Something Existential
19 posts
I'm workshopping this blog from, everything I used to be.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
mageofmercy · 4 months ago
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I know it's not an exact representation of Mismagius. But my friends still think it's awesome anyways (I totally painted this btw, I don't know why that would be confused, But I said it for the record anyways)
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mageofmercy · 4 months ago
Knight of Light
Knight of Light - Active Exploitation of Light
Knights have the power to serve. They are certainly one of the more versatile classes, like a swiss army knife, they can carve their aspect out in a number of ways. Ways that many classes could only dream of doing. But as a jack of all trades… You gotta find that, where yes their versatility is rather outstanding. They don’t exactly excel at anything as a master of none. So? Self doubt begins to creep in, imposter syndrome more like. I’m not really all that cool now, am I? (Yes. Yes you are, dear knight.)
They say that Information is power, the knight of light worth his salt has happened across a lot of information. Oftentimes beyond that of even his own will, luck plays a part in their life. Even if they’re not fully aware of said luck, their perception of it is like a flash of light catching the eye on a dark moonless night. I joke when I say that they probably think to themselves, “That’s a little uncanny.” When something like this happens. But yet, their awareness is so low toward their very own luck that they don’t fully quite grasp how important they truly are to that of the universe. 
This is the Knight of Light, that of a detective. That of one who will find awareness toward their own importance, but not yet.
It’s hard for knights to be malevolent. They are the serving class after all. But an unfulfilled Knight of Light will be inwardly focused, as I’m coming to realize that all active classes who are not yet done in their journeys, tend to look inward, But for a knight that means for them that they just haven’t come outta their shell just yet. Their guard is still raised, and the information a knight of light holds within is theirs to use to defend themselves. Like Karkat before even implications of leadership arose and he yelled at people because he didn’t want people to get too close. Then, he still yelled because of the same reason. While also yet still coming out of his shell of himself not being all that good enough, when people began appreciating the *Real* Karkat. Who now only yells sometimes.
But, I humbly digress back to Knight of light, having given my example from another infamous Knight in order to crack this shell upon the Knight of Light.
Please take things slow Knights to come out of your shell. Please, for your own sake. 
Because it’s important for a knight of light to slowly come to realize how important they are to people. The Knight of Light not only is some sort of weird luck magnet - They actually serve people’s importance to them, They know who’s right for the job. They serve people by using their own perception to point things out, their awareness to know what information to really share. And Happening upon the right people, the right crowd, for the right reason, under the right circumstances? They find themselves very lucky to know the people they serve, exploiting their aspect on their behalf. Until one day they finally come out of their shell. All knights have a shell, but this one came off by the sheer happenstance of how people actually see them. They are important.
They are enough.
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mageofmercy · 4 months ago
Prince of Rage
Prince of Rage- Active Destruction of Rage
Princes have the power to destroy. They are the axe at the tree, if they don’t like that tree, they’ll chop it down. Changing environments forever through the sheer force of their will. Princes can be dangerous, don’t get me wrong I won’t sugar it. But since they cannot change who they are no matter how they’d sometimes like to? They have to learn to direct the chopping toward the trees that need it, and to leave the healthy trees alone.
Has stubbornness become so deep within your conviction that your very rage falters under the control of your determination to remain defiant? Did that even make sense? To those who said yes, you’re one step closer to understanding the Prince of Rage.
Prince of Rage… When people say they bottle their emotions? This Prince in particular, not only has a really huge bottle. They put all their negativity inside that shit. No matter what it is. Their rage falters under the control of their determination to remain defiant. But why? Because of their conviction to control the pure unadulterated anger toward this world. They have it in them, to protect everyone they hold dear… From themselves.
And because they’re stubborn.
But… The most straightforward path isn't always the best one…
You’ll be surprised to hear me say it, but an inwardly focused Prince of Rage is. Actually the malevolent one. Kurloz in particular, was a great example of this type of Prince.
They were calm. Unsettlingly so. The trolls of that session were unnerved by their kind demeanor… and they were right to be so. He wanted to end them. To bring caliborn, to fulfill the prophecy of the vast Honk. Giving Gamzee his robes to help make it happen. Serving under him, without complaint. 
Yet deep down… he never wanted this.
A chewed tongue, sewn lips. A relationship tainted. A dream, a nightmare so vile that he screamed out a cry so loud that meulin’s ears never recovered.
When I said that Princes have a really big bottle. I really did mean it. It’s just that Kurloz’s bottle reached its top and broke open. Letting out all the negativity and hatred within him that he’d stored up to that point, out.
It’s not healthy to bottle things up. I know we get a bigger bottle every time the last one breaks but… Meulin…? It’s not worth hurting the people around you.
So? That's why I say a benevolent Prince of Rage is outwardly focused. They forget about bottling things up and instead? They use that rage to great effect. They don’t necessarily yell at every soul they see. But they will indeed yell at the person who’s judging their friend. Effectively destroying rage for others. Instead of themselves. 
If they see any negativity in others? They’re more likely to kindly and gently address what was needed. Than to ever scream. Because kindness soothes the soul more than any other outburst.
The Prince of Rage? May have the potential to be the kindest Classpect of them all. Destroying hatred and ill will, accepting it within themselves, but then addressing it by being kind no matter what toward others.
I will repeat myself. This is the Kindest benevolent Classpect.
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mageofmercy · 4 months ago
if you're still taking requests, maybe a Knight of Light or Rage ? You can pick whichever you want, i saw you were going to be talking about Prince of Rage so you can choose Knight of Light if talking about rage gets repetitive x)
and, a funfact: I have been classpected as Knight many times before, Knight of Rage, Knight of Space, and Knight of Light as well as Void, its a class that has a large place in my heart ; so i'll definitely be back to ask about knights again!
I need to make a list dammit.
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mageofmercy · 4 months ago
Everyone has qualities of different aspects within them.
These qualities change and shift as you go along, If you're having a bad day, you may feel a little more stubborn than usual (Rage) If you're having a good day, you'll probably find yourself saying yes more often (Hope)
Those examples are most obvious, due to them both being mood aspects. You'll find that if you're more hopeful, even as a rage player. You'll find yourself exhibiting qualities adjacent to the aspect of hope too. (Breath and Mind)
This all is true. but I at times think of the aspect wheel as 12 series of flashing lights, some glow bright, others more dim. Sporadically and spontaneously throughout the day. Which means that we use all the aspects at certain times.
The aspect from our true classpect is the aspect we either use the most, feel the most comfortable in, or just what our class helps dictate who we are and how we personally use it.
Our class is how we find that aspect. our classpect is who we truly are.
Take the destruction classes for instance. they find that they really dislike their aspect. It's not at all comfortable by any means. And Bards for a time barely use their aspect at all. Princes just straight out hate their aspect. so what's the deal? The class and aspect combo. The classpect just shows what true self, your jig, your groove, the rut, the challenge, and what you find to be not yourself. You can't say to a page of breath to be a thief of blood. Lol that's impossible. But only because it's as far ways from them as humanly possible.
But you can tell a page of breath to be a knight of life or hope. and they may even believe that they're that for a little while. Until they eventually grow out of that. "It's definitely a phase mom."
I say when we personally god tier is when we realize who we truly are. dying to the self and choosing what it means to be that classpect. for Pages, Princes, bards, etc. that's hard to do. But a witch, thief, and Sylph, etc. would have a damn easy time realizing who they be.
So if you don't truly know who you are. Go ahead and keep looking. It took me years upon years to realize I'm a Mage of Heart.
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mageofmercy · 4 months ago
How about Prince of Rage?
This just in - Prince of Rage. That'll be what I do next - stay tuned for some rad jazz.
(A Mage of Heart talking about a Prince of Rage, that's not ironic at all.)
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mageofmercy · 4 months ago
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Come and check out my blog, The interface is really easy to use, and there will be much more to come if you stick around!!
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mageofmercy · 4 months ago
Witch of Heart
Witch of Heart - Active Manipulation of Heart
Witches have the power of change. Being that they rebel against the more overtone areas of their aspect, They then immediately incite change that varies in power depending on what other environmental and societal factors are present at any given moment. 
Have you ever thought to be so unique, with an ego that would shape that uniqueness into reality? That the sheer quality of your emotion could very well alter the depth and height as well as width and otherwise of the Love that people show? Your Relationships might be a little jank.
Witch of Heart. Is an outstanding force of emotion - and that’s just their sub quality. The emotions they show are simply just their tool in order to manipulate the souls and hearts of things around them. A Malevolent witch of heart would be the master of their social circle without even trying. Using their most mundane powers to manipulate the very souls, that is a person's actual being. In order to swirl them around themselves. Pawns in their game. It would be so easy, and if these powers of yours seem tempting, I fear for those around you. 
But as there are two sides to yin and yang, passive and active. Good and Evil. There is also a remarkable way to use your powers, for good.
Where the malevolent pulled inward, the benevolent shall push outward.
Knowing just how effective you are at being unique, you may choose love over ego. While your emotion remains constant, Your relationships around you deeply value your presence. A Benevolent witch of heart would be a true advocate, inciting magic within relationships, true knowledge of peace and harmony within others has reached its zenith. All because of the selfless witch of heart. Of course, you’d be hard pressed to find a witch like this. The human condition at times is sometimes far too great a burden. But if one does exist out there, they will know true peace unlike any that may have appeared before them. The uniqueness they have, they will incite the same within others. Not literally the same, unlike the Malevolent witch. But the Benevolent witch will raise people up to be as unique and rad as they are. Inciting the positive realms of Heart, instead of the Negative. They will create within others, true love for one another.
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mageofmercy · 4 months ago
I think I'm gonna try to see if cannot format my posts like Dahni witch of light. I'll keep the defined posts for the asks I receive regarding classpects and such like that. Otherwise right now my goal is to finish every classpect.
Wish me Luck.
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mageofmercy · 5 months ago
bard of void? ::3c
But this I can certainly do. Hello Seer-Void, welcome to our parlor. Si'down, relax. and Enjoy.
This should be fun.
Well, Bard of Void? You came to the right place, this won't be your typical bard post with gnarly horns, jagged teeth, cod-pieces and shoosh paps.
In fact none of my bard posts will be that way.
My posts are raw. As I give you my honest take to the true uniqueness of whoever is out there reading this. Theres very little structure. But, I hope you like it like that.
I am the Mage of Heart, and here is my review!
Bard of Void
In order to remove Aspect, it has to go somewhere. But where do secrets go? Well, there's truth.
But what is truth in the face of a black hole? The true embodiment of mystery, the enigma of a black hole is at it's very core? -We know basically nothing about them-
And this Bard is no different. You'll see what I mean.
As many of us know many bards start their lives defacing their aspect, and ripping it to shreds. (This is often times needed.)
At this point they are destroying void, which means they will not keep secrets, I didn't say cannot, I said will not. They refuse to be apart of anything enigmatic, shady, hidden, secretive, and the like. They probably have a deep fear of the deep blue sea that's relative to the situation. But If they were swimming, and they couldn't see beneath them/it's just a bottomless void? They would royally flip the fuck out.
When I mentioned they refuse to be apart of anything shady, that isn't entirely true. Because they've got a bloodhound nose for anything people want kept secret. This Bard at this stage will have no regard for that. They suck that shit up and spit it back out. The Wildcard class, will act the part when unnecessary. But that doesn't mean they will be like this forever, no. This is just the beginning.
People will begin to catch on, and scold the Bard of Void for being too nosy, and telling. They shall be exiled as that one person who upset the delicate order of truth and lie.
So? They eventually will begin to, shoosh pap themselves. They won't tell a soul what which where how or why. Because they got shamed for the grief they set upon people. and now they feel it too. They are now destroying through void.
If any bard remains in either one of these stages for long... two very different contrasts of black and white moral immoral, me-amano...
There will be dire consequences to what will be.
Because the true word for Bards, is finding BALANCE within themselves. Mind body and spirit. In order to grasp just what it takes to be the master of both worlds of light and void, as a void player.
They will need to understand. that for their own sake and everyone around them. That they are important in their own way, That their secrets, sucking everything in for it to stay there forever? Isnt healthy. I recommend an effective moirail to help vent out all the horrible shit you see and witness so you don't internalize it - You need to stay healthy. Try not to destroy with void as to suck it all up and spit it out. But also don't keep it all hidden neither. Prune, don't eviscerate. Deep breaths. Because you've got this. You absolutely do matter, despite what some might say. YOU ARE IMPORTANT. As well as you being a shy, sensitive, knowledgeable person. Keep in mind that the things you share do affect people, and can lead some down some sticky roads. Pay heed to TACT, Keep BALANCE, and remember. You're IMPORTANT to the world. Why? Because I say so. :)
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mageofmercy · 5 months ago
I may not be able to make another Extended Zodiac post
That one alone burnt me the heck out.
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mageofmercy · 5 months ago
Mage of Heart
When people say mages suffer.
A Mage is a class from one of the thirteen different classes within the realms of Homestuck. We are those who know for ourselves rather than knowing for others. We are an active class, and we seek that which we know. We search into realms and keep getting burnt. Finding out the hard way every time that nothing good ever comes from asking for more than we already have. Thus. We Mages suffer, know better off than any other until our knowledge becomes basic intuition. One knows fire is hot by touching the flame. Yet we hold our hand in the fire.
And oh, so how we know. How we know the fire is so hot.
Heart. Love. The soul. Your very self. The beauty. The uniqueness. The entirety of whom you are. The reason for wanting to share that something with others leading to relationships - unrequited.
The mage of heart is that someone.
With emotions so intense, you ruin every relationship.
Any and every friendship you're in turns sour as soon as the label "love" is slapped on.
anxiety goes through the roof, you send 10 - no, 20, how about 30? It's never enough. Cutting out messages you don't like. Keeping the ones that try to explain why you're like this. But none ever working, so you continue sending.
You begin to scream as they're put off by you. You wonder if this is working. You wonder if it's worth it. Knowing for a sheer fact you're disgustingly clingy.
It's not their fault that you're like this. Is it?
The next day comes. You choose to act like everything's fine...
A week or a month passes. The relationship has long ended. Loneliness creeps, and you're still screaming. These emotions remain too intense for your own good.
Soon though, the screaming stops. Not because you've gone hoarse. But because you've gotten ahold of yourself.
The path of a Mage of Heart is that of maturity
Emotional maturity. Where once you had nothing. No emotional maturity. Soon?
A friend sent a text. "It's over"
You start to send something back. But then stop yourself. What's it worth? What's the point?
You put down the phone. Not wanting to hurt their feelings with the words you so know would.
Loneliness begins to bother you less and less.
soon, though? All this horrible stuff begins to grow something. It's more than tact, it's more than just feeling your emotions and not acting upon them.
Feeling those emotions so intensely that you feel it in your skin flowing outward.
You begin to grow into your role as a Mage of Heart.
You haven't really been paying attention. But you begin to realize that your kindness. Your empathy. It's beginning to make you who you are. You've been alone with the canvas of your life for so long just doodling and throwing splashes of paint upon it for so long?
Your emotions no longer control you. Nor do you control them. One day though that could change.
Your canvas is beginning to look absolutely beautiful. Isn't it?
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mageofmercy · 5 months ago
I'm returning
And retconning all this business.
Mage of Heart. Deal.
I've went through a thousand alterations of different classpects trying to find which truly fit me.
In reality? None of them, truly "fit" me. Not even Mage of Heart. But. It's the best I've got.
Until I get bored of Mage of Heart. And go to something else. Oh well.
See yall in the next update. Explaining Mage of Heart from my perspective.
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mageofmercy · 7 months ago
Maid of Void
Maid of Void: someone who actively creates with void or creates through void.
Maids have very close relationship with their aspect, this can be a sharp, double-edged sword. As their strong ties with their aspect can over time cause immense strain upon the individual. Until finally? They tear themselves away, rejecting it ((like aradia Bot) and Jane's relationship troubles) its coming back. Coming back to their aspect with a new defined sense of boundaries. That truly makes a Maid.
The aspect of void, the archetype of enigma, ignorance, unfortunate, hiding, blindness. But also mystery, wisdom, unconventional kindness, Contentment, and well kept secrets.
The Maid of Void is someone who begins their life full of kindness, but in a way that isn't very conventional. When people displease them, they're not much one's to fight for what they believe. Creating the positive qualities in void within themselves, but not quite as much in others. Creating in them unfortunate ignorance for how the Maid actually feels about anything. Or even sometimes, anything and everything in particular. The maids of void are not people who would step on any toes. But it's actually hurting others more not to. And as they begin to see that? These kind individuals will begin to change.
For it's when they get tired of all the lying about the true nature of things in order to heal and protect others. That you know that the MoV is truly on their way toward maturity. They stop the white lies. How much depends entirely on how much they hated being locked in the void, with a million secrets, unsaid things, maybe even unprofessed love. Because eventually? They create for themselves a void of mystery without the allure, a true enigma, ignorance without meaning, nobody knows who the maid of Void truly and actually is. And they actually begin to hate this. They begin to hate their own aspect. They begin telling everyone how they feel. The Maid inverse into the bard of light when they come to this phase. Both aradia and Jane had to go through it too. But don't worry, the pain doesn't last forever.
They eventually begin to learn that telling everyone the blunt honesty of how everything is, every last little scrape of knowledge. From you smell really bad, to I don't like how your voice sounds, to its too hot today, and just on and on telling people what they truly think. An unexhaustive list of the things. Because they've been thinking and holding it all in for too long. But they begin to realize that creating their aspect this way isn't who they actually are. They were creating void by destroying and corrupting light as bards do. Bards can be kind, loving, genuine individuals. But cave under enough pressure. So please be kind to bards everyone, okay sidenote over let's get back to it.
A fully realized maid of Void would come back to void with a newfound appreciation of void and would actively create void within all the things where they had said too much. They would heal people with their lies, telling them they actually do look good today, or they would pull strings to create alluring mystery about someone. How? Beats me. I'm not a Maid. But they would create within people void by actually creating with all the archetypal values of void. Somehow. Just know that it's possible, I'm not a Maid. But as a void player? I know for a dang fact that it's possible.
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mageofmercy · 7 months ago
This is kinda embarrassing...
I've kinda been beginning to realize I'm a Rogue of Void.
A boy roxy?! *A-gasp* this can't be true~
Lol but thus just in-
Rogue is a gender neutral class. *I boop tha hatas*
Genuinely? This tumblr thing was all just a way to gain more attention. It was attention seeking. But. It kinda just made me feel more in the void, and that made me uncomfortable~ tumblr seems very foreign to me rn, and very secular. The beginning creators don't get much attention, but they still have fun so it's okay. But for me and my bum? I want a lot of people to notice me.
So? Ima do this on and off. And kinda try to accept the void. Because apparently that's apart of my challenge? Maybe? Idfk.
See. Because a rogue of light would instead have to learn how to accept importance. They'd be humble af, not vain at all, and generally really cool ass creatures that make up for their shy inability to accept the spotlight by being very very very kind helpful creatures.
So? I know not many people will like the classpect switch, but I have to. I've been so muddled, and I've been looking for my classpect for so long. Yknow That one random Mage of hope classpecting blog? Yeah. (Prolly not) That was me, Tavtiers I apologize for lying about my identity I just wanted a fresh start.
But now? I refuse to lie again about this. I'm a rogue of void. And fuck if I don't relate da wut wut with rox box.
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mageofmercy · 7 months ago
maid of void *pleading emoji*
Onward! For excelsior, and for the Maid of Void!!
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mageofmercy · 7 months ago
I will be systematically posting every day. That's the goal. For the ones who wish to see a certain Classpect or Extended Zodiac post early? That's what the ask box is for.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha that didn't happen.
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