#muse monday.
warfared · 1 year
muse monday — ezrael “radio” andreyev!
an original character who comes from the universes of hardcore henry and payday 2, radio is half man, half machine, a runaway russian superweapon and a chronic partygoer.
radio is the creation of genius russian scientist andrey kuznetsov, who created radio ( and a plethora of other clones ) out of his own dna in order to create supersoldiers for the russian military. created in the 1940s, radio was cryogenically frozen to preserve his abilities. while radio is physically in his 20s, he is chronologically in his 70s.
radio's body is composed of over 70% cybernetics. all four of his limbs are metal for peak efficiency, and his spine has been replaced.
his backstory varies depending on what verse he's in, but at his core within hardcore henry / payday 2, he was rescued from the laboratory by another muse of mine, jimmy. radio was created by andrey for a man called akan.
carefree, reckless, and a touch insane, radio generally works as a freelance mercenary or heister, wearing a skull-shaped gas mask to conceal his identity. ezra is also known as ezrael kozak to some, though that's more of a fake name used to distance himself from his creator.
( notice that he was not inspired by bucky barnes winter soldier it was an accident lol )
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home-of-renn · 1 month
AU where Danny never tells Sam and Tucker about the portal accident but they eventually put together the pieces after Danny starts acting hella weird. Especially around his parents.
They eventually figure it out but can't seem to decide whether their friend is actually dead or if there's something else going on. They inadvertently become ghost experts while playing detective, while also simultaneously trying their best to help Danny from the shadows without him finding out that they found out.
Bonus points if they have to fend off Jazz with a stick cause she knows something's up and she knows that Sam and Tucker know but Sam and Tucker keep covering their tracks and doing their best to throw her off the scent.
Bonus, bonus points if Jazz knows that there's something very messed up going on and desperately wants to know what happened to her brother but Sam and Tucker think she's on her parent's side and are convinced that she'll just report back to them if she ever finds out.
Bonus, bonus, bonus points! if Jazz just has this deep, gut-wrenching feeling that she can't tell her parents about her suspicions and that there's something increasingly disturbing about both her parents and Danny's behaviour as well as how the three of them interact after the portal got turned on. She does her best to keep her parent's attention off of Danny, which kinda helps but also inadvertently gets in the way of Sam and Tucker's helping.
Bonus, bonus, bonus, bonus points!!!!! if Maddie and Jack have acquired some very mild ecto contamination from being in such close proximity with the portal on a daily basis and their continued exposure is making them slowly exhibit Obsession-like behaviours about their work and research, which consequentially results in their attitudes/behaviours becoming increasingly more disturbing and concerning from an outside perspective.
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noliaert · 30 days
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Finally got around to finish this one! Here's my ode to iwtv season 1! <3 I made both a version of bailey's claudia as well as delainey's 👍👍
Close ups 👇
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hidefdoritos · 10 months
I took my friend (who doesn't get out much and needs to have a quiet retreat space) to the library today.
-My library has private rooms with locking doors that you check out with your library card and then have keycard access to.
-These rooms are made of plexiglass for Obvious Reasons, but still. Rooms.
-I checked out a Lounge space and, guys, it's a balcony.
-It's over the main entrance to the library so you can see everyone coming in and out. The door locks so it's private, but it's also open air to the tall ceilings and has SO MUCH natural light.
-literally so much natural light the one exterior wall is floor-to-ceiling windows with a view over a fountain and a courtyard and the local shopping district. the sunset was rad.
-My laptop connected directly to the WiFi.
-There were so many people there! There are chairs spread throughout and a bunch of computers and people just chilled and hung out!
-My friend was thrilled to be able to navigate a quiet space with strangers who didn't speak to her, and then to have a retreat space.
-My library also has a Makerspace (!!!) and a Cricut machine (!!!) and I can email someone and get trained in how to use it!
-Someone was in the recording booth and I couldn't tell what she was reading but it sounded cool.
-There's a whole room along the side of the upstairs that's just for teens. Like literally just. The sign says that if you're not a teenager you should see the staff for other rooms. There wasn't anyone there when I stuck my head in but there's a giant whiteboard and orb-style chairs and
-sorry I forgot to mention that my balcony has not only a couch but also several big comfy chairs (like, I can sit on my chair and put my feet on it too and balance my book on my knees and it's STILL not too small of a chair) and a couple coffee tables and a corner where the sunlight isn't direct y'all it's so nice
-I'm so glad my tax dollars went to this, guys. We're stuck on campus for Thanksgiving break and we desperately needed to go somewhere that didn't cost money.
-for as much as I get on about the necessity of Third Spaces, you think I'd remember this.
-I also found out my friend likes Agatha Christie novels. She read me a section while I washed dishes tonight, and I think I'm gonna like them too.
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crazycatsiren · 2 months
Everyday my hair isn't bioluminescent is another day that I'm disappointed in human anatomy.
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dollsome-does-tumblr · 2 months
why is gerri wearing that weird pajama-looking shirt out in the world in 2.06
is it a high fashion thing that i just don't understand
or is it because she wants roman to see her and think of pajamas after tern haven
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keo6323 · 2 months
me too buddy me too
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kinardsevan · 26 days
several sentence monday
i'm still working away on the update on the aneurysm fic, (which is pushing 10k and not finished yet), so I thought I'd throw you a scene that made me giggle:
Evan still sleeps more than he’s awake, and Tommy fills the time by reading and working on their wedding registry. It wasn’t even something they really wanted, given that they weren’t twenty-year-olds starting out. They’re both fully grown adults with their own home, and they’ve already made the process of elimination of all the duplicates they had when they decided to live together. 
Still, when Evan’s diagnosis came a few weeks earlier, it was something that Maddie had made clear was one of the points of contention she wanted to put back on the table. And even though neither Evan or Tommy felt like they needed to register for anything, Maddie had argued with them on the subject of ‘let the people who love you do something nice for you’. They’d argued that everything everyone was doing prior to and would be doing post-surgery would be more than enough, but Maddie had insisted anyway. Which is how Tommy finds himself filling an afternoon by googling what to put on a wedding registry. Truth be told, they don't need much of what’s listed, but he ends up finding himself adding things that Evan would like anyway, like cookware that he’s been talking about investing in, and tools for the grill. 
He’s probably three hours into it when it occurs to him that they really haven’t thought about what comes after Evan’s release from the hospital in terms of needs, and then he’s texting Maddie about things he found on Amazon. Most of what he initially finds is a little ridiculous—graphic tees and overly cute cuddle items for the chest—but it’s the other items he finds that actually make sense to him.
Should we buy the seatbelt cover? That seems important.
Three little dots appear on his screen as he stares at it, waits. He knows she’s only working a ten hour shift today, but he’s not sure when she started. He hopes he’s not interrupting calls. 
I’ll order one with the robes. What about the post-surgical shirts?
Not sure about those w/o talking to him. What about the wedges for the bed? Not a bad idea. He needs to be inclined.
Oh! The back scratchers!
Already ordered those. And the reach-and-grabs. He’s gonna hate those. He’s going to fight me to listen as it is. Is it bad that I want to buy the “factory refurbished” shirt?
Is it worse that I want the “one star ‘terrible wouldn’t recommend’” one? 
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thewolveswolf · 8 months
yells into the void!!!!!
chapter 9 AND chapter 14 of london libraries & love are finished.
i’ll be starting chapter 10 tomorrow, which is the talent show (and also the one where crowley all but straddles aziraphale to help him draw on his magician’s moustache) 😇
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wildwoodart · 1 year
Oddly Specific Collection 20: The Shirt!
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apollos-boyfriend · 2 months
you were born once!
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yesssss…….. KILL HIM!!!!
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pinkrose05 · 1 year
So I was looking up some medicinal flowers, as one does, and....
Turns out Ren's signature flower, the red spider lily, contains a substance used in treatment of the effects of Alzheimer's.
You know.
The progressive memory loss disease.
....how very ironic.
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jev-urisk · 13 days
A Musing Mondays 🎐
I gonna start doing a Monday post based on what in the past week has amused me or been my muse. Could be a quote, could be a new perspective I gained, could be a neat rock that I found.
I think as creators it can be easy to forget that the things we experience in the now fuel our work too- not just our pasts. If you're feeling uninspired and unmotivated, if your 'muse' seems to have left you, that's when you probably need to step away and live a little.
This weeks a-muse-ment is in the neat rock category for sure 🤘
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This weekend I visited Bryce National Park and went on a challenging but very rewarding hike where I took all these photos. It really got me thinking about environments ✨️ The Outlands in my WIP 7 Circles is largely desertscape, but there are soooo many geologic features you can find in a desert. Slot canyons! Hoodoos! Petrified dunes! Carved-in sandstone dwellings! I'm buzzing with thoughts of how to twine these in later in my story. Do any of yall have cool geological features in your stories?
@katenewmanwrites @smellyrottentrees @wyked-ao3 @lychhiker-writes @the-golden-comet
@tragedycoded @cowboybrunch @zackprincebooks @urbiggestnightmare-blog @quillswriting @dragoninatrenchcoat
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rebouks · 8 months
I'm new to sims 4 and I randomly found your blog and man, your stories are so well-constructed! I never imagined the sims being used like this and it's been very fun to follow your little guys go about their lives lol if you don't mind me asking, how long have you been creating these intricate stories in the game? And do you know already how your current storyline is going to end or do you go with the flow and see what happens?
ohhh waaaait, that's so exciting!! i legit thought the exact same thing when i first stumbled upon sims stories here on simblr!! AHH! i was like.. wait, i can actually write out all the shit in my head and share it with ppl?! LET'S DO IT!
it warms my lil heart that you enjoy following my pixel ppls lives right along with me 🥺 i suppose i've always kinda come up with some form of story for em, in ts4 anyway, even when i was just playing legacy style for myself and not rlly sharing anything here - way back in 2017/18! that's when i picked up ts4.. before that i played a lot of ts3 but i spent a lot of time making worlds in CAW rather than playing and with ts2/ts1 i think i mostly just played with an empty head 😂 they're a bit of a childhood blur tbh lmao
i don't currently have an "end" in mind for my current story 🤔 not rlly, anyway.. i suppose it's kinda open ended since it's more like a slice of life story u kno, but i do have a lot of ideas written out, and an "end" for Robin's childhood arc! i think we'll do a timeskip to his teen years then, and after that another one so Wren/Byrd will be teens n' Robin will be too still, just like older, in his last year of high school or maybe college idk eventually Forever in Between will end too, but idk how yet.. it'll be right before Robin reaches young adulthood i reckon, since i'll probably start a new, more plot based story with him after that (that's a majorly vague idea for the future for now tho 😅)
i'm a big fan of wingin' it! so who knows where we're going lmaoo, i sure don't!!
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keo6323 · 2 months
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tsuntsunfangirl · 6 days
i fucking hate this song @turniptitaness
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