#the traveler as unhinged interstellar eldritch abomination
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nocherrybombs · 6 months ago
That Good Ol' Natlan Hospitality
Mavuika: Am I really the first archon to attempt to properly welcome you to their nation?
Lumine: More or less. The Anemo Archon mostly wandered off doing his own thing, by which I mean he spent a lot of time singing, drinking and stealing stuff.
Paimon: Barbatos put in no effort at all, so Paimon gave him an ugly nickname.
Lumine: Right. And the Geo Archon... uh. Died, I guess. Honestly, it was very inconvenient for everyone involved.
Paimon: Morax sure runs his mouth a lot for a dead guy.
Lumine: Let's see, what else? ...oh yeah, the Raiden Shogun tried to kill us the first time we met. That wasn't especially nice of her.
Mavuika: I'm sorry, did you just say that Baal tried to kill you?! Why in the world would she do that?
Lumine: Apparently I was an "enemy of eternity" or something. Ei isn't all that good at thinking these things through before she pulls out her sword and starts shooting lightning at people.
Paimon: She's so scary! Paimon was lucky to get out of Inazuma alive.
Lumine: Sumeru was okay. Nahida was super chill and fun to hang out with. I'm sure she would have been more accommodating if she hadn't been locked up in baby jail.
Mavuika: I heard about that after the fact. I had no idea Buer was struggling so much. I would have tried to help if I had known.
Lumine: Don't blame yourself, the entire situation was fucked. The first time I met her was inside an endlessly recurring cyclic nightmare. But it's okay, we fixed the problem.
Paimon: Yeah, and by "fixed the problem" she means "beat up a bunch of Fatui"!
Mavuika: Sweet, rock on.
Lumine: That wasn't too bad, but then we got to Fontaine and the first thing Furina did was challenge us to a fight and try to get us arrested.
Mavuika: That sounds like Focalors.
Lumine: In Furina's defense, there's context. It's just that nobody knew about any of the context until way later, so it felt really unhinged at the time.
Mavuika: I can't even begin to imagine.
Lumine: That's about it. Up until now, you are the only archon to offer us anything even remotely close to a normal reception.
Mavuika: In that case, it's my pleasure to warmly welcome you to Natlan. I hope you will enjoy your time here, please sit back and relax... is what I would like to say, but one of my citizens has gotten herself trapped in the afterlife and it would be totally rad if you could help us rescue her.
Lumine, sighing and drawing her Dull Blade: Ugh, fine, it's not like I wasn't going to end up there looking for primogems and Pyroculi anyways. So, what's the fastest way to get to hell?
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nocherrybombs · 6 months ago
Playing Abyssal Telephone
Lumine: Hey Kachina, congrats on winning the Pilgrimage!
Kachina: Thanks! I couldn't have done it without you and Mualani helping me. I still can't believe I really won...
Lumine: So, you're off to go fight in the Night Warden Wars, huh?
Kachina: Yeah. I'm nervous, but I promise I'll work really hard and make you all proud!
Lumine: Right, about that. Can you do me a favor while you're there?
Kachina: Of course Traveler, anything for you.
Lumine: If you run into a short guy who looks like me with long blonde hair braided down his back, wearing a white cape and one earring, can you tell him that he needs to stop being a little shit and come home right now before I go out there myself and kick his fucking ass?
Kachina: ...what?
Lumine: Also, let him know that he's gonna catch these hands the next time I see him if he doesn't knock it off with the "Prince of the Abyss Order" nonsense immediately. Oh, and tell him that I want my fucking Field Tiller eye back.
Kachina: You're friends with the Prince of the Abyss Order?
Lumine: Not for much longer, I'm not, if he keeps this up. But while I'm thinking about it, if you happen to meet a really dorky Pyro Abyss Lector named Enjou, tell him that Lumine says "Hi".
Kachina: I, um... I didn't know you were on a first name basis with abyss monsters. Is that... like... how...?
Lumine: Listen, what happens in Byakuyakoku stays in Byakuyakoku. You'll understand when you're older.
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nocherrybombs · 4 months ago
Vibe Check Your Vocab
Citlali: Just because I've lived for a long time doesn't mean I'm out of touch, okay?! I can be hip, I can be "with it"! Come on, ask me any question that a young person would know the answer to. I'll prove that I'm not some washed-up old hag!
Lumine: Are you sure you should be saying that so casually? Things could get ugly real fast if someone calls you on it.
Citlali: Of course I'm sure! I am entirely confident in my abilities! Besides, how bad could it possibly be?
Lumine: Okay, but don't say I didn't warn you. Hey Lyney, haul your twink ass over here!
Lyney: Ah, Traveler, as usual, it is always lovely to hear the dulcet tones of your voice. To what do I owe the pleasure?
Lumine: Citlali here wants to run a vibe check on her vocab.
Lyney: No cap? Alright then, Miss Citlali, say you're verbally throwing hands with some basic bitch who has too many opinions and wants to talk to your manager. You pull off an epic clapback, but you exhaust your rizz in the process and end up taking the L. Now, considering all of that, is this situation based or cringe?
Citlali: Umm... I mean, obviously... it, uh, depends...based on what?
Lyney: Hmm. Miss Citlali, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I'm afraid that you are, unfortunately, a boomer.
Citlali, slightly terrified: What's a boomer? Is it bad? ...am I going to explode?
Lyney: No, not at all! While you may never fully understand anything a young person says, many boomers otherwise live long, happy lives. It's nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, my "Father" happens to be a boomer herself.
Arlecchino, appearing out of nowhere: Greetings, Miss Citlali, it's a pleasure to meet you. Welcome to my ongoing linguistic nightmare.
Citlali, close to tears: Who are all you people?! I'm so confused...!
Lumine: Told ya.
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nocherrybombs · 5 months ago
Abyssal Telephone Part 2: Imaginary Friends (All Aboard the SS Caribert)
Lumine: When I asked Kachina to keep an eye out for you, I didn't actually think you would show up here.
Enjou: What can I say? I'm just full of surprises.
Lumine: Since you're here, I may as well ask; have you seen my brother recently? I only wanna talk to him. With my fists.
Enjou: No, not as of late. As I've mentioned, I don't confer with His Highness regularly. Sort of a recluse, that one. Don't tell anybody I said this, but I think he's lonely.
Lumine: And how is that supposed to be my problem? If he's lonely, then it's his own damn fault!
Enjou: Calm yourself, old friend. No one suggested that he was your responsibility. I am simply, as they say, "calling it like I see it".
Lumine: ...fine, whatever. The next time you do see my brother, just tell him that I'm still mad about that stunt he pulled with Caribert. Oh, and tell him that if he doesn't give me my Eye back, I'm gonna chase him down and kick him in the crotch so hard he'll choke on his own nuts.
Enjou: I'm not going to- wait a moment, did you say you've met Caribert?
Lumine: Huh? Oh, yeah, I met him. Why do you ask?
Enjou: I did not know that Caribert was real.
Lumine: What do you mean, you "did not know that Caribert was real"? Didn't Aether tell you about him? He was definitely real. He was also a manipulative little prick, even if he was kinda cute for a hilichurl... person... Loom of Fate... thing. Why would you think he wasn't real?
Enjou: I never had the pleasure of becoming acquainted with Caribert myself, and the Prince only ever talked about him in abstract terms, the way one might refer to a boat that sank. It's always "Remember the Alberich" this and "avenge our fallen comrades" that. I assumed Caribert was a metaphor.
Lumine: A metaphor for what?!
Enjou: The struggle of man against the divine and the inevitability of fate? I don't know, you tell me.
Lumine: ...Enjou, you have no idea how lucky you are that I happen to find your particular brand of silliness endearing.
Enjou: Oh, His Highness once said the exact same thing to me! You really are twins, aren't you?
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nocherrybombs · 5 months ago
Getting Your Priorities Straight
Lumine: Listen, Mavuika. I'm glad the war with the Abyss worked out... for a particular definition of "worked out"... and I'd love to prepare to follow you to our almost certain deaths in the gentle embrace of a cold, dead, eldritch oblivion, but can we put that off a couple of weeks? I need to go to Sumeru for a thing.
Mavuika: I suppose so, Traveler, and of course, it's your choice whether you will join me in my final battle against the Abyss. I'm just wondering, what in the world could possibly be so important that you must leave right now of all times?
Lumine: Nahida's birthday party.
Mavuika: And you haven't left yet?! Screw the Abyss, you're gonna be late! Here, climb on my back. I'll fly you to Port Ormos, it'll be faster.
Lumine: ...you do know I can use the Waypoints to teleport, right? Also, don't you usually burst into flames while you're flying?
Mavuika: Eh, details. Now, do you want a ride or not?
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nocherrybombs · 2 months ago
It's Nice to Upgrade Every Now and Then
Paimon: Something about you feels off recently, but Paimon can't put her finger on it. Have you lost weight?
Lumine: When would I have had the opportunity to lose weight? We both eat our own body mass in sticky honey roast and fried radish balls every night.
Paimon: Oh yeah. Mmm, sticky honey roast... hey, wait, don't change the subject! There's definitely something weird going on with you!
Lumine: Sure. Whatever you say, Paimon. Let me know if you figure out what it is. I'll be over here sharpening my sword.
Paimon: See, that's what Paimon is talking about! Paimon has never seen you sharpen your sword before. Actually, now that Paimon thinks about it, your sword looks really different. What happened to it?
Lumine: Oh, this? It's a Prototype Rancour. I found a blueprint a while back, and since we're going to be in Natlan for a few more months I decided to commission the blacksmith to forge it for me.
Paimon: Prototype Rancour? We got that blueprint from the Adventurer's Guild four years ago. Why in the world did you wait until now to forge it?
Lumine: My other sword is perfectly serviceable, and I didn't want to spend the mora.
Paimon: Traveler, your other sword is a blunt chunk of scrap metal with a handle. Paimon thought you were only using it because you were uncomfortable with cutting things!
Lumine: Why would I be uncomfortable with cutting things?
Paimon: Paimon doesn't know, she thought that maybe it was a phobia or something! Does this mean that for the past four years, you've been using a worn-out dull blade to fight literal gods for no reason?!
Lumine: It's gotten us this far, hasn't it?
Paimon: Okay, that's true, but don't you think that fighting Dvalin... and Childe... and the Hypostases, the Regisvines, Osial, Beisht, Azhdaha, Apep, La Signora - wow, we really do fight a lot, don't we? - the Golden Wolflord, the Raiden Shogun, the Shouki no Kami, the All-Devouring Narwhal, the Knave, and all those hilichurls and abyss monsters would have been a lot easier if you were using a proper weapon?
Lumine: Hmm... yeah, probably. Oh well, can't do anything about it now.
Paimon: Paimon swears you're going to be the death of her, Traveler.
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nocherrybombs · 3 months ago
Abyssal Telephone Part 3: They Ran Out of Mare Jivari Souvenir Maps at the Stadium Gift Shop
Lumine: Well well well, if it isn't Enjou - or should I say "Sanka"? - causing problems yet again.
Enjou: Actually, I've been going by "Kokuchuu" these days.
Lumine: Does it look like I care? I am this close to just giving up and calling you "Fuckboy" from now on.
Enjou: Ooh, harsh.
Lumine: What are you doing here, Enjou?
Enjou: Would you believe me if I told you I'm on vacation?
Lumine: No, I would not believe that.
Enjou: Oh, fine. If you absolutely must know, I'm investigating some Natlantean legends; old wives' tales, really. Surely you of all people wouldn't hold that against me, would you? After all, you must be curious about them as well.
Lumine: Of course I am, but that doesn't change the fact that your "investigation" put poor Leyla into a persistent vegetative state. Isn't there a way you could indulge your curiosity that's less destructive? I'm starting to get tired of cleaning up your messes.
Enjou: That's rich coming from the woman who sank the entire Tower of Ipsissimus into the terrestrial sea.
Lumine: Enjou...
Enjou: Okay, okay! Clearly I have crossed some kind of boundary here. I apologize; I promise that I will try to be a little more delicate in the future. There. Are you happy now?
Lumine: It's a start.
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nocherrybombs · 6 months ago
Make Sure You Wash Your Quests Before Recycling Them
Paimon: Hey Traveler, does Viramdra remind you of anybody? He seems really familiar, but Paimon can't quite put her finger on why...
Lumine: Tirzad. I've been deliberately trying to forget about that guy for the past two years.
Paimon: Oh yeah! Now that Paimon thinks about it, the resemblance is uncanny.
Mualani: Have you met someone like Viramdra before, Traveler?
Lumine: Sort of. Let me put it this way: if I had one mora for every time I got caught up in a snotty Akademiya researcher's vanity expedition where he frequently argued with the guide and almost got himself killed multiple times, I would have two mora. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
Mualani: Wow, you really have seen everything, haven't you?
Lumine: Nah, I've just gotten used to stuff like this, for better or worse. Believe it or not, this trip is like the third time this year I've intentionally jumped into a whirlpool.
Mualani: I was wondering why you were so unfazed when I suggested that. I guess after a lifetime of adventures, nothing scares you anymore, huh?
Lumine: I've fought literal sea monsters and won.
Mualani: Ah. Yep, that'll do it.
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nocherrybombs · 30 days ago
The Dangers of Free Advertising
Yumemizuki: Lumine, why is there a line outside the bath house stretching all the way down the street to Shimura's Restaurant?
Lumine: Heeey, yeah, about that. I miiiiight have highly recommended your therapy services to some people I hang out with. And strongly encouraged them to stop by.
Yumemizuki: How many people?
Lumine: Um, well... you know, just a few close friends, so maybe, like, sixty?
Yumemizuki: Sixty?! Our indoor hot spring can accommodate five. We can't handle this kind of volume!
Lumine: Don't blame me, it's not like I told them all to come at the same time!
Aikawa, knocking on the door to Mizuki's office: Miss Yumemizuki, the former Hydro Archon wants to know how long the wait is going to be.
Yumemizuki: Just a moment, please!
Lumine: ...
Yumemizuki: Really, Lumine? You're bringing literal gods here for counseling?
Lumine: She needs it pretty badly.
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