night. The loud music overwhelmed him as he kept his eyes on the door.
"Want to dance?" A girl from the cheerleading squad asked.
"No thanks. I'm waiting for someone" he said with a tight smile, then moved his eyes back to the door
The prom started two hours ago, and she still wasn't there.
He turned down about ten dances before he took matters into his own hands.
He grabbed his keys from his pocket and hit the road. The flowers he bought sat in his passenger seat, guess he was going to drive them to her instead.
He pulled up to her driveway, letting out a nervous breath as he got out. He fixed his suit, patted down his hair, and gripped the flowers. He knocked on the door, stepping back as he waited for it to open.
"Eddie?" She was surprised, her body mostly covered by the door. Some sort of protection for herself.
He looked up and frowned. Her eyes were red and her cheeks were wet. And she wasn't anywhere near dressed up for prom. Her hair was down, but no makeup on her face.
"Hey, can I come in?" He asked
"Why?" She asked, covering her body even more with the door
"Why didn't you come to prom?"
She was surprised he even noticed. But she was more curious as to why it mattered to him.
"Didn't want to go. Is that all?" She snapped. It was enough that he could torture her at school and outside of school. But at her own house is where she drew the line.
"Um, uh, these are for you," he said shyly, not used to her face looking so annoyed and a snap in her tone.
She eyed the flowers as he held them out for her. She opened the door wider to grab them. They were truly beautiful and it was the first time she ever received flowers.
"Oh um thank you, Eddie," she said, smelling the flowers
"Can I come in? Maybe we can talk?" He asked, he twiddled his fingers as he waited for her to reply
"Uh sure but don't you have like a date or something?" She asked
"No, I was waiting for you," he said honestly, for once just saying what he felt instead of turning it into a joke.
She didn't know what to say so she opened the door and let him step inside.
She walked to the kitchen and got a vase for the flowers. He followed without asking.
"So why were you waiting for me? Was a big bucket of red paint gonna fall over me?" She asked, watching as the water filled the clear vase.
"No, why would I do that?" He asked, his head turned like a confused puppy
She laughed to herself bitterly
"Because you make my life hell" She looked at him like it was obvious. Softly placing the flowers on the kitchen table.
"I don't mean to, I'm sorry" his eyes looked sincere but she wasn't sure what trap he was waiting for.
"Then why do you do it?" She asked, her arms crossed as she angrily looked at him. Maybe this was her chance to finally stick up for herself and tell him to shove everything up his ass.
"Because I like you, and I wasn't sure how to show that" he explained, a small blush formed on his face as he muttered the words.
Y/N stood frozen as she stared at him like he had two heads.
Eddie confessed he liked her?
What kind of prank was this?
"Which I can see now I did in every wrong way possible. I'm sorry for everything, I didn't know I was upsetting you."
She sighed as the apology lifted some weight off her body. It felt nice to finally be apologized to.
"Thank you for apologizing," she said, a small smile on her face
"Thank you for allowing me to," he said, a shy smile on his face
They stared at each other, neither knowing what the next move should be.
"Can I uh see your dress? I saw it in the store but didn't get to see what it looked like on you" he asked, his eyes moving to the floor
"Are you going to make fun of me?" She asked, her arms crossed. Her protection shield is back up.
"No!" He shook his head dramatically, "I know my horrible take on flirting was more hurtful. So I will keep my mouth shut" he said
"That was flirting? God, you are horrible" she joked, loving the way the air shifted into something lighthearted. He laughed with her and agreed.
She led him to her room, allowing him to sit on the bed as she went into the bathroom to change.
She slipped on the pink dress, looking at herself in the mirror. That same rush of confidence filled her body. It was like the dress was magical and healed every broken part of her. She tried to reach the back zipper but couldn't get it. Her face was already on fire as she realized what she had to do.
She walked into the room, Eddie looked up from his hands and his mouth dropped. His eyes skimmed over her dress, the way it hugged her body perfectly.
"Could you zip me up?" She asked, turning around as she tried to keep her breathing normal.
He coughed and stood up. Wiping his sweaty palms on his suit pants. His fingers danced down her spine, making her shiver. He reached the zipper and slowly pulled it up, her skin disappearing under the fabric.
The room felt thick as she slowly turned around. The ghost of his fingers was still on her back.
"You look breathtaking," he said, his voice a quiet whisper as he looked into her eyes
She gulped when his eyes dropped down to her lips. Then he was slowly leaning in.
His hand moved up to hold her cheek, and his eyes moved up to her eyes to check for a sign of rejection. But her eyes were zoned in on his lips.
He smirked as he noticed, slowly leaning in until his lips pressed perfectly against hers.
She wasn't sure where to put her hands so she softly placed them on his chest. Her head turned as he deepened the kiss.
She felt like he kept chasing her lips, sucking away her breath as she gripped his suit in her fingers.
Her body buzzed with electricity. His lips and hands were softer than she thought they would be. His kiss was gentle and slow. Her stomach fluttered and her head spun.
He held back his moans as he slipped his tongue in her mouth. Her lips were soft and warm. Her hands on his chest made his heart race and his face flush. He tried his best to not get carried away, not wanting to scare her. His free hand slipped to her back as he pushed her further against him. He never felt this way ever when he kissed a girl.
She pulled back when she felt like she couldn't breathe. She took a huge puff of air into her lungs as they kept their faces close.
Panting against each other as they looked into each other's eyes.
Like she said, it was a magical dress.
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luxerians · 2 months ago
The Last Mask (04)
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Hwang In-ho/Oh Young-il/Player 001 x Reader
Chapter 04 - Player 001
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Story Masterlist
NEXT : Chapter 05
PREV : Chapter 03
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After the voting, the guards began distributing lunchboxes. You reached the front of the queue and took one from a pink-clad guard. Stepping out of the line, you noticed player 390 behind you, and the two of you headed toward a quiet corner between the bunk beds on the right side of the hall.
Player 456 was already sitting there, his eyes fixed on the floor. His meal and drink sat untouched beside him. You sighed softly at his distant demeanor.
“You two are friends, right?” you asked player 390, slowing your steps.
“Huh? Me and Gi-hun?” player 390 glanced at player 456. “Oh, yeah. His mother liked me.”
You nodded, assuming they had been friends for a long time. You asked, “Has he always been this distant and quiet?”
“Not at all,” player 390 said, shaking his head. “He was actually really cheerful. Also very loud. He used to laugh at stuff no one else thought was funny. And you know what always set him off?”
Curiosity piqued, you asked, “What?”
Player 390 grinned. “Losing at betting on horses.”
“You two used to bet on horses?”
“Well, we did,” he said with a shrug. “But three years ago, he disappeared. I couldn’t reach him, and his mom was worried sick. She was already physically sick, too. She passed away not long after he vanished.”
“Three years ago? He said he played these games at that time.”
“Yeah, now that you mention it,” player 390 replied. “He should’ve contacted me after winning. I really thought he was dead.”
You lowered your voice. “Well, in a way, he does seem dead yet alive right now.”
Player 390 turned to you with a small smile. “Anyway, I haven’t introduced myself yet. I’m Jung-bae, and that is Gi-hun.”
You smiled back, giving your name in return. By then, the two of you had reached Gi-hun’s spot and sat down on either side of him.
You began unboxing your lunchbox while Jung-bae turned to his long-time friend. “Look at this lunch. It’s just like my mom used to make. What’s in yours?”
Gi-hun didn’t respond. His silence hung heavy, but Jung-bae pressed on.
“Aren’t you going to eat?” Jung-bae scooped a spoonful of rice with some fried egg and held it out toward him. “Look, you’ve got to eat. You know what they say, ‘Eat up, even on your deathbed.’ Just do your thinking while you eat, or afterwards. Here.”
Still, Gi-hun ignored him. Jung-bae sighed and pulled the spoon back.
“Forget it then,” he muttered before taking the bite himself. With his mouth full, he added, “This might be for the best. I don’t know about you, but that 20 million wouldn’t even cover my interest. If we play just one more game…”
“Jung-bae,” Gi-hun finally spoke, his tone heavy. He stared solemnly at his friend. “Last time I was here, someone said the exact same thing. And in the end, that person died here.”
Jung-bae chewed quietly, his earlier enthusiasm fading. You watched the two of them, a quiet curiosity growing. What kind of experience had he gone through here? Had he lost friends? The thought that everyone he once knew in these games had died was haunting. But why is he back?
“Help us then, sir.”
The voice drew your attention. You, Jung-bae, and Gi-hun turned to see player 001 approaching your corner. Behind him were player 100 and a few others. Their presence immediately shifted the atmosphere.
“You said you’ve played these games,” commented player 001.
Gi-hun stared at him briefly before lowering his head, as if retreating into himself. You thought he might ignore them altogether until player 001 spoke again.
“I pressed the O button because of you.”
Gi-hun looked up at him, surprised. Player 001 continued, “Honestly, I was scared. I wanted to quit and leave. But you made me think maybe I could play just one more game.”
“Me too,” another player behind him chimed in.
“Same here,” added another.
You glanced at Gi-hun and murmured, “Looks like it’s a bad idea revealing you’re a previous winner.”
Gi-hun turned to you, exhaling through his nose. “I thought it would make everyone understand… that everyone here is doomed to die as long as we stay here.”
You nodded slightly, your gaze shifting back to player 001, who was already looking at you. Feeling a bit awkward, you quickly averted your gaze and pretended not to notice.
“Sir,” player 001 said, leaning closer to Gi-hun. “You know which game’s next, don’t you?”
Several players leaned in, their curiosity evident. Even you couldn’t help but wonder. Jung-bae put down his lunchbox and turned to his friend. “You’re a previous winner, so you should know. What are we playing next?”
Gi-hun avoided eye contact, his voice low as he finally answered. “The second game was Dalgona.”
The bed beside you creaked as someone shifted on it. You glanced over to see player 388 leaning toward your corner. “Dalgona? The sugar candy with a shape you can carve out?”
“That’s right,” Gi-hun replied. “We had to choose one of four shapes and carve it out.”
“Four shapes? Which was the easiest one?” Jung-bae asked quickly.
“Which was the hardest one?” Jung-bae pressed further.
“Umbrella?” player 001 scoffed. “Some people chose umbrella? Those unlucky bastards must have bitten the dust.”
At his words, Gi-hun stared at him silently, his expression unreadable. There was something in his gaze that felt like judgment, maybe even offense. You noticed it but chose not to dwell on it, focusing instead on your lunch.
“So that means we should all just pick triangle,” player 388 suggested. “Everyone could probably pass with that.”
“Hush now!” player 100 stepped forward, positioning himself beside player 001. “If all 365 of us survive, the prize money won’t go up at all. Then we’ll have risked our lives again for nothing.”
“That’s true,” a few players behind him agreed, nodding.
Player 100 continued, “Listen. We should probably keep this information to ourselves. What do you say?”
Player 001 stayed quiet, while others eagerly nodded their agreement. But before the discussion could settle, Gi-hun spoke up, his tone firm. “We can’t do that. I’m telling you this to save everyone’s lives.”
“And we don’t even know if the next game will really be Dalgona,” you added, scooping another spoonful of rice.
Gi-hun nodded. “That’s right. If it’s confirmed that the next game is Dalgona, I’m going to tell everyone what I know.”
Player 100 scoffed, rolling his eyes before turning and walking away. The group of players who had followed him quickly trailed behind, leaving the corner quieter and less tense. You exhaled softly, relieved to have the space back.
Player 001, however, remained. He shifted his gaze to you, Jung-bae and Gi-hun.
“So, which shape did you pick?” Jung-bae asked with a curious raise of an eyebrow.
Gi-hun looked at him deadpan, offering no response.
You chuckled softly at the exchange, drawing their attention. Their curious stares settled on you, but you feigned innocence, focusing on your lunch as if you hadn’t been following the conversation.
Still, the words slipped out.
“So, did you choose umbrella?” you asked, your tone playful.
Gi-hun turned his gaze toward you, his expression flat and unimpressed. For a moment, you thought he might actually answer, but then he looked away, ignoring the question entirely. His silence was pointed, as if he’d chosen to pretend he hadn’t heard you at all.
You and Jung-bae exchanged knowing glances, both of you stifling a grin. It wasn’t until player 001 spoke that you realized he had been watching the entire interaction.
“May I ask you something?”
All three of you – you, Gi-hun, and Jung-bae – turned your attention to him. Player 001 moved closer, sitting down on the stairs beside your group. He directed his question straight at Gi-hun.
“Why did you come back to this place?” he asked. “You said you won and made it out. Then you must have received 45.6 billion. Did you spend it all?”
Jung-bae’s eyes widened as realization seemed to hit him. He asked Gi-hun incredulously, “Did you bet on horses again?”
You side-eyed the pair, amused by Jung-bae’s immediate assumption.
Gi-hun shook his head solemnly. “That money doesn’t belong to me. It’s blood money for the people who died here. The same goes for the money up there.”
You couldn’t help but silently agree. Survival guilt had clearly taken a toll on him, and you imagined the weight of it must have been crushing.
“You don’t have to think of it that way,” player 001 said, his voice calm. Gi-hun looked at him in mild astonishment. Player 001 continued, “It’s not like you killed those people, and saving that money won’t bring them back to life.”
Gi-hun leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. His tone turned sharp as he replied, “If you had pressed the X, everyone here would’ve changed their mind by tomorrow. All of us would’ve made it out alive.”
Player 001 held his gaze, his expression unyielding. “That’s right. I was the last to press the O button. But there were 186 more people who wanted to stay.”
“And there were also 185 people who wanted to leave,” Gi-hun countered.
You and Jung-bae exchanged glances, sensing that neither man was willing to back down. Their differing perspectives created a palpable tension.
Player 001 broke the silence. “Let’s say I pressed X and we all got a chance to vote again tomorrow. Would everyone have been happy? Do you think a majority of O players would change their mind and thank me?”
Gi-hun’s brow furrowed deeper, his glower showing he was searching for another argument.
Before things could escalate further, Jung-bae intervened. “Enough, you two,” he said. “There’s no point in placing blame now. You know the saying. A widow understands a widower best. Let’s just focus on the game tomorrow, okay?”
He gestured toward Gi-hun and said, “He has won all these games before. If we stick together, we’ll have nothing to worry about.”
“But we can’t always rely on him,” you interjected. “He doesn’t need more pressure from everyone expecting too much from him.”
Gi-hun and player 001 both turned to you, their gazes quiet but intent.
Jung-bae nodded thoughtfully. “You’re right, but he has the experience. Any advice he has will help.”
“He’s right,” another voice chimed in. The four of you turned to see player 388, who had been eavesdropping from his bed. He hopped down and stood close. “We have to stick together. I’ll be with you all the way.”
Jung-bae frowned in skepticism. “Who are you?”
The man came to a stop in front of you all and gave a quick bow. “I’m Dae-ho. Kang Dae-ho.”
Dae-ho extended his hand to Jung-bae, a clear offer for a handshake. Jung-bae didn’t take it, instead replying dryly, “Oh, Dae-ho. Have we met?”
Dae-ho’s expression faltered briefly before he glanced at player 001, who kept his head low, and then at Gi-hun, who looked at him with indifference. Finally, his gaze landed on you. Seeing no skepticism in your expression, he extended his hand toward you.
You blinked in surprise but took his hand. He clasped yours in both of his, nodding gratefully as you introduced yourself. You could feel the others watching the interaction closely. After a moment, he let go of your hand, looking slightly more at ease.
“Earlier during the game, Mr. 456 here was like,” Dae-ho began, pausing to mimic Gi-hun’s urgent warning style from the first game. “Freeze! And I became his fan.”
You grinned at his enthusiasm while Gi-hun turned his gaze away, clearly embarrassed. Undeterred, Dae-ho continued eagerly, “I’d like to get to know you all better. Please give me a chance!”
Jung-bae stood suddenly as Dae-ho mimicked Gi-hun again. “Freeze! That was so cool!”
You chuckled softly, but the sound caught Gi-hun’s attention. He glanced at you with a look that felt half-judgmental before shifting his gaze elsewhere.
“Hang on,” Jung-bae said abruptly, grabbing Dae-ho’s sleeve and pulling it upward to reveal an ROKMC tattoo. Dae-ho looked at him, confused, as Jung-bae asked, “You were in the Marines?”
“Yes, why?”
“Class number?” Jung-bae countered, his tone sharp.
Dae-ho gave him a once-over before letting out a wheeze of amusement.
“Oh, you’re laughing?” Jung-bae challenged, unzipping his jacket and pulling up his sleeve. He revealed the same ROKMC tattoo on his forearm.
Dae-ho’s amusement vanished. He stepped back, clearly caught off guard, as Jung-bae stood tall, even combing his hair back dramatically with his fingers.
Suddenly, Dae-ho snapped into a salute, raising his voice. “Victory at all costs! I was in Class 1140, sir!”
Jung-bae saluted back, his grin wide. “At ease! ‘Dae-ho.’ I knew there was something about you.”
The sudden burst of military camaraderie caught you off guard. Are they really going all military here? Their loud banter is starting to draw attention to your corner.
“Do Marines get tattoos like that?” you asked to no one in particular, genuinely curious.
Player 001, who had been observing quietly, spoke up. “It’s not officially required. But for many in the ROKMC, getting the tattoo is a tradition.”
You nodded your head in understanding. “Oh.”
Dae-ho, still stiff in his stance, screamed, “Yes, sir!”
Jung-bae laughed, clapping him on the shoulder. “Class 746 here. Let’s make a good team.”
“I won’t let you down, sir!” Dae-ho barked back, standing straighter.
Jung-bae guffawed, patting him on the shoulder again, earning another resounding “yes, sir!” from Dae-ho. The exchange repeated a few more times, each louder than the last. You couldn’t help but laugh softly at the spectacle, while Gi-hun watched them with an expression that screamed secondhand embarrassment.
You turned away from the comedic display of Jung-bae and Dae-ho, who seemed more like overenthusiastic military recruits than grown men, and began cleaning up your lunchbox. As you took a sip from your water bottle, you noticed player 001 shifting slightly in his seat nearby.
Lowering the bottle, you glanced over and asked casually, “Have you eaten already?”
Player 001 looked at you for a moment before a warm smile crossed his face. “Yes, I have.”
You nodded, returning his smile. “Good. The food they prepared for us was worth it. It’s a waste not to eat it.”
Turning toward Gi-hun, you pointedly glanced at his untouched lunchbox. “You need to eat, sir. It’s better to mull things over with a full stomach.”
Gi-hun hesitated, meeting your gaze briefly before nodding. He opened his lunchbox without a word and began to eat.
After a brief pause, you leaned slightly closer to player 001, lowering your voice. “By the way, do you know where the ladies’ restroom is?”
Player 001 gestured toward the door on the right side of the main double doors. “That one there. The other door is for the men.”
“Oh, thanks. Wouldn’t want to get lost and get shot by the guards.”
Player 001’s smile widened. “I’m sure the guards would bring you back here if you are lost.”
You chuckled softly. “That’s comforting to know.”
The exchange put you slightly more at ease, but player 001’s expression soon turned contemplative. “If you don’t mind me asking… why did you come here?”
Your smile faltered for a moment, and you caught Gi-hun turning his head just slightly, clearly eavesdropping. Straightening your posture, you replied with a practiced smile, “I needed the money.”
Player 001 nodded slowly, his gaze steady. “That’s all of us. But if I may say… I’m surprised. A lady like you shouldn’t have to bear the burden of crippling debt.”
You looked away, lowering your gaze to the floor. The practiced calm you had maintained slipped, replaced by a somber expression as his words hit a nerve.
Noticing your change in demeanor, player 001 spoke gently. “I’m sorry if I upset you.”
You shook your head and managed a faint smile.
“It’s fine,” you replied softly. Your gaze stayed on the floor as you added, “The debts are my parents’, actually.”
Player 001 stared at you, his smile fading into something more solemn. Gi-hun, who had been eavesdropping, remained silent, his expression unreadable.
“You motherfucker!”
The shout shattered the quiet, pulling your attention to the other side of the dormitory. A commotion had broken out. MG Coin (player 333) was brawling on the floor with Thanos and his friend (player 124).
With player 124’s help, Thanos delivered a hard punch to player 333. Even as player 333 lay injured on the floor, they didn’t stop. Kicks rained down on him mercilessly while gasps of horror rippled through the watching crowd.
“I lost all that money because of you, fucker,” Thanos snarled, punctuating his words with another vicious kick. “Be grateful and fucking eat what you’re given!”
Despite the violence, no one moved. Players stayed rooted in place, their expressions a mix of fear and disgust. Jung-bae and Dae-ho, sleeves still rolled up with their tattoos visible, simply watched, making no move to intervene.
You sighed in frustration. “Good thing I finished eating. Still, ganging up on him is just unfair.”
Before you could consider stepping in, player 001 stood up. He walked past Jung-bae and Dae-ho with measured steps, heading straight toward the chaos. You rose from your seat instinctively, a mix of concern and suspense building. Gi-hun stood as well, his eyes narrowing as he watched the scene unfold.
“Boys, what are you doing in the middle of mealtime?” player 001’s voice carried as he approached Thanos and player 124. “No fights during mealtime. There are elders present. Mind your manners.”
Thanos and player 124 paused, letting go of player 333. They turned toward player 001, whose calm demeanor seemed to unnerve them. “And two against one? Aren’t you embarrassed?”
Thanos sneered and stepped closer, his posture challenging. “You’re lecturing me when you ended up in this shithole too? Uncle, stop running your mouth and take care of your own damn kids.”
The dormitory fell silent as everyone watched. Player 001 silently asked, “What did you say?”
Thanos leaned in, his tone mocking. “I said save the lecture for your own damn kid—”
Player 001’s hand shot out, gripping Thanos by the neck. The hold wasn’t a full choke, but his thumb pressed into a precise spot that made Thanos stiffen immediately. The calculated grip made it clear he knew exactly what he was doing. And it looked painful.
Thanos’ hands clawed at player 001’s arm, but the older man’s hold didn’t waver. His bravado crumbled under the pressure of the unyielding grip.
Player 124 advanced toward them. “You son of a—”
Before he could finish, player 001 swiftly kicked his shin. Player 124 let out a brief scream, immediately grasping his leg in pain. Without missing a beat, player 001 delivered another kick, sending him sprawling to the floor, clutching his injured shin. The speed of it all left several players gasping in shock.
Player 001 released Thanos’ neck, standing still in the same spot, his posture calm and steady. It was a stark contrast to Thanos and his friend who were already heaving in pain, struggling to recover.
Just as you thought it was over, Thanos stubbornly got up and advanced toward player 001 again. Raising his arm for a punch, he barely got the chance before player 001 landed a precise blow to his chest in the blink of an eye. Thanos doubled over, clutching his chest in visible pain.
“Wait,” Thanos choked out, holding up a hand in surrender.
Player 001, unfazed, grabbed Thanos’ outstretched hand and twisted it. With a calculated move, he brought Thanos down to the floor and delivered two sharp kicks to his chest, sending him sprawling.
Before Thanos could fully process what was happening, player 001 stood over him, gripping his neck once again. His free hand rose, forming a fist poised to strike. The dormitory’s atmosphere turned chillingly tense as everyone held their breath.
“I’m sorry,” Thanos choked out, his voice barely audible.
Player 001’s face remained emotionless, cold and detached. His grip tightened momentarily, making Thanos gasp for air. His purple hair seemed to match the growing discoloration of his face as the players around them watched in stunned silence.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, player 001 let him go. Calmly, he stood up as if nothing had happened. A smattering of applause broke out, quickly growing into full-on clapping and cheers.
“You’re the man!”
You joined in, clapping in genuine awe of his combat prowess. He had taken down two bullies without breaking a sweat. What is he, really? He must be an expert at something combat-related.
Player 001 looked surprised by the positive reaction. With a small, appreciative nod and a faint smile, he smoothed his hair, clearly a bit embarrassed and shy by the attention.
As he walked back toward your corner, where you and the others were still clapping, Jung-bae leaned over. “What is he?”
“Is he an ex-Marine too?” Dae-ho asked.
You smirked and pointedly remarked, “If he is, you two might want to roll your sleeves down. He actually stopped the bullies, not the tattoos.”
Jung-bae and Dae-ho exchanged sheepish glances before simultaneously fixing their sleeves. They continued clapping enthusiastically for player 001, pretending they hadn’t been called out.
Player 001 returned to your corner, his calm demeanor intact despite the tension moments ago. You, Jung-bae, and Dae-ho couldn’t help but look at him with a mix of amazement and curiosity.
“Sir, that was incredible,” Jung-bae said, his voice tinged with admiration. “Where did you learn to fight like that?”
Dae-ho chimed in, “Seriously, the way you took them down without even breaking a sweat. Are you some kind of martial artist or what?”
Player 001 gave a wide smile. “Let’s just say I’ve picked up a thing or two along the way.”
Jung-bae exchanged a look with Dae-ho, both nodding as if they had just decided player 001 was the coolest person they’d ever met.
“Man of mystery,” Dae-ho muttered appreciatively.
You leaned forward slightly, your gentle tone more concerned. “But you’re not hurt at all, right? You seemed upset.”
Player 001 turned to you and his smile softened. “Not at all. I left and came back the same.”
His composed response only added to the awe emanating from Jung-bae and Dae-ho, who continued to marvel at him. The brief chaos from earlier now felt like a distant memory.
You couldn’t help but grin as you turned to player 001. “You know, I just told them to roll their sleeves down because you were the one who stopped the bullies, not those tattoos.”
Player 001 let out a steady laugh, the sound warm and disarming. Jung-bae and Dae-ho immediately looked embarrassed, glancing at each other before quickly shifting their attention elsewhere.
“Hey, the tattoos still count for something,” Jung-bae muttered, rolling his sleeve back up halfway just to save face.
“Sure they do,” you replied, still smiling as Dae-ho tried to look nonchalant.
The four of you sat back down at the corner. Gi-hun, who had stayed quiet throughout the commotion, gave player 001 a subtle nod of acknowledgment. It wasn’t much, but it felt like a truce of sorts after their earlier disagreement.
Dae-ho, ever the chatterbox, broke the quiet. “So, Mr. 001, you’ve got to teach us some of those moves. What was that neck grip thing? Looked like something out of a spy movie.”
Player 001 gave a faint smile, shaking his head. “It’s just a simple technique. Nothing fancy.”
“Nothing fancy?” Jung-bae scoffed. “You had that guy gasping for air and looking like he was about to cry. If that’s simple, I’d hate to see complicated.”
“I want to learn how to do that too,” you added. “It would be useful to protect myself out there.”
Player 001 replied with a widening smile. “Sure, I could teach you. We just have to focus on winning the next game and leave this place for good. I’ll teach once we’re out of here.”
“Sir, don’t forget about me though,” said Dae-ho. “I want to learn that too.”
Jung-bae chimed in, “Me too.”
Player 001 nodded, “Got it. I’ll teach you three, then.”
The conversation drifted into lighter topics, with Dae-ho recounting an overly dramatic story from his military days that had Jung-bae laughing and shaking his head. Gi-hun stayed mostly quiet, his focus shifting between the group and the room at large.
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NEXT : Chapter 05
PREV : Chapter 03
Story Masterlist
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I would love to know what you think so feel free to comment as long as you could!
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respectthepetty · 2 years ago
Hi hi! I was just doing a rewatch of last week’s episode of Bed Friend and kept noticing tiny things I unwillingly zeroed in on and need to shout about, and since you’re the ultimate Enjoyer of Details in Fictional Worlds, I hope you don’t mind if I send my thoughts your way.
First of all, and most importantly, and the thing about this episode that is the weirdest and most disconcerting to me: why the hell was the shirt Jade was wearing when he showed up at Uea’s place on his birthday the exact same one Uea was wearing during that flashback as he watched that child (is it a random child? Not gonna lie, at first I automatically thought it was King) celebrate his birthday while his mother abused him again? What is this show trying to tell me?!
Then—and I think this every time I come across this scene—I think it’s such an interesting choice that the very first time we see the Evil Uncle, he’s coming out of the one room Uea probably associates the worst things with in that house—the bathroom. What a way to introduce us to his character.
In that same scene, I also love the choice of having Uea knock over and destroy the picture frame showing the Evil Uncle, the mom and his sister. Without Uea. Because a) that tells us Uea isn’t really considered part of the family and they would rather be this happy family with the mom, the dad and the nice, sweet daughter and without the embarrassing homo son (at least when it comes to his mom), and b) this is exactly what Uea is destroying (both literally and figuratively) in that moment: the happy family they desperately try to pretend to be. (I can’t really speak for his sister here because she genuinely seems to love Uea, but this is definitely true for his mother, and at least to some extent surely also for the Evil Uncle.)
But also, because I study linguistics and Thai just keeps giving me new linguistic fodder to sink my teeth into, the way Uea talks to his sister fascinates me. Because when they talk to each other on the phone, Uea uses kha with her, not khab. Why does he do that?? I am frustrated, I am delighted, I am perplex. The only uses of kha by a person identifying as male that I knew of are to express queerness and to flirt with girls.
Anyway, you have reached the end of the rant. Congratulations! I am impressed you made it this far. Now I’ll let you get back to your regularly scheduled programming of thinking about colors. Thanks for reading!
(P. S. I was dumbstruck, not to say horrified, to find out you watch most shows on mute and I have Thoughts on it because you’re missing out on so much good stuff and musical choices and voice acting (all of which I might come back to at some point), but I get your reasoning and respect that not everyone is the same. I am still astonished, though.)
Anon, this took me a second because you mentioned such great details in Bed Friend that I've been seeing others discuss, and every time I was going to hit respond, someone wrote something else and I had more thoughts.
I loved your linguistics lesson because I know nothing about Thai. It is interesting that Uea uses that term with his sister, and I would like to know more about this. In a language enforced with honorifics, his intentional use of the term fascinates me as much as you if it denotes queerness. Anyone else feel confident in educating us more on this?
This show is doing a lot with the tiny details, including the full-circle moments and callbacks (which gives me hope that King is that kid from the very beginning even though several people have told me that is not how this works), but if you thought reading your comments was a feat, which it was far more of a treat, just wait until you see the dissertation awaiting you.
It's Uea's Birthday & He'll Cry If He Wants To
The shirts
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Before I get to business, let me tell you about the business - ZARA! This shirt was part of its 2021 Playmobil collaboration, and the figurine is a tourist. There's even a black version, but he is wearing the opposite; he has the blue and white stripes on and his little person on his shirt is in the yellow rain jacket.
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Now, to the shirts: My big-brained mutuals have thoughts about the shirts and the color yellow in Bed Friend. They believe Uea is actually a Yellow/Orange Oddity like Jade, while I think yellow represents happiness, and Uea's trying to cling to happiness even if he has to fake it.
Knowing that it's a Playmobil figurine (regardless of the date and the store) reinforces the child aspect of the shirt, but knowing it's a tourist, to me, puts a new spin on it. Uea is constantly being reminded of his childhood even though he keeps running from it, but Uea is also a tourist in his own life, merely observing what is happening rather than living. Even in the past, he is observing the kid celebrating his birthday with his parents instead of celebrating his with his own family. Perhaps this is another reason we see Julia Child's My Life in France in his house which recounts her time observing and living in other countries.
Jade is a source of happiness, but he is reminding Uea of his childhood, not just with the shirt, but with his entire presence. Jade is happy and innocent (of what we have seen so far), which is something Uea never got a chance to be. Jade brings happiness to Uea's door, but he also brings up memories that Uea is desperately trying to block out.
The Smiley Faces
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Jade shows up in the Playmobil shirt of birthdays past, but also with a smiley face balloon, and we, unlike Jade, know what Uea's connection to smiley faces is:
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Uea covers up a lot of his pain by acting fine and happy, but when he is alone with his thoughts, the smiley face is another vicious reminder of all the times he was robbed of happiness.
After the incident with King, where King's closeness to the back of Uea's neck triggered Uea, King apologized to Uea, yet even that apology was laced with a reminder of why Uea was bothered. A tiny handwritten smiley face shows up at the end of the message.
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Jade and King don't see what Uea's sees. This is another layer to the "Uea is robbed of happiness" onion. Jade and King are sincerely trying to make Uea happy, but that vile smiley face reminds him of the insincerity of his stepfather and every other man who has just wanted to harm him.
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The Family
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@malepresentingleg gifted all of us with a comparison of the series versus the novel, and within it mentioned:
Uea's sister, Tonkao, is the biological child of his stepfather and mom
Whenever Uea's mom would lock him in the bathroom, his stepfather would try to get him out for the apparent reason
We already understood, as you mentioned, that the bathroom is a place for punishment and trauma for Uea
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So for the stepfather to enter the scene by freely stepping out of it, something Uea could never do, when Uea is looking at a drawing of what his sister considers a happy family (just them), is a visual beatdown.
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People are upset about the editing of this series, but when it is done well, it's a sucker punch. I actually paused the episode here because I was so disgusted when this bastard opened the door.
But we had a similar situation when Uea's mom first appeared on screen. Everything leading up to seeing her was a rush. Uea was panicked and worried. He was running out of his office and into the hospital with King hurrying after him. And then we got a slow-pan of this...
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The Lion, The Witch, & The Audacity of This Bitch. She was chilling with the most disgusted face once she saw her son.
The first time we see her, not in a memory, but in Uea's present life, her introduction serves us an entire narrative before she even utters a word.
The next time Uea is in the hospital, he goes to get tested with King, and we feel his hesitation and anxiety. Not only is the situation stressful for him, but the last time he was in the hospital, he was being humiliated by his mother. The bathroom and the hospital aren't just places with bad memories; they are places of constant and current degradation.
And on top of that, we have Uea's sister calling him back home, a place drenched with his pain and shame, for his birthday. From the above master's level thesis I wrote, we already know what his birthday means for Uea (the biggest theft of his happiness), but he also hates when men try to hit on him through Jade, so I'm guessing he is just as bothered that his mother is requesting his presence (to ask for more money) by using his sister against him.
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Tonkao considers him her family. Her drawing depicts that, and the picture on the table of them together is the only picture of Uea in the house, yet he is covered up with the other pictures.
For his stepfather, Uea is an object. For his mother, Uea is an ATM. They might be a family, but they aren't a family to him. And ironically, the cracks start with the mom, who abused her son for being gay.
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And if there is one thing that this show is trying to tell us, it's that sometimes family ain't shit.
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Can't wait to mute these men again and not hear one more dumb ass word out of their mouths in a few hours.
This office better start feeling French and overthrow their leadership while cutting off toxic family members or heads will roll!
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👨‍👦‍👦HEADS 👨‍👦 WILL 👨 ROLL💀
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Only Friends Ep 5 Thoughts
PRE-EP: I want to start by saying that I think that I got a handle on Mew's character now. Thanks to a couple of great posts and that screenshot about Jojo talking about Mew being a swiftie and listening to King of My Heart currently as of ep 4. My current stance (in brief) is that this is a guy who is feeling big things(love/like) for the first time ever, and is making a lot of concession to his checklist and perfect guy mindset because he doesn't want to stop seeing Top and potentially not feel like that anymore. He is well on his way of falling in love. I do still half wish there was a more Manipulative side to Mew, but I made my peace with it not being there. I hope the ep doesn't make me re-think everything again and maybe gets me some confirmation about self-aware Mew is this moment, that would be nice.
Onto the EP
Sand EP!!!! I love that Sand this is set up is basically my life was routine and normal and then Ray came along. And I can't decide if that sounds more like a rom-com setting, or a sci-fi/fantasy one.
Sand as a bit of anger problem I think, not in a super obvious dangerous way, but in a quick to anger, quick to throw hands way. Nothing new but I feel like I should point it out, because people have been acting like we have not seen Sand's flaws since the first ep.
QUEER SOLIDARIETY!!! We love to see it!!
Ray really is the disprutor to Sand's everything. Do you guy think they fucked?
Cockblocking count: 2
I love Nick and Sand little smiles as they exit the kitchen, also their friendship banter is immaculate.
Top instilling the doubt. I can see the Mew will get/steal the hostel from Ray agenda getting stronger.
How do Ray and Sand go from cute to hot in like 5 sec
STOP TRYING TO TAKE GLASSES OUT OF PEOPLE THAI BLS!! I FUCKING MEAN IT!!! Glasses are a totally normal part of life, do not take out Mew's glasses or so help me!!
Also Top suggesting the Lasik and then saying but I do like you better looking a bit nerdy is just 10/10 I love it.
I love that you can see Boston really doesn't care for this particular course (because he is doing out of family obligation). Also love that you can see the exact moment Boston's thought turn not safe for work.
Boston is chosing violence on poor Nick today. He is happy and wary at the same time. And it also feels so much like the calm before the storm.
You know the fact that Boston can't ever answear any of Nick's question without dismissing it as love stuff, like baby other people need more then you do. You have to give him something. Also love Nick going I want to know if I can sleep with others too, that is what I wanted him to say.
So someone already tried to take a secret video of Boston having sex. Also Boston seems to be either working on his thoughts in real time, or it's all rouse for Nick's benefit and that was the plan all along. I can't decide.
Cockblocking count: 3 (now with more then one couple)
Good to know Sand's Mom and his connection to the go-go bar. Also that was such a nasty trick. Like come on, you got him worried for nothing. Not the best Mother in the world is she? She loves him but she so flighty. Sand shouldn't be shouldering your debts and his school, You should not be bragging about that.
Top-Mew being shot more romantic rather then then sexy and a little more fade to black feels like a delibarate choice. A very interesting one.
I love them, the more they make me root for Ray and Sand the more the future hurts already.
Cockblocking count: 4 - or 5 since they techinically cockblocked each other
If you stop at the right moment you can see the exact second his heart breaks after Ray sad we're friends.
Sand no longer wants to be alone with Ray - because of that we're just friends comment. He does't sleep with Friends Ray he told you that.
I can't decide if I love or hate Boston right now. Because like Sand needed to know, but also dick move.
He fully admitted to the picture, probably because of the alchool. Boston deserved that punch.
WAIT!!! They even screwed???? I thought that was a lie?????? why repeat it now like he believes it??? It makes no sense to repeat a lie right now and like that?
Thier friendship is already falling apart.
The preview looks interesting. It also looks like they are going for the lasik. I should have known, it was too good to be true. Glasses don't last long in BLs.
My thoughts on Mew are still solid. But now it feels like Mew is even less self aware then I thought/hoped. Which is a dissapointment. Of course he might be, and this is all just a ruse. But I don't really know anymore.
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weabooweedwitch · 2 years ago
I dunno I kinda get the vibe that you also view your mom as a defective loser who can't change? you don't really have any nice things to say about her and seem to hate her about as much as you hate yourself (not to say that your mom isn't a pain and immature as fuck to boot bc she absolutely is). you call her subhuman and an idiot and all these horrible things a lot, before I thought it was just harsh online venting of your deepest most private thoughts but I guess you say that stuff to her irl too? just from seeing those texts, I feel bad because I know you're going thru a lot and you're hurting I don't want to make it worse but I kinda had to agree with the verbal aggression and suicide threats comment. not defending your mom, she is a pain-in-the-ass womanchild, but I can kind of understand why she's so defensive and reactive if that really is the way you speak to her. I'm sorry I know that's probably not what you want to hear or the most validating thing, your feelings are absolutely valid too here and I understand how grating having that type of parent can be, as someone who has a similar-but-maybe-not-as-bad situation over here
btw, as I understand it personality disorders are actually very responsive to therapy. the only reason people with certain disorders like aspd and npd don't get better is because a lot of them don't view themselves as having a problem or view their life problems as mostly other people's fault and don't want to hear the negative criticism. bpd has a very good prognosis too for those that recognize a need to change their behavior.
I mean, ultimately yes, i am real shitty to her off and on, but my opinion I guess is that, the temper and the insults are something that developed over time and is specific to our specific relationship. Like my mom and I have always kind of butted heads, but me being, I guess openly malicious towards her is a development that came about within the last few years, or decade maybe, just progressing over time
It's sort of like, you know, one of the things I hate the most is having to repeat myself because someone wasn't listening the first time, and with my mom, we just have the same issues over and over again that are never resolved, or I keep seeing weird behaviors in her, or she makes decisions that I find literally nonsensical. And its just. I look at her and I see someone still making all the same mistakes she always has, and it makes me angry because, I mean, my entire childhood was fucking ruined from constantly moving and literally being trapped in cars with her while she ranted. My relationship with extended family was ruined just because she had personal grudges that I kinda lowkey think are also her fault tbh. I got moved away from my grandmother because my mom was randomly like "oh I can't find any jobs in Missouri, let's just move 8 hours away to Wisconsin" and she didn't regret it but like, my older sister was completely devastated, and by that age, I myself was so desensitized to the constant instability that I was like "well yeah I don't mind moving again, we switch schools almost every single year or sometimes twice a year, do you really expect me to have any friends to even miss"
Like this developed over time. I didn't always feel this way about her. But as I've grown up, I've changed and she hasn't. She's still the exact same person. Even my father says she is literally the exact same person. It's like the thing with her moving my hairbrush out of the shower and never putting it back. I had to tell her over and over to stop even taking it out, that it's literally just a fucking hairbrush, stop taking it out of the shower where I keep it amd not putting it back and also it quite literally wasn't in her way in any way whatsoever, and she kept doing it, and there's only so many times you can "hey mom please don't do this" "mom please just put it back ok literally just put it back after you remove it" "ok I've asked you repeatedly can you stop touching my fucking hairbrush i need in the shower" until you snap and say "alright you STUPID CUNT if you do this one more time I'll remove YOUR things from the shower and I'll take them straight out to the dumpster" and THAT got her to finally stop
Like it's literally gotten to "you don't listen to me when I'm nice so why should I even waste my emotional energy pretending to be nice to you when i don't think you deserve it". "Why should I act nice to you when I feel so massively unsupported and drained and exploited by you"
Like she quite literally doesn't fucking listen, TO ANYONE. You can communicate clear as day with her and she'll still do whatever the fuck she wants. In the past my sister stopped even letting us into her apartment because my mom would start TOUCHING THINGS every single time we were there, like literally opening her fucking cabinets and touching her dishes and unloading her dishwasher, until my sister was basically screaming at her to stop and then it's "ugh Emily is so hysterical she doesn't take her medicine" like no you fucking dumbass you won't let her have agency over her own belongings in her own apartment after she moved out to literally run away from you and you're still doing it to her as an adult and she'll just look at how extremely upset you are "ugh I was just trying to help 🙄 you should think about how I FEEL"
She pushes and pushes and pushes and then when you snap and lose your patience with her, she goes straight for your fucking throat and acts like everything is your fault and she's just the blameless fucking saint. Sometimes I wonder if she is even capable of giving legitimate apologies because any time you bring anything up with her, no matter how valid you are, no matter how upset you are, she just Always responds with "im sorry but *laundry list of excuses*" or "no that's not what happened. You exaggerate. You need to be medicated." Or the favorite, classical deflection she always uses of "well what about when YOU--"
She will tell you every single day the exact same suggestion that you have already said no to. I was literally growing up in school and she'd constantly say "oh you're so smart, you could be a doctor" until I was telling her over and over "I DONT WANT TO and you make STRESSED OUT because it feels like you're trying to force me". Jesus fucking christ for example it literally makes my goddamn blood BOIL absolutely fucking BOIL that she still says "you should put highlights in your hair" when I've been telling her MY ENTIRE LIFE I DON'T WANT TO, I DONT WANT TO DYE MY HAIR, I DON'T WANT CHEMICALS AND BLEACHES, and she literally STILL SAYS IT like it's this kind of thing that makes me go "what would actually make you listen, fucking beating you like your ex husband? Are all these 'abusive relationships' you cry about and told us about when we were inappropriately young to try and squeeze sympathy out of us just you pushing people until they swing on you"
Like. I'm 26 years old and I feel like my own mother doesn't even try to understand me and i feel like if you asked her a list of personal questions about me that she'd gst most of them wrong. And I also feel like, and have felt like for a long time, that, well I guess to outright be cruel, the biggest reason she had kids was because literally no one liked her and i guess she thought children would have some sort of indentured love to her. She won't even like acknowledge i was an accidental pregnancy, she just deflects and says "no you're my miracle baby bc after I had you I found out I had endo-" "ok but mom you were not actively trying to be pregnant and you didn't like my father by the time I was born can you just at least say I was I unplanned, I'm not even saying it as you hating me, can you just acknowledge I was an unplanned pregnancy" "no :)"
I get absolutely no closure with her. Like. This might seem like an extreme comparison but the other day I was watching bodycam footage for the arrest of Joey McVay, a 10 year old who shot his mom. The story is all "oh his mom shot him because he got mad when he was asked to do chores" but then they dug a little deeper and asked the grandmother and the story was "oh this kid had a disability and his mom was actually a rude slob who worked him like a horse while also still treating him as defiant and incompetent and stupid and even being physically abusive and his house was a borderline dilapidated shack and he snapped and shot her because she made him feel literally worthless" and I was watching that thinking, wow that could have been me.
It's the constant like dehumanization she has pushed upon me while also expecting me to listen to her rant and rant and rant for years about her own problems. 'Sympathy for me but not for thee' kinda shit. I can't keep pouring from an empty cup bro? I can't give sympathy that's no longer there because it was sucked out of me like some kind of energy vampire
Ok but like exactly as I'm typing this my mom woke up and I mentioned to her how I'm trying to book with a dermatologist bc I'm having hair thinning and nail denting and I didn't want to be on the phone so I start trying to Google online, and then I end that topic and switch to , bringing up to her this personality disorder conversation, and she literally fucking interrupts me in the middle of my sentence "do you want me to make the call for you" and I just broke down sobbing because I'm sitting here reopening all my emotional wounds to write this post about how unheard I am and, there she goes doing it again, and now I'm refusing to speak to her because like, you didn't let me speak the first time, why should I waste my time saying it all again 🙃
I dont know. I guess it sounds mean but at this point she does it to herself. I've been worn down and demanded to care over and over while being ignored so now I have no sympathy. At this point its no longer "oh gosh I'm sorry that happened to you" and now it's "well what mistake did you make to fuck things up this time" which, in my defense, like, she does cause most of the problems in her life and my own. Like my god there was a period of time where we had just moved and we barely had any money I mean like financially struggling and she's like "oh I hate having all our canned goods on the floor, it just looks so GHETTO, I don't like it" and she ordered furniture off online and it. It literally. We've lived here for like two years and it still isn't fully assembled becuase she didn't read the instructions when she made it and refused to finish it without my help. Like we barely had money for rent and she wasted money on, a cabinet, because things not looking nice made her feel bad. And then in that same period of time she tried to order a dining room table that we have literally no room for, and I can't even tell you how many months ago she ordered a larger size glass enclosure for her bearded dragon and its been sitting in a box for literal months because. Uh. She expects me to help her assemble it and I told her straight up she shouldn't have even bought it if she won't even put together HER cage for HER pet which she takes poor care of, though I'm one to talk considering how little I've gotten to hold Louie
You just. Can't keep demanding sympathy and never giving it back? You can't raise your daughter constantly texting her instead of speaking to her for every little "oh I have a headache bring me a glass of water" to like the point there were periods of time she'd be lying in bed just shouting out for me instead of getting it herself and I'd barge into the room "it's just a glass of water your bedroom is literally next to the bathroom and we have neighbors, stop shouting you stupid bitch"
Like it gave me a COMPLEX. I've been sick and throwing up and refusing to take medicine and refusing any help from her because I grew up watching her pop pills for everything and argue with doctors and just constantly want help that I never saw returned the same way. She's on the couch next to me right now and she's trying to talk to me and I'm still so upset over being interrupted earlier I'm just popping earbuds in and pretending she isn't even here because the couch and her office chair are the only seats in this whole apartment which of course means she lives on it
Like maybe I could overcome my trauma and change with therapy. But mom? She'll argue with doctors. She'll argue with therapists. She'll like you and then you'll make the smallest slight against her and suddenly she wants nothing to do with you and has a laundry list of things she hates about you. She's a fair-weather mother and I'm sick of it. It's at the point where ant help or assistance or support or love she gives me almost doesn't even matter anymore because the constant mistakes and talking over me is still so constant that there's like a 70/30 hate to love ratio at this point.
I know that's a lot of text but, yeah I guess I can still keep certain disorders in mind but my mom is literally the only person I treat like this
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lemmilemura · 2 years ago
Watching OOUIL
HEAVY SPOILER WARNING FOR LITERALLY THE ENTIRE SHOW I wrote down anytime I had important/sudden thoughts about stuff. Little warning, there is quite a lot of times I just simp over Simon, but what's new? There will be timestamps so you can go and look what happened to cause that reaction. Also since I was watching in one sitting and it was already past midnight and I was recovering from fever and tired and all that good stuff, towards the end and the last few episodes I didn't write down much. That is also the reason for the many, many typos xD I apologize
Episode 1
00:10 > literally just hearing Simon���s voice is already doing smth to me xD
00:22 > Simon honey I love you but that jacket was a CHOICE
00:50 > not the “I ship it” comment qwq
01:09 > god bronwyn's parents suck
01:26 > I only have my headphones on one ear and like Simon keeps talking and I never want him to stop xD
01:31 > Ah yes, the classic “ew our parents are kissing” teenager trope. just suck it up, Maeve
01:42 > i know, i know, i'm just being nitpicky, but Bronwyn’s phone says she had headphones connected? no she doesn’t
01:52 > if you ever see me smiling that wide while running, please assume I’ve been possessed, I probably have
02:02 > oh my god i can FEEL the sand in Copper’s shoes qwq
02:12 > Wildcats? isn't that like also a meme? like “What team? Wildcats!” idk I’ve only seen it a handful of times
02:46 > even if i hadnt read the book/had no idea what happens I’d still 100% know Cooper’s dad is gonna be an ass
03:21 > Addy is like, so naturally pretty qwq Girlie you don’t have to do all of this qwq I just wanna give her a hug man. And a gun so she can get rid of Jake. I’d help her hide the body too. Sorry, got a lil too into it there xD
03:28 > her outfit is soooo pretty tho I mean c’mon
03:44 > A bad love story? Like a… BAD ROMANCE?
03:47 > “Varsity skank squad” Damn Simon! Really going in on Addy, huh?
03:56 > the “well, you know” should NOT have affected me as much as it did xD
04:08 > Addy, remember that gun I talked about? Yeah, use it on your mom too while you’re at it
04:18 > god Jake is ugly. I’l sorry to any fans of his actor but damn. it really do be the basic white bois huh?
04:23 > you can see how uncomfy Addy is qwq
04:41 > “we’ll be quick” we get it, jake, you don’t last long
05:07 > TJ looks wise? no thanks. TJ being a dumbass? bonus points
05:10 > why does that chick look almost identical to Addy?
05:22 > Everyone wants to fuck a bad boy? Honey I want you. I mean if Simon isn’t a bad boy then what is he?
05:29 > “I’ve got so much dirt his probation officer is gonna bury him in it”? Simoooon, look at you with the metaphores
05:44 > Run bitch, ruuuuun! Or alternatively, “I’m fast as fuck boie!”
06:12 > God how I wish I was Janae right now……
06:17 > My god that shirt has a vneck… don’t be shy, take off the tshirt underneath…
06:39 > Lesbians?? In my tv show?? Fuuuck yeeeah!
06:45 > oh my god he’s wearing an earring… Quick, what’s the gay earring rule again? “Right ear means gay, eft means not gay but expressing feminine side” You heard it here first, folks, Simon is a secret Femboy xD
06:46 > these slowmo shottssssss I am living
07:16 > Simon, honey, that is such a bad idea to just have AboutThat open to anyone who flips open your laptop! C’mon, I thought you were smarter than this
07:21 > I would be looking at him the exact same way, Janae. 
07:27 > The smirk,??????? HELLO?????
07:42 > I’ve said it a lot and i will 100% say it again, but DAMN Simon is just so pretty qwq Perfect actor choice 10/10
07:44 > “She can’t prove it’s me” This school probably has security cameras, yes she’d know it’s you. But then again, if the school did have cameras, they’d have solved the mystery waaaay quicker.
07:49 > I am never going to emotionally recover from this
08:19 > he literally has “cold blue eyes” like in the book and that’s what made me immediately fall for him in the first place!!!!
08:23 > What the fuuuuuuuck :0
08:39 > “There is is… that damn smile”
08:45 > Love that she wrote Avengers but from what I can see they’re all DC. Great job, teach
09:17 > Just noticed Bronwyn’s necklace and damn is it ugly
10:02 > Bronwyn never did make it to Debate…
10:16 > no but why is that kinda cute? the way he’s tilting his body like a kid qwq
10:19 > :0 this is where the book starts!! THE COLD BLUE EYESSSSS
10:32 > Is Simon…. shorter than Bronwyn? Or is it just her shoes?? omg is he shmol qwq
11:02 > The way hes sitting, twiddling his fingers, I just, I’m dying
11:05 > then again, there’s probably a lot going through his head, isn’t there?
11:16 > Bronwyn please just stfu. Avery will not believe you. I know, cuz I’ve read the book
11:27 > Isn’t Bronwyn supposed to be the smart kid? Cuz that wasn’t that smart
11:40 > I love his personalityyyyy so sassy
12:25 > he knew she’d say that… he knew… 
12:33 > You can see it on his face qwq I hate this qwq
12:49 > Eggs instead of a carcrash? Weird choice but ok
13:17 > I mean he probably doesn’t have one so xD
13:18 > Nooooooo, he drank iiiitttt qwq
13:31 > It’s taking this long? How? Shouldn’t it happen immediately? Or is that cuz of the amount of water?
13:56 > Nooooooooooooooo qwq I can’t watch this, I’m just gonna start crying qwq
15:48 > I skipped ahead, I couldn’t watch that qwq Reading it is way easier than seeing it
15:54 > my god jake looks ridiculous xD
16:06 > Looked like he was dead? Honey he is!
16:27 > Keely is so pretty qwq
16:56 > They could 100% pass for a straight couple it’s wild
17:07 > Florence and the machine? Like FFXV Florence and the machine? :0000
17:17 > pffffff
17:41 > Bruh does she look okay? She just witnessed her classmate dying! She probably isn’t!
18:09 > He also has an earring?? dafuq
18:53 > Yeah it was!! Wait til you find out the backstory to it
19:00 > his side profile xDDD
19:15 > you can see the tension between hem, god damn
19:32 > Simon’s baaaaaag :0
20:28 > is he getting suspicious??
20:47 > how does her mother know? she a doctor or smth?
21:01 > god that “Bayview High School” could not look any faker xD
21:11 > Janaaaeeee qwq she needs a hug just as much as I do rn qwq
21:24 > The deathstareeeeeee :0 Janae
21:31 > Reading the book I never cared much for Janae, but actually seeing her so fucking sad and close to tears? It’s hitting
23:32 > “Trauma bonding with Nate” I don’t even know this person’s name but I like their humor xD
26:41 > There is no way in hell they both look at eachother at the same time! That’s bull!
28:05 > That’s just creepy, man
28:40 > Sheetmusic? She plays an instrument besides piano? Huh
30:06 > Across the street you say?
30:24 > Okay, that was funny xD
31:13 > Nonnyyy, the icoonnn
31:49 > She iss!!
33:38 > stanley is sooo judging him rn xD
33:44 > I forgot Stanley is his pfp xD
34:21 > she legit looks about 10 years older than him…
34:45 > Nuuuuuu Naaate :0
37:17 > Simon knows everything, Addy. Also TJ is such a sweetheart
39:31 > Ok, so, we watched the first 2 episodes in class a year ago and I fucking hate this part I get so much secondhand embarrassment so I’m sorry Janae but I’m gonna skip ahead
42:21 > Nooo, c’mon Nate! Don’t do this!
43:14 > oooooooooooh?
43:27 > Wait, so if Jake is in the pool he can’t have posted it, so it must have been Janae? If she had to write that my god poor girl qwq
44:43 > how tf did anyone get into the trunk? did she leave it unlocked? C’mon Bronwyn!
Total note count for episode 1: 96
Episode 2
00:37 > his hair is even more of a mess than usual xD
00:44 > Wait is this a flashback to when she cheated :000
00:49 > re really doesn’t
01:02 > please don’t fuck outside on the grass
01:07 > now THAT, is a view I really do not mind ;))))
01:5? > hair police? yours is literally the most basic hair ever, you have no right to talk
03:34 > shweeties
04:19 > is that a food truck right outside their school????
05:09 > yeowch
05:38 > the idea of Simon running a podcast, exposing ppl is actually a really fun concept xD
06:20 > not the contact name being “Asshole” xDDDD
06:55 > :00000000000000 Daaaaaaaaamn
07:36 > Nuuuu, Keely qwq babyyy
08:05 > i assume the teacher was turned around because that was so obvious addy!
08:20 > Bruh’s got a death note xDD he would be the type tho
08:56 > what was the notebook forrrrrrr Simoooonnn
10:00 > how tf did this random officer know that’s Addy?
11:58 > really? cmon now, thats so shitty xD
12:19 > more like Homiecide xD
13:42 > why tf is this mom reading AboutThat? xD
13:53 > HES THE MAYORS KID? Ooooh he got the moooooneeeeyyyy
15:02 > Addy……. qwq
16:09 > that was faaaaaast, coop xD
18:03 > :000000000000000
18:10 > Nooooooo, Coooooopppp qwq
20:52 > ok thats actuall kinda cute qwq can you imagine lil kid simon?
22:27 > Two late, two phone related detentions… interesting
24:07 > jis house is so prettyyyyy qwq I wanna live there!
25:16 > Simon’s mom is fiiiiiiine, I see wher he get’s his good looks from xD
15:29 > Janaaaaaeeee qwq
26:26 > Simon in a suuuuiiittttt Lord have mercy!
26:38 > those fucking professionbal, model photographs xDDD
26:53 > How did she know where his room is? It’s a very very nice room tho, if I may
27:12 > wonder what that sign says…. also his bed looks nice! really comfy too :)
27:43 > look at that fucking setup man! daaaaaamn
27:50 > why is there fucking steps at the door??? xD
28:55 > can I just emphasize the fact his room looks so nice??
29:54 > yeeeeep he def got his looks from his mom, his dad is uglyy xD
30:11 > it would not, actually. not at all
31:25 > i dont think thats the best conversation starter, Maeve xD
32:08 > he did not go to hell! >:0
33:32 > Bronwyn can you stfuuuuuu you’re only making this worse
33:47 > atleast hes honest xD
35:07 > this house is so pretty qwq i am so jealous qwq
35:44 > “the incredible hair” pffff
37:56 > A, and I cannot stress this enough, WOOGA
38:59 > I’m gonna fucking scream he looks so goooooododdddd my lord i will not survive
41:22 > I am still not over that giant fucking picture of SImon in the background xD
42:46 > Girl the only thng you did was cheat ona  fucking test it’s not the end of the wrld!
46:48 > since when are full names used? wasnt it just initials in the book? now this is just evil, initials multiple ppl can have, but full names? C'mon dude!
47:25 > MAEVE??????? WhAT THE FUCK???
Total note count for episode 2: 53
Episode 3
00:17 > Keelyyyyy babyyy I love her qwq
00:47  > shes such a shweety qwq
00:59 > another PERFECT OUTFIT 10/10 MY GOD
01:04 > I don’t even know what to say at this point
01:38 > he diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiid :)
02:14 > no you fucking dont!
02:55 > Addy is entering her girlboss ear and I love that for her
03:33 > bruh please just use a hairbrush xD
05:20 > its goin down!! hands are being thrown!!
06:39 > addy needs a hug qwq
07:42 > :0 escandalo!
09:10 > they kinda look like siblings wait i love it qwq
11:42 > the laptooooppppp :0
14:51 > okay Janae’s outfits are also really nice, i get why they were bffs xD
17:13 > why do literalyl all the parents in this suck?
17:39 > Addyyy what are you doing? 
17:53 > Addy! No!
19:21 > TJ looks like a kicked puppy qwq
21:14 > you didnt say it but your face sure did
22:26 > and another perfect outfit!
22:29 > he just keeps getting finer, huh?
22:47 > Daaaamn Simoooooon! :0
22:56 > he looks so ethereal, like an angel or god of some sort :0
23:15 > omg Simon is shmol qwq shmol bean
23:33 > the rings, the bracelets, the necklaces, LORD HAVE MERCY PLEASE
24:20 > NOT NATE :00000 NOOOOOO
29:17 > i love that Addy is dressing for herself now qwq
30:26 > Nooo, Coooperrrr qwq
31:18 > i know that was meant to be all angsty and stuff but it just looked so weird xD
33:56 > Awwwww, Janaaeee qwq
36:13 > WHAAAAAAAT THE FUUUUUUUUUUUCK :000 I mean same, but still, I was NOT expecting that
36:53 > :0000000000000000000 my exact face rn
37:39 > oh yes we are bronwyn!
40:45 > There he is again, in that amazing outfit!
41:05 > his faaaaaaaaace oh my god cooper you have a death wish or something?
42:36 > out of all the 4 stories, bronwyns is the most boring to me xD
45:21 > “straight cosplay” pffffff
Total note count for episode 3: 39
Episode 4
00:31 > his outfits never miss! they’re always so good qwq
00:41 > I love that he’S smaller than atleast 3 of the 4 others xD
01:47 > STANLEY! :D 
03:20 > Janae with her hair down tho??????
13:33 > Stanley’s just listening in to all the drama xD
22:30 > how about Addy and Janae just get together? I would not complain xD
24:54 > “actual lizard” pffffff
39:22 > Mf looks like a goddamn cryptid xD
41:32 > oh my god hes PISSED you can see it in his faceeee
44:19 > Maaaaaaaaaeve what are you doing????
44:50 > Its momther!
Total note count for epsiode 4: 12
Episode 5
02:00 > if I was sitting in Bronwyns spot I would not be able to focus at all xD
03:20 > Yes addy!!!! Looking good! rocking the short hair!
06:36 > where tf?
13:43 > wtf Cooper???
18:28 > Bronwyn can you not be an asshole for one episode please?
21:29 > Bronwyyyyyyyyyyyn whyyyyyyyy oh my god! 
23:52 > they look like such lesbians and I am living for it
33:11 > and ANOTHER perfect fit from Simon, god damn!
39:52 > Please don’t leave Stan behind qwq
Total note count for episode 5: 10
Episode 6
01:07 > janaeeeeeeee that loooook I love itttt
4:31 > “then one summer he got abs” pfffff
04:52 > Janae gave him the idea?????
16:35 > Members of Simon’s what????
21:33 > Awwwww, wait, that’s so cute qwq I knew Janae couldn’t be straight when she dresses like that xD
22:03 > Their dynamic is just chefs kiss xD
22:26 > You can make a move on my anyday xD
36:14 > why are they fucking burning the epi-pen?
37:16 > thats wierdly sweet qwq
37:29 > I know I’m just repeating myself at this point but Simon really does have the best outfits
37:48 > Ayooo? AYO???
38:37 > What if Janae, Maeve and Simon just get in a poly relationship? Problem solved xD
38:51 > His humourrrrr
Total note count for episode 6: 16
Episode 7
09:08 > The lighting in all of these flashback Simon scenes is just so good qwq
30:32 > i would also 100% be zooming in on that xD
31:43 > that’s boat racism xD
31:47 > again, his humourrrrr top tier
Total note count for episode 7: 4
Episode 8
00:17 > I don’t want it to be over yet qwq I want more Simon qwq
03:06 > that is such a simple signature are you kidding me?
11:29 > I seriously need to calm down xD I can’t keep reacting like this any time SImon is on screen xD
12:08 > pfff the sheer “what the fuck” on his face xD
15:30 > AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH one day I will just die because Simon keeps looking that good!!!!
16:40 > do I even have to say anything anymore? like at all?
17:19 > “the magic words”? are you for real xD
25:39 > so him having a lizard is a reason you like him?
27:48 > lookatem with his fucking headset xD you know he streams and just annihilates little kids on vc xD
28:16 > wait so… Simon… didnt even want to kill himself? so really Jake is the reason this all happened…
42:28 > So Jake… killed… Simon? Jake is the reason he’s dead, Simon didn’t want to kill himself Jake killed him! Holy fuck this is different than the book…
42:52 > God Janae looks TERRIFYING
44:11 > I’m not even remotely sad about this. I’m happy, really
44:21 > I still cannot believe that JAKE is the reason… welp, I know what headcanons I’m making next
44:29 > …
45:35 > now you will cuz YOURE OTH FUCKING DEAD
50:58 > Now what if Simon actually didn’t die? Like imagine that, Jake’s plan all going to waste!
Total note count for episode 8: 25
Total note count: 255
Welp, there you have it xD I put them all together because posting one post for every episode or a pair of episodes, eventhough I'd have to split episode 1 in half, would just be too many notifications xD
So here you go, I hope you enjoy my thoughts while watching OOUIL. :D
4 notes · View notes
lamentationsofalonelypotato · 4 months ago
It's a good day to sit back, relax, and read another wonderful fic in the Midnight Espresso Universe! 🥰
I really love again that you give so many wonderful little pieces of domestic life with Dean and I think that you did a very accurate depiction of him having a mini panic attack when he realizes how serious the relationship between him and the reader is getting.
He’s acting like such a guy when it comes to the reader moving his stuff around and I am HERE for it lol. Men really do freak out when you move their stuff and when you try to leave your stuff at their place. And even though we all love Dean, he really is that dude. Also love the classic guy thing when they never understand how long it takes a woman to get ready. It's a lot of effort boys and it's worth the wait. 😉
Is it wrong that I imagine Dean looking around at all her bottles and products in the bathroom in absolute horror with the music from Psycho in the background? 😂
And he’s not used to having a stable girlfriend around him all the time, caring for him, genuinely invested in what he’s doing through the day, and that makes so much sense for him to be a little out of his comfort zone to have someone move in. I know that by saying this I am neglecting Lisa… but legit I want to forget about her oh my stars. Please make it go away…😬
The reader’s reaction to his subtle comments about where his stuff is was making me laugh. She’s so sassy and fun, and she’s the perfect other half to Dean.
You lean down and press a tender kiss below his hairline, stroking his cheek before you go.  Dean quirks a smile. It’s taken him time to get used to how open you are with your affections, but he likes it. All of it. Every time you reach for him, touch him, brush against him, intentionally or not. He always has.
The hairline kiss 😭
Also thank you so much for explaining what the food was because it all sounded amazing and I would not have known the first thing about any of it. 😅
“It’s okay, these hips don’t fit,” you chuckle wryly, with a sniffle. But Dean just backs his chair up from the table a bit to make room.  “What’re you talking about? You fit right here,” he says firmly, and he tugs you down. This is the one thing Dean has tried his damndest to break you out of—that self-deprecating streak of yours. 
Goodness I don't think I'm ever going to have a normal reaction to Dean making the reader feel better when her thoughts begin to ride the self-deprecation train. It's so cute how much he cares for her and wants to make her feel better and lets her know that she belongs there with him. (AND THE EYEBROW KISS *swoon*) Also I teared up when she said the thing about having someone to cook for, because oh man, the feminine urge to bake and cook and make things for other people is so strong with me. 😭
I will also say that the lore/the way you incorporate actual hunts into your work is so seamless and you should be VERY proud of that. It is literally like watching an episode of Supernatural.
I know that Dean didn't want to give Andy's mother false hope, but I probably would have done the exact thing the reader did. I would have made that promise to reassure Andy's mom. But at the same time I see Dean's argument about caring too much for the people around you. I think he probably gets that from understanding that there are a lot of things that can go wrong on a hunt and that at the end of the day you can't save everyone/you're not always in control of the situation even if you'd like to be.
“That’s the bat wrapped in barbed wire. Matter of fact, I should break her out.” Dean reaches into the trunk and pulls out the blood-stained bat. He rubs the handle fondly.  “Ahh, Dad loved this thing.”
The subtle The Walking Dead reference, very well done lol.
I can't be mad about that, I do them so often too when I write. I can't wait to read part 2 and hear the traditional "you should've listened to me!" 🥰
Devour Me - Part 1
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x Plus-Sized/Latina!Reader 
Summary: When you and Dean start to press each other’s buttons, both of your tempers ignite. To make up for it, you give him an impromptu salsa dancing lesson…one he didn’t exactly ask for. (18+)
AN: This is a two-part sequel to “Midnight Espresso!” I would read that one first before you dive into this one. (It’s fun, I promise!)
Word Count: 3,800 Tags/Warnings: Supernatural shenanigans, tiny bit of body insecurity, hurt/comfort, fluffy fluff, and a cliffhanger...
☕ Midnight Espresso Masterlist
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Part 1: "A Takeover"
When Dean asked you to move in with him, he really didn’t think it would come to this.
Clearing a nightstand for you, half of the dresser, a section of his closet. Those things are reasonable. 
But this is a total takeover, he thinks, as he surveys the sheer amount of crap you’ve brought into his room.
Mind you, despite this still being a bunker, the décor is nice. You brought in sturdy, but stylish wicker baskets for his pile of cassettes (and your CDs) next to the TV, filing bins for the haphazard shuffle of papers on his desk, installed dark wood shelves on the wall for his various weapons and your collection of books. 
But he’d had his music organized—not alphabetically or chronologically, but by his own personal rankings of awesomeness. Now they’re all shuffled together by band name. 
Plus, he likes having his shotgun on the floor by the bed, within reach, not three feet above his head. And where the fuck is his collection of…magazines?
The point is, every time he looks for something, you’ve put it in a different place. Not to mention the damn bathroom (don’t get him started on all your shea butter lotions, makeup brushes, frilly-smelling soaps, and the army of hair products now taking up space in his cabinets and drawers). 
Dean is sitting on the edge of the bed, trying to figure out where the hell his cassette of Zeppelin IV is, when you breeze into the room he now shares with you. You’re dewy with sweat in a Guns & Roses shirt and some yoga pants you reserve for cleaning. 
And that’s another thing. You’re more anal than Sam about having the bunker smelling like Pine Sol. However, as you’ve expressed before (after nagging him to pick up his dirty, and occasionally bloody clothes from the floor), while you like a clean house, you are not in fact the maid.
“Hey, baby. Can you fold these for me?” you request. “I need a shower.”
He raises a brow as you dump a new basket of fresh laundry onto the bed. It looks like you washed your clothes mixed in with his, which he actually doesn’t mind. He fishes out one of your red, lacey thongs with a hint of a smile. He bought you these last week, and they already have a tear. (His fault.)
“By the way, next time you move one of my things, mind leaving me a post-it note or something?” he dryly remarks. “It’s like a scavenger hunt in my own damn room.” 
You pop your head out of the bathroom, though he can tell by your bare shoulders that you’ve already gotten undressed. Your mouth is quirked at the corner. 
“It’s called organization,” you tease. “Apparently a foreign concept to you.”
You disappear back into the bathroom, giving Dean the privacy he needs to grumble almost inaudibly to himself. But then he hears your voice behind the door.  
“Oh, by the way. Your vintage collection of smut is in the bottom of your nightstand,” you call out. “That 1996 edition of Busty Asian Beauties is particularly classy.”
Dean hears the wryness in your tone, and his face actually heats up in embarrassment. He frowns at the bathroom door, his jaw tensing, but he takes a breath. Deciding to let it go with a roll of his shoulders, he puts on the TV to catch up on Dr. Sexy M.D. He also neglects the task you gave him, just for a little while.
When you’re still in the bathroom an hour later, Dean starts to get curious about what the hell you’re doing in there. The shower isn’t even running anymore.
That’s when he hears the hairdryer go on. 
He knows he’ll never be able to concentrate on his show with all that noise. So with a sigh, he clicks off the TV and eyes the pile of laundry. You probably cleaned the whole freaking bunker this morning. Despite his annoyance, he figures folding your clothes along with his own is the least he can do. 
Dean scoops up the pile back into the basket and takes it elsewhere. 
He finds his brother at the kitchen table and joins him with his basket. Sam’s gaze raises from his laptop to meet his brother’s grumpy face. He watches in mild curiosity as Dean plops down across from him and dutifully begins folding one of your shirts. 
“You okay?” Sam hazards the question. 
“Fucking peachy,” Dean replies. “Looking for a new case?”
“Yeah. Nothing yet.” Though Sam raises a brow when Dean all but tosses one of your girly sundresses on the table after it’s folded. (It’s yellow, and it happens to be his favorite on you.)
“Everything all right?” Sam asks. 
Dean glances up, finds his brother’s knowing eyes, and doesn’t have it in him to lie. He lets go of a breath, as well as one of his undershirts to rub at his forehead. 
“She’s nosey, Sam. She’s all up in my business.”
“Your girlfriend?” Sam clarifies, with raised brows. “Of six months.”
“Yeah, that one,” Dean quips, with all due sarcasm. “Ever since she moved in, she’s been going through everything, moving my crap every which way, making it so I can’t find a damn thing.”
Sam’s mouth edges at a smile. 
“I’m tellin’ you, Sam, she’s damn near taken over,” Dean insists. 
“You done?” Sam teases. Dean just leans in, like he’s about to level his brother with a secret. 
“Matter of fact, she locks herself in the bathroom for like, forever. I just heard the hairdryer go on, meaning another hour at least. What the fuck is she doing in there, getting ready for prom?”
Sam finally has to chuckle. “Clearly it’s been a long time since you’ve lived with a woman, Dean.” 
Dean scoffs. “Right.”
“And she’s actually been a big help in cleaning up around here,” Sam says, with a growing smirk. “Which is, quite literally, a refreshing change.”
Dean snorts at that. 
“Of course, you’re happy,” he says. “A new damn dish rack turns you on.”
Sam shoots him a wan look. “The question is, are you happy?”
That manages to take Dean by surprise. He hesitates to answer…
But he’s saved when he hears someone approaching. He knows it’s you because he can smell the mix of your floral soap and coconutty shampoo; it’s a scent that often lingers on your pillow and has unconsciously infiltrated Dean’s nose. 
His reply to Sam dies on his tongue when he sees you.
“Hey,” you greet both men, all bright and smiley with your hair in wild curls down your back. 
A lot of the time you keep your hair straight or loose and wavy, so it’s rare for Dean to see your natural look. It’s a good one for you, he thinks. Along with those jean shorts hugging your curvy hips, and the V-neck top you’re wearing, which offers a nice peek of cleavage. 
Your hand falls on his shoulder, with your thumb stroking his neck. You then brush that hand across his back as you pass by on your way to the kitchen. If possible, you’ve become even more touchy since you two got together.
Dean holds fast to your hand, stopping you in your path. 
“So that’s what you were working on in there,” he remarks. “Thought I was gonna need to break out the fire extinguisher.” 
You grin in amusement and do a little twirl under his hand, shaking out your curls a little.
“You like?” you ask. Dean tugs you back over. He reaches out and fingers at the soft ends of your hair. 
“Beautiful,” he says.
“Looks real nice,” Sam adds.
“Why, thank you.” Your smile is contagious, and Dean can’t help reciprocating. You drop a hand on his shoulder again.
“I know you’re our resident Gordon Ramsay, but I kinda feel like cooking today,” you say. “Is Cas coming home anytime soon?”
Dean nods. “Yeah, he called this morning. Probably dropping back in tonight.”
You nod. “Good! I’ll make plenty then…oh, wait, he doesn’t eat.”
“What did you have in mind?” Sam asks. 
“Well, I know you guys haven’t had much Cuban food, so I thought you might like to try some ropa vieja,” you reply. Sam’s brows knit together. 
“Old clothes?” he translates. His two years of high school Spanish can give him that much.
“Yeah! But it’s basically shredded beef with onions, garlic, tomato sauce, and a bunch of other good stuff,” you explain. Then your eyes brighten. “Oh! And I can make my grandma’s famous black beans, white rice, some bread with crushed garlic and olive oil…”
By the time you finish listing the things you plan on making, Dean is already salivating. 
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Later that evening, when Dean actually gets to sample said food, he’s eaten enough for three men in the span of forty-five minutes.
“Jesus, man. Going for a record on indigestion?” Sam cautions him, despite his amusement. 
Dean pointedly ignores his brother to look over at you. After he swallows another forkful of beef stew, he says, “Not for nothin’, this is probably the second-best meal of my entire life.”
“Oh, yeah?” You giggle. “What’s number one?”
“Diner called Slammies in Alabama. Best fucking pie on Earth,” he easily recalls. “Double applewood bacon cheeseburger, chili cheese fries, brick oven pizza. Bar none.” 
Sam inclines his head, remembering the food coma he and Dean had that night. They’d hit the rock-hard pillows at the motel and slept like they’d been on an all-night bender. 
“But this is like, right there,” Dean says to you, leveling his hand up by his head. 
“Well, let’s see if this moves the needle,” you reply as you get up from your seat. You answer the question in his eyes. “Forgot something, hold on.”
But before you can leave the table, Dean reaches over and takes your hand. 
“Thanks, sweetheart. For all of this. I mean it,” he says. 
A soft, genuine smile grows across your face. You lean down and press a tender kiss below his hairline, stroking his cheek before you go. 
Dean quirks a smile. It’s taken him time to get used to how open you are with your affections, but he likes it. All of it. Every time you reach for him, touch him, brush against him, intentionally or not. He always has.
Though he has to resist embarrassment when he notices the way his brother is watching him. Sam raises a brow, smiling that irritating smile of his. 
“Oh, yeah. You’re not happy at all,” he intones.
“Never said I wasn’t,” Dean says defensively. But he perks up when you return. Maybe you’re bringing more garlic bread. 
Instead, you’re holding a tin pan.
“What’cha got there?” he asks.
“Dessert,” you announce. It’s a Cuban flan: creamy, rich custard with a consistency smoother than cheesecake, and thicker than pudding.  
You haven’t even sat back down yet when Dean carves himself a generous slice. He moans when a large forkful melts in his mouth. You start to blush as you watch him with crossed arms and a hand over your smile. You don’t know whether to be amused or flattered.
Sam watches his brother stuff his face with a subtle shake of his head.    
“You’re enabling him,” he tells you. You shrug, but then you rest your hands on both Sam and Dean’s shoulders. 
“Now I have someone to cook for,” you say. You have tears in your eyes, but you quickly blink and try to turn away. Frowning, Dean takes your hand. 
“Hey, where you going?” he says, and aims to pull you into his lap. You hesitate, knowing you’re not going to be able to squeeze between him and the table.  
“It’s okay, these hips don’t fit,” you chuckle wryly, with a sniffle. But Dean just backs his chair up from the table a bit to make room. 
“What’re you talking about? You fit right here,” he says firmly, and he tugs you down. This is the one thing Dean has tried his damndest to break you out of—that self-deprecating streak of yours. 
You finally accept being guided into his lap, where you indeed fit snugly across his thighs. His arm comes around the front to hold you close by your hip, while his other hand rests comfortingly on your back.
Looking up into his eyes, you draw enough courage to be honest. 
“I was mostly raised by my grandma,” you begin to explain. Your father wasn’t ready to be one, and so wasn’t in the picture. Your mother died when you were in high school. So when your grandmother also passed away a few years ago… 
Well, you’ve been alone for a while.
You sniff and wipe at your face, but your eyes close as Dean’s lips press above your brow. When you next open your eyes and cautiously look between the brothers, Sam’s sympathy warms you. 
“If it isn’t obvious, you have a home here,” he says. “We can never replace what you’ve lost, but…we’re your family too.”
You know that Dean feels the same way by the way he brushes the tears from your cheek, thumbing at your bottom lip.
"You're right where you need to be," he says, with a hand squeezing your hip. His sincerity is in his even tone, in the firmness in his eyes.
You’re able to smile a bit.
“Ah…I’m interrupting, aren’t I?”
The three of you turn to the kitchen doorway, where Castiel stands awkwardly. He clearly senses emotional tension, but it breaks the moment you turn to him with a tearful laugh. 
“Hey, Cas. Have you ever eaten ‘old clothes?’” you ask. 
His puzzled expression is absolutely priceless.  
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When Sam finds a possible hunt in Hope, Indiana, Castiel agrees to go with you all. It’s a small, corn-fed town in the middle of nowhere, and five people have gone missing over the course of a year. 
The latest is a nine-year-old kid named Andy Campbell. That alone upsets you; if you have one weakness, it’s for kids.
“Local farmers have been reporting dead cattle too, drained of blood,” Sam says from the passenger seat in the Impala. “I’m thinking vampires trying to keep a low profile.”
“Sounds about right, if a bit sloppy,” Dean remarks. They are in the Midwest though. If this is a coven, or even a rogue vamp who’s been here a while, maybe they got lazy. “So what, police station first? Get any details they might’ve missed.”
“I want to talk to the kid’s mom,” you say. It earns Dean’s gaze at you in the rearview mirror. “We can get the last time she saw him, where he went missing, anything she might’ve held back from the police.”
He nods and shares a glance with Sam. “I’ll go with her. You and Cas scope out the station.”
The angel has gotten better at pretending to be a Fed, but not by much. Sam agrees, even though Dean sees in his face that he’d rather be taking his brother. Dean tempers a smile and keeps driving to the closest motel in this dusty town. 
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You don a sensible pantsuit to match Dean’s Fed suit, along with your badges: Agents Buckingham and Nicks. 
When Andy’s mom, Rachel Campbell, opens the door of her modest home to you and Dean, he lets you take the lead. You’re good at this part, connecting with the victims and getting them to talk. He sometimes worries about you though—that your soft, sympathetic heart will get the best of you. 
“How long has Andy been missing?” you ask, accepting a cup of tea from the woman. 
Rachel is around your age, maybe a few years older. She looks run down, a shell of a human as she looks at the carpet rather than at you or Dean. You can’t know exactly how she feels, but you have a vivid imagination. 
And from the various pictures of her and Andy on the wall, just the two of them, you deduce that she’s a single mother. Just like your mom had been.
“Almost four months,” she admits. “The police station doesn’t even return my calls anymore.”
That upsets you, but you keep a lid on your emotions to focus on the woman in front of you. 
“Andy’s father, he’s not around?” Dean asks. Rachel shakes her head, confirming your suspicions.
“No, we split up shortly after he was born,” she replies, her tone tired and resigned. “I was at work. I uh, I work at a doctor’s office. Andy was supposed to come home on the bus, like any other day…but he never did.”
She sucks in a shaky breath as the beginnings of tears make her eyes red and glassy. 
“His school couldn’t tell me why he wasn’t on the bus. But one of his friends said he was late getting out of class, so he must’ve tried to walk home. Even though he knew he could call me when that happens…anyway, somebody must’ve grabbed him.”
Rachel looks away as a tear streams down her cheek, followed by another. You feel your throat tighten with a sympathetic burn behind your eyes, but you keep it at bay long enough to set down your tea. You reach out and lay a hand on the woman’s hand. She meets your steady gaze. 
“I promise, we’ll find your son,” you tell her.
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“What?” you ask Dean as the two of you leave the small house, walking back to the Impala in the driveway. You just know there’s something up with him by the stoic look on his face. It isn’t so stoic to you. 
He waits until the two of you are in the car before he levels you with a raised brow. 
“Look, I know you want to find this kid. I do too,” he says. “But watch out about making promises you can’t keep.”
You frown back at him. “What’s better, letting that poor woman have no hope at all?”
In his mind, Dean thinks it’s worse to give her false hope. But he sees how stubborn you’re getting, so he doesn’t push it. The fact that you care about people like Rachel is part of what drew him to you in the first place, but there’s a line, he thinks. A point where you can care too much. 
When you two eventually meet up with Sam and Castiel, they’ve been able to confirm from the body of a recent Jane Doe, with a row of lethal bite marks on her wrist, that this is definitely a vamp case. 
After narrowing down where each of the victims were taken, the four of you sketch out a perimeter of where the monsters could likely be hiding. It’s Dean who finds the old barn on the verge of a corn field, about three miles away from the school where Andy was taken. 
You all wait until high noon the next day to scope it out. Looking into the front windows is useless; all evidence points to an empty home.
The back of the barn is another story. Cracking the barn door open reveals a large storage area, where a nest of vampires are sleeping in their beds. Some are coupled off, but you note a few on single beds.
Then, your eyes narrow on the humans sleeping piled together in the corner—three women, a young man, and Andy Campbell on a twin-sized bed of his own.  
Dean carefully closes the barn door, and the four of you regroup back to the Impala.
“It’s a bigger nest than we thought,” Sam says, though he keeps his voice quiet. Dean is already opening the trunk for his favorite machete. 
“First, let’s get those humans out,” he says. You agree with a nod when he hands you a weapon.  
Dean shoots you a wink. “This one’s Brenda.”
“What happened to Lucille?” you ask, taking the knife from him.
“That’s the bat wrapped in barbed wire. Matter of fact, I should break her out.”
Dean reaches into the trunk and pulls out the blood-stained bat. He rubs the handle fondly. 
“Ahh, Dad loved this thing.”
You sidle up next to him and glance over wryly. “You want some alone time with your big stick, there?”
Dean flashes you a smirk, giving you a long once over in your form-fitting shirt and jeans. “Well, you’re certainly welcome to join me, sweetheart.” 
You snort in response, bumping into his side with your hip. Dean teasingly bounces one of your curls in your face. You smile and swat his hand away.
Sam subtly rolls his eyes, despite a small smile as he shares a look with Cas.
“All right. Can we go, please?” Sam says in amusement. Castiel awkwardly straps on a machete to his belt. He doesn’t believe he’ll need it, but Sam and Dean are always prepared. He wants to be as well. 
You’re ready to go, but Dean holds you back by your shoulder. You look up at him curiously.
“Hey, follow our lead on this one, okay?” he asks. 
You sense that he’s hedging at something more specific with that request. 
“What do you mean?”  
“The kid. I know you wanna beeline for him the second we get in there, but hold off,” Dean says. His gaze is serious. “He could be turned.”
He got a good look inside, the same as you. The kid was lying on a bed while the other humans were chained up on the floor. Still, you shoot him an incredulous look. 
“Why would they turn a kid?” you ask. “They have the others.”
“Yeah, and they were chained up. Why not him?” Dean asks, imploring you to think logically. He shares a look with Sam, who silently agrees. You look between the brothers with pursed lips. 
“Maybe they don’t give a fuck, because they’re cocky assholes,” you retort. And you walk past them to head back towards the barn. 
The brothers and the angel share one last look, with Dean letting out a subtle breath before he follows you.
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You creep back into the barn, as quiet as possible through the room of snoring vampires. The brothers and Castiel go to the sleepy women in the corner. They look dirty and malnourished, wearing threadbare clothing. Sam feels the pulse of the man prone on the floor, but he’s already dead. 
When one of the girls wakes with a whimper, Dean holds his finger to his lips, warning them all wordlessly to be quiet. He looks over and doesn’t find you next to him. He nearly curses out loud when he sees you heading for Andy’s bed across the room. 
Meanwhile, you touch the little boy’s shoulder and shake him a little. He wakes with a small sound of reluctance, but you shush him gently. 
“Andy?” You grasp his shoulders. He nods, though his blonde brows are furrowed with confusion. 
“Who…who are you?” he asks. He rubs at his sleepy brown eyes. 
“I’m here to help,” you reply in a whisper. “I’m going to get you back to your mom, okay?”
After a moment, he nods and lets you pick him up into your arms. You hazard looking over across the room, and you find Dean’s annoyed gaze. Despite the uncomfortable churning in your belly, you ignore him for now and head for the back door.
You’re only able to take a few steps when you feel a hand wrap tightly in your hair and pull it away from your neck, just for rows of several razor-sharp teeth to sink into your neck.
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AN: 😬 ...Sorry. If you don't know me by now, I love a cliffhanger. But how'd you like Dean getting used to sharing his space? (And having someone to occasionally put him on his toes.)
Part 2 will feature a good old fashioned "you should've listened to me" fight, some angst, some making up, some salsa dancing, and a healthy dose of smutty smut.
Next Time:
“I don’t care what that legendary gut tells you,” you sass back. “I’m not a little girl, and you’re not my damn father!”
Dean raises incredulous brows at the way you’re shouting at him. He crosses his arms. 
“What’s this, some kind of Latina temper?” he asks snidely. 
You truly become incensed at that. 
Keep Reading: PART 2
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the-cat-chat · 4 months ago
October 31, 2024
Malignant (2021)
Paralyzed by fear from shocking visions, a woman's torment worsens as she discovers her waking dreams are terrifying realities.
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Warning: Review may contain spoilers. Read at your own risk.
JayBell: I hate to victim blame, but maybe this is my fault. We wanted an actually scary movie for Halloween night and this is what we landed on. And oh boy oh boy do I have stuff to say.
First of all, only maybe the first ten minutes were scary because you don't know what's going, the motive, it's all mysterious. It's fear of the unknown. But Anzie and I had a good understanding of what was going on pretty early on, which for me, took away almost all of the scare factor. Maybe we've just seen too many movies, or maybe this movie isn't as twisty as it likes to pretend it is.
From very early on, I found myself actually rooting for the creature, which also took away the scare factor. Let's talk about it. The creature starts killing (after killing asshole husband) all these doctors/researchers. Who cares? As the viewer, we have no emotional connection to these people. The assumptions we are able to make about these victims make them seem like unethical people anyways, so it seems like the perfect case of revenge to me.
Furthermore, the cops/police/detectives are some of the most cliche dumb officers I've seen in a movie. At one point, the detective gets a lead on a vicious serial killer and decides to go alone? Not only does he go with zero backup, he doesn't call backup when he encounters the creature which is just silly to me. I can only suspend belief so much. And the idea that they have a hypnotherapist ready to go for a consult? Wow.
The movie exposition dumps like crazy in the most inelegant way possible. For example, we meet the husband and immediately he is the most cliche, stereotypical abusive husband. In a subsequent scene, the main character just randomly decides to share that she's adopted to her sister and has absolutely no memories of her childhood. Righhhhht what a natural time to share this info. And the sister??? She decides to check out this old abandoned hospital thing ON HER OWN and it's perfectly intact and hasn't been sold or cleared out and trips over perfectly preserved records and video tapes of her sister/sister's mom that conveniently share everything that's happening. Yep.
And the big reveal. The wig itself needs its own comment. Cause it's fake as hell and everybody knows it. I couldn't stop laughing at the reveal because it's just Voldemort in the first Harry Potter movie. Seriously it's the exact same concept and even looks visually similar. And the special effects are terrible.
And the ending where our main character just finds the power within her all along? I am speechless. Plus, what's with the devil implication? That was underdeveloped. And why bring in the mom in the present at all? What was the point?
This definitely goes down as one of the worst movies of the year. Happy Halloween I guess.
Rating: 1/10 cats 🐈
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Anzie: I hate it. I really don’t wanna talk about it. What an awful way to spend Halloween. I’m still searching for a hypnotist to remove it from my brain. It wasn’t terrible maybe for the first 10/15 minutes and was actually scary with the shadow person. But after that. Murder me. It was so bad. And makes no sense but also does??? It’s more of a whyyy does it exist. I’d rather watch 10 Friday the 13ths back to back. The efffectssss are actually the worst I’ve ever seen. And when they aren’t terrible they’re traumatizing. And the movie is so terrible to even try and take itself seriously. I think this is a never watch and anyone that says it’s good is either lying about seeing it or just admitted a GIANT red flag.
Rating: 0/10 Demons 👹
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anothersebastianblog · 2 years ago
Minute 19:30 of the last DM podcast - a person (idk what they do for living and why they know all these infos because i skipped the part where DM introduced them lmao) said to DM that Annabelle and Sebastian were introduced by mutual friends, she wanted to date someone high profile and he was single so friends set them up and even tho they have been together for > a year they don’t consider themselves as bf and gf and that “sebastian made it clear since the beginning”.
My comment is that first of all this person had a lot to say about A LOT of people discussed by DM in the last weeks… weird. Like… how do you know this much stuff?
Second, i figured out that someone set them up.. this is what mutual friends are made for and this doesn’t necessarily mean that they are in a pr rs (DM saying the same exact thing 🤝🏻).
Third, i think it’s ok having a casual rs made of couple vacation and some pap walks + having fun together. I don’t think spending time with each other’s families on specific occasions like Christmas and birthdays etc and travel with the specific intentions to meet them is something that falls in that casual rs thing.
Then on last thing i want to say is, giving the fact that i think they are dating and in a exclusive rs even tho I don’t know if it’s a super serious one or not (please read this again before continuing), if what this person stated is completely true (again, I don’t think it is) i would call these two a complete mess ngl because we apparently would have a grown up woman that wants to date someone high profile and is still dating this same guy a year after but he doesn’t want to call each other gf and bf and at the same time he tells people he is thinking about having kids and is meeting her family inviting them to spend xmas in his state and then make her pose with himself and his mom etc like you are 41 try to not give mixed signals 🥲
Just a general thought that i think do not applies to the two of them given what i just wrote.
Main clue is I don’t think that besides the two of them and other 5 five people there are a lot of people that know this much about their rs
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radiant-reid · 2 years ago
This is something that has bothered me for a long time and I can see it bothering Spencer too.
He would HATE IT when people say him things like “are you babysitting the kids so mom can take a break?” Or “wow you are such a great dad taking the kids out for a bit so your wife can rest.” Because he can never under how he can babysit his own children.
I can also see him hating people praising him for doing the bare minimum of parenting such as changing diapers, giving baths etc. or when he takes the kids to the grocery store with him all alone. Because he knows his wife wouldn’t get praised for any of that.
But for real it’s 2023 let’s stop saying crap like that to dads as it’s pretty annoying at this point and insulting too as dads are just as capable as moms.
I wrote this rant lmao about how much Spencer would hate those misogynistic comments a few weeks ago and I stand by it
I think whenever people praise him for doing the bare minimum like feeding his children, he’s like “oh, my wife cooked dinner yesterday 🤨🤨” and he just waits until they’re forced to praise her as well even though they only intended to praise him for the same exact thing
I did see this one tiktok about it that changed my point of view a little. it was about the wife explaining why she thanks her husband for doing that type of stuff, because even though it’s obligatory she would want to be appreciated for the effort she put in, and it was very much reciprocated from her husband. It kind of seems like basic manners but she was getting called out because people thought she was praising him too much for doing necessary stuff, but I think it’s nice to be appreciative of all the little chores. And that’s the only time he wouldn’t have a problem with it
I also think he gets real sick of people using daddy issues as an insult against fatherless people (especially girls where it seems very prevalent) because it’s not at all their fault that their dad isn’t around ?? Like why are you blaming them for having trauma when their dad abused and/or abandoned them
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thewistlingbadger · 4 months ago
Lololol very based opinions dude. There is a lot of hypocrisy when it comes to vander's teachings. Like of course you change with age and stuff but the things he told his kids wouldn't have been so damaging had he been more supportive and open. Like of course vi wants to fight. She sees the shittiness around her. But Vander is a parent, so instead of understanding her fully and trying to get that message across in a way she'll respond to, he's just like "you're just a kid and this won't go how you think it will." To me, vander's character is one of a very basic parent/pos so my opinion of him isn't really negative. I see people shit on him for that "if anything happens, it's on you" comment but as the oldest cousin in my family, I got told that message by my mom COUNTLESS of times. Yes it was annoying but imo for me it wasn't damaging. It was necessary.
My biggest issue with Vander is his lack of accountability, which is funny bc imo vi has this EXACT same problem. Vander promised his followers he'd bring war between zaun and piltover, and he didn't. He promised to take care of them, but under his rule people still struggled AND under his rule enforcers came into zaun mistreating everyone. Vander said he always felt bad for how he treated silco, but he never made any effort to actually apologize to him! Vander does all these things he's not supposed to do, he takes no accountability, and then feels guilty. Same pattern as vi.
Responsibility is not accountability. Guilt is not accountability. You can say you're responsible for something and feel guilty about it, but that doesn't actually mean you took accountability for that action. Vander had it coming imo bc even though he was a good guy, he made promises he didn't keep + promises he never intended on keeping to several people. The only person at fault for Silco's power is Vander. The people of zaun had every right to betray Vander. Had it not been silco, it would have been someone else. And while many people suffer more under Silco, silco actually makes an effort to bring zaun to freedom and under his rule they do better financially.
And here's what I mean when I say vi does the same shit: vi always felt responsible for her sister, including the separation from her, her time with Silco, and her new persona. She feels incredibly guilty and while she apologizes for calling her a jinx and leaving her, she never actually takes accountability for what those actions did to her, she never apologizes for that specific thing that is arguable the most important thing. Instead, she shoves all the blame on Silco.
Also vander's favoritism? Yeah genuinely fuck him for that. I wonder what he would have thought/done as jinx got older and her mental illness and tendencies became more clear.
I'm genuinely so sick of the silco hate. Yes he's a bad guy. Yes he's committed very serious crimes and is a violent person and a murder. Those are all very valid reasons to dislike a fictional character. But there are just some things people like to shit on silco for that truly aren't his fault.
Imagine if YOU were a single dad to a mentally ill teenager and at the same we're trying to manage a business, gain independence for your country, AND deal with other bullshit nonsensical problems. I'd be pissed too, I'd be stressed the fuck out too. People can't seem to push past the bad and see the truth; because all of this shit IS NOT hidden in the show it's at the forefront. Silco has a lot of shit on his plate and he has to deal with everything at the same fucking time ALONE. This guy's life is hell on the average day but during arcane? Nah my man was fighting for his life literally and figuratively.
Jinx's entire behavior can NOT be blamed on silco it genuinely cannot and it's silly to even think such a thing. I'm so sick of people trying to make him the scapegoat when it comes to her situation. "He didn't try to heal her" in the city where we know that canonically, there are no doctors? Tell me, oh wise one, where the hell silco, of all men, was going to find a therapist for his daughter and medicine for her psychosis? Like BITCH PLEASE! PLEASE! That's ridiculous.
"oh he's the reason jinx was tortured-" you mean when silco held his DYING daughter in his arms and tried to save her? When he, at his old fucking age, ran all the way from the bridge to singed SINGLEHANDEDLY to get her the ONLY MEDICAL ATTENTION the undercity has? Did you truly forget that singed knocks silco out during this scene. If so, rest assured, because has silco been MENTALLY PRESENT in that scene, he would have never allowed that shit to happen. The moment he wakes up and sees that she's fucking gone and the table is bloody, he IMMEDIATELY threatens singed and asks what the fuck he did. Don't put that shit on him he had no idea.
Yes this man is a piece of shit but he's a man none the less can we cut him a fucking break PLEASE!
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kate-apologist · 3 years ago
prompt: griddlehark, lack of sleep delirium
thank you for the prompt anon!! really enjoyed figuring out exactly how i wanted this one to play out!!
her days have been turned to a living hell
Gideon forgets how to sleep. That’s what happens when your soul plays several intense rounds of musical bodies. She settles back into her own body (so comfy!) and Harrow finds her way back to hers (less comfy, but that’s Gideon’s thought) and everything should be perfect and wonderful. Except…Gideon doesn’t sleep. Neither does Harrow, but she sleeps more than Gideon and that is a terrifying prospect because if Harrow is sleeping better than you there’s basically no one sleeping worse than you in the entire universe.
See, thing is, Gideon’s soul has moved enough to know the exact shape of the entirety of Harrow’s being. She knows the insides of Harrow like someone scooped everything out, handed Gideon a schematic and a flashlight, and she burrowed inside. She knows Harrow more intimately than she’s ever known anyone. This all being true, she’s still Gideon. Her self is still a scared kid looking for the skeleton of her mom and hiding all the hurt under muscle and bravado. All the shit that happened at Canaan house still grips her brain in a vice, still haunts her like a revenant. The stuff after is even worse.
So she doesn’t sleep. 
Every time her eyes even think to flutter closed, she sees Isaacs arms thrown wide, the profile of his face as she drags Jeannemary kicking out of the basement. She feels the scrawny teen in her arms struggling and screaming and she feels the moment Isaac dies and Jeannemary goes limp, a deadweight. Gideon sees Magnus and Abigail, laid out and alive at the same time, bloodied and smiling. They lurk in doorways, in crowded rooms, in the corner of her and Harrow’s bedroom. Dulcinea, Protesilaus’s head, Palamedes’s bright explosion, it’s a loop of a loop over and over again. Heralds and Wake-As-Cytherea and Her-As-Harrow and God and his child in the body made of 200 children, scared shitless.
It takes a long time, but Harrow notices, right about the time that the Fourth’s hole-ridden bodies begin to appear at the corner of Gideon’s vision. Harrow doesn’t say anything about it until Gideon starts talking to them.
“Griddle,” she says slowly as they’re lounging in bed after a long day of being Lyctors and being one flesh one end and all that good shit. “Griddle, have you slept recently?”
“Hmm?” Gideon asks, because the Fourth had started mumbling nonsense the moment Harrow opened her mouth and she’s found she becomes very easily confused nowadays.
“Sleep, Nav,” Harrow says. “You’re dead on your feet.”
“I’m fine,” Gideon says, pushing at Harrow and finding that she’s moved several inches to the left and is growing even more concerned. “I’m fine, Nonagesimus.”
“You are most certainly not, you pig-headed ignoramus,” Harrow says and it’s one of the nicest things Harrow has said in a while. 
“‘M not a pig, Harrow,” Gideon says quite smartly and Harrow huffs. Gideon loses time for a little while, and when she comes back to herself, Harrow has somehow maneuvered her onto her back on the bed. The ceiling is ugly. Harrow straddles her stomach, face pinched in concentration and Gideon digs around for an appropriate, provocative comment when Harrow presses a finger to her lips.
“Shut up and go to bed,” Harrow says. There are four of her. Gideon blinks to clear her vision and it doesn’t go away. Strange. Gideon doesn’t think too much of it. She tries to sit up but Harrow somehow finds the strength to keep her down on the bed.
“If you wanted to pin me, Nonagesimus-” Gideon begins but the four Harrows glare at her and Isaac gurgles from his corner. “Oh my God, shut up!”
“I didn’t…Nav, please. Sleep?” Harrow must be having a moment because she almost never says please to Gideon and if she did it certainly wouldn't be about sleep. Gideon stares at the four Harrowhark heads for far too long before squinting at her girlfriend. She comes into focus a bit better (the four heads get reduced to two) and Gideon is taken aback at how much concern paints her face. 
“I don’t want to,” Gideon says, and she feels like a little kid again, meeting the eyes of Harrowhark Nonagesimus and fearing retribution of some kind for daring to be vulnerable. “I can’t.”
Understanding dawns on Harrow and Gideon wonders how she even managed to get the hidden meaning when Gideon isn’t even sure of it herself. Still, a hint of tenderness replaces the  concern. 
“It’s alright, Griddle,” Harrow says and the love in her voice makes Gideon shake. The Fourth teens are rattling in her vision. She could feel their eyes fixed on her but she’s focusing on Harrow with all of her might. “I’ll be here.”
Somehow, it is enough reassurance. Gideon doesn’t remember falling asleep, succumbing to the days of exhaustion that suddenly drag at her bones. She doesn’t remember Harrow curling around her, tucking them both in. 
When she wakes up, gasping and sweating in the middle of the night, the phantom sensation of returning to her body lingering in each of her nerves, Harrow holds her tight, even in sleep, and doesn’t let her go. Gideon sinks into the comfort and finally, blissfully, returns to sleep.
Thank you again anon!! My asks are still open and I'll be working through prompts as they come in so if you feel like it send me something to write!
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amoeba03 · 3 months ago
Time for more info for the 0 people that follow me. So things have been going a *lot* better, thankfully. Last week we went to the mall to just look around and get ideas for Christmas gifts. It went great! We held hands the entire time (which is a big thing for me personally. Physical contact means a lot), and when she let go to look at something, she always grabbed my hand again after
A few days ago we went to a Mexican restaurant that she likes that I've never been to. Honestly, I didn't love the food, but it was great being there with her. She was concerned about me spending too much on dinner, which was really sweet of her IMO. Afterward, we went to a park near her house that we go to after most of our dates. We decided to watch a few episodes of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. She showed me the first episode last week and it was cool. She reciprocated when I touched her hand, and at one point that night she took mine first. She also did this little thing I sometimes do where I use my thumb to just rub back and forth on her hand. Idk why I do it, but she did it once that night and it made me feel better than I have for just about my whole life
She had previously introduced me to Epic the Musical, which obviously is emotionally devastating. Now she's showing me FMA: Brotherhood, and that's emotional torture right off the bat, especially like the 4th and 5th episodes with the little girl and the dog. While holding her hand at one point, I (jokingly) was like "Why do I keep agreeing to watch this stuff with you?" and she responded with "Because y-", she kind of cut herself off, and then in like a half joking half flirty voice, said "Because you love me."
And like. That threw my mind and emotions into an industrial cement mixer because a few things happened. The first was that I realized that honestly... I do love her. Or at least I could very easily if I let myself. The reason I haven't let myself and haven't told her I love her is that we agreed a few weeks ago that, due to her upcoming mission at the end of January, we were going to kind of keep our relationship at the same level it's been at, and I don't want her to think I didn't take that relationship devision seriously or that I'm trying to force her into anything
But when she said that, it became a whole lot harder. I couldn't process it and think of a good way to respond, so I just squeezed her hand tighter, and she squeezed back. We watched a few episodes, then she showed me some clips of another anime (I think it was called RWBY but idk) on YouTube, and then I said that my brain was going to be trying to process FMA all night, and that it was going to be trying to theorize about it.
She asked to hear some of my theories, and I told her a few (I don't think their mom ever died, I don't think Alphonse will get his body back but I do think he'll change form, I think their dad is going to play a much bigger role than they make it seem, I think the deadly sins won't play as big a role, or at least there'll be a villain much bigger than them), and she kept doing this cute "okay, mmhmm, I see" thing while I explained my theories, while refusing to tell me if I was anywhere near correct.
The whole time though, I was also thinking about when she said "Because you love me." I don't know what that means. I don't think it was just a random comment because she started to say it, stopped herself, and then said it anyway. Does she love me? Is she having these exact same thoughts that I am? When she hugged me on her doorstep, it felt more... sincere than usual, if that makes sense. I know we're going to be broken up by the end of January but whatever pain comes with it will definitely be worth being allowed to love her, and it'll be even more worth it if she loves me
Hey guys (not that I have any followers but idc), I've been dating this girl and I really like her but I don't know if I'm officially her boyfriend yet, but her parents invited me over for dinner tonight and I'm super nervous because I don't want to mess this up but I'm potentially the most socially awkward person that's ever lived. Anyway wish me luck please
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cheri-translates · 3 years ago
Headcanon - Your son isn’t cute at all
Original title: 儿子一点都不可爱
Original author: 君兮耶君兮 (jun xi ye jun xi)
You’re certain that the strength of Victor’s genes resulted in that little guy at home being an exact replica of him. Even Victor can’t deny that your son resembles him greatly in terms of appearance.
However, this doesn’t mean he acknowledges the resemblance of their personalities. At the very least, he feels that he wasn’t as studious during his childhood years.
Furthermore, Victor has half-jokingly pointed out that your son’s dislike for exercise is exactly the same as his mother’s.
“Victor, your son is bullying me again!” 
Although your opponent is a little brat, you’re still unable to win. In this short round of Go, your white pieces have more or less been “eaten” by your son’s black pieces.
“Dummy. Don’t blame your son if your skills can’t match up to his.” Victor sets down the documents in his hand, walking over to observe.
Is this something he should be saying in front of the kid!? What about your dignity as a mother? 
You turn around with a glare. “You were the one who taught me how to play Go. My teacher didn’t teach me properly!”
In the past, you’d typically respond to Victor’s remarks with a stubborn retort. Nowadays, you simply toss the bucket to someone else.
“If you make that move, you’d be sending yourself straight to a loss,” Victor comments, seeing that you’re once again putting a white piece where it’d definitely be “eaten”.
“Who says that I’m making that move?” You flick your wrist, salvaging the fate of the white piece, along with your pride. With a dignified air, you continue. “A true gentleman keeps silent while watching a game.”
“Mom, putting your piece here isn’t any different from the other spot.” Your son notes expressionlessly. With a thud of his black piece, he is only one move away from “eating” your white piece.
Despite the truth in his words, being ridiculed by your son truly upsets you. “We’ll continue. What happened earlier was a tiny mistake.”
In the following rounds, your white pieces grow sparse on the board while Victor observes the mother-son battle calmly. Or rather, watching as you get obliterated by your son.
Wanting to prolong the competition despite the lack of prospects, you courageously seek Victor’s assistance. “Hubby, help me out!”
Ignoring his son’s awkward expression, Victor rubs your head in a comforting manner. Picking up a piece and placing it onto the board, he instantly rescues several white pieces from a tragic ending. “Next time, give your Mom a chance. You need to give some confidence to opponents who are weaker than you.”
Your son nods in half-understanding.
Victor, don’t think I can’t tell that you’re calling me a noob!
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Just as you wished, you had a son. However, there are times when you really think your son isn’t cute at all!
Your son watches you sternly, hands on his hips.
“Mommy, Dad said that you can’t eat ice-cream these days.”
“Be good. If you don’t say anything, your dad won’t find out. Also, I’m not the only one eating. You can have one too~” You attempt to bribe the little fellow who is utterly loyal to Gavin.
He rejects your suggestion decisively. “No way. Dad will get angry.”
This so-called anger is simply Gavin displaying a cold expression momentarily. Away from his son’s gaze, you’d play coy and Gavin would release a sigh of resignation before gently reminding you not to commit this offence again. To you, this isn’t a deterrence factor at all.
Since your son can’t find out about this little secret, you huff while returning the ice-cream into the fridge. Then, you grab a bag of spicy sticks from the snack basket.
Before your fingers touch the jagged edges of the opening, your son stops you.
“Mom, no spicy sticks either.” 
It truly isn't a good feeling to be ordered around by a child. 
Bored out of your wits, you bury yourself in the sofa, watching as your son stuffs the packet of spicy sticks back into the snack basket. “What other things did your dad prohibit?”
Your son tilts his head as he recalls. “Aside from ice-cream, mala soup, snacks, fried chicken, there’s nothing else.”
And he called that “nothing”!?
With the loss of snacks, you feel like your entire life has turned dim and gloomy. You get up coldly before walking into the bedroom listlessly. “I’ll take a nap. When your dad gets back, tell him to face the corner and stay there.”
Your son obediently agrees.
Close to dinnertime, your honourable husband returns home. Even before he removes his shoes, his son calls out to him. “Mom asked you to stand at the corner.” The little rascal gloats slightly.
Gavin is left dumbfounded, and has no idea what he did to anger you. “Where is she?”
“She’s asleep.”
After standing at the corner for ten minutes, there’s no stirring from the bedroom. Gavin pokes his son, who is sitting at the entrance and reading a book. “Go and check if your mom has woken up.”
“Nope.” Your son refuses instantly.
“Why not?”
“Mom said that if I supervise you until she wakes up herself, she’d buy me the latest model aeroplane.” The little child’s eyes brim with anticipation at the thought of the new toy.
So he abandoned his father for a new model aeroplane?
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“Mom, do you really not know how to do this question? Dad said that this question is very simple.” Your son looks up with a frown, only to see your frustrated expression as you rip up a sheet of rough paper.
“...don’t listen to your dad’s nonsense.”
The way Professor Lucien defines the word “simple” is completely different from ordinary people, all right?!
“Dad won’t lie to me. Mom can’t do it because she’s too stupid!”
Ever since the little fellow followed Lucien to the research centre, his admiration for his father has risen by another degree.
Having your self-esteem trampled upon, you toss the pen aside. “Why don’t you ask your dad then? I’m done with this!” 
Isn’t making cream puffs more enjoyable than solving problems? Why should you continue torturing yourself?
The little rascal pinches the booklet and heads into the study room. “Dad, I think I made Mom angry.”
“What happened?” You rarely lose your temper in front of the child.
His son shows him the question in the booklet. “Mom couldn’t solve it, so I called her stupid.”
“Apologise to your mother!” Lucien thinks that aside from him, nobody else can bully his Little Miss. Not even his son.
“Okay.” Your son responds obediently before going downstairs.
By the time Lucien finishes his work and heads into the kitchen, he spots you stuffing a cream puff into your son’s mouth. “It’s fine, it’s fine. Next time, just ask your dad directly if you have any math questions.”
“All right.” The little rascal’s puffy cheeks resemble a hamster’s. When he sees Lucien arriving, he returns to his room to read books, giving the both of you space.
Amused by the mother-son interaction, Lucien waits till his son leaves before entering the kitchen and reaching out for a cream puff. Before he can even touch one, you whack his hand away.
“Hm? It seems that my wife is angry with me too?” Lucien wraps an arm around your waist and nuzzles his head into the crook of your neck. Even though he’s exerting very little force, you're still unable to free yourself.
“I’m so sorry that I can’t do a question which, according to Professor Lucien, is very simple.” While he continues hugging you, you transfer the cream puffs from the baking tray onto a small plate. 
“That’s okay. Having one adult who can teach him is enough.”
You pout. “Your son called me stupid earlier.”
“Nonsense.” Lucien gives you a tap on the head. “My wife is the smartest. Otherwise, it wouldn’t have taken so long for me to win you over.”
Lucien’s sweet nothings are becoming smoother and smoother. Pushing him away with your elbow, you pick up the small plate. “Go and give the cream puffs to our son.”
Initially thinking that the plate was meant for him, Lucien is stunned momentarily. His son had a cream puff personally fed to him, while he hasn’t even managed to touch a cream puff. “What about mine?”
You release an icy “hmph”.
“Considering Professor Lucien’s high IQ, I’m sure he can make them himself. I want to give these to my son, who is also unable to solve that problem.”
Why does he have to bear the consequences when his son was the one who angered you?
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[ KIRO ]
“I’m back~” 
You’ve just returned from a business trip which swept you overseas for close to a month, and it’s been a long time since you saw the two suns in your home.
“Mommy! Welcome home!”
“Miss Chips! Welcome home!”
The father-son duo exclaim unanimously, rushing over to the door with their similar faces and equally dazzling golden hair.
Your adorable son stumbles over to you, and you respond by squatting down and stretching your hands to give him a full hug. The little fellow tightens his grip around your neck to express his joy and how much he missed you.
Apple Box leaps around beside you to convey his welcome, and you can’t help but reach out to give him a pat on his fluffy head. In the time you weren’t around, he had put on quite a bit of weight.
The small entrance hall brims with a warm atmosphere... aside from Kiro.
At this moment, Kiro feels that his position in the home has deteriorated, and he shoots a killer glare towards your coquettish son and Apple Box, who weren’t sidelined by you.
“Miss Chips, did you not miss me... QAQ”
Despite the passage of time, Kiro, who has even become a father, seems to have become more childish.
You purse your lips. “Who said so? I missed you very much.”
“But you hugged him first and even patted Apple Box. You didn’t give me a hug.” The more he talks about it, the more insignificant he feels.
“Dad, you’re so heavy. Mom won’t be able to carry you.” Your son rubs salt into his wound.
Sure enough, Kiro gets offended by this. With a darkened expression, he pulls his son away from your arms, lifting him into the air. “Say that again!”
The little rascal struggles for a while before escaping from his grasp, then buries himself into your arms again. “Mommy, I drew you a picture!” With this, he sends Kiro a competitive glance.
Amused by the usual competition between father and son, you feed off your son’s excitement. “Really? My darling is incredible!”
“I’m incredible too!” Kiro is deathly afraid of falling behind. “Go away.” He pulls his son away from you once again. His left hand reaches behind your knees, and he bends down to carry you up. When he feels your hands tightening around his neck, he lets out a satisfied “hmph”.
“I can pick your Mom up in a princess carry. Can you?”
“Once I’ve grown up, I can do it too!” Your son gives him a glance of disdain. “Also, you’d be old by the time I grow up. I’d also be more handsome than you. Mommy will definitely like me more~”
“Looks like you need a spanking!” Kiro places you down before reaching for his son.
“Kiro, you’re not allowed to hit our son!” You hurriedly stop him before he can do anything.
“He was challenging my authority as his father.”
You tousle his hair in a comforting manner. “Be good. Actually, our son wasn’t wrong. When you’re old, you’d...”
“Miss Chips!”
“When you’re old, you’d still be handsome!” You chuckle gently, tugging him on the sleeve to make him bend down slightly. A sweet kiss lands on the side of his face. “Superheroes are the most handsome~”
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[ SHAW ]
“Don’t make a mess out of our house!”
The moment you see the unsalvageable mess on the coffee table, the only thought that runs through your mind is sending this troublemaker back to the oven to be re-made.
“Dad said that an overly neat doesn’t have a homely feeling.” Your son tilts his head upwards confidently, continuing with his work on hand.
“So why are you doodling on the wall?”
The originally pure white wall has been morphed beyond recognition. And why does the style of this abstract art look so familiar?
Your son wipes his hands on a damp cloth at the side, then picks up a crayon. “Dad said that aesthetic sense must be picked up since young.”
Seeing the patches of postmodern art on the wall causes your blood to boil. “Can’t you use paper?”
As compared to your frantic state, your son is much more composed. “Dad said that I should strike while the iron’s hot when it comes to being inspired. I didn’t have time to find paper, so I drew on the wall.”
No matter what, you have to find the main culprit.
“Shaw, get over here!” Your twist your head and roar towards the living room.
“Did you allow him to draw on the walls?” You glare at him fiercely, causing his initial “yes” to quickly turn into a “I did not.”
Your son lifts his head in confusion. “Dad, didn’t you say that I should draw wherever I wanted to? You even said a child’s talent shouldn’t be stifled.”
With a grim laugh, you toss him a rag. “Since you allowed him to do it, you’ll be the one to clean up.”
“...son, use paper next time. Don’t draw on the walls.” Shaw finds a smaller rag and hands it to his son. The both of them begin wiping off the colourful traces on the wall pitifully, wishing they could travel back in time to stop this from happening in the first place.
Sitting on your son’s small bed while scrolling through your phone, you occasionally look up to supervise their progress.
Once they’re more or less done, your son suddenly pipes up.
“When can we head out to do graffiti?”
“Graffiti?” Why weren’t you aware of such plans?
Shaw has a bad feeling about this.
“Shaw. Explain.”
“It’s just... nurturing his artistic side...” His voice dies off at the end.
“Okay. Right now, I’ll be nurturing his mathematical side. Stand at the corner of the wall and count from one to a thousand.”
After tidying your son’s bed, you head out to pour yourself a cup of water.
Shaw tosses a sympathetic glance at his son. “Every man for himself.”
“As his father, you’ll keep him company.”
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君兮耶君兮: Can, just state the author and the source
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