#my disgusting alien boi
iwasbored777 · 4 months
Venom's reactions are sending me when he realizes that his enemies are more powerful than him and that he probably doesn't stand a chance
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romancemedia · 10 months
Most of the time, you are rooting for couples to get together, this time it's the opposite. You are rooting for them to BREAK UP!
These couples were NOT meant for each other for different reasons...
They simply weren't meant to be together, they're better off as friends
They didn't treat their partners right and took them for granted!
They didn't have any chemistry
They were in the relationship for the wrong reasons
They were blind to their partners true mean and selfish colours
They were in a toxic and completely unhealthy relationship to begin with!
Finally it made you sick just watching them together! 🤢🤮
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I’ve been a fan of Ryan and Shane since the unsolved days and followed them onto watcher, and found myself pleasantly surprised by Steven’s content as well. Never in my life have I seen a fandom turn so quickly against the creators it claimed to love, in such a vitriolic, hateful, racist fashion. As a poc myself, it made me queasy to see some tweets calling Steven and Ryan ‘rats’ while absolving Shane of any wrongdoing and blame in the same breath. Some of y’all are vile and, given the nasty outrage, you’d think watcher broke into your house, stole all your money and kidnapped your pet on the way out instead of, idk, overestimating themselves and making a stupid business move.
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kittlyns · 7 months
Twin Peaks needs to have less James making out with any woman who breathes in his direction and more Dale Cooper being weird af
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klipkillakai · 8 months
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your alarm rings through your room and you open your bleary eyes, you lazily grab your phone, nails clackaling against against the screen to press stop, and you yawn as you open instagram quickly tapping through people stories.. you heart your friends story and decide that’s enough and you drop your phone on the bed and get up—
you scratch your hair through your bonnet and slip on your slippers as you make your way to the bathroom.. you look in the mirror and inspect your face… and deep down you don’t like what you see.. you look at your body with slight displeasure but you try to no to think about it.. you shake it off and start brushing your teeth.. you walk out your bathroom and turn on your tv, quickly going on the youtube app and turning on your playlist…soon after sza starts playing in your room and you’ve officially started your day—
you finish your repeated routine, skincare, hair care and finally some makeup.. just so you can feel okay enough to leave the house..
with headphones slipped over your ears you get off the bus and start walking into the school, you try to look down you try to avoid people’s gaze, you turn the music up all the way to block people out.. but you still feel the states you still catch the whispers.. and that makes you feel other.. alienated even..
“last year” you think to yourself.. a few months until you graduate..
while your at your locker you feel a presence behind you, you ignore it but you feel a tap on your shoulder and it’s johnathan.. a boy you’ve known since middle school and the same boy who’s made your life a living hell since then..
“whats up y/n” you stare blankly at him as you try to collect your stuff.. “why you gotta be like that..?”
“leave me alone fr” you say not in the mood today..
“nah i just wanted to say my boy likes you”
you know that’s a lie.. his boy comes up to him while he’s standing there and jonathan says “right you like y/n?” the friends face cringes in disgust “ew no nigga tf is wrong wit you?”
that sends a pang in your heart.. are you really that ugly? is it that impossible for someone to like you?
you simply close your locker and walk to class leaving behind both boys laughter and a piece of your pride..
you get to class siting in your seat in the back, you slip your headphones on and you look out the window..you want to cry, you want to leave, you want to crawl out your fucking skin if you could.. every diet you’ve tried.. every workout.. but it never works.. this how you are and you so desperately wished someone thought it was beautiful..
as class is going on, the door opens..
connie springer..
he walks in looking down at his phone, he has a folder tucked under his arm and he slowly walks through the desks not seemingly paying any attention to anything other than his phone..
he looks up for a sec looking for a seat and you realize the only one left is the desk next to you, you make eye contact with him and you quickly look away, he walks down the row of seats and slips into the desk, leaning back a bit and spreading his legs and he continues to type on the phone..
you inwardly think he’s cute and you keep that inwardly because you’ve never perused any crush that you had in fear of the rejection that you unsolicitedly receive daily..
you take the handed back worksheet and begin todo the work, and you softly nod your head to the beat of the music constantly playing in your ears,
you feel a tap.. you softly look up and see connie looking at you, you pull out one of your airpods and look at him..
“you got a pencil?” you nod and lean down and open the front zipper of your backpack and hand him one of yours, you hand him the pencil and he mumbles a “thank you” and you turn back and put the airpod back in your ear and continue on your work..
getting bored of the mathematical equations on your sheet, your eyes wander around the room and eventually land back on connie, you look at his buzz cut seemingly freshly cut, the diamond stud in his ear and the tattoos all over his arm, the rings on his finger and his relaxed nonchalant posture..
“he’s fine” you think to yourself..
catching you staring connie looks up at you, and you awkwardly smile and your about to look away until he speaks..
“is the pep rally tonight?”
you think about it
“umm i’m not sure but if you follow the school on insta it should tell you”
“what’s the @?” he replies and you pick up your phone and your open instagram, nails clacking against the screen while you look for it..
you feel him looking at you and you try not to squirm under it, there’s no point.. he doesn’t like you like that and never will, but you gon let yourself be delusional regardless..
“here it is”, you turn your screen towards him and he leans closer a bit, typing the @ in his phone..
“you going?” he says, you think about it,
“mm prolly not, you?”
“i might pull up ion no yet, jus checking”
“oh okay” you smile, and you look down at your phone thinking the conversation is over..
“what’s your name?” you look up..
“oh y/n” he looks at you and nods.. “i like that name”
“thank you” you say with a slightly bright smile..
he smiles back a bit, a bit and says “im connie”
“i know” you say.. “we’ve been in the same math classes for like 2 years now” you laugh a bit..
“ah my fault” he says with a slight laugh and rubs his jaw a bit.. “no your good, it’s okay”
you hate how he’s making you feel, this is the longest conversation you’ve had with a boy without him calling you a name.. or making you feel other..
connie on the other hand is just looking at you, all of you.. to be fair he’s noticed you before but not in this way, you were always sweet to the teacher, soft spoken and quiet.. but he’s never really seen you.. he looks at your body and your curves and your soft belly, he looks at your dark skin and nice lips.. he looks at your pretty hair and edges.. and fuck that smile.. that pretty little smile..
he wants to see it again, and again and again..
he smells you, sweet and clean, just like you are..
he’s heard the shit other people have whispered about you, comments on your weight.. he’s never understood it.. so what.. your gorgeous, he can’t believe other people can’t see that.. he wonders if you can see that..he knows he wants to talk to you more…
“what’s your insta” he says and you pause for a second, why does he want your insta? “ u-um here”
you open your insta and show him your account and hand him your phone, he types it in and follows you and hand it back, the bell rings and he gets up..
you grab your back and headphones and you start to walk out, he walks with you and you give him a small smile and before you walk out the door he holds out his hand and you dap him up before he smile and, walks out.. catching up with his friends and walking down the opposite end of the hall..
it’s lunch time and you grab a sandwich and a juice and you hold it in one hand as you look down at your phone and follow him back while walking through the cafe.. his profile is seemingly barren except for one highlight showing his car, and few faceless pics of him..
you swipe out his profile and you tap through your stories until you feel something snatched out your hand and your head snaps up..
it’s jonathan again and he’s letting out his dumbass laugh
“bro stop fr, that shit is not funny your always on my dick”
he smacks his teeth “you don’t need it anyway, your not gonna miss it”
“i payed for that bro, if your broke just say that”
that’s seems to anger him and he steps closer to you
“shut the fuck up”
“back up” you say angrily and you try to grab the juice back, he jerks his hand away and you push him, and he pushes you back nearly making you fall
“the fuck is your problem!” you say your voice cracking and you look around realizing you have an audience.. and you immediately want to cry and feel embarrassed.. he steps closer to you and before he can reach you you see connie walk up and shove jonathan to the ground with so much force you thought the floor broke..
jonathan quickly scrambles up and tries to punk connie, but connie towers over him, you watch as connie’s eyes darken and there shoving each other, a crowd starts to form around them and you start feeling hot.. and dizzy and you feel like your about to suffocate..
you hate when this happens, your eyes gloss over and your heart palpates and you start looking for a way out.. the teacher is here trying to separate connie and him and you start pushing through the crowd to leave..
“i just need to get out” you say to yourself.. “l-let me out” you think again.. at this point tears are rolling down your cheeks and your stumbling out into the hallway.. you need to go outside or something.. you feel trapped and you don’t know what to do..
connie realizes your gon and slips away from the drama in search of you.. he wonders if your okay, he say the sadness and anger on your face and he never wanted to see that again, he finds you walking down the hallway, broken sobs leaving your lips and his heart almost breaks, he catches up to you and places a hand on your shoulder..
“hey.. cmon it’s okay” he mumbles and he rubs your arm and looks at you, “don’t cry mama”
he cups your face and makes you look up at him, you avoid his gaze not wanting him to see you cry, and he simply uses both his thumbs and wipes under your eyes.. “don’t wanna ruin that pretty makeup” he mumbles and you finally look up at him with your teary eyes.. “there you are” he whispers
he pulls you into a hug and you hesitantly wrap your arms around him, you sniffle a bit and he smiles softly
“you wanna take a ride wit me?” you softly pull away..
“mm, y-yea” you say after thinking about it and softly smiles and nods for you to follow him..
he leads you out to his car, a shiny black hell cat with fresh raindrops all over it, he opens the door for you and you slip in, looking around at the inside and smelling his musky fresh scent, with a bit of weed..
he slips in with a sigh, and he puts his phone in the cup holder before turning the car on and reving the engine, and pulling off..
“where we going?” you ask with a soft rasp..
he softly looks at you “mm you hungry?”
you feel your face heat up and even tho he can’t see it he can tell that wasn’t the best thing to say
“you don’t have to worry about eating wit me mama”
“i want you to eat, that shit is important, don’t let anyone let you think otherwise”
you look up at him and almost cry at his words..
“so? you want sumn to eat?”
“y-yea” you say with a shy smile
“there you go” he mumbles and smiles before turning up the music a bit and he pulls into a chick fil a—
you feel a bit sad about what happened and you bite your lip in thought..
connie watches you, and hates how jonathan has affected you, he feels so sorry for the sweet girl next to him.. how long has she been bothered like this? how long has she felt this way? how many times did she cry like she did a few moments ago..
he pulls up to the drive thru and looks at you
“watchu want?” you look up and look at the menu
“ummm can i get the tenders and mac and cheese?”
he nods and hums before pulling up to the speaker, “lemme get 4pc tender and a medium mac and cheese, and a delux chicken sandwich meal large, with two large lemonades”—
he pays and he pulls off into the parking lot..
“wanna eat here?” you nod softly not really caring and he parks and grabs the bag from your lap and gives you your food..
y’all start eating at talking, getting to know each other.. while your talking connie reaches back and grabs a tin and opens it and pull out a blunt..
“you smoke?” “only carts” you say, which is true, your friend usually gets them for you when you hang out.
“mm- he hums starting to light up “you wanna try it?” you smile a bit “you trynna get me high?” he laughs throwing his head back a bit “nah mama it jus helps with anxiety nd shi.. jus to relax you”
you roll your eyes a bit, “yea ill try it” he takes his hit first and softly smoothing down the lifted ends and hand it to you.. you take it, taking a small hit than you usually do cause your not used to it, you ghost and connie almost feels his dick twitch watching you do that..
“you like it” he says and you nod “it’s smooth” you say with a smile and you hit it again..
after a while you both loosen up, the highs are hitting you and you both vibe to the music and talk, until you hear a phone ring and connie picks up with a slight annoyed look..
“yo” he says with a harshness in his voice that you haven’t heard before..
he silently listens before running a hand down his face and starting the car.. he looks at you and silently mouths “seatbelt” and you quickly start putting it on and he puts his on while pulling out..
“tell him to wait his ass there, do not let him leave that fucking house trey, i swear to god” he hands up the phone and plops it in the cup holder and speeds a bit..
you stay quiet mot knowing what’s going on, and he looks at you
“sorry mama, i’m gonna have to take you home”
“oh okay um.. do you need my address?” “yes ma’am, he mumbles and he hands you his phone and you type it into the map.. he speeds there and you softly hold onto the seat, but you trust him enough to know what he’s doing, he finally pulls up to your house, and he gets out the car.. you unbuckle your seatbelt and go to open the door but he beats you and does it for you, you grab your bag and your drink and he shuts the door and looks at you..
“did something bad happen?” you sweetly ask
“you don’t have to worry about that mama, im gon handle it.. aii?” “mhm” you hum and he nods
“gimme a hug” he whispers with a soft smile and you hug him shyly before he gets another call and you pull away..
“i gotta dip, you aii right?” you nod.. “words please”
“yes” you say and give him your best smile, “there you go” he says and presses a kiss to your cheek and picks up the phone and gets in the car, you walk up the steps to your house and notice he doesn’t leave until you step foot through the door..
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y’all! that was the first installment of “young thug” im very excited to start my first series with y’all! i obviously choose connie since that was the winning vote and i’m so excited for y’all to read it, please forgive any misspelled words as my eye tend to skip over words when i proofread! i really hope you like it and comment some things you wanna see in the series! i really wanna hear y’all! i do this for y’all as much i do it for me! i wanted to see more fics with black girl! readers so i’m here to come through!!! ily 🩷
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lovifie · 6 months
Meeting Soap 🧼
Masterlist — OG Drabble - First Morning
Boyfriend!Ghost x Chubby!Reader, but they wake up in each other’s body.
“Good morning, ma’am.” The guard at the door greets Simon, leaning down when he rolls down the window. He moves his sunglasses up to his head, resting his hand on the car roof. Simon looks at the guard with an astonished expression, making you wonder just how many of his expressions have you missed by the mask. 
You chuckle for the side seat, catching the attention of the guard who quickly turns pale when he lays his eyes on you, surprising you just for a second before you remember you are in your boyfriend's body.
“G-Good morning, Lieutenant.” He says, standing straight. Simon covers his mouth with his hand, hiding his smile. He clears his throat to disguise his laugh and turns to the guard. “You know him, right? Can we get through, then? We have a meeting with Price.”
The guard quickly nods, pushing the button to open the gate and Simon drives the car inside the base. He glances at you when you laugh, smiling as well. “I could get used to this, Si.”
He laughs softly shaking his head. “Don’t get high on power now, love” He parks onto his spot, turns off the engine and turns to you. “Alright, love. We need to talk to Price.”
“Your captain.” You remember nodding.
“Exactly, my captain. Older lad, big mustache-”
“Wait, I don't have your accent!” You realize, looking at him.
“That's fine, I don't talk to people enough for them to realize if I suddenly don't have the accent. Only my team may notice, and we are looking for them, so no issue.” He explains, making you cock your head at the mention of not talking to people. 
You nod, understanding what he means. “Alright, so… Price's your captain, and the other two; what were their names? Gaz and… Shampoo, was it?”
And it must be really amusing to him that you have remembered the names of his teammates for the way he chuckles at you. “Exactly, make sure to call them by those names, all right?”
You nod quickly. “Alright, I got it.” He nods as well and steps out of the car. You do as well and close the door after you, you turn to him when you hear him curse. “What's wrong?”
“The fuck are these?” He asks, and then you notice him fight with his pockets, making you laugh. He looks back at you, annoyed with the pockets.
“Use the back ones.” You say pointing to your butt. “Or let me keep them, you are not leaving me here anyway, right?”
He shoves the keys in his back pocket and starts to walk grabbing your hand to walk together. “His office is down that way, J. Price, got it?” He asks and you nod. “If he is in there, give me a call, alright? I'm gonna go check on the mess hall if the boys are there, call me if there is any problem.”
You feel a bit uneasy about being on your own on a military base, only knowing the names and nicknames of four men. Still, it looks like Simon must be someone people respect because of the way they move out of your way. You try to mimic the way Simon usually walks; looking straight ahead, always as if he knows where he is going and ready to kick out of the way anybody who gets in the middle. 
The captain's office is easy to find and you knock on the door, leaning in to hear if anybody says anything inside. When you don't hear anything, you turn around to look for Simon, well, yourself.
Only to find him next to a man who is leaning against the door, and just by seeing Simon's disgusted face you know he is getting hit on.
Simon's POV
There is nobody he is looking for inside of the mess hall, so he turns around to exit when he collides with somebody that almost sends him flying back. 
The feeling is so alien to him that it automatically annoys him, missing his bulldozer-like build. Strong hands grab his waist keeping him from falling and it only repuls him even more how easily the stranger can grab him.
“Careful there, bonnie.” A more than well-known voice says and he looks up to his teammate Soap. Well, Shampoo. The thought of you calling him that makes his smile for a second, which for his disgrace only fuels Soap to think this is okay. “Ye're right, lass?”
“Fucking peachy, mate.” He answers, pulling Soap's hand away from his body, hating the way he can tell he gets free just because Soap lets him peel the hands away. “Where is the old man?”
He raises an eyebrow, confused for a second before he figures out and he lays a hand on your shoulder. “Aahh, you are looking for Price, bonnie?”
“Yeah, right, Price. Have you seen him?” Simon asks, pushing Soap's hand out of his shoulder.
“Not yet, I'm pretty sure he is still coming back from a meeting downtown.” He says smiling, using the hand he pushed off his shoulder to brush his hair back as if it was his plan all along, flexing his arm’s muscles in the process making Ghost cringe. “But I can take ye to his office, keep ye company if ye want. I'm a great talker.”
“No, thank you.” Ghost simply says, before he tries to move away, getting exasperated with the way his mate is flirting with him. If only he had ever talked to them about you, if they had shown them a photo, something, he wouldn't have to be dealing with his mutt of a friend.
But Soap can't be blamed, a cute little thing like you going around the base. For fucks sake, the first thing he saw of you was your butt sticking out the door when Simon was checking who was inside. Soap is ready to risk it all for you. Plus, there are some real weirdos on base, so he is going to stay close.
He doesn't need to stay away, because the moment Simon tries to walk away from him; he crashes against somebody again. Once more, being grabbed by the waist, this time by even bigger hands. He is ready to fight but then he realises it is his body, which means is you.
“Ah, thank god it's you, I was about to-”
“Careful there, love. You almost fell for me, am I right?” You ask, pulling Ghost plush against your body. He looks at you as if you just grew a second head which makes you want to burst out laughing.
“The fuck is wrong with you, love?” He ask, eyebrow raised.
“The only thing wrong is that you don't have my surname, love. How will people know you are mine, hm?” You ask, leaning down and making a kissy face hidden by the mask.
Ghost chuckles shaking his head, amused by your lack of shame as he puts a hand over your mouth pushing you back. You laugh as well standing back straight, you check he didn't get hurt with the crush and then look at the guy behind him.
You have never seen him before, you just know he has the most confused expression the man can have. Completely immobile, borderline afraid and you need to fight the intrusive thoughts of just suddenly moving just to scare him.
There are many things going on inside of Soap’s head at the moment, he was happy he had found Ghost, happy to talk to such a pretty thing even if she seemed disinterested. He was going to get pissed somebody else got in the way, but he was then relieved that it was his LT; knowing the man was never interested in girls. Only for his stoic CO to start pulling the worst pickup lines in history; Lieutenant Simon “Ghost” Riley, shamelessly flirting with a girl. And on top of everything, it was working!
“That's Johnny.” Ghost whispers covering his mouth so the other man doesn't hear.
“Who the fuck is Johnny?” You ask back the same way, Johnny not being one of the three names you know.
“Shampoo.” Ghost answers snickers hiding behind his words. 
“Oh, hey, Shampoo, how you doing my guy?” You ask, giving your best impression of what you think your boyfriend would do. Obviously doing a horrible job by the way the other man looks at you when you clap his hand. You definitely need to talk to Simon about how he behaves around his friend. 
“Are ye feelin’ all right, Lt?” The shorter man asks, confusion still flooding his senses.
But he is not the only one confused, because what the hell does Lt means? Is that his nickname? And that is what breaks the act, you turn to your boyfriend before asking. “Your nickname is Lt? What does it stand for? Lil tits? You don't have small tits.”
Simon is infinitely glad that you only mumble the last part of your words, too low for the scot to hear. Not that the men would be able to take anything in, with how shocked he seems to be.
“Okay, there is no point in hiding it from you anyway, Johnny.” Simon says looking at him, not liking the feeling of Soap towering over him like a wall. “Something weird has happened.”
“No, that I can tell, bonnie.” He says grabbing Simon’s arm and pulling him close to him. “I think Lt must have hit his head or something.”
“No, no, Johnny. That's my girl.” He says, fighting off Johnny's grip on his arm. “We switched bodies someway.”
Soap looks at Johnny, an unreadable look on his face. Then he burst out laughing, slapping his knee like a cartoon. “Alright, wow, ye guys really planed that good. I almost believe it, that's a weird way to introduce yer girl to us, Lt.” 
You rub your forehead thinking about how to prove it. “Okay, Shampoo. Honesty. What about what I have done or said today tells you that I'm him?”
“I have to admit it was quite credible. But c’mon, this is real life, those things don't happen.” Soap argues, not even caring about the nickname.
Ghost finds the situation amusing, his girl arguing with his best mate, seeing her grow exasperated with him. In any other situation, he would laugh, because he finds it amusing. Until he doesn't.
He doesn't find it funny because someone grabs him from behind. He turns around to see a rookie, he has only seen him a couple of times, and doesn't even know his name yet. 
But the man is still way taller than him in this form and he easily overpowers him. It's different from Soap's approach, he quickly realizes. Because the scot was touchy and maybe stood too close for his liking but Ghost could easily push him back when he got too close.
This man? Ghost is using almost all his strength and he is unmoving. He is not used to this body, all the tricks he knows only work when he is double the size. He doesn't know how to take advantage of being the smaller one, not with this much difference. 
“Come with me, c’mon, pretty thing.” The stupid rookie says. “I'll give you a good time.”
It brings Ghost bad memories of his childhood and his more recent past. Feeling at others' mercy, a feeling so familiar and alien at the same time; it only gets worse because he can feel himself get paralysed with fear. 
“What did you say, dickhead?” A deep voice says over him, and when he looks back he sees himself. Ghost only has seen you mad once since he met you, you reached your limit and snapped when an idiot hit your car. Ghost was glued to the passenger seat on that occasion, not daring to get in the way of your anger but still looking at the mirror to see if he was needed. He wasn't.
He also knows that he is a scary fucker, everyone knows. But something inside him clicks when he realises that the idiot who grabbed him is about to regret it. 
A gentle hand find her way to his lower back, keeping him in place and the other grabs the soldier's wrist. So hard his fingers twitch around Simon's arm letting go. 
The hand on his back gently tug at him, moving him behind you; kind of in between Soap and you. You still don't let go of the man's hand, making sure that Simon is fine first. He looks still a bit shaken but something tells you is more an inside conflict than anything.
And once you are sure, you turn to the man. He isn't as cocky as he was just a moment ago, he is bending to the side you are grabbing him; pain pulling him. 
“Now, what were you saying about a good time, bitch?” You spit at him, you pull your other hand back just to gain momentum and you hit in right in the middle of his face. No kind of technique whatsoever, but Simon's body shear strength enough to send the man's head back and forth like a whip before he falls back like a corpse on the floor.
Your hand hurts, but you know he is worse. And it is at that moment that you take notice of the crow you are calling, the lieutenant fighting somebody right on the mess hall door. A big show. 
You hear Simon call you, but you still need to give a message to the asshole. You kick his feet, trying to wake him up; but he doesn't, so you crouch down slapping his face. You see him move his eyes behind his eyelids and you take it as proof of life. 
“Remember that the next time you dare to touch a girl, okay, buddy?” You say, the men still not really answering and when Simon calls your name again you look at him standing up. Two new men behind him, not that you care.
You walk up to him, cupping his face, until one of the men says: “Simon, my office. Now.”
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ateliersss · 1 year
Part 2 - He Is Here
Pairing: Yautja x Fem!Reader Summary: After Akail freed himself and then you from your captors, you both had only one thing on your mind — to return home where his father and your mate was waiting for you. Cross-posted on AO3: here Warnings: English isn't my first language Word Count: 4.768 Part 1: here Masterlist
⇨ I started making it, tried my best, had a break down, then I listened to Lana Del Rey and my brain started working again. This is the result. I hope I didn't fail your expectations and you like it anyway.
⇨ Also, did you ever actually listen to their clicking/purring noises? Because I DID!
⇨ Want to join the tag list?
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Fresh air, the rustling of leaves on the surrounding trees, the moonlight, even the hooting of an owl — you never thought you would appreciate these things the way you did right now.
Especially now as your son was holding you tightly in his arms, running away, leaving the facility site behind. You had already put quite a distance between here and there and yet you could still hear the blaring alarm of their security system.
To distract yourself, you focused on the safe embrace of Akail's strong arms, watched the surroundings passing by, and listened to the sounds he made. He tried to calm you down, but since you couldn't understand any of his words, this attempt failed.
The one thing you didn’t want to focus on was the blood.
The alarm went off while you were still stuck in this awful white room with that strange woman, announcing that your son had broken free. Immediately you were yanked out of the room and into the corridor, not caring that moving was difficult for you. The woman had tried to persuade the two men to be more careful, but they just ignored her and didn't stop dragging you roughly with them.
The grip they had on you was painful, the flickering lights and the alarm agitated you even more, and the fact that you didn't know what they were going to do to you, now that an angry alien was on the loose, frightened you.
You thought about the consequences of what you were about to do. Since you couldn't imagine anything worse than what you had already experienced, you just did it. You screamed. You screamed for your son in hopes he would hear you.
One of the men holding you pulled your thrashing body towards him to have a better hold on you, to silence you. You didn't stop fighting and even bit his fingers to stop him from restraining your voice.
You both stopped struggling with each other when suddenly a bloodcurdling roar erupted from behind you.
The small group turned around and encountered the looming figure of Akail. He had found you, like the clever boy he was.
Admittedly, it had been quite a sight. His body trembled with fury, his back arched and his mandibles flared. The armor and equipment that had been taken from him were now back in his possession and on his body. Even from this distance, you could see the blood as if he had bathed in it.
Blood, that was now also on the hideous white suit you were wearing.
Out of fear, and maybe it really just had been a reflex, the man holding you pushed you away.
Luckily — more or less, depending if you were either the big, enraged alien or the tiny, terrified human — you landed on your knees and the hand outstretched trying to catch you, the other hand wrapped around your swollen belly as an instinctive protective mechanism. The impact hurt, but at least your pup remained unharmed.
It had been the wrong thing to do, really. Watching someone hurt you and thus possibly his unborn brother drove him feral. All it took was one tearful look from you and he charged for your captors.
You scrambled to the wall and out of his attack zone. Closing your eyes, you only listened as one by one died in one painful way or another.
You were used to the most obscure, disgusting, and repulsive corpses as you and your mate occasionally went on hunting trips at home. However, the whole situation — from you being captured, the imprisonment, you not knowing what had happened to your son and how he was doing, to the present moment — had pushed you to your limit.
When the helpless pleas and painful screams finally died down, you felt two big hands picking you up. You buried your face into his strong chest, preventing you from catching even a second's glimpse of the bloody masses around you.
It was over, you tried to compose yourself.
Akail was still running, not faltering once. His mind was set on one thing and one thing only — getting you to the safety of your Scout Ship.
Soon you reached a familiar river and a clearing. Your tensed shoulders relaxed when you saw the huge outline of it. The human may have said that they had found the ship, but it was still there where you had left it. Apparently, they had made no move yet to transport it to their base.
You sighed happily. It meant one step closer to home.
Although you were now in safe surroundings, Akail did not put you down and carried you until you reached the belly of the ship where he kept his weapons and gear such as his masks and armor. You smiled up at him when he seated you on top of the huge workbench occupying the middle of the room where he normally repaired or worked on his equipment. The glass surface cooled your adrenaline-heated skin.
Akail exited the room while you settled into a more comfortable position, legs dangling slightly as you looked down at your baby bump and stroked it. You closed your eyes and listened to your inner voice. There was no pain, no other feeling close to discomfort that should worry you. In fact, you felt your sweetling kick against your hand.
You heard the well-known clicks of Akail, announcing you weren’t alone anymore. He was back, holding familiar gadgets in his hands. One of them were two earpieces that translated every spoken word of a Yautja in real-time. They were created especially for you and practically disappeared when you wore them, making your ears appear perfectly normal as if they weren't even there. The other gadget was a tight-fitting necklace made out of black metal with silver accents that translated your words into the Yautja language.
Their technology did wonders. The way both things worked was way beyond your comprehension.
The moment the earpieces were in your ears and the necklace was around your neck, Akail asked, “Mother, how you feeling?”
Thanks to the workbench, you were more or less at eye level so you could put a hand on his cheek, your thumb stroking the scale-like skin, as he nuzzled into it. “I’m fine, my little warrior.” You reassured him.
You felt his clawed hand gently press against your stomach.
You chuckled. “Yes, your little mei’hswei is fine, too.” As if to confirm your words, your pup started to kick against his brother's hand. “See?”
Akail shook his head, the clicking sounds growing urgent.
You sighed. “I promise, as soon as we arrive home I will go to Cahrein. He will survey me to confirm that everything is fine.”
That seemed to soothe him as he nodded. “Good.”
You smiled up at him and cupped his cheeks to pull him closer so you could reach his forehead to place a gentle kiss there. He immediately started making a purring noise. You had to suppress a laugh at that reaction. Instead, the smile on your lips widened.
No matter how many trophies he owned, demonstrating he was a killing machine, no matter that he was the son of a clan leader, no matter that he was Blooded, showing his level of maturity — he was still your little boy who sometimes longed for the comfortable and safe embrace of his mother’s arms.
At this moment, Akail felt like he was set back into the time when he was just a pup. It actually happened every time his mother showered him with affection.
When he was a Youngling, barely reaching your hip, some of the Un-Blooded — all still immature and not yet careful with their words like teenagers in their puberty on Earth — had harassed him about his non-Yautja part even though he was the pure image of his father, no indicator that he was partly human.
Already in his young years, he had developed a need to protect you. As soon as even one of them mentioned either your name or the word ooman, he landed the first punch which had degenerated into a fight which he mostly lost with his smaller size and his little combat experience compared to theirs. He lied to you about how he got the injuries when you tended to them. He didn’t want to worry you, didn’t want to tell you how those stupid, thoughtless Un-Blooded had disrespected you.
As he grew older and bigger, his father training him hard, the harassment stopped and turned into more friendly, harmless teasing coming from his friends and those with whom he had trained for the initiation hunt. They didn’t dare to treat you any other way than the mate of the Clan Leader deserved to be treated — with respect, obedience, acceptance, and appreciation. You were who you were, but with the things you've done in your years since arriving on Yautja Prime, you'd proven yourself.
From his friends, he had learned that Yautja mothers stopped pampering their pups the second they touched a weapon to train to be hunters.
“Too much coddling and spoiling love made you soft.”
That’s what every Youngling grew up with, but here he was. He was one of the strongest, one of the most determined, and one of the most promising Yautja in his clan, maybe even on his planet. Expectations were high considering who his father was and he would one day be following in his huge (figurative) footsteps, which he hoped to eventually fill.
And all that with a human who never stopped showing him her motherly love since the day he was born.
He was proud you were his mother, thankful, never ashamed. He would never dare to feel any different about you, not when you had stood against all odds to carry him in your belly and fought against death to give birth to him. That made you stronger than any other Yautja mother and he would never think about trading you to be pureblooded.
While his father forged him into a great and powerful fighter, showed him to be strong-willed, hard-working, and brave — the typical journey for Yautja to become hunters and respectable members of a clan — you had taught him mercy, thoughtfulness, and compassion. You tried to teach him at least a few things that were of great value on Earth, things that demonstrated that his mixed genetic heritage made him much more diverse than others.
“I’m going to contact your father to tell him we will be home soon.” You suddenly said.
Akail stepped aside to make room for you to get off the working bench. He offered you a hand when you started to struggle with the height of it and gently helped you to get your feet on the solid metal ground of the ship. While you waddled to your quarters, he turned to the door leading to the cockpit to start the engines and finally get off this damn planet.
The ship was built in such a way that you didn't even feel it take off a few seconds later while you pressed the right buttons to reach your mate. With one hand on your stomach, you turned around and encountered the holographic image of Mi'ytiar being projected into the center of the room by a device built into the ceiling.
You let out a shaky but happy breath. “My love.” You greeted him with a relieved smile as he reached out to place his large hand on the side of your face, the palm on your cheek and his clawed fingers in your hair.
Normally you would lean into his touch, but since that hand was only a projection, you kept your head still to at least give him the illusion that you were standing in front of him.
You wished you were standing in front of him. You longed for him. You missed him so, so much.
You watched his beautiful eyes dart over your face and then to the strange cloth you were wearing, looking for any signs that indicated the blood on it was yours.
“Yawne, what happened?” He demanded, his voice hard but concerned.
You bit your lower lip, already anticipating his reaction.
Mi'ytiar was calm and composed when it came to sticky situations, but his temper quickly overwhelmed him when it came to you. Last time he had challenged an Elder of all people who simply had handled you with more strength than necessary, completely forgetting that humans were far frailer than his kind. It had been merely an accident, but it had turned into a disaster.
So the first thing you wanted to do was to reassure him as you said, “I’m fine.”
His mandibles flared, a hiss escaping his lips. “What happened?”
You sighed. “Humans. They captured Akail.” You wrapped your arms around yourself. “They used the control on his arm to find the ship.” You paused for a moment and sighed. “I left it for some fresh air. They found me outside and brought me to the same facility they took our son to.”
Predicting his answer, you forestalled him before he could even open his mouth. “No! Don’t say it.” You hissed.
Mi'ytiar straightened his slightly bent position towards you in surprise. He looked at you with his head cocked to his side, not breaking the intense eye contact.
After what felt like an eternity, he finally relented and lowered his head. The gesture always made you feel powerful. It meant submission; only with you, never others.
Proud of yourself, you squared your shoulders and held your head high.
Sometimes there were small disagreements between you and your mate, but instead of arguing, you both only looked at each other while a silent battle was fought between your gazes. Mi'ytiar always backed down first, secretly loving your dominance, but also cursing your stubbornness.
You were his Life Mate, the human female he treated as his equal. Completely fascinated and smitten by your softness and loving nature, he was wrapped around your finger and would bend to your will. You had a certain power over him and you loved it, knowing that a being like him was capable of acting this way.
“I know I should have listened to you. You told me to stay within the safety of the ship and I should have listened to you. But I didn’t and I put our pup in danger. I’m sorry, tanhì.” You admitted, looking up at him with wide, apologetic eyes.
“He freed himself and then me.” You answered, before adding in a whisper, “He killed everyone.”
His mandibles clicking, he said, “Good.” before eyeing the suit sullenly.
Mi'ytiar didn’t mind seeing you bloody. In fact, there had been times when the prey the two of you had been hunting together had bled all over you, which had aroused him to the point where he had just grabbed you and fucked you on the forest floor.
But he didn’t like this, not at all. The color wasn’t right. It was too red, too human. The possibility that it could be yours worried him far too much.
But it wasn’t yours. You had told him so and deep down he knew that, but it made him feel unsettled nonetheless.
In the meantime, you watched him and the hardly noticeable change in his eyes. He was very caring, something you loved the most about him, so you planned on putting him at ease when you reached behind you to open the suit. The light fabric slipped down your body and gathered at your feet. You stepped out of it and kicked it away with your foot.
Now you stood in front of him in all your naked glory. Your plan must have worked, because he didn’t hesitate to step forward and engulf your now much more visible stomach with his clawed hand. His infatuation with your pregnant body was beyond you.
Three months into your first pregnancy, a neighboring clan visited yours for feasts and a hunt. There you got to know a woman named Vulpine, the first human you ever met on Yautja Prime. She was soon to be mated with her Yautja who had only recently decided to commit himself fully to her, thus renouncing any sexual or even romantic relationship with other females. That’s how the concept of being Life Mates worked, after all.
You pestered her with questions. Not only how long she had been here, how she was coping with life on this strange planet and who her Yautja was, but also how he treated her in a pregnant state. Turns out, the only Yautja who was that infatuated with his mate being pregnant was Mi'ytiar.
Another thing was that he had been over the moon when you had finally voiced out your wish to carry his pup. He had taken such great care of you during your pregnancy, coddling you, literally hovering over you, not letting you out of his sight.
You had always wondered why he had been acting this way — maybe it was due to the fact that you were human and therefore you and your body were just different — but you never thought it was necessary to actually question him about it.
After a while you said, “We’ll be home soon, my love.”
“Good.” Mi'ytiar replied, nodding. “I will await you.”
And that’s what he did.
As soon as the ship landed, the ramp extended and the door opened, you saw Mi'ytiar standing there, waiting. You didn’t even hesitate to rush to him. He responded by lowering himself to one knee and reaching out to you, catching you when you threw yourself into his arms.
His mandibles clicked happily when he finally could touch you again and feel his unborn pup. He had missed you both so dearly. To be closer to his little one, he made himself even smaller, almost sitting on the floor, and pressed his forehead on your stomach while one hand rested on your hip and the other on the back of your thigh. Purring, he enjoyed the familiar closeness to his sweetling.
You were a mess, bursting with emotions — those goddamn pregnancy hormones — as you ran your fingers through his dreadlocks, felt their warmth and fleshy texture, and played with one of the golden rings Mi'ytiar used to style it, as you liked to call it.
While the two of you were completely engaged with each other, not caring what happened around you, you hadn't noticed how your son had also eventually left the ship to join the both of you.
“Father.” Akail greeted, announcing his presence.
Mi'ytiar lifted his head before pulling away from you to stand up. As was customary for Yautja, he placed a hand on Akail's shoulder in greeting and shook it slightly. Then he grabbed his son’s upper arms with his hands, Akail did the same, and they both put their foreheads together. They stayed like that for a moment before pulling away to talk.
You didn’t feel like you had to listen to them, so you didn’t, but you watched them with a smile. There stood your favorite people in the universe, your family, your whole world.
Soon, Mi'ytiar turned around and made his way back to you. Before you could say anything, he put one arm under your armpits and one under your knees, lifting you up. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he carried you away, knowing him to Cahrein, the healer.
You liked Cahrein and the feeling was mutual. He was responsible for tending to the wounded and sick, helped the females during their pregnancies and birth, provided ingredients, and maintained tools for the Medicomp when Yautja went on off-world hunts.
He was rather serious and professional, but you could see the curious excitement when Mi'ytiar first had brought you to him. You were a whole different species to him, something new he could learn about.
It was nothing unusual for your mate to accompany you on your check-ups, so Cahrein thankfully didn’t ask any questions, only saying a word when he confirmed what you had already told both, the father and brother of the pup — everything was fine.
That was all Mi'ytiar needed to know before he dragged you away and to your home where he shed you of your clothes and fucked you like a wild animal that was starved of your touch, sating his needs.
It felt like hours had passed when your sweaty and naked body slumped back against Mi'ytiar's torso, exhausted and fully satisfied. Mi'ytiar nuzzled into the hair on the back of your head.
While you were still trying to catch your breath, he regarded the bite mark he had left on your shoulder out of the corner of his eye. The sharp tips of his mandibles had broken into the skin on the front and back of your upper arm, your shoulder blade, and the spot of your chest where your heart was still beating frantically. Meanwhile, his teeth had dug into the edge of your shoulder, making it bleed.
You squirmed in his lap when he licked the dried blood to clean you.
When he was done, he gently took a hold of your hair to put it over your shoulder and out of the way. His eyes fixed on the second bite mark. This one he had placed on the nape of your neck. When he was done cleaning you there too, he chattered happily, proud that he had so evidently marked you as his own.
You tilted your head back to look at him. “What?”
“It never was able with other female.” He said, “Marking.”
You tensed at that before you lowered your head with your lips pressed together. You knew you were acting like a child when he placed his index and middle finger on your cheek to turn your head to look at him, but you stubbornly refused to do so. You even leaned forward to break the skin contact between your back and his torso. You had to bite your bottom lip to stifle a moan as his cock was still inside you, keeping his seed where it belonged. Even in its now soft state, it was still able to send pleasure down your spine.
Although you knew that only some Yautja were permanently bonded to each other and most of them had several mating partners, you had totally forgotten that he, of course, had been with other females before you. In fact, you had never really thought about it. The thought had never occurred to you as he had always been completely devoted to you.
Irrational jealousy took hold of you. Of course, it was completely normal for one’s partner to have been with others before you. That's how it worked on Earth, too. Nothing special, nothing unusual, and yet you hated it.
You had been 26 when Mi'ytiar took you with him. A year earlier you had broken up with a boy you had been dating for two years, and you had a few one-night stands before and after that. You had never cared about their former partners.
Now you did.
“What is it, yawne?”
“Nothing.” You mumbled, your lips twisted into a defiant pout. “It’s just… I never thought about other females having you like this.” You were still facing away from him as you continued, “It makes my blood boil knowing someone else has had you before me.”
A strange possessive feeling surged through you as you turned around to look him straight in the eye. “You are mine, only mine.” You said before turning back around, resulting in you not noticing him almost bursting with pride.
You were lost in your thoughts, completely missing his low, rumbling laugh. He thought you were adorable like this, secretly wallowing in your possessiveness. It made him happy, knowing he was able to elicit such feelings from you.
The next thought you voiced out was one you had back in the days when you still felt unworthy as the Life Mate of the great Mi'ytiar. “It makes me question why you chose me of all people to be bound to you forever and to bear you pups, something I never even thought would be possible. They easily could have given them to you.”
Now that you said it out loud, you realized one thing in horror — pups.
Pups with other females. His pups with other females. His pups with someone that wasn’t you. How did you never think about that too?! He never had mentioned them, not that you knew, but if…
“They could not.” Mi'ytiar interrupted your panicking thoughts.
“What?” You turned your upper body to look at him, his honest eyes looking back.
With his help, you fully turned around in his lap to face him without losing the closest, most intimate connection you both still had; between your legs. He placed his hands on your waist to pull you as close as your stomach would allow.
“I provide for clan in many ways. I am leader. I lead, I protect and I care for them. It is honorable to strengthen clan with pups. Only my seed never took. No female carried my pup. It was shameful to not provide clan with pups. Especially as leader.”
He paused to play with a loose strand of your hair. His fascination with it wasn’t something you couldn’t quite understand, but you didn’t mind.
“When you and I met, you was what I wanted. Objections were made when I dedicated my being to you, but I did not care. I could not provide with pups anyway.” He told you. “I forgot about them. I only wanted you, yawne.”
“I only wanted you, too.” You replied, smiling up at him. “Do you remember when we became Life Mates and you introduced me to a group of females so they could teach me more about the planet, the clan, the dynamics in it, and such? They taught me all the things the mate of a clan leader needed to know.”
One of those had been the mating act. You laughed quietly when you thought back to your reaction as they told you that fighting for submission was something like foreplay to them. First, the male had to succeed before the mating act could start. It certainly explained why Mi'ytiar had been confused the first time you had sex.
The affection and trust you had for him had been finally big enough that you decided to get involved with him in a more intimate way. Until then he had waited for you to give him permission to mate with you. You would never have credited him with such patience, but you hadn’t been the only one who had learned about his kind. While you took your time to get used to your new life, he had also learned about humans.
Not enough apparently because he had looked at you in astonishment like you were broken when you had just let him take off your clothes — clothing that was based on the Yautja style, made of leather, fur and, after a short trip back to Earth, thankfully also soft cotton — and you let him manhandle you.
But you did snap at him when he had been too rough and you had needed more time to get used to this new feeling. After your first time together it was your turn to teach a Yautja about you; about the female body and what it needed before he could ravish you, how he could pleasure it and take care of it.
“One of the females was pregnant at that time.” You continued, “And I wanted that, too. I wanted to carry your pup.”
“And you did, yawne.” Mi'ytiar purred. “Made me so happy when you told me you wanted my pup.” He turned your body to sit sideways on his lap, so he could pull you in with one hand for a cuddle while the other rested on your belly. “You gave what no female could. Proof I am not failure.” He nuzzled into the side of your head. “You are parul, my miracle.”
You opened your mouth to tell him that of course he wasn't a failure, but you closed it again, deciding to let him have his moment. Instead, you put your hand on the back of his head and pulled him closer to you.
You both fell into a comfortable silence, only his purring filled the air.
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continue with the third part He Shan't Lose
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k2ssland · 1 year
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connie springer found himself crushing on one of his pretty little college girl clients . . . it started when you discovered him through a mutual on campus who deemed he produced the best quality weed in the area and in addition, he was undeniably sexy. curiosity swarmed your mind to see if the weed he was really all that.
even though you rarely indulged in smoking—the only times being for anxiety relief, you got his number and worked up the courage to text. agreeing on a time for his delivery, you sat on your porch, heart pounding through your chest while anticipating his arrival. and he pulled up a little after twelve-thirty am blasting xavier wulf, disturbing all your poor sleeping neighbors. nervously approaching his coupe as he rolled his five percent tinted window down simultaneously lowering the music to a normal level.
"yo, what you doin' buyin' from me, lil' college girl?" was the first thing the brunette-headed beauty said to you. connie's hazel eyes shamelessly trace your plush brown skin body from your fresh goddess braids to the white painted toes in your christian dior sandals.
immediately, his masculine musk mixed with marijuana swarmed your nose and overstimulated your senses making you dizzy. connie leaned back comfortably in his seat and no seat belt in sight, he now tucked his hands into his grey nike sweats, revealing the inseam of his red psds and a glimpse of his perfectly sculpted abdomen. tattoo sleeves ran up both of his muscular arms all the way to his chest.
"the others at yo school usually want rocks, but it's only green ova here." he spoke in a deep tone with a slightly foreign accent, licking his plump cotton candy lips after speaking and slightly showing the blinged-out grills secured to his teeth.
"boy, what the hell? i'm not here for cocaine, that's not what my people do." distraught and snapped out of your daydream by his reply, you painted an almost disgusted look on your face and his laughter erupted throughout the car.
between his laughter, he subtly apologized and continued on with the deal. you apprehensively played it off as you had a big test the following day and simply needed something to calm your nerves, knowing damn well you just wanted to see the infamous sexy dealer in your college town up close.
"oh, word? that's wassup mami. te deseo buena suerte."
he slid an extra ounce in your bag and shrugged it off as a miscount, but the real reason simply being that he was enticed by your beauty. a few days later, before you even finished what you already had, you called him up for another eighth just so you could see his gorgeous face again.
after delivering to you numerous times, he finally asked you out on his version of a date, which was matching in front of a breathtaking view, talking about aliens n conspiracy theories, and after, treating you to whatever munchies craving you possessed.
eventually, connie cautiously opened you up to his world, sometimes allowing you to accompany him on his late-night deliveries whenever you had insomnia. it was definitely different from what you'd known, you wondered to yourself how you, the girl who completely devoted herself to her school, producing top-of-the-line grades, came from a supportive and loving family, ended up skipping class to ride passenger princess in a sexy drug dealer's bmw who knew nothing but the streets.
you knew it was bad and so did he, you two had no business being together, but it was just something about you—something about him.
from you being so oblivious to his street slang and always following up with, "um connie . . . what does that mean?" and vice versa, the way you articulated words only captivated him more, asking you to educate him on their meanings and slowly applying them to his lingo. he admired how you spoke properly regardless of your black friends accusing you of being white-washed because of your pwi.
eventually, he taught you how to weigh his loads, putting your own touch on them by packaging them into pink plastic baggies with their name, amount, and a heart around it.
"mami, they gon' think i went all soft and shit now," is what he told you every time regardless of him finding it adorable.
he thought your innocence and intelligence were alluring and for your sake, he knew he should've kept it strictly professional business, but he wanted to ruin you.
his aspiration only grew larger after one night, participating in a mini competition amongst yourselves to see who would tap out first while smoking as many blunts as possible.
your deep brown eyes were low n red after two, ready to quit due to the feeling of immense drowsiness. feeling as if you were on another planet, you brazenly confessed a few secrets of yours before falling asleep in his arms—one being that you had never had sex before. the thought of connie popping your sweet cherry made him brick up instantly. he would’ve took you right then and there in the backseat of his car, but he wanted you to be completely conscious for it.
teaching you his ways was only the beginning, not only did he want to corrupt your mind, he desired to take over your entire body like a vicious plague.
you sheepishly admitted that being in his scene terrified you but he assured you, "i promise nothin' will happen to you as long as you wit me, mamacita."
he later conceded to you that he was always strapped with his glock-19 and in a way, that made him even sexier. he pulled the weapon out of his baggy sweats and laid it on his lap for you to comprehend. you blurted out asking if he had ever used it on someone.
"ignorance is bliss, ain’t that right, bae?” giving you a small smile alongside a chuckle, continuing on with his delivery route as if nothing happened.
he dropped you home later that night and it was spent under your baby pink silk sheets, one hand tightly resting on your breast, the other rubbing over your aching clit. soft mewls of his name escaped your lips while fantasizing about him holding his loaded gun to your head, finger just shy of the trigger as he fucked you dumb. you messily came undone all over yourself and from that day on, your worries about safety never resumed.
the next thing you knew, connie's plan had you exactly where he wanted you to be. his big body hovering over your adorably small one in comparison and looking down upon you hungrily with low bloodshot eyes, making you indecisive of if the sight was sexy or terrifying, or both.
legs spread onto the dip of his buff shoulders, gold anklet dangling in his face and his precum-soaked tip aimed at your entrance. it was everything you had fantasized about; thick, circumcised, and pretty. veins protruding from the base to his baby pink tip, the same color as your thong he pulled aside.
"wait! wait—connie, before you continue, i need to tell you something.” the fear was evident in your eyes, shakily placing your small chubby hand on his toned lower stomach to avoid him proceeding further.
"oh, that you're a virgin?"
"wait, wait what?" eyes widening, your brows lowering with confusion.
"you do lots of talkin' when you're high, but even without you tellin' it was obvious." his copper eyes briefly shifted towards the chastity ring that never left your finger.
"fuck you, connie."
"oh yea? fuck me, baby? nah, fuck you."
audibly gasping at the sudden aggressive shift into your slit and taking in all of his inches. a smug grin painting his face once he watches the pretty virgin trying to adjust to his length, the stretch embarrassingly being nearly unbearable for you.
"t'hurts," your brown irises rolling to the depths of your skull and he needily bucked his hips against you, balls deep inside of your pussy, slapping against the fat of your ass with no remorse.
“c–connie it’s t’much . . . i can’t.” while gripping onto the sheets as if your life depended on it, light tears swell your sweet doe eyes and your eyelashes meeting with your flushed cheeks from tightly clenching your eyes shut. your pussy crying for him as well, coating his cock with sticky cream ring.
"awn you can't take it, baby? i thought it was fuck me though, right?" he purred in a condescending tone, his russet eyes narrowing before increasing his pace, watching the way your pussy swallowed his dick whole.
"m'sorry . . . connie, m'so so sorry, please."
"m'so sorry," connie embarrassingly mocks your tone creating nearly the same pitch as your shaky voice. his veiny hand wrapped around your neck restricting your breath to a minimum and making you dizzy while soft mewls slithered out of your lips, pain mixing with a foreign feeling of pleasure.
"actin' so innocent all the damn time n yet here you are, pretty pussy creamin' all over my dick." his words spilling from his lips like an addictive poison to your brain.
"ease up f'me princesa, with you clenchin' like that m'not gonna last long." connie's voice coos in your ear as he positions your legs all the way over his shoulders to allow him to plant harsh kisses on your bruised cervix to where you couldn't think straight. gripping your plush thick body in the sweaty palms of his hand and squirming underneath his weight. the room filled with lewd sloppy squelching noises from your pussy suctioned onto the length of his shaft.
your short french tip nails dug into his sweat-glistened skin leaving crescent moons behind and you weren't even fighting back anymore, you embraced it. nuzzling into his chest and wrapping your hands around his neck as he thrusts inside of your tummy.
"oo my gosh, connie. m'gonna cum." your arch faltering, yearning for the sweet release that doing it yourself could never fulfill. his hips angled directly at your sweet spot sending warm n fuzzy shocks through your body.
his dick twitched inside of you and you knew he was close as well based off of his sloppier thrusts. so pussy drunk from your sopping cunt he didn't even hear you talking, he just continued with his pace.
your core tightened and the utmost sensational orgasm ripped out of you. it only took a few more weak strokes to lead to his thick sticky ribbons of goo shooting inside of you and painting your walls completely white.
"connie . . . do drug dealers have hookups to plan b's too?"
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© 𝐊𝟐𝐒𝐒𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐃 ─ all rights reserved. do not translate. plagiarize, or repost any of my works to alternative sites, tumblr included.
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mattslolita · 2 months
teddy bear - m. & c. sturniolo ( 001. )
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in which ... after the haunting and fatality of the ghostface killers who made you their final girl, they come back for you.
( ghostface!matt x black!fem!reader x ghostface!chris )
warnings ; death , gore , stalker behavior , possessive behavior , eventual smut , ghostface!matt , stalker!matt , possessive!chris , ghostface!chris , angst , blood & knives , final girl!reader
"𝒉𝒐𝒘 𝒅𝒊𝒅 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒃𝒆𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒔𝒐 𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒍𝒆𝒏𝒕?"
( ^ this playlist is for the wattpad version of this fic ! if you are interested in reading it, my wattpad is : faerieribs )
⋆ ˚。⋆୨🧸🔪୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨🧸🔪୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨🧸🔪୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨🧸🔪୧⋆ ˚。⋆
it was as if she was foreign, an alien even — y/n felt aliented to those around her now. it was like as if a switch caused everyone to look at her differently, or rather not at all. she felt like some kind of monster among the normality of everyone.
the only people who y/n did not feel like a stranger to were nicolas and nathan — of course, unfortunately they'd been dragged into what's happened to her even though it was the last thing she expected or wanted to happen.
she was still surprised that marylou even still wanted the girl within vicinity of the remainder of her family — those being nicolas, her husband jimmy, and her oldest son justin who had moved away a while ago. nevertheless, she still treated the girl like the daughter she never had. and y/n felt guilty, because two of her sons were no longer with her due to what she blamed herself for.
but how was y/n supposed to know the horror of what matthew and christopher were capable of?
she inhales deeply as she accidentally squeezes nick's arm too tightly when they arrive at somerville high school — he gives her a reassuring expression, squeezing her hand that was in his.
"i doubt anyone's gonna give you a hard time," nate says to y/n, shrugging his shoulders, "we can always ditch first too, if-"
"nate, you just want an excuse not to go to class," y/n laughs dryly, causing the boy to roll his eyes playfully. sure it wasn't the best laugh she could muster, but nate still liked the sound.
"we're right here with you," nick reminds y/n, as they walk towards the front of the school. "if they stare, i'll stare right the fuck back."
"thank you," y/n says quietly.
there's already students milling around the school, most people just waiting for classes to start. they're scattered about the area, gossiping and talking aimlessly. but y/n could already sense it before it happened — as if on cue, heads turned when the three of them begin to slowly make their way towards the front entrance.
people stare. 
y/n wants to hide out under a rock, because she can't take the looks of either pity or disgust she received. she swallowed thickly as she tried to ignore the people icing her out, but y/n could feel her hands become clammy as she walked on. she felt like a zombie walking amongst the living.
"i can't believe she came back," someone whispers, staring the girl down, "and how are they still friends with her?"
nick's head is quick snap towards the girl's direction, and he gives her a cold glare that causes her to zip her lips as the three continue to walk inside of the school grounds. thankfully enough, not many people seemed to be occupying the lockers which bianca was assigned to, so the three of them hurriedly made their way towards it.
"i swear i was seconds away from punching that junior's nose," nate said, shaking his head as he looked at y/n, "this is gonna get old really fuckin' fast."
"i don't think i'll ever get used to it," y/n says bitterly, opening her locker. she took out her books needed for her first four classes, then she shoved her bag into it. "guys i don't think we ever went over our schedules."
"oh fuck, i forgot about that," nick says, reaching for his paper inside of his bag, "here's mine."
nate fishes his own out of his backpack, then the three of them hold theirs up to each other — great. y/n only shares her third period with nate, then her fifth and sixth with nick. she frowns at her elective on her paper : she was a cheerleader. last year, y/n would see matt and chris at practice whilst she and her squad went over new routines or even old ones, and she remembered when they would chat when they took breaks. a gulp rode down her throat as tears almost prick her eyes at the memory, but she forces it to the back of her mind.
the inside lockers start to fill up, and y/n could feel multiple eyes on her as they're passing by her. it's almost time for the bell to rang, but y/n wishes that she could just hide in the bathroom for the rest of her senior year — no need in sitting in seven classes a day filled with people who would inevitably never look at her the same way.
she would never stop blaming herself for what happened on october thirty first of last year.
the bell rang, and y/n knew it was time to face reality unfortunately — nate gives her an apologetic smile as he shoves his schedule back in backpack.
"remember to text me y/n/n, i'll be down," nate reminds her, and she chuckles lightly as he gives her shoulder a reassuring squeeze, "i'll see you guys later."
nick turns to y/n, his gaze concerned as he looks over her. "you're gonna be okay? you sure you don't want me to switch any of my classes?"
"absolutely not, nick," y/n says sternly, "if you switch anything it'll probably fuck up photography and i'm not risking it."
"bitch i'm like the only person in it," nick reminds her, causing her to grin and let out a small giggle. "but if you say so."
"i promise i'll be fine," y/n tells her best friend with a nod of confirmation, "i don't need to be babysat."
"you know i'm not trying to do that," nick said with raised eyebrows, "i just wanna make sure people don't make you uncomfortable."
"they'll do it regardless," y/n laughs bitterly, "i'll text you if i need you, okay?"
"you better," nick says, giving her a pointed look before pulling her into a quick hug, "love you, see you later."
"love you too," y/n tells him, and he gives her one last smile before he walks in the opposite direction.
she inhales a deep breath as she starts walking in the direction of her first class of the day — nobody's giving her a break. she receives so many looks and she has the urge to just tell everyone to fuck themselves, because they didn't know the half of it. the permanent image burned into her psyche forever, they didn't have even an inkling of a fucking clue.
the universe must've completely had it out for her, because her first class was trigonometry — oddly enough, she usually loved math. it was one of her strongest subjects. but then memories of helping chris with anything math related plagued her mind, and she accidentally remembered a day in specific and it made her want to throw up when she remembered the exact date.
a few students had already sat down in their seats, and as soon as y/n walked in everyone's eyes shot up towards her. she tries to ignore the lingering stare from a junior who has a sneer on his face as she sits in the spot closest to the window, not bothering to look around her.
instead, she looks outside towards the corridor with her hand under her chin, surveying the small huddle of a few students as they sit along the brick wall. it reminds her of her old group, and how they used to spend their free period enjoying each other's company.
a tear almost threatens to escape y/n's eyes until the loud ring of the final bell snaps her back into reality — when she turns around, she sees the three seats on either sides of her are all unoccupied, as if everyone has chose to purposely avoid her. very few people give her a pitiful expression, but it does nothing to help the blossoming feeling of dread that lingers in her chest as she slumps down in her seat.
the teacher, mr. christensen quickly hushes the chatter coming from the students, whilst y/n remains quiet and instead looks towards the man with a dull expression painting her features. "good morning class, i'm mr. christensen. i taught p.e. last year so some of you might remember me. i see a few new faces though, so welcome to trigonometry."
y/n remembers mr. christensen and the welcoming speech he gave last year, so she allows herself to tune out of it as she stares ahead blankly. unfortunately for her, her mind wanders back to the memory of how things were.
before halloween of last year. 
she longed for things to go back to how they were before, but she knew that would never be possible. all she could do was blame herself continuously for allowing herself to be fooled into thinking they could be innocent.
the dark, crimson blood that stained their faces as sadistic smiles painted the once innocent expressions...
but were they ever really innocent in the first place?
at the end of trig, mr. christensen had pulled y/n to the side to talk to her about the resources the school provides as far as counselors are concerned. of course she didn't want to be rude, so she just smiled meekly and thanked the man, but her honest opinion? no amount of counseling could help y/n help to forget all that's happened to her.
she texted nate to meet her in the hallway at her lockers before they got to their third period, which was spanish II — they both took it together last year, and both were grateful since they pretty much helped each other out.
as y/n walks down the hallway towards her locker, it seems like people are staring at her now more than ever. she inhales deeply as she continues, looking ahead of her to spot her locker. she does, but there's a small crowd gathered around it when she gets even closer.
when they see y/n getting closer as she approaches them, they disperse quickly. when y/n finally reaches her locker, she lets out a small gasp at blood red, capitalized letters that are spray painted in graffiti on her grey locker,
her eyebrows furrow before she hangs her head in defeat — in hindsight, there was a chance that whoever put this was probably right; it was almost as if she was kept alive to retell the story, to live it down for the rest of her life.
"who the fuck did it?" nate's voice booms angrily as he reaches y/n, looking around at the people as y/n is reluctant to tear her eyes away from her locker. "you alright, y/n/n?"
"i'm fine," y/n answers dryly, her voice barely above a whisper as her throat runs dry. she nods her head, but still cannot tear her eyes away from the letters that stare so boldly at her.
"i'm gonna ask again, who the fuck wrote this?" nate asks people who still continue to watch.
he receives a few 'no's', but not an answer he's satisfied with yet, until a sophomore steps up towards the two shakily, looking back and forth in between y/n and nate. "um, i saw it when i went to the bathroom during second period. i didn't see who wrote it. i'm sorry that they did."
y/n turns to the sophomore girl, giving her a genuine small smile as she nods to her. "thank you for telling me."
"of course," the girl says, this time her voice is softer and more prominent. y/n searches her face for any type of sarcasm, but she finds nothing but a pure sweetness within her. 
"somebody did this while everybody was in class, then," nate concludes, turning to face y/n, "should we tell the principal about this? you know he said if anyone bothered you or-"
"actually nate, it's okay," y/n tells him, looking at him as she lets out a sigh. "if we're being honest, people are gonna say shit no matter what. so i don't really care about this."
"are you sure?" nate asks her once more, his expression laced with concern. y/n hated it.
"i swear i am," y/n tells him again, "now can we get to class? you know how ms. murphy gets when anyone's late to her class."
"remember in the first quarter last year when i was late that one time and she made me do two puzzles with spanish adverbs?" nate recalled, and for the first time that day, she lets out a real giggle at the memory.
"we were up till almost eleven that night because you bribed me with money," y/n snorts, as the two begin to walk down the hallway. "you're gonna have to start figuring this shit out on your own, nate."
"yeah yeah kid, i know," nate says, shaking his head.
the nickname rang in her head, taking her way back to the night everything changed.
( lilly's corner 💌 )
this was supposed to posted AFTER i hit 2k on here, but i already hit 2k on wattpad and i'm impatient so ☺☺☺☺☺ shoutout to my angel @mattluvr u were one of the first to see😝
the way i just basically changed out y/n & the oc's name for the wattpad version...ANYWAY ! hope y'all enjoy this fic ! lots of love to you, muah. 💌
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bones4thecats · 4 months
Having Children With Their Fem! S/O
Characters: Aku, Father, Vilgax and Lord Garmadon Inspired By: Random Thoughts A/N: I know that a couple of these characters either don't like kids or just feel basically nothing for them, but this is just something I had to write! ⚠️ Spoilers/Trigger Warnings for: Operation Zero and the Lego Ninjago Series and mentions of abandonment and divorce ⚠️
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»»—————————————-   Aku  —————————————-««
👹 Aku prided himself on being a heartless being made of consistent darkness. But, when it came to you, his longtime wife who was created by a similar amount of energy, he was fairly fair
👹 He has always been focused on furthering his rule of the pathetic mortals in which he despised to the point where it led to him having seven girls with a woman called the High Priestess, though it was with his magic, he did not do anything disgusting in his opinion with her
👹 Despite knowing he felt nothing towards the woman and only viewed the girls as his personal soldiers, you couldn't help but feel inferior to the Priestess, she has done something that you possibly never could with Aku. Though, you did treat the girls as your own, since their mother seemingly could care less
👹 The one thing that made Aku think of having children with you was seeing you pick up a small group of baby aliens from a clan that wished to be relocated to Earth and begin to tickle them with one of your long claw-shaped fingers
👹 As the aliens left after hearing their conditions of living on his and your planet, Aku looked to you and motioned for you both to return to your personal chambers, which you did willingly and without fear
"My yang, I noticed how you looked at those young Vadaquians with a... warm and wholesome stare. That is completely unlike the lovingly evil woman I married and pledged loyalty too. So, if I may question, what is your issue?"
👹 You sighed and lowered your shoulders before shifting into a tortoise and hiding yourself inside of your shell before announcing it was dumb and he could just not bother himself with your issues
"Y/N, you're my wife of hundreds of years. I decided myself if I wanted to handle your thoughts and worries when I laid that shadow-bonding ring around your finger. Now, what is it your worried about?"
"It's just... you know the girls. I just... I want something like that."
"And that can be arranged with swift ease."
"Wait- really? You'd do that for me?"
"I would do anything for the woman who allows me to feel something other than hatred."
👹 And that he did. Just 9 months after the events of Samurai Jack's return and renewing the top-hunted foe to be the time-traveled man, you welcomed a young boy, whom Aku named Oni
👹 You smiled and lightly ran your hands against the baby's long trio set of horns that matched his fathers as his large pure-white eyes opened with tiny specks of white fire erupting from them. When it came to appearance, he took after his father, though your color scheme popped more than the Shogun of Sorrow's
"Ah, there is my little boy and woman!"
"And there is my stubborn husband."
"Hey now! Don't get me wrong, I wanted to be here for the special event, but I needed to get that Samurai fool out of my way again. He almost found the portal back to his time, and if he does..."
"Oni doesn't live..."
"Correct. This is all for him, and us, and I suppose his sisters and their mother."
👹 Chuckling as your baby began to shift his way to his father, the demonic being allow him to sit on his horns, giggling as he acted like the man he has observed for the past few weeks over the small portal that showed him and Jack's fight, but mainly him
"He will be the perfect next generational heir, don't you think?"
"Yes. I do, Aku."
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»»———————- Benedict 'Father' Wigglestein ———————-««
🔥 It was no secret that your husband was far from a child-guy. He constantly provided evidence that he hated kids beyond any kind of recognition. He even hated the children that you two were forced to adopt
🔥 When Benedict married you, he laid it out plain as day that he never planned on having children, and you wholeheartedly accepted that
🔥 But, ever since the Delightful Children from Down the Lane joined your family and therefore home, you began to crave having an actual family. One not bounded by a Delightfulization-Chamber, but by blood and the love you two shared for one another
🔥 And while it was easy to think this all without saying it out-loud, even beginning to wonder about how he would reply was enough to make you want to curl up into a ball and stay there forever
🔥 Thankfully the sound of a five-way synchronized knock allowed you to be free of your thoughts. And you merely sat up from your desk and called to the children to come on inside
"Good afternoon, Mother. Father wishes your presence in his office."
🔥 You smiled at the kids and gave them each a pat on their heads before allowing them to walk to their rooms and get ready for bed. Once each of their doors closed you grabbed your husband's notebook, suspecting that was what he needed
🔥 He has a bad habit of leaving stuff in your room. Honestly he needs a better sleep schedule (not me scolding him when I barely sleep😐)
🔥 While the door to his office opened, you took a deep breath and readied yourself, hoping that his day wasn't filled with a ton of disappointments. You may be his wife, but his anger was something not even you could escape
🔥 You noticed that there was a lack of anything on fire, so, you took the chance to make some small chit-chat while your husband worked away on some papers and beckoned with his hand for you to hand him his notes
"My dear, I've been wondering how your day's been."
"It's been decent, better than normal thankfully."
"Well... there is one thing I've been meaning to speak to you about, if you don't mind-"
"If the children have done something, I swear to-"
"No! No, no! The children have done perfectly well since the last incident. It's just... oh nevermind, it's nothing that important."
🔥 Benedict went from staring intently at his paperwork to looking at your seemingly guilt-ridden face and his yellow eyes narrowed, which was prominent from the darkness of his suit
"Y/N, everything you say is important to me. Well, as long as it has nothing to do with random cravings, because those have been getting worse and worse over the past few days."
"Yeah, about that..."
"I mean, you're acting like how Monty would call and describe his wife when she was pregnant with his boy."
🔥 Oh this was pointless. Reaching into the pocket of your black hoodie that Ben gifted you for your birthday just days prior, you pulled out a small box and laid it down in front of him
"What's this for?"
"Just- open it, please."
"Is this a... pregnancy test? Oh sweet sasperilla, you're pregnant?! But I- we..."
"I understand that you aren't fond of children, so we don't have to have them if you don't want to."
"Do... you want the child?"
"I would prefer to give them a shot at life than to not."
"Then... okay. We can have the child... if you want too. This shouldn't only be my choice, it should also be yours. I may hate children to a degree but, I cannot hate you and your choices."
"Thank you."
"Yeah, yeah. Now, if it's a boy, can we name it Benedict Wigglestein III?"
🔥 The sound of the collected family in the hospital's main room rung freely as the members of the Uno Family and the Wigglestein Family all wondered how you were doing in the delivery room. Ever since your screams stopped, Monty couldn't help but fear you were hurt to the point of possible surgery
🔥 All of a sudden, his brother walked out of the doors with a mixture of both traumatized and happiness written on his face, though it was mainly in his eyes
"Ben? How's Y/N and the baby?"
"I... I have twins..."
"Wait- twins?! Aw! A boy and a girl?"
🔥 Monty smiled at his wife before ushering his brother back into your room and patting his shoulder in assurance. And he couldn't help but chuckle as his brother walked into the room where you and your children no doubt were
🔥 He couldn't be anymore proud of him
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»»—————————————- Vilgax —————————————-««
🐙 While living for many years as a Warlord was something that many only viewed your husband as being, it was his closest allies and people that saw who he was outside of his work; a loyal and caring husband
🐙 As a member of the Chimera Sui Generis species, training for battle was a big part of your childhood. And when you first met your future spouse by training to be top-servers of your planet, he was smitten
🐙 Overtime you witnessed the destruction and new colonization of planets. And since you serves as his right-hand, Vilgax and you would see many types of families, the most common being fathers, mothers and their children
🐙 And seeing the male and female members of the army grow and expand with their families adding more members, you couldn't help but wonder; would this ever happen for you and Vilgax?
🐙 Normally he was busy with his work, so getting a decent time to speak one-on-one with your husband was hard. Nonetheless trying to talk about something so important to both you and your lives together
🐙 You were beginning to lose faith in actually talking to him, but when one of Vilgax's best men came inside of the control room you turned around and recognized him to be the one who always guarded the emergency medic and doctor's zone of the ship
"What is it you need, Soldier Axiomar?"
"Doctor Xiliv has requested her for a quick check-up, since she has been complaining of some stomach issues as of late."
"Alright. Would you like me to accompany you, Y/N?"
"I think I'll be alright... really."
🐙 Giving you a kiss on the forehead, Vilgax focused back on the coordinates of their way to Earth. You just nodded to Axiomar as he lead you to the medical room where Xiliv was waiting
🐙 Deep inside as you sat on the frequently cleaned chair, you knew what the Doctor and Medic were going to say
"Your highness, it appears that you- well."
"I know."
"Do you want us to tell Lord Vilgax or not?"
"He'll find out either way, but I'll tell him, it just makes it easier for me."
🐙 As the large alien walked through the halls to his and your shared quarters, he wondered why you had been acting far more nervous and weary throughout the rest of the day. Maybe you had some kind of illness?
🐙 The sound of the doors opening and closing behind your form made you spin around quick. And Vilgax merely chuckled, from calm and composed to having their guard-up in no time. You really were a soldier by heart
"Y/N. What is it you needed to speak about? It better not be something I cannot fix. Because that would be near impossible. I would destroy the galaxy for you."
"It's no illness. Unless you consider a child an illness."
"Pardon, a what?"
🐙 Despite his initial hesitation in being a father and raising a young Chimera Sui Generis, but after gaining advice from some of his closest allies, some would say friends, he gained the extra bravery to face the next step in life with you
🐙 He stood beside your bed as you chuckled at the sight of your baby girl. Long tentacles in the shape of elongated human hair, a small, pink wrap being around her as her tiny red eyes blinked while giggles rang through the room
"She's beautiful."
"Just like you, love."
"What should we name her?" Doctor Xiliv asked.
"How about Shaviv? It means ray of life."
"It's perfect."
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»»——————————-  Lord Garmadon  ——————————-««
🌋 This guy has never seen himself as an ideal parent. I mean, he literally was bitten by a serpent that made him an evil tyrant in the end and he didn't take a part in his son growing up due to his unfortunate incident
🌋 And while he praises himself on not being the man he once was before, there was always a lingering bit in his heart that stayed away from being corrupted. A piece of the old Garmadon in there. Hidden away
🌋 Over time he switched from evil to good, and that was how he met you
🌋 You were the sister of Ray, the previous Master of Fire before Kai took up the mantle. Growing up with Ray meant you were also trained in the art of being a ninja, though it was with the element of light that you controlled and not fire
🌋 Over the time of them being missing, you raised your niece, Nya, and nephew, Kai, and helped Garmadon's brother, Wu, train them and their friends. And as the serpent-bitten male grew into darker habits, you remained a beckon that he couldn't help but admire
🌋 Once he redeemed himself and helped fight against many enemies alongside you and the kids, he began to get close to both you and your old friend/next-door neighbor, Vinny Folson. And let's just say that the closeness evolved beyond simple friendship
🌋 While Misako was reluctant to accept Garmadon had another lover, she noticed just how caring you were and she began to bond with you with her ex-husband and son. In fact, she was the one to ask if you two were planning on taking the next step from just marriage to having children, much to you and his fluster
🌋 After the incident of the question with Misako. Garmadon told Vinny that you two would be out for a few days and that if he needed something, he could call. And as you two began to travel to a remote and well-taken-care-of cabin just outside of Ninjago, he began to let out a small amount of chit-chat
"Hey, Y/N... I have a question."
"What is it?"
"With what Misako said yesterday... at dinner. I was wondering if- you know."
"If I wanted kids?"
"Yeah... and I understand if you wouldn't! I'm not the best guy to have children with, just ask my ex-wife."
🌋 Spinning his head to look at you, Garmadon watched you with observant eyes as you smiled gently and held his hand with one of yours and his face with the other. And he smiled as you nodded, small tears pricking his eyes as you laid your forehead upon one another's
🌋 The sound of cries erupting from a woman's hands made the people sitting in the waiting room look up in surprise and slight glee. Seven of the large group looked at the nurse and she took them all back, warning them that you would probably need some space
"Is that..."
"It is. Everyone, meet Nisshoku."
"Aw! I have a nephew now! Let's go!"
"Shut it, Ray."
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flagellant · 1 year
imagine you're born and your parents love you but youre born wrong. not anyones fault. sometimes it happens. except it doesnt matter whose fault it is, you were born wrong, and your parents love you but the world hates and fears you. even as a child. you grow up in this world which sees you as disgusting and evil and a bad omen and you have no one around who can tell you otherwise in any meaningful way. your parents try and help but they cant imagine the things you're going through. you're like a deep-sea fish to them. completely foreign. utterly alien.
this whole world wants you dead and so you say, fine, if i can never be seen as anything but evil then i will choose to embrace it rather than fight it. except you're just a teenager. and you aren't evil. so what you end up doing is hating yourself for being evil (you aren't) and anyway you're terrified that the world wants you and everyone like you dead so you begin finding some comfort in the dead. you learn necromancy both as armor and weapon. finally you feel like you aren't powerless but you're still so lonely.
so your parents couldnt help but youve heard so many stories and legends of your grandmother who also knows magic and you hope beyond hope that maybe if you go to her she can understand you and help you except you meet her and she's angry and mean and grumbling about how her son raised you badly. the only times you hear her praise you is when you discover that despite all your wishes, you are actually extremely good at separating men's ghosts from their bodies. you kill people well and get praised for it and nobody seems to notice or maybe not care that you aren't exactly okay with this and aren't doing well.
rephrase: one guy notices. and he is the nicest guy you have ever met. perhaps even the nicest guy on the whole planet. just the most terrifyingly nicest guy. and he keeps calling you his friend and being nice to you and you're cringing away from him like a dog thats been hit too many times because there is no way that this is actually who he is. real people don't act like he does. real people aren't always nice like he is. it's a trick and you won't fall for it, and anyway, even if he is actually this nice, you don't know how to deal with that even a little bit because if people like him exist then where were they? where were they when you were a child, where were they when you were a teenager? nice things don't get to happen to people like you. you aren't going to fall for it, because if people could be really as nice as you, they would have come before you were this badly wounded. how dare you come to me when i am this and all.
anyway then you try to save a nine year old who was born wrong like you from an adult tormenting and torturing her. and you fail and the nine year old dies and after going through shock you raise her corpse to speak with it and you just confirm to yourself that yeah. yeah, no, you don't get to have nice things. you're only good at one thing and it's death, not life. because if you're good at anything other than death then that just means you werent good enough at life when it actually mattered most.
anyway this was session one for my new bg3 boy and oh boy its all going downhill in the most luscious of ways!
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robbinghisdick · 14 days
"Good afternoon, baby boy!" Wade cheerily greets, swinging himself over the back of the couch and dropping himself hard into Logan's lap. The older man grunts slightly, but doesn't push Wade off as the man pulls up his mask just enough to plant an exaggerated kiss on his cheek. "Where have you been all day?"
Now that he had gotten a good look at Logan's face... something was off.
Logan was quiet for a moment, considering. "Well, you know how I've been feeling sick lately?" He asked. Pain was nothing new for him. The weight of his bones and poison from the adamantium made sure to keep his body in some level of pain. One thing his healing factor prevented was illness. If he managed to get sick, he didn't stay sick for very long.
"Yeah and I said, "you should get that checked out" and you grumbled and whined like a dog being taken to the vet?"
Logan rolled his eyes and continued, "Well, turns out I'm pregnant."
It was one of those rare times Wade was rendered silent. The mask also made it annoyingly impossible to get a good read on his face.
Wade, meanwhile, was trying to gauge whether or not this was a good thing. Logan didn't seem particularly happy.
"How the fuck did we manage that?" Wade asked. "I mean, it's not like my cancer ridden body makes healthy little swimmers and you said the adamantium poisoning rendered you infertile."
"According to the doc, unless I literally don't have a uterus, there's always a freak chance," Logan sighed, leaning heavily back into the couch and running his hands over his face. "It doesn't matter either way. We can't have a baby."
Logan waited to see if Wade would agree or disagree with him. He found himself half tempted to rip the mask off so he could get a better read on him.
Who's to say the baby would even make it to term, and what then if it did? Have two dads who's lives were marked by death and tragedy? Two guys with a list of enemies a mile long and would target a kid without thinking twice? Their lives were messy and dangerous, they couldn't bring a kid into that.
There were a million reasons why they shouldn't bring a baby into the world, but that was all too much weight for Wade. "I mean, you're right, but like, what if it develops the wolverine claws in the womb and bursts out of your stomach alien-style? That'd be kinda cool."
Logan's nose crinkled in disgust, nearly shuddering at that mental image. "That's horrific, thanks."
Wade just grinned, cupping Logan's face with both hands and kissing him.
"But seriously, whatever you think is best."
Later that night, Logan stared up at the ceiling fan, the blade whirling at full blast because Wade insisted on snuggling despite how hot both of them ran. He was splayed out like the world's most clingy starfish, head on Logan's chest. It was clear he was still awake too as one of his fingers idly tracing over Logan's arm. This quiet, domestic routine had become the norm.
When Logan thought about it, they were truly in a better place than they had ever been before. Logan had a home and family. The mansion was a home, but this one was his. One he chose to share with Wade. He had friends who loved him, a partner that stuck with him no matter how grumpy he got. Hell, he wasn't even drinking or smoking as much as he used to.
There were still battles and hardships, but never before had there been such a strong sense of support and community.
Logan was... happy.
"I..." he trailed off, unsure. "I think I actually want to have the baby." He couldn't particularly explain it. For years he fought against being put in a fatherly role when it came to all the young mutants he had met and looked after. Somehow, though, the thought of going on that journey of parenthood with Wade actually seemed kind of exciting. He loved that man more than he'd ever be able to put into words.
Wade sat up so fast it made Logan flinch.
"Oh thank FUCK!" He exclaimed, reaching over and turning on the bedside lamp while he straddled Logan's lap. His eyes pratically sparkled as he looked down at Logan. "Seriously?"
"Yeah," Logan stared back up, surprised. "Wait, you wanted to keep the baby?"
"Of COURSE I want to have a little baby wolverine with you!" Wade waved his hands as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "Like, yeah I think we're probably not the best parent material in the world and Jesus the CHRIST is it terrifying, but I wanna be dad."
"Why the fuck did you not say anything earlier?!"
"I'm not the one carrying it!" Wade shot back. "Besides, I never thought I'd have kids anyways, so not exactly a deal breaker, sweetheart." He patted Logan on the cheek. "Also, you know how many orphaned and abandoned mutants we run into? We always had a chance. If only Laura were younger, coulda started there."
Laura was an adult by the time Wade came into Logan's as a romantic partner. She was still young, but not a kid that needed parents to look after her.
"So... we're gonna have a baby?" Wade asked, a grin on his face.
"We're gonna have a baby."
Wade surged forward to kiss Logan, enthusiasm rubbing off on him as he smiled against Wade's lips. His face was peppered with more kisses and whispered "God I love you so much."
When Wade calmed down a fraction, Logan had to bring him down a bit more. "I'm only a few months along, we don't know if the baby will even make it," he reminded him. So many things could go wrong it was terrifying.
"Nope! This little guy--gender neutral--is a little fighter!" Wade insisted, hand splaying over Logan's stomach. They're gonna make it and be beautiful, and then we get to name them something cool!"
Logan scoffed but couldn't keep the smile off his face. "We're not naming the baby after any of your cartoons."
"You are absolutely no fun," Wade pouted. "I'll sneak something by ya."
Logan just pulled Wade down into another kiss to shut him up.
((They name her Allura, from Voltron lmao.
Writing this has made me incredibly sad for reasons I'll say if asked, but decided not to say so y'all don't just get randomly sucker punched.
This is NOT movieverse, exactly, but just a vague timeline. Movieverse poolverine end up with the kid tho. Which you can read here.
ALSO YES I KNOW THIS IS THE 3RD BABY AU ON THIS ACCOUNT. I have problem. I don't even want kids 😭))
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byunpum · 2 years
Hey, I hope you are doing alright. I would like to make a request between Aonung x human reader where the reader has been unknowingly accepting all the courting ritual gifts and gestures, so that when Aonung finally asks if they accept to be their mate, it surprises the reader and makes Aonung think that they don't reciprocate, but the reader does and shows him that 😉. Thank you!
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Pairing: Aonung x human reader
Tags: fluff, crushes, mating seasons.
Warning: None <3
Request are open, feel free to ask.
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You had arrived with the sully asking for shelter, it was no surprise that at first the looks of disapproval, disgust and discrimination towards you were noticeable. You were a person from the sky, and if the sully were already a problem, you were chaos. Their parents are upset and were refusing to help them. Jake sully tried to explain the situation. "This is my adopted daughter, her mother was a great friend of mine… before she died she asked me to take care of her. See the girl over there points to kiri she is her sister, but from the avatar body of the same mother" Jake tried to explain everything, The couple didn't understand much. But they could see the sincerity in the family's eyes, and let them stay. Aonung was staring at you, while you stood next to your sister holding her hand. You give her a sidelong glance and hold on tighter. You didn't know why he was staring at you so much, you felt like he was studying you.
You went to all the swimming lessons, you weren't the best and it took you longer to adapt, but you would never give up. You were obedient and barely spoke. Any doubts he had about you went away, when he was fighting with your brothers and you tried to stop them and without realizing it he punched you in the face. Making you scream and fall to the ground. The results of this incident led to reprimands and punishments from both families, he didn't mean to hurt you, he didn't do it on purpose. So when he could, he approached your marui and apologized to you. You smiled at him, with a noticeable bruise on your face. He had hurt you, but you still forgive him and understand that it was an accident. Aonung must admit, he also judged you at first. You were an alien, short and quiet. But what bothered him the most was how quiet and understanding you were, even though everyone treated you badly. You were rejected from the groups, they would say barbarities as you walked by or even to your face, and you just smiled and went on your way. The boy became very attached to you, he couldn't help it.
After the altercation they had with the sky people, the sully stayed in the village. It was definite, this news pleased aonung. It was true that he was friends with the sully, his best friend was neteyam, your brother. But knowing that you would stay made his heart fly. But at no time did he say or do anything about his feelings for you. And so the years went by… They had already done all the rituals to be able to be true navi, they were ready. And they were also ready to get a mate. It was tradition for the metkayina, that as soon as they passed the challenges they would get a partner. And he already had in mind who he wanted to be his partner.
You had grown up as a beautiful woman, you might be human, you might look different from them… but you were beautiful. Besides, you were a strong woman, with the attitudes of a leader and generous and kind. You had earned an important place in the clan, even their mother, Ronal had accepted you, you were in responsible for the area of the children and pregnant women of the clan, you helped them and took care of the babies. The trust they had in you was impressive. He was well aware that many metkayina males were interested in you, were ready to court you. And he was going to do something fast.
He started by asking your brothers. He didn't want to do anything outside of your family's approval. Of course, your brothers agreed… the hardest one to convince was neteyam but he managed to convince him. So he set his plan of conquest in motion…
He started by making you small accessories, some for your hair and others for you to wear on your hands or ankle. "Y/N, I want to give you this accessory…I made it myself" aonung gives you the accessory, it was very beautiful, it had pearls and shells. "I made it myself with my…hands" you laugh at his comment. You can see how nervous he is getting. "Help me put it on" you speak. Aonung comes over and helps you put on the necklace. "I love pearls…they look beautiful" you say as you look up and smile at him. "I know…they are your favorite" he takes your hand and they give it a squeeze.
He keeps making different gifts and you accept them without any problem. He feels confident, because he knows that you had been offered courtship gifts and you had refused them. Aonung had even prepared a new outfit for you, it was similar to his own. His chest puffed out when he saw you wearing it. You looked so beautiful, it fit your curves so well… this boy was lost for you.
The second part of the courtship plan was also a success… He liked to invite you for rides on his Skimwing, have chats with you on the beach and he would invite you to eat with his family. He is surprised when his parents accept you without any problem. Ronal is very sweet on you, Tonowari adores you, he thinks you would make a great leader. And you got along very well with his sister, after all she was starting to date one of your brothers. He felt it was the perfect time to ask you if you wanted to be his partner.
It was still early in the morning, you had gone to do your homework… so aonung took the opportunity to go to your family's marui. There was jake and neytiri. The boy was nervous but dared to ask for her approval. Jake accepted immediately, he knew that the boy was a good man, and to know that one of his daughters was going to be the partner of the clan leader's son was a great honor for him. On the other hand, Neytiri hesitated a little, she was very overprotective of you. But in the end she accepted, she knew that Aonung was not a bad boy.
Aonung came out of the marui happy and confident. He was heading to your work area. When he arrived he saw you, you were carrying and taking care of some children. He was already imagining his own family with you. You noticed he was at the entrance, so you went to greet him. "Hello… what are you doing here? Did something happen?" you ask, you already had your hand playing with one of his hand pieces. He had noticed, how you were getting closer to him, how you were touching or caressing him. "I'd like to talk to you…in private" you smile at him, and hug his arm, as they leave the marui to be more private.
"I want to…ask you something" says aonung, he is very nervous and your grip on his arm wasn't helping. " mmm what do you want to ask" you hug him around the waist, your face falls just below his belly button, forcing him to look down. "I would like you and I… I love you, I think you are the best woman I have ever met, you are strong, kind and generous. Can I be your partner?" he spoke, he was nervous… his hands were sweaty. He was waiting for you to answer, he could feel you let go and walk away. He saw how your face showed no expression. Panic consumed him… oh no, he had gone ahead, or perhaps misunderstood your signals. He stepped forward and walked away as fast as he could, not letting you speak. He didn't want to hear that you didn't accept him, that would hurt him.
You were shocked, you couldn't believe he was asking you this. You had expected this for so long, you even thought that all his details and treats he had towards you were out of kindness. You knew he had many clan girls after him. But he was choosing you. When you finally came to your senses, you saw that he was not there. You looked everywhere and nothing. You had to look for him.
Aonung had already walked to the beach, he was walking from side to side. How could he be so stupid, it was obvious she didn't want to be with him. He was a navi, he was sure you didn't even find him attractive. He couldn't stop thinking about everything he did, and that it was all for nothing. Maybe you were interested in another clan man, there were many better than him. He was so deep in thought, he didn't notice how you approached him. "aonung?" he turns around, you could see his look, he was kind of tearful and sad. "Y/N sorry really, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable or tell you those things." He started talking, as you moved closer to him. "I know I'm not your type, there are many clan men who would be perfect for you… but I don't want to lose your friendship" aonung had sat down on the sand, while he was talking. You approached him and took his hand and handed him a bracelet. It had some blue shells on it, and various pearls. "I made it for you… I never dared to give it to you because I thought it wasn't enough. But now it's time, don't you think so?" you say, hoping that he will understand that you do correspond his feelings. He takes the bracelet and places it on his wrist. " It's perfect " He puts his hand on your face, to bring you closer to him. He gives you a little kiss, and pulls you away for a moment. " I see you, ma Y/N" you kiss him back, now wrapping your arms around his neck, so that you are closer. "I see you aonung" you say to him as you rub your nose against his nose.
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vryfmi · 2 months
silent boy theory
bringing this theory back because ive been rotating it nonstop
[mild book spoilers!]
skull is characterised by his voice and snarky comments that Lucy has to put up with during their conversations, as well as the whispering tone which is heavily emphasised throughout the series. so when Dulac references to Bickerstaff's servant boy (aka skull) as "that silent Boy" in her confessions it really clashes with skull's personality as we know it.
TL;DR: my theory is that skull was mute or on a verge of losing his voice due to sickness, caused by working conditions and Bickerstaff's abandonment. thus, his ghost can't recall his healthy voice and can only whisper.
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[id from alt text: a photo of the passage from the book with line "that silent Boy" being emphasised by image's dimensions./end id]
firstly, it's the whispering skull. not quietly talking skull, not its-voice-sounds-far-away skull. whispering.
‘Because you sure as hell look it.’ It was the lowest, throatiest of whispers; alien, but familiar. I’d heard it once before. (TWS) The hoarse whisper came from somewhere close behind my ear. ‘I say stab them first, ask questions later! That’s your only sensible option.’ (THB)
argument could be made, that silver-glass muffles the voice and it becomes quieter. but here's a thing - whisper is a voice alteration, not a sound quality. when whispering, vocal cords don't vibrate, and produced speech has a different phonation. so whisper and quiet speech are technically two different things.
secondly, skull's work field and conditions. as a young servant, skull was able to see visitors and ward them off Bickerstaff and his master's friends, while they were robbing graves for potential sources. ghosts radiate cold, temperature can drop down to 5 degrees centigrade, that much we know from books, that's why agents are wearing jackets and gloves during ghost hunting cases. and skull's ghost was described as wearing only a shirt and ill fitting trousers, while also being barefooted.
It was the first time I’d ever really looked at him, at the spirit that he truly was. He wore a white shirt and gray trousers that were slightly too short for his bony legs. His feet were bare. He’d still been young when he died. (TEG)
with Bickerstaff's obsession and apparent blindness to anything else that wasn't his device, it's safe to say that he would neglect skull's needs and didn't bother to get his servant any proper clothes, not to mention shoes, which at the time were expensive, since children constantly need shoes as they grow up, and it wasn't uncommon for children from lower class to not have shoes at all and walk barefooted.
that said, my theory is that skull came down with sickness while grave robbing, and Bickerstaff ignored it (mainly because he was a psych doctor, not a medical one), skull's condition worsened and turned into laryngitis. without treatment, his vocal cords got damaged, resulting in loss of voice.
[now, im in no way educated to diagnose a fictional character and there can be mistakes in my logic (like how skull could have lost his voice prior to Bickerstaff), but i went down a rabbit hole and need to share this.]
there's a condition that fits the description of person losing their voice or only be able to talk in whisper, it's called aphonia. there are multiple common causations for this condition, namely psychological, but organic aphonia is caused by damage on vocal cords or throat, that could have happened due to disease or physical trauma. (source)
it's also worth pointing out that any voice disorders in children and teenagers affects the way they socialise and behave. gestures and facial expressions become alternative to communication when voice is too weak for speech or it is painful to talk.
Someone had knocked the cloth off the ghost-jar, and the face had re-materialized. It pulled extravagant expressions of horror and disgust whenever I passed by. (TWS)
‘You know the rules: minimal manifestations, no rude faces, and absolutely no talking.’ The ghost looked wounded. ‘I wasn’t talking, was I? Do you call this talking? Or this?’ It pulled a rapid series of grotesque expressions, each one worse than the last. (THB)
and finally, Lucy. she almost undeniably plays a role of interpretor that passes down what skull says, since others have no way of communicating with him or, more specifically, no way of hearing him. it all does seem to fit perfectly together (at least to me) so i can't stop wondering of how intentional any of that was on Stroud's behalf. then yet again, Stroud did say that that he had a draft for skull's backstory but scraped it in favour of keeping his character as mysterious as possible. some elements could've stayed in the final version of the books, who knows.
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lostryu · 11 months
i need gay rights because literally not a single self-proclaimed cis/het 'ally' understands the alienating experience that comes with being the only gay person in the workplace.
i am a gnc butch lesbian. i use he/him pronouns. when i came out to my manager regarding my pronouns (i had been an open lesbian since the moment of my hire), she told me that she supported me, but she could not enforce or ask our clients to use the correct pronouns for me. she told me it was something i would have to learn to deal with. she never uses the correct pronouns for me unless a person from a different department (who also happens to be LGBT+) is present. she is our HR in addition to manager.
none of my coworkers in my department ever remember to use my pronouns. if i remind them, they go over the top with the "im sorry's" and the "im still learning" and "you know i try my hardest's!" and "i swear im not homophobic!", it has been over 6 months since i came out. if i say nothing, they continue to use she/her (unless that other lgbt+ person from the other department is present, then they miraculously get it right).
sometimes they call me 'girl'. they always flounder and correct to "man-boy-uh youknowwhatimeanright". they laugh it off. they never bother to ask what terms i am comfortable with, or if i even cared in the first place. they don't care about my gender, they never bother to ask. somehow the subject gets changed every time i try to tell them, or set a boundary.
once in a while in a slow shift, the conversation will hop to our dating lives. somehow, it always jumps to how men suck and how dating a woman must be so much easier. they wish they could be gay and not straight. every time, they'll stare at me expectantly, like i am an animal at the zoo. no matter what i say, positive or negative, i must be lying. i cannot be that happy in my relationship, or if i have any issues, they must be minor. if i say 'why don't you try dating a girl then' to their remarks, they'll laugh, say something like "there is no way i possibly could" with that special tone of disguised disgust.
i am a prop, at work. they tell me about how much they love their kids. how they could bring anyone home and they wouldn't care. "they could be black, brown, or purple," they'll say "it could be a woman or a man! I support gay rights!" Then they will talk about how hungry they are, and how they will be going to Chick Fil a for the 4th time this week. 'as a treat'. it is thursday. they talk about going to Hobby Lobby again for christmas decorations, or another sale. sometimes i think i can taste blood.
its june. they talk about the pride parade and how excited they are to see the queens and their 'funny costumes'. they talk about how fun it is to go and watch, how they like the free things the corporations hand out. they don't want to bring their younger kids though. they're not old enough. they do not know that the first pride was a riot. they do not know what happened during the AIDS crisis, how many died. they don't really care when i try to tell them, they'd rather focus on the fun parts of the parade. the spectacle.
i wear a pronoun pin, to make it easier. still somehow no one can get my pronouns right. a client notices it. commends me for "being brave" and "coming out." she never uses my correct pronouns. i stopped wearing the pin after the 11th person asked me if my name on my name tag was my real one, and after the 45th person went out of their way to use incorrect pronouns every sentence. my manager, the HR, did not care.
i need gay rights, but somehow everything got resolved when they allowed us to marry in 2015. to our allies, the work is done. somehow i am left more alone than when we started.
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bunbunlovestowrite · 2 months
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𝑴𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕! ❤︎
what I do write for
Female reader
Any race reader (should be obvious)
Any culture reader (if I do not know the culture then I will do my research! Sorry if I get anything wrong!)
Any size reader
Non-humans like monsters and (fake) gods
If I don't know a character then I may not write for them. I'm sorry :(
What I don't write for
Male reader
Age play
Non-con, dub-con, that shit is disgusting
Face slapping
'Daddy', 'master', names like that
Specific names for readers
Roleplaying kinks
Self Harm
Love and Deepspace
Jujutsu Kaisen
NBC Hannibal
Twilight (lame I know :3)
Demon Slayer
The Southern Book Clubs guide to slaying Vampires
Elden Ring
Detroit: Become Human
Baldurs Gate 3
Dragon Age: Inquisition
Alien Vs Predator (yaujta only)
Most slashers except Myers, Brahms, Freddy, Chucky, and the Sinclair boys since I haven't watched their movie yet
The Lost Boys
Peaky blinders
Assassin's Creed
𝑷𝑶𝑺𝑻𝑺! ✿︎ (only fandoms I currently have posts on are here)
ᒪOᐯᗴ ᗩᑎᗪ ᗪᗴᗴᑭՏᑭᗩᑕᗴ
Father!Sylus x Daughter!Reader pt.1?
Sugar and Salt! Sylus fluff 100 followers celebration
Sylus's opinion on quickies
Showering with Sylus
Sylus hating on Xavier
How Sylus fucks you when he over stimulates you
Sylus x Vampire!Reader (not that good)
Yandere!Tentacle Monster x Fem!Lighthouse reader
ᗴᒪᗪᗴᑎ ᖇIᑎᘜ
Yandere!Rarika x Fem!Reader
ᒍᑌᒍᑌՏTᑌ KᗩIՏᗴᑎ
Summer ends. Camp Counselor! Gojo x Counselor!Reader
Demon Slayer
Hashira men reacting to your neighbor asking you to be quiet
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