#morgana la fay
justaz · 3 months
king arthur and his beautiful wife king merlin with their court sorceress (and princess) morgana and her girlfriend freya. their knights: sir leon, sir gwaine and his boyfriend sir percival and his boyfriend sir elyan, sir lancelot and his wife lady guinevere. merthur’s twin sons sir mordred and daegal (who is training to become court physician). mergana’s daughter of divorce, aithusa who spends one week with her moms and the next week with her dads despite them all living in the same castle. one big happy family. finally.
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pippin-katz · 1 year
I am going to ask this question because there is a separate tag for all four of these spellings and I'm going to lose my fucking mind because there is a correct answer.
You don't get a "results" button because non-Merlin fans can weigh in on this too.
I put the answer under the "read more" line so people who don't know can vote honestly without unintentionally cheating if they would like.
Britannica (huge official encyclopedia) and Wikipedia (huge unofficial encyclopedia), and a billion other sites, on their articles regarding Arthurian Legend, spell it the first way: le Fay
I offer this poll to the Once and Future Fandom in hopes that other people with OCD like me will be saved from the hell of looking at four different tags that are the same thing but different spellings and not knowing which to use. I beg of you to spread this poll so that this madness is stopped once and for all! //sarcasm, joking, light hearted//
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changlingfamilies · 1 year
Chapters: 31/? Fandom: Trollhunters - Daniel Kraus & Guillermo del Toro, 3Below, Wizards - Fandom, Tales of Arcadia (Cartoons) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Chapter 31: Gathering at Avalon
A slight crossover with Warehouse 13. Vanessa may know that magic exists but she never expected her old friends and their family to be so heavily involved in it. Visitors are arriving for the coronation of New Avalon.
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versusvirtuous · 2 months
Morgie this. Morgie that. Have you seen dude's mom.
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mioxeno · 4 months
Morgause from Merlin is a lesbian icon!
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homoeroticfisticuffs · 2 months
do you think they would be besties
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or like homosexually charged enemies or something
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regardless i fucking love evil women who are insanely magically powerful and wear all black and are evil
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arianna-creates · 10 months
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Rmbr that old headcanon that Kilgarrah was transfigured into a bitch ass cat and Merlin decided to put up with his annoying ass for centuries so that he wouldn't go mad? Yeah me too
.... I realized the horrible implications that come from Merlin existing in the same universe as Hogwarts so I googled it and it says he was a slytherin student who "went on to do great things" guys that means that Hogwarts was founded BEFORE the prophecy came to fruition which doesn't work with BBC Merlin's plot/timeliness at alllll
In order to fit my hc's I'm gonna say he made himself look young with potions in order to study after Arthur died or maybe he just started doing magic w/o speaking and people were so impressed that they gave him a job!
My personal fav take is that he is a gay uncle but in a depressed hippie kinda way
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chiefblossom · 5 months
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hello ma’am step on me please
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daisymintt · 11 months
Morgana: [about Merlin] My brother was right, he does get Grinchy around the holidays.
Merlin: Grinch is gonna go get more wine.
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ksiondzkanexkiii · 2 months
Next chapter (three)
Chapter One
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Anoana wasn't too interested in the new troll hunter in fact she was never up to date on who the current new troll hunter was. She always believed that it was her husband who would be able to protect her even if he never returned from his trip to the islands of the gods as she called it, it's not that she didn't miss Angor the truth is that there wasn't a day or night in which she didn't weep watching the bed she sleeps in still empty on the other side.
It was as if she believed that Angor would regain her soul and return to her and Morgana would eventually be killed so that the couple could once again happily develop their village.
A village that is no longer there. She wasn't able to run the village she handed over the power to Vendel however she is still beside the old man to help him, not all the trolls of Rot village took the sudden change of power well they hoped that Angora's wife would handle the pressure and make them rebuild their village somewhere other than the marketplace however none of that happened. According to Anoana, this was the safest option she could have chosen.
she couldn't handle the pressure of being a leader she was used to standing by optionally suggesting what to do, smiling at the crowd when her husband spoke or she had time to help her subjects in the village. Here she helped the blacksmith with bringing rare metals she found in the deepest caves, here she helped in the troll nursery to teach the young trolls about the magic that could be extracted from every object from flowers, from tree leaves, from tree bark she showed them how to extract magic, from the nature that surrounded them on every side.
However, not every young troll was interested in this so she had the story of her expeditions in store, which were more interesting for children however, when the village of Rot joined the marketplace and there was no trace of Angor Anoana's heart broke however her hope that she would get her husband back did not diminish. She had a bad feeling about the expedition and yet she let him out of the village she feared that he had died on the way to the island where Morgana is located however, when she heard that Angor had become an assassin for Morgana her heart beat harder and her hope was strengthened she dreamed every night of meeting her beloved.
She disregarded the crimes he had committed, she told herself that he had been forced to do so. Since he was left, when Anoana learned that Angor had lost his soul her heart broke again every day and night she sat over her books and even books borrowed from Vendel optionally from Blinky with more willingness or less to lend to his wife the killer, she tried to find a way to retrieve Angor's souls from the hands of the shadow goddess however with poor results.
Unable to find the right spell even if she used forbidden books, after sleepless nights she finally succumbed to Indun who, each day worrying about her mother-to-be, urged her to rest. When Anoana finally succumbed to the younger troll she quietly uttered a vow to find a way to be reunited with her husband even if it was at the cost of her health or life, when the woman finally scaled back her attempts from finding a way to get her husband back she did not let go of learning spells such as transformation into any living being in this world
She was able to change into a lizard, a bird, a horse practically any animal she could dream up into she even went so far as to try to change into a dragon or a griffin, but she failed however with the help of an old friend she soon got the desired effect only she had a small problem.
She couldn't change into a human being whenever she tried and the magic around her blew away everything around her creating a small tornado and she slowly floated into the air feeling the magic flow through her body stretching or shrinking parts of her body however not everything went as smoothly as she wanted it to
Although she resembled a human her skin was flesh-colored maybe slightly pale, but to her eye her complexion was too pale, she still couldn't hide her horns or her tail the sun kept burning her turning her skin to stone, despite many attempts she still failed, when the appearance suited her thinking it wouldn't arouse people's suspicions the sun had a different plan, she couldn't produce a shield that protected her from the scorching sun just waiting to turn her to stone.
 After several months of trying to turn herself into a human she finally gave up still living on the border of the Market in the most remote place, it's not that she didn't want to meet other trolls or talk to them she just didn't feel confident to live in a stone heart without Angora, after losing her husband she felt that her position had declined and she shouldn't elevate herself above other trolls as if she did before.
Although the biggest reason she isolated herself from the rest of the troll society was that trolls didn't like shapeshiftersodź she took lessons from the "hiding" of a certain young wizard to change her body into animals, she was afraid to brag to C about her abilities for fear of being shunned by society. Although Vendel knew what she had learned and applauded her power, which she continued to strengthen, he respected her decision to hide it in secret although he didn't understand why.
- Anoano what are you thinking about?  - Asked Vendel's calm voice as the stone tankard came into contact with the stone table, the old man's heavy footsteps rang out among the crowd of other trolls in the tavern. Vendel sat down in front of the troll with his drink as his pale eyes looked intently at the widow - Your head is full of thoughts at the same time it is full of tension, not what you would expect from a wizard - Vendel added with his scholarly tone
Anoana smiled with difficulty as she listened to her leader's every word, her green eyes momentarily fixed on Vendel's staff made of a stone heart which, like the stone heart in the middle of the troll market, shimmered pink and orange - You're thinking about him again aren't you? - Vendel asked rhetorically, seeing the gaze of the woman, who thoughtfully began to braid her long red hair in a tight braid so as not to get her precious hair wet in a mug full of dried leaves, people call it tea, but Anoana didn't like human tea, so with the help of her transformation into a cat and a bird she watched people make this invention.
And she created her own mixture of leaves that tasted good to her, Indun and Vendel. The pleasant smell of brewed leaves split her nostrils as she thought of an answer she could give to the old man - It's been centuries since I've seen him, I've only heard horrible stories until he suddenly sank to the ground - whispered Anoana not wanting to speak louder so that the inquisitive ears of the trolls wouldn't hear what she was saying, she moved her protruding long ears gently to pick up any suspicious words in the tavern but heard nothing of interest
- I hope to find Infern Copul to give him back his stolen soul and to get back his husband," she stated her plan so confidently however not once did she move further from Arcadia even using the sewer tunnels she was unable to go further than the end of the city then doubts and maybe even panic flooded her veins effectively scaring her from traveling further. She had no problem leaving the market or Arcadia when she was trying to find out what the tea was made of however, when she wanted to move on the expedition and get her husband back fear was wracking her body.
- It was a rhetorical question," Vendel muttered, wanting to throw another smart remark, but refrained, "You've been planning this for decades and you still haven't done anything about it," the old man shook his head in disapproval he knew what it was to lose love however Anoana couldn't accept the fact that Angora was gone and unlikely to return to her life, he was defeated and imprisoned even the old man himself didn't know the exact location of Morgana's servant's prison.
Anoana squinted exceptionally she was not wearing a scarf, on her hair she had loose tassels hiding her green eyes, without a scarf she felt a bit undressed however she did not want to tie a scarf on her hair. Vendel dropped by her house while she was weighing potions out of boredom offered to drink tea together Anoana couldn't refuse him so that's how she ended up here. At the inn.
- I know Vendel - She muttered as her shoulders slumped in resignation - However, I will soon be able to go further out than before - She added after a while in the same dreamy tone, she twisted the stone tankard in her hand as she looked at the drink that was swirling inside the tankard - Please change the subject - She sighed heavily through her nose however Vendel understood why she asked this so he meekly nodded his head
Vendel did not have to think long about the next topic of conversation - Our human troll hunter challenged Draal to a duel. Did you hear about that? - He asked raising his eyebrow as he took a sip of tea without taking his eyes off the woman in front of him. The light blue troll's eyebrows rose high up, she was not yet used to the fact that their new troll hunter was human however she did not underestimate Jim, she had seen him from afar and knew that this young boy would do great deeds however he needed solid training not a tournament of who would die faster
- Are you sure this rumor is true? - asked the woman skeptically, putting the tankard down in front of her with a silly clatter as the tankard touched the stone floor of the table - Isn't this another invention of Draal? - asked the woman - The last time Draal challenged someone to a duel it turned out that the opponent didn't even know about it - the woman added after a while under her breath
- This time I trust Draal's words - Vendel muttered, rolling his eyes at the words muttered by the widow - I am inclined to believe that the troll hunter dared to challenge Draal - Vendel defended himself, finishing his tea without paying attention, that the widow hadn't even started drinking her warm decoction - I'm betting that the fight will be short anyway - Vendel shrugged his shoulders - But I hope I'm wrong - He added after a while feeling Anoana's appraising gaze on him
- Don't you believe in a boy? - She asked curiously, she knew such a case. Indun, considered by many a weak and naive girl too weak to face the monstrosity of this world and yet, when Anoana and Angor trained her taught her how to fight, how to use simple spells such as shield protection then Indun grew into a capable warrior, everyone could envy her. Anoana had a feeling that Jim Lake Jr. will be similar to Indun no one believes in him except a group of friends however at some point he will grow into a capable warrior for whom everyone will bow down for the work he does
Vendel squinted his pale eyes and murmured something under his breath - Disbelieving someone is a strong word - explained the old man linking his hands together on the table top he pressed his lips tighter together forming his mouth into a thin line feeling how his lips are still moist after drinking tea - However, I will admit that I have mixed thoughts about the boy - explained Vendel scratching his long beard, Anoana smiled gently hearing the sincerity of her friend who sometimes becomes her mentor
- Amulet chose Jim must have a reason," she finally explained taking the first sip of tea in this meeting, "Jim may have potential he doesn't know about yet," the woman muttered turning her gaze from Vendel to the table to their right, where Blinky was sitting, Aaarrrgghh, "Jim can be like a crystal, if he is polished well -
- This will emerge a strong fighter - Finished Vendel knowing what Anoana wants to say - I might agree - The old man followed the woman's gaze and also looked at the two friends, before he could utter his next words Anoana forewarned him
- However, you don't believe Blinky is a good teacher - She raised an eyebrow as she slowly turned her head towards the old man straightening up in her seat even more than necessary - I believe Blinky has learned from his mistakes and a bond will soon be formed between him and our new troll hunter -.
- Anoano, you are forging ahead," sighed Vendel, also taking his eyes off the table of trolls they were looking at, the market leader said nothing more to even contradict the woman's words. He wanted to chastise her for once again looking too far into the future, which might kick her in the butt because of what she had thought up and failed - In that case, will you come to the fight tomorrow? - finally asked the old man changing the subject
Anoana shook her head with a mocking smile on her face as she gently dropped her head. When she lifted her gaze she encountered two people sitting across from Blinky and Aaarrrgghh she immediately recognized the troll hunter and his friend - A busy schedule I have - She winked with a smile, ran her tongue over the top line of her teeth - However, I will come - Finally she looked towards Vendel nodding her head
Vendel smiled - In that case, I'll see you tomorrow - He said goodbye to the woman, who answered him with a brief nod of farewell as she stared dully into the mug of tea in front of her. When she raised her gaze again she stuck her gaze into the foursome who were whispering to each other, not overhearing them her long ears lowered to avoid accidentally hearing what secrets they were whispering to each other.
She hoped she wasn't looking too far into the future and Jim would turn out to be what she hoped he would become. She stared intently at the foursome contemplating the human troll hunter she hoped she was telling the truth and Jim would turn out to be worthy of having the amulet and maybe even be the best troll hunter in the history of trolls.
She smiled under her breath as she finished her tea in one gulp and moved away from the table. She would get up to go to her house and prepare for tomorrow's duel between the troll hunter and Draal, she didn't notice that the new troll hunter was also looking at her as she was looking at him. Jim turned again toward Blinky who was assessing the photo that Toby had taken when they fought the shapeshifter in the museum, but the troll hunter had something else on his mind right now other than worrying that some troll was looking at him as if he was assessing him.
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Jim's speech after winning the battle with Draal brought only the fact that Vendel left the marketplace with the help of Blinkie and Aaarrrgghh to check what Jim saw was actually a decapitated bridge and not some other monument. Panic broke out in the marketplace, but Vendel with the help of Anoana and Indun successfully calmed the crowd of anxious trolls.
At the request of an elderly woman, Indun stayed at the market to keep watch over the peace while she was away.
Vendel, Aaarrrgghh and Blinky waited behind the human troll hunter and his friend at the time the market leader was looking at the displays on display in the museum, Vendel did not necessarily understand the art that people enjoyed so much. Holding his scepter tightly as his patience ran out Aaarrrgghh looked around from time to time hoping that Jim and the appendage would soon arrive Blinky meanwhile was boiling in place with stress trying to somehow strike up a conversation with Vendel but after another reluctant mutter from the leader he finally understood Vendel's allusion and stopped talking.
- Let's hope he does something about the cameras," Jim muttered, stepping through the window inside the museum as he began to look around for a potential museum security guard this time Toby was trying to squeeze through a narrow window. Letting out a sigh and moving around the troll hunter's friend tried to get inside the museum
- Oh boy, so it's true," muttered Toby squeezing himself into the window, as his body slowly squeezed through the window frame, Jim extended him a helping hand but Toby ignored it or didn't even notice it, "The criminal always returns to the scene of the crime," after saying these words Tobes body finally freed itself from the grasp of the window to jump inside and fall to the ground with a silent thud, Jim seeing his friend fall only contorted his face in a sign of pain
- He thinks the Arrest will convert us, but it's even worse," concluded Domzalski trotting after his friend unable to catch up with him, Jim without turning behind him walked on without waiting behind his friend knowing he was following him
- Lucky there are no goblins," whispered Jim more to himself than to Tobes, the two teens were walking deeper into the museum, where the market leader, Aaarrrgghh and Blinky were waiting behind them, however, the teens were not the only ones who were late.
Vendel was getting more and more impatient, but he was looking curiously at the relics on display and his eye was caught by an old-fashioned dress from the Renaissance, but he didn't like it, He furrowed his brow and wrinkles formed on his forehead as he began to gently tap the mannequin on which the dress was displayed with his scepter - What a ridiculous garment - he muttered under his breath and Aaarrrgghh and Blinky were forced to stand behind him for a good half hour while the leader looked at one and the same thing.
The two trolls simultaneously rolled their eyes, however, when they heard footsteps behind them they turned to see Jim and Toby walking hurriedly toward them. Blinky had a tightly wrinkled nose - You're late," he accused them almost immediately as the teenagers approached them
- Yes, Yes, sorry Draal trained Jim," explained Tobes which was clearly meant to keep the secret that Kanjigar's son now lives in his basement to protect the teenager and his mother Barbara. Tobes receiving an elbow to the stomach looked with a confused look at his friend, who threw him a brief look full of anger, the green big troll raised his eyebrows a little lower than Blinky's
- Draal? - muttered Aaarrrgghh - He was training? - Finished Blinky both confused whether they heard correctly
The young troll hunter squirmed when he realized that he would have to explain to his mentor and Aaarrrgghh that Draal lives in his house to protect him and his mother - Yes. He has settled a bit in the basement - Jim had a tendency that when he was stressed or didn't know what to say he waved his hands to emphasize his point of view this moment he rubbed his hand over his knuckles as he explained - He makes for a bodyguard - Lake shrugged his shoulders not knowing what more to add
Blinky squinted - Of course the defeated troll turns to the victorious duelist asking for shelter," Blinky concluded sarcastically, linking his hands in front of him as if he wanted to pray to the gods that Jim would not be stupid enough to make it true
- So everything is fine? - Summed up Jim with a quiet hope that what Draal did was normal however, when Blinkie's shoulders slumped and he threw him an angry look and Aaarrrgghh behind the blue troll was shaking his head the teenager quickly realized that what Kanjigar's son did was not normal for the custom of trolls
- Oh yes everything is fine," concluded Blinky almost growling at Jim, "As long as there is no catastrophe even worse because of this! To a cataclysm! - outraged Blinky still throwing sarcastic remarks. Jim sighed heavily feeling embarrassed, before Blinky could continue his tirade interjected Vendel who stood behind the two trolls and listened to everything
- Are we, with apologies, waiting to be caught? Or are you going to show me what is supposed to resemble a bridge of decapitation? - Demanded Vendel and impatience and annoyance flooded him as the meeting grew longer and longer, when Blinky wanted to answer by placing his one of his four hands on Jim's shoulder but the words had not had time to leave his mouth when a small white bird flew into the museum. Not a typical bird, as it did not resemble a pigeon or any other bird often found in Arcadia
The bird was white one on its wings there were brown and red feathers that created an ombre effect on the bird's wings. As the bird was getting closer and closer to them Jim unconsciously pulled out the amulet sensing that this bird could be a threat come to think of it the little one sensed that something was wrong with this bird because it wasn't acting like a well... a real bird... The teenager wasn't wrong because the closer he got to them the more the animal lowered its flight to soon turn into a ball of light which transformed into a troll.
Anoana straightened up coming out of the bird's body she corrected her white dress the closer she got to the group, her steps were steady she was in no hurry. Jim raised his eyebrows seeing Anoana remembering that she was the one who had looked at him in the inn but now the trolless was wearing her familiar headdress and the tassels fell freely down covering her eyes and part of her nose and her light blue skin stood out delicately against the dark museum - Vendel where is that characteristic calm of yours? - Anoana almost mocked the leader by standing next to him
- Did she? - Toby pointed at the troll looking at her long white horns which were not curled like those of other trolls, but she had horns similar to a deer and her red hair was pulled back but in front she had two braids, her hair reached her calves she was a bit bigger than the hunchbacked leader, maybe if the old man had straightened up Vendel would have surpassed her - She was a bird just now! - Said Toby loudly however Jim quickly silenced him
Lake and Domzalski didn't know what to think they had heard about shapeshifters only that the ones in Blinkie's story didn't turn into animals - Oh - Anoana muttered - I didn't know that my entrance would cause so much confusion, she hurried - She added after a moment in thought - Apparently people have never seen real magic - she added thoughtfully
Vendel merely rolled his eyes, unable to wait to see the decapitated bridge as long as the young troll hunter actually saw the decapitated bridge. Before Jim or anyone else had time to ask questions about the magic Anoana was talking about Vendel interjected - Can we move? - demanded the leader
Blinky shook his head, shaking off his surprise at the widow's sudden appearance. Galadrigal patted Jim again - It was just our hunter who wanted to lead us - Blinkous stated, the teenager only smiled awkwardly
- That's right," choked Jim, "I was just about to do it," muttered the teenager as he started walking toward where he found a bridge, or something that resembled a bridge of decapitation.
The group moved deeper into the museum Anoana was enthralled by the art that was on display for visitors, whenever she could she would stop to look at the exhibits, when the group moved away without waiting behind the troll this one walked away from the exhibits she sped up her steps to be able to catch up with the group that was not waiting behind the widow.
Jim walking towards the bridge of the decapitated head which he found or as he let it pass he found, the widow didn't listen too much however she focused when Jim opened the door - And then we escape from the goblins - Jim explained and Anoana raised her eyebrows, she really should have listened from the beginning when Jim spoke however she couldn't help but be more focused for the museum exhibits - And what do we see? The bridge of the decapitated head - Jim dramatically pushed back the white sheets that covered the closed exhibition
The teenager to add drama rested his hands on his hips, but to the group's eyes appeared an unknown large thing hidden under the sheet. Blinky and Vendel's eyes widened and after a moment they looked at each other, the two teenagers would move to be able to reveal to them what was hiding under the sheet being sure that it was the bridge of a decapitated head, the group of trolls slowly approached the two teenagers who were trying to pull down the large tarp.
Anoana approached the two teenagers - I'll help - She murmured kindly bending down to pick up the white tarp wanting to help the young troll hunter and his appendage however Aaarrrgghh preceded her pushing the teenagers away. The widow, understanding that Aaarrrgghh would pull down the tarp in one stroke just as the teenagers obediently stepped back giving room to the bigger and stronger troll
Aaarrrgghh pulling down the tarpaulin in one motion showed the eyes of the group a huge wooden ship from some era, the widow bet that the ship was from the medieval era or maybe even the Viking era, it was hard for her to tell however the ship itself made her delighted with it. Vendel looked at the troll hunter with annoyance - It doesn't look like a bridge to me - the old man muttered The widow wanted to throw him a sarcastic remark, but refrained as she looked at the ship
- Well he was here - The human troll hunter stressed mumbling quickly wanting them to believe his words that the decapitation bridge was here, if he was so insistent that he saw the decapitation bridge then, why is there a Viking era ship here? Anoana turned her head slightly as Lake continued to explain however he spoke quickly and it was difficult to understand any words, the troll hunter pulled his friend by the hand wanting him to confirm his version of events - After all, you were here yesterday you even took a picture! - Lake almost begged Domzalski to confirm what Jim was trying to present
- Apparently so - stammered Toby - But it wasn't sharp and I forgot to turn on the lamp - argued Tobes without even noticing how Vendel's face is getting more and more annoyed as they listen to the explanations of the troll hunter and his friend - Plus that crazy pace - muttered Toby and Jim crooked more and more when he realized that Blinky might have been right, that he was predicted - We were rushing blindly, they were chasing us - argued Tobes further, ignoring Jim's nervous eye
- Maybe there was no bridge? - grimaced Domzalski as he came to this conclusion, Vendel on cue turned towards the smaller blue troll with an accusatory and angry look full of irritation that flooded the veins of the older troll as he continued to hunch over while holding his scepter as tightly as he could
- Blinkous Galadrigal - Vendel pronounced the name almost with even more irritation as he watched the smaller troll's shoulders slump as the older troll looked at him accusingly - I haven't left the marketplace for a century - Recalled the marketplace chief - I agreed to this trip because you deluded me with the vision of seeing the bridge - Said an exasperated Vendel as blood bubbled in his veins
- You put me in danger Blinkous," Vendel sent him an even angrier look, to which Blinky replied with the same crossed his first pair of arms on his chest and rested his second pair of hands on his hips as Vendel tapped his cane on the ground to express his displeasure more forcefully
- If Master Jim claims to have seen," argued Blinky, but he was not allowed to finish, "So you let yourself be misled," growled Vendel, the widow looking at the situation like the rest of the group, she let the air out hard through her nose shaking her head
- We both know how much you like conspiracies and plotting," Vendel argued, wanting to explain to Galadrigal what a mistake he had made by trusting the young troll hunter so much that he took Vendel out after centuries when he didn't have to leave. Anoana looked at the troll hunter whose shoulders slumped hearing Vendel vent his anger at his mentor. The widow didn't want to say anything for now to curb Blinkous' reprimand
- Conspiracies meddle me," Blinky argued as he said this very poetically pointing his finger at the chief to emphasize his point of view, "That's why I want to expose them," he argued further punching his fists in the air as more and more irritation awoke in the lesser troll as in Vendel.
- Like when you decided to rid our world of cat meat," Vendel raised one eyebrow in boredom as he heard Blinke's resistance to Blinke's claim that the troll hunter might be right, Anoana took no sides she knew that at some point the shapeshifters would want to rebuild the bridge of the felled head after all Bular wants his father back and Gunmar wants the whole world. The widow knew it was a matter of time when the dark night would come she only hoped that she would find her husband in time to give him his soul at the same time run away with him as far as she could to hide in the darkness of the caves.
- A big misunderstanding," Blinky indignantly moved back as he rested all four pairs of hands on his hips, Jim looked confused towards Aaarrrgghh who was standing behind the ship. The human troll hunter asked a silent question to the pacifist if what Vendel was saying was true to which the latter nodded without uttering a single word to interrupt the argument between Galadrigal
- And remember how you made us believe that our furs were teeming with fleas? - Vendel continued to argue however Blinky did not see his errors in this
Anoana quietly sighed, seeing the growing argument - But it's true - She muttered under her breath, but no one heard it at least she thought so Jim sent her a confused look this time - Calmly this outbreak has been resolved but sometimes it happens that a troll has fleas - she explained to the teenager, who only nodded in understanding
- Prudence the highest virtue," Blinky argued, but he felt the ground disappear under his feet as Vendel became increasingly aware of his mistakes which made the chief even more distrustful of him if he trusted him at all....
- Everyone believed it," Vendel muttered, "Everyone in the marketplace thinks you're paranoid! -
- If everyone thinks so then it must be some kind of conspiracy! - Exploded Blinky without paying attention to the words, his earlier arguments went to ruin when he realized what he had said before he had time to correct his words, the old man ran his hand over with fatigue knowing that the conversation would have no effect. Vendel slowly turned towards Aaarrrgghh, Toby, Jim and Anoana who were standing behind the two trolls who were arguing
- Well your youngster is trying to play the hero," he muttered casting a glance at Jim and then looked at Blinkous again pointing an accusatory finger at him, "You, on the other hand, are looking for danger where there is none," accused Vendel
Anoana was alert she listened to what Vendel was saying at the same time she did not take her eyes off Jim and Tobes, seeing them both lower their heads in a sign of defeat after the old man's words her heart beat harder seeing their sad faces she moved to stand between them and put her stone hands on their shoulders, sending them a small warm smile of encouragement wanting to make them feel better with poor results.
Both boys smiled briefly at the widow however, their grim expression returned, she squeezed her hand tighter on the troll hunter's shoulder. Vendel moved forward - Aaarrrgghh take me home," ordered Vendel, the larger troll muttered something in agreement moving towards the exit but stopped to look at the widow with a silent question if he was coming with them.
Anoana merely shook her head in response to Aaarrrgghh, she pulled her hand off Toby's shoulder as he moved behind Vendel and Aaarrrgghh to escort the market chief away. Anoana glanced at Jim seeing him looking awkwardly at the floor, out of the corner of her eye she watched Blinky who crossed his arms over his chest in annoyance. Anoana sensed that she should leave to give them space to talk however she was not going to do so without adding her words
- Don't lose faith troll hunter - Whispered the widow, leaning closer to the smaller teenager to be on an equal level with him, the boy at her words raised his head to look at her - You know what you saw - she continued as she turned her gaze away from the boy to look at the ship - It's been centuries since Gunmar has been in the land of shadows, it's obvious that he will want to escape - she explained interrupting the
- Having a loyal son at your side who could take on armies of shapeshifters at any time - She swallowed hard again interrupting her words, she let go of his arm continuing to look towards the ship and not towards Jim - Not everyone will believe you or follow you however no one can question what you saw - Finally she looked at him as the boy looked at her with a puzzled expression as he tried to understand her words
- You can make them believe your word and I know a person who will investigate the matter," she added with a gentle smile, Jim furrowed his eyebrows only watched as the widow cast a quick glance in the direction of the blue troll, who still stood there like an offended child with his arms crossed over his chest. He crossed all four arms and his cheeks pouted like an offended child.
Jim wanted answers from the widow and maybe even an explanation of how to make Vendel believe a human troll hunter, Jim just like the woman before him looked towards the ship. Anoana only shook her head, the widow spoke puzzlingly to the teenager specifically would the young boy discover the answers to her words on his own
- Vendel thinks you got carried away by your imagination when Blinkous told you the story of the trolls," she muttered, placing her hand on the teenager's shoulder again, "Imagination can sharpen our senses preparing us for the unexpected, you're a troll hunter worried you'll have to face Gunmar or his son," she sighed.
- I believe you saw the bridge however the question is, where is the bridge? - she asked deafeningly and the teenager shook his head, no longer believing himself.
Jim almost threw up his arms pointing to the ship, he could have sworn on his life that he had seen the bridge right here - I swear I saw it here - Jim argued looking around the room hoping to find a clue to where the bridge might have disappeared however he saw nothing in particular - How am I supposed to find the bridge when even now I'm not sure I saw it - Jim sighed, his nostrils flared as he looked pityingly at the widow who was taller than him
Anoana gently tilted her head - Do you stop believing in yourself? - She asked, but she knew the answer to this question, Jim reluctantly nodded his head - Bad - she reprimanded him - Very bad, a good warrior does not doubt himself - she squeezed his arm tighter, wanting to encourage him, although she did not know if it actually worked.
The widow looked at the boy waiting for his question seeing it forming in his head - You talk about a good fighter, when I'm not even a good fighter - He muttered looking at the troll next to him - How do you know I will be a good fighter? - He raised his eyebrow suspiciously
Anoana only giggled shaking her head at the teenager's question - You have to find the answer to this question yourself - She joined her hands on her stomach as she looked at Jim, who only mumbled without getting a sufficient answer, she knew he was speaking in riddles however she wanted to hint to the boy what to look for in the dark corridors of ignorance to discover what he had not yet discovered himself - When you find the answer you will tell me yourself - she smiled gently
- Are you a good fighter Jim Lake Jr? -
Jim clenched his jaws tighter as he looked at the ship Anoana sensing Blinky approaching Jim stepped back to give them space - I swear he was here - Jim muttered wanting to look at Anoane who was not next to him, when he turned around he met Blinkous who was approaching the teenager
- Maybe Vendel is right," muttered Blinkous, "Na I told you fairy tales and you let your imagination run wild," Blinky stated, so many questions were boiling in Jim's head so many riddles at once that he didn't know what to do himself. Jim only firmly shook his head believing that he had not predicted and saw the bridge of the decapitated head, when the teenager wanted to ask the widow something he noticed that the widow raised her hands above her head like a bird preparing to fly and her body begins to surround magic at the same time shrinking to the size of a small hummingbird, which quickly escapes through the open window through which Jim and Toby entered.
Jim sighed heavily as he looked at his mentor, "It's my fault," stated Blinky pulling the teenager out of his reverie, Lake had not previously caught the sad tone of his mentor however, when he realized this he wanted to help Blinky regain his faith that he was not at fault and maybe even helped
- No - Denied the boy coming closer to the troll so he could see him - It's not your fault at all - Argued the boy further - Please believe me, just like she believed me... Well - Jim interrupted his argument for a moment realizing that he didn't know the widow's name and yet she messed with his head, he put his hand on his chest - Well like that troll, I really know what I saw - he argued as the teenager's shoulders slumped to the side just like Blinky's
The light blue troll only sighed heavily, turning towards the teenager - If there is no proof they must be somewhere else - Blinky stated grabbing Jim's arm wanting to give him his support, Jim stood there with a serious look on his face as he watched the desire to uncover the conspiracy arouse in the blue troll - Get on with your studies better - He instructed in an authoritarian tone - And I will investigate," the troll whispered, sending a small smile towards the teenager, who reciprocated.
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freyaofthelake · 2 years
Merlin AU where magic user’s eyes glow different colours based on what type of spell/magic they’re using, the emotion behind it and/or their own power level.
So when Merlin says to Arthur “I have magic.. I only used it for you.” Arthur believes him because Morgana’s eyes never lit up gold, nor did any of the other magic users/creatures they came across (save for the unicorn if you wanna go with the whole ‘Merlin is pure magic’ comparison)
Gaius is surprised that Merlin’s eyes light golden; he’s only ever seen green/blues (for healing/happy/calm) red/purples (for dark/anger/fear) and white(most magical creatures) he brushes it off as maybe him being Balinor’s son combined with Merlin’s instinct at saving people, after all Dragon/Dragonlord Magic™️ is so vastly different from anything he’s seen and he doesn’t really have much time to focus on that when Merlin’s just stopped time in front of him; twice.
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Morgana Le Fay in Iron Man #150/Art: John Romita Jr.
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pippin-katz · 1 year
Merlin's Last Name
I have a dilemma. My OCD is super mad about the tags for Merlin posts, but I’m gonna tackle things one at a time, starting with Merlin.
I currently use Emrys because it’s the most common, but it’s frustrating to me because I know it’s not a surname.
Ambrosius is the second most common because I believe it’s one of the names used for Merlin in Arthurian legend. I’m starting to lean towards using it instead, but I’m not sure.
So what do you think? Spread this around please, I want to hear people’s thoughts on this.
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ambriel-angstwitch · 1 year
Ivy through the lens of Morgwen
How's one to know? I'd meet you where the spirit meets the bones In a faith forgotten land
Ok this makes me think of when they meet in the woods in season 5 they meet in a place where so many have died and by being there even somewhat against her will Guinevere has betrayed Arthur’s faith in her.
In from the snow Your touch brought forth an incandescent glow Tarnished but so grand
They are the light of each others life and bring forth strong emotions (the two meanings of incandescent). It becomes a tarnished love though because after Morgause’s influence and the subsequent betrayal Morgana they no longer can hold each other as they once did. Or you can argue that according to Uther their love would have always been tarnished as to be with a servant would detract from the value of Morgana. Either way though their love had been grand.
And the old widow goes to the stone every day. But I don't, I just sit here and wait Grieving for the living
After Morgana’s betrayal Guinevere lost her love but there is no grave to visit and in a way she’s forever left waiting. Similarily Morgana is the the same way except she has more belief that Gwen could come to her side.
Oh, goddamn My pain fits in the palm of your freezing hand. Taking mine, but it's been promised to another.
The loved one tries to take some of the pain they hold it in their hand, but the wording of a freezing hand is amazing because that can often be something uncomfortable so that can mean though they try to help the other they cause them discomfort instead. In a way they can both fit this role never really being able to create what the other needs. Morgana as the kings ward (and daughter though people don’t know that) was likely intended to be married off to someone and Guinevere was destined to marry Arthur but yet they take each others hands.
Oh, I can't. Stop you putting roots in my dreamland. My house of stone, your ivy grows. And now I'm covered in you
They cling to each other. They love each other so much but they are destroying each others plans. Guinevere can never get that soft life she’d dreamed they might have as Morgana won’t let go of her bitterness and realize better plans and Morgana can’t convince Guinevere to join her side of the fight as she cares for many people in Camelot
I wish to know The fatal flaw that makes you long to be Magnificently cursed
They both wish to know what makes the other wish to be with them despite never getting to truly be together. Well they both love each other it is a curse to be forced to hide it. Also brings to mind Morgana’s magic it could be considered a curse and Gwen as most people in Camelot don’t understand that it’s not always a choice so she would wonder why she decided to take on magic.
He's in the room. Your opal eyes are all I wish to see. He wants what's only yours
You could describe Morgana’s eyes as Opal as like Opals Morgana’s eyes can appear Blue or Green and even Gold (Opals have even more colors but Morgana’s eyes are limited to that)
Clover blooms in the fields Spring breaks loose, the time is near What would he do if he found us out? Crescent moon, coast is clear Spring breaks loose, but so does fear He's gonna burn this house to the ground
I know on the original context him is the woman’s husband but in this analysis it’s Uther because he’s far more filled with rage. We have seen in the show that he has no care for servants and those his children cares for. He would kill them without hesitation. Arthur doesn’t have that same cruel anger even if Morgana and Guinevere had been together when Gwen and him got married.
How's one to know? I'd live and die for moments that we stole On begged and borrowed time
They were truly in love with each other. It started out sweet and innocent even though it was a secret due to how society would view their relationship. But it was borrowed time, they were destined to be torn apart.
So tell me to run Or dare to sit and watch what we'll become And drink my husband's wine
Morgana gave Guinevere an out when she rose to power, Guinevere could join her side or even just sit on the sidelines and no harm would come to her. But they had to become something they never wanted to be. Torn apart and turned against each other.
And I'm covered in you So yeah, it's a fire It's a goddamn blaze in the dark And you started it You started it So yeah, it's a war It's the goddamn fight of my life And you started it You started it
They are on an opposite sides of a fight and it was Morgana who started it. Had things gone differently Morgana and Merlin’s could have stayed friends and brought back magic together and Morgana and Gwen could have been happy but instead Morgana was bitter and the war was started.
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liberty1776 · 1 year
Morgan Le Fay | The Arthurian Enchantress
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queer-ragnelle · 4 months
La Tavola Ritonda PDF is now available to read! Enjoy!
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ID: When Isotta had returned to the pavilion, the tables were set out and food was prepared, and when water had been brought for their hands they sat down to eat. As they ate, Gariette looked out and saw Palamidesso going by looking for them, and pointed him out to Sir Tristano. Tristano got up and went to meet him, taking him by the hand and leading him into the pavilion, where he disarmed and sat at the table. They all passed that night in great joy.
Medieval Literature scans | Arthurian Retellings scans | Ko-fi ⤥Italian Name Guide Below Cut
Prose Tristan Gang
King Meliadus of Liones (Meliodas of Lyonesse)
Queen Eliabella (Elizabeth)
Tristano (Tristan)
King Marco of Cornovaglia/Tintoile (Mark of Cornwall/Tintagel)
King Amoroldo of Irlanda (Morholt of Ireland)
King Languis of Irlanda (Anguish of Ireland)
Queen Isotta the Blonde (Isolde 1)
Gouvernale (Governal)
Brandina (Brangaine)
Dinadano (Dinadan)
Daniello (Daniel)
Brunoro the Black/Ill-Cut Coat (Brunor le Noir/La Cote Male Taile)
Dinasso the Seneschal (Dinas)
King Scalabrino (Esclabor)
Palamidesso the Pagan (Palomides/Palamedes)
Isotta White Hands (Isolde 2)
Gheddino (Kahedrin)
King Artù of Camellotto/Longres (Arthur of Camelot/Logres)
Queen Ginevara (Guinevere)
Chieso the Seneschal (Kay)
Lucano (Lucan)
Fata Morgana (Morgan le Fay)
Pulzella Gais (Morgan's daughter)
Merlino the Prophet (Merlin)
King Lotto (Lot)
Queen Albagia of Organia (Morgause of Orkney)
Calvano the Lover (Gawain)
Agravano (Agravaine)
Gariens (Gaheris)
Gariette (Gareth)
Mordarette (Mordred)
King Pellinoro of Gaules (Pellinore of Wales)
Prezzivale lo Galese (Percival of Wales)
Amorotto di Gaules (Lamorak of Wales)
Adriano (Drian)
Agravale (Aglovale)
King Bando of Benoich (Ban of Benwick)
Dama del Lago (Lady of the Lake)
Lancilotto of Gioisa Guardia (Lancelot of Joyous Guard)
Astore di Mare (Hector de Maris)
Lionello (Lionel)
Bordo (Bors)
Briobris (Biloberis)
Galasso (Galahad)
Brunoro the Brown (Brunor father of Galehaut)
Bagotta (Fair Giantess)
Galeotto (Galehaut)
Sagramore (Sagramore lol)
Meliagans (Meleagant/Melwas)
King Brando of Magus (Bademagus)
Beast Glatisanti (Questing Beast/Glatisants)
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