#aonung x you
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Swimming Lesson (A Precious One Shot)
Pairing: Adult Ao'nung x Hyperfeminine human reader
Summary: Ao'nung is more than eager to teach you how to swim. He doesn't, however, anticipate what it leads to.
Warnings: aged up characters, explicit sexual content MDNI, reader has mild fear of water, interspecies relationship, established relationship, swearing, possessive beahvior, brief mention of violence, past bad relationship, insecurity, marking, scenting, dom/sub dynamics, etc.
A/N: I've been overthinkg this one for way too long. Here's how it turned out
Precious Masterlist
Adult Ao'nung photo by Cinetrix
Tawtute modesty is a perplexing concept. Most Sky People dress in a way that covers their body, even going as far as creating cubbies in their metal homes where they can change these clothes without others seeing. For a species that appears to have just as much sexual drive as Na’vi do, they certainly waste a lot of time and effort acting ashamed of their bodies.
Although your clothing is far more appealing, and even revealing at times, you too act very shy about being exposed.
And yet, it appears that this cultural norm is thrown out the window when it comes to swimming attire. Calling an outfit a swimsuit as you do, suddenly gives a tawtute a free pass to discard ninety five percent of their clothing and prance around without care.
No one had informed Ao’nung of this however so when you walk out in your handmade swimsuit for the first time, it takes him a moment to connect his mouth to his brain again. You give a little twirl as you always do, before rambling on about what material it’s made of and how easy or difficult it was to construct.
And as usual, Ao’nung takes his time admiring your latest work with greedy hands that always come out to grip your hips and spin you from side to side. This is a common routine for the two of you. It is customary for him to see your latest projects first so you can receive his opinion. Although both of you know he offers nothing close to helpful feedback. The real joy from this arrangement comes from him opening ogling you in the pretty clothes until you sufficiently feel confident in your genius.
You never stop him when he gets handsy either. Although that pretty blush often spreads from your cheeks to collarbones and you giggle at his lack of restraint, he knows you enjoy the obvious display of carnal desire. It’s a win-win scenario.
And today, stars above, there is so much for him to look at. Or rather, so little fabric to cover your form because this swimsuit as you call it is tiny. In many ways it feels a lot closer to the usual attire of females in his clan with intricate straps and only a tiny top and bottom to shield some of his favorite parts. In fact, this set is much like your bra and panties combo.
When he squeezes your hips and turns you to the side, he is more than ecstatic to find that this duo is actually more revealing than most of your undergarments. Is this truly considered decent in tawtute culture? Oh well, he knows better than to question when something good comes his way. Whatever reasoning sky people have come up with to justify these tiny outfits, he is grateful for.
The bottoms are held together by strings that tie at each hip similar to the ties on your upper back that keep the small chest piece in place. You’ve chosen fabrics of light blue for the base and cream for the trim that is of course bunched into frilly fashion. It wouldn’t be yours without some extra flare. The front of the bottoms cover decently but the back draws a shape higher onto the hips that leaves more than half of your gorgeous ass spilling out.
And it’s not the only thing to spill. The bottom sit low on your hips so that the front is tucked just beneath that adorable pooch of a stomach that Ao’nung is constantly tempted to bite into. Even the ties on the hips just barely press lines into your plush flesh that you call love handles. And to top it off, there is a tiny bow between your breasts and a matching one just atop your vulva.
Eywa above, if he knew teaching you to swim would put you in an outfit like this he would have fought even harder to make this day come sooner.
“Do you like it?” You ask, cheeks pink but eyes telling him that you already know the answer to your own question.
“What did you call this?” He asks, sweeping your long hair over one shoulder to admire the curve of your spine.
“A bikini.”
“Oeyӓ tawtute, I more than like it.” His lips gently press over a mark he had sucked into your skin last week, just above your shoulder blade. With twiddling fingers and a smile he can practically feel radiating even from behind you, goosebumps rise over your exposed flesh. “I don’t know what stops you from wearing this bikini thing more often.”
You snort and playfulling try to elbow him in the ribs. “You horny meathead.” With a giggle you turn around to scrunch your nose up at him which he has come to recognize as a chiding expression.
He’s not sure what is so funny about his comment. You may be giggling but he sees no reason why you couldn’t wear this during day to day life on the island. Although, he wouldn’t want to miss out on your strange dresses either.
“You know I can’t do that.”
He doesn’t but Ao’nung lets it drop when your small hand intertwines with his own and you practically begin skipping towards the beach. It seems this successful outfit has put you in a good mood, so it’s best to hold his breath and pray that it will remain that way once you get to the water. It has taken a couple weeks of convincing, borderline demanding, that you learn to swim.
Today you don’t show the usual signs of apprehension so Ao’nung plays along carefully, treading as light as a hunter worried about spooking their prey.
The good luck has passed. Whatever giddiness you felt from showing off your new bikini dissipated ten minutes ago when you two had finally reached the shore. Now you remain perched on the rock wall that extends a way into the shallows, watching with a nervous smile where Ao’nung stands in the water.
“You are stalling.” He accuses.
“I’m not.” You protest, bottom lip becoming snatched between your teeth. “I just think I need to observe you some more before I get in. After all, nothing’s better than watching the master.”
You catch on fast, that’s for sure. In the short few weeks the two of you have been together it seems that you’ve already devoted yourself to figuring out how to charm him and target certain weak spots. Try as you might, however, that isn’t going to work today.
“Get in.”
Your arms wrap around your own torso, a nervous habit of yours. He isn’t being mean, isn’t even raising his voice in the way some of his own teachers did when he was younger but it takes very little to intimidate a small tawtute like you. It’s important that he maintains some form of strict authority in these lessons, otherwise you will walk all over him.
It will never cease to perplex him how carelessly humans treat learning to swim. He thought the most horrific part of it would have been their form alone, something that had made his jaw drop the first time he saw Spider swim, but unfortunately it goes far beyond that. Among the seaside clans it is customary to have newborn children already learning how to kick to the surface on their own. Children know how to swim far before they can take their first steps. From what he’s heard, even the Omatikaya teach their children from a young age. And yet, Ao’nung was horrified to hear you say that some humans don’t learn how to swim until they are adults, some even die without learning.
He won’t let that be your fate. So no matter what it takes, he is getting you in the water today.
“You are being a bad numeyu [student], precious.” He warns, clicking his tongue in feigned disappointment. Just as he expected, your shoulders drop slightly. No doubt if you had a tail it would be tucking between your legs right now. Such little praise to have you melting and such little criticism to have you proving you can do better.
“We can start tomorrow I prom-AH!” Whatever promise you had hoped to placate him with turns into a squeal when Ao’nung heaves himself up onto the rock wall in one fluid motion. Immediately you start running back towards the beach. You know just as well as him that he can and will hunt you down to drag you back since it has come to that.
There is a part of him that awakens at the first sign of a chase. It’s the same part of his nature that has him imagining all the ways he could rip those scraps of fabric you call a bikini off and ruin you for any other man. It doesn’t help his focus to have your squishy ass bouncing further out of your bottoms as you sprint.
Regardless, the hardest part about catching you has nothing to do with the skills he has learned as a hunter and everything to do with keeping his carnal desires at bay. You would be all too happy to let take a session of his head between your pretty legs over a swimming lesson.
He has one thick arm wrapped around your waist within your first five steps. You waste no time in starting your pleas to be released, shorter legs kicking in the air as he tucks you against his chest.
“Wait! Ao’nung, I can’t! Not today. Put me down!”
“You can not learn without getting in the water.” He says simply.
“No no! I can’t! I can’t!” Once again your words turn to shrieks when he swiftly jumps back into the ocean, softly landing his feet in the substrate. The waves only reach his hips at this height and with you in his arms you are nowhere near having your head dunked under.
Nevertheless your efforts to cry for mercy quickly shift into clawing your way up his body. You squirm and wiggle and manage to twist halfway towards him so that you can grab his shoulders and try to get higher. You climb him like one does a tree, but with far less grace than anyone who has experience climbing to get the fruit.
“What are you doing?” With furrowed brows it takes everything in him not to laugh, only grunting softly when your feet get dangerously close to keeping him between the legs.
“Okay I think that’s enough for today. Bring us back up!”
“It is fine. Nothing is going to happen.” He assures, using his other hand to steer your feet away from his tewng [loincloth]. Ao’nung tries not to think about how good it feels when your legs wrap around his torso instead.
“Easy for you to say! You’re like ten feet tall and can hold your breath for an eternity.” The tide is not strong today, just as he planned, but even the small waves billowing against his waist seem to put you on edge.
This is why you teach children to swim early on. They have no notion of fear.
He is caught between two conflicting temptations. Laughing his ass off at your antics and chucking you into the deep end much like they do for Metkayina babies. However, both won’t have the desired result in the end. And Ao’nung tries to remember too how different you are from the Metkayina. They are born with life saving instincts while from what he has seen from humans, has been nothing but concerning regarding their instincts. There is no telling if you will resurface if he lets you go under now.
Growing up his teachers had always been strict; unforgiving. He knew the importance of learning skills swiftly so as not to become a burden for the clan, and even more so surpassing expectations as he would someday be Olo’eyktan. A tough regiment had worked for him but you…
You are soft. And it’s one of his favorite qualities you possess, both physically and emotionally, but this also means that using that strict attitude to the same degree would more likely have you giving up and locking him out of your room more than making any real progress. No, while a firm hand is necessary with you at times, it’s evident that praise draws so much more out of you than negative repercussions.
Ao’nung had thought you particularly inept when it came to climbing but he is surprised to find that you’ve scooted your way significantly up his torso and now have your blunt nails dig into his shoulder blades. Oh how he wishes they were dug in there for the same reason they were last night as he fingered your demon pussy open.
“Oeyӓ tsyeym [my treasure], do you think I would let you drown?”
“Well no but-”
“Is there anyone that knows these waters better than me? Anyone further capable when it comes to moving through the sea?”
“No.” You mumble against his shoulder.
“So since you are here with me, an expert, and we’ve already established I will not let you drown then does that not mean you are the safest person, both human and Na’vi, in the ocean today?” He tucks a curve finger beneath your chin so you are forced to meet his expression, his brows raised in question.
His logic is difficult to deny although there is still some hesitancy in your movements when you nod. But he’ll take it.
“And as your karyu [teacher] who is experienced in these ways should you not be trusting my methods?”
Those pink lips form into what is surely meant to be a scowl but instead looks like nothing more than a pout to him. You know he’s right. How could you claim otherwise? But you stubbornly want to hold onto this fear.
“Yes, I suppose.” You say in a voice so small that Ao’nung’s ears have to perch forward to properly catch it.
“Good girl.” He grins, pecking you on the cheek before you can think up another excuse. “Let us begin.”
“Mawey, paskalin [be calm, honey]. You are too tense.” He purrs, hands supporting the curve of your back as you attempt to float atop the water. It’s a form not typical for the Metkayina but considering your small lungs he has deemed it essential for taking breaks in the water. However you are stiff as a board.
“I’m just trying not to sink.” You squirm until back on your feet and latched to his side. Perhaps you worry the tide will be strong enough to pull you out.
“The harder you try the more you will sink. Diving is not meant to be a struggle won. You must move with the water, do not fight against the sea.” For you to truly understand what he means you would have to actually try submerging beneath the waves. He had insisted that you learn without your mask, after all there is no guarantee you would be with it at all times, but it seems this crutch is one you are attached to and therefore refuse to go beneath the water without.
It is no issue. Ao’nung would rather teach you to dive the proper way slowly than have you relying on this crutch indefinitely.
“But you said that the sea is unforgiving. That it is a powerful force that does not discriminate when choosing prey.” Wet hair sticks to your cheeks as you look up at him. Ao’nung screws his lips and places a hand on his hip. You know how to pack a lot of trouble for someone half of his size.
“Hm, you love to twist my words, precious.” He teases, one hand snatching your hip to tug you in closer. He steadies your weak form when you stumble at the action.
“I-I’m not twisting it but this doesn’t make any sense. What am I supposed to do if a wave pulls me out from shore? I’ve heard even some Na’vi can not kick their way back in and so if they can’t neither can I. Not with these weak tawtute legs. And that’s not to mention the sea creatures. To some of them I’m not even a full bite!”
“None this close to shore are big enough to bite.” He cocks his head to the side. “Only some that could sting.”
“Ao’nung!” you screech hitting a hand against his chest. “I’m being serious. How am I ever going to be strong enough to do anything out here? It’s a hopeless cause which I knew but then again when do I ever really listen to-”
“You have forgotten to breathe.” And sure enough you pause for a second to take in his words before finally inhaling a shaky breath. When you get into rambles like this it’s common for you to fly off without any end in sight. Some days they are born out of nerves while others it's in excitement as you explain your favorite romantic movie in detail to him for thirty minutes. How did you survive such rambles before him? Who else was there to remind you the importance of oxygen?
“You think too much, paskalin.” Your pout only deepens but you lean against him. “I said I will teach you to swim and so I will. The rest is not for you to worry about.” Your hair tickles his lower abs when your head rests against him. He hears you inhale, preparing himself for more weak protests, but then you stop.
Your attention is snatched off to his far left where there is some splashing. He follows your gaze to find it fixated on one of the newests Ilu’s in deeper waters. This juvenile can only be a few weeks old as it is shorter than his forearm and remains in close proximity to its mother.
When he spots the way your expression softens, an idea sprouts. Ao’nung has been taking the wrong angle this entire time. It was only last week that he discovered how empathetic you are for animals, especially ones that have not reached adulthood. You had gone from constantly cooing at the strange small animals in your magic screen to falling apart into blubbering tears when one of the baby hippos, as you called them, couldn’t find his mother. It took a long time of hearing your choked up voice ramble about how alone that little creature must feel. It was a strange experience. Then again, that was during your bleeding week.
“We call her An’ali and her mother Se’xte.”
“She is adorable.”
“Do you want to see her?”
“Well yes but it’s deeper out there…” You trail off, uncertainty present in your tone.
“Grab on.” He instructs before bending down onto one knee and prompting your hands to his shoulders. You’re slow to comply, those big beautiful eyes peeking up at him with a flicker of apprehension but it seems your curiosity overrides that emotion because you finally clutch his shoulder to sprawl out across his back.
He could walk out to the ilu without any struggle of touching the bottom but Ao’nung opts to swim out smoothly, keeping his head and yours above the water. Just a small step to get you used to the feeling of gliding through the water. However, his swishing tail coming to aid does get tangled with your feet every now and then causing a giggle to bubble up your throat.
Luckily this sensation appears to distract you from the way the ilu swim out further into deeper waters. Ao’nung finds himself holding his breath, praying that you don’t notice how much further the sandy bottom is now. Fortunately, just as he hoped, the cute creatures have your full attention upon reaching them.
“Wow,” You whisper in a daze, looking past his shoulder. An’ali rubs up against her mother, earning an affectionate call in return. “They are beautiful.”
“They are ilu. Peaceful creatures.” When he reaches behind him to grab one of your hands there is resistance but he continues until it is resting upon the mother’s head. Se’xte gives a curious look but does not push away your tiny hand that pets at her head. He has a strong enough bond with her to have trust extending to you as well.
“And you ride them?”
“When we are younger, yes. Once a Na’vi has come of age and undergone their iknimaya they ride Tsurak.” If you are this amazed by the ilu he can only imagine what you will think once he introduces you to a Tsurak. Once he gets you more comfortable in the ocean maybe he can convince you to let him take you for a ride. At a slow pace of course. Your soft little hands do not have an ounce of the grip strength necessary to hold on for anything faster.
“She likes you.” Ao’nung smiles as Se’xte gives a chirp. He can practically feel you beam against his ear.
“I like her too.” It only lasts for another minute or so before the ilu is ducking beneath the water, not a sufficient amount of time to get a closer look at her baby. “Where are they going?”
“Beneath. We can follow.” Your fingers dig deeper into his shoulders, your breath wavering. Ao’nung doesn’t wait for permission however. It’s best not to give you time to overthink it. “Take a deep breath, paskalin.”
He waits to hear you deep inhale before diving beneath the surface. Your right arm hooks around his neck instinctively, your legs kicking out frantically but then there are the ilu just ahead, swimming around one another in a playful circle. Not wanting to push his luck too much on the first time, he surfaces after only a few seconds. This time he sets you to stand on a rock so that your head is above the soft waves.
“Ao’nung!” You gasp, holding a hand over your heart as if it is about to go into cardiac arrest. “Are you insane?! I could have died.”
“And yet you didn’t.”
That deeply rooted frown melts even as your eyes glare daggers back at him, no doubt not appreciating the smug look he wears. “You maniac!” Your accusation is accompanied by your right hand splashing water back at him. You’re barely holding back giddy laughter as you splash at him. Say what you want, but he knows you enjoyed the rush.
Ao’nung sweeps his own right hand out to splash back but his miscalculation of strength and the difference in height turns it into a full wave that washes over your entire upper body. “Oh.” He cringes slightly, feeling just a tad bit guilty for playing so rough.
However, to his surprise it lights something in your eyes. That embering fire turns into full blown competition as you try to imitate his man made wave. He fights back with his own, this time more gentle, retaliation as your laughter picks up. The Metkayina male’s tail swishes in excitement the further you take this little competition. Little sounds erupt from you that confuse him for a moment before he realizes this is your human form of battle cries.
His stomach aches from laughing so hard even as you manage to push a wave high enough to pummel him in the face. Ao’nung’s cerulean eyes narrow, his lips turning up into a crooked smirk. You have the better sense to scramble across the short distance of the rock when he lets out echoing yips and cries of a hunter who has already caught his precious prey.
Laughter and shouts coalesce together when he snatches you back in his arms. The splashing dies down as you struggle to catch your breath between wheezing laughter. Even Ao’nung himself finds his heart pounding at a significantly faster rhythm, but it’s spurred on by a new thrill that has taken him.
In the fit of playing you’ve slowly floated out of the circle in his arms, still holding onto his arms for support but there is no fear in your eyes now at being loosely kept above water. Just as he thought, the worst was all in your head.
“Do you trust me?”
You pause, eyes flickering between his face and the water again. And though it takes a moment for you to respond, you finally relent. “I do.”
Ao’nung smiles and situates you to float on your stomach. “Follow my lead, precious. Take a deep breath.”
Once he is sure your lungs are filled with oxygen Ao’nung wastes no time in helping you dive beneath the surface. His hands guide your body into the proper arch so that you can sink below and once you are, he dives beneath himself and grabs your clasped hands. With ease he slips deeper until he is directly below you and able to smoothly pull you through the water.
Your eyes are squeezed shut, as if bracing for harsh impact. Rolling his own eyes, he taps your cheek gently. When they timidly open he gives you a wide grin and a wink. However, Ao’nung does not have your spotlight for long. Now blown wide into sparkling orbs, your eyes take in every detail of the sea.
He gets to see it. The first time you fall in love with the ocean. The way you almost let out the breath in your lungs when a spade wing skates close by. How your gaze reflects every vibrant color the reefs have to offer. From the smallest to largest creature, you pay each the same undivided regard.
He couldn’t say what you see if his life depended on it, too enraptured in watching your reaction instead. The way one hand unclasps from his and reaches out to pet the juvenile ilu that passes them. Ao’nung can’t remember the first time he saw the ocean. He was only a baby and since then the underwater world has been his home more than the land above. So there is no telling if he looked at it for the first time the way you do now. Does he still appreciate the beauties of the sea for what they’re worth? Or has he grown to take such things for granted?
It feels like seeing it anew when he looks at it through your eyes.
He could watch you forever. Pull you through every inch of the sea if it means you can experience every wonder present from the open sea to the small nooks and crannies. You however can not hold your breath forever like this. So reluctantly, Ao’nung pulls you back up above the waves.
You gasp for air, but luckily there is no coughing fit to follow. Ao’nung keeps you above the surface as you fight to go back into a steady breathing pattern. However, it seems that the rapid beat of your heart is not just from catching your breath but also a reflection of the pure adrenaline your body displays.
Nothing is said for a long moment. Trying to gauge your reaction is difficult but a ravenous energy buzzes from you. Those pink lips part, but you don’t speak right away. You don’t appear to know what to say. And then slowly, your right hand comes to cup his cheek. He’s lost in your eyes the moment they snag his. A small sound catches in your throat, something between a laugh and a sigh.
For all the millions of words you’ve spoken, somehow this sound is the one he understands the most. True and utter awe.
Ao’nung doesn’t have to think when your lips touch his. It’s as simple as holding his breath, effortless as he pulls your body closer to his and bends to meet your kiss. It’s only been a few weeks since you first came to retrieve your bunny from his marui but his body has already begun acclimating to yours beautifully. He knows when to anticipate your little gasps for air when you’ve been kissing too long. His large hands have memorized the curve of your face and the feel of his fingers threading through your silky hair.
The ocean has never felt more tranquil than with you in his arms.
“The purple on the fins also reminded me of a dress that I put down ages ago, but now I don’t know maybe I will pick it up again. Because it looks so pretty in the water. Now that I think about it, it reminds me a lot of Annika’s dress. The one she magically receives at the end.”
Ao’nung wracks his brain to identify which movie you are referring to. Is this one you have already showed him or are you simply thinking out loud? Chances are it may be one of the stories he missed entirely because you were too tempting wrapped in that silky lingerie. Distracting you had earned him a light slap to the head but you didn’t complain once you were clenching around his thick fingers.
Even with your translation, following the plots of those weird stories is not nearly as entertaining as watching your face scrunch up in pleasure. Regardless, it’s important to you so he tries his best to behave. Or at least behave enough to keep you from kicking him out of your room.
“Oh my god what I would give to have the fabric for that dress.” You groan, your little theatrics tugging a smile to his lips.
“You were a very good numeyu [student] today, paskalin.” Ao’nung says, squeezing the hand that is interlocked with his own. Your fingers barely peek out from where his massive hand has them caged.
“Yeah well I have a pretty good karyu [teacher].” You send a wink even as heat rushes to your cheeks.
“Well I wouldn’t be a good teacher if I didn’t motivate you properly. So since you were so good for me today,” He snatches your waist and pulls you to a stop against him in one move. “I think you deserve a reward.” Those soft hands rest along his stomach, thumbs absentmindedly rubbing circles along the swirling pattern of his skin.
“Oh…I…is that so?” All essence of confident flirting flitters away before his eyes. Much like a fish out of water you gape for the proper words. It is far too easy to render you to such a state.
“Why are you soaking wet?” Lo’ak rounds the corner and jumps onto the woven walkway. While you put effort into breaking away and turning to the Sully boy with a smile, Ao’nung finds no reason to conceal his distaste for the untimely interruption.
“We were swimming.” You chirp, bouncing on the balls of your feet. Lo’ak’s unnatural dark brows knit together.
“You can’t swim. You’re terrified of the water. Remember last time I tried to get you in. It took hours and after five minutes you-”
An unrecognizable string of words fall from your lips to interrupt a story that Ao’nung was becoming quite interested in hearing. The consolation prize however is hearing your sharp tone shut the other male down. Whatever embarrassing memory Lo’ak was wanting to share is certainly enough to have you fidgeting beside him. “Ao’nung is teaching me how to swim.” You say, switching back to Na’vi.
“You are?” Lo’ak scoffs, finally turning to address him. His golden eyes dart between the two of you and it takes no genius to understand what memory the forest boy is recalling. In his youth Ao’nung had not been the most patient in teaching Lo’ak especially. Then again, he was also not in love with Lo’ak. He never earned the same softness that you bring out in him.
“It seems she has only been in need of the right karyu.” That smooth comment has Lo’ak eyes narrowed into slits. Sensing the tension between them you are quick to jump in.
“It was actually a lot of fun! I got to see a spade wing and a baby ilu, Lo.” Your voice is infused with so much energy, it’s clear you are attempting to compensate for the negative energy withering between Lo’ak and himself.
“And you went out in that? Tsmuke [sister], those are barely scraps.” He huffed, gesturing at your swimsuit. Something swells in Ao’nung’s chest. By the stars he is not about to let some forest boy crumble your confidence in wearing such a garment after all the work you’ve done to get this far. However, just as he is about to steer you behind him and give this skxawng [moron] a piece of his mind, you shrug and let out a little laugh.
“You wear nothing but a loincloth every day, Lo’ak. You’re not really in a position to judge.” Lo’ak opens his mouth to protest but you beat him to the punch. “Anyways, we’ve got to run. Bye!” You call out with a dramatic wave while tugging Ao’nung down the walkway. Sending a sly look over his shoulder he catches the way Lo’ak watches from afar with a pinched expression.
“Sorry about him.” You sigh.
“He does not approve.”
“No, it’s not like that. Lo’ak just thinks he has to play this protective brother role. It’s not personal.” His relationship with Lo’ak has come a long way since the Sullys first landed on this walkway. They’ve grown to put up with one another and occasionally be friendly, a necessity with the Omatikaya male courting his sister. That being said, he has never considered them close, nor would he be offended at finding out Lo’ak sees it the same way. You on the other hand don’t seem to understand this dynamic as you desperately try to reassure him.
“I swear he thinks just because he’s taller he can play big brother. He has concerns but that’s just part of his bravado act. I wouldn’t let it bother you.”
“It doesn’t.” Ao’nung shrugs. Although, it nags at him that Lo’ak has been sharing these concerns with you. If he has complaints they should be brought to him directly, not woven into your mind in hopes of creating doubt. Would that work? Have you already developed your own concerns? You’re a shy little thing at times but Ao’nung has always figured that to be part of how your personality reacts to his own. Surely, you must know the way he feels about you.
For all the ways you openly wear your heart on your sleeve, he still somehow can not be sure. Some things still remain a mystery when it comes to you.
“What is this?” You ask, once you're back inside his marui. He squints to make out one of the small figurines he had placed next to his hunting gear.
“A…cat?” He answers, eyes still squinting to see if he has passed your test correctly.
“No Ao’nung. I mean what is it doing here? What are all of them doing here?” The rest of the figurines are much like this cat one, although just like your bunny they all wear tiny clothes. Calico Critters you had called them the first time he asked. They serve no real purpose, just tiny things that stand there but the important thing is that you adore them.
So naturally he swiped them to bring back here.
“They don’t do anything, precious. Just exist I suppose.”
Your attempt at a stern expression is endearing, hand placed on your hips as your neck cranes to glare up at him.
“I’m starting to think you’re a kleptomaniac. You can’t keep stealing my stuff.”
“It is not stealing.” He shrugs.
“Oh really? Then what is it?”
“Relocating.” Ao’nung grins. “Now you can enjoy them here.”
Although there is not true ire in your questioning there is in fact real push back on the topic. You know why he has stolen your creepy figurines. Just as you know why he has strung some fabrics of pink and purple like a canopy along the ceiling of his marui. And placed a few of your extra blankets in his hammock. Whatever it takes to lure you back here night after night.
Notwithstanding all of his efforts, you continue to split your time between here and your place in the tawtute caves. Moving into his marui would be a natural next step in your relationship. Of course you are attached to all the silly trinkets you’ve acquired but he is not opposed to letting you litter his marui with them as long as you would call this place your home too.
Still, he remains patient. Many courting couples wait until properly mating before living together anyways. You must share the same morals. However, he sees no harm in enticing you all the same.
“I know what you’re doing.” Your voice smooths out into a sing-song tone. Ao’nung’s long hair falls over his right shoulder when he cocks his head to the side and feigns innocent curiosity. “You truly are ridiculous.” Fighting back a smile you begin arranging the figurines neatly into their separate families.
He has the decency to wait until they’re organized before sweeping you from the ground and falling back onto his hammock in one swift move. It draws a surprised chirp from your lips. A deep sigh echoes from his own chest even as you make weak protests about him giving you a heart attack.
“You know I still need to dry off.” You remind him but Ao’nung already has his head leaned back against the woven fabric. His right arm smoothly encircles around your middle to clamp you against his chest. You squirm and thrash to get out of his hold but it only takes an iota of his strength to keep you locked there. Even with his eyes closed in a show of feigned sleep, he can’t keep his lips from twitching into a pleased smirk.
That smirk crackles into a full laughter induced grin when your small hand swats at the side of his head. “Ao’nung,” You chide, a slight whine to your tone that has him stifling back his amusement.
Peeking his eyes open he finds your own strangely colored eyes glaring back at him. This little game of back and forth is one that you both enjoy frequently but he has a feeling that this time you may actually insist on being let up to get your towel. A sigh heaves from his chest as he shakes his head fondly. “There is no need, tawtute. I will keep you warm.” He says, reaching down to pull out a blanket and toss it over your small form.
Ao’nung is grateful when you don’t fight him further or demand a proper reason. He would give one but it’s unlikely you would understand. How could he explain that seeing you drenched like this does something to him? That your hair smelling of the sea’s salt water serves as a direct signal of you and his home coming together? Everything about you is unique, so new and foreign to him but there is something about witnessing those beautiful aspects of you slowly integrate into his life on the reef as well that lingers with him.
But you’re tawtute. Your sense of smell is greatly dampened in comparison. It’s a shame considering how many times he has scent marked you and you can’t even recognize it, let alone appreciate the possessive gesture. No, there isn’t an easy way to explain to you what he is feeling as he presses his nose against your crown. And even if there is, it’s doubtful that he would be the one to find it. Saying the right thing hasn’t always been his strong suit. It’s Tsireya that is good with the mushy sentiments.
And why waste the air with such jumbled nonsense when this moment already holds everything he needs? An ocean breeze that filters through the entrance of his marui to coast over your frame and carry your essence. A soft sway to the hammock, lulling him to relax. The satisfying weight of your warm body draped across his own.
And then there are your hands. Uncalloused pointer finger that delicately begins tracing over his shoulder tattoo. The soft glide of your finger greatly contrasts the pain he had endured to stain his skin with dark ink. You’ve never witnessed a Metkayina tattoo ceremony but your quiet fascination carries a certain reverence.
Swirling down further and further until he can feel the tickle along his bicep. Such a simple sensation, barely more than the brush of a breeze, yet it melts through him like liquid gold. The unconscious tense of his muscles release and already he can feel his breath deepen. He’s on the verge of succumbing to this silent lullaby when his ear twitches from being touched.
Ao’nung opens his eyes to find that you are carefully tucking a few strands or curly hair behind his pointed ear. Letting others touch his hair is not a normal practice for him. Traditionally he has relied on Tsireya exclusively to fashion it into a suitable hairstyle. There is something deeply…personal about it. It’s always been a fixation for you though.
And where his tail typically pikes onto alert and a growl blossoms in his chest at a foreign touch to his curls, somehow it all dissipates away when it comes to your strange tawtute hands.
Perhaps it's the way you marvel at him openly. You’ve always had a fascination for pretty things, a category that he was pleased to find himself a part of when your hasty confession came that first night. You’re often shy in speaking it, but your touch and stare always hold that same appreciation for his physique.
There’s more to it, though.
When you stare up at him like this, all bashfulness put to the side, it cuts him open. As if with one prolonged moment you’ve managed to strip him bare and peer into his very soul. It’s not his hair or intricate tattoos that you see. Not even the dozen of physical differences between you two that screams alien. You look at him.
Whatever you see in him.
If only he could read your thoughts. Finally untangle your tawtute customs and culture that have webbed you into a puzzle for him. Do you get that burning in your chest too? That one that feels like his heart has been clutched in an iron grip? Perhaps a grip from the same hands that now go back to tracing his tattoos.
With the smallest sigh your head drops back onto his chest. Sleep overcoming you is obvious by the now absence of touch along his right bicep. Ao’nung follows you into slumber mere minutes after when he has finally brought his heart rate back to a normal speed.
Your nap far exceeds his own. While Ao’nung had only dosed off for a few minutes but you are dead to the world for at least a half hour. Apparently that little swim had worn you to the bone. He would have to help you with endurance. It seems tawtute are not built for staying in the water long.
In fact you are so still as you sleep that Ao’nung finds himself placing a hand across your back to check that it still rises and falls with breath. When you do wake up it takes a minute for you to make out where you are with blurry vision. A sheepish look crosses your features upon realizing what position you’ve remained in. It’s followed by some silly notion that you laying on top of him is somehow considered rude or uncomfortable. He’ll never understand why you make these assertions.
Regardless, Ao’nung quickly wraps both arms around your waist when you attempt to move off of him. Dislodging yourself from his hold is an impossible task, a truth that you must come to recognize as you only give a feigned huff and try fighting back a smile.
“We can’t stay here forever you know.”
His pointer finger slowly drags over every vertebrae of your spine as he lets out a thoughtful hum. “Maybe not forever but I did promise a reward. Can’t have you skipping off before receiving what you are owed.”
The air seems to thicken with his words. A familiar tension is slowly wound as all of your sleepiness dissipates and goosebumps ripple across your skin. He can feel the evidence of his own excitement shifting beneath his tewng. Dirty thoughts of all the ways he could reward you sprout to the forefront of his mind. There is no end to these thoughts when it comes to you. Never before has someone woven themselves into his fantasies so incessantly. Even to the point where it can be a struggle to focus on his duties while you swim through his head.
Ao’nung pushes down those ideas for now, however. It’s only fair that you get to pick the reward after all that you’ve accomplished today. And then…if you need some ideas he would be more than anxious to supply.
“Have you decided what reward that will be?” He asks, forcing his hands to remain above the tempting curve of your ass. Just for now. You’re not always the most articulate when his wandering hands come into play.
Something flickers in your expression. Only a second before you are averting your gaze and gnawing on your bottom lip. Ao’nung’s exploring hand stills as curiosity lights within him. Propping himself onto one elbow he invades your space, forcing your eyes to meet his own.
“You do.” He smirks, reveling in the way you fight to squirm.
“Well, maybe. I don’t know. It’s just an idea so I’m not sure if-”
“Sevin [beautiful/pretty],” Ao’nung interrupts. “Tell me.” He coats his voice in a smooth purr, hoping to coax an answer from you, but his patience can only last so long. Whatever idea has sprouted in your brain must be obscene enough to prompt such hesitation in telling him. However Ao’nung has come to find that your meter for rating lewds acts is far more sensitive than his own. Regardless, you have his attention now. All of his previous ideas are cast to the side in favor of hearing what has you blushing.
“I was thinking that maybe…if it’s okay with you…that I could…suck you off?”
Ao’nung’s devilish smirk drops in an instant.
“For your reward you want to suck my cock?” The vulgar language has your cheeks deepening in color but you manage to nod.
Great Mother above, where did he find you?
It seems he must have done something right in his past life. He was ready to find satisfaction in your slick along his tongue and watching your writhe with pleasure but now you are sitting on top of him, the true depiction of bashfulness, asking to put his cock down your throat. His brain can’t really make sense of it, but he still stands by not asking questions when nice things come his way. And precious, you are by far the nicest thing he has ever had.
“Is that weird?”
“No,” comes his instant reply. Subconsciously he holds his breath. You’re an easy one to spook.
“Actually I was hoping you could teach me.”
This is starting to feel far too close to one of his favorite fantasies. So much so that Ao’nung takes note of every detail in the room to confirm that this could not be just some erotic dream. But this is real and a feral creature is stirring inside of him, gnawing at the bars of its enclosure.
“You’ve never…” Ao’nung trails off. Neither of you have talked much about past relationships, you especially. It’s common knowledge that the Metkayina prince has had his time sleeping around but he has no inkling of what you’ve experienced. The only hints he receives are the clear hesitation in your movements. Just enough to have him wondering if he is your first.
“I have. Just once.” That has his other arm propping him so he is now sitting up properly. “I mean I tried to once but I-I wasn’t very good at it. At least that’s what he said. Which make sense, I had no idea what I was doing so I couldn’t really be mad when he said we shouldn’t again-”
“Who?” A dark venom fills his chest. This is the first time you’ve discussed a past lover and he’s already not liking the light it's being presented in.
“Just a guy I used to date back with the Omatikaya.” So he’s not here. It would take crossing an ocean to kill him. Then again, he’s done more for less. Was it an Omatikaya male or did you fool around with one of the science tawtute? “It’s fine. He was right.”
His brain lags at the information. Caught between confusion and rage.
“And oh god now I’ve made it sound like the most unappealing thing possible. Great.”
Ao’nung barely hears your embarrassed groan. What man in their right mind has a beautiful creature like you on her knees for him only to criticise and turn her away? To be presented a gift and not only reject it but smash it into pieces, tear your confidence to shreds. So what if you’re inexperienced? A true man knows how to teach, takes joy in it. Joy that this creature has tossed out without regard.
It’s a perplexing tug of war between emotions. As a man himself he can’t help but find this person’s actions incredibly ridiculous. And yet, the idea of him enjoying your body has Ao’nung imagining ripping this faceless man to shreds. And a man he must not be. No true man does this.
To treat you in this way…there is no honor in such actions. The Omatikaya are different but they are still respectable Na’vi. It could not have been one of them, that would somehow feel worse. So a tawtute it must have been. A vrrtep [demon].
“It doesn’t have to be that. I think I might be making it a bit weird by sharing this.”
“This man said such things to you?” To your face? He looked you in the eyes as you fiddled with the hem of a lacy skirt and apprehension seated beneath long lashes and told you he didn’t enjoy your mouth around him? He watched those beautiful eyes hold back tears? Looked at perfection incarnate and spat in the face of it?
“Well yeah but..does it really matter?”
Does it matter? How could it not matter? Is that what he wanted you to think? That this was no big deal, convince you to suck it up and move on without complaint? That wouldn’t work on you. It’s only been a few weeks and even Ao’nung knows that words cut you deep. Anyone with a morsel of sense would know that. But this man, the same that somehow had the honor of sharing your bed, obviously had not taken a second to understand you.
Could he even please you if so? Had he even tried? Not in the way Ao’nung has, that much has been obvious from the way you still tremble after the orgasms he coaxes from you. It’s not a contest, for that he would require true competition. However a part of him, a part that directly conflicts his innate urge to pummel any man that has touched you, feels as if there should be competition. No one would ever compare to him, but your past experiences should have at least been enjoyable.
“Who is this?” His throat strains to hold back a growl.
“Um…I’m getting the feeling that it’s a bad idea to tell you.”
Smart thing that you are, you’re right. Correct if your goal is to prevent Ao’nung from ripping this anonymous man’s throat out. He can’t fathom why you would want to protect him but then again this is very in character for you. No matter what someone has done you always have a way of finding a soft spot for them. You care so much, sometimes too much.
And this man didn’t care for you at all.
Your precious heart is too big to tell him, but the Metkayina prince vows he will find out one way or another.
“He was just being honest.”
“Sevin,” A stern understone laces the pet name as he captures your chin. “He did not deserve you.”
Ao’nung weighs those words with every ounce of sincerity he can muster. And you feel it. It shows in the way your shoulders drop and expression melts into something new. Not a smile by any means but his words have touched you, they beckon you further into his arms. And then there is that cinch around his heart again.
And being the ridiculous little thing you are, you thank him. As if telling the truth is ever a favor. You are utterly nonsensical at times. Utterly nonsensical and utterly his.
“What he deserves is a spear through the chest.”
“Okay big guy, calm down.” You say, patting his chest while trying to hide your creeping amusement. You think he’s joking. How cute.
“Are you asking me to teach you because that’s what you want or because you think this is what I want?” Ao’nung hates to ask, to potentially ruin this opportunity for himself, but it’s needed. He won’t be like that pathetic creature of a lover you once had. Avoiding that starts with making sure you aren’t simply doing this for his benefit, to prove yourself in a way that he has never and will never ask you to.
“Do you want it?”
His hairless brows drop as he gives you a deadpan look. “Precious, you already know that I do.” Want it more than you can even fathom. “But that’s not what I asked you.”
There is a beat of hesitation, you poor bottom lip already torn up from your gnawing. “I want to feel like I know what I’m doing. I want to make you feel good in the same way you do me.”
“You already do.” There is still much left for the two of you to explore, so much more he can’t wait to do with you but there is no rush. You’ve brought him to the heights of pleasure no one else has before.
“I know but…still. And it’s not the only reason why. I’m curious.” Your head tilts in a subtle way to create a curtain out of your hair and hide that sheepish look. “You’re just so different and I…I’m interested.”
Two trails of thoughts fighting for attention. Different from your past lover. Different because he is Metkayina or different because he is a Na’vi. Perhaps it shouldn’t matter but it’s difficult to stamp down that curiosity.
However, Ao’nung focuses on the latter. The same that has his ears perking with his own interest and groin suddenly becoming very aware of your weight situated there.
A low hum of appreciation rumbles in his chest as he slowly situates your further onto his lap. His turquoise cheek brushes against your jaw before he presses a slow kiss there. “My curious sevin, hm?” You suck in a breath when his sharp teeth just barely nip at your earlobe.
“Yes.” You whisper but those small hands are already smoothing over his shoulders, one even slinking to the nape of his neck.
“You know I am always happy to sate your curiosity, precious.”
That abused bottom lip is finally released when he captures you in a kiss. Despite the growing anticipation, Ao’nung leads this kiss in a pace that is anything but rushed. It’s languid. Relaxed. Sensual. And when he tilts his head to deepen the kiss you eagerly respond in kind.
The ties of your bikini are much simpler than the average Metkayina top and yet it’s difficult to concentrate on undoing them when his tongue is swirling around yours and your hands have already taken real estate lodged deep in his hair. Fingers fumbling for a moment to undo your top he can’t fathom at which point he had let you get such a tight hold on him. Those curious hands hold more power than he would dare to let you know.
The skimpy piece of fabric finally sags, only held up by being sandwiched between his chest and yours.
“This is what you want?” Ao’nung asks again, only departing from your lips for a second.
“Yes.” He pulls back when you eagerly chase after him for more.
“Promise me.” He demands.
“I promise.”
No words have tasted sweeter against his lips. So Ao’nung rewards your sweet behavior with a slow beckon of his tongue. Skillfully exploring and stroking your own until a groan has your lips parting wider for him. His right hand cups the back of your head, easily encompassing the width of your skull in his hold. Anything to keep you there, to continue breathing in your essence until it is seared down his throat.
Your breath is erratic when he pulls away. Even more so when he whispers a simple, “good girl.” There is always a visceral reaction that comes from that short phrase. An ease of tension in your muscles, a breathy sigh that directly trails to a shiver down your spine. It’s become one of his favorite coined phrases for that reaction exactly. Praise has a way of slipping you into a new headspace, one where worry dissipates and you finally allow him to worship you in the way you deserve.
Ao’nung veers back just enough to let your top fall before pulling you close again. Your breasts press against his chest, those tender nubs already prickling against his skin. So responsive and he’s hardly done anything to you yet.
It’s your turn to fumble with the ties when you attempt to undo his tewng. Ao’nung smoothly shifts onto his knees but that doesn’t greatly reduce your struggle when it comes to unwinding the ties from his tail. He’s partly to blame. The second you graze the base of his tail it reacts with a strong swish. Without one of your own, it must be difficult for you to comprehend the unique sensitivity of his tail. You sense there is something, though, hands already retreating shyly.
“What is wrong?” He murmurs against your temple.
It’s less than convincing, even more so when you grapple to meet his gaze. “No need to be shy, precious.”
“I just…don’t want to hurt you.”
It’s tempting to roll his eyes, a tawtute habit you’ve somehow managed to ingrain in him. Instead, he grasps your tiny hand carefully in his own and begins pushing it back towards his tail. “Just as you are mine, paskalin, I am yours.” Ao’nung fights back a shiver when you just barely brush the base of the wide appendage. “Which means I am yours to explore. Yours to enjoy.”
“Take advantage of it.” Something flickers in your countenance at his words. Although still slow and careful in actions a spark of intrigue ignites. He has been the main instigator in your interactions, far more bold in letting his desire for you show. And while Ao’nung revels in always having the upper hand it’s important that you understand the joy that comes from it too. To let you wander and sate your curiosities without restraint. Finally allow yourself the freedom from silly tawtute concerns that plague you.
Because he is yours.
He has been yours since the first time he saw you land at their shores with ribbons in your hair wearing that ridiculously short yellow dress. Even he did not know that day how far gone he already was.
Either way, you two have obviously been crafted for one another. And Ao’nung will be damned before he lets pointless Sky People customs get in the way of you fully enjoying that bond. To finally taste the ecstasy that comes with owning someone, body and soul.
Finally his tewng falls away and Ao’nung helps you dispose of it to the side. As he works on the ties of your bottoms now a kernel of courage slowly sprouts within your actions. Ao’nung smirks against the crook of your neck when he feels the traces of fingertips along his pecs before dragging over the lines of his abdomen.
As tempting as it is to tease you for the interest, Ao’nung spares you his knowing looks and instead encourages the action by placing sweet kisses along your throat. With very little effort he ripens an old mark he had left there last week, licking over the now beautiful contrast of color in delight. It seems to spur something within you as well, small kisses now running over his collarbones and down his chest.
The touch is featherlight, enough to have him almost squirming at how it tickles him. However, you are already letting your touch travel south. Ao’nung graciously aids this endeavor, sliding you off of his lap, flinging your bottoms to the side and laying down on his back with spread legs. For a moment he considers standing up and letting you kneel for a better access but it feels like a risk.
You are just barely mustering up enough confidence to explore. A small thing like you is easy to startle, standing above you could be too intimidating. And as much as he loves watching your nerves paint a beautiful blush over those cheeks, today it’s in his best interest to tread carefully.
Ao’nung holds back a jerk reaction when your hand wraps around the base of his cock. Despite your demure nature this activity has become one very familiar to you. It’s been a safe substitute for your little pussy as you work your way up there. It’s hard not to think about how you will stretch around his thick cock someday, how little whines will bubble up your throat without reprieve and he will finally know what it means to be inside of you.
But you are small. And fragile.
It’s easier to push those thoughts aside in order to maintain his patience.
You only stroke him a few times, hand barely able to wrap fully around him. And then without any warning, there is a loss of touch and you are crawling up his chest again. Ao’nung pulls back and raises a brow when your right hand slinks to the back of his head. Perhaps you are wanton for another kiss but then your lips never descend to his. Instead there is a shift in his hair before the rest of his long locks are falling freely and you are holding the band that originally had it tied into a bun.
This is a common preference of yours, seeing his hair unrestrained. However, today you don’t just fling the band to the side and become engrossed in admiring the curls. That large band is fitted around your wrist before you are bending back to gather your own hair. The view is more than preferable, back curving and chest opened up for his heated gaze. All of a sudden he can’t remember what his objections to his own hair were. Not when his teeth are drawing blood from his lip just imagining how perfectly they would sink into your right breast. Just above the nipple where no one but him would get to admire such a beautiful mark.
You tie your hair back into a ponytail, even giving its roots a good tug for measure. You mean business.
“Who is stealing whose stuff now?” Ao’nung jests.
“I don’t see you complaining.” Your nose scrunches at him in a teasing manner. It wipes away when his warm hands encompass your hips, kneading the flesh sensually. His left hand travels up your stomach and past your ribcage before brushing one nipple not so innocently.
“I’m very generous when it comes to you, precious.” You won’t understand how true those words are, especially when you’re too busy gasping at the harsh tug he gives your right nipple.
Saliva gathers along his tongue as he flicks the other hardened nub. Those pretty little tits always feel good in his mouth. So malleable. Your cries always responsive. If it weren’t for the clear ache between his legs the Metkayina prince would have you flipped onto your back and mouth tormenting those perfect breasts until you would beg for him to stop by now.
But that’s not the reward he promised you, he reminds himself as you are released and slink back down between his thighs. Apprehension settles in your shoulders again when you are face to face with his twitching cock. Fisting the bottom you take a deep breath to steady yourself.
“Paskalin,” He calls lowly. “There is no rush.”
Everything in his body screams otherwise, but Ao’nung maintains a cool composure. You’re already nervous. Already scarred from a past bad experience. It’s his job to do everything in his power to ease that burden. Even when that means torturing himself with the perfect image of you nestled between his thighs all while desperately aching for your touch.
“Yeah but you’re-”
“I am fine. It’s your reward, sevin. Do what feels natural to you.”
What feels natural to you is far more than what he is ready for. Plush lips press against his hip bone, trailing down into open mouthed kisses along his thigh. And then there are your teeth. Those silly blunt teeth that struggle to make an indent in his flesh but your attempt is stimulating all the same. A soft tongue and small teeth encompassed with those perfectly kissable lips work to suck and bite a new color along his upper right thigh.
You’re trying to mark him.
Claim him as he has claimed you so many times.
It’s concerning how fast it frays as his self control, awakening that primal beast within him. His own nails sink into the root of his messy hair while his other hand resting at the back of your head, carefully ensuring to cup you gently not push. When a muscle in his thick thigh flexes that silky tongue chases the line it makes.
The entire endeavor has his body awakening with anticipation, fighting the urge to pin you down and take what he wants now. It is ridiculous how such a simple act from his tawtute has him twitching with need but he loves seeing you this way. Letting your unbridled desire show, using his body the way that has always been your right.
When you pull back, Ao’nung’s neck cranes to see the damage. And damage you can barely call it as there is the smallest purple spot blooming along his upper thigh. Tiny indents of teeth around it.
It is nowhere near the possessive carnage of his own marks upon your lighter skin, in fact the change in color is hardly a contrast. But it’s his. Your adorable attempt at marking your territory is utterly his to treasure. His precious tawtute leaving the sweetest of gifts.
“So pretty, paskalin.” He purrs, finger stroking through your scalp as he battles the urge to stick his tongue down your throat again. The pad of your thumb brushes over the mark, gaze just barely peeking up at him beneath your long lashes.
His body can’t fight a jerk this time when you unexpectedly grab the base of his cock again. A reassuring smile is quickly plastered on his face when you look up at him in concern. The size of him is borderline comical in your hand. Cock practically the length of your forearm, it’s daunting to imagine what a tight fit it will be in your mouth. Equally erotic and nerve wracking to think of those sweet lips stretching around him.
“Promise you’ll help me do it right?” You ask gently, as if you aren’t simultaneously stroking his twitching cock in one hand, precum already drizzling down between your fingers.
“I promise. Stop worrying.” Ao’nung prays you don’t hear the waver in his voice. How unfair it is to expect him to answer your questions when it’s taking everything within him not to fuck up into your fist. “Just start with your tongue, precious. Let yourself taste.”
He had meant for you to explore slowly, maybe start from the bottom and work your way up but it’s clear you’re out to kill him because instead your pink tongue immediately flicks at the head of his cock, right over the slit where a drop of precum rests.
It’s a pure shot of electricity.
And that’s when Ao’nung knows…he is in trouble.
How did he not calculate for this? This is by far not the first time he has had a beautiful woman’s mouth running along him, but they had all been Metkayina women before you. Their tongues had a rougher texture, something enjoyable but entirely different to the silk-like surface of your own. It’s so soft it almost tickles.
He’s known this from the first time you kissed but somehow that never translated into how it would feel against his most sensitive parts.
Mercy is not afforded to him. Like the good numeyu you are, his instructions are taken to heart as your tongue lathers along every inch of him. Sometimes shorter flicks of your tongue while others long strokes that travel from the base to tip. You are duteous in your task. Even going as far as running over his heavy balls hanging beneath.
Great Mother above, he was not built to contain himself like this.
Blown out pupils look up at him when you pull back. It’s impossible to miss the seated hunger in your gaze, but first and foremost you wait for him to guide you. There is a drop of his arousal resting at the corner of your lips innocently, already starting to glow as eclipse has set outside.
Without thinking, Ao’nung finds his own thumb pressing at the dot to slip it back inside your mouth. The digit is accepted without question. Curiosity getting the better of him now, the prince presses his thumb down on your tongue.
Obediently your jaw slacks and lips separate. The pad of his thumb drags over your silky tongue as his other fingers curl beneath your chin. Saliva coats the digit before Ao’nung softly presses your jaw closed. “Suck,” He instructs.
Unlike with swimming you don’t question his methods. You suck hard enough to hollow your cheeks, presenting the perfect tools to imagine what it will feel like around his cock. “There you go. Breath through your nose, sevin.”
You take every direction graciously, following each to a tee. By the time he pulls his thumb out with a pronounced pop sound, it has a line of saliva still connecting it to your lips. He can’t help himself. Ao’nung slides that wet thumb down between your legs and lets it brush over your clit. A choked sound echoes from your throat, clasping his shoulder as he reaches further down to confirm his suspicions.
You are absolutely drenched.
“I-I want to try,” your breathy voice rushes out.
Biting back a moan, Ao’nung kisses your cheek before whispering, “Do as you wish.”
With heavy lidded eyes, he lays back and watches you settle between his thighs again. There is less urgency this time, desire overriding your apprehension. Less timid now, you take his cock in hand and start to fit your lips around the head. The tip is barely past your lips before you are emulating the ministrations he had taught you on his thumb. Cheeks hollowed and tongue running wild, you suck the very life out of him.
“Precious precious,” Ao’nung gasps out, pulling your head off of him. “Not yet, sweetheart. Not yet.”
His body thrums from the aftershock. Too much all at once. “Let’s focus on getting me in that pretty mouth first, hm?”
“Sorry,” You mumble, already pulling back but Ao’nung pushes your head forward again.
“Don’t apologize, sevin. You are being so good for me.” Wrapped in his praise you lower down around him slower this time.
Just fitting the head inside is already a mouthful, something he tries to keep in mind as his hips are begging to buck up into your sweet cavern. It feels like being wrapped in satin. That perfectly hot wet cocoon of your mouth encircling his cock as if it was made for him. Not even halfway down and he can just barely feel the back of your throat.
Ao’nung keeps you positioned there, not wanting to push you too far yet. He makes the mistake of looking down, however, and that image alone has his balls drawing up, dangerously close to the edge. Your pink lips stretched to their limit, such a beautiful contrast to sparkling eyes that peek up at him for approval. An absolute masterpiece.
A shudder ripples forward when you suddenly pull off of him. “It won’t fit,” you pout.
As if the situation isn’t already enough, those deceptively sweet words have the filthiest of fantasies running through his head.
“That’s alright. You can use your hand for the rest.” He prompts.
The advice helps when you lower down again, fisting what you can of the rest with your hand but even then it won’t cover all of him. “Now you can try your tongue, sevin. Just like I taught you.”
But the way your tongue incidentally rides the vein on the underside of his cock is far more than what he taught you. It’s only his reaction that has you less oblivious to its sensitivities. Ao’nung lungs suck in air sharply, the concave of his stomach accenting the x shape of his ribs.
“Am I hurting you?” You ask, abruptly rearing off of him. Those beautiful features are painted with such genuine concern Ao’nung is caught between laughing at your innocence and growling in need. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean-”
“You are so far from hurting me, precious.” Voice thickening with something carnal, Ao’nung pins you with ocean blue eyes. “That pretty mouth feels so good around me. Let me feel it again, paskalin.”
The words strike you hard, plummeting you into a daze-like state as you softly follow the push of his hand. Whatever worries you have dissipate, too focused on getting him to gasp like that again. And it turns out such filthy words are exactly what you need when he is nestled in your heat, wide eyes crinkling with glee.
“There we go. Now suck, sweetheart.”
It takes little encouragement for your compliance. Even the small directions of how hard to suck, where to lap your tongue is ardently followed. Less experienced you may be but your obedience makes up for it ten fold. And then you are following him down into the thick haze of desire. Nostrils flaring, your head starts lowering down to take him deeper.
Despite his flaring desire to watch you choke on him, Ao’nung hesitates. You’re fragile. This isn’t like the other women he has been intimate with. Throwing you around, using you too harshly, can come with consequences. Push too hard and he may just break you, making this an experience you never wish to repeat.
But then his cerulean eyes catch a glimpse of your thighs, the way they squeeze together. That tantalizing essence is thick in the air, even more so when you begin rutting against the fabric like an animal in heat. There is still a slyness to your movements that tell him you’re trying not to get caught, but it’s too late.
You are enjoying this just as much as him, big wide eyes begging for more.
And so more you will get.
“You want my cock down your throat. Don’t you, sweetheart?”
The hum you give in response not only confirms his theories but lights every pleasure center in his brain. A growl rumbles in his chest. “Of course you do, because you’re a good fucking girl, aren’t you?”
Another whine around him and Ao’nung’s toes are curling against the hammock. He fists the base of your ponytail and both of your hands position themselves at his hips, blunt nails digging in. “Then do as I say, sevin. Relax that throat and let me in.”
The first time he slinks past the back of your throat, your gag reflex kicks in dramatically. Immediately he pulls out to allow you a ragged breath but before he can ask if you’re alright, your hands are clawing at his hips and trying to pull him back in. Ao’nung doesn’t need to be told twice.
The pattern continues. His hips draw forward a little more each time until the choking seems to be too much and Ao’nung draws back to allow you air. Each time he is rewarded with the view of your sinfully debauched state. Lips ruby red, a mixture of his precum and saliva glossing over them, and blown out pupils lazily staring up at him.
You’re a quick learner. It’s easy to fall into a rhythm of this pattern. It comes to a point where you are efficient in taking a deep breath before he is spearing down your throat again. Until it can be done faster and faster. Until he has almost three quarters of his length encompassed and able to thrust a couple times before needing to pull back.
“Fuck, precious!” He groans, feet already planting against the hammock’s surface. “My perfect little cocksucker.”
Those words spurs a new energy through you. When he comes to pop out after a couple thrusts, you snag his hip and give him a look. A silent communication that tells him all he needs to know. And by Eywa, it could not come at a better time. He is hanging just over the edge of release. It’s unclear how much longer he can keep that beast inside of him caged.
So when you pull back for one last breath, his grip tightens on your hair and Ao’nung hips finally snap up with vigor. You take it like a champ, choking and drooling but eagerly pushing him to fuck down your throat. Those little ruts against the hammock becoming even more desperate with every growled moan he releases.
“So fucking perfect.” He growls out between clenched teeth. The last tangible sound before his hips are ricketting sporadically and his balls are drawing up against him. Ao’nung finishes with his head thrown back. A position that only lasts for a moment as he quickly remembers to look down and watch the way you choke around him. He doesn’t fight it when you pull back and the rest of his spend lands across your jaw and collarbones.
Now caught in his own daze, the prince hazily savors the masterpiece before him. Tears glossing over your eyes, abused lips parted, and his bioluminescent cum painting your satin like skin. If only there was a way to keep this image tucked away in his pocket forever.
Coming down from his high, Ao’nung feels a tinge of guilt when he surveys your state. That is, until he catches another whiff of your arousal and watches a dopey grin trace your lips. For the first time in perhaps forever, he finds himself speechless.
That grin dampens down in the silence, however. Chest still heaving for air you nervously ask, “Was it…good?”
Nothing more than a raspy whisper but your concern is pure.
Ao’nung is baffled. Wholly bewildered at how you can sit there with his sperm still dripping down your breasts and sincerely ask him such a question.
He’s going to kill that pathetic man, that is for certain. Rip apart the one person that ever dared to make you question such a thing. The man that made you feel like anything less than a goddess.
“Good?” He asks, slowly rising to sit up. You bite your bottom lip. “Oh precious, you aren’t good.” Ao’nung’s thick tail swerves behind him when he settles onto his knees, hands clasping your hips. “You are addicting. My perfect unraveling.”
If he wasn’t so impatient he would savor the way your breath catches and eyes sparkle in delight. But he only sees it for a second before you are manhandled onto your back with a squeak and he is bullying his head between your squishy thighs.
“Spread those pretty legs, tawtute. It’s my turn to taste.”
If you enjoyed this story please take the time to share your thoughts. I can't express enough how much it means to me, especially for this little story! It's one of my favorites<3
Taglist: @pandoraslxna @xylianasblog @m1tsu-ki @paztelbeebee @glass-rosette @mommyanddadskiller @lovebeinaprincessworld @veiraiya @tleeee @neteyamssock @ikeyniofthetayrangi @paztelbeebee @peonies-and-unicorns @deadpool15 @eloide @mimidaydreams @importantstudentbusinessspy-blog @miraclealignertlsp369 @xylianasblog @himikoquack @strawnanabery
#aonung x reader#precious#aonung#avatar#avatar way of water#avatar smut#avatar fanfiction#avatar aonung#aonung x you#ao'nung smut#ao'nung x you#atwow ao'nung#atwow aonung#atwow x you#atwow smut#atwow fanfiction#atwow#atwow x reader#atwow x y/n#avatar the way of water#metkayina#dom aonung#dom/sub#aged up aonung#aged up characters#awow fluff#fluff#aonung fluff#ao'nung x reader#ao'nung
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Okay, so you know that scene from Disney's Hercules? With Meg when she stands up while ringing out her hair and the water is beautiful behind her and Hercules is whipped? Yeah that but with Neteyam.
After relocating to the Metkayina and learning their ways, Neteyam had finally grown into one of their own, in both spirit and body. Now an adult, he grew taller, broader, his physic left many girls and women watching him like predators from a distance.
Coming back from a successful hunting trip, he carried a large net of fish on his back, Ao'nung and other men walking along side him with their own. "I'd say today was an excellent hunt,"Ao'nung had a smug look on his face, dumping the net off fish into a large basket that the clans cooks used in their little pavilion to keep track of the food brought in.
"You only say that because you got the biggest catch of the day," Neteyam gave a playful glare to his friend, shoving the next clan leader out of his way before dumping his own net of fish as well.
"Ah, come on my friend," Ao'nung placed his arm around the dark blue Na'vi, giving him a teasing noogie to the head before the man pushed him with a growl, pointing his finger at Ao'nung.
"Keep on, we'll see who's the better hunter," Neteyam challenged, their friends of the group letting out hoots of encouragement at the sound of the banter. "So you say Forest Boy," Ao'nung was quick to push Neteyam down out of surprise, taking off into the village laughing.
"Ao'nung, you skxawng!" Neteyam quickly stood up and took off after his friend, a grin on his face as he quickly caught up. Ao'nung had never been that fast of a runner.
"Watch it!" A older clansmen yelled, pulling his mate out of the way of the two young men who were too busy acting like children than the adults they were. "Sorry!" Neteyam waved back in apology, not looking to where he was running when he collided with something, or rather someone.
Someone much shorter, much softer, much plumper than him, he noted before both were sent flying to the sea from the walk way, Neteyam briefly hearing his friends chortle of laughter from above the water.
He resurfaced and shook his braids out of his face, Ao'nung holding his stomach, pointing with a laugh as the other guys joined in. "Way to use your eyes Neteyam, I should take notes," One of the hunters mocked, Ao'nung reaching a hand out now to pull his friend up.
It was only when Neteyam turned to view who he'd run into that his breath caught in his throat, eyes wide as he saw the most beautiful woman.
She stood a few feet away onto a lower part of a marui she'd climbed onto. Half bent over to ring our her hair, her eyes trailing up his person as she stood up, her eyes shining in the sunlight like the sea behind her, painting the most gorgeous picture in his eyes. One he didn't wanna forget.
"You are probably the most lucky or unlucky bastard ever," Ao'nung mumbled, a grin on his face as he wrapped an arm around his star struck friend, the rest of the hunters now looking at the young woman.
Only she was not just any young woman, she was the daughter of the lead hunter in the clan, a true treasure to any young man who could gain her father's approval, which really meant her approval.
"Who, is that," Neteyam was starstruck as she girl looked him up and down, water trailing down her body to places he wanted to explore in a more, secluded, area with just the two of them.
"Why don't you go find out," Ao'nung pushed his friend in her direction, Neteyam tripping over his feet to walk properly at first but approached the young lady who watched him walk over, a small hint of amusement hidden in her eyes.
"I'm sorry, I didn't see you there," Neteyam bowed his head in apology, somewhat guilty for having run into her, but also relishing the fact he had.
"Mmm, for someone who is such a wonderful hunter, you're not that good with watching where you're going," Her voice was firm but soft, almost playfully condescending the poor man who felt ready to drop to his knees.
"If I'd been watching, I never would've run into you, and I would've hated to miss that opportunity," He flashed a grin in her direction, the girl crossing her arms as she gave one back, "A shame this will be your only opprotunity for the day," she huffed, turning around and letting her hair hit him in the face before beginning to walk off.
"Wait, you don't have to run off, I didn't even get your name?" Neteyam called out to her, watching as she stopped only a few feet away, turning to look over her shoulder, "I said you already used your opprotunity today, who knows what opprotunity you have tomorrow," she smirked, flashing her fangs before walking away, hips swaying just a little bit more than before.
"What a fine opprotunity indeed," Neteyam hummed, his eyes trailing after her body as she disappeared around the corner of Marui's.
#neteyam x metkayina!reader#neteyam x omaticaya!reader#neteyam sully#neteyam x reader#neteyam#Avatar#atwow imagines#imagines Neteyam#neteyam imagine#metkayina#ao'nung#aonung x you#aonung x
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Summers In Pandora 🌸 Day 6 - Choking
Paring: Aonung x Fem!Sully!Reader
Summary: Aonung just loves you so much he can't wait.
Warnings: MDNI 18+, choking, rough sex, impatient Aonung, secret relationship.
Word Count: 1.2k
Index: Tsahik - Na'vi spiritual leader, marui pod - huts the Metkayina live in.
Disclaimer: All my chracters are aged-up! If that makes you uncomfortable please don't read or interact with my post.
Main M.list | Event M.list
“Hey y/n!” you heard someone shout for you, you spin around to see aonung running up to you, it instantly put a smile on your face, “oh, hey aonung whatsup?” he sported a smirk as he came to a stop in front of you, “Are you busy?” he asked gesturing to the basket on your hip.
“No just have to take this for your mom then I’m done, why?” you smile as you walk towards Tsahik mauri pod. Aonung always had a way of sorting you out from other people, it always made your heart flutter, even when you had just arrived with your family, he was never mean to you. He taught you without the need to insult you like he did your other siblings, you never understood why until one night he expressed how much he wanted you, successfully had you laid out on your back until the next morning.
Your relationship is not public, you family has no idea you’re under him any chance you get and neither does his, they have a feeling you like each other but it has never gone further than that. Aonung does however use you to tease your brothers when things get heated between them. Even if they are now friends, they still tend to fight a little more than you’d want for someone you liked so much.
“Oh, nothing really I just, had the rest of the day I was hoping you would come out to the islands with me?” he smiles his charming smile at you. “Hm, I guess I could run away from a while...” you lead him on as you dropped of the basket and you both fan off.
People have gotten used to seeing you both run wildly through the weaved paths, something about you just gravitated to him, you’ve not sure if it’s his tall stature or his muscular body, you have always found aonung extremely attractive. You told him you wanted to make a quick stop at your marui before you both left wanting to change into something more comfortable.
You are the oldest Sully between your siblings being the same age as aonung at 20 years old. You were sort of mad when your parents had Neteyam but he quickly grew on you, they all did. Because you are an adult, you no longer live with the rest of your family, having your own marui now. You walk in and aonung follows you in, he shut your entrance flap behind him and immediately wrapped his arms around your slim figure. He buried his head in your neck kissing your skin, you always liked the way he dragged his fangs across your skin, “aonung stop, we can’t do this hear...”
“Baby I spend every night here doing much worse than this to you” he chuckled as you melt into him letting him suck some fresh purple marks on your neck, “that’s different nung, everyone else is asleep at night” you giggle as his tongue tickled the stop.
You try to walk away from him but he wrapped his palm around your throat keeping you close to his body. You gasp at the feeling, aonung has never done something like this to you but the way our body melted into him tilting your head back to hit his shoulder.
You moan when his lips meet your neck again. His grip tightens as he runs his lips up to the base of your ear tugging on the earring he recently gave you. “Yea baby, but you like it regardless. And you’ll be quiet won’t you? Be a good girl yea?”
His words make you shiver as you gave into him. The hand that wasn’t around your neck moved down your body to your hips squeezing the flesh before he moved it down to your covered cunt. Aonung’s finger circled your clit speeding up progressively. He made your loincloth wet with his actions. “Fuck yea, please don’t stop”
“hmm wasn’t planning on it look at you cumming in your loincloth” he whispered in your ear. Your legs started to give out on you while you were coming and you leaned back on his body falling to the floor moaning. Aonung didn’t let you fall though, he held up for weight in his arms as he had you shiver. You’ve never been with a man who made you feel so good before it was surreal for you.
He picked you up and walked you to your bed where he laid you on your back. Aonung untied your loincloth while you snuggled into you pillows looking up at him. He looked down at you with a smirk, “still want me to stop?” He asked as he untied your top tossing it to the side. Aonung face came down to your breast and kissed between them before tugging on your nipples with his fangs.
Your body shivered as you felt him kiss down your body giving leaving light purple marks all over your skin. You tap his shoulder pulling his body above yourself and kissed him deeply. One of your hands drifted down his body feeling the rigid muscles under your finger tips. He was so build up and sexy, you couldn’t stop looking at him when you weren’t thinking about how good he fucks you most of the time.
“No, no don’t stop baby” you said between kisses. You felt him smile on your lips which made your smile as you make out. Your hand made it down to the bulge in his loincloth and you squeezed his covered cock. One of aonung’s hands came up to your face holding your cheeks together as he progressively lost his composure. Even thought he is above you, it was always so hot to see him moan under your touch. It always made you feel so good when he told you that you’re the best he ever had.
“Fuck y/n…take it off” he said in a strained voice that was also muffled on your lips. You licked his lip getting access into his mouth and you both starting fighting for dominance. Your hands moved to untie his loincloth tossing it to the side and going right back down the stroke his cock. You broke the kiss to look down at it, it was always so pretty. “Such a pretty cock love, fuck me with it pleaseee” you begged him. “Fuck such good manners on you sweet thing” Aonung lined himself up to your cunt and thrusted into you harshly. He knew just how to make you cum so good every time. One of his hands came to your neck choking you down into the bed.
Your head was spinning feeling his rough thrust and him choking you. His big hand wrapped she perfectly around your little throat it was so fucking hot. You could hardly breath feeling the way his cock pounded into your cunt. He was so close to making you cum on his cock. “Fuck, fuck, fuck” you chanted as he pounded you.
“Gonna cum, I-I’m gonna cum baby!!” You screamed. Aonung smirked and fucked your harder making you gush in his cock and thighs. You scream his name pushing him over the edge cumming in your tight cunt. He let go of your throat bringing his lips down to kiss and suck on his finger prints that are now on your skin. You giggle as you feel him tickle your skin with light kissed and hug up around his neck as he whispers into your skin, “always do so good for me baby”
You don’t think you’ll ever find a better man than Aonung.
🌸idk why I took so long to write but I feel like I could have don’t better here. Never the less I hope you all enjoyed reading!
🌸 Reblogs, comments and likes are always appreciated!
@rivatar @delusionalwh6re @strongheartneteyam @nilahsstuff @inlovewithpandora @neteyamsoare @m1tsu-ki @kylimarz @teymars @xylianasblog
#SummerInPandora2024#aonung x female reader#aonung x y/n#aonung x you#aonung x reader#aonung#aonung x Omatikaya reader#aonung avatar#atwow aonung#atwow#avatar x reader#avatar fanfiction#aonung smut#avatar pandora
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ — Summers In Pandora ᝰ Day 31 - Body Worship/Praising
Artists — Ao’nung x fem!Metkayina!reader
Lyrics — Tonight Ao’nung wants nothing more than to dive between your pretty thighs but after a long day of duties you’re exhausted. His desire for you burns so hot that he offers to do all the work so you can be his pretty pillow princess.
Music Advisory — SMUT [ mature audiences only!], aged up!Ao’nung, fluff, established relationship [mates], needy!Ao’nung, [implied] pleasure dom!Ao’nung, soft!Ao’nung, oral sex + fingering [fem receiving], double stimulation, face fucking, hair pulling, aftercare, allusions to male masturbation, lots of compliments and praise ᝰ this fic does contain aged!up character smut so if you don’t like that type of content please don’t interact and continue scrolling!!
Duration — 2.7k words
Index — Tsakarem - Tsahìk-in-training・Sayrìp - Handsome・ Syulang - Flower・Yawne - Love
Words from Artist — This was my first time writing smut for Ao’nung and it was really fun! This idea was originally supposed to be for Kinkmas 2023 but I never finished it so I decided to put a spin on it and make it fit this prompt. As always feel free to comment and reblog, I love reading y’all reactions! I hope you enjoy!!
Current Platforms — event m.list・main m.list・event taglist ・prompt list
Today there was a cold wind blowing throughout the village and it was causing a draft in your home. When the cold breeze kept gliding across your skin you could feel yourself shivering so you decided to start a fire and gather around it so it would warm up yourself and your home. When you start the fire you can immediately feel the heat emitting from it and it's already eliminating the cold air that's constantly flowing inside.
Ao’nung is next to you during the whole process and he watches you in awe, loving how you always take charge and make things happen. You've always been the type of woman to get things done no matter what it requires, you never wait around for a man to assist you and that’s one of the main reasons Ao’nung wanted you as a mate, he absolutely loves that quality about you so by watching you in your element he can’t help but feel a little turned on.
After a while both you find yourselves laying down a few inches away from the fire, your head laying on his chest and arm wrapped around his torso while his hand is resting on your thigh. The night is going perfectly just like you wanted, after the long day you’ve had all you want is to lay with your mate until you drift off to sleep. You can feel your eyes growing heavy so you allow them to close, happily letting sleep take over your body but that plan is interrupted when you feel Ao’nung’s hand travel from your thigh to your ass, squeezing it gently before rubbing it in a circular motion. You already know what he's implying by his actions, you know your mate very well. When he starts rubbing against the flesh of your ass, moving your hair out the way to place soft kisses on your neck, and teasing his fingers around the strings that are holding your loincloth together you know he wants sex.
When you feel his other hand inching toward your bra top you grab his wrist and stop him. “Not right now, baby. I’m tired and I just want to sleep.” From completing your numerous duties around the clan and also having to do your Tsakarem training with Ronal which took several hours, drained all the energy you had stored for the day. If this was a normal day and you had a good amount of energy you would of course engage in the marital act with Ao’nung but tonight you’re just too worn out. “Just let me take a nap and then I’ll do whatever you want, okay?”
Everything you just said basically went in one ear and out the other. Ao’nung doesn’t want to wait, he wants you now. He wants the sweet taste of your arousal on his tongue now, he wants to hear your sweet moans now, he wants to feel your hands gripping his hair as he devoured your heat now, he can’t wait until you wake up from your nap. “I’ll do all the work, all I want is you to lay back and look pretty for me. How does that sound syulang?” Ao’nung practically worships the ground you walk on, whether it’s publicly or privately, he always lets you know how grateful he is to have you, how beautiful you are, and how sexy your body is.
To him this is you’re world and he’s just lucky enough to live in it. Ao’nung is willing to do whatever it takes to see you squirm underneath his touch, he doesn’t want you to feel like you need to please him because by allowing him to pleasure you is enough for him, he could cum from simply knowing he’s satisfied you to the best of his abilities.
When you hear Ao’nung’s offer all you can do is let out a little laugh, you can tell he really wants to dive between your thighs. His eagerness is definitely turning you on, knowing that your mate is craving you without even having to do anything sexual is starting to make a pool of slick form between your legs. At first you were going to brush him off but now his horniness is rubbing off on you so you decide to cave and allow him to have his way with you. “That sounds perfect, sayrìp.”
The words barely have time to settle in Ao’nung’s mind before he pulls you in for a lustful kiss, swirling his tongue around your mouth while gripping your chin, moving his hand down and wrapping it gently around your neck. When Ao’nung can’t contain himself any longer he moves his hands down your body, using his mighty strength to rip off both articles of your clothing, revealing your round perky breasts and the mound of your sweet pussy.
“You’re so beautiful, you know that? Your body is so perfect, made just for me.” Ao’nung whispers as his eyes scan your body in awe, wondering how Eywa found him such a gorgeous and perfect mate. He feels like your body is carved and sculpted just for him, just for his hands to touch, for his eyes to see, and for his body to be pressed against. It isn’t long before his head is between your thighs, the sweet smell of your arousal making him feel like a man possessed as he runs his tongue over your slit, spreading you open in a swift manner before lapping up your juices so the sweetness of your arousal can dance on his tongue. His tongue finds its way to your clit, sucking on your precious pearl which makes you squirm within seconds.
Ao’nung continues swirling his tongue around your clit, giving it a deep kiss while it throbs against his palate, making a breathy moan from you fill the air. It’s a continuous process: flick, lick, suck, all the motions that’ll bring you great pleasure which is exactly what your mate wants. You can feel him spreading your juices on your inner thighs and his saliva running down your folds, making the flat of his tongue caress every pleasure point. After a while he comes up for air, wanting to savor your delicious taste and amazing scent. “Eywa, woman you taste good.” Ao’nung groans, his chest heaving as he catches his breath which makes you giggle because you’re ultimately doing the same before he continues feasting on you.
Once his lungs feel replenished he lowers his head between your thighs again, causing your breath to hitch in your throat at the unexpected feeling of his tongue swirling around the entrance of your pussy. After teasing you for a few moments, enjoying the desperate whines from you filling his ears while making it seem like he would place his tongue inside but only circling around the outer edge, he finally gives you what you want, intruding your hole and pushing his tongue inside.
“Oh, fuck,” You can feel your legs instinctively spread to make more your room for Ao’nung’s head that’s now moving in multiple directions, and your hips thrust upward wanting to feel him as much as possible. Your hands make their way to the top of his head, tangling your fingers in his curly hair as you grind against his face, practically suffocating your poor mate but he’s so drunk off your pussy he doesn’t give a damn.
With each stroke of his tongue he can feel you opening more and more for him, your warm slick leaking out and sliding down his tongue while the access drips down his chin and travels down his neck. Seeing how you’re reacting to him, tightening your grip in his hair, rutting against his face like an animal, and how you’re so eager to cum all over his face makes him want to ram his cock inside you until your eyes are puffy with tears, seeing your arousal stick to his pelvis as he thrusts inside you until he’s filled you to the brim with his warm seed.
The lewd thoughts he’s conjured up in his mind makes him moan into your heat, pressing his tongue further into you as he uses his hand to gently rub circles against your clit for added stimulation and double pleasure. Every small spasm and tiny twitch that ripples through you, Ao’nung call feel. Any movement you make, any warning tremor your body makes that you’re about to cum he reads loud and clear, wanting to make sure when you cum, you cum hard.
“Mmm! Don’t fucking stop!” And with that the Metkayinan goes into overdrive, his mouth, tongue, and fingers begin to work tirelessly, switching between slurping up every single drop of your sweet juices and swirling around your clit, smothering himself by stuffing his nose into your mound to reach the depths of you and fill his nostrils with your intoxicating aroma. Right now he doesn’t even care about his aching jaw, throbbing cock, or lack of oxygen, all he wants to do is please the woman he’s been blessed with.
Ao’nung slips two of his fingers into your wetness with ease and curls them just right, causing his fingertips to press against your sweet spot. His thick fingers stretch you out beautifully, and that paired with his controlled strokes, powerful sucks and long licks of his mouth, he coaxes you over the edge, bringing forth an ecstasy that only he can give your body. A sharp gasp leaves your lips, your grasp tightening the strands of his hair as your thighs snap close around his head, not allowing him any movement other than continuing to devour your heat.
Your orgasm almost takes you out, it makes you shake, your muscles spasm and twitch uncontrollably as your back arches off the mat underneath you and soon it turns into complete bliss. His fingers continue their relentless pace of pumping in and out of you, lengthening your orgasm while he gently kisses and sucks on your clit until your body slowly goes limp from the incredible pleasure he’s inflicting on you.
Ao’nung’s hand wraps around your thigh, gently tapping your supple skin, silently telling you to untangle yourself from him which you do in an instant, unwrapping your legs from around his shoulders and allowing him to sit up properly. When your eyes look up at him he’s glistening in your slick. His chin, lips, and nose are covered in your juices, making your cheeks heat up from the sight. When your eyes trail down his body you notice the outline of his hardened cock straining against the woven material of his loincloth, making your mouth water at how enlarged it looks and the blots of pre-cum you can see soaking through.
You blink up at Ao'nung, still feeling the warm tingles of aftershocks in your body as he starts to clean you with careful, practiced strokes. The damp cloth is soothing against your oversensitive skin, his touch so light it feels like a whisper. His soft hums of approval and the quiet murmurs of praise in your native tongue send shivers down your spine. "You are perfection, syulang," he murmurs, his deep voice like a soothing balm. "You have given me all I need tonight. Just seeing you like this... it is enough."
Your hairless brows knit together, lips parting as you glance down at the evidence of his own arousal, still taut against the fabric of his loincloth. The woven material struggles to contain him and his cock is practically growing in size by the minute. Your mate is anything but sated, and you know it. “But Ao’nung,” you protest while propping yourself up by your forearms, your voice slightly hoarse as you try to speak. “you haven’t—”
Ao’nung’s hand pauses, the damp cloth resting on your thigh as he takes a moment to study your face and the expression it holds. The slight flush in your cheeks, the way your chest rises and falls as you catch your breath, and the glazed-over look in your eyes tell him everything he needs to know. “You’re exhausted, y/n,” he murmurs, his voice laced with special tenderness that’s strictly reserved for you. He gently brushes a stray strand of hair away from your damp forehead, his fingers lingering against your temple. “I pushed you enough tonight. You’ve done more than enough for me.”
“But yawne—”
He shakes his head firmly, though his touch remains soft as he resumes cleaning you with the damp cloth. “No, syulang. You need to rest. It doesn’t feel right to make you do more when I can see how tired you are.” His gaze flickers to your trembling thighs and then back to face that clearly shows how sleepy you are. “I’ll be fine. Just go to sleep.”
As his wife you feel like it is your duty to sexually gratify your husband no matter what so the idea of leaving him unsatisfied sits uneasily in your mind. You reach for his wrist, stopping him mid-movement. “It doesn’t feel right to leave you like this,” you tell him, your voice firm despite the fatigue threatening to pull you under. “You’re my mate. I need to take care of you too.”
Ao’nung’s lips quirk into a faint, affectionate smile. “Stubborn, as always,” he mutters under his breath, though his tone is filled with nothing but adoration. “You’ve already taken care of me. Watching you cum for me is all I needed.”
Still, you persist, your hand tightening slightly around his wrist, wanting him to just give in already and allow you to reciprocate the pleasure he gave you. “Well, It doesn’t feel like enough.”
Ao’nung lets out a low chuckle at how persistent you are and how you’re fighting sleep just so you can return the favor, which makes him just fall deeper in love with you. His free hand comes up to cup your cheek, forcing you to meet his gaze. “It’s enough for me,” he says softly, his thumb brushing along your cheekbone. “I would much rather you rest than push yourself when I know you’re already spent.”
You open your mouth to argue again, but Ao’nung leans forward, pressing a firm kiss to your forehead that causes you to silence your words before you can make them audible. “Don’t worry about me. I’ll take care of it myself if I need to.” He doesn’t mind jerking off to flashbacks of you trembling under his touch, imagining your warmth wrapped around his cock, and running his thumb over his oozing tip and imagining it as your tongue, if it means his mate can get some well deserved rest.
“Ao’nung, just let me—”
“Shh,” he murmurs, his fingers sliding down to your shoulder, guiding you gently to lie back down so you can finally get sleep. “Close your eyes. You’ve done more than enough for me tonight.”
A part of you wants to push and continue fighting him on the idea of letting him handle his hardened cock alone but the weight of exhaustion finally takes over, your body sinking into the soft mat and you allow your mate to win this time. Ao’nung pulls the blanket over you, his hands lingering to make sure you’re fully covered and comfortable.
As your eyelids grow heavy, you hear him whisper in your ear one last time, his voice low and soothing as he lightly strokes your hair, something he knows helps calm your mind and body. “Sleep, my beautiful mate. You’re all I’ll ever need.” As the words leave his lips he settles beside you, his presence warm and protective as you drift off into a dream state. For now he’s here to make sure your night is peaceful and your sleep is without interruption but later tonight, when you’re hours into your much needed rest, he’ll be in the other room stroking his cock to the thought of your exquisite beauty and gorgeous physique.
Fanbase — @eme1hyst @o-kingston @erenjaegerwifee @Kaydoux @biaaaaaaaa1 @hikotaru @thisaintredwine @lexieeeeeeeei @that-gurl25 @simpingforbelphegor @Peanut713521 @anemonelovesfiction @jakesullyfatjuicypeen @makaylalovessmut @lustforlana4 @Anita @pandoraslxna @iris-xoxo-juhu @domineezy @hc-geralt-23 @ikeyniofthetayrangi @aonungmyaddiction @savagemickey03 @buble787635 @normspellmann @em-x0 @sliqeramx @lexasaurs634 @deadgirlrin @lina @merlinbtch @sussybaka10 @galactict3a @shima @rae @bigdikzaddy @roseblushpink1 @3xclusive_kylani @Bubble787635 @casualmilkshakecupcake @ninaa @atomicslimetoadstudent @shmaptainbonky @moonstidalwaves @jayy-24 @emilymikado
— all rights reserved © INLOVEWITHPANDORA 2025. all fanfics belong to me, do not copy, translate, repost nor recommend on tiktok any of the works seen here.
#SummersInPandora2024#❖ — 🌳: 𝒀𝑶𝑼 𝑯𝑨𝑽𝑬 𝑨 𝑺𝑻𝑹𝑶𝑵𝑮 𝑯𝑬𝑨𝑹𝑻.!#atwow smut#avatar ao'nung#ao’nung fluff#avatar smut#ao’nung x female reader#aonung x you#ao’nung x you#aonung atwow#atwow ao'nung#avatar x female reader#aonung x reader#ao'nung x reader#atwow fluff#avatar fandom#avatar aonung#avatar x na'vi reader#atwow imagines#atwow x you
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˚༄ Tunutu ✮ Meaning: object of desire, crush ✮ Pairing: Aonung x fem!human reader ✮ Meaning: object of desire, crush ✮ Warnings: Reader POV, smutty smut smut,seemingly unrequited love, misunderstandings, size kink, oral sex, p in v, aftercare, fluffy fluff fluff, ✮ Word Count: 12.9k
To be fair, the reef was different.
At least in the Omatikaya village, the na'vi knew you weren't RDA, that you were only fascinated with their culture and wanting to help. The trouble was, what could one small human do to aid the massive, muscular na'vi who, at every turn, always seemed to be the ones to help you out. Which is why when Norm received a help call from Jake Sully, you automatically offered yourself up for the job.
You had grown up alongside the Sully kids, always growing smaller and smaller in their eyes. Now in adulthood, you were still trying to overcome their teasing that you were still barely above their hips in their more muscular, lithe bodies,
And since the absence of the Sullys and Spider, you hardly had a reason to come around the Omatikaya village anymore. Although the science compound was tedious and cagey at times, you had traded your beautifully beaded na'vi style tops and tewngs for more "appropriate clothing". It was probably more suitable too; the older you got, the less the na'vi clothes fit your stubbornly human body. At least you were larger than na'vi in one particular place.
But as you watched the science labs fade away through the perilously open side of the helicopter, the forest too replaced by a vast stretch of ever-deepening glistening ocean, you felt a small pang inside you. It's not like you were leaving any family or friend, they were not so quite waiting for you at the reef.
Which is when it happened. You saw him.
You were always much more interested in na'vi than humans, how could you not be when they were so much more muscular, smoother, and well, bigger. But you had never seen a reef na'vi before, and on the very off chance you had carelessly thought of the Metkayina, you had forgotten to factor in their physique.
He was taller than any other na'vi you'd ever seen, his whole body broad and muscular and massive, his very toned stomach tapering into a sluttily slim waist for such a broad man and a slight x shape to where his very prominent abs met his ribcage.
As the helicopter settled on the sand, surrounded by a crowd of extremely confused and intrigued Metkayina, he was helping Neteyam keep them back. You shook your head- this was hardly the time to be drooling over handsome new boys when Kiri needed help.
Jake was running over, shouting at Norm and pulling him into a quick hug before he spotted you. He looked tired and strained and stressed, yet still managed to smile and pull you into a hug, clearly forgetting that you're a human and half-crushing you to death.
"Good to see you kid," he grins. "Well, you're hardly a kid anymore."
You had tried to help carry some of the boxes in, yet they were sized for Jake and Norm, and you were quickly left aone by the helicopter, surrounded by curious na'vi. You could tell no one saw you as a threat by the way they stared, as though you were something exotic and adorable and even amusing.
Moreover, you could feel his eyes on you, more weary and suspicious and almost taunting than his people, and you swallowed heavily before nervously making your way through the crowd and following the shapes of Jake and Norm ahead.
So maybe you hadn't had a great start with the mystery guy from the way he was staring, but you soon met him again when Ronal pulled you aside and into a marui.
There he was, standing between who was clearly Tonowari and a sweet-looking shorter girl.
"Oel ngati kameie," you said nervously, apprehensively gesturing and praying to Eywa that your voice didn't actually sound as timid and squeaky as it seemed to yourself.
The Olo'eyktan and the girl looked pleased, but he just continued to blankly and shamelessly stare at you, until your throat felt dry and the silence was starting to make you want to cry. But you refused to play into either of the roles na'vi assume of humans; the evil, power-hungry, trigger-happy demons, or the tiny timid pushovers.
"Jake Sully has requested you stay with us," Ronal finally said. "He believes you could be useful to the Metkayina."
"Well," you say, throat dry and desperately trying to keep your voice steady under the eyes of the four Metkayina. "I'm good at healing- I learnt much from the Omatikaya Tsahìk."
"This is my daughter Tsireya," Tonowari said, looking pleased with you. "She will help accustom you to our village, as well as my son, Aonung."
Instantly Aonung's eyes narrowed, and you feel your heart thud a little at the annoyance on his face at the instruction of him spending time with you.
"Father, first the Sullys and now a tawtute-"
"It is decided," Tonowari cut his son off. "The Sullys may assist you as well, and Toruk Makto tells me you are to have a human home on the edge of the village."
And that was that, apparently. No one asked you if you wanted to suddenly live in the reef, yet you had the Sullys and that was all that mattered. The small human area was hidden in the small forest beside a river and behind the Metkayina village, which was fair given the aesthetic monstrocity of it.
It was another horribly shiny metal demountable shared between you and Spider, each of you owning your own small room with a tiny cupboard, rickety bed and nothing more, and sharing a small space between.
Soon after you moved in, you could hardly get Lo'ak to move out, him and Spider always playing stupid video games and eating the shitty food you had hoarded, yet you took every chance to get outside.
It's not like you ever did much, you even managed to go the first few months without swimming or being in swimmers in front of all these beautiful na'vi, but you were determined to prove yourself.
So day after day, you worked endlessly on anything you could find to be helpful. You quickly learnt the new herbs for healing and how to navigate the bouncy village suspended over the water. You also found out the na'vi women loved your weavings and beadings, your "tiny hands" able to create very intricate works in proportion to their larger bodies.
And you found that Metkayina men were extremely intrigued by you.
You wondered if maybe Spider had blabbed to someone about you, about your greater attraction to na'vi than humans, because you suddenly found the healing marui that you often worked in when Ronal couldn't strangely often occupied by men with injuries that could have easily been healed at home or better treated by Ronal herself.
You also didn't miss their comments about the coverage of your clothing, about how small you were and the softness of your tawtute skin.
Okay so yes, maybe you were secretly crushing hard on Aonung, but the Olo'eyktans son treated you with amusement and cockiness when you happened to interact with him every now and then. So of course you were flattered by the attention of the broad strong Metkayina, and a woman has needs.
All the sexual interactions you share with the Metkayina range from adequate to somewhat satisfying, but the longer you stay in Awa'atlu and the more female friends you make, the more you hear.
All the village girls seem to talk about is Aonung, the prince of the clan. He's not exactly selective about the women he spends his time with, but his precious company is so apparently mind-blowing and pleasurable that it seems to be the most valued thing on the island.
Which is fine.
He obviously doesn't like you that much, and you'd probably have to fight off fifty village girls for that attention from him anyway. He never bothered to accustom you to the village, rather staring and glaring from the back or side as Tsireya befriended you.
And you definitely didn't make an effort to get him to look at you. No, your increasingly smaller outfits are a reflection of your growing comfort in the village and the hot temperatures of the reef. The other villagers liked your outfits though, even if they did find it strange, often asking why you wore such large clothing. So you started to phase out the cargos and massive jumpers with flowy skirts and tighter tops.
Besides, you have options, even if all your admirers are only seeking the thrill and adventure and tightness of being with a tawtute.
A shout of laughter from outside brings you back to attention, and you set down the paste you had been mixing on a small table before quietly moving over to peek out. Just as you stick your small head out, you find yourself suddenly bumped backwards as several figures walk into the healing marui.
Folding your arms and frowning at the rowdy boys, you watch them as they comfortably space out around the marui. You recognise them instantly- the three skxawngs that Aonung always seemed to hang out with.
"Can I help you?" you ask, trying not to raise your brows when Koro laughs and shoves Nashvi forward to speak to you.
"Yeah," Nashvi grins stupidly. "Us and Aonung were out by the reef when an akula attacked, and we got a few injuries."
You can't help raising your brows at this. There are only several small scratches across the boys bodies, the worst only looking five inches long on Ongu's leg. But you have a job, and you aren't about to refuse to help Aonung's friends.
"Alright, sit down," you say tiredly, reaching up to lightly lead Nashvi to the woven mat you heal on.
As you turn to gather some more ointment, you can hear the three boys chuckling stupidly behind you, but when you turn, their smiles are quickly hidden and they don't make eye contact with each other. Shrugging off your discomfort and annoyance, you lift up Nashvi's hair to apply the ointment to the scratches on his back.
They are not easy patients. They're whiny when you touch their miniscule, pointless little scratches, and they chuckle and grin shiftily at each other every time you move. It's an awkward interaction with each, and finally you can't take the silence anymore.
"What were you doing out by the reef?" you ask, in a desperate attempt to make conversation.
"Aonung wanted to hunt," Koro shrugs.
"Where is Aonung?"
They all grin again at your question, and you straighten up and frown.
"Missing your boyfriend are you?" Ongu leers.
You straighten up instantly, a frown fixed on your small face and your fist clenched slightly around the bowl.
"What are you talking about?" you say coolly, turning away from the boys under the pretence of collecting more herbs to add to the ointment.
"You're pining after him," Koro grins. "It's so obvious, all the little looks you shoot him, batting your eyelashes whenever he's around. You're so cool and all with other guys, but as soon as Aonung's around you're acting like a little lovestruck prolemuris."
"I do not," you say hotly, forgetting to act cool and hide the deep flush across your cheeks.
"Please," Nashvi scoffs. "You couldn't be more obvious if you tried."
Your face is growing hotter and hotter, and when you turn around, you find that the three boys have crept slightly closer, so now you're stuck between them.
"I don't have a crush on Aonung," you lie, knowing full well that you aren't convincing anyone. "I don't even like him."
"These little outfits say otherwise," Koro grins, reaching out to pinch your hip.
You jerk away from the contact, the bare skin of your hip between your top and low skirt burning slightly from his touch and the accusation of his words.
"Fuck off," you grumble, pushing at his hands as he reaches towards you again.
"What happened to the sweet little girl whenever he's around?"
"She's about to do worse than those little scratches if you don't stop touching me," you growl, hoping you sound braver than you feel. Hot mortification is spreading through your body. Had you really been that obvious? Koro, Ongu and Nashvi are just laughing stupidly, watching you grow more and more flustered as you try to figure out what to say, or at least how to get away.
"You are rude skxawngs," you snap. "I helped you out, now leave me alone."
"Why?" Nashvi grins. "We're just having a little fun with you, tawtute."
"Why do you wear such big clothes anyway?" Ongu leers. "I know they're getting smaller for Aonung, but if you want his attention you should just take it all off."
You growl as they reach for your clothes again.
"Tell Aonung that-"
"Tell me what?" a deep voice says from the entrance.
Immediately, all four of your gazes flick to see Aonung leaning against the entrance, a small frown pinching between his brows as he stares at his friends.
"That you need to find better friends," you huff, reaching to flatten your hair and pull your skirt down.
"She's just being grumpy," Koro laughs. "We were having a fun conversation with her."
"Yeah, it was real fun," you snap, flushing crimson as Aonung's gaze flicks back to you. "Especially when you kept touching me."
Aonung's frown deepens when you feel his gaze pass over the redness their pinches left over your hip, and you brush your hair out of your face.
"Okay, I fixed up your little scratches," you scowl to Koro, Ongu and Nashvi, as Aonung just stares dully at you. "You can fuck off now."
"Careful with your mouth," Nashvi grins. "You aren't as attractive when you aren't smiling, tawtute."
"Get out," you growl, straightening to your full height, but still shorter than their crouched figures.
They just laugh stupidly, and you're growing more and more flustered and annoyed. You are torn between wanting to shout and curl up in a ball and cry until they get uncomfortable and leave, when Koro pulls the last straw.
"It's a shame that such a pretty little thing has no humour," he grins to his friends. "You know I'd-"
"Out," you shout.
They don't look at all as though they're going to leave, but then Aonung shoots them a certain sort of look you miss, because your heart is pounding fast and angry tears are stinging your eyes.
You're mortified, that they knew about your crush, that they managed to get so far under your skin, that everyone had so little respect for you that they only listen when Aonung tells them to do something.
As they file out, you can hear them snickering to each other, and their gazes blazing on your bowed head as they walk away.
"You can leave too," you say off-handedly, turning away so your back is to Aonung.
"Oh?" Aonung asks, his voice deep and amused. "You're going to kick me out of my own mum's marui?"
"Yes," you grumble, sitting down and glaring at him. "You're a grown man Aonung, you can fuck off out of your mummies hut."
"Also your Olo'eyktan," he points out.
"Not yet," you seethe.
Aonung just laughs, his massive body still leaning against the entrance as he stares down at you, blue eyes sparkling with amusement.
"Are you alright?" he asks, once he stops laughing. You frown at the slight concern in his voice before glaring up at him.
"Yes I'm fine," you snap. "Now are you done?"
Aonung just stares for a few more seconds before he pushes off the wall and walks over to you.
Oh Eywa's just playing a fucking game with you right now. Aonung reaches out, lightly taking your small head in his hand and gently tilting your face up towards him with a soft hand.
"Is what they said true?" he asks quietly.
"Aren't you the one that finds my crush obvious as fuck?" you snap.
But you don't pull away, and you both know it. Instead, you just stay put little a stupid good girl and stare up at him, waiting for what he's about to do.
"I'm fucking pathetic, I know," you whisper. "I have to work my ass off just to get the tiniest bit of recognition, and this is the longest we've ever spoken. All you do is glare at me from other sides of the village, and I still liked you."
"You're not," Aonung says. "Pathetic, I mean. They're just skxawngs."
"They're your friends," you point out. "They're the ones that knew I liked you, that just come and fucking taunt me and touch me and-"
"Let me see," Aonung cuts you off.
You scowl at him and try to push him away, but he just easily grabs your wrist and peers around you to see your hips, where the mark is still red against your skin.
"It's not a big deal," you growl. "I just don't need shit for having a stupid crush. No one ever needed to know and it wasn't hurting anyone. If I knew what skxawngs you and your friends are, I'd never like you."
"This skirt is thin," is all Aonung says. "And short. Tawtute clothing is strange, but this one is small compared-"
"It was for you!" you snap. "All the stupid dressing up and acting nice and being sweet and trying to be pretty just so you would stop glaring and look at me for ONCE!"
Aonung's frown deepens slightly, like he's confused, like you aren't making any sense. Stupid alien boys, so oblivious to everything around them.
"I am looking at you," he says quietly.
"No," you hiss. "You're looking down on me like always, just because I'm a human-"
Your voice dies in your throat when Aonung instantly sits beside you, his hands picking you up as though you weigh nothing and placing you gently in his massive lap.
Your faces are a foot apart, your hands immediately falling to his shoulder to steady yourself, an unnecessary action given that he's easily holding you by your waist.
"Better?" he asks sincerely, as though he genuinely thought this would help.
You can hardly breathe over the pounding of your heart. You are nervous and pissed and terrified and also fucking horny.
Oh Eywa, how is he doing this- just instantly making you forget everything that happened by placing you on his lap and staring at you with those large blue eyes.
"What are you doing here Aonung?" you say tiredly.
His ears prick up at the sound of his name, the first time he's heard you speak it. You can hardly miss the sway of his tail behind you.
"Injury," he shrugs.
You scoff, and he turns to frown at you.
"I am injured," he frowns. "I went to my mother and she told me to come to you."
"She did?" you ask, confused. "If you're hurt, why would she tell you to come to me?"
"So I could hear your great love confession?" Aonung shrugs, eyes sparkling with amusement.
You growl and make to stand up, but his hands keep you firmly planted in his lap.
"Trying to leave now?" he asks. "Don't you want to help me paksalin?"
"Don't call me that," you hiss.
"You don't like it?" Aonung asks, looking confused.
"You're being mean," you say finally. "Everyone was right about you- you're a skxawng playboy."
"Playboy?" Aonung asks, sounding out the human word with confusion.
"Yeah," you say. "Like a slut."
Aonung laughs in surprise, brows raising at your annoyance with him.
"I thought you were all meek and sweet," he says finally.
"Not anymore," you grumble. "Cat's out of the bag sweetie, so I can go back to being a bitch again. Now let me go so I can help you out."
To your surprise, he instantly obeys, letting his arms drop to his sides so you can clamber out of his lap and collect your paste again. When you turn back, you notice the injury.
"You're hurt."
It's a blunt statement, and you're pointing out the obvious. Aonung has a no shit sort of look on his face, before he notices your concern.
"It's alright," he says gently. "I just got a little scraped by the akula."
"Aonung, there's an akula tooth stuck in your arm," you say, instantly kneeling beside him.
"There is?" he says, sounding interested. "Huh."
"Huh?" you hiss incredulously. "There is a three inch tooth stuck in your arm and you say HUH?"
Aonung just shrugs, and you crouch down to study it, before gently cleaning it up. He hisses a little when you first wipe over the wound, but he just grits his teeth and sits still with patience his skxawng friends could never possess.
"I should probably take this out," you say, once you've wiped all the blood that you can manage to, and placing a comforting, steady hand on the strong muscles of his shoulder.
"Fine," he grumbles.
"I'll be gentle," you promise. "It'll come nice and easy."
"That's what I want to hear," he says, smirking.
Your mouth parts in amused incredulity, and you lightly smack his shoulder as he turns his head to grin cheekily at you.
"Stay still," you instruct. "Straighten up like this, and try not to move too much. Now, just breathe."
Trying to ignore the very persistent flow of blood as you gently grab the top of the tooth, you start to very slowly pull it out.
"Ow," he hisses, his hand instantly jumping to take yours.
"Sorry," you say, giving his own hand a reassuring squeeze, and he quickly shakes his head and swallows.
"I'm all good, just pull it out fast."
"That's what I want to hear," you ask teasingly, and he laughs a little.
His laugh quickly turns into a groan of pain as you use his amusement as a distraction and yank the tooth out.
"Fuck," he hisses under his breath.
"Good job," you say, as though you're treating a child and patting his head like a good boy. "Here, you can keep the tooth as a souvenir."
"Tawtute," he says gently, before you can leave.
"You aren't pathetic, liking me-"
"Yeah, you're very handsome and cool and hot, I get it," you say, rolling your eyes. "Listen Aonung."
And he does, looking up at you like a little puppy sitting on the woven floor, waiting patiently for you to speak.
"I never thought anything would come out of my crush, and I don't expect anything to come out of it. I'll get over it, just please, forget about it."
Aonung's slowly frowning.
"Tawtute, then what about the others?"
"What others?" you sigh, eager to get away and just disappear into your bed forever.
"I hear stuff too," Aonung shrugs. "From other guys."
"Like who?" you snap, growing more and more impatient.
It's like he's a little child sometimes, trying to figure out what he wants to say and then actually speaking the words, as though every sentence is taking every fibre of his being to utter.
"Ta'ru, Moy'ka, Khalo," Aonung shrugs. At that, your eyes widen and your face flushes. Those names are extremely familiar, ones that may be found at the bottom of my little black book.
"Oh my god," you groan, covering your face so he won't see your desperate flush.
"They seemed to really like you as well," Aonung grins. "Heard that you can be a feisty little-"
You glower at him and he cuts himself off with a shameless shrug, as though he knows you can't be mad at him.
"Fuck off Aonung," you snarl. "Just because I had a crush on you doesn't mean I'm gonna take shit from you."
"I'm just saying," the Metkayina shrugs. "You have excellent taste in men, but why are you messing around with the likes of Ta'ru and Moy'ka?"
"Well I don't have too many options, do I?" you growl. "How do you think it feels to be someone who's only options are only seeking the thrill and adventure and tightness of being with a tawtute?"
Aonung pauses, like he hadn't thought about it like that. You know he didn't mean to offend, just tease and taunt you just as he had with Lo'ak and Kiri when they first arrived in Awa'atlu, but his words stung deep.
You couldn't just mess around with anyone you liked, because really you only liked him and he knew that, and that pissed you off more than anything else.
"Just pull your massive head out of your skxawng ass for two seconds and see that not everyone has admirers falling out of the sky and at their fucking feet all the time, that I have to work tirelessly to prove myself and that the only release I can scrounge up is with the likes of Ta'ru and Moy'ka!"
You sigh heavily, not exactly regretting raising your voice at Aonung, yet it didn't bode well that you just insulted and shouted at the future Olo'eyktan.
Aonung is just watching you, his large blue eyes flicking over your agitated face, flushed deep pink and your smaller, duller eyes stinging with furious, mortifying tears.
You can't bear the pity in his eyes, can't bring yourself to listen to whatever he's about to say when he opens his mouth.
"I have worked enough today," you say stiffly, careful to act with appropriate respect, "tell your mother I went home and I'll need more pearls and shells for the beadings."
You quickly turn, hating yourself for your timid, cowardly retreat from the hut with his ocean eyes fixed directly onto you, and slip off through the village.
For a moment, you think he might have tried to follow you by the creaking of the woven village pathway behind you, but you quickly manage to slip between maruis and bustling Metkayina and leave the village.
You can feel your heart pounding loudly, everything so awkwardly silent as you run towards your monstrocity of a home that you feel completely alone in the forest.
Spider isn't there when you fling open your door and bury your face in your pillow.
You just sit in silence, face-down and not bothering to take off your expopack yet.
Fuck, you messed up.
You confessed your crush, then flirted with him, then shouted at him, then ran away like the tiny coward the na'vi assume of humans.
Fuck Aonung.
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
So maybe you actually were a tiny coward. Yes, you were a fiesty, flaming bitch at heart, but when it came down to the mortification you had faced in that marui with Aonung, not even your sheer stubbornness and determination to shout down anyone in your path could make you leave your home.
So, shamefully, the next days passed with you cooped up in your tiny home, back to wearing your massive ass jumpers over your lazy loungewear. Spider and Lo'ak didn't question your state - you suspect they know exactly what happened - they just moved over on the worn, already cramped sofa and passed you another remote.
The days were considerably shorter than normal when you're self isolating in what is basically a small tin shack, eating shitty food and binging hours of trashy television in the discomfort of your rickety bed.
Which is why, on the fourth morning away from the Metkayina village, you weren't at all surprised to hear the shouts of Spider and Lo'ak's familiar laugh from outside.
You had lazily woken up late in your bra and comfy, heart-patterned boy-short pyjamas that barely covered half your ass and thrown on your massive jumper, which hung a third of the way to your knees, grumbling to yourself that there were the boys outside and you couldn't just spend the rest of the day in your underwear.
When you finally left your room and stomped out to make a coffee in the tiny, tinny kitchen, you were too tired and uninterested to notice the suspiciously gleeful looks shot in your direction.
"Morning," Spider finally chirps.
"Is it?" you grumble, not looking up at your roommate as you slump into the creaky chair by the bench and dully watch the coffee drip monotonously into your chipped, yellowed mug.
Lo'ak snickers at your slumped back as you don't bother turn around to look in their direction.
"Someone's here for you," Spider grins, and you can hear the barely concealed amusement in his voice as you roll your eyes.
"I don't feel being squashed between your and Lo'ak's fat asses and playing video games right now," you sigh. "I can't be fucked for another day spent moping on that old, shitty sofa."
"Aw, is the little tawtute still upset about her little crush on the Metkayina prince?"
"Hardly," you scoff.
You snatch your chipped mug from the machine and just resigning yourself as the coffee continues to drip down onto the tinny bench, no longer having the patience for the infuriatingly slow drip of your greatest necessity before continuing.
"I should have realised what a cocky, brainless, dull, oblivious, pestering, rude, taunting, tiny-dick skxawng-"
"Hey," a deep voice protests from the sofa.
A very familiar voice.
With a surge of horror and a deep desire to strangle and castrate Lo'ak and Spider, you see Aonung grinning at you.
Fuck, how can he manage to look good here, cramped in this ridiculously small shack that barely even fits you, in the horribly white light that flickered every five damn minutes and sprawled casually on that worn old couch?
His large blue eyes are glittering with amusement, looking large and more muscular than ever in the tiny living room.
"What are you doing here?" you breathe, torn between annoyance with the three skxawngs grinning at you, a desire to storm back into your room with your coffee and slam the door in their faces, and a conflicted delight and slight surge of desire at Aonung here in your house.
"Lo'ak asked me if I wanted to play video games," Aonung shrugs.
Lo'ak just rolls his eyes and says, "No, I said you'd been in your room for the last few days playing video games with us when he asked me why you hadn't been coming around the village. Then he said he'd never played video games, and I said I was coming here again, and then the skxawng just decided to come along."
"Right," Aonung concludes, shooting Lo'ak a scathing look.
"Right," you say too, unimpressed and unconvinced. "Well it's a bit cramped in here. Maybe you should leave."
"No, we'll go," Spider grins, nudging Lo'ak, who also smirks. "You guys have fun, and make good choices!"
"Spider!" you hiss, but your two ridiculously infuriating friends had already extricated themselces from the demountable and disappeared between the sparse forest that hid your human home. You can hear their snickers as they move towards the village and away from the situation they left you in.
Some friends.
You huff an annoyed sigh before lifting your coffee to your lips and taking a small sip. You are staring directly at Aonung, who's shifting slightly on the couch, but you're determing to not back down this time.
Mostly because there's nowhere left your you to run away and hide, now that Aonung has invaded your home.
There's a few moments of tense silence where you continue to sip your coffee and coldly study him.
"I brought you shells pearls," Aonung blurts, nose scrunching slightly.
You raise your brows at him, surprised that he caved to your silent coldness so fast. When you don't reply, he continues.
"Like you asked. Before you left. You told me that you needed more pearls and shells for your beading... so I thought... maybe..."
At your continued cool silence, Aonung trails off. You're surprised to see a faint purple tinge to his handsome face.
Is he blushing? Is he nervous?
At this realisation, that the cocky prince of the clan in front of you was nervous because of you, an idea clunks into place.
A risky idea for sure, but it was hardly like you could get any more mortified, and an opportunity like this, to have Aonung like this, didn't come every day.
"Why are you here?" you ask dully, finally setting your coffee down with a decisive chink and pinning him under the full attention of your gaze.
"I - um - brought you the shells and pearls-" he starts to say.
"Not because of the shells and pearls."
It wasn't a question, it was a statement. An obvious statement, at that.
"Or the video games," you add, eyes narrowing slightly. "Why are you here, Aonung?"
"You haven't been coming around the village," he swallows.
"I've been busy,"you shrug.
You're horribly aware that your hair is a mess, that you are wearing nothing but a bra and practically underwear under your massive jumper.
Aonung also seems to notice your sloppy and careless appearance, or at least your hair (you pray to Eywa he doesn't notice your clothing, or lack thereof) but he doesn't point your laziness out, which is wise of him.
He reaches for the mask Lo'ak often uses and takes a deep inhale.
"My mother wishes you come back soon," Aonung mutters.
"And you?" you ask coolly. "Ronal would have told me herself- she has no qualms with coming to visit me here by the river. So what do you want?"
A heartbeat of silence. Aonung blinks. You raise your brows.
"I'm sorry."
The words hang in the air for a moment, trapped, no doubt, between the stifling walls of the ridiculously small room, between you seated at the rickety table and Aonung's much larger, stronger body seated at the peeling sofa.
"It's probably good you weren't around the village lately," Aonung says offhandedly, his voice growing somewhat stronger as you don't yell at him again. "Koro, Ongu and Nashvi were in need of some healing."
"From what?" you roll your eyes. "A prolemuris bite? A stubbed toe?"
"Well," Aonung says, looking more encouraged now, "someone may have beat them up a little for teasing and taunting and being skxawngs."
You look up at that, and find an adorably self-pleased expression on Aonung's face.
"And why would someone do that?" you ask.
"Maybe they wanted to show they were sorry?" Aonung grins. "And they knew it would take more than shells and pearls for forgiveness."
"Why do you want forgiveness?" you sigh, leaning forward on the table to stare better at him.
Aonung sits up and shifts on the sofa, clearly making room for you.
You aren't sure you want to, unsure what will happen if you're that close to him, but you can't help it.
Despite your pretences of confidence and annoyance with him that veneered your facade of sweetness and kindness you had hoped would gain his attention and even affection, you were just a people pleaser.
And all you really wanted was to please Aonung.
So you picked yourself off, leaving your coffee to grow cold and doubtless forgotten about on the creaky table.
You settled into the sofa besides Aonung, trying to ignore how annoyingly, incredibly, deliciously massive he is as he blinks down at you.
"You are small," he says. "And meek yet furious at the same time. I can't figure you out at all, and you intrigue me, tawtute."
"How flattering," you say dully, and Aonung frowns, as though that was not the reaction he was expecting. "If you fought Ongu and Nashvi and Koro then why aren't you injured?"
"I'm a good fighter?" Aonung shrugs, looking pleased with himself.
You know that well- the Metkayina training grounds for warriors were across from the village, and the closest marui to it was the healing one you often occupied, given that most injuries came from the warriors.
So when you could get away with it, you would peek out the entrance of the healing marui to watch the warriors train. All large muscular men and lithe beautiful women. But no matter who you distracted yourself with, your eyes would always drift back to Aonung.
The way his jokey demeanour vanished the instant he had an opponent, the swiftness of each of his calculated movements, the way you knew, even though you could never hear, that he was taunting and glaring and ridiculing his opponent between powerful blows.
It attracted you more than you'd like to admit, the way he was effortlessly than the others, the ease with which he could toss his opponents around. And when he won, his muscles gleaming with laborious perspiration and a grin fixed on his handsome face...
It was all very attractive.
"Yes yes," you say instead, biting your cheek to stop from rolling your eyes. "You're very strong and incredible."
"You don't sound convinced," Aonung narrows his eyes at you.
You squint back. He really is brainless, just a pretty hunk.
You said what you said and you meant it - and now you don't need him acting all confused when you don't fawn all over him, batting you eyelashes and twirling your hair and practically sucking his dick.
It really is a cocky, brainless, dull, oblivious, pestering, rude, taunting, tiny-dick skxawng thing for him to do - finally speaking to you, looking at you, even trying to flirt with you just as you decide to let it go, set your sights away from him.
So you straighten up to your full height, still several feel smaller even sitting down, and wait as he opens his mouth.
"You confuse me tawtute," Aonung admits.
"No shit, given that you have as many braincells as men I can pull," you mutter, raising your brows at him.
Aonung huffs in annoyance, and you fold your arms further.
"Bold of you," you scowl. "To act like you're the annoyed one after the other day."
"Well," Aonung huffs, blinking furiously, looking torn between confusion and continued, unjust annoyance.
"Well what?" you snap. "Whenever I'm around the village I'm just the tawtute, and now you come into my house, the only place I can just relax-"
"This is my village," Aonung says stiffly.
You blink.
"Oh," you seethe. "So that's what this is about."
"That the entitled Olo'eyktan's son is shocked to have someone tell him how it is, to not be beloved and cherished all the fucking time, to not have someone sucking his dick every-"
"I wouldn't protest," Aonung shrugs, smirking down at you before taking another breath from the mask.
You blink again. Just as you think you've called him out, that maybe a word you say will manage to penetrate through that perfect hair and gorgeous head of his- he manages to prove you wrong.
You just growl in irritation and stand back up, storming back towards your room and not bothering to turn back to him.
As you predicted, your coffee lies cold and dreary and lonesome, forgotten on that creaky table in your irritation with him and his stupid damn confusion with you.
"You can let yourself out."
But he doesn't, he just follows you into your room as you flop down onto your bed.
You glare at him, shocked that he has that much nerve to follow you into your room when you clearly don't want to see him.
Spider definitely wouldn't be brave enough to bother you right now, and Lo'ak or Neteyam probably would also be apprehensive.
But cocky, stubborn Aonung just ducks his massive frame through the doorway - a tight squeeze but he somehow manages - and peers hazily around your room.
Of course, the demountable you and Spider call home was built with Jake and Norm in mind, yet Aonung's head was taller than both other men, his braided bun inches away from scraping the ceiling.
From the bed you continue to glare at him, silent and glowering as he raises his eyebrows at the underwhelming room.
"So this is your room?" he asks, eyes darting back to you. "I always imagined it more..."
There's apparently no words his five brain cells can find, and you roll your eyes again.
"Not everyone can live in the nicest marui in the village," you point out. "Not everyone can live in the village at all.
Aonung sighs again, before his eyes light up and he spots something.
"Don't touch my stuff," you grumble, but he's already stooping his massive body to something.
"What is this?" he asks earnestly.
"What is what-" you snap, before your eyes widen in horror and your mouth parts in silent mortification.
Looking comically small in his ridiculously large hands is your underwear. And to your absolute fucking horror, it just has to be your smallest thong, black and delicate and a little lacy.
"Give that here," you huff, instantly leaping up and trying to snatch it back. Aonung's grin only widens when he realises what it is, and you think you could die of mortification right then and there on your bedroom floor in front of the metkayina prince.
"How come you never wore this around the village?" Aonung chuckles, easily holding it up from your limited reach. "I can promise you, this would grab much more attention than your other tawtute clothing."
You attempt to snatch it back again, face flushed to a deep red now, and he just laughs again.
He looks down at you and frowns at the massive jumper hanging halfway to your knees.
"And why are you back to wearing those cloaks and blankets?"
"It's a jumper," you say hotly, feeling your face flush that the realising that Aonung had noticed you, or at least the difference between short skirts and tanks and your oversized "blankets".
"And it's comfy, much more so then all the little stuff I tried before."
Aonung just huffs slightly, eyes trailing shamelessly over you again.
"Spider wears a tewng," Aonung reasons. "Besides, these things are much smaller than out clothing anyway."
You gape and shove at him. Predicably, his massive body doesn't move in the slightest. Aonung frowns, and you can guess what he's thinking.
Na'vi are completely comfortable in their bodies- which is easy when they're all slim and muscular and tall and perfect.
You on the other hand, are not. You aren't big by human standards by any means, yet the love and affection you harboured for your body when with the humans had slightly dissipated when surrounded by gorgeous na'vi all the time.
So even though you have put in the efforts to dress for attention, you were always careful not to show too much, which is what stirred the attention of the other male na'vi.
What lay below the strange tawtute clothing- what is so much softer and curvier than na'vi women that you keep teasing them with, yet keep tantalisingly hidden.
But then a thought occurs to you, and it makes you... more interested, or so to speak.
Aonung is curious about you- and you know what you want. It's not like you're expecting anything beyond sex- even that is a stretch -with the handsome, desirable na'vi man.
It's not every day you have this opportunity, to have Aonung like this, all curious about you for the first time since you arrived in the reef, despite months of hoping desperately he'd at least look at you.
So the idea forms in your head, the way you can finally get the Metkayina princes attention.
He is intrigued by you, and you have no hesitation to assume that means in the same lustful, experimentative way other na'vi men have been.
"Why?" you grin. "Do you want to see me in it?"
Aonung freezes. His eyes gaze from the tiny thong to you and back to the skimpy, lacy black material.
"I- if you'd like," he says off-handedly, and you smile to yourself.
He's right where you'd like him. Tantalised by the offer you pose, intrigued by what you've hinted but hidden since you've arrived in the reef.
So slowly, he sinks onto your bed and you slide away the little boy-short pyjamas you had been wearing under the jumper.
"Do you-"
You cut Aonung off with a sly grin, slowly lifting your the sides of your large jumper.
"No need sweetheart," you grin. "I'm already wearing some."
Aonung's ears flatten instantly at the word sweetheart, one you know he doesn't understand judging from his expression trying to interpret if that's a good or bad thing.
But then his eyes fall onto you, and you automatically find his hands on your hips and tugging you closer.
And you know you didn't make a mistake.
He lets out a small hiss, as though he didn't even notice he did, at the sight of your body from underneath your massive jumper.
None of the na'vi - besides your casual partners - had ever seen you in something this small before.
None had seen the squidge of your ass and thighs, the smooth supple skin cloaking your curves.
The men had said it all before- how soft you are, how small you are, just how much give you have.
Na'vi women are all lean muscle, yet the pure humanity of your body lies in the squishiness of it, in your ass and thighs and chest and stomach in ways na'vi would never have.
And then Aonung's hands are on you, kneading your ass, eyes staring down at the way your body moves and jiggles with his slightest touch, pupils blown wide as they are when na'vi make tsaheylu.
It's something that never ceases to send a shiver through you - the awe and delight and worship with which na'vi seem to find in your strange squishy body,
Then he's looking at you, and his usually baby blue eyes are dark and rough like the deep oceans. It's exactly what you were hoping for, the hunger and desire in his handsome face as he stares, seated but still slightly taller on your bed.
"Take this off."
It isn't a question or a request, it's a fucking order. For the first time, it strikes you that he really is going to be Olo'eyktan, just by the forceful defiance in his deep voice fuelled by his sudden interest.
Hook, line, and sinker.
You push away slightly and he's frowning like drawing away from him is a goddamn dereliction.
Aonung's impatient, no sooner have you lifted up your jumper over your waist when he's tearing it up and over your shoulders and tossing it into the corner of the room.
"Pxasìk," he mutters, staring straight at you.
It's in no means meant to be a sexy outfit, just a simple thong and bra, but the way Aonung just stares at you is like he's seeing something completely new.
He's not foreign to females- you'd heard quite enough tales about his various exploits, but he looks like a teenage boy seeing his first pair as his gaze flicks up to your face, then he reaches out.
His hands are just this side of too rough, and you can almost feel yourself melting away in his hands that are larger than your head.
You let out a small whimper as he squeezes, and you feel the last strings of his restraint snaps.
Aonung finally picks you up, one hand holding you up by the waist. His casual display of strength is fucking dizzying, and you feel yourself getting wet before he crashes his lips onto yours and drops you in the nest of his lap.
Kissing is not something you are accustomed to when you need to wear your expopack all the fucking time, and you're half terrified about how the last time you kissed someone was a human scientist at least a year ago.
But it's hard to think, so you just lean into him.
The kiss is messy and airless and hardly graceful, but you wouldn't have it any other fucking way. You're all greedy and breathless, desperate for anything, his soft lips against your own, his amber and sea-salt scent, his warm that you nearly forget about everything else and get lost in the kiss.
You've never kissed like this, been kissed like this.
He's just as hungry as you are, but kissing a na'vi is different.
He's just so fucking... big.
His hands are holding you everywhere- your waist, your ass, your tits, your thighs. He's tilting you this way and that and opening you up to deepen the kiss. His face is so large, the force and hunger and ferocity with which he's kissing you practically about to send you bending backwards if it wasn't for him clutching you tight to him.
It's hot and hungry, almost animalistic as his fangs lightly sink into your lip. You moan like a fucking whore into his mouth, and his textured, massive tongue lightly licks the blood away as he shifts.
It's just a warm, horny mess between the two of you, full of teeth and tongue and your tiny whimpers at each movement of his hands over your skin.
And suddenly it's all getting to much, the sudden emptiness in you that only he can fill, and you're gasping for breath and pulling away to stare at him.
Aonung too is breathless, head automatically following yours but you place a hand on his chest to stop him.
"Aonung breathe."
He grunts his objection to your words.
"I can hold my breath underwater for-"
"I can't have the future Olo'eyktan dying on my bed," you say, smiling at his indignation to stop kissing you.
"I'm fine," he grumbles.
"Well I won't be able to drag your massive body out if you do pass out," you point out.
"Aw, are you going to try and rescue me?"
"No, I need to hide the evidence," you quip.
Aonung wrinkles his nose at you, but you just thrust the mask at him. With a childish eye-roll, he takes a deep inhale before disregarding his very vital possession and crashing his lips back onto yours.
You find yourself growing more comfortable. Aonung is hungry for anything, his muscles tensing when you make certain movements, and you find yourself doing them again.
Tugging him closer by his necklace. Lightly brushing your nails up his back. Threading your fingers into his braided bun.
When you lightly tug on his soft braided hair, he growls a little and shifts you closer. When you trace your tongue gently across his fangs, his grip tightens suddenly around your ass.
"You're so soft syulang," he whispers.
The sound of his voice all deep and gravelly, his breath all hot and heavy on your neck, his hands roving over every single inch of your skin, it's all just so.... much.
You miss his mouth on yours, but soon enough it's kissing its way down your neck. Each shaky breath of yours is met with him on your neck and collar, lips pressing, tongue lightly licking at your skin, sucking and kissing.
You were familiar enough with this- na'vi men were territorial creatures. But you had never seen any girls from Aonung's little black book walking around with hickeys, and at the rate he was going, your whole neck would just be one fat love bite.
And you'd be fine with that.
You feel his nose nudging lightly against you, breathing you in as his lips brush over your collar. Scenting you.
His sudden gentleness with you doesn't quite create the friction you so desperately need right now, but his hands trailing and squeezing and exploring your smaller body satiate you. For now.
Then the ferocity is suddenly back, and he's nipping at your body again. A moment later, you realise that he must have only been satisfied because now you smell faintly like him, like amber and sea-salt, yet you know to another na'vi, his mark on you would be almost overwhelming.
When he finally reaches your bra - you could tell he'd been savouring this moment, kissing his way down to it - you can see the hungry gleam in his glittering blue eyes, his tail flicking excitedly behind him and an insatiable smile on his handsome face, fangs poking lightly through his soft lips.
And like you'd thought, he's impatient and greedy and ravenous. He doesn't bother with the delicate clasp, no doubt guessing the struggles na'vi endured with their massive fingers against the small clinch, simply ripping it straight off your body.
"You ass," you gasp, looking helplessly at the pieces of what was once your bra tossed carelessly from the bed. "We live on a fucking island, where am I meant to get another br-"
"I'll make you more," Aonung promises. "I'll make you ten tops."
You highly doubt that- Aonung doesn't seem, or at least what you'd heard about his playboy experiences, like the sort for after care let alone gift giving.
But your half-hearted annoyance and indignance dies in your damn throat when his hands enclose your tits.
"You're - fuck- you're so small, syulang," he grunts, staring wide-eyed down at you.
Indeed, you'd never felt smaller against a na'vi then right now. Held in his warm lap, one of his hands big enough to hold both your breasts, both large enough to wrap around your whole body.
The thought of that makes you moan unconsciously, and Aonung blinks at you in surprise. You don't bother to play anything cool; with his hands where they are, he can feel how hot and nervous and hungry you are.
And when he meets your eyes again, you can see he feels the same.
Suddenly you're being laid back against your bed and Aonung's comfortingly heavy figure is over you, hands holding you tightly as his lips brush against your breasts.
It's an unexpected movement, one that has you arching in surprise, pushing your chest up and opening it all up to him
He goes on without hesitation, licking over your tit gently, grinning a little at your whine, the stark contrast of your smooth supple skin against his rough tongue just driving you fucking crazy.
He wraps his lips around your nipple and suckles at it, before he nips lightly at the underside of your tit.
And then you're arching and whining and tangling your fingers in his hair, and then he's kissing down your stomach and sliding away your thong before you even know what's fucking happening.
"Wait!" you gasp, cupping his face away from your cunt to get him to look at you.
"Yes, syulang?"
"This is your first time," you say, trying to swallow heavily. "With a human."
Aonung just blinks, looking confused and slightly offended that you're stopping him from doing as he was going to.
"Don't... um... I should be making this good for you," you breathe shakily. "I want to make you feel good- to... um..."
Aonung just laughs as though you're being hilarious, and reaches up to pat your hair with one massive, warm hand.
"Mawey tawtute," he grins. "I want to make you feel good too."
"But-" you say, face twisted with worry, but once fucking again, he manages to kill your words.
He kisses the soft, squishiness of your thigh, inches away from your bare pussy, and you gasp lightly as he sucks a sweet purple bruise into the soft skin.
Then, eyes looking carefully up at you to see your reaction, he lightly sinks his fangs into your leg. You gasp so loudly you think they might hear you in the village, hands instantly leaping to find balance in his braided hair.
The sting is a welcome, warm pain, especially when he lightly licks away the droplet of blood and brushes your clit with a large turquoise finger.
You can't speak, just scrunch your nose tightly, grip onto his braids for dear life as he muscles his way in between your thighs and goes to fucking town.
His mouth is fucking massive- his hands are massive, pinning your hips down.
You're squirming from the moment he gets onto you, sucking lightly at your clit, a delighted, puppy-playful glint in his large blue eyes, tossing your legs over his shoulders so his face is pressed even closer to you.
He suckles at you so eagerly, tongue stroking over your hole, over and over and over. You can't help it, the way you're simultaneously squirming away from the overwhelming pleasure of it all and the way you're rutting your hips into his face.
"Fu- fuck, Aonung."
It's all messy, you're so wet, his face is shining with your slick and his spit, and he slides a finger back and dips it in.
Instantly you gasp, jolting upwards and arching your back high to the ceiling. Aonung's about to grumble at your squirming when you tug at his hair and he groans.
"Sorry, sorry," you whisper, flushed with mortification.
Aonung just looks up at you and grins, kissing your hip lightly and mumbling against your lips,
"Go ahead syulang."
He slides a second finger in beside the first one, easing them together, fuelled by your breathless moans and groaning into your clit as you tug at his braids with each helpless squirm, his deep rumbles vibrating warmly against you.
He has a look on his face that tells you plainly- he's enjoying this as much as you do. It's in the glint of his eyes and his wide smile.
And the way his tail is thumping happily behind him, unrestrained and untethered, telling you one thing.
He's fucking hard.
You notice it by the way his hips are tilted, rutting slightly against the mattress, but he seems unwilling to take his hands away from you, from the curve of your ass and your slick.
And you want to help, so you squirm a little more to slide down to reach him.
"Aonung, don't you want to just-"
"Just one," he pleads, looking up at you.
It's crazy, how someone that's twice your size and has no fucking idea what it is can look as an adorable as a puppy when he wants to.
And who are you to deny the Metkayina Prince?
So you just accept your fate and hope to eywa you don't black out too fast, clinging to his braids and trying to muffle your moans into your hand.
Your legs begin to shake around his head, eyes rolling all the way back as you moan louder and claw at your rickety brass bed head.
Then, when you accidentally jerk and squeeze your legs around his face, he moans shamelessly against you and that's all it takes.
With a hand clasped tight over your mouth to muffle your moans of pleasure, coming undone on his tongue, clamping down on his fingers and leaping head first off the edge you'd been teetering on.
You have no idea what to do, just know you're rocking aimlessly against his face, crying out and holding onto him for dear life.
He continues through it all, licking and kissing and nipping and sucking with such fervour that you think he might just pull your soul out of your pussy, eyes watching you with desperate lust yet also with sweet curiousity.
Whether you're conscious or unconscious you don't know, all you can sense is the overwhelming waves of pleasure crashing again and again over you.
"Holy shit," you breathe, finally coming down and lightly tugging at his braids. "Aonung come on, let's find something for you."
Aonung frowns, clearly wanting to keep going, but he obliges when you grin and brush your fingers over his face.
He's all dopey and messy and gorgeous, face shining like the fucking ocean, but he just wipes it carelessly and moves back up your body to shower your chest and neck with more kisses and light nips.
"Aonung," you say gently, squirming slightly underneath him.
He just grunts to show he's listening, flicking your nipple lightly with his large, rough tongue. You fight back your broken moans so you can speak.
"I want to fuck you," you whisper.
That gets his attention fast. You nearly laugh at the way his head snaps up, eyes wide with surprise, and he tilts his head.
"Syulang, we have time, we don't have to-"
"No," you growl, frowning and trying to get him to understand. "You can kiss any girl anytime, see any tits any time, but this is the only time I'm ever going to have you and I want to do everything."
Aonung blinks, looking surprised, before bursting into deep, rumbly laughter that makes you scowl.
"What?" you grumble, annoyed and reaching to cover your tits.
That makes him grumpy, and he easily just pushes your arms away so he can pillow his chin between the cleavage and rest his face to look up your body at you.
His massive body, double the proportions of everything you have, is a comfortable weight over your smaller body, his hands absentmindedly stroking your soft skin.
"I'm not going to see any tits any time," Aonung says simply. "These are my favourites."
"You-" you wrinkle your nose at him to hide your annoyed smile as he licks lightly over your breast, then sucks a little hickey into the underside of the soft cleavage.
"Tawtute, you're all soft and smooth and squishy."
You let out a breathless little laugh, amused by the childish simplicity with which he expresses himself, stroking his large face fondly.
"But I don't want to waste our time when this is the only-"
"It doesn't have to be the only time," Aonung shrugs, blinking at you. "You can come to me whenever you like."
That's a layered statement. Whilst that has you reeling with delight and satisfaction, you can't help wishing that maybe he would come to you, that maybe he'd ever want this more than you do. Want you more than you want him.
"Or I'll come to you," Aonung amends. "But if I come to you whenever I'd like, you'd be getting sick and tired of having me around."
"Why don't you find out," you whisper. "Just how tired you can make me."
And with that, you're in agreement.
Placing you in control, he rolls over onto his back, careful not to crush you, and lifts you lightly to rest on his chest.
You reach out to tug at the band of his loincloth, your fingers quick and desperate and practically scrabbling at the knot, and Aonung watches with amusement and curiousity.
Finally, it's untied and you draw it away. And fuck. He's naked.
The prince of the clan is naked in the bed, straddled under you, staring up at you like he's never seen something so... precious.
So yes, maybe you've imagined this a million times. Thought about him naked, here, in the reef, in the river, in the marui, in every possible place.
For a human, you can be a horny little thing sometimes, and the thing that fuelled that most was your little crush.
But now he's here, and you're eager to see him.
All na'vi are big compared to you, every na'vi cock you've ever seen and felt and took is just large and beautiful and big, but Aonung just seems obsene.
Never once, in all your filthy imaginations, had you truly dared to factor in the sheer size of him. Just by looking at his massive muscular body, one could guess, but they'd still have their fucking minds blown.
He’s big. So fucking big it has your eyes bulging and heart thumping and mouth almost watering. His cock is just as beautiful as him, just as smooth pale blue with the delicate darker stripes and glowing tahnì.
When you reach out and touch it, his hips jerk slightly and his pupils widen as your smaller hand closes gently around it.
Fuck, you need two hands to hold it. It's heavy and hot and obscene in your small, smooth hands, and you look up at him with amazement.
He's just staring back, waiting for you to do what you want with him. Whatever you want.
You shift your hand down, too small to hold all of him but he groans anyway, feeling warm and sticky precome gushing from the tip to coat your fingers.
"Fuck, syulang, so good," he grunts, seemingly mindlessly rocking his hips up into your hand.
You just want to be good for him. To make him feel good, in any way near the way he made you feel, to repay him.
But at the same time, the heavy weight of his cock, let alone the sheer damn size of it, has your head spinning and mouth watering. You want it stretching everything inside you, bullying its way into you, fucking its mark deep into you until you're ruined for anyone else.
You just want everything.
It's greedy of you, you know that, to be lusting after what might quite literally be the most unattainable man in the clan, but you can't help it. From the moment you set eyes on him, that's all you wanted, him as yours.
But since you can't have that, you'll just have to make this time worth it, get him to fuck you enough to last a lifetime without him.
"Come on," you grin. "All this for me?"
Aonung grunts as you tighten your hand slightly around his painfully hard cock, eyes studying the way the tahnì's light flickers and shimmers with each of your movements, the way he pulses in your hand.
"You have me now syulang," he mutters. "You don't need all those big, stupid guys."
"You are literally the stupidest guy ever," you point out. "But also the biggest."
At the last word, you lick a stripe up his length, and his hand jumps into your hair and he chokes out a groan.
"Even your tongue is smooth tawtute," he mutters, almost to himself.
"I'll try my best," you say, pulling back a few inches to study his dick. "I've never done this with a na'vi before-"
"It's alright," he whispers, trying to pull you closer, and you frown.
"I want to do this," you pout. "Please- it just might not be very tidy."
Aonung tries to pull you away, tries to hide the way his cock is pulsing, but you can feel each heartbeat through the heavy weight in your hand.
"Come syulang, we have time later," he pleads. "You wished to fuck."
"I don't want this to be over too soo-"
"I will come every day if that's what you'd like," Aonung huffs. "Just let me make you feel good."
So you oblige, pushing hard at his shoulders, and he lies back onto the pillows as you lift yourself up and straddle him.
"Are you sure?" Aonung asks, furrowing his brows at you. "You are small and-"
This time you're the one to cut him off, rolling your hips fluidly over his much larger ones, feeling your whole body tighten at the new friction of your slick and throbbing clit sliding up along his hardened length.
He doesn't protest again. He just lets his hands fall to rest on your hips, sliding your smaller body on his before bringing you down to grind harder.
You moan and he lets out a small noise in his chest, and it takes you a moment to realise he's purring.
Surprisingly, he doesn't seem abashed by the sounds he makes, instead he just rests his head back against the pillows to watch your movements with eyes darkened with lust.
You can feel that familiar heat growing rapidly, too rapidly, between your legs straddled either side of him, so you quickly lift off his hips. Thankfully, Aonung seems to understand, or maybe the teasing is just too much for him too, because he helps you line him up with your entrance.
At the slightest movement, your legs stretching further to lower yourself onto his cock, you know it's going to be a stretch. More than any fingers, any cock, anything you've ever taken, and you think he knows it too, by the way he's staring so avidly at you.
But you're impatient, hardly caring how much you get hurt, just wanting him inside you, stretching you, marking you, ruining you, and you drop further down so the head of his cock starts to press into you.
And then you're dropping further, hair cascading messily all over you, lips bit tight to hide your pain before the massive hardness of him slides past the ring of resistance and starts to smoothly sink into you.
You cry out and Aonung hisses.
"You're- fuck, you're so tight syulang," he groans. "The others did not lie."
You can't answer, sinking further down, head lolling back at the overwhelming stretch of it all, hands resting firmly on his chest to anchor yourself.
Aonung's breathing heavily, his eyes blown wide to black moons ringed in a thin line of pale blue, and you can see he's trying to control yourself as you grit your teeth and sink further onto him.
You're whining and whimpering and he half-looks like he wants to stop out of concern for you, but you shake your head at him. Instead, he sits up, cradling your small figure against his massive chest and takes control, sliding in.
And in. And in.
Just when you think there's no more left for him to go, he keeps going. He lets you sink your teeth into his shoulder to muffle your sharp cries, gently smoothing your hair and whispering comforts and praise to you while his other hand reaches down to rub circles on your throbbing clit.
The stretch in you feels so tight that you doubt you can move, and Aonung hisses again as you clench around him.
"Just a little more, paskalin," he whispers, biting back a groan as he rocks another inch into you, your silent tears streaking his chest, your whimpers and whines practically injected into him through your mouth on his shoulder.
"You're so big," you choke out, gritting your teeth as he pushes in another inch, which seems literally fucking impossible.
And fuck, he's still got a few inches left and there's just simply no more space. You frown with frustration, but then he's dropping your remaining weight onto him and buries himself deep inside you.
You cry out, face twisted in the delicious mix of blunt pain and sharp pleasure, and Aonung just remains there, holding you close and sheathed within you, letting you adjust and clench and breathe heavily.
"Holy shit," you groan. "You're right here."
The bulge of his dick is evident in your body, and you lay a breathless hand over it. A sick part of you wishes it'll remain there forever, his mark fucked into you long after you can't fuck him anymore.
He too takes a breath, lazily and careless from his mask, before laying it back down and finally starting to move.
The stretch is a delicious burn as Aonung rocks his hips deeper, until he's as far in as he's going to get, before he pulls out an inch and makes his first, experimental thrust. To his delight, it has your eyes rolling back and you arching your tits right into him.
His lips find his way on your neck, your nails digging into his broad back as he rolls his hips and thrusts deep into you. You can't hold it back anymore, moaning shamelessly like a whore into his ear all the while scratching your mark into his back.
He, in turn, is moaning and cursing against your neck, his mouth all messy, nipping and kissing along your neck and collar and chest.
It's all just a test, really. Sensing out each others bodies, learning what you like; there's nothing about this you dislike.
You love the squeeze of his hands on your curves, knowing he loves your curves just as much- judging the way he's pinching your ass, kneading your tits and tracing the little squidge of your belly.
"So good syulang," he whispers when you clench around him again. "You're doing so well."
He's whispering nearly unintelligible things against your neck, words of worship, mutters of how tight you are, little praise of how well you're doing.
You just cling onto him, moaning shamelessly into his ear, arching further and further with every deep, forceful thrust, feeling as though he's fucking your soul straight out of your body.
If he hadn't been holding you up, you think you may have just turned to jelly and flopped backwards, yet his hands are warm and present on your back.
You shift slightly, up and down, trying your best to meet each of his thrusts, and there it is. The start of the knot, the one you begin to pull, to unravel.
And then he knows it, because all of a sudden he's speeding up and thrusting deeper and rubbing circles on your clit, and you're a moaning mess, hands raking through his hair and over his back, gently caressing his face and digging sharply into his waist.
All it finally takes is the nip at your neck, the soft whispered shower of desperately spoken words you can't even hear, and then you've tipped over the edge.
Aonung just fucks you through it all, cradling you body and still muttering those words you can't make out. You're making a fucking mess, your sharp cries and moans and whines tearing through the home so loudly you'd thank Eywa forever that Spider's far away in the village.
And then when you still, the change that goes through Aonung is surprising. He had been rough by human standards, but it never seemed to strike you just how gentle he had been until he just loses all vestages of control.
He's moving at animalistic paces, and you're unravelling into a moaning, trembling mess under him, teeth sunk into his shoulder to try and quiet your sounds, because you sure as fuck can't hold them in.
You yelp as he speeds up now, brutal and animalistic as the last tenterhooks of his strained restraint snaps and he buries himself deep inside you. He's hissing a million unintelligible words against your skin as he spills himself inside you, rocking his hips the whole time until he finally comes to a shaky stop.
It's all just quiet. And still.
No words are spoken, just your faint moans every now and then in the aftershock of your earth-shattering orgasm.
After a moment, when you finally start to return to yourself somewhat, you realise he's layed back against the bed, you curled lightly on his chest. His arm is tented protectively over you, your own wrapped tight around his own chest, your hair spilling over your shoulders onto both your spent, slightly sweaty bodies.
Then he finally moves, a small shift to pull you even closer, gently slide you up his body you you're in his view, when he can nuzzle lightly into your neck.
You whimper at the sudden cold emptiness inside you as he lifts you off him and closer to his face, but he lightly kisses all over your flushed face, once, twice, again and again, soft, gentle brushes of his lips over your shining skin.
"Are you alright, syulang?"
You can't answer. Aonung, the prince of the clan, the guy you've been crushing on since you came to the reef, the one that was the most unattainable man in the reef, had just fucked every morsel of animation out of your body, and is now cuddling you close.
"Why are you doing this," you manage to say weakly.
"You do not like having me here?" Aonung asks, brows furrowing in confusion, looking slightly hurt.
"No," you say quickly. "But you don't have to stay here with me- you're free to go if you wish. Don't feel like you have to take care of me."
Aonung's frown deepens, but he just nuzzles closer, his face pillowed with your soft, raw breasts.
"I will stay," he says decisively.
"But you don't," you say quietly. "I've- I've heard things, that you are just... well... slutty. We both wanted sex Aonung, you don't have to feel obligated to help me, especially when you never did with others before me."
"I will stay," he says again. "I want to stay with you, syulang."
It's strange. You don't feel uneasy, but you're not used to cuddling after intimacy, not with men only being with you for the experience of fucking a tawtute, not when you're wearing your expopack.
But now, for the first time, you're just spent the fuck out, collapsed on top of the future Olo'eyktan, being praised and kissed and cared for by the elusive, unattainable Aonung.
And then there's the problem. The fact that Aonung has lit a flame no others will be able to fuel, the fact that he's made you come harder than any other ever will, the fact he's stretched you to the point no other will ever be able to fill.
"I think you've fucking ruined me," you mumble sleepily into his neck.
"Have I?" he asks, sounding slightly pleased with himself.
"For anyone and everyone."
So there's just the question left, the one that's been ringing in your brain since he kissed you, since he touched you, since you came so hard your vision went fuzzy.
And you know there's never going to be another chance to ask it. So here fucking goes. But then he answers it before it even leaves your raw lips.
"You will not need others syulang," he growls. "I will take care of you."
And you think you could melt away. All you wanted.
It seems impossible that this is happening- maybe he fucked you so well you simply passed away, and your heaven was just him caring for you. Maybe you're still fucking dreaming, and you haven't woken up, and Lo'ak and Spider will be playing video games outside on that shitty old sofa.
But then you reach out to tentatively touch his face, and you know it's real.
He's still breathing raggedly, and you pass him the mask.
"Breathe, Aonung."
"I don't want you passing out before you can finish what you were trying to say," you reprimand him.
Aonung laughs slightly and obliges, before setting his mask back down.
"I liked you too, tawtute," he whispers.
"Fucking hypocrite," you hiss, your supposed annoyance at complete odds with your uncontrollable, delighted grin.
"I liked your sweetness," he grins, kissing your nose. "And kindness and determination. You asked why I did not speak to you- I was ashamed."
You blink in surprise, and pull back a few inches.
"Not of liking you," Aonung continues. "Ashamed that for the first time in my life, I was nervous. You made me nervous, with all your perseverance and tawtute clothing and cuteness."
You shut him up, crashing your lips onto his and snake your hands around his neck.You kissed him.
You can feel his heartbeat picking up against your chest as he shifts, one of his hands on your waist and holding you up so your faces are closer, the other tangling in your long hair.
He smells good, like amber and sea-salt, and his lips are so soft and warm that you nearly forget about everything else and get lost in the kiss.
And it means everything that you don't need to speak. Who needs tsaheylu to read each other when you can kiss him like this?
"I will make you those tops I promised," Aonung says, pulling away. "And I can order a new hut. If you prefer your tawtute clothing, teach me to make you more."
This is better than anything you could have dreamed of, imagined in those long afternoons in the healing hut staring lustfully at Aonung from afar.
And now he's here, cuddling you, offering to make you gifts and asking what you like.
"My little tunutu," he whispers.
The words send a shiver through you.
The same way you'd felt this whole time, wanting all of him with everything you have, desperately willing to give whatever you have to offer.
And now he feels the same.
My little desire.
#aonung#avatar#avatar the way of water#avatar fandom#aonung fanfiction#aonung x reader#aonung x female reader#avatar smut#avatar fanfiction#aonung fic#aonung x y/n#aonung x you#aonung smut#aonung x human#aonung x human reader
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the perfect fit

Pairing: Aged up!Ao'nung x Aged up Fem!Metkayina!Reader
Request by: @froggieface
Warnings: NSFW, minors DNI, aged-up characters, rough smut, p in v, mentions of choking, nudity, creampie, cock warming, dirty talk, etc.
Words: 3k+
Taglist: @aonungmyaddiction (because you wanted to be tagged in anything Ao'nung related. I hope that's still okay!)
Prompts used: #17, Stealing or Sharing Clothes
Na'vi Words: ilu - plesiosaur like animal, marui - home/pod, tewng - loincloth, yawne - beloved, tsaheylu - the bond
A/N: Doesn't correlate with any Kinktober prompts, except for choking but we already surpassed that lol. Thanks for the wait and enjoy my first avatar x reader smut :) I did stray away from certain aspects from the original request so I'm sorry about that, was desperate to get it done.
It all started when Ao'nung had been in an ilu incident earlier that week. When helping herd a predator away from the reef, his ilu was startled and began to buck and swim wildly to the point where the poor thing couldn't figure out which way was up or down. Amidst the chaos, Ao'nung had been flung and shoved into bystanding coral, cutting up part of his right arm. His hunting party brought him home immediately after scaring away the danger. It was only a superficial, non-threatening wound. The cut was long but not deep, and Ao'nung had barely bled, but to refrain from swelling, his mother advised him not to wear his usual adornments on his arm for the rest of the week.
This brings Y/n to her current predicament, trying to find something new to wear for tonight's upcoming celebration for the new season. Scrounging around hers and Ao'nung's shared marui, she was partially frustrated that she hadn't made something new for this event even though she had known about it for weeks. Rummaging through her things, she had come up with some old tops and loincloths she hadn't worn in a while and thought they would be perfect for tonight's event. She might as well refresh her old style and make it new and exciting as she wanted to stand out, but over the years, she had started changing her style so much to the point where none of her current jewelry matched the older clothes. So now she was frustrated with herself that she, yet again, didn't make anything new for the festivities.
She decides to rummage around her mate's things and immediately finds his armband, the one Ao'nung always wore but currently wasn't due to his small arm injury. Y/n beams while holding the armband, running her thumb over the sea hemp weaving and the scattered iridescent shell chips. She goes to place the band on her respective arm and feels a small pang of disappointment when she realizes it was too large. At the same time, she felt amused, and her cheeks felt warm, knowing that her mate's arms were more prominent. Scrambling for ideas on what to do with the armband instead, a small, devious thought crossed Y/n's mind.
Later at the celebration, Ao'nung will see what devious thought that would be for himself. He hadn't been able to meet back up with Y/n before the day turned to night and the festivities rolled around. The communal fire was set ablaze, and the drums and singing had already started before Ao'nung finally caught a glance of his lovely mate.
He and Rotxo were standing off to the side and watching the dancers swirl around the fire like a wave, working forward and back on the shoreline. Ao'nung was looking around to see if he could spot Y/n among all the dancers before Rotxo nudged him, grabbing his attention. His friend is pointing off to the long row of dancers, eyebrows scrunched in confusion and recognition.
"Hey. Isn't that your armband?"
Ao'nung follows Rotxo's gaze and his finger, finally finding Y/n in the crowd. She was wearing a beautifully beaded top and a matching loincloth that Ao'nung didn't recognize, but greatly appreciated the way the outfit looked on his mate's body, admiring how the band holding up her loincloth hugged her hips and accentuated the color of her skin, making the cloth itself look as though its covering Y/n by itself. The top was made of seagrass dyed a light blue color, so light to the point where it nearly blended in with the rest of Y/n, giving off the impression she was practically nude. Many bystanders' jaws dropped and they had to look a second time just to realize that she was, in fact, clothed, then they all continued to watch her in awe. Y/n was none the wiser, more focused on the dancing than the people around her.
And settled around her neck, acting as a choker, was Ao'nung's favorite iridescent shell armband.
Ao'nung's eyes could not leave her neck, gaze completely fixated on that very familiar armband that Y/n was treating as a necklace. It was a perfect fit, he noted in amazement and a growing fascination. A band that could easily fit over his arm was now perfectly snug against his mate's beautiful neck and Ao'nung almost envied it. He envied the fact that his armband was currently wrapped around Y/n's neck and whatever warmth that was growing in his gut made it known. The flash of hot jealousy blazes through Ao'nung's body, heating up his skin in a way the communal fire couldn't, his envy perfectly residing alongside the hot desire he also felt. He had to refrain from gaping like a fool by clamping his mouth shut, forcefully swallowing back whatever stupid sounds he nearly let out at the sight of his woman.
Y/n could feel eyes on her, all around the ceremonial fires. So many people were looking at her, and while she didn't visibly show it, her skin was hot under so much attention, but her mind was only focused on one. Her gaze flicks to the spot where she last saw Ao'nung, and to her delight, he was already staring at her, unwavering while Rotxo was none the wiser. Y/n knew that look from anywhere, and a warm stirring made itself known between her legs, fired by the heated gaze that was her mate. Suddenly, Y/n didn't feel up to dancing anymore. At least, not the public celebrating kind.
She easily slipped away from the party without any protests, waiting until the song changed to swiftly break from the dance circle. Her skin cooled as she drew further away from the bonfires, walking into the night, her feet sinking into the sand. Y/n made her way to the nearest floating pathway and lifted herself up, standing up straight and peering over her shoulder back the way she came. Sure enough, another figure had crept away from the celebration, and her adrenaline stirred once more when she recognized the hair and tattoos anywhere. The figure was heading toward Y/n, picking up speed, and so, while barely containing her excitement, the young woman turned and sprinted down the walkways weaving through the village, never taking the time to look back again until she could get to the marui.
Not a second into stepping into her home, Y/n was ambushed by the figure that caught up behind her, a laugh forced out of her lungs when large, strong arms wrapped around her from behind and carried her further into the pod. Catching her breath, Y/n's laughter was quickly replaced by breathy moans as Ao'nung swiftly hid his face and kissed her neck. He didn't start off slow or gentle, his teeth only determined to mark and brand, especially around the area where his armband rested around her neck.
The moment she tried to grind her backside against his loincloth earned a low growl from him before he purposely pulled away, spinning her around to face him. Y/n immediately leaned in for a kiss, but instead, Ao'nung grabbed her arms and shoved her down onto the sleeping mat, just hard enough to get her to gracefully trip and get his point across. Once lying on her back, Y/n's heart stuttered with the way her mate stood over her, strong shoulders rising and falling with his heavy breaths, muscles clenching up and down his arms as his hands curled into tight fists. He looked feral, teeth grinding together to further show just how much he was restraining himself from practically tearing her apart, only doing so with his eyes, the color in his orbs vanished in exchange for the deep-rooted hunger.
Ao'nung watches his woman for a moment, her body laid out on the mat, squirming under his gaze, eyes completely fixed on him. Her top was barely covering her hardening nipples, her breasts rising and falling quickly to compliment her small, excited gasps of air. She makes a subtle movement, her knees knocking together as she closes her legs. She thought Ao'nung wouldn't notice, but all of his senses were heightened in his arousal and his eyes quickly darted to the small movement. Y/n whimpered, wishing to rub her legs together for some much-needed friction, but felt her whole body freeze under her husband's gaze, unwilling to move without his permission.
The marui slipped into silence while Ao'nung's eyes raked up and down her body, analyzing her, before another growl slipped out of his lips and he knelt down, crawling over his mate's body and pressing his hips to flush against hers. She lets out a small gasp, arching her back to meet his body heat, wishing more than anything to grind against his loincloth. Aside from pressing down onto her, he doesn't move the way she needs him to. Instead, he ducked his head back down into the juncture of her neck, his words hot and prickling her skin, "You have no idea what you do to me, wearing that around your neck. Do you have any idea how much self-control I had to quickly gain before I could foolishly march over to you and put my hand around its respective spot, right around your throat?"
She felt her whole body shiver, closing her eyes as she tried to imagine it. Her womb definitely flutters at the idea of Ao'nung marching up to her in the middle of a party, not caring if other people see when he wraps his hand around her neck and squeezes. She imagined other things, too, like Ao'nung taking her right in the middle of that celebration, never letting up until she orgasmed at least three times.
Her thoughts are cut short as he begins to kiss down her body while his hand lightly rests on her collar, just shy of her neck, "Imagine all the restraint I had to possess before I could make it known how jealous I was to see my armband around your throat when my hands are literally right here, ma'yawntu."
His kisses reach below her belly button and her legs move on their own to create room for him, spreading apart despite the desire to rub together and create friction. She finds comfort in his weight pressing down between her legs, pushing her tewng aside as she sighs up at the ceiling, "I'm sorry. You can wrap your hands around me now, husband. Right where they belong."
"No," she squirms and whimpers as his hot breath fans over the wetness that began to slowly leak from her pussy, "You don't get whatever you want after pulling a stunt like that. You don't get to have the rush of my fingers tightening around your throat tonight. You should've thought of that before taking my armband as a replacement," his fingers that lay on her collar faintly tap the shells of her new choker, "Now, as punishment, you get to keep wearing this... and only this."
He pulls away from the heat of her cunt and she softly cries at the loss. He moves his way up her body again, removing both of their clothing as he goes, until there is nothing left between them other than the choker, as promised. And Eywa above, the moon was peeking through their home and reflecting off of the damned piece of jewelry, hugging Y/n's neck gently and glowing as if it was made of magic. She looked like a goddess, her cheeks flushed and hair in disarray, the glowing necklace further complimenting the lust in her eyes, half-lidded while looking up at her mate. Ao'nung would normally take the time to memorize this moment, distracted by her beauty and wishing to draw out every soft sigh and moan out of her perfectly formed lips. But the glint coming off of the choker quickly reminded him of the possessiveness he felt earlier, and suddenly he was going back to ravaging her body, relentless in making her squeal and move either away or toward his mouth wherever he kissed or bit down. He was charged up and barely able to form a clear thought through the haze in his head, his instincts only focusing on one thing.
She was so caught up in the bites and kisses mapping out her skin, she failed to notice that Ao'nung had moved his other hand down his own body and ran his fingers along his bulging slit, urging his huge, leaking erection to slip out. She's not given a warning before she feels his large cock slowly push into her, a little snug and making the most obscured squelching noises. Y/n stutters out a loud gasp, squeezing her eyes shut, "Ah-- agnh-!"
She's barely wet enough to make the intrusion easy, so there's a pleasant pain mixing in with the pleasure, that familiar tightness deep in her gut slowly forming, warm with a promise of undeniable pleasure. With her eyes closed, she's unable to see when Ao'nung will be fully seated into her, so the sensation that he was still slowly pushing in only heightened her desperation for more. Imagine her surprise when she thought he was all the way in and he still kept going. It was agonizingly slow and she held her breath through it all, right up until she felt the tip of his cock prod against the soft wall of her womb, his pelvis now flushed against hers once again, finally fully seating him inside her tight, warm walls.
There wasn't any time for adjusting as Ao'nung quickly pulled out and thrust back in, moving his mate up the mat at the force of his hips. Y/n could only take it, knowing her own hips would bruise in the morning by the strength of his thrusts, pistoning in and out of her wet heat, "Ah-- Ao'nung! W-Wait--"
Her words had the opposite effect, and Ao'nung's hands reached down to tightly grab hold of her legs, lifting them up into the air and pressing them down against Y/n until her knees were practically hugging her head, folding her in half. It's just the leverage he needed to go faster, mercilessly pounding into her body, showing off his fangs as he watched his cock spread her glistening lower lips apart, the tight muscle ring hugging around him now puffy from the abuse. The stretch is erotic and borderline painful, filling Y/n without any chance of leaving any room inside while her hands frantically look for a perch to hold onto. One hand grabs the back of her own thigh while the other finds its home around the back of Ao'nung's neck. The pinch of her eyebrows that usually represents pain finally smoothens out into pleasure around the same time Ao'nung noticed it was getting easier to thrust in and out, the wet slick from her pussy drenching both of their thighs and sticking whenever their hips meet.
Ao'nung slips out a groan when he feels the tightness of her walls clenching around his length, gripping him in waves of ecstasy, "Feels... so good..."
"Don't stop," Y/n tilts her head back to lean against the mat, her neck fully exposed and presenting that sinful armband that got this whole thing started, "Oh, Eywa, please don't stop!"
"First you wanted me to wait, now you don't want meet to stop," the glint in his eye was dangerous as a grin slowly formed on his lips, presenting his fangs again. He clicks his tongue while shaking his head, "Tsk, which will it be, yawne?"
"Mmf!" Her answer is silenced by the sharp thrust of his hips pushing into hers once more, the tip of his cock hitting just the right spot to make her see stars, "O- Oh! Do that again, please! Feel so good, Ao'nung-! So strong and--"
She cuts herself off when his cock thrusts back in and hits her sweet spot once more, drawing an elongated moan out of her lips. Taking a deep breath, Y/n pleasantly feels her new choker gently hugging her neck when inhaling, only for the air to get knocked out of her again when Ao'nung pulls out and shoves his way back into her dripping pussy, gritting through his teeth when feeling his length begin to tighten and leak, "And?"
Tears began to prick in the corner of her eyes. Her peak felt so close and yet so far away like a crash waving that was quickly receding back and forth, back and forth, denying her that climax, "Big! It's so big. Please, my love, please don't stop!"
A coil snaps and Ao'nung's movements suddenly turn primal. He stops thrusting for only a moment, making Y/n cry and spill her tears, desperate and frustrated for her release. He makes quick work to lie down on his side and pull Y/n into his arms, his cock still buried to the hilt inside of her. Tightening his strong arms completely around her body, he's got his mate completely restrained, pressed tightly against the front of his body as he finally moves his hips again, quicker than before and pounding into her bruised cunt without any sign of stopping. Y/n's cries and hot pants in his ear only drive the animal out of him, his arms further tightening around her like a constricting snake, taking whatever he wants without any room for denial. His cock was so unbelievably hard now and pulsing, desperate for release, his thrusts becoming sloppy and erratic, "Yawne... fuck, yawne I need you to cum before me. Can you do that? Can you cum on this cock before this cock cums inside you?"
The promise of Ao'nung finishing inside her thrills Y/n to the point she felt lightheaded, her imagination running wild with her pussy clenching around his cock at the very thought of it, drawing out another string of curses from him. He has one of her legs wrapped around his waist in this position, splitting her open on his fat cock and dragging his length against her walls over and over again, each time hitting her cervix with his tip, right where he knows will have her seeing stars. Her thighs begin to tremble, unable to writh against him with his arms so tight around her.
She whimpered as he purposely stopped and dragged a slow, long thrust in and out of her, not speeding up until she finally remembered to answer, "Yes-- Yes! I wanna cum on your cock, Ao'nung. I need it so bad, fuck! I need you to cum inside of me. Please, claim me."
His hips pick up speed again and she has to bite her tongue to refrain from screaming, instead letting choked-out whines escape her throat. On top of his hips thrusting in and out of her, Ao'nung also uses his arms to move Y/n up and down on his cock, her nipples dragging up and down along his chest as he does so and driving her to gasp and spill all sorts of words out of her lips, praises and nicknames and curses and none of them entirely put together. The coil in her belly is wound so tight, practically oozing out the warm honey within, but not snapping and releasing. It's all too much and not enough to the point that Y/n is dumb on words and spewing nonsense.
All she could smell was sweat and arousal and him, eyes still stinging with tears while the inside of her thighs are full of slick and Ao'nung's cock, pulsing inside her whenever he thrusts in, just as desperate to let go. She tilts her head up to look at him and watches as he grits his teeth, eyebrows furrowed together with eyes screwed shut, trying to focus so as not to cum early. He's whining and moaning, hissing between his teeth, his sweat sticking his curls to his face. He opens his eyes and looks down, seeing her eyes on him. Without a second thought, he reaches a hand up and curls into the hair on the back of her head, pulling until she bares her neck to him. Pain blooms where he pulled her hair and further blooms on her neck as he sinks his teeth into it, his growl vibrating into her skin and sending shockwaves down her body, "Cum for me, mate. Cum on my cock now."
She screams, holding onto him for dear life as the coil finally snaps, sending both herself and Ao'nung over the edge. Her walls were sporadically fluttering around him as she climaxes, strangling his cock until Ao'nung let out a guttural noise and his cock finally spills everything inside her, coating her walls and spurting thick ropes into her cervix. He couldn't help the loud panting groans he let out into her neck as his balls continued to empty, keeping it all trapped inside his mate.
He initially tries to stop, stilling his hips while continuing to pump and fill his love to the brim, but then her hands find his waist and urge him closer. Her voice is broken and a little hoarse as she desperately grinds down onto his dick, "Keep going... keep going, please!"
He does what she begs for and it's fucking amazing. Ao'nung had to grind his teeth together so that his moans and whimpers weren't heard outside of their marui, his cock now oversensitive from the continuous friction, a feeling he's never felt before since he's never fully ridden out his high. The friction also hits Y/n's clit with how close they're pressed together, and her eyes roll back into her head as another wave of pleasure runs through her, though more calm and minuscule compared to the last.
Ao'nung finally slows to a stop but doesn't pull out, keeping his softening cock inside of her, too warm and comfortable to even think about moving, her walls now rhythmically pulsing around him. The exhaustion doesn't hesitate to take over, arms and legs wrapped around one another to a point where it's uncertain where one begins and another ends. Y/n pleasantly wonders if she should wear Ao'nung's armband more often, and perhaps the next time he decides to fuck her to oblivion they will remember to form tsaheylu before they get too desperate to properly think.
A/N: Y/n's ceremonial outfit is a small nod toward Marilyn Monroe's "Happy Birthday, Mr. President" dress, when the dress gave off the initial impression that Marilyn was nude and sent the audience gasping in shock when she walked on stage and took off her coat.
#aonung#aonung x you#aonung imagine#aonung x reader#aonung smut#atwow ao'nung#ao'nung imagine#ao'nung x you#ao'nung x reader#ao'nung#ao'nung smut#kinktober#kinktober 2023#avatar kinktober#avatar 2#avatar the way of water#atwow#avatar#james cameron avatar#avatar imagine#atwow imagine#atwow smut#avatar smut#avatar x reader smut#atwow x reader#atwow x reader smut
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Hello I was wondering if I could request an Ao’nung x Reader, maybe reader could be Tsu’tey’s daughter from a woman he had mated with after learning of Neytiri’s and Jake’s mating, he had a woman that he had loved but he couldn’t have because he was betrothed to Neytiri. And that love bore fruit to our reader who is very close to the Sully family especially with Kiri whom she always defends when being teased by other children. She joins Norm and Max to the metkayina clan. And she’s just this badass with an ikran that was theorized by others to be the spawn of The great leonopteryx that Jake had tamed once. And Ao’nung is flabbergasted by this pretty na’vi riding such a dangerous animal? When the battle happens, she goes ham on the RDA and SAVES NETEYAM BC GDI LEAVE MY BOY ALONE and when they return theres a whole celebration and reader finally relaxes and shes been surrounded by curious na’vis alike bc phew baddie ‼️💅🏻 and ao’nung is such a simp tryna talk to her and rizz her up and it’s just ao’nung pining over her ackk
Destined for Might and Him
Ao’nung x Tsu’tey’s daughter!reader [Word Count: 3.1k]
🤷♀️uploading this after 123456789 years of draft!! Enjoy reading another rubbish fic😚💕
Warnings: mentions of death, spoilers
Jake has made countless mistakes since he joined the Omatikaya for his mission. Tsu’tey had never approved of him, until he actually saw him. He was betrothed to Sylwanin first, then came the humans, taking her away from his arms, Neytiri being the next suitable partner for him. As if there was a curse following him, a demon swooped Neytiri from him, though they were not that subtle. He has never seen Neytiri the way he looked at her older sister though.
Third time’s the charm, right?
In Tsu’tey’s case, it is. Being the next olo’eyktan meant he would be interacting with the entire clan, making sure that they felt safe even before his rule, heavily dedicating himself to making the hometree the most secure and comfortable place for their people. That’s where he met your mother, the forbidden fruit he’s always afraid to touch, only to see. He did not think it was right to look at another woman when he was promised to another man’s daughter. He was afraid that she would be too dainty for him to pursue.
Only to see, he said.
The third time he planned to mate with a woman was in the middle of the conflict. Right after he learned about Jake and Neytiri’s mating, he stormed off, not without giving Jake a good beating of course. It is when he actually had the chance to follow his heart, free of expectations. He soon learned that she too, was in love with him since he passed his iknimaya, hiding it from the rest of the clan as soon as she realized that she could not have him. Not without betraying the daughter of the olo’eyktan. So she comforted him, became friends with him instead. With his pride broken, he took everything that he thought would put his pieces back to being worthy of a warrior. Eywa, did it feel good to follow his heart and tell your mother how he really felt. So that’s why Sylwanin used to talk of mating as if it was the most beautiful thing in the world.
Somehow as he reminisced, he has really begun to see himself growing older with your mother. So, he set himself a new goal. To protect his love, and his people. Neytiri did not matter to him that much anymore, having moved on from the ghost of the past, accepting Jake Sully as his brother once again, deciding to fight against the sky demons with dreamwalkers whom Eywa have shown promise in.
What he did not expect was you. So imagine his surprise when he came home, your mother guiding his hands on her torso, telling him, Think you can handle one more, ma tsu’tey?
And so, the war came. Battles were won, people were lost. Including the mightiest warrior your mother has ever known. Your father, too young to be taken by Eywa, but alas. It was time for him to embrace the great mother’s comforting presence. He thought it was a shame it would take him years before he actually gets the chance to clutch you in his arms. He’s long entrusted you to his brother though. He made sure Jake promises him to look after you and your mother after all.
A beautiful young na’vi, born into war, just a few months before Jake Sully’s first son was born. You were then named, (y/n) te Rongloa Yenateu’ite. You were a carbon copy of your father, your mother actually exclaimed Tsu’tey’s name when she saw you having the eyes and seemingly permanent daring look your father had. You never really knew your father. Your mother would speak highly of him every night, stories and songs written by her, dedicated with her love for her long lost love. You would see her casting a longing gaze at the walls of your tent whenever she braids your hair, telling you of her and her past love’s nightly escapades when the people would head to their tents to sleep. Amazement and sheer pride written on your face when hearing of your father.
That’s when your mother would sigh audibly, completely defeated that you would always be a daddy’s daughter even without meeting him.
It has been a few weeks since your adoptive family moved to Awa’atlu to seek uturu. Your mother has long passed away, developing a sickness a few years ago. Life in the waters for them was not easy, having new responsibilities and things to work on, especially the breathing.
You were the seventh Toruk Makto, for Eywa’s sake.
Your iknimaya was going perfectly, along with Neteyam. Neteyam proved himself to be a mighty warrior, having wrestled with one of the toughest-looking ikran in the rookery. Kiri showed that she had the strongest connection to Eywa when she ‘befriended’ an ikran at a very young age, earning the title of tsakarem. You, on the other hand, basically confirmed the undeniability that you were Tsu’tey te Rongloa Ateyitan’s daughter, after an unusual occurrence in the ikran rookery. The “most dangerous iknimaya”, as Mo’at would say. As soon as Txop’alei sealed his bond with his ikran, as you stepped through the narrow path, a large ikran– No, a Toruk towered over the ikran rookery, making all of you yell in surprise followed by hisses from Neytiri behind you, and screeches from ikran fleeing away.
Your heart skipped a beat when you crossed gazes with the Toruk, stepping forward cautiously as its vibrant orange reflected on your yellow eyes, examining its slightly emerald green tinges on its wings. Soon enough, you were greeted with a threatening roar, making you gulp as soon as you realized that you were being chosen. Wrestling with an ikran is one thing, but with the great leonopteryx? It’s like a death sentence. Maybe it’s your mom or dad calling for you through Eywa, but would the warrior side of you really give up this thrilling opportunity?
Xi’di. That’s what you named your Toruk. Neytiri says it looked familiar. She thinks it’s a child of her mate’s Toruk. Mo’at says it’s your fathers gift to you from the other side when she pointed out how similar the green tinges match your father’s ikran colors.
You were more than happy to get to know your friend, Xi’di, through sneaking out and having late night flights. It wasn’t long before you were exposed to war, with Jake asking you to spot demon machines when the stars multiplied in the skies, together with his sons Neteyam and Lo’ak, brothers you would consider them as.
“Stop the useless yammering and out with it,” you spoke, jutting your chin upwards to emphasize that you were a greater warrior than he is.
“I saw your ikran,” Aonung inhaled deeply, petting the ilu swimming around the two of you, “it is bigger than the others” he pointed out, his incorrectness making you roll your eyes. You thought it was pathetic that he would attempt to hold a conversation with you after participating with yet again another standoff with your brothers. Your ears flickered slightly at the sound of celebrations around you, children laughing as they danced around.
You huffed at his curious glance, “It is a Toruk,” you smiled wickedly at his reaction, “Surprised that a girl smaller than you is a better warrior?” He scoffed at you, a mocking smile written on his face as he changed the subject back to something related to breathing.
The Metkayina chief’s son was not as who you expected him to be. He was arrogant, condescending, the complete opposite of what Neteyam was like, as the former olo’eyktan’s son.
“You wish,” he smirked, remembering how you checked him out earlier in the day as he raised the nets, his toned arms making your heart gallop. “Metkayina men are known for having mighty arms,” he boasted, too absorbed with himself that he somehow missed how you bashfully avoided eye contact for a second, a blush overtaking your cheeks as he continued on and on about what he has achieved, and his goals to be realized before and after he becomes olo’eyktan.
Regardless of the boastful and proud demeanor, Ao’nung lives up to his status though, having the toughest feats than the men his age, hunting the most, sparring the best, donning the most pleasing face in the clan and all, not that you would admit that to his face.
You remembered the faint voice of your father echoing from the tree of souls, telling that he might not be able to handle it if a pompous na’vi were to win your heart, you were Tsu’tey’s daughter for Eywa’s sake. Nobody would be worthy of you if he was actually there to guard you from presumptuous young men. So, you heed your father’s vivid wishes, promising yourself that you would be in your most sound and logical self when it comes to matters like this. Jake would always nod at you with pride when he hovers to size up your suitors, as soon as he witnesses you reject potential mates.
No wonder he and your biological father grew on each other.
You were not keen on migrating to another clan, only knowing the forest since you were born. You were angry. Furious, that the sky demons were responsible for your family's pain. You would never hold that against your adoptive father though. You loved him more than anything in the world, together with your half na'vi brothers and sisters, but you could not give up the forest. And so, you held your ground and decided to stay with the Omatikaya people.
Since the Sully's arrived in Awa'atlu, your siblings have received nothing but a flurry of insults and looks of disgust from most of the village people. Especially from the chief's son.
As the eldest sister, you felt responsible for making your brothers and sisters feel safe. Back in the forest, you would glare at every stupid boy who would dare sneak up on your sister and call her a freak, you would cast the most frightening look on your face when people would point at your youngest brother. But the most important of all, you would smile the sweetest directed at your younger siblings.
So when you heard of Kiri's situation from Norm, you immediately called upon Xi'di and braved the waters to come to where your family was. Horns and spears were let out when the Metkayina guards caught sight of a large beast coming upon their island, terrified yells from people left and right were heard, except for Lo'ak who let out a laugh of disbelief when he laid his eyes on the majestic Toruk. The colors were oh-so familiar, clad in a saddle that screamed Omatikaya, a dangling string of beads around its neck, the diversity of materials that came from none other than him.
A loud roar resonated within Awa'atlu, startling Neytiri who was busy tending to Kiri. She frowned at the thought of you, thinking that she was imagining things.
"Did you hear that Ma'itan?" Her question was answered soon enough when she noticed him running towards the crowd outside and exclaimed, "Sister, you have come!"
And there it was.
Ao'nung almost snapped his neck at how fast it turned when he caught you in his peripherals. His eyes almost bulged out of its sockets at how fast it widened when you turned your eyepiece upwards as you broke the bond with Xi'di.
"My mighty warrior! It has been too long baby brother," you slung your arms around Neteyam's frame, telling him how much he's grown in just a few months. Gladness and worry was written on your face when he brought up Kiri's situation, "You mean she had a seizure underwater ?!"
Ao'nung noticed how your waterline easily filled up with tears waiting to be shed when you approached the marui where Kiri was currently being taken care of.
What made his feelings definite was the brief eye contact with him that you shared though.
"Thank you, great mother! Thank you!"
You wailed with your family, hugging each other where Neteyam was lying down, grateful that your family has been once again blessed by Eywa. The sky people had wrought destruction in just a matter of a few weeks since your arrival in Awa'atlu after you decided to stay until you have reassured Kiri's well-being.
You were feeling beyond terrified at what had just occurred. You saw your brothers and sisters getting chased by the demon machineries, three of them tied on the huge ship that drove on the waters, spurring the darkness inside you as you fought and fought and fought until you have ensured that they were all safe.
Your brother, Neteyam.
The brother that you have known the longest, shot near where his heart lies, sealing RDA's fate when you saw your brother wheezing on a rock, who wanted nothing but to come home. You were soon enough blinded by rage, together with Neytiri who channeled her anger to retrieve her daughters who were left on the ship.
Everything was a blur that night. Guns and armies thrown left and right, ships exploding, taking hundreds of lives, both na’vi and human. You didn’t think you could have handled it well without the guidance of your father. You felt rage and hurt. Seeing your brother writhe in pain, shivering in the numbing coldness of the water raging against the rocks, you felt like you have just had your heart thrown away.
Your childhood friend Spider, getting sliced across his chest. Your mother, completely having her judgment clouded over her dying son, her daughters, desperate to be freed from the arms of a demon who somehow took pleasure in making your father's life null.
Then it was all submerged in the harsh waters.
You cried out for your companion and rode your Toruk, circling around the sinking demon ship, tears continuously flowing in frustration.
Where was everyone?
You swore you almost lost your mind, but then you remembered.
They were Omatikaya. They will survive.
So, you swallowed the impending grief. You forced yourself to think clearly through the bond, Xi’di responding with the loudest roar it could muster, and swooped down towards the direction of the rocks where you Neteyam laid.
At the sight of Neteyam, you cried.
It was that day when Ao'nung first saw you cry in Neteyam's arms, who was also sniffling at the thought of almost dying and missing out on his siblings' lives. He ruffled Tsireya's hair as she cried in relief, thankful that his sister was also safe.
The people cried. The people mourned. The people had their reunion with their families.
Sully’s stick together. And stick together, you did.
All of you were safe.
“You okay, kid?” Jake mumbled against the top of your head, embracing you and Neteyam as soon as he climbed up the shores, to which you responded by sobbing and hugging him tight. Neytiri had Neteyam against her chest, kissing his forehead, thanking the great mother all over again.
You turned your heads at the sound of water splashing once more, revealing Spider.
“Monkey boy!” Kiri exclaimed, smiling at the sight of her friend, pressing a hand against his chest. You untangled yourself from your father, fussing over Tuk and Neteyam as you see Lo’ak and Spider get squished against your father’s chest.
As you pressed your lips against Tuk’s forehead, you somehow met Ao’nung’s gaze, casting a soft smile at him as you observed him rubbing Tsireya’s shoulder in affection as she cried in his arms, completely being washed over with relief and mostly just overstimulated from the war you had just gone through.
And soon enough, it was time for a celebration of their victory against the sky people.
Fires were started, wood were piled up on one another, the children holding hands together as they sing praises to the great mother, celebrating the victory of their people, ever grateful for the safety of who remained, and prayed for the guidance of Eywa to help those who were lost, to come home to her warm embrace.
Ao’nung fixed the headdress he was donning, a symbol of his status, as he sat beside his sister, scanning his gaze amongst the sea of his people.
And then there was you.
Your eyes were piercing as you held your gaze, the brutal reality of his feelings slowly sinking in as you tucked one of your freshly braided hair, his eyes slowly trailing over the accessories you saved for occasions like this.
Did you have different sets of necklaces for ceremonies?
Were they of rare materials? Because he has never seen a woman this beautiful, he wondered.
He was so struck with your fierceness he did not notice that he was the only one left on the mats laid out on the high platform that was planted on the sand for celebrations. He placed a hand against his left knee, slowly rising from his spot to walk towards you, perhaps ask for a dance?
You were speaking to him as soon as he stopped walking, him blurting out a question he’s been meaning to ask, only to be responded with a huge hit to his ego.
“Surprised that a girl smaller than you is a better warrior?”
He never let people step on his pride.
Not even his sister whom he closetedly doted on, completely overtaken by the idea that ‘he’s a man, so he should not be seen as vulnerable’. He soon learned that that shouldn’t be the case though.
With you to pursue? He’s going to relearn everything, it seems.
You were different.
But perhaps those differences would be the factors to taking him a step closer to you.
To a future where you and him embracing under the starry skies as constellations meld together as one during the darkest of the nights, would be a normal occurrence between the two of you.
That, you did.
Months of building himself up in your eyes, and you finally learned to see him as he hoped you would.
“Good, because I see you too,” you remember him saying those exact words after you practically swept him off his feet, his pretentious demeanor once again taking over to spare him of your teasing, not that it went by unnoticed.
You knew him too well.
So when he promised to take care of you, you knew he would.
Just like when he promised to not spoil his first son to the point that he’d grow up like him, you knew he’d end up eating his words.
You knew him, after all.
You see him, in both light and darkness, you see Ao’nung.
Edit: 💀somebody pointed out a misplaced paragraph so i went to remove that one ohmygofd
#metkayina#✯。*゚+ .✧ my works 。*♡#aonung#neteyam#atwow x reader#avatar the way of water#avatar x reader#jake sully#ao'nung#ao'nung x reader#aonung imagine#aonung x reader#aonung x you#aonung x y/n#tsu’tey#avatar twow x reader#avatar the way of water x reader#avatar 2009#avatar 2022#avatar#omatikaya#omaticaya clan#neytiri#tuk#tuktirey#kiri
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neteyam x fem!reader x aonung
contains: PURE FILTH!!!! poly relationship, dom!aonung, sub!neteyam, switch!reader, na’vi!reader, oral (neteyam + reader receiving), guided oral, dirty talk, p in v, creampie, cum eating, voyeurism ???, brief hand job, use of Y/N. i think that’s it.
na’vi words: kelku = home , muntxate = wife , muntxatan = husband , yawne = beloved , kuru = neural queue.
wc: 2.8k (holy shit) unedited
a/n: i wrote this while on cloud 9 😭 idk what was going thru my head, my fingers were just typing and now we have this.

“C’mon, be a good girl for me.” Aonung whispered into your ear as Aonung took hold on Neteyams throbbing cock, slapping the tip of his dick on your tongue gently. Even though Neteyam was the one standing up with both you and Aonung on your knees before him, you and Neteyam both knew very well that Aonung was still in charge. He almost always was.
You glance over at Aonung and see him staring at Neteyams tip which rested on your tongue, and you widen your mouth, taking Neteyam’s leaking tip into your mouth. Neteyam exhaled shakily, and Aonung “comforted” him shortly by rubbing his thigh whilst his other hand rested on the back of your head, pressing against the base of your kuru.
Aonung pushes your head further down Neteyams cock, forcing you to take his entire length into your mouth until you gagged. Aonung watched closely in delight as your eyes welled with tears, and he leaned in and pressed a kiss to your temple, gripping your head tighter so that he could easily push your head back and forth on Neteyam’s cock.
Neteyam looked up at the ceiling of the kelku he and Aonung built together for the three of you with his hands behind his back, trying his best not to cum. He didn’t want to look down because he knew he would cum in an instant at the sight of you, but he also couldn’t handle it if Aonung happened to look up at him with that menacing glare. Aonung took away his privilege of making any noises — this was his punishment for being a brat for the whole day, although at first glance it would’ve seemed like you were being punished from the way Aonung bobbed your head back and forth on Neteyam’s cock roughly.
But no matter how rough Aonung was, he always praised you two unlike Neteyam who only got rough when he was mad and when he got mad, he tended to say mean and harsh things without thinking.
You gag on Neteyam’s cock, trying your best to inhale through your nose as Aonung forced your head. You started slobbering all over the poor man’s dick in such a short time, and you moaned before swallowing to envelop Neteyams cock tighter in your throat.
Neteyam bit his lip as hard as he could to hold back the noises that threatened to spill without permission, drawing a small amount of blood in the process. He huffed and took deep inhales and exhales, trying to calm himself down, but he mindlessly abandoned his past thoughts for a second and accidentally looked down at the sight below him.
He saw you with your hands on both of his thighs, gripping his plush flesh as you gulped and gagged on his cock, looking up at him with hazy eyes that were glossed over with lust. He also saw Aonung staring at the way you sucked his cock intensely, praising you and talking you through it.
“Good girl, Ma’Muntxate. Sucking his cock so well even though he doesn’t deserve it.” Aonung says to you, reaching his free hand down between your thighs, smirking at how wet you were then looking up at Neteyam who stared down with wide eyes.
Aonung stared into Neteyam’s eyes, giving a mocking pout which caused Neteyam to look away and stare at you instead.
You really were stuck in your own world as you slurped his cock down your throat. You seemed to be enjoying yourself, whimpering and whining around his cock as Aonungs fingers toyed with your clit, rolling it between his fingers and pinching whenever you gagged.
“Aonung- Sir! I’m gonna…” Neteyam whined out, beginning to get fidgety as he felt his orgasm approaching, the heat in his lower abdomen growing more and more.
Aonung pulled your head off Neteyam’s cock, causing a surprised choke to leave your lips as you gasp for air, spit dripping down your chin and neck. You lick your lips and look up at Neteyam, but Aonung releases the back of your head to grab your chin to force you to look at him.
You make passionate eye contact with him, and he rubs your slit, drenching his fingers before sinking the tips of two out of three fingers into you, making you gasp and squirm on your knees.
“Been so good for me,” He whispers, leaning in to kiss your lips, getting a taste of Neteyams cock. “Let’s give our Teyam a show, shall we?”
You don’t say anything, you just grin and look up at Neteyam who’s chest seemed to be heaving as he silently begged for relief. He looked down at you and licked his lips, watching in agony as Aonung fingered you, making you moan and hold onto your other mate. You rolled your hips against Aonungs hand all while looking up at Neteyam who whimpered with tears forming.
Aonungs ears perk up at the noise that leaves the slim man, and his head shoots up to give him a glare. Neteyam gulped and without a second thought, he backed up and sat on the ground just like Aonung wanted. Aonung mentally cursed at his muntxatan for knowing his sexual habits so well, and Aonung nodded his head in approval.
“It’s okay, Tey. Just be good and we’ll give you what you want.” You say, crawling over to be in between Neteyam’s legs. You trail a finger up his pulsing cock, and kiss his lips softly. Neteyam eagerly kissed back, trying to deepen the kiss, but Aonung caught it and pulled you away, laying you down on your back right in between Neteyams legs.
You rest your head on Neteyams thigh as Aonung hovered over you, his hand pressed against your stomach to hold you down.
“Now, you’re gonna watch me fuck our yawne, and you’re not gonna do a single thing about it. No touching yourself, no touching her, no talking. Don’t even make a noise.” Aonung spat harshly at Neteyam who swallowed thickly and watched as Aonung pried his tewng off of his body, revealing his thick girth that leaked heavily of pre-cum. Your metkayina born mate rubbed your clit with his thumb, and then turned to look at Neteyam.
“Do you understand?” Aonung asked, glaring at him.
Neteyam nodded, but he quickly said, “Yes, sir,” because he knew that a simple action wouldn’t be good enough for Aonung.
“Be a good boy for us, okay? We’ll let you cum if you just behave.” You say softly to your mate, slightly feeling bad for him when you looked up and saw his eyes all glossy and lip quivering.
“It’ll be okay-“ You cut yourself off with a gasp when Aonung smacks his tip against your leaking folds to attempt to shut you up.
“Stop sweet talking him or else you won’t be able to cum either.” He warned, curly hair falling over his shoulder as he looked down at you. You nod in understanding, and Neteyam furrowed his hairless brows in frustration when Aonung didn't react to your simple action. If it were him, he would’ve been punished for not using his words.
Neteyam watched as Aonung pushed into you with a groan. You moaned and one of your hands grabbed Neteyams thigh, digging your nails into his flesh.
“Fuck! I’m- ‘Nung!” You moan, already being so close to the finish line due to Aonungs foreplay minutes ago.
“I know, baby. I can feel you.” Aonung leaned down and pressed his lips against your forehead, fucking you deep and slow, stretching you out. At this moment, he wasn’t trying to fuck you dumb, he was making sweet sweet love to you because he knew that it would drive Neteyam crazy and make his head spin as well as yours.
You loved the stretch of Neteyam’s cock, but nothing could compare to the stretch of Aonungs cock. Aonung was much thicker then Neteyam — though Neteyam was longer — and he often had to stay still for a minute when he bottoms out in you to let you adjust.
“Look at her when she cums, forest boy.” Aonung demands, his pace growing faster so that you all could hear how wet you were.
Neteyam is forced to open his eyes and stare down at you as your back arches and you moan out Aonungs name over and over again. Pure euphoria was all Neteyam could see, and his cock twitched at the sight of you creaming all over Aonungs cock while you rest between his legs.
Aonung groans loudly at the feeling of your tight cunt clenching around him repeatedly, and he brings one of his hands to your mouth, pushing his thumb between your lips and smiling in pleasure when you happily open your mouth to take in his thumb and suckle on it as if it were a cock.
Neteyams hips jerked, causing your head to jerk up as well which alerted Aonung of Neteyams action. Aonungs other hand pressed down on Neteyams thigh, right next to your head.
“Stay still.��� Aonung says through gritted teeth as he continues to fuck you. He looks at Neteyam and he almost feels bad for a moment when he sees how vulnerable his muntxatan looked. “I know it’s hard, Teyam, but you’ll live. You’re a strong boy, aren’t you?”
Neteyam nodded quickly. “Yes, yes. ‘M your strong boy.”
“But you’re also hers.” Aonung corrected, tilting his head down to you who wasn’t even paying attention to your mates; you just closed your eyes and was in your own world once again as Aonung fucked you, hitting your g-spot over and over again.
“Yes, I’m hers.” Neteyam says, nodding again.
“Y’hear that, Ma’Y/N?” Aonung looks down at you, removing his thumb from your mouth, then chuckles. “Course you didn’t.”
“Hm?” You open your eyes and look up at Aonung who smirked down at you. Your gaze shifts to Neteyam, then back to Aonung. “We’re you talking to me?”
“Yes, but it’s okay, baby. Just keep laying there all pretty.” Aonung says to you gently, slowing his pace to grind his hips against you, his pelvis pressing against yours.
You whimper and nod, keeping your eyes open the best you could before they rolled into the back of your head when Aonung gave a particularly hard thrust against that pleasurable gummy spot inside of you.
“Fuck, she feels so good. So warm and tight. Bet you wish you could fuck her.” Aonung glances at Neteyam who bit his lip, then Aonung moans loudly when you clench around him for shits and giggles. “Naughty girl.”
You giggle softly and Aonung can’t help but smile. You look at Neteyam who was looking so desperate and agitated. You could tell he was itching to get some sort of friction as he shifted his hips slightly enough for you to feel it but not enough for Aonung to notice.
“Hmmm, gonna cum inside you. Paint your fucking insides white.” Aonung grunted, practically growling. “Y’gonna let me? Y’gonna let me breed you right in front of our mate? Huh?”
“Yes! Fuck, yes! Please, cum inside me ‘Nung. I need it!” You moan, rolling your hips to push him past his limit.
You hear Neteyams breathing get heavier, and you also hear Aonungs moans get louder and louder.
You loved how he didn’t care about the clan hearing. You loved that he took advantage of his role as Olo’eyktan, knowing that no one could tell him what to do or to be quiet.
One of your arms wraps around Aonungs neck, pulling him in so that he could rub his cheek against your scent glands, and one of your hands rubs Neteyam’s thighs. You sneakily brought your hand to wrap around his cock whilst Aonung didn’t have his eyes on him, and Neteyams jaw fell open, letting out silent moans.
Aonungs hips rutted against you to his hearts content, and his teeth sank into the skin of your shoulder as he smacked his hips against yours one final time.
He released into your with strangled moans and groans, his noises muffled against your skin. You feel his thick cum spurting inside of you, and you nearly came at the stimulation of his warm release. Aonung gripped Neteyams thigh tightly, and his other hand ran up your body to squeeze your tits. Aonung always came a lot in situations like these, so you made sure to comfort him through his orgasm.
Neteyam watches in pleasure between your hand stroking him slowly due to the awkward position you put your hand in to do so, and Aonungs orgasm, but Neteyams whines internally when your hand leaves his weeping cock to run your fingers through Aonungs loose and curly hair. You rub his neck, whispering sweet nothings into Aonungs ear.
“Shhh, it’s okay. Doing so well, baby.” You whisper softly to him, and he whines briefly.
Aonung lifts himself up with shaky arms and closed eyes before opening them to look down at you as he pulls out slowly. His cock seemed never ending as he was pulling out, and when he was finally out, you whimpered at the empty feeling in your stomach.
Aonung sits up and his knees, running his fingers through his hair whilst taking deep breaths. He grabs your hips and moves your body so that Neteyam could get a good view of Aonungs cum leaking out of your pretty pussy.
“Look at all that.” Aonung says, holding your legs open. Neteyam licked his lips, desperately wanting to disobey Aonungs orders and dive right in to the delicious meal on display for him.
“Aonung,” You call out to him, reaching a hand down to his forearm. “He’s been good, shouldn’t he be rewarded? I think he should.”
Neteyam is grateful for you trying to convince Aonung to let him join in on the fun, and he stares at you as you look at Aonung with your beautiful blue puppy eyes. Aonung looks back at you, contemplating in his mind. He can never say no to you when you look so gorgeous, and he growls in aggravation when he decides to oblige.
“I suppose you’re right. He’s been good enough, but don’t forget how he was acting earlier. His attitude is how we got in this position, anyway.” Aonung states and you shake your head.
“I didn’t forget. I just know we all have our bad days, and I think Teyam over here deserves a second chance.” You reply.
“You didn’t hear how he spoke to me.” Aonung argues, but you argue back.
“No, but I know that even you can be a bit mouthy when you’re in a bad mood. Why should his punishment be nothing? Why not everything all at once?” You suggest, gazing into Aonungs eyes. “You won’t talk to him like that again, now will you, Teyam?” You avert your attention to Neteyam who looked like he was about to burst any second.
“Fuck, please, I’ll never speak to you like that again, I promise.” Neteyam cries out, begging Aonung for forgiveness. “I was just in a bad mood, I swear. Just please give me something.”
“C’mon, ‘Nung. Who could say no to a pretty face like that?” You say, and Aonung looks at Neteyam, tracing the darker blue boys jawline softly.
Aonung huffs and takes hold of the back of Neteyams neck, pulling him up and then laying him on his stomach with his face right in front of your leaking pussy.
Neteyams hands go to grab your thighs once he gets a smell of yours and Aonungs scent mixed together, but Aonung growls and snaps, “Keep your hands behind your fucking back.”
Neteyam brings his hands back behind his back, and tries to inch his mouth closer to get a taste.
“Someone’s desperate.” You giggle, teasingly bringing your cunt closer to him.
“You have no idea.” He responds, eyes locked on all the juices that glistened in the dimly lit mauri. His mouth watered seeing Aonungs cum leaking and dripping down your taint and puckered hole, wanting nothing more than to drink it all up.
Aonung shifts to get behind Neteyam, then pushes Neteyams head into your cunt, causing a sharp moan to leave your lips. You’ve never felt Neteyam eat you out like this before, he was so hungry and his tongue worked wonders on your twitching bundle of nerves.
While that was happening, Aonung grabbed Neteyams thin tail which was swishing around and pulled it upwards, the fur on the tip of Neteyam’s tail curling inward to tickle his shoulder blades. Aonung pressed his tip against his aching hole, and Neteyam gasped against your drenched pussy when he felt it.
“Everything all at once, right?” Aonung inquired, looking at you for approval for once throughout the entire night. And when you nodded once feeling Aonungs heavy gaze, the real fun began and the night took a turn for the better.

another a/n: this has to be the longest and probably most interesting smut i’ve ever written. hope y’all enjoy! n don’t be a silent reader cuz if u enjoyed this, i would rlly appreciate it if u liked or reblogged! 🩷🩷🩷
#avatar#neteyam#avatar smut#neteyam sully#neteyam sully x reader#neteyam x metkayina!reader#neteyam smut#neteyam sully smut#neteyam x na'vi!reader#l0velysmut#aonung#aonung x reader#aonung smut#aonung x metkayina!reader#aonung x you#neteyam x you#atwow#avatar the way of water#aonung x reader x neteyam#smut
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Riding Ao’nungs face | Smut
Warnings: Face riding, orgasm (f), dirty talk, pussy eating
‘C’mon baby just one more’ he cooed from under you, voice coming out muffled from your cunt over his mouth.
‘B-but nung-‘ you whined out, being quickly cut off by his lips sucking on your clit, causing another loud mewl to fall from your plush lips.
‘Shit—you taste so fucking good yawne’ he hissed, fangs grazing your lips as his tongue began to venture into your velvety walls.
You could feel your third orgasm already pooling in your stomach, legs trembling from the overstimulation and pleasure. Your hands gripped onto his hair so so tightly, almost ripping it from his scalp.
‘Shit Baby’ he teased, the pain from your grip egging on his pace on your drenched pussy. Your legs were desperately trembling, begging for another release already. He tightened his grip on your thighs, pulling you closer as you let out another loud moan.
‘I-I’m so close nungy’ you whined, panting helplessly as you moved your hips along his mouth—looking and searching for your release.
‘C’mon baby, cum for me’ he cooed, tongue circling around your clit. You let out one last whimper before your legs squeezed together, cumming into his awaiting mouth.
‘You taste so good baby’
#aonung smut#ao’nung#ao’nung smut#ao’nung x female reader#ao’nung x reader#ao’nung x sully!reader#ao’nung x y/n#ao’nung x you#ao’nung fluff#atwow ao'nung#aonung x reader#aonung x human reader#aonung x female reader#aonung x you#aonung#aonung x sully!reader#aonung x y/n
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By my side

Pairings: Agedup Aonung x FemMetkayina Reader.
Summary: your mate enjoys every bit of you no matter the time.
Warnings: MDNI, somnophilia, p in v, established relationship, I think I got everything.
꒦꒷❀꒷꒦ ❀✿❀꒦꒷❀꒷꒦MDNI ꒦꒷❀꒷꒦❀✿❀ ꒦꒷❀꒷꒦
To Aonung you were absolutely breathtaking. The way your chest rose and fell with each breath you took while you were sleeping. You seemed so peaceful, so at ease.
He often found himself watching you sleep; he enjoyed the view of you in all your naked glory. A sight he’d never get tired of seeing, as you lay on your stomach, ass bare to him he couldn’t help but to admire it.
The curve of your ass was something he always got mesmerized by, so supple yet firm. The perfect combination of everything he liked in one, reaching to let his fingers ghost over your tattoo. Each finger to each line as he traced the delicate designs.
He exhaled the breath he didn’t know he was holding, being mated to you the best decision made. He loves you for eternity in every single way. The soft touch of his fingers bringing your body to life, even in your sleep like state you were so reactive. His hands firmly grabbed ahold on your thigh and gently pushed it further to the side.
The view of your slick cunt has his cock growing with need, his body craved you. Begged for you, he desperately needed to fill you.
For a moment he just sat and watched you, letting his eyes rack over your body slowly before he let his finger dip down into your heat. Slowly he rubbed along your slit before dipping his fingers into your wetness, thrusting in and out of you slowly.
He enjoyed the fact that even in your sleep your body knew who it belonged to. He hummed as he moved close to your body, his fingers leaving your heat to ease at your swollen bundle of nerves.
He doesn’t stop moving his finger slowly in circular motions as he presses the tip of his length against your slick entrance, his hands found themselves grasping tightly at your hips.
He was in love in every way of you, especially the way your sopping wet pussy cling to his length especially in your sleepy state. He wanted to hold back he really did, but he couldn’t focus on your grip.
Leaning down he pressed soft little kisses against your smooth skin, his cheek pressing against your back gently. He rocked his hips slowly at first, focusing on the way you clung greedily to him. His soft breathless moans and quiet groans filled your home, his deep growls rumbling from his chest each time you squeezed his throbbing cock.
He hoped you’d wake up, wake up to the feeling of him fucking deep into you. Yet nothing, you laid there taking every inch of him like the good girl you’d be if you were awake, and he loved it. He watched the way your breathing changed; soft moans being forced from your slightly parted lips. His eyes narrowed in on how your hands grabbed at the blankets before your eyes slowly peeled open, he gave you a smug grin once you finally focused.
“Shh baby, just relax...” He murmured as he leaned down to press a soft kiss to the side of your cheek.
Taglist: @pandoraslxna @neteyamsoare @criticallybella @sunfyresrider @neteyamsyawntu @tiredmamaissy @headsincloud9 @etherialblackrose @blue-slxt @justcaptiannoodles @neteyamyawne @erenjaegerwifee @oakbuggy @hotdsworld @plooto @itchaboi-itchyboy @eywaite
#avatar twow#avatar#avatar smut#atwow smut#romancingpandora2024#aonung x you#aonung x reader#aonung smut
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Beach Sex
Ao’nung x Fem!Metkayina!Reader
kinkmas masterlist

warnings: 18+ MDNI, p in v, oral!male receiving, sneaking around, bit of fluff at the end. One use of Y/n.
“Bro, just come with me, Neteyam said no and I know Kiri won’t go.” Lo’ak begged “You’re my only other friend, please.”
Tsireya had invited him to go to a party with the other Metkayina people.
He didn’t want to go alone, that was the problem.
“I never go to these dumb things, even before you got here.” You poked Lo’ak’s chest “It just like… one big orgy.”
“Please?” He whined “It’s the first one I’ve been allowed at!”
“Eywa help me.” You rolled your eyes “Fine, just this once, after this you’re on your own!”
“Ha! Thank you!” He smiled, “After last light is what she said… so meet me here?”
“Yeah, sure.” You grimaced
Lo’ak doesn’t know how or when to shut up. That’s what you’ve learned in your time of knowing him. Ever since he got comfortable with you, he’s always talking. About literally nothing. You didn’t mind it though, he would talk and you would listen.
Like now, for example.
He was rambling on about Tsireya while you listened to him.
You led him to the secret beach, and it instantly reeked of sex and alcohol.
“Lo’ak!” Tsireya called out, she definitely had been waiting for him, she came into view with a smile on her face, “Oh! Y/n! You came?”
You nodded, almost scared of her reaction.
“That’s great! You never come!” She smiled, bringing you in for a hug
“Right well, I think I’m gonna go find a drink.” You break away, waving them off as they snuck away together
Another one of your friends, Oreya, found you a drink. You hadn’t had one in forever, it made you wince.
“Can’t hold your alcohol anymore, Syulang?” A teasing voice made you look up, Ao’nung
You roll your eyes, looking back at him with a nasty look. “I remember it was you that couldn’t hold his alcohol.” You sassed
Ao’nung merely laughed, his shoulders shrugged as he backed off.
“You know how it is, Syulang.” He smiled “Why’d you come tonight?”
“Brought your future brother.” You teased
“My futu- Lo’ak?” His jaw dropped “He is not my future brother.”
“Well… where are they?” You gestured around “Sounds like someone’s sister might be making-“
“Shut up!” He groaned
“You’re really upset?” You laughed at his pained face
“Forest people and reef people shouldn’t be together.” He shook his head “I couldn’t imagine the outcome.”
“Of their little babies? Oh they would be adorable!”
Suddenly you’re being shoved against a rock, “Thought I told you to shut up?”
You shove him off of you, “You’re such an ass!”
He mocks you, pissing you off further.
You couldn’t deal with him like this, so you stomped off and did what anyone else would do, you started drinking.
You found yourself sitting at a fire, next to a couple that was making out. You weren’t drunk, just sober enough to be aware if your surroundings while also not having to think about anything too much.
You hear you name called from across the beach, you look up.
Just by a small nod, that signaled you to follow him.
As soon as you closed in on him, his lips were on you.
“Syulang,” He groaned “I miss you. You don’t play with me anymore.”
“We’re not kids.” You chastised “Not anymore.”
“You know what I mean.” He laughed, his hand cupping your pussy
You gasp in surprise, “Ao’nung!”
You’re shut up as his fingers begin to rub tour clit in perfect motions “Hm?”
“I know you too well, Syulang.” He whispers to you, “Know this perfect body too well.”
“We shouldn’t be doing this.” You whisper into his ear as he kissed your neck
You feel his smirk grow against your skin, “That’s what makes it fun.”
“Ao’nung…” You whine
“What is it?” He mumbled, still working your clit “You wanna come? Is that it?”
“Ao’nung… I shouldn’t.” You breathlessly whispered
“Yes, you definitely should.” He leans in, capturing your lips in a fiery kiss
You feel the warmth of his body against yours, and you can feel the energy between you two. His lips are soft and gentle as he kisses you, his hands exploring your body. You can feel the intensity of the moment, and you let the passion take control. You're completely taken by him, and you can't help but feel the electric current between the two of you. You can feel your heart racing as he pulls you closer, deepening the kiss. You can feel the emotion in the air and you can't help but give into it. You let go, completely lost in the moment, and you know that you never want it to end.
Your heart races as he pulls away, leaving you wanting more. The world around you fades away as you stay lost in his embrace.
He pulls his hand away from your needy pussy, “Did you miss me Syulang?”
“Ao’nung… I see you everyday.” You mumble
“Answer me.”
“Ye-yes, I missed you.” You stumbled
“Mm, I missed you too.” He smiled
He stands before you, looming large and waiting for your next move. You take a deep breath and slowly move closer, a sly smirk playing on your lips. You can practically feel the anticipation radiating off of him.
Your hands reach out and slide around his waist, your fingers tracing the contours of his body. Your touch sends a thrill through him, and you can feel his muscles tense beneath your fingertips. In response, you press yourself closer, your body melting against his.
The next thing you know, you’re backed against the rock and his mouth is on yours, his tongue exploring your depths. His hands roam over your body, igniting a fire within you.
“Get on your knees.” He demanded as he pulled away from your lips
You obey with a nod, dropping to your knees in the soft sand of the isolated beach.
“You know what to do.” He pushes your hair back
Ao’nung untied his loincloth for you, revealing his hard cock.
Your heart races as you kneel before him, the scent of his desire intensifying with each passing second. You take him in your mouth, your lips wrapping around him like a glove. His gasp fills the air as you start to move, your tongue swirling around him in a way that only you know. You can feel him trembling as you take him deeper, your throat constricting as you feel him swell.
He moans as you continue, your hands running up and down his length as you work your way further and further down. You can feel his breathing becoming labored, and you can sense that he's about to let go.
You take him as far as you can, your mouth and throat feeling like they're on fire as you milk him for every last drop. His body quivers and shakes as he releases, and you swallow every drop of his pleasure.
“Damn, Syulang.” He moaned, his hand holding your face gently
You can feel yourself trembling as you pull away, the taste of him still lingering on your tongue. You look up at him, and the look of bliss on his face is all you need to know that you did a good job.
He gets down on his knees with you, and he pulled you into a passionate embrace. His lips were soft and inviting against yours, and his hands moved to cup your face as he deepened the kiss. His tongue explored and caressed, and you felt your body melting against his.
His hands moved to your waist, and he pulled you closer. His lips trailed down your neck, sending shivers of desire through you. He cupped your breasts, and you gasped as pleasure surged through you. His hands moved lower, and he tugged at your loincloth, eager to explore more of your body.
You untied it for him, and his hands roamed over your body, caressing, exploring, and arousing you until you were trembling with need. He moved you back to the sand, and you sank into it as he settled between your legs.
He kissed your throat, and you felt his hardness pressing against you. He teased you, his movements increasing in intensity until you were both panting with desire.
With one smooth motion, he entered you, and you gasped as pleasure surged through you.
He moved slowly at first, and then faster, each thrust sending waves of pleasure through you. You clung to him, and he groaned with pleasure, his movements becoming more urgent.
He began to rut into you at an unmatched, animalistic, pace.
“Rub that little clit for me, huh?” He brought your hand down for you
You listen to him and begin to stimulate yourself while he fucked you.
“Gonna make me cum if you keep clenching down on my cock like that- fuck!” Ao’nung cursed
“Ao’nung I, I’m gonna…” You whimpered
“I know, go on baby, do it for me, cum on my fucking cock, do it.” He relentlessly thrusted into you, making your eyes roll back and your hands dig into his arms
Your orgasm almost broke you, made you over sensitive. He fucked you through it with reassuring words of praise with small kisses.
Once you came down from your little high, Ao’nung picked his pace back up, his own personal goal was to cum in your sweet little pussy tonight.
And oh how he did.
Refused to pull out even after, but when he did, he watched his own cum dribble out of you with awe, and then used two of his fingers to push it back in you.
He lies there with you, holding you to him as close as you would let him.
“Missed you so much.” He mumbled
“Missed you too.” You tiredly answered
taglist: @danniackerman @loakslut
#bubbleskinkmas2023🫧#avatar the way of water#avatar#aonung#aonung smut#aonung x reader#aonung x female reader#aonung x you#aonung x y/n#ao’nung#ao’nung smut#ao’nung x reader#ao’nung x you#ao’nung x female reader#ao’nung x y/n#lo’ak avatar#avatar jake sully#jake sully#loak sully#neteyam te suli tsyeyk'itan#neteyam#neteyam sully#neteyam smut#atwow lo’ak#jake sully atwow#atwow x y/n#atwow loak#atwow smut#atwow fanfiction#atwow neteyam
639 notes
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Tawtute Sickness (A Precious Drabble)
Pairing: Adult Ao'nung x Hyperfeminine Human Reader
This one shot is from the Precious series. It can be read alone but reading the Precious origin story gives a better experience and context.
Summary: There is still so much that Ao'nung does not understand about Sky People so with your cycle running off track, he is in for quite a surprise.
Warnings: MDNI, explicit talk of menstruation, talk of blood, hormones, hurt/comfort, misunderstanding, dominant Ao'nung, interspecies relationship, aged up Ao'nung, crying, self doubt, insecurity, protective Ao'nung, swearing, PMS, sexual themes, etc.
A/N: This is just a random little fun something I thought of when I was on my period. Nothing like a silly fantasy to help one cope:)
Adult Ao'nung pic by @cinetrix
Another cramp rolls through you mercilessly. With a groan you stuff a handful of stolen popcorn into your mouth. Surrounded by a small parade of stuffed animals atop your bed and drowning in the charm that is Mr. Darcy, there is no better place to take refuge. Your period has sprung into action earlier than expected but you’re proud of how things have been handled.
It had taken copious amounts of bribery to convince Norm to deliver an excuse to Ao’nung as to why you can’t see him for a bit. Although double his age and even in possession of an Avatar body, Norm has always crumpled slightly under Ao’nung’s presence. Even as his visits have become more frequent at the outpost. The sight makes you giggle, no matter how hypocritical that is considering you too were anxious in his company for the first few weeks here.
Despite the time that has passed since feelings were shared between the two of you, there is still a level of intimidation and intensity that comes with Ao’nung’s visits. He is never shy when it comes to sharing his opinions. Half the time it is hard to tell what will come out of the Metkayina male’s mouth next. Although, there are ways to identify the mischief that dances in his ocean blue eyes before.
And neither is he bashful when it comes to sharing his particularly ravenous intentions with you. You would not be able to count on both hands the amount of times you’ve tried to swat his hands away while the two of you are in public. Not that it deters him. Even in the extreme heights of embarrassment you can’t resist the wonders that he bestows upon your body. Always leaving your heart pounding at your rib cage and red face tucking under his chin afterwards.
So in a way, you can’t blame Norm for never growing accustomed to Ao’nung’s company.
Regardless, the alibi has been sent and you’ve foraged for the proper snacks and feminine supplies to get your through. Now all that’s left to do is tuck into your room like a locked away princess in a tower and survive the next five days. Everything is going according to plan despite the sudden arrival of ‘Aunt Flow’. And in a few days you will be back snuggled in the impressively bulky arms of a certain Metkayina male.
With a sigh you snuggle deeper into the plush surface. Despite the risk of stains you’ve allowed yourself the luxury of wearing one of your favorite pajama sets. It’s a dusted pink shade of silk that reminds you of the vintage film Sleeping Beauty. With the soft trim of purple lace along the sleeve and shorts hem, you feel like a delicate princess waiting to be rescued. Perhaps a foolish and even childish way to cope but it’s easier to get through the pain when you blur the harsh lines of reality into that of day dreams.
However, it seems reality will not be kept out for long.
Or at least, Ao’nung won’t be.
You hear his pounding footsteps before he even reaches your hallway, the faint echo of Norm’s protests doing nothing to stop that determined rhythm. Norm scatters away once Ao’nung has pushed your door open, with a little too much force that makes you cringe. It’s an under evaluation of his strength luckily and not rooted in any real malice. Not when his eyes now narrow at you with a playful reprimand as his tail swings.
“What have I said about avoiding me, precious?” He clicks his tongue, hands atop his hips as you scramble further under the pillows and stuffies.
You feel foolish for thinking this plan would work but now that Ao’nung is here you are ready to do whatever it takes to conceal your embarrassing condition.
“Not to.” You cake the tone over with sweet innocence and an even more tooth rotting smile. As always it’s done with a certain level of hesitancy, your nerves getting the better of you when his bulking frame is taking over your doorway. Still, you’ve learned there are special ways to soften Ao’nung’s composure.
He takes a few strides into your room, effectively prompting you to scoot back further towards the headboard.
“Hm, so then why is my precious sevin tucking away from me? I’m starting to think you crave some discipline, paskalin.” That sharp curve of a devilish smirk looks stunning along his turquoise lips. And like the true traitor she is, your pussy flutters at the sight.
It’s not fair for him to waltz in here with bedroom eyes and chest still adorned with a hunting harness and weapons. Not fair when your body is literally punishing you for not being pregnant and Ao’nung offers himself up on a silver platter for your nature’s carnal desires. And especially not fair when pieces of those curling strands have fallen from his bun and lay across his collarbones to leave drops of salt water.
You are in no state to be making plans. And definitely not finding ways to coerce the stubborn prince away from something he wants.
“I’m just not feeling well, Ao’nung. Didn’t want to make you sick.”
Ao’nung scoffs at the idea, borderline offended that you would even consider that a possibility. With your delicate state it seems laughable to him that you would be capable of passing on any sort of sickness to him.
“Such a fragile thing.” He steps forward with the roll of his eyes. “Do not worry, I will-”
His sentence cuts off as sharp as the jagged rocks on the westside. Now at the foot of your bed, his nostrils flare visibly. Your stomach tangles in despair, already anticipating where this is going.
“You’re bleeding.” He states, dark tone barely giving you a chance to register his words before he is rushing to your side. Ao’nung crawls onto the bed without a passing concern for the screeching of the bed frame under his weight. Within seconds his large frame is towering over your own smaller body until you are wedged into the corner.
“No it’s nothing really. Well I mean I am bleeding but not in the way you think…or well it’s…” The rambling doesn’t reach his ears, ocean eyes searching over every inch of you to find the injury. Trepidation settles at the looming embarrassment that threatens to follow as you desperately squeeze your thighs together.
Fighting against Ao’nung massive hands that clutch your shoulder and hips to turn you is useless but you can’t resist trying. And then his eyes snap downwards and with it your last shred of hope signed away. A look of utter horror contorts over his face as he stares down at the thin shorts just barely covering your panties.
A beat of silence ensues.
Face now the shade and temperature of a raging bonfire you struggle to think of a response through the fog of humiliation.
“How…” The sound is barely choked out from his lungs. It’s a rare sight to see Ao’nung speechless, every ounce of playful banter wiped clean. And if the circumstances were any different, as in not having that dread painted across his face at the reveal of your bleeding vagina, then you would be tempted to enjoy seeing the mighty male so caught off guard.
His fingers dig into the flesh of your plush hips. It’s clear that his head is struggling to come back online and process what devastating news he has uncovered.
“Well you see-” Your voice unfortunately seems to snap him out of whatever daze he has been in, his body moving into action before you can even finish your sentence.
“I will take you to my mother.” Perhaps the most terrifying sentence Ao’nung could say as he starts trying to pull you into his arms. Embarrassment bleeds into panic. A sense of anxiety bounces between the two of you as he rushes to scoop you up and bring you to the healer’s tent and you grasp at anything to keep from being met with the most intimidating woman on the planet in this condition.
“No wait! Ao’nung it’s fine. I’m fine.” It’s not much use when he already has your wiggling figure dragged to the end of the bed with just one hand around your ankle. It traps you underneath his body in one swoop.
“You are bleeding.” Ao’nung reiterates, sharp canines coming to show with a slight hiss. “Mawey tawtute, she will know what to do.” He nods firmly, but there's a crack of hesitance in his voice. As if the reassurance is really there for himself than anyone else. You’ve never seen Ao’nung so serious before, nor this panicked.
Your pleas for release mean nothing as he quickly gathers you into his arms. Panic and humiliation work in tandem to wrestle you into a state of utter panic. And working more on instinct than real thinking you do the one thing that will grant you freedom.
You grab a fistful of curly hair and yank. Hard.
Dropped back onto your plushy bed as Ao’nung lets out a pained hiss you scramble for the one place you might be able to hide. It’s painfully obvious and stereotypical but your closet is the first and only place you can think to escape the handsome male. The door bangs shut, encasing you in the darkness surrounded by frilly dresses and tickling lace.
You grasp the handle with all the determination your exhausted body can muster. Ronal is a wonderful healer and exquisite leader but quite literally the last person on the planet you would want to witness your embarrassing, very stupidly human, condition. It’s likely that similar to her son she too would not know about human menstruation.
It’s gross. You feel gross. Your entire body aches and as Ao’nung starts to yank on the other handle tears are already welling up in your eyes. From what emotion exactly you haven’t the faintest clue but the weak reaction brings a pit of annoyance into the mix too. Because of course all it takes is your concerned boyfriend who is just trying to help, to put you into another crying fest. This would be the third one this morning.
It seems that whatever god created humans was far less kind than Eywa who at least had the decency to keep women from suffering monthly in the name of procreation. And with that thought in mind, anger comes to intertwine as well.
“Ao’nung stop! I’m not injured!” A rough shout that is anger more directed at your current situation than hands that now swing the door open.
The Metkayina male however is more than peeved now too. He isn’t about to take no for an answer as he hooks a thick arm around your midsection to pull you out.
“Stop struggling.” He growls.
You're halfway to the doorway of the bedroom and Ao’nung is anything but deterred by your babbling about how it is normal, just a tawtute thing. So your mouth makes a decision before your brain can approve it.
“It’s because I’m not pregnant!” A shout loud enough to echo down the outside hallway and freeze the Metkayina prince in place.
What a stupid thing to say. A terrible terrible mistake, you decide as you wiggle out of his grasp to glance up at his face. Now having rendered the male speechless twice in five minutes you feel slightly guilty. And humiliated. Along with disgusting, angry, tired. In fact you may as well feel every emotion under the sun with the way your chest squeezes painfully.
“I’m not hurt. I’m not in need of healing. It’s called menstruation. Yet another wonderful thing about being a human woman. Where my stupid vagina decides to bleed every month because there is no fucking baby in me!” Your screeches make Ao’nung’s ears pin back, your chest heaving with the effort as tears rocket down your cheeks. You can’t find it within yourself to care that this is the harshest language Ao’nung has ever heard from you. Not when sobs are already crawling up your throat and tears blurr the view of the towering male before you.
The same male that is beautiful beyond belief. The same that has somehow found some interest in you. And now the same that has yet another gross reason to rethink being with a human.
“So no I’m not hurt but I am…am…” Trembling lips crumble into a pout. Ao’nung’s tail curves. “I am miserable. Cramping. Tired. So fucking sad because this is the seventh time I’ve watched Pride and Prejudice because I can’t find the other earlier remake of it. And angry because I’ve already ruined a pair of pink panties. The ones with the clouds…that…that took me hours to make and…and I’m so disgusting!” Ao’nung’s eyes are blown wide enough to push his hairless brows into his hairline. “There’s blood everywhere! And I fucking hate it! And…and..my sleeve got caught on the doorknob earlier-”
Strong arms gently pull you until your cheek meets the warm skin of his abs. That simple action is enough to break the dam barricading your emotions. Now in a full meltdown, you paint his swirled skin with your tears and the racketing sobs fill the room sporadically. It feels nice to have something to hold onto, small fingers squeezing his hips as you break down.
Minutes. Hours. Years. There is no recalling how long the two of you spend in that position as you unleash every torturing feeling from your chest. What you do know is that those large hands drawing up and down your back eventually soothe those sobs into small hiccups and then finally into short sniffles.
“You’re not hurt.” Ao’nung checks again, calmly breaking the silence.
“M’not hurt.” You mumble against his skin, soon thereafter mourning the loss of contact when Ao’nung carefully shifts you backwards. Disappointment does not linger for long, however, when a set of turquoise thumbs brush away the tears falling over your cheeks.
Although his expression appears to be nothing related to anger, it’s difficult to decipher what exactly the Metkayina prince is thinking. A part of you wishes to not even venture to guess but that train of thought has already left the station. Another wave of embarrassment floods as you imagine just how ridiculous you must look at this moment. Eyes blotching and red as you cry over a simple natural process that is nothing in comparison to that of which the Na’vi go through to maintain everyday village life. Hiding away from your boyfriend in a sea of stuffed animals and stuffing yourself with popcorn as your way of throwing a pity party all while Ao’nung is still dressed in his hunting gear.
No doubt he has been up since dawn. Fulfilling both physically and socially draining duties to keep the clan running smoothly, in preparation for his time of reign. Ao’nung is everything you are not. You knew it within the first few minutes of meeting him. Perhaps he is not always the most patient or humble, but he is brave. And tough. Oh so mighty and resilient in taking on whatever Eywa throws his way.
How much worse do you appear when coming from that perspective? Still dripping in salt water and spear leaning against the doorframe, what compels him to want to spend time with a whiny thing like you?
“Stop crying.” Large hands bracket the sides of your head as he works to keep up with the dropping tears.
And you wish you could.
You wish you could be more like the mighty warrior in front of you. Years have proven you to be nothing more than a small child that can not let go of her toys. Drowning in day dreams as your silly way to cope.
That truth spins despair back into full swing. You feel even more guilty when Ao’nung pulls you back into his embrace, because who are you to warrant such affection? It’s clear that he deserves someone so much more and yet you selfishly accept the feel of his strong arms encircling you because it makes you feel safe. Because it allows air to properly enter your lungs again at a normal speed.
When Ao’nung takes a knee to match your eye level, you twist to veer away from those crystal-like eyes. The Na’vi doesn’t give you much of a chance as he manhandles you back into place,his tongue clicking in disapproval, so he can look you over properly.
“My poor tawtute.” He coos at you, as if addressing a lost juvenile creature without its mother. “Mawey, oeyӓ paskalin.” [Calm, my dear] And before your brain can register the sweet nectar of his words, larger lips are pressing against your own. The light flutter of your heart is recurrent as he patiently works to deepen the kiss. It’s different from those that fill your passionate nights of lovemaking. Ao’nung patiently pulls you into that bliss until you are melting against him.
Heavy eyes stall in opening once Ao’nung has pulled away.
“Bring your mask.” Ao’nung intstructs abruptly.
He has already risen to full height, a large hand resting along your spine to urge you towards the door. Unbothered by your confusion, he takes a well needed sip of air from his own dangling mask. When he does catch a glimpse of your expression he pauses before a smirk tugs at his lips and his tail bats playfully.
“And your bunny of course.” He eyes the discarded toy with lips pulling back just enough to reveal sharp canines. “You will feel better once you are home.”
And suddenly you are no longer confused. It should have been obvious, this most recent topic of argument between the two of you. No matter how fascinated Ao’nung is by your well decorated room he stops at nothing to coerce you to abide in his marui. He has been caught more than a few times even openly smuggling things from your room in the scheme of planting it in his home like bait for his prey.
“Ao’nung no. I can’t come over tonight. Not like this.”
Those hairless brows knit together as he sweeps over your frame once more. It’s clear he finds no flaw in your condition that would prevent you from letting him steal you away to his home.
“And besides I have everything I need right here.” You scramble back over to your bed and begin explaining the little nest you have created for yourself. “Pillows for the perfect position, stuffed animals, snacks, and in another twenty minutes Mr. Darcy is going to confess his undying love for Elizabeth.” It’s clear that the last indication is lost on him as he follows your point towards the small tv.
It’s not his first time observing the thin rectangle that plays moving pictures but it still manages to catch his confused attention each time. His lips curl back and faces squints with an utter look of disgust. The fact that the characters speak in Sky People language never helps to spark an interest for him.
“I’m fine right here, Nung. I promise.” Your soft smile when you perch to sit atop the covers is only met with a scowl. The difficulty in explaining this to Ao’nung is yet another reason you had originally planned to hide away alone until this nightmare had blown over. “Go back to your duties. I’ll be happy here.”
And that is the tipping point for Ao’nung. What is meant to come off as reassurance instead has his hairless brows pinching together and large hands settling over his curved hips.
“You’re staying here for mester darsee.” It’s difficult to take his misplaced anger seriously when he struggles to pronounce the few English words.
“No, Ao’nung that is not-”
“Fine. I will stay.” His massive body is already climbing onto your poor bed before you have another chance to protest. He continues to mutter under his breath. It’s a messy sprawl of annoyed curses and something about you not needing a Mr. Darcy. The giant Na’vi pouts even as he pulls you close to curl his body around yours.
It’s wrong to keep the future Olo’eyktan to yourself like this but watching him sulk like a giant cat is too amusing to pass up. And then there is the comfort that comes with having Ao’nung wrapped around you like a dragon protecting his hoard, so you decide to be selfish.
His curls tickle the back of your neck and a large hand spans over your abdomen. As he rubs soothing circles into your lower stomach you swear the heat and motion alone is better than the battery powered heating pack. The cramps don’t evaporate away but they settle into something more bearable, especially when your favorite scene finally comes onto the screen and you snuggle closer to your ridiculous lover.
Slowly throughout the movie Ao’nung���s hand come to explore south into territory that would have Mrs. Bennett passing into an early grave. That confident exploration is a stark contrast to the simple touches exchanged between your favorite characters, but it holds the same passion. The same tension that has your thighs clamping together in defense against his devious fingers.
You can feel the way his lips curve into a smirk against your ear. Period hormones are your sworn enemy as you are caught between fighting him off in sheer embarrassment and finally letting his hand slip underneath the band of your pretty shorts.
“Don’t worry, oeyӓ tawtute. Next month I will do better.”
The sudden comments has you taken aback. .
“Do better at what?”
“Giving you my baby.” He casually states, unbothered by the way you freeze and struggle to take in oxygen. “This Sky Demon sickness won’t come for you when you are filled with my seed.”
And like a silent promise, his thumb swipes over your lower stomach just as his fingers breach the band of your panties.
I hope you enjoyed this little musing. I can't wait to carry out some of the other plans I have for these two. If you enjoyed it too please please let me know. I can't tell you enough how much hearing your feedback and comments means to me (anonymous or not).
#avatar aonung#aonung x reader#aonung#aonung x you#aged up aonung#metkayina#aonung x fem reader#aonung x y/n#aonung x human reader#avatar smut#avatar way of water#avatar fanfiction#avatar wow#awow fluff#fluff#hurt/comfort#atwow x you#atwow fanfiction#atwow#periods#james cameron avatar#hyper feminine#ronal avatar#avatar
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Weakened by Eywa Pt. 1
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
Summary: Ao’nung finally realizes that his actions have consequences
Warnings: curse words, bullying, mental breakdown, English isn’t my first language
Author’s note: it my first Avatar writing, so I hope you like it! This idea was spontaneous and I’m not really good at writing, but I hope you’ll enjoy it! I’m still learning how to use Tumblr properly since I don’t really use it 🥲
Yawntutsyip - darling, little loved one
Yaymak - foolish, ignorant
You thought that all these days when you flew to the water clans were the hardest in you life. Little did you know that life with Metkayina would be harder. You expected to finally live a normal life, doing your chores without being sacred to be shot by sky people. Now you’re safe, but things didn’t get better.
Since your arrival, these boys were bullying all your siblings, including you. You have no idea why it is important for Ao’nung to see totally similar to him Na’vis. You all are same avatars with slight differences that were unavoidable due to the environment you’re supposed to live in. Oh, yeah… supposed to live.
“What are you even doing here?”
“You’re so useless to our tribe”
“Go back to your monkey house”
All these words almost engraved in you mind without leaving space for other thoughts and hope. It’s been two weeks since you arrived and you still haven’t ridden an Ilu successfully, you can’t hold your breath as Metkayinas do. This makes you feel horrible and believe all these mean words.
“C’mon, Y/N, you can do it!”
Neteyam is trying to teach you how to deal with ilu and his voice is so calming, he really believes in you as an older brother. You wish you could just believe him, but insecurity lays too deep and securely in your mind.
“I don’t know… I can’t…”
Your voice was really soft and quiet as you’re the calmest child in your family. You don’t like loud sounds and fast actions. That’s just the way you are. Neytiri says that Sylwanin was just like you.
Despite being slower and more sensitive that other Sullys they loved and protected you with all their heart. Jake knew that Kiri and Tuk are different, they can deal with their problems a lot easier, while you cannot. When something bad to your family or yourself happens, you worry a lot and you won’t tell anyone about your worries unless they make you to. That was the hardest part of you character.
“Hey, are you okay? Do you need to take a break? We can continue tomorrow, don’t worry yawntutsyip.”
Neteyam was worried about your mental state, you were too quiet these days and it never meant anything good. Trying to make you speak about your feelings was completely impossible. You always think that your family has too much to worry about to burden them with your own issues. You want to be like Kiri and Tuk. That’s hilarious, Tuk is way younger than you but she’s able to deal with her emotions way easier than you.
“I’m good. Can we just take a break for like half an hour? I think my brain melts.”
You awkwardly smiled at the end trying to lighten the mood. Neteyam smiled back, feeling relief as you seemed to be just tired. He didn’t want you to hide anything from him and your family.
“Okay, yawntutsyip. I’ll go find Lo’ak and make sure his ass hadn’t get in trouble again. Kiri is on that side of the beach by the way. You can join her, she’s probably flirting with plants again. Let’s meet here in an hour.”
You laughed at his little joke about Kiri. But that’s a fact. Since you arrived here all she’s been doing is examining all local flora and fauna. You missed your time together in the forest, maybe now you’ll have a chance to talk and just be together.
“Tell me if something goes wrong.”
You knew this look. The big brother look. Sometimes you think how hard it would be for you to live without your family, the way you’re connected to them something really fascinating. And one of your love signs is time. Spending time with your family and each member is the way you show love, the way you feel protected and loved.
You see Kiri laying down in water and looking for something. She didn’t see anyone around, attracted by… water? You didn’t try to understand what’s going on in her mind.
“Hey, pandora geek.”
You stood in front of Kiri and the shadow from your body covered her. Only after that she raised her head and squinted at you.
“I thought you’re with Neteyam. What’s wrong?” She sat on the sand, water was covering her legs a little. You did the same thing, hugging your knees and placing your head on them.
“We took a break, my brain doesn’t work properly. I still can’t ride ilu.”
Hopeless sigh made your sister chuckle, but then she saw your eyes. They were full of sadness, you were not happy. Kiri felt guilt, as your sister she had to be with you, she forgot that Sullys stick together.
“What bothers you?” You were not sure if it’ll be okay to tell her everything. But you family always encourage you to speak what lays in your heart, so you decided to do it.
“There’s a lot… I miss home, I miss flying with you, Neteyam and Lo’ak around Hallelujah mountains.” You were vulnerable now and this is one of those rare moments when you opened your feelings easily. Kiri was the only one you did it with. You could feel tears coming to your eyes, you needed this. “I just miss our way of life. I don’t know why it’s so hard for me to get used to it. Especially, when you always hear…”
“Hey monkeys! Still can’t ride ilu? How can you be so yaymak? You’re both freaks!” you could recognize this voice in millions. “One sister has demon blood, another is too dumb to do things that even infants can do!”
Ao’nung and his friends were coming towards you. Kiri’s body immediately tensed, you could feel it.
“What do you want? Is there nothing to do?”
Ao’nung and his friends came closer and you both stood up. Kiri was looking at him angrily, ready to fight. You were supposed to have such a good conversation, opening each other your soul, but this bully spoiled everything.
“My goal for now is to get rid of such fake Na’vis like you two and your stupid little brother.”
You were furious, how dare he talk like this about your family. Yes, he did say mean things to you, but he still picked his words. Now it’s too much. Nobody can talk about your family this way.
“Shut up and don’t get close to me and my siblings!” You tried to get into protective sister mode. Kiri was shocked by the way you raised your voice. She’s never heard such tone from you before.
“Look at this! Little girl knows how to talk?” Ao’nung was teasing you and laughing with Roxto and the rest of his friends. “Maybe you’ll learn how to swim properly soon by the time my future brother or sister will turn 10. Hopefully.”
You clenched your fists, trying to hold all your emotions. Anger, offense, sadness. It felt like a hurricane of extremely high spectrum of emotions, which was hard for you to bear.
“Don’t you dare…”
You didn’t control yourself that you were coming closer and pushing him. The reason why you felt this way was in him.
He did this to you.
You didn’t care that he was taller than you and all you faced was his shoulders. You didn’t care that he barely moved as you tried to hurt him as much as he hurt you. All he did was laughing. It seemed like Ao’nung didn’t understand anything you said, like he didn’t see you breaking into pieces right in front of you.
“Calm down, you little skxawng!” It was a joke for him. For you it was your last piece of composure.
“You’re dumb! So dumb that you can’t even understand how much pain you give me! Every day I wish I don’t meet you so you won’t shower me with all your shit! Every night I cry myself to sleep because all your mean words you’ve said hurt me! And you don’t understand me, how can you be so mean?”
You were screaming at him and trying to hit, mental breakdown took over your senses. You could physically feel how your heart hurts and legs weaken. All sounds were heard as if from under the water, you didn’t see what’s going on around you. Someone’s holding your shoulders and pushing you to their chest to not let you fall on your knees.
“Don’t touch her!”
Furious voice sounded from afar. Neteyam. Your brother who always protects you, surrounds you with love you need. That’s why he calls you yawntutsyip. Little loved one.
You could feel your brother as he came closer to you. His steps were as heavy as his mood. When he saw you breaking down in front of this asshole and because of this asshole, he almost lost his temper. The way chief’s son was holding and looking at you, finally realizing that his actions have consequences. He had to drive you crazy to understand it.
“Back off! Now!”
He pushed Ao’nung as he got closer to him, taking off his hands off you. You didn’t realize it was him, who held you all this time. Was it long? Actually, everything happened in less than 2 minutes, but for you it was like an infinity.
“What happened?”
Lo’ak was here, he saw you crying in Kiri’s hands and Neteyam fighting with Ao’nung and his friends. He didn’t need to check on all details to punch Roxto and other guys.
“It’s fine, we’re here. Don’t worry.” Kiri was sitting with you and slowly swaying, while tapping your head to calm you down.
“I’m sorry, I…” that’s all you could say.
Neither you nor Kiri noticed how the fight stopped until Neteyam came closer and examined you. His eyebrow was cut so as his lower lip, but he didn’t care. Now he could feel only your pain.
“Yawntutsyip… my sister.”
“I’m sorry, Neteyam. I didn’t…” You were gasping for breath from crying, not being able to collect your thoughts.
“Shhh, that’s fine, you’re fine. We’re here, nobody will hurt you again.” Kiri gave you to Neteyam, he was calming you down repeating the same moves as Kiri did. You were crying, letting all pain, that was suppressed inside of your soul, to flow through you.
Your siblings knew that you need to feel it to let it go. That is the only way for relief.
“Let’s go home, yawntutsyip?” Neteyam’s voice was calming as always, he hated seeing you crying.
You just nodded in agreement, hiding your face in brother’s neck and holding him as if someone can take you from him in any moment.
Yes, most Na’vis are brave, ready to fight and protect their beloved ones. But you just can’t do it. You are the one who needs to be protected. Eywa created you that way and you can do nothing about it.
“Don’t ever come to our sisters, you little bitch! Are you so insecure that you’re afraid to battle with me and choose those who are weaker than you?” Lo’ak didn’t miss to say the last goodbye before following after all of you. He didn’t wait for the answer, he didn’t need it.
Ao’nung was standing up there and looking as your figures disappear. No words are in his mind, except for one.
I hope you liked it! I’m not sure if I’ll write the second part🫣 I have an idea but idk if it’s worth it, we’ll see!
#aonung#aonung x you#aonung x sully!reader#aonung x female reader#aonung x reader#aonung x oc#aonung x y/n#neteyam x reader#neteyam x sister!reader#neteyam x y/n#avatar#avatar twow#aonung imagine#aonung fanfiction#neteyam#kiri#roxto avatar#loak#lo’ak x sister!reader#ao’nung x you#ao’nung x reader#ao’nung
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She is the one we chose & love
neteyam x reader x aonung
Love can be true and beautiful and that has been seen a young mated couple, that had some differences in the trio but there is a pure and strong bond. A young woman who had won the hearts of young warriors and future leaders, even due there had been some jealousy towards her. She had been chosen for many reasons and she will also be the one her mates would want, no matter what anyone said or did even it was family or a fellow navi.
y/n " breakfast is almost done it needs bit more cooking, and then it will be perfect"
?????" there you are yawne the bed left empty and cold without you" you had looked to see your mate neteyam standing there, he gave you a smirk as he soon sat down.
y/n " good morning ma teyem breakfast will be ready soon"
neteyam " it seems good and having this morning with you, makes me very happy" neteyam soon kissed your check and lips making you smile.
????? " so while I'm getting up from bed you decide to steal some kisses from our wife, you play a dirty tricks neteyam" aonung had stepped out of the couples shared bedroom, and was looking at neteyam.
neteyam " aww aonung I thought we were friends"
aonung " oh we are friends but I hate seeing you romance our wife and show off"
neteyam " don't hate me because I'm her favorite husband"
y/n " you both are skywangs right now I don't have a favorite mate or husband you both know that right"
neteyam & aonung " yes"
y/n " good"
aonung " breakfast smells wonderful ma y/n and it will taste good as well"
y/n " thank you I had leaned this recipes when I was very young from my family, along with some other clan members as well I even had made some with my clan recipe alongside yours as well"
neteyam " there had been many gifts your family and clan, haad given you when you came here after our ceremony ... that you use to help decorate our home"
y/n " if it to much I can place some of them away"
aonung " no we love it as it help tell everyone of our beautiful union"
y/n " thank you breakfast is ready do you both want some" neteyam and aonung had nodded their heads your family, were in nice words very serious and intimidating as well. It was hard for many to believe that someone like you had came from the family and clan, as well there were a handful of people in your clan like you but not that much. The couple had breakfast together and once that was over, they cleaned everything up and soon left the home.
Tisreya " good morning" the trio had been gather some fruit when they heard tsireya voice, they had soon turned around to see tsireya and there others standing there.
y/n " good morning"
kiri " we came to do some gather as well and saw you three and thought we could join"
rotxo " if we are not interrupting your time together as a couple"
y/n " no you all are free to join us if you still wish to"
tuk " thank you"
lo'ak " I swear you three still acted like a newly mated couple when, even if it been half of year"
neteyam " oh like you and tsireya act all lovely dove together"
lo'ak " hey"
aonung " what you brought our relationship we can brings you up as well"
spider " wow they got you good bro"
lo'ak " so you want to make jokes to what about your relationship with kiri and rotxo"
kiri " shut up skywangs you are speaking to loud"
rotxo " our relationship is perfect"
tuk " you are all very funny and I hope one day to have a good and beautiful, relationship like you all"
y/n " in time you will tuk it might come now at your age or later on in life you will know it and take the leap of faith"
tuk " thank you y/n"
tsireya " are you still love living here y/n even being away from your home and clan"
y/n " yes I love being here but I still miss my home, but I we still keep in touch even when we are far apart there also the Annual visits as well"
tsireya " that wonderful"
lo'ak " so when is your family going to pay us a visit again"
y/n " I don't know it matters when they can find the time to come"
y/n " they have said in previous conversations that they love, the clans I have joined along with the rest of you and that something we all should be happy about"
neteyam " thanks for telling us that ma y/n but we always feel like we might disappoint them"
y/n " I will always love you all no matter what happens"
tsireya " well you are love by us all and the rest of our families as well, see how happy you make my brother and neteyam"
lo'ak "well if you include our mothers that might be a stretch"
kiri " hush"
y/n " ......" lo'ak words had gotten everyone attention and as her words are speaking the truth.
????? " hey there everyone"
sully kids " dad"
tsireya/aonung/ rotxo " baba"
spider " dad" Jake sully had come walking over with tonowari and tsutey with him.
Jake " it seems like you all are having a good time over here"
neteyam " yes we are"
lo'ak " well dad if you most know we had interrupted neteyam and aonung time, with y/n"
Jake " leave them be"
tonowari " hello y/n"
y/n " hello it good to see you three today"
tsu'tey " yes it good to see all of you are hangout even due some responsibilities have changed for you all"
Jake " well we also had come here to see if our sons will like to come on portal with us"
neteyam " yes that sounds good"
aonung " yes we will love to go it will be good to get outside of the village for a while"
lo'ak " yes if the ladies are fine dealing with the task together"
kiri " if this means I get time with my sister in law and best friend I'm good"
spider " then it seems like it set"
aonung " we will be home later on tonight or whenever we are done with portal"
y/n " enjoy your time out and I will see you all later" the group had gather their stuff and soon left, the village together. As you soon looked at the girls and laughed, As the group soon took off to get on with the rest of the task.
tuk " y/n may I ask you something"
y/n " sure you can ask me"
tuk " how do you deal with all the looks your get from others, and the whispers that happened before and after"
y/n " I just deal with it all tuk tuk even after I have become neteyam, and aonung mate I'm still deemed an outsider to everyone"
tuk " well I don't think you are outside because you are different I love that because of you"
y/n " thank you"
Kiri “ well we love you y/n and it good to be different”
Y/n “ thank you kiri”
Tsireya “ yes and with you here with us it has become good”
Tuk “ yes I love having you as a sister in law, you you teach me things about your clan and hangout with me”
Y/n “ well I love hanging out with you as well tuk tuk”the group had started having some fun in the water, just taking a break to have some fun.
????? “ girls”
Tuk “ that mom voice”
???? “ tsireya”
Tsireya “ here comes my mom as well” soon neytiri and Ronal had shown themselves.
Ronal “ we had heard your voices and came to see what going on”
Tuk “ we are just taking a break from our tasks y/n said she can help, me with a new hairstyle”
Y/n “ hello Neytiri and ronal” you have been doing your best to get along with your mother in law.
Neytiri “ hello y/n it good to see you with our daughters”
Ronal “ yes it for all of you to be social alongside getting know of your home here”
Y/n “ thank you”
Ronal “ it seems like you are feeding our sons well so that something good as well”
Y/n “ thank you”
tsireya " mother remember the promise you had made aonung"
kiri " mom please be nice to y/n as neteyam had asked"
neytiri " we are being nice we just came to have some words with her and you all, can a mother speak with her son mate"
tuk " well I think y/n is a good for my big brother and aonung"
Kiri “ well we love you y/n and it good to be different”
Y/n “ thank you kiri”
Tsireya “ yes and with you here with us it has become good”
Tuk “ yes I love having you as a sister in law, you you teach me things about your clan and hangout with me”
Y/n “ well I love hanging out with you as well tuk tuk”the group had started having some fun in the water, just taking a break to have some fun.
y/n " good morning neytiri and ronal" neytiri and ronal had came across the group, and right away you had greeted them.
neytiri " hello y/n"
ronal " yes hello y/n and girls we had come to see what you all were up to"
tsireya " well we had been doing some task with the guys but they soon left, with their fathers and maybe others to scout"
ronal " oh"
y/n " yes but they said they will return home later on today"
neytiri " yes our husbands had mention going on scouting mission with our sons since out oldest sons lives have changed this year"
kiri " yes and now we have welcome y/n into the clans and our families"
neytiri " yes but there is much more work and time that needs, to be done"
ronal " yes but it good to see our sons happy with the one they have chosen" the two women had looked at you since you had become mates, with neteyam and aonung it was hard to tell if their mothers like you. It was well known that it might take longer for you and your mates mothers, to have a relationship like you have with the rest of the family.
Later on that day
y/n " ......" you are standing in some water collect shell fishes at the moment, learning some the lessons you had done when you were smaller and with aonung.
navi women 1 " I still can't believe neteyam had chosen her as a mate, she would barley survive the forest"
navi women 2 "yes and not only as she taken your clan future olo'eythan she has also taken our clans olo'eythans as well aonung"
navi women 3 " she has been with them for half of year now and still hasn't, give them a child or shown signs she is with child"
navi women 4 " maybe she can't have a child that will be good, because we will need eywa help if the child looks like the father and not her"
y/n " ......."
navi women 1 " I heard even neytiri and ronal didn't like their sons picking her and wish, they had chosen others verse someone like her seeing her clan and family" you had gotten use to some of the bad treatment you had been given, by other here as they really didn't like you.
navi women 2 " they should of picked someone from their clans or neighboring clans not some outsider, who will bring ruin to their families and us all"
y/n " when are you all going to stop speaking about me like I'm some demon"
navi women " because you are one your whole navi clan is unlike the rest of us and then you, did something to make future oloeythans pick you over many other perfect candidates"
???? " I don't remember anyone else having a say on who has become my mate"
y/n " neteyam aonung "
aonung " we came back and saw you were not home, we then came looking for you and saw this disgraceful situation how dare you all speak to our wife like that"
navi women 2 " we didn't ..."
aonung " oh you did speaking to her like that if you all have forgotten she is our chose and will always be put chose"
neteyam " she is the one we chose the one we will love"
y/n " my mates"
neteyam "We are leaving now don't come near my mate or us until you have a proper apology to her" aonung and neteyam soon walked away with you, they were mad about the whole situation.
aonung "You are the one we love and chose no matter what anyone says we love you"
y/n " thank you"
neteyam "Now let's get home and prepare as it seems like words will change fast and we will have guests that will need answers"
aonung "Let's pray we can get this solved before your mother finds out" The couple had heard home the great worry of parents knowing had happened to your mate's parents and their siblings as well. Everyone came to check up on the couple, they all clamed down after a while and spoke about the situation over a good dinner. A dinner from your clan that eveyrone seem to love right away. The ladies from before will be dealted with later one, but there was a major worry and fear of your mother ane clan finding out because they will want answers right away. There no way disrespecting someone will go away easily.
#avatar#atwow#avatar 2#avatar x reader#avatar the way of water#avatar x y/n#neteyam x you#neteyam x reader#neteyam x y/n#aonung x y/n#aonung x reader#aonung x you#aonung x female reader#neteyam x fem!reader#navi x reader#atwow x reader#atwow x you#atwow x y/n#avatar fanfiction#avatar fandom#avatar fics#atwow fanfiction#avatar twow#avatar movie#atwow fandom
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Heyy, i already made a request abt a Aonung x Albino Navi/Navi from a cold region and u wanted that the request were more specific so im just going to give u more ideas:
Like i was thinking the reader is like a messenger (i think that its the word) from her clan for the exchange of materials between the two clans, so Aonung and the reader saw eachother before and it was like love at first sight (u can change this if u want tho but i imagine like aonung felt so attracted to them bcs it was like something new to him and he was curious 😭💕) so when they finally talk they pass a lot of time together learning about each other and their clans
And idk if u wanna write this but i also imagine like when Aonung try to court reader probably Ronal would be a bit against that cuz the reader definitely doenst look like any other navi and also they are from a very different place and she wants someone good for her son and the clan, but this its optional tho 💕
summary ;; maybe only three days of five at your side were enough to gather courage.
pairing ;; ao'nung x fem!albino!cold-region!na'vi! reader
warnings ;; none
word count ;; 1.8k
word of the day ;; herwì [ˈhɛɾ.wɪ] n. snow
first a/n ;; i really like the idea because it kinda remind be of that movie of tinker bell ?? anyways, i tried my best !! hope to get your expectations ¡!
As the rain came down hard you couldn't help but give a yawn at the horizon. The afternoon had passed too quickly for your liking and, having arrived at Awa'atlu and set things up for the next few days, there wasn't much to do anymore. You began to count down the times for tomorrow, where you should first talk to the younger ones, or perhaps the boys your age, so that they would learn how to conserve the medicinal flora.
"I thought you preferred to hide" the voice of that boy made you smile and you denied.
"Only when the sun comes up."
You had met Ao'nung maybe seven years ago, the first time your parents allowed you to accompany them. It was a cold winter, before humans could approach the snowy mountains of your clan where at present, they were already settling. You remembered how you had run your hands through the water, excited to smell new scents and meet new people. You remembered the warmth inside your big coat that tried to cover you and also, of course, you remembered the faces of those who welcomed you to their lands.
"She is our daughter, we hope that in the future she will be the designated messenger for these islands, Tonowari" your father spoke, extending his pale hand to yours which despite being covered, was the same shade. Looking up you bumped into the one who was the chief, with his partner and hidden behind the Tsahìk were their eldest son and the youngest daughter.
You didn't really like it when your parents introduced you to other clans in the mountains. Not only because they might see you as weak or clumsy due to your moon-shiny skin, but also because they often wanted to get their hands on the 'gift of Eywa'. However, from Ronal's gaze you immediately picked up that your physique was not something that caught her attention in the least and even, she seemed to disown it, looking at you with disdain when she passed by you those five days you stayed as a young na'vi.
"The previous winter you didn't come. I thought--we thought you wouldn't come this time" the boy corrected himself ominously, positioning himself to one side of you, feeling how the rain was gradually lowering its intensity.
"You missed me?" by the way he looked at you, you noticed he was surprised by your comment, but when you laughed he could only roll his eyes.
"Please, you?" he grumbled, smiling. "You people teach slow, that's all. I had a hard time understanding them. I needed my designated teacher" he gave a false explanation to which you added other words with derision.
"Or maybe we are too fast for you" you started to walk back to the marui, but he took your hand. It felt warm, unlike yours which was always cold.
"Where are you going, are you planning to hide?"
"Show, actually."
Ao'nung wasn't an idiot. He knew that since the first winter his feelings for you had begun to blossom, ironic as it seemed. Though there was always something that made him recoil when he sought to express himself to you. Perhaps the idea that by having a beauty beyond perfection -according to him- you would be paired with someone from the snowy mountains, maybe because he belonged to the water and you to the snow or simply, the voice of his mother and friends was stuck deep in his mind and heart. But there was always something that stopped him from showing you his true personality.
His sister called him childish, but for him there was no other way to express himself to you. Give you a necklace? Not at all, he'd rather you find it and he'd just tell you that when you found it it was yours. Express directly how he wanted to court you? Those words would never come out of his lips.
"Why are we here?" he asked, escorting you to the marui where there were some furs.
"You told me my people teach too slow, so I'll teach you from now on" you shrugged to the side and began to speak.
But while, your voice was calm when you spoke and it was one of the things he admired most about you, he couldn't help but notice your braids, adorned with brown feathers that highlighted your colorless hair. You pointed and traced with your pale fingers the animal skins you brought from your lands, but now he looked at your eyes, similar to his, blue, no, yours were the color of the water between his hands, light blue.
"…Over there they don't grow, but here they do, so with them you can adjust them and they will remain as the drums for the return of the tulkun" you finished explaining.
The rain had returned and with your poor vision, you could only see things sharply from up close. You wondered if it was his hair, maybe his eyes, but something made you notice that the boy's presence was much closer than before.
"You understood, didn't you?" you preferred to believe it was just your condition about bad view and noticed that the boy nodded. "Well, would you rather I talk to you now about-?" but he interrupted you.
"Customs. Tell me about the customs of your clan" you blinked a couple of times and cocked your head.
Customs? It wasn't necessary. Nothing had to do with them in that winter's delivery.
"What, did I speak like an animal? Come on, tell me" at his insistence, you had no choice but to explain.
First you named the ways of hunting you had, explaining with a smile how unlike the forests, there were animals with thicker skin and even fur, so they were used for clothing, especially for you or your parents, who had to take more care of their skin.
Then you talked about the artistic expressions, showing him the designs of the baskets, then telling him about the tattoos of his clan, comparing them to the face paintings in your clan. You continued to explain to him for so long that the freedom felt incredible, at least until your mother walked in, surprised.
"Oh, it's time for dinner" she reported, putting on her best smile.
As you both made your way to the place, the boy couldn't help but notice that you were attentive to everything around you and whispered, behind your mother's back.
"If you want, tomorrow I can show you a couple of things about my clan" and your smile was enough to make his heart pound, almost silencing the insecurities deep inside his body.
"It's not funny!" you spoke once you surfaced, having been knocked down by the ilu you had tried to hold on to and which, because of your nerves, shot out. Ao'nung's laughter was impossible to mistake and that alone made you give a grunt as you returned to his side.
"You said it was like going fishing, but you don't look to me like your fish are the size of an ilu" he put a hand on his waist, amused and quieting his laughter little by little.
"Apparently you listen to my words, huh" you folded your arms.
The day was for Ao'nung to allow himself to show you around and explain his clan to you every time you finished teaching your classes to his people. This he told his parents and, Tonowari, happy to see that his son at least once in his life was doing something for pleasure and not by command, decided to assign him that task. Besides, soon both he and you would be village chiefs and this tradition would have to continue for several generations so that the exchange of goods would be normalized.
Now, his mother was more… careful with the change in the boy's personality, after all, she was his mother, especially when she heard her son's arrival so late after the first day. Then the second.
By the third day, the two were debating methods of courtship.
"Competitions? Really?" he questioned when he came in from the hunt to your marui. You nodded.
"For example, if you have three suitors, they must face various tests. Sled races, fire dancing, there are several" you listed. "My favorite is the Säwem!"
"Säwem? Like… Fighting?" he grimaced in confusion, but you could tell how interested he was.
"Not with each other, of course. But with yourself." you clarified. "Do you consider yourself good for that person? How would you rate your efforts? How far would you go for that person? It can be internal or external factors, and you can also struggle with it spiritually or physically."
You continued with the explanation and Ao'nung felt a pain in his chest as his mouth went dry. What he felt could be a form of courtship? He even found it funny.
"…My father once stayed under a blizzard to try on mom" you recalled, laughing. "I mean, they were paired up, but still, he wanted to prove to her that he was worthy."
He wanted to consider himself worthy. Him. Just him. He didn't want someone else from your clan to try any of those things. He didn't want to know that other boys were fighting over you, even if it was at races or dances. He wanted to-
"I would do that for you" his words came out matter-of-factly. You were surprised, but his own face showed you that he was much more shocked to say it out loud.
You looked away and felt your cheeks blush a little. You felt annoyed that your own skin could give you away so easily. "Friends don't need that kind of courtship" you tried to push the idea away, embarrassed, but right now, the boy had already screwed up and there was no way to take it back.
"No, friends don't" he acknowledged, moving a little closer to you. "Friends don't" he arranged one of your albino braids carefully and looked at you. He wasn't the Ao'nung that teased you as a child. He wasn't the boy who stuck his tongue out at you, hiding behind his mother. He wasn't the one who laughed at you with his friends.. It was Ao'nung. Your Ao'nung…. "May I-" but you didn't give him time until you moved closer and kissed the corner of his lips.
You both looked at each other for a while and your cheeks were already between a very strong purple and pink.
"Sorry. I forgot my vision wasn't the best. I wanted to kiss your lips" you admitted, covering your mouth with one of your hands.
He pushes your hand away with his, laughing, and intertwines your fingers. His laughter surrounded you and so did his arms.
For him, 'Moon skin' as his mother used to say with unpleasant voice matched perfectly.
a/n ;; I REALLY WANTED TO WRITE ABOUT RONAL BUT I THOUGHT THAT JUST LIKE THIS IT WAS PERFECT BECAUSE THEY ARE HAPPY OKAY IM SRRY 😭😭😭😭ALSO, I INVENTED SO MANY THINGS??? james cameron squirms on the set of Avatar 3 istg i was listening to "calling after me" by wallows while i was writing this btw
#aonung x reader#aonung x you#aonung x y/n#avatar x reader#atwow#avatar fanfiction#avatar 2022#avatar 2#avatar#avatar way of water#avatar x reader fluff#avatar x y/n#avatar x you#aonung avatar#ao'nung x reader#aonung x female reader#aonung x albino reader#aonung x na'vi reader
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OKAY WAIT- Submissive Ao'nung begging to make Tsaheylu while you overstimulate him into a needy lil brat??? "Y-yawne-" - "Shhh~"
(Yes, Im just as awkward-----^)
Umm lemme just- ✋🏼
Y'all are getting fed cuz ohh boy am i ovulating 😭
You're not awkward, SEND IN MORE!!
For @neteyamswillow, my current bbg, Ily!!
Smut under the cut mdni!!!!
He whimpered as he reached your waist to pull you off his overly sensitive pulsating cock, your wet folds sinking down on him with another breathy moan Tumbling from your lips.
His attempts were good for nothing as fat tears rolled down his flushed teal cheeks, your hands on his chest, chasing your upteenth orgasm as he begged to go slow, fucking him low and slow, drawling out the climax as much as you can, making him suffer in immense pleasure.
He looked up at you with teary eyes, mouth agape as he panted heavily leaning against the palm tree, the bark digging into his back but he didn't care, all his attention was on the way your pussy swallowed his cock like a snug glove designed for him, but the overwhelming sensation was making him go CRAZY as he watched your hips roll over his, your lewd moans were music to his ears, the jiggle and bounce of your tits were just enough to make him loose himself in you.
His tail thrashed like a wild cat, biting down on his lip to stop himself from moaning out loud, your Siren eyes knew everything, your submissive little plaything loved it when you-
"what happened, big boy? Go on, scream out my name, say my name, let them know who you belong to"
You crooned in his neck as he moaned, his grip on your waist tightened as he felt himself getting closer to another nerve-wracking orgasm "um'ma please- please go slow, yawne, fuck!-"
he groaned loudly as goosebumps spread through your body when he came and painted your red walls white, thick ropes of cum coating your pussy, not long before you came after him, gushing over his twitching cock still buried deep inside you.
You laid on top of him, both of you a panting plie of mess as his breath staggered, your face in his neck, planting soft kisses on the smooth skin of his chest and neck, sucking playfully time to time, his hands roaming on your back and hair.
He whimpered softly holding your hand softly and brought his braid forward for you to see, the pink tendrils of his queue dancing together "y- yawne- pha- please" begging you desperately but be was cut off by your kiss on his lips, silencing him into oblivion as his lips moved against yours, pulling you closer.
"shh shh~ I know I know" you whispered, your breath fanning over his lips, resting your forehead on his as you brought your kuru over and connected them, both of your gasps filled the air around you, your minds intertwined together on a level above a physical understanding.
"Ole nagti kameie" he whispered, tail wagging behind, forehead to forehead, nose to nose as he smiled softly.
"Ole nagti kameie"
I'm obsessed!! Send me more please 😭😭😭😭 i wanna write more, lmao I've completed half of my Kinkmas 😮💨
Tags (because why not?) - @taylormarieee, @deadgirlrin, @avatarsslut, @nattomat, @neteyamsoare, @bobthe-trumpetman29, @eywxveng, @fanboyluvr, @callmeoncette, @lu-the-ghost-reader, @brisbriskett, @saltedcoffeescotch, @ducks118, @jackiehollanderr, @elriel-4-ever, @zoetrope1997, @yeosxxx, @persefolli, @im-in-a-pansexual-panik, @elijangwifey, @erosthefae, @murderbirbdany, @thearabloak06, @killua2dot0, @ilovechickenwings, @kylobensgirl, @darling-imobsessed, @majathepapaya, @sweetirilly .
#🪷ɪɴ ᴍʏ ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ ᴘʟᴀᴄᴇ / ʀᴀᴍʙʟᴇꜱ#🪷ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴀ ᴡᴏɴᴅᴇʀꜰᴜʟ ᴡᴏʀʟᴅ! / ᴍᴏᴏᴛꜱ#🪷ɪ ᴛʜɪɴᴋ ɴᴀᴛᴜʀᴇ ɪꜱ ᴍʏ ᴄᴏʟᴏᴜʀ / ᴀꜱᴋꜱ#🪷ᴡɪʟᴅʟɪꜰᴇ / ᴍᴅɴɪ#peony and me 💜#aonung avatar#ao’nung x reader#aonung x reader#aonung x y/n#ao’nung x y/n#ao’nung x you#ao'nung x reader#ao'nung x you#ao'nung x y/n#ao'nung x fem!reader#ao'nung x sully!reader#ao'nung smut#aonung x you#neteyam x aonung#ao'nung#aonung smut#mating#bonding#avatar#avatar 2009#avatar 2#avatar the way of water#avatar fandom#avatar meme#james cameron avatar
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