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butvega · 25 days ago
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ℳ𝓈 â„±đ’Ÿđ“ƒâ„Żđ“ˆđ“ˆâ„Ż 🎀
— Capítulo I; Nem te conheço, e não te considero pacas!
notas. oi gente! espero que apreciem muito isso aqui, pois essa ideia vem de bastante tempo, mas por conta de uma leitora, tomei coragem de desenvolver. me contem se gostaram, ❀đŸ„čđŸ€đŸŒâœš
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Eu nĂŁo apreciava muito estar naquela posição. Estava no pĂșlpito, ao lado de meu pai, e de minha mĂŁe, enquanto eles discursam sobre o quĂŁo importante cada funcionĂĄrio daquele conglomerado era importante para a empresa em si.
O que no fundo, eu sabia que era uma grande mentira. Meus pais nĂŁo se importavam minimamente com os que ali trabalhavam, visando unicamente o lucro. Mas ali estava eu, Stella Briand, com minhas roupas mais caras, enfeitada como uma boneca, ao lado de papai, e mamĂŁe, para que formemos a imagem de uma famĂ­lia perfeita.
“— E finalmente, gostaria de apresentar Ă  vocĂȘs os nossos novos estagiĂĄrios. Com isso quero dizer que revelar novos talentos sempre foi uma prioridade para nĂłs. Dar chances para esses jovens deve ser uma obrigação, e por isso com muito orgulho, apresento: JoĂŁo Vitor Guedes, Gabriella Saraiva, e Jung
 Jungkook Jeon.” — Alexandre, meu pai, diz.
Olho para os trĂȘs jovens a serem apresentados, que recebem uma salva de palmas. Parecem ter minha idade, e acabo por franzir o cenho. Juro jĂĄ ter visto pelo menos o Ășltimo garoto em algum dos jogos universitĂĄrios em Vassouras, ou mesmo pela cidade universitĂĄria.
Eu fazia arquitetura, e sem querer me gabar, era empenhada, e almejava um dia poder fazer parte do grupo de empresas de construção civil da família. Por isso, sempre me abdiquei de viver como uma jovem normal, com festas e namorados, para ser a melhor aluna da FAU.
Mas futuramente, acabei descobrindo que Ă  partir daquele dia, meus planos mudariam drasticamente.
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“— Pelo amor de Deus, Stella, ‘cĂȘ tĂĄ parecendo atĂ© prisioneira de Askaban. AtĂ© parece que indo ou nĂŁo vocĂȘ nĂŁo vai tirar 10.” — era o que Lara, minha melhor amiga, resmungava, com os braços cruzados, e um bico enorme nos lĂĄbios.
“— É, mas se eu for, eu não vou ter uma boa noite de sono, não vou conseguir descansar, e isso me prejudica demais.” — sou eu quem falo, ainda distraída com o livro de antopometria.
“— Uma vez na vida, Stella. Porra, uma vez na vida!”
“— Aquele garoto que vocĂȘ quer ficar vai, nĂ©.” — reviro os olhos.
Se tratava de uma festa, em uma das repĂșblicas da galera de Economia. Eu nunca realmente me importei com esse tipo de festa, calouradas, e sĂł participava dos jogos universitĂĄrios porque era lĂ­der de torcida da FAU. Sempre fui a aluna perfeita. Melhores notas, participaçÔes no corpo estudantil e docente, lĂ­der de torcida, participava de laboratĂłrios de diferentes materiais
 Eu era a preferida dos professores, qual Ă©.
“— NĂŁo vem ao caso. O importante Ă© que eu nĂŁo quero ir sozinha. SĂ©rio, por favor. NĂŁo me deixa ir sozinha, StĂ©.” — se ela fosse um emoji naquele momento, seria aquele com enormes olhos pidĂ”es. Olhos castanhos, e realmente muito enormes.
Porque no momento seguinte, eu cometo o primeiro erro do dia. Aceito ir Ă  festa.
Acontece que eu definitivamente nĂŁo sabia me vestir de maneira simples. Usava uma bota de salto alto, que ia atĂ© pouco abaixo de seu joelho, uma blusa preta de ombro a ombro com mangas compridas, uma mini saia jeans, e uma bolsa verde escura da Chanel, desta vez afanada do closet abastado de minha mĂŁe. Destoando C O M P L E T A M E N T E do restante das meninas que usavam wide leg e tops despojados, com tĂȘnis nos pĂ©s.
Encarava os jovens bebendo cerveja, e sinceramente, não entendia como alguém poderia gostar daquilo. Até o cheiro era terrível, mal conseguia imaginar o gosto.
Mas da maneira mais clichĂȘ o possĂ­vel, eu sinto em minhas costas um lĂ­quido extremamente gelado. Em minha blusa preta, escorrendo para minha saia Miu Miu, e o pior: em meu cabelo cheirosĂ­ssimo.
EstĂĄtica permaneci. Mas a vontade de chorar veio no segundo seguinte, quando senti aquele fedor insuportĂĄvel de? Isso, cerveja. Derramaram cerveja em mim. Me virei com Ăłdio em meus olhos marejados, encarando ele.
O imbecil que meu pai havia acabado de contratar como estagiĂĄrio.
“CĂȘ tĂĄ maluco? VocĂȘ me sujou toda! Eu ‘tĂŽ toda molhada.” — gritei mais esganiçado do que eu pretendia. Mas pudera, eu estava histĂ©rica. Sabia que eu nĂŁo devia ter vindo pra esse lugar insalubre.
“— Eita
” — Ă© o que ele diz. SĂł. Apenas. Olhos pretos enormes arregalados em minha direção, imagino que esperando que eu fizesse algo. Minha intenção era esganĂĄ-lo.
“— Argh!” — quase rosno, tentando me limpar da maneira que posso - lĂȘ-se esfregando minhas mĂŁos onde eu havia sido molhada.
“— Caralho, desculpa aí. Te molhei toda, porra, viajei. Foi sem querer, de verdade. Lá na cozinha tem pano de prato, dá pra secar alguma coisa.” — ele diz, e eu quase simpatizo, porque ele realmente parece nervoso. Em pñnico.
“— Pano
 De prato?” — desconfiava que meu olho esquerdo estava tremendo, mas não tinha certeza. A raiva que possuía meu corpo era um pouco acima do comum, assumo.
“— É. Bora, eu te ajudo.” — e com a canhota em minhas costas, ele me guia atĂ© a cozinha.
Ainda estou basicamente sem reação. Não sabia me comportar em festas, muito menos quando alguém me dava um banho de cerveja. Lara havia desaparecido com seu namorado/ficante, e me deixado sozinha nos primeiros minutos da maldita festa. Que roubada! E ela era uma pilantra, falsa.
Estamos na cozinha de tons esverdeados, com alguns armårios de ferro, e uma pilha de panos de prato com algumas manchas dentro dele. Eu não estava em posição de reclamar naquele momento.
“— Olha, vai dar pra secar um pouco, mas quando ‘cĂȘ chegar em casa, Ă© bom jĂĄ colocar a roupa pra bater, se nĂŁo fica com cheiro.” — ele diz, e eu o olho confusa. Colocar a roupa pra bater? Em quem, meu Deus?
“— Roupa
 Pra bater?” — ele dĂĄ um risinho de lado, e eu me amaldiçoo mentalmente por achar minimamente fofo. Irei culpar as covinhas, porque covinhas em geral sĂŁo irresistĂ­veis. E Ă© isso, ele sorri enquanto passa o pano de prato pela parte de trĂĄs da minha blusa, e pela ponta de meus cabelos.
“— É, uĂ©. AĂ­, tu nĂŁo me Ă© estranha.” — paraliso, e o rubor impregnado em meu rosto pela timidez, se torna novamente pura raiva.
Como assim ele nĂŁo se lembra de mim?
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krilliondollars · 1 month ago
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kbeescraft · 1 year ago
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A traditional knight in shining armor
save for the maul she wields and an undead patron that, unbeknownst to her, is rooted inside of her chest.
How long can you channel divinity when you know you are rotten to your core, and are deeply afraid of it?
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blaylists · 6 months ago
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how do you want it?
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newx-menfan · 4 months ago
NYX # 1 Review
After weeks of waiting, spoilers, comic leaks , and “The Krakoan’s” identity being very brutally obvious
it’s FINALLY HERE guys! The CLOSEST we will probably EVER get the a NXM book!! JK!!😆
The issue starts with Kamala monologuing about her recent acceptance to an after school program in NY to Bruno, who is currently in Amsterdam. (I’ll fully forewarn everyone and be transparent that I only read Kamala when G Willow Wilson was writing the book 😬
so Kamala fans MAY need to help me out a bit, lol) 
Kamala literally runs into Sophie and they go to Prodigy’s lecture
(no offense to Prodigy
but Sofia’s a bit right
the lecture COULD use a little more finessing, lol
Sophie gives him shit and Kamala realizes she’s friends with the “cool kids” now, who pointedly go out of their way to embarrass and humiliate their teachers (not that Bruno or Miles isn’t cool, Kamala
It’s interesting that in some ways DAVID is going the academic, “through proper channels” route
but it also makes sense considering some of his characterization during NXM: AX
(and why a certain character is the PERFECT FOIL for him, in this storyline!
David- who, while calling out characters like Josh
was also a bit of a “rule follower” in a way that certain OTHER characters DEFINITELY weren’t

Any, Sophie convinces Kamala to go clubbing with her and they run into Anole bartending. Anole gets accosted by some patrons screaming about a mutant “terrorist”. (Also
I really LOVE Sophie swearing all the time đŸ˜‚đŸ€Łâ€ŠI guess her polite way of sassing has changed after “Riot at Xavier’s” and being dead lol)
Kamala and Sophie get kicked out of the club while defending Anole (I guess they’re not having a “brat” summer
.â˜č). Kamala then dons her Ms Marvel suit and calls David
 Professor Alleyne
 to help unlock a phone (the interaction IS super adorable!) and we learn that the guys at the club are committing crimes and pinning it on mutants. (Or so it would SEEM! Foreshadowing!!)
While on the phone, Laura attacks and brakes Kamala’s phone, because Laura is kind of a dick, telling her she’s chasing “ghosts”. (This is why Laura doesn’t have consistent friends guys đŸ˜’đŸ€Ł)
Laura’s characterization
isn’t great
 (Laura you were LITERALLY ON a teen X-Men group
you LOST the right to call anyone “kids”!)
Kamala then tells Laura she needs to get a life (which is kind of TRUE
after all the filler
we get to the STAR!
who people have been desperately WAITING FOR

KRAKELLION! (Sorry @ thestomping-ground 
but I’m stealing the name because “the Krakoan” sounds terrible lol)
In one of the COOLEST, MOST AWESOME panels ever (I am really NOT biased)
Krakellion ARISES
ready to enact revenge on the FLATSCANS!!
In HANDS DOWN, ONE OF THE BEST SCENERY CHEWING MONOLOGUES EVER WRITTEN (told you, I’m not biased!), Hellion more or less just calls into question Kamala’s movie to comic book mandated retcon
 (Feel like he should have leaned more into the “Emma/Ms Marvel call out of 2006”
but I am not judging, Hellion
Kamala then saves the helpless flatscans on the subway- but is then forced to reckon with the fact that humans will ONLY support her because they don’t know she’s a mutant. The minute she’s outed- that hero worship will ultimately go away. â˜č
Kamala then meets up with Sophie and they talk and have coffee (Wait a minute
 Kamala is an inhuman too? I thought that couldn’t happen and that’s why Quicksilver had such an identity crisis while married to Crystal??
I told you guys I’m kind of out of the loop on Schrödinger's newest mutant/inhumanâ€ŠđŸˆâ€âŹ›đŸ˜ŹđŸ˜‚đŸ€Ł); Kamala also having a mutant friend is adorable

We transition to the Krakellion walking in some shadowy penthouse, giving Empath shit on the telecom (Brownoses shouldn’t throw stones, Empath! Also Hellion did LOTS of COOL stuff in NXM, OkAy Empath?!) and we see the new
.Hellfire Club?
. Hopefully that gets cleared up in the next issue
I bet you 100 bucks Empath FORCED Hellion to drop the name “Hellion” because he couldn’t stand being “Hellion and the Hellions” to Julian lol- Not Julian’s fault he picked the superior name! đŸ˜‚đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł)
(Also- can anyone tell me what the QR code is- it won’t scan on Kindle and I am waiting on my paper copies â˜č)
 I am biased; but this has been one of the few X-books I have been excited about in a while! 
I know people LOVED “Krakoa era” X-Men
 but I am personally happy to see return to a more “Astonishing/Mutant Town/Morrison X-Men” type of story.
I am also happy to see a return to a more “Tom Taylor/Tamaki” street level Laura; as much as I whined about Taylor’s representation in the past
 Laura really does work better when she’s more low key

After years of sitting through “Wolverine and the X-Men” style books
it’s nice to see characters like Prodigy or Hellion being treated AS ADULTS and with narrative care.
The writing is fine; there are moments where I think it could be tighter, but I do think it definitely has its moments and will definitely get better as the writing team goes on and gets more used to the characters voices.
I KNOW people are going to complain that this seems more like a stealth Kamala solo
and while I DO think there’s some validity to that argument (it’s focus is DEFINITELY on Kamala and getting stubborn “Inhuman fans” like me to accept her as a mutant
.); I am mostly fine with it, since that seems to be what it takes for fans to get a “New X-Men: Academy X” book.
The biggest complaint I have is unsurprisingly Laura- we’re still sadly in the “Talon-esque”/ “Laura written as Wolverine” representation. Hopefully this gets better the more they feature her
but I do fear this era
will be very disappointing for Laura fans (I haven’t heard much about the Gabby/Laura mini either!)
More and more I am thinking Laura and Julian are in cahoots- possibly Laura didn’t want Kamala involved because of her emotional connection with Julian
. It may just be that she wants to try and reform him; to give him the same chance he gave her
but I think more than likely she’s using Julian to spy on Empath. (Also because I can’t envision Manuel and Julian standing each other for more than five minutes lol)
Is Tag helping Hellion? I feel like Tag SHOULD be helping him, since they’re bros and Tag literally got blown up in a school bus
 (Also his powers are cool
The BIGGEST question is- Is Hellion blasting “brat” through AirPods under that helmet? Is he having a “brat summer”? Is “Mean Girls” his favorite song? 
(someone needs to make a “Hellion/brat YouTube fan vid” like they used to in the 2000’s đŸ˜‚đŸ€Łâ€Š @romulanslutempire 
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chic-a-gigot · 6 months ago
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Le Petit Ă©cho de la mode, no. 21, vol. 23, 26 mai 1901, Paris. 3. Grand col Marie-Stuart en dentelle Renaissance. ModĂšle de Mme Garcia, 3, rue de Rohan, Paris. Ville de Paris / BibliothĂšque Forney
(3.) Grand col Marie-Stuart en dentelle Renaissance. (ModĂšle de Mme Garcia, 3, rue de Rohan, Paris.) Ce grand col Marie-Stuart est absolument nouveau, aussi bien par sa forme la des position de son dessin, que par le goĂ»t artistique qui Ă  prĂ©sidĂ© au dĂ©tail gĂ©nĂ©ral de l'ensemble. De forme carrĂ©e dans le dos, il se dĂ©gage lĂ©gĂšrement en deux pointes gracieuses sur les Ă©paules, les deux cĂŽtĂ©s du devant, pour se terminer en chĂąle sur la poitrine. Ce col constituera la plus jolie et la plus riche garniture pour toilette habillĂ©e de l'Ă©tĂ©; un corsage lĂ©ger, dĂ©colletĂ© en cƓur sur le devant, revĂȘtira un cachet trĂšs distinguĂ©, ornĂ© de cette parure du meilleur goĂ»t et que nos Ă©lĂ©gantes ont adoptĂ©e avec un engouement que justifient sa finesse, sa lĂ©gĂšretĂ© et la facile et charmante exĂ©cution de son travail. La broderie de ce col se fait avec du lacet plat ajourĂ© aux deux lisiĂšres, un peu l 'rge, que l’on dispose sur de la moleskine dessinĂ©e, en fleurs, feuilles, arabesques enchevĂȘtrĂ©es et contournĂ©es de maniĂšre Ă  former une vĂ©ritable dentelle que seuls le Bruges et le Venise peuvent lui disputer. Lorsque tous les motifs sont fixĂ©s les uns aux autres par un point de surjet, vous les reliez entre eux par des barrettes vĂ©nitiennes faites de deux fils lancĂ©s d’un bord Ă  l’autre de la lisiĂšre, et recouverts en zigzag par le fil travailleur. Ces brides sont agrĂ©mentĂ©es au centre par des roues Ă  l'aieuiile. L’intĂ©rieur des motifs est rempli de jours variĂ©s peu compliquĂ©s, des roues, des barrettes contrariĂ©Ă«s et des points de tulle composent Ă  peu prĂšs le travail de ce col. De gros Ɠillets dissĂ©minĂ©s de place en place lui donnent beaucoup de relief, et des boucles au point de feston lĂąche ornent les contours. Le croquis no. 7662 reprĂ©sente le bel ensemble et le dĂ©tail de la broderie. Mme Garcia vend ce magnifique col Ă©chantillonnĂ© avec les fournitures: 12 fr. 50. prix vĂ©ritablement exceptionnel pour toutes nos lectrices en gĂ©nĂ©ral.
(3.) Large Marie-Stuart collar in Renaissance lace. (Model by Mme Garcia, 3, rue de Rohan, Paris.) This large Marie-Stuart collar is absolutely new, both by its shape and the position of its design, as well as by the artistic taste which governed the general detail of the 'together. Square in shape at the back, it emerges slightly into two graceful points on the shoulders, both sides of the front, to end in a shawl on the chest. This collar will constitute the prettiest and richest garnish for a dressy dress of the summer; a light bodice, sweetheart neckline on the front, will take on a very distinguished character, adorned with this finery of the best taste and which our elegant ladies have adopted with a enthusiasm that justifies its finesse, its lightness and the easy and charming execution of its work. The embroidery of this collar is done with flat openwork lace at the two edges, a little wide, which is placed on drawn moleskin, in flowers, leaves, arabesques tangled and contoured so as to form a real lace which only Bruges and Venice can compete with him. When all the patterns are fixed to each other by an overlock stitch, you connect them together by Venetian bars made of two threads thrown from one edge to the other of the selvedge, and covered in a zigzag by the working thread . These flanges are embellished in the center by wheels on the wing. The inside of the patterns are filled with uncomplicated varied days, wheels, upset barrettes and tulle stitches pretty much make up the work of this collar. Large eyelets scattered here and there give it a lot of relief, and loose blanket stitch loops adorn the edges. Sketch no. 7662 represents the beautiful whole and detail of the embroidery. Ms. Garcia sells this magnificent collar sampled with supplies: 12 fr. 50. truly exceptional price for all our readers in general.
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berberriescorner · 2 years ago
That girl is not about to babysit all those damn kids please😭
AND ISSSS! If momma needs help, baby girl gon’ provide đŸ‘đŸŸ. The middle child will put in the work as well. As the oldest, Marcus gonna help toođŸ˜‚đŸ€Ł!
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No, but seriously. Little momma needs to chill on her mother. The lady of the house is more than capable of taking care of all her babies. Daddy Rio is completely comfortable with her being a full-time mommyđŸ„°đŸ˜.
Little Ms. Mamas can chill. She can babysit to earn some extra allowance.
Here y’all go getting another continuation out of me😒😂:
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“Mama? May I upgrade to the new iPhone that just dropped? Daddy said he was cool with it. He said I have to run it by you first.”
“We just got you a new MacBook and AirPods. No ma’am. You can upgrade when your birthday rolls around.”
She kisses her teeth, instantly regretting it as you give her that look.
“Not you trying to have an attitude? See, that’s y’all’s problem. You’re so used to getting whatever you want.”
“My birthday isn’t for another three months. Please, ma? It’s not like we can’t afford it.”
Did she just
I know she didn’t just say that? See, Rio this is what happens when there isn’t a balance. We've created spoiled little monsters.
You took a deep calming breath. Trying to keep from raising your voice.
Gentle parenting, Y/N. Remember to practice gentle parenting.
“Correction. It’s not like WE can’t afford it. We, meaning your father and me. You must be confused, baby girl. I didn’t know you paid bills around here.”
Your oldest daughter huffed and rolled her eyes. Rio had walked in just in time to catch what you said. Watching his daughters reaction let him know he needed to step in.
“Baby girl, you know Daddy loves you with everything in me. Peep this though. Two very important things you need to learn, baby. One, I know that’s your mother, but that’s my wife. Watch your tone, cut the dramatics, and respect her, darlin'. All that huffing and puffing gotta go. Chill on rolling those eyes.”
Your chest swelled with pride as you thought, “I know that’s right, papa.”
Rio continued, “Second lesson of the day. Life’s not fair, darlin’. Now I was cool with it, so long as your mama was. Given your reaction to what she said. I noticed something else you need to learn. You want something bad enough baby girl, hustle for it.”
Your daughter looked at him quizzically.
“You want the phone bad enough. Pay for it.”
“That would take all my saved allowance.”
Rio shrugged, “find a hustle, baby girl.”
“Yes, sir."
Realizing that her father was right, she spoke again, “Sorry for acting like a brat, mama. I understand what you both are saying. If I want it, gotta earn it.”
Dear Lord. He’s going to turn all these children into finesse kings and queens. I don’t know whether to be worried or proud. It couldn't hurt to be both, right?
You embraced your daughter and kissed the top of her head.
“Look, I’m not trying to be hard on you, but sometimes we need to find balance. Yes, we love spoiling you and your siblings, but we want you all to know how to go out and get it on your own.”
Hearing you impart wisdom to your daughter, placed a smile on your husband’s face. He kissed both his babies on the forehead.
“I'll tell you what. Come up with half. Daddy and I will pay the rest, deal?”
Her face lit up, as she bounced up and down excitedly.
“Thank you, Mommy! How can I earn my half?”
You started to give suggestions when she cut you off.
“How about I babysit for the next four date nights? Nana wouldn’t mind if I sat in for her.”
Rio chuckled, “I thought you hated watching your siblings?”
“I don’t hate it, daddy. I don’t love it either, but bread is bread.”
“I feel you little hustla. Baby girl said a win is a win. This is a proud daddy moment. Yeah, that works for me.”
Rio pulled you closer, wrapping his arms around your waist. Kissing your neck a few times, he asked, “That alright with you, mama?”
You sighed happily, loving his sweet embrace.
“That’s fine with me, baby,” you responded, turning to peck his lips.
“Eww! Please don’t have another baby.”
“Girl hush and go check on your sisters. It’s too quiet in this house. Probably doing something they're not supposed to.”
“Fine, but can I get five dollars for my time?”
“Y/D/N,” Rio said authoritatively.
“Yes, sir. I’m going,” she chuckled.
Rio waited for her to leave the room. His hands gripped you tighter, nibbling your ear.
“I say we give her one more sibling to look after. Six sounds like a good number to stop," he whispered trailing kisses down your neck.
“I’d say no, but you’re not going to listen. I’m tired of being pregnant,” you teased.
“You ain’t tired of making them though.”
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callsign-songbird · 8 months ago
OK ok ok, my mind is churning with an AU
So, we know Charlie's wonderful slasher Simon AU, right? Well, I just finished the second scream movie and BOY do I have thoughts for my own vaiernt of the Slasher Simon AU.
Of course, not for any convoluted reason like Micky or Ms. Lumen, no. Just because Simon had a rough upbringing, and it's one of the only ways he knows how to releive stress. Besides, he's always found knives and firearms fascinating, especially his KBAR and his Snake Eye. The first time was an accident, the second time felt good, and after that? After that was just... Ghost.
They can go to an rotc specializing college (idk if those exist, but it's 4 am, I'll finesse the details later) ANYWAY they can be split up by Dorms!! Like, dorm TF141, and K0RT4C.
Laswell could be the headmistress, or Vice President
Price would totally be the golden boy dorm leader. He has to make sure that the boys under his jurisdiction stay safe and abide by dorm rules. He totally acts like the father of the group and always gets mistaken for a teacher (although, he does tutor students who fall behind, even if they aren't in his dorm)
Gaz could be the clumsy right-hand man who always has the scoop around campus (Golden retriever boy) always wears a baseball cap or letterman jacket, sometimes both.) He's the little brother of the group, definitely. Not to the point where he is baby, but definitely to the point where the others help him out a bit more and tend to give him advice (whether it's warranted or not) and he totally looks up to Price.
Soap is a study abroad student from Scotland who takes his studies almost as serious as his Rugby. A total Jock, but not the sleazy kind, the kind that takes a drunk girl home and writes her a note explaining what happened while leaving a bucket by her bed and some pedialite on the bedside (because not everyone can drink like him) going with the brother theme, Soap is TOTALLY the older brother, you can't tell me I'm wrong. I totally headcannon that he grew up in a stable household with three younger sisters, so he's just used to being the big brother.
Simon would (obviously) be the Ghostface. The scream movies are really good at keeping you guessing who the killers are, so it really wouldn't be obvious at all. He's buff from sports and the time he spends either at the gym or training in martial arts for his expected military career, of course he still likes dark humor and really bad jokes, and has a penchant for skull themed clothes, going as far as to wear a skull-print balaclava in winter. (Soap has declared himself as Simon's best friend. Simon won't admit it, but it's true.) Keeping up with the brothers theme, Simon is DEFINITELY a middle child. Quiet, reserved, brooding, tries to keep to himself so people tend to overlook him. Middle child all the way in this dorm dynamic. (Though, being a murder isn't exactly his LIFE, more of a hobby to let off steam, so it isn't really the focal point of the AU so much as college shenanigans)
And Roach (Because in my AU roach is alive and well) if the dorm is a family, then Roach is the pet, or the Wine uncle who occasionally shows up at 3 in the morning to steal snacks. Roach is the dorm party animal, always up to trouble, always has a drink, everyone loves him, and he always seems to know everything about everyone on campus. But he's also a feral gremlin who says and does weird things (like taking naps in the ceiling on lunch) all the time, so half the time no one takes him seriously. Odd and feral as he may be, he's still part of the dorm, and everyone treats him as such.
I still have to think about the K0RT4K dormmates and their dynamic, as well as the Ghosts squad, but oh my gosh, let me know if you want any more, and please send asks if you're interested! Though, I'll probably be drabbling more about it anyway, lol
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silverformed · 12 days ago
" You're a shy little thing, aren't you? " // Congrats Willow, she thinks you have rizz.
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“ Ahahah
Got him there. The usually optimistic and outward professor turned bashful! Not a moment or two ago he had all the candor nearly beaming out of him from some discovery or Pokémon that crossed his field notes splayed on the table. They shared passion for Pokémon and conservation after all. No doubt one of the first researchers Willow shares work.
And perhaps the few that are inclined to listen to his unedited and unabridged ïżŒramblings. Doomed is his editor a day before a conference.
Give him just the slightest salacious hint however and he clams up more then a clampearl and probably as pink as it’s pearl too. Anything really. A flutter of eyelashes, a playful wink or a teasing comment makes his intent gaze wander elsewhere embarrassed. A hand scratches at his temple and a breathy chuckle slips by.
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“ My, Ms. Lusamine, you’ve charmed me! Undeservedly so
! ” A fantastic professor
but not quite as smart elsewhere. Perhaps isolating oneself in the wilderness for great stretches of time makes him unpracticed. “ I’m my best self in your brilliant finesse
! You deserve all my regard and more..!”
What it was worth after this fanciful display.
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nerdfavelada · 6 months ago
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Maaaaaais uum 🚀
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butvega · 25 days ago
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ℳ𝓈. â„±đ’Ÿđ“ƒâ„Żđ“ˆđ“ˆâ„Ż 🎀
Eles são completos opostos. Stella Briand é uma moça focada em seus estudos, abastada financeiramente, e que comumente se sente sufocada pela superproteção dos pais. Conhece Jungkook Jeon, um malandrinho cativante, estudante de engenharia mecùnica, apaixonado por carros. Jeon, apesar de estudioso, nasceu em uma realidade diferente, onde sempre teve que comer um dobrado para que seus sonhos pudessem ser realizados.
tagged; br au, sexo explícito, uso de palavrÔes, long fic.
“Ela Ă©, minha musa inspiradora, sedutora, professora defensora de tudo o que Ă© bom! Minha nota promissĂłria, dama promissora, e Ășnica a dividir o meu edredom...”
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Capítulo I — Nem te conheço, e não te considero pacas.
Capítulo II — Um doce, e insegurança de brinde.
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mageofmercy · 4 months ago
I ask myself, what could you say about the life of sign of True Aries. What of it can you tell the world? Set the stage. The expectation. The rambling. Know that whoever enters into the depths of this comic of Ms paint, shall never escape. How do we know? Because we've tried, and failed.
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The google definition for Excavator is: "A person who removes earth carefully and systematically from an archaeological site in order to find buried remains" This strikes me in several ways - one, by removing the earth carefully and systematically, they are patient. Methodical. Plodding toward a singular goal to be then fully completed before moving on to the next one. Because from what I know of Archaeology, it's a very slow paced job. Brushing at the dirt of bones that took weeks alone to even find prior. Dig dig dig, scrape scrape scrape, brush brush brush. For any regular person? This would get boring, very fast. But no, get into enough of a rhythm? And you're there.  Because adventure motivates Rust bound more than anything else. They crave new experiences, the wilder and father-from-home? The better. "Be the detective. It is you." What strikes you more as a detective than the archetypical Excavator? Just as you're sniffing out a scene, or looking for clues to catch a wanted criminal? Isn't that just as similar to digging for bones?  In excavation, you've got to find where possible bones could be, then dig, but carefully - not just like some barbarian who's digging holes just to dig holes. No. You've gotta finesse these bones out. You've gotta show em some loving care, woo these suckers out of the earthy prison that they've got stuck in...!  Sounds like it takes a lot of understanding, patience, careful planning, knowing the way of the land, smart, resourceful, knowledgeable, wise, and somewhat kind dare I say? You provide knowledge for the future. You are a leader. A trailblazer. Someone who leads, scouts, or straight up Lewis and Clark your way through life, Incapable of accepting things as they come. Action over passive acceptance. Constantly looking to the future to analyze the past. Does that make sense? If not it still sounds cool. (A great friend and traveling companion, so? Are you Lewis? Or Clark? No. Pocahontas!) You are RESILIANT, I say it as caps - because of how much emphasis your facets stand out to me, it says that your ability to bounce back from injury is to be the toughest out of probably anybody. And heck, as a True Aries I think you might be the Toughest Cookie the world has ever Cookied. Although selfish and quick to anger, and although it's a different definition for everyone - for these ones it may be because your life is marked by so much trouble. You are fundamentally incapable of accepting things as they come. Say a terrible condition befalls you? I believe it right to say that most Time bound wouldn't just sit and do nothing. They would do something about it. "Impossible is just a word." After all, being apart of Derse sway? You're already a rebel. From fascism to the most recent trend in casual footwear? You've got it all. Although inflexible and pessimistic, you're a great problem solver... you're nothing if not consistent. It may be hard for you to be vulnerable toward others. So? Find those special people you can truly trust! It would do you well to stay away from the Vriska's and the Equiuses anyone who would limit your ability to be yourself, or squander your ability to love? To know, to feel, to chart your future? (That is to say, Light, Heart and Time? The two aspects that sit beside you are important for you. Know that.) It is yours and yours alone. You are the Excavator. It is you.
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skitariiposting · 1 year ago
Where did the whole 'sans is this slim young hottie' mentalilty come from? Like, I get it, hes a skeleton with confidence, a sense of humor and depression; that automatically paints a massive target on him for everyone to latch onto him. But if we're going off of how sans is visually and personality-wise in undertale, he's far more scrungly than dreamboat. The man literally makes dad jokes the entire game, but most fanart makes him look like he's the lead in a boy band.
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I mean, in game he finesses your goat mom not because of his looks, but because he's a single father-brother who's holding down multiple jobs to keep Papyrus alive, actually listens to her, and has a winning personality. And I mean *literally* not because of his looks. the two don't meet in person until the end of the game. They only got to know each other with a big ass door in the way.
Just look at his in game sprite. Look me in the eyes and tell me this man isn't the personification of "the fun uncle." This is a man in his mid-to-late 30's not a teenage dreamboy.
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He looks like he's just asked you how work's been treatin' ya and if you still needed him to check up on your dogs and water your flowers for you while you're out of town next week.
Can you really look at these two pictures and try and convince me the ms paint one doesnt feel more sans based off of his in game appearances and personality alone?
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If you've gotta sexy the skeleton, I will tolerate DILF-ification at most; but I'm drawing the line at teen-scream loverboy. This is skeleton step-dad erasure dammit.
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penroseparticle · 6 months ago
Penrose Song of the Day Day 28: Nasty by Janet Jackson
My first CD I owned was a Janet Jackson one (Ok actually it was 2.B.A. Master, the pokemon anime soundtrack CD but I WILL TELL OTHER PEOPLE that Janet's All For You was my first CD because it is marginally less embarrassing)
I am a simple gay. I hear "GIMME A BEAT" and I head to the dancefloor.
I wish I could tell you anything remotely constructive about this song but I just think it's neat. There's something to this song that struck the public mind. This song has legs, and it's part of the zeitgeist. We will always have "Ms. Jackson if you're nasty".
Sometimes it can be a fun exercise to think about, if you were you right now, but were there when this song got big. What would your best comparison to it be? Which, with this song, is a little more interesting I think. What song has entered the collective consciousness and probably will never leave. Is there a genre or musical convention that was solidified by something recent the way Nasty heralded New Jack Swing?
I mean if we're talking cultural staying power, I don't know if I can think of something that's gonna stick that bad (anything PG that is. I fully believe WAP secured its space in the zeitgeist hall of fame and we will say Wet Ass Pussy "Like That(tm)" for the rest of our lives if we're making a reference.)
I think this song is... kinda fun, honestly. Like, don't be gross or sketch, sure. That's the whole point of the song from the jump. You don't want to be thinking nasty thoughts, or you will turn Janet off. But it's kind of... Pointing at things I don't like and saying Yuck!, the song?
She doesn't like Nasty boys. They don't mean a thing. But she also doesn't like nasty food or girls. This song is one of the most Green Eggs and Ham style songs I have ever seen in my life, honestly. And I'm fine with that! I think the repetition can be pretty powerful, especially if it's punctuated by actual changes and modulations to the them or structure.
And I think this song is like. Very good with that because it sets the parameters for when and where Janet WILL get Nasty. She's not a prude. She just wants some respect. Close the doors. Ms. Jackson does not kiss and tell. She doesn't need or want an audience. Very Christian prayer of her, tbh. Just as intimate, one on one. For your eyes only.
The idea of being in control, and having respect for yourself and your boundaries. I think this song is so successful because, for all its "Them boys is nasty", it's also very much about Janet saying what she wants and doesn't want. *I* don't like nasty boys. *I want control*. I can get nasty... on *MY* terms.
So it's... pointing at things you don't like and saying Yuck, the song.
For the record I like New Jack Swing. I think it's got some very good energy, and it's what I think of when I think 90's music first and foremost, for better or worse. Not sure why. Especially when it's very clearly late 80's. But I can't help it. I see A Different World, Family Matters, Fresh Prince, and Hear New Jack Swing and Essentially the song Finesse by Bruno Mars. I can't help how pop cultural osmosis has done me dirty.
There's something... Peppy. High energy. Even mid tempo songs have some sort of energy to them. It's infectious.
And honestly, I agree with Janet. I DO like a Nasty Groove. And I will be a Nasty Boy dancing to the Nasty Groove when this song comes on. The music break with the no lyrics over it???? Chefs kiss.
I love this song. And hey! You could be dead right now. Go listen to something you love.
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anxiousnerdwritings · 2 years ago
Here it is, the moment you've waiting for the roster of marvel comics characters!!!â€ïžđŸ§ĄđŸ’›đŸ’šđŸ’™đŸ’œ
Power Pack:
Alex Power
Julie Power
Jack Power
Katie Power
Pet Avengers:
Hairball(Speedball's cat)
Lucky the pizza dog
Jeff the Land Shark
Nico Minoru
Molly Hayes
Karolina Dean
Victor Mancha
Chase Stein
Alex Wilder
Gertrude Yorks
Old Lace
Agents of Smash:
Red Hulk
Jolt(Hallie Takahama)
Fixer(Paul Norbert Ebersol)
Moonstone(Karla Soften)
Songbird(Melissa Gold)
Ghost(Ava Starr)
Atlas(Erik Josten)
Citizen V
Avengers Academy:
Finesse(Jeanne Foucault)
Hazmat(Jennifer "Jenny" Takeda)
Mettle(Ken Mack)
Repitl(Humberto "Berto" LĂłpez)
Striker(Brandon Sharpe)
Veil(Madeline Maddie Berry)
Young Avengers:
Hawkeye(Katie Bishop)
Ms America(America Chavez)
Patriot(Eli Bradley)
Stature(Cassie Lang
Wiccan(Billy Maximoff)
Hulking(Theodore Altman)
Speed(Tommy Maximoff)
Kid Arachnid(Miles Morales)
Viv vision
Ms Marvel(Kamala Khan)
The Totally Awesome Hulk(Amadeus Cho)
Iron Heart(Riri Williams)
Nick Fury's Howling Commandos:
Frankenstein's Monster
Werewolf By Night(Jack Russell)
N'Kantu(The living Mummy)
The Man-Thing
Blade(Eric Cross Brooks)
Alpha First:
Dr.Heather Hudson
All this is just part 1 of marvel comics characters, part 2 will be coming soon, if you wanna learn more about them go to Marvel.com or go to CBR and type in "Marvel heroes" or if possible if you have Disney+ go to the marvel section,they have lots of resources or since you have Tumblr,go type anything Marvel related and try to find out more about them,but be warned,stuff about them change or aren't 100% accurate
P.S: Take your time and happy writing â€ïžđŸ§ĄđŸ’›đŸ’šđŸ’™đŸ’œ
Awesome! Thank you for taking time to do this!!💚 Can’t wait for part 2 but of course take as long as you needđŸ„°.
I definitely see some characters I’m not familiar with so thank you for bringing them to my attention!
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sleepwalkerqueen · 7 months ago
Hi. I love my family so damn much. I don't exactly remember how it was worded in the fault in our stars by John Green, but life is fleeting dear reader. So I do know exactly how much I appreciate my family. I look up to my wonderful mother especially because she's done everything she could to make sure I make it out here in this world. She's the reason I am who I am today because of her fearless dedication to protect us & care for us. I am very humbled by her. Of course an honorable mention the best fucking sister ever! I won't tell u her name but she knows who she is. ;3 Ms. Brilliant Brains. She loves to read her fascination with books it's fucking finessed my lovely readers!
P.S. She has a growing collection in her mini library, the badass knowledge seeker! Keep doing wat u love, ur doing great. =^3^=
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