#mood whiplash
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nocherrybombs · 5 months ago
Getting Your Priorities Straight
Lumine: Listen, Mavuika. I'm glad the war with the Abyss worked out... for a particular definition of "worked out"... and I'd love to prepare to follow you to our almost certain deaths in the gentle embrace of a cold, dead, eldritch oblivion, but can we put that off a couple of weeks? I need to go to Sumeru for a thing.
Mavuika: I suppose so, Traveler, and of course, it's your choice whether you will join me in my final battle against the Abyss. I'm just wondering, what in the world could possibly be so important that you must leave right now of all times?
Lumine: Nahida's birthday party.
Mavuika: And you haven't left yet?! Screw the Abyss, you're gonna be late! Here, climb on my back. I'll fly you to Port Ormos, it'll be faster.
Lumine: ...you do know I can use the Waypoints to teleport, right? Also, don't you usually burst into flames while you're flying?
Mavuika: Eh, details. Now, do you want a ride or not?
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zephis-world · 2 months ago
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nurazziana · 2 months ago
Another song popped in my playlist after watching Boonboomger episode 44...man, I think it's hard to move on when your favorite character suddenly died...
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bojackhorsemanobviously · 7 months ago
i cant watch 3 seconds of bojack without wanting to cry..
and bojack has the nerve to be funny then go to a super serious scene and give you mood whiplash like bro im still laughing and now your bumming me out i cant keep up with this
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izztreme-art-n-stuff · 9 months ago
Here's the second preview for the second chapter:
This scene. This fucking scene. This has to be the funniest scene I've ever written. In anything ever. It's even better with the context that everything before this was (at least partially) serious. This is the Mood Whiplash of the century and a perfect view into how this fic treats itself.
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kahran042 · 2 years ago
I found a bit of Mood Whiplash related to the Dear Evan Hansen soundtrack, but I’m not sure of whether to put it on TV Tropes under Theatre or Music. Specifically, the fact that the upbeat Sincerely, Me is sandwiched between the tear-jerkers For Forever and Requiem.
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fandomlife-confessions · 2 years ago
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Brooke Rhapsody gave the Inspector a bit of mood whiplash,
going from trying to seduce them to trying to kill them … twice.
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jolikmc-thoughts · 4 months ago
[Music] Ironic Juxtaposition on a Nu Metal Radio Station
So, I'm listening to a local radio station that plays grunge music, heavy metal, and alternative rock. You know, songs with people screaming about death and tearing themselves apart… that sort of thing.
Anyway, as they're part of a local crime syndicate radio network, they play local ads for, like… a company that creates signs and posters, or a tire repair service, and so on. It's not too infrequently I get stuff like this:
♪ "I don't want your cure! I don't need your savior to give me a sign of life under me!" ♫ [station break hits] "Hunting season is coming up, so let's talk about gun safety."
Today, though, I heard something that actually made me change the station. After a thrash-y song I don't remember the name of, the DJ pops on and talks about the last couple of songs, then he starts going on about how it's "okay to not feel okay" or something, and talks about how "suicide prevention is important to our community".
That, right there, is what we call ironic juxtaposition.
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wispisstillverybored67 · 1 year ago
Beauty Is Devotion
So, what do you wanna do, what's your point of view? There's a party, screw it, do you wanna go? A handshake with you, what's your point of view? I'm on top of you, I don't wanna go 'Cause I really wanna stay at your house
Time: 9:30 pm. Decently warm on the beach. Nyeh... This is the life. It's just me and Aceto, hopelessly in love with each other. The guys can bite me. This is where it's at! He's the man of my dreams! He's not even one of us... he worships the boss! Oh, if only this moment can be frozen in time... It's just the two of us, embracing each other in the sand, without a care in the world, praising each other, without a care in the world.
"Oh, Paulla..." He sighed, utterly blissful. "I swear, not a single soul will hurt you. I'll kill anyone who bothers you...!"
"Then... It'll be the same for me. I want to show you our world, someday. Even if the guys bare their Stands at your windpipe, and those adorable little eyes... I'll see them through," I'm serious. The guys can kiss my ass, with their distrust of everyone. They're my best friends, but they can shut the hell up on my boyfriend. Doppio has no credibles...?! You wouldn't know "credible" if you were the head of a conglomerate, and your name was Ra... Lost my train of thought.
"Even to Risotto?"
"Even Nero! Ah..." The usual motions will be done. Smushing his face into my chest, and tracing my fingers delicately through his hair. ~🎵
"Ah, Doppio... My dearly devoted love. My adorable little lover. Sweet, violent, beloved Doppio... What would I give for you to meet my big sis,"
"You said her name was Ane, right? She sounds so nice whenever you talk about her... Both of you are just so, so sweet..." He sighed. Did we both blush, or were we already blushing? Love abounds, ah...
"Hey, Paulla?" Sticking his face up, he gave me a Look.
"What's up?"
"D'ya think that... That maybe you can call... call me by my first name?" And with this, he was flushed even pinker then typical for him. By his first name... Aceto. Now this is something! I don't think anyone calls him that... But you knew that by now, right? I haven't actually heard it out loud before... Do you think the boss calls him by his first name? I don't think so.
"You mean it?" I guess it makes sense, even though we've only been dating for a bit. On account of how hopelessly in love we are...! It hit me, finally.
"...!" What else am I gonna say? "Oui, mon amour!" You know, we both agree that French is without a doubt, one of the most romantic languages there is. We've never actually met a Frenchman, naturally, so it's new, beautiful.
"Aceto, then? You really could have just asked me earlier, you know," I sighed, moving his little lick out of his face. And that just made him blush all the more. I kind of did so, too. "You're just adorable when you blush, Aceto..." ~🎵
"And I thought you NEVER blush...! Hahahaha..." Hmm, you know what I'm in the mood for? Heheheh...
Laughing it off after a moment, I sat up rather suddenly, leaving him stumped. As he went up as well, I gave him a Look.
"Don't tell anyone you heard this from me, 'kay? Hmm~🎵" Let's begin now.
"Totsuzen ni mō upside down Sekai wa kawari dasu Inori mo todokanai Boku ga kawari dasu~🎵" I simply chose a laxer song. Do you know what it's called? He seemed a bit confused at the song itself.
"You've heard me sing it a couple of times... There's no chance someone like YOU can forget it," I remarked. "It's one song I've become fond of while I was still in Japan. Before I moved back here, you know..." Oh, I HATE cover stories!
"...That one I'm thinking of, yeah? I mean, if you wanna..." He sighs. I ought to teach him the proper words...
"Kimi wa matomete hachiletet-tsuzukete Chibi-un ga dome ka wakaranuku naru Naki-sedakedo makitakunaikara🎵" He was a little shy when it came to singing, but in my presence, he just couldn't resist!
"O-shi-e-te~" All together, now...
"Yoru ni haseru kono yurameki to Omoinomama ni tobimawatte Motto jiyū ni kakete ikou yo Hoshi o miagete sa~🎵" Ah... That was a nice bit!
"It's fun, right, Aceto?" He nodded a "yes". A perfect night! !! It's time... Make your move, now...
I turned to him, he was picking sand out of his eye, somehow managing to get some in. When he saw me, he was even more confused. Moving closer, closer, closer, yet closer... Soon, we met each other at a borderline unwise closeness. Sighing, I prepped myself for a kiss. Open up, he'll know when it gets there-
Hmm?! Aha! Come to mama, now...
"Torurururururururu!" What.
"!! Fuck, sorry, one sec. Uh..." Didn't you tell the boss not to call you now?! We're having a moment here...!
Scrambling for something, I would've told him that there's a payphone over there on the beach, but Aceto, my poor sweet dumbass Aceto, chooses to use my leg as a phone.
"Ugh, why the hell is a phone over here...?" Sighing, he made the call. What is WITH him, honestly? *dreamy sigh*
"Boss! What the hell?! Didn't I already tell you a hundred times not to CALL ME AT THIS TIME?! I'm in the middle of something here!" This looks a little dirty from afar... This is funny! He's the only one I've ever seen talk to the boss like that! Though it's also uncomfortable, 'cuz his calls tend to take a while...
"Eh?! Fine, fine, fine. Got it. *Click!* Oh." He stumbled out of his little phone-daze, realizing what he's using. Quickly dropping my leg, he hastily looked around and stood up. Wonder what he needed him for?
"Shit, sorry Paulla, Boss needs me for something. Somethin' came up and I gotta go-" Quickly and awkwardly, he left without elaborating. Oh well. There's always then. "Aceto..." I complained.
"See you tomorrow, then? I'll text you when I get home!" Heading to the promenade, I pulled out my own phone.
"Hey. Big Sis. Guess what?"
"I have a boyfriend!"
"Yeah! He's just the cutest! I met him at school, and we hit it off! He's not a classmate, though, technically. And he's SO protective...! I LOVE him!"
She was surprised to hear the good news, but was very happy to hear. I really, really need to introduce the two! Maybe I can introduce the guys, too.
Time to head back home.
Then it hits me.
He's the first to have enacted such emotions in me.
Not even Big Sis or the guys could have pulled that off.
I don't believe in fate, or anything like that.
But maybe, we were intended to meet, you know? I can feel it.
He'll have a place in the Golden Land. I'm sure of it.
That smell... I know it well.
Something is off. The air is filled with the scent of spicy-sweet, metal, and death. Do you know what that means?
NERO! He must've been watching me the whole night with his Stand! Walking further up to the start of the route to the hideout, I picked up the sound of footsteps. 2... no, 9 of them.
You gotta be kidding me... Everyone was watching?! Okay, Illuso, Nero himself, and Gelato I can get. The first and last of those three have straight up told me "What do you see in him?!", and the last one is one case on his own, but Prosciutto? Pesci? Ghiaccio? Melone? Sorbet? Sorbet does NOT give a shit on who I date. He's the only one who calls me "Izza"! "Izza"! That one gains nothing from this! None of the guys do! They kinda remind me of my parents, hehe...! My ma HAS been a misanthropic recluse for at least 9 years.
I clapped my hands together. Dare to dance with these gauntlets? Who wants to feel the full force of Smooth Criminal's despair first? Dare to dance?
Facing the direction I heard the footsteps in, then I made my move.
"You've done well to make it here! I should've expected as much... FROM THE LAUGHING STOCKS OF PASSIONE!!" Run all you want, I decide the truth!
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nurazziana · 2 months ago
I'm in mood whiplash after watching episode 44 of Boonboomger. This song currently plays in my song playlist
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magicbutsevenofit · 1 year ago
Chapter 55: The Almarz Residence
Capella's mom is in a town called Neel. The boys will be heading there tomorrow. They go to bed...and Teito wakes up the next morning with his leg chained to the bed. Frau got sick of him wandering off all the time. Teito gets pissed...then very faint. Frau feels his forehead and tells him he has a cold. He tells Teito that he needs to take a day to rest but Teito refuses, saying they need to see Capella's mother.
They go to the town the next day at the location where Capella's mom should be staying...and there's no house. Teito's cold is sapping him by the second so the three head to a bar since they clearly aren't making any progress today. Teito protests but Frau drags him there anyway to find him a room to rest in. The bartender lets them use the sofa and Frau lies a complaining Teito down. Teito keeps fighting...then something comes out and threatens to eat his soul, through Frau's body. Teito passes out and Frau gets drinks for him and Capella like nothing happened. He asks the bartender for help with directions and the bartender says he's heading to the Almarz Residence, giving him the proper directions to a local rich guy's house. Even though they were at that exact spot and they didn't find the house...
Later that night, Frau looms over Teito's body in a creepy way...
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In case you didn't know.
The next day, Teito's fever has gone down and he and Capella are off to see the latter's mother. Frau has a hangover but fuck him. Teito thanks Frau for watching over him while he was sick...but Frau just turns away guiltily, confusing Teito. They run into another dead end...only for Frau to cut down the wall to reveal the mansion. Capella runs in to see his mom while Frau watches a monster reseal the wall behind them, revealing the trick.
They go up to the door and a servant comes out to ask them why they're here. Teito announces that they're bishops looking for a certain person. The servant stares...then closes the door, much to Teito's consteration. The servant answers through the closed door that no bishop would look as evil as Frau, causing him to get pissed off and start kicking the door. Eventually, they get the door open and Frau shows the servant his Bishop Pass. The servant says it's fake and inspects it while the others demand the three guys stripped. A woman comes downstairs and asks what's the commotion. Teito says they're looking for Capella's mom, a woman by the name of Lutia. Everybody goes quiet hearing that...
In a parlor room with tea, the woman explains that they took in Lutia as a replacement for her mother. A guy there asks if they can wait one more day before seeing her. Before they answer, Capella turns around and sees her outside a window and dashes off to see her. Lutia spots him and they hug.
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The chapter ends with the monster in the wall saying that his sister is alive...so he needs to kill her quickly then.
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tooselfaware · 2 years ago
Woke up in a good mood because I dreamt of something good. 😊
Forgot to write it on my notes. 👀
Now I can't because I already forgot. 😤
I am now in a bad mood. 😒
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hazbin-loony-bin · 3 months ago
“the O- ah- is totally there. You nailed it.”
Funny despite the gravity of the situation
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While funny what Blitz says, Satan is also the first royal that we've seen Blitz seem legit scared of since we've seen him be mouthy with three other Deadly Sins without issue.
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I know some of his nervousness/fear could be because he's on trial, but given how the other Deadly Sins could have easily killed him too if they wanted to, it shows how Satan is a whole other level of power and a threatening presence. O_O
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The only time he did show disrespect was when he was about to die, so he knew he had nothing left to lose. :(
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jewreallythinkthat · 7 months ago
I just watched the production of Fiddler on the Roof on at the moment in London. If you're UK based, I 100% urge you to go - the run has been extended.
What really hit me, as I have never seen it before which is shocking as I'm Jewish and a musical theatre person, is how my family fled Lviv and Kharkiv to escape pogroms and expulsions and I sat there watching the show and all I could think was "that would ahve been me".
I don't think people understand how much we, as Jews, do not forget the persecution we have faced. Not because we are here "holding grudges" or whatever but because it was literally our grandparents where are offer STILL ALIVE who were survivors of european antisemetism. My grandfather's family came by foot from Kharkiv to the UK and I will absolutely be telling my children how resilient their foreparents were.
People may have forgotten what their grandparents did to ours, but don't worry because we never will.
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l4tchk3y · 3 days ago
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