#my friends as the grishaverse
she-posts-nerdy-stuff · 5 months
Grishaverse text posts I made based on things my friends and I have actually said. In real life.
Pretty sure this is part 23
Wylan: I’ve got anxiety, I DON’T fall over
Jesper: … what?
Wylan: I am very steady on my feet
Jesper: Who trusted me with adult money? Today I impulse bought a pomegranate for literally no reason except that it was there and I wanted it. I think I’m gonna put it in a salad but now I have to figure out how to cut it
Wylan: How do you not know how to cut a pomegranate?
Jesper: Well I’ve never bought a pomegranate before
Wylan: How have you never bought a pomegranate before????
Jesper: Just spoke to my Da he said he doesn’t think he’s ever bought a pomegranate in his entire life
Wylan: HOW!??????
Wylan: It’s actually on my mind 24/7
Jesper: I don’t know what’s on my mind 24/7, it’s just like a duck - no, it’s a goose just like revolving
Jesper: What brain cells? I’ve just got a goose
[about a minute later]
Jesper: There’s no real way of understanding how my brain works. If I was the Truman show people would be so confused
Nina: I don’t try to be iconic, I just am
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catdoingblep · 1 year
Nina, realizing that Jesper is in love with Wylan: oh, thank Saints, I am really happy that you are recovering from your disease
Jesper, terrified: disease? What disease?
Nina: yes, a common bisexual disease widely known as "terrible taste in men" I thought it reached a terminal stage when I learned that you had a crush on Kaz
Jesper: I really don't think it is a real disease...
Nina: I will tell Matthias that his prayers are finally working! He was praying for your health every day!
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olskuvallanpoe · 2 months
i like au multishipping and stuff but in canon i think kaz/jesper romance ruins their dynamic. and a lot of the drive to make it romantic comes from wanting to explore the depths of it. but their platonic relationship has so much depth and complexity. like the way kaz sees jesper as a friend and companion isn’t talked about nearly enough. he called jesper the name of the brother he’d been trying to avenge for eight years. he brought jesper to the parlay with geels. he loves jesper deeply and platonically in canon, and i think so many people cheapen platonic relationships and treat them like they aren’t good enough, but jesper and kaz love each other. they’re best friends. they fight and insult each other, but at the end of the day, they trust and care for one another. they rely on each other, and that deep platonic love and respect is beautiful and should be cherished more.
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jazzkrebber · 10 months
netflix I'm in your walls
Tumblr media
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skepticalcatfrog · 8 months
If there's one thing I'm going to be thinking about always, it's "All Wylan wanted to do was stand as close as he possibly could to him and know that he was safe."
Like. Man. I can't properly articulate how that makes me feel.
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kanejbr3kker · 2 months
More Zoyalai/Kanej parallels because how do we not talk about the fact that right before Nikolai performed the ritual that was supposed to kill his demon, he gave Zoya a contract making her the general of both Ravkan armies, which is the exact same as Kaz giving Inej her contract before leaving to try to recruit the Dregs???
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padfoot-lupin77 · 4 months
Since I have to spend almost three weeks studying way too many hours every day, I have to somehow stay motivated. So far it’s been two days and I’ve been writing stuff on my hand with the Kerch alphabet. Yesterday it was “study bitch” today I wrote “don’t disappoint Kaz and Inej”. Wonder what I’m gonna write tomorrow
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arillusionist · 3 months
“happy inej
sad wylan
mentally disturbed matthias
super nina
drama jesper
big ol’ llama kaz”
-my 10 yr sister who has never read six of crows
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whitevesper · 1 year
six of crows as things my friends have said pt. 5
nina on phone: we’re already flying to usa! wish us good luck!
inej: *waves hand from plane*
jesper: *shows phone to kaz and wylan*
jesper: half of my friends are flying to usa, while i’m studying here…
wylan: at least you are studying.
kaz: at least you have friends.
matthias on phone too: kaz, aren’t we your friends?
jesper: kaz?..
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4nglerf1sh · 1 year
you know that thing where sometimes people don’t wait for their friends to finish tying their shoes and walk ahead of them regardless? i fully believe that if one of the crows knelt down to tie their shoe they’d all stop and wait. if wylan’s tying his shoe, jesper stops, and if jesper stops, nina and inej stop, if nina and inej stop, matthias and kaz also have to stop and wait
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she-posts-nerdy-stuff · 5 months
Grishaverse textposts I made based on things my friends and I have actually said. In real life
Part 24 (??)
Jesper: My life is held together with sticky tape
Kaz: I never sleep and yet I sleep far too much
Kaz: Philosophers in Greece would’ve talked about me
Nina, in Fjerda: *sends outfit photo*
Jesper, over text: like it slayed but you do look like you never let your kids eat candy and bake three loaves of bread a day
Jesper, over text: with love 🫶
Wylan: He makes such a big deal out of my mistakes, it’s like he has a problem specifically with me
Inej: You should report him
Kaz: You should report- actually, you know what? Just kill him
Everyone: *shocked laughter*
*playing cards*
Jesper: You won the first game and I won the second, so it’s a draw. We’ll have to fight to the death
Wylan: You know there is this thing called a decider match. Maybe slightly less dramatic than fighting to the death, but
Jesper: We can do that then, I guess
Wylan: You guess
Jesper: I guess
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aleksanderscult · 1 month
I read the chapter where Alina meets the Darkling in the RoW and do I imagine it, but is that scene really awkard??? Like, the whole dialogue just sounds so unnatural and Alina just doesn't seem like herself but some kind of stand in for the author to preach how haaappy she is and how evil the Darkling is.
It really gives that feeling that Alina is held at gunpoint from Leigh to say how happy and whole she feels.
It's not like the same author didn't write in the trilogy how extremely important those powers are for the Grisha. Part of their soul and lungs. They can't breathe or live without them.
Yeah now she's a mouthpiece for Bardugo's attempt to patronize her own readers but I prefer to read it as "when Alina lost her powers she also went braindead from the shock of it".
Which doesn't help me feel better but nothing does about R&R's ending tbh.
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xadenviolct · 1 month
*browses through tumblr tags again*
*misses all the potential that grishaverse could have held*
Seriously, there was some epic story potential there if Bardugo had only taken a few more risks. A few more avenues explored that weren't "typical".
And yes, I guess the mid 2010s (Shadow & Bone was published in 2012 I believe?) there weren't a lot of "risk taking" in the YA genre and I can get that... sort of.
Because the bare bones of the story? The plot itself?
It's so utterly good. And there's depth there between dark and light, and outcast and minorities in a society (the Grisha) and the symbolism between power and corruption, monarchy--
I could probably rant on how much COULD HAVE BEEN with these books, with this story, and yet what did we ultimately get?
A boring, tired, childhood friends to lovers, power corrupts, keep the status quo story line.
Don't get me wrong. I LOVE the idea. The plot. The characters. Everything about it.
I love what it could have been.
I just... wish it was given such a chance to do that?
I want THAT story.
I want the morally grey "how far is too far". I want the revolutions. I want the dark versus light, the yin and yang. I want the comparisons between Nikolai and Aleksander and I want Mal's mediocrity to actually be addressed and dealt with.
I don't want the FMC to ... settle in the end. To make herself smaller so the "ordinary" male love interest is satisfied. Because I keep thinking of the scene of her in the window, playing with the sunlight--
Mal might be happy, but Alina settled.
And that is not the message I want. That is not the message that should have been told, either.
I want the blurry lines between what is right and wrong. What is necessary for the good of many versus the good of the one.
And you know what?
That's where the books failed.
Because I'm sorry. Like Mal all you want, but the guy was just...
So far below mediocre it was ridiculous.
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jazzkrebber · 11 days
forever believing that for anyone who kins jesper or wylan, the other is their favorite character
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Is anyone else crying thinking about how physically affectionate Inej is able to be Jesper? Inej has this horrible trauma, and explicitly said that contact with others is difficult, and yet there are so many instances in the book of her hugging Jesper, of him hooking his arm through hers, of her getting on her tiptoes and kissing him in the cheek.
That she feels safe enough around him to be so casually affectionate- shows not only her incredible emotional strength- but also the amount of trust, and of love, she must have in him.
With Jesper, Inej feels safe. With Jesper, Inej is allowed to be light and fun and just a little bit silly, acting like the teenager she should be.
I love these two so much :)
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sleepless-crows · 9 months
btw it could be kaz's birthday today and we wouldn't know
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