#my craft and my art yknow
truly a sappy thought, but seeing the positive response to my writing just makes me so?? unbelievably happy??
i don't know how to explain it, like tumblr is such a strange world in of its own because we all exist on different planes. but the fact that you lovely people enjoy my art and take time out of your day to tell me such is just so?? yeah.
so this is for whoever may read this - thank you for enjoying my art and for giving me the push to keep producing and thinking it.
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scissorcraft · 1 month
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post-canon siffrin design!!!! might change it up more of course but!!!! yeah!!!!
he does HAVE something to represent odile and bonnie too,,, it's not just his partners (romantic & queerplatonic), he's got his family too, i just don't know where to put them yet :) so for now assume he is carrying them in his multitude of pockets!!
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field-guide-to-mud · 5 months
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i'd fit all my joys and pleasures in one perfect day
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tracle0 · 11 months
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Feast your eyes! My pride stars :)!
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t4tcecilos · 1 year
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inspired by @cherrifire’s limited life skin for martyn !!!! crochet ‘pattern’ by me ^^
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sjonni33 · 10 months
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bowser // support me on ko-fi!!
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pelcrow · 9 months
thinking about my oc Jack and about how he went from having amazing success and happiness to world-shattering failure, then to a terrible, corrupt triumph. but ever since then he slowly, slowly fell to this strange flatline of being somewhere between life and death and feeling everything and yet nothing at all. people who know him from years ago got to see him at the peak of his terrible, corrupt triumph, but he's morphed into a much different man and it's strange to see this little character in my head go through this kind of metamorphosis over the years like wow character development in real time
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5eraphim · 8 months
now what if i said
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visgae · 1 year
I'm very normal about nettles. I found a patch of winter retted nettles that were the perfect level of dead for fibre extraction! Will do an update video about what I make with it soon :)
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victory-cookies · 20 days
I wish I could handle myself in an argument without fucking crying
#My dad just got back from a like. educator’s conference on ai#and was like ‘wow it’s just so amazing. I wish students didn’t use it to cheat but it’s amazing’#and he’s talking about how he would be fine to see art and writing and stuff created by ai if he couldn’t tell the different. and was like.#if you can’t tell why would you care? to me#and I was like ??? Because I want to see things created by my fellow man? because I want to see things created by passion and love#for the craft? because I want the stories I consume to benefit talented creators and not just big corporations?#Because I want people to being able to share their art with the world instead of it all being created by a computer trained on#nonconsenting parties??#and he was like ‘yknow you really shouldn’t position yourself so anti ai. you’re never gonna be able to get a job with that attitude’#and I’m just like ‘I don’t want a job that uses ai as it currently stands? and unless this shit improves drastically I probably won’t?’#and he was like ‘well you’re gonna fuck yourself’ and then went into this long metaphor and then said that this was just like how#I hate board games and that I shouldn’t commit so hard to my dislike of something bc I’ll be missing out#when that’s not even the fucking same thing! I wish I liked board games! I wish I could share in something that literally all of my friends#love and not be a fucking bummer at parties bc I either don’t play and look weird or I do play and feel like shit and probably act like#an ass! I wish I liked board games! I simply do not enjoy playing them! I find them stressful and unenjoyable!#I don’t like ai bc I don’t like the way it’s trained! I don’t like the way companies are trying to use it! I don’t want to make or consume#things that were created by an algorithm when I have beautiful art and writing and creations by passionate people who I think should be pai#and at this point I start crying bc he’s telling me I’m never gonna get a job bc god forbid I have some principles and keeps comparing it t#the board game thing which he already knows I’m fucking sensitive about!#and I have to run upstairs like a pussy bc I don’t wanna keep talking about it bc now I’m fucking crying#I hate how I can’t get even a little bit passionate without just getting emotional. I hate that I can’t handle myself#it sucks bc now I’m sure I just look like an idiot and my evening is ruined
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little-pondhead · 2 years
I feel like as a child I was Strange and Unsettling Enough ™ that my mother had suspicions about how weird I was, but I was her first kid so she just chalked it all up to Normal Child Behavior ™ every time I did something new.
Now we’re both realizing I was just really fucking weird.
#i got diagnosed with adhd after highschool#and we both looked at each other and went ‘oooooooooh’#also some stories from my childhood just sound like something that belongs in a weird monster story#or just like#a modern story about changelings#maybe human are space orcs????#oh this small child has an obsession with art? yeah that’s normal#oh the teachers literally have to restrain the child and make them go last during arts n crafts time?#that’s less normal but still acceptable#oh shit the child needs braces do we have dental insurance??#hey the child kinda forced their own teeth to grow straight now we don’t need to go to the dentist:)#yeah that’s perfectly fine:))#yknow maybe we should not let her cut her own nails she keeps filing them into points#where are these bruises coming from? who knows#this child has a concerning ability to stay quiet when something is wrong#like when SHE FRACTURED HER NOSE AND NOBODY KNEW#this child learned so many animal sounds!! that’s so cool:)#young child why do you know about the donner dinner party you are in fifth grade#why do you know how to mummify a person in extensive detail this is sixth grade#ah yes#carving atalatals for fun is a completely normal activity side note where did she get the knife#I’m calling myself out in third person#listen I did a lot of weird shit and I was a little bloodthirsty bitch#especially with my two brothers#by the time the girls were born I mellowed out and instead started corrupting the kids#i still bite tho#no bark and all bite#pondhead rambles
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hey hi hello here is the vest I made for my seminar reading today because we agreed to dress as our genre +this book i got at the bookstore before going to see violent night with my class
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maretriarch · 1 year
halfway through eating about half a tub of acrylic paint by mindlessly using my lips to point the tip of my brush i am brutally reminded of the uranium girls whos jaws fell off while doing the same thing to paint the itty bitty numbers on clocks with radioactive paint. luckily this craft paint is nontoxic so if your grubby toddler you're doing hand prints with sticks his fist in his mouth he won't die and also this grown man whos too lazy and cheap to buy not junk brushes she found rooting thru her niece and nephews crayon drawer
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bmpmp3 · 9 months
You've heard of Jars of Eyeballs, now get ready for:
Vials of Eyelashes
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prettyinpunk · 10 months
the vulnerability of art is terrifying but is in fact the whole point.
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Just wanted you to know I appreciate the tags on your boy. I see them every time you reblog him and it makes me smile every time <3 so glad you like him so much
I love him with my whole heart! I'm always so impressed when I look at him, can't believe you felted all of his little spines. I could gush for a while about all the little details tbh. The thing that impresses me the most is pose and proportion and all of the shapes which are all just so natural (which feels weird to say, but I've done a few felting projects and getting shapes to look and flow right while also being distinct is something I struggled with, so I admire how you did it!!).
Also he has his little front feet crossed in the same way our cat crosses her paws when she sits in her hammock, which is just a silly little detail that I love so much.
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