#morgana my evil beloved
mothmage · 2 years
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1x04 The Poisoned Chalice / 2x08 Sins of the Father / 2x11 The Witch’s Quickening / Goya, The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters / Radcliffe Hall, The Well of Loneliness / 5x01 Arthur’s Bane / Rachel Yoder, Nightbitch / BBC Merlin promo / Rachel Yoder, Nightbitch
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arthurslesbian · 2 years
s1e3 arthur my beloved
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whumpninja · 1 month
more vampires
Featuring: the hot n’ evil vampire ladies are back, sad wet cat whumpee is also back, more creepy pet names, creepy comfort, casual talk of death, dehumanization, vampire duel, throat cutting (not permanent), regeneration
deadly nightshade
"It isn't fair!" Lucy complained. "I'm a vampiress, not a scullery maid!"
She kicked defiantly at the pile of logs she'd just finished stacking, sending them scattering over the floor of the cave. Folding her arms, she glared at Morgana. "I thought that's what we kept him around for, anyway. To do the chores so that I don't have to."
"We keep him around for his blood," Morgana replied in an even tone. "The fact that he makes a useful servant is only an additional benefit."
Her hand crept into Will's hair, stroking him exactly the way she would her beloved Clover. There was no magic binding him to the stone table this time, but regardless he didn't dare move. He lay half-curled on the hard slab of rock, his head in Morgana's lap, trying not to tremble as she carded her fingers through his curls.
Pouting, Lucy bent to stack up the firewood a second time. She was doing a terrible job of it; Will had a feeling it was on purpose in the hopes that someone else would pick up the slack. "He's done nothing all day but sit on his arse," she huffed. "Maybe Selene's right about him."
Will glanced fearfully over to where Selene stood at the other end of the cave, rearranging the contents of the crooked shelf they'd managed to put up. Morgana clicked her tongue, pulling his attention back to her. "Don't you worry about Selene, my sweet little William," she murmured. "Just rest."
Right, I'm supposed to be William. A year with the vampires and he still hadn't stopped thinking of himself as Will. Morgana liked him to be William; she had told him at the beginning that just Will was far too common a name for a vampire's pet. But she hadn't used that word exactly. She'd called him something else- a familiar? That didn't sound right either. But Will didn't have the strength of mind to puzzle it out. The last meal had been hellish. They'd drained nearly every last drop of blood he had. He was still recovering from it, and the blood loss combined with the aftereffects of their magic had addled his brain. He couldn't focus.
And it wasn't just his strength of mind. Will had never been very strong, but it had been four days since the vampires' feast, and he was still as weak as a kitten. The wood Lucy was grudgingly piling up had been one of his tasks that morning. He'd run out of strength in the middle of it, dropping the wood and scattering the pieces everywhere. He had cowered on the floor, trembling, sure that Morgana would be angry and tell Selene to punish him. Selene always handled his punishments, and they were always cruel. She would drag him from the cave and beat him, or tie him to a tree and throw her daggers at him, or hold his head underwater in the river until he was half-drowned, or whatever terrible thing she thought of to do to him this time.
But he had been even more afraid when Morgana had pulled him- gently- up and guided him to the stone table, making him lie down. For a heartstopping moment he had thought that she would drink from him, again, and he had barely started to heal from the last time, he was hardly strong enough to stand, she couldn't take any more, he had nothing left.
She hadn't bitten him. All she had done was sit on the edge of the table and pull his head into her lap. And that was where he had been ever since, lying perfectly still while Morgana stroked his hair and murmured soft silly things to him.
And she'd told the others to finish his chores. Lilah was out hunting, and Annabel was too old for much housework, so it had fallen to Lucy and Selene. The older of the two had set to the work without a word. Lucy was being much more vocal about it.
"Lilah ought to be back here helping us instead of traipsing through the woods without a care," she sulked. "If they've caught her and burned her for a witch I won't be a bit sorry."
Annabel snorted from her rocking chair. "If it's Lilah they catch, they'll lock her up as a lunatic."
"Besides, not much burning nowadays," Selene said. "It's all hanging."
"Hanging isn't much fun," Annabel replied with a sigh. "No pageantry, no theater- just a rope, a drop, and you're dead. I miss the days when we could scream curses at the crowds from the midst of the flames. Now that was some real entertainment."
Will shuddered. He had heard them talk about such things before, of course. But he had never quite gotten used to it. The way the vampires spoke so casually about death, knowing they would simply resurrect...it was unnerving. Will lived a few drops from dying every day of his life. The vampires' flippant talk of the subject hurt to hear. He knew that one day they would kill him- his body would wear out at last, or Selene would take a punishment too far, or Morgana would grow tired of him.
It was the way things worked. The vampires were undead. Will was closer to dying every day.
Morgana's hands slid from his hair down to his cheek, and despite himself Will lifted his head slightly to press into her touch. It was so rare for her to caress him like this- usually it only happened while she was drinking from him, a gentle hand laced with magic to still his pained writhing. He hated the vampires' magic. He hated the feel of it- it felt like silk, sliding over his body and holding him down, forcing him to lie still while they drank his life away. He hated the way it infiltrated his mind, whispering lies to him and making him believe things that weren't true.
More than anything he hated how powerless it made him feel. They could force him to do anything they wanted him to do, and they could even make him believe he was happy to do it. Lucy liked to do that- she put him under illusions when she fed on him, and Will hated it. She would get in his mind and pull out memories and make him relive them. He'd believe that he was back on the farm, lying in the hayloft and looking up through the cracks in the roof at the stars- and then it would end and there'd be a corpse-gray face and red eyes and sharp fangs, and she'd laugh. Lucy always laughed at him. "Silly little human," she'd titter, and Will felt so small when she did it. She teased him endlessly, or said cruel things as if he couldn't even hear. Or, worse, as if she knew he could hear every word.
Morgana at least seemed fond of him, even if it was in the same way she was fond of Clover. Will was just another pet to her. Part of him- the part he tried his best to hide from them- hated it.
But part of him didn't mind so much. Especially in moments like this.
Will's eyes had started to slip closed without him realizing it. Morgana laughed above him- her laugh was rich and silvery, not high and teasing like Lucy's. "Poor lamb. Are you tired, sweet one?"
Will knew she didn't really want an answer. She just liked to talk to him. He shifted his head to the side, and she put her hands in his hair again. Will's eyes fluttered as she stroked his curls.
"I still think we should kill it," Selene said, and Will froze.
Morgana's hand never faltered, as if she'd been expecting this conversation. "Not yet."
"Why?" Selene sounded frustrated. "It's useless now! It's hardly worth the effort to keep it alive! Look at it! It's so worn out that it's sleeping in your lap!"
Morgana made a little humming sound. "Because I said no. That should be enough."
There was a noise like metal on fabric. When Morgana spoke again, her voice was as silken as ever, but wrapped around steel. "Put that away, Selene. You can't possibly hope to overpower me."
"You've gotten soft." Selene's accusing tone rang loud around the cave walls, and Will cringed. "You actually care about a human. You're attached to it."
"And what if I am?" Will didn't dare look up, but he could imagine the elegant lift of Morgana's eyebrow. "What if I like having a human about the place?"
"This place is a cave in the middle of the woods!" Selene shot back. "And why did we have to flee here? Because you stopped to catch a human!"
"Is Selene going to stab Morgana?" Lilah's voice. Apparently she was back.
"No," said Morgana, falsely pleasant. "She is going to put those daggers down before I bespell her into a spider and crush her." Will smelled the acid tang of Morgana's magic alarmingly close to his head. One of her hands still rested in his hair- but the other hand held a spell, snapping with energy, ready to hurl at Selene.
"And Morgana is going to stand up and accept my challenge for leadership of this coven," Selene growled back, "or forfeit it here and now."
Morgana stood up. Will's head slipped from her lap to crack painfully against the stone. He yelped, sitting up and putting a hand to the sharp pain that bloomed in his skull.
No one took any notice. Lucy and Lilah had gone very still where they stood, their eyes wide and almost afraid. Will had never seen any of the vampires look afraid.
Annabel stood up from her chair, waving away the rats. She seemed suddenly to have lost the dozy haze that always lay over her, her spine straight and her face focused and sharp. "Selene, do you challenge Morgana for the leadership of this coven?" she asked, her voice ringing against the stone walls.
Selene spat on the floor. "Provoc."
"Morgana, do you accept this challenge?"
Morgana pushed her silk sleeves up. "Greva."
Will didn't understand the words, but he could read the tone behind them.
"To the blood," Annabel said, and stepped back. Lilah and Lucy pressed themselves against the walls, too. Annabel raised a hand and brought it up in a quick twisting motion. "Sange."
Selene uttered an inhuman shriek and leapt at Morgana, daggers drawn. Morgana stood still until the very last moment, then smoothly stepped aside. Selene fell, caught herself, and twisted around to aim a savage slash at Morgana's legs. Morgana dodged, her finger tracing a spell in the air.
Will gasped as lightning shot from Morgana's hand. I didn't know she could do that!
Selene just managed to duck the bolt, growling through bared fangs. Morgana smirked, gesturing for her to try again.
"Weak!" Selene snarled, charging Morgana again. Morgana spun a shield of violet magic, and Selene's daggers slammed into it with a crackling sound. "Playing with your- ngh- pet instead of leading the- agh- coven!"
Morgana smiled grimly and turned on her heel, taking Selene with her. "Pathetic," she retorted. "Jealous of a little human."
Will sat on the table, his legs drawn up to his chest to hide how much he was trembling. He knew without being told that this fight wasn't only deciding leadership of the coven. It was a fight for his life. If Selene won, she would kill him.
Please, Morgana. Please win.
Selene let out another war cry and flung herself at Morgana, slashing and stabbing with both daggers at once. Morgana waited for her to get close and stepped to the side. In a move so quick Will barely saw it happen, she grabbed hold of Selene's arm and bashed it into the cave wall, then pushed herself on top of the other vampire. Selene went down hard, and Morgana trapped her other arm in a hold, twisting it savagely back and up. Selene shouted in anger and pain, her eyes flashing.
Morgana laughed her scornful laugh. "Down, girl," she teased.
Selene thrashed, snarling. But Morgana had her pinned, and she knew it.
"It's to blood, Morgana," Annabel reminded her from the side of the room.
"Oh, I knew I was forgetting something." Morgana plucked Selene's fallen dagger from the floor. She pulled Selene's head back by the hair and set the knife to her throat-
Will looked away. But he still heard the sound of the knife slicing into skin and blood hitting the floor. Selene herself died silently, without so much as a gasp.
"Congratulations, Morgana," said Annabel.
Will turned back to the vampires. Morgana unceremoniously kicked Selene's still body aside and ran her fingers through the blood. Will hated the sight of vampire blood- it was all dark and thick and unnatural-looking. And so were Morgana's eyes as she licked the blood from her fingers.
"Well, that settles that, then," Morgana said. "I win."
Selene's body jerked once, twice, and then she sat up, the gash in her throat pulling itself back together. Will had to stifle his own scream. He'd never seen one of them resurrect before, though he knew they could. He watched as Selene dragged in a huge gulp of air, her eyes almost glowing red. There was a dark scar across her throat now.
"Oh, you're back," Morgana observed. She tossed the dagger over her shoulder. Selene caught it, her face still angry, but more subdued.
Morgana flounced back over to the table, swishing her skirts as she sat down beside Will. "Did I frighten you, darling? I'm terribly sorry." She pulled his head against her shoulder. "Selene, I will allow that once. Challenge me again, and I'll tear your beating heart from your chest and impale it on the nearest rowan tree, do you understand?"
Selene nodded, her hand splayed across the new scar. There seemed almost to be a new...respect in her face.
Morgana made a little hum, flicking her dark hair back over her shoulder. Her fingers stroked Will's cheek. "She is right, you know, lamb," she said softly, and Will stiffened. "Oh, not about killing you. I wouldn't do that for a long while yet. You're much too sweet."
Gently, she took his chin in her hand and turned his head, making him look her in the eyes. They were still pale blue at that moment, but Will knew they would begin to turn red as she got hungry. "You haven't really been earning your keep, little one," she told him. "A bit of blood here and there, a few chores. You've got to be a little more useful for us if you want us to keep you." She laughed at the look on his face, patting his head as she stood. "Oh, don't you worry any more about it, sweet lamb. I'm sure I can find something for you to do."
The scheming look in her eyes was dreadful to see. Will found himself trembling a long time after she let him alone, too afraid for the shivering to stop.
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theroundbartable · 3 months
Okay, if you were asked who are in Merlin BBC & Voltron that you can see based on canon that are gay/bi/pan/demi, which characters are they? Why?
What a fun ask I'm totally not doing to procastinate on cooking... XD
BBC Merlin
Arthur Pendragon is, in my head, demiromantic and bisexual... It sort of depends on the circumstances/episode. Arthur needs a very long time to really feel connections with people and only starts to consider love after he really gets to know them, hence his constant search for true love in the show. With Merlin I'm not entirely sure if he was attracted to him instantly, strangely enough feeling a connection from the moment they met, or if it takes him till the end of the series when Merlin confesses his magic and finally shows his true self to realise the depth of his feelings.
Merlin is, well... Bi Bi Bi. A disaster bi in fact. With a preference for sweaty men in metal boxes, he's not very peculiar. However, Merlin is a one person hyperfixation kind of guy. Most people are convinced that Merlin's gay.
Gwen: I feel like most people in BBC Merlin are bi and Gwen is no exception. Like Merlin, she prefers the hero type in metal uniforms. But she also had a thing for Morgana in the beginning.
Morgana: lesbian. I have never seen a woman so disinterested in men, I'm not surprised that they casted Katie McGrath in supergirl as supergirls love interest. I might settle for homoromantic and asexual. But definitly in love with Gwen in the very beginning.
Sir Leon, my beloved, the immortal, the one and only, the eternal suffering aro/ace. I don't have to explain this one. The only counter moment is the Lamia episode where Leon suddenly develops interest in women out of nowhere. My personal take is that anyone could be fallen under a Lamia's spell, this one just had a taste for men (and male presenting).
Sir Elian: once upon a time I clocked them as nonbinary and sadly that's as far as I thought into this character. Pretty sure he's aromantic. He/they pronouns. I dunno, I don't think Elian would conform to anything if given a choice. Aromantic too, I think. Like Leon, there is no interest there, but he does play around with Percival and Gwaine quite often, so I'd take that as allosexual.
I am excluding Gwaine because I think canon Gwaine is written as a straight oblivious fuckboy. Albeit a kind one XD fanon Gwaine is often poly/ pan... Or into apples. Lmao XD and I'm not sure about Percival because the man has a dead wife and kids.
Keith: with his lack of interest in women, he can only be gay. That man looks at no one quite the same as he looks at Lance. what the hell was the whole bonding thing if not a hint for post canon klance? Sorry, not sorry XD rivals to best friends to lovers.
Lance: *bi bo bi* bisexual lighting Lance. Doesn't matter if you prefer klance or shallura, this man is a walking bi flag. I don't know what you mean by proof, just look at this wiggly boy with the fingerguns. He can't even sit straight! Can't do math either. He's perfect!
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Shiro: probably the only character in my entire history of shipping that I would unqueer without feeling bad about it. I know he's gay, I just don't really see it in the writing. Of course there aren't always clear signs that someone is gay which is why this is good rep actually (+he's married), but you asked me for proof in the show and all I see is that this man is a dad. That's his gender and his orientation and that's all I really need to know.
Pidge: aro/ace because I love my aroaces and this child loves robots and robots only. Also nonbinary/genderqueer. Pronouns: fuck/off XD
I think Lotor should have been bi. Pre-canon Lotor had us Langsters ship Lotor x Lance and it was so much fun :D
Bob: gender: evil, orientation: villain. I hate this guy
Coran: the georgous man is either gay or pan. More likely pan because I vaguely remember he had a son?
I hope I answered your question reasonably enough XD thank you for the ask, anon :3
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shychick-52 · 5 months
In the s4 StF episode 'Through the Looking-Back Glass', Sofia suggested to Calista that they tell Cordelia all the great things Cedric did, so she can finally see what a great sorcerer he truly is.
This undoubtedly includes when Cedric nobly let himself be captured by Morgana in the s3 episode 'Gone With the Wand' (the first episode Calista appeared in) so that Sofia and Calista could safety get away, and helped Merlin defeat Morgana in the same episode.
It would seem that Calista and Sofia hadn't told Cordelia about Cedric's heroic deeds from that time, indicated by Sofia's suggestion to Calista in 'Through the Looking-Back Glass' about telling Cordelia all the times he proved he was a great sorcerer. And, of course, indicated by the way Cordelia absolutely trash-talked and belittled him in 'Through the Looking-Back Glass'.
I used to wonder why the girls wouldn't have told her. They were undoubtedly proud of Cedric!
But then I realized Cedric likely swore the girls to secrecy about their entire involvement with Morgana because he might have been worried Cordelia would only blame him for her young daughter getting mixed up in the scheme of the infamous evil sorceress on his watch, like she blamed him for everything else!
(And honestly, it was VERY irresponsible of Cedric to bring Calista- and even Sofia- with him to Morgana's tower to get back the wand of Merlin's that Morgana stole; he's the adult, so he should have made the girls stay behind where it was safe, despite it being Sofia's idea they do it together. And YES, I know the episode wouldn't have happened if he'd gone alone or just recruited the aid of Merlin like he should have done- I'm talking from a realistic view because I'm a geek).
@fantadym @bettathanyou @sweetmariihs2 @cedric-my-beloved @omgselinabeckendorf @moonypears-blog
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Random Merlin Rewatch: Where a random number generator gives me a season and an episode from BBC Merlin; and then I comment on it as I go.
Today's episode: Season 1 Episode 6 - A Remedy to Cure all Ills
Before I start, let me just say, I'm really happy I'm getting to rewatch the earlier seasons. Of course the next random episode might be literally season 5 or something, but it's great that it hasn't happened yet.
Let's fucking start bitches
Not the wiggly evil fingers just a few seconds in.
Damn boy you got some dirty ass nails, wash your hands.
MORGWEN MY BELOVEDS!!!! Also the way Gwen looked at Morgana after she asked who'd she want the flowers to be from. Girl looked ready to risk it ALL, let me put a screenshot actually.
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OUGHHHH the brainrot is real with these two
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LIKE??????? GWEN'S THIRSTY (me too)
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Alright girls, enough yearning please
Ugh, I hate the little sound the bug made when it dropped from the flower. Butthole clenched in digust.
Oh thank god they DON'T show it literally entering her ear. That would've been so gross.
Oh Gwen looks BEAUTIFUL in that yellow color. It does everything for her!!
"She's all but dead, Merlin." JESUS FUCKING CHRIST GAIUS
Most suspicious ruse of all time. "Oh, i have a cure for all ills. And also I know the king's ward is very sick. But anyways, I'll be at the inn :)." Bitch.
"But I'm not worried." me when I lie. Merlin is so bad at lying, jesus fuck
Merlin sits down to stop pacing. Arthur gets up and starts pacing. Two sides of the same coin or whatever.
Underrated Arthur shirt is the purplish one he wears in the scene where he begs Uther n Gaius to hear the strange man out. That color looks good on him. It might be his red shirt but in a weird lighting?? I can't be sure.
I really like when Gaius gets to talk all medical considering how limited the medicine world was at the time. It's really really cool, I love seeing this insight into what was possibly like to be a physician at the time. I don't of this happens much in the show.
Arthur really is so trusting when it comes to his loved ones. Of course he's not at fault, like he said what do they have to lose at this point, honestly I've done the same. It's just. Heartbreaking to notice that trait knowing what comes next.
"Science is knowledge." Merlin is such a nerd, I love him.
Oh, not Gaius and Edwin having a lying competition over here. There's a better term for it, but whatever.
Gwen is SO FUCKING GORGEOUS but girl please that's a fucking sorcerer, go AWAY be SAFE. She's so smart though. Immediately knew something was off. He tries to be all "She may die :(." to get her to be worried and not suspicious, but it literally doesn't work. She leaves the room but not because she thinks he's got Morgana's best interests at heart. She knows something is wrong. She also knows she holds no power. And on the chance that he is right and Morgana dies, she'd never forgive herself.
The fucking lying back and forth between Gaius and Edwin. Like. From the outside, it sounds like a perfectly normal convo. But they both know it isn't. And WE know it isn't 'cause we know Edwin's full of shit.
Interesting how Arthur isn't seated but Uther and Morgana are.
Who the fuck knocks on someone's door, doesn't hear an answer, and then just let's themselves in?? I'm sorry, if you're a stranger, I'm not doing that. The fuck's wrong with you Merlin, you nosy boy??
It is so sickening that these villains of the week have views that we can agree with. Yes, magic is a gift and can be a force for good, you're right! But it's because of Uther and his oppression that they turn bitter and ruthless and vindictive. And yes, you do have to eliminate those who are like Uther because they will only propagate the same corrupted and repressive beliefs. The problem, the layers, is that some of those people are actually very much capable of understanding the very fundamental logic that "Sorcerers deserve too live in freedom" but they're so filled with fear and propaganda of the contrary that it's so hard to get out of it. And that's why, if they killed Uther with magic, Arthur would hate magic even more (just like it happens in canon), which would then just repeat the cycle, etc etc. You need to uproot the system, but killing everybody is not the answer; but also having to teach such a fundamental thing, that certain humans deserve basic rights, is such a painful thing to teach, and the oppressed does not have the obligation to do so. But then the cycle just repeats and repeats and it's SHIT. Anyways.
It's so funny that in season 1 they hadn't figured out the cgi for the golden eyes so they just. simply don't show it.
The things Edwin say are like. Well-meaning. But there's just this off vibe that the most intelligent characters (Gaius, Gwen, Merlin) can just. pick up. And even though Merlin really likes what Edwin is saying, there's just something telling him... it's wrong.
Uther, of course, would never even believe anyone would just lie so blatantly and manipulate him like this because he thinks himself very intelligent; which is why he's falling for everythinggg that Edwin says. But, credit where credit's due, Edwin is an excellent liar.
Gaius wears the most cunty ring on his pinky finger, hello?
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I want that ring bro.
Oop, not Gaius having his cowardice and betrayal shoved right in his face. I get it, you wanted safety. But there's consequences to your actions. And I know Gaius feels so guilty about all his friends that died at the stake while he remained safe and sound.
If Gaius would've left in this episode, replaced by Edwin, I bet Morgana would've felt so guilty. In her mind, her illness is what caused him to leave. Gaius truly was there for Morgana and Arthur in ways Uther simply could not.
OOP Gaius and Kilgarrah meeting!!!!!!!! I forgot this happened lmao
Gaius got a little taste of how infuriating the dragon is.
Wait, Gaius was employed for Arthur's birth? That's so interesting. He probably already lived in Camelot but he's been a court physician for 20 years. He was already quite old by then.
It's the way that Gaius is just. Ready to throw his whole life away to make sure Merlin is safe and sound. That's his fucking son, bro!!!
What the actual fuck, they're gonna make me cry :(((( Gaius called Merlin a blessing and his son, I can't.
Gwen is so iconic, speak the fucking truth girl.
Not Gaius with his lil blanket and lil fire. He looks so smol, it's so funny.
Edwin could've waited a lil bit before going all murder on Uther. That just looks suspicious as fuck ngl.
I wonder how Arthur knew that his father was ill. It means he went into his room, but why? Did he have some feeling about Edwin? About Gaius leaving? Was it some courtly concern? I'm assuming no one else would have the privilege of seeing Uther at night except for his son and ward so.
Yes, Merlin, just stare at the floating axe that's being controlled by the evil sorcerer right in front of you, you're so smart. Also the slow-mo is so goofy.
It's interesting that they shot both Merlin and Edwin's eyes up-close when they did magic, Merlin to do the golden eye effect, but for Edwin it seems that his pupils just change size. I wonder if not all sorcerers have their eyes glow, if it depends on the magic. Edwin is using dark magic, could it be that? That's interesting, imo. Dark magic equals no golden eyes. Kinda fun.
Violent ass death for Edwin, damn. Axe to head, bitchass
Oh it must be so weird for Merlin to be touching Uther like that. Like that's intimate as shit.
So cuteeee Gaius calling Merlin a genius, they're adorable. He's so proud. That was a feat, though, just pure improv and luck. Merlin is still a noob at controlled magic so this was really damn good.
Love that it's so canon that Gaius potions taste like fucking ASS. Uther's face, lmao.
Interesting that Uther asked if Gaius remembered his friends that burned at the pyre, and Gaius answers "All of them." and Uther doesn't even comment. As bonkers as it sounds, they truly are friends in some capacities. I wonder if Gaius could make Uther change his mind. Not Morgana or Arthur, but Gaius. But he made the choice to abandon magic, Uther presumed because Gaius understood its dangers, but if he were to find out that actually Gaius doesn't agree, I wonder what Uther would think about that. Like a genuine and open convo about it. I think he'd just arrest Gaius for it, but I don't know. I think there's at least some reality where he gives it some more thought. But I don't know if he'd ever repel the ban, more because he'd have to admit that he was wrong, and admitting you're wrong is also accepting and processing all the shit you did for that wrong thing, and I just think Uther is too cowardly to do so. He knows it would break his mind to truly process all the pain and horror he's caused; so no matter his inner philosophies, he'll never repel the ban, because the damage has been done, and he'd rather live like that than start anew in the new reality where he's wrong.
"In the fight against magic, you are the one person I can trust." yet again. Gaius going against this? Uther can't fathom it. He's so confident that Gaius is 100% on his side.
Arthur smiling at Gaius, awww.
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Two pretty bestfriends. No wonder half the kingdom wants to fuck them both. Also what the fuck is a "freeman"??? Genuinely, what is it??
And that is it. Loved it, of course.
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comma-souptra · 4 months
BBC Merlin 10th rewatch thoughts compilation:
(this is also my first full rewatch since I was literally 18 so prefrontal cortex is notably more developed or whatever)
This is SO long and rambled because it’s for me and putting my thoughts down on my blog! But feel free to peruse bc I am just crying sobbing putting words down. Thoughts under the cut for spoilers <3
-fuck this show fr
-starting off strong with Angel Coulby you are the most beautiful woman and the most perfect Guinevere possible
-something interesting is how much more the lack of communication drove me bonkers this time around, like please just explain everything in detail to each other we could solve so many problems
-Merlin also seems like so much more of an ill-moraled character this go around? Like he is truly so morally grey and his logic for “should I do this” is deeply just “does it in any potential way benefit Arthur/the fuckass prophecy”
-TO THE POINT THAT he’s literally like Magic’s #1 Hater for five straight seasons AND can’t see that he is actively making the prophecy unfold every single time
-Gwen/Morgana gfs my angels I’m so sorry this happened to you
-Morgana should have had a friend so badly like one friend (not Morgause) would have saved her
-same exact sentiment for Mordred
-Merlin/Arthur and Merlin/Gwaine literally no comments
-actually this show invented polyamory and throuples would have saved many of you
-ON THE TOPIC Lancelot so badly is both Arthur and Merlin’s queer awakening in my heart. I do think Merlin likely already knew (Will) but I think his relationship to Lancelot made queer relationships seem feasible in some form
-I do not think Arthur knew at all and that’s why he looks so damn confused every time he interacts with Lancelot
-Lancelot is around for SO much less than I ever remember too he really is just stepping in to be pretty and complicate the narrative and then leave again
-Arthur needs glasses so severely I fear because I can excuse a lot of the missing magic moments but I watched Merlin lock eyes with him and use magic during that S5 dice game you can’t explain that one away
-Gwaine my beloved! Proof that a fictional man can be both a butch lesbian to the women in his life and a pansexual man to everyone else
-Morgana and Morgause…. This script is fruity as hell can we be for real. Both actresses said “yeah we played it a little queer” I fear the BBC was not brave enough to give Morgana an evil fucked up gf and went the Kill la Kill route
-I think by Elyan’s death all the knights fully must know that the ambiguous secret Merlin seems to have is in fact his magic and they are just choosing not to say anything out of respect for him (“he’s tell us when he’s ready”)
-EXCEPT: Leon doesn’t know. I do however think Leon just thinks Merlin is gay.
-Gwaine absolutely knows there’s literally no way around that one
-Gwen I feel also had an inkling that Merlin had magic, which I feel is supported by her and Gaius’ conversation in S5E13, I do also think she thinks he’s gay
-I also do think Merlin is gay
-I forgot how much of a through-line the joke that Merlin crossdresses is, it comes up at least three times
-tangentially related, the early friendship between Morgana and Merlin… I mourn u every day! The friends they could’ve been and how happy he was when he thought she knew he had magic (S1? When she thinks he has a crush on Gwen)
-also I forgot how much angst Merlin had about magic towards Gaius, several (justified) comments about how Gaius doesn’t understand what he’s going through
-also so so interesting is that I feel like in so many Magic Revealed fics, we write Arthur responding with shock & confusion & anger (which all rock big fan), but in the finale, once he understands that Merlin is so for serious a sorcerer, he’s just so scared of him?? Which was crazy I don’t think that has sunk in before how scared he looks
-and then they start to get over it and we get the reminiscing about their fight from the first day they met where Merlin confesses to using magic and we get the devastating exchange “you cheated” “you looked like you were going to kill me!” “I should have”
-damn major nostalgia vibe killer from Arthur, DEVASTATING on this rewatch
-also S5E12 when Gwaine and Merlin and traveling through the valley of the fallen kings and get jumped by bandits and Merlin gets cornered and HOLLERS for Gwaine thank you BBC that one lives rent free in my head always
-fuck this dragon for real also because Merlin DOES kind of fail like none of the shit they planned for happened, they got pieces but so much more COULDVE worked out without this fuckass dragon whispering in Merlin’s ear every day Kilgharrah it’s on sight dude
-finally maybe the most sickening parallel I have to offer is S4E13 when Isolde is dying and she and Tristan are reminiscing on the plans they had that are obviously not going to happen anymore and she says “hold me”
-which obviously is striking a significant chord with Arthur as it spurs him to reconcile with Gwen (thank god everyone cheered)
-(also why was the full breadth of her enchantment never discussed back to miscommunication please she didn’t cheat on him like that justice for Gwen’s rep I’m sick)
-BUT ALSO! A season later in S5E13 we get Merlin and a dying Arthur with Merlin trying to explain that they have so much to do so Arthur can’t die, and Arthur says “just hold me”
-I will lose it every time about this one… watching half of a couple die and mourn the chance to live a life together and then mirroring that at your own death with the man you are unexplainably close and connected to
-also the “I’m going to say something I’ve never said to you before… thank you” had such a queer set up that even my parents thought it was going to be an “I love you” when we watched the show for the first time together in like 2014 so… it’s the Spanish supernatural finale dub in my heart
-I think that’s enough I’m just sick to my STOMACH over this show once again, obviously it’s a BBC show from 2009 so it’s not without criticism but it’s genuinely my favorite TV show I’ve ever seen without competition. There is a deeply clear allegory for queerness that has drawn in and continues to draw in queer fans constantly and keep the viewership active. I also just love so badly how campy and classic it is, it’s one of the few pieces of media I have in DVD because I fear so badly to lose it. BBC Merlin I love u what a brilliant and silly and devastating tv show from 2009
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the-pen-pot · 5 days
Fangirling on chapter 40
'Mercy?' Lord Berhart managed, sounding strained. 'Your Highness, you have left him with nothing.'
'I have left him with his life. It is more than my father would have offered in my place, considering the nature of Vernell's crimes.' 
I can totally get that, even without seeing the whole show (I did see some snippets of Uther and recognised Giles from Buffy, the vampire slayer, that was a nice surprise.)
'Tom's still alive?'
Arthur inclined his head, aware that more than one councillor had taken notice of their conversation. He smoothed his face into an impassive mask and noticed that Merlin had done the same, erasing his shock. It itched at him, all the little differences they kept stumbling across. He wanted to find out what had happened to Tom in Merlin's world, just like he longed to hear about the scars that no longer stained Merlin's skin and the stories behind them.
It was not an idle curiosity, but a burning desire to understand more about this version of Merlin. The intensity of Arthur's own longing almost took his breath away. He wished to know him – everything that made him different and all the little ways in which he was still the same – but once again he told himself that now was not the time.
You know, it must be super fun for fans of the show to notice all the little (or/and big) changes in this story and this version of Camelot. It probably gives it an extra layer of meaning and in some instances delight or agony.... I am coming in rather blind (apart from the 'how long have you being training to be prat, my Lord', I haven't seen a lot more beyond that. I do know what the main characters look like and I also know that Morgana turned evil in the series. (She's that stunning actress Katie McGrath! 😍) But for me it's a whole new world and a whole new story and I'm really enjoying it!
'Would you then like to explain how you made a large sum of money selling grain across the border to Mercia?' Morgana arched an eyebrow as he spluttered. 'No? Then maybe you can tell the council why there is no evidence of a fire, nor any recorded births whatsoever among your working populace in the past five years?'
Arthur settled back in his seat as the Lord rambled through long-winded, meaningless excuses. Morgana's expression did not falter, but she emanated an air of icy disdain until Fennis' voice dried up like a stream in summer.
'Yours is not the only estate with inconsistencies,' she added at last, picking up the sheaf of papers and placing them in front of Arthur. 'Obviously, this is a matter requiring urgent investigation. For the sake of Camelot.'
OH! Morgana is so damn good! She is not taking any prisoners for sure! Those Lord's their lives will totally change for sure and they can all feel it now! I bet some of them won't sleep well from now on... Oh, being called out on their greed! I love it!
That's what I like about your stories, they are 'fully filled' stories. As in, it's not just about the main pair, it's not just about the romance or the leading up to the first kiss... It's about Everything in that world and with the people inside it.
'Neither your mother nor I truly knew the price, but it was not I alone who approached Nimueh for help. Your mother... She wanted to do her duty – to provide Camelot with an heir. It drove her every waking moment, and I could not deny her. When you finally flourished inside her, she was the happiest I had ever seen.'
As if, I don't believe him for one moment. From what I've read in the story so far he is the kind of man who totally knew what would happen and decided to do it anyway. 😡
He sucked in a deep breath, leaning forward to brace his hand on the back of Uther's chair. His position was awkward, but he did not care. He needed to look into those eyes and see realisation's dawn. 'Besides, if you knew you would lose your beloved queen to your quest for an heir, would you have stayed your hand, or would your ambition have outweighed your love for her?'
'How dare you!'
'Was I worth it, or not?'
Oh no, that must be one of the worst pains out there... knowing your parents don't think you are worthy, knowing they don't love you unconditionally, knowing you dissapoint them on an almost daily basis. Thank god Arthur as a close group of friends to counter all that poison.
'All right.' He glanced around the forge, taking in the frightened faces. 'Everyone out. We don't know what will happen. It could still go wrong, and if it does...' He didn't finish. They understood, but that didn't mean anyone was happy about it.
I love how they all would jump into the fire for each other and how they all worry so deeply for one another. Even over the smallest cut or bruise. Sometimes it's a bit funny, how they can 'overreact', specially Arthur and Merlin about each other. But at the same time it's precious and amazing and just warms my heart.
Oh wow, the ending of this chapter. I don't want to include the line because I don't want to spoiler it for future readers (alhought maybe I already did for some parts of the story?!) but I had no idea that was even possible?!
🤣 Knowing the same actor was Giles and Uther was a real experience. I adore Giles. uther? Not so much. And Katie McGrath is stunning!
I liek to think it's one of those fics where if you now the show, there's little easter eggs and things, but if you don't it's still enjoyable. You certainly seem to be loving it, which is brilliant 🥰
Thanks so much, as always, lovely!
(For those who want to try it out, Hiraeth is here)
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cake-apostate · 2 months
Four Akiras in a Trenchcoat AU: Crime
Something I think is inherently funny about pretty much any SMT crossover with Persona is that the Megaten heroes are just... more violent than Persona heroes. That is, I don’t think that darkness and violence makes a story automatically better; I just enjoy the dissonance. SMT is a game where humans are random encounters, friendship fades in the spirit of idealism/fanaticism, and there is no decision that won’t make you feel guilty afterwards. Meanwhile in Persona, your friends balk at murder and will always support you. 
(The premise of the Four Akiras in a Trenchcoat AU is that Akira Kurusu is the Persona timeline’s version of Akira from SMT4. Black Mask kills Joker in the Metaverse before the game even starts, so the Velvet Room tries to salvage their Wild Card by summoning the souls of parallel versions of him into his empty shell. Now King Aquila, Blasted Akira, Infernal Akira, and Anarchy Nanashi enact the plot of Persona 5.)
I think it’s hilarious that the four Akiras have definitely committed more crimes than most of the targets. Like, they’ve done a lot of the same shit as the villains, but they’ve not only done more of it, they got away with it!
Nanashi killed more people in five minutes than the actual hitman did over his whole career. King Aquila is beloved as Mikado’s perfect first king, but his throne was built on lies, betrayal, and propaganda. Infernal cobbles together multiple targets; he’s a gang boss, takes credit for other people’s accomplishments, and working conditions under him are literal slavery. And Blasted basically opened a portal to hell to stimulate the economy, an easy metaphor for corporate greed.
Except while they’ve done more evil on paper, they’ve also done a hell of a lot more good. Something I see in all of the Akiras is that they’re ruthless, not cruel; they do exactly what they think is necessary and no more. Whenever it’s possible to show kindness and mercy, they do. 
My take on Anarchy Nanashi is that he made all the Bonds choices, but destroyed the world because he sincerely thought it was the best way to save everyone. Time and time again, he saw gods and demons snatch hope from humanity; every time they think things will be okay, something new screws them over. Nanashi’s goal was to screw everyone over one last time, then ensure it will never happen again.
King Aquila’s similarities with Shido begin and end with how propaganda paints them as the perfect leader; where Shido just wants money and influence, King Aquila manipulated his way into peace, prosperity, and freedom for Tokyo and Mikado. 
Infernal looks bad without context, but the thing is that everything in Infernal Tokyo is was so much worse under Kenji. Akira brings peace and equality, ends starvation, and is almost universally beloved across Tokyo. It’s also telling that even though everyone know he’s weak, nobody wants to overthrow him. He found and enforced the minimum level of cruelty required for his society to function; to outsiders it’s horrifying because that level is not zero, but his citizens remember how much worse it was before.
Blasted Tokyo has almost nothing. Akira may be gambling with the lives of his people, but not playing at all condemns them to a slow death.
That’s also why I’m thinking that the Four empathize with the targets more than the other Phantom Thieves would -- but that empathy makes them despise them even more. They understand why the targets would resort to crime, but they also know there’s no need to continue. They have all the money and power they need; why do they trample on others for more?
Stealing Hearts
I was thinking that before Morgana reveals the change of heart, the Akiras already tried to kill Kamoshida. I originally considered that they succeeded, but I think it makes the most sense if they were still in the planning stage, and decided that the change of heart was a win-win scenario; it’s less risky, and if they screw up, Kamoshida dies anyways.
On another note, I was thinking that if anyone objected to meddling with hearts, it would be Aquila and Blasted. Nanashi’s done much worse to Flynn and the Goddess. Infernal knows that many of the problems with Infernal Tokyo start with how Demonoid’s emotions run rampant, and even if these corrupt desires are completely natural, he’s okay with doing away with them for the safety of others.
Meanwhile, Aquila is uncomfortable with magically messing with people’s minds, because he probably saw the angels do it firsthand. And Blasted saw Kiyoharu be driven insane.
A Different Awakening
When I was playing through Madarame’s dungeon, I was thinking about how badly it would affect Infernal. The whole second Palace is about someone who thrives by devouring the children in his care. Ryuji even suggests ‘Farm’ into the Metaverse App!
All throughout the dungeon, Infernal Akira sees his sins hurled into his face. Madarame’s crimes are uncomfortably close to his own, and whenever the party talks about how despicable the target is, Infernal is quietly listening.
At some point, Infernal cracks, and winds up telling the other Akiras about his crimes. Blasted and King Aquila are horrified, but Nanashi winds up defending him. He knows about Blasted and Infernal Tokyo because of Flynn, and he knows what drove Infernal to his crimes. Nanashi assures Infernal that there was no good way to fix Infernal Tokyo and he simply chose the least bad option; freeing the Neurishers looks good on paper, but it would starve the Demonoids.
It turns out that for the Four, their Personas Awaken as they cope with their own problems (except for Blasted, partially because someone has to rescue Ryuji at the start of the game, and partially because his crimes are the least heinous).
Where Infernal’s problem is that his guilt overrides what good he’s done, Aquila’s problem is that he doesn’t acknowledge any wrongdoings. He thinks he’s completely justified in manipulating everyone around him, founding a cult of personality, and lying to his own allies.
Nanashi, it turns out, has both sides. He accepts that he’s done a lot of evil and a lot of good, but his heart’s still in turmoil. Somehow, his Awakening involves balancing this.
Party Relationship Changes
A Joker who isn’t afraid to commit real crimes makes the story rather different. I was considering a bit where they break into Camp Ichigaya to steal their guns.
I do, however, think that the adult Akiras want to keep the hands of the Phantom Thieves clean. To them, the Phantom Thieves are children, and they shouldn’t have to dirty their hands.
Nanashi is different, because immortality aside, he still sees himself as the same age as them. He still suggests murder as an easy and permanent solution; the only reason why he doesn’t do it is because it’s much easier to get caught here. 
So I think it’s funny if the confrontation with Black Mask turns into a, “I’m more batshit than you” contest. 
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shitakimooshrooms · 2 years
ok so my notes on season 4-5(I don’t think I did any for season 4 so yeah). Lancelot coming back made me upset. I did like the drama and we got to see that really nice dress Gwen wore at some point. Isolde and Tristan my beloveds. We got to see Hunith again! I don’t really have many notes on season 4. It was good. Definitely pushed my Arwen shipping to the max. Season 5; I loved evil Gwen but Elyan dying was really painful. I loved the use of Stockholm syndrome with Morgwen. Beautiful. Eira sucks and I hate that she played Gwaine. QUEEN GUINEVERE!!! More Leon screen time! KILGARRAH IS A BITCH!! I cried when Gwaine and Arthur died. The Dolma was an icon. Mordred and Morgana having a better sibling relationship that Morgana and Arthur. I honestly do feel bad for mordred. Like, if Arthur accepted magic into Camelot, would they come back to find him dead? Would he just no longer want to turn on Arthur because magic is free? Like what was the deal with that? BACK TO SEASON 4! HOW THE FUCK DID NO ONE WUESTION HOW MERLIN SURVIVED GHE DOROCHA!?!? ALSO WHAT THE FUCK WERE THEY THINKING WHEN THEY DESIGNED THE DEIMAR OR WHATEVER!?! ALSO IF UTHER KNEW THAT ARTHUR MARRIED GWEN, HOW THE HELL DID HE NOT KNOW THAT MERLIN HAD MAGIC??? CONTINUITY IS BULL!!! Also they did Kilgarrah and Aithusa dirty. Like, Killgarrah’s design had a lot of thought out into it but you never get to see any of that because he’s always in a dark dingy cave or in the dead of night. And I didn’t realize that dragons don’t have ears until aithusa showed up. Like they legit made aithusa look like a sick horse mixed with those white dogs with the red eyes. I’ll add more notes when I think of them.
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You were the one to teach me how to use knives (Merlin re-write Series)
Fandom: Merlin BBC
Author: Obsessedwithfanfiction, @turnsoutnoonewasexaggerating​
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Violence, Major Character Death
Word Count:  318,538
Pairings: Arwen, Mergana, Merthur, Gwencelot, Freylin
Characters: Merlin, Morgana, Arthur Pendragon, Gwen, Gaius, Uther Pendragon, Lancelot, Leon, Catrina, Aredian, Morgause, Freya, Kilgharrah, Mithian, Mordred, Trickler, George, Hunith, Alvarr, Elyan, Balinor
Tags: Some of these feature more in this part than others, If you're in it for Merlin/Arthur be prepared for a slowburn, None of these pairings are necessarily their endgame, We're still in the early days, Pairings are only ordered by when they first appear in the story, Endgame potential is still v much in the air, And will be updated as we go- no one panic, Fix-It, Season 2 onwards rewrite, If Merlin had told Morgana about magic but not that he had it, Lol I promise it makes sense, What if the Merlin writers were actually capable of continuity and emotional catharsis, Morgana doesn't just suddenly become evil, But neither is everything magically fixed knowing she has a friend in the castle, And everyone is in love with Merlin fight me, Merlin finds out about Balinor slightly earlier than canon, Even I don't know who's going to end up with who, Every character in this show has romantic tension with every other character, I'm just taking the romantic tension where it leads me, One day the title will make sense I promise, This part covers Nightmare Begins-Lady of the Lake Vol 2 but we're still on S2 because I cannot control myself, You defo need to read the first part to read this part don't jump in here, My continuous crusade to bring emotional catharsis to Merlin, Everyone is still in love with Merlin and everyone can still fight me, I have slightly more of a plan about who ends up with who but I can still be persuaded, by myself, Don't try and persuade me yourself lol, Still just taking that romantic tension that is between everyone wherever it leads me, But probably not any time soon, This part covers Sweet Dreams- The Last Dragonlord, Whoo boy here we go again, Season 2 onwards re-write, WE'RE FINALLY ON SEASON 3 BBY, Pls read the other parts first or this will make little sense, What if BBC's Merlin had emotional catharsis?, And consistency?, Wouldn't that be... Beautiful, Everyone is still in love with Merlin, Except Merlin, He is in a bit of a guilt phase, We're still following that tensionnnnn, Probs not in this part, Maybe the Next One, who knows certainly not me, Posts every other Friday atm
You were the one who taught me how to use knives: Vol 1
Merlin chose to save Mordred against the dragon's advice. He should have made the same choice for Morgana. In which Merlin is more than a little fed up of old men and old dragons telling him what to do, and gives Morgana some hope. Maybe it won't change the dark path she's destined to walk down... Or perhaps in doing so, Merlin saves all of Albion from her wrath. Featuring the emotional catharsis and continuity we were denied in canon and a systematic re-writing of what could have been
You were the one who taught me how to use knives: Vol 2
Merlin's trained Morgana in magic against Gaius & the dragon's advice, hasn't killed Mordred, and honestly thought he was doing a pretty good job of moving his destiny along. Then, he lost Freya. Has his faith in Arthur been shaken enough to make the prophecised Albion further away than ever? Featuring Merlin actually reacting to Arthur killing his beloved, Morgana realising that Merlin's role in keeping Arthur alive is even harder than she thought, and Arthur still trying to come to terms with his own opinions on magic- and his father
You were the one who taught me how to use knives: Vol 3
Merlin's lost his first love and his father in the space of a few months, and he's not sure how much more he's willing to let destiny take from him. But with that loss has come the unburdening of some of his secrets, and now with fewer distractions, he can't deny his relationship with Arthur is changing...
Arthur's between a rock and a hard place; between his childhood and what he's learnt as an adult, between being loyal and being just, between his father and Mer- the magical community. With a heavier burden placed on him from the king's more frequent bouts of insanity, he's bound to break under the pressure, but perhaps that's the only way to heal straight...
Morgana's magic's been revealed to everyone, but somehow she's got to find a way back into her position in Camelot's court if she ever wants to make a change. The problem is, Morgana's only ally now is her sister, and she doesn't know how much she can trust her...
Gwen's going to get her answers. No matter what.
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tiodolma · 2 years
Merlin: Women and children are dying! The city will fall!
Morgana: Good!
Merlin: No you don't mean that!
Morgana: Watch me randomly fire arrows at citizens to get the Knights to follow me.
Merlin: You are evil. I have given you many chances. You are beyond saving.
Arthur: I may have massacred entire druid camps before and after you arrived in camelot all for the sake of them having magic or harboring my adoptive sister. I'm only apologizing to a ghost now because my life and a beloved soldier's life is at stake.
Merlin: That's okay Arthur, you were just following orders. You have a good heart.
Arthur: I implore the help of a sorcerer to heal my father but when my father dies instead of getting healed i will blame everything on magic and sorcery. It is evil and should not be tolerated.
Merlin: Long live the king.
Arthur: I am now king and still let my Knights arrest druids and sorcerers if they cross the border. They can kill them on sight if they retaliate.
Merlin: That's okay Arthur I don't blame you.
Arthur: I will not listen to you and I will not give a fuck about the culture surrounding these shrines. I will impose my will upon these other culture either way. I can't bear the thought of my father being wrong about how dangerous sorcery is. If i bring magic back, they will overrun us all and cause ruin.
Merlin: I see. I cant say anything when you are already convinced magic is evil whether you bring it back or not. I don't think magic should be allowed either. I'd rather keep you alive. I'd rather see the young Knight die instead of you.
Arthur: I blame the Druids for their own oppression. If they kill me for my policies then maybe they shouldn't just enter Camelot.
Merlin: You are valid. They were trying to kill you anyway.
Arthur: Merlin if you don't come to this battle I will be horribly disappointed with you, I will lash out and I will not give a fuck about what you feel.
Merlin: It's okay. I understand. You are the king anyway. Happy to be your servant always.
Arthur: Wow the sorcerer killed all our enemies.
Merlin: that was me.
Arthur: gtfo
Merlin: pls. here are other ways i can be of service to you. Here are the different ways I kill.
Morgana: Helloo brother i can finally kill you once and for all.
Merlin: I cant believe you are so bitter so full of hate. And now you're a pyscho who took my powers away for half a day. It's my fault you became like that. I blame myself. But this has to end.
Arthur: All your magic Merlin and you still cant save me
Merlin: no no dont die, ive saved you countless times before i cannot fail.
Arthur: I want you to stay as you. Thank you.
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thebirdandhersong · 2 years
the THING about Scott and Lydia, platonic romantic whatever, is that Lydia's first experience with the supernatural is all the stuff with Peter - she's manipulated and controlled, her selfhood and autonomy is unbelievably violated, she has no one to turn to, she thinks she's going crazy, she has voices in her head, she's always been fundamentally alone because of her intelligence but now she's alone and no one even knows that she is, when she learns about Scott and all the rest still they don't know what she is for ages, and putting it all together no one would blame her for becoming closed off to the supernatural, for becoming bitter and twisted, for essentially going down the Morgana in Merlin route right??? It's a very similar beginning for both of them. But she doesn't, she becomes kinder she starts helping, because she's not isolated and scared!!! And obviously it's not all due to Scott but a lot of it is.
Scott takes on the supernatural, he takes on the role of a leader and he says "I'm going to lead I'm going to use all this supernatural ability for good" and he's the first one we see doing that and his example leads others to it! Derek is so weird and bad in the first seasons! Isaac is my beloved but he and Erica and Boyd, though deeply sympathetic, don't choose kindness when they're turned, not at first! And this and peter and the kanima, these are all the examples of the supernatural that Lydia is faced with, the only exception is Scott but he's good enough that he gives her hope in it, that she could also do good with these powers, because no one else is showcasing them as something good! but he is!!! Lydia would never run and hide because of Scott! He gives her something to believe in because he leads her in kindness when she's faced so much cruelty from the supernatural before. When she says she might be able to get him more time, he promises her he'll do something about that, he assures her that it wouldn't be in vain. And then in season 4 her insistance that monsters don't have to be evil, they can be kind and gentle and good!!! and she believes that because of Scott!!!!
anyway I do believe Scott saves her in a way, he stops her from being dragged down into that isolation and fear and pain by saying look I have these strange powers too and I'm here and I'm not leaving and I'm going to do something GOOD I'm going to HELP and that's a huge part of dragging her out of the horrors of season 2, and so even if their relationship isn't romantic (which tbh I'm not wedded to they can be either i don't mind) it's crucial! it's one of the beating hearts of the story!!! It means so much to me!!! that's why.
Grace m'dear first of all I love you and I love that you sat down and took the time to write this all out :)
Second of all this is a Lot of food for thought.... I am going to chew on this as I watch season 4 because hmmm this is very interesting.......... I thought of you and what you said about Scott/Lydia while I was watching season 3--in that scene where Derek was like Lydia won't run and the twins are like WHY because of STILES? (in a real derogatory way... which sidenote Songbird did not appreciate) and Derek was like NO because of Scott and I was like Ah. AH that's right. Scott is the one holding everything together. Scott is the moral compass and the trailblazer and the one holding the torch for the cause.
I think it's also compelling because Lydia shows a certain tendency towards pessimism (which I think she calls realistic thinking in her head) and Despair (especially in season 3 when she's been taken captive). And Scott is like the poster boy of Hope. So I will keep thinking on this ;)
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sorceress-queen · 2 years
Arthur x Morgana [ArMor]
This is rather self-indulgent. I haven't written Arthur before so I hope it's okay and it's been a while since I wrote for my beloved sorceress but anyway a kinda alternative scene in s1 when she comes to tell him of her bad dream, although as I kept writing it it became something of its own so it's more of an AU ficlet.
"I don't want you to fight tomorrow." She blurts out after she closes the heavy door behind herself; there is nowhere to run now, nowhere to turn but ahead.
Morgana is distraught as she rushes to Arthur's chambers. She does not bother to knock (she never does anymore, not since she first came to Camelot). Arthur turns away from the window the moment she enters.
"Morgana," he starts but stops as he takes a moment to take in her appearance, her dressing gown just barely covering her sleepwear, her hair is tousled and her eyes are red and puffy.
"What happened?" He asks as he approaches her, ignoring her first statement, at least for now, placing his hands on her shoulders and soothingly, he hopes, rubbing them before he pulls up her dressing gown over her shoulders. How many people has seen her in this state? He ponders for a moment.
Morgana hesitates but opens her mouth to answer him. "I had a dream... ." She starts and shifts nervously. "If... if you fight tomorrow, you die. I saw it..." she forces the words out as fast as possible and waits for him to laugh, to tease, but surprisingly he does neither even if there is an amused twinkle in his eyes; his entire focus seems to be on her and wiping away the remains of her tears from her flushed cheeks.
"You are worried about me, that's why you'd dream of such a thing. It will be alright, Morgana. I have fought worse foes." He tries to assure but upon noting how she faintly shakes her head and suddenly jerks away from him he can tell that he is not doing such a good job, not like she would if their places were reversed. She would have gotten him to smile, to laugh by now.
"You don't understand. I saw it, clear as day. It will happen... I..." she draws her arms around herself as if to protect herself from something, from him, the realisation stings and he makes a silent vow to himself to never again do or say anything that gets her to recoil from him.
"It won't, I swear it, I will always come back to you, my lady." He says and his heart skips a beat when the corners of her lips turn up into a faint smile but it doesn't last.
"Arthur, I... I can see into the future sometimes... I have... I might have... ." She is too frightened to say the word, but it hangs between them all the same.
"It's... it's alright, Morgana. We'll figure it out together." He croaks out and stumbles when she throws herself back into his arms. He pulls her tightly against him, protectively drawing his arm around her waist. He has always prided himself in being her champion and now is no different, he will see to it that she is protected whatever may come.
Morgana might have magic, he swallows and his brows furrow at the revelation. She sounds so unsure about it herself, so it might not even be true, however, if it is... that makes her a sorceress. Somebody condemned by his father's law. He looks up at Morgana again, but he can't bring himself to see her as evil.
She came to him with this, that has to mean something, and it does, it means so much that Arthur can't wrap his head around all the emotions that swirl inside his head and his heart.
"Thank you, for not dismissing me." she breathes against his neck, her hands grasping onto his shirt at his chest.
"Dismiss you?" He asks back but she doesn't respond and it takes him a while to realise that she seems to have fallen asleep against him. How long has she not slept? Has she been plagued by her... dreams of his death in the past week since the announcement of the duel?
Arthur sighs and picks her up as carefully as possible; not wanting to risk her waking up on her way back to her chambers he places her on his bed instead. He moves away but she is still clutching onto him with one hand and he couldn't bear to pry himself from her now.
He lies down next to her instead and pushes her hair away from her face then his hand moves to rest over her waist again, stilling when she stirs against him, scared that he woke her up from her slumber, but she merely gets comfortable and buries her face in his pillow.
He smirks at how adorable she looks in his bed, how peaceful. His face falls then; he has Morgana in his bed, holding her while she holds him. His heart flutters in his chest once again, but he chooses to ignore it this time around; he can't think of the implications of it now. In the morning he might, after the duel, he can't forfeit it, but he will damn well be the best he has ever been in the fight. He won't let his lady down, he can't and won't let her dream come true.
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thealmightyemprex · 2 years
Halloweenathon :Elvira Mistress of the Dark
In this installment of the Halloweenathon ,I'm gonna tackles a cult classic that is particularly popular with the queer community and starring one of the most beloved horror hosts ever
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This 1988 film follows horror host Elvira (Cassandra Petersen ) who seeking to find funding for a Las Vegas show ,learns of her great aunt Morgana Talbot (Played physically by Petersen but voiced by Tress McNeill),and that she has inherited her dog,a cook book and her house in Fallwell , Massachusetts ,where Elvira befirends the local teens and theater operator Bob Redding (Daniel Greene ) while dealing with harassment from moral crusader Chastity Pariah (Edie McClurg) and the machinations of her evil great uncle Vincent (W Morgan Sheppard ) who seeks the mysterious cook book for his own reasons
Now ....I went in thinking this was just gonna be a silly horror comedy I could easilly talk about .....WRONG SIR<WRONG !!!!!Oh its definately a goofy comedy.....But it is also a meta narrative of Elviras creator and performer Cassandra Petersen (Not all deeply personal pieces of art have to be dramas ) .Its also possibly my new favorite of the Halloweenathon
But before I get ahead of myself,who is Elvira? WEll she was a horror host in the 80's who went on to be one of the biggest icons of horror in the 80's . And is such an icon we are still talking about her ,Petersen still plays her occassionally ,and the fact she got a flipping movie at all showe how big this character was .AS for my personal experience with Elvira,I've seen her in a few commercials ,a few talk show interviews ,her appearence on the 1991 TV special Horror Hall of Fame 2 and the movie Happy Halloween Scooby Doo
The film is very much comedy first and I am perfectly fine with that . The film is meant to be goofy and campy . Whether you find it funny or not will depend on your taste ,but it is my level of goofy .Cassandra Petersen is remarkably funny as Elvira ,but I think the funniest element of the film is Edie McClurg as the films secondary villain ,she is just a hilarious parody of a overly judgement moral crusader and a perfect foil for Elvira
But what makes the film work ,is there obviously a lot of love and it is a personal story.Yeah I know that sounds weird considering this film is about a horror host who wants to to be a showgirl ,theres an evil warlock,magic ,and a casserole monster .....Buuuuuuut elements are taken from Petersens real life
1.Elviras whole thing is she watches campy horror movies so the film has to be a campy horror film
2.The main male character who helps Elvira is named after Robvert Redding ,Petersens friend and the man who created Elviras look ,who sadly died of AIDS before the film came out
3.Uncle Vinny,the films main antagonist is named after Petersens personal hero turned friend Vincent Price ,and is a classical theatrical villain
4.Petersen was a showgirl befor becoming an actress and horror host
5.Elvira was hated by many moral crusaders,son not a surprise they are the bad guys
6.And I think the big one ,Petersen grew up in a town where she was an outcast ......And that is the big point of the film
I know its a goofy comedy....But what resonated with me ,and I think what resonates with most people who love this movie ,is it is about an outcast . Elvira is bullied by the moral crusaders or harassed by slimeball ,judged to either be morally bad for being diffrent or objectified by creeps.....And she doesnt take their bullshit .She is bold .I also like that the film subverts the damsel and distress stuff by letting her save herself .SEeing her face these bullies is empowering .I will also say as someonewho grew up in a small conservative town,seeing the conservative crusader villains get mocked and humiliated is cathartic
CAssandra Petersen is friggin amazing as Elvira anmd this film has cemented her in my mind as a icon of horror .The rest of the cast is good ,I feel like the stand outs are the two main villains Edie Mc Clurg who I have already praised ,and W Morgan Sheppard who wonderfully menacing as Uncle Vinny ,a good old fahioned hammy villain
Now this movie is nt for everybody but for me this is a wonderfully empowering,funny film ,perfect for the halloween season
@ariel-seagull-wings @metropolitan-mutant-of-ark @the-blue-fairie @angelixgutz @princesssarisa @themousefromfantasyland @amalthea9 @filmcityworld1
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mr-m-murdock · 2 years
top 10 favorite female characters of all time?
Oh, a JUICY ask! Well, you shall receive, dear anon:
Natasha Romanoff (comics, she just is overall a million times more complex and intense (and hot) in the comics. And I love her. As you may have guessed.)
Leia Organa, the first ever girlboss (I know I don't exhibit my Star Wars obsession on here much but believe me. She rotates in my mind at least three times a day)
Kamala Khan (My precious precious baby girl princess. I love her in all her forms, in every universe, she is beloved to me and I need y'all to understand this.)
Nakia (So goddamn underutilised in fandom and fanfiction oh my god. This woman is a Wakandan spy how is that not the coolest thing ever? Not to mention she's godsendingly gorgeous)
Morgana Pendragon (What? She's so evil and pretty. I want to sit on her lap like a Bond villain's cat. Also I am obsessed with how mad she went. How much of an insane little freak she is. 11/10)
Daisy from AOS (God, I need to write some fics about her. She is so traumatized I need to crack her open like a hazelnut.)
Valka from HTTYD (Dragon MILF. Need I say more?)
Mulan (Again, girlboss. Genderbending ICON. Best friend is a lizard.)
Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson? Yes, yes, 100 times yes. Once again, girlboss. And she's always so put together...)
Tess Servopoulos (Couldn't leave out my new obsession :) There's so much potential here for some exploration into the morally grey. And I mean...Anna Torv absolutely rocks that grunge survival look. Yum.)
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