#mod beel.
hqpeculiar · 20 days
mods, ainda estão por aí? a dash deu uma parada e não sei se ainda querem jogar
Oi, meu bem! A dash deu uma parada pois é meio que semana, sabe? todo mundo tá descansando e trabalhando e muitos não tem tempo de ficar na dash. Mas ainda estamos aqui sim pra qualquer coisa!
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peculiarooc · 24 days
Boa tarde, gente. Só vim avisar que pelo menos respondam os starters antigos dos outros ou os seus próprios para depois fazerem os seus, ok? Pra não dar uma bagunça na dash e não causar alguma confusão. ♡
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inhuman-obey-me · 8 months
Hi! Love your work, and congrats on 4000+ followers. May I request 🗡️ + Beelzebub with MC? I think it be interesting.
Thank you for your fantastic work!
Thank you so much!! ;//u//; We're glad you do!
"Let the knife leave its mark." - Beelzebub/MC
content warning: blood, MC into Beel being demonic
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The tension in the air is palpable, thick enough to cut through and heavy enough to suffocate. 
You’re not supposed to be here, but here you are – hidden behind a large stone column as a scene plays out in this room, a scene you are not meant to see. 
“Lord Beelzebub,” voice laden with insincerity, the lesser demon takes a deep bow before the Avatar of Gluttony. “To what do I owe the pleasure of this private audience?”
“I’m pretty sure you know the reason, Kernal.” Beelzebub’s response is cold. It’s rare for you to see him like this, no trace of warmth nor compassion. “Or do you really think I’m that stupid?” 
“Stupid? You? Of course not! I’d never!” There’s a nervousness now that seems to creep into Kernal’s smile. “You know me, I’m just a bit forgetful. I really don’t know why you’ve sought me out today.” 
“Right.” A faint buzzing sound begins to fill the room, and you realize Beelzebub’s wings have begun to vibrate. “I guess you would be the kind of demon to just forget.” Each word is dripping with more anger than the last, a crackling energy of malice settling in like a shroud around him. “Then I guess I’ll just have to remind you.”
As the lesser demon lets out a shriek, you swallow your own as your hand quickly goes to cover your mouth. Beelzebub had lunged forward, his claws now sunk deep into Kernal’s flesh as he slams him down on a table, the metallic scent of blood quickly pervading the room. 
“Do you really think you can just throw out threats so casually?” The Avatar growls, and you can see his form beginning to shift as his mouth seems to grow wider, teeth sharper. “Did you think you could lay out a trap like that and hide it from me?” 
“P-please,” Kernal’s body writhes in the other’s grasp, and you can make out dark ichor dripping from his lips. “I don’t know w-what you’re – ack – talking a-about!” 
You had forgotten about this side of Beelzebub. You couldn’t help but be fascinated. 
“Still playing innocent, really?” Beelzebub snarls, letting go of the lesser demon and taking a step back – no, you realize he’s turning to get something. Is that…silverware? “Maybe cutting you up will finally make you confess. Either way, it’s a meal for me.” 
“No, please! I-I’m one of your loyal followers, you know that!” Kernal tries to get up, but he’s quickly pinned down again by his superior. “That…that human is making you weak! I just want you to be the best you can be, and that means that d-damn human needs to go!” 
You get it now. The reason Beelzebub had looked so grim earlier, so grim that it caused you to secretly follow him here. This demon was trying to hurt you.
“Weak?” Beelzebub spits out the word, and the buzzing gets louder, and louder. You can barely see his wings as they rapidly beat. “The only weak one here is you, Kernal. In fact, the only thing tough about you is the meat on your bones. Meat I’ll gladly carve right now.” 
You move to take a step back, debating whether you want to see the gruesome conclusion to this encounter, but nearly trip over yourself in the process – and it does not go unnoticed.  
“...Who’s there?” 
Shit. Maybe if you don’t say anything, they’ll think it was a random animal.
“I can smell you.” His voice is still low, but it’s softer as he calls out to you. “MC…how long have you been there?” 
Realizing there’s no hiding now, you slowly step out of the shadows, trying to focus on your demon. “Well, kind of the whole time. I-I followed you here. I’m sorry! I just got worried with how you were acting earlier and…” Your gaze slowly trails to the other. “Here we are.” 
“O-oh, please, tell him to stop!” Kernal begs, looking to you with wide eyes as he hopes for some kind of rescue. “He’s going to take a bite out of me!”
You notice that Beelzebub is still gripping a knife in one hand, hovering just above the lesser demon’s chest. He seems to hesitate now, seeming embarrassed that you caught him in such a state. 
“It’s okay, Beel. I won’t interfere.” You give him a reassuring smile, morbid curiosity getting the better of you as you take a few steps to be beside him. This is a scene that should make your stomach churn, an act that should fill you with nightmares. 
It magnetizes you instead.
“Let the knife leave its mark.”
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poorlydrawn-obeyme · 1 month
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idk what to caption this so uh hi
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suneeater · 1 year
Beelzebub + General Romantic HCs
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✎a/n: Beelzebubg please im on my hands and fuginck knees i love u
✰warnings: slightly nsfw if you squint one eye, and then squint the other, and then close them a little- minors dni as always <3
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While Beel isn't the most publicly affectionate of the brothers, his relationship with you is the one that progresses the fastest. Beel is very upfront about his feelings towards you and isn't afraid to show them, being the most willing to tell you he loves you early on. He doesn't want to waste a single moment together as you begin to become his largest craving.
One way Beelzebub ensures he maximizes his time with you is by insisting he get to carry you at any opportunity, whether it be because your feet are tired or you need to see somewhere higher up. It's a good way for him to feel close to you and perform an action of service - not to mention he just enjoys carrying you around like royalty.
Acts of service are one of Beel's most prominent love languages, making sure you're always taken care of before he is. He can't help but to be a munch, especially for you, as pleasing you and keeping you taken care of is the best way of satisfying his appetite as he absolutely can't get enough of you.
As much power as you have over him, there is one advantage Beel has over you, however, and it's that he's much larger than you. The way you're able to fold into him gives him a warm, fuzzy feeling that he can protect you always. This dynamic, though, has given him a habit of caging you with his body when he wants your attention or to make your heart race.
Despite all of this, when evening time settles in and the two of you are able to snuggle into each other without any distraction he adores being doted on and praised for all of the hard work he did throughout the day. He still insists on being the big spoon so he can engulf your frame with his own, but this gentle giant is a big fan of being pampered.
The largest obstacle when dating Beelzebub is that he comes as part of a package deal, as wherever he goes, Belphegor is likely to follow close in toe- with vice versa being just as true. The twins would rather opt to continue sharing a room than make such a drastic adjustment, and date night often has a spectator audience. As much as he will always love you, Belphie will never be far behind on his list of people he loves, and that's something he would hope you could understand and learn to love.
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find the same scenario for:
lucifer | mammon | simeon | solomon
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finally! here is all of the updated, relevant info! prompts are HERE.
posting guide is HERE.
as always, let me know if you have any questions or concerns!! now until the week of is work time, though of course it's totally up to you to decide how you want to plan/work/etc. and i will be sending out reminders etc. until then!
thanks so much!!
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digimonloving · 2 years
I must confess…I really like Digimon lady boobs
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(So am i my dude. Between the guys n gals... they got good tiddies,,,
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raaaaaauhrawr · 6 days
q'd up all pending asks in my inbox !!!! if you remember sending in something forever ago resend it cause i have ghost asks
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🛏️ 🏬 for Beel
🛏️what’s their favorite position?
Beel loves oral positions. Whether having his partner eat him out while he eats them or just him eating them out. Also food play is always on the table.
🏬would they have sex in public? if so, how public is too public?
Beel doesn't mind where he does it. But he would prefer somewhere his partner is comfortable and somewhere where his siblings can't walk in on him. That be so embarrassing.
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zombieweek-g · 2 years
I started replaying nioh 2 today in the wake of wo long being a pretty big disappointment for me and its pretty crazy just how much better the game feels to play on first contact after like a year of not touching it
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avatar-of-pride · 16 days
Lucifer! Kind of a nonsense question because I’m curious— But what do you have your brothers, Diavolo, and Barbatos listed as under your contacts on your D.D.D.? Do you shorten their names, use nicknames, or just have them listed by their whole names?
(I hope you and the mod have a wonderful day today! 💞💞💞)
- 🪽🐇
Well this is going to be embarrassing...
Mammon: Broke Mfer
Levi: Shut In
Satan: Wrath Child
Asmo: Strawberry
Beel: Fridge Eater
Belphie: Little Brother
Diavolo: Royal Pain In The Ass
Barbatos: Tea Time, Bitch
Please do not ask...
And don't show Diavolo
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hqpeculiar · 24 days
está bem chato a utilização de chat gpt nos turnos por aqui, será que vocês poderiam fazer algo sobre isso? proibir nas regras ou algo assim? é bem desanimador escrever e receber a resposta de um robô :((
Já recebemos uma ask sobre isso há alguns dias, iríamos responder e dar um aviso sobre isso. Por um lado, pensamos que iria parar, mas como não parou, a gente veio responder essa ask. Acho que devemos avisar que, por si só, Rp é sobre escrita e sobre criação, não fazer de um robô sua própria imagem e escrita, isso quebra totalmente a arte de quem gosta de escrever e fazer rp e inclue o desanimo. Acredito que todos já devem ter percebido (incluindo a gente depois dessas asks) e que, de agora em diante, é totalmente inaceitável o uso de ChatGPT no nosso Rp. Isso é um aviso para todos, incluindo a pessoa que está usando isso dentro do nosso Rp. Criamos o nosso rp para ser um conforto e diversão para todos aqui presentes e isso beira ao ápice de tudo. Quem não sabia disso antes de eu postar essa ask provavelmente estava falando com um ROBÔ e não com uma pessoa de verdade (e também isso pode desanimar várias pessoas). Então, esse vai ser um último aviso, caso recebamos mais uma ask sobre esse assunto ou a gente ver ChatGPT em ações na Dash, a pessoa seria devidamente avisada e receberá unfollow assim como também vamos botar isso em nossas regras para deixar avisado para não usar esse tipo de coisa no nosso rp. Desde já, agradeço a quem leu e está avisado, e caso vejam ou percebam que continua o uso do ChatGPT em ações na Dash, enviem uma ask ou avisem a central de imediato.
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peculiarooc · 20 days
Gente só um aviso que provavelmente o evento vai ser estendido e vai ser postado uma votação. Eu não postei pois minha Internet tá doida aqui e tá toda hora dando erro quando tento postar a ask e a votação 😭. Então por favor esperem!!!
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inhuman-obey-me · 9 months
CONGRATS ON 4K+ FOLLOWERS!!!🎉 You two are so awfully talented I can't even put into words, really. Here's to many more!
May I request: 🥡 (Can’t fight these cravings in the night.) with Beel + MC Included, please?
Ahhh, thank you for your kind words!! ( ๑ ˃̵ᴗ˂̵) ♡ We're so grateful people like our stuff enough for us to have reached this point, especially with how many times we've fallen into inactivity. Thank you so much for your support!!!!
And, ahahahaha, you got us, it seems we've finally been called out on using lyrics in our prompts. Yes, we also love that song!! In fact, we're both big MIW fans, so for anyone else who likes them, see if you can spot what other lyrics we put on the prompt list ;)
"Can’t fight these cravings in the night." - Beel/MC
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Unlike his twin, Beelzebub rarely remains asleep the whole night through.
Some nights, he twists and tosses in his bed, trying to shake off the specters haunting his dreams, then wakes suddenly, his heart racing. On others, it's simply the call of hunger that jerks him from his slumber, his grumbling stomach demanding satisfaction at any hour. Other times still, he wakes without any reason at all. Sometimes, it's all three, pulling him from sleep over and over throughout the night.
He looks up at the gentle golden glow coming off the solar design on his wall, barely illuminating the room just enough to navigate, before his gut begins its growling demands. It's no use to try to go back to sleep; he can't fight these cravings in the night for long.
With a shake of his head, he slides out of bed and quietly makes his way towards the door, glad that Belphie sleeps heavily enough never to be disturbed by his movements. In the short trek from his room to the kitchen, he can feel his stomach growing emptier and emptier, until his vision starts to blur, and he's holding himself back from gnawing off the door itself.
He grabs the first thing within reach off the table and gorges upon it without hesitation. Guilt nibbles at the edge of his mind as he vaguely registers the shape of something like a drawn-on face upon his tongue -- some special treat of Levi's, probably, and he'll get chewed out for it in the morning, no doubt. But the voracious growling of his stomach drowns those thoughts out easily, and he forgets quickly as he lumbers his way dizzily forward. It doesn't matter what it is, as long as it sates the hunger long enough to reach the fridge.
His sight comes back into focus as he reaches for the fridge's handle, only to realize it's already open, with the shadowed silhouette of someone sitting in front of its heady glow, peeking over the door at him with mild terror in their eyes.
"Beel, it's me," you breathe in a nervous hush.
Your voice rings distant through the fog of hunger, buzzing in his head like swarms of flies -- or maybe those are his own wings, clicking behind him in voracious frenzy. This isn't the first time you've caught him midnight snacking, but it's usually the other way around, when he's already deep into his feasting.
He reaches a hand past you without answer, without eye contact, no sign of even having heard you, fingers closing rapaciously around whatever food they can find. Your presence is calming to him, always has been, ever since the day he decided to make his pact with you, but that's not enough right now. He doesn't trust himself not to devour you whole. He needs to eat, he is starving, and you smell so delicious.
So he reaches past you, grabbing whatever he can, and he eats. He eats, and eats, and eats, until the buzzing stops, and finally, his belly isn't screaming its emptiness anymore.
You're still standing there beside him, and he realizes you've been handing him things as he ate, snacks from the cupboards to sate him and glasses of water from the sink to help him wash them down. The fear is gone from your face, replaced only with worry.
Well, he did consume half the fridge's contents within minutes, after all.
He wraps you up in a big bear hug, expressing only a blunt, "Thank you," and his embrace is tight but warm, and full of relief.
"Are you feeling better now?" you ask, giving him a light squeeze in return.
"Yeah, for now. I might wake up hungry again later. Though, I feel better having you here with me. Like my stomach is less angry, somehow. But I think I'm okay now, so I'll go back to bed. You should probably go back to bed too. Belphie always says you don't get enough rest."
You're quiet for a moment, thinking, and then answer, "Well, why don't I come sleep next to you? If you wake up again, I'll make you something properly to eat."
"Are you sure?" he asks. To be honest, the thought of eating your cooking has him salivating all over again, but he doesn't want to ask too much of you.
"Yeah. I sleep better in your room sometimes, anyway."
Nodding firmly, he takes your hand, leading you back to the twins' room, where Belphie is still sleeping peacefully, unaware. Quietly careful not to disturb the youngest brother, you climb into his bed together, snuggling up close. He can smell raspberries and vanilla caramel on your breath -- the pudding you had snacked on before he'd come in, probably. The last thing he thinks before drifting back to sleep is how sweet of a scent it is, just like you.
When he wakes again, it's morning already, and you're giving him a gentle poke on the nose.
"Good morning, Beel. Did you sleep okay?"
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aspiringtrashpanda · 3 months
*spins around in chair* Hello. I've been expecting you...
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I am an aspiring author, who loves writing about fictional characters that don't belong to me. Really, I should be working on something original. Unfortunately, I can't fight the hyperfixation.
You can find all my work on Archive of Our Own. This is where you can find my One Piece, Jujutsu Kaisen, and Pokémon works. Currently, I am hooked on Obey Me!, and this post is focused on that.
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MC teaches the brothers about "jinx" (Gen)
First date/First kiss (Beelzebub x GN!MC)
Attentive bf Beel (Beelzebub x GN!MC)
You, Me, and Steve (Mephistopheles POV, Gen)
"Kiss the Girl" parody (Leviathan x GN!MC)
Hella Britney Spears Obey Me (Raphael, Gen)
The twins help overstimulated MC relax (Beelzebub & Belphegor centric, Gen)
Belphie & Sidra's ship discourse (Belphegor x Sidra-MC)
Long fics:
The Speedrunner's Guide to Romance (Leviathan x F!MC, Rated E)
Meteor Shower (Belphegor x GN!MC, Rated G)
Late Nights & Half-Pipes (Beelzebub x F!MC, currently in progress)
Please hit me up if you have a drabble request. I don't bite! (unless you don't abide by THESE rules) I'm also a mod for @belphegorzine and the head mod of @lvlup-levizine, so check those out, please! 💕
Personal banner (depicting my very real blind dog and mess of Straw Hat Valley planning corkboard) by @4laurus. She's incredible and happy to take commissions. Hit her up!
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welp-back-on-my-bs · 4 months
How demon bros react to acespec MC
So, with this man, he either pulls all the bitches, or dosent because angel, then Diavolo, then work forever- so that may depend on his reaction if his partner were to tell him if they are aspec. But I think, this man takes pride in the fact that a) he is a very rizzler manz and b) he takes pride in consensual sex, if there is none, it's shameful and horrid, he isn't a lust demon after all. While in the ladder story, he is ok with haveing to wait longer/not haveing it yet because its just another thing to him that could happen.
Honestly, I think he would be a little sulky and worried that you had a horrible first time or something of the sort. He wants to experience EVERYTHING with you by his side. You're his partner afterall. But, he would obviously accept you and see what your boundaries are around that sort of thing. He will probably be more protective afterwards BTW, because he doesn't want you to feel uncomfortable if anyone tries to do anything
Like Mammon, a little sulky, and potentially jealious if you had another before him, or even pissed in some cases. But he understands and will see your boundaries, he also will vet some anime and games if needed so that you feel comfortable watching/playing it with him. He'll also download some mods to help with your gaming experience :>. But if it'd the question of waiting, he is ok with it, he has other ways to pleasure himself in the meantime.
He is very calm and accepting of it, he asks about some things he would like to know and your boundaries. He probably is the kind of person who wouldn't want to have sex if the other person isn't into it too. Like Levi, he'll read trough books in case he should feel the need to vet them out for some steamy things that you may not want to read, but if you say you're fine with it he won't. He wants you to be happy
This demon- he- would be so lost. How could you not adore him in the only way a partner should. It's gonna take a bit for it to really sink in for him. He may try to initiate wither it be too early or when you don't want it at all. It's going to be very hard to do this with asmo, so instead, if you're comfortable, bring up a naked bath, or to massage him or something of the sort.
I can see beel himself being Demisexual, so he would be really understanding and sweet when it comes to that sort of thing. He'll keep doing as he does, but also trues to make sure none makes you feel uncomfortable aswell. Good boyfriend
I think Belphie is graysexual, but would do it if his partner felt like it. He is a little relived that you don't just want to use him for his physical self. He is still worried after ch. 16 that you don't actually love him the way he loves you. This just confirms that, you do love him too. He relaxes to sleep with you in his arms
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