#my grandmothers both died before i was born. my dads dad died when i was very small. my mom when i was 15. my papal last year
gophergal · 23 days
I always hate the pity I get when I say "I don't have much of a family"
Like, fuck you dude. My family is very small, but my parents distanced themselves from their relatives for a good fucking reason and so have I
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whoblewboobear · 2 months
Hiiii!!! 📓
Hellooo hiii~ and OUGHHH Thank u 🥰 
So I pretty much rapid fire throw all my lil fic blurbs that I’ll probably never write on here but one of them that hasn’t entirely gotten its own spotlight is Porter’s backstory/character study. It’s mainly in bits and pieces but I’ve thought about it ALOT. I’ve rattled man around my brain for so long to figure out WHY he’s like that. Sooo I’m gonna scream about what I think his deal is for a lil bit~ A lot a bit actually lmao so it’s going under a read more 🤧✌️
~ The minute Porter was born his parents chose war over him. Handed him off to his grandparents the moment they’d both be able to go straight back into battle to defend the sunstone clan. He was left with his Paternal grandparents where they pretty much raised him like a soldier. He was homeschooled and along side his regular lessons like Common and Math, a lot of history lessons came from his grandfather who was a big war guy. He loaded Porter up on so many texts about wars that have passed, tactics each army used, etc. This is where Porter’s love for history comes in. 
He also learned cooking from his grandma and a little bit of sewing because she believed martial classes should always have their own form of mending in their back pocket. “There wont always be a caster around to do the small stuff.” Porter disagrees heavily in present day. He can sew and it’s a skill he kept up with but he almost exclusively dates casters that don’t mind using a quick mending on some of his things. 
(Jace sees this, realizes this, and then punches Porter so hard in the arm when he finds him sewing a pair of his pants bc “you ask me to mend your clothes all the time! You can sew?!” Jace doesn’t mind but he does give Porter shit about it from now on. But enough about Jace. For once this ain’t about him 😗✌️) 
Porter was definitely way closer to his grandma. She taught him everything she knew about divinity. Very very devout woman. She 100% believed in Ankarna as a goddess of Justice because she thought what the clan was doing WAS justice. With Porter’s grandfather, he makes it very clear during sparring and fighting practice that their goddess is weak and needs to be changed for the better and that Porter could be the one to do it. He has that drilled into him from such an early age too. Like imagine little 12 year old Porter being told “you’ll be the next champion, you will take back what we deserve.” It’s a lot of pressure. The war ended some years ago, but his parents died for this cause. He owes it to them to at least try. 
His clan is mostly in hiding. Somewhere high up in the mountains of chaos. I like to imagine that it’s the Cliffbreakers and a few other giantkin that found a home there. It’s prominent enough but secluded enough that adventurers pass through every now and then to trade or get in a long rest for the night. Porter loves sneaking out and watching them. He’s never seen so many different kinds of interesting and well traveled people before. By the time he’s 16 he’s a little tired of his training. There hasn’t been a war in quite sometime. Adventuring is where the battle is. 
One night the rogue of a visiting party has spied him watching the last few nights and offers for Porter to join. So he does and he likes the conversation and their stories. Their bard sing folk songs that are so new and different from the ones his grandmother used to sing him to sleep with. This is new and exciting and when the party offers for him to join he jumps at the chance. He leaves a letter, steals his dad’s old war hammer, and heads off with them just as dawn is breaking. 
He stays with that party into his late teens. He’s maybe 19 by the time the party raises concerns with their cleric’s closeness to Porter. Truly a fucking scumbag that was pursuing him when they definitely shouldn’t have been. Porter doesn’t see the issue, he’s confused why everyone is fighting about it or why the first person he’s ever been interested in, maybe even loved is being ousted from the group. They sit him down and explain the nuance but he’s a little too young and a little too angry to understand. So he leaves. 
Porter cycles through about 6 other adventuring parties, being messy the entire time too bc he absolutely does date at least one person from every new party he joins. He doesn’t mean to it just sorta happens 🤭 he’s partial to mages. He’s so fascinated by the concept of magic. Sure he’s still in touch with his faith and the little magic he can do because of it is nice but it’s not raw unadulterated power. 
By the time he’s maybe 36 he’s with a been with a sorcerer woman for about 3 years, he’s happy. He loves her, they had a small wedding when they stopped in a quaint and homey woodland town. She helps a lot with his temper when the rage is a little too much. One day she comes to him and says it might be time for them to stop adventuring. He’s confused until she places her hand on her stomach and says they’re having a baby. He’s scared but overjoyed. He loves kids. He used to babysit here and there with his grandma back home. So they do it. They break off from the party and settle in a town not too farm from Elmville.
Porter takes small quests here and there to keep them afloat. It’s not much and it’s not particularly interesting but he’s happy at home. Until he isn’t. After his wife has their baby girl, they’re constantly fighting. Fighting to the point of hurting each other. It isn’t pretty and they try to keep it from their little girl but god the older she gets the more she notices and that’s when Porter and his wife sit down and discuss separating. She tells him he can get settled before they discuss co-parenting and he agrees. He moves to Elmville, finds that the big adventuring high school in town is looking for a barbarian teacher. He feels qualified enough. Maybe it’s the arrogance and the ego talking but he feels like he can do it. So he applies and honestly, it’s such a weird interview. It’s so bizarre. Arthur is so strange but he hires Porter on the spot. With his teaching money he can finally afford an apartment. About a month or so of him getting settled his ex wife calls and says a letter from his grandmother came to the house. Porter made trips back to the mountains every few years but it became a lot less after his grandfather died. It was all a little too difficult for him to be back there. 
When he gets the letter, it’s from the doctor that lives in his childhood community saying that Porter’s grandmother is sick. Not on deaths door sick but sick enough that she needs someone to look after her. It’s not even a question in his mind to move her in with him. He takes care of her and he works, and eventually he starts co-parenting. His life is alright.
Sometime around late freshman year or the summer after his grandmother takes a turn for the worst and passes. It’s a bit much and it’s not fair and his heart hurts so fucking much. And somewhere in his grief he hatches a plan. To become a god and fulfill his role as champion long enough to kill god and take her place. He’ll burn the world to the ground if he has to. To make his family and his ancestors proud.
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advocatingpeanut · 1 month
My mom and I have been binge watching Lost this summer and we're rushing through the last season before I go back to school.
Is it just me or does EVERY main character have such tragic backstories?
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Jack: Drunk dad he had no closure with until Sawyer finally said something. A mother who defended said father. And a wife who left him. Not to mention he has a step-sister he doesn't even know about until later in the show.
Kate: Kills her stepfather for being abusive, learns her dad isn't actually her biological father, gets harassed by police, has a series of toxic relationships.
Sawyer: Is traumatized as a child and orphaned. When he seeks revenge, he kills the wrong man, and as such, feels guilty for it. Has a series of toxic relationships.
Hurley: Is in a mental institution, learns he has hallucinations and thinks himself crazy, is self-conscious about his weight and binge eats, has an absent father who suddenly shows up when Hurley wins the lottery, has bad luck because of the numbers.
Sayid: Is forced to torture people at a young and impressionable age, loses his first love and searches for her to no avail and in doing so is blackmailed by the FBI into convincing his college roommate into becoming a suicide bomber, watches said friend kill himself
Locke: Was born premature and very sick as a baby, his teenage mother didn't want him and his grandmother didn't give it a second thought when giving him up for adoption, is told he isn't special, is told throughout his life what he can't do, Anthony Cooper blackmails him into giving up one of his kidneys and then tries to kill him, his one romantic relationship ends as a result of Anthony Cooper's involvement, is paralyzed for four years
Claire: Has a tense relationship with both her mother and her aunt, her baby's father gets her hopes up then leaves her, has a psychic give her all sorts of conflicting information, feels guilty for considering giving her baby up for adoption, survives a plane crash while heavily pregnant
Charlie: Tries to help his brother get clean, tries to keep himself on the straight and narrow and in doing so becomes an addict himself, watches his brother get better as he gets worse, his band fails to sustain its success
Jin: Grows up poor and is harassed for being part of a lower class, falls in love with a woman in a higher class and is forced to do her father's dirty work to marry her, becomes aggressive and withdrawn until well after the plane crashes
Sun: Forced to be under her father's rule and falls in love with a man in a lower class, is blackmailed for a large sum of money by Jin's mother - a prostitute, has an affair with a man who loves someone else and feels guilty for it
Ben: His mother dies shortly after childbirth and his father becomes a drunk and blames him for it, is groomed from a young age by the Hostiles and gives the go-ahead for them to kill the Dharma Initiative, becomes their leader and must be ruthless.
Juliet: Is a divorcee, her ex-husband is her boss and flaunts his sexual escapades in front of her, her sister has cancer and Juliet cannot watch her be cured nor see her nephew grow up save for a glimpse of a black and white recording that lasted a few seconds, Ben controls her and does not let her leave the island.
Michael: Him and his girlfriend have a son, whom Michael loves very much and is committed to taking care of. Said girlfriend takes a job in another country and only tells Michael after she has accepted the offer. In the same conversation, breaks up with him and informs she will be romantically involved with her new boss and they will raise Walt. When Michael tries to travel to see Walt, he is injured and cannot leave. His ex-girlfriend visits, says she is marrying her boss, wants Michael to give up parental rights. A long, drawn-out custody battle ensues, Michael is eventually convinced by ex to sign away rights so her new husband can adopt him. Says goodbye to son that doesn't even remember him. Writes letters and draws pictures over the course of several years that his mother keeps from him. When Walt is 9 or so, his adoptive father comes to see Michael, tells him ex died, he never wanted to be a dad in the first place and only adopted Walt to appease ex. Gives custody to Michael. He tries to raise his son that doesn't even know him and amazingly after all that, doesn't paint ex or adoptive dad to be bad guys and doesn't turn Walt against them.
Desmond: Tries to find his purpose, gets fired from being a monk. His girlfriend's dad constantly undermines him, tells it to his face, actively tries to keep his daughter away from him. Goes on an around the world trip her dad is hosting to prove to him his worth and gets stuck on the island for four years. His one companion he accidentally kills and his life becomes pushing the button every 108 minutes.
Rose: Has cancer, falls in love with Bernard and he takes her to healers. Nothing works. She believes she is dying.
Boone: Is in love with his step-sister and is constantly manipulated and played by her and her many romantic interests.
Shannon: Is smart but plays the dumb, helpless, pretty blonde role. Manipulated her step-brother for money but probably feels guilty for it, especially when she has a moment of clarity about what type of situation she's in and wants to get out. Is accepted into a prestigious program all of her own hard work and asks her step-mother for money to attend it. Her step-mother says she is the sole beneficiary of her father's money, disowns Shannon and keeps said money.
Ana-Lucia: Is constantly trying to impress her mother, is shot while pregnant and loses the baby. When she tries to return to work before she is ready, she gets an earful from her mother for it. Kills the man that shot her, taking revenge and justice in her own hands and not the law's. Gets reprimanded for it. Is hired as a bodyguard for Jack and Claire's dad and is constantly confused about what they're doing. Shares a drink with Jack and is flirtatious. It never goes past that.
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symphonic-scream · 11 months
Anyways since I'm writing an au for once I think it's the perfect time to post about another
Persona 4 Magic au
So those of you who follow me or recognize me (hi!! Welcome back!!) Well you might say "Scream"- that's me, -"you have a Persona 5 Magic au, is this the same universe?" And my answer is
Uh. Sure. It can be I guess
Anyways let's talk about shit
Yu Narukami is a witch. His parents were both magic users, but had outer sources of magic. As a witch, Yu can cast spells and shit with the magic within him. His parents are going abroad for a year and send him to live with his uncle in Inaba, with a catch
His uncle knows nothing about magic, so Yu had to pretend to be a normal human for the whole year
He's never had to hide his magic before, so it'll be a real challenge for him. But, he's willing to try
...yeah it doesn't go well
When he shows up, he can already feel magic within the town. There are magical beings present and almost immediately, someone turns up dead in a mysterious fashion. No one else can see the gills on the woman's neck but him, or so he believes
Yu becomes fast friends with a few kids in his class that really stink of barely-hidden magic.
Yosuke Hanamura, with his prominent canines and his suspiciously homemade juice boxes
Chie Satonaka, with her boundless energy, knowledge of the moon, and her love of meat
And Yukiko Amagi, who stares so oddly. He doesn't have much evidence for her yet, but he will
Then, a third year turns up dead. Yu sees the little horns on her head when he sees her on TV the night before. Another magic person is dead.
Then, Yukiko goes missing, and everything gets started
Okay that's it for me talking like that I'll lay out what the plot is and what everyone is and shit
So basically. Adachi is a seer, a human who can tell when someone's magic, and he finds out that the entrance to Mirror Inaba is in the TV. Plus, every monster he tossed in, died. So he sets up a plot to get monsters kidnapped and shit cause "they're subhuman anyways, I should be allowed to have fun with them"
Yu Narukami is a witch, as I said
Yosuke Hanamura is a vampire! He was a born vampire, but his mom is human so. His traits are real watered down. He's fine in the sun and can eat small amounts of garlic, but he still drinks blood
Chie Satonaka is a werewolf! There's a small werewolf pack that's been in Inaba for generations, and she's a member. Born a werewolf, she's really connected with her animal self, and is in control during full moons
Yukiko Amagi is a Fox Selkie, but her coat is an abnormal colour due to the fact that her grandfather was a Kitsune. As a fox she's mostly dark red with a white belly, eyebrows, and tail tip, but her paws are black, as are the tips of her ears. She can make vague illusions, and her coat stays locked with her mother's at the inn
Kanji Tatsumi is half Oni. His mom is human, but his dad? Full Oni. He has an older brother that lives with his dad, since both of them can't hide their demonic traits. Kanji looked human enough as a kid, but he's just started sprouting his horns and his teeth are a little larger. Plus, he's real tall and big
Rise Kujikawa is a daughter of Hathor, the Egyptian goddess of Love, beauty, music, dancing, pleasure- you get the gist. Her mother is her birth parent cause I said so. Her grandmother is a potions master, and Rise has decided to learn the craft as well
Naoto Shirogane is the youngest of the Shirogane Animal Shifters. The bloodline has been watered down over the years, to the point where the only animal form Naoto can take is a snow leopard. His markings are closer to blue shades than whites and blacks, and there's a little butterfly spot right on his chest
And Teddie is from Mirror Inaba. He is the only conscious being there, and grants protection to the team when they go to save people. He's not sure what he is, but he looks like a bear. Maybe.
Anyways yeah. Monster crew. Please ask me about this I'm proud of it
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tokillamockingbird427 · 8 months
Overheard conversations pt48(continuation of pts34,40z&43)Middle names and a genealogical revelation. 2/2
Logan: He's your dad?
Keegan: uh-huh.
Keegan: I understand if this is a deal breaker for you.
Logan: WHAT! No, no, no, not at all! Keegan, I love you for you! That's not going to change just because of a biological relationship that you didn't ask for!
Keegan: I kinda did.
Logan: Oh.
Keegan: I found out that he was my dad when Nona brought home a newspaper, telling me that my father had made the front page. All I ever wanted from that point forward was to meet him.
Logan: Do you want to talk about it? What did the article say?
Keegan: The headline was “Marine hero kills suicide bomber! Saves school bus full of children! Promoted to Captain!” When Nona told me that he was my dad, I felt so proud. It was the main reason I joined up with the Marine's so early, I just wanted to see him, make him just as proud of me. I never managed to tell him.
Logan: wow. That's sad that you never got to tell him.
Keegan: I didn't have to. After the funeral we had for him, his lawyer pulled me aside to give me a letter he had written the day before the carcass mission.
Logan: So he did know!
Keegan: He did! Figured me out after the first week! Apparently I look like a combination of my mother and my paternal grandfather. That letter explained a lot of things, like why my favourite fruits and candy were always stocked and why he always had a room at his place ready for me whenever I needed it.
Logan: You had a room at his place?
Keegan: I did, I actually wound up moving in with him after Nona died and he just took care of me. It seems like we were both too worried that revealing our biological relationship would boot me from the team. So he never said anything and never did I.
Logan: That's sweet, and sad. He's not much older than my dad is, do you know how old he was when you were born?
Keegan: I think he was about fifteen, I know my mother was sixteen at the time. The story I got was that they had a fling just before he and my grandparents moved across the country.
Logan: And where did you get that from?
Keegan: The letter. Nona didn't know a thing because I was a cryptic pregnancy, mom didn't even know she was pregnant till she went into labour, on top of that she went to jail for trying to drown me as an infant so I refuse to talk to her.
Logan: Huh? I think you lucked out with being raised by your grandmother.
Keegan: I definitely did.
Logan: So, do you want to use “Gabrielle” or “Gabriella”?
Keegan: “Gabrielle”.
Logan: So that's Elodie Gabrielle, Annabella Maria, Madeline Grace, Daniel Alexander, and Christopher Grim. Am I missing anyone?
Keegan: No, you got it just right.
This universe too thought out now, I beg of thee: Write a fic lmao. My inbox is no place for your creativity to thrive.
"That's not going to change just because of a biological relationship that you didn't ask for! "I kinda did." Kinda made me laugh. Incorrect Lou, he did in fact ask for it... kinda.
All the names are so thought out, you got dedication to this!
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princess-koi · 19 days
I hate my family so much.
My mom hates me her family hates me, I hate my dad and he hates me, His mother hates me and hits me calls me fat I hate her I hate her I really hate her nothing I do is ever good enough. All I wanted to do is go shoping but because I like clothes I'm a whore and a disappointment, she likes my sister better she's smarter and skinner and better then me in every way to her, if I tell my mom anything she just says that I'm a jealous brat and it's not my grandmother's fault, my sister is after all the first granddaughter, plus they wanted a boy anyway, I should have never been born.
I really Hate both of my grandmother's, I miss my grandpa he was the only one nice to me ever even tho everyone liked my sister better he was the only one on my side even as a kid, but I really wonder if he was still alive if that would be the case he died when I was 7, I want to say he would still be on my side no matter what, but I'm almost sure that wouldn't be the case everyone like my sister better.
I'm treated like a slave in my own home tho it's never really been one I still live here.
All the stress makes me binge eat then throw it all up, No one I know irl knows this but I have a ed, I hate eating and ill starve myself for days on end then binge really bad and then I'll make myself throw it all up I lost a bunch of weight this was and I was happy then summer break started and I gained all the weight back and that means I have to go back to school bigger then I was before and I'm terrified....
Anyway sorry for the rant I didn't know what to do, I know it doesn't make much sense I'm sorry.
Love you
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jellywrite · 3 months
I love strawberries. My mother ate a large bowl of strawberries the night I was born. She wasn’t aware that her baby girl was about to come into the world and immediately try to leave it. She couldn’t have ever known how much I would love strawberries as I grew, nor would she have foreseen any parallels to me being choked by the cord that was meant to give me life. She wouldn’t have seen the shame and anxiety that, over the years, she poured into my mouth like the blood of Christ. Wouldn’t have known it would claw its way back up my throat, choking me, because her tinted glasses are not just rose, they’re stained glass.
My dad loves strawberries, too. He always gives me the best ones. He is the one who caught me that night. He and two nurses brought me into this world, small and purple and struggling to breathe. He never would have forgiven me for dying, after all the trouble he went to. He never would have forgiven me if I had gone, not that night when he and two nurses caught me, but 8 years ago, when the thing that was choking me wasn’t flesh and blood, it just oddly took the shape of a knife in my hand. He couldn’t have forgiven my weakness, the way he might have the night I was born.
I want to be more aware than my mother
And more forgiving than my father
My grandfather was a fan of cherries. He would take my mom cherry picking every summer, and I gotta tell you, through that hazy summer air, they almost looked like a real, happy, healthy family. But he accused my grandmother of poisoning his cherry bounce one too many times, and she had just enough left in her to finish making a cherry pie for seven, even though it could never possibly contain all the “I love yous” that my mom needed to hear. She dragged all those kids to church, searing stained glass into their eyes. She sat in the pews and knitted my mom a beautiful shawl that never quite kept her shoulders warm, and when my mom tried to wrap me in it too? All her fears of poison and pie made us both shiver.
I want to be kinder than my grandfather
And more present than my grandmother
My great-grandfather passed me his love for peaches. He passed me his love of music too, his jovial nature, and a ticking time bomb in his chest that makes my whole family avoid salt, fat, and all the sweetness of sugar. He died before my grandfather knew him, and my great-grandmother…she didn’t know how to get rid of all the sticky stains he left, because one was shaped like a small boy, and another, a little girl. She shut them in the pantry with all the other cans and preserves, and left them there for two days. My grandfather never craved peaches more, and he never got them in that house again.
I want to be healthier than my great-grandfather
And more loving than my great-grandmother
I carry the weight of you all on my shoulders. I right your wrongs, achieve your dreams; I am sabotaged by the dirt you wipe from your brow and lovingly throw into my eyes.
I am you.
The best parts of you. The parts that somehow blossomed on the fruit tree in our yard, that somehow survived all that time, and curled skyward. The parts that you tried to nurture better than the ones before, that I tend to with compassion for you and acceptance of myself. But nothing lives forever. The preserves ran out, and I will not be survived. The seed was sewn, the fruit was harvested, but the roots were choked, and not a single bit of verdancy fell into my hands, just the browned leaves of something almost dead.
So whether you like it or not, what was planted so long before you will end with me.
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hole34 · 5 months
“pull yourself up by your bootstraps” is a sham.
nearly 80% of all owned american wealth is generational. prices rise while the working class’ salaries are cut, and you can’t make any profit if you’re not at the top, which you can’t do without radical exploitation of others.
I was born into a middle class life. my mom went though a lot of different jobs, most that she really liked, and we lived with my grandmother who was still working at the time. My dad was around a lot, he hadn’t become a fucking nazi yet, he had a good job and was supportive.
It slowly went downhill from there.
As my dad was treading down the conservative-to-nazi pipeline and become more paranoid, less supportive, my mom wasn’t always making enough money because her jobs became unnecessary to newer society and it was harder to find sustainable jobs, and my grandmother had to quit working because she started developing dementia. my mom worked at a UPS factory for some time before quitting because of the unworkable conditions and treatment, and her last option at that point in time was to work at the Amazon factory. she worked 7-9, one of my friends’ parents took care of me mosts nights. my mom was constantly overworked, often injured, and paid barely enough to keep us living. when covid-19 hit she was one of the first to get laid off, so all of our income came from my half-assing dad and the bare minimum from the government.
i starting developing depression around this time but we couldn’t afford or access actual mental health care, so my mom treated me with CBD oil and pot (which was still illegal in our state) she got from the only friend that continued to support our family. more and more.
i don’t remember most of 2021, it was all a blur but the one thing that will always replay in my mind is the day in november of 2021 when my mom kneeled down to me, looked me in the eyes and said
“lila, we don’t have enough money to live right now.”
i could tell things were getting weirder as time went on, but it was at this moment i realised nothing would ever be the same again. i broke down crying knowing the last years of my life at home would be spent struggling, unsupported and alone.
all the years since my mom and i have been living off of whatever money my mom can vet my father to give us, but it’s almost always a fight and almost always a no, he’s lost care for our wellbeing, and any other money has come from stuff my mom tries to sell to pawn shops. we’re on food stamps now, as fucking hard as they were to get, and we don’t really go anywhere anymore because we can’t afford it; at first it wad covid, then financially, than our home life.
my grandmother’s dementia got far worse, my mom (and myself to a lesser degree) has to take care of her full-time now, but she doesn’t get any government support for it because she obtaine power of attorney over my grama so we can still live in our house. my grandmother now is in post-awareness dementia which mentally and physically deprecating for my mom, a single mother with BPD, to take care of and it’s hell just to be in this house. fuck if you thought this was all though!
my mom was a child of 8, and she was the only one who took care of both her father, who died from ALS before my lifetime, and her crappy mother, so she still lived in her mother’s home and raised me in it. in her parents’ will however, it’s said once they both die the house will be sold and a portion of the money will be distributed to all 8 kids. that’s not enough money for my mom to live off of.
SO, my mom talked to her siblings in May of 2022 and discussed our living situation, asking for legal right to the house once their mother is gone because she’ll have no where else to live and she’s been the unpaid caretaker of both of her disabled parents since they day they needed care. but, her siblings, all of which have sustainable lives, homes and jobs, said no because they don’t care about my mom or grandma, just the shitty money they’ll inherit. there was no way of knowing when my grandma was going to pass and we wouldn’t be able to move either (my dad wouldn’t financially support it), so my mom filed a civil lawsuit on all of her siblings.
exactly two years later and we’re still in the lawsuit. nothing has changed.
aside from all the mental torture and stress the lawsuit has caused - my mom has PTSD from being abused and r*ped by the brother that’s head of the apposing side - nothing has gotten better no matter how much ANY of us do. i work now, for barely anything, and we’ve gotten a little bit more bottom-of-the-barrel government support, but it still manages to get worse. no familial support, barely any from my dad, whom of which has become mildly abusive, but can’t risk to cut ties with or else we will have absolutely no one. my mom’s sold everything valuable she had, she’s even begged for money. we don’t always have heating, we don’t always have electricity, we don’t always have food, and god fucking forbid any day we come across the police. i get by stealing energy drinks and period products, dirt money when i can, and just trying to keep my mom going and not killing herself
we can’t fucking pull ourselves up by our bootstraps, we’re already treated as barely human now being in the low class.
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Meet my OC from Star-crossed :
Nina Cerasus
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Pic from artbreeder
Pronunciation of her name : Nee-nuh
Family stuff:
22 standard years old born in Naboo (in Heavenbound fic she is 32)
she has a rare heart disease HCM
when her mom got sick her dad left them
her mom died when she was 7 years old
she was raised by her grandmother
she goes to law school
her best friend is Polina who is a vampire
and Anfisa a who is a fae
pale skin (comes from her disease)
160 cm, 5'2 feet
skinny but fit and flexible (side effect of her meds and pilates classes)
her cheeks looks blushed (side effect from her meds)
she has freckles
she has diastema (visible gap between her two front upper teeth)
she wears glasses at home and contact lenses when she goes out
she has brunette straight hair, mid length and with curtain bangs, she wears it in different up dos and braids like Nabooan women and likes to clip pearls and star clips in the locks
her hands are always cold (comes from the meds from her disease)
she smells like cherries, almond and mint tea (inspired by tom ford's lost cherry perfume)
she has tattoos: one is on her spine shows different phases of the moon, also it glows in the dark, several ones on her fingers she has tiny dainty stars and constellations, and on the inner side of her hip is a loth wolf in a tribal style art, and a quote on her bacl ankles "Ad astra, per aspera."
her style includes gem colored light fabric dresses, mostly pant suits with cut outs
she has a bracelet a red string with a star shaped lucky charm (gift from her gran for protection)
she has a pair of jade droplet earrings, and an enchanted red amber pendant (both gifts from Maul)
she likes sparkly make up and nailpolish
she has a raspy seductive voice (inspired by sofia bush's voice)
she is rather introvert and close to herself
likes to argue, good at keeping information to herself (she is to be a lawyer duh)
she has trust issues, and abandonment issues
says that she doesn't believe in love or relationships but secretly hopeless romantic
only dates but never in a relationship till she meets Maul and later Wolffe in my Heavenboun fic
doesn't like jedi or any Force user, she thinks they are snobs and dogmatics, but later she'll like Master Plo and his wolf pack
she isvery inteligent speaks in several languages
she enjoys art, music, dancing and reading
she is a bit of a nerd when it comes to astronomy (not the horoscope one)
she is currious and patient (especially with Maul)
she looks down on men, she thinks they all liars, and cheaters, and only good to manipulate/to be an acessory/ to please her in bed till she founds love
she will do everything to her friends and loved ones
she has a soft spot for Anfisa (my other OC)
hard to open up but actually super sweet
maybe a bit impulsive, but at same time she has a 5 year plan already
they call her the "ice queen" because her specialty is freezing out people and always looks calm and collected but under the hard shell she panic a lot
she is a party girl but only because she loves dancing
her hobby is star gazing and her dream job is to be a star cartographer
she never left Naboo before, but dreams to travel the galaxy and make star maps in Star-Crossed fic, in Heavenbound she leaves in Couruscant
she is allergic to tooka cat fur
she can't drive a ship
pretty good in self defense and shooting (both comes from Polina's idea to join self defense classes)
she collects celestial themed jewelry
she is terrible at cooking
to quit smoking she learnt how to tie a knot with her tounge from a cherry stem, so she always carry some cherries with her
AN: So that's all I could collect in this moment. Sorry for any mistype or bad English this is not my first language. Other character deep dive list and mood boards are in plans so I hope you'll like her as much as I do.
I plan to make one about what characters and persons inspired her personality, looks and name (no it not comes from mine even though it's similar to my nickname)
Taglist: @hellhound5925 @cloneloverrrrr @stardustbee @the-chains-are-the-easy-part @firstofficerwiggles
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gayscifi · 7 months
Thoughts on My Own Jewishness and the Palestinian Genocide
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(very long post)
My name is Tal, it's a Hebrew name meaning morning dew. I'm transgender and picked my name over 10 years ago because I am proud of being Jewish and wanted an obviously Jewish name. I'm 27, poor, disabled and a transgender man in a gay relationship with a cis Muslim man. I want you to have all of that context before I tell you how I feel about the current genocide of the Palestinians, the State of Isreal and my relationship to these things as a Jew.
I didn't know I was Jewish until my grandmother died when I was 12. After she died my brothers, cousins and I were put in charge of sorting through her things. We found her menorah, shabbat candle holders and kosher dishes. We were young and frankly uneducated, it was years of my eldest brother and others putting the pieces together and finding records of our family when we began to understand who we were.
Our great grandparents, on both my grandfather and grandmother's side were smuggled into America from Germany and Poland through the Houston port by a Rabbi near the beginning of WW2, the port that I've lived next to for most of my life. My grandparents were born in the Houston area and were, as I understand it "Catholic outside and Jewish at home". My grandfather's father returned to Poland after the Holocaust to try and find members of his family, he killed himself with a shogun through the head shortly after returning to the U.S, when my grandfather was still a teenager.
My grandmother had almost a dozen siblings, most of her sisters died in mental institutions and several of her brothers had killed themselves or died of overdose, my grandfather also had a dozen siblings, they had similar fates. My grandparents were alcoholics and are now both dead.
My father and his 3 siblings grew up going to Catholic school not understanding the language his parents spoke to each other or why his family was so different from the others around him. Not until my grandmother died and all the secrets began to pour out.
By the time I was 14, everyone was starting to put the pieces together. My grandparents had bought a piece of land miles away from any town when I was a baby. They hoarded films, art, music, world history books, encyclopedias, several freezers full of food, pantries of non-perishables, more guns and ammo than I ever thought anyone could use and liquor they would knock back every day with cartons of cigarettes that made the house smell like a chimney. That was their way of coping, shut the world out, be ready for the next Holocaust. Of course all of this would lead my family to believe that we were Ashkenazi Jews.
My parents had gone on a trip to Turkey before I was born and fell in love with it. My entire life it was their dream to return and raise their family there but between my father being a plant worker and mechanic and my mother a substitute teacher. It wasn't until I was 17 that we finally moved, not because we had the money but because my mother needed to be the primary source of income since my father had begun suffering from cancer. Selling most of our belongings and my mom getting a job as an English teacher finally brought my family to Turkey. My dad got to spend some of his final years there before he died.
We moved to a port city on the Black Sea near the Georgian border named Trabzon. Strangely, I felt at home immediately. I had learned Turkish enough to go out, make friends and get a part time job within 6 months. My father and I didn't read as foreigners to the locals at all, in fact many elder people would come up to me speaking Lazca, the language of the Laz people, one of the many small Caucus tribes in the region, assuming I was Laz myself and could help translate for them to Turks in the city.
There were very few foreigners in the city and most of us knew each other since most of us taught at the foreign language schools. One of the teachers I was friends with was a boy, now a man, my same age, who was born and raised in a refugee camp in Jordan. His father, Palestinian and his mother, Cherkess(another Caucus tribe who had been displaced). He spoke 4 different languages and taught Arabic and English at the same school I worked at.
We became fast friends, being the youngest(only 18 at the time) at the school. Both his parents and mine were wary of our closeness but we genuinely didn't understand their issues with our friendship.
He told me about growing up in the camps in Jordan, he told me about being Palestinian and Cherkess and not being able to go to either of his homes. I told him about being Jewish and how my identity was kept secret for generations for the safety of my family.
He asked me what I thought about Isreal and to be honest this was my first time thinking of it, since I'd only been to a synagogue a handful of times and hadn't been subject to Zionist propaganda in American Jewish spaces. He told me about Zionism from a Palestinian perspective, how he had watched the news for years hearing about his cousins and other family members dying at the hands of the IDF.
I found it appalling, how could Jewish people, my people, be doing such atrocities to others after what I known we had been through. The Holocaust, the genocide of my people had left scars on every member of my family that had made most of them unable to continue living.
That conversation, just months into our years long friendship has shaped me into the person I am today. He gave me a Keffiyeh that night and I told him that I would never go to Palestine until we could go together. We cried for a long time that night, sharing stories.
After living in Turkey and learning more about the different Caucus tribes in the region my eldest brother and I determined the origin of our last name. A Turkic name, not German or Polish, meaning that my family was not entirely Ashkenazi but instead from the Black Sea Region, most likely the small Jewish Crimean tribe called Krymchak, the majority of the whom died in the Holocaust and I had been unknowingly living the closest to home that my family had in generations. In Turkey, on the Black Sea, not in Isreal.
I am proud of being Jewish. I love how I have found my identity and am part of the first generation of my family since the Holocaust to be authentic in my ethnicity. Zionism will never take that away from me. Zionism is a lie, an evil, manipulative, murderous political agenda. I have not and will never be a part of it and it will never take my Jewishness away from me.
I have found more in common with Palestinians I have met through protesting Isreal, more in common with ethnic minorities protesting U.S. imperialism, more in common with other displaced minorities than I have ever found with Isreal.
The genocide of the Palestinians is always on my mind but I feel no guilt as a Jewish person. I know I am not to blame nor have I ever been complicit in this genocide but to my fellow Jews, who are in pro-Zionist, pro-Isreali spaces, I am calling for a radical change in those communities, wake the fuck up.
Fuck Isreal, fuck Zionism, fuck American and European Imperialism and fuck antisemitism. I have a particular hatred for these so called "Pro-Jewish" actions happening in North America and Europe. German civilians knew of the death camps during the Holocaust and did nothing. Now their children and grandchildren are saying that Palestinians are anitsemites while they live on the wealth and land they extracted from dead Jews.
The rise of global antisemitism is in part because of the State of Isreal, because of Zionism, because of the atrocities committed by Jewish people, their twisted, evil and cruel treatment of Palestinians for years that has led to genocide. Supporting Palestinians in their struggle against annihilation is not and will never be antisemitism and to say it is shows how little you understand Jewish or Palestinian history.
Recognize Zionism for what it truly is; a way for powerful nations to rid themselves of their Jewish populations and use them as cannon fodder for control over land and resources in the Middle East. Joe Biden said it himself "If Israel didn't exist, we would have to invent it." This is not a war for a "safe home for the Jewish people", it is an ethnic cleansing of Palestinians to claim power and control.
Palestinians have every right to resist annihilation. My heart aches, knowing deeply what genocide does to those who remain.
I will continue to support the Palestinian cause in every way I know how.
From the River to the Sea,
Palestine will be Free 🇵🇸
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wtpb-rcp · 8 months
What headcanons do you have for the HUMAN side cast of RCP, their family trees, and more?
@canyonkingdom you might appreciate this post...or not. Idk.
(This is a hyperfixation moment fr fr)
I've hyperfixated too much on Mr. Wheeler's own family tree while building the WTPB AU (ALL the way before it was called WTPB...and at its first roots of shame) and so here's my family tree+info+spoilers for my AU? (and is that some certain people commenting?! Helly, I told you to shut the wall off! /j)
(The thing is, this devolved into some expanded lore shit. Forgive me for the wall of formatted words and colors.)
Unknown great grandfather marries unknown great grandmother, thus Rick Wheeler is born. He grew up with the smell of wheels and people and vehicles alike buying from him. He got no bigotry for some reason since his parents have to keep up a good facade (they're the bigots) and they're always busy, although he got his dad's negative traits.
Later on, he married a woman named Reese Cougart, and both have an only child named Gerald Wheeler. And since Gerald grew up in the late 70's and then towards the 80's...yeah take a guess.
After Reese died in '80 and The Incident of '84 happened, Gerald mysteriously broke contact and connections with one of his last friend from their highschool friend group (that he also helped with, as a programmer, making the set of code and blueprints that is now called "The Robocar Code"), Steve Harrison. Rick was never told by his own son why he did so, and when he did found out at '93, he got mad and also broke contact with his son (not that he doesn't deserve it, anyways...he got what was coming after him, and even if I pity his falling out, he still went on as if it never happened, never affected...never the one at fault of his emotional failure)
Rick also moved to Broomstown (it's spelled that way 'round here), out of pure spite and pettiness (it runs in the family. The girls don't get it, though), and there he stayed until now. Broomstown is also Steve's hometown, and Rick's father used to live there as well.
Meanwhile, Steve somehow found Gerald's contact and encouraged him to go into his place. There, he met Steve's sister, Marcy, and both took about two years before they married, due to fixing interpersonal issues. (Dude, where's the reason why they hooked up? No idea.) That doesn't mean Gerald changed his other ways.
One day, somewhen in 2001, Gerald was rushing his now wife into the hospital due to her about to give birth to who we now (vaguely in canon) knew as Betty. However, due to his frantic driving skills and arguing with his vehicle the wrong way, they got into an accident. Fortunately, someone saw them and called for help at the hospital, which happened to be right near the accident spot...and where Amber worked in (oh my, we're really connected). Upon seeing Amber's presence, Gerald was, well, shocked, and the cries of Betty are drowned by him shouting at his ex-friend Steve due to him giving away the blueprints and script to make a Robocar, and Rick somehow indirectly heard of this so that night was intense hell.
Fast forward one year later, Gerald and his family moved into Japan due to his job application being accepted. It was hard to adapt at first, but it went smoothly after. Here, Betty was supposed to be not taught about her grandfather, just her mom's parents, but she still did knew of Rick Wheeler. So by childlike pleas, Gerald gave in and lets her send letters to Rick since he is still not used to the trending phones (I'm happy Mr. Wheeler isn't so cranky for his granddaughter!). At the same time of this moment, Steve and his wife, Casey, divorced on good terms and for the sake of good, due to Casey discovering Steve's closetness and Steve having responsibilities and pressure about what happened in the past. Casey still kept the Harrison surname, though, so Jin grew up to become a Harrison, contacting her biological dad through messages and birthday gifts.
A highschooler keeping in touch even after a tragic event. A kid keeping in touch, oblivious of what transpired in the past, to say.
Jin and her mom moved into Broomstown on September 17, 2004, and Rick is willing to nag his pal, Ollie Buster (aka Mr. Builder), to help the two girls settle in this town.
And then, many years passed...after Jin dropped out of college...after the Rescue team of Broomstown are formed...after that incident...
"Jin, I have some shocking news."
"Huh? What is it, Mr. Wheeler?"
"You know my son, right?"
"Oh, Gerald? Last time I've heard of him, my bio dad is trying to mess with his date, who happened to be bio dad's sister. R-a late relative... told me about it when I was ten. I was still impressed that even if he wanted to break contact with my bio dad, Mr. Gerald still ends up being connected to him."
"Well, the thing is...he has a newborn son!"
"That's great, I guess."
"And he's...gonna move into this town because his wife insists so and he quit his job because he lost the drive to continue it."
"Oh my..."
"Oh no."
"I'm just gonna pluck that little blackthorn..."
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swampndn · 6 months
CW: child sexual assault, child abuse, alcoholism
Six years ago today, I finally found my maternal grandfather’s people. I've been thinking a lot about him recently and feeling that grief of all he lost. Then I got the Facebook memory reminder. So I wanna talk about him. Feels like I should.
His name was James, and he was stolen as a toddler and sold to a Mormon family in Utah. He never knew his tribe or where he came from, just that he was Native. When he escaped as a teen, he went to Oklahoma because that's where he knew the Natives were and thought it'd be his best chance. He ended up in Vietnam, survived the Navy, came back to Oklahoma, then met my maternal grandmother (a white woman), and quickly had my mother and uncle shortly after.
My mother's mother was an evil woman. She and her entire racist ass family are. They hated my grandfather because of who he was, so much so that they lied to the courts and said that he was a drunk to take away his kids. It worked. This all happened exactly 1 year before the Indian Child Welfare Act too. Before that, he never drank in his life, but after that loss, he started and, unfortunately, couldn't stop for nearly 15 years.
My mom was then raised and physically/sexually abused by her white family. They constantly told her and my uncle that they should be ashamed of being Native because of their father, and those people did everything they could to make them white. My mom's a deeply complicated person, especially being that she couldn't break the cycle of abuse with my siblings and I. But this post isn't about her. My uncle also experienced the physical abuse, and he developed a drug addiction when he was just 12yo to cope. My grandfather developed alcoholism during this separation period, and his health began to decline.
But! Good news! When my mom ran away from home at 16yo, my father's family took her in. My mom said that she was immediately drawn to my dad because he was Native, connected to his people, and came from an unapologetically Native home. So she finally found some kind of community, and also she was finally able to reconnect with her dad. (And also in the eventual marrying of my father, they ex-communicated my mom. I got a wild story from when I was about 8yo and the first and last time I met them, but that's for a different post for a different day.)
The day she got in contact with my grandfather after being forcibly no contact her entire upbringing was the day he stopped drinking cold turkey. She talks about how after that he was at every single school event and every holiday. My uncle finally got out of there too, and he also reconnected with my grandfather. My dad's family welcomed them both.
My uncle died at 18yo from the lingering effects of his addiction about a year before I was born. It was sudden and unexpected, especially since he, like my grandfather, had stopped using when he reunited with his dad. My mom talks about how involved and happy my uncle was with my sister as a baby. He was James, Jr., but went by Jimmy mainly.
My grandfather had also been heavily involved with us, and he had some kind of prophecy gift. He predicted the sex of all of my mom's kids just by touching her belly, and he knew a bunch of other things too. He used to take my sister and I fishing nearly every weekend, and he got me a Minnie Mouse fishing pole to use. He taught my sister how to ride a bike. I was still too little for a bike, but he got me a tricyle. One Christmas, he rented a helicopter after saving up all year and flew into a neighborhood park dressed like Santa. I do wish I could remember those things firsthand, but I've been told about them and seen lots of pictures.
Unfortunately, all of that was short-lived because he died the day after my sister's 5th birthday when I was only 3yo. We knew something was wrong because he wasn't at her party, and in all this time, he never missed a single event. Even though he never drank again, his prior alcoholism was so severe that he passed from cirrhosis of the liver. My mom was pregnant with my younger brother at the time, so he never got to meet him - but my grandfather did let my mom know he was a boy. (This was back when IHS refused to do ultrasounds. You know how it is.)
He died in 1996 never knowing who his people are. There were no clues. No one knew anything until March 29, 2018.
Finding his people was completely by chance. I went on a trip in March 2018 with a now ex-partner to the Mescalero Apache rez in New Mexico to see some of his extended family. We got there in the middle of the night, and the next morning (March 29th), I went outside to see the landscape. I'd never been to New Mexico before, so I was excited to see mountains and the desert. The moment I stepped outside of the motel and saw the land, I felt an overwhelming grief that I immediately burst into tears. The only way I could describe it was the feeling of a mother who was convinced her child was no longer alive for years and years, suddenly finding out that her baby survived. I will never forget what that felt like, and honestly, now it feels even more powerful than before. I can hardly even think about it writing this because tears are happening.
As soon as I was able to be coherent again after all that grief, my first thought was that this is where my grandfather was from. I knew it. I was fully convinced. The rest of that trip I kept looking at all these Apache faces in the tribal gas station, on the road, and just around and wondering if any of them were family. So many looked familiar, but I wasn't going to do or say anything until I got home and could try and find some of my grandfather's records. Hell, I didn't even tell my then-partner about it when it happened because I wanted to be sure. He even asked me why I was crying standing outside the motel door, and I just said that the land was so beautiful that I was moved. Fortunately for me (one of the many bad signs for him) is that he didn't ask any follow-up questions, so I was able to keep it to myself for the time being.
When I got back home, I got ahold of his birth certificate, and I called the Mescalero Apache records office. After a couple weeks, it was confirmed. He even had living family still. Getting that phone call was so emotional, and I still cry about the relief and also the anger that he died not knowing. I know his spirit is at peace now, and every time I've been to New Mexico since 2018, I feel such a comfort. The land told me on March 29, 2018, and today I'm just thinking about how grateful I am that she did.
As I have been thinking a lot about grief, land, healing, legacy, blood memory, the responsibilities of parenthood, and the next seven generations recently (mainly due to a project I've been working on this week), I don't think it's an accident that today was the anniversary of that event while I go into a performance tomorrow about just this very thing: the land grieving and healing and telling us why.
There's not too many pictures of him because he was the one usually taking pictures of us. But here's a candid I have from my toddler days (mid-blink lol).
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Sumdac Family Meeting Plus Chara & Alison (2024)
[Note: you might need to click on the drawing to get a better view of it...
I plan to have this be a Cover for Chapter 14 of the Crossover story over at Quotev, the story is for Mature Audiences only so maybe like 18+ but not being fully mature in some parts but it is still for Mature Audience only...
not all of this drawing will 100% match the flashback/memory scene in the chapter where both Sari's Grandmother and True Father appear in.]
Credit for Transformers goes to Hasbro & Takara
Credit for Transformers Animated goes to Sam Register & Matt Youngberg
Credit for Undertale goes to Toby Fox
Credit for Hazbin Hotel & Helluva Boss goes to Vivienne “Vivziepop” Medrano
the human with the pink-gray hair, is Sari's Grandmother and the reason why her arms look like they could be techno-organic and her gloves, is because the idea is that she lost her original arms and one of her sons gave her replacements, and they ended up the way they are now and ended up becoming techno-organic.
the idea is that in her younger days, and even when Isaac and Ivaan were still young boys, her hair was red before it started to become pink-gray as she got older.
her name is Simone Sumdac, and yeah she is a OC, but I like the idea of Isaac having a cool Mom who is muscular and looks like she could probably kick Powell's Butt.
Simone would be much taller than her sons, Isaac and Ivaan.
I kind of want to go with the idea that Simone didn't marry into the name Sumdac, but instead was already a Sumdac and her husband either died at some point or they are divorced during some point before Megatron fell to Earth and was found by one of her sons.
plus it be interesting if she was Bad Apple Sugar Spice.
Powell of course is a Apple Sugar Spice Honey Of Liquid Egg...
once again, this drawing doesn't match 100% with what I decided to write for Chapter 14, but how Sari appears in this is what she is suppose to look like in the Flashback/Memory, which I know it is a spoiler but it is one of her True Memories that was blocked from her thanks to Isaac Sumdac, who didn't want her to remember Ivaan Sumdac (his name is still pronounced "Ivan" it just has two "A" in there...) or Simone Sumdac after she had first met them and ended up living with them for a few years until she was taken back by Professor Isaac Sumdac back to Detroit.
so might end up having Professor Sumdac ended up going to Hell in that story, and not just for what he ends up doing to Sari, by blocking her memories about the events that would lead her to go live with Ivaan and Simone...
but also the other reason why he ends up going there, is because what he did to Megatron, when Megatron was still technically still alive but he still had a time limit on how long he and his body could be separated from each other before the time limit is up, just like Zim and his Pak from Invader Zim...but my fan theory is that Cybertronians get a 50 years/ Stellar-Cycles before the time limit is up.
even if it was to improve things, Isaac didn't really get Megatron's permission or even check to see if he was still online but like in a stasis coma...
plus Isaac would need to become a patron at the hotel, to redeem himself, not just for what he did to Sari's Other Dad/Carrier/Sire Megatron, but also what he put his family through, both his adoptive daughter/niece Sari, his twin brother Ivaan and even his own Mother, Simone.
and yeah in that story, Sari will turn out to be Isaac's niece...
because his DNA wasn't scanned when he touched the liquid metal protoform that was born in his secret lab, because he was wearing those gloves, and in the story the plot twist is that Ivaan didn't wear any gloves and when he found his brother out cold, he ends up touching the protoform without any gloves on and gets a shock as well, and it is his DNA that ends up getting absorbed instead.
making Ivaan the True Bio-Dad on Sari's Human Side, while Isaac is the Uncle.
since this scene has to do with a flashback/memory, Sari's eyes are still blue but later on they do become purple when she is a Adult.
I also should edit one of the chapters that has to do with Alice going by "Alison", maybe have it spelled differently from Alastor's Shadow who I started to call Alison because I couldn't help but like the idea of calling his Shadow by that name...
what was originally plan that has to do with Sari's secret parents, are slightly changed...and it was all plan by Isaac who wanted to keep her true heritage on his side of the family.
and yeah with the whole Isaac having a twin brother, I kind of wanted to go with the idea that Isaac is the "Stan Pines" and Ivaan is the "Ford Pines"...in other words, Ivaan being the "Hot Twin" among the two of them...
and the reason why Sari in this drawing (which still takes place in a type of Flashback/Memory...but doesn't 100% match what I ended up writing for that chapter.) is because she gave up half of the allspark energy inside her, and ended up going back to being physically and mentally 8 years old with only keeping some of her upgrades, like her eyes staying blue for one...
so she could age and not skip so many years, so the teenage Sari in this drawing that has to do with the flashback/memory, is younger than the upgraded version of herself that appears in the show.
also even if many women in Detroit, do find Ivaan Sumdac very attractive, but they will have 100% no chance with him...
because he likes men, which is what I decided on for that crossover story. and him also being Ace as well. and yeah, he is suppose to be Sari's True Human Father.
Sari is of course upset with Isaac, because he once again kept a secret from her that ended up hurting her and she has every right to be upset with him for not telling her sooner after it was revealed she is half-cybertronian.
I'm glad I was finally able to get around to posting this drawing, even if I ended up doing so on July 29th instead of much earlier in July.
even if it might not make sense, I do want to try with the idea that Simone's arms could be slowly becoming a part of the rest of her body, which would slowly transform all her body into a techno-organic, even her skeleton and everything else...
and like Sari, she will end up stop aging and will stay looking the same age for centuries until she hits a certain age and she may end up aging a bit again physically.
Sari could end up stop aging either at the age she is already, 23 years old or when she becomes 24 years old. but would start to age physically by the next few centuries.
anyway not everyone has to like the idea about Isaac being Sari's Uncle, and it is his twin brother who is Sari's True Human Dad, and the whole Sari having a Muscular and possibly super strong Grandmother...but it is the idea I'm going with for that Crossover story...
and I kind of want to ship Charlie's Dad, Lucifer with Blue Diamond.
there is a bit of Steven Universe in it as well, so yeah...might end up shipping Charlie's Dad with Blue Diamond.
maybe Adam & Yellow Diamond would be in the Friend Zone, like instead of the type of ship where it is "I ship it" it would be "I bud it" because with some "ships" you don't call them "ships" because they wont be the romantic types, which is why you can't use the words "I ship it" because it sends the wrong idea...
that is why ya have to use "I bud it", "I bro it", "I sib it" and "I fam it"
the "I bud it" is for friendships, and the "I bro it", I sib it" and "I fam it" is for family...and we must NEVER use the "I ship it" on those types, only when it is the romantic type ships.
I'm pretty sure that White, Yellow and Blue would be like WAY taller than Sera...and is it weird to think that in Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss's shared universe, the Heaven and Hell are both technically in Earth...
and my theory is that Hell in the Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss Universe, is in fact the Planet Theia...I have already started to view Earth by the full name Eartheia, but can still call the planet by the name Earth.
the realms could still be in another plane but it overlaps with Earth's mortal plane.
so yeah in theory, Hellborns and Heavenborns as well as some human hybrids and even the hybrids that are also Hellborns, are all Theian...or whatever they might be called that has to do with the planet Theia, the point is that even if it isn't canon, it can work in the fanon...
I can talk more about that what if type theory, in a future post.
I'm just going to hurry up and post this, and get ready to work on part 2 of the theory about Blitz and his Ex-Boyfriends/Girlfriends/Partners...
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rainbow-femme · 10 months
My grandma on my dads side and an aunt on my moms side both did a ton of family genealogy that I have access to and love going through. I mentioned it to a friend once and he immediately did the “yeah I don’t care about that stuff, I’m not defined by my ancestors I’m defined by me”
And I was just like?? I’m not saying I’m basing my personality on dead distant relatives, I’m saying I like history and there’s something very meaningful to me in learning about the lives of regular people that eventually lead to me existing
Like the guy who was a royal physician but ended up moving to Massachusetts for reasons we don’t know
Or the Union soldier whose letters to his wife we have and they’re very sweet as they clearly miss each other
Or the teenage girl who was sent from Ireland to live with family in the US because she got pregnant, and the assumption was she’d go back home after she had the baby, only she fell in love with an American and married him and he raised the baby as his
Or the woman who lived in Scotland for a time and Ireland for a time but openly and vehemently refused to say which she was born in, and no one knows why that was such an important secret for her because she also wouldn’t talk about anything that happened in either place
Or the man who worked as a chauffeur whose dying wish was to be buried in a suit, because he wore one every day for work but had never been able to own one himself. He also hated his brother in law, but when he died the family couldn’t afford to buy a suit just to bury him in and the brother in law was the only one who owned a suit so he gave it to the dead man who hated him to appease his last wish
Or my great great grandfather who worked on houses and was married to my great great grandmother who always wanted a nice wall papered kitchen, but they couldn’t afford it, so he would save scraps of wallpaper left over from jobs and use that, giving them a kitchen with a hundred different kinds of wallpaper
Or the fact that those two only got married because he was hitchhiking and her sister thought he was cute and let him stay the night in the couch, but he saw my great great grandma come down the stairs the next morning and fell for her and asked their father if he could work on their farm so he could court her
Or how that great great grandmother had 10 pregnancies and 10 healthy deliveries, the last at 48, and the family joke was you could drop her off the Empire State Building and she’d still carry a baby to term
Like those don’t matter because they have an impact on me personally, they matter because they were interesting real people who existed over centuries and they feel so much like normal people today, and there’s something really meaningful to me about seeing that human connection through time and still valuing the things that made them who they were
I mean, can you imagine writing to your wife from a war camp in the 1800s about how your chronic headaches are bothering you again so you’re going to play [I think something similar to soccer? He just called it ball idk] to forget about it and have that be something a descendant almost 200 years later reads who also gets chronic headaches and relates to you specifically through time? Or to have your quirks and idiosyncrasies be things your family still mentions and laughs about because you’re not just a name to them but still you?
I dunno, I just think there’s a difference between people defining themselves by ancestry and having a historical appreciation for people you were related to hundreds of years before, and enjoying all the parts of yourself you see in them. Even if it is chronic headaches because apparently it’s his fault we all get them
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skiplo-wave · 10 months
I am like 99.9% my grandma is still alive out in the world somewhere and she's a vampire that was originally born 1865. She will be 158 years old right now. I am being dead ass right now.
So what made me and my family come to this conclusion is because we started tracing our family history. I have lived with my dad's parents since I was 18 after my parents died. My mom's mother died when she was a baby. I started tracing her side first. And I came across some weird consistencies with my grandmother and her mom's line. It got to a point where I thought I was on the wrong track. The ages don't make sense. My family all pitched in to hire a family tree expert. It took them a long time to get back with us and they explained to us that there is some really weird stuff going on with my grandmother. They never seen anything like this before. They actually hired another investigator to help them and they both could not figure this out. Let's start back to one of my great plus grandmothers. Right, let's go to 1865. A woman named Margaret was born. I want you to pay close attention to these dates and
Margaret was married at 15 years old in 1880. She had her first child in 1881. She died at the age of 24 in 1889 from "illness".
Margaret's first daughter, supposedly, was Mariah that magically turned 15 in 1890, even though she born in 1883. Mariah married in 1891 and had her first child in 1892. Mariah died at the age of 24 in 1899 from "illness".
Melinda, the daughter of Mariah, magically turns 15 in 1900. The census completely change just like it did with Mariah. Melinda was married at 18 years old in 1903. She had her first baby a year later. Melinda dies 1909 at the age of 24 from "illness".
Adelaide, the daughter of Melinda, magically turns 15 in 1910 according to the census. Adelaide was married at 16 years old in 1911. Had her first child a year later. And she died at the age of 24 in 1919 from "illness".
Now at this point we start seeing pictures. This Adelaide looks just like the pictures of my grandma in her younger years. All the women I am related to mention below looks identical to these pictures. There's no way it's different people.
Mary, the daughter of Adelaide, magically turns 15 in 1920 according to the census. Mary married at the age of 18 in 1923. She died in 1929 at the age of 24 from "illness."
Catherine, the daughter of Mary, magically turns 15 in 1930 according to the census. Catherine is married at the age of 19 in 1934. She died in 1939 at the age of 24 from "illness".
Elizabeth, the daughter of Catherine, magically turns 15 in 1940 according to the census. Elizabeth is married at the age of 20 in 1945. She dies at the age of 24 in 1949 from "illness."
"Anne", the daughter of Elizabeth and my grandmother, magically turns 15 in 1950 according to the census. Anne is married at the age of 21 in 1956. She died at the age of 24 in 1959 from "illness."
"Victoria", the daughter of Anne and my aunt, my mother's eldest sister, magically turns 15 in 1960 according to the census. Victoria is married at the age of 21 in 1966. She died at the age of 24 in 1969 from "illness".
Evelyn, the daughter of Victoria, magically turns 15 in 1970 according to the census. Evelyn is married at the age of 21 in 1976. She died at the age of 24 in 1979 from "illness."
Rachel, the daughter of Evelyn, magically turns 15 in 1980 according to the census. Rachel is married at the age of 21 in 1986. She died at the age of 24 in 1989 from "illness".
Amy, the daughter of Rachel, magically turns 15 in 1990 according to the census. Rachel is married at the the age of 21 in 1996. She died at the age of 24 in 1999 from "illness."
Riley, the daughter of Amy, magically turns 15 in 2000 according to the census. Riley is married at the age of 21 in 2006. She died at the age of 24 in 2009 from "illness."
Isabella, the daughter of Riley, magically turns 15 in 2010 according to the census. Isabella is married at the age of 21 in 2016. She died at the age of 24 in 2019 from "illness."
Now her - supposed - daughter would be 18 right now. These family tree experts told me there has to be 3 generations of people changing their names every 10 years, but looks at the pictures.... It doesn't make sense. They look like the same fucking person in different decades. The same beauty marks and hair color. EVERYTHING.
I am honestly wanting to get in contact with this new possible identity person to see if they are willing to have a family reunion with me. I have to talk to this person because this is too weird.
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iamahobbitbean · 11 months
Lets talk about Hope Mikaelson
Hope Andrea Mikealson. The miracle child. The one and only Tribrid. Lets just say that I love Hope Mikealson a lot. She is one of my favorite characters.
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For all you guys who don't know who Hope Mikaelson is. Here's a quick summary of her. Hope is a character form the TVDU. She was born on May 2, 2012. To werewolf Haley Marshall and original hybrid Klaus Mikaelson or
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(I know you can hear this photo if you have watched the show as many times as I have. ) Hope family is basically the whole reason for the TVD. Her grandmother Esther Mikaelson. Created vampires. Doing a spell to turn her children into the Original vampires.
Her father is also the earths first hybrid. (werewolf and vampries) His wolf side is why Hope is in alive. The miracle baby. Hopes mom. Haley Marshall passed on her werewolf side to her daughter. Both being a part of the crescent wolf pack. The bloodline of the first ever werewolf.
So her family being a long line of witches, dad vampire side and mothers werewolf side. Made Hope a tribrid. The only one of her kind. Which is why she had people after her. Even before her brith.
She had a hard begging. Hope was ripped from her mothers arms at her brith and almost killed. This was just the begging of her trauma.
But now that you know a little about Hope. Let me talk about why I love her
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Hope is so Selfless
Hope said it herself "My name is Hope Mikaelson. I come from a long line of villains."
Her father is known as 'the great evil' He was feared and had so much darkness inside of him. Klaus put his siblings to sleep by putting daggers in them. Making them miss years or not even decades. Klaus also gave Elena Gilbert a lot a trauma, killing her aunt is one of them.
Hope could have inherited this angry. But she didn't. Hope put herself on the line constantly. Even becoming a full Tribrid to save the world from Malivore.
Hope would do anything and everything to save the people she loves. Sure she does make mistakes. Like hope turning Lizzie Salesman into a vampire is one. But she had her humanity off and regretted it.
Overall Hope is always the hero.
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What Hope did for her family
"this was our hope our family's hope" This was said by Elijah Mikaelson. He told this to Klaus after he thought they lost hope, that later became name. She was her families Hope.
The Mikaelson's protected Hope with everything. It is pretty clear they loved her. All of them.
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Rebekah took Hope away from danger when it was too dangerous for her to stay in New Orleans. Raised her or seven months. Later on Rebekah took on part of the Hallows soul to protect Hope. Hope made her feel human.
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Hope to Elijah was everything. He once said "I would violate everything sacred under the sun in the name of recusing my niece." Elijah even gave Hope her name. Thinking it was his job to keep her safe. He did that even dying for her.
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Kol and Hopes relationship is rarely seen in the shows. But I can tell Kol is like the fun uncle. Having taking a piece of the Hallows soul in him to save Hope. He seemed to me to be the only one to keep in contact with Hope, understanding her upset of not having her family together.
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Freya is like Hopes second mother. Being there for almost Hopes entire life. Freya taught Hope spells and magic. Hope to Freya is like her daughter. Hope trusted her enough to let Freya stop her heart.
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Marcel might not be a Mikaelson by blood. But he is a Mikaelson. Hope and him are brother and sister. Marcel never harmed Hope and kept her safe. Loved their bond.
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What Hope did for Klaus
It safe to say the Klaus loved Hope more than anything. His littlest wolf. Hope changed Klaus for the better. There wasn't anything that Klaus would haven't done for his daughter. He in the end died to protect Hope.
Before Hope Klaus was well a monster. But Hope brought out a softer side of Hope, with her Klaus experienced Unconditionally Love.
"My dearest Hope. My littlest wolf. My miracle child. What a gift to be able to leave you one last message. So please carry it with you in the years to come. I want you to know this. You will make mistakes in your life. That comes with being a Mikaelson. You will go through hard times. For no one with your power always knows how to use it properly. You will find love and you will lose it. For such is the burden of immortality. But the most important thing about your life is that you live it. Because you are my Peace. And I regret a lot of things, but I don't regret a single moment I spent with you. I love you so much. Always and forever."
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I could list so many more reason I love Hope. But let me leave it here. Hope has been through a lot in her life. I miss her. At least she got her happy ending.
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